Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1 Alphabets of Nepali (Devnagari) script Nepali is written in Devnagari script. Vowels c a (tom) pm woo cf aa(jam) P ae(men) O i(sleep) P] ai(boy) Consonants s v u ka(cut) kha* ga(gut) r 5 h cha(cheese) chha* ja(just) 6 7 8 ta(top) tha* da(dog) t y b ta tha da k km a pa(pot) pha(form) ba(ball) o / n ya(yes) ra(run) la(love) if ; x If sa sa ha(hall) Chhya O{ p i: woo(loop) cf] cf} o(hole) au(cow) 3 gha* em jha* 9 dha* w dha e bha* j wa(won) q tra(trunk) ª na(king) ` ña 0f na g na d ma(mud) z sa(sun) 1 gya Tips for prononciation -*letters are pronounced with strong release of breath. -6 7 8 9 0f are pronounced by touching the palate whereas t y b w g (letters in bold) are pronounced in similar way but with tip of tongue touching the teeth. -Symbol ' ~' is for nasalization and ' : ' is for longer pronounce. Constructing syllables Syllables are formed by combining each consonant with the vowels. Example: s sf ls sL s' s" s] s} sf] sf} ka kaa ki ki: ku ku: ke kai ko kau Half characters -S, V , U , £ , ª\ , R , 5\ , H , √ , ~ , 6\ , 7\ , 8\ , 9\ , 0 , T , Y , b\ , W , G , K , , ø , /\ , N , J , Z , i , : , ≈ , I , œ -You may also find ' \ ' eg s\ ,v\ to denote the half characters Special characters b| dra, s| kra, u| gra etc § glutton ¨ King, Í think Q as in lkQ pitta (meaning gall bladder in nepali) B as in ljBfyL{ Bidhyarthi (meaning student in nepali) 2 as in lhl2 Jiddi (meaning stubborn) ¢ as in a'¢ buddha å as in ljåfg bidwan (meaning intelligent) > as in >d shram (meaning labour) -There is line above all Nepali alphabets. Numbers in Nepali 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ! Ps Ek @ b'O{ Dui # ltg Teen $ rf/ Char % kf“r Paãch ^ 5 Chha & ;ft Saat * cf7 Aath ( gf} Nau !) b; Das !! P3f/ Yeghara !@ afx| Bara !# t]x| Tera !$ rf}w Chaudha !% kGw| Pandra !^ ;f]x| Sora !& ;q Satra !* c7f/ Athara !( pGgfO; Unnais @) la; Bis @! PSsfO; Ekkais @@ afO; Bais @# t]O; Teis @$ rf}la; Chaubis @% klRr; Pachis @^ 5lAa; Chhabis @& ;QfO; Sattais @* c¶fO; Atthais @(pglGt; Unantis #) lt; Tis #! PslQ;Ektis #@ alQ; Battis ## t]lQ; Tettis #$ rf}+lt; Chautis #% k}+lt; Paitis #^ 5lQ; Chhatis #& ;}+lt; Saitis #* c7lt; Attis #(pgGrfln; Unanchalis 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 $) rfln; Chalis $!Psrfln; Ekchalis $@ aofln; Bayalis $# lqrfln; Trichalis $$rf}jfln; Chauwalis $%k}+tfln; Paitalis $^5ofln; Chhayalis $&;trfln; Satchalis $*c7rfln; Athchalis $(pgGkrf; Unanpachas %) krf; Pachas %! PsfpGg Ekaunna %@ afpGg Baunna %# lqkGg Tripanna %$ rjGg Chawanna %% krkGg Pachpanna %^ 5kGg Chhapanna %& ;GtfpGg Santaunna %* cG7fpGg Anthaunna %( pgG;f¶L Unansatthi ^) ;f¶L Saatthii ^! Ps;¶L Eksathhi ^@ a};¶L Baisatthi ^# lq};¶L Trisatthi ^$ rf}+};¶L Chausatthi ^% k}+};¶L Paisatthi ^^ 5}+};¶L Chhaisatthi ^& ;t};¶LSatsatthi ^* c7;¶L Athsatthi ^(pgG;Q/LUnansattari &) ;Q/L Sattari &! PsxQ/ Ekhattar &@ axQ/ Bahattar &# lqxQ/ Trihattar &$ rf}xQ/ Chauhattar &% krxQ/ Pachhattar &^ 5xQ/ Chhahattar && ;txQ/ Sathattar &* c7xQ/ Athhattar 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 &( pgf;L Unasi *) c;L Asi *! Psf;L Ekasi *@ aof;L Bayasi *# lqof;L Triyasi *$ rf}/f;L Chaurasi *% krf;L Pachasi *^ 5of;L Chhayasi *& ;tf;L Satasi ** c7f;L Athasi *( pgfGgAa]Unannabbe ! !) !)) !))) !)))) !))))) !)))))) !))))))) !)))))))) !))))))))) !)))))))))) !))))))))))) Ps bz ;o xhf/ bz xhf/ Ps nfv bz nfv s s/f]8 bz s/f]8 Ps c/a bz c/a Ps v/a 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 () gAa] Nabbe (!PsfGgAa] Ekannabe (@aofGgAa] Bayannabbe (#lqofGgAa]Triyannabbe ($rf}/fGgAa]Chaurannabbe (%kGrfGgAa]Panchannabbe (^5ofGgAa] Chhayannabbe (&;GtfGgAa]Santannabbe (*cG7fGgAa]Anthannabbe ((pgfG;o Unansaya !)) ;o Saya ek das saya hajaar das hajaar ek lakh das lakh ek karod das karod ek arab das arab ek kharab One Ten Hundred Thousand Ten thousand Hundred thousand Million Ten million Hundred million Billion Ten billion Hundred billion Hundreds 100 Ps ;o (ek saya) 200 b'O{ ;o (dui saya) 500 kf“r ;o (panch saya) eg. 720 is written as &@) and read as ;ft ;o la; (sat saya bis) Thousands 1000 Ps xhf/ (ek hajar) 2000 b'O{ xhf/ (dui hajar) 6000 5 xhf/ (chha hajar) eg. 8293 is written as *@(# and read as cf7 xhf/ b'O{ ;o lqofGgAa] (aath hajar dui saya triyannabbe) Expressing numbers For persons: number+jana +manchhe one person- Pshgf dfG5] ek jana manchhe two persons- b'O{hgf dfG5] duijana manchhe one hundred fifty persons: Ps ;o krf;hgf dfG5] ek saya pachas jana manchhe For other things: 'one' has special formation, but in all other numbers- number+ wata one book- Pp6f lstfa yeuta kitaab two books- b'Oj6f lstfa duiwata kitaab three books- ltgj6f lstfa tinwata kitaab For positions Except for first, second, third, fourth, sixth and ninth it is formed by -number +aũ first- klxnf] pahilo second- bf];|f] dosro third- t];|f] tesro fourth- rf}+yf] chautho fifth- kf“rf}+ paãchaũ sixth- 5}7f}+ chhaithaũ seventh- ;ftf}+ sataũ eighth- cf7f}+ aathaũ ninth- gjf}+ nawaũ tenth- b;f}+ dasaũ Chapter 2 Nouns Some examples of Nepali nouns are presented below: Name of persons Ram Shyam Sita Roshan Sudan Subarna Prakash Name of inanimate things House- 3/ ghar water- kfgL paani river- glb nadee book- lstfa kitab Abstract nouns love- dfof maya strenth- an bal shyness- nfh laj -Note nouns and pronouns can be made plural by simply adding ' -haru ' at the end. eg. Books- Kitabharu Pronouns 1. First person: I- d ma, We- xfdL hami 2. Second person:There are three levels of politeness in Nepali while speaking to other person Low: t“ tã Middle: ltdL timi High: tkfO{+ tapai 3. Third person: he/she- pm woo, pgL uni; this/it- of] yo; that- Tof] tyo Tips: -For your colleagues and juniors use timi , for all others use tapai -Since there is already use of respect in pronouns and verbs you may find that word like 'please' (in Nepali s[kof kripaya) is less frequently used in Nepali. -To make plural, add -haru after the words. eg. timiharu, uniharu Wh questions who- sf] ko what- s] ke when- slxn] kahile where- sxf“ kahã why- lsg kina whose- s;sf] kasko which- s'g kun how- s;/L kasari Possessive forms -Possesive forms of nouns as well as pronouns are formed by adding either -ro or -ko to the word Example: My- d]/f] mero Our- xfd|f] hamro your- t]/f] tero, ltd|f] timro, tkfO{+sf] tapaiko his/her- p;sf] usko/ pgsf] unko Sumit's- ;'ldtsf] sumitko (for all names add -ko) Note: There are no articles in Nepali. Adjectives good-/fd|f] ramro bad- g/fd|f] naramro small-;fgf] sano big/large- 7"nf] thulo fat- df]6f] moto thin- b"Anf]/kftnf] dublo/patalo short- xf]+rf] hocho tall- cUnf] aglo delicious- ld7f] mitho untasty- gld7f] namitho old- a"9f] budho young- hjfg jawan full- k"/f pura half- cfwf aadha clever- af7f] batho foolish- d"v{ murkha lazy- clN5 alchhi active- hf“ul/nf] jagarilo black/dark- sfnf] kalo white(color)- ;]tf] seto white(person)- uf]/f] goro rich- wlg dhani poor- ul/a garib courageous- ;fx;L sahasi Adverbs Adverbs can be formed by three ways in Nepali. 