Summer at your leisure! - Riga International Airport


Summer at your leisure! - Riga International Airport
Take your FREE copy!
summer/autumn 2014
Gateway to
the highlands
Wooden cool
Summer at
your leisure!
c o n t e n t s
north-eastern Europe’s busiest air
transport hubs. With our dining,
Going for gold!
Positive procrastination
Euro leader
we aim to make your brief stay with
us as enjoyable as possible.
In fact the range of stores available at the airport is constantly
expanding – duty-free, multi-brand and mono-brand. This year
sees the arrival of two high-end brands in the Departures area:
Furla, which excels in all kinds of leather accessories; and Tumi,
known for its luxury travel, business and lifestyle accessories,
durable bags and wallets.
waiting for them to enjoy some of the best coffee available in Riga,
at the third Costa Coffee café to open at the airport, visible as soon
as you walk through the gate in the Arrivals area.
Riga International Airport still sees by far the biggest number
Museum exploration
Wooden cool
shopping, cafés and other facilities,
We also invite arriving passengers as well as families and friends
Educational excellence
Airport, the leading airport
in the Baltic region and one of
elcome to Riga International
Summer at your leisure!
of passengers – around 5 million passengers a year. Some 83
destinations are reachable direct from Riga this summer season.
In May we welcomed the biggest Boeing aircraft type ever to land
at the airport – a Boeing 747-8 cargo plane, with a wingspan of
almost 70 metres.
We are excited to welcome a decision by Wizz Air, one of
Europe’s fastest growing airlines, to base one of its aircraft here.
Wizz Air is one of our strategic partners, and we’re delighted they
have chosen Riga as a base for route development. They have
doubled their routes from our airport to eight. In addition, the Latvian
national airline airBaltic has launched new routes for the summer
season – plus one so far announced for the coming winter.
Important construction projects include the completion of an
expansion of the VIP Terminal, improving the comfort, style and
Riga network expands
master-plan to boost the airport’s annual capacity to 13.7 million
Gateway to the highlands
service quality for business travellers to the highest European standards. This and other ongoing projects are part of a development
passengers by 2020.
For more information on new routes and other developments at
Riga International Airport, take a look at the articles on the airport
at the back of this magazine.
Enjoy your time at RIGA International Airport!
All the latest news from the leading airport in the Baltics
Aldis Mūrnieks
Chairman of the Board of RIGA International Airport
summer/autumn 2014
Photos courtesy of Latvian Sport Museum, P. Kudatschenko, J. Rieksts.
Latvians have been
taking part in organised international sport
since the 1890s
ateway Riga takes a look at the history
Second Riga Cyclists Society; both formed at
of organised sport in Latvia and some
around 1890. The Riga Athletics Club built a
of the athletes that helped shape the
cycle track in Strelnieku Gardens while the Riga
development of sport in this nation until regained
Athletics Club became home to the best ath-
independence in 1991:
letes of their generation: Krauze, Malers, Polis,
The very first organised sports societies in
Latvia were the Riga Athletics Club and The
summer/autumn 2014
Farnasts, and Miezitis, who competed under the
name RAK-1 (Riga Athletics Club ‘1’).
At that time, Riga Circus was one of the
representing 13 different sports associations.
Such was the success of the Russian
most famous circus organisations in all of
This was a big step forward for Latvian sport
team in Stockholm that the Russian Olympic
Europe. Named after its owner Salmonskis,
as it enabled the country to participate at the
Committee decided to begin holding regular
the circus was an important meeting place for
Stockholm Olympics the following year.
Russian Olympiads. The first took place one year
many local sportsmen, including Latvia’s lead-
169 athletes represented the Russian
after the Stockholm Olympics in Kiev, while the
ing strongmen. Latvian Greco-Roman wrestling
Olympic team with over one quarter of these
following year – exactly 100 years ago – the
was particularly ‘strong’ in the late nineteenth
considered Balts. Latvia very proudly saw 28 of
second Olympiad was held in Riga.
century, and early in the twentieth century,
its athletes compete in Stockholm, and Harald
in 1902, the amateur group ‘Herkuless’ (later
Blaus became the toast of the nation by becom-
known as RAC-II) was formed in the Latvian
ing the first Olympic medallist in the history of
Latvian sport. Harald picked up a bronze medal
The Russian Olympic Committee was
in clay pigeon shooting and later became Latvian
formed in 1911 and just nine months later
champion in several different disciplines includ-
the Baltic Olympic Committee was created,
ing figure skating!
summer/autumn 2014
Harald Blaus
became the
toast of the
nation by
becoming the
first Olympic
medallist in
the history of
Latvian sport
Famously, on September 20, 1919 the Soldiers
shooting, Bietags came second in wrestling,
25,000 spectators. Football also became
1958-60 this team won the basketball European
Sports Club organised a football competition
and Bubenko took the bronze in 50-kilometre
increasingly popular during the 1930s, follow-
Cup three times. The women’s team TTT were
against the sailors of British warships.
distance walking.
ing on from the great success of the first Baltic
USSR champions for a never-to-be-matched 21
The Riga Garrison Club became the leading
Away from the Olympics, the Latvian basket-
Cup in 1927. Today, the Baltic Football Cup is
times between 1958 and 1987, and took the
sports club from around 1920, and in the same
ball team won the first European championships
the oldest international football cup competition
European title 18 times during this period. The
year, many of those who had competed in the
final in Geneva in 1935; certainly one of the
in all of Europe.
most famous basketball player from this era was
1912 Stockholm Olympics worked together to
greatest achievements in the country’s sport-
In the post-war years, basketball was all the
Julianka Semjonova, who was known all over
help organise the first Latvian Comprehensive
ing history. The 42nd European Speed skating
rage in Latvia as ASK Riga dominated the sport
the world. The Latvian won two Olympic gold
Sports Festival in Riga, with 343 athletes com-
championships, held in Riga in 1939, attracted
in the Soviet Union for three decades. From
medals and never lost an international game dur-
peting in 10 disciplines. The event was repeated
in 1921 and 1923 and then every four years until
the outbreak of World War II.
In 1922, 40 representatives from 21 different sports organisations founded the Latvian
Association of Sports Organisations – LASO.
The LASO operated until 1936.
During its two decades of independence,
Latvia participated in four summer Olympic
Games as well as three winter Olympics. The
The AllRussian II
opened on
June 16, 1914
at the Riga
The All-Russian II Olympiad opened on June
proud Latvian debut was in Chamonix in the
16, 1914 at the Riga Hippodrome. It was a spec-
Winter Olympics of 1924. Janis Dalins was
tacular event with 1,000 sportsmen and women
Latvia’s leading athlete during this period, win-
from 24 cities taking part. Riga was the most
ning silver at the Los Angeles Olympics of 1932
successful of all the city teams as it scooped 34
and setting a number of world records for dis-
gold medals. Events included rowing, football,
tance walking during the 1930s.
wrestling, swimming, tennis and track and field.
Sport really began to develop in Latvia dur-
Riga was one of the wealthier and more
ing the 1930s with the establishment of many
developed cities in Europe at the time of
sports teams in basketball, ice hockey and
the second Russian Olympiad but just a few
football, as well as the increased popularity of
months later the country was devastated by
sports such as speed skating, track and field,
World War I. Rather predictably, Latvian sport
and shooting. One of the leading athletes was
suffered greatly in the coming years, especially
L. Puce who was Latvian champion 42 times
as many of its sports grounds were completely
over a twenty year period in javelin, discuss
destroyed. It was not until 1919, with the estab-
and shot. In 1936, Latvia welcomed home a
lishment of the ‘Soldiers Sports Club’ that sport
number of successful athletes from the notori-
began to regain a foothold in Latvian society.
ous Berlin Olympics: Karlis Klava took gold in
summer/autumn 2014
ing her career. Today, Semjonova is recognised
While, Latvia boasted the youngest ever Chess
in the FIBA Hall of Fame.
world champion thanks to Andris Andreiko.
Inese Jaunzeme became the first Latvian
Latvia dominated European and Soviet
Olympic champion in 1956 when she was
speed skating in the 1960s before ice hockey
crowned world champion for javelin throwing.
became the undisputed national sport of this
Janis Lusis took part if four Olympic Games,
Baltic country largely thanks to the successes
of Riga Dynamo. The team won silver in the
USSR championships in 1988 and today plays
in the KHL where it regularly reaches the play
offs and is regarded as having the most vocal
and passionate fans.
Famously, on
20, 1919
the Soldiers
Sports Club
a football
competition against
the sailors
of British
In the 1980s, sled sports really took off in
Latvia, largely thanks to the fantastic worldclass track in Sigulda. Latvia produced three
world champions in 1978 alone. Ten members
of the USSR’s 16-strong 1980 bobsleigh team
were Latvians.
With regained independence in 1991,
Latvian sport began a hugely exciting new
winning medals gold, silver and bronze during
era with many world champions and high
the 60s and 70s. Many today regard him as the
points in many sports including participation
greatest sportsman to have ever represented
by the national football team in the 2004 UEFA
European championships. But the story of the
Latvian cycling was hugely successful in
the 1960s with Emilija Sonka crowned USSR
regained independence years will need to wait
for another time…
champion on several occasions, while Bodnieks
and Lacis also dominated in the sport.
Jevgenijs Koselevs and Minjona Sakse
were world volleyball champions in 1952, while
Radiotehnika won the sport’s European Cup in
Boat racing saw many successes from the
1960s to the ‘80s with a number of Olympic
Medalists and European champions in the sport.
For a far more detailed exploration of
Latvian sport history, pay a visit to the
Latvian Sport Museum in Riga Old Town.
