2nd lnternational Conference - imateh
2nd lnternational Conference - imateh
RIGA TECHNICAL U N IVERSITY Faculty of Civil Engineering lnternational Conference I n novative Mate ria ls, Sttu ctu res and Technologies 2nd Book ofAbstracts Riga, Latvia, 30 September - 2 October 2015 Riqa 2015 RIGA TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Faculty of Civil Engineering 2nd In lnternational Conference novative M aterials, Stru ctu res a nd Tech nolog ies Organised by the Faculty of Civil Engineering Riga, Latuia, 30 September - 2 October 2015 Book of Abstracts RTU PRESS Riga - 2015 Editor-inChief Diana Bajare, Dr. sc. ing", Professor, Riga Technical University Members of Conference Scientific Gommittee E-mail: diana.bajare@rtu.lv Andrus Aavik, Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia) Hakim Abdelgader, Tripoli University (Libya) Secretaries Liga Radina, Mg. sc. ing., Riga Technical University Diana Bajare, Riga Technical University (Latvia) Kaspars Bondars, Riga Technical University (Latvia) E-mail: liga.radina@rtu.lv Andris Chate, Riga Technical University (Latvia) Daira Erdmane, Mg. soc., Riga Technical University Donatas Cigas, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania) Nele De Belie, Ghent University (Belgium) E-mail: daira.erdmane@rtu.lv Raimonds Eizensmits, Chairman of the Board, Latvian Association of Consulting Engineers (Latvia) Gregor Fischer, Technical University of Denmark (Denmark) Laura Sele, B. sc. ing., Riga Technical University E-mail: laura.sele_2@rtu.lv Boriss Gjunsburgs, Riga Technical University (Latuia) Reiner Jager, Hochschule Karlsruhe (HSKA) (Germany) Editorial Board address Talis Juhna, Riga Technical University (Latvia) Faculty of Civil Engineering Tomas Hanak, Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic) Viktors Haritonovs, Riga Technical University (Latvia) Riga Technical UniversitY Aleksander Kozlowski, Rzeszow University of Technology (Poland) Gintaris Kaklauskas, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania) Miroslav Komljenovic, University of Belgrade (Serbia) Aleksandrs Korjakins, Riga Technical University (Latvia) Kipsala Str.6tu6B LV-1658, Riga, Latvia ' Chairman of Conference Scientific Committee Sandris Rucevskis, Riga Technical University (Latvia) Phone: +371 67089123 E-mail : conference@imst-rtu.com Jana Koryt6rov6, Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic) Jarek Kurnitski, Tallinn tJniversity of Technology (Estonia) Joao Labrincha, University of Aveiro (Portugal) lsBN 978-993 4-1 0-7 42-9 Stephen O. Ekolu, University of Johannesburg (South Africa) Ainars Paeglitis, Riga Technical University (Latvia) Leonids Pakrastins, Riga Technical University (Latvia) lna Pundiene, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania) Karlis Rocens, Riga Technical University (Latvia) Dmitrijs Serdjuks, Riga Technical University (Latvia) Juris Smirnovs, Riga Technical University (Latvia) Genadijs Sahmenko, Riga Technical University (Latvia) Renars Spade, Ministry of Economics (Latvia) Rimvydas Stonys, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania) Sigitas Tamulevicius, Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania) Ralejs Tepfers, Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden) @ Riga Technical UniversitY, 2015 Published bV RTU Press, Riga Technical University, 1 Kalku street' Riga, LV-1658' Latvia Printed by RTU Printing House Nikolay Vatin, Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University (Russia) Viktorija Volkova, Dnepropetrovsk State Higher Educational lnstitution "National Mining University" (Ukraine) Miroslaw Wesolowski, Koszalin University of Technology (Poland) TABLE OF CONTENTS EFFECT OF SILICA FUME ON TWO-STAGE CONCRETE STRENGTH.............'"' 