1. By adding ;“u sanga to the adjective. Example: /fd|f] +;“u= /fd|f];“u ramro+sanga=ramrosanga Go home nicely /fd|f];“u 3/ hfpm . (l;t sita may be used instead of sanga) 2.By exaggerating the adjective Example: l56f] chhito ----- l56} chhitai 3. By adding -n] le to the adjective Example: ;fx; + n]= ;fx;n] sahas+ le= sahasle Work with courage ;fx;n] sfd u/ sahasle kaam gara Nepali Verbs (as present in dictionary) The following boxes show three different types of verbs. Dictionary form is formed by main verb root +nu. Please note that in the section on "Tense" following this chapter, verb roots combine with different bases to form the appropriate verbs. C-verbs (verb root+nu) do- ug'{ gar+nu sit- a:g' bas+nu stand- p7\g' uth+nu dance- gfRg' nach+nu walk- lx+8\g' hid+nu sleep- ;'Tg' sut+nu finish- ;Sg' sak+nu laugh- xf“:g' has+nu look/watch- x]g'{ her+nu sell- a]Rg' bech+nu buy- lsGg' kin+nu start- z'? ug'{ suru gar+nu understand- bujhnu bujh+nu V-verbs (verb root+nu) run- bf}l8g' daudi+nu go- hfg' jaa+nu eat- vfg' kha+nu cry- ?g' ru+nu take- lng' li+nu give- lbg' di+nu wait- kv{g' parkha+nu V V-verbs (verb root+nu) come- cfpg' aau+nu drink- lkpg' piu+nu - C-verb roots end with consonants .V-verb roots end with one verb. V V-verb roots end with two vowels. - Note: Most of the times negative of the verbs is formed by just adding 'g na' before the word. Forms of is/are and were Present tense(is/are): Past tense(were): Future tense(will be): xf] 5 x'g]5 ho Chha hunechha Forms of ho for different pronouns Affirmative I d ma x'“ hũ We xfdL hami xf} haũ You(low) t“ tã xf];\ hos You(middle) ltdL timi xf} hau You(high) tkfO{+ tapaũ x'g'x'G5 hunuhunchha He/she pm woo xf] ho They pgLx? uniharu x'g\ hun Negative xf]Og hoina xf]Ogf}+ hoinaũ xf]Og;\ hoinas xf]Ogf} hoinau x'g'x'Gg hunuhunna xf]Og hoina xf]Ogg\ hoinan Forms of chha for different pronouns Affirmative I d ma We xfdL hami chhainaũ You(low) t“ tã You(middle) ltdL timi You(high) tkfO{+ tapaũ hunuhunna He/she pm woo They pgLx? uniharu Negative 5' chhu 5f}+ 5}g chhaina chhaũ 5}gf}+ 5;\ 5f} x'g'x'G5 chhas chhau hunuhunchha 5}g;\ chhainas 5}gf} chhainau x'g'x'Gg 5 5g\ chha chhan 5}g chhaina 5}gg\ chhainan Forms of were lyof] (thiyo) for different pronouns Affirmative I d ma We xfdL hami thiyenaũ You(low)t“ tã You(middle)ltdL timi You(high)tkfO{+ tapaũ hunuhunthena He/she pm woo lyP“ thiyũ lyof}+ Negative lyOg“ thiyinã thiyaũ lyPgf}+ lyO;\ thiyis lyof} thiyau x'g'x'GYof] hunuhunthyo lyof] thiyo lyOg;\ thiyinas lyPgf} thiyenau x'g'x'Gy]g lyPg thiyena They pgLx? uniharu lyP lyPgg\ thiyenan thiye Forms of will be (x'g]5') for different pronouns I d ma x'g]5' We xfdL hami hunechhaũ You(low) t“ tã x'g]5;\ You(middle) ltdL timi x'g]5f} You(high) tkfO{+ tapaũ x'g'x'g]5 He/she pm woo x'g]5 They pgLx? uniharu x'g]5g\ hunechhu x'g]5f}+ hunechhas hunechhau hunuhunechha hunechha hunechhan Simple Present Tense [;fdfGo jt{dfg sfn Samanya bartaman kaal] Verb endings d ma xfdL hami t“ tã ltdL timi tkfO{+ tapaĩ p woo pgLx? uniharu pgL uni(fem.) pgL uni(male) 5' chhu 5f}+ chha ũ 5;\ chhas 5f} chhau g'x'G5 nu+hunchha 5 chha 5g\ chhan l5g\ chhin 5g\ chhan lbg“ di+na b}gf}+ dai+naũ b}g};\ dai+nas b}gf} dai+nau g'x'Gg nu+hunna b}g di+na b}lgg dai+nan b}lgg dai+nin b}gg dai+nan C- verbs Verb root + verb ending Example: I walk everyday d ;“w} lx+8\ + 5' = d ;“w} lx+8\5' ma sãdhai hid+chhu V-verbs verb root + n + verb ending Example: I eat fruits everyday d ;“w} kmnkm"n vf + G + 5' = d ;“w} kmnkm"n vfG5' ma sãdhai falfool kha+n+chhu V V-verbs verb root + “ + verb endings Example: I drink juice everyday d ;“w} h'; lkp+“+5' = d ;“w} h'; lkp“5 ma sãdhai juice piu+ “ +chhu Simple Past tense - [;fdfGo e"t sfn Samanya bhoot kaal] Verb endings Affirmative - P“yũ -of}+ yaũ - O;\ ish -of} yau -g' eof] nu bhayo -of] yo -P ye -Og\ in -P ye d ma xfdL hami t“ tã ltdL timi tkfO{+ tapaĩ p woo pgLx? uniharu pgL uni(fem.) pgL uni(male) Negative -Og“ inã -Pgf}+ -enaũ -Og;\ inash -Pgf} yenau - g' ePg nu bhayena -Pg yena -Pgg\ yenan -Ogg\ inan -Pgg\ yenan Simple Future tense [;fdfGo eljiot\ sfn Samanya bhabisyat kaal] Verb endings Affirmative d ma xfdL hami t“ tã ltdL timi tkfO{+ tapaĩ p woo pgL uni(male) pgL uni(fem.) pgLx? uniharu -g] -g] -g] -g] -g' -g] -g] -g] -g] 5' 5f} 5;\ 5f} x'g]5 5f} 5g\ l5g\ 5g\ ne chhu ne chhaun ne chhasne chhau nu hunechha ne chhau ne chhan ne chhin ne chhan Negative -g] 5}g -g] 5}gf}+ g] 5}g;\ -g] 5}gf} -g' x'g]5}g -g] 5}gf} -g] 5}gg\ -g] 5}lgg\ -g] 5}gg\ ne chhaina ne chhainaun ne chhainas ne chhainau nu hunechhaina ne chhainau ne chhainan ne chhainin ne chhainan Continuous tense [ ck"0f{ sfn apurna kaal] C-verb: verb root+ b} dai + verb endings (in respective tense) 1. Present continuous I am sleeping d ;'T + b} + 5' = d ;'Tb}5' ma sut + dai + chhu = ma sutdai chhu 2. Past continuous I was sleeping d ;'T +b}+lyP“ =d ;'Tb} lyP“ ma sut+dai+thiyũ= ma sutdai thiyũ 3. Future continuous I will be sleeping d ;'T+b}+x'g]5' = d ;'Tb} x'g]5' ma sut+dai+hunechhu= ma sutdai hunechhu But for V-verbs and V V verbs there is extra nasalization after verb root 1. Present continuous I am eating d vf+ “+b}+5' = d vf“b}5' ma kha+ã+dai+chhu = ma khaãdai chhu 2. Past continuous I was eating d vf+ “+b}+lyP“ = d vf“b} lyP“ ma kha+ã+dai+thiyũ= ma khaãdai thiyũ 3. Future continuous I will be eating d vf+ “+b}+x'g]5' = d vf“b} x'g]5' ma kha+ã+dai+hunechhu = ma khaãdai hunechhu Completed (Perfect) tense [ k"0f{ sfn purna kaal] - verb+ middle words +verb endings (in respective tense) Middle words ' Psf]'yeko for d ma, t“ tã, tkfO{+ tapai ' Psf'yeka for xfdL hami, ltdL timi, pgL uni(male), pgLx? uniharu 'PsL'yeki for pgL uni(female) Examples: 1. Present perfect She has eaten pgLn] vf+PsL+l5g\ = pgLn] vfPsL l5g\ unile kha+yeki+chhin = unile khayeki chhin 2. Past perfect She had eaten pgLn] vf+PsL+lyO{g\ = pgLn] vfPsL lyO{g\ unile kha+yeki+thiyin = unile khayeki thiyin 3. Future perfect She will have eaten pgLn] vf+PsL+x'g]l5g\ = pgLn] vfPsL x'g]l5g\ unile kha+yeki+hunechhin = unile khayeki hunechhin Conjunctions and- / ra but- t/ tara although/though- ePklg bhayepani also- klg pani then- clgani because- lsgeg] kinabhane/ lsgsL kinaki Exclamatory words wow!- cfxf aahaa / jfx wah oh!