Ma¯ris Verpakovskis - Riga International Airport


Ma¯ris Verpakovskis - Riga International Airport
Take your FREE copy!
summer/autumn 2007
Māris Verpakovskis:
The small striker with
the big name
Finding space
to breathe
Sigulda 800
Maris Verpakovskis:
The small striker with the big name
Welcome to the
Dressing like a Latvian
The calm before the storm?
Finding space to breathe
Unravelling the new real estate laws
largest and fastest
growing airport in
the Baltic region!
Over the last two years Riga International Airport
has been growing rapidly with a big increase in the
number of handled passengers and we are continuing
this development as we speak.
In March a new departure terminal was opened at
Riga Airport, which will raise the airport capacity by
20% - 25%. At the present moment this terminal is
used by low-fares airlines. However, in the future the
terminal will be used by passengers travelling to the
states that have not joined the Schengen Agreement.
The new passenger terminal has raised the airport
capacity to four million passengers annually.
This summer will be significant with an extension
of major infrastructure and modernisation operations.
We have already commenced runway reconstruction
work and next year the runway will have the capacity
to accommodate larger aircraft. The runway extension
Sigulda 800
is an important part of the airport development plan,
as it will enable us to handle intercontinental flights.
It will also allow increased traffic, as well as improving
landing safety in bad weather conditions. The required
The scourge of bad debt
investment for runway infrastructure modernisation is
likely to be more than 15 million lats.
We are working on the airport development plan,
with ideas for a new terminal and aircraft stands.
The fantastic and the bizarre
Soon the airport will become even larger and more
comfortable for both - passengers and airlines. The air-
Fancy starring in “Stockholm the Musical?”
port is also working on a strategic development plan
for at least the next 50 years, which includes the construction of a new terminal and runway. In the framework of the development plan, it is essential to con-
SAS: United Scandinavia
nect Riga city centre and the airport by a modern railway or fast-speed tram line. This project, in cooperation with Riga City Council and passenger transport
operators, could be completed by 2013.
In the mean time, we look forward to seeing you
again in our airport very soon!
All the latest news and developments
from Riga International Airport
nis Peters
Chairman of the Board
of Riga International Airport
summer/autumn 2007
Dressing like
like a Latvian
Photo: Latvian Tourism Development Agency / V.Kleins
National costumes help define culture. Many would-be nation builders complain that
the Latvian nation often lacks a sense of unity, and yet, when the Song and Dance Festival
is held in this country a significant proportion of the population unites in dress and song
to express their Latvianness.
Closer to home, and this region
When we think of one nationality
of north eastern Europe, national
or another we often identify a par-
costume clearly sets aside the Sami
ticular culture by its history, lan-
tribes of Sweden, Norway and
guage, national idiosyncrasies and
Finland from other ethnic groupings.
even that particular nationality's
And while national costumes tend
cuisine. The British are associated
to be more of a curiosity for the
with double-decker buses and red
telephone pillboxes, both of which
barely exist today except for the
benefit of tourists. In the case of
the Japanese most of us associate
the eastern Asian country with tea
Photos: Latvian Tourism Development Agency
ceremonies and Mount Fuji.
Undoubtedly, one thing that sets
many nationalities apart is their
national costume. It is perhaps this
that gives true individuality to
benefit of tourists in Sweden and
as it is
dates back
to around
the c13th
and c14th
Denmark, here in Latvia the national costume, although not worn on a
daily basis, is seeing something of a
national renaissance; a renaissance
that is helping to shape the image
of Latvia and Latvians abroad.
Remembering the Balts
National costumes are complex
both in design and meaning as they
tribes, races and nations as diverse
help to identify clan, wealth, marital
as the Mayans of Guatemala and
status and age. They are essential to
the Turkmen people of Central
our understanding of cultural identity
Asia and bestows upon them a sin-
and serve as a valuable reference
gularity that is as unique as an
source to the distant past. This situa-
individual person.
tion is no different in Latvia.
summer/autumn 2007
Men and women's
national costume
The national costume as it is
avoid queues. check-in online
defined today dates back to around
the c13th and c14th, although it is
thought to have been significantly
influenced by the urban fashions of
Photos: Latvian Tourism Development Agency
the c18th. When looking at the
influences on men's costumes one
must not overlook the influence of
the military here in Latvia and
elsewhere. While most women
hand-made their clothes themselves,
the men were very often presented
with their uniform in the workplace, or by their army superiors.
The great majority of those that
did not fall into these two brackets
would have had their clothes made
Although Latvia has seen countless
Conversely, football fans that wish to
by a tailor. Women traditionally
tribes come and go, amongst them
show their tribal identity and stand-
wore a long skirt and a long-
the Semigallians and the Latgallians,
ing as part of a collective unit will
sleeved linen shirt. The main influ-
the accepted source and origin of
wear the same colours or team shirt.
ences date to the c13th.
what has come to be accepted as the
In the past costumes represented
Dressing like a Latvian
national costume is defined by the
tribal or clan identity; while necessity
clothing worn by the tribes known
and practicality meant that it made
as the Livs and the Balts.
sense to hand down garments to the
of the items of clothing that make
next generation.
up the Latvian national costume:
Nowadays, disposable incomes in
the west and the influence of capital-
The following is a brief overview
Broadly, men and women's
ism mean that we seek individuality
national costumes in Latvia are very
by dressing differently to others.
Two single pieces of leather provided men with a pair of pastalas.
These were used on a daily basis,
with boots only worn on very spe-
Reproductions of
centuriesold Latvian
become very
in this Baltic
cial occasions and festivals.
It is believed that during the bleak
Latvian winter men would wear several pairs of stockings under these
rather thin shoes to keep the frostbite at bay.
Latvia had more than its fair
share of decorative jewellery.
Reproductions of centuries-old
Latvian rings, brooches and necklaces have become very popular in
this Baltic country since it regained
summer/autumn 2007
One click to for the best
ticket prices, internet check-in
with seat reservation, flight details,
frequent flyer Miles and beyond.
accentuated an individual's prosperity.
The main functions though were for
Silk scarves later became all the
adornment, to keep the wearer warm
rage around the c18th. Their multi-
in winter months and to add to the
purpose use included them being
other elements of design that were
worn over the head, over a hat, or
being worn by the individual.
tied elegantly around the shoulders.
Head covering
United nation
If a single woman went out with
its independence at the beginning
and age, the nation's citizens do not
her community would have regard-
wish to wear national costume on a
ed her as a scarlet woman. The gar-
daily basis, increasingly these gar-
land seen at Ligo celebrations today
ments are donned for special festivals
was essential head wear for any
and celebrations.
self-respecting virgin maiden in cen-
In the case of the Song and
Dance Festival practically the whole
Silver, bronze and amber were
amongst the most important materials used.
The geometric designs used in
Latvian folk art are an integral part
of national costumes. They evoke
something of the Middle East and
Persia for some, and of Scottish tartan for others. Some commentators
ethnically Latvian population goes
The geometric
in Latvian
folk art are
an integral
part of
describe these ornaments as a visual
pictorial form used to replace the
written word.
Latvian women would once have
worn a wrap-around skirt. This developed into a sewn upper skirt and a
pleated skirt.
Photos: Latvian Tourism Development Agency
While quite obviously, in this day
her head uncovered, then many in
of the 90s.
Traditionally linked to fertility rituals, the sash was used to secure the
skirt. The josta could be up to three
metres in length.
The shawl has always been one of
the most important and recognisable
parts of Latvian national costume.
Extravagant shawls would have
turies past.
summer/autumn 2007
national costume crazy. On this very
special occasion a sense of national
identity and oneness is perhaps
greater than at any other time in
Latvia as tens of thousands of
singers, performers, dancers and the
viewing public celebrate their unique
national identity in unison.
The next song festival will be held
from July 6-12, 2008.
The small striker
with the big name
past us (due to the away goal rule)
The Turkish fans were crazy. They
shouted, screamed and threw stuff
home after that game. I can't
We probably had five or six times
remember his name any longer, but
less fans than Germany but I clearly
I can still see his face.
heard them all the time on the
at us, which made it very intimidat-
Rated as the best footballer of his generation in Latvia, Maris Verpakovkis starred
in the 2004 European Championships, was named player of the year by Dinamo Kiev
in 2005, and now plies his trade in the Spanish Primera Liga.
pitch. It was a big help to our team.
ing. After the match though, they
What part did the Latvian fans
were really polite towards us. They
play who turned out in their thou-
didn't direct their anger and disap-
sands in Portugal?
pointment towards us, but instead
What did it feel like to suddenly
become an ambassador for your
The fans were absolutely fantastic.
to their own players.
national side. The majority of us
ed to go but it was something that
The following interview took place in
were playing or had played for
always felt far away - very distant. I
late March at the Latvian national
Skonto Riga around that time.
guess the national team only under-
Latvia took to the pitch against
stood that the dream had come true
Germany in Portugal. You earned an
at the final whistle (editor: in Turkey).
historic 0-0 draw, but for those of us
football team's training ground in
Mezciems just ahead of Latvia's
European Championships qualifying
ty to the status of a national hero in
After all, practically all the teams
match with Liechtenstein.
a matter of months. Is that how you
in the qualification group were fan-
in Porto it seemed like you were
remember that time?
cied more than us. Very few people
robbed of victory.
You burst on to the scene at
Photos: Latvian Football Federation
You seemed to rise out of obscuri-
Fast forward seven months and
Most of the attention was on the
around the time that the Latvian
national team. Of course around
national side was at its best in the
2003/4 the press was interested, but
country's history. What do you put
it was the journey of the national
the success of that team down to?
team, the road to Euro 2004 that
It was step by step. The national
took everybody's attention.
team was well balanced with a nice
mix of young and older players.
Did you really believe that the
It was
the referee
was sent
home after
that game
who were in the stadium watching
expected us to finish above the likes
We should have had one, maybe
of Poland, Hungary and Sweden. We
two penalties. I'm one hundred per
were definitely the underdogs.
cent sure that if it had been a
German striker being fouled instead
At what point did it begin to hit
of me then a penalty would definite-
home that you had a genuinely
ly have been given on at least one
good chance of making the finals?
of the occasions. They want the big
The second goal against Turkey was
teams to progress. Against Holland
Individually we were perhaps nothing
Latvian team were capable of qualify-
the highest point. In that moment
we conceded a crazy penalty. On
spectacular but collectively we were
ing for the European Championships
emotions were so, so high. The whole
that basis, I should have had both
very good. I think we were more
team realised in one moment that
given to me against Germany. It was
Turkey needed two more goals to get
interesting that the referee was sent
like a club team than a typical
We believed and hoped. We wantsummer/autumn 2007
summer/autumn 2007
It was the national team, which
Kiev and were soon running out in
European Championships. It was
against Barcelona. Fortunately for
weren't open by then. Some of the
thirty or eleven and then everybody
was the ambassador. All together we
the Champions League. That must
quite something to play in front of
Getafe, Barca didn't have their full
best footballers in the world have din-
has a siesta. So after training you just
did a great job.
have been a tremendous experience?