Entrance costs less than a euro and you
can find out all about the regained independence years, plus plans for sports
development in this country in the coming years. The museum is open TuesdaySaturday; 10-17 (from 11:00 on Saturday
Latvia Sport Museum
’74, ’75 and 1977.
More Latvian
summer/autumn 2014
Alksnaja iela 9, Riga, LV-1050
+371 67225127
Travel people
Photos courtesy of Instrumenti and Iveta Vaivode
We actually had our
page deleted from
and, eventually,
we were
Instrumenti are one of the most popular bands Latvia has
produced in the modern era. Gateway Riga’s Justin Walley
sat down with Janis and Reinis from the two-piece electro
indie pop band at their TRU music studio, where the three of
them discussed how the group formed, its influences, their
thoughts on their fans, and whether procrastination is a
good or bad thing.
lease tell Gateway Riga readers about
we enjoyed the social aspect of the band, the
discussing and sharing music we each liked
how the band started.
music and the singing. The main idea of creating
at that time.
I think it was five years ago. It was
Instrumenti was creativity. As Cosmos we did
the logical next step. At that time we had
a lot of cover versions of songs we loved. But
been together in music for ten years. Before
we realised at some point that we were into
We created things that weren't appropri-
Instrumenti we were involved in Cosmos, where
creating something; talking to each other and
ate to Cosmos. In our spare time we tried out
summer/autumn 2014
How did you make the break from Cosmos?
new things for fun, with no intention of initiat-
confusing that nobody - not even our friends -
ing something serious. Somehow, it grew and
understood who was behind Instrumenti.
We wore panda masks and sent random press
Our first gig was on ‘Peldosa darbnica’, an
abandoned ship in Andrejsala harbour. We did
developed and we recorded some stuff.
For the first two years we were incognito.
Where was your first Instrumenti gig?
Why were you so keen to keep your identities
the set and took off our masks. While I was
secret for so long?
in the toilet, I overheard two men discussing
releases to newspapers and magazines; some of
We didn’t want people to see us as a side-
our band and music as I washed my hands.
it was absolute nonsense. We actually had our
step or progression of the band. We also wanted
They said the music was great and 'why can't
page deleted from Wikipedia and, eventually, we
to be purely judged on the music itself; espe-
Latvians make music like that?' This was great
were banned because our cross postings made
cially in this small scene here in Latvia where
to hear. It was the best kind of encouragement.
no sense at all. And the story about us was so
everyone knows everyone.
People suddenly wanted us.
There was also a house party in the countryside. We were there with five or six friends. I
You mention Bjork. I know you have a great
affinity with the country of Iceland.
think our song came on the radio and the others
We have been in love with the Icelandic
were discussing it, not realising it was actually
music scene for many years; especially art-
us. That was fantastic; to discuss the music
ists like Bjork and Sigur Ros. It made us dig
deep. We were looking for a place to record our
first album because it included many different
What were your musical influences when
sounds. We decided we should go somewhere
you started the band?
where we could connect those influences.
We were really into Peter Gabriel and Bjork,
as well as some aspects of the ideas of how
What is it about the culture, music, people
Michael Jackson made his music; his presence
and landscape of Iceland that is so appealing?
We wanted
to be purely
judged on the
music itself
and attitude. You felt he had a responsibility
We loved the vibe in Iceland. There is some
different landscape and in a different time; and
to the audience; some kind of 'stage ethics',
similar feeling there in Iceland to the feeling that
we are not even sure if that time is in the past
if you like.
exists here in Riga. It is like home, but home in a
or the future. There is a common connection.
Who are the best known Icelandic artists
you have worked with?
We had a coincidence with some musicians coming to Latvia from Iceland: Valgeir
Sigurðsson was here with Ben Frost and Sam
Amidon from his Bedroom Community. Their
tour stopped off in Latvia. We were invited
to open for them. After the gig we had dinner
and told them that we were close to making
an album. And after that we arranged to go to
their studio in Reykjavik.
It was a very big step musically as a band
and as human beings. We learned many important things that taught us how to do things, and
summer/autumn 2014
Best R
le at
it helped craft an image of the ideal place for
as individuals has influenced us. It was a great
creating music. It enabled us to get closer and
honour to share that stage.
closer to what we would like here in Riga. We
want to be open to any musician to use this
studio space regardless of where they are from.
Would you consider living in Iceland one day?
There are no trees. We could see ourselves
going there for a year perhaps. But we like
to come back home. One influence from our
time there is the approach of Nico Muhly, the
American composer and arranger. We were
lucky to work with him when we were there. He
was innovative. We often ask ourselves: what
would Nico do? His work is vivid and special.
He walks and talks so fast. I think we were
inspired by his aura.
You have been compared to the likes of
You have toured all over the Baltics and
There is some
similar feeling there in
Iceland to the
feeling that
exists here in
Muse, Sigur Ros and even Keane. Do any of
we sound. Although, there are probably some
these name tags fit?
layers of that somewhere.
I guess it comes from a mixture of our music
recently in the UK. Do you enjoy being on
the road.
The most personal connection with the audience we have had is usually our own audience
in house; that is when you do something that
you have creative control over. Our biggest
shows that we have had and most technically important were at Arena Riga, and last
year in November, six shows at the Palladium.
Creativity wise, those shows were the biggest
step so far from us. We are happy we are releasing a live concert DVD really soon. It will have a
picture book and is a nice way of remembering
our experiences last year.
How was London?
far from home with all the gear and musicians
Earlier this year you were the final act at the
we use for our Riga shows. When you set up
bands. From the side, I guess people see things
grand opening concert of Riga 2014. That
a show at home it is difficult practically to take
objectively. And so, it doesn’t really matter what
must have been a very proud moment?
that somewhere else. But we enjoyed it very
we like or dislike. In past years we listened to
That concert was really special. The people
much. We used to travel as just the two of us
James Blake and Bon Iver. But that’s not how
around us were all important. Everyone on stage
without managers and other people. Of course
summer/autumn 2014
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There is a
danger, when
you spend too
much time
with something that you
start changing things that
should actually be there
it is possible to do this still, but whenever it is
I reckon you are. And pretty famous ones
say Latvian and Russian people. In Russia, they
It helps people break away from the political
choir music, is the strongest parts of the music
achievable, we want to perform with our whole
too. I mentioned to a couple of people I was
are more expressive and vocal. This is not a bad
scene in this region. The St. Petersburg School
stage show.
interviewing you and they were very compli-
thing; it is just a different temperament. We
mentary about Instrumenti.
have some really cool and intelligent fans in
What do you make of the current cultural and
and Pēteris Vasks are a big influence on the
musical scene here in the Baltics?
world music scene.
The new album is entitled ‘Procrastination’.
Sorry to ask, but is this something you suffer from?
We are over it now (collective laugh). We
were struggling after the first album. What?
Where? When next?
Now we have the songs we want, but we
are waiting for the right moment. Recently in
Berlin, we created lots of new material. Now
we are waiting for step two. It’s not procrastination. It is healthy to put stuff away and
return to it. It is nice to have a break from it
and then hear it differently. There is a danger,
when you spend too much time with something
that you start changing things that should actually be there.
Positive procrastination?
There is
some similar
feeling there
in Iceland to
the feeling
that exists
here in Riga
Dare I ask then, when will the album be
Russia, who have studied all the stuff connected
to our music and our culture. Amazingly, some
We have really good stuff in the classical
Also folk music is a big and important thing,
is a peaceful place to live. We are not stressed
of them are even learning Latvian to understand
scene. There are many, many excellent perform-
showing what music is like here. To some
out. We just live here. People are busy with
the meaning behind the songs. We are thankful
ers and composers: the likes of Nelsons and
extent, our modern culture is still developing.
their own stuff. To be honest, there are no crazy
for the opportunity to take our music to Russia.
Garanca. The classical scene, along with Baltic
The flag carriers for Latvia are still Prata Vetra.
fans. Some people very quietly and politely tell
you they love the music or were moved by a
connection to a special song. Maybe they lost
a close friend for example. Some have told us
they met their beloved one to our songs. That
is a wonderful thing to hear.
Yes, I get the sense with many famous
Latvians I have interviewed here that the public leave them alone and don’t like to bother
them. In England anybody famous is usually
it looks like spring next year; although it will
instantly surrounded by people even if they
likely be ready this year.
pop into their local supermarket.
What are the pluses and minuses of being
many people seem to like celebrity for celebrity’s
pop stars in Latvia?
sake. It is an empty thing; fake. Although aside
Yes, it is not like England or Russia where
We don’t think we are pop stars…or famous.
Thank you. That is nice to hear. We don’t
really think of what we do in that way. Latvia
Yesterday (May 21), we had a meeting and
Not guilty (another collective laugh).
summer/autumn 2014
of Classical Music is a big influence. Arvo Pärt
from that, there is a huge difference between
They were and are the ones who have really
We should also mention Tallinn Music
What are your future ambitions for your music?
managed to take their music to a global audi-
Week. For us, this is the crossing point where
We would like to keep making music, and
ence. There are also our friends from Estonia:
the Baltics meets Europe musically. We think
growing up in the ways we make our music. The
Ewert and the Two Dragons. Right now, the jazz
TMW has been one of the most important
two of us are enjoying what we are doing and we
scene is also on the rise, although much of that
things musically in the past twenty years in
have a good base here for doing that (TRU music
is happening outside of our borders and this is
this part of the world. It is still growing and I
studio). We hope to see this place recognised as
a different school from our traditional master,
don’t think the public has realised yet quite
a studio and music school in the next few years.