- P! for somebody in trouble or grief- ljr/f! bichara! for pain- c}Oof! aiyya for hot- cfTyf! atha for cold- cfR5'! aachhu for bad odour or bad things- 5\of! chhya Chapter 3 Simple Sentences In English a simple sentence is formed by Subject+ verb+ object Example: I (s) eat(v) rice(o). But in Nepali a simple sentence is formed by subject+ object+ verb Example: d eft vfG5' ma bhat khanchhu (I) (rice) (eat) Interrogative (Question) sentences In these sentences certain interrogative are used who- sf] ko what- s] ke when- slxn] kahile where- sxf“ kahã why- lsg kina whose- s;sf] kasko which- s'g kun how- s;/L kasari -How are you? tkfO{+nfO{ s:tf] 5< tapailai kasto chha? -Where are you going? ltdL sxf“ hf“b} 5f}< timi kahaã jaãdai chhau? Imperative sentences As we have seen there are three forms of politeness for 'You' so there are three different forms of verbs in imperatives. C-verbs Example: For verb- u/\ gar ( do) Affirmative Negative Low t“ tã Middle ltdL timi High tkfO{+ tapai u/\ gar u/ gara ug'{xf];\ garnuhos gu/\ nagar gu/ nagara gug'{xf];\ nagarnuhos - Do your work ltd|f] sfd u/ timro kaam gara V-verbs and VV-verbs Example: For verb- vf kha (eat) Affirmative Low t“ tã Middle ltdL timi High tkfO{+ tapai vf kha vfpm khau vfg'xf];\ khanuhos - Dont eat dirty things kmf]xf]/ s'/f gvfpm fohor kura nakhau Uses of some important particles ls ki :It has two uses 1. Used to express desirable possibility -May be it will rain today cfh kfgL k5{ ls aaja paani parchha ki 2. Used as 'or' -Will you go or not? ltdL hfG5f} ls hfGgf} timi janchhau ki jannau nfO{ lai : Used as 'to' -What did you say to him? ltdLn] p;nfO{ s] eGof}< timile uslai ke bhanyau? nflu lagi : Used as 'for' -I did many things for her. d}n] p;sf] nflu w]/} s'/f u/]“ maile usko lagi dherai kura gare v} khai: Used for uncertainty Negative gvf nakha gvfpm nakhau gvfg'xf];\ nakhanuhos -I may or may not go v}, hfG5' ls hfGg khai janchhu ki janna h:tf] jasto : Used for 'like' (similarity or dissimilarity) - Your shirt is like mine. ltd|f] ;6{ d]/f]h:t} 5 timro shirt mero jastai chha - Sila is not like Nirmala l;nf lgd{nfh:tf] 5}g sila nirmala jasto chhaina eGbf bhanda 1. Used to compare things -China is bigger than India ef/teGbf lrg 7"nf] 5 bharat bhanda chin thulo chha. (India- ef/t bharat, China- lrg chin) 2. To denote 'before something' eGbf klxnf bhanda pahila eGbf cl3 bhanda aghi All of these mean 'before ' eGbf cufl8 bhanda agadi -Wash you hands before eating vfg'eGbf cl3 xft wf]pm khanu bhanda aghi haat dhou. Chapter 4 Academic (z}lIfs) Education- lzIff school- same, ljBfno bidhyalaya, kf7zfnf pathsala student- ljBfyL{ bidhyarthi teacher- male:lzIfs shiksyak; female: lzlIfsf shiksika books- lstfa kitab copy- sfkL kapi reading- k9fO{ padhai writing- n]vfO{ lekhai experiment- k|of]u prayog research- cg';Gwfg anusandhan laboratory- k|of]uzfnf prayogshala library- k':tsfno pustakalaya science- lj1fg bigyan literature- ;flxTo sahitya Animals (hgfj/) Cow- ufO{ gai (national animal of nepal) bull- uf]? goru buffalo- e}+;L bhaisi ox- ;f“9] saãdhe goat- v;L khasi he goat- af]sf boka she goat- afv|f bakhra dog- s's'/ kukur cat- la/fnf] biralo mouse- d";f musa elephant- xfQL hatti tiger- af3 bagh bear- efn' bhalu deer- xl/0f harin Bird- r/f chara crow- sfu kaag pigeon- 9's'/ dhukur parrot- ;'uf suga hen- s'v'/f kukhura duck- xf“; haãs peacock- do"/ mayoor fish- df5f machha frog- Eofu'tf bhyaguta insect- ls/f kira house fly- lem+uf jhĩga bee- dfx'/L mahuri lice- h'd|f jumra worm- h'sf juka cockroach- ;fª\nf sangla Climate- df};d mausam hot(objects)- tftf] tato hot(climate)- udL{ garmi warm- Gofgf] nyano cold(objects)- lr;f] chiso cold(climate)- hf8f] jado summer- udL{ garmi winter- hf8f] jado rainy- jif{ barsa season- ofd yam ; /Lt' ritu Colors black sfnf] kalo white ;]tf] seto gray v/fgL kharani red /ftf] raato blue lgnf] nilo yellow kx]+nf] pahelo green xl/of] hariyo orange ;'Gtfnf /ª suntala rang purple a}hgL baijani brown v}/f] khairo Culture- ;+:s[lt sãskriti Some common castes and languages of Nepal caste- hft jat language- efiff bhasa brahmin- afx'g bahun chhetri- If]qL gurung- u'?ª newar- g]jf/ tharu- yf? maithili-d}lynL bhojpuri- ef]hk'/L Festivals- rf8kj{ chadparwa and important days st New year- gj jif{ nawa barsa (Baiahakh 1 ) full moon- k"l0f{df purnima ecclipse- u|x0f grahan solar ecclipse- ;"o{ u|x0f surya grahan lunar ecclipse- rGb| u|x0f chandra grahan Dashain :It is the greatest festival of Nepalese. It generally falls on Asoj (Sept.-Oct.). It is celebrated for ten days. First day is called th Ghatasthapana, seventh day is called Fulpati and the 10 day is called Vijaya Dashami or Tika. On Tika we put tika on our forehead from our elders. Tihar : Tihar generally falls on Kartik (Oct.-Nov.). It is celebrated for five days. Crow, Dog, Cow, Laxmi (Goddess of wealth) and Ox are celebrated on respective days. On the fifth day sisters worship their brothers with love ,so called Bhai tika. Buddha jayanti : Birth of Lord Buddha is celebrated on this day.It falls on Baishakh. Teej :It is a festival in which women fast for the long life of their husband. It generally falls on Bhadra (Aug.-Sept.) Gai jatra , Indra jatra, Bhote jatra, Ghode jatra are celebrated in different days in kathmandu. Id-ul-fitra: It is a festival of Muslims celebrated in Asoj (Sept.-Oct.) Lhosar: It is a festival of people of mongolian origin (Gurung, Sherpa,Tamang). Loktantra day (Baishakh 11): It is the day in which Loktantra was instilled in Nepal in. Democracy day (Falgun 7): Labour day- May 1 Months The Nepali Calendar, called Bikram Sambat or B.S., is a lunar calendar based on ancient Hindu tradition. It is roughly 57 years ahead of the Gregorian calendar (the year 2000 AD was equivalent to the years 2056-2057 BS). The beginning of the year usually falls on the mid of April. Therefore, the months are not compatible with the Gregorian calendar. April October Baisakhj}zfv May Jetha h]7 June Asar c;f/ July Shrawan >fj0f August Bhadau ebf} September Ashoj c;f]h October Kartik sflt{s November Mangshir dlª;/ December Poush kf}if January Magh df3 February Fagun kmfu'g March Chaita r}t April Days Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday cfOtaf/ aaitabaar (ai-ta-bar) ;f]daf/ sombaar (som-bar) d¨naf/ mangalbaar (man-girl-bar) a'waf/ budhabaar (bu-dho-bar) laxLaf/ bihibaar (bee-hee-bar) z's|af/ shukrabaar (shuk-ro-bar) zlgaf/ shanibaar (sa-ni-bar) time date now later/after before morning afternoon evening night ;do samaya (also ah] baje when telling the time) ldlt miti clxn] ahile (aa-hee-le) kl5 pachi (paa-chi) cufl8 agadi (aa-gha-dee) laxfg bihana (bee-haa-na) lbp“;f] diuso (di-u-sho) a]n'sf beluka (be-lu-kha) /ftL rati (raa-ti) Duration minute ldg]6 minute hour 306f ghanta day lbg din week xKtf haptaa month dlxgf mahina year jif{ barsa (also ;fn saal when telling date) half an hour 1 hour 1 and half hour 2 and half hour cflw 306f aadhi ghanta Ps 306f ek ghanta 8]9 306f dedh ghanta c9fO{ 306f adhai ghanta Clock time one o'clock AM laxfg Ps ah] bihana ek baje two o'clock AM laxfg b'O{ ah] bihana dui baje noon dWofGg madhyanna one o'clock PM lbp“;f] Ps ah] diuso ek baje two o'clock PM midnight midday sunrise sunset