union newsletter jewish eldercare centre of the uhcp
union newsletter jewish eldercare centre of the uhcp
Volume 7, n° 3 UNION NEWSLETTER OF THE JEWISH ELDERCARE CENTRE OF THE UHCP July 2014 Word from your team, Summer is finally here and with it comes a new local team: Susan, Loretta, Augustine and Prisca. We would like to thank Aminda Brown and Faustina Afriyie for their contribution to the local team and we look forward to seeing you in our upcoming events and assemblies. A warm welcome to all new RNs, CPNPs, and LPNs; we hope you have a pleasant and rewarding experience at the Jewish Eldercare Center. Please come to the union office to meet your representatives and sign your mandate card. We would also like to welcome our new members, Josette Charles, Infection Control, and Marilyn Richards-Douglas, nurse clinician. Have a great summer! Your local team UNION OFFICE DAYS Wednesdays 7:15 am to 3:15 pm Room 2c.13 Telephone: 514 738-4500 ext. 5313 GENERAL ASSEMBLY A general assembly was held on June 12, 2014, regarding consultation following the Federal Council. Votes on priorities for the FIQ negotiation were held. Roxanne Collin, FIQ consultant, was there. We will keep you informed of the next general assembly that will be held in September. It is essential that you participate so that the FIQ’s Negotiation Committee can hear each of your preoccupation. Exercise your rights, BE THERE! OIIAQ GENERAL ASSEMBLY Augustine Felician was one of the licensed practical nurses that was sent by The UHCP to attend the OIIAQ General Assembly on June 11, 12 and 13, 2014 in Levis, near Quebec City. MOVING? We would like to remind you to provide us with your change of address along with your new telephone number. UNION DUES REIMBURSEMENT UHCP-FIQ members who work in two UHCP establishments and make double contributions can have their union dues reimbursed. To do so, they must notify the UHCP head office by making a written request to Annie Bérubé at aberube@pssu.qc.ca or calling 514 9324417 ext. 224. REMINDER Any member convened to a meeting with a representative rse, of the employer i.e. head nu g nin cer con nursing coordinator, a or her employment status uest disciplinary matter, may req to be accompanied by a union of representative (Article 3.06 ). ent the collective agreem ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CONGRATULATIONS to the GPLs who successfully passed their OIIQ exam. HAPPY RETIREMENT to Zenaida Mulchandiani and Eunice Saint-Surin. May 8, 2014 On May 8, 2014, a dinner cocktail was organized by The UHCP at the Montreal Science Center in the Old Port. We would like to thank all the members who participated. Attendance tokens were given to the members who were present at the Annual General Assembly. THE AGREEMENT AND YOU ASSIGNMENT OF TWENTY-EIGHT DAYS OR LESS OR OF AN UNDETERMINED LENGTH (ARTICLE 15.08A OF THE LOCAL AGREEMENT) “(…) if float team employees and replacement team employees are unavailable, the assignment is offered by order of seniority, to part-time employees who hold a position on the center of activities who are registered on the availability list, and then to employees registered on the availability list. If the availability does not correspond entirely to the needed assignment, the portion of the assignment not filled by this employee is granted, according to the conditions above, until the offered assignment is completely filled. However, when it becomes foreseeable that an assignment will have an undetermined length of more than twenty-eight (28) days, this assignment is granted in accordance with paragraph 15.08b, subject to seven (7) days prior notice to the employees concerned. CSST Please be reminded to fill forms properly and to inform the union (Article 30.1). Please give a copy to the union and always keep one for yourself. FAMILY LEAVE Members who want to take a family leave to fulfill obligations related to the care, health or education of a child, spouse, parent, sibling or grandparent, see Article 27.7 of the national collective agreement. NEWS FLASH Remember to save your statutory holidays. You are allowed to save a maximum of five (5) stats, if not, it will be scheduled by your head nurse. If it is being refused, speak with your head nurse to find out the reason and inform your union representative as soon as possible. DID YOU KNOW…? Postponement of vacation during maternity leave You can postpone up to four (4) weeks of annual vacation; you can take your four (4) weeks of postponed annual vacation after your leave without pay or part-time leave without pay. You can also take them immediately before your leave without pay or part-time leave without pay providing there is no discontinuity with your maternity leave.