berita - IOI Group
berita - IOI Group
berita The Official Newsletter of ISSUE NO: 69 JAN – MAR 2016 KDN NO: PP9740/05/2013(033253) For Internal Circulation Only GOING BEYOND THE HOUR WITH 11 IOIPG Acquires 400-acre Land in IOI Resort City 16 IOI Pan-Cen Receives ISO Certification 30 IOI Yayasan TSLSC Gives RM360,000 to 403 Students 02 CONTENTS PROPERTY BERITAIOI COVER FEATURE 04 Going Beyond the Hour with IOI 11 IOIPG Acquires 400-acre Land in IOI Resort City IOIPG Wins Property Awards 12 South Beach Notches Top SG Mark Award Recognising Service Excellence Saturday, 19 March CORPORATE UPDATES 06 Q2 Earnings for IOIC and IOIPG Leadership Training for Plantation Managers 07 Investing in UPM’s Agricultural Development 13 First Integrated Development at IOI Resort City 14 IOI Eco Fun Ride Attracts 1,000 Cyclists Welcoming Year of Monkey! 15 Bandar Puteri Puchong Celebrates 15th Anniversary IOI Hits the Road Running in KL Rat Race® 2016 Musical Extravaganza Marks Bougain Villa Launch OLEOCHEMICALS Refuelling the Blood Bank 16 IOI Pan-Cen Receives ISO Certification Business Visit to Bangladesh 17 Welcoming Wipro from India HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 08 09 10 Succession Planning Programme A Mighty Success! IOI Pan-Cen Kickstarts Climate Change Awareness 18 IOI Oleo Clocks in Earth Hour & Beyond Safety First in Fire Drill Positivity in Facing Challenges 19 Health Awareness Campaign Honing Your Creative and Innovative Spark! Technical Training in Handling ICE PUBLISHED BY IOI Group Two IOI Square, IOI Resort, 62502 Putrajaya, Malaysia. Tel: 03.8947.8888 Fax: 03.8947.8958 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Karen Liew EDITOR Carine Yap DEPUTY EDITOR Ho Hsu Wen WEBSITE PRINTED BY ST ENTERPRISE AS 8, Jalan Hang Tuah 1, Salak South Garden, 57100 Kuala Lumpur. EDITOR’S NOTE EDIBLE OILS 20 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle for IOILC Earth Week 2016 IOILC Moves for MS 21 New Line of Brochures IOILC Asia Hits 10K MT Delivery Target New ISO Tank Loading Facility 22 IOILC Shines the Spotlight on Earth Week Successful Outing at FIC 2016 IOI MALL BERITAIOI 03 EDITOR’S NOTE Since Sydney initiated the first lights-off Earth Hour in 2007, this year’s 10th annual event has risen to a shining success of global effort built up by the momentum of the Paris Accord in December 2016. To shine a light on climate action, over 1.23 million individual actions were taken to help Mother Earth while social reach exceeded 18.7 million people who contributed towards a cause that has grown more urgent by the hour. IOI Group went the extra mile and took up the ‘plus’ to go beyond the hour to join the Earth Hour movement with 178 countries. Across the Group and its subsidiaries as well as associate companies, various green actions and practices were instituted to help alleviate a worldwide problem. Whether it is educating employees on green practices or fostering a meatless diet or employing green technology, IOI’s green efforts are showcased in our Cover Feature and respective sections. IOI Loders Croklaan’s (IOILC) “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” campaign which included the sustainable bike-to-work effort has thus far, accumulated 388.50 which will contribute towards the planting of trees in Wormerweer and Maasvlakte in IOILC Europe. This will certainly help to fulfil Earth Day Network’s goal of planting 7.8 billion trees come International Earth Day on 22 April 2016. Rather than waiting for the appointed Earth Hour, IOI Group has long embedded the values of going green in our business practices. Recently, IOI Pan-Century became the first refinery and oleochemical company in Malaysia to be certified “ISO 50001” by SIRIM for implementing an energy management system in IOI Pan-Century Edible Oils Sdn Bhd and IOI Pan-Century Oleochemicals Sdn Bhd to tap into the full potential of energy efficiency, savings and more (page 16). 23 Blossoming Wishes 24 25 26 IOI City Mall Run 2016 Off to a Great Start WWF Awareness Campaign at IOI Mall Kulai Old Master Q CNY Celebrations Prosperity Lions Vie for International Title HOTEL Our emphasis on sustainability has also been acknowledged over in Singapore when our eco-friendly South Beach was conferred the only Platinum award in the prestigious Singapore Good Design Mark which honours outstanding designs that improve lives (page 12).With its good sustainability designs both from the masterplan and architecture design aspects, South Beach is estimated to save up to 17 million KWh of energy and 174,000m³ of water annually. At the end of the day, all that matters is our mindset and our ensuing actions. Our willingness to adopt a healthier, sustainable lifestyle or commit to an environmentallyfriendly practice will only stem from the conviction that we are custodians of Mother Earth, ready to make small changes that will make a big difference to safeguard Earth for future generations. Carine Yap 27 Festive Chinese New Year Luncheon Keep your contributions flowing in! Celebrating a Prosperous Year Ahead 28 Hotels Unite for Earth Hour 2016 The Editorial Team would like to express its heartfelt gratitude for the input of Berita IOI from the contributors mentioned below. We look forward to a continued contribution of interesting articles and pictures from all of you. After all, Berita IOI is a newsletter for all the staff of IOI Group and we would all like to see this newsletter as a publication that we are all proud of. Kindly forward your contributions to 29 PGGC Tees Off to 3 ParGolf Awards Contributors Corporate Oleochemicals IOI Mall Kulai Shanice Kong Wendy Ng Kogilavani Wafli Bin Ali Irin DeCruz Emily Jessica Eric Low Plantation Loders Croklaan (Europe) Lydia Mae Hendroff Nur Azela Amir See Wai Min Jenny Goh Jan-Paul Back Putrajaya Marriott Hotel Palm Garden Hotel Loders Croklaan (Asia) Audrey Yap Property Jamie Au New Hospitality Buggy Arrives at PGGC FOUNDATION 30 Yayasan TSLSC Gives RM360,000 to 403 Students IOI Supports Social Enterprises Jessica Chan Ling May Yuen Alex Eng Gillian Tan Nicholas Poon Vincent Tan Ronald Tan Suzanne Ng Katrina Lee Zoe Pang Palm Garden Golf Club IOI City Mall KC Yum Katy Teo Sheena Wong Four Points by Sheraton Puchong IOI Mall Puchong Craig Tan Stephanie Wong 04 COVER FEATURE BERITAIOI GOING BEYOND THE HOUR WITH E IOI nvironmental activists have long warned against climate change and the negative effects brought upon by global warming. Unpredictable weather cycles and natural disasters such as severe flooding and raging bushfires have all been attributed to the rising global temperature. Put simply, as the world gets hotter, the earth (and all its inhabitants) suffers. The movement to spread environmental awareness began with a symbolic lights-off event in Sydney, Australia back in 2007. World Wildlife Fund (WWF) initiated the event with the aim to highlight the issue of climate change and inculcate awareness among the masses. Since then, a simple, conscious decision by individuals, communities, households and businesses to do just a small part led to a whole new game-changer for our environment. The momentum snowballed into the annual Earth Hour, a commitment for Mother Earth which takes place every March on a global scale never yet seen before. This year, IOI Group joined an unprecedented 178 countries and territories, making it the biggest green celebration ever! IOI Goes Green in Advocating a Sustainable Lifestyle Since 2009, IOI Group has made a united stand to support Earth Hour and adopt a global stand against climate change. This move is in line with IOI’s long-term commitment to sustainable development and reduction in our operation’s environmental footprint. In line with this year’s Earth Hour, March was designated as IOI’s Earth Month across the entire Group to give greater emphasis on this green movement and to encourage employees to adopt a sustainable lifestyle. Specifically in IOI HQ, a series of green activities and awareness campaigns were held throughout the month. It forces your fridge to use more energy. THE UPPER SHELVES - great for leftovers - ready-to-eat foods like yogurt or cheese when you pour milk into your cereal as it wastes 7% of a fridge’s energy. That is the same as using 830 to 2000 60W light bulbs each year. THE LOWER SHELVES FRIDGE DRAWER THE REFRIGERATOR DOOR WARMEST - foods (meat, poultry and fish) with a higher safety risk are better off in the coldest section Store fresh produce such as fruits and vegetables separately at the bottom of the fridge drawer to prevent possible crosscontamination of foods from above shelves. Over 10 days, Daily Green Tips were emailed to IOI employees to motivate them to make the change. Many were not aware that Malaysians waste up to 8,000 tonnes of food per day. NEVER LEAVE THE FRIDGE DOOR OPEN FREEZING NEVER LET ICE BUILD UP COOL These activities were well-received and generated much environmental buzz. The Earth Month awareness peaked on 19 March 2016 as IOI Group and its business units commemorated Earth Hour by turning off all nonessential lights at operating