PVCC Workforce Services Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)


PVCC Workforce Services Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)
Class Schedule
January-May, 2016
PVCC Workforce Services
Unmanned Aerial
Systems (UAS)
UAS Operation for
Emergency Services Personnel
New Classes!
Photography for Small Businesses....... Page 4
Intro to Xero Cloud Accounting.............. Page 5
How to Get an Agent or Publisher.......... Page 8
Sports Leadership Boot Camp............... Page 9
UAS Operation for Emergency Personnel.....Page 11
New Reiki Classes!........................................Page 15
The Family Cow.............................................Page 19
Basic Tractor Repair.....................................Page 29
Arts & Design............................................3
Acting............................................................... 3
Adobe Creative Suite........................................ 3
Photography..................................................... 4
Business & Management..........................5
PVCC Workforce Services
Albemarle County (Main Campus)
Arts & Design
Adobe InDesign Intermediate
Learn how to work with tables, style sheets and
color. Also includes character and paragraph
formatting, more advanced PDF creation and
Voice Acting
Stultz Center for Business and Career Development
501 College Dr., Charlottesville, VA 434.961.5354
All classes are held in the Stultz Center unless noted otherwise.
Business & Accounting..................................... 5
Chamber Business Academy............................ 6
Communications & Writing................................ 8
Entrepreneurship.............................................. 8
Marketing & Social Media................................. 9
Get paid to talk! This introduction to professional
voice acting could be a new career for you. Learn
which voices are in demand and how to prepare a
winning demo.
3223Mar. 24
Stultz 131
Th 6:30–9 p.m.
Computers & Technology........................10
Audio Engineering............................................10
Computer Applications.....................................10
Video Production..............................................11
Health, Beauty & Wellness......................12
Canine Training............................................... 12
CPR................................................................ 13
Health Careers.................................................14
Industry, Trades, & Agriculture...............17
Horticulture/Agriculture................................... 18
Small Engine Repair........................................ 19
Welding........................................................... 20
Online Tradesmen Code Updates......................21
Woodworking.................................................. 23
Thomas Jefferson Pkwy
Downtown Charlottesville
PVCC Jefferson School Center
233 Fourth St. NW, Charlottesville, VA 434.961.5255
= Parking
2 PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule
This introductory class covers the various shape
tools, drawing with the pen tool, placing and
manipulating objects, coloring objects and
document creation and exporting.
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3244Feb. 16
Stultz 129
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Online Classes........................................32
PVCC Customized Training.....................34
How to Register.......................................35
Jefferson School
Adobe Creative
Adobe Illustrator Beginner
Certificate Program in Craft Brewing ............. 25
Culinary.......................................................... 26
Tasting Room Management............................. 28
Viticulture & Enology....................................... 29
T, Th 12:30–3:30 p.m.
Adobe Lightroom 6 Beginner
Use this powerful tool which combines the
best aspects of Adobe Bridge and PhotoShop’s
common editing tools into one program to
organize, edit and output your photography.
Learn to import images, organize them with
keywords, add captions and more. Each class
has hands-on practice time with the instructor.
Please bring a laptop with the latest version of
Lightroom installed so that you can work with
the program during class. Go to www.adobe.
com/downloads to download a free 30-day trial.
Prerequisite: Basic proficiency on the computer
and a basic understanding of your computer’s
filing system (Windows Explorer or Mac Finder).
3227Mar. 3–Apr. 7 Th 6–8 p.m.
Stultz 127
Wine, Food, Brewing & Spirits................24
3243Mar. 15–17
Stultz 129
Nondiscrimination Policy
Piedmont Virginia Community College does not discriminate on the basis of
race, color, religion, national origin, political affiliation, disability, veteran status, sex, age or sexual orientation in its programs and activities. The following
person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination
policies: Human Resources Manager, 501 College Dr., Main Building, Room
M810, Charlottesville, VA 22902; 434.961.6567.
T 12:30–4:30 p.m.
Adobe InDesign Beginner
Adobe Photoshop Beginner
Learn to use the basic functions of Photoshop
including selection tools, photo correction,
retouching and repairing.
3239Feb. 2
Stultz 129
T 12:30–4:30 p.m.
3240Mar. 22
Stultz 129
T 5:30–9:30 p.m.
Adobe PhotoShop Intermediate
Expands on the basics by teaching students how
to use masks and channels, design typography,
and work with filters, layers and more.
3241Mar. 8
Stultz 129
T 12:30–4:30 p.m.
Learn to use the InDesign workspace and tools,
create documents, manage pages, add and edit
text, import graphics, manage and transform
objects and create basic PDFs.
3242Feb. 9–11
Stultz 129
T, Th 12:30–3:30 p.m.
workforce@pvcc.edu 434.961.5354
PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule 3
Beginning Nature Photography
Want to learn more about nature photography?
Get an introduction to techniques, lighting and
composition for landscape, as well as macro and
wildlife photography. Combines lectures with
field trips to shoot flowers, new tree growth,
streams, bugs, trails and so much more! The
class ends with a show-and-tell critique session
with snacks. You must be familiar with using
your camera in aperture priority or manual mode.
Recommended equipment: DSLR camera, variety
of lenses in the 12-200 mm range, a tripod,
circular polarizer filter and remote control or
cable release.
May 3, 10 & 24
T 7–9 p.m.
Field Trips:
May 7, 14, 21
S 6:30–8:30 a.m.
Stultz 127
Discover Digital Photography
After you explore the features on your camera,
you will learn about megapixels, file size and
quality. Other features discussed include review
mode, shooting modes, white balance, flash,
the lens, accessories and ISO, and when to use
those features. Basic computer techniques for the
camera will also be covered. Remaining time will
concentrate on composition and using the camera
in the field. You will participate in class critiques
in order to develop composition skills and learn
how to better use your camera. One field trip
session is included.
3224Feb. 9–Mar. 15
T 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Field Trip: Mar. 12 S 9–11 a.m.
Stultz 127
4 PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule
Intermediate Photography
Advanced Street Photography
Want to gain more control over your
photography? Learn to use your SLR camera in
aperture, shutter and manual modes and how to
integrate these settings with ambient light to get
the images you want. The class will also cover
composing an image using natural light and
black flash. You will have weekly homework
assignments and two field trip sessions to
reinforce the concepts. This class is appropriate
for SLR and four-thirds camera systems but not
point-and-shoot cameras.
The course emphasizes field practice of street
style photography. You will review technical
aspects of the camera, compositional ideas
and lighting techniques to capture this style of
photography. Take a field trip to the downtown
mall every week and bring in images for the
critique discussions. This will be a fun and
challenging class for advanced level SLR
students. You must know how to use the camera
in the manual modes and have basic computer
skills for downloading, emailing and editing
3225Mar. 16–May 11
W 6–8 p.m.
Field Trips: Apr. 9 S 7–9 a.m.
May 6 F 6–8 p.m.
Stultz 127
Photography for Small Businesses
Are you a small business owner or entrepreneur?
If you need good photographs for your business,
PVCC will teach you how easy it is to take
them yourself. Improve your social media look,
enhance your website and update your LinkedIn
profile. Discover how to be creative with subject
matter, get a unique point of view, select the best
lighting and pose a model. Additional topics
include model releases, storage issues, stock
photos and more.
3428Feb. 11–18
Stultz 127
Th 6–9 p.m.
Portrait Photography
Do you want to capture life on camera? See how
to take great portraits with your digital camera!
Understand candid, urban, posed and naturally
lit portraiture. Receive hints, tips and practical
advice on various poses, using available light
and composing images from a professional
photographer and take part in image critiques.
You should be familiar with using your camera in
the manual modes and be familiar with aperture,
shutter speed, ISO, exposure and white balance
Note: A SLR camera and tripod are required; an
off camera flash is helpful but not required.
3228Mar. 19–20
Stultz 127
Su, S 1–5 p.m.
4193 May 5-Jun. 9 TH 6-8 p.m.
Stultz 127
no class 6/2
Field Trips:
Business &
Buying and Selling Your Home
Get the straight scoop from a real estate insider to
take some of the anxiety out of buying and selling
property. Discuss how to select and work with
an agent, the buying and selling process, types of
sales and legal documents.
S 9 a.m.–1 p.m.
Buying Foreclosures
Discover what makes a property a foreclosure,
how this type of sale differs from a standard sale,
the pros and cons of buying a foreclosed property,
how to become a successful purchaser of a
foreclosed property and how a real estate agent
can help you negotiate the sale.
3238Mar. 5–12
Stultz 117
What is cloud accounting and what can it do for
your business? Our instructor will introduce you
to Xero, and by working with a demo account
you can see the applications for your business.
Come see the online accounting software
alternative to QuickBooks. Running a business is
hard work, but keeping your books doesn’t have
to be. With mobile cloud accounting, you can
keep your business in the palm of your hand.
3444Mar. 10
Stultz 129
Th 9–11 a.m.
3445Apr. 26
Stultz 129
T 6–8 p.m.