lbp“;f] b'O{ ah] diuso dui baje dWo/ft madhyaraat dWofGx madhyanha ;"of{]bo suryodaya ;"of{:t suryasta 1:00 1:15 1:25 1:30 1:45 1:46 Ps ah] ;jf Ps Ps ah]/ klRr; ldg]6 ;f“9] Ps kf}g] b'O{ Ps ah]/ 5ofln; ldg]6 - ek baje sawa ek ek bajera pachchis minute sãdhe ek paune dui ek bajera chhayalis minute today cfh aaja (aa-ja) yesterday lxhf] hijo (hee-jo) day before yesterday cl:t asti tomorrow ef]ln bholi (bho-lee) day after tomorrow k;L{ parsi this week of] xKtf yo hapta(yo hap-ta) last week cl:tsf] xKtf asti ko hapta(as-ti ko hap-ta) next week csf{ xKtf arko hapta(ar-ko hap-ta) Words used to denote approximately (about) lt/ tira, s/La karib, hlt jati, em08} jhandai - The match starts at about 12 o'clock. Dofr s/La afx| ah] z'? x'G5 match karib bahra baje suru hunchha Asking time Q. What time is it? slt aHof] < Ans. It is 1:15 AM. ;jf Ps aHof] Q. Ans. What time is the surgery lecture? ;h{/Lsf] n]Sr/ slt ah] xf] < surgeryko lecture kati baje ho? It is at 10:00 AM in the morning ljxfg bz ah] xf] bihana dus baje ho kati bajyo? sawa ek bajyo Q. Ans. What time is our cricket match? xfd|f] ls|s]6 Dosr slt v[. xf]< hamro cricket match kati khera ho? It is after 1 hour Ps 305f kl5 xf] ek ghanta pachhi ho Asking date Q. What nepali date is it today? cfh g]kfnL ut] slt xf]< aaja nepali gate kati ho? Ans. Today is 20th of Shrawan cfh >fj0f @) ut] xf] aaja shrawan bis gate ho Q. Ans. When were you born? ltdL slxn] hGd]sf] xf]< timi kahile janmeko ho? I was born on 2042 B.S. Asoj 18. d b'O{ xhf/ aofln; ;fn c;f]h c7f/ ut] hGd]sf] xf] ma dui hajaar bayalis saal asoj athhara gate janmeko ho. Geographical words (ef}uf]lns zAbx?) Nepal is divided in to 5 development regions, 14 zones and 75 districts. Himal (higher mountains)- lxdfn himal mountain- kxf8 pahad plain (terai)- t/fO{ terai jungle- h¨n jungle river- glb nadi waterfall- 5f“uf] chhãgo road- af6f] bato highway- /fhdfu{ rajmarga airway- xjfO{ dfu{ hawai marga Human Relations, Male and Female human- dfG5] manchhe boy- s]6f keta (afa' babu -used by persons elder than you) girl- s]6L keti (gagL nani- used by persons elder than you) man- nf]Ug] dfG5] logne manchhe woman- cfOdfO aaimai old man- a'9f] budho old woman- a'9L budhi child- aRrf bachcha children- aRrfaRrL bachcha bachchi/ 5f]/f5f]/Lchhorachhori/aRrfx? bachchaharu parents/ guardians- cleefjs abhibhawak Nepali family (g]kfnL kl/jf/ nepali pariwar) Mother- cfdf aama/ d'jf muwa father- a'jf buwa/ afaf baba son- 5f]/f chhora daughter- 5f]/L chhori elder brother- bfO dai younger brother- efO bhai elder sister- lbbL didi younger sister- alxgL bahini grand father- xh'/ a'jf hajurbuwa grand mother- xh'/ cfdf hajur aama grand son- gflt nati grand daughter- gfltgL natini husband- >Ldfg\ sriman/ nf]Ug] logne wife- >LdtL srimati/ :jf:gL swasni paternal uncle- sfsf kaka paternal aunt- sfsL kaki maternal uncle- dfdf mama maternal aunt- dfOh" maiju nephew- ef~hf bhanja niece- ef~hL bhanji For a man sister in law- ;fnL sali brother in law- ;fnf] salo For a woman brother in law- b]j/ dewar sister in law-b]p/fgL deurani father in law- ;;'/f sasura mother in law- ;f;' sasu son in law- HjfO“ jwaĩ daughter in law- a'xf/L buhari Money (k};f paisa) Currency- d'b|f mudra Nepali currency is called Rupees (in nepali ?k}of“ rupaiyã) Nepali denominations (you can get these in single notes) 1 rupees Ps ?k}of“ ek rupaiyã 2 rupees b'O ?k}of“ dui rupaiyã 5 rupees kf“r ?k}of“ paãch rupaiyã 10 rupees bz ?k}of“ das rupaiyã 20 rupees la; ?k}of“ bis rupaiyã 25 rupees klRr; ?k}of“ pachchis rupaiyã 50 rupees krf; ?k}of“ pachaas rupaiyã 100 rupees ;o ?k}of“ saya rupaiyã 500 rupees kf“r ?k}of“ paãch saya rupaiyã 1000 rupees xhf/ ?k}of“ hajaar rupaiyã Asking price Q. Ans. Q. Ans. How much does this cost? o;nfO{ slt k5{ < yeslai kati parchha This costs Rs 450 o;nfO{ rf/ ;o krf; ?k}of“ k5{ yeslai char saya pachas rupaiyã parchha What is the rent of this room? of] sf]7fsf] ef8f slt xf]< yo kothako bhada kati ho Its rent is Rs 1700. o;sf] ef8f ;q ;o ?k}of“ xf] yesko bhada satra saya rupaiyã ho Profession (k]zf pesa) service/job- hflu/ jaagir employed- /f]uf/ rojgaar unemployed- a]/f]huf/ berojgaar Doctor,Nurse- same Lawyer- jlsn wakil teacher- lzIfs siksyak(male)/ lzlIfsf siksika (female) Driver- same or rfns chalak Businessman- Jofkf/L byapari farmer- s[ifs krishak shopkeeper- ;fx'hL sahuji(male)/ ;fx'gL sahuni(female) Direction (lbzf disha) east- k"j{ purwa west- klZrd paschim north-pQ/ uttar south- blIf0f dakchhin towards- lt/ tira from- af6 bata near- glhs najik far- 6f9f tadha Chapter 4 Introduction- kl/ro parichaya Alice is having conversation with Ganesh previosly unknown to her. Alice: (Greetings)What is you name? gd:t] tkfO{+sf] gfd s] xf]< tapaiko naam ke ho? Ganesh: (Greetings) I am Dr. Ganesh. gd:t] d]/f] gfd 8fS6/ u0f]z xf]. namaste mero naam doctor ganesh ho. Alice: How are you? tkfO{+nfO{ s:tf] 5< tapailai kasto chha. Ganesh: I am fine. dnfO{ ;~r} 5. malai sanchai chha. Ganesh:Which country do you come from? tkfO{+ s'g b]zaf6 cfpg'ePsf] xf]< tapai kun deshbata aaunu bhayeko ho? Alice: I come from Germany. d hd{gLaf6 cfPsf] xf]. ma germany bata aayeko ho. Ganesh: where are you staying now? clxn] tkfO{+ sxf“ a:b} x'g'x'G5< ahile tapai kaha basdai hunuhunchha? Alice: I am staying in a hotel in Lazimpat. d nflhDkf6sf] Pp6f xf]6]ndf al;/x]sf] 5'. ma lazimpatko yeuta hotelma basiraheko chhu. Alice: Are you a student here? tkfO{+ oxf“sf] ljBfyL{ xf]< tapai yehako bidhyarthi ho? Ganesh: No I already passed college. I work as a doctor here. xf]O{g d}n] sn]h kf; ul/;s]+. d oxf“ 8fS6/ eP/ sfd ub}{ 5'. hoina maile college pass garisake. ma yahã doctor bhayera kaam gardai chhu (In the meantime, Sanjeev enters) Ganesh:Hello Sanjeev. Alice this is Sanjeev. He is a student here. gd:t] ;lGhj. Pln; pm ;lGhj xf]. pm oxf“sf] ljBfyL{ xf]. namaste sanjeev. alice woo sanjeev ho. woo yehã ko bidhyarthi ho. Alice: Hello Sanjeev. In which year are you studying? gd:t] ;lGhj ltdL s'g jif{df k9\b} 5f}< namaste sanjeev. timi kun barsama padhdai chhau. Sanjeev: This is my third year. of] d]/f] t];|f] jif{ xf]. yo mero tesro barsa ho. Doctor -Patient conversation in Out Patient Department(OPD) Dr. Blair is a doctor from England. He has worked for many years in Nepal. He is with a patient, a young Nepali guy, Mr. Sumit in OPD of Tribhuwan University Teaching Hospital, Maharajgunj. Dr. Blair: Namaste Sumit: Namaste doctor gd:t] 8fS6/ ;fa namaste doctor saab Dr. Blair: What is your name? tkfO{+sf] gfd s] xf]< tapaiko naam ke ho Sumit: Sumit Pandey Dr. Blair: Where do you live? tkfO{+ sxf“ a:g'x'G5< tapai kahaã basnuhunchha Sumit: I live in Maitidevi. d d}ltb]jLdf a:5'. ma maitidevi ma baschhu Dr. Blair: Why did you come to the hospital? tkfO{+ s] eP/ c:ktfn cfpg'eof]< tapai ke bhayera aspataal aaunubhayo? Sumit: I am having intense abdominal