presidents corner - Roadrunner Prospectors` Club
presidents corner - Roadrunner Prospectors` Club
Volume 27-3A Monthly Newsletter Published by the RoadRunner Prospector’s Club April 2013 PRESIDENTS CORNER The weather for prospecting is as near to perfect as its’ going to get. I went to the outing at the Double R claim as described on map 19. The “dig” was on Saturday, March 23rd and many other Roadrunners came out. Kris Smith deserves a vote of thanks for his work in digging the holes with the backhoe for us to work and also in filling them in afterward to stay within the BLM regulations. I was working in a hole along the old riverbed where some members said there was no gold. I found some, not a lot, but it still made my day. Gold was found in some of the small washes as well by other members and all had a good time. As many of you may be aware, there is a gate at the access road that had a chain on it, but no lock. This was to keep cattle from moving about. An individual, claiming to be the property owner, decided to put a strong chain and lock on that gate and some Roadrunners had difficulty leaving the property. To my knowledge, everyone got out but there were some minor problems. I understand we have using that road for decades and this is the first time I was aware of a problem. The Board has met and we are referring the matter to our attorney. Therefore, I am not going to say anything further about in this article, but rest assured, we will proceed to legally protect the Club’s rights. I am asking that no one use that gate until we work out this problem, as we do not want any type of confrontation. Until this is resolved, members can use the alternate access route as described in the previous version of Map 19 prior to March 2012. (see separate article in this newsletter) This month, April, we have the spring picnic at the same location as last year. I placed the food order with the caterer and the menu will be the same as last year with the BBQ being served at noon. The food will be excellent and I urge you to buy your tickets now. If people don’t purchase their tickets in advance there is a chance that they will not be able to purchase them at the picnic. It’s an open secret that I always plan for more attendance than the advance headcount, but one of these times I may get it wrong. Therefore, please buy your tickets now as we need as accurate a head count as is possible. I hope for a good turn out and am looking forward to it. It has come to the Boards attention that some one or a group of persons dug a huge hole on one of our claims, Turkey Buzzard #4, and did not fill in the hole. In fact the dirt disappeared, probably hauled off by the offending parties. I suspect that this was not done by any of our members and if you see anything of this nature occurring, please write down license numbers and give the Board the information. Hauling dirt off site for processing is not allowed and leaving holes unfilled is not allowed as all members are aware. Please help us protect our claims. Lastly, many of our members will be heading back north soon. We have enjoyed being with them this winter, renewing old acquaintances and wish them a safe journey to the cooler regions. We hope they have a good summer and will return next year to find the elusive ‘yellow’. Remember to be safe out there and make it a good month. - Frederick Horn, President April 2013 Page 1 BOARD & OFFICE DIRECTORY MONTHLY MEETINGS General Meetings: 3rd Thursday of the month - 7:00 PM @ Arizona American Italian club 7509 North 12th St. Phoenix, AZ (No meeting in December) Monthly outings: Held on the weekends following the Third Thursday of the month. Guests are welcome to attend regular meetings and outings. Board Meeting: forthTuesday of the month - 7:00pm Club Office New Member Orientation: Club Office 7:00 p.m.. See calendar for dates. The Bird Tailings is published as a service to Roadrunner Prospectors’ Club, Inc. members. Opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the management or of its members. Publication of information in this newsletter constitute, no guarantee of accuracy. Use of any information found in this newsletter is at the sole risk of the user. Neither the RRPC, it’s board of directors, nor the editor of this publication assume any liability for damages resulting from the use of information found within the newsletter content. PRESIDENT Fred Horn VICE PRESIDENT Karl Weber SECRETARY Carol Nickel TREASURER Bill Hunt 3 YEAR BOARD MEMBERS Bob Wierzal Bruce Myers 2 YEAR BOARD MEMBERS Jack Engbrecht The contents of this publication may not be reproduced either in part or in whole without written consent of the Roadrunner Prospectors’ Club. Randal Stockwood