online class schedule - Piedmont Virginia Community College


online class schedule - Piedmont Virginia Community College
Workforce Services
Class Schedule
M A Y - AU GU S T 2 0 1 6
Clinical Medical Assistant
New Classes
Cyber Security for Home & Office ............................... 6
Clinical Medical Assistant ............................................ 9
Solar Hot Water ..........................................................11
NCCER Electrical Fundamentals............................... 12
Great Fermentations.................................................. 18
Introduction to Basic Wine Laboratory Analysis ........ 20
PVCC Workforce Services
Arts & Design...................................3
Adobe Creative Suite............................3
Business & Management..................4
Business & Accounting........................4
Communications & Writing..................5
Computer Applications.........................6
Marketing & Social Media...................6
Albemarle County (Main Campus)
Arts & Design
Voice Acting
Stultz Center for Business and Career Development
501 College Dr., Charlottesville, VA 434.961.5354
All classes are held in the Stultz Center unless noted otherwise.
Get paid to talk! This introduction to
professional voice acting could be a new career
for you. Learn which voices are in demand and
how to prepare a winning demo.
5365Jul. 28
Stultz 131
Advanced Street Photography
Computers & Technology...................7
Health, Beauty & Wellness................8
Canine Training....................................8
Health Careers.....................................9
Adobe Photoshop Beginner
Industry, Trades, & Agriculture........10
Learn to use the basic functions of Photoshop
including selection tools, photo correction,
retouching and repairing.
Thomas Jefferson Pkwy
Downtown Charlottesville
PVCC Jefferson School Center
233 Fourth St. NW, Charlottesville, VA 434.961.5255
Online Classes................................ 16
Wine, Food, Brewing & Spirits..........18
Brewing............................................... 18
Culinary............................................... 19
Viticulture & Enology.......................... 19
= Parking
easy steps
You will receive a confirmation email and
minders before class.
2 PVCC SUMMER 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule
Adobe InDesign Beginner
Learn to use the InDesign workspace and
tools, create documents, manage pages, add
and edit text, import graphics, manage and
transform objects and create basic PDFs.
M a in
T, Th 12:30–3:30 p.m.
Ridge M
4t h
Th 12:30–4:30 p.m.
e Rd
Jefferson School
St N
Online Registration
S t.
Wa t
e St
Go to
Browse our catalog.
Add to cart.
Create a profile.
Proceed to checkout.
Enter payment information.
5370Jun. 2
Stultz 129
5371Jun. 7–9
Stultz 129
Register Online...............................23
6:30–9 p.m.
Audio Engineering................................7
Video Production..................................7
Construction....................................... 10
Small Engine Repair........................... 11
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)....... 13
Industry & Trades Online Courses:... 13
Welding............................................... 14
Woodworking...................................... 16
Th Instructor
Th Dye
5:30–7:30 p.m.
F 6–8 p.m.
Discover Digital Photography
After you explore the features on your camera,
you will learn about megapixels, file size and
quality. Other features discussed include review
mode, shooting modes, white balance, flash,
the lens, accessories and ISO, and when to use
those features. Basic computer techniques for
the camera will also be covered. Remaining
time will concentrate on composition and
using the camera in the field. Students will
participate in class critiques in order to develop
composition skills and learn how to better use
their camera. One field trip session is included.
Piedmont Virginia Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race,
color, religion, national origin, political affiliation, disability, veteran status, sex,
age or sexual orientation in its programs and activities. The following person has
been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:
Human Resources Manager, 501 College Dr., Main Building, Room M810,
Charlottesville, VA 22902; 434.961.6567.
4193May 5–Jun. 9
Stultz 127
Field Trips:
May 6–27 5368May 18–May 25 W 6:30–8:30 p.m.
May 31–Jun. 21 T 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Stultz 127
Nondiscrimination Policy
The course emphasizes field practice of street
style photography. You will review technical
aspects of the camera, compositional ideas
and lighting techniques to capture this style of
photography. Take a field trip to the downtown
mall every week and bring in images for the
critique discussions. This will be a fun and
challenging class for advanced level SLR
students. You must know how to use the
camera in manual modes and have basic
computer skills for downloading, emailing and
editing images. 434.961.5354
Field Trip:
Jun. 11
9-11 a.m.
PVCC SUMMER 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule 3
Want to gain more control over your
photography? Learn to use your SLR camera
in aperture, shutter and manual modes and
how to integrate these settings with ambient
light to get the images you want. The class will
also cover composing an image using natural
light and black flash. You will have weekly
homework assignments and two field trip
sessions to reinforce the concepts. This class
is appropriate for SLR and four-thirds camera
systems but not point-and-shoot cameras.
5369Jun. 28–Aug. 16 T 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Stultz 127
Field Trips: Aug. 6
Aug. 13
S S 9 a.m.–11 a.m.
9 a.m.–11 a.m.
Instructor Bio: Christian DeBaun
Christian studied film,
graphic design, and
photography at The
School of The Museum
of Fine Arts in Boston.
In 2009, he helped
found the Charlottesville
Photography Initiative
(CPI) a group of local Charlottesville
photographers that has grown to over 490
members. A professional photographer since
2008, Christian is a portrait photographer,
but also photographs weddings, families, and
pets. He also has traveled extensively all over
the world, and is an accomplished adventure
Instructor Bio: Victoria Dye
Victoria Dye is an awardwinning photographer from
Charlottesville, VA. Nature
subjects have defined
her photography from the
beginning. By showing
the beauty and majesty of
nature she hopes people
will appreciate and help
protect these precious resources. Victoria’s
other passion is teaching. Victoria is currently a
member of the National Association of Nature
Photographers, The Ivy Creek Foundation and
the American Veterinary Medical Association.