pain. d]/f] k]6 a]:;/L b'lv/x]sf] 5. mero pet bessari dukhiraheko chha. Dr. Blair: How long has it been? o:tf] ePsf] slt eof]< yesto bhayeko kati bhayo? Sumit: It has been 5-6 days. kf“r 5 lbg eof]. paãch chha din bhayo. Dr. Blair: Does the whole abdomen ache? k]6 k'/} b'V5< pet purai dukhchha? Sumit: No, just the upper abdomen. xf]Og, dflyNnf] k]6 dfq}. hoina mathillo pet matrai Dr. Blair: Is it burning or pricking type of pain? kf]Ng] xf] ls 3f]Rg] vfnsf] b'vfO{ xf]< polne ho ki ghochne khalko dukhai ho? Sumit: It is like burning. kf]n]sf] h:tf] x'G5 poleko jasto hunchha. Dr. Blair: Did you vomit? jfGtf ug'{ePsf] lyof]< banta garnubhayeko thiyo? Sumit: No I did not vomit but I had nausea. cx“, jfGtf u/]sf] lyOg“ t/ jfsjfs nfu]sf] lyof] ahã,banta gareko thiyinã tara wakwak lageko thiyo Dr. Blair: Does it ache more in empty stomach or after food? vfnL k]6df al9 b'V5 ls vfgf vfPkl5< khali petma badhi dukhchha ki khana khayepachhi? Sumit: It aches more in empty stomach. vfnL k]6df al9 b'V5. khali petma badhi dukhchha. Dr. Blair: Did you use any medicine for this pain? of] b'vfO{sf] nflu s'g} cf}iflw k|of]u ug'{ePsf] lyof]< yo dukhaiko lagi kunai ausadhi prayog garnubhayeko thiyo? Sumit: No, I did not. cx“ lyOg“. ahã thiyinã. Dr. Blair: Do you smoke? r'/f]6 lkpg'x'G5< churot piunuhunchha Sumit: No, I dont smoke, doctor. cx“ lkp“lbg 8fS6/ ;fa ahã piudina doctor saab Dr. Blair: What about alcohol? clg /lS; lg< ani raksi ni? Sumit: I do not even touch alcohol. /lS; t emg\ 5'“b} 5'Gg. raksi ta jhan chhudai chhunna. Dr. Blair: Had this happened before? klxn] klg o:tf] ePsf] lyof]< pahile pani yesto bhayeko thiyo? Sumit : No Doctor. This is the first time. lyPg 8fS6/ ;fa. of] klxnf] rf]l6 xf]. thiyena doctor saab. yo pahilo choti ho. Dr. Blair: OK. Then I will examine you. l7s 5. To;f]eP d tkfO{+sf] hf“r u5'{. thik chha. tyeso bhaye ma tapaiko jaãch garchhu Dr. Blair: Open your mouth. d'v vf]Ng'xf];\ t. (d'v cf“ ug'{xf];\ t) mukh kholnuhos ta. (mukh aã garnuhos ta) Dr. Blair: Take deep breaths. nfdf] ;f; lng'xf];\ t laamo saas linuhos ta. Dr. Blair:Let me examine your abdomen. tkfO{+sf] k]6 hf“rf}+ t. tapaiko pet jaãchau ta. Dr. Blair: I suppose you have gastritis. tkfO{+nfO{ Uof:6«fOl6; ePh:tf] 5. tapailai gastritis bhaye jasto chha. Sumit: Will medicine cure it, doctor? cf}iflwn] l7s x'G5 8fS6/ ;fa< ausadhile thik hunchha doctor saab? Dr. Blair: Of course. Dont worry. cjZo. gcflQg';\. awasya. na attinus. Dr. Blair: I have prescribed one medicine. Take this medicine two times a day, one in the morning, one in the evening before meal. d}n] Pp6f cf}iflw n]lvlbPsf] 5'. o;nfO{ lbgsf] b'O k6s, laxfg Pp6f, a]n'sf Pp6f vfgf cl3 vfg'xf]nf. maile yeuta ausadhi lekhidiyeko chhu. yeslai dinko dui patak, bihana yeuta, beluka yeuta khana aghi khanuhola Sumit: How many days should I take this medicine? of] cf}iflw slt lbg vfg'k5{< yo ausadhi kati din khanuparchha. Dr. Blair: Up to 10 days. Visit me after that. bz lbg ;Dd. To;kl5 dnfO{ e]6\g cfpg'xf]nf. das din samma. tyespachhi malai bhetna aaunuhola. Sumit: OK, doctor. x'G5 8fS6/ ;fa. hunchha doctor saab. Dr. Blair: Did you understand everything? tkfO{+n] ;a} s'/f a/‰g'eof]< tapaile sabai kura bujhnubhayo? Sumit: Yes, I understood. xh'/ a'em].+ hajur bujhe. Dr. Blair: You can go now. Visit me if anything happens. To;f] eP hfg;Sg'x'G5. s]lx eof] eg] dnfO{ e]6\g cfpg'xf]nf. tyesobhaye jaana saknuhunchha. kehi bhayo bhane malai bhetna aaunuhola. Classroom (sIffsf]7f) Shooga: Which is the first lecture today? cfh klxnf] n]Sr/ s'g xf]< aaja pahilo lecture kun ho? Roshan: The first lecture is of medicine. klxnf] n]Sr/ d]l8l;gsf] xf]. pahilo lecture medicineko ho. Shooga: Who is going to take the class? Tof] Snf; (sIff) s;n] lng'x'G5< tyo class kasle linuhunchha? Roshan: That class will be taken by Professor P N Shrestha. Tof] Snf; k|f]km];/ lk= Pg= >]i7n] lng'x'G5 tyo class professor p n shresthale linuhunchha. Shooga: When is the class going to start? Snf; sltv]/ z'? x'G5< class katikhera suru hunchha? Roshan: Class is going to start at 12 o'clock. Snf; afx|ah] z'? x'G5. class bahra baje suru hunchha. In the class shooga does not understand a word 'Sialadenitis'. Shoga: Sir, what does Sialadenitis mean? ;/, ;fonPl8gfO{l6; eg]sf] s] xf]< sir sialadenitis bhaneko ke ho? Professor: Sialadenitis means inflammation of salivary glands. ;fonPl8gfOl6; eg]sf] ¥ofn u|lGysf] ;"hg xf]. sialadenitis bhaneko ryaal granthiko sujan ho. Community Health Field Rakesh is a first year MBBS student. He is on field visit in Bairani of Dhading district for 'Community Health Field'. He has prepared a questionnaire for his field survey. He is now in the house of Mr. Prem Bahadur. Rakesh: Who is in the house? 3/df sf] x'g'x'G5< gharma ko hunuhunchha. Prem: Who is it? sf] x'g'x'G5< ko hunuhunchha. Rakesh: Namaste, I am Rakesh Gami. I am first year student in Tribhuwan University Teaching Hospital in Kathmandu. I am here for Community Health survey. gd:t] d /fs]; ufdL x'“. d lqe'jg ljZjljBfno l6lrª c:ktfndf k|yd jif{sf] ljBfyL{ x'“. d oxf“ ';fd'bflos :jf:Yo ;j]{If0fsf] nflu cfPsf] x'“. namaste ma rakesh gami hũ. ma tribhuwan biswabidhyalaya teaching aspataalma pratham barsako bidhyarthi hũ. ma yahaã samudayik swasthya sarbekchhyanko laagi aayeko hũ Prem: What can I do for you? d}n] s] ug{ ;S5'< maile ke garna sakchhu? Rakesh: I will ask you some questions regarding health. Please give the answers. d tkfO{+nfO{ :jf:Io ;DjlGw s]lx k|Zg ;f]W5'. tkfO{+ pQ/ lbg'xf]nf. ma tapailai swasthya sambandhi kehi prasna sodhchhu. tapai uttar dinuhola. Rakesh: How many members are there in your family? tkfO{+sf] kl/jf/df slthgf ;b:o 5g\? tapaiko pariwarma kati jana sadasya chhan? Prem: Seven. ;ft hgf. saat jana. Rakesh: Who are they? Please tell me their ages also. sf] sf] x'g'x'G5< pxf“x?sf] pd]/ ;lxt atfOlbg'xf]nf. ko ko hunuhunchha? uhaãharuko umer sahit bataidinuhola. Prem: Mother is 65. Father is 71. I am 42. My wife is 33. Eldest daughter is 17. Youngest daughter is 12. Son is just 4yrs. cfdf k}+;l7 . a'jf PsxQ/. d aofln;. >LdtL t]lQ;. h]7L 5f]/L ;q. sfG5L 5f]/L afx|. 