The newsletter encourages submissions of any article mining related, opinion pieces, cartoons, want-ads, sales of items, etc. 1 YEAR BOARD MEMBERS Reeve Kahabka Roadrunner Prospecting Club phone numbers: Bill Nickel News Letter Voice message 602-274-2521 Office Fax: 602-274-4335 ————————————————————— Office Manager Membership Manager Pete Baker Pete Baker Mailing address: RRPC P.O. Box 56804 Phoenix, AZ 85079 Email: Website Pete Baker Brian Jost Website: Club Office is located at: 2744 W. Osborn R. Phoenix, AZ 85017-5023 (Open 9:00am to 1:00pm Wednesday). Between Thomas Rd and Indian School Rd, west of 27th Ave. Member Address Change Form: Send to: RRPC, PO Box 56804, Phoenix, AZ 85079-6804 or email: Member Number: ________ Name: ________________________________________ New Address: __________________________________ __________________________________ Phone Number: _________________________________ April 2013 Page 2 Dues/Fees: • Annual dues are due by December 1st of each year. • Annual Maintenance Fee (AMF = $44.00) due by December 1st of each year. BUDDY LIST Echo Maurer, (623) 377-0808, Area: Surprise Available: Any day, Cannot drive. Equipment: Drywasher, Dredge, Hi-banker, final recovery systems. Have pickup. Limited driving due to vision problems. Preferred claims: Any claims area Dick Tucek, (623) 975-2849 Area: Surprise Available: Any day but Sunday, Can not drive Equipment: Metal Detector Preferred claims: Stanton area, Leave No Holes, Bumblebee King Mike Landgraf, (602) 678-6789, Area: 7th Ave./Dunlap - Sunnyslope Available: Any day, Can drive, 2WD, Intermediate Equipment: High-Banker, Metal detector Preferred claims: Turkey Creek “Have 650cc buggy for offroad, carries a lot. I’m retired.” Randall Stockwood, (928) 501-7901, Area: Pleasant Harbor Resort, Peoria Available: All days except Sunday, Can drive, 4WD Equipment: Dry washer, Metal detector Preferred claims: Any and all“Need some one to be with” Don Tennis, (575) 535-4463 Area: Meyer, AZ. Available: Fri., Sat., Sun., Can drive, 2WD Equipment: 2 ½” High-Banker, other misc. Preferred claims: Big Bug 1&2, Turkey Creek claims, Mercers “I am open to suggestions. Please call and we can go from there.” Rich Nipko, 321 432-8209, Email: Area: Goodyear Available: All days, Can drive, 2WD, Experienced Equipment: Metal detector, panning Preferred claims: Any “New to club, recently retired” Michael Schratt, 815 814-2145, Email: Area: Tempe Available: Saturdays, Sundays, Can drive Equipment: Metal Detector, pan Preferred Claims: all claims Interests: Nugget hunting, coin hunting, ancient artifacts, antique treasure maps, tales of lost or buried treasure Brian Venetz, 602 486-5976, Email: Area: Phoenix Available: Fridays, Saturdays, Can drive, 2wd, Beginner Equipment: Sluice, Pan Preferred Claims: All Claim dropped The Karen Lynn (claim J on Map 21) has been dropped. Please do not prospect on the claim. Our signs and poles have been removed. An updated map is enclosed in this newsletter. Thank you The following folks have joined RRPC since our last newsletter. Please welcome them into our club: Robert & Laurie Brainard Surprise, AZ Richard & Belva Mcmains Glendale, AZ Naomi & Ron Hensley Peoria, AZ Bob & Cora Terhune Peoria, AZ John & Patsy Estes Gilbert, AZ William & Brenda Riera Phoenix, AZ Marc & Joanna Cone Phoenix, AZ Bill Cone Phoenix, AZ Andrew Zweiger Dewey, AZ Terry & Janis Reese Litchfield Park, AZ Bill & Debbie Dyer Chandler, AZ Roy & Gail Mccracken Cottonwood, AZ Jean Rashkind Tempe, AZ Thorsen Levitte Anthem, AZ VIP Winners from the March Meeting: Richard Meisel – Claims Marking Faye Weber – Meeting Support Chuck Horner – Claims Marking ½ oz. Nugget Winner: Jean Rashkind April 2013 Page 3 Silver Rounds Our new 30 year 99.9% silver anniversary rounds have arrived and are now available for our members to purchase. Below, please note the cost of the rounds, guaranteed shipping and optional gift box. Rounds and gift boxes can be mailed or purchased at the monthly meeting. Purchasing rounds at the meeting will save members shipping and insurance charges. Gift boxes are in limited supply and rounds are being sold at or near cost. If you are purchasing silver rounds in person, at the meetings, the prices are: $45.00 per round w/o display box. $50.00 per round with the display box. Did You Know… The largest stockpile of gold is located five stories underground inside the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s vault. This vault holds 25% of the world's gold reserve (540,000 gold bars). Though this bank holds more gold than Fort Knox, most of it belongs to foreign governments. April 2013 Page 4 Roadrunner Prospectors Club, Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------------Please