Cover-ACM 2014.indd - Atlantic County Magazine
Cover-ACM 2014.indd - Atlantic County Magazine
WE DELIVER! WHY IS YAMA YUMMY? BECAUSE OF QUALITY Best Sushi! Philadelphia Magazine June 2010 South Jersey Magazine June 2011 Visit Us on Facebook! Business Hours: • Mon.-Sat. Lunch 12:00 Noon-3:00pm • Mon.-Sat. Dinner 3:00pm-10:30pm • Sun. 1:00pm-10:30pm 5305 Atlantic Ave., Ventnor, NJ 822-8007 • 822-8105 PAGE 2 ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE • 1 & 2 BR Luxury Apts. • Fully Equipped Kitchen • W/D & Microwave • Heated Pools • Spa • 24 hr. Emergency Service Mon - Fri 9-5 • Sat. 9-1 Sun. & Evenings by Appointment 400 Manor Drive, Absecon (Rt. 9 & California Ave.) • 609-641-0006 • • email: Find Us on Facebook ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 3 THE AC BAR & GRILL WWW.ATLANTICCOUNTYMAGAZINE.COM The enTire conTenTs of ATlAnTic counTy MAgAzine Are copyrighTed. our 40Th yeAr! Michael stark Mike Breslin deana M. Kozlowski sarah hoffman ginette slaughter Kevin, Mike, Victor, Gary Todd cohen publisher Account Executive Art director production & design Manager graphic designer Distribution south Jersey Matters Atlantic County Magazine is distributed to over 500 distribution points, including Super Wa wa's, hotels, motels, restaurants, night clubs, condominiums, apartment buildings, convenience stores and supermarkets located in Atlantic City, Brigantine, Ventnor, Margate, Longport, Somers Point, Linwood, Bargaintown, Northfield, Cardiff, Egg Harbor Township, Hamilton Twp., Pleasantville, Absecon, Pomona and Smithville & most A.C. Casinos yearly subscriptions: $75.00 All correspondance should be addressed to: ridgewood plaza #203 2327 new rd., northfield, nJ 08225 (609) 568-5437 • Fax: 568-5441 PAGE 4 ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE IS THE SPOT TO WATCH YOUR FOOTBALL GAMES. SEE PAGE 2 69 19 SI NC E TM SACK O’ SUBS 5217-19 VENTNOR AVE. VENTNOR, NJ • 823-2552 10AM-10PM • WE DELIVER • Hot & Cold Subs • Sandwiches • Wraps • Salads • Sub Style Party Trays • Kid’s Meals • Vegetarian Specials Now Serving Family Style Dinners Starting at 4pm. VISIT US ON Eat-in • Take-Out • Delivery Visit Our Other Locations… Prices vary at each location. NOW OPEN at Ballys Harrah's 441-5034 WARDS PASTRY Open 7 Days a Week 926 Asbury Avenue, 784 White Horse Ocean City, NJ Pike • Located in Absecon Center 525-0460 646-6555 borhood The Flavor of the Neigh Have You Kissed Our Cinnamon Buns Lately? HAS ALL OF YOUR SWEET TREATS FOR A FOOTBALL PARTY OR ANY OCCASION. Find Us on Facebook 399-1260 Ocean City 730 Asbury Avenue, . 7am-5pm .-Fri. 7am-6pm • Sat Mon Sun. 7am-2pm ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 5 REVIEWS ‘ROUND THE REGION By Sharon Harris-Zlotnick GREG ALBER PHOTOGRAPHY SMILE PRETTY Have you noticed how our society is obsessed with pictures of what we all do? Credit or blame it-depending on your perspective-on social media and technology that makes everything available immediately for instant gratification. However, there are life and business occasions when only a professional photographer will do. Greg Alber, owner of Greg Alber Photography in Atlantic City, has successfully enhanced the images of his personal and commercial subjects for 30 years. His extensive career has taken him to exotic locations while also concentrating on the most personal family occasions. Technologically savvy couples can contract for the $1,600 flash drive packAlber opened his first studio, Photo Dimensions, Inc. in Atlantic City's Gor- age. Alber is on site all day and later delivers a flash drive, filled with images, don's Alley in 1984. He photographed entertainment and advertising for the and a wedding box to the couple. They can then design their own album. new casinos. He spent the next 20-plus years building his reputation and Alber will also include the preview book in the deal. photography portfolio. "Ironically, it's the younger couples asking for the traditional wedding alAlber relocated to nearby Margate in 2007, and took on more beach, wed- bums. It takes two months to retouch and edit because I correct all imperding and hotel photography . At the same time, from 2007-2012, he traveled fections. Older couples often choose the flash drive and then use an outside the Eastern Seaboard, up through New England, working for From House to company to create their album," Alber says. Home and Food & Wine magazines. "I primarily photographed high-end beautiful homes and delicious dishes prepared by great chefs," says Alber. He returned to Atlantic City in 2012 to open a small gallery and studio office in the Noyes Art Garage Stockton College, which is located in the Wave parking garage. Alber now focuses on head shot photos, wedding and family photography, commercial work, website updates and hotels pictures. He divides his professional time equally between personal and commercial work and travels from Cape May to Philadelphia and up into New York for a photography assignment. Being located along the Jersey Shore has its photographic advantages. "There are many 'water' people here with summer homes. Because they love the beach and want their family photography to also reflect the water, the trend for many family photos is a shot of the kids on the beach. For weddings, beach scenes have also become more popular. Many couples view it as a romantic backdrop, especially if that is where they met," says Alber. Alber marvels at the smaller technology of modern cameras. He says, "The compact memory can hold the images on small cards. Back in the day, we carried grocery bags full of camera equipment and film. It is amazing how far technology has advanced and what new smart device apps can do. I learn something every day from this generation with new ideas." ------------------------------------------I have some advice for you. Upon receiving these photographs or albums, identify the people immediately. They will only be recognizable for a few generations, at most. When my grandmother passed away years ago, we found dozens of old photographs of her, my grandfather and my dad, often standing with other people. I recognized some, but those unnamed others will never be known. What I could see was that many were taken in a bygone Atlantic City era, when grand hotels ruled the Boardwalk and people dressed up to reflect good manners and propriety. What those pictures-and others lining the walls of many local businesses-do is offer a history of the Shore once upon a time. Although Alber may take advantage of these and other photographic oppor- FEEDBACK FROM YOU tunities, he will also photograph a wedding day that incorporates tradition. I would love to hear your ideas/suggestions. Email He comes to the bride's home and then snaps candid, posed portrait, photo- In the subject line, put FEEDBACK FOR SHARON and it will be forwarded. journalistic and storybook shots throughout the course of the wedding day. Alber mixes old and new in his work since it takes time to pose the couple GREG ALBER PHOTOGRAPHY and their families. Noyes Arts Garage (off the Atlantic City Expressway) However, technology advances and changes in the way people want to be 2200 Fairmount Ave. photographed have impacted Alber's professional work. He admits , "Times Atlantic City have changed since the introduction of social media. I can't fight that so I 609-334-2800 created my own Facebook page at SeaShorePhoto where I can post images of the different types of work I do." Alber offers two different wedding photography packages that require a onethird deposit. For $1,600-$2,800, couples will receive a traditional coffee Credit cards accepted. Open Wednesday-Monday from 11 a.m.-8 table album, as will their parents. p.m. through Christmas Day. Winter hours will be 10 a.m.-6 p.m., beginning January 1, 2015. Call for more information. PAGE 6 ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE Shop Small Business! Millie's Jewelry END OF SUMMER SALE (NEW LOOK - NEW MERCHANDISE) STORE WIDE SALE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST *consignment & 14K not included in sale BATTERY SPECIAL $4.50 For Most Batteries~One Coupon Per Watch Specialty watches May Be Extra• exp: 9/30/14 J EW EL RY R EPA I R P EA R L R ES T R IN G I N G Our everyday low price of $3 an inch 6405 Ventnor Avenue, Ventnor • 822-0123 BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY Fox & Roach Realtors 100 YEARS STRONG! Virginia "Ginny" Sutor & Marilyn “LYNN” Sutor RULES TO LIVING A 100-YEAR HEALTHY & ACTIVE LIFE Call us, your Real Estate Specialists in the downbeach area for over 20 years! MARILYN “LYNN" SUTOR VIRGINIA "GINNY" SUTOR Reach Lynn at: Reach Ginny at: 609-487-7291 Direct 609-487-7290 Direct 609-576-3484 Cell 609-226-0593 Cell MARGATE Spacious 4 bedroom Living room, Den plus playroom Great layout & neighborhood Call for appointment! FRESH START'S THREE FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPLES: 1. Spine & Nerves - We all need a healthy spine and nerves to live a long, healthy, active pain-free life. 2. Nutrition - We all need building blocks and energy from food to create a healthy environment and fight disease. 3. Fitness - We all need to take care of our body if we want to get the most from our body. CHIROPRACTIC - NUTRITION - WEIGHT LOSS Please visit or call for more information. Dr. John Fresh, D.C. & Dr. Jennifer Fresh, D.C. 9218 Ventnor Avenue, Margate 609-822-4200 Find Us on Facebook 926-8900 6 Shore Rd., Linwood, NJ 08221 ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 7 GE 40 MEDIA DRIVE QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 12804 518-792-9914 1-800-833-9581 We Deliver 11am to 10pm • All Major Credit Cards Accepted • STUMPERS S T R O P S Movie quotes By George Dickie cluding nose hair. When this guy sneezes, he looks like a party 8016 Ventnor Avenue, favor.” Margate, NJ 08402 7) “This young man has had Identify the movie that the fola very trying rookie season, lowing quotes are from: with the litigation, the notoriety, 1) “What the hell is and Brettwraps Favre•Now serving Multigrain Sub Rolls •Subs, Pizza his subsequent deportation to doing here?” Canada and that country’s • Employee Dining •Employee Recognition Parties re2) “Hi, my name’s Mae, and that’s fusal to accept him. I guess that’s •Sporting Events Bowl Parties) more than a name; that’s an at- (Super more than most 21-year-olds can titude.” •Special Event Parties •Catering handle.” 3) “This is my corn. •Have You people 8) “It’s License like my ex-wife — 21 difCasino Vendor are guests in my corn.” ferent personalities and seven of •FedEx Anywhere in the U.S. 4) “Inside each and every one them hated me.” of us is our one, true, authentic look forward to exceeding your expectations swing — We something we was born Answers: with; something that’s ours and 1) “There’s Something About ours alone; something that can’t Mary” be learned; something that’s got 2) “A League of Their Own” to be remembered.” 