Tasting Room Management NEW! - Piedmont Virginia Community
Tasting Room Management NEW! - Piedmont Virginia Community
FALL 2014 PVCC Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC. ED U /WO RKFO RCESERVICES NEW! Certificate in New Classes! Creative Financing.......................................................... Page 9 Gold Medal Presentations & Briefings................. Page 9 Healthy Relationships.................................................Page 24 Basic Home Maintenance & Repairs..................Page 28 Making Fortified Wines...............................................Page 34 Tasting Room Management AUGUST - DE C E MB E R 2 0 14 Unless otherwise noted: All books and materials are included in the cost of the class. All classes are held in the Stultz Center unless noted otherwise. Maps Arts Artisans Center of Virginia (ACV) Studio School Albemarle County (Main Campus) Stultz Center for Business and Career Development 501 College Dr., Charlottesville, VA 434.961.5354 Invoking Art as Business PVCC and ACV invite you to attend an entrepreneur seminar and networking opportunity for artists in partnership with Piedmont Council for the Arts (PCA) at the Stultz Center at PVCC. All classes are held in the Stultz Center unless noted otherwise. This special arts-entrepreneurial seminar is designed to invoke the power of your artistic energies and motivate you to take your business endeavors to new heights. Whether you are just starting out or are looking for a way to infuse new energy into your artsbusiness, this seminar is for you! Artisans, 2D and 3D artists, musicians, photographers and performers are encouraged to take time out of their studios to attend this exciting “jump start” event. Designed for artists, this is not your typical business seminar; be ready for creative engagement with opportunities to make valuable connections with other area artists and artisans Thomas Jefferson Pkwy Downtown Charlottesville PVCC Jefferson School Center 233 Fourth St. NW, Charlottesville, VA 434.961.5255 Pr N es to 250 n Av e. LEGEND = Parking You may bring one (1) piece of your work for display during the day of the seminar. You won’t want to miss this Pop-Up Art Show opportunity to showcase your work and see that of other artists. In order to be included, you must arrive with your work and applicable easels/display props by 8:15 a.m. Tables will be provided for display. Voice Acting Get paid to talk! This introduction to professional voice acting could be a new career for you. Learn which voices are in demand and how to prepare a winning demo. 58647 RM 131 COMM T 10/14 Creative Voice 6:30-9 p.m. $49 Early Bird Registration through Aug. 29:.................$69 Regular Registration Aug. 30-Sept. 16:...................$89 The one-day seminar fee includes lunch. Advance registration is required due to limited seating. Tuition scholarship assistance is available for ACV and PCA members. ire R d Jefferson School St N W Ridge M cInt M a in S t. Wa t e St 64 So Ridg Arts ACV Studio School........................................... 3 Arts................................................................. 4 Make-Up Artist.......................................... 4 Photography.............................................. 5 Sewing & Design....................................... 8 Business & Computers Accounting................................................ 9 Business................................................... 9 Chamber Business Academy @ PVCC.... 12 Computer Applications............................ 15 Customized Training................................ 37 Entrepreneurship..................................... 13 Home-Based Business............................ 14 iPads....................................................... 15 Culinary, Hospitality, Retail Bartending.............................................. 18 Brewing................................................... 18 Culinary................................................... 17 Customer Service.................................... 18 Health & Wellness Ayurvedic................................................ 23 CPR Training............................................ 19 Dog Training............................................ 22 Health Careers........................................ 23 MELT – Pain Series................................. 23 Wellness.................................................. 24 Industrial Trades Construction............................................ 28 Small Engine Repair................................ 28 Welding................................................... 29 Woodworking........................................... 31 Intelligence Cyber Security Analyst Boot Camp.................................. 26 Cyber Security......................................... 26 Online Classes............................................. 40 Viticulture, Enology & Agriculture Agriculture............................................... 36 Science................................................... 36 Tasting Room Management Certificate..... 33 Viticulture & Enology................................ 35 Youth Programs and College4Kids College4Kids........................................... 38 Course Index................................................ 42 How to Register............................................ 51 PVCC Workforce Services 4t h Contents ut h St er St E W Call PVCC at 434.961.5354 or email workforce@ pvcc.edu to register. 61922/62207 S116 BUSC T 9/16 ACV 9 a.m.-4 p.m.. $69/$89 Nondiscrimination Policy Piedmont Virginia Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, political affiliation, disability, veteran status, sex, age or sexual orientation in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Human Resources Manager, 501 College Dr., Main Building, Room M810, Charlottesville, VA 22902; 434.961.6567. 2 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCESERVICES Contact us: workforce@pvcc.edu or 434.961.5354 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule 3 Art Photography Beginning Stained Glass Create a small, framed stained glass panel in a day! Learn how to cut glass along circles and straight lines, copper foil your pieces and finish your panel. Please bring $10 to class for materials. Class meets at instructor’s studio in Cobham, Albemarle County. Directions sent upon enrollment. Alternative Photography: Polaroid Transfer Learn to shoot Polaroid or Fuji film in camera and then transfer to another surface such as paper, glass or tile. Please bring a $20 lab fee to the first class. This class is held at the Michie Building on 609 E. Market St, Suite 210, Charlottesville. 58713 Cobham 46258 PHTG S, SU 8/16-8/17 S 10 a.m.-2 p.m. SU 1-5 p.m. Michie Bldg. Pippin ARTS TH 9/18 Phaneuf 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m.. $89 Makeup Artist Intermediate Stained Glass If you loved the beginner class, come learn new techniques, explore different designs and create another masterpiece! Prerequisite: Beginning Stained Glass or permission of the instructor. Please bring $10 to class for materials. Class meets at instructor’s studio in Cobham. Directions sent upon enrollment 58789 Cobham ARTS TH 10/16 Phaneuf 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m.. $89 Makeup Artist Training Do professional makeup artists seem like magicians? Now you can see HOW they do it! Taught by Anne Kibler of Charlottesville Makeup Artist, this class shows you how to apply the secrets of professional makeup artists. See how to create the perfect canvas for makeup by prepping your face and taking care of your skin. Use your “concealed weapon,” the concealer, to make basic corrections and learn to apply foundation like a pro. Get that natural sun-kissed glow by applying blush and bronzer. Give yourself great bone structure with highlighting, shading and contouring plus make your nose appear slimmer! See how you can change the shape and look of your eyes. Learn how to choose a lipstick, try the color families and demo application techniques to perfect your pout! Please bring your own makeup (specifically for each topic), brushes and a small standup mirror to each class. After registering, you will be emailed a list of other items to bring. 58615 RM 117 COSM TH 9/11-10/23 5:30-8:30 p.m.. Kibler $369 4 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCESERVICES $175 Discover Digital Photography The course begins with the features on the camera. Learn about megapixels, file size and quality. Other features discussed include review mode, shooting modes, white balance, flash, the lens, accessories and ISO and when to use these features. Basic computer techniques for the camera also covered. Bring images to class for critique in order to learn more about using the camera and developing composition skills. 57986 RM 127 PHTG W 9/24-10/29 6:30-8:30 p.m.. DeBaun $179 Field Trip: S 10/25 1-3 p.m. Intermediate Photography: Getting to Know Your SLR Camera Want to gain more control over your photography? Learn to use your SLR camera in aperture, shutter and manual modes. We’ll demystify aperture, shutter, ISO and exposure settings in detail and then see how to integrate these settings with ambient light to get the images you want. We’ll also cover composing an image plus seeing and using natural light and black flash usage is also included. You will have weekly homework assignments and two field trip sessions to reinforce the concepts. This class is appropriate for SLR and 4/3 camera systems but not point and shoot cameras. 57991 RM 127 PHTG TH 8/21-10/30 Dye Field trips: S SU No class 9/18, 9/25, or 10/16. 9/13 10/25 6-8 p.m.. $299 7-9 a.m. 8-10 a.m. Advanced Photography Want to take your photography to the next level? Join Victoria Dye in this five-week action-packed workshop. You will cover equipment, technical tips, compositional ideas and lighting specific for each topic. Then you’ll meet in the field to practice what you’ve learned. The following week, you’ll review everyone’s images and continue onto a new subject. Subjects to be covered are everyday child photography, everyday pet photography, night photography and action photography. You will need to provide your own child and pet models for the field trips. Bring all your skills together in practical shooting situations. You will need the following equipment: SLR or 4/3’s digital camera plus a tripod and off camera flash (helpful but not required). Prerequisite: You must have a working knowledge of using aperture, shutter and ISO to get exposures in manual, aperture and shutter shooting modes or have taken Intermediate Photography. You should also know how to download and email images for the critique and review sessions. 57993 PHTG W 8/20-9/17 RM127Dye Field trips Contact us: workforce@pvcc.edu or 434.961.5354 SU S F 8/24 8/30, 9/6 9/12 6-8 p.m.. $259 12:30-3:30 p.m.. 8-10 a.m. 7-10 p.m. PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule 5 Adobe Lightroom 4.0 Beginner Use this powerful tool which combines the best aspects of Bridge and PhotoShop’s common editing tools into one program to organize, edit and output your photography. You will explore each module so you can efficiently navigate the program. In the Library, learn to import images, organize them with keywords, add captions and more. Then explore the versatile Develop module to edit images. Each class has a lecture and then hands-on practice time with the instructor present. A laptop with the latest version of Lightroom installed is highly recommended so you can work on the program during class. We will use Lightroom 5.0 to teach but versions 3 and 4 are also welcome. Go to www.adobe.com/downloads/ to download a free 30-day trial. Prerequisite: basic proficiency on the computer and a basic understanding of your computer’s basic filing system (Windows-Explore or Mac-Finder). 58020 RM 127 PHTG T 9/30-10/28 6:30-8:30 p.m.. Dye $169 Portrait Photography EXPANDED HOURS Do you want to capture life on camera? See how to take great portraits with your digital camera! HDR Photography Frustrated with blown-out highlights and muddy shadows? The camera does not see as well as you can in high contrast scenes. It is difficult to capture a scene with one shot. How do the pros do it? They use High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography. By combining exposure techniques with a computer program, you can composite multiple images into one beautiful image that realizes detail in both highlight and shadow areas. We’ll show you the proper techniques for capturing a high-contrast scene and what types of scenes will work best. Then enter the digital darkroom using Nik HDR Efex Pro 2 to see how to properly combine images to create both realistic and surrealistic images. Meet in the PVCC Stultz Center parking lot at 8:45 a.m. to carpool to our field destination to capture images to work on in the classroom. The instructor will brief you on techniques, settings to use and the type of image you are looking to capture. Return to the PVCC classroom to download images, receive instruction on using Nik HDR Efex Pro 2 and then work on your images in class. Equipment required: SLR digital camera, tripods and laptop with Nik HDR Efex Pro 2 loaded (no downloads during class time). Download a free trial of the program from www.google.com/nikcollection/. Click the “try now” button in the upper right corner. Prerequisites: Intermediate Photography or know how to use the SLR camera in the manual modes and adjust aperture, shutter speed and ISO to get an exposure and be able to download images for the lab sessions. 58968 PHTG S 10/4 S127 Dye 9 a.m.-1 p.m.. $79 Rain date: 9 a.m.-1 p.m. 6 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCESERVICES SU 10/5 Understand candid, urban, posed and naturallylit portraiture. Receive hints, tips and practical advice on various poses, using available light and composing images from a professional photographer plus image critiques. You should be familiar with using your camera in the manual modes – aperture and shutter priority and manual mode plus be familiar with aperture, shutter speed, ISO, exposure and white balance settings. A SLR camera and tripod are required; an off camera flash is helpful but not required. 58115 RM 127 PHTG S, SU 10/11-10/19 DeBaun 2-4:30 p.m.. $159 The Digital Darkroom: PhotoShop & Lightroom Integration Discover advanced organizing and editing techniques using Lightroom and PhotoShop. See what PhotoShop does better than Lightroom and how to integrate the two programs. Watch demonstrations on opening images into PhotoShop from Lightroom, basic PhotoShop tools, layer basics, basic compositing, smart objects, healing brush options, applying text, integrating panoramas and photo stacking. The instructor will be using the latest versions of Lightroom and PhotoShop CS. Users of older PhotoShop CS or Elements versions are welcome, but you should have at least Lightroom 4 and PhotoShop CS5, CS 6 or Elements 11 or 12. Free 30day trials of Lightroom and PhotoShop CS are available from www. adobe.com/downloads/. A laptop with programs installed is highly recommended so you can practice and follow along in class, but is not required. Familiarity with Lightroom’s library and editing module is required or completion of the Beginner Lightroom class. 