use this form to make Dues or AMF payments and for ordering replacement Maps or Badges or for ordering the 30th Anniversary Silver Rounds Name: _________________________________________________ Member Number: __________ Street Address: ___________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ___________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________________________________________________________ Replacement Maps: $20.00. Replacement Badges: $10.00 each. Dues Pymt: $__________AMF Pymt: $_______ Maps Pymt:$_______ Badges(s) Pymt: $_______ If ordering replacement badge(s), the name(s) as you want it to appear on the badge: (first name): ___________________________________________ (second name): ___________________________________________ ******************************************************************************** Use this section to order the 30th Anniversary Silver Round. Quantities are limited to TWO per membership. The price is $50 per round w/o display box and $55 per round with display box. (price includes shipping, handling, insurance and tracking). # of Silver Rounds (limit two) ___ @ $50 = $________. # of Display Boxes ___ @ $5 = ________. Total amount of order: $ ____________ ******************************************************************************** Please make Check or Money Order payable to: Roadrunner Prospectors Club, Inc. PO Box 56804 Phoenix, AZ 85079-6804 ******************************************************************************** Use this form if paying with a credit or debit card Credit/Debit Card: ___ ___ Please Print Legibly ___ Card Number: ________________________________________ CVV Number: ______ (on back of the credit card) Billing Address: Total Amount: _______ Exp. Date: ____/______ mm / yyyy First Name: _______________________ Last Name: ____________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________ April 2013 Page 5 Once again its time for RRPC’s Annual Spring Picnic April 20, 2013 Betty Claims, Map # 6 Events start at 10:00 am Tickets will be sold at the February and March General Meeting. Tickets also on sale by mail starting now - see below. Tickets cost $15.00 each, no charge for children under 12. Events include Pan Toss and Panning contests. Bring your own tables and chairs. Tickets may be ordered by mail. Send the form below and a SELF ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE to: SPRING PICNIC TICKETS P.O. BOX 56804 PHOENIX AZ 85079 Tickets will be held and given out at the picnic if there is not a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope. TICKETS SOLD AFTER Wednesday, April 10, 2013 must be picked up at the picnic location the morning of the event. -------------------------------------------------------------——————------ cut here -------------------------—————------------------------------------------- 2013 RRPC Annual Spring Picnic – April 20, 2013 Name: _________________________________________ Member # ________ Member ticket: __1__ (Green ticket for nugget drawing) Spouse/Partner ticket: ______ (White ticket) Number of tickets for children 12 and older: ______ (White tickets) Number of Guest Tickets: _____ (White tickets) Total tickets being purchased: ______ x $15 = _____ (total amount enclosed) Number of tickets for children under 12: ______ (No charge – White tickets) (Even though children under 12 eat free, they need a ticket so we can get an accurate headcount) Total tickets ordered: ______ April 2013 Page 6 April 2013 Classifieds For Sale: Life Membership #2098. $400, Buyer pays $250 transfer fee. AMF paid for 2013. Please call Paul at: (512) 516-2194(home) or (575) 574-8760(cell). For Sale: Life Membership #4052. $400, Buyer pays $250 transfer fee. AMF paid for 2013. Please call Gary or Tecla at (928) 639-4611 . For Sale: Life Membership #3170. $400, Buyer pays $250 transfer fee. AMF paid for 2013. Please call Joe at (480) 288-8339. For Sale: Life Membership #3279. $250, Buyer pays $250 transfer fee. AMF paid for 2013. Please call Bob at (480) 926-1298. For Sale: Life Membership #3208. $400, Buyer pays $250 transfer fee. AMF paid for 2013. Please call Debi at (623) 842-2910. For Sale: Life Membership #2552. $400, Buyer pays $250 transfer fee. AMF paid for 2013. Please call Jon at (706) 726-3491. For Sale: Life Membership #1110. $400, Buyer pays $250 transfer fee. AMF paid for 2013. Please call Jacki at (623) 877-2497. For Sale: Life Membership #1607. $400, Buyer pays $250 transfer fee. AMF paid for 2013. Please call Ray at (928) 899-8621. For Sale: Life Membership #2041. $400, Buyer pays $250 transfer fee. AMF paid for 2013 Please call Kevin at (920) 848-7788. For Sale: Life Membership #3634. $400, Buyer pays $250 transfer