Raimonds Pauls.
how important it is.
We can see things happening here.
We would like
to keep making music, and
growing up
in the ways
we make our
summer/autumn 2014
Photos courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Latvia set to post fastest economic growth in EU
ccording to data published by the
EU economy is expected to grow by around 2
European Commission in May, Latvia
per cent, while the figure for countries using
is expected to record the fastest eco-
the euro is predicted to show 1.7% expansion.
nomic growth in both the EU and the euro area
Domestic demand and low inflation rates
this year. The Commission is predicting Latvia’s
are said to be two of the principle reasons for
GDP will grow by 3.8% in 2014 and by a mas-
the European-wide growth, with some policy
sive 4.1% in 2015. To put this in context, the
makers now confident the European Union is
summer/autumn 2014
over the worst of the economic crisis. In Latvia’s
bouring Estonia, unemploy-
case, the ‘readjustments’ of the past half-decade
ment is set to drop as low
have enabled the country’s economy to re-
as 8.1 percent, and Latvia
emerge stronger and slimmer after the crash
should continue the posi-
of 2008. Riga’s ports, for example, saw a 20%
tive Baltic trend into 2015
increase in the amount of cargo they handled
with the number out of work
in the first four months of 2014. The nation’s
here expected to dip further
current account is also close to balance.
to 9.6%.
Unemployment in Latvia could end the year
Post euro-adoption infla-
at around 10.7 percent; below the predicted
tion in Latvia is projected at
Eurozone average of 11.8 percent. In neigh-
1.2 percent for 2014, and is
expected to rise to 2.5 percent
next year as Latvia’s economy
moves up through the gears.
in Latvia could
end the year
at around 10.7
percent; below
the predicted
Eurozone average of 11.8
The European
is predicting
Latvia’s GDP
will grow by
3.8% in 2014
Real wages are said to have
European Capital of Culture for 2014, should feel
increased by 4.2% in 2013. EU inflation is
like an extra shot of espresso for the Latvian
expected to remain below 1 percent for 2014.
There is broad consensus that bank credit
One of the darkest clouds on the economic
does though need to be revived if businesses
horizon is the ongoing situation in Ukraine. This
are to continue the current positive momentum.
could threaten Latvia’s exports to both Ukraine
And other obvious areas for improvement are
and, more significantly, to Russia. A decelera-
infrastructure, the judicial system and reforms
tion or contraction in the Russian economy
to the labour market. The nation’s embarrass-
would have a negative impact on Latvia’s trade
ingly low benefits payments also need to be
with what is one of its biggest trading partners.
‘looked at’ if Latvia is to be taken seriously by
Latvia is also heavily dependent on Russian
the broader European community as a place for
energy supplies. Furthermore, a deepening
its citizens to work and live in future years. One
crisis in this region would potentially affect
economic factor out of Latvian policy makers’
the confidence of external parties looking at
hands is the prolonged weakness in many of
the wider region.
its euro area trade partners.
Overall though, Latvia’s fortunes do appear
The country is expected to benefit from a
very much on the up and its current status as
tourism boom this summer as hundreds of thou-
greyhound ahead of the pack in terms of GDP
sands more tourists than are normally expected
growth amongst EU countries should certainly
in the summer months visit the Latvian capi-
serve as a boon in the year the nation’s capital
tal. Tourism income during Riga’s stint as the
city is also the European Capital of Culture.
other partner university abroad. Hopefully, we
these present graduates, what is the appeal
will add Asia and North America to the double
of Latvia for foreign students as a place to
degree options.
live and study?
We regard ourselves as international now,
For those that come from the CIS, and coun-
but the target is to become global. Currently 10%
tries like Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, Latvia is
of our students are foreign students, and we are
safe and friendly, yet European. These students
aiming for this figure to rise to 25%.
receive residence permits and can spend one
Although Latvian demographics are moving
semester studying abroad in other EU countries.
less tough and the quality of living is arguably
Many of them also take advantage of the oppor-
higher. But Latvia is still in Eastern Europe, giv-
in the wrong direction, there are positive
ing those who want to live somewhere with a
increases in the numbers of foreigners com-
different feel that opportunity.”
ing here to study and live.
We are working a lot with students from
the CIS. We also have our Erasmus and double
degree students, and we have seen a significant increase in the number of students we
are attracting from European countries too.
Our courses are conducted in English, Russian
and Latvian. This is allowing us to expand our
market. Students from CIS countries can study
Photos courtesy of RISEBA
in English or Russian while EU students can
We are a European Foundation Management
Development member. RISEBA completed the
accreditation process in January of this year
and got the certification in May. Our European
tunity to travel around the Schengen zone and
Business bachelor course is now EPAS accred-
participate in EU-funded projects and initiatives.
“We are currently hosting 18 US MBA
students from Robins School of Business,
University of Richmond. They are working as
consultants, helping Latvian companies enter
the US market. They are doing this free-ofcharge. Each of six leading Latvian companies
has three MBA students working with them.
They work each day, study and explore Riga and
beyond. This is very important in terms of international recognition. We have strong support
from the US embassy and from the American
Chamber of Commerce.”
Does RISEBA have any big plans for 2015?
ited by EFMD. Having EPAS accreditation is like
Our students from southern Europe love the
us being a five-star hotel. It is easier than ever
nature and architecture. There are also the pric-
“RISEBA is competing with leading educa-
now to sign partnership agreements with the
es in Latvia. We are very competitive compared
tional establishments in Berlin, Venice and other
likes of Europe, Asia and America.
to most countries when it comes to accom-
cities to host a huge conference in 2015. We
modation and food. If you consider the likes of
hope our new campus will be chosen as the
Norway has the richest middle-class in the
Saint Petersburg and Moscow, we have some
main venue. If we are awarded this event, it
world. How does RISEBA attract students
obvious advantages: here it is safer, certainly
will be a major coup for RISEBA.”
We are working through international projects in the UK and Norway. Word of mouth
and social media are also helping to spread the
positive word. Young professionals are always
online. One of the ways we target new students
is through student fairs. We have decided to promote strongly in the CIS and India. In February
2014, in cooperation with other Latvian higher
educational institutions, we set up a 'Study in
ou are one of the leading higher edu-
have cooperation agreements with more than
we have executive training, a vocational second-
ed to target China and Brazil, and this year we
cation establishments in the Baltic
100 education institutions around the world in
ary school and a creative business incubator;
received our first application from a potential
region. But I believe you see oppor-
faraway places, including Canada and China.
so we appeal to many people.
student from Mexico.
RISEBA University has its school of business, a
We offer double degree courses in Sweden,
RISEBA currently has close to 3,000 stu-
school of architecture and design, and a school
Germany, France and Finland enabling our stu-
Besides RISEBA’s exceptionally high edu-
dents and our vibrant alumni totals 9,000. We
of media and communications. On top of that,
dents to spend one semester or one year at the
cational standards and the opportunities
from the United States.
Latvia’ centre in Chennai. We have also decid-
tunities far beyond Latvia?
Our European
Business bachelor course
is now EPAS
accredited by
with the prestigious Richmond University
from places like Oslo to come to Riga?
RISEBA is one of the fastest expanding higher education institutions in northeastern Europe. Gateway Riga sat down with Head of RISEBA External Relations
Division, Polina Naidenko, to try and discover the secret of their success.
of course study English-language courses at
I believe you now have a working relationship
summer/autumn 2014
summer/autumn 2014
Вид с рыбацкой лодки на SUN REPUBLIC в саулкрастах.
Этот жилой комплекс на рижском взморье расположен уникально близко к морю — всего 50 метров —
на своей территории в 3,8 гектара.
Об удивительных, как считают многие, темпах продаж и о
том, какой отдых в 2014 году
ждет жильцов квартир «Sun
Republic» в непривычном для
россиян, но любимом рижанами направлении – Саулкрасты, расскажет Алексей
Пашкевич, член Правления
SIA “Ainazu 23 иn 25”.
над согласованием у нас, опять же, джазово-
Бунина: «Что ж! Камин затоплю, буду пить...
го ресторана с завораживающим видом на
Хорошо бы собаку купить». Вполне подходя-
Балтийский залив. Имя повара пока называть
щее описание отдыха в Саулкрастах. Какое же
Конечно первый вопрос – почему Саулкрасты?
не буду, но большинство гурманов прекрасно
это счастье — после московской суеты, спешки,
Россияне ведь очень мало знают про это
его знают и ценят, он входит в топ-5 поваров
вечного смога и толп людей. Я знаю, что многие
из тех, кто купил у нас квартиры, приезжают
У меня много друзей в Юрмале, и я со своей
семьей тоже присматривался к даче в тех краях.
сюда именно в таком настроении – это действиВы любите джаз?
тельно счастье.
Но Юрмала показалась нам, извините, чуть-чуть
Представьте себе: закат, уютный, совсем не
излишне городской. Тогда знакомые посовето-
жаркий вечер, хорошее вино, отличный ужин и
А как к джазу относятся клиенты, неужели
вали искать в другом направлении – Видземское
прекрасный женский вокал под аккомпанемент
столько любителей?
взморье, Саулкрасты.
контрабаса. (Смеется) Моя жена, которая сейчас
Клиенты у нас люди разных профессий, раз-
Так совпало, что когда в 2008 году нам пред-
много времени проводит с нашей маленькой
ных музыкальных и эстетических пристрастий.
ложили купить в Саулкрастах новый проект на
дочкой в Саулкрастах — а там для этого все
У нас и квартиры есть на любой вкус. И цены
123 квартиры с территорией 3,8 га удивитель-
есть — процитировала бы в этой связи Ивана
от 90 000 евро до 550 000. Все мы разные, но
но красивой земли с собственным выходом
к морю, то с городом я уже был знаком. Это
облегчило принятие решения.