3) “Field of Dreams” 5) “People who confuse brains 4) “The Legend of Bagger Vance” and luck can *There get intowill a lotnooflonger be5) “North Dallasmenu* Forty” a full breakfast trouble.” 6) “Major League” 6) “Heywood leads the league 7) “Slap Shot” in most offensive categories, in8) “Any Given Sunday” © Zap2it 609-822-6602 • 609-822-0670 Serving breakfast sandwiches ALL DAY! Open 7 Days 9am-10:00pm South Jersey Matters W O R D SEARCH By Todd Cohen Send your news to Todd Cohen, SJ Matters, P.O. Box 3351, Margate, NJ 08402-3351 Single Parents Society Dance Socials September 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th If you enjoy dancing or just listening to great music, then have I got an event for you! Elizabeth Gorman, one of our long-time readers, who enjoys this column, advises us about a note-worthy event. The Single Parents Society Shore Chapter presents a note-worthy weekly Dance Social each Tuesday at 8PM til 10:30PM at the Social Hall of the Somers Point Fire House Co. #1 located on Bethel Road in Somers Point, NJ. Refreshments will be served. Live music will be provided. The group has been meeting in Somers Point for over 30 years. A different musical entertainer or musical group will perform each week. On September 9, 2014, dance to the music of Tony DeLuca. On September 16, 2014, it's a '50's Dance with the musical duo, "Star." On September 23, 2014, enjoy the music of Johnny Tocco. The month of September Dance Socials concludes September 30, 2014 with the music of Kevin Kelton. The cost of the event is $8 for members and $10 for non-members. The event is open to all ages. The public is invited to attend. There will be some line dances and a mixer, too. For further details or status of events due to inclement weather, call the group's President Rita Voli at (609) 886-9347. PAGE 8 ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE Release the week of September 7 - September 13, 2014. Find Us on Facebook ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 9 PAGE 10 ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE Vietnamese & Vegetarian Cuisine Serving Lunch & Dinner Hours: Monday - Saturday Noon - 10pm Sunday Noon - 9pm Closed Tuesday (609) 347-9119 Featured in the July 4, 2013 MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS OPEN FOR DINNER FRI. & SAT. • 5PM FREE ON PREMISE PARKING 106 N. Dorset Ave., Ventnor 609-822-8366 Located 1 Block West of the Dorset Avenue Bridge Come See Our New Menu • Full Seating • Delivery • Take Out Zagat Survey Rated "Excellent" 20 Consecutive Years 5 Star Rating Absolutely Authentic" issue of the NY Times Lunch Specials Monday - Friday, 11am - 3pm Our One & Only Location: 2801 Arctic Ave., Atlantic City Corner of Iowa & Arctic • 3 blocks from Tropicana on Iowa • Serving Lunch & Dinner • Gluten-Free Menu • Daily Pizza Specials Plan your special occasion with us. Parties, Weddings, Baptisms, Rehersal Dinners 646-8332 641-8332 Black Horse Pike and Main St 6106 BHP Risley Commons Egg Harbor Township Pleasantville • FULL BAR BYOB HAPPY HOUR & (next to Atlanticare) DRINK SPECIALS Just minutes from Atlantic City Major Credit Cards Accepted Find Us on Facebook ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 11 PAGE 12 ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE T V CHALLENGE Christine’s Italian Pastry Shoppe 40 MEDIA DRIVE QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 12804 518-792-9914 1-800-833-9581 314-316 Tilton Rd., Northfield • Phone: 646-5666 (2 doors from Radio Shack) SProducts TUMPERS TS RGluten-free P O Ordering SHomemade Is BEST Cakes • Muffins • Pies • Breads • Etc... Movie quotes Cookies • Party Trays & Much More By GeorgeCheck Dickie us out on cluding nose hair. When this guy sneezes, he looks like a party favor.” 7) “This young man has had a very trying rookie season, with the litigation, the notoriety, his subsequent deportation to Canada and that country’s refusal to accept him. I guess that’s more than most 21-year-olds can handle.” 8) “It’s like my ex-wife — 21 different personalities and seven of them hated me.” © Zap2it Identify the movie that the following quotes are from: 1) “What the hell is Brett Favre doing here?” 2) “Hi, my name’s Mae, and that’s more than a name; that’s an attitude.” 3) “This is my corn. You people are guests in my corn.” 4) “Inside each and every one of us is our one, true, authentic swing — something was born Answers: • Convertibles • SportweVehicles with; something that’s ours and Call: 1) “There’s Something About oursVans alone; something that can’t • Mini • 15 Passenger Vans FREE Mary” PICK-UP be learned; something that’s got 2) “A League of Their Own” • Conversion Vans to be remembered.” 324 E. White Horse Pk. 3) “Field of Dreams” who 4) “The Legend of Bagger Vance” plus5) a“People full line ofconfuse Movingbrains Vans Galloway, NJ 08205 and luck can get into a lot of 5) “North Dallas Forty” & Trucks (4 “Major miles from Atlantic City) trouble.” 6) League” 6) “Heywood leads the league 7) “Slap Shot” in most offensive categories, in8) “Any Given Sunday” RENTS N HA MORE TARS! JUST C HOLIDAY - VACATION SPECIALS 652-8611 W O R D SEARCH Let Us Design Your Ad! ADVERTISING RATES (PER ISSUE) 8 Week Contract 1 Week Full Page $235.00 $260.00 1/2 Page $150.00 $175.00 1/4 Page $90.00 $105.00 (For Full Color Add 30%) 1/8 Page $55.00 $65.00 2327 NEW ROAD • RIDGEWOOD PLAZA • NORTHFIELD, NJ 08225 (609) 568-5437 • FAX (609) 568-5441 • E-Mail: Custom Find Us onFeatures Facebook Release the week of September 7 - September 13, 2014. ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 13 DOLLAR $TRETCHING DIVA$ Identity Theft With so many of our friends and neighbors struggling to make ends meet, identity theft may not be high on your priority list right now. However, it should be, due to the huge increase in this crime. Having your identity stolen can cause expensive and long lasting financial problems. These simple tips can help: • Disregard any email, phone or text messages that ask for personal information • Shred personal documents before disposing of them • Review credit reports annually. You can get a free report from or by calling 1-877-322-8228. • Report stolen or missing credit cards to the issuer right away • Review credit card statements for unknown charges and bank statements for unfamiliar transactions • Check for errors on explanation of benefits (EOB) from your health insurance plan • Be careful about posting personal information on social media sites • When shopping online, look for web sites with an icon of a lock. It will appear on the bottom part of the web browser page. Also look for a URL address that changes from “http” to “https” for the page where you enter the personal data. • When choosing passwords, make them long and include letters, numbers and symbols. Don’t make it personal such as your name and date of birth. Also, don’t make it so long that you can’t remember it. Use words or phrases with upper and lower case letters with symbols and numbers. These tips will make it more difficult for hackers. To further protect yourself while on line, Consumer Reports recommends a program called Last Pass, which is free for online use and $12/year for mobile devices. If you are a victim of identity theft, the Federal Trade Commission has a publication available to help you. Call 1-877-438-4338 or visit We hope these tips will help to keep you a little safer. Have a dollar stretching diva day, See you next time. Diane and Peach If yOu wOuLD LIkE THE DIVAs TO spEAk TO yOuR GROup OR ORGANIzATION, CONTACT us AT DOLLARsTRETCHINGDIVAs@COmCAsT.NET OR C/O ATLANTIC COuNTy mAGAzINE, 2327 NEw RD. #203, NORTHfIELD, NJ 08225 FRIDAY EVENING 6:00 (3-CBS) (6-ABC) (10-NBC) (17-MNT) (23-PBS) (29-FOX) (40-NBC) (57-CW) (A&E) (AMC) (CNN) (COM) (DISC) (DISN) (ESPN) (ESPN2) (FNEWS) (HBO) (HIST) (ION) (LIFE) (MAX) (NICK) (SPIKE) (TBS) (TCM) (TNT) (USA) PAGE 14 6:30 SEPTEMBER 5, 2014 7:00 7:30 Insider 8:00 8:30 Stand Up to Cancer 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 Hawaii Five-0 Å News CBS Ent News ABC Jeopardy! Wheel News News MLB Baseball Philadelphia Phillies at New York Mets. (Live) Stand Up to Cancer Shark Tank Å Blue Bloods Å 20/20 Å Dateline NBC Å Two Men Big Bang Big Bang Mod Fam Monk Å Monk Å News News Midsomer Midsomer Murders One/One News Rosemary/Thyme News Inside Ed. TMZ Å Simpsons Stand Up to Cancer News News Insider News News Letterman News Jimmy Kimmel Live News Tonight Show Mod Fam Arsenio Hall There Jersey C. Rose News One/One Bones Å (DVS) Fox 29 News at 10 Top Model News (5:00) ››› “The Matrix Reloaded” (2003) Criminal Minds Criminal Minds ››› “The Mummy” (1999) Brendan Fraser. Å Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal The Situation Room E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Anthony Bourd. Spotlight Unguard Death Row Stories Row SportsNet Pregame MLB Baseball Philadelphia Phillies at Washington Nationals. (Live) SportsNet Central Poker Bering Sea Gold Bering Sea Gold Ent Stand Up to Cancer Judge Mathis Å FamFeud FamFeud Masters Storage Criminal Minds Jessie Storage Jessie Dog Dog Whose? Bering Sea Gold Dateline NBC (In Stereo) Å Bering Sea Gold ›››‡ “Brave” (2012) ‘PG’ Girl TMZ Å Inside Ed. Dish Nat. News Tonight Show How I Met King King Seinfeld ››‡ “The Mummy Returns” (2001) Å Football Rewind Airplane Repo Å Bering Sea Gold Airplane I Didn’t Liv-Mad. ANT Farm Jessie Dog Score College Football SportsCenter Å College Football Pittsburgh at Boston College. (Live) Å NASCAR Racing NASCAR NASCAR Racing 13-Benghazi Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor Stand Up to Cancer Hard Knocks Jonah Katt Williams Jonah American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Pickers Full H’se Full H’se Friends Friends Friends Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops ›‡ “Big Momma’s House 2” (2006) Å Cold Case Å Cold Case Å ›‡ “Did You Hear About the Morgans?” ›› “Taken 2” (2012) Liam Neeson. Å iCarly Thunder Sam & Sam & Birth of a Rivalry: Bellator Preview Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Mom “NiteN Thou Shalt Not The Kelly File SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å SportCtr 13-Benghazi The O’Reilly Factor Kelly File Ja’mie ››› “Under Siege” (1992) Steven Seagal. “Under Siege 2: Dark Territory” ›› “Maid in Manhattan” (2002) Å “Saved” ›› “Grudge Match” (2013, Comedy) Å The Knick Å The Knick Å The Knick Stand Up to Cancer “Unauthorized Saved by the Bell Story” iCarly “iGoodbye” Full H’se Bellator MMA Live (In Stereo Live) Full H’se Castle Å (DVS) Castle Å (DVS) ›› “Bad Teacher” (2011) Cameron Diaz. ›› “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past” (2009) “House” ››› “Baby Face” (1933) Å ››‡ “The Divorcee” (1930) ›› “Footlight Parade” (1933) Stand Up to Cancer ››› “Gran Torino” (2008, Drama) Clint Eastwood. Legends “Betrayal” Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Law-SVU ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE "Voted Atlantic City Best Breakfast & Luncheon Spot" Visitors & Locals love to eat at Perry's Cafe Serving Breakfast & Lunch 7 Days 7am-4pm 1339 Pacific Ave. at Tennessee Ave., Atlantic City (609) 340-8882 • Eat-in or Take-Out To Advertise In: Call Us At (609)568-5437 • Custom Shower Enclosures • Storefronts • Mirrors • Insulated Glass Replacements Over 30 Glass Styles for your tub or shower enclosures Our 65th Year! Frameless or Framed 6422 Black Horse Pike, EHT (Across from Storybook Land) 609-645-8834 Find Us on Facebook ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 15 TURN UP THE AC • DEANA M. KOZLOWSKI Now - 10/1 - Tropicana - Magique Encore: Tropicana adds another family friendly offering with “Magique” starring Kevin & Caruso and staged and directed by Mistinguett. “Magique” blends grand illusions and dazzling costumes with a dose of comedy and a splash of Cirque. Guests will see glamorous showgirls materialize from a cloud of smoke and vanish just as easily. See them impossibly pass through a cluster of spinning blades and witness quirky Lord Caruso levitate in full lighting. “Magique” is a not-to-be-missed stage spectacular of epic proportions with an intense soundtrack, video backgrounds, and stunning special effects. “Magique” is staged and directed by seven time “Show of the Year” recipient, Mistinguett. Her unique style, vast experience and over-the-top productions make her one of the most distinctive and prolific choreographers of our time. 9/12 - Resorts - Swon Brothers: Two brothers from Oklahoma, Swon Brothers are an American country duo that rose to fame on season four of The Voice, coming in third. In December of 2013 they released their first single “Later On,” and plan to release an album in 2014. 9/12 - Caesars - Steely Dan: Most rock & roll bands are a tightly wound unit that developed their music through years of playing in garages and clubs around their hometown. Steely Dan never subscribed to that aesthetic. As the vehicle for the songwriting of Walter Becker and Donald Fagen, Steely Dan defied all rock & roll conventions. Becker and Fagen never truly enjoyed rock – with their iconic humor and cryptic lyrics, their eclectic body of work shows some debt to Bob Dylan – preferring jazz, tradition pop, blues, and R&B. Steely Dan created a sophisticated, distinctive sound with accessible melodic hooks, complex harmonies and time signatures, and a devotion to the recording studio. With producer Gary Katz, Becker and Fagen gradually changed Steely Dan from a performing band to a studio project, hiring professional musicians to record their compositions. Though the band didn’t perform live after 1974, Steely Dan’s popularity continued to grow throughout the decade, as their albums became critical favorites and their singles became staples of AOR and pop radio stations. Even after the group disbanded in the early ‘80s, their records retained a cult following, as proven by the massive success of their unlikely return to the stage in the early ‘90s. 9/14 - Boardwalk Hall - 2015 Miss America Competition: The Miss America Competition will once again return home to Atlantic City’s Boardwalk Hall this September. Ticket holders will witness 53 contestants vie for the crown in categories including Lifestyle and Fitness in Swimsuit, Evening Wear, Talent, and on-stage question. A panel of renowned celebrity judges will determine who will succeed Nina Davuluri and become Miss America 2015. 9/19 - Harrah’s - Willie Nelson & Family: With a six-decade career and 200 plus albums, this iconic Texan is the creative genius behind the historic recordings of Crazy, Red Headed Stranger and Stardust. Willie Nelson has earned every conceivable award as a musician and amassed reputable credentials as an author, actor and activist. Released May of 2012 is Heroes, his first album for Legacy Recordings, showcased new songs and deep country classics. The album spent five weeks at #1 on the Americana Radio Chart. Later that year he launched his book, Roll Me Up And Smoke Me When I Die, which landed in the Top 10 on The New York Times’s best-seller list. A road journal written in his inimitable, homespun voice, the book is a deeply personal look into the heart and soul of a unique man and one of the greatest artists of our time. In 2013, Willie’s albums included April’s Let’s Face The Music And Dance, an album of deep pop country repertoire classics performed with transformative patented ease by Nelson and Family, his long-time touring and recording ensemble; and October’s To All The Girls… which features 18 duets with music’s top female singers including Dolly Parton, Mavis Staples, Sheryl Crow, Loretta Lynn, Wynonna Judd, Rosanne Cash, Alison Krauss, Miranda Lambert, Carrie Underwood, Emmylou Harris, Norah Jones, and Shelby Lynne. PAGE 16 ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE 9/26&27 - Golden Nugget - Friars Club Comics Featuring Stewie Stone, Norm Crosby & Sal Richards: Stewie Stone is an actor, known for When Jews Were Funny (2013), Stand Up (2007) and Fry’s Planet Word (2011). Norm Crosby was born on September 15, 1927 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. He is an actor and writer, known for The Comedy Shop (1978), Tom Jones: In Concert (1971) and Eight Crazy Nights (2002). Sal Richards is an actor/comedian. With this career came critical acclaim and many significant honors, including being voted the “Entertainment Industry’s Hot Comic” by the prestigious New York Friars Club and “Entertainer Of The Year in Atlantic City”. The New York Daily News calls Sal Richards, “One of The Funniest Guys in Show Biz!” 9/26 - Boardwalk Hall - Enrique Iglesias and Pitbull: Pop and Latin superstars Enrique Iglesias and Pitbull will team up in concert for one night only in Atlantic City at Boardwalk Hall on Friday, September 26. The tour will boast this year’s three top Latin artists featuring numerous No. 1 hits as fast-rising star J Balvin will also join them as a support act. 9/27 - Tropicana - Wynonna and The Big Noise: Wynonna Judd is an American country music singer. Her solo albums and singles are all credited to the singular name Wynonna. Wynonna first rose to fame in the 1980s alongside her mother, Naomi, in the country music duo The Judds. The duo released seven albums on Curb Records in addition to charting 26 singles, of which 14 were number one hits. After The Judds disbanded in 1991, Wynonna began a solo career, also on Curb. In her solo career, she has released eight studio albums, a live album, a holiday album and two compilation albums in addition to charting more than 20 singles of her own. Her first four singles—”She Is His Only Need”, “I Saw the Light,” “No One Else on Earth” and “My Strongest Weakness”—all reached number one on the U.S. country singles charts consecutively, as did 1993’s “Only Love” and 1996’s, “To Be Loved by You.” Three of her albums are certified platinum or higher by the RIAA. Her most recent recording, Sing: Chapter 1, was released on February 3, 2009 and she released a new song, “Something You Can’t Live Without,” in March 2013. Wynonna is most recognized for her musical work, although starting in the 2000s she has also pursued other interests, including writing, acting and philanthropy. 9/27 - Trump Taj Mahal - Jo Dee Messina: With its title ME chosen by fans, Jo Dee’s newest album – released March 18, 2014 – marks her most personal album to date. Jo Dee wrote, or co-wrote, many of the songs on the album and will release ME on her own newly established label, Dreambound Records. For the first time in her career, Jo Dee is able to boldly do things her own way and pave her own path to success. Spring 2013 found the fiercely independent, outspoken, and driven artist free from a long-term record deal. Jo Dee became free to make the album she wanted, so the forward-thinking country star took to the crowdfunding website to create a new full-length album for her fans, with her fans. The “My time. Our music.” campaign allowed her backers to be involved with every step that goes into creating and recording the album, and opportunities to be rewarded with exclusive content and one-of-a-kind opportunities. Throughout the process, her fans helped Jo Dee surpass her $100,000 goal, making her campaign the most successful one to come out of Nashville and at the time of completion, the 15th largest funded music campaign in history. The fans were given a voice. Via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Stage-It, her fans selected which songs would be included on the album, submitted artwork for her label logo, selected the album title ME and chose the album’s first single “Peace Sign.” Although this album is a fresh start for Jo Dee, she is no stranger to the entertainment world. Debuting in 1996 with the hit single Heads Carolina, Tales California, she has charted 9 number one singles, 16 Top 40 singles, and sold more than 5 million records worldwide. 10/3 - Caesars - Alanis Morissett: F ifteen years after the breakthrough debut of Jagged Little Pill, an album which earned four GRAMMYs, sold 30 million records and spawned a dedicated worldwide fan base, Alanis Morissette remains not only an enduringly popular artist, but one whose celebrated body of work stems from a fierce commitment to authenticity and, to an equal extent, vulnerability. She has always evidenced that she was an artist with her own point of view and is regarded as one of the most insightful artists of our time. To this day, Jagged Little Pill remains the best-selling debut release by a female artist in the U.S. and is also the highest selling debut album worldwide in music history. Her most recent release, Flavors of Entanglement, was released in June 2008 and debuted in the US in the Top 10 on Billboard’s Top 200 album chart. The album garnered widespread acclaim and included a worldwide tour playing to ecstatic packed-house crowds TURN UP THE AC all across the globe. In August of 2012, Alanis released her highly anticipated seventh studio album, Havoc and Bright Lights to rave reviews. Recorded in Los Angeles, the album marked the songstress’ first release in four years. 10/3&4 - Borgata - Foreigner: Foreigner is a British-American rock band, originally formed in 1976 by veteran English musician Mick Jones and fellow Briton and ex-King Crimson member Ian McDonald along with American vocalist Lou Gramm. Jones came up with the band’s name as he, McDonald and Dennis Elliott were English, while Gramm, Al Greenwood and Ed Gagliardi were American.Their biggest hit single, “I Want to Know What Love Is”, topped the UK and US Charts among others. They are one of the world’s best-selling bands of all time with worldwide sales of more than 80 million records, including 37.5 million albums in the United States alone. 