90,000 Kiev fans. We were so
team available. Messi and Eto were
ner at 10 p.m every evening.
eat and sleep, but you get used to it.
unlucky. I think we were the only
injured, while Ronaldinho and Deco
great experience. The atmosphere was
team to ever get ten points but not
were suspended.
maybe even better than the
qualify for the knock out stages.
The Champions League was a
Following the European Championships finals you moved to Dinamo
Every morning we train around ten
It's not exactly the worst life in the
How would you compare the
In 2005 Kiev fans voted you the
supporters' club player of the season.
12 months later you were out of
It was
to play
in front of
Kiev fans
Spanish league to what you were
used to in Ukraine?
In the Spanish league pretty much
favour and struggling to get a first-
all the games are exciting, and all the
team place. What happened?
teams play fluid football. In Ukraine
It was a sequence of events. I got
there were only two or three good
injured and around the same period
teams. In Spain every week there is a
of time the trainer changed. As a
good game. In Ukraine it was a case
result of that I didn't play for a
of ten men behind the ball with
while and it was hard to get back
most teams we played against.
into the side. There was great competition for places.
of playing
in one
of the
top five
Why is the style of football so different in Spain?
Kiev let you go on loan to Getafe
The Spanish mentality is more
in Spain at the beginning of this
open, emotional. The sun, the weath-
season. Suddenly you were making
er make sure life is like that.
your Spanish debut against the greatest club team on the planet.
It was very emotional for me.
I hadn't played much. I flew to
summer/autumn 2007
Was it difficult to adjust to life
in Spain?
At first I was shocked they ate din-
Madrid and after ten days' training
ner at 9:30. I wanted to eat at seven
suddenly I was making my debut
o'clock but I found the restaurants
summer/autumn 2007
Outside of football what do you
like to do?
I love travelling but I don't get
place. The Brazilians were all happy,
dancing. It seemed to me that they
didn't care about money at all. They
much time to do it with my football
just need the ocean and the sun,
commitments. I love visiting new
and maybe a bit of football. The
countries, meeting new people and
locals were incredibly friendly. In
discovering new cultures. When I
the space of ten days in Rio I was
come back to Latvia I try to find free
invited to two birthday parties and
time to go to Berghof Manor House
one wedding.
and relax with my friends. We usually hang out in its saunas in the mid-
If you could get on a plane
dle of the Latvian countryside. It's a
tomorrow and jet off for a holi -
great way to get my energy back.
day where would you go?
On a day-to-day basis I usually
I really want to visit Australia
play tennis, go to the cinema and
and Japan. I think Japan would be
I think Latvia is developing well
eat good food. In Spain it seems that
something very different… and, of
and fast. People earn more and are
everybody only eats in restaurants.
course, I'd like to go back to Brazil.
on their own feet. We finally seem
to understand that we are independ-
There is a real eating culture.
Finally Maris - after having
You mention travelling. Which
place sticks out for you?
Rio was atmospheric and totally
fantastic. I was shocked by the
Latvia find themselves in a very
world. Now it's part of my routine. I
ed to play just like him. As a kid
even had a siesta today. (An overcast
all I ever got to watch was Russian
tough qualifying group for the
Latvian afternoon in March with ice
next European Championships.
Has the national team got any
still on the ground)
In Spain you are playing in one
of the best leagues in the world.
Was your dad also a nippy striker?
realistic chance of repeating its
No, he was an attacking midfield
outstanding achievement of quali fying last time out?
Who do you rate as the number one
player on the planet at the moment?
I always like to watch Barca.
They have some of the best players
We want and will do everything
If Getafe offer you a contract
would you like to stay?
I want to stay. It depends a great
in the world. Ronaldinho is a fan-
deal on me and how I play during
tastic player but I think Christiano
the next couple of months. I hope
Ronaldo has been the best player in
I play well and Getafe sign me on
the world this year. He has been
a more permanent basis.
And what are your ambitions
beyond that?
If players like Ronaldo are role
in our power to qualify for
Switzerland and Austria. Realistically
Spain and Sweden are more powerful
of course, but with our back-to-back
home games in June we have the
chance to spring a surprise.
Will you be giving the boss a tip
really fantastic for Manchester
United all season.
My father
was my
role model,
hero and
I want to stay in Spain. I'm not
or two ahead of Latvia's home game
with Spain?
I think there is so much exposure
models for you who were their equiv-
thinking about any of the other
of the Spanish league that the train-
alents, when you were growing up?
leagues. All footballers dream of play-
er already knows everything he
My father was my role model,
ing in one of the top five leagues. I
needs to know. I don't think there
hero and inspiration. I watched him
am lucky enough to have that expe-
are too many surprises with the
training and playing. I always want-
rience playing in Spain.
Spanish team.
summer/autumn 2007
ent and that we can do what we
lived in Ukraine and now in
want. Soviet thinking has finally
Spain you must see Latvia
gone and now on the whole it
through a different pair of specs,
depends on you what you do and
so as to speak?
what you achieve.
Poor's points out that economic
sures and expectations, with meas-
2.5 - 3.5%
growth is not balanced currently
ures designed to address fiscal
2.0 - 2.5%
and that there are clear signals of
responsibility, tax and duty policy,
potential overheating in the economy. On February 20th, Standard &
Poor's revised its outlook for
Latvia's long term sovereign debt
from stable to negative, whilst
affirming its long term “A -” and
short term A - 2 sovereign credit
Subsequently on April 5th, the
rating agency Fitch similarly
The calm
before the storm?
The first quarter of 2007 witnessed a noticeable increase
in the volume of news coverage and international commentary
on the Latvian economy.
changed its outlook on Latvia's forfollow more stringent policies for dis-
eign and local currency Issuer
bursement of loans during Q1 2007
Default Rating (IDR) from stable to
e.g. issuing loans only to people with
negative, maintaining its foreign and
officially proven income.
local IDRs at “A -” and “A” respectively. The rating agency stated that
The current account balance of the
the outlook change reflected an
increased risk of an abrupt adjust-
cial banks reached 3,081 million
LVL at the end of November 2006,
76.3% more than the previous year
according to data from the Latvian
commercial bank association. The
mortgage loan market leader in
2006 was Hansabanka for the second year running.
The number of commercial mortgages registered in the Commercial
mortgage register has exceeded
100,000 for the first time, reaching a
total amount of 41.95 billion LVL.
In this issue of Gateway Riga guest
In January, the profit of the
and promotion of competition.
mistic, with the bank commenting
According to a report by Danske
that the plan is very vague on con-
Bank published on March 8th, the
crete measures.
Latvian government's plan to reduce
inflation via the tightening of fiscal
and credit policies is long overdue
in the Latvian economy during
Q1 2007, it seems likely that the
that the plan may not be enough
economic issues highest on the
to address the overheating in the
agenda in Q2 2007 will continue
economy, and that Euro adoption
to be dominated by the develop-
before 2012 looks unlikely. Overall
ment of the country's inflation,
however, Fitch took a positive view
and the associated government
of the proposed changes to real
policies and the assessment of
estate taxation, measures to control
their effectiveness.
credit growth, and proposals to
sector wages.
15.2% for the same period in 2005.
economic growth.
As we went to press Standard &
Latvia announced recently that in
Poor further downgraded Latvia's
November 2006 Latvian export
credit rating.
On March 6th, the Latvian gov-
Given the main developments
little too late. Similarly, Fitch noted
or a prolonged, painful slowdown in
The Central Statistics Bureau of
and is feared to be a case of too
GDP in Q4 2006, compared to
EAS is an independently owned
private company based in Riga,
advising clients on acquisitions,
disposals, debt raising, private equi-
The Latvian government's plan to
ty, business valuation, and financial
reduce inflation contained the follow-
modelling. For further information,
ing forecast for annual average infla-
please contact:
tion for 2007 - 2011:
6.5 - 6.7%
Kelvin Hooke BSc ACA
million LVL. On February 23rd the
ernment released their planned
5.0 - 5.5%
Financial Times commented that
measures to reduce inflationary pres-
4.0 - 4.5%
+371 29572319
Latvia had a huge current account
According to the rating agency
Fitch, Latvia's current account deficit
was the highest in the EU at 21% of
GDP in 2006, while inflation in
February 2007 was the second-highest
at 6.6%. By April inflation had risen
yet further to 8.5%.
International Ratings
Standard & Poor's, the rating
agency, stated that in a global con-
expert Kelvin Hooke BSc ACA of
Latvian banking sector was 25.6 mil-
text the Latvian banking sector can
Eurodeal Advisory Services summarises
lion LVL, or 40.7% more than in
be compared to that of China,
the main developments.
January 2006. Banks have started to
Turkey, and Panama. Standard &
summer/autumn 2007
government's forecast as overly opti-
restrict the rapid growth of public
Imports exceeded exports by 303.6
In a global
the Latvian
can be
compared to
of China,
and Panama
Danske Bank has challenged the
market productivity, energy prices,
ment in capital and financial flows
pared to the previous month.
Mortgage loans issued by commer-
control of lending growth, labour
Balance of payments was 26.3% of
amounts decreased by 2.3% com-
Latvian government's
to reduce
via the
of fiscal
and credit
is long
and is
feared to be
a case of
too little
too late
from local developers. For example,
for the Rietumu HQ, where a lease
is available, we already have 150%
have been
of some
being built
on sand
Finding space
to breathe
A map showing the up and
The supply of optimal office rental space in Riga
is struggling to satisfy the growing demand
from both international and local companies.
coming business districts in Riga
“We are interested in c-types and
stand that they need telecommuni-
Colliers International
Gateway Riga spoke to four of the
b-types, which we can offer at our
cations, electricity etc. and make
Jekaterina Kosmaceva
leading real estate companies in
industrial park premises. The benefit
sure everything is in place. The
Director Commercial
This is due to the fact that the
Latvia and asked them about the
of this type of premises is that you
going market price is around 10-15
Real Estate Department
market woke up late, and because
“There is a very limited supply.
prices and availability of office rental
have office space at the front and
e/m2, and I would say we are
Margita Otto
there is limited construction capacity
space in Riga, along with their opin-
production behind. There is a big
priced at 11-14 e/m2. Nordic
Marketing and PR Director
combined with a lack of experience
ions on trends in the market.
demand for these because companies
Industrial has two industrial parks
want to be near their production.
close to the city centre. From our
NP Properties
Current prices range between six to
Elita Moiseja
eight euros per square metre.