premises. Malaysians waste up to 8,000 tonnes or 8 million kilogrammes of food a day, and this amount can feed six million people. Let’s learn not to waste by stocking our refrigerators the green way. COLD In addition, IOI HQ centralised the air conditioner at 25°C to lower energy consumption which further reduces our carbon footprint. Employees were encouraged to keep windows closed to minimise loss of cool air and to dress appropriately for the weather. At the same time, the “Wear Less, Pose More” photo contest was launched to look at how employees in HQ “drop the heat” in their office attire! is the warmest part as warm air enters every time the door is opened thus keep eggs on one of the main shelves. Do not Allow enough space overfill in between foods so that cold air can circulate all around. COVER FEATURE BERITAIOI 05 “Earth Hour is an initiative to encourage individuals, businesses and governments around the world to take accountability for their ecological footprint and engage in dialogue and resource exchange that provides real solutions to our environmental challenges. Participation in Earth Hour symbolises a commitment to change beyond the hour.” Together, We Make a Difference Chef Annamah Santiago (from Plantation division) demonstrating one of the steps in preparing granola bars. Participants were convinced that healthy food can be delicious too, as they were taught to prepare rainbow pad thai salad, organic seaweed roll, pumpkin mushroom soup, granola bars and many more during Organic Cooking Demonstrations by IOI’s in-house chefs! Selected Eco-Movie Clips highlighting climate change facts and its profound impact on our environment were screened. These can be viewed at: What You Can Do About Climate Change watch?v=VTfgNFz1DBM Under the Dome Documentary on China’s Pollution by Chai Jing watch?v=MhIZ50HKIp0 Various awareness campaigns and green projects such as treeplanting, recycling and advocating the use of reusable food/ drink containers were carried out across the Group and its subsidiaries as well as associate companies. Beyond the “one hour”, IOI Loders Croklaan headlined its “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” mantra through a series of green initiatives for “Earth Week” (turn to Edible Oils’ section on page 20). It was a timely response, particularly in the Netherlands. Beginning 1 January 2016, Dutch businesses are not allowed to provide free plastic bags to customers in an attempt to decrease pollution and waste of natural resources. A Recycling Campaign was held where recycling boxes were placed in HQ to collect toys and children’s books for selected charitable homes in Klang Valley. Wefie photo winner goes to the team from Company Secretarial department. HR Executive Ms Brenda Chee wins the Selfie photo category. Over in Penang and Johor, IOI Oleochemical Industries Berhad and IOI Pan-Century Oleochemicals Sdn Bhd too encouraged their employees, suppliers and business associates to go green. Read more about their eco-friendly initiatives in the Oleochemicals’ section and pick up a green tip or two! In a fitting tribute to the power in our hands to limit climate change impacts, Putrajaya Marriott Hotel and Palm Garden Hotel had guests pledging their environmental commitment on giant writing boards. All of us can play a role in building a more sustainable future. Our actions, no matter big or small, can contribute to a big difference for our future generations. Let us all give Mother Earth a helping hand! 06 CORPORATE UPDATES BERITAIOI Q2 Earnings for IOIC and IOIPG IOI Corporation Berhad (IOIC) posted a profit before taxation (PBT) of RM876.5 million for the second quarter ended 31 December 2015 (Q2 FY2016) as compared to RM94.6 million a year ago. The higher PBT is driven by higher contribution from plantation and resource-based manufacturing divisions as well as net foreign currency translation gain on foreign currency denominated borrowings. The plantation division’s Q2 FY2016 profit increased by 9% to RM324.4 million from RM297.3 million in the corresponding period last year (Q2 FY2015) due to improved performance of the Indonesian plantation business and higher palm kernel (PK) price realised which is offset by lower fresh fruit bunches (FFB) production. In this quarter under review, average PK price realised was RM1,631/MT against RM1,416/MT previously. As for the resource-based manufacturing division, this quarter’s profit of RM368.6 million is 236% more than the RM109.6 million reported last year. The higher profit is due mainly to fair value gain on derivative financial instruments of RM256.4 million (Q2 FY2015 – loss of RM118.6 million). Excluding the fair value gain/loss on derivative financial instruments, the underlying profit of RM112.2 million is 50% lower than last corresponding quarter due to lower sales volume and lower margin from the oleochemicals and the refining sub-segments. Meanwhile, IOI Properties Group Berhad (IOIPG) recorded an operating profit of RM319.2 profit in Q2 FY2016 which is 87% higher than Q2 FY2015. Its revenue also increased 100% to RM894.4 million in this quarter. Property development’s increase in both revenue and operating profit are mainly attributed to the following: launch of Bandar Puteri Bangi and Bandar Puteri Warisan, higher sales from its Trilinq development in Singapore, and residential projects in IOI Palm City in Xiamen, the People’s Republic of China, as well as steady increase in progress works from ongoing development projects. Property investment benefited from the growth of its retail segment, with the additional 1.44 million net lettable area from IOI City Mall that currently enjoys more than 90% occupancy. The leisure, hospitality and other operations segment also witnessed increase in revenue and operating profits which are derived from Four Points by Sheraton Puchong, and the District21 theme park and Icescape Ice Rink at IOI City Mall. Despite the current challenging economic environment, IOIC and IOIPG expect to perform satisfactorily for the remaining quarters of FY2016. LEADERSHIP TRAINING FOR PLANTATION MANAGERS KEY LESSONS Leading Oneself (Role Model & Exemplary Leadership) Leading the People & Realising Potential Let’s strive to be better leaders! 2 IOI Group’s Plantation division rolled out the “Leading for Results” training for Sabah region’s operating unit heads and senior management, which was conducted in two groups on 26 and 27 February 2016 at The Pavilion Hotel, Sandakan. Similar training was held for managers in Peninsular Malaysia last year. Effective leadership means optimising team members’ potential and expanding managers’ circle of influence to engage everyone in their jobs, translating the organisation’s business objectives into tangible results. 1 Increasing Employee Engagement 3 Developing Action Plan to Impact Front Line Results 4 CORPORATE UPDATES BERITAIOI 07 Investing in UPM’s Agricultural Development The investment, which was made in 2002, has led to the invitation of international experts in the field of agriculture for talks and reviews of UPM’s current agricultural related programmes including the institution of the IOI Professorial Chair in partnership with UPM. This involves the hosting of world-class scientists at the professor level with renowned expertise in the field of plantation crops, plant science and management of agricultural production systems to generate innovative concepts, increase and modernise capacity building while widening UPM’s appeal to future plantation managers and research and development staff. (From left) Assoc. Prof. Dr Hafidzi Mohd Nor, Prof. Dr Alain Rival, Dato’ Lee, Prof. Dr Mohd Khanif Yusop and Dato’ Foong. IOI Group (IOI) made a contribution of RM1 million to Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) to support UPM’s objective to enhance the sustainable agricultural practices in Malaysia. On 23 March 2016, holder of IOI Professorial Chair, Professor Dr Alain Rival, who is CIRAD (French Research Cooperation in Agricultural Research for Development) Resident Regional Director for South East Asia, along with UPM Director of Institute of Plantation Studies Professor Dr Mohd Khanif Yusop and Coordinator of Plantation Management (Master Programme) Associate Professor Dr Hafidzi Mohd Nor paid a courtesy visit to IOI. Aside from thanking IOI for the generous contribution towards the field of agriculture, the visitors had a fruitful discussion with IOI Corporation Berhad Chief Executive Officer Dato’ Lee Yeow Chor and IOI Plantation Director Dato’ Foong Lai Choong. IOI Hits the Road Running in O nce again, IOI Group (IOI) supported the Kuala Lumpur Rat Race® as part of its corporate responsibility initiative. IOI contributed RM32,000 and sent two teams – one each from IOI Corporation Berhad and IOI Properties Group Berhad – comprising 10 employees who donned running shoes for charity as they raced through 4KM of KL streets on 29 March 2016. Since its launch in 2000, the Kuala Lumpur Rat Race®, loosely based on the Carey Wall St Rat Race in New York, has been regarded as a mustattend event for Corporate Malaysia. The funds raised from this year’s 16th edition of the race organised by The Edge Communications Sdn Bhd were distributed to the beneficiaries of The Edge Education Foundation. Refuelling the Blood Bank O n 1 February 2016, Bukit Leelau Palm Oil Mill organised a blood donation drive in support of Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan. Employees from the mill and neighbouring estates (Bukit Leelau, Detas and Leepang) took part in the event which also included health checks for all donors. 