4 PVCC SUMMER 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule
Business &
Business &
Did the financial events of the past few years
affect your retirement plans? Are you saving
enough? Where will your income come from?
It’s not too late to learn how to set realistic
retirement goals and assess their cost, identify
your income options, learn where to invest
now for your future and how to protect your
wealth and provide for your family and heirs.
Get retirement ready and be better prepared
to make sound financial decisions. Your
registration fee includes an in-depth workbook
and retirement planning data form.
Note: On a space available basis, you may bring
one guest at no charge. After you enroll online,
please call 434.961.5354 to check availability
and to enroll the guest in the class.
3234May 5–19
Stultz 131
Th Bays
Discover what makes a property a foreclosure,
how this type of sale differs from a standard
sale, the pros and cons of buying a foreclosed
property, how to become a successful
purchaser of a foreclosed property and how a
real estate agent can help you negotiate the
5376Jun. 1–8
Stultz 129
Passport to Retirement
6–8:30 p.m.
In a national survey
only 16% of pre-retirees said they felt “very
confident” that they will have enough money to
live comfortably during retirement.
How confident are you about your retirement?
You need this class if you:
• Wonder how much your retirement will cost
• Want to reduce the effects of taxes and
• Need to manage your investment risk
• Want to provide for your family and heirs
W Churchill
6–8 p.m.
Quickbooks for Beginners
Review the day-to-day transactions needed by
businesses as well as how to perform monthly
tasks. See how to navigate QuickBooks, create
a company profile, set up inventory, work with
vendors and customers, manage payroll, do
bank reconciliations and create reports.
5377Aug. 9–16
Stultz 129
T, Th 5:30–8:30 p.m.
Edwards-Allbaugh $169
5378Aug. 18–25
Stultz 129
T, Th 10 a.m.–1 p.m.
Edwards-Allbaugh $169
How to Start Your Own Business
Retired? Tired of your job? Have a great
business idea? Learn the fundamentals before
starting your own business. Topics include:
types of businesses to consider, writing a
business plan, determining target markets,
writing elevator lines and mission statements,
finding niche markets, identifying your assets
and liabilities, developing marketing strategies,
finding ways around financing your business
and seeing businesses as relationships.
5380May 16–Jun. 27 M 6–9 p.m.
Stultz 117
No class on Memorial Day, May 30
& Writing
Writing From Your Bones
Half the battles writers face are internal:
lack of motivation, your pesky internal editor
or self-doubt. See how to develop a regular
writing practice, find your voice, and discover
your inner truth. Each session includes
instruction in mindfulness, experiential writing
exercises and opportunities to share in a
supportive environment. Discussion topics
include barriers to creativity, strategies for
improving productivity and engaging in flow.
Beginning and experienced writers alike can
use this class to develop your creativity,
jumpstart a project or find the strategies
needed to sustain one.
5431May 24–Jun. 14 T Stultz 117
Sports Leadership Boot Camp
Develop your game plan for a coveted sportsrelated career! See the possibilities in sports
marketing, public relations, events and
coaching. Gain experience with mentoring and
coaching as you develop a network of contacts.
Test your creative sports skills by developing a
project idea for a product, app or event.
3723May 16–19
Stultz 127
M–Th 9 a.m.–noon
6:30–8:30 p.m.
Online Registration
Source: Retirement Confidence Survey, Employee Benefit
Research Institute, 2010.
Buying Foreclosures
Intermediate Photography
@ 434.961.5354
PVCC SUMMER 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule 5
Your Facebook, LinkedIn profiles and your
personal website(s) are a gold mine for
networking. Get people’s attention and then
get their business! With insights not found
in textbooks, see how to maximize your time
online, utilize Facebook to the fullest, design
your LinkedIn account for maximum traffic,
drive people to link your website to theirs,
expand your email address book into the
thousands and learn the secrets to keep you
from sabotaging your success online.
5385Jun. 4
Stultz 129
S 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
5384Jun. 21–28
Stultz 129
T Brezinski $195
If you’ve been hacked, you might be the
last to know.
Possible signs of an attack on your system
• Fake antivirus messages,
• Unwanted browser toolbars
• Unexpected software installs or data
Protect yourself from the worst outcomes.
6 PVCC SUMMER 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule
Online @
Session Start Dates: 5/18, 6/15
Introduction to Audio Engineering
Video Production
Receive an introduction to the modern music
industry and the recording studio. Learn how
to capture and manipulate sound, study studio
acoustics and design, microphones and multitrack recording, as well as an introduction to
recording and mixing with Pro Tools. Includes
studio sessions at the Music Resource Center.
6–8 p.m.
Excel: Beginner
See how to use this popular spreadsheet
program by creating and editing worksheets,
using toolbars, discovering auto features,
formatting cells, creating basic formulas and
5445Jun. 1–6
Stultz 129
M, W 8:30–11:30 a.m.
Excel: Pivot Tables
Cybersecurity for Home and Office
Having a firewall and a secure password
does not insure your safety on the Internet.
Your instructor, who sought solutions after
being hacked five times and is a speaker on
cyber prevention strategies, will discuss what
you can do to keep your home and office
secure from Internet predators. See how
intruders can get into your networks, computer,
phone and more. Learn how you can prevent
attacks and what you should do when one
happens. You will also review the new
technologies and see which ones are the safest
to use.
U.S. adults had their personal information
exposed by hackers, according to a report
from Ponemon Institute.
Discover how to easily create blogs and
websites with the popular, free WordPress.
com platform.
Audio Engineering
5364May 16–Jun. 27 M, W Stultz 122
No class on Memorial Day, May 30
6–9 p.m.
CNNMoney reports that 47% of
Creating WordPress Websites
Get under the hood of inbound marketing
and learn how to monitor measure and
manage the integrated results of your
inbound marketing activities at a more
advanced level. We’’ll focus on the data that
actually matters and how it is influenced by
visitor/user engagement. Gain deeper insights
into user behavior; learn how to track
meaningful conversions, measure visitor
engagement and how to use landing pages
more effectively – including how to create
forms that get results.