Executive Director
Many, many companies want Bclass premises in industrial park
areas. The heaviest demand is for
small offices around 24-50 square
metres. There are, however, very few
side of the river they don't look at
the other, and vice versa.
Parking is a major, major concern.
I'm pleased to say that we have no
problem at all with this aspect of
things. In fact, I would say we have
projects offering this. One problem
a definite competitive advantage over
is that you lose out on space
our competitors.
because of corridors.
experience, if someone looks at this
We need
on Riga's
We need more development on
At Nordic Industrial Park the
Riga's perimeter. How much space do
majority of our clients have small
we need? A year ago 160,000 square
space requirements. Companies look
metres was predicted. The message
at who else is there. They want to
from the experts was that if you are
group. A good example of this is
planning sketches, forget it. One year
probably IT companies. As a devel-
on is there actually enough space for
oper that is good news. I under-
new developers?”
summer/autumn 2007
Margita Otto
letters of intent.
B-class buildings have a number of
drawbacks including parking and
commercial terms.
There is already a migration from
the city centre to Kipsala and Krasta
Street. Some of the new projects will
be realised very soon, others in 3-5
Duntes House
lem. I believe that Krasta and
one of the first projects that gen-
Skansta streets will become two of
uinely fits the requirements of EU
the most important areas.
standards for A-class office buildings.
Existing A-class buildings include
Kipsala and Skansta both have A-
years time. In the future I believe
I say to them, if you do this, this
the old town will just be for tourists.
and this then we know six or seven
Some developers over-estimate proj-
companies who will sign up.”
are stable
and ready
to pay
to move
to good,
brand new
ects. In the next 3-4 years the situation will continue, then the market
what A-class means in Latvia.
Centrs, but they fall short on some
Everybody wants to claim they are
of the EU standards including air-
A-class but, if you take somewhere
moisturising systems.
Aigars Zarins
Chairman of the Board
ing? Kipsala is great, but it is diffi-
from local and foreign companies.
cult to get outside of Riga from
The top companies want the profile,
there. Skansta is more popular. The
the atmosphere and, of course, the
north ring road from Jugla will make
conditions. It is essential for many
access easier from one side of the
such companies to present themselves
city to the other.
to their customers and clients in this
way. It is also a way for them to
In my point of view businesses
show that they care about their
need to be concentrated. In Vilnius
there are two business areas.
Construction costs are high but
now local companies are stable after
fifteen years and ready to pay to
Inese Kristapsone
Head of commercial department
the market will return to full
There is a high demand for A-class
like Valdemara, where is their park-
dent after the resultant trough that
The Da Vinci Project is frozen
Saules Akmens and Valdemara
move to good, brand new offices.”
will reach saturation. But I'm confi-
strength once again after that.
class although it is difficult to say
“Offices have historically been in
The top
the profile,
of course,
“New A-class buildings will be
residential buildings. This presents
workforce. If they feel that they are
being treated well then it follows
that they will work harder.
The pre-requisites include parking,
upwards of 50 square metres of
space, and a good building management system, which helps avoid
problems like the water system breaking down after you move in.
Demand outstrips supply big time.
A-class should mean easy access to
because of archaeological finds. This
one very big problem - parking.
ready at the end of this year and in
the city centre, good infrastructure
will perhaps be frozen for another
Clients don't want to come to the
2008. We have an exclusive offer, for
with banks and cafes nearby. There
nine months. People often don't do
centre of Riga because of this prob-
example, on Duntes House. This is
should also be a consideration of
Aigars Zarins
the proper topology, and there have
public transport. I would say that
been stories of some projects even
there are four A-class office buildings
being built on sand.
currently available. When you consid-
Some local projects, which have
er that some foreign companies are
been well publicised, won't be
demanding up to a thousand and
realised. The banks will not give
more square metres you can see by
them the financing. It will be 3-4
how much demand is outstripping
years and after that the best projects
supply. The average price for A-class
will dominate. By then prices will be
is currently 16-26 euros/m2 (some A-
around 35 euros per square metre.
class office premises rental prices for
This year A-class projects are priced
VIP are 35 EUR/m2), with B-class
at nineteen to twenty three.
coming in at 9-18 euros/m2.
New projects include Duntes House
We work from green-field all the
way through. We start with the con-
and the new A-class development on
cept, we tell them when they should
Vesetas iela: Rietumu Capital Centre,
commission, what the rent should be
Inese Kristapsone
Balasta dambis, Z-towers.”
and whom they should target.
as well as the office buildings on
summer/autumn 2007
the new
real estate laws
Since joining the European Union in 2004, Latvia's property
market has been a magnet for investors from Germany, Russia
and Scandinavia. But, with Latvia's government taking
measures to help cool the economy, new legislation
has created a legal mine field for some potential investors.
the traditional form of Western
price and paid into the budget on
domestic holding structures will be
other serious considerations for
socialism - the “wealthy capitalists”
behalf of a non-resident. If the tax is
affected, but it would also concern
those involved. If the real estate is
should pay more. Although the aim
not withheld, e.g. in case it is sold
the sale of shares or interest in for-
only partly used for business opera-
of the proposed rules may, from
to a resident or non-resident individ-
eign companies, partnerships, trusts
tions, the taxable income is calculat-
first sight, be regarded as noble
ual, the annual tax return must be
or investment funds. Analogue rules
ed in proportion to the part of the
and fair, their actual application
submitted to the Latvian tax authori-
are also anticipated with respect to
real estate used for business purpos-
may instead create more uncertain-
ties and 25% tax must be calculated
the calculation of the tax payable
es. Although these rules are included
ty and a lack of clarity.
on the income earned. The income
by companies in accordance with
in the Section on the calculation of
is calculated as the difference
the Corporate Income Tax Act.
the taxable income of resident indi-
The present wording of the law
states that in order to avoid personal
between the sale price and the acqui-
income tax being imposed on the res-
sition price with the expenses (e.g.
vision may prove to be a real chal-
by paragraph 5, that they also apply
ident's income gained from the sale
state duty for registration in the
lenge as it is not clear how the
to the rental income earned by
of a real estate it is enough that the
Land Register and notary duties). A
income from the alienation of
real estate is owned by the person for
non-resident may also opt to include
shares will be calculated. For exam-
The new amendments to the
more than 12 months and the sale of
his income in the tax return and
ple, where investments in an invest-
Credit Institution Law are planned
the real estate does not have the fea-
apply a 25% tax rate if the 2% tax
ment fund that has diversified its
to aggravate the process of obtaining
tures of a business operation. The
has already been withheld, which
investments to other financial instru-
loans for individuals who wish to
new amendments to the law stipulate
will be regarded as an advance tax.
ments. The application of the provi-
get a loan but cannot prove their
imposing the personal income tax on
Given that the 2% tax is withheld
sions may also be challenging where
legal income. Currently there are
the income gained from the sale of
from the net profit and not from
shares in a real estate company (and
banks that grant loans even when
real estate where such real estate is
the actual income, this might be of
in particular investment funds or
a person cannot clearly state an offi-
owned by the person for less than 36
benefit, if the profit margin from the
partnerships) are owned by several
cial salary proving their ability to
months and is not the person's per-
sale of real estate is relatively low.
shareholders. Although not explicitly
perform their credit obligations
provided by the suggested wording
towards the bank. The amendments
it would be only logical that taxable
impose an obligation for the banks
income in the case of the sale of
to obtain, before granting a loan to
manent place of residence. The per-
there are
banks that
grant loans
even when
a person
an official
viduals, it has been explicitly said
and surroundings have risen by a
manent place of residence is to be
staggering rate in the past years
only such real estate where the per-
thanks to a developing economy
son has been living until its very sale,
companies (where more than 50%
shares or interest is calculated in
a natural person, a certificate from
and it therefore automatically excludes
of the assets are directly or indirect-
proportion to the shareholding in
the State Revenue Service on the
from the application of the said
ly represented by real estate situated
the company (or a fund or partner-
person's income in the cases and
exemption the sale of land.
in Latvia) will be affected as well. If
ship) and costs of the real estate.
according to the procedure stipulated
Although the proposed amend-
the shares in such a company are
The draft amendments also leave
by the Finance and Capital Market
ments are aimed at speculative deals
alienated the 2% tax shall be with-
open the issue of the application of
Commission. Amendments to the
by locals they also have an impact
held from the profit so earned or
the concept of “indirect ownership”.
Law on the State Revenue Service,
on foreign landowners (non-resi-
the income must be included in the
dents). It has been suggested that the
annual tax return and accordingly
tax will be applied only in cases,
Revenue Service should provide
Parliament, include taxing profits from
income of a non-resident from the
taxed at the 25% rate. The taxable
when the foreign shareholding is
information on income of natural
the sale of real estate in the first
sale of real estate is taxed in any
income will be calculated as the dif-
sold to Latvian residents. It would
persons in the cases stated in leg-
three years of ownership, an extension
case, disregarding the term of owner-
ference between the nominal value
not affect cases when the shares in a
islative acts. Currently, drafts of the
from the current one-year rule.
ship or the fact of whether the non-
of shares or interest in the establish-
Latvian real estate company owned
said legislative acts have not been
fuelled by booming consumption and
easy credit.
Lately however, there has been
growing concern that the bubble
might burst. Latvia's government has
taken measures to cool the economy.