08 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT BERITAIOI SUCCESSION PLANNING PROGRAMME A MIGHTY SUCCESS! Proud recipients posing with Dato’ Lee (seated, fifth from left) and IOI management team. “Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” - Jack Welch - IOI Group (IOI) has crossed the finishing line to the official Succession Planning (SP) Leadership Development Programme with a graduation ceremony specially organised for the IOI SP cohorts on 15 March 2016 at Putrajaya Marriott Hotel. It was an auspicious event for 18 graduates who had successfully journeyed through the 2014/2015 leadership programme. The event was graced by IOI Corporation Berhad Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dato’ Lee Yeow Chor together with the senior management team from Corporate, Property and Plantation divisions. The SP Leadership Development Programme was initiated to support and enable promising and emerging leaders at IOI to move towards being strategic and innovative while understanding the fundamentals of being a leader. The customised SP leadership programme had been an enabler for their development opportunities and in preparing them to embrace uncertainties and constant change, think more strategically, communicate and inspire across generations, create engaged work teams, and nurture them to be successful in their next career move. Indeed, it had transformed their thinking and expanded their knowledge on what it takes to be an effective leader. Group Human Resource (HR) Senior Manager Ms Stefanie Lau in her welcome speech thanked the management for embracing people development as part of the organisation’s culture. She also thanked the Project Managers, Learning Facilitators and Leaderonomics CEO Mr Roshan Thiran for their support in guiding, and shaping the IOI managers of tomorrow. She further advised the SP graduates,“Every challenge is an opportunity for growth and there are really things worth striving for, things worth fighting for, despite setbacks and obstacles along the way. But it is the choices we make that ultimately define us!” The participants’ learning journey was captured in a graduation video produced by Group HR. Many nostalgic smiles could be seen as they viewed the video, recalling the joy and pain of learning. Besides the Graduates Certificate Presentation to the SP graduates, there were four other award categories presented for “The Most Outstanding Leader” (Mr Siew Ching Wai); “The Most Engaging Leader” (Ms Michelle Leong) and runner-up (Mr Jason Tan); “The Emerging Leader” (Mr Koh Teck Guan); and “Project Presentation, Best Team” awarded to the “Do Less for More” by Project Sponsor Mr Kevin Wong. The award winners each received a plaque from Dato’ Lee and IOI Properties Group Berhad Chief Operating Officer Mr Teh Chin Guan for their effort. The Best Project Team receiving their award from Dato’ Lee. HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT BERITAIOI 09 Positivity in Facing Challenges ING POSITIVE FOUR STEPS TO BE 1. Awareness to be it is for the mind Realising how easy life experiences. conditioned via their 2. Ability you es you have and how Represents the choic to ve) cti rea r proactively or choose to react (eithe a situation. 3. Alignment Participants succeeded in twisting the balloons into various animal shapes! C ompanies are facing harsh realities in the midst of a challenging business environment. They have to be equipped with innovative skills to meet the potential challenges ahead. And it all starts with the mindset. Two groups of non-executive level employees attended the “Positive Mindset” programme conducted by trainer Mr Loke Kok Wah over separate sessions on 4 and 16 February 2016. Having a positive mindset requires a positive outlook in life, hence the highly interactive programme also focused on the participants’ personal growth besides examining the participants’ communication skills and work-team relationships to ensure higher work performance and efficiency. nal . goal-setting for perso Establishing S.M.A.R.T ym on acr e provement. Th and professional im le, ab ain Att , Measurable, stands for Specific Realistic,Timely. 4.Action Taking steps to realise your dreams. The interesting “balloonology” (balloon-twisting) session taught everyone to overcome their fear and believe in themselves. One can go far if equipped with the right skills. Participants were each given a balloon to challenge themselves away from their comfort zone. Most were initially fearful but eventually succeeded in twisting the balloons into various animal shapes. Judging from the participants’ response, the comprehensive programme ignited their passions and dynamic characters to form the next batch of young leaders. Participants were inspired to move beyond their comfort zone and in the process, discover their hidden potential. They identified the inner fear of change and ways to overcome it. It also addressed the issue of fear in connection to change and how they can overcome the obstacle. Beginning on an affirmative note with all of them writing something positive for everyone, the training programme enabled the participants to: • Learn to master the keys to personal success. • Align organisational goals to personal success. • Experience the power of subconscious mind to accelerate success. • Acquire practical techniques for personal leadership. • Acquire practical tools for managing self. Solving creative puzzles trains the mind to adapt to challenges. 10 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT e v i t a e r C r u o Y g n i n Ho BERITAIOI ! k r a p S e v & Innovati A n organisation needs to constantly evolve to survive in today’s increasingly competitive landscape. Creativity and innovation are essential to spur the organisation ahead of the pack. Adopting an innovative way of thinking is a significant step towards better work performance. A “Creativity and Innovation” programme was conducted for two groups on 18 and 23 February 2016 by trainer Mr Soo Hoo Yoon Hunn. The programme was designed to help the participants produce high quality work performance and find new ways in conducting their daily tasks as well as managing their workload or projects. They also picked up some tools that allow them to be more creative in their way of thinking, leading to better solutions. Among the key lessons were: Trainer Mr Soo interacting with the participants. • Be creative in developing solutions. • Generate innovative ideas easily. By using the power of imagination and creative thinking, we • Understand and remove barriers to creativity in their office environment. can go further in the way we think, exploring the way our mind works which helps us break through personal boundaries. Creative thinking is measured by our ability to offer solutions to issues and further improve on them. Participants generating innovative ideas together during the session. Training material to unleash the participants’ creative thinking. PROPERTY BERITAIOI 11 IOIPG ACQUIRES 400-ACRE LAND IN IOI RESORT CITY O n 4 January 2016, IOI Properties Group Berhad (IOIPG) successfully acquired 400 acres of strategic landbank located within IOI Resort City after minority shareholders gave the nod during an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) in Putrajaya Marriott Hotel. Following this, IOIPG’s landbank in the mega development will be enlarged to 450 acres from its existing 50 acres, paving the way for future development and further expansion in IOI Resort City. The land purchase was done through acquiring companies which own the tract. Earlier on 20 October 2015, IOIPG entered into a conditional share sale agreement (SSA) with Executive Chairman Tan Sri Dato’ Lee Shin Cheng and Puan Sri Hoong May Kuan to acquire the entire stake in Mayang Development Sdn Bhd for RM1.26 billion. The purchase is to be satisfied by RM126.35 million in cash and RM1.14 billion via new share issuances. Meanwhile, the second SSA with Tan Sri Dato’ Lee, Puan Sri Hoong and IOIPG director Dato’ Lee Yeow Chor to acquire the entire stake in Nusa Properties Sdn Bhd for RM319.83 million is to be satisfied by RM31.98 million in cash and RM287.84 million in new shares. In total, the deal was 74% funded by shares priced at RM2.21, with the cash portion of the deal estimated to amount to RM158 million. The acquisition will see Tan Sri Dato’ Lee’s indirect stake increase to 58.56%, from 51.47% currently. The land, expected to generate an indicative gross development value of about RM20 billion, will be used for future