Computers &
5433May 17
Stultz 117
T Brezinski
Learn how to use Excel pivot tables, a useful
and powerful feature to summarize, analyze,
explore and present your data.
5446Jun. 8
Stultz 129
QuickBooks 2016 Series
Master the fundamentals and more
advanced functions of QuickBooks 2016.
Learn everything from creating statements
to using batch invoicing and managing journal
Online @
Session Start Dates: 5/18, 6/15
Want to improve your video production? From
music videos to interviews to live action,
learn how to capture the images, improve the
audio and use composition and lighting so
your productions look more professional. You
will plan, script, light and shoot a short video
program to be edited in the next class. Includes
two production shoots.
5391Jul. 20–Aug. 10 W Stultz 131
6–9 p.m.
Training That Works
Our Computer and Technology classes can
be customized for your business at your
For more information, contact Kathy Reid at
434.961.5330 or
6–9 p.m.
Basic Video Production
W 8:30–11:30 a.m.
Social Networking: How to Drive
People to Your Sites
Advanced Inbound Marketing
Marketing & Social
Media 434.961.5354
PVCC SUMMER 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule 7
CPR AED/First Aid or BLS for
Healthcare Provider - Skills Check
Canine Training
AKC Canine Good Citizen
The AKC CGC program stresses
responsible handler and dog
ownership. Train your dog to be a respected
member of the community by behaving
properly. Skills covered include meeting friendly
strangers, being petted, being groomed,
walking on a loose leash and in a crowd, sit/
down/stay/come, meeting other dogs and
more. Upon passing the 10-step AKC CGC test,
your dog will receive a certificate. Note: Please
bring your dog to the first meeting along with
his/her favorite treat.
5379May 17–Jun. 21 T Stultz 131
6–7 p.m.
PVCC offers monthly skills checks for your CPR
certification. This is a hands-on skills practice
and testing session (Parts 2 and 3) with an
American Heart Association Instructor that
follows the Online Part 1 course (www.heart.
org). Students who successfully complete Part
1 receive a certificate, which they print out
and present to the instructor at the skills and
testing session. A course completion card will
be issued upon successful completion of all
three parts. Fee includes certification card.
Skills checks are available for Heartsaver CPR
AED and First Aid and for BLS for Healthcare
Providers. Call to schedule your one hour
appointment. Appointments are first come,
first served and will be scheduled between the
class hours listed based on availability.
Note: Online registration is not available for this
class. Please call 434.961.5354 and a staff
member will enroll you.
Students must successfully complete the
online Part 1 course at and
bring the certificate to this skills session and
schedule a one hour time slot between 9 a.m.noon.
3450May 16
Stultz 116
Health Careers
Training That Works
M Gaines
9 a.m.–noon
AT WORK Clinical Medical Assistant
Our CPR classes can be customized for your
business at your business.
For more information, contact Kathy Reid at
434.961.5330 or
CPR-BLS for Healthcare Provider Complete Class
BLS for Healthcare Providers is an American
Heart Association course designed to
provide a wide variety of certified or noncertified, licensed or non-licensed, healthcare
professionals with the skills to keep people
alive until they can be brought to a hospital
or be treated with more advanced lifesaving
measures. This course includes the skills of
CPR, use of an AED and relief of choking for
adults, children and infants. Students must
pass a written exam and skills test in order to
qualify for a BLS for Healthcare Provider Course
Completion Card.
5415Jun. 18
Stultz 116
S Gaines
9 a.m.–3 p.m.
5416Jun. 25
Stultz 117
S Short
9 a.m.–3 p.m.
5417Jul. 9
Stultz 117
S 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Instructor Bio: Lisa Carmines
The American Heart Association strongly
promotes knowledge and proficiency in all
AHA courses and has developed instructional
materials for this purpose. Use of these materials
in an educational course does not represent
course sponsorship by the AHA. Any fees
charged for such a course, except for a portion
of fees needed for AHA course materials, do not
represent income to the AHA.
8 PVCC SUMMER 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule
Lisa has been a registered nurse for 25 years
and a BLS (Basic Life Support) Instructor for
over 15 years with PVCC. Lisa enjoys teaching
the lifesaving skills of CPR to healthcare
workers as well as others in the community.
She currently works full-time as a nursing
instructor at James Madison University in
addition to teaching BLS in the Charlottesville
community. 434.961.5354
Assist physicians by performing functions
related to the clinical responsibilities of a
medical office. Instruction includes preparing
patients for examination and treatment, routine
laboratory procedures, diagnostic testing,
technical aspects of phlebotomy and the
cardiac life cycle. You will review phlebotomy,
pharmacology, the proper use and
administration of medications, taking and
documenting vital signs, cardiology including
proper lead placements, professional
workplace behavior, ethics and the legal
aspects of healthcare. Includes classroom
lecture and hands-on labs and an optional
clinical externship opportunity at a local
healthcare provider. To be eligible for the
clinical rotation, you must successfully
complete the 140-hour program, submit to a
thorough background check, drug screening
and meet other requirements. Upon
successfully completing this class, you are
eligible to sit for the National Healthcareer
Association (NHA) Certified Clinical Medical
Assistant (CCMA) national examination
(additional fee required).
Health, Beauty
& Wellness
5430May 31–Sep. 1 T, Th Stultz 116
6–9:30 p.m.
NOTE: Class also meets on the following Saturdays:
Jun. 11 & 25 S 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Jul. 9 & 23 S 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Aug. 6 & 20
S 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
The median
for a medical assistant
are $14.55 per hour.