fee. AMF paid for 2013 Please call Alan at (602) 540 4728. For Sale: Life Membership #3583. $400. Buyer pays $250 transfer fee. AMF paid For 2013. Please call Bud at (480) 830-7949. For Sale: Life Membership #2329. $350. Buyer pays $250 transfer fee. AMF paid for 2013. Please call Gladys at (623) 977-3552 For Sale: Life Membership #3181. $300. Buyer pays $250 transfer fee. AMF paid for 2013. Please call Mike at (719) 495-4479. For sale: New 3" dredge hose, Tigerflex, SH300, grey, 36 feet at $6.00 a foot. Will cut. Also, 17 feet of Kanaflex #112cl, white for $50.00.Call Gail @ (480) 982-4147 For Sale: Deep Seeker – If your after large, deeply buried treasure, the Whites TM808 is for you. Use Cave Mode to locate caves, wells or tunnels. Paid $700.00, asking $400.00. Please call Charlotte at (928) 636 0598 For Sale: The Roadrunner club is selling the Gold Screw trammel. Just serviced with a new foot valve. Includes a complete service manual. $1,500.00 Call the club office (602) 274-2521 or email: Wanted: 4WD truck, and Quad and a Trailer. Also need a metal detector. And, looking for a white canvas wall tent. Please call Mike at (928) 499-0202 Wanted: One Roadrunner Club silver round year 2002 to complete my year date collection. Will pay $5.00 over spot silver price. Brad Rutledge #6240 (970) 879-7733 or For Trade: Looking for a Minelab X-terra 70 or 705 metal detector to trade for a Whites Gold Master metal detector. Please call Bill at: (602) 3488261. For Sale: Accurate Locator PI 5500 deep target detector. Find treasures, gold, meteorites. Also have the 18" blanket. $3,500.00. Gold Getter Buggy Recirculater/sluice. Holds over 300 gallons of water. Gas motor. $4,000.00. Call Jack at: (928) 427-9597. For Sale: Electrascope Model 301 Long Range Detector with video, manual, and hard case $1,500.00. Trommel (home made) 2.5 gas motor, reverse helix $1,200.00. Call Jack at: (928) 427-9597. April 2013 Page 7 Members enjoying the assessment dig on the RR claims. The weather was grand, the turnout was great and a little gold was found with a lot of hard digging. I think the biggest piece of gold out of the holes dug by Chris was the flake found by our club president, Fred Horn. April 2013 Page 8 April 2013 Page 9 Map 19 – Temporary Access GENERAL DIRECTIONS / LOCATION: Take Grand Ave (Hwy 60) or Carefree (Hwy 74) West 2.3 miles past their intersection in Morristown, to the Hanson Materials Concrete Co.. (This is just West of San Domingo Wash).Turn right and follow the road to the visitors sign. Set odometer to zero. Turn right at sign. Just short of the gate, turn left, then a quick right into the wash. At .3 miles, look for power line and BLM Off-Road Vehicle Sign. Turn right up the hill. At top of hill, the road makes a sharp left turn by the big Saguaro. Take this left branch. Follow this road to for 2.1 miles. Turn right and follow road for 3.8 miles. Turn right to main body of claims. The route may require high-clearance and/or some 4 WD. No motor homes or camp trailers. April 2013 Page 10 Shadow Mountain Screw Products Prospecting Equipment Repair 2545 E. Marilyn Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85032-4920 Ph - (602) 992-9173 Cell - (602) 625-4572 Howard R. Bentley NUGGET-SHOOTER Authorized Minelab & Nugget Finder Dealer Bill Southern 623-910-0345 Your Guide To Finding Gold Nuggets! Website: Mail Address: PO Box 576 Morristown, AZ 85342 “e” Mail Gold King Mfg LLC Prospecting Supplies Mavis (623)-386-6430 Scott (623)-694-4389 Home of the Hermit Pick Dry Washers, Maps, Accessories, Carbon Fiber Detector Shafts Calvin “Bunk” Bunker, 928-830-5350 PO Box 2581, Chino Valley, AZ 86323 RYAN DESHON - Owner Pat McCormick - Manager Falcon Metal Detectors PO Box 8353 Mesa AZ 85214 (480) 396-1181 Wally DeShon ROADRUNNER CLOTHING AND PRODUCTS Pro Gold Prospecting Equipment &Supplies is now the new distributor of the clothing and products for the club, you can go directly to the mining shop to purchase your shirts hats and decals, also Pro-Gold will be soon be offering some new items, such as hat pins Car window decals, Sweat pants and many more neat new things to show your support of the club. If you plan to go and buy the product from the store keep in mind that they will want to see that you are a current member so be sure to bring your current membership card, The store does not want to be selling club merchandise to non members. You can reach the mining shop at 623-6709732 if you have any questions. April 2013 Page 11 Roadrunner Prospectors’ Club P.O. Box 56804 Phoenix, AZ 85079-6804 PRESORTED FIRST-CLASS MAIL US POSTAGE PAID PHOENIX, AZ PERMIT NO. 5419 Support the 1872 Mining Law April 2013 Page 12
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