product offerings as well as the development of IOI City Mall’s second phase. IOIPG Wins PROPERTY O n 16 March 2016, IOI Properties Group Berhad (IOIPG) was honoured at the Awards 2016 for its signature developments in Klang Valley. Besides affirming IOIPG’s status as one of Malaysia’s top property developers, these achievements recognised the company’s effort in creating and adding value to its property projects. IOIPG Chief Operating Officer (COO) (Property Development) Mr Teh Chin Guan and Senior General Manager Ms Lee Yoke Har attended the glittering award presentation ceremony at Saujana Hotel Kuala Lumpur to receive: • • • • Mr Teh (right) receiving the All-Star Award from Sultan of Selangor while Datuk Seri Wong applauds IOIPG’s achievement. The inaugural award show aimed to recognise organisations that have left a significant impact on the real estate industry with outstanding developments. It attracted more than 50 participants whose entries were judged by a panel comprising leaders of various disciplines such as architecture, real estate investment trusts, geomancy sciences, landscape architecture, sustainable building, interior design, real estate-related services, business and real estate journalism. All-Star Award (Top Ranked Developers of the Year) The Family–Friendly Award (Best Family-Centric Development): Honours –16 Sierra, Puchong South The Starter Home Award (Best Affordable Home): Merit – Almyra Residence, Bandar Puteri Bangi The Cornerstone Award (Best Landed Development): Merit – Sierra 6 @ 16 Sierra, Puchong South The event, organised by Star Media Group Bhd, was graced by Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah. The Star Media Group Berhad Group Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Datuk Seri Wong Chun Wai was also present. Ms Lee accepting the award commending 16 Sierra for Best Family-Centric Development. 12 South Beach Notches Top SG Mark Award PROPERTY BERITAIOI The 280-metre long canopy filters sunlight, solar glare and channels wind breezes onto public spaces, and harvests rainwater. It is also embedded with photovoltaic cells which convert solar energy to electricity for the towers’ external LED lighting at night. Awed by South Beach’s out-of-the-box design and commitment to sustainability in almost all aspects of the building, Design Business Chamber Singapore (DBCS) President Mr Tai Lee Siang said, “Its unique integration of old and new architectural concepts is both fascinating and refreshing. The conservation effort also demonstrates how old historical heritage can extend its lifespan and receive new meaning and uses. We believe that many of the principles behind this iconic building can be applied to future buildings to improve urban sustainability and overall aesthetic and practical appeal.” NCO Club House, one of nd) is housed in the former South Beach Club (foregrou ern office and hotel towers. mod two the by ed back s, the four conserved building S ingapore’s largest mixed development, South Beach, was awarded Platinum, the highest accolade for the Singapore Good Design Mark (SG Mark), for its “good sustainability designs both from the masterplan and architecture design aspects”. It was the only Platinum mark given out this year. The SG Mark was organised by DBCS with the support of DesignSingapore Council to award innovative and exceptional designs that spur the imagination and enhance day-to-day lives. Jointly developed by IOI Properties Group Berhad and City Developments Limited, the eco-friendly iconic development combines two high-rise towers sporting modern architectural designs with four restored heritage buildings resulting in a sustainable meeting place. These distinctive components are joined by a ribbon-like canopied public pedestrian zone that is naturally ventilated rather than air-conditioned, among its key environmental green features. RECOGNISING SERVICE EXCELLENCE Ms Sukhvinder Kaur Virk [Receptionist, Tower 4 of Puchong Financial Corporate Centre (PFCC)] receiving the award from PFCC Building Maintenance Manager Mr Leong Chik Hou. A Ms Norminaliza Binti Mohamed Azmi [Customer Relations Unit (CRU) Bandar Putera Klang] being congratulated by Senior Customer Relations Manager Ms Jessica Chan. leading property developer, IOI Properties Group Berhad (IOIPG) continues to place high emphasis on maintaining a strong customer service culture by providing exemplary customer service. Three frontline employees from IOIPG townships were recently recognised as IOI Service Champions for their relentless Ms Sitti Fatimah [Project team] proudly accepting the award from 16 Sierra General Manager Mr David Choo. effort and success in delivering the “IOI Branded Customer Service Experience”. These champions were selected based on the highest votes for excellent ratings as voted by IOIPG’s customers during the campaign which ran from October to December 2015. PROPERTY BERITAIOI 13 FIRST INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT at IOI Resort City IOI Properties Group Berhad (IOIPG) launched Conezion, the first integrated development in IOI Resort City, to encouraging response over the weekend of 26 to 27 March 2016. Hundreds of prospective home buyers visited the IOI Sales Galleria to find out more about the condominium component of this exciting brand new development strategically located in a world-class lifestyle destination (700m from IOI City Mall). The retail and office portions will be launched at a later date. Lush view of Palm Garden Golf Club. of IOI City Mall are in the pipelines. The commercial component of Conezion will be wholly-owned and managed by IOIPG whose established track record would be a significant factor in attracting major anchor tenants. Another important feature which appealed to most customers was the provision of individual car parks for the residential (two car park bays per unit) and commercial components, with separate ingress and egress for better vehicular traffic control and overall security. Two residential blocks comprising over 663 units were available for sale, with a choice of three flexible layouts of two- or three-bedrooms and built-up size ranging between 780 and 1,278 sq ft. Customers were impressed with the practical and well-designed layouts that feature higher ceiling and large glass panels which create a sense of spaciousness, even in the smallest unit. Available views vary from golf course, the mall or UNITEN (a local university). In terms of accessibility, Conezion is well-served by major highways such as SILK, LDP, MEX, SKVE, North-South Expressway and Besraya. The entire Conezion development (residential and commercial) is expected to be completed by end of 2018. Residents would be able to indulge in lifestyle facilities such as swimming pool, wading pool, gymnasium, learning lab, mini theatrette and chill-out deck complete with round-the-clock security to ensure peace of mind. In addition, Conezion’s starting selling price of RM530 psf was also a major crowd-puller as IOI Resort City commands a high potential for future growth. Several upcoming prestigious projects such as Phase II Prospective home buyers enquiring about Conezion at IOI Sales Galleria during the launch. 14 PROPERTY BERITAIOI There were other exciting activities for all ages such as sand art, lucky draws, cycling accessories booth and the “Go Green Exhibition” by Rafflesia International and Private Schools. In addition, participants were encouraged to bring along recyclable items such as old newspapers, plastic items and aluminium cans which were donated to Tzu Chi Foundation. Overall, the IOI Eco Fun Ride ended happily with the participants receiving medals and goodie bags upon crossing the finishing line. Everyone went home with awareness on the need to “go green” and care for our environment while leading a healthy lifestyle! O n 17 January 2016, the IOI Eco Fun Ride saw 1,000 cyclists showing up early morning at the 16 Sierra township in Puchong South for the community event. The cyclists, some with families in tow, got to know the township better as well as the lifestyle living among 16 themed gardens complete with clubhouse facilities. This fun ride, the second edition since it began in 2014, tied in with IOI Properties Group Berhad’s (IOIPG) corporate responsibility aim in fostering closer ties with the surrounding communities and promotes healthy living. IOIPG Chief Operating Officer (Property Development) Mr Teh Chin Guan flagged off the event together with 16 Sierra General Manager Mr David Choo. The cyclists were divided into two categories, Family Fun Ride (6KM) and Fun Ride (30KM), and rode around 16 Sierra all the way to IOI City Mall before making the way back to the township. WELCOMING YEAR OF MONKEY! V arious IOI Sales Gallerias across IOI Properties Group Berhad's townships in IOI Resort City, 16 Sierra, Bandar Puteri Puchong and Bandar Puteri Bangi welcomed Chinese New Year with residents, customers and business associates. Hundreds thronged the respective IOI Sales Gallerias which opened their doors to exciting activities such as