Over the next five years,
projections show a
24% increase in jobs
Source: EMSI
PVCC SUMMER 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule 9
Medicare Basics
Does Medicare confuse you? What is Medigap?
We’ll discuss the A, B, C and D’s of Medicare,
key benefits, enrollment periods and points to
remember. Find out what you need to know for
yourself or your aging parents or loved ones.
The instructor, a certified senior advisor, will
also provide resources on where to go for help
when you need it.
5372Jun. 7–14
Stultz 129
T Kramer
6–8 p.m.
Trades, &
Intermediate Carpentry
Continue the work begun in basic carpentry
designing and building a small project. Topics
include hand and power tool use, safety
and measurement skills. Fastening, joinery
techniques and structural integrity of existing
buildings, as well as a focus on an individual’s
current projects will also be discussed. This
is an intermediate class with the goal of
completing a group project.
Basic Cabinetry
This class helps build student confidence to
design and construct cabinets using layout and
building techniques for specific cabinet needs.
Students will receive hands-on experience
with power and hand tools, joinery, hardware
options and finishing techniques. Price includes
materials. Prerequisite: Basic Carpentry. Class
held at Heartmoor Farm, 801 Perkins Road,
Kents Store, VA 23084.
5450May 9–Jun. 6
M Heartmoor Farm Wood Shop
No class on Memorial Day, May 30
5442Jun. 16–Jul. 21 Th 6–8:30 p.m.
Heartmoor Farm Wood Shop
No class on July 7
6–8 p.m.
Basic Carpentry
Mental Toughness
for Weekend Warriors
Calling all weekend warrior athletes! Want
to be tougher when it counts? Get a taste
of mental toughness skills such as imagery
and visualization, self-talk, relaxation and
breathing, managing emotions and goal setting
in a fun and interactive workshop taught by a
mental skills coach. Designed for athletes but
open for anyone who might benefit.
3610Jun. 8
Stultz 127
W Markowitz
6–8 p.m.
10 PVCC SUMMER 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule
5441May 19–Jun. 9 Th 6–8:30 p.m.
Heartmoor Farm Wood Shop
Basic Contractor Licensing
This class is required by the state of Virginia
in order to apply for a Contractor’s License.
National Association of State Contractors
Licensing Agencies (NASCLA) manual included.
3210May 21
Stultz 127
S 9 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
5363Jul. 30
Stultz 127
S 9 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
The power of the sun to supplement your hot
water needs is now within reach. If you have
ever dreamed of building a simple, costeffective, solar hot water system for your home,
cabin, or shop now is the time. We will
demonstrate through hands-on construction of
a single rooftop collector. Other connections
and standard hookup to a residential system
will be discussed. Class held at Heartmoor
Farm, 801 Perkins Road, Kents Store, VA
5493 Jul. 30-31
S, Su
9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Heartmoor Farm Murdock/MacKinnon
Learn about basic tool use, safety equipment,
types of wood and different cuts of wood as
well as specific fundamentals of house framing.
Both hand and power tools will be taught
and used to complete a simple group project.
Students are encouraged to bring drawings,
photographs, and questions about their own
maintenance and repair issues or building
dreams. Class held at Heartmoor Farm, 801
Perkins Road, Kents Store, VA 23084.
Solar Hot Water
Timber Framing I
Learn the fundamentals of design and
construction of small timber frame structures
using mortise and tenon joinery. Students will
learn layout techniques, tool use and joinery
cutting methods. Meetings will touch on
history, finishes and options for HVAC systems
for timber frames. The course will also cover
frame design, lumber selection, joinery choices
and integration of sustainable materials. This
course will primarily focus on hand-cut joinery
and tools but will also demonstrate power
tools and techniques used by modern timber
5443Jul. 28–Aug. 25 Th 6–8:30 p.m.
Heartmoor Farm Wood Shop
No class on Aug. 11
Small Engine
Small Engine & Equipment Repair Intro
Learn the theory and how the components
work together. Learn two- and four-stroke
engine design, application and how to
service and maintain these engines. Examine
cutaways, parts and disassemble an engine
to see how it works. Learn very basic ways to
troubleshoot your engine when it is not working
5381May 16–25
Stultz 125
M, W Becker
6–9 p.m.
Online Registration
@ 434.961.5354
PVCC SUMMER 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule 11
Unmanned Aerial
Vehicles (UAV)
Small Engine & Equipment Repair Advanced
5382May 31
Jun. 1–Jun. 22
Stultz 125
T M, W
6–9 p.m.
6–9 p.m.
Advanced Small Engine &
Equipment Electrical Systems
Learn about electricity and how it’s generated
in the small engine and outdoor power
equipment products in use today.
5383Jun. 27 & Jun. 29M, W Jul. 5
T Jul. 6–Jul. 13
M, W
Stultz 125
6–9 p.m.
6–9 p.m.
6–9 p.m.
Introduction to Drone Technology
CDL Truck Driver Training
Learn to drive the big rigs and prepare for
the Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) test.
Companies are experiencing a shortage of
drivers. PVCC’s professional truck driving
program consists of classroom instruction,
various backing maneuvers, equipment and
safety checks and on-the-road training. This
comprehensive 160-hour program not only
provides the skills you need but also includes
lifetime FREE job placement assistance to
graduates and lifetime refresher training.
Prerequisites: CDL Learner’s Permit and VDOT
physical exam.
Location: PVCC Stultz Center Financial assistance is available. A discount is
available if payment is received in full at time
of registration.
For more information, call 434.987.5369
NCCER Electrical Fundamentals
Prepare to become a field electrical worker.
This training program, will equip participants
with basic electrical skills. After successful
completion of this program participants will
have the opportunity to interview with local
companies for electrician helper positions.