May 6 F 5:30-7:30 p.m.
May 13 F 5:30-7:30 p.m.
May 20 F 5:30 -7:30 p.m.
May 27 F 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Business &
3382Feb. 27
Stultz 117
Introduction to Xero Cloud
S 9 a.m.–1 p.m.
workforce@pvcc.edu 434.961.5354
Passport to Retirement
Did the financial events of the past few years
affect your retirement plans? Are you saving
enough? Where will your income come from? It’s
not too late to learn how to set realistic retirement
goals and assess their cost, identify your income
options, learn where to invest now for your future
and how to protect your wealth and provide
for your family and heirs. Get retirement ready
and be better prepared to make sound financial
decisions. Your registration fee includes an indepth workbook and retirement planning data
Note: On a space available basis, you may bring
one guest at no charge. After you enroll online,
please call 434.961.5354 to check availability and
to enroll the guest in the class.
3229Feb. 2–16
Stultz 131
T 6–8:30 p.m.
3230Mar. 5–12
Stultz 127
S 9 a.m.–1 p.m.
3233Apr. 9–16
Stultz 127
S 9 a.m.–1 p.m.
3234May 5–19
Stultz 131
Th 6–8:30 p.m.
PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule 5
Chamber Business
Quickbooks for Beginners
Review the day-to-day transactions needed by
businesses plus how to perform monthly tasks.
See how to navigate QuickBooks, create a
company profile, set up inventory, work with
vendors and customers, manage payroll, do bank
reconciliations and create reports.
3615Feb. 2–9
T, Th 5:30–8:30 p.m.
Stultz 129
QuickBooks Intermediate
Now that you know the basics, continue on with
the advanced features of QuickBooks. Covers
financial reports in detail, credit card entries
and reconciliations, general journal entries,
payroll and purchasing inventory. Prerequisite:
QuickBooks for Beginners or permission of the
Note: Prerequisite: QuickBooks for Beginners or
permission of the instructor.
3616Feb. 16–23
T, Th 9 a.m.–noon
Stultz 129
Quickbooks Beginners - Cloud
Online Version
How does QuickBooks work in a cloudbased environment? This class focuses on the
differences between the online and desktop
versions. Review the day-to-day transactions
needed by businesses plus how to perform
monthly tasks. See how to navigate QuickBooks,
create a company profile, set up inventory, work
with vendors (writing checks, paying bills)
and customers (creating invoices, receipts,
receiving payments), manage payroll, do bank
reconciliations and create reports. Prerequisite:
Recordkeeping for Small Businesses or
permission of the instructor
Chamber Business
The Charlottesville Regional
Chamber of Commerce,
through its “Chamber Business
Academy” at Piedmont Virginia
Community College, is offering
an innovative five session
primer course of instruction in five key areas of
business. Enrollment is limited to 20 students.
Save $75 by taking all 5 courses for $350!
Business Structure, Planning &
What’s a real Business Plan? What attracts
investors? Creditors? Why different structures:
S-Corp, C-Corp, LLP? Find out in this fast-paced
class on business planning and financing.
3602Mar. 1
Stultz 131
T 5:30–8:30 p.m.
Ethics & Leadership
Business people face ethical questions every day.
What makes an ethical business leader? How can
you influence ethical behavior in your enterprise?
Discover the importance of ethics in business – and
in life.
3598Mar. 15
Stultz 116
T 5:30–8:30 p.m.
Sales and Marketing
Marketing and sales – there’s a big difference! Two
accomplished professionals will explain with realworld examples. Learn about prospects and how to
“close” – turning lists into prospects, interviews and
3600Mar. 29
Stultz 116
T 5:30–8:30 p.m.
Human Resource Management &
Diversity Awareness
Human resources includes more than benefits.
Learn about the hiring – and firing – processes.
Find out about the legal requirements in HR.
Learn how diversity can increase success.
3599Apr. 12
Stultz 116
T 5:30–8:30 p.m.
Understanding Basic Business
Statement of Activities? Statement of Financial
Condition? How do you read them? Find out
where the money comes from and where it goes
in this course on basic business accounting. By
the end of the session, you will know!
3601Apr. 26
Stultz 131
T 5:30–8:30 p.m.
Facebook for Business Part 1
In Facebook for Business Part 1
you will learn the four basic steps
to using Facebook for business. You will learn
how to build your page and start connecting with
people. Come to Part 2 to learn even more!
Note: If you are a Chamber member, use
discount code, CHAMBER, at checkout and pay
only $10 for this class!
3453Mar. 8
Stultz 129
T noon–1:30 p.m.
Facebook for Business - Part 2
In Part 2 of Facebook for Business you will
learn how to engage your audience and expand
your reach through social media. Find out what
content will add value for both existing and
potential customers.
Note: Chamber members can use discount code,
CHAMBER, at checkout and pay only $10 for
this class!
3454Mar. 15
Stultz 129
T noon–1:30 p.m.
3617Mar. 1–8
T, Th 5:30–8:30 p.m.
Stultz 129
6 PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule
workforce@pvcc.edu 434.961.5354
LinkedIn for Business - Part 1
Learn to build your professional business identity
with LinkedIn. This workshop will introduce
ideas for building and engaging a professional
image and network on LinkedIn.
Note: Chamber members can use discount code,
CHAMBER, at checkout and pay only $10 for
this class!
3451Feb. 9
Stultz 127
T noon–1:30 p.m.
LinkedIn for Business - Part 2
Most profiles on LinkedIn are just plain text
— how boring is that? Part 2 of LinkedIn for
Business will help you build a visual profile and
help your business stand out.
Note: Chamber members can use discount code,
CHAMBER, at checkout and pay only $10 for
this class!
3452Feb. 16
Stultz 129
T noon–1:30 p.m.
Twitter for Business Part 1
This workshop will help businesses
understand the basics of Twitter, as
well as how to set up and optimize your public
profile. Learn how Twitter can help you develop
and promote your brand and interact with your
fan base.
Note: Chamber members can use discount code,
CHAMBER, at checkout and pay only $10 for
this class!
3455Apr. 12
Stultz 129
T noon–1:30 p.m.
Twitter for Business - Part 2
This workshop will introduce different ways to
use your established Twitter account to promote
your business.
Note: Chamber members can use discount code,
CHAMBER, at checkout and pay only $10 for
this class!
3456Apr. 19
Stultz 129
T noon–1:30 p.m.
PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule 7
& Writing
Platform Building for Authors
How to Start Your Own Business
Do you want to become a best selling author?
Discover the basics of marketing and develop a
plan to make your book sell. Designed for authors
at all stages of the publishing process.
Retired? Tired of your job? Have a great business
idea? Learn the fundamentals before starting your
own business. Topics include: types of businesses
to consider, writing a business plan, determining
target markets, writing elevator lines and mission
statements, finding niche markets, identifying
your assets and liabilities, developing marketing
strategies, finding ways around financing your
business and seeing business as relationships.
3235Mar. 12
Stultz 129
S 9 a.m.–noon
Turn Memories Into Stories
Your memories can be turned into stories and
published! You will learn to write a short,
thematic memoir that can be expanded to book
length, if you desire. Identify a theme and create
an outline, explore literary devices such as scene,
dialogue and exposition, and work on finding
your unique voice.
How to Get an Agent or Publisher
3379Mar. 24–Apr. 14 Th 4:30–6:30 p.m.
Stultz 117
Although self-publishing has made getting your
book into the world faster and less expensive
than ever, traditional publishers continue to
offer the prestige and distribution many authors
desire. Learn how to prepare a book proposal or
synopsis that appeals to agents and publishers;
write a query letter, find the right people to
pitch and how to work successfully with agents
and publishers. Get the information, tools and
resources you need to whip your manuscript into
shape, create a compelling proposal or synopsis,
and write a query that gets noticed.
3394Mar. 26
Stultz 129
S 9 a.m.–noon
3458Feb. 1–Mar. 7 M 6–9 p.m.
Stultz 127
Selling on eBay for Fun & Profit
Learn the basics of successful selling on eBay!
Establish eBay and PayPal accounts, then learn
how to create effective listings, including item
descriptions and photos. Determine how to set
pricing and when to use fixed-price options, and
discover how to leverage the eBay search feature
for best exposure to potential buyers. Maximize
your profit and minimize your cost with an
instructor who has been selling on eBay for over
17 years.
3226Mar. 1–8
Stultz 129
T 8:30–11:30 a.m.
S 9 a.m.–noon
Find or Create a Work-at-Home
One in five Americans works at home, at least
part-time. Once limited to writers, sales people
and programmers, today working at home
includes teachers, nurses, crafters, and more. See
what working at home really involves from an
instructor who has done it successfully for years.
Learn how to turn your skills, experiences, talents
and passions into a work-at-home career, how to
avoid work-at-home scams, how to find work,
freelance or start a business.