lion dance, face-mask changing performance, traditional Chinese musical performance, dough-doll making, calligraphy and fortune paper-cutting. They were also greeted by the fabled Prosperity Monkey King and God of Fortune, and everyone enjoyed the festive spread of food and fun! 16 Sierra Bangi IOI Resort City Puchong PROPERTY BERITAIOI 15 Bandar Puteri Puchong Celebrates 15 th Anniversary T he growth of Puchong is synonymous with IOI Properties Group Berhad, which celebrated 15 years of the Bandar Puteri Puchong township’s vibrancy at IOI Galleria on 27 and 28 February 2016. The community turned up for the “15th Anniversary Fun Carnival” and enjoyed wholesome activities such as archery, Giant Monopoly, Giant Jenga, Twister and outdoor ATV rides. The residents sportingly participated in the “IOI Book of Records” to award the tallest man and women in Bandar Puteri Puchong, winners of Peanut Peeling and Basketball Challenges, and many more! Jubilant team from Tempua Residents’ Association with winning mock cheques for Giant Monopoly and Lucky Draw. Musical Extravaganza Marks Bougain Villa Launch 8,929 sq ft up to 18,858 sq ft, and built-up area ranging from 5,708 sq ft (Type A) to 5,494 sq ft (Type B). The guests were further delighted by the panoramic views of lush green fairways and all the essentials for luxury living next to nature. IOI Properties Group Berhad (IOIPG) launched the Bougain Villa luxurious bungalows and invited its customers to a musical extravaganza themed “When East Meets West 2016” at the IOI Palm Villa Golf & Country Resort in Bandar Putra Kulai, Johor on 10 January 2016. The event was headlined by Ms Helga Sedli, an international violinist from Hungary who wowed the guests with her repertoire of jazz, folk and electric music. Completing the event’s musical lineup were Chinese pipa artiste Ms Jessica Yanan Ju, Super Star runner-up Ms Elle Sooi, local percussionist Ms Peixia and Nature’s Art Angklungman En Mohammad Firdaus. This eclectic mix of artistes resulted in dazzling fusion music wafting through the serene golf-view bungalows. During the event, guests also took the opportunity to preview the Bougain Villa show unit. With spacious and flexible layouts for luxurious family living, Bougain Villa offers five bedrooms in doublestorey bungalows that come in two designs with land areas from Along with large living and dining areas, there is plenty of room to unleash creativity and fashion the home according to one’s personal wants and needs. Some interested home buyers commented that Bougain Villa is ideal for multi-generational families due to its generous space and well-planned designs for exclusivity and privacy. Thanks to the positive response, several units of Bougain Villa were taken up during the launch. A showcase of homes and musical sensations definitely brought a pleasing note to the ears! A harmonious blend of fusion music “when East meets West”. 16 OLEOCHEMICALS BERITAIOI IOI Pan-Cen Receives ISO Certification accepted framework for managing energy, providing technical and management strategies for organisations to increase energy efficiency, reduce costs, and improve environmental performance. Energy management is now in the global spotlight due to the pressing need to save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Energy-saving technologies and facilities are only part of the methodology to improve energy efficiency. A more sensible and systematic approach to improve an organisation’s energy performance is to establish and implement a standardised, process-based energy management structure. IOI Pan-Cen benefits from the ISO 50001 EnMS through: O n 15 January 2016, IOI Pan-Century (IOI Pan-Cen) became the first refinery and oleochemical company in Malaysia to be certified “ISO 50001” by SIRIM. The certification was awarded to IOI Pan-Century Edible Oils Sdn Bhd and IOI Pan-Century Oleochemicals Sdn Bhd. Over the years, IOI Pan-Century has relentlessly driven green initiatives in addition to the recent implementation of the ISO 50001 Energy Management System (EnMS). The latter is a globally 1. Efficient use of energy source. 2. Reduced energy consumption. 3. Reduced GHG emissions. 4.Cost-saving. 5. Enhance competitiveness and company’s image. 6. Adherence to legal requirements. 7. Conservation of natural resources. As a sustainable energy consumer, IOI Pan-Cen has also joined forces with United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) over the years in its bid to further reduce energy consumption. Business Visit to Bangladesh F rom 12 to 18 February 2016, IOI Pan-Century Oleochemicals Sdn Bhd (IOI Pan-Cen) visited several loyal customers in Bangladesh to fortify long-term business relationship. IOI Pan-Cen holds close to 50% market share of soap noodles exported from Malaysia to Bangladesh. Mousumi Industries They covered discussions on current orders, technical matters on customised soap noodles and potential expansion of business. The team also visited potential customers including Square Toiletries, Godrej Household Products, Pran-RFL Group, Rohit Surfactants, Advance Chemicals Industries and Millat Chemicals. Overall, the team received positive feedback on current and future business cooperation. Kohinoor Chemical IOI Pan-Cen Chief Operating Officer Mr Gurdev Singh and Marketing Executive Mr Dev Vijayan, accompanied by The Trade International (agent) Mr K.S. Hasan, were welcomed by customers such as Kohinoor Chemical, Mousumi Industries, Keya Cosmetics, Calista Consumer & Food Products Ltd, some of whom IOI Pan-Cen were visiting for the first time since 2011. Keya Cosmetics OLEOCHEMICALS BERITAIOI 17 WELCOMING WIPRO FROM INDIA A fter a span of three years, IOI Pan-Century Oleochemicals Sdn Bhd (IOI Pan-Cen) once again hosted information technology giant Wipro Limited (India) who returned for a visit on 11 March 2016. The team comprised Technical Head Mr Vikas Dixit, Commodities Group Manager Ms Shobha Ramesh, Production Consultant Mr Satish Tokhi and Wipro-Unza Vietnam Manager Mr Sharad Kumar Saxena. They were given a brief company presentation followed by a tour to Fatty Acid and Soap Noodle plants led by IOI Pan-Cen Chief Operating Officer Mr Gurdev Singh, Mr Chin Peng Boon (Marketing), Mr Yusop Hj Mohamed (Soap Noodle Production) and Mr Mohammed Kasman (Quality Control). In winding up the meeting, Wipro expressed their appreciation for the kind hospitality rendered during their visit and assured that they will give IOI Pan-Cen their full support through close collaboration and finding better ways to maximise the existing business. Mr Gurdev Singh (back row, right) together with IOI Pan-Cen representatives and Wipro guests. IOI Pan-Cen Kickstarts Climate Change Awareness Awareness campaign launch is well received by employees and visitors. IOI Pan-Century Oleochemicals Sdn Bhd (IOI Pan-Cen) joined millions around the world on 19 March 2016 to observe Earth Hour. A symbolic ceremony was held at the Physical Refining Plant at 8:30pm as employees headed to the Splitter on 11th floor to observe an hour in darkness whereby all non-essential lights in the premises were switched off. Prior to the event, IOI Pan-Cen held a simple ceremony on 19 March 2016 to launch an awareness campaign on climate change to educate its employees, who were also encouraged to minimise electricity consumption during lunch time or when they step out of office, as well as the general public. Several World Wildlife Fund (WWF)/Earth Hour banners available in four languages were displayed at two Main Entrances and the Pipe Gantry. The company’s intranet portal, notice boards and all desktop computers’ wallpapers also adopted similar messages as reminders of our roles in caring for the environment. In addition, informative mini leaflets were distributed to visitors, lorry/tanker drivers, suppliers and customers. Observing Earth Hour at IOI Pan-Cen premises. IOI Pan-Cen Chief Operating Officer Mr Gurdev Singh handing out the Earth Hour leaflet to a driver. 