Students develop skills in the installation,
operation, maintenance and repair of
residential, commercial and industrial electrical
systems. They also study electrical theory and
mathematical problems related to electricity;
navigate the National Electrical Code Book;
select and install conductors; examine lighting,
communication, and power systems; and work
with conduit and raceways, panelboards,
switchboards, grounding systems, and
12 PVCC SUMMER 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule
Want to learn more about unmanned aerial
vehicles (UAVs) and how they work? Wondering
how you could profit from this new technology?
This all-day class will give you information on
the current local, state and federal regulations
governing commercial and recreational use
of UAVs, as well as what industries currently
use them and what the future holds for other
industries. See the differences between types
of drones and which one is best for each
project, camera types and sensors to use in
flight, and learn about new technology, flight
software and software for processing your
videos. You’ll be briefed on maintenance and
records, safety requirements and more before
the afternoon flight demonstration. After the
flight, see the images and video captured
during the demonstration.
5359May 21
Stultz 131
S Goodbar
9 a.m.–5 p.m.
5360Jun. 25
Stultz 131
S Goodbar
9 a.m.–5 p.m.
5361Jul. 16
Stultz 131
S Goodbar
9 a.m.–5 p.m.
5362Aug. 13
Stultz 131
S Goodbar
9 a.m.–5 p.m.
This advanced class shows students detailed
diagnostic procedures with some of the latest
test equipment and procedures. Learn how
to do compression testing, leak down testing,
pressure and vacuum testing on crankcases.
See the damage that ethanol gas can do to
carburetors. Learn some failure diagnostics
and how to avoid some of these problems.
Learn in detail how carburetors work and
why they sometimes don’t. Learn how to use
a micrometer and some basic procedures to
rebuild engines. Students will troubleshoot
five different bugged engines. This class will
prepare you to take the EETC two-stroke and
four-stroke certification exam. A separate
charge of $47 per exam made payable to EETC
is not included. Registration for the exam is
done through EETC.
Note: Prerequisite: Small Engine & Equipment
Repair Introduction class
May 9-Jun. 8
M, W 4–8 p.m.
Design Electric Warehouse
UAVs for Emergency Service
Designed to train emergency services
professionals in using unmanned aerial
vehicles (UAVs) for help in search and rescue,
natural disasters or HazMat situations.
Instruction includes UAS operator ground
school covering the principles of flight, aircraft
systems, FAA regulations, weather and
aeronautical charts. Next, is an introduction
to UAS technology, sensors, maintenance and
safety requirements and specific software.
There will be an indoor flight demonstration
using charts and maps to identify the area of
interest, mission planning and execution. Basic
maneuvering in all modes will be performed.
After completing this class, you will be invited
to participate in two days of ongoing research
and development on deployment of UAS for
emergency services and public safety.
5407May 9–11
Stultz 131
M, T, W Goodbar
8 a.m.–5 p.m.
5409Jun. 20–22
M, T, W 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Goodbar $1,495
5412Aug. 15–17
Stultz 131
M, T, W Goodbar
8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Industry & Trades Online Courses:
Code Training | New Construction Inspection
Commercial Energy Auditor | Consultant
Green Building Technical Professional
Complete Home | Building Inspectors Training Program
Certified Green Specialist
For a listing of our online classes view our catalog at
PVCC SUMMER 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule 13
Welding 104 - Advanced Aluminum
TIG Welding
Aluminum is light, strong and extremely
versatile. Once you have mastered the skills
needed to weld aluminum, you will be able
to complete any metal project with amazing
results, be it art, furniture, maintenance or
enhancing your opportunities for employment.
Offered S & Su
8 a.m.–4 p.m.
Welding 105 - Advanced MIG
• A ll welding classes are taught by Steve
Brownell at the VA School of Metal.
This 16-hour advanced class includes
additional training in MIG welding including
aluminum welding with a spool gun, and
stainless steel. A project will be completed with
a focus on metal art.
eekend classes are offered every other
weekend beginning on Saturday, May 7.
No classes on the weekends of July 2, 9, 30
or Labor Day weekend, Sept. 3 & 4.
Welding 101 - Intro to Welding
This 14-hour intensive course covers the
basics of MIG welding. Discussion topics
include safety, equipment and the principles of
welding. This is followed by hands-on practice.
Create your first project that is yours to keep at
course completion.
Offered S & Su
8 a.m.–4 p.m.
Welding 102 - Intro to Stick Welding
This eight-hour course is the perfect next
step to help you improve your welding skills.
Prerequisite: Welding 101
Offered S & Su
8 a.m.–4 p.m.
Welding 103 - Intro to TIG Welding
This course is focused completely on the
art of TIG welding. You will be trained in the
basic concept of TIG welding with steel and
stainless steel. This is an intensive eight-hour
course that will give you advanced skills and
confidence to continue working with metal in
your area of interest.
Offered S & Su
8 a.m.–4 p.m.
Offered S & Su
8 a.m.–4 p.m.
In this introductory class, students will learn
the fundamental principles of joining ferrous
and non-ferrous metals, NDT (nondestructive
testing) joint preparation, equipment operation,
and safety procedures. Students will begin
their welding practice in the 1-G (flat) position.
Students will practice with ER-7018 low
hydrogen stick electrode.
Offered S & Su
8 a.m.–4 p.m.
Welding Certification - Part II
Students will gain skills welding in the 1-G (flat)
position. The 1-G welding certification position
is a plate in the flat position that is beveled.
This position is the most basic.
Offered S & Su
8 a.m.–4 p.m.
Welding Certification - Part III
8 a.m.–4 p.m.
14 PVCC SUMMER 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule
Students will prepare coupons per A.W.S.
guidelines for final practice plates and weld
8 a.m.–4 p.m.
Pipe Welding Certification - Part I
In this introductory class, students will learn
safety, electrode selection, proper preparation
and fit-up of pipe, the meaning of different
welding symbols and positions starting with
the 6” schedule 40 pipe in the 2-G and 5-G
8 a.m.–4 p.m.