5f]/f rfxL“ aNn rf/ jif{sf] eof]. Rakesh: What is the main source of your income? tkfO{+sf] cfDbfgLsf] d'Vo ;|f]t s] xf]< tapaiko aamdaniko mukhya srot ke ho? Prem: Agriculture. v]ltkftL khetipati Rakesh: Is your income enough for your family? tkfO{+sf] cfDbfgLn] kl/jf/nfO{ k'U5< tapaiko aamdani le pariwarlai pugchha. Prem: Hardly enough. d'lZsnn] k'U5. muskil le pugchha. Rakesh: How much have you studied? tkfO{+n] slt k9\g'ePsf] 5< tapaile kati padhnu bhayeko chha? Prem: I have studied up to class 4. d}n] sIff rf/ ;Dd k9]sf] 5'. maile kachhya char samma padheko chhu. Rakesh: Have you educated your children? tkfO{+n] 5f]/f5f]/LnfO{ k9fpg'ePsf] 5< tapaile chhorachhorilai padhaunubhayeko chha? Prem: Yes I have sent all children to school. c“, d}n] ;a}nfO{ :s"n k7fPsf] 5'. ã maile sabailai school pathayeko chhu. Rakesh: What is the source of drinking water of your family? tkfO{+sf] kl/jf/sf] vfg]kfgLsf] ;|f]t s] xf]< tapaiko pariwar ko khanepani ko srot ke ho? Prem: It is spring water. It takes half an hour to fetch water. d"nsf] kfgL xf]. Nofpg cfwf 306f nfU5. mul ko pani ho.lyauna aadha ghanta lagchha. Rakesh: Do you drink water after boiling? kfgL pdfn]/ vfg'x'G5< khane pani umalera khanuhunchha. Prem: No we dont, usually. Only sometimes when ill. cx“, ;fdfGotof ub}{gf}. slxn]sflx“ lj/fdL eof] eg] dfq}. ahã samanyataya gardainaũ. kahilekahi birami bhayo bhane matrai. Rakesh: How far is the Health post from here? oxf“af6 :jf:Yo rf}sL slQsf] 6f9f 5< yahaã bata swasthya chauki kattiko tadha chha? Prem: It is about one hour walk. sl/a Ps 306fsf] b"/Ldf 5. karib ek ghanta ko durima chha. Rakesh: Have you constructed toilet? tkfO{+n] zf}rfno agfpg'ePsf] 5< tapaile sauchalaya banaunu bhayeko chha? Prem: Yes. 5. chha. Rakesh: Do you wash your hands before food, after toilet? vfg' cl3, zf}rfnokl5 xft w'g'x'G5< khanu aghi, sauchalaya pachhi haat dhunu hunchha? Prem: We do. But we dont care much for children. xfdL t w'G5f}+. t/ aRrfx?sf] vf;} Vofn /fvL“b}g. hami ta dhunchhaũ. tara bachchaharuko khasai khyal rakhidaina. Rakesh: Why do you think people suffer from diseases? tkfO{+nfO{ /f]u lsg nfU5 h:tf] nfU5< tapailai rog kina lagchha jasto lagchha? Prem: Sometimes it is due to witches. Sometimes due to some worms in food. slxn] af]S;Lx?n] ubf{. slxn] vfg]s'/fdf ls/f k/]/. kahile boksiharule garda. kahile khanekura ma kira parera lagchha. Rakesh: Where do you go if you are ill? la/fdL eof] eg] sxf“ hfg'x'G5< birami bhayo bhane kahaã janu hunchha? Prem: Sometimes traditional healers, sometimes health post. slxn]sflx“ emf/km's, slxn]sflx“ :jf:Yo rf}sL. kahilekahi jharfuk, kahilekahi swasthya chauki. Rakesh: Have you heard of AIDS? tkfO{+n] P8\;af/] ;'Gg'ePsf] 5< tapaile AIDS bare sunnu bhayeko chha? Prem: Yes, Ihave heard of it in radio. c“, d}n] /]l8of]df ;'g]sf] 5'. ã, maile radio ma suneko chhu. Rakesh: Do you know how AIDS is transmitted? tkfO{+nfO{ P8\; s;/L ;5{ yfxf 5< tapailai AIDS kasari sarchha thaha chha. Prem: They say, from sex. I don't know much. v}, of}g ;Dks{af6 eG5g\. dnfO{ w]/} yfxf 5}g. khai, yaun samparka bata bhanchhan. malai dherai thaha chhain. Rakesh: Why do you think people become worm infested? tkfO{+nfO{ dfG5]nfO{ h'sf lsg k5{ h:tf] nfU5< tapailai manchhe lai juka kina parchha jasto lagchha? Prem: By eating stale food. af;L vfgf vfP/. basi khana khayera. Rakesh: Have any of your family members recently been ill? tkfO{+sf] kl/jf/sf] s'g} ;b:o xfn;fn} lj/fdL x'g'ePsf] 5< tapaiko pariwarko kunai sadasya halsalai birami hunubhayeko chha? Prem: Son was having diarrhoea few days ago. I have diabetes. 5f]/fnfO{ s]lx lbg cl3 kvfnf nfu]sf] lyof]. dnfO{ lrlg/f]u 5. chhoralai kehi din aghi pakhala lageko thiyo. malai chinirog chha. Rakesh: Thank you for anwering my questions so patiently. wGojfb, d]/f k|Zgx?sf] w}o{tfk"j{s pQ/ lbg'eof]. dhanyabad, mero prasnaharuko dhairyatapurwak uttar dinubhayo. Prem: Its fine. I am happy. l7s} 5. d v'zL 5'. thikai chha. ma khusi chhu. Rakesh: I will leave now. Namaste. d ca hfG5'. gd:t]. ma aba janchhu. namaste. Prem: Namaste. Travel Hiring a taxi Saroj is hiring a taxi from Maharajgunj Teaching Hospital Saroj: Excuse me. Is this taxi unoccupied? PS;So"h ld, of] 6\oflS; vfnL xf]< excuse me yo taxi khali ho? Taxi driver: Yes it is unoccupied. xh'/ vfnL xf]. hajur khali ho. Saroj: Could you go to Thamel? tkfO{+ 7d]n hfg'x'G5< tapai thamel januhunchha? Taxi driver: Yes I will. Please come in. x'G5 (hfG5'). leq cfpg';\. (After 20 minutes they reach thamel) Taxi driver: Where would you want to stop? t kfO{+nfO{ sxf“ /f]lslbp“< tapailai kaha rokidiu? Saroj: Stop here. I will walk from here. oxf“ /f]lslbg';\. d oxf“af6 lx+8\5'. yahaã rokidinus. ma yahaã bata hidchhu. Manoj: How much is it? slt eof]< kati bhayo? Taxi driver: It is Rs. 95. kGrfgAa] ?k}of“ eof]. panchanabbe rupaiyã bhayo. Manoj: Take this. Thank you. of] lng'xf];\. wGojfb. yo linuhos. dhanyabad. Taking a bus/tempo/microbus ride Saroj is taking a bus ride from New Baneswor to Maharajgunj Teaching Hospital Saroj: Where does this bus go? of] a; sxf“ hfG5< yo bus kahaã janchha Bus Conductor: Putalisadak, Baluwatar, Teaching. Where are you going? (name of places) tkfO{+ sxf“ hfg]< (name of places) tapai kahaã jaane? Saroj: Teaching Hospital. [*Alternatively Saroj: Does this bus go to Teaching Hospital? of] a; l5lrª xl:k6n hfG5< yo bus teaching hospital jaanchha? (He gets in the bus. Bus reaches Teaching hospital. ) Bus Conductor: (asks passengers) Is anybody getting down in Teaching hospital? l6lrª emg]{ sf]lx x'g'x'G5< teaching jharne kohi hunuhunchha? Saroj: Yes. What is the bus fare? 5. ef8f slt xf] chha. bhada kati ho? Conductor: Rs. 14 rf}w ?k}of“ chaudha rupaiyã Saroj: Take this. lng'xf];\. Lost Kathy is lost somewhere around Chabahil (Chavel). She wants to get to Chabahil chowk. She asks help from a middle aged pedestrian. Kathy: Excuse me can you help me? PS;So"h ld , dnO{ ;xof]u ul/lbg';\ g. excuse me malai sahayog garidinusna. Man: Yes. Sure. xh'/ e}xfN5 lg. hajur. bhaihalchha ni. Kathy: How can I get to Chabahil chowk? d rfaflxn rf]s s;/L hfg ;S5'< ma chabahil chowk kasari jaana sakchhu? Man: Take this straight road until a temple comes. Then take the left bend and go straight. You will reach chabahil chowk of] l;wf af6f] hfg'xf];\, Pp6f dlGb/ cfp“5. clg afof“ df]l8P/ l;wf hfg'xf];\. tkfO{+ rfaflxn rf]s k'Ug'x'G5. yo sidha bato januhos, yeuta mandir aauchha. ani baya modiyera sidha janus. tapai chabahil chowk pugnuhunchha Kathy: Thank you wGojfb dhanyabad Shopping (lsgd]n kinmel) Bindu and Simon are in a supermarket Bindu:What are you going to buy Simon? ltdL s] lsG5f} l;df]g< timi ke kinchhau simon? Simon:I want a soap, a towel, a pair of shoes, some snacks and a pair of batteries for my camera. dnfO{ Pp6f ;fa'g, Pp6f 6fj]n, Ps hf]l8 h'Qf, s]lx vfhfx? / d]/f] Sofd]/fsf] nflu afl6« rflxPsf] 5. malai yeuta sabun, yeuta towel, ek jodi jutta, kehi khajaharu, ra mero camerako lagi ek jodi battery chahiyeko chha Bindu: OK. Lets start from there. l7s 5 Toxf“af6 z'? u/f}+ thik chha tyahãbata suru garau. (They start picking things but do not find particular batteries for the camera. They spot a salesman.) Bindu: Excuse me. Where can we find batteries? PS;So"h ld, oxf“ afl6« sxf“ kfO{G5< excuse me yahã battery kahã painchha. Salesman: I am sorry we dont have batteries now. ;/L, xfdLsxf“ clxn] afl6« 5}g sorry hami kahaã ahile battery chhaina Bindu: Its OK. Thank you. l7s} 5. wGojfb thikai chha. dhanyabad (At the counter) Simon: How much is it? slt ?k}of“ eof]< kati