Measures introduced by the Cabinet,
but yet to be approved by the
In this special feature, Attorney-at-Law
Sit up and take note
The actual application of the pro-
amendments have
taken the
form of
Foreign shareholders of real estate
It must be emphasised that the
in their turn, stipulate that the State
resident permanently resides in the
ment and the historical value or
by a non-resident are distributed to
developed yet, therefore it is not
and Senior Manager at Deloitte,
made by the Cabinet to legislative
real estate or not. The only deter-
acquisition price of the real estate.
possible to say how the State
Vita Liberte clears up the current situ-
acts for preventing inflation is
mining criteria for imposing the tax
It should be noted, however, that
ation for Gateway Riga readers:
examined separately, in more detail,
is that the non-resident holds title to
this concerns not only investments
businesses, either. The new Section
mation on the income of natural
Latvian legislation has provided for-
When each of the amendments
The legislator has not neglected
Revenue Service will provide infor-
a number of surprises are revealed
the real estate situated in Latvia. If a
in capital companies or partnerships,
11.6 states that if real estate is used
persons and how long the banks
eign investors with an opportunity to
that concern not only the so-called
non-resident sells the real estate to a
but it is also extended to invest-
for business but is reclassified as
should wait for the statement on
purchase or rent real estate property
real estate profiteers, but any indi-
Latvian resident company or resident
ment funds and trusts, the majority
tangible property used for personal
the person's income from the State
with virtually no limitations. Real
vidual with more than one proper-
individual entrepreneur, the tax at
of the assets of which are represent-
needs and sold within 36 months
Revenue Service in order to grant
estate prices in the country's capital
ty. The amendments have taken
2% must be withheld from the sales
ed by the real estate. Not only
after reclassification, then there are
the loan.
summer/autumn 2007
summer/autumn 2007
Sigulda 800
Sigulda celebrates its 800th birthday this year.
With a star-studded line up of artists and
musicians waiting to perform at special events
in August, and parties set to run all summer,
there has perhaps never been a better time
to visit this attractive town and
surrounding region than now.
and schools in the country, many
Riga's Bishop Albert and the Order
late 19th century when the Riga -
Latvians have recognised the benefit
of the Brethren of the Sword.
Pliskau road and the Riga - Valka
of using this attractive city as a
railroads were finished. It was at this
a million per year and with the con-
fortress on the banks of the Gauja
time that the Kropotkins dynasty
struction of an Olympic-standard luge
mute into the capital city, 53 kilo-
River tradesmen quickly settled in
recognised the potential of the
and bobsleigh track in 1986, Sigulda
metres away.
the area and a community began to
Sigulda region for recreational pur-
put its name on the international
flourish. News of the existence of
suits and began to openly market
map for winter sports.
this community reached Rome and
the area to the rich gentry through-
Sigulda only became a city in
With regained independence from
it was not long before a Papal
out the Russian Empire. With the
the Soviet Union Sigulda began to
Sigulda is arguably the oldest and
open to visitors from home and
1928, although the history of this
ambassador called Wilhelm rode into
convenient links to Riga in place
quickly attract business-minded indi-
most popular tourism and cultural
abroad. There is even a summer bob-
community stretches back hundreds
town and established a Christian
together with the development of a
viduals as it had done back in the
centre in Latvia outside of the capi-
sleigh available due to the huge
of years to a time when Finno-Ugric
congregation in 1266.
high-quality tourist infrastructure the
c19th century. Hotels and guest hous-
tal, attracting locals and guests from
demand from tourists for this fairly
tourists began to arrive en masse.
es began to spring up in increasing
abroad in (increasingly) big numbers
unusual sporting pursuit. During the
The top attractions of the time were
numbers towards the end of the 90s
all year round.
summer months you can Bungee
the Alpine trails, castle ruins and
as the more savvy individuals along
nearby caves. Today these same
with the connected rich recognised
attractions remain top of many visi-
the huge potential of the Gauja
tors' itineraries in the Sigulda area.
Valley area surrounding Sigulda.
What the city lacks in heavy
jump over the Gauja Valley, or get
industry and urban sprawl it more
some sense of what it's like to fly like
than makes up for with its cycling
a bird at the internationally famous
lanes in summer and ski resorts in
vertical wind tunnel Aerodium.
the winter season. The city's slogan Breathe Freely! - perhaps says it all.
Sigulda's burgeoning tourism indus-
already rank
Sigulda as
the top
in the
tribes known as the Livs began to
After a significant period of subju-
settle in the thick-forested Gauja
gation to the Christian forces of the
Valley. The c11th Livs constructed at
west came the Livonian War of 1558.
least seven castle mounds in the
Twice Russian forces sacked Sigulda
vicinity of modern day Sigulda, and
during the next quarter of a century.
with the erection of wooden fortress-
Eventually the Vidzeme region
es at Kubesele, Satesele and most
became Polish territory, and Sigulda
famously Turaida, the Livs entered
its provincial capital.
The c11th
at least
mounds in
the vicinity
of modern
day Sigulda
During World War I and II many
of the Alpine style wooden buildings
The rose of Turaida
Latvia's most romantic tale dates
try allows the city to develop with-
into armed conflict with the army
out the pressure of needing to attract
of the German crusaders, who
was humbled during the Polish-
and in 1946 the Soviet authorities
to the time of the Polish-Swedish
number one for the majority of visi-
new factories and office blocks, or
wished to destroy the vestiges of
Swedish War and soon lost its signif-
drew up a new development plan for
Wars of the early c17th. A young
tors to Latvia, adventure sports enthu-
to construct new roads, which so
Pagan society in the Baltic region.
icance as a military location.
the area. Five years later Krimulda
girl was found near the scene of a
siasts already rank Sigulda as the top
often blights the fabric and vistas of
and Turaida became part of the same
fierce battle and was sheltered by a
destination in the country, and
other cities. It is parks, hills, monu-
to repel the rich, well-financed
home to Barons and rich aristocrats,
administration as Sigulda.
man of some power from the castle.
indeed the whole Baltic region. If
ments and churches that define
armies of their Christian adversaries
and of little importance to the
downhill or cross-country skiing aren't
Sigulda. And while this area boasts
and, in time, the Gauja Valley was
your kind of thing then there is
some of the best day-care facilities
captured and partitioned between
summer/autumn 2007
And while Riga will always remain
Photos: Sigulda TIC
Tourist visitors topped more than
place to base themselves and com-
800 years of dramatic history
always the Olympic bobsleigh run -
With the construction of a brick
Valley for the first time in 1969.
The Livs were never in a position
A couple of decades later Sigulda
In time, Sigulda Castle became
Sigulda began to flourish in the
in Sigulda suffered serious damage,
In the years that followed new
The girl was named Maija, and as
sanatoriums were built and a cable
she grew into a stunningly beautiful
car began operating over the Gauja
woman she quickly attracted the
summer/autumn 2007
Raven Rift, Peter's Cave and Painters'
Following these services of reflection
Hill will host a special 'legends
and thanksgiving “Sigulda 800” will
party', while the whole length of
conclude with an academic and jazz
Sigulda's main streets will be used for
music concert.
music concerts, food and drink halls
and handicraft stalls. Turaida
For more information about events
Museum will host a number of
connected to this summer's “Sigulda
sports events, while Krimulda Manor
800” event please contact the follow-
will come alive with art and opera.
ing addresses:
In the evening the very best actors
and musicians born in and around
Sigulda will put on a gala show
which will climax with a magnificent
For “Sigulda 800” and
fireworks display.
general tourist information about
12th August - The final part of
the Sigulda region:
the celebration of Sigulda's 800 years
attention of more than her fair share
of the local male population. Maija
The top sights and sounds
in and around Sigulda
Krimulda Palace
150 year-old Russian style manor
fell in love with Viktors, the castle
gardener, but a Polish army deserter
who has fallen under Maija's spell
Gleznotaju kalns (Artists' hill)
90,000 hectares of protected
forest. Home to around 50 animal
ic tale of deception and calamity
Fantastic views over great swathes
Maija tricked the Polish soldier into
in preference to betrayal of her lover.
within hours of her death, while
tracks in the world.
with Viktors wrongly facing execu-
Knights' Castle ruins
Often used for concerts, two watch
told the authorities of the true
towers remain from the original huge
events surrounding the beautiful
woman's murder.
Around 150 years ago a set of documents were discovered in Riga Castle,
es of Krimulda and Sigulda.
Telephone: +371 67971335
you can look forward to during the
800-year celebration party:
Krimulda Castle
Much of the c13th Teutonic castle
10th August - The party looks set
to get off to a cracking start with
the performance of a new, original
remains as it was in medieval times.
production called “Satesele's Gold”.
Turaida Museum Reservation
A cable
car began
the Gauja
for the
first time
in 1969
young and old, will be awaiting a
With a castle, tower, wooden
special concert in honour of Sigulda
church, caves and a sculpture park
given by Latvia's most popular pop
the Turaida reservation shouldn't be
group, the internationally renowned
missed. You can also read up more
there about the Rose of Turaida tale.
11th August - A detailed programme of events and activities has
Sigulda 800
Sigulda celebrates its 800th
been lined up on Saturday to suit
the whole family. The streets, parks,
anniversary in 2007. From August 10-
hills and squares of Sigulda will
12 festivities will take place in the
come alive to the sights and sounds
which seem to authenticate this fairy
was destroyed during the battles of
district's three historical centres -
of street parties, artisans and musical
tale as being based in reality.
the Polish-Swedish Wars.
Sigulda, Turaida and Krimulda.
concerts. Satesele Castle Mound,
summer/autumn 2007
Valdemara iela 1a, Sigulda
Meanwhile thousands of music fans,
Completed by Yugoslav engineers,
this is one of only 14 bobsleigh
low Pole returned to Sigulda and
sacred music concerts in the church-
Here are some of the highlights
of the Gauja Valley, much of which
Sigulda bobsleigh run
The Polish soldier committed suicide
tion for the murder of Maija, his fel-
Gauja National Park
made plans to abduct her. In a trag-
killing her, choosing this terrible end
begins with church services and
summer/autumn 2007
check. It would allow everybody to
These days, remedies exist in the
be sure about its potential or exist-
form of court action, simple per-
General Manager
ing clients. Everybody would win.
suasion through telephone calls
of Lindorff
However, the state is not keen for
and or the involvement of debt
whatever reason.”
buyers. (Where a collection agency
Indeed, while some regard such a
database as nothing less than a
and only makes money if some or
“black list”, others insist that a posi-
all of the money is collected from
tive credit history might actually
the debtor.) The irony is that it is
enhance your chances of getting
usually the poorest clients that pay
credit. And for the moment, the
their debts first.
reality is that within Latvia's salary
The need for agencies, which
framework people simply can't afford
offer debt collection and other
to buy the things they want with-
forms of risk insurance, is clear.
out credit.
