District 19A November Newsletter
District 19A November Newsletter
CONCENTRIC SPIRIT OF COOPERATION District 19A Newsletter - District Governor Peter Cheng November 2013 Fellow Lions, Lionesses, and Leos, INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Photo gallery and Welcome New members 2-3 More photos and DG December Official Visitations Schedule 4-5 2nd VDG “Talk of the Lions” Column 6 Global Team Public 7 Relations Chairperson ‘s Corner Leos Activity update 8 Lions Foundation District Chair update 9 District Spring Conference News 10-11 I am very pleased to announce that Lions Clubs International has accepted our first new Lions’ club’s application. The Vancouver Legacy Lions club will be chartered with 25 chartered members. There will be additional members coming in to join them in the next 90 days. This has achieved 50% of our extension goal for this year. Our district has come together to the Typhoon Haiyan Relief project. Our fund raising dinner was held on November 24th 2013 at the Fraser Court Restaurant. 22 Lions clubs with over 105 Lions were represented at the dinner. Donation cheques totaling over $27,000.00 were presented at the dinner, which exceeded all expectation. It is truly gratifying what our Lions can do within one week of notice. Donations are still coming in at this time and have exceeded $28,000 at this time. Funds have been sent to LCIF which qualify for the matching donation from our Federal Government. The event with good food, fun and fellowship was enjoyed by all. On November 25th, another Typhoon Haiyan Relief event was hosted by the Vancouver Diamond, Vancouver Metropolitan Lions clubs and members of the Pilipino community in cooperation with World Vision and Red Cross. $35,000 was raised to benefit the relief. Total raised from both events amount to $62,846.00. With matching donation from the government a total of $125,692 was achieved. Kudos to all the Lions who participated in doing the Lions work in supporting a tent kitchen on the ground staffed by Lion volunteers in the Philippines providing food, water, clothing and basic necessities for the typhoon victims (photo on page 2) Yours in Service, ~ DG Peter Cheng ~ CONCENTRIC SPIRIT OF COOPERATION Thank you Lion Pres. Dennis, Lions Anne, Velma, Marj., and Rodger for the great help for the Philippine Relief Project. Our Lions Club put in over 25 hours of volunteer work on Tues. evening. Here is Dr. Marina Roma-March’s comment “Thank you to everyone who came out tonight for the sorting! What would normally have taken 2 days to do, we did in 4 hours. Today I remember the words of Mother Theresa..... " together we can do great things". Be assured that your donations were well cared for. Thank you!!! Special thanks to the Lions Club of Burnaby Lougheed and to our friend Rodger Konkle for helping to organize the sort; for my brother Mark and his wife Pam Leung who went out and bought over $600 worth of canned goods, rice and baby formula and to Cactus Club for donations of hundreds of utensils and canned goods.” Photo of the action taking place in the underground parking lot at the Burnaby Lougheed Lions complex on November 26/2013. DG Peter Official Visitation to Burnaby Lougheed Lions Club Page 2 Hardworking Zone Chairpersons produced remarkable results to our WMMR, SAR filing and dues payments. Congratulations to A1, A2, A4, A6, and Z7 Zone Chairpersons for having 100% WMMR filing for October. The District is targeting for 100% WMMR, 100% SAR and 100% dues payments to MD19 and LCI by the end of December. Keep up your good work! WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Lynn Valley Lions Club - Lion Mike Mavius sponsored by President Robb Webb. Skeena Lions Club - Lion Monique Starr and Lion Ryneld Starr sponsored by Lion Dianne Starr and Lion William Starr. Vancouver Diamond Campus Lions Club Lion Douming Mok sponsored by Lion Alan Chan. Vancouver Legacy Lions Club - NEW CLUB chartered on November 22, 2013 Charter President: Lion Christopher Chan Charter Secretary: Lion Danny Cheng 1st Vice President: Lion Pollyanna Lui Treasurer: Lion Michelle Yang Membership Director: Michelle Liang Lion Alfred Kwong, Lion Connie Zhang, Lion Cherry Chan, Lion Judy Tam, Lion Gary Law, Lion Pansy Wu, Lion Donald Der, Lion Bessie Chan, Lion