Не пожалели о своем решении? Какая рыночная привлекательность у этих квартир?
Мы справились с проблемами, возникшими
во время кризиса, и сейчас — на пике продаж.
Спрос высокий, настроение у нас отличное.
Дома были сданы в 2011 году, какое-то время
занял ремонт квартир и благоустройство территории, и с начала 2013 года мы начали активно
продавать. Сейчас уже больше половины распродано. Но самое интересное еще впереди.
У вас грандиозные планы на 2014 год?
Саулкрасты — это ведь город ежегодного
Вид из гостиной в доме SUN MARINO, одного из семи домов комплекса
SUN REPUBLIC. Цена такой квартиры 380 тыс. евро.
В стоимость входит полная отделка и место в подземном паркинге.
Цены на квартиры в комплексе начинаются от 90 тысяч евро.
summer/autumn 2014
джазового фестиваля. И в этом году мы начали работу над отделкой второй группы квартир именно в стиле «Джаз», работаем сейчас
Отделка квартир в стиле джаз будет закончена в сентябре 2014 года, а до этого времени их можно купить
со скидкой 10%. Так, цена большой квартиры в 100 м2 составит 245 тыс евро до сентября и 269 тыс евро с
1 октября.
summer/autumn 2014
чтобы запомниться надолго. Как минимум у тех,
кто ценит, опять же, тишину и комфорт. 4 мая
мы в Саулкрастах провели открытие сезона для
риелторских компаний и представили наше
специальное предложение на отделку в стиле
«Джаз» – 10% скидка на время отделки. Раздали
буклеты с подробным описанием дизайн-проекта. А чтобы создать джазовое настроение,
пригласили знаменитостей — известнейшего
джазового музыканта Латвии, саксофониста
Дениса Пашкевича и его супругу Иоланту
Гулбе-Пашкевич. Что касается еды, то об этом
на празднике позаботился еще одно известное
в Латвии лицо: шеф-повар ресторана «Ostas
«Для меня отделка в стиле джаз – это как любимый альбом Майлза Дэвиса 1969 года «In a Silent Way» –
спокойно и очень красиво.»
Skati» Ингмарс Ладигс, победитель шоу поваров
«Mu-sdienu Latvijas Garša», заслуживший титул
лучшего шеф-повара Латвии. Все прошло на
высоте, приехало 128 человек гостей, было
кое-что нас объединяет: это желание спокойно
оформляет сделку? Тем не менее, это так.
много музыки, детей и смеха. Гости оценили
отдохнуть в экологически чистом месте, рас-
Кстати, такое ознакомительное проживание
преимущества такой большой ухоженной тер-
слабиться и прийти в себя перед возвращени-
бесплатно, это часть гостеприимства нашей
ритории как наша, мне показалось всем понра-
ем к работе. Мне понравились слова одного
Солнечной Республики.
вились дома и разные квартиры, которые мы
из наших клиентов — спасибо ему, так вот он
показывали. Кажется, что все остались очень
сказал: «Тут квартиры покупают исключительно
А как к вам относятся наши риелторы? Много
довольны. Лично меня расстроило только то,
умные люди. Алексей, делайте из этого реклам-
клиентов привозят?
что обещали, но не сыграли мелодию Паулса
ный слоган». Я бы за, только наши маркетологи
меня не слушают. (Смеется)
Да, спасибо им огромное за это. У нас основ-
из фильма «Долгая дорога в Дюнах». Она ведь
ная доля продаж — это рекомендации: жильцы
так отлично подходит к этим местам! Вот такая
приглашают своих друзей покупать здесь же в
у нас романтика. (Смеется).
Кстати, о клиентах. Правда ли, что вы един-
Саулкрастах, в Sun Republic. Вторая группа, и
ственные в Латвии, кто своим потенциальным
это как минимум одна сделка в месяц, — реко-
покупателям предлагает формат «Попробуй
мендации риелторов. Они, кстати, особенно
перед тем как купить»?
поддержали наш формат «Test life». Привозят
Да, это я придумал. (Смеется). А если серьез-
на одну ночь к нам, потом показывают другие
но, то это и есть секрет наших успешных про-
объекты – в Юрмале и в Риге. Но у нас они про-
даж. Люди приезжают провести здесь один-два
водят весь первый день — этого достаточно,
дня и влюбляются в эти места, в архитектуру
комплекса, в эти многокилометровые пляжи.
Привозят с собой детей. Мы называем этот формат «Test Life», он дает возможность оценить,
что инфраструктура в Саулкрастах абсолютно комфортная – через дорогу поликлиника
и аптека, в пяти минутах магазин и пекарня.
На рынке деревенские продукты, речная рыба.
Гости могут побывать в бане, сходить в пляжный
ресторан, отпустить детей поиграть на наших
игровых площадках. А потом проснуться утром,
пойти на море и дышать этим свежим, таким
пряным воздухом. Как же он здорово пахнет!
Особенно после Москвы. (Смеется). Может
быть, поэтому большинство из тех, кто остался
у нас на несколько дней, после возвращения
в Москву в течение максимум трех месяцев
summer/autumn 2014
Приезжайте, наши менеджеры покажут вам город
и наши квартиры. Особенно ждем латвийских
риелторов — показать, какие мы стали, как обживается комплекс.
Забронируйте проживание «TEST LIFE»
по тел. 27704006
или на сайте
Photos courtesy of Latvian Tourism Development Agency and Pedvale
Famous Travel Destinations
Latvia boasts a wonderful collection of
open-air museums,
ideal for visiting this
summer season.
inspiration from the Abava Valley environment
has been around since way back in 1924, mak-
and to use natural materials from the local area.
ing it one of the oldest open-air museums on
The cultural heritage of Abava Valley is also an
the continent. With 120 buildings, the Latvian
essential aspect of the museum’s concept as
Ethnographic Museum is also one of the larg-
this too should be integrated with the natural
est ethnographic museums in Europe, with the
landscape and artistic inspiration.
collection originating from the four corners of
larly popular during annual festive celebrations
Latvia including Latgale, Vidzeme, Kurzeme and
such as Easter and Mid-Summer.
from Riga.
at six of the best open-air museums
This really is a delightful museum that dates
in Latvia; each of which is worthy of your explo-
back to 1992 when Ojars Feldbergs decided to
ration this summer season.
create a museum close to two former manor
houses. There are more than 150 artworks in the
collection on display here and the 100-hectare
museum is considered a ‘cultural monument of
national importance’.
popular in Latvia. It is located in a beautiful spot
Pedvale Open-Air Museum is highly regarded
on the banks of the Abava River Valley, close
and has already received a special reward from
summer/autumn 2014
The Latvian Ethnographic Open Air Museum
might consider this a good company retreat.
In this feature, Gateway Riga looks
Pedvale Open-Air museum is one of the most
to the ongoing project are encouraged to seek
It is possible to stay overnight here, and a
to the town of Sabile, around 120 kilometres
of the cultural landscape’. Artists contributing
UNESCO for ‘the preservation and development
conference hall is available for hire for those who
hoever said museums are boring?!
Pedvale OpenAir Museum
is highly
regarded and
has already
received a
special reward
for ‘the preservation and
of the cultural
At times this museum feels like a Latvian
The museum is located just outside of the
village stuck in a time trap with its collection
Latvian capital, adjacent to a lake, and is particu-
of farmsteads and houses, some of which date
includes castle ruins, reconstructed Latgalian
houses, and Bronze Age dwellings.
The location on Araisi Lake is one of the big
sells of this museum and visitors can explore
a windmill and a collection of houses situated
on an island in the lake. As is the case with
almost all of Latvia’s open-air museums, this
is a particularly great place to visit around the
key annual festivals.
This little visited open air museum is a great
escape from the city for anybody seeking
peace and quiet and a slice of culture. Situated
in a forest, close to the Lielupe River and
local beaches, Jurmala Open Air Museum is
essentially a nineteenth century fishing hamlet
made up of barns, dwelling houses, a bathhouse and fish curing sheds. The museum’s
wonderful location provides visitors with the
opportunity to stroll through the forest along
a decked footpath, which leads over sand
back to the seventeenth century. It covers
mer months, craftsmen practice their trades
Latgalians and Livs were the prominent cultures
dunes to the local, usually-deserted-beach.
almost 100 hectares of countryside and all of
for the public. Tram ‘6’ runs all the way here
in this land. It is said that Araisi Archaeological
the constructions on show are original, having
from the centre of Riga. Here is a full list of
Museum Park is the most studied site of its
been relocated to the museum. The permanent
the events being hosted by the museum
kind in this entire region. Situated close to the
exhibition includes countless household furnish-
this summer:
attractive town of Cesis, the 12-hectare site
Turaida is a collection of monuments that tell
ings associated with Latvian rural life. Livonian
fishermen’s former residences are amongst the
highlights of this fascinating and hugely atmospheric museum.
Araisi Museum Park is a collection of recon-
rides around the museum and even engage
structed buildings from ancient times, includ-
in a spot of cross-country skiing. In sum-
ing the Bronze Age and the periods when the
past 1,000 years. As much as anything, it is the
During the winter, visitors can enjoy sledge
the historical and archaeological story of the
summer/autumn 2014
wonderful location of Turaida, close to some of
the most beautiful forest scenery in all of Latvia
that makes a visit here so unforgettable.