58034 RM 127 PHTG T 11/4-12/2 Dye 6:30-8:30 p.m.. $115 No class on 11/11. See our online digital class schedule for updates, new classes and announcements at www.pvcc.edu/wfsdigital Contact us: workforce@pvcc.edu or 434.961.5354 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule 7 Business & Computers Sewing & Design These classes are held at Les Fabriques, 206 East Water Street, Charlottesville, directly under the Water Street Parking Garage. The class fee includes the use of a sewing machine at the store. You will receive a 15 percent discount for all supplies purchased at Les Fabriques for your projects during your class, including the purchase of equipment and sewing machines. Beginner Sewing: Curtains Learn the very basics of machine sewing while making a simple curtain for your window. Learn to measure and cut and sew your fabric for rod casing and hemming. 61931 ARTS Les Fabriques M 9/8-9/29 Fogler 6-8 p.m.. $89 Beginner Sewing: Pillows and Piping Beginner to intermediate (must know basics of machine use) skill level. Learn techniques on how to make easy continuous bias tape for piping a pillow and how to install a zipper. 61933 ARTS Les Fabriques W 9/10-9/17 Fogler 6:30-8:30 p.m.. $59 Beginner Sewing: Fundamentals For the very beginner, this class covers the fundamentals of garment construction. From pattern use, fabric grain, measuring and machine use, you will form the foundation for a lifetime of creative sewing! You will make a simple little skirt or pj’s with an elastic waistband in this first class. 58935 ARTS Les Fabriques W 10/15-11/5 Staff 6:30-9 p.m.. $149 Creative Financing: Attracting Money Into Your Life and Business Take the Money Drunk Quiz to reveal your beliefs about money and finance. Discover what your Money Blueprint is set for - your verbal programming, modeling behavior and whether your blueprint sets you up for success or failure. See creative ways to finance your life and business other than through a financial institution. Introduction to Pattern Drafting Beginner to intermediate (must know basics of machine use) skill level. Learn the basics of draping for fashion design and pattern drafting. Bring your design ideas and some muslin and learn how to manipulate the fabric like a sculpture! You will have a finished paper pattern for a bodice or skirt to make later. Continue with Design the Dress and Sew the Dress classes to start sewing up your designs in the fall. 61998 ARTS Les Fabriques F 10/17-10/31 Ramberg 10 a.m.-noon. $89 Fashion Design: Design the Dress Learn the basics of fashion design in this intermediate-level class. Learn how to drape muslin on a dress form for a simple dress bodice. Create your own paper pattern and write your instructions. Sign up for the “Sew the Dress” beginner class to create your design. 58956 ARTS Les Fabriques F 11/7-11/21 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Ramberg $110 Beginner Sewing: Designer’s Apron In this beginner class for sewing and pattern designing you will make the ideal apron. Receive an introduction to draping and pattern making, learn how to add pockets, a sash and neck ties and make your own ruffle or bias tape for your personally designed apron. Fashion Design: Sew the Dress Make your simple and elegant dress design with muslin. Learn how to line the bodice and gather or pleat the skirt plus how to insert a zipper (regular or invisible zipper). You will select material appropriate for the design at the first class with instructor guidance. Take these classes again to add to the design complexity. Prerequisite: Design the Dress. 58938 ARTS Les Fabriques 58957 ARTS Les Fabriques T 10/21-11/11 Staff 7-9 p.m.. $119 8 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCESERVICES 46263 RM 116 FINL M 8/11 Brezinski 58610 RM 127 FINL S 10/25 Brezinski 6-9 p.m.. $69 9 a.m.-noon. $69 Bullying in the Workplace Is there a bully in your workplace? Discover what bullying is and how it is different from harassment. See how to identify the potential targets, assess the effects of bullying on your organization and the cost implications, review anti-bullying policies and decide what to do next. 58343 RM 127 BUSC T 8/26 Murphy 8:30 – 10 a.m.. $25 VIADA Dealer Operator A course required by Virginia statute for those wishing to apply for a motor vehicle dealer-operator license through the Virginia Motor Vehicle Dealer Board and for current dealers who wish to broaden their knowledge. You must satisfactorily complete the course before sitting for the final examination by the board. Please bring a pen/pencil and a calculator to class. A discount is given for early registration through Aug. 6. 58041 RM 131 Gold Medal Presentations and Briefings Nervous about an upcoming presentation? Presentation confidence comes from being at ease with your audience, believing in your communication skills and being prepared. Master the skills that help you design and build quality presentations; identify, analyze and establish rapport with your target audience; and prepare, practice and deliver a short presentation so you will survive and thrive when publically presenting. Improve your skills with instructors who have developed and presented hundreds of sales and marketing presentations and information briefings. 61927 RM 127 BUSC W 9/17-9/24 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.. Gaskell/Stapleton $149 TRNS T, W 8/19-8/20 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.. VIADA $325 For registration after Aug. 6 58045 TRNS $375 F 12/5-12/19 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.. Ramberg $110 Contact us: workforce@pvcc.edu or 434.961.5354 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule 9 Finance for Non-Financial Managers This class covers everything that nonfinancial managers need to know in order to function effectively as managers. Topics covered are key finance terms, accounting principles, key ratios and ratio analysis, debt versus equity financing, basic budgeting, cost accounting, financial controls, interpreting financial statements, annual reports, finance and strategic planning, constructing a balanced scorecard, internal and external audits and much more! This class is designed for nonfinancial managers in all departments and in businesses of all sizes. Passport to Retirement Did the financial events of the past few years affect your retirement plans? Are you saving enough? Where will your income come from? It’s not too late to learn how to set realistic retirement goals and assess their cost, identify your income options, learn where to invest now for your future and how to protect your wealth and provide for your family and heirs. Get retirement ready and be better prepared to make sound financial decisions. Your registration fee includes an in-depth workbook and retirement planning data form. You may bring one guest at no additional charge. 58612 RM 127 58651 RM 131 58971 RM 129 BUSC TH Bays 9/18-10/2 6-8:30 p.m.. $75 FINL M 9/22-10/13 8:30 a.m.-11:30 p.m.. Jackameit $299 Online Freelance Writing Content is king online. Opportunities to earn income writing articles and blog posts for online media continue to grow. The range of topics needed is diverse, allowing you to focus on subjects you know. Go step-by-step through the process of finding writing jobs, pitching online markets and making a living writing for online media. See how to create a writing sample, how to write faster and better, and how to find more freelance work. COMM S 10/25 Truex See our online digital class schedule for updates, new classes and announcements at www.pvcc.edu/wfsdigital Teach for us! E-mail your résumé to workforce@pvcc.edu 10 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCESERVICES 9 a.m.-noon. $59 Buying and Selling Your Home: What Your Mother Never Told You About Real Estate Confused about the buying and selling process? Not sure if you’re getting a good price? Thinking about for sale by owner? Incorrect information about the real estate buying and selling process can often result in costly mistakes. Get the straight scoop from our real estate insider (agent and property manager) to take some of the anxiety out of buying and selling property. Class topics will include how to select and work with an agent, the buying and selling process, types of sales and legal documents.. 58964 RM 127 REAL S 10/18 Churchill 9 a.m.-1 p.m.. $59 Keeping the Books Review double-entry bookkeeping, chart of accounts, cash receipts and disbursements, journal entries and financial reports for a basic understanding of the financial controls required for business. Please bring a calculator to class. ACCTTBA (check our online schedule for updates at www.pvcc.edu/wfsdigital) RM 129 $59 QuickBooks for Beginners – Part 1 Learn to set up QuickBooks including customer and vendor lists, registers, bank and credit card accounts, sales and payment, bills and reports. Prerequisite: Keeping the Books or experience with bookkeeping terms and practices. ACCTTBA (check our online schedule for updates at www.pvcc.edu/wfsdigital) RM 129 $129 QuickBooks for Beginners – Part 2 See how to set up inventory, track and pay sales tax, do payroll and more. Prerequisite: QuickBooks for Beginners – Part I. ACCTTBA (check our online schedule for updates at www.pvcc.edu/wfsdigital) RM 129 Contact us: workforce@pvcc.edu or 434.961.5354 $129 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule 11 Chamber Business Academy @ PVCC The following classes are for Charlottesville Regional Chamber of Commerce members only. Classes are free and members can sign up for classes through the chamber’s website at www.cvillechamber.com. Facebook for Business: Part 1 In the Facebook for Business series you will learn the four basic steps to using Facebook for business. In Part 1 you will learn how to build your page and start to connect with people. Come to Part 2 to learn more! 62016 TH 9/4 12:00-1:30 p.m. RM 129 Bryant Free to Chamber Members Facebook for Business: Part 2 In Part 2 of Facebook for Business you will learn how to engage your audience and expand your reach through social media. Find out what content will add value for both existing and potential customers. 62017 TH 9/18 12:00-1:30 p.m. RM 129 Bryant Free to Chamber Members Twitter for Business: Part 1 This workshop will focus on helping businesses understand the basics of Twitter and set up and optimize your public profile. Learn how Twitter can help you develop and promote your brand and interact with your fan base. 62020 TH 10/2 12:00-1:30 p.m. RM 129 Bryant Free for Chamber Members Twitter for Business: Part 2 This workshop will introduce different ways to use your established Twitter account to promote your business. 62021 TH 10/16 12:00-1:30 p.m. RM 129 Bryant Free for Chamber Members LinkedIn for Business: Part 1 Learn to build your business professional identity with LinkedIn. This workshop will introduce ideas for building and engaging a professional image and network on LinkedIn. 62027 TH 11/6 12:00-1:30 p.m. RM 129 Bryant Free for Chamber Members LinkedIn for Business: Part 2 Most profiles on LinkedIn are just plain text – how boring is that? Part 2 of LinkedIn for Business will help you build a visual profile and to help your business stand out. Entrepreneurship The Psychology Behind Successful /Entrepreneurs: The Real Reasons Why Businesses Fail Self-knowledge plays a vital role in entrepreneurship and success in business. Do you have what it takes to run a business, ride out the hard times or know when to quit? During this class you will assess, explore, critique and celebrate the soft skills, hard skills and personal beliefs that enhance success as an entrepreneur or business person. 46269 BUSCS 8/16 RM 116 Brezinski 9am-noon. $69 62028 TH 11/20 12:00-1:30 p.m. RM 129 Bryant Free for Chamber Members 58811 RM 127 How to Get Noticed on LinkedIn, Facebook and Web Sites You won’t find these tips in a textbook! Use neutral insights to get people’s attention and have them follow you. See how to utilize Facebook to its fullest, design your LinkedIn account for maximum traffic, drive people to link your Web site to theirs, maintain traffic and expand your email address book. Discover the five items that keep you from sabotaging your success online. Selling on eBay for Fun & Profit Learn the basics of successful selling on eBay! Get started by establishing eBay and PayPal accounts. Learn how to create effective listings, including item descriptions and photos. Determine how to set pricing and when to use fixed-price options, and discover how to leverage the eBay search feature for best exposure to potential buyers. Make the best of eBay’s fee structure to maximize your profit and minimize your cost. The instructor has been selling on eBay for over 16 years. 62172 RM 129 BUSC M 9/22 Brezinski 6-9 p.m.. $69 58649 RM 129 BUSC TH 9/4-9/11 Jackameit 62173 RM 129 BUSC S 11/8 Brezinski 9 a.m.-noon. $69 58648 RM 129 BUSC M 11/10-11/17 8:30-11:30 a.m.. Jackameit $99 Blogging for Bucks Discover how to make money from blogging even if you’ve never blogged before. Learn how to get your blog up and running in minutes plus suggestions for the best blogging platform. Get your blog ready to make money by reviewing revenue streams such as advertising, affiliate marketing, review and more. Avoid the pitfalls and problems such as the new FTC guidelines. Create a marketing plan that generates the traffic you need to start making money. 58667 RM 129 BUSC S 10/11 Truex 9 a.m.-noon. $59 BUSC M 11/3 Brezinski 8:30-11:30 a.m.. $99 62176 BUSC T, TH 10/21-11/13 6:15-8:15 p.m.. Jefferson 111Green $379 New Venture Entrepreneurship Do you have a great idea? Do you want to test its value before you leap into it? Bring your ideas and join Letitia Green to find out what it would take to make your idea a reality! You will evaluate startup business models, validate your customer assumptions, and learn the basics of calculating the true cost of starting your own company. Prior knowledge or experience of technology venture formation and funding are not at all required. Entrepreneurs can either bring an idea or develop one in class with instructor help. Course requires students to bring their own laptop to class and web access outside of class is highly recommended. Start your dream NOW! 62171 BUSC T, TH 9/30-10/9 Jefferson 111Green 12 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCESERVICES 6-9 p.m.. $69 Financing for Tech Ventures Continue to work with Letitia Green to develop your startup idea and make it a reality. Learn the universe of startup funding options and evaluate social media marketing strategies. Determine website options and coding costs. Develop a plan to move your idea to the next level. Prior knowledge or experience of technology venture formation and funding are not at all required. Entrepreneurs can either bring an idea or develop one in class with instructor help. Using Lean Startup methods, you’ll leave with all the information and tools to take any idea to the next level. Course requires students to bring their own laptop to class and web access outside of class is highly recommended. This is your opportunity to jump start your new business! 