Pipe Welding Certification - Part II
Students will gain skills welding a 6” schedule
40 pipe in the 6-G (inclined) position as well as
proper preparation and fit-up of pipe.
Offered S & Su
8 a.m.–4 p.m.
Pipe Welding Certification - Part III
After a brief review of weeks one and two,
students continue their practice in the 6-G
position with a 6” schedule 40 pipe. Students
are introduced to basic blueprint reading.
Offered S & Su
8 a.m.–4 p.m.
Pipe Welding Certification - Part IV
Students begin their practice in the 2-G and
5-G positions on a 2” schedule 80 pipe.
8 a.m.–4 p.m.
1. Go to
2. Browse our catalog.
3. Add to cart.
4. Create a profile.
5. Proceed to checkout.
6. Enter payment information.
You will receive a confirmation email and reminders
before class.
Pipe Welding Certification - Part VI
Students continue their practice in the 6-G
position on a pipe with thicker wall dimensions.
Offered S & Su
8 a.m.–4 p.m.
Pipe Welding Certification - Part VII
Students practice welding a 6” schedule
40 and 80 pipe in all three (2-G, 5-G, 6-G)
Offered S & Su
8 a.m.–4 p.m.
Pipe Welding Certification - Part VIII
Students will make final preparations for the
A.W.S. QC-7-93 certification in pipe welding.
Certification test takes place in the 6-G
(inclined) position.
Offered S & Su
8 a.m.–4 p.m.
Pipe Welding Certification - Part V
Students begin to weld on a 2” schedule 80
and 40 pipe in the 6-G position. Student skills
will be evaluated at this time for determination
to proceed with pipe welding certification test.
Offered S & Su
8 a.m.–4 p.m.
easy steps
Welding Certification - Part V
Offered S & Su
After a brief review of weeks one and two,
students will begin their practice in the 2-G
horizontal position. This will prepare the
student for real-life situations when welding out
of position is required.
Offered S & Su
Offered S & Su
Offered S & Su
Welding Certification - Part I
Continued practice in the 2-G position and
preparation for the A.W.S. Coupon Test.
Offered S & Su
Online Registration
Welding Certification - Part IV
8 a.m.–4 p.m. 434.961.5354
PVCC SUMMER 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule 15
Online Classes
New Value Online
Course Bundles!
Intro to Woodworking Part 1:
Design, Drawings & Equipment
Woodworking Part 2: Exploring
How many ways are there to join wood to build
a cabinet, bookcase or other piece of furniture?
You’ll find out in this joinery exploration class.
Start with the function of the piece and
consider your options for a solid and simple
design. Apply these skills to your projects.
Prerequisite: Some woodworking experience.
5387Jun. 28–Jul. 14 T, Th RW Miller Woodwork
6:30–9 p.m.
Woodworking Part 3: Assembling &
Continue to learn new woodworking techniques
and tool usage while completing projects.
Perfect for those with a little experience with
woodworking equipment and procedures who
want to improve their knowledge of tools.
Students will be introduced to the finishing
process as it applies to their project.
5388Aug. 9–25
T, Th RW Miller Woodwork
6:30–9 p.m.
Most six-week classes are only $100!
Online Classes
Certificate in Energy Medicine
See how healing energy medicine techniques
are used in health care, including meditation,
acupuncture, qigong, sound and music therapy
and gentle hand techniques such as Reiki and
Start Your Own Online Business
Leverage the Internet to start an online
business and build a website.
Certificate in Infectious Disease and
Infection Control
Examine the many types of infectious disease
that threaten health worldwide and procedures
that help control their spread.
Certificate in Violence Prevention
and Awareness
Gain important insights into the signs of
violence that may be presented by patients in
a healthcare setting and explore techniques for
preventing violence.
Classes Held at
R.W. Miller Woodworking
Accounting Fundamentals
Introduction to Microsoft Excel
Explore a Career in Medical Coding
A to Z Grant Writing
Introduction to SQL
Medical Terminology: A Word
Association Approach
Grammar Refresher
Project Management Fundamentals
Speed Spanish
Beginning Writer’s Workshop
Fundamentals of Supervision and
Introduction to QuickBooks
Computer Skills for the Workplace
Effective Business Writing
Creating Web Pages
Human Anatomy and Physiology
Solving Classroom Discipline
Explore a Career as an
Administrative Medical Assistant
Creating WordPress Websites
50 Post Office Lane • Faber, VA • 22938 • 434.263.6333
16 PVCC SUMMER 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule
Administrative Assistant Suite
Project Management Suite
Entrepreneurship Suite
Human Physiology
Web Design
Creative Writing
Java Programming
Educator’s Fundamentals
Adobe Value Suite
Microsoft Office
and more!
Prepare for a New
Career with Ed2go
Prepare for a new career in healthcare,
business IT or more.
Go to
piedmont/ to view these classes and
6:30–9 p.m.
Certified Electronic Health Records
134 hours
5386May 31–Jun. 16 T, Th RW Miller Woodwork
To view these classes, go to:
Experience the simplicity and creativity of
woodworking while learning the basics of wood
types and joinery, use of hand and power tools
and safety guidelines. Select, design and begin
to build a project for your home such as a
nightstand, small bench or bookcase, a toolbox
or perhaps a shelf and brackets. Price includes
materials and use of tools in the R.W. Miller
workshop in Faber (Nelson County).
Note: Price includes materials and use of tools
in the workshop.