With 120
the Latvian
Museum is
also one of the
largest ethnographic museums in Europe
The museum site encompasses around 42
hectares and is located six kilometres away
It is said
that Araisi
Park is the
most studied site of
its kind in
this entire
from Sigulda, and around 50 kilometres from
attractions are added to the reserve, including
draw for many who visit here. For others, it
Riga. Although this area has been settled since
children’s rides. Dainas Hill with its collec-
is the opportunity to follow kilometres of for-
ancient times, the first written records for Turaida
tion of fascinating sculptures is still the major
est trails that allow exploration of the stun-
date back to the start of the thirteenth century.
ning countryside. During the summer months
There are numerous legends linked to this area
the reserve is open daily from 9am until 8pm.
including the tale of ‘the Rose of Turaida’.
Turaida means ‘God’s garden’ – a name
given to it by the ancient Livs, and it is not difficult to see why the Livs were so taken by
the place, which today is dominated by the
red brick Turaida Castle, rising out of the forested landscape as if in a fairy tale. Turaida
was actually named ‘European Museum of the
Year’ back in the 1990’s and each year more
Turaida is a
collection of
that tell the
and archaeological story
of the past
1,000 years
summer/autumn 2014
Pride of place at this museum is the miniature
train narrow-gauge track, which runs on a 1.4
kilometre circle line and three-kilometre long
‘mountain’ line. The museum is particularly
popular during annual festivals that take place
between May and October, when craftsmen
from the region display their trade to inquisitive
visitors. The seaside open-air museum actually
dates back to 1954 although it only opened to
the public after 1960. This vast museum boasts
an astounding 600 exhibits and around 20,000
items related to the lives of Latvian farmers and
fishermen. One of the most popular exhibits is a
large windmill that was brought here from the
countryside in the 1970s. The park is open from
May 1 until October 31, so now is the perfect
time to visit.
Photos courtesy of Kalnciema Kvartal and Latvian Tourism Development Agency
Kalnciema Quarter is a very special corner of Riga where the
country ’s rich wooden architectural heritage is the backdrop to
one of its coolest and most upcoming cultural zones.
he Kalnciema Quarter, located just off
ble of listed wooden buildings from the eigh-
on the continent has such a concentration of
Kalnciema Street on the Pardaugava
teenth and nineteenth centuries. In Europe,
urban, high class wooden architecture sur-
side of the River Daugava, is an ensem-
these are considered unique as nowhere else
vived without being destroyed by the ravages
In Europe,
these are considered unique
as nowhere
else on the
continent has
such a concentration of
urban, high
class wooden
of fire or the ill-conceived whims of modern
tions are found in Pardaugava, and particularly
cism structures are UNESCO-protected and of
city planners.
in and around Kalnciema street; one of the city’s
great interest to many scholars, architects and
Riga’s astonishing collection of wooden
main transport arteries, which today helps con-
admirers of wooden architecture, because of
buildings are scattered throughout the city but
nect downtown Riga to the city’s international
their scarcity in modern day Europe. The loca-
many of the predominate surviving concentra-
airport. Latvia’s wooden classicism and eclecti-
tion of the Kalnciema Quarter on the road in from
 16 fully equipped apartments
 kid's playground
 free WiFi
 private parking
 breakfast
 airport transfer
We look forward to welcoming you
to the aparthotel
summer/autumn 2014
129 Gertrudes Street, Riga, Latvia, LV1009
(entrance from 7 Valmieras Street)
24 hour reception: +371 2546 1546
+371 2006 0009
the airport means that many first time visitors to
Culturally, Kalnciema Quarter remains out-
Pride of place is the restaurant Maja – a
have worked at Maja, while the interior, which
the city are instantly made aware of the city’s
side the fringes of the mainstream, but this is
restored nineteenth century cottage offering
boats chandeliers and gorgeous oak floors, is
certainly no flee-bitten hippies' hangout. Imagine
top class international dining to those in the
reason enough to dine here. Maja is open from
perhaps middle-aged hipsters, organic farm-
know. Some of the finest chefs in the country
noon until 10pm.
unique wooden architectural heritage.
In the regained independence years, painstaking renovation of the unique Kalnciema
Quarter lead to the district’s rich delights being
reopened for the public to enjoy. In turn, this
process encouraged new businesses to set
up here: restaurants and small start-ups made
this home and gradually the Kalnciema Quarter
began to host a series of cultural and business
events as it was fully renovated around 2009.
Today, the quarter is regarded by many in
the know as the food and drinks capital of Riga,
with its organic markets and highly regarded
wooden classicism and
are UNESCOprotected
summer/autumn 2014
ers, internationally renowned chefs and some of
the capital’s most culturally connected creative
minds meeting in one place, and you get a sense
perhaps of what this place is about. Indeed,
so popular has this district become over the
past couple of years that it now hosts open air
markets, hip festivals, sold out concerts and
independent movie nights every week throughout the summer months.
to host a
series of
cultural and
events as
it was fully
around 2009
Getting there
From the centre, you can reach
Kalnciema Quarter by crossing Vansu
Bridge by foot or bicycle and continuing
straight for several minutes. Trams ‘4’
and ‘5’ pass close to Kalnciema Quarter
as does the regular ‘Airport Bus’ (number ‘22’). Patrons are just as likely to
arrive here by cool retro bicycle as by
here on a Thursday evening to see what all the
fuss is about.
Visitors to Kalnciema Quarter will also find a
Kalnciema Fair is held every Saturday from
10am until 4pm. The fair is a little different each
survived and has become a home of several
design shop here as well as a wine store, gallery
spin-off initiatives.”
and regular exhibitions. Parts of Kalnciema are
and every time and there is always plenty of
For this summer season, open air concerts
real organic food and drink on show. According
are held in the huge backyard, and an alley of
to “While other initiatives that
local farmers’ food and snacks is set up every
have tried to establish farmers markets in Riga
Thursday evening until the end of September.
have mainly failed, the Kalciema Quarter market
This usually runs from 7-11pm. Entrance is free,
remains the only stable farmers market that has
so there is no excuse for not popping down
summer/autumn 2014
available for events, seminars, lectures, conferences and parties.
Pride of
place is the
Maja – a
century cottage offering top class
In Spring 2014, renovation began on the
last of the unrestored houses, where next
July "Wooden architecture centre Kalnciema
Quarter", popularizing the wooden architecture
of Pārdaugava, will open to the public.
In Spring 2014,
began on the
last of the unrestored houses
Upcoming events
yy Every Thursday: open air concerts
from 7pm-11pm
yy Every Saturday: farmers’ and crafts
markets 10am- 4pm
yy Gallery: open every day from
yy Paper object festival' organised by
Kalnciema quarter from June 27 till
July 22 (
Summer is here and there is no better time to get out
and about and enjoy the countless leisure activities
Latvia has to offer.
impossibly white
sandy beach
for 33
The best real estate
Photos courtesy of Latvian Tourism Development Agency
in Italy for You!
atvia is a dream for lovers of the outdoors.
with the twilight beginning as late as thirty
impossibly white sandy beach stretches for 33
This nation is one of the least densely
minutes before midnight around midsummer,
Jurmala is a gorgeous spa town located just 25
kilometres and is backed by fragrant pine for-
populated countries in Europe and offers
and it beginning to get light as early as 3.20 in
kilometres away from the Latvian capital. For all
ests and a collection of small urban zones. The
dozens of different outdoor leisure activities
the mornings. So why not take advantage of
intents and purposes, you could call this Riga-
leisure activities on offer here are many, quite
throughout the land. Latvia is also blessed by
Latvia's delightfully bright and sunny summer
on-sea, as a thirty minute train ride costing little
aside from sunbathing and swimming in the sea.
warm pleasant summers and its north-easterly
by enjoying some of the best leisure activities
over a euro will transport you from the capital
Yachting is becoming increasingly popular along
location means that summer evenings are bright
the country has to offer?
city to this wonderful summer escape. Jurmala's
the Lielupe River which helps sandwich the
summer/autumn 2014
Holding company Grand Milano Studio was born
owing to cooperation of ten business sectors:
real estate, advertising, construction, design,
advocacy, notary, tourist industry, accounting,
translations and transport. The company brings
together experts with extensive experience
working as a team.
We offer
 Sales of residential, commercial,
luxury real estate, land
 Real estate registration and full legal
support of property bargains
 Real estate management
 Russian-speaking stuff recruiting
 Help in opening bank accounts and
obtaining loans
 Help in obtaining residence permit
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summer/autumn 2014
is also the opportunity to bungee jump from a
cable car, and Sigulda Adventure Park is popular for its 'Tarzan' obstacle course, tobogganing
track and Ferris wheel.
resort between the Gulf of Riga and its watery
shipers. Latvia surprised a few people around
you will quickly realise that Latvians have more
expanses. Beach goers can also hire out water
the world when they won the Olympic bronze
than a passing passion for the sport of beach
sports equipment and the resort also boasts an
medal for beach volleyball at the 2012 Olympic
volleyball. While, beach football has caught on
You will have gathered that sports involving the
extremely popular water park.
Games. Plenty of journalists attending the
in recent years, visitors will spot dozens and
wind are popular in Latvia. Sailing can of course
Kite surfing has become popular in the past
London games even questioned whether Latvia
dozens of volleyball games being played at any
be enjoyed year round but with thousands of
few years, while you are sometimes just as
had beaches or indeed a summer season. Take a
one time in Jurmala.
lakes (12,000 in total); the summer season is
likely to spot bicycles on the beach as sun wor-
stroll along Jurmala in the summer months and
summer/autumn 2014
Roja and Mersrags, to name just a few places.