18 OLEOCHEMICALS BERITAIOI IOI Oleo Clocks in Earth Hour & Beyond BEFORE AFTER Main entrance I n line with IOI Group’s commitment to Earth Hour, IOI Oleochemical Industries Berhad (IOI Oleo) launched its own eco campaign apart from observing the onehour non-essential lights shutdown at its premises. IOI Oleo Executive Director Mr Tan Kean Hua launched the eco-campaign on 15 March 2016, which consisted of green initiatives such as: • • Scenic overview Premises “Eat in/No driving out for lunch day” where employees were encouraged to have lunch in office as a symbolic gesture to reduce carbon emissions from vehicles. “No plastic bag day” was introduced to reduce plastic consumption (especially for take-away food in the cafeteria) several days before Earth Hour. This has led to every Friday being declared the same! IOI Oleo’s commitment to caring for the environment extends beyond Earth Hour. The company employs green technology in some operating areas for greater efficiency, leading to lower carbon emissions and cost savings. Safety First in Fire Drill F ire is one of the major disasters in manufacturing facilities. Hence, fire drills are a vital part of our workplace safety that help ensure employees exit the building in a timely manner and know their teams’ designated meeting area. Facilities with well-prepared employees and well-developed preparedness plans are likely to incur less structural damage and fewer or less severe employee injuries. Preparation is the key to any effective emergency response. Fire drill in action. Performing the Rescue and First Aid exercise. In line with this, IOI Pan-Century Oleochemicals Sdn Bhd (IOI Pan-Cen) conducted the annual Fire Drill at Fractionation 2 (Fatty Acid Plant) on 28 February 2016 to equip its employees and contractors with the necessary skills and knowledge in handling a fire emergency. A total of 272 persons from IOI Pan-Cen and various contractors were involved in the 45-minute exercise, which was observed by safety personnel from IOI Loders Croklaan Asia. OLEOCHEMICALS BERITAIOI Health Awareness Campaign 19 4 February 2016: Keeping a Healthy Lifestyle E mployees’ health and well-being are paramount to running an organisation efficiently with minimal interruptions to the workforce’s productivity. A happy employee is a productive employee! With that in mind, IOI Oleochemical Industries Berhad’s Community Service team organised three health talks in early 2016 for the employees’ benefit and knowledge. The participants found the Q&A session particularly helpful, as the respective doctors answered their queries and clarified some of their doubts on health matters. Backache can be caused by many reasons such as incorrect posture, heavy lifting or strenuous tasks which strain our back. Dr Gnanasegarean Xavier taught the participants to use the “Cat Exercise” to strengthen their back and alleviate backache. 8 January 2016: Breast Cancer and Oncoplastic Surgery Breast cancer affects not only the female population, but males are also at risk of being diagnosed with it. The talk by Dr Teoh Mei Shi raised awareness on breast cancer and its early symptoms. The Breast, Endocrine & General Surgeon from Loh Guan Lye Specialists Centre, Penang also shared the steps on prevention and early detection of breast cancer. 8 March 2016: Colon Cancer Colorectal cancer is a common cancer in Malaysia, although many are not aware of it. Dato’ Dr T Aloysius Raj from Penang Adventist Hospital discussed and shared an overview of colon cancer, its symptoms and causes, diagnosis and subsequent treatment available. Technical Training in HANDLING ICE W orkplace safety means equipping employees with the right knowledge in dealing with complex machines. On 18 and 19 February 2016, a total of 15 participants attended the “Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) for Technicians, Operations & Engine Drivers” training. The objective of this training was to increase the participants’ confidence to operate and supervise a power plant. Facilitator Mr L. R. Canaraj from Reep Group Sdn Bhd explained the important components used in an internal combustion engine and gas turbine, as well as the principles of operating and maintaining the ICE plant. At the end of this training, participants were able to better understand the concept of internal combustion and the materials used in power plant. They were also provided with proper guidelines and procedures in maintaining the equipment. 20 EDIBLE OILS BERITAIOI for IOILC Earth Week 2016 A s an extension of the global Earth Hour, IOI Loders Croklaan (IOILC) Europe dedicated the week of 22 to 25 March 2016 to reduce its carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. During Earth Week, several activities revolving around the theme of “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” actively involved employees to spread awareness on what we can all do to contribute to a better environment. The Earth Week activities were successful with active participation from many employees. IOILC aims to make these ecofriendly activities permanent, delivering a continued contribution to the reduction of CO2 emissions. Saturday March 19 20:30-21:30 Earth Hour: lights off Lights were switched off during Earth Hour from 8:30 to 9:30pm. Tuesday March 22 Vegetarian Lunch As the production of meat is one of the largest contributors to CO2 emissions, this day was dedicated to the reduction of meat consumption. The company’s restaurant went “meatless” to encourage “Vegetarian Lunch” day and even served tasty seaweed-burger. All week bike for a tree Cars are also responsible for a lot of CO2 emissions. Hence, employees are encouraged to ride bicycles to office. During this week, the company donated 0.50, which goes into buying trees for IOILC’s premises, for each kilometre that was cycled to and from the office. Monday March 21 Warm Sweater Day On “Warm Sweater Day”, employees brought warm clothing to office as the heating was turned a few degrees lower to save gas. All week fill your mug The production and use of plastic cause environmental pollution. To reduce plastic consumption, the coffee machines did not dispense plastic cups during the entire week. Employees brought their own IOILC 2025 mugs instead. IOILC MOVES for MS Dr Loek Favre (second from right) presenting the mock cheque to Move for MS foundation representatives (from left) Mr Fred Gebhart and Mr Marcel Koeleman. IOI Loders Croklaan (IOILC) Europe continues to support the battle against multiple sclerosis (MS) as it successfully raised 2,844 for the Move for MS foundation. The company makes a donation to the foundation for every kilometre that employees “move” during sporting events such as running, cycling and skating. All the money goes to fund MS research, which is working on a cure and better treatment of the disease. On 22 March 2016, IOILC Chief Operating Officer Dr Loek Favre handed over the cheque to the foundation’s representatives. Employees have pledged to continue moving to raise more money for this noble cause and are aiming to beat the 2015’s total amount. MS is a disease that targets the central nervous system. Patients can be affected by a number of different systems, including blindness, muscle weakness and problems with coordination. EDIBLE OILS BERITAIOI 21 New Line of Brochures W ith the introduction of a segment-oriented business structure in Europe, IOI Loders Croklaan’s (IOILC) marketing materials are receiving a makeover to reflect the change. The new segment brochures for confectionery, bakery and animal nutrition are now available, while the brochures for savoury, dairy and candles are in the final stages of development. Specific application sheets are also produced for technical audiences. All the materials can be found at IOILC Asia Hits 10K MT Delivery Target IOI Loders Croklaan (IOILC) Asia has achieved the company’s goal in delivering 10,000 MT of specialty oils and fats for each of the first two months of this calendar year. IOILC Asia Chief Operating Officer Mr Michael van Sallandt credited his team for this milestone achievement, whom were rewarded with a celebration party on 23 February 2016. Mr Michael van Sallandt (left) presenting meal vouchers to General Manager of Commercial & Logistics Mr Sander Fredriks, as a token of appreciation for employees’ hard work and contribution. He said, “Our team has continuously demonstrated exceptional service and excellent quality to customers.We have achieved the targets set at the beginning of the year, which is important for achieving our long-term goals in IOILC Asia. Going forward, we expect to see positive developments. This ensures IOILC Asia continue to stand out from the competition and sustain premium perceptions in the market.” New ISO Tank Loading Facility O n 3 March 2016, IOI Loders Croklaan (IOILC) Asia unveiled its newlybuilt ISO tank loading facility. This new facility enhancement marked the culmination of a team effort and enabled IOILC to continue serving its clients and their rapidly expanding businesses. “Quality and (food) safety for our customers is always our top priority. We recognise that it is important to operate and maintain a safe, clean and organised production environment. We ensure the highest level of service is consistently delivered to our customers,” said IOILC Asia Chief Operating Officer Mr Michael van Sallandt. Mr Michael van Sallandt (middle) officiating the unveiling of the new loading facility. The new facility is currently dedicated to Betapol® which mimics the unique fat composition and structure of human milk used by infant formula producers. It is completed with custody transfer mass flowmeter, food grade bag filter, inline nitrogen sparging and two-stage filling valve to perform accurate loading into ISO tank. Mr Michael van Sallandt officiated the ribbon-cutting ceremony with Assistant General Manager of Production Mr Chan Chong Cher, Assistant General Manager of Project Mr Eng Aik Chew, Assistant Manager of Project Mr Lee Yuan Chiang and Pump House Executive Mr Rezaki Ahmad. 