6:15-8:15 p.m.. $229 Contact us: workforce@pvcc.edu or 434.961.5354 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule 13 Home-Based Business Computer Applications Find & Create a Work-at-Home Job Learn which companies use telecommuters, the most common jobs available now and how to identify the skills that can be used from home. Discover resources for finding jobs, how to stand out from other applicants and how to protect yourself from scams. Includes worksheets, handouts and free access to an online directory of resources. Adobe PhotoShop Beginner You will learn the basic functions of PhotoShop including using the selection tools, photo correction and retouching and repairing. 58676 RM 129 BUSC S 9/13 Truex COMM S 9/27 Truex 9 a.m.-noon. $59 ARTS T 9/9 Finn 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.. $99 Adobe PhotoShop Intermediate Expands on the basics by learning how to use masks and channels, typographic design, filters, layers and more. 9 a.m.-noon. $59 Write and Publish an E-Book Amazon.com says it sells more Kindle eBooks than paperbacks! The eBook is taking the world by storm and allowing indie authors to quickly and affordably publish and make a living selling their works. In this class you’ll learn how to write a book that will sell, get your book ready for the market, build a platform, choose a format and distribution outlet and market your book. 58618 RM 129 58742 RM 129 Leadership/Supervisory In today’s fast-paced corporate environment, it’s not enough to simply provide learning resources to support your leadership professionals. Time is too valuable and resources are stretched too thin. Your work force is your single biggest investment, making it imperative that your team gets the leadership training it requires in a way that matches the urgency of the need. This Leadership and Supervision Training will explore roles as strategist, change agent, coach, manager, communicator, mentor and team member. You will learn to develop your unique leadership style for maximum impact. Call 434.961.5330 today to schedule Leadership and Supervision Training for your business. Your site or ours. Project Management Managing a successful project involves more than schedules, templates and paperwork. It requires the application of strong interpersonal management skills to work effectively with people in a variety of roles. The skills you’ll learn in this course will enable you to apply effective leadership strategies, improve your interpersonal communication, become more influential, help guide your staff through change, deal with conflict and practice ethical principles during the entire project management process. With hands-on case study exercises, you’ll learn to create a motivating team atmosphere and ultimately manage your project successfully. Call 434.961.5330 today to schedule Project Management for your leaders. Your site or ours. 14 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCESERVICES 58737 ARTS T 10/7 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.. RM129 Finn $99 Adobe InDesign Beginner You will learn to use the InDesign workspace and tools, create documents, manage pages, add and edit text, import graphics, manage and transform objects plus basic PDF creation. 58733 RM 129 ARTS W,F 9/17 & 9/19 Finn 8:30-11:30 a.m.. $169 Adobe InDesign Intermediate You will work with tables, style sheets and color. Also includes character and paragraph formatting, more advanced PDF creation and printing. 58730 RM 129 ARTS T, TH 10/14 & 10/16 8:30-11:30 a.m.. Finn $169 Adobe InDesign Workshop Use the skills gained in the beginner and intermediate classes to create a “real world” project that is ready for press. This class is hands-on lab time with the software and instructor with minimal lecture time. 62170 RM 129 Computer Basics Practice using basic computer components including the keyboard and mouse. You’ll review email, basic file management, changing settings and accessing the Internet. Class exercises and demonstrations will be Windows 7 based. 43229 RM 129 ITEC M, W 8/18, 8/20 8:30-11:30 a.m.. Woolfolk $125 57711 RM 129 ITEC W, F 9/10, 9/12 8:30–11:30 a.m.. Woolfolk $125 WordPress 101 WordPress is a popular blog and Web site tool used for business, travel, cat photos or whatever you want online. Come see how to install, customize and manage a WordPress site. See how to pick a theme, install plug-ins, use widgets, upload photos, write posts and create web pages so you can sell your wares or share your ideas. 58746 RM 129 ITEC W 9/24, 10/1 5:30 – 8:30 p.m.. Nasevich $99 iPad Basics Explore the basic functions and features of your iPad plus learn some handy tips and tricks! Covers applications, onscreen keyboard, browsing the Web, settings, taking photos and more. 43227 RM 116 ITEC T 8/5 Bryant 43211 ITECT 8/26 RM 116 Bryant 58335 RM 117 ITEC T 9/23 Bryant 6-9 p.m.. $45 9am-noon. $45 9 a.m.-noon. $45 ARTS T 11/11 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.. Finn $99 iPhone Basics Are you smarter than your smart phone? Come see how to use all those buttons, set up mail and send emails, use the built-in apps, browse the Web, handle calls and messages and take and share photos. 58313 RM 117 Contact us: workforce@pvcc.edu or 434.961.5354 ITEC T 9/23 Bryant 1-4 p.m.. $45 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule 15 Culinary, Hospitality, Retail iPhoto Explore the capabilities of iPhoto for organizing, editing and sharing pictures on your iPad. Come and observe, or download the app to get the full experience. 58149 RM 117 ITEC T 10/14 Bryant 6-7:30 p.m.. $25 iPad/iPhone Open Lab Want more tips for your iPad or iPhone? If you took the Basics class and want more instruction, bring your device and your questions to our open lab. Need help with a specific app? Want to edit photos? Can’t get everything to sync? Come get your questions answered and discover new tips for making the most of your devices. 58148 RM 117 ITEC T 11/4 Bryant 6-8 p.m.. $35 Word Beginner 58147 RM 129 ITEC T, TH 9/23, 9/25 8:30-11:30 a.m.. Woolfolk $125 Beginner Spreadsheets: Excel 57715 RM 129 Culinary ITEC M, W 10/6, 10/8 8:30-11:30 a.m.. Woolfolk $125 Intermediate Excel 57692 RM 129 ITEC M, W 10/20, 10/22 8:30-11:30 a.m.. Woolfolk $125 Excel Pivot Tables and Data Analysis See how to use Excel pivot tables, a useful and powerful feature to summarize, analyze, explore and present your data. 57681 RM 129 ITEC T 10/28 Woolfolk Access Beginner 62400 HOST Jefferson RM 112 S 9/27 Campbell 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.. $129 58146 RM 129 62401 HOST Jefferson RM 112 M 11/10 Campbell 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.. $129 ITEC T, TH 11/4, 11/6 8:30-11:30 a.m.. Woolfolk $125 See our online digital class schedule for updates, new classes and announcements at www.pvcc.edu/wfsdigital Customized Training PVCC Workforce Services Training will cost your company money. NOT training will cost you business. Contact us today to get started! workforce@pvcc.edu | 434.961.5354 • Behavioral and Skills Assessments • Project Management • Software Applications • Customer Service • Strategic Planning • Leadership Development • Workplace Readiness • CPR and First Aid • Safety Training 8:30–11:30 a.m.. $75 Certified Professional Food Managers Review and Exam This examination certification is based on the latest federal food code and is accepted in all states across the country requiring mandatory foodservice manager certifications. In Virginia, the person in charge of the facility must be knowledgeable about procedures to minimize the risk of food borne illness as outlined in the 2010 Virginia Food Regulations. Proof of passing this examination is one way for the person in charge to demonstrate having this knowledge. There is a separate charge of $28 for the standardized Prometric™exam administered at the end of the day. You must bring this amount to class in the form of a certified check or money order payable to “Prometric.” (Personal checks or cash cannot be accepted). Bring two #2 pencils and a photo ID to class. Call 434.961.5354 for information on the optional text. 16 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCESERVICES Breads & Pastries Basics Eat dessert first! Impress your guests with fabulous breads and pastries. Learn the techniques and take home recipes from CIA graduate Sheila Cervelloni, pastry chef at Westminster Canterbury. 62246 HOST Jefferson RM 122 W, TH 11/5-11/13 Cervelloni 6-8 p.m.. $149 Indo-Bengali Cooking The specialty of Bengali cuisine is use of fresh vegetables and a variety of spices. In this class, learn the basic spices that Bengali people use to make such wonderful dishes. These dishes are quick, easy to make and taste-bud friendly. The menu includes: •Chicken Shish Kabob •Rice with Saffron and Ghee •Mango Chutney •Eggplant Fry with Tamarind 62185 HOST Jefferson RM 120 W 9/10 Akhter 6:30-8:30 p.m.. $59 Natural Health & Weight Loss Make the transition to a low-fat diet rich in whole, natural foods and fiber and lose weight without counting calories or dieting. Moreover, keep it off, re-energize and cleanse your body; helping to prevent debilitating and life-threatening diseases. Laurie Jacobson shows you how to incorporate fat-melting whole foods into your life so you lose weight naturally while enjoying generous servings of delicious, nocholesterol dishes. 62187 HOST Jefferson RM 120 Contact us: workforce@pvcc.edu or 434.961.5354 W 9/17 Jacobson 6-8:30 p.m.. $49 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule 17 Sweet and Sugar Free Have a sweet tooth? You can still enjoy good health and stay slim if you learn how to use natural sweeteners, and substitute whole grain flours for refined, processed white flour while baking. In this class we’ll use seasonal fruits, juices and natural syrups to create rich and satisfying desserts that won’t leave you wondering what happened to the sugar. 62188 HOST Jefferson RM 120 W 9/24 Jacobson 6-8:30 p.m.. $49 Prepare Your Dinner Party Make entertaining easier. In this four-week class, learn how to prepare your dinner party starting with hor d’oeuvres and ending with dessert. Menu includes: Week One – Hors d’Oeuvres •Puff Pastries with Brie and Apricot Jam •Smoked Salmon Rillettes on Crouton •Gazpacho Shooters Week Two – Salads •Classic Leek and Potato Soup •Crab and Apple Salad over Mixed Greens Week Three – Main Dish •Pork Chops Persillade •Whipped Potatoes •Sautéed Brussels Sprout Leaves Health & Wellness Brewing Introduction to Beer & Brewing Designed for home brewers, beer enthusiasts and others interested in the brewing science. Taught by Levi Duncan, Lead Brewer at Champion Brewery, topics include how beer is made, the different styles of beer and the different flavors of beer. A separate beer charge of $25 payable to Champion Brewery will apply. Class meets at Champion Brewery, 324 6th St SE, Charlottesville. 57730 AGNR Champion Brewery M 9/8-9/29 Duncan 6-8 p.m.. $119 Brewery Design & Equipment The design, layout and equipment needed for an efficient brewery operation are critical components for success in the beer business. Learn brewery design from the ground up from local brew master Hunter Smith of Champion Brewery. Class meets at Champion Brewery production facility, 610 Cami Lane, Charlottesville. 58842 AGNR Champion Brewery S 9/27 Smith 9 a.m.-5 p.m.. $109 Week Four – Dessert •Cheese Cake Mousse •Crème Brûlée With Fresh Berries 62189 HOST Jefferson RM 120 M 10/6-10/27 6:30-8:30 p.m.. Morris $199 CPR-Basic Life Support (BLS) for Health-care Providers Complete Class BLS for Health-care Providers is an American Heart Association course designed to provide a wide variety of certified or noncertified, licensed or non-licensed, health-care professionals with the skills to keep people alive until they can be brought to a hospital or be treated with more advanced lifesaving measures. This course includes the skills of CPR, use of an AED and relief of choking for Adults, Children and Infants. Students must pass a written exam and skills test in order to qualify for a BLS for Healthcare Provider Course Completion Card. 43163 RM 116 HLTH S 8/23 Gaines 9 a.m.-3 p.m.. $89 58594 RM 116 HLTH S 9/13 Gaines 9 a.m.-3 p.m.. $89 58595 RM 116 HLTH S 10/18 Carmines 9 a.m.-3 p.m.. $89 58596 RM 116 HLTH S 11/15 Gaines 9 a.m.-3 p.m.. $89 58597 RM 116 HLTH S 12/13 Carmines 9 a.m.-3 p.m.. $89 CPR-Basic Life Support (BLS) for Health-care Providers - Renewal Skills Only Skills Checks for CPR Certification Renewal. We offer monthly skills checks so you can renew your CPR certification. This is a hands-on skills practice and testing session (Parts 2 and 3) with an American Heart Association Instructor that follows the Online Part 1 course (www. heart.org). Students who successfully complete Part 1 receive a certificate which they print out and present to the instructor at the skills and testing session. A course completion card will be issued upon successful completion of all three parts. Fee includes certification card. Skills checks are available for Heartsaver® CPR AED and First Aid and for BLS for Health-care Providers. Call 434.961.5354 to schedule an appointment on one of the dates below. RM 116 HLTH M 8/25 $55 RM 116 HLTH M 9/22 $55 RM 116 HLTH M 10/20 $55 RM 116 HLTH M 11/17 $55 Customer Service Bartending Bartending Study the fundamentals of bartending while learning to make popular drinks both quickly and efficiently. Gain working knowledge of bar operation and mixology, and find out how all of your favorites are both served and produced. Upon completion of the class, all students receive a certificate in mixology and will have the knowledge, professionalism and hands-on training needed to feel comfortable working behind any bar. 62388 HOST Jefferson RM 120 American Heart Association CPR Training M 8/25-9/29 Mazzeo No class Monday, Sept. 1 6-9 p.m.. $229 May I Help You? Retail Customer Service Certification Prep Prepare for entry-level retail customer service positions with training developed by the National Retail Federation (NRF). Through lectures, discussions, workbooks and interactive exercises you will discover how to assess customer needs, build relationships, enhance the shopping experience, handle complaints graciously and go the extra mile, all with a smile. Class fee includes four workbooks. Prepares you to take the NRF certification exam in customer service (exam fee not included). 58677 RM 127 The American Heart Association strongly promotes knowledge and proficiency in all AHA courses and has developed instructional materials for this purpose. Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course sponsorship by the AHA. Any fees charged for such a course, except for a portion of fees needed for AHA course materials, do not represent income to the AHA. BUSC TH 10/9-10/23 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.. Auger $399 18 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCESERVICES Contact us: workforce@pvcc.edu or 434.961.5354 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule 19 Health Careers Foundations of Dementia Care: Building Your Skills This class is approved by the Department of Social Services for required dementia training for assisted living facilities. Topics covered include dementia basics, understanding behaviors, communication, enhancing mealtime and making connections. Certificates are awarded upon completion. 58540 RM 116 HLTH W 10/1-10/8 Cleary 1-5 p.m.. $89 Medicare Basics & More Does Medicare confuse you? What is Medigap? We’ll discuss the A, B, C and Ds of Medicare, key benefits, enrollment periods and points to remember. Find out what you need to know for yourself or your aging parents or loved ones. Where to go for help when you need it will also be provided by Marci Kramer, Certified Senior Advisor. 58541 RM 129 HLTH T 10/21-10/28 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.. Kramer $59 The following health career training programs are offered online. Go to www.healthedtoday.com/ pvcc for detailed descriptions and to enroll. CompTIA Healthcare IT Technician Prepare to take the CompTIA™ Healthcare IT Technician exam to apply your IT skills to the health industry. Topics include U.S. regulatory requirements, organizational behavior, information technology operations, medical business operations and information technology security. ITEC Online 80 hours $1595 Clinical Medical Assistant Prepares you to assist physicians by performing functions related to the clinical aspects of a medical office including preparing patients for examination and treatment, obtaining laboratory specimens for testing, pharmacology, taking and documenting vital signs, technical aspects of phlebotomy, placing the 12-lead EKG and more. Prepares you to take the National Healthcareer Association (NHA) Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) national certification exam. ONLINE 780 hours $2,499 Dental Assisting Program Prepare for entry-level positions as a chair-side dental assistant. Covers the history of dentistry, introduction to the dental office, the legal aspects of dentistry, introduction to oral anatomy, dental operatory, introduction to tooth structure (primary and permanent teeth), the oral cavity; and other areas. Prepares you to take the Dental Assisting National Board (DANB) Radiation Health and Safety (RHS) exam and the DANB Infection Control Exam (ICE). Program also includes an optional clinical externship at a local health-care provider! ONLINE 350 hours $1,299 Medical Administrative Assistant Program Covers information on the medical assisting profession, interpersonal skills, medical ethics and law, medical terminology, basics of insurance billing and coding, telephone techniques, scheduling appointments, medical records management and management of practice finances. This course is not intended to meet the requirements of a Certified Medical Assistant program which typically requires one to two years of classroom study. ONLINE 350 hours $1,299 Pharmacy Technician Program Prepares you to enter the pharmacy field and take the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board’s PTCB exam. Course content includes pharmacy medical terminology, reading and interpreting prescriptions, defining generic and brand names drugs, dosage calculations, drug compounding, dose conversions, dispensing prescriptions, inventory control and more. Program also includes an optional clinical externship at a local health-care provider! Customer Service for Health-care This class is one of five classes in the Patient Access Specialist certification program. It covers the basics of customer service, primarily focused on accountable care and patient satisfaction. In the past few years, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid services have implemented a customer service survey called HCAHPS. This broad initiative measures patients’ satisfaction and perspectives on hospital care, and it also provides patients with a transparent viewpoint of their local hospitals. Armed with this information, patients are better equipped choose the healthcare provider they feel will provide the best return on their investment. Health Insurance 2 The Health Insurance II class is one of five classes comprising the Patient Access Specialist certification program. Patient Access Specialists represent the front line of the healthcare service for patients entering a practice, hospital or clinic with a constant eye toward excellent customer services and the overarching goal of achieving a positive experience for the patient. Patient Access Specialists must possess strong communication skills, an understanding of medical terminology and anatomy as well as a comprehensive understanding of the importance of the revenue cycle and medical insurance options available to patients. ONLINE ONLINE 24 hours $349 Health-care Reform Perspectives: Accountable Care Concepts for Managers This class introduces students to the accountable health-care concepts defined in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of March 2010. Over the coming years, implementation of the Affordable Care Act will present a unique and lengthy set of challenges for health-care practices across the country. An essential part of this transition aimed at cost reduction will include the implementation of Health Information Technology (HIT) to make data available between providers, insurance carriers and patients, implicating the need for coordinating patient information, maintaining health information security and keeping abreast of on-going and often complex information presented on a regular basis. ONLINE 16 hours $319 Phlebotomy Technician Program Prepares you to collect blood specimens from clients for the purpose of laboratory analysis. Covers all aspects of blood collection and related procedures. Review the skills needed to perform venipunctures safely. Includes terminology, order of draw, universal precautions and more. Program also includes an optional clinical externship at a local health-care provider! Health Insurance 1 The Health Insurance I class is one of five classes comprising the Patient Access Specialist certification program. Patient Access Specialists represent the front line of the healthcare service for patients entering a practice, hospital or clinic with a constant eye toward excellent customer services and the overarching goal of achieving a positive experience for the patient. Patient Access Specialists must possess strong communication skills, an understanding of medical terminology and anatomy as well as a comprehensive understanding of the importance of the revenue cycle and medical insurance options available to patients. ONLINE ONLINE ONLINE 20 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCESERVICES 350 hours 350 hours $1,299 $1,299 25 hours 25 hours $469 Medical Terminology This class is one of five classes in the Patient Access Specialist certification program. It covers medical terminology, symbols and abbreviations, and the application of this new language in the field of Healthcare. While terms are covered as they relate to body structure and function, the main focus is on medical vocabulary and being able to construct terms using word parts such as roots, suffixes and prefixes. ONLINE 10 hours $189 Patient Access Specialist The Patient Access Specialist class is one of five classes comprising the Patient Access Specialist certification program. Patient Access Specialists represent the front line of the healthcare service for patients entering a practice, hospital or clinic with a constant eye toward excellent customer services and the overarching goal of achieving a positive experience for the patient. The Patient Access Specialist plays a key role for any provider and works as a strong team player in a dynamic, fastpaced, patient-centered practice. ONLINE 25 hours $479 $469 Contact us: workforce@pvcc.edu or 434.961.5354 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule 21 Wellness Dog Training AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) The AKC CGC program stresses responsible handler and dog ownership. Train your dog to be a respected member of our community by behaving properly. Skills covered include meeting friendly strangers, being petted, being groomed, walking on a loose leash and in a crowd, sit/down/stay/come, meeting other dogs and more. Upon passing the 10-step AKC CGC test, your dog will receive a certificate. Prerequisites: Dog handler must be at least 18 years of age; dog must be at least one year of age. You will be emailed a dog training form to complete and return with an assessment of your dog’s current skills. It also lists what you need for class. 58962 RM 125 HLTH F 9/5-10/10 Hyatt 1-2 p.m.. $149 Therapy Dog 101 You and your dog can make a meaningful difference in the lives of people who are in need of cheering up, companionship, comfort and an extra bit of love. Therapy dogs are personal pets that meet requirements of good manners and good health, and pass certification testing and evaluations. Certified therapy dogs and their owners visit schools, hospitals, nursing homes, libraries – any facility where interactions with dogs would benefit people. Therapy Dog 101 will provide information about what is involved in therapy dog work and the steps to become certified. This class uses clicker training and positive reinforcement to teach you the foundational skills needed to become a therapy dog team and prepares you to take the certification test. The first class meeting is without dogs. 58537 RM 125 HLTH F 9/12-10/17 Trauger 10-11 a.m.. $159 Therapy Dog 102 Strengthen and build on the skills learned in Therapy Dog 101: sit, down, stay, watch me and loose-leash walking. Additional therapy dog-specific cues will be introduced such as up/off, jump on table and a lap cue. Includes a mock “therapy dog visit.” This class uses clicker training and positive reinforcement to teach you the foundational skills needed to become a therapy dog team and prepares you to take the certification test. Prerequisite: Therapy Dog 101. 58535 RM 125 HLTH F 10/24-12/5 Trauger 10-11 a.m.. $159 Herbal Remedies Join Kathleen Maier, AHG, and Heather Wetzel, Certified Community Herbalist, for this dynamic fourclass series on using medicinal plants to stay healthy throughout the winter. Discover home remedies and herbal therapies to boost the immune system and address common seasonal imbalances such as colds and coughs as well as chronic issues such as bronchitis. You will make delicious elderberry syrup as well as other tried-and-true winter brews for staying healthy. 58380 RM 131 HORT W 10/15-11/5 6:30-8:30 p.m.. Maier, Wetzel $119 Introduction to Feldenkrais Feldenkrais® helps you regain lost comfort and mobility by restoring the ability to experience your body-mind potential. The self-discovery explorations and self-help approaches help accelerate the healing process for physical and emotional injuries and ease sleep difficulties. It offers a natural program for building and maintaining bone strength. Learn how you can sleep better and feel better. Please wear loose fitting and layered clothing. Bring a towel (or blanket) to lie on and a towel to support your head. 58539 RM 116 HLTH TH 9/11-10/16 Robertson 5-6 p.m.. $59 Self Discovery Discover your inner resources to help you find peace in your life. When you value and understand peace, you enjoy a better life. Through handouts, videos and discussion, you will explore the possibility of personal peace that Ambassador of Peace Prem Rawat has been discussing for 50 years. This class does not touch on religion, spirituality or politics. 58965 RM 127 PSYC M 9/8-9/22 Muir 7-8:30 p.m. $25 Network Spinal Analysis Network Spinal Analysis has been shown to help people with conditions ranging from back pain to post-traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse and infertility. During an NSA session your spine and nervous system are evaluated for the presence of spinal cord tension. Then, instead of twisting, cracking or popping your spine, precise touch to specific areas near the ends of your spine with just a few ounces of pressure is used to create what’s called “spinal entrainment,” a shifting of your nervous system from defense to a more sustainable pattern of ease. Dr. Brian Dickert, a Charlottesville chiropractor since 1997, will describe the wellness benefits of NSA and Somato Respiratory Integration. 61929 RM 116 HLTH T 9/23 Dickert 6-8:30 p.m.. $49 61930 RM 131 HLTH S 10/4 Dickert 1-3:30 p.m.. $49 Ayurvedic Herbology: Home Remedies for Seasonal Illness It’s that time of year again! Tired of sniffling, sneezing, coughing and aching? This Ayurvedic class provides traditional nutritional remedies for cold, flu, cough, diarrhea and headaches. 62157 RM 117 HLTH W 10/1-10/29 Pawo 6-8 p.m.. $149 The Science of Prana The five pranas are the subdoshas of Vata. By understanding the five pranas, you can understand how to bring your body back into balance through correction vitiated Vata. This class includes Pranayama for the three doshas and therapeutic use of pranayama. 61924 RM 117 HLTH W 11/5-11/19 Pawo 6-8 p.m.. $89 No class 11/28. 22 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCESERVICES Contact us: workforce@pvcc.edu or 434.961.5354 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule 23 Healthy Relationships Fine tune and maintain your healthy relationships by communicating using the five languages of love. Be an effective listener, speak your truth without fear or anxiety, develop realistic goals for your relationships, implement compassion, creativity, cooperation, communication and consideration, and find the secrets to sustaining intimacy. 58973 RM 127 HLTH M 10/20 Brezinski 6-9 p.m.. $69 58972 RM 129 HLTH S 11/15 Brezinski 9 a.m.-noon. $69 MELT – Pain Series Learn how to reduce joint pain and muscle tension with self-treatment techniques that rehydrate your connective tissue and rebalance your nervous system in this unique group class. Helps to keep you active and pain-free. Introduction to Myofascial Energetic Length Technique (MELT) Learn how to reduce joint pain and muscle tension with soft foam rollers and small balls to rehydrate your connective tissue and rebalance your nervous system in this unique group class. As seen on the Dr. Oz show, this technique will make your body feel better and help keep you active and pain-free. 58463 RM 116 HLTH W 9/17 Gates 6 – 7:30 p.m.. $20 Part 1: Upper Body. Learn how to treat upper body aches, pains, tightness, headaches, jaw pain, shoulder problems, upper back and neck problems. 58464 HLTH W 10/1 RM 116 Gates 6 – 7:15 p.m.. $20 Part 2: Lower Body. Learn to treat problems in your lower back, hip, pelvis, knees, ankles and feet. 58526 HLTH W 10/15 RM 116 Gates Teach for us! E-mail your résumé to workforce@pvcc.edu 6 – 7:15 p.m.. $20 Part 3: Hands and Feet Learn to treat problems with your hands and feet such as bunions, plantar fasciitis and carpal tunnel syndrome. 