14 Abdelgader H., El-Baden A. '15 FTBRE REINFORCED POLYMERS (FRP) AS REINFORCEMENT FOR ....."".'"......''' 17 CONCRETE ACCORDING TO GERMAN Alex R. APPROVALS PREDICTION OF CORROSION RESISTANCE OF CONCRETE CONTAINI.NG NATURAL POZZOLANS FROM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH,.,,. Al-Swaidani A. M., lsmat R., Diyab E., Dib Aliyan S' COLOURED REACTIONS AND EMISSION OF ELECTRONS TOWARDS EARLY DIAGNOSTICS OF POLYMER MATERIALS OVERLOADING...' "....... "..' Aniskevich A., Bulderberga O., Dekhtyar Y., Denisova V., Gruskevica K', Juhna T., Kozak 1., Romanova M. 18 " 1 9 CROATIA .................21 CoNSTRUCT|ON CzemplikA. lAW....... ....................32 ALKALI-ACTIVATED ALUMINIUM-SILICATE COMPOSITES AS INSULATION MATERIALS FOR INDUSTRIAL Dembovska L., Bajare D., Pundiene 1., Bumanis G. ..........33 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF CONCRETE COVER IN NEW HIGHWAY BRTDGES .........................35 Ekolu S. O., Solomon F. PORE DISTRIBUTION AND WATER UPTAKE IN A CENOSPHERE.CEMENT PASTE COMPOSITE Baronins J., Setina J., Sahmenko G., Lagzdina S.' Shishkin A' MATERIAL.... ."....."22 THE EFFECTS OF AGGRESSIVE ENVIRONMENTS ON THE PROPERTIES oF FLY ASH BASED GEOPO1YMER................... ..'........'........."""' 23 Bascarevic 2., Komljenovic M., Nikolic V., Marjanovic N. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON TENSILE CRACK PROPAGATION OF HIGH ...'.......""...."" 25 TOWARDS PRACTICAL CARBONATION PREDICTION AND MODELLING FOR SERVICE LIFE DESIGN OF REINFORCED coNcRETE STRUCTURES................... ......................36 Ekolu S. O. DURABILITY OF ALKALI ACTIVATED BLAST FURNACE S1AG,......,....................37 Ellis K., Alharbi N., Santizo Matheu P., Varela 8., Hailstone R. DEVELOPMENT OF NEW CEMENTITIOUS MATERIALS BY ALKALTNE ACTTVATTNG TNDUSTRTAL BY-PRODUCTS..........................................38 Fernandez-Jimenez A., Garcia-Lodeiro 1., Palomo A. ........'.". """' 26 STRUCTU RAL NVESTI GATION OF ALKALI ACTIVATED CLAY MINERALS FOR APPI.-ICATION IN WATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS..... "...........'27 Bumanis G., Bajare D., Dembovska L. I SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF REACTIVE POWDER CONCRETE FOR ITS APPLICATION ON THERMAL INSULATION PANE1S..,......31 Chozas V., Larraza 1., Vera-Agullo J., Williams-Portal N., Mueller U., Flansbjer M. ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF HEAT PUMPS IN COLD C1IMATE........"......................34 Dimdina 1., Lesinskis A., Jakovics A., Gendelis S. USAGE OF ALTERNATIVE, ENVI ROI'IMENTALLY ACCEPTABLE MATERIALS-EXPERIENCE FORM EASTERN Barisic 1., Zagvozda M., Dimter S. AGGREGATE EUROPEAN VERTICAL REFERENCE SYSTEM INFLUENCE IN LATVIA .............. 30 Celms A., Reke 1., Ratkevics A. APPLICATION Barnat J., Bajer M. RECYCLED Borga R. P., Ferrara L., LYnsdale C. CEMENT BASED BATTERIES AND THEIR POTENTIAL FOR USE IN LOW POWER .""".............29 Byrne A., Holmes N., Norton B. INSPECTION OF CONSTRUCTION WORKS ACCORDING TO POLISH FIBRE-REINFORCED ADHESIVE FOR STRUCTURE ANCHORING.."..,....'"..,' ".. 20 THE RHEOLOGY OF SELF COMPACTING PASTE AND MORTAR INCORPORATING WASTE LIMESTONE FILLER AND ACCIDENTS OPERATTONS FINITE ELEMENT MODELLING AND ANALYSIS OF CONVENTIONAL PULTRUSION PROCESSES Akishin P., Barkanov E., Bondarchuk A. STRENGTH CONCRETE Baskers 8., Sprince A., Pakrastinsh L. ROAD SAFETY BARRIERS, THE NEED AND INFLUENCE ON ROAD ......."...................28 Butans 2., Gross K.