10/4 - Resorts - Little Anthony & The Imperials: Little Anthony has still got it! His powerful and amazing vocal range coupled with some of the most ageless songs ever written transport the audience to a place where timeless music lives on forever. Backed up by the original Imperials, this is a show that does not quit. Top 40 Hits include “Tears On My Pillow”, “Shimmy, Shimmy Ko-Ko Bop”, “Goin’ Out Of My Head”, “I’m On The Outside (Looking In)”, “Take Me Back” and more! 10/10-12 - Borgata - Frankie Valli: Frankie Valli is an American popular singer, known as the frontman of The Four Seasons beginning in 1960. He is known for his unusually powerful falsetto voice. Valli scored 29 Top 40 hits with The Four Seasons, one Top 40 hit under The Four Seasons’ alias ‘The Wonder Who?’, and nine Top 40 hits as a solo artist. As a member of The Four Seasons, Valli’s number-one hits included “Sherry” (1962), “Big Girls Don’t Cry” (1962), “Walk Like a Man” (1963), “Rag Doll” (1964) and “December 1963 (Oh, What A Night)” (1975). Valli’s recording of the song “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You” reached number two in 1967. Valli, Tommy DeVito, Nick Massi and Bob Gaudio – the original members of The Four Seasons – were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1990 and the Vocal Group Hall of Fame in 1999. Caesars September 12 - Steely Dan $4.00 OFF OIL CHANGE OIL • LUBE • FILTER ( 4-Wheel Drives Extra) • Our 16 point safety check is included $5.00 OFF AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SERVICE In the MGM AUTO MALL Fernwood Ave. & Black Horse Pike (near Storybook Land), Egg Harbor Twp. • 383-1221 Open Monday-Friday 8 am - 6 pm Saturday 8 am - 4 pm Harrah’s September 19 - Willie Nelson & Family Tropicana October 3 - Alanis Morissett Resorts September 12 - Swon Brothers MGM OIL/LUBE October 4 - Little Anthony & The Imperials Now - October 1 - “Magique” Encore September 27 - Wynonna and The Big Noise Trump Taj Mahal Boardwalk Hall September 27 - Jo Dee Messina September 14 - 2015 Miss America Competition September 26 - Enrique Iglesias and Pitbull Golden Nugget September 26 & 27 - Friars Club Comics Featuring Borgata Stewie Stone, Norm Crosby & Sal Richards October 3&4 - Foreigner October 10-12 - Frankie Vallie Find Us on Facebook ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 17 devices. It is important for small businesses to stake their claim now on such basic local channels as Google Places and populate those sites with the types of information consumers are most likely to search for-products and services, hours of operation, contact phone number, physical address and so on. While 85 percent of WBOs say social media is important for building customer relationships, only 67 percent are currently using social media to connect with customers. What's more, just half of these women are confident in their own ability to build a social media presence for their business, and only a quarter of WBOs post on social media on a daily basis. Growing A Small Business Online There could be big news for small business owners, especially women, looking to enhance their business. According to a survey by the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) and, women business owners (WBOs) are investing more in online marketing and customer service to get their business where they want it to be. 3.Partner up. A small business owner's focus should be on the So, what steps can a small business take to flourish online? business side of things-not IT 1.Get in the game. Only four out of and online marketing. To better 10 small businesses have a dedicat- increase business results, small business owners must look for ed business website, according to WBOs are putting more of their a partner that understands their a past survey. This means money where it really counts, the digital needs, provides resources 60 percent of small businesses study suggests, to attract new to save time and helps achieve are missing out on a tremendous customers and make a lasting success online-all within a tightly opportunity to connect and engage personal connection with them at prescribed budget. By finding an the same time. Online and mobile with potential customers at the most online marketing partner with a basic online level-through a simple marketing in particular have risen business-focused, strategic website. broad range of exper_tise, small in importance lately, with more business owners can focus on WBOs planning to invest in a 2.Local is where it's at. The per- what should be their primary mobile presence (up 13 percentage centage of online search queries fo- goal-a successful business. points over last year), as well as in cused on local businesses continues Getting started is probably the their business' social media pres- to accelerate, with an even greater hardest part of expanding your ence (up 8 percentage points). growth in local search via mobile business online. Business owners who prioritize the web and social media in their marketing mix-or find a partner to help them gain this expertise-can reap the benefits of increased customer engagement and satisfaction as the economy improves and consumers increase spending on products and services. To view and share the 2014 State of Women-Owned Businesses Report infographic, please visit http://graphics.web. com/2014StateInfographic.jpg. Small business owners who prioritize the web and social media in their marketing mix-or find a partner to help them gain this expertise-can reap the benefits of increased customer engagement and satisfaction. SATURDAY EVENING 6:00 (3-CBS) (6-ABC) (10-NBC) (17-MNT) (23-PBS) (29-FOX) (40-NBC) (57-CW) (A&E) (AMC) (CNN) (COM) (DISC) (DISN) (ESPN) (ESPN2) (FNEWS) (HBO) (HIST) (ION) (LIFE) (MAX) (NICK) (SPIKE) (TBS) (TCM) (TNT) (USA) 6:30 SEPTEMBER 6, 2014 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 48 Hours Å News CBS Fall Criminal College Football NASCAR NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup: Federated Auto Parts 400. (In Stereo Live) News Eagles News News HS Blitz College Football Michigan at Notre Dame. (In Stereo Live) Å News NBC 10 Saturday Night Live There There Two Men Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Two Men Report Record News News Entertainment ’Night Person of Interest 48 Hours Å 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 Moments to Remember: My Music (In Stereo) Å Two Men Pregame College Football Michigan State at Oregon. (In Stereo Live) Paid News Paid Paid Paid News Pheud Fox 29 News at 10 College Football Michigan at Notre Dame. (In Stereo Live) Å Law & Order: SVU News “Mummy Return” ›› “Walking Tall” (2004) The Rock. Å Hell on Wheels Å TURN: Washington CNN Newsroom Newsr’m MLB Baseball Postgame State Criminal Minds Å Criminal Minds Å Spotlight The Hunt Criminal Minds Å “Lady Valor: The Kristin Beck Story” MLS Soccer Chrome Under. Street Outlaws Å Street Outlaws Å I Didn’t Austin “The Princess and the Frog” I Didn’t College Football Football Score America’s News HQ Austin Score FOX Report Third Reich: The Fall Pawn Law Order: CI Street Outlaws Å Jessie Pawn Law Order: CI SportsNet Central Huckabee Seinfeld Criminal Minds Å Hell on Wheels Å Friends Criminal “Walk “Lady Valor: The Kristin” Harness Haney Triathlon Redwood Lab Rats Kickin’ It I Didn’t Jessie Austin SportsCenter Å SportCtr College Football Colorado State at Boise State. Å 13-Benghazi ›››› “12 Years a Slave” (2013) ‘R’ Å Houdini (In Stereo) (Part 1 of 2) Å Law Order: CI Inside Ed. Saturday Night Live Redwood Kings: Cut Street Outlaws Å College Football Virginia Tech at Ohio State. (Live) Å College Football Teams TBA. (Live) Å (5:30) ››› “Walk the Line” (2005) Å How I Met Seinfeld Criminal Minds Å Conspir. Suze Orman’s Animation Dom News FamFeud FamFeud CSI: Miami Å (4:00) “GoodFellas” Cheaters Å Motown: Big Hits and More (My Music) Law Order: CI Geraldo at Large Red Eye Benghazi Hard Knocks ›››› “12 Years a Slave” ‘R’ Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law CI Beyond, Head. To Be Announced “Brittany” Houdini Å Pawn Houdini “Unauthorized Saved by the Bell Story” (5:45) ›‡ “Getaway” (2013) ››› “Enough Said” (2013) “The Brittany Murphy Story” (2014) Å The Knick Å Sam & Sam & Sam & Haunted “Sophia & Rosie” Sam & iCarly Full H’se Full H’se Friends Friends Friends Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Sullivan (5:45) ››› “Rollercoaster” (1977) Å Cops ›› “Grudge Match” (2013) (In Stereo) The Knick “My Best Friend” (5:30) ››› “Gran Torino” (2008, Drama) ›››‡ “Coal Miner’s Daughter” (1980) ›››‡ “Bound for Glory” (1976) David Carradine. ›››‡ “Inglourious Basterds” (2009, War) Brad Pitt. Å (DVS) Falling Skies Å Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU PAGE 18 Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Law-SVU ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE Find Us on Facebook ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 19 PAGE 20 ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE $5.00 OFF 15% OFF! Purchase of $25 or more Not to be used in combination with any other offer. Expires 9/20/14 ACM Not to be used in combination with any other offer. Expires 9/20/14 ACM Every Johnny Rockets Restaurant offers it's guests great tasting food from a menu of all-American favorites, including juicy hamburgers, hand-dipped sundaes and malts, and freshly baked apple pie. Guests will enjoy an all-American look and feel, servers who know the secret behind getting the pop out of the bottle, a beebop jukebox that belts out tunes for a nickel, and authentic decor. Find Us on Facebook ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 21 Tohatsu Outboards Authorized Dealer Repower and Service 1959 - 2014 “Over 50 Years Of Fishing” (609) 822-6819 9211 Amherst Ave. • Margate, NJ ~ Just Ten Minutes From Ocean City! FISHING REPORT Justin Foreman, a student at Margate's Tighe School, waited all summer to get to his keeper flounder. His dad, Jerry, bought a boat this summer and has given his boys multiple cracks at the feat. In the nick of time before returning to school Justin proudly brought in a twentytwo incher. He alread has his "What I Did This Summer" report written. Likewise, Dan Klein too his two boys, Ryan and Cole, and their buddies out for a last fishing trip before school. They caught their record in snapper blues, seventy-three, along with huge blue claws. No offshore angler with a tuna has been more excited, or bounced higher coming up the dock. Dad Dan dutifully filleted all of the fish and cleaned the craps. ʻCause Cole says, “They are delicious!” Michael Mosca of Ventnor held true to his Labor Day record of catching keeper flounder in the Margate Bay through September with his three and a half pound flattie. A couple of bucks for fuel, in and out of the dock and dinner! Michael does it every time. The Morgenstern family of Margate caught a twenty-three inch flounder, while the Baldwinʻs of Ocean City nabbed a keeper flounder and a well over 12 and a half inch sea bass in the bay. While Kevin Golden Sr. and Jr. were driving