Save on the cost of individual classes by
registering for a Course Bundle. Course
Bundles are available at
piedmont in the following areas:
CompTIA Cloud+
75 hours 434.961.5354
Grant Writing and Non-Profit
Management and Purchasing
600 hours
Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert
(MCSE): Private Cloud
120 hours
PVCC SUMMER 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule 17
Brewery Startup
Thinking of starting a brewery? Learn the ins
and outs of starting your own craft brewery
in this nuts and bolts class with Marybeth
Williams, president of Williams Compliance &
Jun. 18
Stultz 131
9 a.m.–noon
Great Fermentations
Distillery Start-Up
Interested in growing hops? Join Stan Driver
from Hoot N’ Holler Hops as he shows you
what you need to start your own hop garden.
Other topics include how to manage and
harvest hops, is there a market for locally
grown hops and how to market hops. Class
held at the Blue Mountain Barrel House, 495
Cooperative Way, Arrington, VA.
Planning or thinking about starting a distillery?
Then this class is for you. Learn about the
application process at the TTB and Virginia
ABC levels, obtaining federal label approval,
record keeping requirements, getting products
approved for sale in Virginia ABC Stores and
the requirements for operating an on-site
distillery store. Instructors for this informative
class are TTB and VA ABC Staff.
3544Jun. 11
S 9 a.m.–1 p.m.
Blue Mountain Barrel House
Jun. 11
Stultz 131
9 a.m.-3 p.m.
VA ABC Agents
This class provides a comprehensive
overview of the craft beer brewing process.
You will identify, examine, and actively
participate in the agricultural, technical, safety
and business aspects of a working brewery and
their brewing system. Each four hour session
includes lecture, observation, and hands-on
participation in the brewing process. A
separate charge of $25 made payable to PRN
Brewery also applies. Prerequisite: The
Brewing Process or instructor approval.
Introduction to Hop Growing
5623 Jul. 9, 16, 23, 30 S 8:30 a.m.–noon
Pro Re Nata Brewery
PRN Staff
Wine, Food,
Brewing &
Home Brewing
Study the fundamentals of bartending while
learning to make popular drinks both quickly
and efficiently. Gain working knowledge of bar
operation and mixology, and find out how all of
your favorites are both served and produced.
Upon completion of the class, all students
receive a certificate in mixology and will have
the knowledge, professionalism and hands-on
training needed to feel comfortable working
behind any bar.
5440May 24–Jun. 21 T Jefferson 120
Want to brew quality beer from scratch? This
class for the first-time brewer explains the
basic equipment needed to homebrew and how
it works. Participants get hands-on experience
brewing, kegging and tasting homebrew. While
presenting ideas for formulating successful
recipes, the instructor provides an overview
of working with grain, hops and yeast in the
planning and execution of the recipe. The
majority of the class emphasizes practical
techniques used in mashing, sparging and
lautering, including demonstrating procedures
and providing hands on experience.
3427Jun. 4
S 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Woods Mill Malt House
Online Registration
6–9 p.m.
18 PVCC SUMMER 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule
ServSafe Managers Recertification
Course & Exam
The ServSafe program helps prepare you
for the ServSafe Food Protection Manager
Certification exam. Training covers these
concepts: The importance of food safety;
good personal hygiene; time and temperature
control; preventing cross-contamination;
cleaning and sanitizing; safe food preparation;
receiving and storing food; methods of thawing,
cooking, cooling and reheating food; HACCP
(Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points);
food safety regulations, based on FDA 2013
Food Code as well as local requirements; and
more. ServSafe Manager Textbook-Sixth Edition
with online exam voucher an additional $68.
5397May 21
Stultz 129
S 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Campbell
5398Jun. 18
Stultz 129
S 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
5399Jul. 16
Stultz 129
S 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
5400Aug. 13
Stultz 129
S 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
$129 434.961.5354
Viticulture &
Ampelography is grapevine botany or how to
identify grape varieties by their leaves. Taught
by Lucie Morton, one of only four certified
ampelographers in the world, this class is
essential for anyone working in a vineyard. You
will see how to look at grapevines and identify
the most important wine grapes planted in
Virginia: Chardonnay, Viognier, Sauvignon
Blanc, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Petit Verdot and
Cabernet Sauvignon. You can start your own
herbarium with leaves you have selected after
correctly identifying them in the field. Class
held at Pollak Vineyards, 330 Newtown Road,
Greenwood, VA 22943
5432Jul. 9
S Pollak Vineyards Garrett
9 a.m.–5 p.m.
PVCC SUMMER 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule 19
Legal Issues in the Wine Industry
Vineyard Management - Part II
Virginia’s wine lawyer, Marybeth Williams,
walks students through the legal intricacies
and important regulations that the serious
wine grower needs to know to survive in the
wine business. Discover the hot issues facing
Virginia wineries while Marybeth makes this
class fun with tons of materials and resource
information supplied.
Adopt a row of vines this summer! Be
responsible for managing and maintaining an
assigned section of a working vineyard during
the growing season. Learn the techniques
for caring for healthy vines and how to make
crucial vineyard management decisions to
meeting your business objectives. Prerequisite:
Vineyard Management - Part I
3403May 7
S 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Cardinal Point Winery Williams
5434Jul. 23, Aug. 6, Aug. 27
S Harvest Date: TBD
DuCard Vineyards Elliff
Pest Control
How can you control pests and weeds without
compromising the quality of the fruit? Learn
about various types of pests and the damage
they can cause. Lunch is included.
5429Jul. 30
Stultz 131 S Rausse
9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Canopy Management
Identify various types of canopy styles with
the objective of managing the vineyard and
keeping your business objectives in mind:
quantity vs. quality. Topics include hedging, leaf
pulling and dropping fruit.
