union newsletter jewish eldercare centre of the uhcp
union newsletter jewish eldercare centre of the uhcp
Volume 7, n° 2 UNION NEWSLETTER OF THE JEWISH ELDERCARE CENTRE OF THE UHCP April 2014 Word from your team We are happy to announce that the local agreement has been signed by The UHCP, the FIQ and our employer. You can obtain a copy of our new convention at the union office. It will also be made accessible on our website http://www.pssu.qc.ca/pages_en/establishments/jewish_edelcare_ center.html Our three-year term mandate as union representatives has come to an end. Elections were held, and the new team members are: Susan De Los Reyesm nurse Loretta Charles, licensed practical nurse Augustine Felician, licensed practical nurse Prisca Thelis, licensed practical nuse We would like to extend them a warm welcome! Your local team UNION OFFICE DAYS Wednesdays from 7:15 am to 3:15 pm At Hope Pavilion, room 2C-11 514 738-4500, ext. 5313 DID YOU KNOW... We meet with management once a month regarding labour relations. Members will be informed as soon as concrete information is available. Frequently check your union bulletin boards and read your UHCP Union newsletter and FIQ en action for additional information. LICENSE RENEWAL License renewal is here once again; RNs and LPNs are required to obtain educational training in order to renew their license. All members are responsible for sending their training hours to their professional order. Quebec’s Charter of Values During the last Federal Council, the FIQ presented the results of a survey to assess the position of our members regarding the Charter of Quebec Values and associated secularism. Discussions were held in the greatest respect for the positions of each. Finally, after a secret vote, the delegates decided to support the charter project. For more information, you can consult the December issue of the FIQ en action, that you received at home, or online at http://www.fiqsante.qc.ca/fr/english.html?page=1 Workload MANDATE CARD New complaint forms related to workload were made. We believe they will facilitate the collection of relevant information. Copies are available at each department and at the union office. We encourage you to fill them out every time conditions prevent you from performing your job as required by your professional order. We are aware that things do not change as quickly as we would like them to, but these forms are crucial to shed light on the difficult reality our members live daily. Without the participation of everyone, the local team will never be able to fight the employer on its own. These forms are also available on the UHCP website. http://www.pssu.qc.ca/pages_en/publications/other_ docs.html CSST ded Please be remin rms to fill out the fo inform properly and to 30.1). le ic the union (art py to the Please give a co one for union and keep yourself. To all newly hired members (RNs and LPNs), please do not forget to come to the union office to sign your mandate card. It is mandatory in order to have the right to vote during assemblies. November 29, 2013 with Lorna Joseph former FIQ consultant. Preconvention March 14, 2014 GENERAL ASSEMBLY A pre-convention consultation was held on March 14 under the theme ‘‘Think outside the box’’. This vision is developped around the implementation of innovative progressive care settings as well as new union alliances. Visit the FIQ’s website for more information: http://www.fiqsante.qc.ca/fr/english. html?page=1 DID YOU KNOW... convention collective Mars 2011 Mars 2015 Any member convened to a meeting with a representative of the Employer concerning her employment status or link, a disciplinary matter, may request to be accompanied by a union representative. (Article 3.06 of the Collective Agreement) ACCIDENT/INCIDENT REPORT If a RN or LPN discovers a medication error or an accident in their unit, she must fill out an accident/incident report. These reports are for quality control. Documenting these events allows the multidisciplinary team to investigate and improve the situation. Completing these reports is part of your task. Official documents cannot be tampered with. If you try to do so, you will be confronted with very serious consequences. Please be advised that the use of cell phone is prohibited during working hours. Respect in our workplace should be maintained in order to have a healthy and harmonious environment. NEWS FLASH Remember to save yours statutory holidays. You are allowed to save a maximum of five stats. If you do not, they will be scheduled by your head nurse. If they are being refused, please inform your union representative as soon as possible. May 8 2014 Invitation Professionals’ Day Montreal Science Center 2 de la Commune Ouest Old Port of Montreal Cocktail dinner from 5 pm You must register by April 22 514 932-4417