to Margate from Delaware, the Cunningham swere on the way here from Philadelphia. They were rewarded with flounder and croaker. Meanwhile, Steve London and pals headed to the inshore reefs to clean up with large flounder. The Labor Day holiday has offered anglers spectacular weather and Jersey Shore dinners for all. (609) 822-6819 9211 Amherst Ave. • Margate, NJ PAGE 22 ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE ~ Just Ten Minutes From Ocean City! Your Favorite Music from your Favorite Artists The Beatles – Billy Joel – The Beach Boys – Chicago The Temptations – Van Morrison – Aretha Franklin The Bee Gees – The Four Tops – America – Elvis Presley The Supremes – Elton John – Marvin Gaye And your Favorite Radio DJ's Jerry Beebe – Rick Rock – Chris Nagle – Ken Schaffer ������������������������������������� �������������������������� ������������������������������������� ���������������������������������� ������������������������������������������ Find Us on Facebook ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 23 1. Name the star of the movie “Atlantic City”. Prize: Angeloni’s II 2. Who starred in the movie “Caddyshack?” Prize: Island Grill 3. Who starred in the movie “Cool Hand Luke”? Prize: Megu Sushi 4. Who starred in the movie “East of Eden?” Prize: Popa Pizza 5. Name the star of the movie “Deer Hunter”. Prize: Gregory’s 6. Name the star of the movie “4th of July”. Prize: Flying Cloud 7. What actor starred in the movie “Citizen Kane”. Prize: Ducktown Tavern 8. What actor starred in movie “Dr. Zhivago”? Prize: Veggie Grill 9. What singer was called “The Man in Black”? Prize: Hot Bagels 10. Who starred in “Dr. No”? Prize: Annette’s LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS: (1.) Paul Newman & Rust Redford (2.) Humphrey Bogart (3.) Danny Kaye (4.) Debbie Reynolds (5.) Rodney Dangerfield (6.) Aces & Eights (7.) Mr. Wimple (8.) Larry (9.) Ray Kroc (10.) Harry Belafonte LAST WEEK’S WINNERS: (1.) Mary M. (2.) Joe K. (3.) Kathy (4.) Carol K. (5.) Grace (6.) Tom (7.) Ron D. (8.) Judy (9.) Al P. (10.) Bill G. THE FIRST PERSON TO CALL WPG THE CHAMP HOFFMAN SHOW SUNDAY MORNINGS WILL WIN! TO COLLECT YOUR PRIZE, SEND A NOTE TO: CHAMP & CO. 950 TILTON ROAD • SUITE 200 NORTHFIELD, NJ 08225 AND INCLUDE A SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE WPG 1450 AM Sunday Mornings 9am to 11am • Lots of Fun & Prizes! • 407-1450 SUNDAY EVENING 6:00 (3-CBS) (6-ABC) (10-NBC) (17-MNT) (23-PBS) (29-FOX) (40-NBC) (57-CW) (A&E) (AMC) (CNN) (COM) (DISC) (DISN) (ESPN) (ESPN2) (FNEWS) (HBO) (HIST) (ION) (LIFE) (MAX) (NICK) (SPIKE) (TBS) (TCM) (TNT) (USA) 6:30 SEPTEMBER 7, 2014 7:00 7:30 U.S. Open Ten. 60 Minutes Å News ABC Schoolhouse Rock News News News White Collar Å Epic Ink Brandi The OT News Spo. Insider Shark Tank News Eagles “City” NFL Football Indianapolis Colts at Denver Broncos. Å Middle News 30 Rock Utopia “Series Premiere, Part One” Å News Sanctuary Criminal Minds News How I Met King King Office Duck Wahl Wahl Brandi Duck D. Brandi Duck D. CNN Special Report SportsNet Poker Golf Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Girl Duck D. Breaking Bad Å The Hunt Duck Breaking Bad Å Girl SportsCenter Å Break Brandi Breaking Bad Å Death Row Stories SportsNet Central Eagles Postgame SportsNet Naked and Afraid: Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Afraid Jessie Good ››› “Tangled” (2010) ‘PG’ Toy Story Jessie Dog Death Row Stories Dog MLB Baseball San Francisco Giants at Detroit Tigers. (Live) SportsCenter (Live) Å ESPN FC SportsCenter Å MLS Soccer Countdown SportCtr Fox News Sunday FOX Report 13-Benghazi “Bourne” ›››› “12 Years a Slave” (2013) Chiwetel Ejiofor. ‘R’ NHRA Drag Racing FOX News Special Boardwalk Empire Football 13-Benghazi The Leftovers Å Last Ice Road Truckers 10 Things About FOX Boardwalk Empire Mountain Men Å (5:00) ›› “28 Days” “The Brittany Murphy Story” (2014) Å ›› “Jack the Giant Slayer” (2013) Å ››› “Rush Hour” (1998) Jackie Chan. ›‡ “R.I.P.D.” (2013) Å Sam & “Sophia & Rosie” Full H’se Full H’se (5:55) Bar Rescue Bar Rescue ››› “Knocked Up” (2007) Seth Rogen. ››› “The Thrill of It All” (1963) Å (4:30) ›››‡ “Inglourious Basterds” Bar Rescue Hungry Investors Bar Rescue ›› “Bad Teacher” (2011) Cameron Diaz. ››› “Knocked Up” (2007) Seth Rogen. (DVS) ›››› “Planet of the Apes” (1968) ››› “Beneath the Planet of the Apes” “Within” ›››› “Saving Private Ryan” (1998) Tom Hanks, Edward Burns. Å (DVS) “Rules-Engage.” Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Satisfact. PAGE 24 Sam & Leverage Å Leverage Å Full H’se Mountain Men Å NHRA Stossel Row Big Rig Bounty Leverage Å Mountain Men Å Break Death Row Stories Bensinger GFL Presents Naked and Afraid Simpsons TMZ (In Stereo) Å Sports Paid Duck D. 1st Fam Younger Heart News FamFeud FamFeud Paid Breaking Bad Å NBC 10 News at 11p Arsenio Hall Moments to Remember: My Music (In Stereo) Å NFL Football Indianapolis Colts at Denver Broncos. Å CNN Newsroom Dog Reckless Å Football Night in America Å Break CFL Football 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 Unforgettable Å Big Bang Mod Fam Mod Fam Middle Breaking Bad “Fly” Dog 9:00 Wipeout (Season Finale) (In Stereo) Å Suze Orman’s Financial Solutions for You NFL Football: 49ers at Cowboys Paid 8:30 Big Brother Å Football Night in America Å Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Two Men Motown-Hits 8:00 Leverage Å Leverage Å Witches of East End The Lottery Å Full H’se ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE Full H’se Full H’se The Listener Å Mnt. Men Listener “The Brittany Murphy Story” “Hidden Treasures” Friends Friends Bar Rescue Friends Hungry MONDAY EVENING 6:00 (3-CBS) (6-ABC) (10-NBC) (17-MNT) (23-PBS) (29-FOX) (40-NBC) (57-CW) (A&E) (AMC) (CNN) (COM) (DISC) (DISN) (ESPN) (ESPN2) (FNEWS) (HBO) (HIST) (ION) (LIFE) (MAX) (NICK) (SPIKE) (TBS) (TCM) (TNT) (USA) 6:30 SEPTEMBER 8, 2014 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 (5:00) 2014 U.S. Open Tennis Men’s Final. Big Bang Mom News ABC Jeopardy! Wheel Bachelor in Paradise News News Extra Two Men Big Bang Big Bang Mod Fam Law & Order: SVU News News One/One Access H. Running Wild News 9:00 Two Men Law & Order: SVU End Dieting Forever! Inside Ed. TMZ Å Simpsons MasterChef (In Stereo) Å (DVS) News News Insider Running Wild FamFeud FamFeud Whose? Whose? Top Model Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Under the Dome Shark Tank Å Action News Joe Bonamassa: Tour de Force Fox 29 News at 10 American Ninja Warrior Å (DVS) Judge Mathis Å Storage Two Men American Ninja Warrior Å (DVS) News Ent 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 News Brandi Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Monday Night SportsCenter Å Special Report “Walk Last Modern Marvels Criminal Minds Å Hoarders Å Dog Jessie Thunder Seinfeld News How I Met King Inside Ed. Dish Nat. Tonight Show King Seinfeld Anderson Cooper Anthony SportsNet Central Eagles ››› “Ocean’s Eleven” (2001) Å Phillies SportsNet Highway to Sell Å Fast N’ Loud Å Highway Liv-Mad. ANT Farm Jessie Good Girl NFL Football San Diego Chargers at Arizona Cardinals. World/Poker World/Poker SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å SportCtr Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor ›‡ “Baggage Claim” (2013) ‘PG-13’ Å The Kelly File Hannity The O’Reilly Factor A Good Job: Stories ››‡ “Closed Circuit” (2013) The Leftovers Å Kelly File Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Criminal Minds Å The First 48 Å Sam & Drake Pawn Criminal Minds Å The First 48 Å The Knick Å Full H’se Full H’se Pawn Criminal Minds Å The First 48 Å ›› “Taken 2” (2012) Å Friends Friends ››› “The Bourne Supremacy” (2004) Matt Damon. Big Bang Mom ›››‡ “The Black Stallion” (1979) Å Castle Å (DVS) Castle Å (DVS) NCIS Å (DVS) NCIS Å (DVS) Find Us on Facebook ››‡ “Hannah Montana: The Movie” ‘G’ C. Rose TMZ Å One/One E:60 (4:30) “The Bourne Identity” Seinfeld Fast N’ Loud Å NFL Football New York Giants at Detroit Lions. (Live) ›››‡ “Argo” (2012) Ben Affleck. Å iCarly Fast N’ Loud There News CNN Tonight ››› “The School of Rock” (2003) Jack Black. Å Fast N’ Loud Å Tonight Show Mod Fam Friends Storage Anderson Cooper Fast N’ Loud Å Jimmy Kimmel Live News Love Prison Å Situation Crossfire E. B. OutFront SportsNet Pregame MLB Baseball Pittsburgh Pirates at Philadelphia Phillies. (Live) Letterman News Love Prison Å (5:00) ››‡ “Van Helsing” (2004) Å Anthony Bourd. News Pawn Criminal Minds “JJ” The First 48 Å Criminal Minds Å Criminal Unsolved Mysteries ››‡ “Fast & Furious 6” (2013) Å Friends Friends First 48 How I Met How I Met How I Met ››› “The Bourne Identity” (2002) Matt Damon. Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan Å Office ››› “On Approval” (1944) ››‡ “Exit Smiling” (1926) “Thoroughly Modern Millie” Castle Å (DVS) Dallas Å Dallas Å Castle Å (DVS) Law WWE Monday Night RAW (In Stereo Live) Å Rush “Get Lucky” Grace ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 25 cation. Children who understand how to act around dogs, how to play with dogs, when to leave dogs alone and how to properly meet a dog are much less likely to be bitten. Tips On Keeping Children Safer Around Dogs Those who don't believe dog bites pose a serious problem in the U.S. are barking up the wrong tree. Consider the following: • An estimated 4.7 million dog bites occur in the U.S. each year. • Nearly 800,000 of those bites require medical care. • The insurance industry pays more than $1 billion in dogbite claims each year. Fortunately, there are steps that parents can take to reduce the risk of problems when children and dogs interact. The first is to educate their children and supervise them when they are around dogs. Studies have found that the No. 1 dogbite prevention measure is edu- car. Always make slow movements, set things down carefully and don't run when you're around dogs, as this gets them excited and they may accidently hurt you. What can dog owners do? What can parents do? Here are some tips for dog ownTo help parents supervise their ers that can help to reduce the children when around dogs, here risk of problems: are some safe rules of behavior • Supervise your dog for kids, suggested by the AcDogs left on their own may cident Attorneys Organization: feel uncertain and defensive, • Don't treat a dog unkindly. or even overly confident, and • Never hit, kick, slap or bite this poses risks to your dog, a dog or pull on his ears, tail as well as to other people The Accident Attorneys or paws. and dogs. • Don't bother a dog when she • Train and socialize your dog Organization has created a is busy. Be sure your dog interacts downloadable safety guide for • Never bother dogs with pup with and has good manners dog owners and parents. It also pies or dogs that are playing around all members of the explains the laws governing dog . with or guarding toys, eating family, the public and other bites. For a copy, visit www. or sleeping. Always leave animals. Basic training is