PRESIDENTS CORNER - Roadrunner Prospectors` Club
PRESIDENTS CORNER - Roadrunner Prospectors` Club
Volume 25, #7 A Monthly Newsletter Published by the RoadRunner Prospector’s Club September 2011 PRESIDENTS CORNER September is here and I am looking for the heat to abate from what I believe was the hottest August on record. I expect to be out on the claims again. With the price of gold reaching highs that most believed not possible in the short run, I think many others will be doing some prospecting as well. I expect that the price of gold will continue to rise over the long term, but I also believe we could see a downward correction in the short term. With that said, you may encounter non-members on our claims prospecting for the gold on our claims. We have said this before, but it is worth saying again. Wear your badge somewhere visible and if you see persons that clearly do not belong on our claims, get a description and license plate, if you can, and report it to the Board. If someone acts aggressive, back off with a smile. Do not be confrontational and if you feel threatened, call law enforcement. Always remember, this is recreation and we do not want to see any unfortunate incidents. We, the Board, will act and contact the authorities if we receive information. Also, if you see anyone on our claims, acting outside our Plans of Operation, please let the Board know immediately. Activities, such as using a backhoe or dredging out of season, not in accord with our plan of operations, hurt us all and may cause serious government legal action against us. As I said in a previous article, we follow the Mining Law of 1872, but we live in the 21st century with all its laws and regulations On a similar note, all members have map packets and information that the club has put together over many years. Please treat this information as confidential, do not copy it and make it available to non-members. We all, by way of our dues, paid for this information to be assembled and you really don’t want to give it away. Remember, the gold on our claims belongs to us, if we can find it. I look forward to a good season of prospecting and please have a safe month. -- Fred Horn MONTHLY MEETINGS General Meetings: 2nd Thursday of the month - 7:00 PM @ American Legion 364 N 7th Ave, Phoenix, AZ Monthly outings: Held on the weekends following the Third Thursday of the month. Guests are welcome to attend regular meetings and outings. Board Meeting: forthTuesday of the month - 7:00pm Club Office New Member Orientation: Club Office 7:00 p.m.. See calendar for dates. The Bird Tailings is published as a service to Roadrunner Prospectors’ Club, Inc. members. Opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the management or of its members. Publication of information in this newsletter constitute, no guarantee of accuracy. Use of any information found in this newsletter at the sole risk of the user. Neither the RRPC, it’s board of directors, nor the editor of this publication assume any liability for damages resulting from the use of information found within the newsletter content. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced either in part or in whole without written consent of the Roadrunner Prospectors’ Club. The newsletter encourages submissions of any article mining related, opinion pieces, cartoons, want-ads, sales of items, etc. BOARD & OFFICE DIRECTORY PRESIDENT Fred Horn (480) 297-4461 VICE PRESIDENT Karl Weber (623) 340-4618 SECRETARY Carol Nickel (623) 872-9480 TREASURER Bill Hunt (602) 348-8261 3 YEAR BOARD MEMBERS Bill Nickel (623) 872-9480 News Letter Reeve Kahabka (480) 813-4693 2 YEAR BOARD MEMBERS Bob Wierzal (480) 481-0799 Roadrunner Prospecting Club phone numbers: Voice message 602-274-2521 Office Fax: 602-274-4335 Ron Matlewsky (520) 509-4475 Mailing address: RRPC P.O. Box 56804 Phoenix, AZ 85079 Email: 1 YEAR BOARD MEMBERS Jack Engbrecht (480) 460-2222 Travis Brown (602) 487-2144 Website: Club Office is located at: 2744 W. Osborn R. Phoenix, AZ 85017-5023 (Open 9:00am to 1:00pm Wednesday). Between Thomas Rd and Indian School Rd, west of 27th Ave. Member Address Change Form: Send to: RRPC, PO Box 56804, Phoenix, AZ 85079-6804 or email: Member Number: ________ Name: ________________________________________ New Address: __________________________________ __________________________________ Phone Number: _________________________________ August 2011, Page 2 Office Manager Pete Baker (602) 274-2521 Website Tom Egan (480) 782-5148 Dues/Fees: • Annual dues are due by December 1st of each year. • Annual Maintenance Fee (AMF = $20.00) due by December 1st of each year. • • $20.00 Map Packet Replacement Fee $10.00 badge Replacement Fee The following folks have joined RRPC since our last newsletter. Please welcome them into our club: Bob & Delores