To be able to succeed in an
“When people come to us we
The scourge
scourge ofof bad
bad debt
acts as an agent for the creditor
increasingly competitive market,
give them lots of options to reduce
companies need to focus on their
debt - we have some kind of social
core business. A deliberate out-
responsibility. We call ourselves
sourcing of non-core functions to
financial doctors. It is not in our
carefully selected and reliable serv-
interest to see people ruined. “Ms.
ice providers is key for success in
Baranova points out.
this challenging environment.
It has been estimated that more than one billion invoices defaulted in Europe in 2007.
Late payments disrupt trade, send many businesses under and stunt economic
growth throughout the European Union and beyond.
debtors. There are other cases where
own separate databases. Companies
recovery systems remain in place the
With one in every forty invoices
the debtor, legitimately or otherwise,
such as Lindorff and Nordea want
new legislation has gone into force
defaulting the cost is somewhere
will not accept that they are in the
public access to these for everybody
in parallel with this, with particular
around a staggering 300 billion
wrong. Identity theft is becoming an
under the correct conditions.
relevance to cross-border disputes.
euros, a figure that gulfs the GDP
increasing problem while victims of
of the three Baltic States. For this
predatory lending and disputes of
reason collection agencies exist so
one kind or another further compli-
that debts can be pursued on the
cate the picture.
behalf of creditors.
In Latvia there are around ten
Individuals or companies become
companies involved in debt col-
debtors for a number of reasons
lection and risk management serv-
including careless over-commitment,
ices, with only a handful of seri-
a lack of foresight with financial
ous players.
planning, or as a result of unfore-
Explained simply, you need back
of the
is of
phone calls,
at dawn
The traditional image of the col-
When it comes to debt defaults
lection agency is of threatening
Estonia is low risk, almost at
phone calls, bailiffs at dawn and
Scandinavian levels, Lithuania is
repossession. This image has thank-
rated as one of three high-risk coun-
fully gone, at least when it comes
tries along with the Czech Republic
to the credible, professional players
and Portugal, while Latvia, like its
on the market who adhere to gov-
geographical position, falls some-
ernment and European legislation.
where in the middle.
In the case of Lindorff, the Finnish-
It might be obvious, but the
owned company actually made it its
best way to counter the problem of
mission seven years ago to improve
bad debts is to try and avoid the
the image of the industry.
problem happening in the first place
seen circumstances such as sudden
up if you are giving credit to pri-
serious illness, or uninsurable acts of
vate persons, which usually includes
God. In some cases companies
background checks for reliability and
What's more, on December 11,
as Alexandra Baranova, General
unwittingly default on invoices as
credibility. This is done using indus-
2006 The European Union Council
Manager of Lindorff, explains:
part of a viscous circle where they
try databases although, for the
reached a final decision on the
themselves are owed substantial
moment in Latvia, risk insurance
European payment order procedure.
combine databases into one. It
amounts of money from their own
companies continue to use their
While EU member states' current
would be valuable and easy to
summer/autumn 2007
The irony
is that
it is usually
the poorest
that pay
their debts
“I believe the state should
summer/autumn 2007
The fantastic
and the bizarre
The very mention of the word gallery brings to mind such
world-class places as Le Louvre and The Tate Modern.
While such galleries are engrained in the mind as the epitome
of fine art, thankfully by its very nature, art is subjective.
in the middle of the old town. This
ways of Konventa Seta, Maksla
what it calls the “treasures of
summer's highlights include an exhi-
XO kicks off the summer season
the Republic of Latvia”. The
bition of paintings by the highly
with “High Society III” This is a
Gallery also exhibits work by Otto
rated Andris Vitols and a June-July
design group exhibition featuring
Zitmanis and Laura Ozola.
gallery exhibition.
One man's cherished Salvador Dali
print is another man's bathroom
Tour 1 - Old Town Galleries
rently have to offer.
Galerija Daugava
Most visitors to Riga tend to
keep their gallery exploration with-
For this very reason, the run of
Photos: Gallery Birkenfelds
best works that Riga's galleries cur-
in the no-longer-remaining walls of
Dali print
is another
Galerija Putti
Grēcinieku iela 22/24
Alksnāja iela 10/12
+371 67220696
+371 67212896
Mon - Fri 11-6, Sat 11-4
Mon - Sat 11-6
the mill, the genius and the
the capital's old town.
grotesque can be stumbled across in
Undoubtedly, this decision has
any town or city and in any state
some merit if you are restricted by
or country at any given time. Latvia
time. However, if you are in Riga
has its famous artists such as
for more than a day or two then
Rozentals and Rothko (born in
it is worth making a tour of Riga's
Daugavpils). Undoubtedly, other
Art Nouveau district galleries. This
great talents remain, for the
will allow you to marvel at the
moment, undiscovered. We hope
fantastic architecture, at and above
that by exploring the dozens of gal-
street level, before diving into a
leries in Riga you might be fortu-
selection of fine galleries where you
Kalēju iela 9
nate enough to uncover such a
can feast your eyes yet further. Not
Skārņu iela 8
prodigy. And if you don't then, at
only this, but the Art Nouveau dis-
+371 67087543
the very least, you will have
trict is refreshingly devoid of the
Mon 11-7, Sat 12-7
+371 29482098
allowed your visual senses to be
tourist crowds and home also to
indulged by the fantastic and the
some of the finest cafes and restau-
bizarre, to have discovered the very
rants the city has to offer.
summer/autumn 2007
This sanctuary of reflection and
This summer's highlights include
solitude is located in the fast
a solo exhibition by Laima Bikse
developing “arty” end of the old
and “Midsummer. After Midsummer”
town. The streets leading off
- Running from June 6 to July 2
Marstalu iela are often bereft of
this will feature ceramics, sculpture,
tourist groups with new and reno-
paintings and graphics.
vated museums and galleries
The run
of the mill,
the genius
and the
can be
springing up every month.
Agija Suna
Gallerija Maksla XO
Mon - Sat 11-7
Arguably one of the finest galleries in town is located slap bang
Located in the charming alleysummer/autumn 2007
Galerija Tornis
Perfectly situated in the middle
Grēcinieku iela 11/2
of the Embassy district. Featuring
an eclectic collection of art from
+371 29232661
a select collection of contempo-
Mon - Sat 10-6,
rary Latvian artists including
Sun 10-4
Kalvis Zuters.
Beautiful and high quality
Jugendstila Paviljons
copies of Baltic and Scandinavian
Strēlnieku iela 9
adornments from the 2nd to 13th
centuries. As well as Liv metal-
+371 67333030
work there is also more recent
Mon - Sun 9-7
Latvian work exhibited such as
traditional woollen and linen
No art gallery tour of this part
items. The Straupe family is on
of town would be complete with-
hand to explain how their silver,
out a visit to the only establish-
bronze and amber work should
ment in town, which specializes
be worn.
in Art Nouveau. Located in the
very heart of the Art Nouveau
district, Jugendstila Paviljons is
Tour 2 - Art Nouveau
District Galleries
part gallery, part shop. Hand-
Galerija Birkenfelds
postcards make this a one-stop
Rūpniecı̄bas iela 3-2
shop for Art Nouveau fanatics.
made plaster faces, jewellery and
+371 67210073
Other Riga highlights…
Birkenfelds is now firmly estab-
Galerija RA
lished as one of the Latvian capi-
Grēcinieku iela 7
tal's top galleries. Toms Zvirbulis
has helped to develop Riga's
+371 29691195
annual “Gallery Walk”, which
took place this year on May 12
Rahmet Redzhepov paints cats
and included 20 galleries. The
and women like no other artist.
event has done much to improve
Hailing from Turkmenistan
the profile of the city's galleries
Rahmet is a master of combining
and attracted a great deal of pub-
the exotic with the romantic, and
lic attention.
has been displayed in Moscow,
Events at Birkenfelds this sea-
Helsinki and Cologne.
son include a solo exhibition by
Kaspars Perskis beginning on
July 22.
K. Barona iela 31a
+371 67281141
Galerija Alma
Rūpniecı̄bas iela 1
summer/autumn 2007
A great place to combine art with
relaxation thanks to Istaba's gallery
+371 67322311
and café. Andra Otto's work is cen-
Mon - Fri 12-6
tre stage during June and July.
Fancy starring in
“Stockholm the musical?”
The new Internet advertisement promoting Stockholm tells you
all you need to know about the Swedish capital.
Photo: © Preben Kristensen / Stockholm Visitors Board
Dusk view from invites
Internet surfers to enter their name
(for the sake of anonymity I was
Alan for the day). No sooner had I
Photo: © Göran Assner / Swedish Travel and Tourism Council
keyed in my name then a collection
of happy-go-lucky Swedes began to
sing and dance inviting me, or
rather Alan, to their city and promising (with fingers crossed behind their
backs) not to “flirt with me” or
“try to seduce me” during my visit.
(If none if this is making sense then
you will probably have to check out
is cool,
classy and,
the opportunity to use
“c-word “,
the website for yourself to confirm
the south side of
supremely confident (bordering on
that the author of this article has
cocky) as many Stockholmers are,
not gone completely mad.)
while the ad also hints at the open
Not only is
mindedness and naughty sense of one of the
humour that is second nature to
most original, zany adverts to have
most urban Swedes.
ever graced the Internet, but it also
Stockholm is cool, confident, classy
sums up Stockholm and its people
and, foregoing the opportunity to use
better than any magazine travel
another “c-word”, stunningly attrac-
story could ever do. The characters
tive. While Greater Stockholm has a
in the ad are unashamedly attractive
population of around 1.3 million, the
and dolled up in that classy-but-
city itself is home to around 750,000
classless way that only Scandinavian
Red houses
residents making it smaller than Riga,
society can boast of. They are
on an island
and helping to give it that town
within a city feel that works so well
for this most attractive of the
Scandinavian capitals.
Built across 14 islands, Stockholm
dates back to 1252. Its old town,
Gamla Stan, is the one place where
visitors can get a decent sense of
how the city developed under the
A narrow alley in
auspices of German traders during
the Old Town in
Photo: © Göran Assner / Swedish Travel and Tourism Council
summer/autumn 2007
the c14th and c15th before it
summer/autumn 2007
Photo: © Richard Ryan/ Stockholm Visitors Board
Photo: © Richard Ryan / Stockholm Visitors Board
Photo: © T Buckman / Stockholm Visitors Board
For more than 150 years steamships have
The warship Vasa
been a distinguishing feature of Stockholm,
was salvaged
cruising the waters of Lake Mälaren and
in 1961, after
the Baltic achipelago
Skansen was the first open-air museum
in the world
Photo: © E Dennis / Stockholm Visitors Board
333 years in the
depths of the sea.
