county commissioner minutes
county commissioner minutes
COUNTY COMMISSIONER MINUTES JULY 21, 2009 1. LARAMIE, WYOMING Roll Call. Roll call showed present: Sullivan, Gabriel and Chesnut. Public Hearing CDBG from Wyoming Business Council for SAFE Proiect Sheela Schermetzler, Grants Manager spoke regarding SAFE Project's application for a Community Development Block Grant for the purpose of renovating an apartment building in order to better serve clients and their families. Jess Briskey, President of the SAFE Board of Directors informed the Board that the SAFE Project is a valuable community asset that serves victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking, elder abuse, etc. Basically they have outgrown their Space and would like to build a better foundation to serve clients in the next 10, 15 and 20 years to come. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to CLOSE the Public Hearing at 9:36 a.m. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. CDBG from Wyoming Community Development Authority for SAFE Project Sheela Schermetzler, Grants Manager spoke regarding the grant application for The SAFE Project from the Wyoming Community Development Authority in the amount of $250,000 to purchase a shelter. Jess Briskey, President of the SAFE Board of Directors spoke about applying for these funds t o secure the location and purchase the property. The staff and Board have worked tirelessly to move forward in the purchase of this property. The shelter and office will be housed within the same unit to provide better supervision and over site of clients. Kellie Collini, SAFE Director spoke about the amount of families and individuals that will be housed in the new shelter. The new shelter will have 9 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms which will be placed in three separate apartment units which will help with families and unusual cases. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to CLOSE the Public Hearing at 9:39 a.m. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. CDBG Planning only from Wyoming Business Council for Laramie Head Start/Developmental Preschool Angelina Korzhova, Grants Specialist informed the Board that this is a Planning Only Grant for $5,000 with the match coming from the Developmental Preschool and Head Start. The plan is to fund a feasibility study because both entities are in need of expansIOn. Lorinda Lindley, Executive Director of Laramie Head Start thanked the County for all they have done for Head Start. They are excited about this joint effort with the Developmental Preschool and feel that they can have a state of the art facility where we can ensure future success for children with disabilities and low income children. Caroline Johnson, Laramie Child Development Board of Directors informed the Board of the need for a joint facility. They want these children to have a healthy and safe environment to play and learn. We also want a place to educate the parents. Judy Moline, Developmental Preschool informed the Board that they have just simply outgrown their facility and are in need of a new larger one. Jennifer Steiner, the mother of two children who attend Head Start spoke about her four year old daughter who is on an individualized education plan which 26% of children in Head Start have. She has a social disability which makes it hard for her to social with others although she has learned many skills in Head Start because of working with specialist. Although she is getting this amazing help, the size of the facility is hindering families from getting the whole experience of working with their children. This program will give her children an enhanced outcome when they are older. Commissioner Chesnut spoke about the amazing job that the Developmental Preschool and Head Start are currently doing. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to CLOSE the Public Hearing at 9:48 a.m. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. A & C Truck Stop Conditional Use Permit Hearing no comments, MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to CLOSE the Public Hearing at 9:49 a.m. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. Sawmill Homestead Subdivision Preliminary Plat Hearing no comments, MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to CLOSE the Public Hearing at 9:49 a.m. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 2. Public Comment Beverly Goodman spoke as a constituent of the county expressing her frustration regarding the delay in her Private Road case. 3. Consideration of Changes in the Agenda. Remove item number 30; Change Order #1 dated July 14, 2009 for the Albany County Public Library Entry and Elevator Modifications Project postponing the Final completion date by one month. 4. Approval of Consent Agenda. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel that each specific action on the Consent Agenda be APPROVED as indicated. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 4a. CONSENT AGENDA Minutes of the July 7, 2009 Regular Meeting of the Board. Action: that the Board APPROVES the MINUTES of the July 7, 2009 Regular Meeting of the 4b. Minutes and Agenda of the Centennial Water and Sewer District. Action: that the Board ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT of the MINUTES and AGENDAS of the December 22,2008, November 24,2008, October 27,2008, September 22,2008, August 25,2008, July 28,2008, June 23,2008, May 19,2008, April 28, 2008, March 24,2008, February 28,2008, January 28, 2008, December 17,2007, November 26, 2007, October 22,2007, September 24,2007, August 27,2007, July 23,2007, February 26,2007, MINUTES of the May 29,2007, March 26,2007, December 18, 2006 and the June 25, 2007, April 23, 2007 and January 22,2007 AGENDAS of the Centennial Water and Sewer District. 