3381Feb. 13
Stultz 129
8 PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule
Discover how to make money from blogging
even if you’ve never blogged before. Learn how
to get your blog up and running in minutes and
get tips on the best blogging platforms. Get your
blog ready to make money by reviewing revenue
streams such as advertising, affiliate marketing,
review and more. Avoid the pitfalls and problems
such as the new FTC guidelines. Create a
marketing plan that generates the traffic you need
to start making money.
3236Apr. 9–16
Stultz 129
S 9 a.m.–noon
Online Marketing Made Simple
Online marketing used to involve a few keywords
and banner ads. Today, the options are so vast that
it can be overwhelming to develop an effective
online marketing plan...until now. This class will
cover the psychology of marketing, how to know
and find your target market, free and inexpensive
tools for marketing online and tips for developing
an effective plan.
S 9 a.m.–noon
Social Networking: How to Drive
People to Your Sites
How to Self-Publish Your Book
3380Feb. 27
Stultz 129
Blogging for Bucks
3237Apr. 23
Stultz 129
Are you one of the 81% of Americans who say
they have a book idea inside them? Today, not
only can you write a book, but you can get it
published easier and more affordably than ever
before. No longer do you have to be at the mercy
of agents and publishers to reach readers. Learn
how to write a book that will sell, get your book
ready for the market, build an author platform,
choose a format (print and/or ebook) and
distribution outlet(s), and market your book.
Marketing & Social
S 9 a.m.–noon
Sports Leadership Boot Camp
Develop your game plan for a coveted sportsrelated career! See the possibilities in sports
marketing, public relations, events and coaching.
Gain experience with mentoring and coaching
as you develop a network of contacts. Test your
creative sports skills by developing a project idea
for a product, app or event.
Your Facebook, LinkedIn and web sites are a
gold mine for networking. Get people’s attention
and then get their business! With insights not
found in textbooks, see how to maximize your
time online, utilize Facebook to the fullest, design
your LinkedIn account for maximum traffic, drive
people to link your website to theirs, expand your
email address book into the thousands and the
secrets to keep you from sabotaging your success
3457Feb. 20
Stultz 129
S 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
3723May 16–19 M, T, W, Th 9 a.m.–noon
Stultz 127
workforce@pvcc.edu 434.961.5354
PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule 9
Computers &
Audio Engineering
Introduction to
Audio Engineering
Receive an introduction to
the modern music industry
and the recording studio.
Learn how to capture and
manipulate sound, study studio acoustics and
design, microphones and multi-track recording,
as well as an introduction to recording and
mixing with Pro Tools. Includes studio sessions
at the Plank Road Music Studio.
3221 Feb. 15-Mar. 23
M, W 6–8 p.m.
Stultz 131
Intermediate Audio Engineering
This intermediate class covers Pro Tools
operation, mixing principles and applications,
plus the changing landscape of music distribution
and marketing. Topics include audio processing,
different effects and marketing your music in
today’s market.
3222 Mar. 28-May 4
M, W 6–8 p.m.
Stultz 122
Computer Basics
Practice using basic computer components
including the keyboard and mouse. You’ll review
email, basic file management, changing settings
and accessing the Internet. Class exercises and
demonstrations will be Windows 7 based.
3197Feb. 9–11
Stultz 129
Word Beginner
Get started with Microsoft Word by working with
the ribbon, using toolbars, navigating within the
program and creating and editing documents.
3199Feb. 16–18
Stultz 129
T, Th 8:30–11:30 a.m.
Excel: Beginner
See how to use this popular spreadsheet program
by creating and editing worksheets, using
toolbars, discovering auto features, formatting
cells, creating basic formulas and more.
3201Feb. 29–Mar. 2M, W 8:30–11:30 a.m.
Stultz 129
Excel: Intermediate
This course covers sorting data, using flexible
worksheet views, editing and printing, multiplesheet workbooks, functions and formulas and
more. Prerequisite: Excel Beginner or permission
of the instructor.
3202Mar. 7–9
Stultz 129
M, W 8:30–11:30 a.m.
Excel: Advanced
Advanced Excel training in using financial
functions and data analysis, creating pivot tables
and macros, using advanced formatting and
analysis tools, and integrating Excel with other
3204Mar. 22–24
Stultz 129
T, Th 8:30–11:30 a.m.
Excel: Pivot Tables
Learn how to use Excel pivot tables, a useful and
powerful feature to summarize, analyze, explore
and present your data.
3203Mar. 28
Stultz 129
M 8:30–11:30 a.m.
T, Th 8:30–11:30 a.m.
Introduction to UAV Technology
Want to learn more about
unmanned aerial vehicles
(UAVs) and how they
work? Wondering how
you could profit from
this new technology?
This all-day class will
give you information on the current local, state
and federal regulations governing commercial
and recreational use of UAVs, as well as what
industries currently use them and what the future
holds for other industries. See the differences
between types of drones and which one is best
for each project, camera types and sensors to
use in flight, and learn about new technology,
flight software and software for processing your
videos. You’ll be briefed on maintenance and
records, safety requirements and more before
the afternoon flight demonstration taking aerial
shots of the PVCC campus. After the flight,
see the images and video captured during the
3217Mar. 26
Stultz 116
10 PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule
WordPress is the world’s most popular content
management system used for websites such as
Time Magazine, the Smithsonian Institute and
even Beyonce. See how to install, customize and
manage a WordPress site. Pick a theme, install
plug-ins, use widgets, upload photos, write blog
posts and create Web pages so you can sell your
wares or share your ideas. Get hands-on practice
and create a real website during class.
3198Feb. 3–10
Stultz 129
W 5:30–8:30 p.m.
Video Production
S 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Coming in March!
Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)
Operation for Emergency Service
If you are an emergency services professional,
you see the value of using unmanned aerial
vehicles (UAVs) for help in search and rescue,
natural disasters or HazMat situations. To qualify
for your Certificate of Authorization from the
FAA to work with UAVs, you must be trained
in operations. This five-day class includes the
FAA private pilot ground school instruction, an
introduction to UAV technology plus one day in
the field with realistic scenarios on interfacing
UAVs into your current standards of operations
established by incident commanders. Upon
successful completion of this class, you will
receive a logbook endorsement to take the FAA
private pilot written examination. Prerequisite:
Open to emergency services employees only.
WordPress 101
Mar. 29-Apr. 1 M-F
8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Stultz 131
workforce@pvcc.edu 434.961.5354
Basic Video Editing
After you plan and shoot your video project,
learn how to edit it into a final program. Compare
features of various programs and their costs.
Learn how to import clips and use the timeline to
assemble a basic program. Make your edits, add
a sound track, graphics, opening titles, closing
credits and finalize the production.
3220Mar. 19–Apr. 9
S 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Stultz 122
Basic Video Production
Want to improve your video production? From
music videos to interviews to live action, learn
how to capture the images, improve the audio and
use composition and lighting so your productions
look more professional. You will plan, script,
light and shoot a short video program to be edited
in the next class. Includes two production shoots.
3179Feb. 20–Mar. 12
S 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Stultz 131
PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule 11
Beauty &
AKC STAR Puppy Training
This class is designed to get dog owners and
their puppies (four months to one year) off to
a good start. Training classes teach you how
to communicate with your puppy, provide an
opportunity for your dog to socialize with other
dogs and to learn practical skills through praise
and treats.
Note: Please bring your puppy to the first
meeting along with his/her favorite treat.
3205Mar. 29–May 3 T 5–6 p.m.
Stultz 131
Life Skills for Dogs and Puppies
This class will cover the behaviors your
dog needs to live happily in your home,
including walking nicely on leash through the
neighborhood and greeting guests calmly.
3383Mar. 12–Apr. 16
S 2:30–3:30 p.m.
Stultz 131
Therapy Dog 101
Canine Training
AKC Canine Good Citizen
The AKC CGC program stresses responsible
handler and dog ownership. Train your dog
to be a respected member of the community
by behaving properly. Skills covered include
meeting friendly strangers, being petted, being
groomed, walking on a loose leash and in a
crowd, sit/down/stay/come, meeting other
dogs and more. Upon passing the 10-step AKC
CGC test, your dog will receive a certificate.
Prerequisites: Dog handler must be at least 18
years of age; dog must be at least one year of
age. You will be emailed a dog training form to
complete and return with an assessment of your
dog’s current skills. It also lists what you need
for class.
You and your dog can make a meaningful
difference in the lives of people who are in need
of cheering up, companionship, comfort and
an extra bit of love. Therapy dogs are personal
pets that meet requirements of good manners
and good health, and pass certification testing
and evaluations. Certified therapy dogs and
their owners visit schools, hospitals, nursing
homes, and libraries – any facility where
interactions with dogs would benefit people.
Therapy Dog 101 provides information about
what is involved in therapy dog work and the
steps to become certified. This class uses clicker
training and positive reinforcement to teach
you the foundational skills needed to become
a therapy dog team and prepares you to take
the certification test. The first class meeting is
without dogs.
3410Mar. 12–Apr. 16
Stultz 131
S 1–2 p.m.
3206Mar. 29–May 3 T 6:30–7:30 p.m.