58529 RM 116 HLTH W 10/29 Gates 24 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCESERVICES 6 – 7:15 p.m.. $20 The following wellness classes are taught by Alisa Gates, D.C., from Body Equilibrium. Balancing Hormones Naturally Over 80 million women in the United States currently suffer with premenstrual and menopause symptoms. Many are confused as to what solution is right for them. Discover some of the mysteries surrounding the symptoms women experience and alternative methods for addressing them. 58532 RM 117 HLTH W 9/3 Gates 6 – 7:15 p.m.. $20 New Solutions to Arthritis Pain Nearly 43 million Americans (one in six people or 15% of the population) suffer with some form of arthritis, a general term used to describe more than 100 chronic diseases of the joints, bones and muscles. Review the different types of arthritis, warning signs, prevention techniques and natural health solutions that might help you get back to an active and healthy lifestyle in just six weeks without drugs or surgery. Five Secrets to Permanent Weight Loss More than 60% of all Americans over the age of 20 are either overweight or obese. Over $30 million a year is spent on trying to solve this problem. Discover the body part that most frequently gets “burned out” from stress, and how that body part affects your weight loss. Learn why low-fat, low-calorie diets don’t work. Ever wonder if your hormones could be sabotaging your weight loss efforts? Learn the five key secrets to permanent weight loss and looking and feeling younger! 58460 RM 116 58457 RM 116 HLTH W 11/12 Gates 6-7:15 p.m.. $20 58454 RM 117 HLTH W 12/10 Gates 6-7:15 p.m.. $20 HLTH W 11/5 Gates 6-7:15 p.m.. $20 New Solutions for Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is the second most common rheumatic ailment after osteoarthritis, with approximately 3.7 million Americans suffering from it. See how a holistic approach encompassing nutrition, diet, exercise and lifestyle changes such as stress reduction, detoxification, trigger point therapy and natural health can help you manage this condition. 58451 RM 117 HLTH W 12/3 Gates 6 – 7:15 p.m.. $20 See our online digital class schedule for updates, new classes and announcements at www.pvcc.edu/wfsdigital Contact us: workforce@pvcc.edu or 434.961.5354 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule 25 Intelligence & Cyber Security Cyberforce Superiority™ Many experts agree that cyber is a new war fighting domain, requiring new approaches and new skills. This hands-on intensive five-day course takes individuals from novice level to a highly skilled cyber warfare practitioner. Students will gain an understanding of the methodologies and interrelated offensive and defensive factors that come into play when training a cyber-warrior. Students will learn introductory, mid-level, and high-level tactics used for Computer Network Operations (CNO) including Computer Network Attack (CNA) and Computer Network Exploitation (CNE), Computer Network Defense (CND), as well as Computer Forensics. Topics of instruction include: ethical hacking, Boolean Logic, networking for both advanced Unix and Windows, vulnerability identification, computer exploit development, and reverse engineering. This is a practical course with instruction that is focused on in-class computer exercises and lab work. This course is offered in partnership with Raytheon Solipsys. Mark Lowenthal, president of the Intelligence & Security Academy, has served as assistant Director of Central Intelligence (ACI) for Analysis and Production; vice chairman for evaluation, National Intelligence Council; deputy assistant secretary of state for intelligence; and staff director, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI). Dr. Lowenthal is the author of the standard college/graduate school textbook on intelligence, Intelligence: From Secrets to Policy, now in its 5th edition (CQ Press). He also serves as an adjunct professor at the Johns Hopkins University. In 1988, Dr. Lowenthal was the Grand Champion on the television quiz show, Jeopardy. 62343 RM 116 LAWS M-F 11/3-11/78:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Lowenthal $4,495 Analyst Boot Camp (ABC) Analyst Boot Camp (ABC) is a rigorous 10-week program designed to provide students with the necessary tools to be successful analysts in the Intelligence Community (IC). The program begins with introductory issues in the IC, essential analytic skills and the key Intelligences (INTs) used to answer intelligence questions before moving into more advanced topics in irregular warfare, Order of Battle analysis and Advanced Geospatial Intelligence (AGI). Throughout the program students will be regularly challenged with analytic exercises as well as writing and briefing assignments on current intelligence issues. Course offerings and delivery dates are subject to change. During the ABC program, the process will be initiated for students to receive TOP SECRET security clearance. 40653 RM 131 Week Topic Proposed Date Week 1: Core Courses: Orientation 9/15 • Introduction to the Intelligence Community • Current Intelligence on World Affairs 9/16-18 Core Courses: Analytic Skills 9/19 Week 2: • How to Think Like an Analyst • How to Write Like an Analyst Week 3: Week 4: Core Courses: INTs 10/6-10/10 • Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Analysis • Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Analysis • Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) Analysis Week 5: Core Courses: INTs* 10/14-10/17 No class on 10/13 • Imagery Intelligence (IMINT) Analysis • Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) Analysis Analyst Boot Camp is approved for VA benefits. 26 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCESERVICES 9/22-10/3 • How to Brief Like an Analyst • Law & Ethics in Intelligence • Counterintelligence LAWS M-F 9/15-11/21 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Quillen $9,995 Application Process: The application process begins with completing the PVCC application and submitting your résumé. Qualified applicants will be contacted for a pre-admission interview. Desired Qualifications: Minimum bachelor’s degree is recommended. Previous analytical experience a plus but not required. In certain circumstances, applicants with less than a bachelor’s degree may be considered given previous experience relevant to positions attainable within the Intelligence Community or Department of Defense. Strong public speaking skills, writing skills and proficiency in Microsoft Office products also desired. Must be a U.S. citizen and be willing to submit to a criminal background check. Individual and Customized Classes: All of the modules on the following page can be taken individually or customized for your organization. For more information, contact workforce@ pvcc.edu or 434.961.5354. Refund Policy: Students who withdraw from the program before the first day of class are eligible for a refund of 100 percent of their paid tuition. A student who starts class and withdraws before the end of week 1 (40 hours or less) is obligated for $1,250. A student who starts class and withdraws after week 1 but before the end of week 2 (41 to 80 hours) is obligated for $2,500. A student who starts class and withdraws after week 2 but before the end of week 3 (81 to 120 hours) is obligated for $3,750. A student who starts class and withdraws after week 3 but before the end of week 4 (121 to 160 hours) is obligated for $5,000. A student who starts class and withdraws after week 4 but before the end of week 5 (161 to 200 hours) is obligated for $6,250. A student who starts class and withdraws after week 5 but before the end of week 6 (201 to 240 hours) is obligated for $7,500. A student who starts class and withdraws after week 6 (over 240 hours) is obligated for $10,000. There are no refunds after week 6. Core Courses: Analytic Skills Week 6: Elective Courses - Subject Matter Expertise* 10/20-10/24 • Analytic issues including Advanced Geospatial Intelligence (AGI), Space and Missiles, Order of Battle Analysis, Cyber Security, Homeland Security, or Link Analysis Week 7: Elective Courses - Subject Matter Expertise 10/27-10/31 • Analytic issues including Advanced Geospatial Intelligence (AGI), Space & Missiles, Order of Battle Analysis, Cyber Security, Homeland Security, or Link Analysis Week 8: Elective Courses - Subject Matter Expertise 11/3-11/7 • Analytic issues including Advanced Geospatial Intelligence (AGI), Space & Missiles, Order of Battle Analysis, Cyber Security, Homeland Security, or Link Analysis Week 9: Elective Courses - Software Skills 11/10-11/14 No class on 11/11 • Analytic software courses covering link analysis, geospatial analysis and technical analysis tools. Week 10 Core Courses - Capstone Exercises & Briefings 11/17-11/21 * The content taught in these sessions is classified SECRET. Security clearance and need-to-know is required. PVCC reserves the right to make changes to the above schedule. Contact us: workforce@pvcc.edu or 434.961.5354 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule 27 Industrial Trades Welding Construction Welding 101 - Introduction to Welding This is a 16 hour intensive course that covers the basics of MIG welding. The course includes classroom discussion that covers safety, the equipment and the principals of welding. This is followed by hands on practice. Create your first project that is yours to keep at course completion. Basic Home Maintenance & Repairs A home is often your biggest investment but home repairs can be costly. In this class, see what to look for in your home to take care of maintenance issues and prevent costly repairs. Gain skills with hands-on practice in our classroom. Topics include roofs, siding, tool safety, painting, caulking, plumbing, electrical and energy efficiency. Class fee includes supplies. 61926 RM 125 BLDG T, TH 9/16-10/2 Hinds 6:30-9 p.m.. $249 Basic Contractor Business Licensing This class is required by the state of Virginia in order to apply for a Contractor’s License. National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies (NASCLA) manual included. 58823 RM 127 BLDG S 9/20 Gauldin 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.. $199 58824 RM 127 BLDG S 11/8 Gauldin 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.. $199 Electrical Code Update $45 Plumbing Code Update 47294 PLMB ONLINE $45 HVAC Code Update 47291 HVAC ONLINE $45 Gas Fitters Code Update 47297 GASF ONLINE Small Engine Repair Small Engine & Equipment Repair Intro Learn the theory and how the components work together. Learn 2 & 4 stroke engine design, application and how to service and maintain these engines. Examine cutaways, parts and disassemble an engine to see how it works. Learn very basic ways to troubleshoot your engine when it is not working properly. 57726 RM 125 Online Tradesmen Code Updates 47295 ELEC ONLINE 41144 WELD VA School of Metal $25 AUTO M, W 8/18-8/27 Becker 6-9 p.m.. $149 Small Engine & Equipment Repair Advanced This advanced class shows students detailed diagnostic procedures with some of the latest test equipment and procedures. Learn how to do compression testing, leak down testing, pressure and vacuum testing on crankcases. See the damage that ethanol gas can do to carburetors. Learn some failure diagnostics and how to avoid some of these problems. Learn in detail how carburetors work and why they sometime don’t. Learn how to use a micrometer and some basic procedures to rebuild engines. Students will troubleshoot 5 different “bugged” engines. This class will prepare you to take the EETC (Equipment & Engine Training Council) two-stroke and four-stroke certification exam. A separate charge of $47 per exam made payable to EETC is not included. 57721 RM 125 AUTO M, W 9/22-10/15 Becker 8 a.m.-4 p.m.. $375 Welding 102 - Introduction to STICK Welding This eight-hour course is the perfect next step to help you improve your welding skills. Prerequisite: Welding 101. 41151 WELD VA School of Metal S or SU * Brownell 8 a.m.-4 p.m. $150 Welding 103 - Introduction to TIG Welding This course is focused completely on the art of TIG welding. You will be trained in the basic concept of TIG welding with steel and stainless steel. This is an intensive eight-hour course that will give you advanced skills and confidence to continue working with metal in your area of interest. 41150 WELD VA School of Metal S or SU * Brownell 8 a.m.-4 p.m.. $210 Welding 104 - Advanced TIG Welding Aluminum is light, strong and extremely versatile. Once you have mastered the skills needed to weld aluminum, you will be able to complete any metal project with amazing results, be it art, furniture, maintenance or enhancing your opportunities for employment 41152 WELD VA School of Metal S & SU * Brownell 8 a.m.-4 p.m.. $399 Welding 105 - Advanced MIG Welding This advanced class includes additional training in MIG welding including aluminum welding with a spool gun, and stainless steel. A project will be completed with a focus on metal art. 41167 WELD VA School of Metal S & SU * Brownell 8 a.m.-4 p.m.. $399 *All welding classes are taught by Steve Brownell at the VA School of Metal and are offered every other weekend beginning on Saturday, Aug. 2 and Sunday, Aug. 3. (8/16 & 17, 8/30 & 31, 9/13 & 14, 9/27 & 28, 10/11 & 12, 10/25 & 26, 11/8 & 9, 11/22 & 23, 12/6 & 7, 12/20 & 21.) See our online digital class schedule for updates, new classes and announcements at www.pvcc.edu/wfsdigital 6-9 p.m.. $349 Prerequisite: Small Engine & Equipment Repair – Intro 28 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCESERVICES S & SU * Brownell Contact us: workforce@pvcc.edu or 434.961.5354 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule 29 Woodworking A.W.S. Welding Certification Certification training consists of 80 hrs. over a 10-week period, 5 weekends, scheduled on every other weekend. Cost of the entire program is $3,499. This includes class room lecture, practice and final test. Upon Successful completion of course and passing of test, student will be A.W.S. D1.1 certified for structural welding. This program, divided into five classes, will prepare the student to take the American Welding Society D1.1 certification test for structural welding. Primary emphasis will be on stick welding, properly known as Shielded Metal Arc Welding. The focus of the program is to teach the welding skills necessary to test for the D1.1 certification in structural welding. Classes must be taken in order with week one, an Introduction to Welding a prerequisite to taking week two, etc. Week 1 - Introduction to Welding In this introductory class, students will learn the fundamental principles of joining ferrous and non-ferrous metals, NDT (nondestructive testing) joint preparation, equipment operation, and safety procedures. Students will begin their welding practice in the 1-G (flat) position. Students will practice with ER-7018 low hydrogen stick electrode. 58923 WELD S, SU 10/11-10/12 VA School of Metal 8 a.m.