4c. Minutes and Agenda of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Action: that the Board ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT of the June 10, 2009 MINUTES and the July 8, 2009 AGENDA of the Planning and Zoning Commission. 4d. Minutes of the Albany County Public Library Board of Directors. Action: that the Board ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT of the May 26, 2009 MINUTES of the Albany County Public Library Board of Directors. 4e. Minutes of the Albany County Weed and Pest Control District. Action: that the Board ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT of the June 4, 2009 Board of Directors Meeting; Executive Board Meeting and Budget Work Session MINUTES of the Albany County Weed and Pest Control District. 4f. Minutes and Agenda of the Laramie Plains Civic Center Joint Powers Board. Action: that the Board ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT of the June 9, 2009 MINUTES and the July 14,2009 AGENDA of the Laramie Plains Civic Center Joint Powers Board. 4g. Albany County Planner Monthly Statement. Action: that the Board ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT of the MONTHLY STATEMENT for the month ending June 2009 from Doug Bryant, County Planner. 4h. Albany County Public Health Monthly Statement. Action: that the Board ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT of the MONTHLY STATEMENT for the month ending June 2009 from Marianne Viner, Public Health Director. 4i. Albany County Clerk of District Court Monthly Statement. Action: that the Board ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT of the MONTHLY STATEMENT for the month ending June 2009 from Janice Sexton, Clerk of District Court. Board. 4j. Albany County Clerk Monthly Statement. Action: that the Board ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIJYf of the MONTHLY STATEMENT for the month ending June 2009 from Jackie R. Gonzales, County Clerk. 4k. Albany County Treasurer Monthly Statement. Action: that the Board ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIJYf of the MONTHLY STATEMENT for the month ending June 2009 from Linda Simpson, County Treasurer. 41. Albany County General Fund Revenue Report. Action: that the Board ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIJYf of the General Fund REVENUE REPORT for the month ending June 2009 as prepared by the County Treasurer's Office. 4m. Albany County General Fund Expenditure Report. Action: that the Board ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIJYf of the General Fund EXPENDITURE REPORT for the month ending June 2009 as prepared by the County Clerk's Office. 4n. Albany County Public Library Revenues & Expenditures Budgeted vs. Actual Report. Action: that the Board ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIJYf of the Albany County Public Library REVENUES & EXPENDITURES BUDGETED vs. ACTUAL REPORT from July 2008 through May 2009. 40. Albany County Hospital District FY 2009-20010 Budget and request for Mill Levy. Action: that the Board ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIJYf of the Albany County Hospital District Ivinson Memorial Hospital Public Notice of2009/2010 Proposed Budget and request for a Mill Levy of 3 Mills. 4p. County Road Fund Vouchers. Vendor Gorman •, Engineering, Gorman Engineering, 4q. A' chon: that th e Board APPROVES teo h fi 11owmg County Road F un d Vouch ers: Invoice ! Service Amount Date/No. Account Number Engineering Services, Harmony 6/30/09-9-51 $6,051.88 979-5310-000 LLC Lane SLIB MRG 979-5315-000 09015 Engineering LLC Services, Dutton $11,645.07 979-5300-000 6/30/09-9-50 Creek SLIB MRG 979-5305-000 09016 I AUke~~ Gipso Wright Reinitz Reinitz Dellenback Milburn • I Milburn McNamee LLC I 4r. $4,538.91 $1,512.97 $8,733.80 $2,911.27 Zoning Certificates Last Name Brown I Amount AcIon: t' tha t the Board APPROVES the fi0 11owmg Z omng Ce rt'fi llca tes: Zoning Permit # Street # Description of Use Zoning First Name Address ### Caryl Street Accessory Building Res C.C. and Lorie ZC-061-09 ### Ryan ZC-062-09 Sage Drive Principal StruCtUl~:J_Res ### Bear Camp Trail Principal Structure Ag Eleanor ZC-063-09 Osprey Road Mobile Home Res Amy & Jermy ZC-064-09 90 Honey Tree Loop Res ZC-065-09 199 Principal Structure Paul Honey Tree Loop Accessory Building Res ZC-066-09 199 Paul Coffee Springs Accessory Building Res ZC-067-09 Road Paul 6 Fishworm Road Robert & I Principal Structure Res ZC-068-09 34 (FS-544-ABJ Christine Fishworm Road Robert & (FS-544-AB) Accessory Building Res Christine ZC-069-09 34 Riverside Drive Accessory Building Res Mark ZC-070-09 2760 Cottonwood Park Ag Accessory Building ZC-071-09 872 Road True Ranches Acknowledge ReceIpt of Correspondence. Action: that the Board ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIJYf of CORRESPONDENCE from: Northern Laramie Range Alliance; NACO County News (2); Albany County Public Library (2); Vedauwoo Volunteer Fire Department; Wyoming Department of Health (2); Wyoming Association of Municipalities; Albany County Public Library Foundation; Office of State Lands & Investments (2); Crystal Merriam, Laramie Recreation Center; Around Cheyenne; Laramie Rivers Conservation District; Office