Surfboarding has become popular on Latvia's
the Sigulda region with part of it known in
west coast in destinations like Jurkalne and
ancient Liv as 'the garden of God'. This is a
Liepaja, where strong sea breezes help to whip
marvellous place to enjoy summer leisure
up some decent surf, while close to Riga at
activities and the options are certainly varied.
Lake Kisezers, a number of windsurfing clubs
The Aerodium is a vertical wind tunnel where
have been set up. Further afield, in places like
visitors can soar in the air just like in free fall
Daugavpils, Lake Aluksnes and Cesis, windsurf-
but without any of the safety risks or heart
ing is also catching the public's mood.
greatest memories of their time in Latvia and
was also regarded as being one of the high-
Children in Latvia must be some of the luckiest
lights of World Expo 2010 in Shanghai, where
on the planet as they enjoy a school summer
it delighted attendees. Close to Sigulda there
holiday that lasts three months! It is a given
is for many leisure enthusiasts one of their
Yacht clubs now exist in Ventspils, Lielupe,
One of the most beautiful places in Latvia is
stopping moments of skydiving. The aerodium
perhaps the best time of all to hoist the sail.
Latvia surprised a
few people
around the
world when
they won
the Olympic
bronze medal
for beach
summer/autumn 2014
Other top
Ramkalni with
its 400-metrelong roller
sled track
river rafting, jet skiing, and a whole myriad of
Hot air balloon rides over the beautiful Latvian
other water sports available to visitors.
countryside are a unique way to enjoy a bird’s
Orienteering and geocaching seem to
become more popular with each passing week.
There are orienteering competitions throughout
eye view of this wonderful country. Sigulda,
Kuldiga, and Liepaja are some of the favourite
If we wanted to mention in detail all the
hide and seek meets treasure hunting – now has
places for this.
summer leisure activities available in Latvia
thousands of geocaches across the country.
the summer all over Latvia, while geocaching –
we would be here all day. And so, as a final
Love fishing? Then enjoy the almost limit-
therefore that kids entertainment is well catered
lanes, forest walks and a lake to keep all of the
with over 500 kilometres of coastline, Latvia
mention, let us also draw your attention to
less opportunities all over Latvia. Whether it is
for in Latvia. We have already mentioned the
family entertained. There are also adventure
has dozens and dozens of amazing beaches
Very few tourists venture as far as Latvia’s
the following, including Latvia’s five golf
angling or sea fishing that tickles your fancy,
waterpark in Jurmala - Livu Aquapark - but
parks catering to the whole family in Ventspils
waiting to be discovered. One of the most
second city – Daugavpils – and this is a great
courses: Saliena, Ozo, Reinis, Denderi and
there are pike, salmon and trout aplenty.
other top summer attractions include Ramkalni
and Cesis.
popular is Saulkrasti, while the blue flag
shame as not only does the city boast some
beach at Liepaja is a brilliant place to hang
amazing tourist sites such as its outstanding
Horse riding is becoming popular all over the
to miss out on the dozens of leisure activities we
out, regardless of whether it is to partake in
150-hectare fortress and Mark Rothko Art
country but the untouched nature of Rezekne
have mentioned is the 2014 FIFA World Cup. But
with its 400-metre-long roller sled track, Lido
Summer is here, so enjoy it! The only excuse
in Riga with its family entertainment centre,
and Mezaparks - on the edge of the capital -
We began by mentioning the sandy delights
leisure activities, or simply to sunbathe or to
Centre, but it is also a great place to spend
and other parts of Zemgale are especially worthy
as most of the games kick off in the late evening,
where there is a zoo, adventure track, bicycle
of Jurmala, but we must also point out that
enjoy a summer festival.
some down time in the summer months, with
of your attention.
you haven’t really got an excuse anyway!
The Aerodium
is a vertical
wind tunnel
where visitors
can soar in the
air just like in
free fall
summer/autumn 2014
summer/autumn 2014
Photos courtesy of Wizz Air
Airline News
Exciting news for Latvian residents and the millions
who visit this Baltic country every year: Wizz Air has
created a base/hub in Latvia.
he forward looking airline has added
consumers will have access to more low cost
an Airbus A320 to its Riga fleet, and
services. Wizz Air is offering some seats on the
four new routes came into service on
new Riga routes on sale from just 19.99 euro
June 19. The four new routes are from Riga to
through its website.
Barcelona, Doncaster Sheffield, Dortmund and
József Váradi, Wizz Air’s CEO told journal-
Paris Beauvais. At the same time, Wizz Air has
ists: "This announcement underlines Wizz Air’s
decided to increase frequencies on its existing
commitment to Latvia. We started our opera-
services to London Luton and Oslo Torp. With
tions in Riga four years ago and already carried
the new destinations Wizz Air is now offering
200,000 passengers in 2013. The new Riga base
25 weekly flights on 8 routes from Latvia’s capi-
will not only bring a significant capital invest-
tal, representing 85% capacity growth year on
ment, but also create a number of local jobs with
year (July 2014). The airline is also confident
Wizz Air and our local business partners. Latvia
its expansion in Riga will stimulate the local job
is our 10th country where we have established
market in the aviation and tourism sectors as
base operations. We look forward to becoming
summer/autumn 2014
the airline of choice of Latvian consumers and
Elsewhere, Wizz Air has just expanded its
With the new
Wizz Air is
now offering
25 weekly
flights on 8
routes from
Latvia’s capital
In other news, Wizz Air has increased the
allowed to use Portable Electronic Devices
number of reserved seats on all of its flights.
(PEDs) such as mobile phones, electronic read-
The Reserved Seat option will be increased by
ers and tablet computers, on all Wizz Air flights.
33% to 16 seats in the first three rows of every
The only considerations to be made are that
aircraft. Passengers opting for the Reserved
passengers are asked to remove headphones
Seat option, available from €6 per flight, are
during the safety announcements of the cabin
amongst the first passengers allowed to board
crew and switch off electronic devices when the
and to disembark the aircraft.
crew cannot confirm that these are operating
Signifying that the airline is ahead of many
in flight mode and match the criteria for usage
airlines in its thinking, passengers are now
during the flight. Larger electronic devices which
network in Bosnia, Macedonia and Poland. And
could lead to injuries, such as laptops, will only
Wizz Air, touted as the largest low-cost airline in
need to be stored during take-off and landing.
Central and Eastern Europe, has just celebrated
According to an article in the British
its 10 year anniversary of its first flight from
Financial Times on May 22, Wizz Air is "planning
Katowice in southern Poland to London Luton on
to raise €200m through an initial public offering
May 19th 2004. Wizz Air was established with
the ambition of making flying more affordable
to the citizens of central and eastern Europe,
with other leading low-cost airlines focusing
more on western and southern Europe a decade
ago. By the end of 2013, Wizz Air had carried
a total of 69 million passengers. The airline
can now boast 300 routes and 96 destinations
across 35 countries. Wizz Air reported revenue
of around €1bn in the year leading up to March
31; up around 20 per cent on 2012-13. Profit for
the same period was €89m, up almost 200%.
The airline can
now boast
300 routes
and 96 destinations across
35 countries.
on the London Stock Exchange next month. The
company wants to use the proceeds from selling new shares to strengthen its balance sheet,
buy aircraft parts and expand in existing and
possibly new markets."
The newspaper went on to speculate that
the IPO could provide Wizz Air with a market
capitalisation of £1bn, which would appear to
be very good news for the future of Wizz Air's
new Riga base, and suggests many more new
destinations to and from Latvia could be on the
way soon.
summer/autumn 2014
nown affectionately as the ‘Granite City’
the city itself was founded in 1179. History,
or ‘Silver City’, Aberdeen is Scotland's oil
recreation and breath taking highland scen-
capital and principle city of Aberdeenshire.
ery are all close at hand, with castles, coastal
There have been human settlements here for
golf courses and, of course, whisky distilleries
at least eight thousand years, and Celtic tribes
galore for those interested in sampling one of
made this home around the time of Christ, but
Scotland's most famous exports. The Highland
summer/autumn 2014
Photo courtesy of Paul Tomkins VisitScotland Viewpoin
Photo courtesy of VisitScotland Viewpoin
beach - a stone's throw from the city centre,
Balmoral), pristine beaches, fantastical castles
with Aberdeen serving as an ideal base for
and even a monster are all nearby, depending
exploring further afield.
on the time of year!
City highlights include Aberdeen Maritime
Queen Victoria is said to have fallen in love
with Aberdeen and its region after a visit to
‘Royal Deeside’. Perhaps this isn’t surprising
considering the region is home to 300 castles,
a fantastic array of wildlife, miles upon miles
of unspoiled beaches and a top class arts and
cultural scene. Aberdeen Art Gallery has a world
class collection which includes work by one of
the most sought after contemporary artists –
Wildlife lovers
can discover an
amazing array of
creatures in this
region including
Golden eagles,
deer, ospreys,
dolphins, seals,
puffins and
Damien Hirst – as well as the masters Monet
Its title of Europe's oil capital (the industry
and Renoir. Two of its best known festivals are
provides 50,000 jobs in the area) means that
the annual Aberdeen International Youth Festival
it has plenty to offer the young modern pro-
and the Aberdeen Jazz Festival.
fessional in terms of career opportunities, high
In 2012, Mercer voted cosmopolitan
living standards, shopping and restaurants.