-4 p.m.. $699 T, TH 9/16-10/9 Hale-MacKinnon 6-8 p.m.. $320 Week 2 - Welding in the 1-G Position Students will gain skills welding in the 1-G (flat) position. The 1G welding certification position is a plate in the flat position that is beveled. This position is the most basic. 8 a.m.-4 p.m.. $700 Student will take 1-G (flat position) test per A.W.S. protocol. Test coupon will be sent to independent testing facility. Upon successful completion of weld test, student will receive A.W.S. D1.1 certification in material, position and thickness parameters. If student fails test, additional practice may be required at class rate of $25.00/ hr. 8 a.m.-4 p.m.. $700 30 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCESERVICES Introduction to Woodworking Part 1: Design, Drawings & Equipment Experience the simplicity and creativity of woodworking while learning the basics of types of wood and joinery, use of hand and power tools and safety guidelines. Select, design and begin to build a project for your home such as a nightstand, small bench or bookcase, a toolbox or perhaps a shelf and brackets. Price includes materials and use of tools in the Logs to Lumber workshop in Faber (Nelson County). 58143 WOOD Logs to Lumber Timber Framing 2 Continue the work begun in Timber Framing I on the construction of a small shed, outbuilding, or gazebo. The specific project will be determined on the first day of class from a range of options. Safety techniques, temporary bracing, strapping, and erection procedures will be covered. Live edge joinery and artistic finishing to the timbers may also be part of the process depending on the students and type of frame decided upon. This is an intermediate class with the goal of completing an entire frame out of rough-cut timbers. Class held at Heartmoor Farm, 801 Perkins Road, Kents Store, VA 23084. 54364 WOOD Heartmoor Farm T, TH 10/21-11/20 Hale-MacKinnon 6-8pm. $400 T, TH 9/16-10/2 Miller 6:30-9 p.m.. $249 Woodworking Part 2: Exploring Joinery How many ways are there to join wood to build a cabinet, bookcase or piece of furniture? You’ll find out in this joinery exploration class. Start with the function of the piece and consider your options for a solid and simple design. Apply these skills to your projects. Prerequisite: Some woodworking experience. 58139 WOOD Logs to Lumber Week 5 - Final Preparation for A.W.S. Certification Test Students will prepare coupons per A.W.S. guidelines for final practice plates and weld complete. Student’s skills will be evaluated at this time for determination to proceed with actual test witnessed by a C.W.I. (CERTIFIED WELDING INSPECTOR). Actual test will be performed during a weekday date to be determined. Test date will occur as close as possible to final preparation. 58931 WELD S, SU 11/8-11/9 VA School of Metal 52927 WOOD Heartmoor Farm 58932 WELD S, SU 11/22-11/23 8 a.m.-4 p.m.. VA School of Metal $700 58934 WELD S, SU 12/6-12/7 VA School of Metal Week 3 - Welding in the 2-G (Horizontal) Position After a brief review of weeks 1 & 2, students will begin their practice in the (2G horizontal position). This will prepare the student for real life situations when welding out of position is required. Timber Framing 1 Learn the fundamentals of design and construction of small timber frame structures using mortise and tenon joinery. Students will learn layout techniques, tool use, and joinery cutting methods. Meetings will touch on history, finishes, and options for HVAC systems for timber frames. We will also cover frame design, lumber selection, joinery choices, and integration of sustainable materials. This course will primarily focus on hand-cut joinery and tools but will also demonstrate power tools and techniques used by modern timber framers. Class held at Heartmoor Farm, 801 Perkins Road, Kents Store, VA 23084. Week 4 - Continued Practice in the 2-G Position and Preparation for the A.W.S. Coupon Test 58924 WELD S, SU 12/20-12/21 8 a.m.-4 p.m.. VA School of Metal $699 58929 WELD S, SU 10/25-10/26 8 a.m.-4 p.m.. VA School of Metal $700 Complete Parts 1, 2 and 3, and receive a Certificate in Woodworking. T, TH 10/7-10/23 Miller 6:30-9 p.m.. $249 Woodworking Part 3: Assembling & Finishing Continue to learn new woodworking techniques and tool usage while completing projects. Perfect if you have a little experience with woodworking equipment and procedures and you want to improve your knowledge of tools. Students will be introduced to the finishing process as it applies to their project. 58125 WOOD Logs to Lumber T, TH 10/28-11/13 Miller 6:30-9 p.m.. $249 Exploring Woodworking Machinery & Hand Tools Woodworkers all have their own way of building cabinets and furniture. The choice of one method of joinery over another is often based on the type of equipment available and the process taught. The type of joinery we choose to assemble a piece of furniture or cabinet is based on the machinery and tools in our shop. This series of classes will offer the chance to explore the many different ways of producing joints in wood that can pass the test of time. 58121 WOOD Logs to Lumber Contact us: workforce@pvcc.edu or 434.961.5354 T, TH 12/2-12/18 Miller 6:30-9 p.m.. $249 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule 31 Viticulture, Enology & Agriculture Tasting Room Management Certificate A properly functioning tasting room is a key component to a winery’s success. The Tasting Room Management Certificate helps prepare you for the responsibility of managing the tasting room of any farm winery. The Certificate requires the completion of six (6) core courses and three (3) electives for a total of nine (9) classes. Core Courses Introduction to Tasting Room Management Learn ways to make your tasting room more memorable and profitable. We’ll discuss tasting room staffing and training, events management and tips, wine tasting strategies, tours, social media and other ideas to help increase business. Wine Marketing People in the wine business say that anyone can make wine, but can they sell it? Learn cutting-edge strategies for marketing wine from Neil Williamson of the Trellis Group. Everything from labels to romancing the wine is covered in this required enology class. Enhanced by talks from area wine professionals, you will learn how to design a marketing strategy. Electives Wow, What a Great Event In this online class, you’ll learn how to create and coordinate successful special events. Develop skills, find resources and gain confidence to plan and produce any size or type of event. This course reveals proven tips, tools, techniques and procedures used by experts and master event planners to help you avoid embarrassing and costly planning errors or production mistakes. ONLINE. Go to www.ed2go.com/piedmont to enroll. Superior Customer Service Join Frank Squillace, master of outstanding customer service, in this dynamic course. Learn to listen and understand your customers (and your friends and family). This course is a “must” for anyone who works with customers. Legal Issues for the Tasting Room Learn the legal issues involved in running a farm winery tasting room from Virginia’s wine lawyer, Marybeth Williams. Topics include state compliance for direct shipping. Using Social Media in Business Whether you consider yourself a social media novice or a seasoned veteran, this online course will give you a solid foundation and thorough understanding of what social media is and how you can use it to grow your business. As you progress through the course, you’ll master a simple process for making social media work for you. You’ll learn about the five most popular social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Google+ and study secrets for using them to promote your business. Spring 2015 Spring 2015 ONLINE. Go to www.ed2go.com/piedmont to enroll. Wine Analysis & Tasting Do you know how “farming the grapes” affects their taste and aroma? Can you recognize your personal capabilities in wine tasting? Become a competent wine taster by learning the essentials of professional tasting. TIPS® Training TIPS® (Training for Intervention ProcedureS) is the global leader in education and training for the responsible service, sale and consumption of alcohol. Proven effective by third-party studies, TIPS is a skillsbased training program that is designed to prevent intoxication, underage drinking and drunk driving. Introduction to Enology Interested in winemaking? This class gives you an overview of the winemaking process for both red and white wines. Specific problems facing the Virginia winemaker will are discussed including reduction, oxidation and the problems associated with unripe grapes. Spring 2015 Spring 2015 46272 RM 131 Summer 2015 AGNR M 8/18 Mitchell 9 a.m.-1 p.m.. $59 Spring 2015 32 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCESERVICES Pairing Food with Wine Taught in three successive evening sessions of white wines, red wines and dessert wines. Enjoy gourmet food and wine as Andrew Hodson owner of Veritas Vineyards, covers how to properly taste wine, menu preparation, selection of wines and food for the occasion, wine faults, serving wine, wine lingo and a few dos and don’ts about wine. A separate food and wine charge of $25/night payable to the C&O Restaurant will apply. 58958 AGNR C&O Restaurant M, T, W 12/1-12/3 Hodson 6:30-8 p.m.. $115 Successful Wine Club Management For many wineries, wine clubs are both profitable and an effective tool for connecting with customers. This class will show you the strategies and tactics to connect successfully with members and potential members of wine clubs. Spring 2015 Sparkling Wine Making Champagne native and master sparkling winemaker Claude Thibaut teaches the magic and art of sparkling winemaking a la methode champenoise. Learn the detailed techniques of making sparkling wine from the first fermentation through the second fermentation and final corking. Spring 2015 Contact us: workforce@pvcc.edu or 434.961.5354 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule 33 Viticulture & Enology Introduction to Tasting Room Management Learn ways to make your tasting room more memorable and profitable. We’ll discuss tasting room staffing and training, events management and tips, wine tasting strategies, tours, social media, and other ideas to help increase business. 46272 RM 131 AGNR M 8/18 Mitchell 9 a.m.-1 p.m.. $59 Custom Crush This is a great class for new students or experienced winemakers. Students produce a barrel of wine at a local winery. The class starts in September with assessing grapes in the vineyard and ends in May/ June with bottling of the finished product. Cost includes all materials, including grapes. Class times are flexible. At the end of the class, each student will receive four cases of wine. 58913 AGNR Various9/8/14-6/30/15 Various King Family Vineyards Finot $1,250 Harvesting & Analysis of the Must Harvesting is peak season in the wine industry. You will begin with the critical process leading up to the decision to harvest. Follow Gabriele Rausse, famed Father of Modern Virginia Wine, on a journey with the grapes from the vineyard to the winery. This hands-on class includes field observation, tasting in the vineyard, laboratory testing (actual testing will be conducted), harvesting methods and equipment, sorting, pressing, crushing, stemming, steel tanks and winery equipment. 58013 RM 131 AGNR S 10/4 Rausse 9 a.m.-5 p.m.. $109 For winery locations go to: virginiawine.org/wineries Start-Up Vineyard Join Gabriele Rausse for this field-oriented experience in the principles and practices of grapevine production. These classes are a continuation of our spring classes, but they are open to all students. Be a part of Jefferson’s dream! 58841 AGNR T 10/7, 10/28, 12/2 4-6 p.m.. Montalto Rausse $89 Vineyard Site Selection Find the ideal location for your vineyard - the most important and fundamental decision in the process of wine grape growing! The class includes the fundamentals of vineyard design and layout. 58839 RM 131 AGNR S 10/18 Hill 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.. $109 Making Fortified Wines Part wine and part spirit, fortified wines are a favorite of wine lovers everywhere. Learn the techniques used in making fortified wines with Melanie Bias of Wisdom Oak Winery. 62177 AGNR Wisdom Oak Winery S 10/25 Bias 9 a.m.-5 p.m.. $109 The Roots of Fine Wine Resistant rootstocks are an elegant biological solution to the problem of growing European wine grapes (Vitis vinifera) in the presence of otherwise destructive soil pests, notably grapevine phylloxera. These rootstocks belong to American families of Vitis species. Creating a prosperous vineyard requires understanding how vine physiology, site conditions and viticultural practices all combine to impact vine balance and wine quality. This class will examine important viticultural issues from the rootstock’s point of view, whereby wine is the result of water’s journey from darkness into light through a labyrinth of hidden passages. Lunch is included. 58838 RM 131 AGNR S 11/1 Morton 34 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCESERVICES 9 a.m.-1 p.m.. $69 Fermentation & Racking From juice the wine is made. Matthieu Finot, winemaker and consultant, will teach the intricate processes of wine fermentation and racking from the point at which the juice enters the tanks. Topics include primary fermentation, malolactic fermentation, yeasts, carbonic maceration, temperature control, fining, steel tanks, oak barrels and more. 58917 AGNR S 11/8 King Family Vineyards Finot 9 a.m.-5 p.m.. $109 Winery Start-Up Thinking of starting a winery? Learn the ins and outs of the application processes at the various federal and state agencies in this nuts and bolts class with Virginia winery compliance attorney Mary Beth Williams of Williams Compliance. 58825 RM 131 AGNR S 11/22 Williams 9 a.m.-noon. $49 Pairing Food with Wine Taught in three successive evening sessions of white wines, red wines and dessert wines. Enjoy gourmet food and wine as Andrew Hodson owner of Veritas Vineyards, covers how to properly taste wine, menu preparation, selection of wines and food for the occasion, wine faults, serving wine, wine lingo and a few dos and don’ts about wine. A separate food and wine charge of $25/night payable to the C&O Restaurant will apply. 58958 AGNR C&O Restaurant M, T, W 12/1-12/3 Hodson 6:30-8 p.m.. $115 Introduction to Viticulture Establishing a vineyard requires sound management decisions from the initial planning stage through the harvesting of grapes. This class provides you with practical information on the elements needed to start a working vineyard – everything from grape selection to harvesting! Class starts at PVCC and includes visits to several vineyards. 58840 RM 131 AGNR S 12/6 Hill 9 a.m.