Full Project Description
Full Project Description
Full Project Description MOTHERLAND. The idea of the Bubble Show was born in autumn 2000 in Riga, in Alberta street where all houses are known to have been built by father of famous Eisenstein. There lived Dmitry Zagga and Artur Punte, and one lazy evening they were experimenting with household chemical goods and an old slide projector. It resulted into the product, which is now known by club or exhibition visitors, etc, as he Bubble Show. TECHNIQUE. The basic idea implies that all available in everyday life liquid and dry substances can be used for obtaining rather effective images! If you mix these substances in a certain way (by now the following matters are covered: vegetable oil, soy-bean sauce, dissoluble tablets, cheap perfume, colourful washing-up liquids, iodine, bath sea salt, etc.) and make them react with each other, mix up and play in colours in a small bottle, placed in between the lamp and projector lance, you can get fascinating “ambient” images on the screen. Undoubtedly the ways of how to reach beautiful reactions, deserving to be shown on the screen, are not for giving away, however some basic recipes of creating bubbles can be revealed to public. Vegetable oil serves for the basement of a number of reactions: perfume does not dissolve in it that enables to create inside the liquid an iridescent bubble the main hero of the Bubble Show and watch its unhurried transformation. “Sizzling” tablets dissolve much slower in oil then in water. This adds the reaction a kind of “antigravity” dynamics that highly corresponds to the atmosphere of chill-out. Vivid washing-up liquids enrich the range of colours of the Bubble Show, as well as colourful bottles inside which reactions take place (for example it could be a box of candies Hits). The technique of creation bubbles and finding new reactions is in constant development. Special equipment is being created and stronger projectors are adjusted out of materials at hand. The authors are looking for new components and prepare special slides in accordance to the theme of certain party or event... It is an excitable way of search and the pioneers of the Bubble Show are far ahead comparing to pirates, appearing from time to time. CONCEPT. Actually, creation of bubbles is a mere way to make your leisure time creative and sentimental, it comes back to our childhood passion to “scientific” experiments, born under our impression of books like “Amusing physics”. However if the authors of the Bubble Show faced the public, there should be artistic concept too. Possibly nostalgia on the pre-digital era can explain everything, because NDP (Non Digital Performance) in one of the principles of the Bubble Show. In the time of hypertrophied development of electronics, such nostalgia is clear from the humane point of view. On the other hand the Bubble Show creates special environment, interactive atmospheric cinema. Improvised “films” with bubble participation are being created in real time, they do not offer single-meaning plots, but let the spectator relax and work on most general archetypes, as earth sky, predator victim, fornication... Aesthetically the Bubble Show lies closely to all phenomena, which could be called Freak Art. These are all those cases of out-of-genre artistic expression, when we do not speak of professional expression, because, in contrast to settled genres, in the given field these are not yet (or already) any rules. These are all those cases when obviously non-artistic stuff is adjusted to artistic aims, when in routine and practicality we find an artistic function. An example, closest to the Bubble Show, could be musical performance by the same Dmitry Zagga, in the course of which he sticks paper strips on vinyl plates, and then the obtained random sounds are processed by sound software and played immediately in real time. PERFORMANCES. 1. Visual accompaniment in several concerts of OROBORO band (2000, Riga). 2. Performances in night clubs Metro, Pulkvedim Neviens Neraksta (2000, 2001, Riga). 3. Performances in night club Jûras varti (2001, Ventspils). 4. Visual accompaniment of Russian band “Nozh dla Frau Mueller” in the concert in night club Casablanca (2001, Riga) 5. Visual accompaniment of the jubilee concert of the choir “Kamér” in the Latvian National Opera. 6. Open air performance within the frameworks of the project “Box” feat. Selffish (+371rec. LV, Thinner DE) (2002, Liepåja, Karosta) 7. Performance within the frameworks of the DABA ambient music festival feat. Selffish (+371rec. LV, Thinner DE) in Ventspils 8. Performance on the floating gallery “Noass” within the frameworks of the festival Waterpieces/Watercolors feat. Selffish (2002, Riga) 9. Performance within the frameworks of music festival Trincstock (2002, Latvia) 10. Performance in the night club “Kray” (2001, Moscow) 11. Performance within the frameworks of the international film forum “Arsenal” (2002, Riga) 12. Visual accompaniment of austrian band “TOSCA” (Rupert Huber, G-stone records) 2003, Riga, 13. Various commercial presentations 2000-2003. 14. Visual accompaniment of "The Auxmen" (USA) and "Scion" (DE) on the main dance floor at "Hela Uus Heli" festival in Tallin, Estonia. 14. Visual accompaniment of "Martines Gonzalez” (LV) in club “16 Tonns” in Moscow (Russia). (2005) e-mail: zagga@inbox.lv punte@orbita.lv phone: +371 6 769446 adress: LV-1010, Antonijas 24-21, Riga, Latvia We always look forward to possible collaboration. Peace and Love! A few “screen shots” of several projections.