Stultz 131
12 PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule
CPR AED/First Aid or BLS for
Healthcare Provider - Skills Check
PVCC offers monthly skills checks for your
CPR certification. This is a hands-on skills
practice and testing session (Parts 2 and 3) with
an American Heart Association Instructor that
follows the Online Part 1 course (www.heart.
org). Students who successfully complete Part
1 receive a certificate which they print out and
present to the instructor at the skills and testing
session. A course completion card will be issued
upon successful completion of all three parts.
Fee includes certification card. Skills checks are
available for Heartsaver CPR AED and First Aid
and for BLS for Healthcare Providers. Call to
schedule at appointment.
Note: Online registration is not available for
this class. Please call 434.961.5354 and a staff
member will enroll you.
Students must successfully complete the online
Part 1 course at www.heart.org and bring the
certificate to this skills session and schedule a one
hour time slot between 1pm-4pm.
3446Jan. 25
Stultz 116
M 9 a.m.–noon
3447Feb. 26
Stultz 116
F 1–4 p.m.
3448Mar. 21
Stultz 116
M 9 a.m.–noon
3449Apr. 22
Stultz 116
F 1–4 p.m.
3450May 16
Stultz 116
M 9 a.m.–noon
CPR-BLS for Healthcare Provider Complete Class
BLS for Healthcare Providers is an American
Heart Association course designed to provide a
wide variety of certified or noncertified, licensed
or non-licensed, healthcare professionals with
the skills to keep people alive until they can be
brought to a hospital or be treated with more
advanced lifesaving measures. This course
includes the skills of CPR, use of an AED and
relief of choking for adults, children and infants.
Students must pass a written exam and skills
test in order to qualify for a BLS for Healthcare
Provider Course Completion Card.
3429Jan. 9
Stultz 116
S 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
3430Feb. 20
Stultz 116
S 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
3431Mar. 19
Stultz 116
S 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
3432Apr. 23
Stultz 116
S 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
The American Heart Association strongly
promotes knowledge and proficiency in all
AHA courses and has developed instructional
materials for this purpose. Use of these
materials in an educational course does not
represent course sponsorship by the AHA.
Any fees charged for such a course, except
for a portion of fees needed for AHA course
materials, do not represent income to the AHA.
workforce@pvcc.edu 434.961.5354
PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule 13
Health Careers
Phlebotomy Technician
Makeup Artist Training
Do professional makeup artists seem like
magicians? Now you can see HOW they do
it! Let Anne Kibler of Charlottesville Makeup
Artist LLC teach you the secrets of professional
makeup artists. Start a new career or enhance
your everyday look. See how to create the perfect
canvas for makeup by prepping your face and
taking care of your skin. Use your “concealed
weapon,” the concealer, to make basic corrections
and learn to apply foundation like a pro. Get that
natural sun-kissed glow by applying blush and
bronzer. Give yourself great bone structure with
highlighting, shading and contouring plus make
your nose appear slimmer! See how you can
change the shape and look of your eyes to make
them pop. Learn how to choose a lipstick, try
the color families and application techniques to
perfect your pout! Please bring your own makeup
(specifically for each topic), brushes and a small
standup mirror to each class. After registering,
you will be emailed a list of other items to bring.
This 90-hour program prepares professionals
to collect blood specimens from clients for the
purpose of laboratory analysis. You will study
all aspects of blood collection and develop
comprehensive skills to perform venipunctures
completely and safely. Classroom and lab work
include terminology, anatomy and physiology,
blood collection procedures, specimen hands-on
practice and training in skills and techniques to
perform puncture methods. You will complete
your practice hours during the program without
the need for an outside clinical rotation.
Prerequisites: High School diploma or GED
plus 10th Grade Reading/Math levels. Class fee
includes textbooks and materials.
3216Mar. 7–May 23 M, W 6–9:30 p.m.
April 9 S 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
May 7
S 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Stultz 116
Jones $1,799
Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Levels 1 & 2
Learn how to heal yourself, your life, your friends and family, even your pets in this deeply
transformational energy healing class. Two day training includes two Usui attunements, two Holy
Fire experiences, the three traditional Usui healing symbols, and lots of hands on practice time so
you will feel completely comfortable with the modality. At the end of the class you will receive your
practitioner certificate. Approved for Nursing CEUs.
3433Apr. 9–10
Su, S 9 a.m.–6 p.m. Stultz 116 Maute $350
Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Art/Master Teacher Certification
Three-day training includes one ART attunement, two Master ignitions, and two Master symbols. The
Holy Fire energy was introduced in 2014 and added to the traditional Usui training. After research
and experimentation by The International Center for Reiki Training, the combination has been found
to be very powerful and effective. Holy Fire energy is gentle yet powerful and provides purification,
healing, empowerment, and guidance as it supports and empowers the traditional Usui energy.
Approved for Nursing CEUs. Prerequisite: Certified Usui Reiki level II Practitioner for at least six
3437Apr. 15–17
Su, F, S 9 a.m.–6 p.m. Stultz 116 Maute $875
Holy Fire Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher Certification
Three-day training includes one pre-ignition, three Master ignitions, one Master symbol, and eight
powerful treatment symbols. These new forms of Reiki are only offered through The International
Center for Reiki Training certified Master Teachers. Karuna Reiki® was introduced in 1994, and Holy
Fire in 2014. Karuna is a Sanskrit word that can translate as “compassionate action with wisdom.” As
you receive the Holy Fire Karuna Reiki® within yourself, not only are you helping others even more,
but your own healing evolution is accelerated as well. Prerequisite: Certified Usui Reiki Master for at
least six months.
3438Apr. 29–May 1 F, S, Su 9 a.m.–6 p.m. Stultz 116 Maute $875
3412Feb. 4–Mar. 17 Th 5:30–8:30 p.m.
Stultz 117
Teach for us!
Go to
Click on Teach for Us.
14 PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule
workforce@pvcc.edu 434.961.5354
PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule 15
Essential Oils 101
Did you know you could use essential oils for
common health issues for you and your family?
They are non-toxic, natural, and cost effective
when compared to over the counter medicine.
Discover the properties of essential oils, what
to look for in quality and functionality, and how
some oils can help with common health issues.
You will be able to sample some oils during class.
3618Mar. 29
Stultz 127
T 7–8:30 p.m.
Mental Toughness for Weekend
Calling all weekend warrior athletes! Want to
be tougher when it counts? Get a taste of mental
toughness skills such as imagery and visualization,
self-talk, relaxation and breathing, managing
emotions and goal setting in a fun and interactive
workshop taught by a mental skills coach. Designed
for athletes but open for anyone who might benefit.
3610Jun. 8
Stultz 127
W 6–8 p.m.
Improve Your Memory and Focus
Medicare Basics
If you would like to improve your focus and
memory, join a facilitator from the Monroe
Institute and learn how to use Hemi-Sync
sound focus tools, retrain your brain for instant
recollection, re-establish muscle memory and
recollect memories on demand.
Does Medicare confuse you? What is Medigap?
We’ll discuss the A, B, C and D’s of Medicare,
key benefits, enrollment periods and points to
remember. Find out what you need to know for
yourself or your aging parents or loved ones. The
instructor, a certified senior advisor, will also
provide resources on where to go for help when
you need it.
3212Apr. 14
Stultz 131
Th 6–9 p.m.
3408Mar. 29–Apr. 12
T 5:30–7:30 p.m.
Stultz 129
16 PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule
Trades, &
CDL Truck Driver Training
Learn to drive the big rigs and prepare for
the Commercial Driver’s License (CDL)
test. Companies are experiencing a shortage
of drivers. PVCC’s professional truck
driving program consists of classroom
instruction, various backing maneuvers,
equipment and safety checks and on-theroad training. This comprehensive 160hour program not only provides the skills
you need but also includes lifetime FREE
job placement assistance to graduates and
lifetime refresher training. Prerequisites:
CDL Learner’s Permit and VDOT physical
Location: PVCC Stultz Center
Financial assistance is available. A discount
is available if payment is received in full at
time of registration.
3421Jan. 4–29
3425Jan. 30–Mar. 20
3422Feb. 1–26
3423Feb. 29–Mar. 25
3426Mar. 26–May 15
3436Mar. 28–Apr. 22
3424Apr. 25–May 20
Su, S
Su, S
8 a.m.–4 p.m.
8 a.m.–6 p.m.
8 a.m.–4 p.m.
8 a.m.–4 p.m.
8 a.m.–6 p.m.
8 a.m.–4 p.m.
8 a.m.–4 p.m.
Basic Cabinetry
This class helps build student confidence to
design and construct cabinets using layout and
building techniques for specific cabinet needs.
Students will receive hands on experience with
power and hand tools, joinery, hardware options
and finishing techniques. Price includes materials.
Prerequisite: Basic Carpentry. Class held at
Heartmoor Farm, 801 Perkins Road, Kents Store,
VA 23084.
3254Jan. 20–Feb. 24
W 6–8 p.m.