-5 p.m.. $109 Viticulture & Enology Certificate Program Course Requirements VITICULTURE CERTIFICATE COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1 Introduction to Viticulture 2 Vineyard Site Selection 3 Soil Preparation & Planting 4 Dormant Pruning 5 Pest Control 6 Canopy Management 7 Harvesting & Basic Analysis of the Must 8 Vine Grafting & Propagation 9 Vineyard Management (Field Experience) - Part I 10 Vineyard Management (Field Experience) - Part II ENOLOGY CERTIFICATE COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1 Introduction to Enology 2 Wine Analysis & Tasting 3 Winery Design & Equipment 4 Legal Issues in the Wine Industry 5 Marketing Wine 6 Fermentation & Racking 7 Harvesting & Basic Analysis of the Must 8 Wine Bottling 9 Sparkling Winemaking Contact us: workforce@pvcc.edu or 434.961.5354 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule 35 Agriculture Customized Training Is Our Business Large Livestock Management for the Small Farm For students interested in managing and raising large farm animals such as pigs, sheep, goats and cows, this class is designed to help you become more self-sufficient and produce your own food or explore the idea of creating a small business raising livestock. Students will learn the reasons for keeping and managing each animal. This includes facilities (fencing, buildings etc.), feeding, breeding and veterinary care for each animal as well as marketing products. 58961 RM 127 HORT M 9/8-9/29 Churchill HORT TH 11/20 Higgins A few of our programs include: • Training Needs Assessment • • • • • • • • 6-8 p.m.. $99 CLUCK Backyard poultry is experiencing a renaissance! Join Guinevere Higgins, founding member of the Charlottesville League of Urban Chicken Keepers (CLUCK), as she discusses the joys of keeping poultry and how to get started with backyard chickens. Topics include basic coop setup, predator protection, egg production, breed selection and local resources for chicken-keepers. 58376 RM 131 PVCC Workforce Services provides dynamic customized training and services that respond to the specific needs of companies. Our training solutions optimize retention of valued workers, improve overall productivity, reduce cost and strengthen the competitiveness of your business. Our industry-trained instructors will collaborate with your company to determine learning outcomes, design a just-in-time training solution and deliver classes when and where it works best for you. Our programs are flexible and mobile; on campus, on site, online. Bring your staff to one of our convenient locations, or we’ll come to yours! 7-9 p.m.. $29 Backyard Astronomy Reach for the stars! If you love to stargaze, join us for an introduction to the wonders of the night sky. You’ll explore the constellations, the sun and moon, planets, comets and meteors and the elements of deep space plus view images from the Hubble telescope. The class is taught by James Mullaney, an astronomy lecturer and author who has published nearly 1,000 articles and nine books on astronomy and logged over 20,000 hours of stargazing time. He has served as staff astronomer at the University of Pittsburgh’s Allegheny Observatory, an editor for Sky & Telescope magazine and as one of the contributors to Carl Sagan’s award-winning Cosmos PBS-Television series. His latest book, “Celebrating the Universe! The Spirituality & Science of Stargazing”, was released in 2013. NATU T 9/9-10/28 Mullaney • • • • • • • • Workplace Health and Wellness Cyber Security Management and Human Resources Quality Improvement Hospitality Small Engine Repair Team Building DISC/Myers Briggs Type Indicator/Strengths Finder ...and many more! Call for more information on your customized training needs workforce@pvcc.edu | 434.961.5354 Science 57673 RM 131 Leadership and Supervision Computer - all levels OHSA and Safety CPR and First Aid Project Management Consulting Customer Service Conflict Resolution “PVCC took the time to understand our business space and company culture. We didn’t get a ‘cookie cutter’ course of instruction…instead Osen-Hunter was provided a tailored solution for our specific needs. We continue to rely on PVCC for training solutions and as a “partner” in our business.” Steve Gaioni Osen-Hunter Group “Before we discovered that PVCC Workforce Services could assist us with these staff and program development efforts, the department struggled to find a resource that was both affordable and that would work hard to customize training and facilitation to fit our unique and specific needs.” Captain Joe Hughes Accreditation Manager, Strategic Planning Coordinator Charlottesville Fire Department 7-9 p.m.. $199 See our online digital class schedule for updates, new classes and announcements at www.pvcc.edu/wfsdigital 36 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCESERVICES Contact us: workforce@pvcc.edu or 434.961.5354 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule 37 Youth Programs and College4Kids Youth Programs and College4Kids For Youth! “I was able to participate in the SCA last year. It was an incredible experience!” Code Breakers Student • • • • • Technology Engineering Computer Design Architecture Arts • • • • • Health Sciences Robotics Environmental Sciences Acting Science • Fashion Design • Photography, Business • Forensics …and more! Year-Round: PVCC Youth Partners inesses and community organizations, bus s, tem sys ool sch h wit rs tne PVCC par programs into eer academies, workshops and civic groups to bring PVCC car the community. Summer: emies PVCC Summer Career Acad the d week-long academies during “My time spent in ‘Building a Computer from Parts’ has proved useful in a number of situations. It has also increased my curiosity and desire to move deeper into the world of computers.” , project-base PVCC provides hands-on, fun students in a wide academies engage and excite summer. PVCC instructor-led g”, “Lego Films”, ft Designers” to “Jewelry-Makin cra ine “M m fro as are of ge ran and “Zoology”. “Fashion Design”, “Forensics” Building a Computer from Parts Student Spring: “The class taught me how to make things on Photoshop... this class rocked!” Graphic Design Student emies Spring Break Career Acad visits, ctors, employer panels, job site PVCC instru Hands-on skills training with lore career essments all help students exp ass and s hop rks wo ch coa as health career ious professional fields such var to ps ste t nex the rn lea pathways and p. y and business entrepreneurshi sciences, computer technolog pvcc.edu. .961.5354 or College4Kids@ 434 at n atio rm info re mo for Contact us Interested in being an instructor for our PVCC Youth Programs? Please contact College4Kids@pvcc.edu for additional information. 38 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCESERVICES Contact us: workforce@pvcc.edu or 434.961.5354 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule 39 Online Classes Hundreds of classes are available at: www.ed2go.com/piedmont Classes start at $99 A new section of every course will begin on: July 16, Aug. 20, Sept. 17, Oct. 15, Nov. 12, Dec. 10 Certificate in Stress Management Discover Sign Language Explore a Career in Nursing Understanding the Cloud Write Effective Web Content Writing the Fantasy Novel Fundamentals of Supervision and Management Gain the people skills to motivate and delegate, problem solve and resolve conflicts. Using Social Media in Business See how to use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest,..and Google+ to grow and promote your business. Certificate in Gerontology Gain skills to meet the health needs of a rapidly aging population. Creating Web Pages Learn the basics of HTML so you can design and create your own site. Certificate in Food, Nutrition and..Health In this certificate program, you’ll gain a holistic overview of current food and nutrition issues and their impact on physical, social, emotional, and spiritual health. Managing Customer Service Become indispensable to any organization by understanding how to identify and meet customer needs. Medical Terminology Prepare for a career in the health industry by learning medical terminology in a memorable fashion. Explore a Career as a Medical Office Assistant Learn what it’s like to work in a medical office. PMP Certification Prep Begin a well-paying career as a project manager by preparing to take and pass the PMP certification exam. ® COMING SOON! • Introduction to Camtasia Studio • Introduction to XML • Creating Responsive Web Pages 40 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCESERVICES Are you looking to start a new career or gain skills to advance in your existing one? You can start these career training programs anytime and work at a pace that suits your individual style. Go to www.ed2go.com/piedmont for more information on these career training programs plus many more. Business Human Resources Professional – 80 Hours Master the skills you need to gain an entry-level position in human resources and prepare to take the PHR (Professional in Human Resources) certification exam. Pay Per Click Marketing – 150 Hours Pay-per-click marketing refers to a specific type of advertising where you pay a search engine every time a potential customer clicks on your ad. The program covers search-engine marketing, Internet advertising, using Google’s AdWords program, keyword marketing, building ads, conducting research and more. Project Management – 40 Hours The Project Management Online Training Program will help you improve your project management skills and prepare you for certification as a Project Management Professional. Search Engine Marketing – 250 Hours Learn the essential components for understanding this unique and growing career field, including search engine optimization, pay-per-click marketing and Web site copywriting. Search Engine Optimization – 150 Hours The Search Engine Optimization Online Training Program will teach you how to increase a Web site’s traffic by improving its rankings with search engines. Hospitality and Service Industry Certified Wedding Planner – 300 Hours This comprehensive program covers everything an aspiring wedding planner needs to know to get started in the business. Whether you plan on working part-time or full-time, this program will provide all the knowledge you need to work as a professional wedding planner or start your wedding planning business. Certified Residential Interior Designer – 120 Hours Prepare for a career as a residential interior designer by learning the basics of good design, getting familiar with design styles and movements, exploring the materials that interior designers use, and putting your knowledge to work as you create your own design concept for a family room. IT and Software Development CompTIA™ A+ Certification Training – 150 Hours CompTIA A+ certification is the industry standard for validating the skills of entry-level computer technicians. It opens the door to an exciting career in computer technology and ed2go’s online program makes training convenient and interactive. CompTIA™ Network+ Certification Training – 80 Hours Prepare for a career as a network technician and qualify to take the CompTIA Network+ certification exam as you master basic networking concepts and gain a fundamental knowledge of network design, security, routing and switching. CompTIA™ Security+ Certification Training – 80 Hours Take your first step toward a career as a security professional and prepare yourself for the CompTIA™ Security+ certification exam as you master the basics of system security, network infrastructure, access control and organizational security. Contact us: workforce@pvcc.edu or 434.961.5354 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule 41 Please indicate class selections by checking the appropriate box(es): Class No. Title Date Day Time Fee Page Class No. AR TS Title Date Day Time Fee Page Chamber Business Academy at PVCC Artisans Center of Virginia (ACV) Studio School 62016 Facebook for Business: Part 1 9/4 12:00-1:30 p.m. Free* 12 61922 Invoking Art as Business 9/16 T 9 a.m.-4 p.m. $69 3 62017 Facebook for Business: Part 2 9/18 12:00-1:30 p.m. Free* 12 62207 Invoking Art as Business 9/16 T 9 a.m.-4 p.m. $89 3 62020 Twitter for Business: Part 1 10/2 12:00-1:30 p.m. Free* 12 Voice Acting 10/14 T 6:30-9 p.m. $49 3 62021 Twitter for Business: Part 2 10/16 12:00-1:30 p.m. Free* 12 62027 LinkedIn for Business: Part 1 11/6 12:00-1:30 p.m. Free* 12 62028 LinkedIn for Business: Part 2 11/20 12:00-1:30 p.m. Free* 12 58647 Art 58713 58789 Beginning Stained Glass 9/18 TH 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Intermediate Stained Glass 10/16 TH 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Makeup Artist 58615 Makeup Artist Training $89 4 $89 4 Free* Alternative Photography: Polaroid Transfer The Psych. Behind Successful Entrepreneurs 8/16 S 9am-noon $69 13 58811 The Psych. Behind Successful Entrepreneurs 11/3 M 6-9 p.m. $69 13 9/11-10/23 TH 5:30-8:30 p.m. $369 4 58649 Selling on eBay for Fun & Profit 9/4-9/11 TH 8:30-11:30 a.m. $99 13 8/16-8/17 S, SU 10 a.m.-2 p.m., 1-5 p.m. $175 5 58648 Selling on eBay for Fun & Profit 11/10-11/17 M 8:30-11:30 a.m. $99 13 Photography 46258 Entrepreneurship 46269 57986 Discover Digital Photography 9/24-10/29 W 6:30-8:30 p.m. $179 5 62171 New Venture Entrepreneurship 9/30-10/9 T, TH 6:15-8:15 p.m. $229 13 57991 Intermediate Photography: Getting to Know Your SLR 8/21-10/30 TH 6-8 p.m. $299 5 62176 Financing for Tech Ventures 10/21-11/13 T, TH 6:15-8:15 p.m. $379 13 57993 Advanced Photography 8/20-9/17 W 6-8 p.m. $259 5 Home-Based Business 58020 Adobe Lightroom 4.0 Beginner 9/30-10/28 T 6:30-8:30 p.m. $169 6 58676 Find & Create a Work-at-Home Job 9/13 S 9 a.m.-noon $59 14 58968 HDR Photography 10/4 S 9 a.m.-1 p.m. $79 6 58618 Write and Publish an E-Book 9/27 S 9 a.m.-noon $59 14 58115 Portrait Photography 10/11-10/19 S, SU 2-4:30 p.m. $159 7 The Digital Darkroom: PhotoShop & Lightroom Integration 11/4-12/2 T 6:30-8:30 p.m. $115 7 58034 Sewing & Design Computer Applications 58742 Adobe PhotoShop Beginner 9/9 T 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. $99 15 58737 Adobe PhotoShop Intermediate 10/7 T 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. $99 15 61931 Beginner Sewing: Curtains 9/8-9/29 M 6-8 p.m. $89 8 58733 Adobe InDesign Beginner 9/17 & 9/19 W,F 8:30-11:30 a.m. $169 15 61933 Beginner Sewing: Pillows and Piping 9/10-9/17 W 6:30-8:30 p.m. $59 8 58730 Adobe InDesign Intermediate 10/14 & 10/16 T, TH 8:30-11:30 a.m. $169 15 58935 Beginner Sewing: Fundamentals 10/15-11/5 W 6:30-9 p.m. $149 8 62170 Adobe InDesign Workshop 11/11 T 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. $99 15 $119 8 43229 Computer Basics 8/18, 8/20 M, W 8:30-11:30 a.m. $125 15 $89 8 57711 Computer Basics 9/10, 9/12 W, F 8:30–11:30 a.m. $125 15 58938 Beginner Sewing: Designer’s Apron 10/21-11/11 T 7-9 p.m. 61998 Introduction to Pattern Drafting 10/17-10/31 F 10 a.m.-noon 58956 Fashion Design: Design the Dress 11/7-11/21 F 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. $110 8 58746 WordPress 101 9/24, 10/1 W 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. $99 15 58957 Fashion Design: Sew the Dress 12/5-12/19 F 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. $110 8 43227 iPad Basics 8/5 T 6-9 p.m. $45 15 43211 iPad Basics 8/26 T 9am-noon $45 15 BUSINESS & CO MP UTERS 46263 Creative Financing: Attracting Money Into Life and Business 8/11 M 6-9 p.m. $69 9 58335 iPad Basics 9/23 T 9 a.m.