Aberdeen the 4th most liveable city in Great
There is almost no unemployment in Aberdeen,
Britain and number 56 in the world for expats
and its population size of roughly quarter of a
(Vienna was ranked top in the world). Aberdeen
million is ideal for many residents seeking a
has also been awarded ‘Britain in bloom’ winner
small-sized city that never becomes too over
ten times.
bearing. Holiday makers can also enjoy the
Museum, St. Machar’s Cathedral, 16th century
Provost Skene’s House and the 17th century
Tolbooth. While a short distance away from
Aberdeen is the Cairngorms – one of the UK’s
greatest assets: a huge expanse of untamed
mountains, moorland and forests. At Glen Tanar,
Scotland’s centuries-old Caledonian pine forest
is waiting to be explored.
Wildlife lovers can discover an amazing
array of creatures in this region including Golden
eagles, deer, ospreys, dolphins, seals, puffins
and - last but not least – whales. Quaint fishing
villages and some of the world’s oldest and most
famous whisky distilleries are also available in
the mix if you are planning a Scottish escape
this coming season.
Aberdeen International Airport is just 11 kilometres from the city centre.
Photo courtesy of VisitScotland Viewpoin
Aberdeen is the gateway to the Scottish
Highlandsand the north-east Scottish coast.
In 2012,
Mercer voted
Aberdeen the
4th most liveable city in
Great Britain
Games, the Royal family (part-time residents of
Photo courtesy of Paul Tomkins VisitScotland
tesy of Paul
Photo cour
Tomkins Vi
Photo courtesy of Paul Tomkins VisitScotland Viewpoin
Destination Guide
summer/autumn 2014
July 4 / Dzintaru Concert Hall
Felix Livshitz
June 10 / Great Guild
Diana Arbenina
Fly Project
July 19 / Studio 69
XI Kremerata Baltica Festival
Super Discoteque Retro FM
July 4-5 / Baltais Figelis
July 26 / Studio 69
f o rth c o mi n g e v e n ts
f o rth c o mi n g e v e n ts
July 19 / Mezaparks
June 18 / Dzintaru Concert Hall
New Wave Festival 2014
July 22- 27 / Jurmala
Andrejs Makarevics
June 19 / Dzintaru Concert Hall
Irina Bilik
August 7 / Dzintaru Concert Hall
July 23 / Studio 69
August 9 / Studio 69
Moraljnj Kodeks
Grigorijs Lepss
July 5 / Dzintaru Concert Hall
July 28 / Dzintaru Concert Hall
'Born in Riga'
World Jazz Festival
July 6 / Riga
Kings of Leon
The ball of flowers show
July 30-31 / Arena Riga
June 25 / Mezaparks
Tom Jones
June 26 / Arena Riga
Telmans Guzevskis
June 29 / Dzintaru Concert Hall
LMT Summer Sound 2014
July 11-13 / Liepaja
Svetlana Loboda
July 12 / Studio 69
Rigas Ritmi Festival
July 3-5 / Riga
summer/autumn 2014
Igors Mamenko
July 14 / Dzintaru Concert Hall
Rietumu Bank Latvian
Speedway Grand Prix
August 16 / Bikernieku
Ruki Vverh
Laba Daba Festival 2014
Stass Mihailovs
University of Latvia
July 9-19 / Riga
August 15-18 / Liepaja Promenade
July 10-13 / Botanical garden of
8th World Choir Games
Fontaine Festival 2014
Positivus Festival 2014
Positivus is back for its eighth
year and if you haven’t attended
the Baltics’ best music festival
then make sure you don’t miss
out this summer! While many of
Europe’s most popular festivals
feel like they sold their souls
many years ago, Positivus
remains unpretentious and a
delight to all who attend and
perform. The six stages are
backed by pine forests, meadows and a stretch of beautiful
white-sand beach.
The three-day festival attracts
more than 25,000 party goers
and has seen headline acts
including Muse, Manic Street
Preachers, Fat Boy Slim and
Sigur Ros. This year’s line-up
includes Kraftwerk, Ellie
Goulding and Elbow.
July 18-21 / Salacgriva
July 24 / Studio 69
August 1-3 / Ratnieki
August 29 / Studio 69
August 30 / Dzintaru Concert Hall
Comedy Club
August 1-3 / Dzintaru Concert Hall
The Milk Festival
August 3-4 / Lucavsala Island, Riga
24th Latvian Cycling Unity
September 7 / Sigulda
Amber Route
September 16 / Latvian National
July 25 / Studio 69
National Motorcross 2014
September 27-28 / Golden Motor
Championship Boxing
August BI 2 & LNSO
July 26 / Skonto stadium
August 4 / Dzintaru Concert Hall
Information correct at time of going to press.
Photos courtesy of Makroconcert, FBI, Positivus,
Fontaine, Studio 69, Summer Sound, Rigas Ritmi
summer/autumn 2014
h o t s po ts
Welcome to Majorenhoff restaurant!
We are happy to offer our guests versatile cuisine for gourmets and
lovers of exotic foods and traditional European dishes.
You will be able to find a wide assortment of different kinds of pizza in
our restaurant according to your own taste, and you will know what the
real Italian pizza is. Tried our pizza, baked according an ancient Italian
recipes with adding spices and sauces, and you will find yourselves in
the streets of Palermo or Neapol. We are ready to offer a wide assortment of sushi to admirers of Japanese food. Restaurant's style, interior
and atmosphere are ideal for various events from business lunches to
romantic dates and meeting with friends.
Here everything is done to make our guests comfortable. Attentive and
helpful waiting staff will acquaint you with new dishes on our menu.
Our restaurant is situated in the very heart of Jūrmala resort at the
beginning of pedestrian Jomas Street. Our guests always come back
and every time we are ready to surprise them with our new offers.
Sophisticated yet cosy atmosphere, versatile and creative menu will
leave you with the best impression and positive emotions.
Aspazijas bulv. 36/38, Riga
tel +371 66010333,
Hours of Operation: Open Daily, from 12:00 until 23:00
(breakfast from 7:00 to 11:00).
Latvian traditional restaurant
„Tavern” is located in the longest
building of Old Riga – Barracks of
Jacob`s, Torn¸a Street 4 – 2C,
opposite the cannon. “Tavern”
offers two different dining rooms:
100% Latvian Cuisine
100% Latvian Beer
100% Latvian Music
In this house there have always
lived soldiers so don`t be surprised if you hear steps or love
whispers... If you don`t believe
us, stay till midnight!
100% Fish
100% Wild Game
100% Live Music
You are welcome to enjoy our
special atmosphere and our
chefs` masterpieces – all the
recipes are created exclusively
for our restaurant and you!
Torņa iela 4- 2C, Jēkaba Kazarmas,
Riga, LV-1050
tel +371 67321260,
+371 67271915 (24/7)
The Restaurant „Pētergailis” is a marvelous exception, open since
1978. Above all, it keeps stable and secure position in the niche in spite
of all the governmental changes. You will be suprised by such an amazing collection of roosters over the bar, as well the design and interior of
this place is cosy and justify the name of the restaurant.
Restaurant "KEY to RIGA" - inspired by Latvian tradition
You are welcome to our restaurant KEY to RIGA in order to experience old
time Riga atmosphere, enjoy its hospitality and city's traditional cuisine. The
restaurant is situates at very heart of Riga Old Town – the Dome Square. Our
brand is authentic and ancient interior, ample candlelight and traditional cuisine dishes, like Key to Riga, Devil’s Servants, Nun’s Confession, One Little
Piggy – these are only some of the dishes in our menu that will bring you into
a rich world of taste, all served in clay pottery.
Our outstanding masters of cookery and waiters make sure that your every
visit is a royal adventure – enjoy your meal in an ancient interior or sunny
outdoor terrace.
Restaurant was created fallowing an inspiration from the legendary Latvian
film DEVIL'S SERVANTS (Vella kalpi) which was made in early 1970's by Riga
Film Studio and was highly acclaimed later on across the borders.
You are welcome to our restaurant KEY to RIGA for breakfast, lunch and dinner..., to celebrate and feel like a king or queen!
The success key of The Restaurant „Pētergailis” is the delicious meals
served with acceptable prices. The menu is classic with lot of original
„Pētergailis” meals.
25 Skārņu iela, Riga, LV-1050
tel +371 67212888, +371 29240866
Open: 10:00 – 24:00
Doma Square 8a, Rīga (Old Town)
tel +371 28370747 ; +371 67225190,
Working time: Every day from 11:00 until the last quest
Jomas iela 42, Jūrmala
tel +371 20240000, +371 67764060,
Open every day from 10:00 – 23:00
h o t s po ts
Following the latest culinary trends in the world of gastronomy, De
Commerce Gastro Pub 1871 offers its innovative new approach to the
traditional pub-restaurant dining experience with meticulous attention
to flavors, ingredients, and presentation. Stylishly decorated classic
interior is designed using fine wood, luxurious fabrics and finishes,
complemented with an intense palette of dark tones, while the natural
light floods the room softens and refreshes the ambience.
Enjoy the view of the vibrant city center, experience our imaginative
menus with an extensive selection of wine by the glass and handcrafted cocktails and do not forget to sample the impeccable, award-winning cuisine of our top-rated Executive Chef Karlis Visockis.
summer/autumn 2014
Restaurant «ALUS ARSENĀLS» («Beer Arsenal») is located in the Old
Riga, near the Presidential Palace of the Republic of Latvia, on the quiet
Arsenāla Street. During summer season a large terrace is opened with
an outlook on the Presidential Palace of the Republic of Latvia.
Democratic, informal atmosphere, excellent Latvian cuisine, attentive
and fast service, reasonable prices – it's the restaurant «ALUS
Good choice of latvian draft beers.