Dorothy Chan, Lion Ada Cheng, Lion Chloe Fung, Lion Alan Gao, Lion Jimmy Lam, Lion Timothy Lam, Lion Mei Lian Lao, Lion Sam Leung, Lion Lovisa Lui, Lion Teddy Lui, Lion Carmelle Mah, Lion Sum Yin Yeung, Lion Angel Chen, Lion Weika Liu. STAY TUNED FOR THEIR CHARTER NIGHT! In Memory of Page 3 Lion Joe Rykuiter, charter member of Burnaby Lougheed Lions Club Lion Tony Cheung & Lion Yuk-Man Lai of Vancouver Companion Lions Club, and Lion Angus Hay of Vancouver South Lions Club. CONCENTRIC SPIRIT OF COOPERATION Also kudos to Burnaby Edmond Lions Club, PDG Henry & Rita Ng, Mount Seymour Lions Club, DG Peter Cheng, Vancouver Cathay Lions Club, Vancouver Cathay New Century Lions Club, Vancouver Diamond Lions Club, Vancouver Renfrew Lions Club, Vancouver Shaughnessy Lions Club, Vancouver South Lions Club, Zone A-7 (boat cruise). Kudos to Vancouver Arbutus Lions Club, Vancouver Chinatown Lions Club, Vancouver Legacy Lions Club, Vancouver Granville Lions Club, Vancouver Metropolitan Lions Club, Burnaby Lougheed Lions Club, Lion Anne Seto for your generous support to Typhoon Haiyan Relief Project on November 24th. Vancouver East Lions 70th Charter Anniversary Celebration with PID Patti Hill & presentation of Philippine’s disaster donation cheque by Vancouver Broadway Lions Club DG Official Visitations December (subject to change) 3rd Whistler Lions Club (A2) 5th Vancouver Diamond Lions Club (A7) 9th Vancouver Chinatown New Century Lions Club (A1) 12th Vancouver Oakridge Lions Club (A7) A recap of the Richmond Animal Protection Society gala that were volunteered by Van. Cathay NC Lions, Van. Galaxy Lions, Van. Chinatown Lioness at back in October. 300 guests attended and $35,000 was raised for homeless animals! Vancouver Galaxy Lions packing shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. 18 boxes were packed! DG official visit to Vancouver Yaletown Lions Club Page 5 DG official visitations to Vancouver Champlain Heights Lions Club 2nd Vice District Governor Eric Keller’s “Talk of the Lions” : Ladies & Gentlemen of Lions 19-A : My aim as 2nd VDG for the balance of this year and next year shall be to invite various successful Clubs outside of our Zone to come and visit, exchange ideas & fundraisers, fun events and Membership issues. I’m back from *zany* Disneyland & Hollywood. The Grandkids had a blast as did Katrina & I !! Returned just in time to join in the MD19 half-time meeting in Ft. Langley and attended the Van East 70th Birthday Celebrations Saturday evening at the Fraser Court Seafood Restaurant. That was quiet an entertaining affair with PID Patti Hill doing the keynote address. Catching up on a ton of e-mails and messages. Received a very nice “Thank you” note from the Gibsons Lions Club. They clearly enjoyed our Club and dinner + presentations and have invited us back at the end of January for a visit to Gibsons. They’ll adjust their dinner meeting time earlier for us to catch the last ferry without difficulty. We enjoyed a busy supper meeting with the Lions Gate Hospital Foundation speech & donation and the visitation of our Sunshine Coast Gibsons Lions Club. Seven of their Members joined us for dinner& refreshments. ZC Bob Rasmus also did his visitation with Ambleside~Tiddlycove. It was a packed evening indeed. I have several other out-of-zone Clubs lined up for further visitations with our A-2 Club. Yours in Service & Fellowship, Lion Eric R. Keller 2nd Vice District Governor Page 6 Global Team Public Relations Chairperson PZC Ellie Chan’s Corner Dear fellow Lions and Lioness: MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT: OPEN HOUSE were held by : 1) Deep Cove Lions Club in October ..............signed up 5 new members with a good chance of a 6th new addition before December. Congratulations! 2) Vancouver Granville Lions Club in October...................still working on some potentials. Good Luck! 3) Vancouver Diamond Lions Club in November............... 14 guests, signed up 5 members. Wow !! 4) Vancouver Shaughnessy Lions Club in November........ it is an all Girls Night, over 20 guests, Super ! Impression was made , heads nodded, future visits committed, new members -slowly but surely !! SQUAMISH LIONS CLUB - DONATED BEEF-IN-BUN PROCEEDS TO RCL #277 November - Remembrance Day: With Full Club Effort and the generous support from McLean Meats....................... in honour of all veterans who proudly serve our great Country, $800.00 was collected by donation' sales of 160 of the traditional Beef-in-Bun sandwich with all of the proceeds donated to the Legion to support veteran services in the community !! VANCOUVER EAST LIONS CLUB - 70th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION - November 23 An Evening Celebration was held at the Fraser Court Restaurant in Vancouver. There were 13 tables with representatives from 25 Clubs including local Lion Dignitaries as well as from the States. The Evening was highlighted with Dr. Patricia Hill, PID as the Keynote Speaker, Entertainment by the Dovbosh Dancers of the Association of United Ukrainian Canadians, Melvin Jones awarded to the 2 much respected most seasoned members of the Club ...PP Lion Renzo Montagliani (joined 1966) and PP Lion Nedo A. Gizzi (joined 1972) !! Bravo ! It is truly an exceptional and Memorable 70 th Happy Birthday ! Wishing your Club many more Birthdays ahead, the BEST is yet to COME !!!!!!! DISTRICT EVENT - FUNDRAISING FOR TYPHOON HAIYAN RELIEF - November 24 A Fundraising Event was called for by DG Peter Cheng and organized by PDG / Cabinet Secretary Lion Linda Wong. It was a dinner at the Fraser Court Restaurant charging only $30.00/person. With only a few days to put everything together, the District was able to rally up 100 participants representing 22 Clubs, raised among the Clubs and personal donations a sum of $27,748.00 and with the Federal Govt.'s matching dollar for dollar donation funds, a total of $55,496.00 was raised for the victims. Cheques from individual Clubs were presented throughout the Evening, and one Melvin Jones was awarded at the Dinner and it went to our very lucky A1 ZC Lion Elaine Luk by way of raffle draw ! Congratulations Elaine ! If this is not the spirit of Lionism , if this is not the Lions Motto of "We Serve", what is It ???? Great Job, Great Job, District 19A !! HAPPY CELEBRATION FOR A 48TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY November 24 Happy 48th Wedding Anniversary goes to our 2nd VDG Lion Eric Keller and his lovely wife Katrina !!!! You know what, they were very young once..........................I have got the picture to prove it, wakakaka!! They have come a long way and are very blessed!! Wishing them many many more Happy Anniversaries to come !! Share with us Highlights of your Events, Hands-on Projects, Club Activities !!!!! Let us built a strong and close-knit community among the Clubs of our Zone, our District ! Please take a moment and drop me a line so we can share . Thank you. chan_ellie@hotmail.com Page 7 District Leo Liaison PZC Glenn Cho Vancouver Chinatown Lions Club November Activity Leos “Lunch & Learn” at Pink Pearl Restaurant organized by the Leo Advisors of Burnaby North Leo Club: PP Kirk Dickson and Lion Gary McArthur. Over 2/3 of District 19A Leos Clubs had representatives attended the lunch. Leos had an opportunity to hear from various Lions leaders on Leos Movement, Contests and Awards, how to file WMMR, Fun Club Meetings/Tail Twisting, Charity projects and Leadership Programs. Page 8 On November 14, 2013, the inaugural Diabetic Alert Dog Guides class at Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides graduated. The four clients spent two weeks at the Oakville training school learning how to work with their new Dog Guides. The first three Diabetic Alert Dog Guides; Nettle, Nara and Wilfred, are trained to detect drops in their handlers blood sugar and alert them. Individuals who have type 1 diabetes with hypoglycemic unawareness cannot detect when their blood sugar drops and this puts them at risk of losing consciousness, falling into a coma and even dying. To learn more about the Diabetic Alert Dog Guide program, please visit: http://dogguides.com/diabetic.html DISTRICT CONTACTS District Governor Peter Cheng 19a.one@gmail.com Cabinet Secretary Linda Wong, PDG lionlindawong@gmail.com Webmaster Lion Bowen Wong lionbowenwong@outlook.com Bulletin Editor Lion Grace Hwo, PZC liongrace@ymail.com District Websites: 19alions.org 19alions.com Page 9 PDG Rita Fok District Chair Installation and Induction ceremony of Vancouver Campus Lions Club on November 9th. Page 10 Page 11