Heartmoor Farm Wood Shop
Basic Carpentry
Learn about basic tool use, safety equipment,
types of wood and different cuts of wood as well
as specific fundamentals of house framing. Both
hand and power tools will be taught and used
to complete a simple group project. Students
are encouraged to bring drawings, photographs,
and questions about their own maintenance and
repair issues or building dreams. Class held at
Heartmoor Farm, 801 Perkins Road, Kents Store,
VA 23084.
3255Jan. 11–Feb. 1
M 6–8:30 p.m.
Heartmoor Farm Wood Shop
No class on Mon. Jan. 18/MLK Day
Intermediate Carpentry
Continue the work begun in Basic Carpentry
designing and building a small project. Topics
include hand and power tool use, safety and
measurement skills. Fastening, joinery techniques
and structural integrity of existing buildings as
well as a focus on individual’s current projects
will also be discussed. This is an intermediate
class with the goal of completing a group project.
Class held at Heartmoor Farm, 801 Perkins Road,
Kents Store, VA 23084.
3257Feb. 8–29
M 6–8:30 p.m.
Heartmoor Farm Wood Shop
For more information call
workforce@pvcc.edu 434.961.5354
PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule 17
Basic Contractor Licensing
Timber Framing I
Introduction to Beekeeping
This class is required by the state of Virginia
in order to apply for a Contractor’s License.
National Association of State Contractors
Licensing Agencies (NASCLA) manual included.
Learn the fundamentals of design and
construction of small timber frame structures
using mortise and tenon joinery. Students will
learn layout techniques, tool use and joinery
cutting methods. Meetings will touch on history,
finishes and options for HVAC systems for timber
frames. The course will also cover frame design,
lumber selection, joinery choices and integration
of sustainable materials. This course will
primarily focus on hand-cut joinery and tools but
will also demonstrate power tools and techniques
used by modern timber framers. Class held at
Heartmoor Farm, 801 Perkins Road, Kents Store,
VA 23084.
If you’re interested in beekeeping, Michael
Lachance, Nelson County Extension Agent, can
share his years of experience in entomology and
beekeeping to get you started. What resources do
you need? How do you construct a hive? He will
answer these questions and share information
on basic honeybee biology, protecting bees from
pests and more. No experience necessary.
3376Mar. 7–30
M, W 6–8:30 p.m.
Heartmoor Farm Wood Shop
For students interested in managing and raising
large farm animals such as pigs, sheep, goats
and cows, this class is designed to help you
become more self-sufficient and produce your
own food or explore the idea of creating a small
business raising livestock. Students will learn the
reasons for keeping and managing each animal.
This includes facilities (fencing, buildings, etc.),
feeding, breeding and veterinary care for each
animal as well as marketing products.
3208Feb. 6
Stultz 127
S 9 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
3209Apr. 2
Stultz 127
S 9 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
3210May 21
Stultz 127
S 9 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
Basic Home Maintenance and
A home is often your biggest investment but
home repairs can be costly. In this class, you will
learn how to take care of maintenance issues
and prevent costly repairs through hands-on
practice in the classroom. Topics include roofs,
siding, tool safety, painting, caulking, plumbing,
electrical and energy efficiency. Class fee
includes supplies.
3207Mar. 1–Apr. 5 T 6:30–9 p.m.
Stultz 125
3211Mar. 19
Stultz 127
S 9 a.m.–noon
W 6–8 p.m.
The Family Cow
Growing Gourmet and Medicinal
Learn how to grow several different types of
mushrooms using low-tech, low-cost methods in
your garden or woodlot. Get hands-on experience
inoculating logs for mushroom cultivation.
Discussions will include biology and ecology
of fungi, using mushrooms for personal and
ecological health, and methods for cultivating
shiitake, oyster, lion’s mane, reishi, and other
mushrooms in wood, straw and compost.
3420Mar. 19
S 9 a.m.–noon
Sharondale Farm Jones 18 PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule
S 9 a.m.–noon
Large Livestock Management for the
Small Farm
3393Mar. 2–23
Stultz 131
Home Assessment for Seniors
Thinking about housing options for your
retirement years or for your aging parents?
PVCC’s Certified Aging in Place Specialist will
explain a home safety evaluation and how to
assess your home for aging in place requirements.
See how limited mobility may require changes to
the entry, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen and living
space. Knowing what can and cannot be done to
the home helps you make a plan so you or your
parents can continue to live at home.
3417Mar. 5
Stultz 125
If you are disappointed in
the quality of store-bought
products and think there
is a better, more selfsufficient source for fresh
milk, yogurt, butter, ice
cream, and meat, this class might be for you. We
will explore the pros and cons of owning your
own milk cow. Other topics include: what is the
best type of cow to buy and the best places to
find your cow; the facilities, feed, and care you
will need to keep your cow happy and healthy;
the cost involved in owning a family cow; and
possible sources of income from extra milk.
3414Mar. 30
Stultz 131
W 6–8 p.m.
Small Engine & Equipment Repair Intro
Learn the theory and how the components work
together. Learn two- and four-stroke engine
design, application and how to service and
maintain these engines. Examine cutaways, parts
and disassemble an engine to see how it works.
Learn very basic ways to troubleshoot your
engine when it is not working properly.
3249Feb. 15–24
Stultz 125
M, W 6–9 p.m.
Small Engine & Equipment Repair Advanced
This advanced class shows students detailed
diagnostic procedures with some of the latest
test equipment and procedures. Learn how to do
compression testing, leak down testing, pressure
and vacuum testing on crankcases. See the
damage that ethanol gas can do to carburetors.
Learn some failure diagnostics and how to
avoid some of these problems. Learn in detail
how carburetors work and why they sometimes
don’t. Learn how to use a micrometer and some
basic procedures to rebuild engines. Students
will troubleshoot five different bugged engines.
This class will prepare you to take the EETC
two-stroke and four-stroke certification exam. A
separate charge of $47 per exam made payable to
EETC is not included. Registration for the exam
is done through EETC.
Note: Prerequisite: Small Engine & Equipment
Repair Introduction class
3248Feb. 29–Mar. 23M, W 6–9 p.m.
Stultz 125
Advanced Small Engine &
Equipment Electrical Systems
Learn about electricity and how it’s generated in
the small engine and outdoor power equipment
products in use today.
3245Mar. 28–Apr. 13
M, W 6–9 p.m.
Stultz 125
Small Engine
workforce@pvcc.edu 434.961.5354
PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule 19
A.W.S. Welding Certification
Certification training consists of 80 hours over a 10-week
period, 5 weekends, scheduled on every other weekend
Cost of the entire program is $3,499. This includes class
room lecture, practice and final test.
Upon Successful completion of course and passing of test,
student will be A.W.S. D1.1 certified for structural welding.
This program, divided into five classes, will prepare
the student to take the American Welding Society D1.1
certification test for structural welding. Primary emphasis
will be on stick welding, properly known as Shielded Metal
Arc Welding. The focus of the program is to teach the
welding skills necessary to test for the D1.1 certification
in structural welding. Classes must be taken in order with
week one, an Introduction to Welding a prerequisite to
taking week two, etc.
Welding 103 - Intro to TIG Welding
This course is focused completely on the art of
TIG welding. You will be trained in the basic
concept of TIG welding with steel and stainless
steel. This is an intensive eight-hour course that
will give you advanced skills and confidence
to continue working with metal in your area of
Offered S or Su
Welding 104 - Advanced Aluminum
TIG Welding
Welding 101 - Intro to Welding
This 14-hour intensive course covers the basics of
MIG welding. Discussion topics include safety,
equipment and the principles of welding. This is
followed by hands on practice. Create your first
project that is yours to keep at course completion.
Aluminum is light, strong and extremely
versatile. Once you have mastered the skills
needed to weld aluminum, you will be able to
complete any metal project with amazing results,
be it art, furniture, maintenance or enhancing
your opportunities for employment.
Offered S & Su
Offered S & Su
8 a.m.–4 p.m.$375
Welding 102 - Intro to Stick Welding
Welding Certification - Part I
Welding Certification - Part IV
In this introductory class, students will learn the
fundamental principles of joining ferrous and
non-ferrous metals, NDT (nondestructive testing)
joint preparation, equipment operation, and safety
procedures. Students will begin their welding
practice in the 1-G (flat) position. Students
will practice with ER-7018 low hydrogen stick
Continued practice in the 2-G position and
preparation for the A.W.S. Coupon Test.
This eight-hour course is the perfect next
step to help you improve your welding skills.
Prerequisite: Welding 101
Offered S & Su
Offered S or Su Offered S & Su
8 a.m.–4 p.m.$699
Welding Certification - Part II
Students will gain skills welding in the 1-G (flat)
position. The 1-G welding certification position
is a plate in the flat position that is beveled. This
position is the most basic.
Offered S & Su
8 a.m.–4 p.m.$700
Welding Certification - Part III
After a brief review of weeks one and two,
students will begin their practice in the 2-G
horizontal position. This will prepare the student
for real life situations when welding out of
position is required.