3399Jun. 11
Stultz 131
S 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Enology Certificate Program
Course Requirements
1. Introduction to Enology
This class is designed to provide students
with an understanding of the basic test
procedures used in the lab of a commercial
winery. Practical analyses that will be taught to
students include pH, Free SO2, Total SO2 and
3. Winery Design & Equipment
Introduction to Basic Wine
Laboratory Analysis
5435Jul. 16
S 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Early Mountain Vineyards Hood-White $99
2. Wine Analysis & Tasting
4. Legal Issues in the Wine Industry
5. Marketing Wine
6. Fermentation & Racking
7. Harvesting & Basic Analysis
of the Must
8. Wine Bottling
9. Sparkling Winemaking
20 PVCC SUMMER 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule
noon–4 p.m.
Vineyard Spraying
To grow healthy ripe fruit, free of disease, a
working knowledge of chemical spraying is
essential. We will discuss fungicides, pesticides
and herbicides and how their applications
can both benefit and in many cases cause
damage to a vineyard if not applied properly.
In this class we will cover the basics of why a
rotational spray program is so critical and how
to practically and safely apply them. Additional
topics that will be covered include herbicide
ground sprays, tank mixing, calibration of
tractor and spray unit and foliar nutrient
Viticulture Certificate Program
Course Requirements
1. Introduction to Viticulture
2. Vineyard Site Selection
3. Soil Preparation & Planting
4. Dormant Pruning
5. Pest Control
6. Canopy Management
7. Harvesting & Basic
Analysis of the Must
8. Vine Grafting & Propagation
3416Jun. 18
S 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
First Colony Winery Hamilton
9. Vineyard Management
(Field Experience) – Part I
Wine Bottling
10. Vineyard Management
(Field Experience) – Part II
Covers the final stages of fermentation in
preparation for bottling, including equipment
used, selection of bottles and labeling. Includes
hands-on experience. Lunch is included.
11. Vineyard Spraying
5427Aug. 6
S 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Stone Mountain Vineyards Rausse
14. Pesticide Applicator’s License
12. Tractor Safety
13. Basic Tractor Repair
15. Harvest Internship
Wine Tasting & Analysis
Do you know “farming the grapes” affects
their taste and aroma? Can you recognize your
personal capabilities in wine tasting? Become
a competent wine taster by learning the
essentials of professional tasting.
For winery locations go to:
3390May 21
S 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
King Family Vineyards
$129 434.961.5354
PVCC SUMMER 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule 21
Register Online
1. Go to
2. Browse our classes.
3. Add to cart.
Learn today...Lead Tomorrow!
Tasting Room
Management Certificate
1. Introduction to Tasting Room
2. Superior Customer Service
3. Wine Marketing
4. TIPS® Training
5. Legal Issues for the Tasting Room
6. Wine Analysis & Tasting
1. Wow, What a Great Event!
2. Using Social Media in Business
3. Introduction to Enology
4. Pairing Food with Wine
5. Successful Wine Club Management
You will receive a confirmation email and reminders before class.
KidsCollege@PVCC reaches youth (3rd12th grade) with school year and summer
• Summer STEM & Arts Academies at
PVCC (June 13-Aug. 12) and off-site
locations (rising 3rd-9th Grade).
• College & Career Pathways Expo (10th
• Explore Career Days (7th Grade)
• Career Development
• College Preparation
• Educational Enrichment
• STEM & Arts
• Workforce & Leadership Development
To learn more about our programs and/or
partner with us: Call 434.961.5354 or
4. Create profile.
5. Proceed to checkout.
6. Enter payment information.
Registration Form for Noncredit Courses (Workforce Services courses only.)
Name:___________________________________________________________ Date of Birth:______________________
Address:_______________________________________ Apt.#:_______________ Day Phone:______________________
City/County:___________________________________ State:_______Zip Code:_________ County:____________________
Social Security #:_______________________________ Email Address:_________________________________________
If you have a VCCS EMPL ID, please provide it: _____________ Would you like an email confirmation of registration? Yes No
Have you ever applied to any Virginia Community College?
May we contact you by email about future classes?
Black/African American
I choose not to specify
Are you a U.S. Citizen?
Permanent Status:
American Indian/Alaska Native
Resident alien
If no, your country of citizenship?____________________________________________
Asylee Refugee
What is your current immigration status with the U.S.?
I have never served in the U.S. Military
Not in U.S. – I am requesting visa status.
Currently in U.S.
I am the dependent of someone who has served in the U.S. Military
My spouse has served in the U.S. Military
6. Sparkling Wine Making
I have served in the U.S. Military What is your current military status? ______________ What date did you enter the military?_______
Class No.
Course Title
All books and materials are included in the cost of the class unless otherwise noted.
Teach for us!
Method of payment:
Submit an application online
22 PVCC SUMMER 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
Money Order
Credit Card (Call 434.961.5354 to make payment.)
Bill employer (Attach purchase order or authorization to bill.)
There is a $35 service charge for handling returned checks or dishonored credit card or debit card payments ($50 service charge if your account is in past-due collection status).
FAX: Fax registration form to 434.961.5270. DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR CREDIT CARD INFO. Call 434.961.5354 to make payment. Visa/MC/Amex.
CANCELLATIONS – Workforce Services reserves the right to cancel any course.
Piedmont Virginia Community College REFUNDS – Participants must withdraw from a class at least (5) business days before that class is
ATTN: Workforce Services
scheduled to begin to receive a full refund. No refunds will be provided after this time. Refund requests must
501 College Dr.,
be made in writing by mail, fax or email (include your name, course title and reason for refund). Refunds are
Charlottesville, VA 22902
processed by the State Treasury in Richmond and may take 3-6 weeks to process.
PVCC SUMMER 2016 Workforce Services Class Schedule 23
Join us for a hands-on comprehensive overview
of the craft beer brewing process.
Four 4-hour Saturday sessions at Pro Re Nata
Brewery. See page 18 for more information.
Piedmont Virginia Community College
501 College Dr.,
Time Sensitive Material: Please Deliver by April 26, 2016
Charlottesville VA
Permit No.
No. 90
Summer 2016 Class Schedule
PVCC Workforce Services