Wright Kelso, WA Earnest Clark Mayer, AZ Joe Cardillo Phoenix, AZ Herbert & Katheryn Dibbern Peoria, AZ Lisa & Bob O’Hara Chandler, AZ Doug Clem & Tracy Sharp Paulden, AZ VIP winners at the July meeting: Myrna Bouchey – Steak Fry Al Childress – Meetings Harold Stover – Office Support Great Day For Prospecting In The Pines The weather was cool and overcast. Several members detected the area of the coin shoot from the June outing and many of the still hidden English pennies were found. Lois Smith found several English pennies and a special find of several old pennies from the past. There was no water to dredge, but drywashers and recirculators worked well with material from the bottom of the stream where you usually can’t work. Roadrunners are he Best! GOLD!!!! Is on our minds – just give us a pan, a pick, a shovel – not a stick and we’ll go find GOLD!! Sheryal & Chuck Picture Captions: 1582 - Bill - 4 coins 1584 - Jane Boast - Found flakes recirculating Next Page 1592 - Lois Smith - Old coins 1596 - Richard Nipko - Lots of treasure August 2011, Page 3 Help your club - volunteer today! Credit/Debit Cards Now Being Accepted Effective September 1, 2011, the club will be accepting Visa, MasterCard and Discover credit and debit cards for dues and AMF payments. Payments may be made at the office or at any of the monthly meetings. You may also purchase replacement maps and badges using this service. There is an order/payment form in the newsletter that should be used for ordering or making payments. Simply fill out the form with the appropriate payment information and mail it to the office. Of course, we will still accept cash or money order for payment. New member applications will also offer this payment option. Thank you. PLEASE STAY OUT OF THIS AREA We have been notified by BLM that they are conducting a “Range Vegetative Transect Study” on our Leave No Holes #1 claim and they are asking us to STAY OUT OF THIS AREA while the study is being conducted. This study translates into English as follows. Much of the area is open to cattle grazing and BLM is studying the damage that this grazing does to the forage and fauna in a given area over time. The area being studied is a 60 foot wide by 160 foot long area about .1 of a mile into the claim on the right hand side. The GPS coordinates of the S.E. corner of the test area (the corner closest to the road) are, 34 degrees, 8 minutes, 7.37 seconds by 112 degrees, 43 minutes and 15.24 seconds. There are small BLM markers on the ground and we have put small wooden stakes with reflective tape at each corner to designate the area. Please STAY OUT OF THE AREA UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. When I asked how long this might be, BLM did not have an answer but you can bet it will be a long time probably several years. August 2011, Page 4 Roadrunner Prospectors Club, Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Please use this form to make payments for Dues, AMF, Maps or Replacement Badges Name: _________________________________________________ Member Number: ________ Street Address: __________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________________________________________________ Replacement Maps: $20.00. Replacement Badges: $10.00 each. Dues Pymt: $__________AMF Pymt: $_______ Maps Pymt:$_______ Badges(s) Pymt: $_______ Name as you want it to appear on the badge: __________________________________________ (second name): __________________________________________ Please make Check or Money Order payable to: Roadrunner Prospectors Club, Inc. PO Box 56804 Phoenix, AZ 85079-6804 -------------------------------------------------------------------Use this form if paying with a credit or debit card Please Print Legibly Credit/Debit Card: ___ ___ ___ Card Number: ________________________________________ CVV Number: ______ (on back of the credit card) Total Amount: ______ Exp. Date: ____/______ mm / yyyy Billing Address: First Name: _______________________ Last Name: __________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________ State: ___________ ZIP: _____________ Phone Number: ________________________ Member Number: ________________________ Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: _________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------- August 2011, Page 5 Wanted: (1) 2002 Arizona Prospector silver round for my collection. Will pay $3.00 over SPOT CASH price, plus $2.00 First Class shipping. Brad Rutledge #6240, Phone: 970-8797733 or For Sale: MineLab Sovereign Elite metal detector, digital target ID, 2 rechargeable battery packs, 1 AA battery pack, ear phones, carry bag, user manual, coil cover, dust cover, hip mount bag. $600.00 Call Frenchie at: (928) 427-3508. Wanted: Gold King DPC Concentrator. Call Doug at: (928) 632-9146 