Offered S & Su
8 a.m.–4 p.m.$700
Welding Certification - Part V
Students will prepare coupons per A.W.S.
guidelines for final practice plates and weld
Offered S & Su
8 a.m.–4 p.m.$700
8 a.m.–4 p.m.$150
Online Tradesmen
Code Updates
8 a.m.–4 p.m.$399
Welding 105 - Advanced MIG
This 16-hour advanced class includes additional
training in MIG welding including aluminum
welding with a spool gun, and stainless steel. A
project will be completed with a focus on metal
Offered S & Su
8 a.m.–4 p.m.$399
Electrical Code Update
All welding classes are taught by
Steve Brownell at the VA School of Metal.
Weekend classes are offered every other
weekend beginning on Saturday, Jan. 16.
Plumbing Code Update
HVAC Code Update
Gas Fitters Code Update
Call 434.961.5354 to register for class.
8 a.m.–4 p.m.$700
20 PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule
8 a.m.–4 p.m.$210
workforce@pvcc.edu 434.961.5354
PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule 21
A.W.S. Pipe Welding Certification
Certification training consists of 128 hours, eight
weekends, scheduled on every other weekend, starting
Saturday Jan. 16. Cost of the entire program is $4,900.
This includes classroom lecture, practice and final test.
This program, divided into eight classes, prepares you
to take the American Welding Society (A.W.S) QC7-93
certification test for pipe welding. Primary emphasis will
be on stick welding, properly known as Shielded Metal Arc
Welding. Classes must be taken in order with week one, an
Introduction to Welding a prerequisite to taking week two,
etc. Topics include the basics of pipe welding using 6010
and 7018 electrodes, welding full penetration groove welds
in the 2G (vertical), 5G (horizontal fixed) and 6G (inclined)
positions and prepping and fitting techniques. Testing will
take place in the 6G (inclined) position.
Pipe Welding Certification - Part I
Pipe Welding Certification - Part V
In this introductory class, students will learn
safety, electrode selection, proper preparation and
fit-up of pipe, the meaning of different welding
symbols and positions starting with the 6”
schedule 40 pipe in the 2-G and 5-G positions.
Students begin to weld on a 2” schedule 80 and
40 pipe in the 6-G position. Student’s skills will
be evaluated at this time for determination to
proceed with pipe welding certification test.
Offered S & Su
8 a.m.–4 p.m.$616
Pipe Welding Certification - Part II
Students will gain skills welding a 6” schedule
40 pipe in the 6-G (inclined) position as well as
proper preparation and fit-up of pipe.
Offered S & Su
8 a.m.–4 p.m.$612
Offered S & Su
8 a.m.–4 p.m.$612
Pipe Welding Certification - Part VI
Students continue their practice in the 6-G
position on a pipe with thicker wall dimensions.
Offered S & Su
8 a.m.–4 p.m.$612
Pipe Welding Certification - Part VII
Pipe Welding Certification - Part III
Students practice welding a 6” schedule 40 and
80 pipe in all three (2-G, 5-G, 6-G) positions.
After a brief review of weeks one and two,
students continue their practice in the 6-G
position with a 6” schedule 40 pipe. Students are
introduced to basic blueprint reading.
Offered S & Su
Offered S & Su
8 a.m.–4 p.m.$612
Pipe Welding Certification - Part IV
Students begin their practice in the 2-G and 5-G
positions on a 2” schedule 80 pipe.
Offered S & Su
8 a.m.–4 p.m.$612
Pipe Welding Certification - Part VIII
Students will make final preparations for the
A.W.S. QC-7-93 certification in pipe welding.
Certification test takes place in the 6-G (inclined)
Offered S & Su
8 a.m.–4 p.m.$612
8 a.m.–4 p.m.$612
22 PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule
Woodworking Part 3: Assembling &
Continue to learn new woodworking techniques
and tool usage while completing projects.
Perfect for those with a little experience with
woodworking equipment and procedures who
want to improve their knowledge of tools.
Students will be introduced to the finishing
process as it applies to their project.
3378Mar. 1–17
T, Th 6:30–9 p.m.
RW Miller Woodwork
Intro to Woodworking Part 1:
Design, Drawings & Equipment
Experience the simplicity and creativity of
woodworking while learning the basics of
wood types and joinery, use of hand and power
tools and safety guidelines. Select, design and
begin to build a project for your home such as a
nightstand, small bench or bookcase, a toolbox
or perhaps a shelf and brackets. Price includes
materials and use of tools in the RW Miller
workshop in Faber (Nelson County).
Note: Price includes materials and use of tools in
the workshop.
Exploring Woodworking Machinery
& Hand Tools
This series of classes will explore the many
different ways of producing joints in wood that
can pass the test of time.
3256Mar. 29–Apr. 14
T, Th 6:30–9 p.m.
RW Miller Woodwork
3375Jan. 12–28
T, Th 6:30–9 p.m.
RW Miller Woodwork
Woodworking Part 2: Exploring
Online Registration
How many ways are there to join wood to build
a cabinet, bookcase or other piece of furniture?
You’ll find out in this joinery exploration class.
Start with the function of the piece and consider
your options for a solid and simple design. Apply
these skills to your projects. Prerequisite: Some
woodworking experience.
1. Go to www.pvcc.edu/workforce.
3377Feb. 2–18
T, Th 6:30–9 p.m.
RW Miller Woodwork
4. Create profile.
Classes Held at
R.W. Miller Woodworking
50 Post Office Lane
Faber, VA 22938
workforce@pvcc.edu 434.961.5354
2. Browse our classes.
3. Add to cart.
5. Proceed to checkout.
6. Enter payment information.
You will receive a confirmation email and
reminders before class.
PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule 23
Wine, Food,
Brewing &
Beer Styles
The Brewing Process
What is the science involved in the brewing
process? Levi Duncan, lead brewer at Champion
Brewery, will cover all aspects of the brewing
process including raw materials, malting,
brewing, fermentation and finishing.
3406Apr. 16
Stultz 125
S 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Duncan $119
Beer Marketing
Thinking of starting a brewery? Learn the ins and
outs of the application process at various federal
and state agencies in this nuts-and-bolts class
with Hunter Smith, owner of Champion Brewery.
3439Mar. 22
Stultz 127
T 6–9 p.m.
Introduction to Barley & the Malting
Study the fundamentals of bartending while
learning to make popular drinks both quickly
and efficiently. Gain working knowledge of bar
operation and mixology, and find out how all
of your favorites are both served and produced.
Upon completion of the class, all students
receive a certificate in mixology and will have
the knowledge, professionalism and hands-on
training needed to feel comfortable working
behind any bar.
3250Feb. 9–Mar. 8 T 6–9 p.m.
Jefferson 120 Mazzeo
Follow barley and wheat from the field to the
glass in this unique hands-on opportunity to see a
functional farm with an on premise floor-malting
facility and roasting operation. The basic malting
process, remains a three-step process; steeping,
germination and drying. This is the process that
frees up the sugars in the grain needed in the
brewing process that leads to quality beers and
spirits. Class held at the Woods Mill Malt House,
151 Old Ridge Road, Lovingston, VA 22949.
3443Apr. 11–13
M, W 9 a.m.–1 p.m.
Woods Mill Malt House Hall $109
What’s the difference among all the different
styles of beer? Join Levi Duncan, as he explains
the historical origins, ingredients, brewing
processes, fermentation profiles and flavor
profiles of classic beer styles.
3398Mar. 12
Stultz 116
S 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Duncan $119
Home Brewing
Want to brew quality beer from scratch? This
class for the first-time brewer explains the basic
equipment needed to homebrew and how it
works. Participants get hands-on experience
brewing, kegging and tasting homebrew. While
presenting ideas for formulating successful
recipes, the instructor provides an overview
of working with grain, hops and yeast in the
planning and execution of the recipe. The
majority of the class emphasizes practical
techniques used in mashing, sparging and
lautering, including demonstrating procedures
and providing hands on experience.
3427Jun. 4
S 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Woods Mill Malt House
Hall $99
Introduction to Hop Growing
Interested in growing hops? Join Stan Driver
from Hoot N’ Holler Hops as he shows you what
you need to start your own hop garden. Other
topics include how to manage and harvest hops,
is there a market for locally grown hops and how
to market hops. Class held at the Blue Mountain
Barrel House, 495 Cooperative Way, Arrington,
3544Jun. 11
S 9 a.m.–1 p.m.
Blue Mountain Barrel House
Craft and microbrewing have developed into
a multi-billion dollar industry. Virginia is
contributing to the growth of the brewing trade
with approximately one hundred local breweries
in operation and more in the planning stages. The
key to a career in this thriving business is to gain
the training and knowledge necessary to excel in
this specialized field.