of the State Public Defender, Laramie Area Chamber of Commerce; Local Government Liability Pool Declaration Page; Office of Homeland Security: 2009 Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Program; Centennial Water & Sewer District; Bill Jussi1a; American Red Cross of Wyoming; Pandemic Influenza Press Release; Eppson Center for Seniors; Rebecca Roberts; United States Environmental Protection Agency Region 8; Mike & Mitzi Bruno; Carbon County Clerk, Gwynn G. Bartlett; Russ Reid- Federal Funding for County of Albany Economic Development Initiatives; Charlee J. Barto; Wyoming Community Development Authority; Midwest Assistance Program SOURCE; Beth Mullins; Department of Environmental Quality and Sage FAS. 5. REGULAR AGENDA Award the Contract and Authorize Chairman to Execute Agreement upon receipt of bonds or Reject all bids for Dutton Creek Road Resurfacing Project. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to AWARD the Contract for the Base Bid and Alternate A to Simon Contractors in the amount of $1,440,480.00 for the Dutton Creek Road Resurfacing Project and AUTHORIZE the Chairman to EXECUTE the Agreement upon receipt of all submittals outlined in the contract document. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 6. Resolution of Support to submit a Community Development Block Grant Application to the Wyoming Business Council for the benefit of the SAFE Project to rehabilitate one building of an existing facility and to assist in the relocation assistance costs of tenants of existing facility in the amount of $300,000. MOTION by Gabriel, seconded by Chesnut to APPROVE Resolution Authorizing the Filing of an Application for Funding from the Wyoming Business Council Community Development Block Grant Program for the benefit of the SAFE Project to rehabilitate one building of an existing facility and to assist in the relocation assistance costs of tenants of existing facility in the amount of $300,000. Roll call showed Gabriel, Chesnut and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 7. Resolution of Support to submit a Community Development Block Grant Planning Grant Application to the Wyoming Business Council for the benefit of the Laramie Head Start and the Developmental Preschool and Day Care Center in the amount of $25,000. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to APPROVE Resolution Authorizing the Submission of Application to the Wyoming Business Council for Community Development Block Grant Program Planning Only for the benefit of the Laramie Head Start and the Developmental Preschool and Day Care Center in the amount of $25,000 in preparing a feasibility study of the proposed joint partnership facility for Laramie Head Start and Developmental Preschool and Day Care Center that includes the following activities: determine community of low-income and special needs child population; site visits to model facilities; marketing and business plan for the facility; preliminary architectural and engineering plan that would include site location recommendations, preliminary conceptual plan and cost estimate and research funding opportunities; real estate appraisal of the selected property and grants management/ administrative activities. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 8. Application to Wyoming Department of Family Services for the TANF-CPI grant application in the amount of$91,704 starting October 1,2009 through September 30,2010. Sheela Schermetzler, Grants Manager spoke about the different entities which are applying for these funds. CLIMB Wyoming is applying for $44,000 to train and place low-income single mothers in jobs that earn livable wages and allow them to successfully support their families, thus ending the dependence of parents on governmental benefits; and $30,488 for the Laramie Youth Crisis Center to continue the extended families program and to have a parent coordinator and Interfaith Good Samaritan who is applying for $15,380 for transportation assistance. Administrative expenses for Albany County Grants Office in the amount of $836.00 are figured into this grant application. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to APPROVE the submittal of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Community Partnership Grant Application (TANF-CPI) to the Wyoming Department of Family Services in the amount of $91,704 starting October 1,2009 through September 30,2010 on behalf of the three entities listed above. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 9. Amendment Number Two to the Grant Award for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Preparedness and Response for Bioterrorism Wyoming Department of Health and Albany County Public Health Nursing Services. MOTION by Gabriel, seconded by Chesnut to APPROVE Amendment Number Two to the Grant Award for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Preparedness and Response for Bioterrorism Wyoming Department of Health and Albany County Public Health Nursing Services to add funding in the amount of $8,782 whereby raising the total agreement payment from $89,214 to $97,996 and extending the expiration date of the agreement from September 30, 2009 to December 31, 2009. Roll call showed Gabriel, Chesnut and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 10. Grant Agreement Between Albany County with Laramie Plains Civic Center Foundation Trust in regard to the Community Development Block Grant. MOTION by Gabriel, seconded by Chesnut to APPROVE Grant Agreement between Albany County and the Laramie Plains Civic Center Foundation - Trust in the sum of $25,000 to hire consultants to determine the feasibility of rehabilitating the Laramie Plains Civic Center Foundation- Trust located at 710 East Garfield Street, Laramie, Wyoming. Roll call showed Gabriel, Chesnut and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 11. Grant Agreement between Wyoming Business Council and Albany County in the amount of $25,000 for the Community Development Block Grant, Planning Grant for the benefit of the Laramie Plains Civic Center Foundation - Trust. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to APPROVE Community Development Block Grant Agreement between the Wyoming Business Council, Division of Investment Ready Communities and Albany County in the amount of $25,000 for the benefit of the Laramie Plains Civic Center Foundation - Trust to complete a study that will address the rehabilitation of the Laramie Plains Civic Center including physical needs of the building, costs of renovation, future uses, a property appraisal and a marketing plan for the building. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 12. Submission of applications to Guthrie Family Foundation for $5,447 for expenses related to the concrete footing and base of the SCUlpture. MOTION by Gabriel, seconded by Sullivan to APPROVE submission of an application to the Guthrie Family Foundation in the amount of $5,447 for concrete footing and base that will hold the 9 foot sculpture and low voltage lights that will enhance the sculpture entitled "The Architecture of Civility" for the Albany County Courthouse East Plaza. Roll call showed Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 13. Grant Award for U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Emergency Communications (OEC) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Grant Programs Directorate, Interoperable Emergency Communications Grant Program (IECGP), Fiscal Year 2008, Project ID: 08-GPD-ALB-IE-CGP7, in the amount of $9,209.46 from September 1, 2008 through May 31, 20 11. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to APPROVE Grant Award with U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Emergency Communications (OEC) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Grant Programs Directorate, Interoperable Emergency Communications Grant Program (IECGP), Fiscal Year 2008, Project ID: 08-GPD ALB-IE-CGP7, in the amount of $9,209.46 from September 1, 2008 through May 31, 2011 to provide planning, training and exercise funding to carry out initiatives to improve interoperable emergency communications, including communications in collective response to natural disasters, acts of terrorism and other man-made disasters. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 14. Albany County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Adoption Resolution. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to APPROVE Albany County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Adoption Resolution that hereby resolves to be adopted as an official plan of Albany County and all of its incorporated municipalities including Rock River and Laramie; the Board of County Commissioners delegates the responsibility for annual review and monitoring of implementation to the County Emergency Management Coordinator; each local government shall pursue implementation of the projects contained in the plan as resources allow and each local government shall consider and incorporate into other plans, elements of the Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan as appropriate. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 15. Conditional Use Permits (truck stop, convenience store, malt beverage sales) for A & C Truck Stop (Aguinaga). MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to APPROVE the Conditional Use Permits (truck stop, convenience store and liquor sales) for A & C Truck Stop (Aguinaga) based upon and incorporating the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law: Findings of Fact: 1. The property's use as a truck stop, convenience store and liquor sales is consistent with the historical use of the property. 2. The necessary findings for approval, as listed in this report, are incorporated herein as findings of fact. Conclusions of Law: The requirements of the Albany County Zoning Resolution, Chapter V, Section 4 (Conditional Uses) have been complied with. 1. Public meeting notice was published as required. 2. Notice to nearby property owners was mailed as required. 3. Signage was placed on public roads abutting the proposed conditional use as required. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 16. Sawmill Homesteads Subdivision preliminary plat. MOTION by Gabriel, seconded by Chesnut to APPROVE Sawmill Homesteads Subdivision Preliminary Plat based upon and incorporating the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law: Findings of Fact: Preliminary Plat 1. The information required to be on the face of the preliminary plat, per Chapter V, Section 2 has been completed. 2. Drainage and other preliminary plat issues have been reviewed and approved by the County Engineer. 3. Water will be provided by Centennial Water and Sewer District. 4. Wastewater systems will be individual systems. 