The ship is intact
and has been
Photo: ©
Olof Holdar / Stockholm Visitors Board
One of Sweden´s foremost buildings
restored to
its original
in the National Romantic style
became the capital of Sweden's new
2) Scandinavia's most popular
Monarchy state in 1634. It was not
museum centres on the shipwreck of
though until 1905 that Stockholm
a 400-year old warship, the Vasa.
became truly independent with the
The restored ship never fails to catch
dissolution of the union between
the imagination of visitors
Sweden and Norway. Since then, the
Swedes have been the undisputed
world champions of independent
3) The Versailles of the north?
thinking especially when it comes to
Well, a certain palace in St.
women's rights and the sexual revo-
Petersburg might dispute that, but
lution. But, enough of the history
certainly the UNESCO-listed
lesson…where should you check out
Drottningholm Palace is one of the
if you are visiting Stockholm for a
few days this summer?
1) With 24,000 islands, you would
finest palaces in northern Europe.
4) Do you want a feel of
have been
of independent
it comes
to women's
rights and
the sexual
5) Does Riga have the finest old
town in northern Europe? Or does
the accolade belong to Tallinn, or
maybe even Stockholm? Untouched
This summer's highlight:
by the scars of war for more than
Midsummer's Eve
Latvia has Ligo while Sweden cele-
be mad to pass up the opportunity
Sweden as it once was? If so,
to explore at least some of the
Skansen open-air museum and its
Stockholm Archipelago. Boat tours are
150 historical buildings should do
one of the best ways to see
the trick. The presence of wolves
Stockholm. Check out the “Under
and reindeer should leave you feel-
the Bridges of Stockholm tour”,
ing more Swedish than a happy
which takes visitors under 15 bridges
smiley night out at the Eurovision
between Soder Malarstrand and
the countryside half-naked eating her-
over a two-hour stint.
Song Contest.
Mariaberget for some unrivalled views
ring and necking schnapps. It would
over the old town and the water.
be rude not to join them!
summer/autumn 2007
450 years residents of Stockholm's
Gamla Stan will tell you that theirs
brates the midsummer festival with
is the finest medieval ensemble of
equal pagan gusto. If you visit
streets in northern Europe.
Stockholm around June 22 expect to
find the city practically deserted as
Gateway Riga tip: Take the path
the city's residents gallivant around
to find
the city
deserted as
the city's
around the
eating herring and
The Hall is dominated by the ”Queen of the
lake Mälaren" on the northern wall which
represents Stockholm being honoured by
the East and the West
SAS and air Baltic fly daily,
with up to four flights per day.
Fares start from 26.60 lats including taxes and fees.
Ryanair flies once daily to
Getting there from Riga
Stockholm Skavsta, near Nykopping.
Five Stars of Scandinavia sails daily
between Riga and Stockholm.
Tallink's Fantaasia began operations
on this route on April 12.
Scandlines operates to southern
summer/autumn 2007
Getting to/from the airport
The Arlanda Express shuttle train
(tel: +46 8 58 88 90 00) takes 20
minutes from Arlanda Airport to
the Central Station in downtown
Stockholm. Tickets cost SEK 200
Photo: / Owe Sjöqvist
SAS has
also rolled
out its new
Class cabin
across its
United Scandinavia
airlines - Scandinavian Airlines
airBaltic saw its passenger numbers
This was because Scandinavian
Denmark, SAS Norway,
soar by 28%, year on year, as this
Airlines System became the national
Scandinavian Airlines Sweden and
relationship develops.
carrier of a “united Scandinavia”,
Scandinavian Airlines International.
something that was predicted to be
Latvia's national carrier airBaltic
a non-starter because of old rivalries
along with Blue1, Spanair and
and perceived bad blood between
Wideroe are all subsidiaries of the
the member countries of
SAS Group, and it also has an
interest in Estonian Air.
The first SAS route was between
In the case of airBaltic, SAS
The first
SAS route
New York in
SAS is also a member of the Star
Alliance, which was established 10
years ago as the first truly global
airline alliance. The Star Alliance
network currently offers a phenomenal 16,000 daily flights to 855 destinations in 155 countries.
Scandinavia and New York in
holds 47.2% of its shares. It is a
September 1946 and, six decades
relationship that benefits all
later, the biggest listed airline and
involved: airBaltic and SAS code
Airbus330-300 and 340-300 aircraft,
travel group in the Nordic coun-
share across large swathes of
which can each carry 261 passengers
tries continues to go, as the cliché
Europe and are collectively the sole
on long haul routes. Amongst those
says, from strength to strength. In
providers of many emerging eastern
long haul destinations offered is
2007 the Scandinavian flag carrier
European business and tourism des-
Beijing after SAS Sweden added the
is leaner, stronger and more flexi-
tinations that the other major air-
Chinese capital to ten brand new
ble than ever.
lines are yet to offer.
destinations launched this year. As
Today SAS is made up of four
During the first quarter of 2007,
summer/autumn 2007
SAS operates a fleet of Airbus and
Boeing aircraft, the largest being the
we went to press was
destination is the vibrant English
one step ahead of the competition,
city, Bristol. SAS operations to
is the new SAS Business Sleeper.
England's most underrated city begin
Incorporating a range of new and
on June 29.
undoubtedly exciting features the
Aside from announcing many
new Business Sleeper seat enables
new routes, SAS has also rolled out
the otherwise stressed and travel-
offering return fares of just 411 lats
its new Business Class cabin across
weary business traveller to arrive for
including taxes and fees between
its Intercontinental network. Central
his or her meeting feeling as fresh
Riga and Beijing.
to the new remodelled cabins,
as a field full of midsummer
which the airline hopes will keep it
Swedish daisies.
Meanwhile, the very latest new
When SAS began operating just over 60 years ago
many industry commentators gave the fledgling airline
little chance of surviving.
Photo: / Annica Ahlberg-Valdna
Les Creatures Ballet
June 1+3 /
French Spring
The Queen of Spades Opera
Positivusab Festival
June 8+16 /
July 27-28 / Salacgriva /
The International Contemporary
Dance Festival
Comedy Club
June 9-15
July 31 / Arena Riga /
The mc2 Centre is designed for people who value high-quality
products and personal service. The aim of the mc2 Centre is to
reflect your individuality: in the interior décor of your home, in the
June 2 /
gifts that you choose for your friends and loved ones and in your
Wagner's Die Walkure Opera
June 10+13 /
Finland's Culture Days in Jurmala
Weekly Beach Football Tournaments
June 12-17 / Jurmala
August /
June 2 / Daugavpils /
UEFA Football Latvia v Spain
way of life. We will only be too pleased to fulfill your expectations
again and again.
The mc2 Interior Design and Delicatessen Centre is divided into
three large halls. The Decorum Hall exhibits furniture, bathroom and
June 2 /
Madame Butterfly
June 2 / Latvian National Opera House /
The International Early Music Festival
Sigulda 800 Celebrations
June 14-17 /
August 9-12 / Sigulda /
Hansa Disco Nights
The International Festival
of Sacred Music
June 16 / Cesis
Macy Grey Concert
June 4 / Arena Riga /
Joseph in a Fruitful Bough
June 5+12 / Opera Premiere /
UEFA Football Latvia v Denmark
Midsummer festival celebrations
in Latvia
June 16-22 / Nationwide events
August 14-September 11 /
Riga City Festival 2007
August 17-19 /
Midsummer Fair
in Riga's Dome Square
Old Riga Towers' Music
June 22
August 18 /
The International Children's and
Youth Folklore Festival
“White Nights 2007”
Drag Race Cup
kitchen equipment, decorative materials, doors and lighting.
The Galleria Hall contains a range of household goods and gifts;
while top quality food products are on offer in our Gastronome Hall
delicatessen as well as in our bars, cafés and restaurants.
June 6/7/17 /
Elkor Plaza has a commercial area of 30 000 m2,
and plenty of car parking places.
We have a wide range of household appliances, electronic
goods, sport's shoes and clothes, as well as goods for pleasure.
Don't miss the hundreds of toys and goods on offer for
children either!
Krasta iela 68a, Riga |
To get a sense of the mc2 experience, visit Gastronome
and Decorum in the Reval Hotel Latvija,
Elizabetes iela 55, Riga.
The 2nd floor of Elkor Plaza is devoted to the world of
furniture and contemporary living, with furniture for bedrooms,
living rooms, nurseries and kitchens.
Elkor Plaza also has one of the best collection of domestic
textiles, bedroom accessories, lighting fixtures and carpets that
June 6 /
La Traviata Opera
can't be found anywhere in the Baltics.
August 25-26 /
June 27-July 1
Brı̄vı̄bas gatve 201, Riga |
Cosmos Summer Concert
Umaturman Concert
August 30 / Dzintaru Hall
June 29 / Dzintaru /
Mark Robert Davey
"Photography - a mirror of everyday
life, also, my life"
Latvia State Archive of Audiovisual
June - October 29 / Smerla iela 5, Riga /
Poetry Days
in Riga, with the concept based on a wide variety of merchandise
September 1-20 /
and services, including possibilities for entertainment and spending
15th Autumn Chamber Music Festival
free time. There are more than 140 stores including such famous
September 4-10 /
brands as Marks&Spencer, Benetton, Gerry Weber, New Yorker, the
Baltic Pearl Film Festival
September 7-9 /
UEFA Football Latvia v Northern Ireland
July 1-29 /
September 8 /
Muse Concert
July 2 / Arena Riga /
European Documentary Film
Todes Ballet
September 8-13 /
July 2 / Dzintaru Concert Hall /
Tarkan Concert
Riga Rhythmic Music Festival
September 27 / Arena Riga /
July 2-8 /
July 3 / Skonto Stadium /
Mikelis Day's Eve Harvest Festival
and Apple Fair
September 29 /
geous internal architecture with its wide, open areas, glass roof and
many benches insures positive emotions for visitors and gives the
Over 140 stores for the whole family, cafés, restaurants, beauty
impression of being in a “city within a city”.
parlours, the wonderful Kids' Village, and the famous LIDO restaurant - you can explore all these places and more at Riga's fastestgrowing shopping centre - SPICE.
SPICE is for clients who appreciate high quality FASHION brands
and an elegant shopping atmosphere. Our spacious and modern
interior, relaxed atmosphere and excellent service have made SPICE
one of the TOP 3 shopping centres in Riga, and SPICE FASHION
ALLEY the place to visit for that perfect luxury item.