as service dogs alone while they important for the owner as it Studies have found that children are working. is for the dog, and who understand how to act • Don't approach a dog you socialization is the key to a around dogs and how to propdon't know. well-adjusted adult dog. erly meet a dog are much less • Never approach a dog that is likely to be bitten. tied up, behind a fence or in a TUESDAY EVENING 6:00 (3-CBS) (6-ABC) (10-NBC) (17-MNT) (23-PBS) (29-FOX) (40-NBC) (57-CW) (A&E) (AMC) (CNN) (COM) (DISC) (DISN) (ESPN) (ESPN2) (FNEWS) (HBO) (HIST) (ION) (LIFE) (MAX) (NICK) (SPIKE) (TBS) (TCM) (TNT) (USA) PAGE 26 6:30 SEPTEMBER 9, 2014 7:00 7:30 News CBS Ent News ABC Jeopardy! Wheel Insider News News Extra 8:00 Big Brother Å Access H. Food Fighters Å Big Bang Big Bang Mod Fam Bones Å News News News Inside Ed. TMZ Å Simpsons Utopia Å News News Insider Food Fighters Å Judge Mathis Å FamFeud FamFeud Arrow Å Storage Storage Storage Storage 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 Fashion Rocks (In Stereo Live) Å Storage Storage Shark Tank Å America’s Got Talent “Top 12” Å Bones Å 50s and 60s Rock Rewind (My Music) News Ent 9:00 Extreme Weight Loss “Jeff and Juliana” Two Men One/One 8:30 News Letterman News Jimmy Kimmel Live News Tonight Show Action News Mod Fam Friends There Woody’s Children News C. Rose Process TMZ Å Inside Ed. Dish Nat. News Tonight Show Hotel Hell Fox 29 News at 10 Supernatural Å News How I Met King King Storage Brandi Storage Storage America’s Got Talent “Top 12” Å Storage Storage Seinfeld Storage (5:30) ››› “The School of Rock” (2003) ››› “Men in Black” (1997, Action) Å 4th and Loud Å 4th and Loud Å “Men Situation Crossfire E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper CNN Tonight (Live) Anderson Cooper Report SportsNet Central Phillies Sports Yukon Men Å Jessie CNN Special Report Pregame MLB Baseball Pittsburgh Pirates at Philadelphia Phillies. (Live) Jessie Last Frontier Dog Jessie SportsCenter Å SEC Storied Around Pardon Last Frontier Yukon Men Å ›››› “WALL-E” (2008) ‘G’ Austin SEC Storied Eagles Rebels: Deep Freeze Yukon Men Å Liv-Mad. Girl Baseball Tonight ANT Farm Jessie SportsCenter Å SportsNet Ice Lake Good SportCtr E:60 WNBA Basketball Special Report Greta Van Susteren ››› “Veronica Mars” (2014) Kristen Bell. The O’Reilly Factor The Leftovers Å Secret Access Pawn Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Dance Moms Å Dance Moms Å Criminal Minds Å Pawn Criminal Minds Å “Snitch” ›› “Bullet to the Head” (2012) iCarly Thunder Sam & Drake Criminal Minds Å Dance Moms Å The Kelly File Full H’se Baseball Kelly File ›››‡ “Gravity” (2013) Å Criminal Minds Å Dance Moms Å ››‡ “Escape Plan” (2013) (In Stereo) Full H’se Soccer: International Friendly Hannity Friends Friends Cornered The Leftovers Å Board Criminal Minds Å The Listener Å Listener Asia Asia Asia Dance Friends Friends The Knick Å ››› “Prisoners” (2013) Å How I Met How I Met How I Met Ink Master “The Epic Finale” Å Seinfeld Big Bang Mom Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Sullivan Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Law-SVU ›› “The Eddie Cantor Story” (1953) Castle Å Castle Å Law & Order: SVU ›››‡ “The Stranger” (1946) Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE Ink Master Å Asia Ink Master Å Seinfeld Ink Master Å The O’Reilly Factor Tat; Mi Big Bang Conan Å Tat; Mi Ink Mas Sullivan ››› “The Juggler” (1953) “The Pawnbroker” Rizzoli & Isles Å CSI: NY “Pay Up” CSI: NY Accounting Public Adjusters LHP DAMAGE TO YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS? Lavinsky, Horowitz & Pollard, LLC Certified Public Accountants Business Advisors ACTION ADJUSTMENT SERVICE, INC. PUBLIC ADJUSTERS PROTECTING YOUR INTEREST Licensed by PA and NJ Insurance Departments ~ Bonded 6611 WINCHESTER AVENUE • VENTNOR CITY, NJ • 08406 609 823-4621 • FAX 609-822-4216 email: CALL ... FIRE • FROZEN PIPES • SMOKE • LOSS OF INCOME • SOOT LOSS OF RENT • FLOOD • WIND DAMAGE • ROOF LEAKS THEFT • PLUMBING LEAKS • WATER DAMAGE, ETC. FOR THE MAXIMUM SETTLEMENT OF YOUR LOSS, CALL US AND TAKE ACTION! NO RECOVERY - NO FEE! 609-264-1200 • 1-888-785-1203 • 215-785-1200 Attorney at Law Brian J. Callaghan, Esq. Callaghan Thompson & Thompson A Professional Corporation Copiers Find Us on Facebook Real Estate Zoning Matrimonial Wills Estate Administration 2428 Atlantic Avenue Atlantic City, New Jersey 08401 (609) 348-5300 (609) 345-5989 (FAX) (E-Mail) Psychic & Spiritual Healer ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 27 TOP TEN RADIO SONGS TOP GROSSING BOX OFFICE MOVIES WEEK OF 08/24/14 1. All About That Bass Meghan Trainor 2. Shake It Off Taylor Swift 3. Stay With Me Sam Smith 4. Bang Bang Nicki Minaj 5. Black Widow Iggy Azalea w/ Rita Ora 6. Anaconda Nicki Minaj 7. Rude Magic! 8. Break Free Ariana Grande w/Zedd 9. Chandelier Sia 10. Maps Maroon 5 WEDNESDAY EVENING 6:00 (3-CBS) (6-ABC) (10-NBC) (17-MNT) (23-PBS) (29-FOX) (40-NBC) (57-CW) (A&E) (AMC) (CNN) (COM) (DISC) (DISN) (ESPN) (ESPN2) (FNEWS) (HBO) (HIST) (ION) (LIFE) (MAX) (NICK) (SPIKE) (TBS) (TCM) (TNT) (USA) PAGE 28 6:30 7:00 Insider 8:00 8:30 Big Brother Å CBS Ent News ABC Jeopardy! Wheel News News Extra Two Men Big Bang Big Bang Mod Fam Law Order: CI News News Middle Gold 9:00 Access H. America’s Got Talent America’s Got Talent Taxi Brooklyn Å News Law Order: CI Jimmy Van Heusen Simpsons Hell’s Kitchen Å (DVS) News News Insider FamFeud FamFeud Penn & Teller The 100 Å Storage Wahl Duck Wahl ››› “Men in Black” (1997, Action) Å Situation Crossfire E. B. OutFront Duck D. Duck D. Dual Survival Å Dual Survival Å Hustling the House Girl Girl Dog “Spy Kids 3: Game Over” ‘PG’ Pardon Special Report Fox 29 News at 10 Duck Anthony Bourd. Pregame Around Return to Downton Abbey Å MLB Baseball Pittsburgh Pirates at Philadelphia Phillies. (Live) Casino Secrets Å Austin MLB Baseball Teams TBA. (Live) News Letterman News Jimmy Kimmel Live News Tonight Show Mod Fam Friends There News C. Rose Class TMZ Å Inside Ed. Dish Nat. News Tonight Show News How I Met King King Seinfeld Wahl Epic Ink Epic Ink Duck D. ›››› “The Shawshank Redemption” (1994) Tim Robbins. Å Anderson Cooper Sports Jessie Action News America’s Got Talent America’s Got Talent Taxi Brooklyn Å Judge Mathis Å SportsCenter Å Extant Å Mod Fam Mod Fam Shark Tank Å Inside Ed. TMZ Å Storage 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 Under the Lights News Ent Foot Journey 10. The Expendables 3 SEPTEMBER 10, 2014 7:30 News One/One WEEKEND OF 8/29-8/31 1. Guardians of the Galaxy 2. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3. If I Stay 4. As Above/So Below 5. Let's Be Cops 6. The November Man 7. When the Game Stands Tall 8. The Giver 9. The Hundred- Epic Ink ›› “Volcano” (1997, Action) CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper SportsNet Central Eagles Anthony 3 and Out SportsNet Poker Underground Casino Secrets Å Poker Liv-Mad. ANT Farm Jessie “Kim Girl MLB Baseball Teams TBA. (Live) Å SportsCenter Å MLS Soccer: United at Red Bulls Hey Rookie SportsCenter Å SportCtr Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor Hannity The O’Reilly Factor Kelly File The Kelly File Good Job ›‡ “Date Movie” (2006) Å Boardwalk Empire ›››› “12 Years a Slave” (2013) Chiwetel Ejiofor. ‘R’ American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Pickers Bring It! Å Girlfriend Int. Girlfriend Int. Bring It! Friends How I Met How I Met How I Met Cold Case “8 Years” Girlfriend Int. American Pickers Cold Case Å Bring It! Å Cold Case “Debut” Bring It! Å “Geta ››› “Batman Begins” (2005) Christian Bale. Å iCarly Thunder Sam & Drake Cops Cops Cops Cops Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Mom “Strange ›› “Red Light” (1949) “Terminator Sal” Law & Order: SVU Full H’se Full H’se Cops Cops Cold Case Å The Knick Å Friends Friends Cold Case Å Last Cold Case Å ›› “Grudge Match” (2013) (In Stereo) iMPACT Wrestling (In Stereo) Å Friends ››› “I Am Legend” (2007) Will Smith. Legends “Rogue” Law & Order: SVU ›› “2 Fast 2 Furious” (2003) Paul Walker. ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE Cold Lingerie I Am Evil Knievel Å Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan Å ›››› “Ninotchka” (1939) Greta Garbo. Jonah ›››‡ “Captains Courageous” (1937) Office “Theo Franklin & Bash Legends “Rogue” Graceland “Faith 7” Mod Fam Mod Fam Law-SVU Franklin Find Us on Facebook ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 29 PAGE 30 ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE WOOD'S LOAN OFFICE "Atlantic City's #1 Pawnbroker" We Buy & Sell Gold, Jewelry & Guitars 1736 Atlantic Avenue, Atlantic City (609) 345-1082 Find Us on Facebook ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 31 A Complete Janitorial Service Commercial / Residential Say "I Love You" with a Gift Certificate Bonded & Insured Pre & Post Construction Cleaning Year Round Service Our girls will set up, serve & clean-up so you can enjoy your party Let Clean For You! For A Free Estimate Please Call 609-653-0900 WWW.ILOVETOCLEAN.ORG Official Partner Of The"Cleaning For A Reason" PAGE 32 ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE GE 40 MEDIA DRIVE QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 12804 518-792-9914 1-800-833-9581 S P O R T S STUMPERS Pick-Up or Delivery Party Trays Available Movie quotes Answers: 1) “There’s Something About Mary” 2) “A League of Their Own” 3) “Field of Dreams” 4) “The Legend of Bagger Vance” 5) “North Dallas Forty” 6) “Major League” 7) “Slap Shot” 8) “Any Given Sunday” Answers: 1) “There’s Something About Mary” 2) “A League of Their Own” 3) “Field of Dreams” 4) “The Legend of Bagger Vance” 5) “North Dallas Forty” 6) “Major League” 7) “Slap Shot” 8) “Any Given Sunday” Identify the movie that the following quotes are from: 1) “What the hell is Brett Favre doing here?” 2) “Hi, my name’s Mae, and that’s more than a name; that’s an attitude.” 3) “This is my corn. You people are guests in my corn.” 4) “Inside each and every one of us is our one, true, authentic swing — something we was born with; something that’s ours and ours alone; something that can’t be learned; something that’s got to be remembered.” 5) “People who confuse brains and luck can get into a lot of trouble.” 6) “Heywood leads the league in most offensive categories, in- cluding nose hair. When this guy sneezes, he looks like a party favor.” 7) “This young man has had a very trying rookie season, with the litigation, the notoriety, his subsequent deportation to Canada and that country’s refusal to accept him. I guess that’s more than most 21-year-olds can handle.” 8) “It’s like my ex-wife — 21 different personalities and seven of them hated me.” OPEN 7 DAYS FROM 11AM PICK-UP OR DELIVERY W O R D SEARCH 742 OHIO AVENUE • ABSECON 645-0500 Identify the movie that the following quotes are from: 1) “What the hell is Brett Favre doing here?” 2) “Hi, my name’s Mae, and that’s more than a name; that’s an attitude.” 