22 EDIBLE OILS BERITAIOI IOILC Shines the Spotlight on Earth Week IOI Loders Croklaan (IOILC) Asia kicked off its Earth Week, which ran from 18 to 25 March 2016, with a tree-planting activity at the company’s premises. This was followed by a week-long series of awareness campaign to raise awareness about environmental issues and sustainability. The cumulative effect of everything that people do on a daily basis can go a long way toward helping our environment. As such, the Earth Week event gave IOILC Asia’s employees a chance to reduce waste and eliminate clutter at workplace, home and the community. Sustainability practices can be achieved via three R’s – reduce, reuse and recycle. Some of the green initiatives implemented were recycling, going paperless, saving energy, and using own mug at work. “Our goal throughout the Earth Week celebration is to raise awareness about environmental issues,” said IOILC Asia Chief Operating Officer Mr Michael van Sallandt. “In addition to raising awareness, we also want our people to take action. Individual behaviour can add up to a large environmental impact. Turning off the lights in common areas or utilising the sleep mode on your computer also go toward sustainability and energy conservation,” he added. SUCCESSFUL OUTING at FIC 2016 fats, filling fats and bakery fats. Moreover, they were interested to learn about the company’s capabilities in oils and fats innovation, and expertise in applications. IOI Loders Croklaan (IOILC) Asia participated in the Food Ingredients China (FIC) 2016 exhibition from 23 to 25 March 2016 to raise the industry’s interest and awareness on IOILC’s new plant in Xiamen, due to open in late 2016. IOILC Asia returned to this exhibition in National Exhibition and Convention Centre in Shanghai with a new image after six years. FIC was a great platform to showcase the company’s products and expertise in specialty fats, to deliver ideas and to build brand awareness in China’s food industry. During the three-day exhibition, IOILC Asia’s booth was visited by established and potential customers, distributors and representatives from companies in chocolate confectionery, bakery and other food categories. Visitors were impressed by its display products like coating “As consumers seek low or no-trans food products, and manufacturers exploring authentic taste profiles, IOILC continues to innovate without taste limitations,” said General Manager of Commercial & Logistics Mr Sander Fredriks. “We provide excellent and high quality oils and fats products that can help achieve the perfect harmony and balance among formulation, taste and experience to Chinese customers.” Participating in FIC exhibition was a great opportunity to build closer business relationship with customers. IOI MALL BERITAIOI 23 Blossoming Wishes IOI City Mall ushered in Chinese New Year (CNY) with a revolving wishing tree which signified the warmth of giving and receiving blessings of health, wealth and prosperity. Themed “Blessing in Blooms”, the magnificent 30-feet tree stood tall in Centre Court, adorned with hanging coloured ribbons and vivid lanterns – an excellent backdrop for shoppers to snap happy memories with their family and friends. Besides being rewarded for shopping in the mall, the shoppers also enjoyed festive activities such as lion dance, Chinese traditional dance, acrobatic show, diobolo performances and majestic drums which took place from 15 January to 14 February 2016. Mr Cheah (in grey suit) and Mr Chris Chong sharing the festive joy with the underprivileged senior citizens. Additionally, 21 senior citizens from The Klang & Coast Chik Sin Thong Old Folks Home Selangor and Persatuan Rumah Kebajikan Ebenezer were invited to join in the CNY celebration. Also present were IOI Properties Group Berhad Chief Operating Officer (Property Investment) Mr Cheah Wing Choong and IOI City Mall Complex General Manager Mr Chris Chong. A senior citizen sitting through the grooming session at a hair salon. The guests were treated to an exciting drum performance and traditional dance show before adjourning to a scrumptious reunion dinner which included the tossing of yee sang. Each guest also received a complimentary grooming session and eyecheck test with lenses prescription. They also received goodie bags, capping off a memorable CNY outing! Tossing yee sang for good health and better year ahead. 24 IOI MALL BERITAIOI IOI CITY MALL “Off we go!” Participants joining the warm-up exercise prior to flag off. IOI City Mall flagged off its first ever IOI City Mall Run 2016 on 27 March 2016. More than 600 runners set off on the scenic 6.4KM trail, exploring the nature and architecture within IOI Resort City, a mammoth integrated development that includes world-class hotels, golf course, office towers and residences. “At IOI, we place an emphasis in creating a physical presence in the local community. As such, we constantly drive activities that gather people because we believe that a greater sense of community leads to a sustainable social well-being,” said IOI City Mall Complex General Manager Mr Chris Chong. Winners of Women’s Open Category. The healthy lifestyle event was well received, with Women’s Open Category Champion Ms Sheela Samivellu charmed by the beauty of IOI Resort City as she comments, “Running is a great way to discover a new place because it allows you to explore the unexplored paths.” Echoing her sentiments, Men’s Open Category Champion Mr Ahmad Luth Bin Hamizan too enjoyed the run as he found it challenging. Mr Chris Chong (left) with the winners of Men’s Open Category. Winners received cash prizes and vouchers, while other lucky participants walked away with lucky draw prized as everyone enjoyed a fun, healthy event! IOI MALL BERITAIOI 25 CNY Celebrations Old Master Q and friends greeting everyone at IOI Mall Puchong. Forty underprivileged families joined in the festivity as part of the mall’s corporate responsibility initiative. Besides enjoying dinner and mascots performances, they also received angpow and mandarin oranges. (From left) Lao Fu Zi Media Sdn Bhd Director Mr Wong Kim Chun, Mr Cheah and IOI Mall Puchong Acting Complex Manager Mr Leong Chik Hou wishing everyone a prosperous year ahead! IOI Mall Puchong and IOI Mall Kulai celebrated Chinese New Year with a mischievous twist as they hosted Old Master Q and his friend Big Potato from the popular “Lao Fu Zi” comic. From 15 January till 22 February 2016, IOI Mall Puchong showcased the comic’s 50-year journey at the “Old Master Q’s 50th Anniversary Exhibition”. Visitors walked through the evolution of the comic series through newspapers, posters, sketches and a big wall of comic strips. A collection of rare images and hand-drawn illustrations were also displayed, in addition to life-size caricatures of the celebrated characters. Complimenting the mall’s different approach towards its CNY décor, IOI Properties Group Berhad Chief Operating Officer (Property Investment) Mr Cheah Wing Choong said, “Old Master Q is unique, and everybody enjoy reading the comic series including myself. This exhibition is the first of its kind in IOI Mall Puchong and Malaysia.” Mr Cheah handing out goodie bags to the invited families. Over in Johor, IOI Mall Kulai too launched a series of CNY activities to coincide with the arrival of Old Master Q. There was a feng shui master’s talk, calligraphy demonstration and dance performances by the two main character mascots. Mascots and dancers entertaining the crowd at IOI Mall Kulai. Unique exhibition on a beloved character known to many. “Lau Fu Zi” first appeared in Hong Kong newspapers back in 1962, featuring stories of Old Master Q, Big Potato and their friends in a wide range of humorous social scenarios. 26 IOI MALL BERITAIOI Prosperity Lions Vie for International Title I n conjunction with Chinese New Year, IOI Mall Kulai jointly organised the “IOI Mall 7th International Lion Dance Competition” with Persatuan Kebudayaan Siang Hock Kong Malaysia and Persatuan Keturunan Yee Kulai, Johor. The event held on 9 and 10 January 2016 was aimed at promoting Chinese cultural heritage and encouraging the public to take up lion dance as a part of their active lifestyle. Champion troupe from Muar Guan Sheng Temple, Dragon and Lion Dance received their prize from VIP guest, Johor Executive Councillor (Tourism, Domestic Trade and Consumerism) Datuk Tee Siew Kiong (back row, second from left). Twelve troupes from Malaysia, Singapore, the People’s Republic of China, Macau, Taiwan and Vietnam were each given 10 minutes to wow the judges with their acrobatic skills on the stilts. Shoppers were amazed with the high level of lion dance performance by the professional troupes. Awareness Campaign at IOI Mall Kulai Impressive animals made from recycled items such as newspapers, plastic bottles and steel bands. Along with the “60+” iron sculpture on display, there were awareness articles and videos on Earth Hour for everyone’s knowledge on climate change. There were also three endangered animals (tiger, Asian elephant and crocodile) made from recycled items by students, thanks to the mall’s collaboration with Oliven School. IOI Mall Kulai celebrated the annual