Our philosophy is “The Family World”, and that is why SPICE
are an ideal choice for parents who want to enjoy their lunch or
July 12 / Riga Dome Church /
July 25-30 / Jurmala /
restaurants, cafes as well as the most modern fitness and SPA club
offers the best shopping facilities for kids. Our cafes and restaurants
Ave Maria and Inese Galante Concert
New Wave Concert
Body Shop, Bata and a lot more. Various activities such as bowling,
in the Baltics help to enhance the shopping experience. The gor-
The International Organ Music Festival
Aerosmith World Tour Concert
“Domina Shopping” is one of the most popular fashion centres
Listings compiled with the help
Information correct at the time of going to
a cup of freshly brewed coffee while their kids are playing.
SPICE is a lifestyle for You and Your family.
Lielirbes iela 29, Riga |
summer/autumn 2007
knowing that most seafood should simply
be threatened with heat and celebrated
with joy.
Our highly knowledgeable staff will be
more than happy to recommend you
tonight's special, all the while you enjoy
the soothing sounds of our live musical
Aspazijas bulv. 36/38, Riga LV-1050, Latvia
tel + 371 67225411, fax + 371 67216140 |
accompaniment at the Gastranome restau-
Known for our minimalist approach to
Special offers, Business Lunch,
our finely picked ingredients, Gastranome
offers our customers a chance to indulge
themselves in the essence of the sea.
Combining elegant décor with an open
kitchen and the widest array of fresh fish
and seafood in Riga, you too will leave
Gastronome mc2, Krasta iela 68a, Riga
tel for info and reservations: +371 67019619
Gastronome Reval Hotel Latvija,
Brı̄vı̄bas iela 31, Riga
tel for info and reservations: +371 67772391
The Summer Terrace offers wide selec-
Reval Hotel R¯d
ıı̄dzene Restaurant
tion of delicious food, outstanding
ıı̄da is for those who are seeking
service and a great feeling of having
I Love You
excellent international cuisine in an inti-
your lunch or dinner in a beautiful,
Discover this little gem tucked
mate and elegant ambiance in the heart
green oasis in the heart of a dynamic
of Riga`s business and financial district.
urban atmosphere.
Live Music, Gourmet menu.
cuisine punctuating the natural flavors of
away in one of the cobbled streets so
admired on a recent visit by Prince
The Executive Chef's creative and
Charles. Strange name for a café, you
fresh approach to cooking is reflected
may say – not really. Step inside and
in our international cuisine menu con-
pretty soon you realise that
centrating on the key elements of each
I Love You loves its customers and its
dish and enhancing their unique
Coffee Nation
customers love I Love You. Whether
flavours and textures.
If you are searching for a stylish place
it’s breakfast, an evening beer with
Fresh spring flavours and a modern
Summer Terrace open
NATION is the right choice. By serving
your sweetheart, you’ll feel right at
ıı̄ da Summer Terrace.
around 40 varieties of coffee and coffee
home. Order a cocktail, sink into one
based cocktails, we will share with you
of the sofas downstairs and forget
our passion for their quality and prepara-
your worries. And if you care about
dine in the restaurant of Hotel
tion secrets. Located in Riga's centre we
music, then I Love You is spot on –
Valdemars. Here you can enjoy not
are easily reachable by foot and open
no pop here, just quality, intelligent
only a trendy, appealing atmosphere
from 8 am till 10 pm.
alternative sounds!
but also a selection of delicious
bars are equipped with WiFi Internet
They say that this is the place to
access meaning that you can still be in
fall in love – and to fall in love
touch with the whole world while you
with! You can’t miss this popular
enjoy your cup of coffee with snacks,
sandwiches or wraps.
If you are leaving the country from
"red") from top to bottom. It’s red-
Riga's International Airport then there's
hot addictive, from the long bar
also the chance to enjoy a cup of coffee
downstairs to the chill-out lounges
in our COFFEE NATION airport bar
upstairs. There’s room here to meet
before departure.
Swedish chef.
Enjoy the beautiful warm weather
outdoors in our secluded courtyard.
Tirgoņu iela 4, Old Riga
Dzirnavu iela 72
P.Brieža iela 7
Kr.Valdemara iela 21
Ieriķu iela 3 Shopping mall Domina
Blaumaņa iela 5
Krasta iela 46 Shopping mall Mols
International Airport “Riga”
Relax on the green lawn with a
cold cocktail or savor a light summery lunch.
In the evening you can chose to
Skolas iela 11, Riga, LV 1010, Latvija
tel +371 67289823, fax + 371 67287658 |
move inside into our cosy, relaxing
bar. You will be just as well taken
care of by our helpful staff wherever
wich and its delicious fillings… Book
Located in the heart of Riga's Art
you chose to sit.
Nouveau district you will find a
small Scandinavian oasis. You will
understand why Scandinavian style
and design is so recognized around
the world when you sit down to
summer/autumn 2007
stay outside under the stars, or
Restaurant Valdemars
Elizabetes iela 83/85, Riga LV-1050, Latvia
tel +371 67770900, fax +371 67770940 |
Scandinavian by our highly praised
don’t forget to try the Sarkans sand-
Stabu iela 10, Riga, tel +371 67272286
international dishes made uniquely
Aldaru iela 9, Riga, tel +371 67225304
everyone who’s anyone. Oh, and
ahead to reserve a table for dinner.
Audeøju iela 1, Riga, LV-1050, Latvia
tel +371 67226441, fax +371 67503280 |
Reval Hotel Ridzene,
Reimersa iela 1, Riga, LV 1050, Latvia
tel +371 67324433
country atmosphere awaits you at the
from 10:00 till 24:00
your friends or Sunday brunch with
out, because it’s sarkans (Latvian for
from 7:00 till 23:30
for a cup of excellent coffee - COFFEE
For Your convenience COFFEE NATION
bar, restaurant and place to hang
Restaurant is open daily
rant in Reval Hotel Latvjia.
seafood restaurants
Hotel Valdemars
Kr.Valdemāra iela 23, Riga
tel +371 67812419
Elizabetes iela 21, Riga, LV-1010, Latvia
tel +371 67031900, fax +371 67031901 |
Someone once said, “there are
some restaurants which are so unique
phere where guests can enjoy good wines
that they become legendary and part
and spirits, as well as trendy Tapas, tasty
of history”. As you gaze over one of
salads and delicious desserts from the
the most extensive wine lists in the
open kitchen. On the 3rd floor the
Baltics, be sure to enjoy the fantastic
D'vine Lounge can be found, which is
views of the Freedom Monument and
an excellent place for various business
the park below. Restaurant Otto
events, presentations, banquets, wine
Schwarz is an excellent place for busi-
Paddy Whelan's
Irish Pub & Sports Bar
degustations and private parties.
ness lunches and private dinners.
Established in 1994! - The first
Happy Hour (17:00 - 19:00) with compli-
Raibais Balodis
(Colourful Dove)
mentary snacks.
Located in the quaint surround-
Starting from June 18th we offer
Start your journey back to
medieval times in the heart of Old
Riga in Latvia.
Relax in the glimmering lights
of candles. Try the favourite
dishes and drinks of King Philip I,
Bar is open:
ings of the Konventa Seta in Riga's
Mon-Thu 16:00 - 24:00
old town, this stylish restaurant
Fr, Sat 16:00 - 01:00
offers a wide variety of international
Sun - closed
Duke Charles of Burgundy and
Margaret of York. Listen to
the Ancient Wall and the Old
Well whispering the secrets of the
(in Reval Hotel Latvija),
Elizabetes iela 55, Riga
(entrance from Elizabetes / Brı̄vı̄bas corner)
tel +371 6777 2217
dishes. The decor of Raibais Balodis
Breakfast buffet
Business lunch
Live music
7:00 - 10:30
and still the number one Irish pub
12:00 - 15:00
in Riga. Located in the very heart
every working day
of the Old Town it features very
from 19:00
friendly staff and offers delicious
every working day
food and a real old-fashioned BBQ
served all day long till after mid-
Kaļķu iela 28 (Hotel De Rome), Riga
tel +371 67087600
night. Great prices, 18 different
is designed to complement its
kinds of local and imported Beer &
romantic interior. It is also an ideal
Cider on tap, and a wide choice of
place to enjoy a relaxed, vast and
wines and spirits. From time to
unlimited buffet breakfast.
time it is possible to enjoy live
Order of the Knights Templars.
Kr.Barona iela 12, LV 1050, Latvia
tel +371 67079444, fax +371 67079449 |
Otto Schwarz
The modern design and very special
lighting elements create a unique atmos-
D'vine Grape & Spirits Bar
Kr.Barona iela 37, Riga LV 1011, Latvia
tel + 371 67312323, fax + 371 67316953 |
music in a relaxed, kicked back
Open daily for breakfast
Find your medieval treasure.
atmosphere. All major SKY Sports
from 6:30 till 10:30 am.
Find your philosopher’s stone.
and other satellite sporting events
Business lunch every working day
Find your Grail.
shown live on a large screen,
from 12:00 till 4:00 pm.
Rozēna iela 1, Riga, tel/fax +371 67224748
numerous flat screens and TV.
Lunch and dinner
Excellent courtyard and street side
from 12:00 till 11:00 pm.
summer terraces.
Aspazijas bulv. 22, Riga, LV-1050, Latvia
tel +371 67044222, fax +371 67044223 |
Grēcinieku iela 4, Riga
tel office +371 67210249,
1st floor +371 67210150, 2nd floor +371 67210254
Kalēju iela 9/11 (Hotel Konventa Seta), Riga
tel +371 67087501
Modern, cosy,
library style restaurant "Bestsellers" on
Bon Vivant
the first floor of
A genuine Belgian beer café interior
Live music "jazz moods"
Restaurant at the LIDO Recreation
every Thurstday and Saturday.
Centre, which is one of the largest
Chill out atmosphere.
and most beautiful log buildings
"Albert Hotel" offers
and responsive staff makes for a pleas-
international cui-
ant mood in Belgian beer cafe Braserie
Open daily:
sine. You can enjoy
“Bon Vivant”. You can get a taste
Sun - Thu: 11 am - 01 am
the best meals of Italian, French, Greek, Russian, Chinese
of 24 sorts of famous beer. The beer
Fri - Sat: 11 am - …
cuisine etc. We also offer Latvian national food, a special
is served in exclusive toby jugs.