3) “This is my corn. You people are guests in my corn.” 4) “Inside each and every one of us is our one, true, authentic swing — something we was born with; something that’s ours and ours alone; something that can’t be learned; something that’s got to be remembered.” 5) “People who confuse brains and luck can get into a lot of trouble.” 6) “Heywood leads the league in most offensive categories, in- © Zap2it W O R D SEARCH By George Dickie COUPON COUPON $1.00 Off 50¢ Off WHOLE SUB Not valid with any other offers. Tax not included. With this coupon ANY SALAD Not valid with any other offers. Tax not included. With this coupon cluding nose hair. When this guy sneezes, he looks like a party favor.” 7) “This young man has had a very trying rookie season, with the litigation, the notoriety, his subsequent deportation to Canada and that country’s refusal to accept him. I guess that’s more than most 21-year-olds can handle.” 8) “It’s like my ex-wife — 21 different personalities and seven of them hated me.” FOOTBALL PICKS © Zap2it By George Dickie Movie quotes S P O R T S STUMPERS Find Us on Facebook ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE Release the week of September 7 - September 13, 2014. HALLENGE 40 MEDIA DRIVE QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 12804 518-792-9914 1-800-833-9581 This Week's Picks: Patriots -4 1/2 @ Dolphins Broncos -7 vs. Colts Notre Dame -5 vs. Michigan PAGE 33 Our exclusive 2014 NFL PREVIEW features profiles of the NFL’s most impressive athletes, a 2014 Game Schedule, interesting NFL facts and much more! 2-3 2014 NFL Game Schedule Full 12 week coverage 3 Fast Facts 3 Cover Story 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 AFC EAST AFC NORTH AFC WEST AFC SOUTH NFC EAST NFC NORTH NFC WEST NFC SOUTH Teams off-season activities Season Preview 2014 SCHeDULe THURSDay SePTeMBeR 4 - SUNDay DeCeMBeR 28 Week 1 Week 4 Week 2 *Week 5 THU, SePTeMBeR 4 Green Bay at Seattle 8:30 pm NBC SUN, SePTeMBeR 7 New Orleans at Atlanta 1:00 pm FOX Cincinnati at Baltimore 1:00 pm CBS Buffalo at Chicago 1:00 pm FOX Washington at Houston 1:00 pm FOX Tennessee at Kansas City 1:00 pm CBS New England at Miami 1:00 pm CBS Oakland at NY Jets 1:00 pm CBS Jacksonville at Philadelphia 1:00 pm CBS Cleveland at Pittsburgh 1:00 pm CBS Minnesota at St. Louis 1:00 pm FOX San Francisco at Dallas 4:5 pm FOX Carolina at Tampa Bay 4:5 pm FOX Indianapolis at Denver 8:30 pm NBC MON, SePTeMBeR 8 NY Giants at Detroit 7:10 pm ESPN San Diego at Arizona 10:0 pm ESPN THU, SePTeMBeR 11 Pittsburgh at Baltimore 8:5 pm CBS SUN, SePTeMBeR 14 Miami at Buffalo 1:00 pm CBS Detroit at Carolina 1:00 pm FOX Atlanta at Cincinnati 1:00 pm CBS New Orleans at Cleveland 1:00 pm FOX New England at Minnesota 1:00 pm CBS Arizona at NY Giants 1:00 pm FOX Dallas at Tennessee 1:00 pm FOX Jacksonville at Washington 1:00 pm CBS Seattle at San Diego 4:05 pm FOX St. Louis at Tampa Bay 4:05 pm FOX Kansas City at Denver 4:5 pm CBS NY Jets at Green Bay 4:5 pm CBS Houston at Oakland 4:5 pm CBS Chicago at San Francisco 8:30 pm NBC MON, SePTeMBeR 15 Philadelphia at Indianapolis 8:30 pm ESPN Week 3 *Beginning in Week 5 under the NFL’s flexible scheduling rule Sunday evening games are subject to change. cover page Pictured: Russell Wilson, Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers, and Drew Brees pg 014 NFL PREVIEW PAGE 34 THU, SePTeMBeR 18 Tampa Bay at Atlanta 8:5 pm CBS SUN, SePTeMBeR 21 San Diego at Buffalo 1:00 pm CBS Tennessee at Cincinnati 1:00 pm CBS Baltimore at Cleveland 1:00 pm CBS Green Bay at Detroit 1:00 pm FOX Indianapolis at Jacksonville 1:00 pm CBS Oakland at New England 1:00 pm CBS Minnesota at New Orleans 1:00 pm FOX Houston at NY Giants 1:00 pm CBS Washington at Philadelphia 1:00 pm FOX Dallas at St. Louis 1:00 pm FOX San Francisco at Arizona 4:05 pm FOX Kansas City at Miami 4:5 pm CBS Denver at Seattle 4:5 pm CBS Pittsburgh at Carolina 8:30 pm NBC MON, SePTeMBeR 22 Chicago at NY Jets 8:30 pm ESPN THU, SePTeMBeR 25 NY Giants at Washington 8:5 pm CBS SUN, SePTeMBeR 28 Carolina at Baltimore 1:00 pm CBS Green Bay at Chicago 1:00 pm FOX Buffalo at Houston 1:00 pm CBS Tennessee at Indianapolis 1:00 pm CBS Detroit at NY Jets 1:00 pm FOX Miami at Oakland 1:00 pm CBS Tampa Bay at Pittsburgh 1:00 pm FOX Jacksonville at San Diego 4:05 pm CBS Atlanta at Minnesota 4:5 pm FOX Philadelphia at San Francisco 4:5 pm FOX New Orleans at Dallas 8:30 pm NBC MON, SePTeMBeR 29 New England at Kansas City 8:30 pm ESPN Byes: Denver, Cleveland, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Arizona, Seattle THU, OCTOBeR 2 Minnesota at Green Bay 8:5 pm CBS SUN, OCTOBeR 5 Chicago at Carolina 1:00 pm FOX Houston at Dallas 1:00 pm CBS Buffalo at Detroit 1:00 pm FOX Baltimore at Indianapolis 1:00 pm CBS Pittsburgh at Jacksonville 1:00 pm CBS Tampa Bay at New Orleans 1:00 pm FOX Atlanta at NY Giants 1:00 pm FOX St. Louis at Philadelphia 1:00 pm FOX Cleveland at Tennessee 1:00 pm CBS Arizona at Denver 4:05 pm FOX NY Jets at San Diego 4:5 pm CBS Kansas City at San Francisco 4:5 pm CBS Cincinnati at New England 8:30 pm NBC MON, OCTOBeR 6 Seattle at Washington 8:30 pm ESPN Byes: Miami, Oakland Week 6 THU, OCTOBeR 9 Indianapolis at Houston 8:5 pm CBS SUN, OCTOBeR 12 Chicago at Atlanta 1:00 pm FOX New England at Buffalo 1:00 pm CBS Carolina at Cincinnati 1:00 pm FOX Pittsburgh at Cleveland 1:00 pm CBS Green Bay at Miami 1:00 pm FOX Detroit at Minnesota 1:00 pm FOX Denver at NY Jets 1:00 pm CBS Baltimore at Tampa Bay 1:00 pm CBS Jacksonville at Tennessee 1:00 pm CBS San Diego at Oakland 4:05 pm CBS Washington at Arizona 4:5 pm FOX Dallas at Seattle 4:5 pm FOX NY Giants at Philadelphia 8:30 pm NBC MON, OCTOBeR 13 San Francisco at St. Louis 8:30 pm ESPN Byes: Kansas City, New Orleans ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE Week 7 THU, OCTOBeR 16 NY Jets at New England 8:5 pm CBS SUN, OCTOBeR 19 Atlanta at Baltimore 1:00 pm FOX Minnesota at Buffalo 1:00 pm FOX Miami at Chicago 1:00 pm CBS New Orleans at Detroit 1:00 pm FOX Carolina at Green Bay 1:00 pm FOX Cincinnati at Indianapolis 1:00 pm CBS Cleveland at Jacksonville 1:00 pm CBS Seattle at St. Louis 1:00 pm FOX Tennessee at Washington 1:00 pm CBS Kansas City at San Diego 4:05 pm CBS NY Giants at Dallas 4:5 pm FOX Arizona at Oakland 4:5 pm FOX San Francisco at Denver 8:30 pm NBC MON, OCTOBeR 20 Houston at Pittsburgh 8:30 pm ESPN Byes: Philadelphia, Tampa Bay Week 8 THU, OCTOBeR 23 San Diego at Denver 8:5 pm CBS SUN, OCTOBeR 26 Detroit at Atlanta 9:30 am FOX Buffalo at NY Jets 1:00 pm CBS Seattle at Carolina 1:00 pm FOX Baltimore at Cincinnati 1:00 pm CBS Miami at Jacksonville 1:00 pm CBS St. Louis at Kansas City 1:00 pm FOX Chicago at New England 1:00 pm FOX Minnesota at Tampa Bay 1:00 pm FOX Houston at Tennessee 1:00 pm CBS Philadelphia at Arizona 4:05 pm FOX Oakland at Cleveland 4:5 pm CBS Indianapolis at Pittsburgh 4:5 pm CBS Green Bay at New Orleans 8:30 pm NBC MON, OCTOBeR 27 Washington at Dallas 8:30 pm ESPN Byes: San Francisco, NY Giants Week 9 THU, OCTOBeR 30 New Orleans at Carolina 8:5 pm NFLN SUN, NOVeMBeR 2 Jacksonville at Cincinnati 1:00 pm CBS Tampa Bay at Cleveland 1:00 pm FOX Arizona at Dallas 1:00 pm FOX Philadelphia at Houston 1:00 pm FOX NY Jets at Kansas City 1:00 pm CBS San Diego at Miami 1:00 pm CBS Washington at Minnesota 1:00 pm FOX St. Louis at San Francisco 4:05 pm FOX Denver at New England 4:5 pm CBS Oakland at Seattle 4:5 pm CBS Baltimore at Pittsburgh 8:30 pm NBC MON, NOVeMBeR 3 Indianapolis at NY Giants 8:30 pm ESPN Byes: Atlanta, Buffalo, Green Bay, Chicago, Tennessee, Detroit THe NFL: By DaN LaDD @Gracenote bUiLT FOR TV How big is the NFL as a TV product? FOX, CBS and NBC will shell out $1 billion a year to the NFL beginning this season under a nine-year contract. And that’s just the basics. America just can’t get enough football and this year will have access to even more of it from the NFL. Fans will see some minor changes on Sundays. CBS and FOX remain the two networks that will carry afternoon games throughout the season. Usually CBS carries the AFC while FOX carries the NFC. Under a new “cross flex” system, however, a top matchup in either conference could wind up on the other network, to balance out the broadcasting of more lucrative matchups, such as those with playoff implications. The NFL will also implement the flexible schedule that moved games to NBC’s “Sunday Night Football” beginning in week 5, rather than week 11. This change does have some limitations, in that it can only take place twice between weeks 5 and 10. From week 11 on, it remains a constant possibility as it has in past seasons. Obviously, NBC will continue their Sunday night broadcasts, as will ESPN on Monday nights. NBC will also get the season opener between the Green Bay Packers and Seattle Seahawks on Thursday, September 4. After that, Thursday night games will be televised by both CBS and NFL Network from weeks 2 -9. The remaining Thursday evening games will be televised solely by NFL Network, with the exception of the Thanksgiving evening game between the Seahawks and San Francisco 49ers, which will be carried by NBC. Week 16 also marks the return of Saturday football with two games airing December 20 on CBS and NFL Network. Looking ahead to the upcoming season, it’s anyone’s guess which teams will represent the AFC and NFC in Super Bowl XLIX in Glendale, Arizona. Can the Seahawks repeat as champions, will the Denver Broncos return with a vengeance? In the NFC the 49ers and New Orleans Saints are among the top teams. The AFC still features a strong New England Patriots team who, along with the Broncos, could face challenges from the likes of the Cincinnati Bengals or San Diego Chargers. There’s always a surprise team or two. Last year it was the Chargers and the Arizona Cardinals. Who will it be this year? Let’s kick it off and find out. Week 10 Week 12 Week 14 Week 11 Week 13 Week 15 THU, NOVeMBeR 6 Cleveland at Cincinnati 8:5 pm NFLN SUN, NOVeMBeR 9 Tennessee at Baltimore 1:00 pm CBS Kansas City at Buffalo 1:00 pm CBS Miami at Detroit 1:00 pm CBS Dallas at Jacksonville 1:00 pm FOX San Francisco at New Orleans 1:00 pm FOX Pittsburgh at NY Jets 1:00 pm CBS Atlanta at Tampa Bay 1:00 pm FOX Denver at Oakland 4:05 pm CBS St. Louis at Arizona 4:5 pm FOX NY Giants at Seattle 4:5 pm FOX Chicago at Green Bay 8:30 pm NBC MON, NOVeMBeR 10 Carolina at Philadelphia 8:30 pm ESPN Byes: Indianapolis, New England, San Diego, Houston, Minnesota, Washington THU, NOVeMBeR 13 Buffalo at Miami 8:5 pm NFLN SUN, NOVeMBeR 16 Atlanta at Carolina 1:00 pm FOX Minnesota at Chicago 1:00 pm FOX Houston at Cleveland 1:00 pm CBS Philadelphia at Green Bay 1:00 pm FOX Seattle at Kansas City 1:00 pm FOX Cincinnati at New Orleans 1:00 pm CBS San Francisco at NY Giants 1:00 pm FOX Denver at St. Louis 1:00 pm CBS Tampa Bay at Washington 1:00 pm FOX Oakland at San Diego 4:05 pm CBS Detroit at Arizona 4:5 pm FOX New England at Indianapolis 8:30 pm NBC MON, NOVeMBeR 17 Pittsburgh at Tennessee 