rupaiyã bhayo? Cashier: It's Rs. 1750. ;q ;o krf; ?k}of“ eof]. satra saya pachas rupaiya bhayo Simon: Please take this. lng'xf];\ linuhos (They get outside and go to a nearby shop) Bindu: (Shopkeeper) Do you have batteries for camera? ;fx'hL tkfO{+;“u Sofd/fsf] afl6« 5< sahuji tpai sanga camerako battery chha Shopkeeper: What type of camera is it? s:tf] vfnsf] Sofd/f xf]nf< kasto khalko camera hola. Simon:(showing the camera) It is a digital camera like this. o:tf] vfnsf] l8lh6n Sofd/f xf] yesto khalko digital camera ho. Shopkeeper: Oh! Yes. I do batteries for it. P†, d ;“u To;sf] afl6« 5. yeh! ma sanga tesko battery chha. Restaurant Atul, George, Melissa and Prakash are in a restaurant, somewhere in Thamel. Atul: Its been long since we met. Its a lovely day. xfdL e]6 gePsf] klg w]/} eof]. cfh /dfOnf] lbg 5. hami bhet nabhayeko pani dherai bhayo. aaja ramailo din chha. Melissa: Very true. I feel like its been years. l7s eGof}. dnfO{ t aiff}+ eof] h:tf] nfU5. thik bhanyau. malai ta barsau bhayo jasto lagchha. Prakash: Lets celebrate this moment. of] 3l8nfO{ dgfp“ g. yo ghadi lai manau na. (Prakash signals the waiter.) Waiter: What can I get for you? tkfO{+x?nfO{ s] Nofp“< tapaiharulai ke lyau? Prakash: What should we order? xfdL s] c8{/ ug]{ t< hami ke order garne ta? George: How about pizza and coke for all? ;a}nfO{ lkHhf / sf]s dufp“bf s;f] xf]nf< sabailai pizza ra coke magauda kaso hola? Atul: That would be perfect. Tof] Psbd /fd|f] x'G5. tyo ekdam ramro hunchha Melissa: Please bring some water first? klxnf kfgL NofOlbg';\ g. pahila pani lyaidinus na. (They finish food and talk.) Prakash: Please bring us our bill. xfd|f] lan NofOlbg';\ g. (They pay and leave the restaurant.) Cinema Andy is asking with Nirmal abut a cinema. Andy:Which film is running in Jai Nepal Cinema hall? ho g]kfn l;g]df xndf s'g lkmNd rln/x]sf] 5< Jai nepal cinema hall ma kun film? Nirmal: 'The Forbidden kingdom is running there. Toxf“ 'b km/la8g lsª8d' rln/x]sf] 5. tyahã 'the forbidden kingdom' chaliraheko chha. Andy: How is the film? Tof] lkmNd s:tf] 5< tyo film kasto chha Nirmal: Its a action movie. Its a good film. Tof] ofS;g lkmNd xf]. Tof] lkmNd /fd|f] 5. tyo action film ho. tyo film ramro chha. At the counter of the cinema hall Andy: Please give me three tickets of balcony. dnfO{ afNsf]gLsf] ltgj6f l6s6 lbg'xf];\ g. malai balcony ko tinwata ticket dinuhos na. Inside the hall to the sit-arranger -Please show us our sits. xfdLnfO{ l;6 b]vfOlbg';\ g. hamilai sit dekhaidinus na. Chapter 5 Body Parts (z/L/sf c¨x?) head- 6fpsf] tauko skull- vKk/ khappar face- cg'xf/ anuhar hair- skfn kapal brain- dl:tis mastiska eye- cf“vf aãkha eya lashes- k/]nf parela eyebrow- cf“vLef}+ aãkhibhau pupil- cf“vfsf]gfgL aãkha ko nani ear- sfg kan ear drum-sfgsf] hfnL kanko jali nose- gfs nak mouth- d'v mukh forehead- lgwf/ nidhar cheek- ufnf gala chin- Rofk" chyapu beard- bfx|L dahri moustache- h'“uf jũga lip- cf]+7 wõth tongue- lha|f] jibro teeth- bf“t daañt gum- luhf gija Neck/Throat- 3f“l6 ghañti Thyroid eminence- ?b|3l06 rudraghanti Thorax (chest)- 5ftL chhati breast- :tg stan/ b'w dudh lung- kmf]S;f] fokso heart-d'6' mutu ribs- s/ª karang Abdomen - k]6 pet stomach- e'“l8 bhuñdi liver- sn]hf] kalejo gall bladder- lkQ pitta spleen- lkmof] fiyo umbilicus- gfO6f] naito waist- sDd/ kammar urinary bladder- d"q y}nL mutra thaili ureter- d"q gln mutra nali vagina- of]lg yoni uterus- kf7]3/ patheghar penis- ln¨ linga testes- c08sf]z andakosh blood vessel- /Qmgln raktanali nerves- gzf nasa Upper limb/hand- xft haat Lower limb/leg/foot- v'§f arm- kfv'/f pakhura thigh- lt3|f tighra finger/toe- cf+}nf auñla thumb- a'l9 cf}+nf budhi auñla nail- gª nang elbow- s'Ogf] kuino wrist- gfl8 nadi joint- hf]gL{ jorni knee- 3'8“ f ghuda heel- s's'{Rrf kurkuchcha skin- 5fnf chhala muscle- df;' masu bone- xf8 haad vertebral column- d]?b08 merudanda Medical words abortion- ue{ktg garvapatan abuse- b'?kof]u durupayog accident- b'3{6gf durghatana acne- 8lG8kmf]/ dandifor addiction- gzf nasha admit- egf{ bharnaa alcohol- /lS; raksi anemia- /QmcNktf rakta alpata anorexia- vfg dg gnfUg] khana man nalagne anxiety- lyGtf chinta asthma- bd dum birth- hGd janma blind- cGwf] andho blood- /ut ragat boils- lknf] pilo burn- kf]n]sf] poleko cadaver- nf; laas cataract- df]ltljGb' motibindu chicken pox- 7]pnf theula cholera- x}+hf haĩja cold- lr;f] chiso; ?3f rugha congenital- hGdhft janmajat constipation- slAhot kabjiyat cough- vf]sL khoki crawling- jfd] ;g]{ bame sarne cry- ?g' runu deaf- alx/f] bahiro death- d[To' mrityu development- ljsf; bikas diabetes- dw'd]x madhumeha/ lrlg/f]u chinirog diarrhoea- kvfnf pakhala diet- vflGs khanki diphtheria- Eofu't] /f]u bhyagute rog discharge- axfj bahawa disease- /f]u rog doctor- lrlsT;s chikitsak dysentery- cfp“ aaũ dyspnea- ;f; km]g{ ux|f] x'g] saas ferna garo hune epilepsy- 5f/] /f]u chhare rog epistaxis- gfsaf6 /ut aUg] nak bata ragat bagne fatigue- ysfg thakan fever- Hj/f] jworo filariasis/elephantisis- xfQLkfOn] hattipaile first aid- k|ylds pkrf/ prathamik upachar genetic- j+;f0f'ut bansanugat glaucoma- hnljGb' jalbindu goitre- unuf“8 galagaãd gout- jfy bath grunting- sGg] kanne headache- 6fpsf] b'Vg] tauko dukhne health- :jf:Yo swasthya hospital- c:ktfn aspatal hunger- ef]s bhok hypertension- pRr /Qmrfk uchcha raktachap Immunization- vf]k khop indigestion- ckr apach inflammation- ;"hg sujan inspection- x]g'{ hernu itching- lrnfpg] chilaune jaundice- sdnlkQ kamalpitta labour- Joyf byatha lap- sfv kakh leprosy- s'i7/f]u kustha rog malnutrition- s'kf]z0f kuposan measle- bfb'/f dadura menstruation- dlxgfjf/L mahinawari mental- dfgl;s manasik MI- x[bo3ft hridayaghat microbes- ls6f0f' kitanu milk- b'w dudh mumps- xf“8] hãde nasal discharge- l;“ufg sĩgaan nausea- jfsjfs nfUg] wakwak lagne new born- gjhft lzz' nawajat sisu night blindness- /QmcNktf rakta alpata nutrition- kf]if0f poshan obesity- df]6f]kg motopan operation- zNols|of salyakriya ORS- hLjghn jiwanjal orthopedics- xf8hf]gL{ hadjorni ovum- c08f anda paediatrics- jfn/f]u baal rog pain- b'vfO{ dukhai palpation- 5fDg' chhamnu palpitation- d'6' 9's9's ug]{ mutu dhukdhuk garne paralysis- kIf3ft pachhyaghat parasite- k/lhjL parajibi pharmacy- cf}iflw k;n ausadhi pasal phobia- 8/ dar placenta- ;fn saal poison- ljif bis pollution- k|b'if0f pradusan powder- w"nf] dhulo pregnant- ule{0fL garvini/ b'O{ lhpsL dui jiuki problem- ;d:of samasya prolapse- v:g] khasne pruritis- lrnfpg] chilaune psychiatry- dfgl;s /f]u manasik rog puberty- lszf]/ cj:yf kisor awastha pus- lkk peep respiration- ;f; km]g]{ rhinitis- ?3f rugha saliva- y's thuk scar- bfu daag sedation- lgb|f nĩdra semen- ljo{ birya sexual intercourse- of}g ;Dks{ yaun samparka sick/patient- lj/fdL birami sinusitis- lkgf; pinas smell- ;'“£g' sughnu spectacles- r:df chasma speech- af]nL boli