-A., Gridnevs A., Karzubova E. TRAFFTC ANALYSIS OF YEARLY TRAFFIC FLUCTUATION ON LATVIAN H|GHWAYS.. .....................39 Freimanis A., Paeglitis A. GLUED JOINT BEHAVIOR OF COMPOSITE PLWVOOD PLATES....,........,...........40 Frolovs G., Rocens K., Sliseris J. COLOURED REACTIONS AND EMISSION OF ELECTRONS TOWARDS EARLY DIAGNOSTICS OF POLYMER MATERIALS OVERLOADING ANDREY ANISKEVICHl, OLGA BULDERBERGA1, YURI DEKHTYAR2, VIKTORIJA DENISOVA3, KAMILA GRUSKEVICA3, TALIS JUHNA3, IGOR KOZAK2, MARINA ROMANOVA2 llnstitute of Polymer Mechanics, University of Lafuia, Riga, Latvia ;htstltute of Biomedical Engineering and Nanotechnologies, Riga Technical University, Riga, :tDepaftment of Water Engineering and Technology, Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia E-mail : and rey. aniskevich@pm i.lv, dekhtyar@latnet. lv, kamila.gruskevica@ft u. Iv Latvia Flbre-reinforced composites with epoxy matrix and polymers are of wide applications in €ngln€ering. the early undetected damage of these materials could be a reason of the constructions 6€leBtrophic destruction. Thc polymer pipes (polyvinylchloride or polyethylene) have extensive applications in drlnking-water dishibution systems. The polymer materials have a long lifetime and are Rot Busceptible to corrosion, organic and inorganic additives being in use to improve matcrlal durability and lifetime. Polyethylene, polyvinylchloride and the above mentioned eddltlves tend to leach biodegradable organic compounds. These compounds serve as a nutrlent source for bacteria; they may react with disinfection agents (like,chlorine, ehloramine and ozone) and are capable to form carcinogenic substances, water organoleptic properties (taste and smell) are influenced. The leach could be promoted dua to mechanical loading of the pipe (thermal and soil shift induced deformations, etc.). Therefore early diagnostics of the materials overload is of high importance in practical appllcation. Thc following approaches were employed towards early diagnostics of the materials ev€rload: (1)coloured visualization of the overloaded area of the material; (2) detection ol the emission of electrons as a result of loading of the material. For coloured visualization the encapsulated leuco dyes and colour developer were used. Overloading ruptures, the capsules and dyes react with colour developer. Such a reaction' davelops the colour at the location of the overload. The embedded encapsulated components are well incorporated with the fibre reinforced composite with epoxy matrix. Because the overloading at the bulk of the material is invisible, only its surface layer is avallable for such diagnostics. fhe detection of the electron emission was employed during the loading of both composites and polymers that are in use for water pipes. lho experiments were provided with the dog-bone shaped specimens. Both the coloured reaction and emission of electrons were detected for the loaded specimens ln slfu. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT lhe research leading to these results has received the funding from Latvia state research l)rogramme under grant agreement 'INNOVATIVE MATERIALS AND SMART TECHNOLOGI ES FOR ENVI RONMENTAL SAFETY, IMATEH'. ,lm wrn *t*h r Supponers RTU Latvian Bobslei9h and skeleton Federauon Latvlan Assoclatlon of Buildinq l',,laterial ProduceE Latulan Aisoclatlon of civil Engineeu (LACE) Latuian Association of Stuctural Enqineering (LASE) Association of Road Bul dlng ofLatvla Larvian Asso.iation of Consulung En9lneenng (L KA) MinktryofEconomi.s ofthe Republuc of Latvla Asociation of l',1€chanical Enqlneennq and Metalworking lndust esof Latvla 'Celu blvniecibas sabiedriba'lqate'1 Ltd CEMEX 'ESCO bnv€i Ltd @ ',;\ \i # Siandartiat on, Acreditation and Met@logy centrc (sAN1C) Association of TEnsport Enqineerinq 34107 rililil[ * moten ANDSMARTi!(HNOIOGIIS IORENVIROI{MENTAISAEry MATtH"
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