Taught by leading professional brewers and
industry experts, the PVCC Certificate Program
in Craft Brewing offers academic and practical
training for entry-level brewing professionals. To
complete the Certificate in Craft Brewing, you
must complete the following courses:
24 PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule
Program in Craft
workforce@pvcc.edu 434.961.5354
Introduction to Beer & Brewing
The Brewing Process
Beer Styles
Brewery Design & Equipment
Introduction to Hop Growing
Introduction to Barley & Malting
Beer Marketing
Home Brewing
Brewery Start-Up
PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule 25
Kitchen Basics
The 3 week hands-on series with Chef Michel
Leborgne is designed for the beginner cook
who wants to learn the basics as well as the
seasoned cook wanting to refine his or her skills.
In each class we cover the fundamental cooking
techniques, ingredients and equipment that help
make you a more confident, competent cook.
Menu includes: April 4 – Onion Soup; New
England Clam Chowder April 11 – Sautéed
Chicken Breast; Braised Chicken Thigh Curry
April 18 – Poached Fillet of Flounder Bonne
Femme; Fish en Papillotte.
3397Apr. 4–18
M 6–9 p.m.
Jefferson 120 Leborgne
Beach Brunch Fun
Join Chef Eric Breckoff and take your cooking
skills to a professional level. A graduate of
Johnson & Wales University, Eric is PVCC’s
culinary arts instructor and has been teaching
culinary arts for over 13 years. Menu: The Best
French Toast Ever, Real Biscuits and Gravy,
Crepes, Delicious Cheese Grits, Smoothies
3251Mar. 21
M 6–9 p.m.
Jefferson 120 Breckoff
Certified Professional Food
Managers Review & Exam
This examination certification is based on the
latest federal food code and is accepted in all
states across the country requiring mandatory
foodservice manager certifications. In Virginia,
the person in charge of the facility must be
knowledgeable about procedures to minimize the
risk of food borne illness as outlined in the 2010
Virginia Food Regulations. Proof of passing this
examination is one way for the person in charge
to demonstrate having this knowledge. There
is a separate charge of $28 for the standardized
Prometric exam administered at the end of the
day. You must bring this amount to class in the
form of a certified check or money order payable
to Prometric. (Personal checks or cash cannot be
accepted). Bring two #2 pencils and a photo ID
to class.
3252Feb. 15
Stultz 129
M 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
3253Apr. 16
Stultz 129
S 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
26 PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule
Join Chef Eric Breckoff and take your cooking
skills to a professional level. A graduate of
Johnson & Wales University, Chef Eric is
PVCC’s culinary arts instructor and has been
teaching culinary arts for over 13 years.
3614Feb. 1
M 6–9 p.m.
Jefferson 120 Breckoff
Perfect Pasta: Fresh Italian Flavors
Join Chef Eric Breckoff and take your cooking
skills to a professional level. A graduate of
Johnson & Wales University, Eric is PVCC’s
culinary arts instructor and has been teaching
culinary arts for over 13 years. Menu- Pastas:
Spaghetti, Fettuccini, Ravioli, Gnocchi
3726Feb. 22
M 6–9 p.m.
Jefferson 120 Breckoff
ServSafe Managers Recertification
Course & Exam
The ServSafe program helps prepare you
for the ServSafe Food Protection Manager
Certification exam. Training covers these
concepts: The importance of food safety; good
personal hygiene; time and temperature control;
preventing cross-contamination; cleaning and
sanitizing; safe food preparation; receiving and
storing food; methods of thawing, cooking,
cooling and reheating food; HACCP (Hazard
Analysis and Critical Control Points); food safety
regulations, based on FDA 2013 Food Code as
well as local requirements; and more.
ServSafe Manager Textbook-Sixth Edition with
online exam voucher is available online here for
an additional $68.
Exam vouchers (without the text) are available
online here for an additional $36.
You may purchase an exam voucher the day of
the class by bringing a credit card to class and
purchasing the exam voucher online prior to
taking the exam.
The combined textbooks and exam voucher
packets can be purchased at the PVCC bookstore
for $90.75.
3440Jan. 18
Stultz 129
M 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
3441Mar. 19
Stultz 129
S 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
The Mystery of Eggs
Join Chef Eric Breckoff and take your cooking
skills to a professional level. A graduate of
Johnson & Wales University, Chef Eric is
PVCC’s culinary arts instructor and has been
teaching culinary arts for over 13 years. Menu:
Dill Pickles, Half-Sour Pickles, Sweet Pickle
Chips, Pickled Red Onions.
Cooking eggs may sound easy, but they are a
difficult dish to prepare if you want to please
everyone every time. Join Chef Michel Leborgne
as he teaches you the mystery behind a wellcooked egg. The menu includes Poached Eggs;
Eggs en Cocotte; Omelets (the only way they
should be done); Scrambled Eggs (you will be
surprised how this method will change your life);
Hard Boiled Eggs; Fried Eggs (basted or not).
3442Apr. 25
M 6–9 p.m.
Jefferson 120 Breckoff
Jefferson 120 Leborgne
Refrigerated Pickles
workforce@pvcc.edu 434.961.5354
Learn today...Lead Tomorrow!
KidsCollege@PVCC reaches youth (3rd12th grade) with school year and summer
• Summer STEM & Arts Academies at
PVCC (June 13-Aug. 12) and off-site
locations (rising 3rd-9th Grade).
Enroll online starting Jan. 11, 2016
• College & Career Pathways Expo (10th
• Explore Career Days (7th Grade)
• Career Development
• College Preparation
• Educational Enrichment
• STEM & Arts
• Workforce & Leadership Development
To learn more about our programs and/or
partner with us: Call 434.961.5354 or
visit www.pvcc.edu/KidsCollege.
PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule 27
Tasting Room
Viticulture &
Wine Marketing
Advanced Pruning
People in the wine business say that anyone can
make wine, but can they sell it? Learn cuttingedge strategies for marketing wine from Neil
Williamson of the Trellis Group. Everything from
labels to romancing the wine is covered in this
required enology class. Enhanced by talks from
area wine professionals, you will learn how to
design a marketing strategy for your business.
This class will review the pruning work done
in the prior year, looking at the effects on bud
count, renewal spurs, crop load, winter hardiness
and related factors. You will then prune the same
vines again for the coming year. Prerequisite:
Vineyard Management classes I and II.
3419Mar. 5
S 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
First Colony WineryWilliamson $129
Successful Wine Club Management
Wine clubs can be a strong profit center for your
winery. In this class, strategies on how to attract
and retain wine club members, ways to promote
and sell wine club memberships, how to add
value to your wine club, and how to differentiate
yourself from other wine clubs among other
related topics, will be discussed.
3405Mar. 21
Stultz 131
M 9 a.m.–1 p.m.
Legal Issues for the Tasting Rooms
Learn the legal issues involved in running a
farm winery tasting room from Virginia’s wine
lawyer, Mary Beth Williams. Topics include state
compliance for direct shipping.
3392Apr. 25
Stultz 131
M 9 a.m.–noon
Tasting Room
Management Certificate
1. Introduction to Tasting Room
2. Superior Customer Service
3. Wine Marketing
4. TIPS® Training
5. Legal Issues for the Tasting Room
6. Wine Analysis & Tasting
1. Wow, What a Great Event!
2. Using Social Media in Business
3. Introduction to Enology
4. Pairing Food with Wine
5. Successful Wine Club Management
6. Sparkling Wine Making
3389Jan. 16
S 9 a.m.–1 p.m.
DuCard Vineyards
Elliff $69
Basic Tractor Repair
Correctly maintaining a tractor will add years
to its useful life and save you time and money.
This class teaches you basic troubleshooting,
maintenance and repair of your tractor.
3396Feb. 6
S 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Middle Fork Farm
Staff $119
Dormant Pruning
Bring your pruning shears and join Virginia’s
most notable vigneron, Gabriele Rausse. Learn
why and how to prune grapevines through lecture
and hands-on experience.
3400Feb. 13
Stultz 131
Canopy Management
Identify various types of canopy styles with the
objective of managing the vineyard and keeping
your business objectives in mind: quantity vs.
quality. Topics include hedging, leaf pulling and
dropping fruit.
3399Jun. 11
Stultz 131
28 PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule
S 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Viticulture Certificate Program
Course Requirements
Introduction to Viticulture
Vineyard Site Selection
Soil Preparation & Planting
Dormant Pruning
Pest Control
Canopy Management
Harvesting & Basic
Analysis of the Must
8. Vine Grafting & Propagation
9. Vineyard Management
(Field Experience) – Part I
10. Vineyard Management
(Field Experience) – Part II
11. Vineyard Spraying
12. Tractor Safety
13. Basic Tractor Repair
14. Pesticide Applicator’s License
15. Harvest Internship
S 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
workforce@pvcc.edu 434.961.5354
PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule 29
Introduction to Enology
Wine Blending
Legal Issues in the Wine Industry
Interested in winemaking? This class gives you
an overview of the winemaking process for both
red and white wines. Specific problems facing the
Virginia winemaker will be discussed including
reduction, oxidation and the problems associated
with unripe grapes.
Wine blending tests the true skills of the
winemaker. In this class, renowned Virginia
winemaker Matthew Finot will share his secrets
on the art of blending wines. Learn how to mix
varietals to make a variety of premium wines.