STDs- of}g/f]u yaunrog stiff- s8f kada stool- lbzf disa strabismus- 8]+9f] dedho stroke - kIf3ft pakshyaghat subcoastal recession- sf]vf xfGg] kokha hanne swelling- ;'Gg]sf] sunneko symptom- nIf0f lakchhyaan syphilis- lel/l¨ bhiringi syrup- eml]n jhol tablet- rlSs chakki temperature- tfks|d tapkram tenderness- b'vfO{ dukhai tension- tgfj tanav tetanus- wg'if6+sf/ dhanustankar thirst- ltvf{ tirkha trauma/injury- rf]6k6s chotpatak treatment/therapy- pkrf/ upachar tremor- sf“Dg] kamne tuberculosis- Ifo/f]u chhyayarog twin- h'DNofxf jumlyaha umbilical cord- gfn naal unconcious- j]xf]; behos urine- lk;fa pisab vomiting- jfGtf banta wart- d';f musa whooping cough- nx/] vf]sL lahare khoki wound/ulcer- 3fp ghau Nepali-to English Glossary ca ca]/ cleefjs cEof; crDd crfgs crf/ cbfnt cfwf cfwL clwsf/ cfw'lgs cufl8 cl3 cUnf] cfuf] cf1f cfOdfO{ P]gf cfsf/ cfsfz cvaf/ cflv/ clN5 cln cd/ cDaf cldnf] cd'No cfgGb cgf/ c~rn c08f cf“lw cf“ug cª\u'/ c+s cf“k cg'xf/ cg'/f]w cGo cfkm\Gff] cf/fd cy{ cfz cfzf clt ctLt cfpg' afbn abfd abdfz abgfd alx/f] afs; af“Rg' afgL af“; aQL a]Rg' a];f/ efn" e¥ofª efiff efif0f eft e6df; efp e'O{+rfnf] e'6\g' e'tk'j{ af]nrfn af]Ng' rSs' rng rGbf r/f] 5fnf 5ftf lrxfg lrq lrof Rofp bxL bfn b/ b/fh bof b]z wg l9+8f] 9f]sf 8f]sf] 8f]/L b'w PSsfl; ux“' un}+rf unt u/La ufp“ 3/ l3p luhf uLnf] xf8 xn'sf xTs]nf] xL/f Oltxf; hfuL/ hf“r ´08f ´f]n lhNnf h"n"; h"d|f h'g s8f sfh' sfvL sfd sf“qmf] slj sljtf v]n v]nf8L vL/ v'zL s'df/L s'g s'/f s';L{ nfd nf6f] nfQL masu df;' n. meat maato df6f]] n. earth, clay, soil maya dfof n. love mutu d'6' n. heart nacnu gfRg' v.i. to dance nadi gbL n. river naksha gSzf n. pattern, map naspati g:kftL n. pear nata gftf n. relationship, alliance nokar gf]s/ n. servant nun g'g n. salt okhati cf]vtL n. medicine pakaunu ksfpg' v.t. to cook pani kfgL n. water, rain paap kfk n. sin parda kbf{ n. curtain, screen pardesh k/b]z adv. abroad pasina k;Lgf n. sweat patalo kftnf] adj. thin pet k]6 n. stomach peti k]6L n. belt, pitho kL7f] n. flour pratyek k|To]s adj. every, everyone prithvi k[YjL n. earth pura k'/f adj. full, complete purano k"/fgf] adj. old, ancient pyaj Kofh n. onion ragat /ut n. blood raksi /S;L n. alcoholic drink rang /¨ n. colour rani /fgL n. queen rastra /fi6« n. nation raat /ft n. night ris l/; n. anger, wrath, irritation ritto l/Qf] adj. empty, hollow rogi /f]uL n. sick person roti /f]6L n. bread sabun ;fa'g n. soap sadak ;8s n. road [metalled] sagapat ;fukft n. (leafy) vegetables sahayog ;xof]u n. cooperation sahu ;fx' n. shopkeeper, merchant, trader sahuni ;fx'gL n. shopkeeper (female) sainik ;}lgs adj. military sajilo ;lhnf] adj. easy, simple samachar ;dfrf/ n. news, information samaj ;dfh n. society samasya ;d:o n. problem, dilemma sanga ;¨ postp. with, along with sano ;fgf] adj. small, little, inferior sarkar ;/sf/ n. government, administration sarpa ;k{ n. snake sathi ;fyL n. friend, companion shahid zfxLb n. martyr shanta zfGt adj. calm, quiet, mild, sharir z/L/ n. body shatru zq' n. enemy shuru z'¿ n. start, beginning sirak l;/s n. quilt sirani l;/fgL n. pillow siyo l;of] n. needle sungur ;'“u'/ n. pig, hog suntala ;'Gtnf n. orange surya ;"o{ n. sun taal tfn n. lake tara tf/f n. star tato tftf] adj. warm, hot thal yfn n. plate udnu p8\g' v.i. to fly udus p8'“; n. bedbug un pmg n. wool uttar pQ/ n. answer, reply; north yata otf adv. here yug o'u n. epoch, era, age yuva o'jf n. youth English-to Nepali Glossary about - sl/a karib abroad- ljb]z bidesh acquire- kfpg' paaunu advice- ;Nnfx sallaha after- kl5 pachhi afternoon- lbp“;f] diuso age- pd]/ umer airport- ljdfg:yn bimansthal alcohol- /lS; raksi all- ;a} sabai allow- lbg' dinu always- ;w}+ sadhai angry- l/;fpg' risaaunu anyone- sf]lxklg kohipani apple- :ofp syau arrive- cfOk'Ug' aaipugnu ask- ;f]Wg' sodhnu bad- g/fd|f] naramro bag- emf]nf jhola bangle- r"/f chura become- aGg' bannu begin- z'? ug'{ suru garnu belief- ljZjf; biswas below- tn tala big- 7"nf] thulo black- sfnf] kaalo blue- lgnf] nilo boil- pDng' umlanu book- lstfa kitaab boy- s]6f keta brahmin- afx'g bahun bridge- k"n pool buffalo- e}+;L bhaisi buy- lsGg' kinnu capital- /fhwfgL rajdhani cards- tf; taas chair- d]r mech cheap- ;:tf] sasto ciggerette- r"/f]6 churot city- zx/ sahar class- sIff kachhya clean- ;kmf safa clever- rnfv chalakh clothes- n'uf luga color- /ª rang cook (noun)- efG5] bhanchhe cook(verb)- ksfpg' pakaunu country- b]z desh day- lbg din difficult- ufx|f] gahro dirty- d}nf] mailo door- 9f]sf dhoka drink- lkpg' piunu easy- ;lhnf] sajilo empty- l/Qf] ritto exam- hf“r jaãch expensive- dx¨f] mahango family- kl/jf/ pariwar fat- df]6f] moto fear- 8/ dar field- v]t khet find- kfpg' paaunu finish- l;Wofpg' sidhyaunu food- vfgf khana foreigner- ljb]zL bideshi forget- la;{g' birsanu friend- ;fyL saathi fruit- kmnkm"n falful get- kkfpg' paaunu gift- pkxf/ upahaar give- lbg' dinu go- hfg' jaanu god- b]jtf dewata good- /fd|f] ramro guest- kfx'gf pahuna half- cfwf aadha happiness- v'zL khusi help- d2t ug'{ maddat garnu holiday- labf bida hope- cfzf aasha house- 3/ ghar hunger- ef]s bhok inside- leq bhitra job- hflu/ jaagir key- ;f“rf] saãcho late- l9nf] dhilo letter- lrl7 chithi market- ahf/ bajaar marry- laxf ug'{ biha garnu meat- df;' masu meet- e]6\g' bhetnu name- gfd naam new- gof“ nayaã newspaper- cvaf/ akhabaar nice- /fd|f] ramro novel- pkGof; upanyas old- k"/fgf] purano outside- aflx/ baahira own- cfÏgf] aafno people- dfG5]x? manchheharu place- 7fp“ thaau play- v]Ng' khelnu police- k|x/L prahari poor- u/La garib potato- cfn' aalu present- pkxf/ upahar problem- ;d:of samasya question- k|Zg prashna rain- kfgL paani read- k9\g' padhnu recognize- lrGg' chinnu rest- cf/fd ug'{ aaram garnu return- kmls{g' farkinu rice(cooked)- eft bhat rice(uncooked)- rfdn chaamal rich- wgL dhani river- vf]nf khola road- af6f] baato room- sf]7f kotha sad- b'vL dukhi search- vf]Hg' khojnu shoes- h'Qf jutta shop- k;n pasal sleep- lgb|f nidra song- uLt geet speak- af]Ng' bolnu stay- a:g' basnu straight- l;wf sidha strange- cgf}7f] anautho street- ;8s sadak student- ljBfyL{ bidhyarthi study- k9\g' padhnu sweets- ld7fO{ mithaai swim- kf}9L v]Ng' paudhi khelnu take- lng' linu tasty- ld7f] mitho tea- lrof chiyaa tell- eGg' bhannu temple- dlGb/ mandir thirst- ltvf{ tirkha tired- ylst thakit tourist- ko{6s paryatak towards- lt/ tira umbrella- 5ftf chhata university- ljZjljBfno biswabidhyalaya valley- pkTosf upatyaka vegetable- t/sf/L tarkari village- ufp“ gaau visit- hfg' jaanu/ e|d0f bhraman voice- :j/ swor wait- kv{g' parkhanu wash- w'g' dhunu watch- 3l8 ghadi water- kfgL paani weather- df};d mausam whole- k"/f pura window- √ofn jhyal witch- af]S;L boksi work- sfd kaam worry- lrGtf ug'{ chinta garnu worship- k"hf puja write- n]Vg' lekhnu year- jif{ barsha zero- z"Go sunya
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