For Sale: Keene Model 140 Vibrostatic Back Packing Drywasher with Hi vac system. List price $995.00. Sale price $700.00 used only a couple of times. I need a bigger one. I will be in Stanton and Phoenix Az. area the month of October. Call Jerry in Denver at: 303-918-1807. For Sale: Keene 2 1/2 " dredge. Perfect for the Bradshaws. NEW and Never used. Includes Honda Gx120 motor (4.0 HP) and compressor. Easy to maneuver. $1250 FIRM. Call Rich @ 602-361-4584. For Sale: Black Magic with protective sleeve, 20 mesh screen, and pump. $80 Call Chuck at (623) 362-1999 For Sale: White’s MXT Metal Detector – two heads, carrying case, head-set, all manuals – 4 yrs old. $500.00. Call Earl at (602) 359-5320 For Sale: 2” Backpack gold dredge with many extras $300, Keene 40x10 sluice box $50, Super crevice sucker $20, Gold Bug metal detector $250. Call Don in Prescott at 928-899-0737 For Sale: Thousand Trails Nation Gold Membership. $1,000 plus transfer fees. Dues paid for 2011. Call Karl at: (623) 3404618 For Sale: 2 1/2" Keene Dredge. 3hp Briggs and Stratton motor. Has almost new pump, suction hose and pressure hose. I am selling it because I have 2 and my wife says I can only use one at a time. $425. Call Dave at: (928) 445-0564. For Sale: Life Membership #3487 -- $400. Buyer pays transfer fee. Please call Don at (928) 899-0737 For Sale: Life Membership #1667 -- $400. Buyer pays transfer fee. Please call David at (480) 324-8134 For Sale: Life Membership #3334 -- $400. Buyer pays transfer fee. Please call Gloria/Raymond at (575) 894-5955 For Sale: Natural Australian Gold Nuggets from the Kalgoorlie region. Total of approx. 7.6 oz. Sizes range from approx. 2.0 gm to 100.7 gm. They are beautiful, approx. 95% + pure gold. None better. Would make great jewelry or investment. Serious buyers only. Spot plus 5%. Call Jim at (480) 3321691. Please note, Life Memberships may only be purchased by current RRPC annual members in good standing. August 2011, Page 6 Shadow Mountain Screw Products Prospecting Equipment Repair 21411 N 11th Ave Suite #6 Phoenix, AZ 85027 Ph - (623)582-6088 Fax - (623)852-6215 Howard R. Bentley NUGGET-SHOOTER Authorized Minelab & Nugget Finder Dealer Bill Southern 623-910-0345 Your Guide To Finding Gold Nuggets! Website: Mail Address: PO Box 576 Morristown, AZ 85342 Home of the Hermit Pick Dry Washers, Maps, Accessories, Carbon Fiber Detector Shafts Calvin “Bunk” Bunker, 928-830-5350 PO Box 2581, Chino Valley, AZ 86323 Gold King Mfg LLC Prospecting Supplies Mavis (623)-386-6430 Scott (623)-694-4389 RYAN DESHON - Owner Bobby Shearon - Manager Falcon Metal Detectors PO Box 8353 Mesa AZ 85214 (480) 396-1181 Wally DeShon ROADRUNNER CLOTHING AND PRODUCTS Pro Gold Prospecting Equipment &Supplies is now the new distributor of the clothing and products for the club, you can go directly to the mining shop to purchase your shirts hats and decals, also Pro-Gold will be soon be offering some new items, such as hat pins Car window decals, Sweat pants and many more neat new things to show your support of the club. If you plan to go and buy the product from the store keep in mind that they will want to see that you are a current member so be sure to bring your current membership card, The store does not want to be selling club merchandise to non members. You can reach the mining shop at 623-6709732 if you have any questions. August 2011, Page 7 Roadrunner Prospectors’ Club P.O. Box 56804 Phoenix, AZ 85079-6804 PRESORTED FIRST-CLASS MAIL US POSTAGE PAID PHOENIX, AZ PERMIT NO. 5419 Support the 1872 Mining Law RRPC RRPC Calendar of Events Board Meeting Sep-11 General Meeting 9/8/2011 ** 09/20/11 New Member Orientation (not scheduled) RRPC Outing/ Event 09/17/11 Oct-11 10/13/2011 ** 10/25/11 (not scheduled) 10/22/11 Nov-11 11/22/11 12/20/11 11/9/11 - 1pm & 7pm 12/14/11 - 7pm 11/19/11 Dec-11 11/10/11 ** (Annual Meeting) None Jan-12 01/19/12 01/24/12 1/11/12 - 7pm 01/21/12 Feb-12 02/16/11 02/21/11 2/8/12 - 7pm 02/18/11 Mar-12 03/15/12 03/20/12 3/7/12 - 7pm 03/17/12 Apr-12 04/19/12 04/24/12 4/11/12 - 7pm 04/21/12 May-12 05/17/12 05/22/12 5/11/12 - 7pm 05/19/12 Jun-12 06/21/12 06/26/12 6/6/2012 - 7pm 06/23/12 Jul-12 07/19/12 07/24/12 TBA 07/21/12 Aug-12 08/16/12 08/21/12 8/10/11 - 7pm 08/18/12 12/10/11 ** = New Meeting Location and Revised Date New Member Orientation is held at the club office at 2744 W. Osborn Rd, Phoenix August 2011, Page 8 Location Bumble Bee King Map 26 Bumble Bee King Map 26 Leave No Holes Map 21 Sahuaro Ranch Park - Phoenix Red Basin Map 13 Cass Claims Map 12 Red Bird Claims Map 17 Betty Claims Map 6 Turkey Creek Claims Map 8 Turkey Creek Claims Map 8 Turkey Creek Claims Map 8 Turkey Creek Claims Map 8 Special Event Coin Shoot Steak Fry Assessment Assessment Spring Picnic Mercer Claim
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