5. All residential lots will exceed 1 acre, the minimum lot size. 6. Utilities will be underground. Conclusions of Law: The provisions of the Albany County Platting and Subdivision Resolution, Chapter I-VIII and Appendix A have been and will be complied with. 1. Notice to nearby property owners was mailed, notice was published, and signage was posted as required. Roll call showed Gabriel, Chesnut and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 17. Renewal of Mobile Home Park Licenses for 2009-2010. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to APPROVE the following Mobile Home Park License Renewals for 2008: Gasper LLC #2 (formerly Blue Sky Trailer Court) Coronado Mobile Home Park Mountain View Mobile Home Park Flying X Ranch Ox Yoke Guest Ranch Peterson Mobile Home Park Chaparral Gardens Mobile Home Park Country Meadows Mobile Home Park Wade's Mobile Home Park The remaining parks are contingent upon items needing to be addressed and re inspection. These will be brought forward for action in August. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 18. Exemption request for large tract subdivision (Bingham). MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to APPROVE Exemption request for large tract subdivision for Beau and Michelle Bingham who have complied with statutory and regulation requirements to be granted an exemption to the large tract subdivision standards that include legal description or record of survey, address water rights accordingly and address water system study or provide disclaimer. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 19. Notice to Proceed to Clark Enterprises for the Purchase and Installation of One Fire Package for Installation on Military 2.5 Ton Truck. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to APPROVE Notice to Proceed to Clark Enterprises for the purchase and installation of one fire package for installation on military 2.5 Ton, 6 wheel drive truck for the Sybille Fire Zone. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 20. Renewal of Albany County Juvenile Diversion Program Service Provider Agreement between Albany County and Greater Wyoming Big Brothers Big Sisters. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to APPROVE renewal of Albany County Juvenile Diversion Program Service Provider Agreement between Albany County and Greater Wyoming Big Brothers Big Sister to continue providing services supervising the participants in the Albany County Juvenile Diversion Program to be paid $3,230 monthly from April 30, 2009 to April 30, 2010. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 21. Advertise for bids for the third phase of Evidence Storage and Processing Building tenant finish. MOTION by Gabriel, seconded by Chesnut to ADVERTISE for bids for the third phase of Evidence Storage and Processing Building tenant finish. Roll call showed Gabriel, Chesnut and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 22. Utility License for Carbon Power & Light Inc., on County Road #17, Rogers Canyon Road, located in SE 1/4 of Section 36, Township 17 North, Range 73 West. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to APPROVE Utility License for Carbon Power & Light Inc., on County Road #17, Rogers Canyon Road, located in SE IJ4 of Section 36, Township 17 North, Range 73 West. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 23. Extended Professional Service Agreement between the University of Wyoming and the Board of County Commissioners of Albany County, WY. MOTION by Gabriel, seconded by Chesnut to APPROVE Extended Professional Service Agreement between the University of Wyoming and the Board of County Commissioners of Albany County, WY for the purpose of assisting and encouraging the development of 4-H and other youth programming. Roll call showed Gabriel, Chesnut and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 24. Statement of Receipts and Expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 pursuant to W.S. §18-3 515. MOTION by Gabriel, seconded by Chesnut to ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT and PUBLISH Statement of Receipts and Expenditures for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 pursuant to W.S. §18-3 515. Roll call showed Gabriel, Chesnut and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 25. Application for Catering Permit for Centennial Valley Trading Post, Inc. on the following dates: July 28, August 2, 9, 16, 22, 23, 30 and September 6, 2009. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to APPROVE application for Catering Permit for Centennial Valley Trading Post, Inc. on the following dates: July 28, August 2, 9, 16, 22, 23, 30 and September 6, 2009 for free classical, jazz or blues concerts in the events park in Centennial, WY. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 26. New County Retail or Special Malt Beverage Permit for Cynthia Aguinaga dba A & C Truck Stop. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to APPROVE New County Retail or Special Malt Beverage Permit for Cynthia Aguinaga dba A & C Truck Stop for the period from July 21, 2009 t hrough July 9,2010. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 28. Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Albany County Budget. Jackie R. Gonzales, County Clerk informed the Board of the Public Hearing held on Monday July 20,2009. Requests presented at the Hearing included a request of $525.00 for Treasurer Bonds, an additional $14,600.00 for Contract services with Darryl Faulk medical service provider for the Detention Center and also heard comments from Janice Sexton, Clerk regarding court statistics for an additional Deputy County and Prosecuting Attorney. Chairman Sullivan made a MOTION to RESIND the $25,000 allocation to the Library Board and the Albany County Fair Board in hopes that both entities will submit projects for consideration when the 1% Specific Purpose Tax comes due. With there being no second, the Motion FAILED. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to APPROVE an additional $525.00 to the Proposed Budget for Treasurer Bonds. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. A brief recess was taken so that the change listed above could be calculated in the proposed budget. The Board reconvened at 10:58 a.m. Jackie R. Gonzales, County Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration a balanced budget with projected revenues of $11,971,099.00 and expenditures of $11,971,099.00 which includes an appropriation of $100,000 to the cash reserve with a Mill Levy appropriation of: County 9.901 mills, Albany County Public Library - 1.632 mills and the Albany County Fair Board - .0467 mills with the following breakdown: APPROVED FY 2009-2010 BUDGET Total Cash Estimated Total Fund Mill Levy General ,09901 County Library ,01632 Available for Estimated Estimated Total Budget (incl. Revenue Cash and Requirements Cash Reserve & Available Revenue for Requirements County Fair ,00467 Emerg Reserve) For Budget Columns 1&2 AIilIil[Qlilriations A!:!!ID!!!! Total Mills ,12 $3,970,127,00 $10,699,610,79 $14,669,737.79 Unemployment Compensation WACO Dues Wyoming County Commissioner Assoc. Dues Vital Records $14,669,737.79 9,000.00 250.00 12,602.00 750,00 Estimate of Tax $4,238,886.41 County Commissioner 147,898.00 Courthouse 148,499.00 County Clerk 728,747.00 Grants 117,979.00 Plan 125 Monthly Base Fee 1,500.00 Elections 130,957.00 Plan 125 Participating Fee 1,000.00 IT 255,705.00 Polk Directory 360,00 County Treasurer 469,324.00 County Warrants 400.00 County Assessor 527.152.00 CSA Hardware UpgradesfTraining 3,000.00 County Sheriff 1.545,630.00 WACO 2009 5,000.00 Postage for Meter 63,000.00 General Accounting - Clerk 1,000.00 General Accounting - Treasurer 400.00 County Vehicle Plates 50.00 325,000.00 Gasoline, Diesel, Oil Detention Center 1,591,392.00 Detention Center Medical 242AOO.00 County Attorney 695,394.00 Intergovernmental 547,342.00 GIS 138,100.00 County Planner 333,079.00 Auditor Contract 35,000.00 Engineering 13,000.00 Copier Lease 71,000.00 County Coroner 71,267.00 Extension 75,369.00 Lake Hattie Lease Telephone 4,000.00 Fax & Access Lines Utilities Maintenance - Painting Medical Insurance - Retirees/Others 352,771.00 210,000.00 District Court 70,897.00 3,000.00 Circuit Court 1,385,000.00 Insurance - Liability Insurance - Peace Officer Liability Insurance Clerk of Court 10,000.00 Property/Boiler & Machinery 500.00 Road & Bridge 958,331.00 62,401.00 Fire Warden 67,868.00 5,000.00 Public Health 338,868.00 23,010.00 Insurance - Deductible 5,000.00 Insurance - Consultant 22,000.00 500.00 Insurance - COBRA Administration Military Overhire 30,610.00 TOTAL 9,5990Z9QO 1070.00 WARM - Crime Insurance 8,721.00 WARM - Self Funded Pool Layer 276.00 WARM - Claims Handling Fee WARM - Operating Budget 1,550.00 WARM - Taxes, Fees & Loss Con 1,180.00 9,599,079.00 ·Other General Accounts 11,871,099.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 500,000.00 EMERGENCY RESERVE 1 AOO,OOO.OO CASH RESERVE TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS & CASH RESERVE 13,771,099.00 FAIRBOARD APPROPRIATIONS 199,935.36 LIBRARY APPROPRIATIONS 698,703.43 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS $14,669,737.79 MOTION by Gabriel, seconded by Chesnut to APPROVE Albany County's Budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 as recommended and listed above by Jackie R. Gonzales, County Clerk. Roll call showed Gabriel, Chesnut and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. Linda Simpson, County Treasurer informed the Board of the estimated receipts and anticipated expenditures for 1% Sales Tax, Direct Aid Funds, Courthouse Renovation and Hardship Funds and are as follows: 1% Sales Tax Cash carryover $ 237,951.00 Estimated revenues $ 619,032.96 Total available balance $ 856,984.41 Total County requests $ 569,765.00 Total community agency requests - $ 221,500.00 Total appropriation - $ 791,265.00 Total Remaining Balance - $ 65,719.41 MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to APPROVE 1% Sales Tax Allocation as listed above and read by Linda Simpson, County Treasurer. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. Direct Aid Funds Cash carry over $ Total Receipts $ 899,013.56 Total Appropriations - $1,199,874.13 300,860.57 Requested cash carry over for grant matches- $256,209.78 Grant Appropriations $ 211,422.22 Total Grants - $ 462,185.00 Vehicles $ 48,000.00 Intergovernmental - $ 200,000.00 Coroner equipment- $ 225,000.00 Library - $ 25,000.00 Fair - $ 25,000.00 Total Direct Aid Funds - $ 509,647.22 Total remaining $ 690,226.91 MOTION by Gabriel, seconded by Chesnut to APPROVE Direct Aid Funds as listed above and read by Linda Simpson, County Treasurer. Roll call showed Gabriel, Chesnut and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. Courthouse Renovation Cash carry over - $ 15,672.63 Total revenue - $ 12,000.00 Total appropriation - $ 27,672.63 District Court Sound System - $ 15,000.00 District Court Blinds - $ 5,000.00 Courthouse Steps - $ 6,000.00 Total Requests $ 26,000.00 Total funds remaining - $ 1,672.63 MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to APPROVE Courthouse Renovation as listed above and read by Linda Simpson, County Treasurer. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. Hardship Funds Cash carry over - $ 104,423.13 Total receipts - $ 844,069.79 Total appropriations - $ 948,492.92 Total remaining balance - $ 948,492.92 MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to APPROVE Hardship Funds as listed above and read by Linda Simpson, County Treasurer. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. Total Carry over funds from 1% Sales Tax, Direct Aid Funds, Courthouse Renovation and Hardship funds is $1,706,111.87 to be put into the reserve account for next year's operating expenses. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to APPROVE $1,706,111.87 to be put into reserve account for next year's operating expenses. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 28. Agreement for Professional Services between Darryl Faulk, MS, APN, CS, PC as the Medical Service Provider and the Albany County Detention Center for the agreed amount of $205,000.00. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to DENY Agreement for Professional Services between Darryl Faulk, MS, APN, CS, PC as the Medical Service Provider and the Albany County Detention Center for the agreed amount of $205,000.00 and ask Sheriff Pond to renegotiate contract amount. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED 29. Group Plan Changes regarding Health Insurance with Blue Cross. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to APPROVE the Group Plan Changes regarding Health Insurance with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming effective August 1, 2009 as follows: Transitioning from Fully Insured to Self Funded. Will mirror current Plan Design with the following changes: all contraceptives prescribed by the physician are covered, when prescribed by a physician all OTC products, brand and generic that are covered (PPI's and NSAH's) shall adjudicate at the generic co-pay level. To include but not limited to Rx-Prilosec and RX-omeprazole. Non-sedating antihistamines, both Rx and OTC (brand and generic) and Proton-pump inhibitors, both Rx and OTC (brand and generic) are covered; smoking cessation products, both Rx and OTC (brand and generic) are covered at $600/member/calendar year. All OTe smoking cessation products (brand & generic) that are covered shall adjudicate at the generic co-pay level and allow amounts over the $500 Wellness Benefits to go towards the deductible and coinsurance. Roll call showed Chesnut, Gabriel and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 31. Implementation of a Hiring Freeze. Chairman Sullivan spoke about departments coming to the Board before hiring an employee. All hiring's will be reviewed on a case to case basis. MOTION by Gabriel, seconded by Chesnut to APPROVE implementation of a hiring freeze. Roll call showed Gabriel, Chesnut and Sullivan. Aye. MOTION CARRIED. 32. Vouchers and Payroll for July 2009. MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to APPROVE Vouchers and Payroll for July 2009 and DIRECTS the County Clerk to assign a voucher number to the following vouchers signature stamp each voucher and to cause warrants to be issued in payment of each such account to wit: as per notation on the vouchers: GENERAL AND SPECIAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES: ALBANY COUNTY EMPLOYEE HEALTH BENEFITS ACCOUNT, $120922.00, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTIONS; AFLAC, $2738.15, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTIONS; ALBANY COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT #1, $9490.52, RADIOSjLLVFD; AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE, $130.46, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTIONS; BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS, $3230.00, CONTRACT SERVICES; BOLT, LLC, $1456.48, DRUG COURT RENT; BOYCE EQUIPMENT, $21930.00, MILITARY TRUCK; CITY OF LARAMIE, $9168.57, HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT; CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT, $380.50, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; COLONIAL LIFE, $157.30, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; FORT DEARBORN LIFE, $1312.40, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; GORMAN ENGINEERING, $5755.20, FAIRGROUNDS PARKING LOT; INSURANCE COORDINATORS; $1138.00, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; KALCO CONSTRUCTION, $5400.00, COURTHOUSE STEPS REPAIR; LARAMIE OXFORD HOUSE, $400.00, JULY RENT; LARAMIE YOUTH CRISIS CENTER, $2901.14, JUNE TANF-CPI GRANT; LIFE INVESTORS, $280.00, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; LINCOLN COMMUNITY CENTER, $706.39, OPEN HOUSE SUPPLIES; BETH MULLINS, $169.00, PHRC EXERCISE LUNCH; ORCHARD TRUST, $6007.24, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; PAYFLEX, $2245.00, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; PRIMARY ELECTRIC, $2700.00, GARRETI FIRE STATION REPAIRS; QWEST, $2601.50, PHONE CHARGES; UNITED WAY, $100.00, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; VALIC, $4436.97, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; VERIZON, $1917.51, TELEPHONE EXPENSE; WHEATLAND AUTOMOTIVE, $55.76, EQUIPMENT; WHEATLAND VFD, $305.75, EQUIPMENT REPAIRS; WYOMING CHILD SUPPORT, $204.00, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; WYOMING CHILD SUPPORT, $743.79, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; WYOMING CHILD SUPPORT, $150.00, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; WYOMING