Sarajevo, 01.12.2014 Oglas za posao. CPRC Tim raspisuje javni


Sarajevo, 01.12.2014 Oglas za posao. CPRC Tim raspisuje javni
Sarajevo, 01.12.2014 Oglas za posao. CPRC Tim raspisuje javni poziv za angažman na projektu “Pravda za svako dijete”. Ponuđene pozicije i opis istih nalaze se u prilogu. Svi zainteresovani kandidati bi trebali poslati CV (bhs ili eng varijanta) na adresu najkasnije do 07.12.2014. Pozicija 1: Criminal Policy Research Centre (CPRC) PROJECT STAFF Terms of Reference (ToR) Technical advisor to MWGs and Secondary Prevention Programs/Project Officer (70 %) -­‐ ensures that all project activities are planned and implemented as per project plan, within the project budget; -­‐ responsible for project daily management; -­‐ responsible for daily management and implementation of project activities (with Project Coordinator); -­‐ provides technical and logistical support to the municipal working groups (MWGs) in two respective locations (Sarajevo and East Sarajevo) and experience exchange (together with project team); -­‐ works collaboratively with project team, MWG’s, stakeholders and associates; -­‐ facilitates exchange of experiences at municipal level in selected locations (together with project team); -­‐ co-­‐ordinates the work on the development of training materials and organization of training activities in collaboration with UNICEF; -­‐ establishes and develops liaisons with local stakeholders (together with Director); -­‐ works collaboratively with other project staff; -­‐
monitors budget spending; prepares project reports´ inputs. Pozicija 2: Criminal Policy Research Centre (CPRC) PROJECT STAFF Terms of Reference (ToR) Finance Administrator (100%) -­‐ responsible for budget expenditures, supporting documentation, local financial legislation, contracting, taxes and insurance; -­‐ responsible for the implementation of UNICEFs and local/entity/state level financial legislation; -­‐ oversees and manages the project generally in terms of budget and financial documentation together with Director; -­‐ supports and collaborates with other project staff; -­‐ takes care of contractual obligations in relation to UNICEF; -­‐ monitors the implementation of the project according to the plan; -­‐ monitors budget spending; -­‐ prepares interim and final financial reports together with Project Officer and Director. Pozicija 3: Criminal Policy Research Centre (CPRC) PROJECT STAFF Terms of Reference (ToR) Assistant to MWGs and Secondary Prevention Programs/Project Assistant (100%) -­‐
provides technical assistance and serves as primary Focal Point to the two Working Groups in target locations of Sarajevo and East Sarajevo; liaises with Focal Points from the two WGs, ensuring for coordination of actions, exchange of information and best practices, as well as operational support; provides continuous support and guidance to WG members in the planning and implementation of Action Plans and related activities; monitors the implementation of WG activities on the development of sustainable cooperation mechanisms in target locations and provides valuable input to Project Coordinator and Project Officer on needed changes for improvement; provides technical and operational support during data collection meetings in target locations; facilitates the implementation of visits and meetings to target municipalities, ensuring for unified, yet result oriented approach to activities´ implementation; ensures for efficient planning and implementation of planned field activities; prepares field reports on activities and related documentation; provides support to daily project implementation and contributes to the collaborative work of the project team; provides support to organization of all project activities; prepares project report inputs. Pozicija 4: Criminal Policy Research Centre (CPRC) PROJECT STAFF Terms of Reference (ToR) Assistant to MWGs and Secondary Prevention Programs/Project Assistant (100%) -­‐
provide technical assistance and serves as primary Focal Point to the two Working Groups in target locations of Sarajevo and East Sarajevo; liaises with Focal Points from the two WGs, ensuring for coordination of actions, exchange of information and best practices, as well as operational support; provides continuous support and guidance to WG members in the planning and implementation of Action Plans and related activities; monitors the implementation of WG activities on the development of sustainable cooperation mechanisms in target locations and provides valuable input to Project Coordinator and Project Officer on needed changes for improvement; provides technical and operational support during data collection meetings in target locations; facilitates the implementation of visits and meetings to target municipalities, ensuring for unified, yet result oriented approach to activities´ implementation; ensures for efficient planning and implementation of planned field activities; prepares field reports on activities and related documentation; provides support to daily project implementation and contributes to the collaborative work of the project team; provides support to organization of all project activities; prepares project report inputs. Pozicija 5: Criminal Policy Research Centre (CPRC) PROJECT STAFF Terms of Reference (ToR) Technical Assistant to MWGs (50%) -­‐
provides support to daily project implementation, in collaboration with the Project Officer and Director; works in collaboration with Project Officer and Director, as well as other project team members and associates; provides support to organization of all project activities; provides administrative and logistical support to the MWG’s and project team; responsible for writing minutes of meetings; prepares project report inputs.