Earth Hour on 19 March 2016, together with the rest of IOI Group’s entities and millions of people around the world. Other than the obligatory one-hour switch off, the mall took the opportunity to increase public awareness on World Wildlife Fund (WWF) through an exhibition at its main entrance. A team from WWF also set up booth to educate the public on various environmental concerns and raise funds for its ongoing projects. HOTEL BERITAIOI Festive Chinese New Year Luncheon 27 O n the eighth day of Chinese New Year, Putrajaya Marriott Hotel and Palm Garden Hotel held a festive luncheon for senior citizens from Rumah Caring, Kajang and The Little Sisters of the Poor, Cheras, joined by clients from the government and private sectors. The “Mon-Key to Happiness” celebration on 15 February 2016 got off to a roaring start with lions prancing in Putrajaya Marriott Hotel's main lobby to sprinkle cheery blessings to all. After the hotel’s Director of Operations Mr Henry Chong warmly greeted everyone, the guests participated in the “Grand Yee Sang Toss” with loud wishes for good health and prosperity. Guests and hotel associates enjoying the poco-poco dance, a popular line dance originating from Indonesia. The guests were treated to a sumptuous spread of Chinese delicacies, lucky draws and enjoyed stage performances by the hotels’ associates, in particular the poco-poco dance which got everyone tapping along to the infectious beats! Towards the end, Putrajaya Marriott Hotel’s General Manager Mr Simon Yong greeted the senior citizens at every table and presented gifts and angpow packets. It was a wonderful gesture from both hotels for a memorable CNY celebration. Celebrating a Prosperous Year Ahead Lion “monkeying” around to usher in the Year of Monkey! Four Points by Sheraton Puchong General Manger Mr Kumar Renoo holding the prosperity platter, flanked by the hotel’s management team and associates. O n 18 February 2016, Four Points by Sheraton Puchong’s guests and associates welcomed the Year of Monkey with an acrobatic lion dance performance and firecrackers display in conjunction with Chinese New Year. Performing leaps and jumps that drew gasps and awe from the audience, the “lions” ended the performance with blessings to the crowd. Over at The Eatery, the hotel associates tossed for a prosperous year ahead with 10-feet long yee sang. 28 HOTEL BERITAIOI HOTELS UNITE FOR EARTH HOUR 2016 P utrajaya Marriott Hotel and Palm Garden Hotel stood united for action against climate change as they celebrated Earth Hour on 19 March 2016 with their own theme, “This Earth Hour, Shine a Light on Climate Change”. Enjoying the performances at Putrajaya Marriott Hotel. At the stroke of 8:30pm, both hotels went dark for an hour. All nonessential lights including signages, billboards, main lobby, foyer, restaurants and back corridors were switched off. Hotel guests also took the opportunity to pen their feedback and wishes to Mother Nature at a designated dedication board. Other activities included a “60+ Earth Hour” mammoth logo formation using candles followed by an official Earth Hour video which was played once the lights went out. Guests turned the glow sticks given by hotel associates into cool accessories, making the green event even merrier. The evening ended with a dance performance by students from Management & Science University (MSU), Shah Alam. Before Palm Garden Hotel's lobby. Earth Hour dedication board filled out by the guests. After PGGC TEES OFF to HOTEL BERITAIOI 29 3 PARGOLF AWARDS P alm Garden Golf Club (PGGC) was voted one of the top three golf clubs in the “Best Corporate Tournament Venue”, “Best Greens” and “Best Overall Golf Experience” categories by the public in an online poll conducted from January to March 2016 on The prestigious ParGolf People’s Choice Awards were accorded in recognition of excellence and achievements in the Malaysian golf course industry and served to spur golf clubs on a path to further improvement as well as to enhance the overall standard of the golf industry in Malaysia. PGGC General Manager Mr Brandon Chin (left pix, middle) was present to receive the awards from Srixon Sports Asia and Cleveland Golf at the awards presentation ceremony at the Carlsberg Brewery in Shah Alam on 30 March 2016. New Hospitality Buggy Arrives at PGGC IOI Properties Group Berhad (IOIPG) Chief Executive Officer Mr Lee Yeow Seng and PGGC General Manager Mr Brandon Chin were present to receive the specially-made bright red buggy from Sharp-Roxy & Service Company (M) Sdn Bhd (SRSSC) on 2 March 2016. This partnership was made possible as SRSSC adopts golf as its preferred branding platform. Mr Lee in the driving seat with SRSSC Managing Director Mr Takaya Wakasumi as Mr Brandon Chin looks on (second from right). G olfers in Palm Garden Golf Club (PGGC) can now enjoy a refreshing drink or grab a yummy snack off the newly-unveiled “Hospitality Buggy” in the middle of their play! The cart will serve as a mobile halfway hut to cater to the golfers’ F&B needs during their round at PGGC. It has three insulated bins for canned drinks, ice storage and fruit display, and is also equipped with pastry showcase and snack bar complete with shelves, hot flask compartment and fruit hanger. The introduction of “Hospitality Buggy” will definitely make the PGGC golfers’ playing experience more enjoyable! 30 FOUNDATION BERITAIOI Gives RM360,000 to 403 Students IOI Group’s foundation, Yayasan Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng (Yayasan TSLSC) has awarded RM360,000 to 403 needy students from 29 primary and secondary schools in Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah under its Student Adoption Programme (SAP) 2016. Yayasan TSLSC Executive Director Datin Joanne Wong and her team visited 13 of the schools in the Klang Valley and Bahau, and met with the respective school principals, headmasters and assistant principals of student affairs. Under the SAP, primary students will each receive RM800 while secondary students will receive RM1,000 per annum until he or she completes their primary and secondary education. This financial aid is directly paid towards the needs and expenses of the student, giving priority to food, transportation, tuition and lessons in English and ICT. Datin Joanne (left) distributing school bags to adopted students at SRJK (T) Ladang Bahau, Negeri Sembilan as the school’s headmaster Mr M. Thiyagu looks on (in tie). Since the introduction of this initiative in 2008, Yayasan TSLSC has assisted over 900 students from 204 schools in Malaysia. By easing the financial burden of these lower income families, their children are able to access good basic education, maintain good grades and excel in English and ICT. A fruitful visit by Datin Joanne (third from right) and team to SK Pusat Bandar Puchong (1), welcomed by headmaster En Mohd Anuar Yahya and adopted students. IOI Group, being the sole funder of Yayasan TSLSC, remains committed to educational assistance as its main objective. “Developing human capital, in supporting the advancement of industries in Malaysia, entails equal access to education. We hope to equip and motivate these students towards the path of excellence,” said Datin Joanne. IOI Supports Social Enterprises Persatuan Daybreak is a home cum social enterprise in central Ipoh where the disabled are provided vocational skills training to make handicrafts and socks for sale. These disabled trainees are then successfully placed into permanent jobs in various industries. “This is one example where we have found the products made by the disabled to be suitable, as we procure items for our foundation’s activities. Companies are able to use their purchasing power to make a difference with various social enterprises who are ready to do business,” said Datin Joanne. Datin Joanne (right) handing over the cheque to Puan Sri Sandra to support Persatuan Daybreak, a social enterprise for the disabled. The tote bags were distributed to IOI employees. IOI Group’s foundation, Yayasan Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng (Yayasan TSLSC) has pledged RM80,000 to purchase tote bags and socks from Persatuan Daybreak, a home for the disabled in Perak. This social initiative further encouraged Yayasan TSLSC Executive Director Datin Joanne Wong and Persatuan Daybreak Executive Chairperson Puan Sri Sandra Lee to exchange ideas on social entrepreneurship. She added,“Social enterprises are businesses that trade for social and environmental purposes, reinvesting their profits into their social mission. When businesses aspire to buy from social enterprises, the acknowledgement from having considered social value in their supply chain is immense. Buying from social enterprises helps improve the lives and communities of those around them. At some stage of your organisation’s procurement, there is likely to be a social enterprise that supplies it.” Let’s support their cause and start buying from social enterprises today. For more information on social enterprises, please visit: and
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