NCPERS LIFE, $848.00, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; WYOMING RETIREMENT, $66253.06, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; WYOMING STATE FORESTRY, $3681.71, SUPPLIES; WYOMING WORKERS COMP, $5335.17, PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION; COMMISSIONERS: A THRU Z, $30.80, DOCUMENT DESTRUCTION; GENERAL ACCOUNTS: ALBANY COUNTY CLERK, $10.00, PLATES & REGISTRATION; ALBANY COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION, $88.14, UTILITIES; CARBON POWER & LIGHT, $78.06, UTILITIES; DOOLEY OIL, $180.26, FUEL; GE CAPITAL, $5091.00, COPIER LEASE; LEWAN, $1482.51, COPIER LEASE; NATIONAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS, $725.00, POSTAGE AUG 09; PAYFLEX, $100.00, JULY 09 ADMIN FEES; QWEST, $380.22, PHONE; POSTAGE, $10,000.00, POSTAGE METER; SOURCE GAS, $429.36, UTILITIES; WYOMING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ASSOCIATION, $12602.00, WCCA DUES; WYOMING DISPOSAL SYSTEMS, $49.50, UTILITIES; COURTHOUSE: KONE, $945.54, CONTRACT AGREEMENT; CLERK: A THRU Z, $30.80, DOCUMENT DESTRUCTION; SPECTRA, $52.45, MYLAR REINFORCEMENTS; WYOMING STATE SAFE & LOCK, $19.00, KEYS; ELECTIONS: STATE OF WYOMING A&I, $60.00, STATE ACCESS FEE; IT: WCS TELECOM, $6.00, TELEPHONE EXPENSE; RODNEY WEAKLY, $43.21, TRAVEL & MILEAGE; CSBG: ALBANY COUNTY COMMUNITY MEDICAL, $3200.91, JUNE 09; ALBANY COUNTY SAFE PROJECT, $1276.63, JUNE 09; SHARON BREITWEISER, $1376.27, JUNE 09; DOWNTOWN CLINIC, $1416.00, JUNE 09; EPPSON CENTER, $1050.00, JUNE 09; HOSPICE OF LARAMIE, $620.00, JUNE 09; INTERFAITH GOOD SAMARITAN, $3333.35, JUNE 09; LARAMIE REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH, $74.66, JUNE 09; LARAMIE SOUP KITCHEN, $616.66, JUNE 09; SALVATION ARMY, $2128.00, JUNE 09; WYOMING INDEPENDENT LIVING, $291.66, JUNE 09; TREASURER: A THRU Z, $30.80, DOCUMENT DESTRUCTION; NATIONAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS, $347.96, JUNE 09 TAX NOTICES; SOURCE OFFICE PRODUCTS, $218.13, OFFICE SUPPLIES; STATE OF WYOMING A&I, $60.00, STATE ACCESS FEE; ASSESSOR: A THRU Z, $30.80, DOCUMENT DESTRUCTION; GREASE MONKEY, $300.00, CAR WASH; LINCOLN PRINTING, $13.15, PAPER; STATE OF WYOMING A&I, $40.00, STATE ACCESS FEE; TY PICKEn, $2000.00, JULY INSTALLMENT; WESTERN WATERWORKS, $70.00, SUPPLIES; WYOMING COUNTY ASSESSORS ASSOCIATION, $160.00, WCAA CONVENTION REGISTRATION; SHERIFF: ADVANCED AUTO, $17.69, AUTO EXPENSE; GEM AUTOMOTIVE, $227.90, AUTO EXPENSE; HOLLAND CLEANERS, $79.04, UNIFORM LARAMIE GM, $25.28, AUTO EXPENSE; LEXIS-NEXIS, $150.00, EXPENSE; INVESTIGATIONS; MINERS, $419.65, AUTO EXPENSE; MODERN PRINTING, $19.44, OFFICE SUPPLIES; WESTERN WATERWORKS, $40.00, SUPPLIES; WIRELESS ADVANCED COMMUNICATION, 23.69, AUTO EXPENSE; DETENTION: DRIVE TRAIN, $324.82, DETENTION MAINTENANCE; EAGLE PLUMBING & HEATING, $674.10, DETENTION MAINTENANCE; JO-ED PRODUCE, $2729.45, BOARDING OF PRISONERS; KONE, $3614.76, ELEVATOR CONTRACT; MEADOW GOLD DAIRY, $341.44, BOARDING OF PRISONERS; STAPLES, $282.79, DETENTION MAINTENANCE; US FOOD SERVICE, $2311.68, BOARDING OF PRISONERS; WYOMIGN RETIREMENT, 239.85, REHIRED RETIREE FEE; ATTORNEY: A THRU Z, $30.80, DOCUMENT DESTRUCTION; LARAMIE NEWSPAPERS, $103.00, SUBSCRIPfION RENEWAL; LEXIS-NEXIS, $178.40, 2009 WY COURT RULES; OFFICE DEPOT, $225.19, OFFICE SUPPLIES; PLANNING: BARNEY BISSON, $171.22 , TRAVEL & MILEAGE; CARBON COUNTY TREASURER, $15.00, TRAVEL & MILEAGE; WESTERN WATERWORKS, $32.50, SUPPLIES; CORONER: ADVANCED MEDICAL IMAGING, $72.00, MEDICAL SERVICES; COVENANT COPYING SERVICES, $88.15, RECORDS; IVINSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, $333.00, MEDICAL SERVICES; LARAMIE PLAINS CIVIC CENTER, $115.00, RENT/STORAGE; WYOMING PATHOLOGY, $2500.00, MEDICAL SERVICES; CLERK. OF COURT: MATTHEW BENDER, $89.20, WY COURT RULES; MODERN PRINTING, $107.00, SUPPLIES; DISTRICT COURT: ROXIE HENSLEY, $416.06, LEGAL SERVICES; DRUG COURT: REDWOOD TOXICOLOGY, $127.05, MEDICAL SERVICES; WAL-MART, $76.11, CLIENT SERVICES; WESTERN WATERWORKS, $8.00, SUPPLIES; ROAD as BRIDGE: ALSCO, $112.28, SAFETY CLOTHING; CSK PROSHOP, $21.99, SHOP EQUIPMENT; DRIVE TRAIN, $198.03, HEAVY EQUIPMENT; FAT BOYS TIRE, $3.48, VEHICLE REPAIR; LARAMIE AUTO PARTS, $252.88, VEHICLE REPAIR; WCS TELECOM, $6.00, TELEPHONE EXPENSE; WYOMING MACHINERY, $753.45, HEAVY EQUIPMENT REPAIR; FIRE: WYOMING STATE FORESTRY, $120.00, SUPPLIES; PUBLIC HEALTH: MARY ALICE GULINO, $48.40, MILEAGE; KREISERS, $142.89, OFFICE SUPPLIES; AMANDA OLIVER, $13.12, MILEAGE; LINDA VALENTI, $19.25, MILEAGE; WYOMING SECURITY SYSTEMS, $75.00, ALARM MONITORING; WIC: QWEST, $63.97, PHONE CHARGES; QWEST, $9.35, PHONE; 1% SALES TAX: CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS, $2029.00, MAINTENANCE CONTRACT; HEWLETT-PACKARD, $386.00, NETWORK CABLES; MCH/TANF: LARAMIE PHYSICIANS FOR WOMEN, $207.86, CONTINUING EDUCATION; JOYCE MILLER, $8.25, MILEAGE; AMANDA OLIVER, $20.56, MILEAGE; LINDA VALENTI, $11.55, MILEAGE; DETENTION MEDICAL: DERMATEC DIRECT, $81.25, MEDICAL EXPENSE; EXPRESS PHARMACY, $448.59, MEDICAL EXPENSES; FIRST INTERSTATE BANK: $33.80, FUEL; TOTAL GENERAL AND SPECIAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES: $357,586.61; TOTAL PAYROLL: $399,520.39; TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $757,107.00. 33. ADJOURN MOTION by Chesnut, seconded by Gabriel to ADJOURN the Regular Meeting of July 21, 2009 at 11:14 a.m. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS I s I Tim Sullivan, Chairman ATTEST:
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