Virginia’s wine lawyer, Marybeth Williams,
walks students through the legal intricacies
and important regulations that the serious wine
grower needs to know to survive in the wine
business. Discover the hot issues facing Virginia
wineries while Marybeth makes this class fun
with tons of materials and resource information
3402Jan. 23
S 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
King Family Vineyard
Finot $129
Tractor Safety
3418Apr. 23
S 9 a.m.–1 p.m.
Stinson Vineyards
Finot $59
Sparkling Wine Making
The purpose of this class is to make you familiar
with tractors and how they can be used safely.
Topics include major components of tractors,
built-in safety features on the tractor, and safe
practices during tractor use.
Learn the magic and art of sparkling winemaking
from Andrew Hodson, winemaker and owner
of Veritas Winery. You will learn the detailed
techniques of making sparkling wine from
the first fermentation through the second
fermentation and final corking.
3407Mar. 12
S 9 a.m.–1 p.m.
Middle Fork Farm
Staff $69
3413Apr. 30
S 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Vertias Winery Hodson
3403May 7
S 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Cardinal Point Winery Williams $129
Vineyard Management - Part I
Adopt a row of vines this spring! Be responsible
for managing and maintaining an assigned section
of a working vineyard during the growing season.
Learn the techniques for caring for healthy vines
and the crucial decisions in vineyard management
to meet your business objectives.
Winery Design & Equipment
The design, layout and equipment needed for an
efficient operation are critical components for
success in the wine industry. Learn winery design
from the ground up from local winery owner Jeff
Sanders of Glass House Winery.
Wine Tasting & Analysis
3391Mar. 19
S 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Glass House Winery Sanders $129
Do you know “farming the grapes” affects
their taste and aroma? Can you recognize your
personal capabilities in wine tasting? Become a
competent wine taster by learning the essentials
of professional tasting.
Vine Grafting and Propagation
Vitus vinifera must be grafted on to native
rootstock in order to survive in Virginia. After
Master Grafter Gabriele Rausse shows you how
to bench graft, proper root stock selection and
forcing and storing of grafted vines, you will
graft vines.
3409Apr. 2
Stultz 125
S 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Soil Prep and Planting
Join vineyard consultant Jake Busching and learn
how to prepare soils for growing and planting
wine grapes in Virginia. You will plant vines in a
local vineyard.
3404Apr. 16
Stultz 125
S 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
30 PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule
Enology Certificate Program
Course Requirements
Introduction to Enology
Wine Analysis & Tasting
Winery Design & Equipment
Legal Issues in the Wine Industry
Marketing Wine
Fermentation & Racking
Harvesting & Basic
Analysis of the Must
8. Wine Bottling
9. Sparkling Winemaking
3390May 21
S 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
King Family Vineyards
Finot $129
Vineyard Spraying
To grow healthy ripe fruit, free of disease, a
working knowledge of chemical spraying is
essential. We will discuss fungicides, pesticides
and herbicides and how their applications can
both benefit and in many cases cause damage to
a vineyard if not applied properly. In this class
we will cover the basics of why a rotational spray
program is so critical and how to practically and
safely apply them. Additional topics that will be
covered include herbicide ground sprays, tank
mixing, calibration of tractor and spray unit and
foliar nutrient applications.
3411Feb. 27
May 7
June 4
June 25
DuCard Vineyards
S 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
S noon–4 p.m.
S noon–4 p.m.
S noon–4 p.m.
Elliff $239
Winter Pruning Workshop
Learn about the theory and practice of pruning!
We will focus on the dormant season care of
fruit trees, vines, and bushes. We start with
an overview of the benefits and precautions
associated with regular pruning and training,
and their effects on plant physiology and winter
hardiness. You will learn how to select and
care for pruning tools, and how to prune your
landscaping throughout the year. We will cover
pruning deciduous trees and conifer material, root
pruning and creating bonsai, and how to prune
fruit trees, vines and bushes.
3613Feb. 20
S 9 a.m.–noon
Rockfish Valley Community Center
3416Jun. 18
S 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
First Colony Winery
Staff $129
workforce@pvcc.edu 434.961.5354
PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule 31
Online Classes
PVCC offers hundreds of online classes on our web
site for career training and continuing education.
From the Courses page, click on the Online Classes image
to browse just the online offerings.
Here are some of the
programs we offer:
96% of our stu
plan to take a nts
online class w
ith us!
“The program was well organized. All the facilitators and coordinators
were friendly and professional. I hope you do this next year!”
Psst!... Bosses: We’re doing it again!
“It was fabulous! I’m so glad I came. It was really
well-organized and the presenters were great.”
Revit Architecture
Administrative Office Assistant
Banking Management Operation
Income Tax Preparation
Business Research
Customer Research
Cash is King
Data Analysis
Chartered Financial Analyst ®
Creative Problem Solving
Cyber Security for Managers
Entrepreneurial Marketing
Event Planner
Funding Your Business
Life Coach
Personal Finance
Customer Service
32 PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule
Workplace Communication
Marketing eBooks
Workplace Spanish
Using Personality Profiles for Better Work
Project Management
Six Sigma
Fatal Leadership Errors
Coding and Programming
Microsoft Office
Administrative Medical Assistant
Certified Electronic Health Records
Dental Assistant
Preparing for ICD-10
Energy Auditor
Landscaping Design
Hotel and Restaurant Management
Wedding Planner
“One of the highlights was being told that I’m valuable in my administrative position.”
Let your hard-working employees know how much you appreciate them!
Wednesday, April 27, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
PVCC Stultz Center
workforce@pvcc.edu 434.961.5354
PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule 33
How to Register
New Online Registration System!
PVCC Customized Training
Employee Training Needs?
We’ve got solutions!
1. Go to www.pvcc.edu/workforce.
4. Create profile.
2. Browse our classes.
5. Proceed to checkout.
3. Add to cart.
6. Enter payment information.
You will receive a confirmation email and reminders before class.
Your Training Is Our Business @ PVCC Workforce Services
Our training solutions optimize retention of valued workers, improve overall
productivity, reduce cost and strengthen the competitiveness of your business.
Our programs are flexible and mobile; on campus, on site, online. Bring your staff
to one of our convenient locations or we’ll come to yours!
• Training Needs Assessment• Leadership and Supervision• Computer –
all levels• OSHA and Safety• CPR and First Aid• Project Management•
Customer Service• Conflict Resolution• Small Engine Repair• Team
Building• DISC/Myers Briggs Type Indicator/Strengths Finder
...and many more!
Registration Form for Noncredit Courses (Workforce Services courses only.)
Name:___________________________________________________________ Date of Birth:______________________
Address:_______________________________________ Apt.#:_______________ Day Phone:______________________
City/County:___________________________________ State:_______Zip Code:_________ County:____________________
Social Security #:_______________________________ Email Address:_________________________________________
If you have a VCCS EMPL ID, please provide it: _____________ Would you like an email confirmation of registration? Yes No
Have you ever applied to any Virginia Community College?
May we contact you by email about future classes?
Black/African American
I choose not to specify
Are you a U.S. Citizen?
Permanent Status:
American Indian/Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
Resident alien
If no, your country of citizenship?____________________________________________
Asylee Refugee
What is your current immigration status with the U.S.?
I have never served in the U.S. Military
Not in U.S. – I am requesting visa status.
Currently in U.S.
I am the dependent of someone who has served in the U.S. Military
My spouse has served in the U.S. Military
I have served in the U.S. Military What is your current military status? ______________ What date did you enter the military?_______
Class No.
Course Title
All books and materials are included in the cost of the class unless otherwise noted.
Method of payment:
Money Order
Credit Card (Call 434.961.5354 to make payment.)
Bill employer (Attach purchase order or authorization to bill.)
There is a $35 service charge for handling returned checks or dishonored credit card or debit card payments ($50 service charge if your account is in past-due collection status).
Getting your company where it needs to go. Call Kathy Reid at 434-961-5330
34 PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule
FAX: Fax registration form to 434.961.5270. DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR CREDIT CARD INFO. Call 434.961.5354 to make payment. Visa/MC/Amex.
CANCELLATIONS – Workforce Services reserves the right to cancel any course.
Piedmont Virginia Community College REFUNDS – Participants must withdraw from a class at least (5) business days before that class is
ATTN: Workforce Services
scheduled to begin to receive a full refund. No refunds will be provided after this time. Refund requests
501 College Dr.,
must be made in writing by mail, fax or email (include your name, course title and reason for refund).
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Refunds are processed by the State Treasury in Richmond and may take 3-6 weeks to process.
workforce@pvcc.edu 434.961.5354
PVCC JAN-MAY 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule 35
To apply, contact
Workforce@pvcc.edu or call 434.961.5354.
Classes through
Workforce Services!
Piedmont Virginia Community College
501 College Dr.,
Time Sensitive Material: Please Deliver by Nov. 30, 2015
Charlottesville VA
Permit No.
No. 90
January - May, 2016 Class Schedule
PVCC Workforce Services