Pils laukums 4, (entrance from Arsenala iela)
LV-1050, Riga, Latvia.
tel +371 67322675, +371 20363335,
OPEN: Mon – Thu 11:00 – 23:00
Fri – Sat 12:00 – 24:00
12:00 – 23:00
This is a democratic pub for everyone’s taste beginning with the freeform industrial style design and ending with a wide variety of dishes
from hamburgers to carbonades made in the Latvian style. Our speciality is TEX-MEX dishes. Prices are reasonable and serving sizes huge (it
is a rare occasion when our guest can manage 2 dishes in one sitting).
If you don’t want to eat to excess we have special offers for breakfasts
and for dinners (from 12.00 till 17.00). During the summer you enjoy
have a meal or lounge with a refreshing drinks on our outside terrace.
Bergs Bazaar, 83/85 Elizabetes iela, Riga,
tel +371 67288418, +371 29988881,
Open: Mon-Thu: 10.00 – 01.00 Sat: 11.00 – 03.00
Fri: 10.00 – 03.00
Sun: 11.00 – 01.00
Airy and stylish Elefant restaurant is located on the first floor of the
Wellton Elefant Hotel. White elephant statue welcomes guests to enjoy
a relaxing meal from our fine a la carte menu, which offers a wide
range of European and traditional Latvian dishes. Restaurant is ready at
your service daily from 11:00 am till 03:00 am - everyone has their own
perfect meal time!
During summer time, you can enjoy the weather with seasonal specials
on our outside terrace daily daily 11:00 am – 11:00 pm! Get refreshed
with chilled drinks, light salads and cold soups!
90 Kalnciema Street, Riga, LV-1046, Latvia
tel +371 67083110
Open: daily from 11:00 am till 03:00 am
summer/autumn 2014
Riga International Airport
All photos courtesy Riga International Airport
A range of new routes are
available direct from Riga
this summer.
The Latvian national airline airBaltic has launched
85%. Basing one aircraft in Riga provides much
include the Polish airline LOT to Warsaw and
was completed. The next part of the project will
testing grounds for the company’s evolving
ognize individual passengers’ voices and be
greater flexibility for the airline in its planning by,
Transaero to Moscow.
be to construct a gallery to connect the terminal
range of robots.
pre-programmed to be aware of details such
for example, making early departures possible.
It boosts the competitiveness of direct traffic.
and a new pier will be constructed with facades
One day robots could help with, for exam-
as their shopping habits. Initially, from 2015,
and infrastructure. Purchase of seven jet bridges
ple, the airport’s program to meet and assist
special beacons would be placed around the
In May, Riga joined the league of 150 airports
will then get underway. It is hoped the whole
the elderly or people with special needs.
terminal to test the environment and see if
and Aberdeen in Scotland, Gothenburg, Sweden,
around the world that can accept flights of one
project will be completed in 2018.
Equipped with software that understands more
it is suited to the particular robots Iridium is
Palma de Mallorca, Spain, both Burgas and
of the biggest aircraft types, the Boeing 747-
The overall effect will be a substantial rise
than 100 different languages, they would rec-
Varna in Bulgaria and Bucharest, Romania. This
8. The biggest Boeing series plane to land in
in capacity and, eventually, an increase in the
Riga airport’s history was operated by the cargo
amount of space for shopping and restaurants.
airline Atlas Air. With a length of more than 76
A reconstructed VIP Centre, expanded to
metres and wingspan in excess of 68 metres,
2060 square metres, opened last November,
the aircraft is truly a giant of the skies.
able to provide speedy services to Schengen
coming winter season it aims to launch direct
flights to Poprad at the foot of the High Tatra
Mountains in Slovakia.
New routes will be opening up to and from
Riga as one of Europe’s fastest growing airlines
establishes a base at the airport.
Routes to Barcelona, Paris, Dortmund and
Doncaster/Sheffield are taking off as Wizz Air
opens its base at Riga International Airport on
83 destinations
are available
from Riga this
The event sends a signal to cargo operators
and non-Schengen passengers alike. With this,
that Riga International Airport can now handle
Riga is prepared for 2015, the year of Latvia’s
planes of this size. Riga current takes around half
EU presidency.
of the total air cargo in the Baltics and can easily
handle two Boeing 747s simultaneously. The
airport handled 53,000 tonnes of cargo in 2013.
A letter of intent has been signed between Riga
June 19. Wizz is already a strategic partner of
Altogether 83 destinations are available from
the airport, with popular routes in operation to
Riga International Airport this summer season.
London Luton, Eindhoven, Oslo Torp and Bergen.
Other airlines are back in development for
The new routes will make eight in total for
passenger volumes, increasing the number of
Extending the terminal building continues. Last
as one of a number of public spaces such as
Wizz Air from Riga, increasing their capacity by
flights to popular existing destinations. These
year construction of additional aircraft stands
hotels, rail stations and shopping centres as
summer/autumn 2014
Photo courtesy of F64
routes for the summer season, between Riga
International Airport and the UK-based robotics
company Iridium. The aim is to use the airport
Arrival of the Boeing 747-8
summer/autumn 2014
New stores at Riga International Airport
include Furla and Tumi
The range of shopping keeps expanding at the
is a partnership between TAV, the leading airport
been able to bring quality brands to Riga airport,
Baltic region’s biggest airport. Two new stores
operator in Turkey, the duty-free operator Unifree
increasing the choice for passengers.
have been unveiled, demonstrating the airport’s
and Gebr.Heinemann, one of the largest duty-free
The overall aim is to make the passenger
direction towards quality high-end brands.
operators and supply firms in Europe. The partner-
experience at the airport as smooth as possible
ship creates powerful operations and logistics.
with a pleasant stress-free environment for shop-
Tumi is known as the world’s leading brand of
luxury travel, business and lifestyle accessories.
Established in 1999, ATU Duty Free is the
Its exclusive long-lasting products include hand
sole duty-free operator of airports in Istanbul,
ping and relaxing before a flight.
To promote this idea, Riga Airport
luggage, luggage accessories and wallets.
Izmir, Ankara and Alanya/Gazipaşa in Turkey,
International has one of the fastest free Wi-Fi
Furla, meanwhile, is one of the most famous
Tbilisi and Batumi airports in Georgia, Enfidha
speeds among airports worldwide. Users sim-
“Made in Italy” brands in the field of leather
airport in Tunisia and Skopje and Ohrid airports
ply wait for ten seconds of advertising before
accessories. Its stores sell eye-catching and
in Macedonia, as well as Riga.
logging on. For smokers, a smoking area has
stylish handbags and a wide variety of wallets.
ATU Latvia also recently opened a new store
been placed next to one of the Costa cafés in
The Tumi and Furla stores take up 17.5 square
in Riga’s VIP Terminal. The new 25-square-meter
Departures. Information screens are placed
meters of retail space, opening at Riga Airport
shop features high-end brands in tobacco, alco-
everywhere so that shoppers are constantly
International in time for the busy summer sea-
hol, fragrance, cosmetics and accessories
informed about their flights.
within the passage of both arriving and departing
an e-commerce operation starting next year, in
son. They can be found in the commercial area,
Meanwhile, the airport is planning to launch
Tumi and Furla are the second and third mono-
which everything that can be bought in the ter-
Riga Airport International launched cooperation
brand stores to open at Riga airport after the
minal will also be available for purchase online.
with the professional airport retail operator ATU
successful unveiling of Victoria’s Secret in 2013.
Duty Free in 2011. A German-Turkish joint venture,
Shops with a single brand are virtually unheard
ATU now operates 15 duty free and travel value
of at other airport terminals in the Baltic region.
Riga Airport International is also offering further
shops in Riga along with subcontracted shops. It
Through its expertise in airport retail, ATU has
services. Entry to the Business Lounge, which
provides good food, soft and alcoholic drinks,
comfortable seating and the latest newspapers.
Passengers are called personally when it’s time
for boarding. Fast Track security is also available, at €10.
Alternatively, many cafés offer a “grab-andfly” food service. Or you can be a member of the
RIX Club privilege card for €179 a year, which
gives business-class services and unlimited
access to the Fast track security control, access
to Business Lounge five times a year, as well as
discounts in stores, golf clubs, taxis, etc.
Check-In Baltic
Palasta iela 10,
Rīga, LV 1050
Tel: +371 29207271
Magazine reg. nr.
Editor-in-Chief Justin Walley
Contributing writer Anatol Steven
Art director Guntis Gvozdevs
Publisher Māris Jēkabsons
Advertising and Sales Enquiries:
Tel:+371 29207271
Comments and opinions:
Gateway Riga is the official airport magazine for RIGA International Airport.
It is distributed three times per year. Start circulation 17000. Opinions expressed in this
publication are those of the authors or persons interviewed and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the editor, Check-In Baltic or RIGA International Airport.
All rights reserved. Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Unsolicited manuscripts, photographs and
illustrations are not accepted. Gateway Riga accepts no responsibility for such materials
sent to its office, nor is it liable for loss of, or damage to, such material. All prices are
subject to change without notice.
Gateway Riga accepts no responsibility for printing errors.
Printed by PNB Print, Latvia.
Special thanks for help with editorial content and/or providing photo: Wizz Air, Daniel de Carvalho, Zane Berzina, Instrumenti, Positivus Music,
Gunārs Deniškāns, Makroconcert, Enars Plinta, Latvian Tourism Development Agency, Studio 69, Jānis Enkūzens, Fontaine, Summer Sound, RISEBA,
Sanita Buciniece, Lelde Zaķe, Solvita Freimane, Sport Museum Latvia, Liva Petersone, Kalnciema Kvartals, Pedvale, Polina Naidenko, Visit Scotland,
Daniel Barr, Scottish View Point, Laura Miglone.