The food in our Belgian beer café
Children's menu, group menu and banqueting menu.
Business lunch every working day from 12:00 to 15:30
Working hours: 7:00 - 23:30, last order at 23:00
should suit every taste. You can have
The Express Restaurant offers:
• 100 various cold dishes as buffet;
• Banquets at your place.
You are welcome for:
Vivant served on a special oak-tree
Use this opportunity to enjoy
Lunch - 1 pm to 5 pm
a wide range of cold delicatessen,
Dinner 6 - pm to 12 pm
exquisite hot dishes, LIDO cakes
amaze you with its French quality
and desserts in the romantic
and German quantity!
atmosphere offered by the Express
summer/autumn 2007
Reimersa iela 1, Riga, LV 1050, Latvia
tel +371 67772345, fax +371 67772332 |
• Music every night;
Express Restaurant
Brasserie “Bon - Vivant” will
• Holiday meals and banquets;
Mārstaļu iela 8, Old Riga
tel +371 67226585
the 1.5 metre long sausage Bon board for 4 persons.
Dzirnavu iela 33, Riga
tel +371 67142750
fax +371 67331718
in Europe.
Krasta iela 76, Riga
tel for info +371 67504420,
tel for booking +371 67812182,
Elizabetes iela 55, Riga, LV 1010, Latvia
Reval Hotels Reservation Centre
tel +371 67772345, fax +371 67772332 |
Work has begun on extending the
runway at Riga airport from 2,550 metres
to 3,200 metres. The EUR 21.8 million
project, which is divided into three parts,
is due to be completed in October 2008.
Once the runway is extended, larger aircraft such as fully loaded Boeing 747s
will be able to land safely in Riga as a
matter of routine.
Operations will not be interrupted during the construction period, since the
work will take place between midnight
and 6am. During these times the runway
will be closed. The work is projected to
last between May and October in both
2007 and 2008, wintertime being impractical for such a project.
The second upgrade for the runway
launches regular flights from Riga to
business lounge opens in June, its
two popular coastal destinations
real purpose is for flights to and
closer to home - Liepaja in Latvia
from non-Schengen countries once
and Kuressaare, the biggest town on
Latvia and the other Baltic states
fliers at the Solo Club business
guage papers like the Financial
category 2, up from a category 1. It will
the Estonian island of Saaremaa.
join the Schengen area next year.
lounge. Riga International Airport's
Times and Newsweek, the German-
have additional centre-lane lighting and
flights being operated from Riga
On top of all these, expect an
Riga International Airport is ready
business lounge is a haven of tran-
language Frankfurter Allgemeine,
will therefore be better prepared to accept
International Airport. The fastest-
expanded range of charter flights
for this now.
quility in an area far removed from
local publications such as The Baltic
planes in fog.
growing airport in the European
available from Riga this summer,
the hustle and bustle of the rest of
Times and also inflight magazines,
Union saw passenger figures grow
with Air Malta flying to Malta, Air
facilities. A new TGI Fridays restau-
the airport.
for example airBaltic's Baltic Outlook
upgraded as the third part of the run-
by 21 percent in Q1 2007 and the
Via (Bulgarian Airways) flying to
rant and a convenience store run by
and Finnair's Blue Wings, as well as
way improvement project.
number of aircraft movements by 20
Burgas on the Black Sea coast,
the Norwegian company Narvesen
the world the Solo Club is, of
the Latvian press. Airline timetables
Tunisia's Karthago Airlines operating
have already opened, to be followed
course, modest in size. It has around
are also to hand.
to Monastir and Lithuania's Aurela
by a large duty-free store selling per-
80 seats and it rarely gets crowded.
increase further in summer 2007
flying to the Romanian resort of
fumes, cosmetics and alcoholic
as 16 new routes are added, mak-
drinks, a Coffee Nation café, a shop
Another season, another gigantic
leap forward in the number of
This strong growth is bound to
ing a total of 57 destinations in
The new departure area has other
beds that face the window looking
will be an improvement in the lighting,
out onto the runway.
A restful relaxation zone awaits
Compared to other airports around
after which the runway will be given a
Publications include English-lan-
Water drainage on the runway will be
Tenders for each of the three tasks
have been won by separate companies
Couch seating in front of a TV
with a specialisation in these fields of
But that is its advantage, encouraging
showing a wide selection of interna-
construction. Tender documents were
a sense of calm before the flight.
tional satellite channels lies to one
requested by 25 companies, of which
nine completed applications.
specialising in Latvian souvenirs and
It also emphasizes the personal
side of the Solo Club lounge, while
30 countries now available direct
to and from Riga International
other local products, plus a currency
attention that passengers receive as
on the other side there is a separate
from Riga.
Airport is due to rise from 690
they are greeted by the friendly busi-
smoking room. Other perks include
Celinieks and Abora, under the name
ness lounge staff, select one of the
international phone, fax and photo-
SC&A, won the tender for the runway
All the new flights are being
The number of scheduled flights
flights a week on average during the
Income from non-aviation activi-
The Latvian companies Saldus
launched in the low-cost sector.
winter period to 770 flights a week
ties at the airport increased by
daily newspapers available in several
copying facilities and computers with
extension. The Latvian road construc-
Norwegian opened Riga-Trondheim
this summer.
over 70 percent in Q1 2007, high-
languages and help themselves to
Internet access.
tion company ACB won the tender
lighting why the directors of the
refreshments. Drinks range from cof-
This haven of peace and quiet
for the lighting. The tender for the
number of passengers the new
airport have selected this as one of
fee, tea and juices to beer and good-
welcomes business-class passengers,
water drainage was won by Lemcon
quality red or white wine.
on April 20 and Ryanair opened
Riga-Bremen on April 3.
The Latvian airline airBaltic is
To cope with the ever-spiraling
Departure Sector C has opened in
their immediate priorities for devel-
but it is also available to any
Latvija, a subsidiary of the Finnish
launching all the rest, the scheduled
addition to the “round” Sector A
opment. With the new shops and
It's even possible to recline,
other passengers at a cost of EUR
company Lemminkainen Group. EU
attractions including Tel Aviv, Rome,
and the “long” Sector B. Although
restaurants currently being opened,
refreshing drink in hand, in the
18 per person, payable by major
funds will cover 75 percent of the
Athens, Monastir, Heracleon and
Sector C is currently being used for
this rise is certain to soar ever fur-
upstairs gallery, where you can put
credit cards. For more details, call
project, the remainder being financed
Palma de Mallorca. airBaltic also
low-cost flights, for which a new
ther upward in the future.
your feet up on leather-bound chair-
+371 67207617.
by Riga airport.
summer/autumn 2007
summer/autumn 2007
area costs LVL40.
The agencies of well-known international and local car rental companies are located on the first level of
the airport terminal in Arrivals 1
and Arrivals 2. Their working hours
are adjusted to the flight schedules,
and their cars are located in car
park P 3. The companies with
bureaus and cars at Riga airport are:
Avis, Budget, Europcar, Hertz,
National, Ollex, Sixt, L-auto, Silver,
Transporent, and Add Car Rental.
Rates are from LVL 40 per day.
Public transport is available from
the airport to the city centre. Bus
number 22 goes to the bus station,
number 22A to the Cathedral near
Parking is easy at Riga
located 400 metres from the termi-
the Reval Hotel Latvija (journey
International Airport - as easy as one,
nal, close to the highway approach.
time for both: about 30 minutes).
two, three. That's because there are
The parking rates there are: LVL 3.50
You can buy your ticket on the bus
three parking areas at the airport,
for every 24 hours up to two days;
(LVL 0.30).
each with a respective number.
LVL 3.00 for each 24 hours between
A fleet of recognisable red Riga
three and ten days; and LVL 2.00 for
taxis is also always to hand outside
each 24 hours from the 11th day.
the airport (usually about LVL 8 to
P1, the short-term car park, is
located right opposite the terminal
building. Short-term parking rates are
Parking area P3, which has 350
the centre, journey time about 15
as follows: LVL 0.50 (EUR 0.70) for
parking spaces, is also available at
minutes) and there are hotel buses
every 20 minutes up to three hours;
the airport. It is located opposite the
ferrying passengers between the air-
LVL 1.00 for each hour between
Aviation Museum - when driving to
port and several major hotels in
three and 24 hours; LVL 14.00 for
the airport, turn right before the ter-
Riga. For passengers coming to Riga
the first 24 hours; and LVL 5.00 per
minal. The parking rates there are,
airport from Tallinn there is a daily
day for between two days and seven
for day one to day three, LVL 0.40
bus operated by Ecolines, while the
days, then LVL 2.00 for each addi-
per 1/2 hour in the first two hours,
Lithuanian company Olegas ir Sunus
tional 24-hour period.
then LVL 0.10 per hour starting
operates a daily service for passengers
from the 3rd hour, but no more
from Vilnius and Klaipeda.
You can choose to pay the operator in person or at the automatic
than LVL 3.00 per day. And, from
day four, LVL 0.10 per hour.
P2, the long-term car park, is
Check-In Media SIA
Mūkusalas iela 45/47,
Rı̄ga, LV 1004
Tel: +371 67228509
+371 29208200
Magazine reg. nr.
An optional monthly pass for this
Editor-in-Chief Justin Walley
Contributing writer Anatol Stephens
Art director Inese Laizāne
Managing Director Māris Jēkabsons
Advertising and Sales Enquiries:
Tel: +371 29208200
Comments and opinions:
General information:
For more information on transport and parking, see our website:
Gateway Riga is the official airport magazine for Riga International Airport.
It is distributed three times in 2007. Circulation: 20 000. Opinions expressed in this
publication are those of the authors or persons interviewed and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the editor, Check-In Media or Riga International Airport.
All rights reserved. Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any
form without written permission. Unsolicited manuscripts, photographs and
illustrations are not accepted. Gateway Riga accepts no responsibility for such
materials sent to its office, nor is it liable for loss of, or damage to, such material.
All prices are subject to change without notice.
Gateway Riga accepts no responsibility for printing errors.
Printed by Kroonpress, Estonia.
Special thanks for help and/or providing photos: Maris Verpakovkis, Martins Hartmanis, Latvian Football Federation, Sigulda Tourism Association, Latvian
National Institute, Kelvin Hooke and EAS, NP Properties, Colliers International, BALSTS, ARCO, Vita Liberte and Deloitte, Lindorff, Toms Zvirbulis,