-noon $45 15 58610 Creative Financing: Attracting Money Into Life and Business 10/25 M 6-9 p.m. $69 9 58313 iPhone Basics 9/23 T 1-4 p.m. $45 15 58343 Bullying in the Workplace 8/26 T 8:30-10 a.m. $25 9 58149 iPhoto 10/14 T 6-7:30 p.m. $25 16 58041 VIADA Dealer Operator 8/19-8/20 T, W 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. $325 9 58148 iPad/iPhone Open Lab 11/4 T 6-8 p.m. $35 16 61927 Gold Medal Presentations and Briefings 9/17-9/24 W 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. $149 9 58147 Word Beginner 9/23, 9/25 T, TH 8:30-11:30 a.m. $125 16 58651 Passport to Retirement 9/18-10/2 TH 6-8:30 p.m. $75 10 57715 Beginner Spreadsheets: Excel 10/6, 10/8 M, W 8:30-11:30 a.m. $125 16 58612 Finance for Non-Financial Managers 9/22-10/13 M 8:30 a.m.-11:30 p.m. $299 10 57692 Intermediate Excel 10/20, 10/22 M, W 8:30-11:30 a.m. $125 16 58971 Online Freelance Writing 10/25 S 9 a.m.-noon $59 10 57681 Excel Pivot Tables and Data Analysis 10/28 T 8:30–11:30 a.m. $75 16 58964 Buying & Selling Your Home: What Your Mother Never Told You 10/18 S 9 a.m.-1 p.m. $59 11 58146 Access Beginner 11/4, 11/6 T, TH 8:30-11:30 a.m. $125 16 XXXXX Keeping the Books $59 11 CU LI N ARY, H O SPITA LITY, RE TA IL XXXXX QuickBooks for Beginners – Part 1 $129 11 Culinary XXXXX QuickBooks for Beginners – Part 2 $129 11 62400 Certified Professional Food Managers Review and Exam 9/27 S 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. $129 17 62172 How to Get Noticed on LinkedIn, Facebook & Web Sites 9/22 M 6-9 p.m. $69 12 62401 Certified Professional Food Managers Review and Exam 11/10 M 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. $129 17 62173 How to Get Noticed on LinkedIn, Facebook & Web Sites 11/8 S 9 a.m.-noon $69 12 62246 Breads & Pastries Basics 11/5-11/13 W, TH 6-8 p.m. $149 17 58667 Blogging for Bucks 10/11 S 9 a.m.-noon $59 12 62185 Indo-Bengali Cooking 9/10 W 6:30-8:30 p.m. $59 17 42 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCESERVICES Contact us: workforce@pvcc.edu or 434.961.5354 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule 43 Please indicate class selections by checking the appropriate box(es): Class No. Title Date Day Time Fee Page Class No. Title Date Day Time Fee Page 62187 Natural Health & Weight Loss 9/17 W 6-8:30 p.m. $49 17 58965 Self Discovery 9/8-9/22 M 7-8:30 p.m. $25 23 62188 Sweet and Sugar Free 9/24 W 6-8:30 p.m. $49 18 61929 Network Spinal Analysis 9/23 T 6-8:30 p.m. $49 23 Prepare Your Dinner Party 10/6-10/27 M 6:30-8:30 p.m. $199 18 61930 Network Spinal Analysis 10/4 S 1-3:30 p.m. $49 23 62157 Herbology: Home Remedies for Seasonal Illness 10/1-10/29 W 6-8 p.m. $149 23 61924 The Science of Prana 11/5-11/19 W 6-8 p.m. $89 23 58973 Healthy Relationships 10/20 M 6-9 p.m. $69 24 62189 Bartending 62388 Bartending 8/25-9/29 M 6-9 p.m. $229 18 Brewing 57730 58842 Introduction to Beer & Brewing 9/8-9/29 M 6-8 p.m. $119 18 58972 Healthy Relationships 11/15 S 9 a.m.-noon $69 24 Brewery Design & Equipment 9/27 S 9 a.m.-5 p.m. $109 18 58532 Balancing Hormones Naturally 9/3 W 6-7:15 p.m. $20 24 58460 New Solutions to Arthritis Pain 11/5 W 6-7:15 p.m. $20 25 58457 Five Secrets to Permanent Weight Loss 11/12 W 6-7:15 p.m. $20 25 58454 Five Secrets to Permanent Weight Loss 12/10 W 6-7:15 p.m. $20 25 58451 New Solutions for Fibromyalgia 12/3 W 6 – 7:15 p.m. $20 25 Customer Service 58677 May I Help You? Retail Customer Service Certification Prep 10/9-10/23 TH 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. $399 18 HEALTH & W ELLNES S American Heart Association CPR Training MELT – Pain Series 43163 CPR-(BLS) for Health-care Providers - Complete Class 8/23 S 9 a.m.-3 p.m. $89 19 58594 CPR-(BLS) for Health-care Providers - Complete Class 9/13 S 9 a.m.-3 p.m. $89 19 58463 Intro. to Myofascial Energetic Length Technique (MELT) 9/17 W 6-7:30 p.m. $20 24 58595 CPR-(BLS) for Health-care Providers - Complete Class 10/18 S 9 a.m.-3 p.m. $89 19 58464 Part 1: Upper Body 10/1 W 6-7:15 p.m. $20 24 58596 CPR-(BLS) for Health-care Providers - Complete Class 11/15 S 9 a.m.-3 p.m. $89 19 58526 Part 2: Lower Body 10/15 W 6-7:15 p.m. $20 24 58597 CPR-(BLS) for Health-care Providers - Complete Class 12/13 S 9 a.m.-3 p.m. $89 19 58529 Part 3: Hands and Feet 10/29 W 6-7:15 p.m. $20 24 XXXXX CPR-(BLS) for Health-care Providers - Ren. Skills Only 8/25 M $55 19 XXXXX CPR-(BLS) for Health-care Providers - Ren. Skills Only 9/22 M $55 19 62343 Cyberforce Superiority™ 11/3-11/7 M-F 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. $4,495 26 XXXXX CPR-(BLS) for Health-care Providers - Ren. Skills Only 10/20 M $55 19 40653 Analyst Boot Camp (ABC) 9/15-11/21 M-F 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. $9,995 26 XXXXX CPR-(BLS) for Health-care Providers - Ren.Skills Only 11/17 M $55 19 $89 20 61926 Basic Home Maintenance & Repairs 9/16-10/2 T, TH 6:30-9 p.m. $249 28 I N T ELLI GEN C E & C Y BE R SE C URITY I N D U ST RI AL TRA DE S Health Careers Construction 58540 Foundations of Dementia Care: Building Your Skills 10/1-10/8 W 1-5 p.m. 58541 Medicare Basics & More 10/21-10/28 T 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. $59 20 58823 Basic Contractor Business Licensing 9/20 S 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. $199 28 Online CompTIA Healthcare IT Technician Online $1595 20 58824 Basic Contractor Business Licensing 11/8 S 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. $199 28 Online Clinical Medical Assistant Online $2,499 20 Online Tradesmen Code Updates Online Dental Assisting Program Online $1,299 20 Online Electrical Code Update Online $45 28 Online Medical Administrative Assistant Program Online $1,299 20 Online Plumbing Code Update Online $45 28 Online Pharmacy Technician Program Online $1,299 20 Online HVAC Code Update Online $45 28 Online Phlebotomy Technician Program Online $1,299 20 Online Gas Fitters Code Update Online $45 28 Online Customer Service for Health-care Online $349 21 Online Health-care Reform Perspectives: Accountable Care Online $319 21 57726 Small Engine & Equipment Repair - Intro 8/18-8/27 M, W 6-9 p.m. $149 28 Online Health Insurance 1 Online $469 21 57721 Small Engine & Equipment Repair - Advanced 9/22-10/15 M, W 6-9 p.m. $349 28 Online Health Insurance 2 Online $469 21 Online Medical Terminology Online $189 21 41144 Welding 101 - Introduction to Welding * S, SU 8 a.m.-4 p.m. $375 29 Online Patient Access Specialist Online $479 21 41151 Welding 102 - Introduction to STICK Welding * S or SU 8 a.m.-4 p.m. $150 29 Dog Training Small Engine Repair Welding 41150 Welding 103 - Introduction to TIG Welding * S or SU 8 a.m.-4 p.m. $210 29 58962 AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) 9/5-10/10 F 1-2 p.m. $149 22 41152 Welding 104 - Advanced TIG Welding * S, SU 8 a.m.-4 p.m. $399 29 58537 Therapy Dog 101 9/12-10/17 F 10-11 a.m. $159 22 41167 Welding 105 - Advanced MIG Welding * S, SU 8 a.m.-4 p.m. $399 29 Therapy Dog 102 10/24-12/5 F 10-11 a.m. $159 22 58535 Wellness 58380 Herbal Remedies 10/15-11/5 W 6:30-8:30 p.m. 58539 Introduction to Feldenkrais 9/11-10/16 TH 5-6 p.m. 44 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCESERVICES A.W.S. Welding Certification 58923 Week 1 - Introduction to Welding 10/11-10/12 S, SU 8 a.m.-4 p.m. $699 30 $119 23 58924 Week 1 - Introduction to Welding 12/20-12/21 S, SU 8 a.m.-4 p.m. $699 30 $59 23 58929 Week 2 - Welding in the 1-G Position 10/25-10/26 S, SU 8 a.m.-4 p.m. $700 30 Contact us: workforce@pvcc.edu or 434.961.5354 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule 45 Please indicate class selections by checking the appropriate box(es): Class No. Title Date Day 11/8-11/9 S, SU 8 a.m.-4 p.m. $700 30 Wk 4 - Cont. Practice in the 2-G Position & Prep for A.W.S. Coupon Test 11/22-11/23 S, SU 8 a.m.-4 p.m. $700 30 Wk 5 - Final Preparation for A.W.S. Certification Test S, SU 8 a.m.-4 p.m. $700 30 58931 Wk 3 - Welding in the 2-G (Horizontal) Position 58932 58934 12/6-12/7 Time Fee How to Register Page FAX: Fax registration form to 434.961.5270. DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR CREDIT CARD INFO. Call 434.961.5354 to make payment. Visa/MC/Amex. MAIL: Complete the form below and mail it with your check, money order (payable to PVCC) or credit card information to: Piedmont Virginia Community College WORKFORCE SERVICES 501 College Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22902 52927 Timber Framing 1 9/16-10/9 T, TH 6-8 p.m. $320 31 EMAIL: Email us at workforce@pvcc.edu. DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR CREDIT CARD INFO. Call 434.961.5354 to make payment. Visa/MC/Amex. 54364 Timber Framing 2 10/21-11/20 T, TH 6-8 p.m. $400 31 PHONE: Call 434.961.5354 58143 Intro. to Woodworking Part 1: Design, Drawings & Equipment 9/16-10/2 T, TH 6:30-9 p.m. $249 31 PVCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, political affiliation, disability, veteran status, gender, age or sexual orientation in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Vice President for Instruction and Student Services, 501 College Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22902; 434.961.5206. Woodworking 58139 Woodworking Part 2: Exploring Joinery 10/7-10/23 T, TH 6:30-9 p.m. $249 31 58125 Woodworking Part 3: Assembling & Finishing 10/28-11/13 T, TH 6:30-9 p.m. $249 31 58121 Exploring Woodworking Machinery & Hand Tools 12/2-12/18 T, TH 6:30-9 p.m. $249 31 Registration Form for Noncredit Courses (Workforce Services courses only.) PLEASE PRINT VITIC ULT URE , ENO LO GY & A G R I C U LT U R E Tasting Room Management Certificate 46272 58958 IN PERSON: Bring your registration form and payment to Workforce Services in the Stultz Center. M 9 a.m.-1 p.m. 8/18 Superior Customer Service Spring 2015 32 Wine Analysis & Tasting Summer 2015 32 Wine Marketing Spring 2015 32 Legal Issues for the Tasting Room Spring 2015 32 Social Security #:_______________________________ Email Address:_________________________________________ TIPS® Training Spring 2015 32 If you have a VCCS EMPL ID, please provide it: _____________ Would you like an email confirmation of registration? Yes No Introduction to Enology Spring 2015 33 Sparkling Wine Making Spring 2015 33 M, T, W 6:30-8 p.m. $59 $115 32 Name:___________________________________________________________ Date of Birth:______________________ Introduction to Tasting Room Management 33 LAST FIRST Address:_______________________________________ Apt.#:_______________ Day Phone:______________________ City/County:___________________________________ State:_______Zip Code:_________ County:____________________ Have you ever applied to any Virginia Community College? May we contact you by email about future classes? Yes Pairing Food with Wine 12/1-12/3 Successful Wine Club Management Spring 2015 33 Hispanic/Latino Online Wow, What a Great Event Online 33 I choose not to specify Online Using Social Media in Business Online 33 Viticulture & Enology 46272 Introduction to Tasting Room Management 8/18 M 9 a.m.-1 p.m. 58913 Custom Crush 9/8/14-6/30/15 Various Various 58013 Harvesting & Analysis of the Must 10/4 S 9 a.m.-5 p.m. MIDDLE Are you a U.S. Citizen? Permanent Status: Black/African American Asian Yes No No American Indian/Alaska Native Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander White NOTICE: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE SEX OFFENDER AND CRIMES AGAINST MINORS REGISTRY, A PORTION OF THIS INFORMATION WILL BE SUBMITTED TO THE VIRGINIA STATE POLICE. Yes No Resident alien $59 34 $1,250 34 $109 34 I have never served in the U.S. Military If no, your country of citizenship?____________________________________________ Asylee Refugee What is your current immigration status with the U.S.? A#___________________________________________________ Not in U.S. – I am requesting visa status. Currently in U.S. I am the dependent of someone who has served in the U.S. Military 58841 Start-Up Vineyard 10/7, 10/28, 12/2 T 4-6 p.m. $89 34 My spouse has served in the U.S. Military 58839 Vineyard Site Selection 10/18 S 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. $109 34 I have served in the U.S. Military What is your current military status? ______________ What date did you enter the military?_______ 62177 Making Fortified Wines 10/25 S 9 a.m.-5 p.m. $109 34 58838 The Roots of Fine Wine 11/1 S 9 a.m.-1 p.m. $69 34 Class No. Date Course Title Fee 58917 Fermentation & Racking 11/8 S 9 a.m.-5 p.m. $109 35 58825 Winery Start-Up 11/22 S 9 a.m.-noon $49 35 58958 Pairing Food with Wine 12/1-12/3 M, T, W 6:30-8 p.m. $115 35 58840 Introduction to Viticulture 12/6 S 9 a.m.-5 p.m. $109 35 Method of payment: There is a $35 service charge for handling returned checks or dishonored credit card or debit card payments ($50 service charge if your account is in past-due collection status). Agriculture 58376 CLUCK 11/20 TH 7-9 p.m. $29 36 58961 Large Livestock Management for the Small Farm 9/8-9/29 M 6-8 p.m. $99 36 9/9-10/28 T 7-9 p.m. $199 36 Science 57673 Backyard Astronomy 46 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCESERVICES All books and materials are included in the cost of the class unless otherwise noted. TOTAL $ Check Money Order Credit Card (Call 434.961.5354 to make payment.) Bill employer (Attach purchase order or authorization to bill.) FAX: Fax registration form to 434.961.5270. DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR CREDIT CARD INFO. Call 434.961.5354 to make payment. Visa/MC/Amex. OR MAIL TO: CANCELLATIONS - Workforce Services reserves the right to cancel any course. Piedmont Virginia Community College REFUNDS - Participants must withdraw from a class at least (5) business days before that class is scheduled to begin to receive a full refund. No refunds will be provided after this time. However, you may send another participant in your place. ATTN: Workforce Services (PVCC ID number must be provided to us.) Refund requests must be made in writing by mail, fax or email (include your 501 College Dr., name, PVCC ID number, course title, and reason for refund). Refunds are processed by the State Treasury in Richmond and Charlottesville, VA 22902 may take 3-6 weeks to process. Contact us: workforce@pvcc.edu or 434.961.5354 PVCC FALL 2014 Workforce Services Class Schedule 47 Selling on eBay for Fun & Profit Learn the basics of successful selling on eBay! See Page Thirteen. Blogging for Bucks Discover how to make money from blogging even if you’ve never blogged before. See Page Twelve. How to Get Noticed on LinkedIn, Facebook and Web Sites See how to utilize Facebook to its fullest, design your LinkedIn account for maximum traffic, drive people to link your Web site to theirs, maintain traffic and expand your email address book. See Page Twelve. Resident/Occupant Time Sensitive Material: Please Deliver by July 2, 2014. Piedmont Virginia Community College 501 College Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22902 PAID Charlottesville Charlottesville VA VA Permit Permit No. No. 90 90 NON-PROFIT ECRWSSORG. ECRWSSORG. NON-PROFIT US US POSTAGE POSTAGE Class Schedule - Fall 2014 Workforce Services
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