8:30 pm ESPN Byes: NY Jets, Baltimore, Jacksonville, Dallas Find Us on Facebook THU, NOVeMBeR 20 Kansas City at Oakland 8:5 pm NFLN SUN, NOVeMBeR 23 Cleveland at Atlanta 1:00 pm CBS NY Jets at Buffalo 1:00 pm CBS Tampa Bay at Chicago 1:00 pm FOX Cincinnati at Houston 1:00 pm CBS Jacksonville at Indianapolis 1:00 pm CBS Green Bay at Minnesota 1:00 pm FOX Detroit at New England 1:00 pm FOX Tennessee at Philadelphia 1:00 pm CBS St. Louis at San Diego 4:05 pm FOX Arizona at Seattle 4:05 pm FOX Miami at Denver 4:5 pm CBS Washington at San Francisco 4:5 pm CBS Dallas at NY Giants 8:30 pm NBC MON, NOVeMBeR 24 Baltimore at New Orleans 8:30 pm ESPN Byes: Carolina, Pittsburgh THU, NOVeMBeR 27 Chicago at Detroit 1:30 pm CBS Philadelphia at Dallas 4:30 pm FOX Seattle at San Francisco 8:30 pm NBC SUN, NOVeMBeR 30 San Diego at Baltimore 1:00 pm CBS Cleveland at Buffalo 1:00 pm CBS Tennessee at Houston 1:00 pm CBS Washington at Indianapolis 1:00 pm FOX NY Giants at Jacksonville 1:00 pm FOX Carolina at Minnesota 1:00 pm FOX New Orleans at Pittsburgh 1:00 pm FOX Oakland at St. Louis 1:00 pm CBS Cincinnati at Tampa Bay 1:00 pm CBS Arizona at Atlanta 4:05 pm FOX New England at Green Bay 4:5 pm CBS Denver at Kansas City 8:30 pm NBC MON, DeCeMBeR 1 Miami at NY Jets 8:30 pm ESPN THU, DeCeMBeR 4 Dallas at Chicago 8:5 pm NFLN SUN, DeCeMBeR 7 Pittsburgh at Cincinnati 1:00 pm CBS Indianapolis at Cleveland 1:00 pm CBS Tampa Bay at Detroit 1:00 pm FOX Houston at Jacksonville 1:00 pm CBS Baltimore at Miami 1:00 pm CBS NY Jets at Minnesota 1:00 pm CBS Carolina at New Orleans 1:00 pm FOX NY Giants at Tennessee 1:00 pm FOX St. Louis at Washington 1:00 pm FOX Kansas City at Arizona 4:05 pm CBS Buffalo at Denver 4:05 pm CBS San Francisco at Oakland 4:5 pm FOX Seattle at Philadelphia 4:5 pm FOX New England at San Diego 8:30 pm NBC MON, DeCeMBeR 8 Atlanta at Green Bay 8:30 pm ESPN THU, DeCeMBeR 11 Arizona at St. Louis 8:5 pm NFLN SUN, DeCeMBeR 14 Pittsburgh at Atlanta 1:00 pm CBS Jacksonville at Baltimore 1:00 pm CBS Green Bay at Buffalo 1:00 pm FOX Tampa Bay at Carolina 1:00 pm FOX Cincinnati at Cleveland 1:00 pm CBS Minnesota at Detroit 1:00 pm FOX Houston at Indianapolis 1:00 pm CBS Oakland at Kansas City 1:00 pm CBS Miami at New England 1:00 pm CBS Washington at NY Giants 1:00 pm FOX Denver at San Diego 4:05 pm CBS NY Jets at Tennessee 4:05 pm CBS San Francisco at Seattle 4:5 pm FOX Dallas at Philadelphia 8:30 pm NBC MON, DeCeMBeR 15 New Orleans at Chicago 8:30 pm ESPN ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE FaST FaCTS! 1. Cardinals’ linebacker John abraham has 133.5 sacks and could leap from ninth to fifth all-time this season if he can surpass Michael Strahan’s total of 141.5. 2. Steelers’ quarterback Ben Roethlisberger’s contract runs through 2015. When he signed his current contract in 2008 with two years remaining on the previous contract he responded by winning the Super Bowl. 3. Colts’ kicker adam Vinatieri needs just 56 points to surpass John Carney as fourth best all-time placekicker. In 2013 he booted 139 points. 4. Seahawks Super Bowl MVP linebacker Malcolm Smith has now played three seasons in the NFL under coach Pete Carroll, who also coached him for three seasons at USC. 5. Quarterback Tony Romo could become the Dallas Cowboys’ all-time passing leader in yards this season. He needs 3,377 to surpass Troy aikman. Week 16 THU, DeCeMBeR 18 Tennessee at Jacksonville 8:5 pm NFLN SaT, DeCeMBeR 20 Philadelphia at Washington 1:00 pm CBS San Diego at San Francisco 3:00 pm CBS SUN, DeCeMBeR 21 Cleveland at Carolina 1:00 pm CBS Detroit at Chicago 1:00 pm FOX Baltimore at Houston 1:00 pm CBS Minnesota at Miami 1:00 pm FOX Atlanta at New Orleans 1:00 pm FOX New England at NY Jets 1:00 pm CBS Kansas City at Pittsburgh 1:00 pm CBS Green Bay at Tampa Bay 1:00 pm FOX NY Giants at St. Louis 4:05 pm FOX Indianapolis at Dallas 4:5 pm CBS Buffalo at Oakland 4:5 pm CBS Seattle at Arizona 8:30 pm NBC MON, DeCeMBeR 22 Denver at Cincinnati 8:30 pm ESPN Week 17 SUN, DeCeMBeR 28 Carolina at Atlanta 1:00 pm FOX Cleveland at Baltimore 1:00 pm CBS Detroit at Green Bay 1:00 pm FOX Jacksonville at Houston 1:00 pm CBS San Diego at Kansas City 1:00 pm CBS NY Jets at Miami 1:00 pm CBS Chicago at Minnesota 1:00 pm FOX Buffalo at New England 1:00 pm CBS Philadelphia at NY Giants 1:00 pm FOX Cincinnati at Pittsburgh 1:00 pm CBS New Orleans at Tampa Bay 1:00 pm FOX Indianapolis at Tennessee 1:00 pm CBS Dallas at Washington 1:00 pm FOX Oakland at Denver 4:5 pm CBS Arizona at San Francisco 4:5 pm FOX St. Louis at Seattle 4:5 pm FOX *Time and network subject to change. 014 NFL PREVIEW 3 PAGE pg35 The Wizard of Odds The “Wizard of Odds” is a local casino maven who has firsthand and accurate inside information on the best and worst casino deals in Atlantic City. If you follow the Wizard’s advice in patronizing the best and avoiding the worst casinos, your money will last longer and you will have a better chance to win. This week’s feature is, “Saving the Goose, Part X, on how Waste, Fraud, and Abuse did us in.” To Advertise In: Call Us At (609)568-5437 THE BEST CASINO DEALS Best Player’s Club Lounge: “the Amphora Lounge” ......................... Borgata Best Overall Slot Odds: ....................................................................... Borgata Highest Progressive Meters: ............................................................... Harrah’s Best Cash Back & Promotions: ............................................................. Harrah's Best Chinese Noodle Bar – Lillie’s Restaurant & Noodle Bar: . Golden Nugget Best Steakhouse – Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse ................................Near Caesars Highest Class of Customers: “The Nicer People Place” ....................... Borgata Most Financially Secure Casino: ......................................................... Borgata The abject harm caused by closing of three of our floundering casinos is plain to see with thousands of our friends, relatives and neighbors now out of a job. Their employment prospects remain dim when casino gaming is our main industry. Other, indirect pain has been inflicted upon us and is growing. For example, my physician, who resides in Brigantine, told me of a 30% rise in his property taxes. A senior citizen caller to the Pinky Kravitz show bemoaned her personal predicament in that the property taxes on her Atlantic City residence going up to $2,000.00 per month. With more closings wait until next year! The “powers-to-be” responsible for these failures are stealing our future. For example, you Hardhats, the construction crane in our area is now on the most endangered species list. You Home builders, who will buy your new construction when thousands of foreclosures are up for grabs? Budding chefs from the Culinary Institute will find fewer opportunities to utilize their skills. The reduction of vital hotel rooms will block large conventions and likely crush hopes for regular full-service airline service at Atlantic City Airport. Large new projects on great sites such as Bader Field and the Inlet will likely languish, or die. There are now reports from a major bank that, beyond the three casino closings we are having at the end of this summer, two other casinos are likely on the “chopping block.” If so, future pain is coming - and it was all so unnecessary. As Stan would say, “hey Ollie how did we get into this fine kettle of fish mess?” The grand gaming experiment to save Atlantic City was not, in and of itself, a failure. Billions of dollars were raised locally and not reinvested in Atlantic City. Furthermore, the “Golden Goose” also fell victim to waste, fraud, and abuse. Here are but a few examples: Waste: The CRDA wasted $16 million of our local dough on a never built apartment project in Pennsauken, NJ when the monies would have been better spent to reduce the remaining eyesores along our main drag, Pacific Avenue, and widen it to accommodate our once substantial traffic. Fraud: Bottom fishers, scammers and charlatans prospered with looting for personal gain, corrupt exit schemes, their “golden parachutes” and their multi-million dollar “consulting fees.” Abuse: Since about 90% of the city budget was once paid by casino taxes, it became an easy target for expensive lawsuits, some by its own governmental officials, no less. The Wizard sez: “The progress in reversing this downward trend so far has been dismal. We must reverse it in order to save what is left of our Goose or our Goose is surely cooked!” The “Wiz” can be contacted at: Editor's Note: The opinions of the Wizard are not the opinions of this publication. PAGE 36 ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE Atlantic County Magazine Find Us. Fan Us. Casino Box Offices Ticketmaster 1-800-736-1420 Bally’s Atlantic City 1-800-772-7777 Borgata 1-866-MY-BORGATA Caesars Atlantic City 1-800-677-SHOW Golden Nugget 1-609-441-2000 Harrah’s Atlantic City 1-800-HARRAH Resorts Atlantic City 1-800-322-SHOW Tropicana Casino & Resort 1-800-526-2935 Trump Plaza Hotel Casino 1-800-759-8786 Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort 1-609-449-5150 THURSDAY EVENING 6:00 (3-CBS) (6-ABC) (10-NBC) (17-MNT) (23-PBS) (29-FOX) (40-NBC) (57-CW) (A&E) (AMC) (CNN) (COM) (DISC) (DISN) (ESPN) (ESPN2) (FNEWS) (HBO) (HIST) (ION) (LIFE) (MAX) (NICK) (SPIKE) (TBS) (TCM) (TNT) (USA) 6:30 7:00 SEPTEMBER 11, 2014 7:30 8:00 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 News CBS Ent News ABC Jeopardy! 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Dallas Å ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE Rush “Dirty Work” Cops Office “3Couch” Hawaii Satisfact. PAGE 37 “In My OpInIOn” By nancy adler FITNESS AND NUTRITION strong bones It is important to obtain adequate calcium. Vitamin D and other nutrients for your bones is increasingly important with age, as the body’s natural “remodeling” of bones gets out of balance. Old bone material is always being broken down, with new bone being formed to take its place. In addition to a healthy diet, you can protect your bones by: NaNcy adler is a certified NutritioN aNd fitNess iNstructor. she specializes iN NutritioN aNd weight loss/coNtrol aNd sports specific NutritioN for someoNe of every age. NaNcy will create the perfect NutritioNal plaN just for you aNd your Needs to help you to reach your goals. for more iNfo aNd persoNalized NutritioNal programs call NaNcy at 609 653-4900 to schedule your oNeoN-oNe coNfideNtial coNsultatioN ... PAGE 38 •Not Smoking • Strength exercises using weights • Weight bearing exercise such as walking, running or stair climbing as well as yoga and tai chi Nancy Adler C.F.T./S.S.N./S.S.C. Located At 401 New Road, Suite 103 Linwood, NJ 08221 Follow Nancy Adler Nutrition on ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE Find Us on Facebook ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 39 PAGE 40 ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE