Inessa Galante - Riga International Airport


Inessa Galante - Riga International Airport
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A city on the move
Get some park life
Sweating it out
spring/summer 2009
Inessa Galante: I want
to die on the stage
Sweating it out
Dubai, Hurgada,
Inessa Galante:
I want to die on the stage
Insuring trust and excellence
Small is beautiful
Latvia’s first golf real estate takes shape
Tashkent, Kishinev,
Brussels now
11 times a week,
Helsinki now 34 times a week… the number of destinations and flights available from RIGA International
Airport keeps on growing.
The transit connections here in Riga are so convenient that increasing numbers of passengers are
choosing Riga to fly through as well as fly to.
Nordic and Baltic travellers realize that they can
reach cities and resorts in southern and eastern
Europe more easily than from hubs like Helsinki and
Stockholm. Destinations in Italy, France, the
Mediterranean, Ukraine, Russia, Moldova and other
A city on the move
countries have become open to them – via Riga.
Read about our newly extended runway in the air-
port pages at the back of this magazine. The runway
Get some park life!
extension to 3,200 metres means that virtually any
type of aircraft can now land here fully loaded,
opening up RIGA International Airport to the proba-
The most comfortable
and convenient route east
bility of transcontinental flights reaching the
Americas and the Far East.
Airlines already operating to Riga are delighted
with our improved runway, but we recently began
to negotiate with major airlines beyond Europe,
Where West meets East
about launching exciting new flight routes to our
rapidly growing airport.
In 2009, we will start just as an important
a task – the construction of a new airport build-
Best of the Baltics
ing. A bigger terminal building is badly needed
to cope with the rapidly rising numbers of pas-
Riga International Airport continues to expand
and attract millions of international passengers
despite the global economic downturn
sengers. We aim to use the innovation possible
through Private-Public Partnership to prepare the
funding necessary to carry out this construction.
Tenders are already in process.
Enjoy your time at Riga International Airport!
Krišjānis Peters
Chairman of the Board
of Riga International Airport
spring/summer 2009
Photos courtesy of and
Sweating it out
Anybody who chooses to live in Latvia soon discovers that the sauna,
known in this neck of the woods as “pirts”, means so much more
to the locals than simply sweating in a wooden cabin for the hell of it.
spring/summer 2009
people and yet the pirts environment
seems to enable them to come out
is an
aspect of
in Latvia.
the hot rocks, then begin beating
the nearest naked torso you can find.
the mill western European equivalent,
If you are new to Latvia then it’s
and humidity extremes you may feel
the Latvian sauna is an enclosed
probably best that you ask your
quite proud of yourself. But this is
wooden space where water is poured
fellow sauna goers’ permission first,
only the start. Because, ideally, you
onto heated rocks, which have often
however. Alternatively, you could just
been left for hours beforehand to heat
beat yourself with the birch branches
up to the optimum temperature.
before taking a break from the sauna
The result is a rush of very hot steam
by plunging into a pool of freezing
with temperatures reaching around 75
cold water.
This is perhaps the stage where it
those inside the sauna who, depend-
becomes obvious who in your sauna
ing on the occasion, tend to be
party is the Latvian and who is the
naked, sweat ‘buckets’ in such
foreigner, as most non-natives will
an environment. If you experience
no doubt be wearing an expression
the truly authentic Latvian sauna,
of absolute dread at the thought
then you will notice a pile of branch-
of plunging into such icy cold water.
es or leaves immersed in hot water
If the pirts is in the countryside
will no
doubt be
wearing an
of absolute
dread at
the thought
of plunging
into such
icy cold
in the Latvian calendar (and indeed
toxins) and excitedly chatter, party or
for the Latvian bathhouse) is John’s
even do business in a way that is
Day, which is the longest day of the
often alien to them in other envi-
year and follows the shortest night
ronments. Indeed, although few peo-
in June. Herbs are regarded as having
ple would recommend the potentially
strong healing forces and, during the
dangerous cocktail of alcohol together
summer solstice, these forces are
with 80 degrees Celsius steam, it is
believed to have stronger properties
not unusual for beer, vodka and pirts
than at any other time of the year.
to come in combination. This hap-
A special Latvian bathhouse is pre-
pens at wedding parties, for gather-
pared prior to John’s Day. Hot air,
ings of all-male friends, and during
steam, water and plants provide both
important sauna-business meetings.
physical and spiritual purification as
Yes, many significant business deals
well as self-harmonization. Dozens of
have been struck during alcohol-
different kinds of plants and herbs
induced pirts sessions in Latvia over
are gathered to be used in the bath-
the years! Here at Gateway Riga,
house and as teas, each with there
however, we recommend you pass
own specific benefits to the human
on the vodka during the sauna and
body and psyche. Turn to the next
stick to a post-pirts beer as the best
page for a list of these and their ge-
way to enjoy this whole experience.
neral purposes throughout the year:
should repeat this very same process
over and over again until you either
feel completely on top of the world
or ready to find the nearest bed or
sofa to lie down on and enjoy
a long, deep sleep.
There are numerous bathhouses
all over the Latvian capital and in
the nation’s towns and cities; most
country houses have one, and there
are even entire sauna villages out
in the countryside where guests can
enjoy a combination of dining,
then the alternative for the plunge
drinking, sleeping and whacking each
but, as you will discover, there are
pool experience is to dive in and out
other all over with many different
dozens of other herbs, plants and
of the nearest pond, stream or river
kinds of branches. The sauna occa-
trees used in Latvian saunas.
– be it frozen over or not. After all,
sion is an important aspect of social-
it’s not that problematic to drill
izing in Latvia. Latvians are not
from the water, brush the ends on
a whole in the ice large enough for
always the most openly outgoing of
spring/summer 2009
of themselves (along with all the bad
Following all these temperature
nearby. The most popular is the birch
You should remove these branches
Arguably the most important day
you all to pop in and out of!
Not to be confused with your run of
to 85 degrees Celsius. Understandably,
John’s Day
spring/summer 2009
The healing properties
of plants, trees and herbs
Clover – helps calm down
rinsing of the hair and body before
are dried fast they can pleasantly mas-
troublesome children
steam bathing
sage the body during flapping.
Grove cow-wheat – gives relief in
cases of hypertension
Lady’s bedstraw – gives strength
after the springtime
Horsetail – regulates digestion
Camomile – infusion is used for
of insomnia
stomach, kidney and urinary bladder
Horseradish – causes bathhouse air
to breathe
Hedge hyssop – small bunches are
aroma and esthetical qualities
Lovage – reduces the pain of
unrequited love and is said to attract
Blue cornflower – protects from
negative influence and energy
Sweet flag iris – helps restore
the opposite sex
Birch – no Latvian bathhouse
would be complete without the
birch. Its buds are gathered in
Big nettle - helps backache and
rheumatism sufferers
early spring together with twigs,
when they are dried and bound in
Mugwort – excellent bathhouse fragrance that helps purify the emotions
Lime tree – can liberate bathhouse
to treat wounds and burns
placed in the bathhouse both for
Ground elder – helps fight
dormant sexuality and if the leaves
White deadnettle – externally used
to become lighter and makes it easier
Daisy – relief of fever
Meadow vetchling – helps in cases
Rowan tree – can rouse a woman’s
bundles. The birch –also known as
goers from stress and physical tension.
many significant
have been
in Latvia
the years!
Black currant – used in sweating
shelf rugs to add to the aroma of
the bathhouse.
Alder – recommended for businessmen who wish to reduce their
stress levels.
Aspen tree – bark brew can help
with urination disorders.
Hazel tree – can be used to make
the sweating shelf rug more comfortable and soft.
The smoke bathhouse
The smoke bathhouse has a particularly important place in Latvian
‘the tree of life’- has many uses
sauna culture. It is built from wooden
and healing properties. A rug made
logs with a natural roof covering of
from birch leaves is laid on the
shingle or moss. There is no chimney.
sweating shelf. The person that is
Instead, it has small windows and
of cosmic energies particularly during
to be birched lies on this and
chinks in the walls. The stove is
the summer solstice
thick layers of leaves placed around
a big stone layer with a pot placed
him or her.
above to heat the water. Wood is
Dew cup lion’s foot – used to treat
obesity and diabetes
Black oak fern – great carrier
Valerian – tea offered to nervous
people before or after a sauna
Thistle – when used on the body
Oak – when a man comes in contact with the oak he receives life
burned below all of this. As a result,
smoke circulates in the bathhouse
the thistle and its seeds can give an
energy. Some Latvians consider the
helping to create a clean and sterile
interesting massaging effect
oak to be a sacred tree.
spring/summer 2009
The first thing I want to ask you
about is a point of detail. Is your
name Inese or Inessa? In Latvia, foreigners have their names Latvianised,
but you seem to have had yours
I had this discussion in England
where my main management is. We
decided it was better to spell it as
Inessa… I can here from your accent
that you are from England.
That’s right.
I’m a big fan of England. It is
very friendly and I love the humour.
I sang for the Queen’s family at
Kensington Palace and I’ve sung all
over England and Scotland. England
Photos courtesy of Inessa Galante and Latvian National Opera House
was my real love from childhood.
I want to die on the stage
Inessa Galante, a soprano with admirers all over the world, is one of the greatest talents
to have ever come out of Latvia.
She has received Latvia’s highest honour, The Order of the Three Stars, has worked
with many of the world’s greats including Yehudi Menuhin and Jose Carreras,
and even hosts her very own festival each summer in her home country.
She returned to Latvia just before Christmas to perform at the National Opera House
and kindly took time out to speak to Justin Walley about her career, desire to help those
less well off, as well as her love for the UK’s most popular TV comedy show.
spring/summer 2009
I studied at an English school.
My biggest love is Little Britain
(A very popular comedy programme
on British television). I’m addicted to
more, instead of less. My mum will
Music and singing bring us together.
it. If I need rest and want to clear
be 86 on December 31st. I wish her
A voice or a violin can do that.
my mind, I put an episode on. They
a long and healthy journey. She lives
It cleans our spirit.
are not just comedians. They are
in Germany with me. I just want
high-class actors and philosophers.
her to enjoy life. It makes me worry
Since I first watched the series, I’ve
about old people here.
You sound very philosophical
about this subject.
I’m not a philosopher but I try to
started to notice the same funny
idiosyncrasies in people. I want to
In which way do you mean?
understand why I’m here and what
marry both of them! (Actors Matt
I feel guilty about the lives of old
I’m doing. I think we all have a spe-
Lucas and David Walliams who are
people in Latvia. It is really tough.
cial place. We all have our own
the stars of the show)
I feel that I should be doing some-
route in life.
thing to help, something to try and
You are back in Latvia performing
change their situations. They are help-
just before Christmas. Are you
less. It makes me crazy and sick. And
always reminded of your time grow-
the thing is, it comes to all of us.
ing up here when you return?
I had a very, very happy childhood. I had fantastic parents.
They gave me everything that a
I’ve tried to do my bit through
my 11 years of work with UNICEF,
but it is never enough.
I don’t want a revolution – after
child needs. I got love and care and
all, you have to look after yourself
I always felt that they really needed
and your family and friends first –
me. I’m really grateful and pleased.
but if you have enough you should,
I miss my dad. I visited him
perhaps, give away a third of what
today (December 18). He died 11
years ago. I miss him more and
I’m not
a philosopher but
I try to
I’m here
and what
I’m doing
Was that route clear as a child?
I’m thankful for my childhood
here in Latvia. One of the best
things from that time was that the
state provided for you. You could
study what you wanted, be it piano,
languages or tennis. I studied pharmacy and singing.
An interesting combination. Were
your parents your main influence?
I don’t think they ever dreamt
you have.
that their daughter would turn out
I like happy people around me.
spring/summer 2009
your arms and bring them into your
world. You can’t look around, worried about what this person is doing
or thinking. It doesn’t work if you
are anxious – oh, that person is
cleaning his shoes! You have to fly
and take them with you.
A singer is like a car driver. You
have to think before you do something; it might be a second or a
minute before hand. My big problem
is that I want to do everything my
way. I don’t want to copy anyone.
Have you had a favourite stage
I don’t think so. I’ve had 25 different roles. Most of them are big
roles. They are all fun. Traviata Lucia
was my first favourite. I also enjoyed
being Margarita. (Inessa goes on to
mention another dozen or so
‘favourite roles’)
Natural food, not this plastic import-
and curling up on the sofa watching
when I have to stop. I am privileged
ent. They are diamonds with differ-
ed stuff that the people eat here
back-to-back episodes of Little Britain?
to have three amazing teachers who
ent faces…like people.
now. I want everybody to have jobs,
They are all special but so differ-
I want to die on the stage.
to study, and have a peaceful life.
Like people?
Yes. We are different because of
time, love, lovers, morality, culture,
language or the century we live in.
Two very different people gave me
helps each other, especially the poor.
and governments start to think more
wanted a doctor or lawyer. Being
very different things. Through my
world of opera and have most
about their own people. What will
good at something is really a gift
father I have soul and spirit.
enjoyed working with?
happen to this country if they don’t?
from God. It just happened like it
My mum gives me my acting ability,
happened. I wanted to be a philoso-
a stage presence and a feminine jest.
pher and doctor, but singing was
always in my life. I sang opera from
How did you feel when you made
childhood. My poor neighbours had
your first operatic performances in
to listen to me. It was just ‘born’ in
front of the public in Latvia and
me. When I think about it though,
my romantic idealistic way of think-
I was in love with the pieces
ing comes from my father, whereas,
I did. Being on the stage, it’s almost
my mother was always a strong
as if you have to give everybody
economist and more practical.
a massage. You take them all in
spring/summer 2009
My mum
gives me
my acting
a stage
a feminine
I need to enable me to continue.
I want the global crisis to be
short. My wish is that everybody
I don’t want to name names
Vancouver. They all give me what
can continue to give. I hope I know
or dream of a world in 2009?
We are all so different, but all so
Who do you most respect in the
I think I’m still in good form and
Is that your New Year’s resolution
I hope corruption will be reduced
to be an opera singer. They probably
live in Jerusalem, Cape Town and
I don’t want people to leave Latvia.
because I will keep you here all day.
We used to have twice as many peo-
You should just write down ‘very
ple as we have now. I really hope
professional people with huge person-
many of the young people who’ve
alities’ – high-class professionals.
gone to Ireland and the UK will
My big
problem is
that I want
to do
my way
come back. I want to be proud of
You live abroad. Do you miss
my country. Do I want too much?
Kefirs and grey peas?
I miss factories and happy faces.
How many years do you see your-
I miss the best food in the world
self continuing to work? Any dreams
that we used to have in Latvia.
of disappearing from the limelight
spring/summer 2009
Some correction was required, and
it’s important for people to under-
through historic databases; we look
a hard landing somewhat inevitable.
stand the consequences of fire dam-
at how claims trends change over
age, if they are not properly covered
the years. A topical example would
for such an eventuality. We take the
be the past three or four winters
responsibility to educate seriously,
here in Latvia. They have been con-
and our staff members are voluntarily
siderably milder than the norm and
expected. However, there will, for
working on a kindergarten pro-
claims have consequently dropped.
example, continue to be a strong
gramme here in Latvia to help edu-
But by the time this is in print, this
market for car insurance. Yes, it is
cate kids from an early age.
winter might have taken a drastic
Where will there be and won’t
there be ‘tightening of belts’?
A tightening of belts is to be
Insuring trust
and excellence
true that some individuals will be
turn and become severe!
We also aim to help our corporate
forced to sell second cars, but there
clients understand their risks. Balta
is still a substantial market for
has sophisticated risk management
mandatory insurance.
techniques and we pride ourselves on
insurance company in Latvia and
how we can use them to assist our
rates 41st in the top 100 companies.
corporate customers.
Why do you think this is? How does
You deal with property insurance,
Balta is rated as the most trusted
it make you feel? How will you
third party liability insurance etc.
Which type of insurance is your
The insurance company Balta is one of the largest insurance
companies operating in Latvia and was recently rated the most
trusted insurance company in the country.
main source of income? Which areas
bility and providing insurance to
are seeing the biggest growth?
their employees?
Balta is a trusted insurance compaDo insurers have to look very
ny. We have been around a long
closely at global trends that are
time. We understand sustainability.
car insurance are both very popular
occurring? Some insurance companies
We are a big company that is strong
with staff. They are expected as part
have lost a lot of money from natu-
and consistent. We behave like the
of some packages. Some companies
ral disasters, for example.
market leader and are trustworthy to
Which types of insurance are
Health insurance and company
the most vital for individuals and
Our number one source of income
ensure that you stay in this position?
Are companies taking this responsi-
deal with.
is motor insurance and second is
may cut back, but many will main-
thinking, but the truth is that during
property in Latvia. We will manage
tain them.
It is a part of the UK’s leading insur-
an economic downturn it is more
our way through these tough times
ance group RSA, a company that
important than ever to have sufficient
by ensuring that we look after and
operates in 29 countries worldwide.
insurance cover, because if something
retain our customers, they are very
something happens they won’t pay
Personally, I wouldn’t have taken this
goes badly wrong, the chances are
important to Balta. Car, property and
up anyway,” is an argument I’ve
job in Latvia if this company didn’t
from the UK, where she was part of
you won’t be able to afford it. There
health insurance remain the most
heard from Latvians for why they
uphold our core values.
the managing team at RSA, to take
are difficult choices to be made.
vital policies for individuals and busi-
don’t take out policies. Is it true
nesses. I personally have all of these
that some industry players have
and I believe in them.
a bad reputation?
Last year, Tara Kneafsey moved
up the post of CEO of Balta.
Gateway Riga spoke to Tara about
How is the insurance market like-
the current state of the Latvian and
ly to develop here over the coming
global insurance market, and how she
is actively improving the way in
which Balta operates its claims service.
Private individuals will be making
tough choices in the next twelve
months. There will, no doubt,
What is your overall assessment of
be some shrinkage in this regard.
will be
in the next
We have a team of technical
underwriters whose job it is to look
at emerging risks. We analyse risk
I am obviously delighted that we
are trusted, especially as I came here
from our group centre in the UK.
“I don’t have insurance because if
What is the main aspect of the
business you have been putting your
energy into since you arrived here
I have heard these rumours.
in Latvia?
How do you convince Latvians
Here at Balta we bring mature market
who have historically not had insur-
service to our claims process. It is our
ance policies to start using them
philosophy that if a claim is legiti-
service. We’ve done a lot of work on
mate then we must pay. It is my per-
this. We introduced the first claims
We now have an excellent claims
sonal philosophy that if we give cover
phone line in Latvia. Competitors
2.5% of GWP in Latvia, low com-
to somebody, we must always honour
have now followed. I’m passionate
pared to other countries. So we have
our promises. In smaller markets and
about making that even better. I
where it is because companies really
a responsibility to educate people
in some companies it may be true
used to be a management consultant
the world. Attitudes are also signifi-
need to cover themselves in many
about why they need insurance Yes,
that payment is avoided. This is
in my early career in the UK and I
cant. Obviously, with the economic
regards. In the first quarter of 2008
this is of course in our own interest,
a short-term view and such compa-
have experience in world-class effi-
downturn people are price sensitive.
there was double-digit growth.
to some degree, but it is really essen-
nies will spend many man-hours try-
ciency techniques, which we’ll use to
Insurance maybe doesn’t seem so
This kind of growth couldn’t be
tial that the Latvian public is aware
ing to avoid their obligations to cus-
improve our processes. We’re training
important to individuals and business-
maintained; it is the kind of growth
of the value of insurance to manage
tomers. We all have a responsibility
our people here in Balta in those
es. This is an understandable way of
you only see in emerging markets.
the risks in their lives. For example,
to do the right thing.
spring/summer 2009
the insurance market worldwide and
I would expect the commercial insur-
here in Latvia?
ance market to remain pretty much
It’s dependent on where you are in
Insurance penetration is still only
spring/summer 2009
Photos courtesy of Latvian CAA, Ventspils International Airport and Liepaja International Airport
Small is beautiful
When we think of aviation in Latvia, it’s likely that 99 percent of us
think of Riga International Airport and its international airlines
and travel destinations. However, there is much more to the world
of Latvian aviation than meets the eye.
The Latvian CAA
The Latvian CAA is a professional
include the following divisions and
Taking off in Latvia
While RIX operates as Latvia’s
Latvian CAA
is a professional
that helps
the very
of safety for
those of us
who fly in
and out of
and around
of being international airports.
Aside from these three internation-
Who operates in Latvia?
At present, 12 international airlines
The national carrier air Baltic saw
the most passenger numbers in 2008,
organization that helps ensure the
• Audit and quality management
main international airport and trans-
al airports the other significant sites
operate out of Latvia, with this num-
but aside from this popular airline
very highest levels of safety for those
• Financial department
port hub, there are many other
for aviation in Latvia are:
ber expected to see continued growth
there are a number of other compa-
of us who fly in and out of and
• Legal administrative and
smaller runways and airports scattered
• Langaci airfield, near Limbazi
in the coming years. The current list
nies that operate in Latvia on
a domestic basis:
around Latvia. It is now an integral
all over the country. Next in impor-
• Spilve airfield
of international airlines includes:
part of the European and Global civil
• Personnel licensing division
tance to Riga, certainly in terms of
• Adazi airfield
Aeroflot, air Baltic, Czech Airlines,
• Classic air
aviation environment and from the
• Aircraft operations division
passenger and freight numbers, are
• Cesis airfield
Finnair, KLM, Ryanair, Smart Lynx-
• GM helicopters
end of last year, under the guidance
• Airworthiness division
the airports at Liepaja, Ventspils and
• Ikskile airfield, near Ogre
Latcharter, LOT, Lufthansa,
• VIP Avia
of its director Maris Gorodcovs, its
• Air navigation division
Daugavpils. Just like RIX, Ventspils
• Centra jaunzemij helicopter
Norwegian, Turkish Airlines, and
• Inversija
new structure was approved to
• Aviation security division
and Liepaja both enjoy the status
aerodrome, Jelgava region
Uzbekistan Airways
• Baltijas Helikopters
personnel division
spring/summer 2009
spring/summer 2009
International Airport
Liepaja International Airport was
originally constructed in 1940 and
And how about training
to be a pilot in Latvia?
• Latcharter
• Air Baltic Eastern
If the idea of being a pilot seriously appeals to you then there are
Want to become an ICAO
accredited pilot or air traffic
If you are a pilot or air traffic
a number of courses available here
in Latvia. It is expensive, time consuming and takes incredible dedica-
Just like
and Liepaja
both enjoy
the status
of being
served as a military airfield until
1960. In 1960 it joined the CAA
and began operating 6 scheduled
flights per day to Leningrad,
Moscow, Kiev, Minsk and
Kaliningrad. In 1998 Liepaja City
Council took over sole ownership
of Aviacom-pany Liepaja Ltd.
Today the airport is within the
Liepaja Special Economic Zone and
tion to become a pilot, but
is situated 7 kilometres outside of
controller and dream of working
the rewards – it goes without say-
Liepaja town centre.
wherever you want in the world
ing- are fantastic. The following
then you will need a TEA (Test of
organisations offer courses:
English for aviation) in order to pass
GM Helicopters -
level 4 and higher qualifications of
Commercial operator, training for
the International Civil Aviation
GM Helicopters only
This can now be achieved by
Eriva -
studying the Aviation English course
Modular ATPL(A) and ATPL(H)/IR
offered by SIA Mentor in Latvia. The
theory course available
charter flights from Liepaja Airport.
For more details: +371 63407592, or
International Airport
Ventspils Airport dates back to
1975, and is now established as
the third most significant airport
course lasts for 100 hours and is run
by Inara Liepa. For more details:
It is also possible to organize
Latcharter Airlines -
in Latvia. Originally the airport
A320 type rating course
operated flights to just Riga and
spring/summer 2009
Leningrad, but since the 1990’s
regional operation. Most signifi-
of last year and the airport has
efforts have been made to develop
cantly, air Baltic began operations
big aspirations for its future
the airport into an important
in and out of Ventspils in April
Latvia’s first golf
real estate takes shape
When retail shopping mall operator Linstow Center Management recently
announced its decision to invest around 400 million euros in a new
retail park in Latvia the decision was bound to raise a few eyebrows.
shopping mall adjacent to Riga’s
public space, leisure and sporting
tional community to live, do busi-
central train station.
facilities, a formula that has been
ness and spend their leisure time.
well received by residents, visitors
This point is highlighted by the
and investors alike.
recent decision by the International
Indeed, in the space of a few
short years, the Saliena project, where
the retail park will be located, has
region’s leading business park and,
entire educational set up to territory
development in the Baltics. Right
moreover, the Saliena project looks
within the Saliena development.
before the eyes of those of us who
set to become the number one
live in this part of Latvia, the 455hectare development has grown and
grown and, already in 2009, is now
50 percent larger than the whole of
Riga city centre.
As well as its excellent location
close to Riga, Jurmala and Riga
park attracting people from all three
International Airport, the Saliena
After all, as we are constantly
inclusive community project Saliena,
Baltic states.”
development is also attracting large
reminded wherever we look, these
just outside Latvia’s capital city Riga?
are tough and somewhat unpre-
words should remember that
investment due to its highly desirable
park will be its advantage, at the
Linstow has a proven track record
environment for private residents,
the Baltics and beyond.
main road connecting Riga with the
in Latvia, where they currently run
small and large businesses, and, in
resort city of Jurmala,” Linstow board
six shopping centres including the
the case of Linstow, retailers. Saliena’s
Norwegian operation chosen to build
chairman Frode Gronvold explains.
highly profitable Galerija Centrs in
Master Plan, created by Finnish archi-
the largest shopping mall the Baltics
“It will be a Baltic scale shopping
Riga’s Old Town, and the Origo
tect Niko Tiula, respects the need for
spring/summer 2009
development is now
50 percent
larger than
the whole
of Riga city
address in the Baltics for the interna-
“Saliena provides ISL with an
excellent opportunity to build a new
amounts of business and private
dictable economic times throughout
So why has this well respected
“The geographical location of the
School of Latvia (ISL) to move its
grown rapidly and is now the biggest
has ever seen on the site of the all-
Anybody doubting Mr. Gronvold’s
Saliena will soon be home to the
spring/summer 2009
“We are dedicated to giving our
members the very best golf experience possible in Latvia and we are
also actively promoting and developing the sport here at both a junior
and senior level through top class
coaching and regular tournaments.”
Saliena Golf’s 27-hole complex has
quickly established itself as a full service golf club catering to the whole
spectrum of players from total beginner to advanced golfer, and boasts the
best practice facilities in the country.
With the only PGA-qualified golf pro-
Golf is
an international
already in
its 4th
development that is serious about
having fun in the fresh outdoors
convincing Latvia’s international
with their kids as well as the oppor-
community to set up home within
tunity to get to know their neigh-
its territory needs to be a real com-
bours better.
munity in creation. It needs a local
It’s clear from the evidence that
community newspaper and seasonal
Linstow’s decision to invest 400 mil-
celebrations that involve all of its
lion euros in a new retail park here
it is clear that the management of
town folk. In December, Saliena’s
has been well thought through, as
this increasingly popular club are set-
Christmas market celebrations proved
Saliena becomes the preferable
ting standards which will differentiate
hugely popular with its residents,
address in the Baltic region for the
them from the competition.
while last summer’s children’s day
international community to live, do
in June allowed local families to
business and spend their well-earned
spend time together playing and
leisure time.
fessionals working in Latvia and plans
in place to provide the most
advanced teaching equipment available
Furthermore, the Saliena management team recognizes that any
state of the art facility in an area
anybody could wish for. Already
houses exceed all other developments
that is the premier location in
200 houses have been built, with a
in the Latvian market. Also available
Latvia,” ISL director Larry Molacek
total of 2,000 due for construction
are Saliena’s Private houses with very
recently told the media.
over the coming months and years.
sizeable land plots ranging from
The townhouses at Saliena offer the
1,200 m2 to 1,500 m2.
Ülikooli 15, Tartu, Estonia Tel: +372 7370377, Fax: +372 7370378
Clearly Latvia has, in the Saliena
development, a new town offering
benefits of a private house without
contemporary 21st century living,
the drawbacks and limitations of a
unrivalled business opportunities and
city apartment. German designed and
as much fresh air and green space as
built, the finish and quality of these
The International
School of
Latvia (ISL)
is to move
its entire
set up
to territory
the Saliena
Increasingly, the local international
community is flocking to this new
prime address where residents enjoy
all the benefits that come with the
finest state of the art new town
developments including free WiFi
throughout the territory, a fully facilitated forest park, modern children’s
playgrounds and 24-hour security.
This development also brings with it
the biggest and finest golf course in
the Baltic region, which has the aesthetic and practical advantage of bordering the residential development
on all sides. Saliena Golf is an international standard golf complex
already in its 4th season and is managed by highly experienced PGA-qual-
In the centre of Tartu, just opposite the University of Tartu, the charming and
luxurious hotel Antonius opens its doors to the public in March. This building with
its dignified history was first mentioned in the historical records of the 16th century.
During the subsequent centuries the building has been home to a hat shop, the
Livonian Noblemen’s Manor House Credit Association, as well as the famous Guild
of Saint Antonius. As the house is under heritage protection, great care was taken
during restoration work to protect and preserve interior and exterior features including
ceiling joists, rustic work on the façade and old door handles. The end result is a
fabulous, romantic building.
This charming hotel has a total of 16 rooms built on four floors. This includes six
suites, three double de Luxes, six Superior Doubles and there is also one single room.
Decoration and design of each of the rooms was carefully chosen and thought out –
combining special colour solutions, wallpaper patterns, wall paintings, fireplaces and
stoves, soft furniture with velvet- and roseate textiles. Some rooms have amazing views
of nearby Tartu University, while others face the Old Town’s red roofs. Breakfasts and
dinner are served in the restaurant Lumiere, which boasts historical vaults, an attractive
atrium and a beautiful hand-painted ceiling.
In cooperation with the Conference- and Culture Centre Athena and the top-class
Volga restaurant, which are located just around the corner, Hotel Antonius is a unique
and very special hotel complex offering professional service for conferences, training,
company parties, family events and weddings.
Jaana Pärna, Manager / Tel: +372 51962030
ified golf pro Edward Charnock:
spring/summer 2009
Ammende Villa Catering OÜ, Mere pst. 7 80010 Pärnu
Tel +372 44 73 888, faks +372 44 73 887
Reg. kood: 10552611; a/a: 221012188265 Swedbank
Photos from Latvian Tourism Development Agency
A city on the move
Modern and well maintained to the point of being immaculate,
it is clear to all visitors to this western Latvian port that Ventspils
has prospered from the oil business.
citizens are
of their
through its port. Ventspils’ citizens
turies-old tools and traditional
Although it is Latvia’s fourth largest
are rightly proud of their well-kempt
Latvian dwelling houses are on dis-
settlement by size, many regard
city, which boats, among its many
play at the nearby family-friendly
Ventspils as Latvia’s ‘second city’, a
attractions, a European Blue Flag
Ventspils Open-Air Ethnographic
title the good city folk of Liepaja
beach - something of a mecca for
Museum where tourists can also
and Daugavpils would, of course, dis-
both surfing enthusiasts and beach
spend lazy summer days enjoying
always pulls in thousands of visitors,
with an adjacent promenade run-
excuse to travel further afield to for-
pute. This city has earned its wealth
bums during the spring, summer and
the narrow-gauge steam railway.
with the promenades adjacent to
ning along the riverbank. This mix
eign shores, with direct ferry routes
through oil transit and the high vol-
autumn months.
the 13th century Livonian Order
of the ancient and the modern
connecting this attractive city to
castle thronging with holidaymakers
blends perfectly and is one of the
Sweden, Germany, Denmark and the
ume of shipping haulage going
Ageing fishing boats, original censpring/summer 2009
Ventspils is regarded as the most
child-friendly city in the whole of
Latvia. Amongst the wide choice of
during the festivities. The newly
reasons why Ventspils has become
entertainment options for the little
restored Ventspils Castle, close to
a tourist destination in its own right
ones, there’s a popular aqua park
the mouth of the Venta River, helps
in recent years.
and a children’s town.
define the image of Ventspils. The
The annual Ventspils Festival
c13th castle contains a museum,
spring/summer 2009
A visit to Ventspils is also a good
Photo: G. Seilis
Photo from Latvian Tourism Development Agency
Photo: G. Lusis
Photo: G. Seilis
as well as regular coach connections
son’s UEFA Champions League.
to the capital on the upgraded A10
highway, Ventspils should continue
With the opening of a handful
to go from strength to strength in
of new hotel and conference centres,
both business and tourism terms in
new direct flights between the city
the coming years and is certainly
and Riga, the re-introduction of the
well worth a visit if you’ve never
Riga to Ventspils train line in 2008,
been lucky enough to visit it before.
Photo: A. Jevstignejevs
Photo: G. Seilis
Photo from Latvian Tourism Development Agency
and will represent Latvia in next sea-
Estonian island of Saaremaa. By the
of a one-way ticket, including air-
same token, Ventspils is also the
port fees, starts from around 4 lats
Riga would be home to the best
sports teams. BK Ventspils are
first port of call for many foreign
when travelling from Ventspils to
sports clubs and sporting facilities in
amongst the best basketball sides in
visitors coming to Latvia, and
Riga and just 13 lats when flying
the country. However, Ventspils gives
the region, while FK Ventspils were
remains a credit to the country. The
from Riga to Ventspils.
the Latvian capital a good run for its
once again crowned champions of
money with its excellent sports infra-
the Latvian football league, the LMT
Latvian airline airBaltic launched
For the latest schedules visit the
You would probably imagine that
ties and a number of Latvia’s leading
regularly scheduled flights to
airline's website at or
structure, which includes a brand
Virsliga, in November 2008. This
Ventspils last year, with a twice per
check out Ventspils airport’s website:
new swimming pool and sports
highly rated football team has now
day service on weekdays. The price
arena, state of the art training facili-
won the league three years in a row
spring/summer 2009
is also
the first
port of call
for many
coming to
Latvia, and
a credit to
the country
spring/summer 2009
now the norm and yet, they have
only been around for 150 years,
having been introduced in industrialized northern England in the nineteenth century.
Riga’s parks are of particular significance to the feel of the Latvian capital and were created as part of
a grand plan, which was realized
when the city began expanding in
the nineteenth century.
Like a layer cake they divide and
shroud the Old Town from both the
downtown area and the quiet
Embassy district.
Photos by Justin Walley and courtesy of Latvian Tourism Development Agency
There are
a number
of stones in
which commemorate
the five
victims of
January 20
1991 who
died from
There are green spaces either side
of the Freedom Monument, which
were first laid out, in an appearance
not dissimilar to today, between
1853 and 1863.
Close to the National Opera House
there are some nicely tended gardens,
an ornate fountain, as well as a lifelike statue of former British Riga
Mayor George Armitstead. This
delightful area has a feel of aristocratic France about it.
The city canal borders this and
runs through the centre of
Bastejkalns Park on the northern side
of Brivibas iela. Its highest point,
Bastion hill, offers a good vantage
point to the old town and the
Latvian Freedom Monument.
There are a number of stones in
Bastejkalns, which commemorate the
five victims of January 20 1991 who
died from gunfire when Russian
Special Forces attempted to take the
Get some park life!
What would Riga be without
its wonderful parks and gardens?
spring/summer 2009
government buildings on Raina bulhear of too many writers pondering
granted. This is a great shame as it is
varis. The five men were: Andris
There’s no denying it – Riga out-
the fact that it is the city’s numer-
these areas that give us a sense of
Slapins (film director), Gvido Zvaigne
does the majority of big cities in
ous parks and green spaces that
nature in the midst of our towns and
(cameraman), Edijs Riekstins (stu-
Europe in the aesthetic sense.
help make this such a wonderful
cities, as our urban areas are increas-
dent), along with Sergejs Kononenko
But, while we often wax lyrical
place to live in or visit.
ingly encroached upon by more and
and Vladimirs Gomanovics (both
more cement, glass and tarmac.
about its Art Nouveau architecture
and medieval Old Town, you don’t
Then again, we are all guilty perhaps of taking our city parks for
Such preserved public areas are
spring/summer 2009
If you cross the usually busy
site angle of the park.
Across the other side of town and
across the river is the fantastic
a cosy
teahouse in
one corner
of Vermanu
Arcadia Park, which turned 110 in
2008. This green space has a completely different feel from the parks
described above almost to the point
of this being open countryside or
a village rather than being found in
a capital city. Ducks quack and waddle near the Marupite River, trains
and trams trundle past nearby, while
the only other sounds disturbing the
peace are the cries of footballers on
the adjacent sports pitches. Cross the
road from here and you reach the
vast Victory Park (Uzvaras parks) with
the slightly decaying Ziedondarzs,
one of the country’s most famous
which borders Caka iela, one of
landmarks, the Soviet War Memorial.
Riga’s main thoroughfares, and the
There are a number of other fascinating parks dotted all over Riga also
worthy of your exploration including
Valdemara iela, two hundred metres
writer. The canal continues to snake
or so from Vansu tilts Bridge (firstly
its way through this lovely green
taking time to admire the stunning
space, all the way to the rear of the
Art, the State Museum of Fine Arts
park past the kids’ play area you will
architecture of the National Theatre),
Riga World Trade Centre and less
and the Russian Orthodox Cathedral
find the State Museum of Fine Arts
you reach the very attractive
than 100 metres away from a number
surround Esplanade Park on all sides.
on the furthest corner of Esplanade.
Kronvalda Park. This is home to Riga
of stunning Art Nouveau buildings at
The iconic 27-storey Hotel Latvija,
This attractive museum building
Congress House with a couple of
the bottom of Elizabetes iela. Many
the highest building in downtown
houses the finest paintings by
quirky glass pyramids nearby and an
visitors to the city never make it to
Riga, was once a Soviet monstrosity,
Latvian greats such as Janis Rozentals
eye-catching statue of Andrejs Upits,
this park, which is a great shame,
but today is one of the finest hotels
and Vilhelms Purvitis.
the Latvian poet and short-story
because amongst the more interesting
spring/summer 2009
discoveries here is a lighthouse!
The Hotel Latvija, the Academy of
the more
here is
a lighthouse
in Latvia.
Viestura darzs, near the port.
Time for a bit of park life!
the pavement outside.
If you wander further through the
Across the road from the Russian
The Russian Orthodox Cathedral
Orthodox Cathedral there are a num-
dates to the 1870s and functioned as
ber of government buildings and the
a planetarium during the atheist days
multicoloured flower stands of
of the Soviet Union.
Terbatas iela at their rear. This is
On the opposite side of Esplanade
tourist-free ever-so-slightly-quirky
where you will find one of the many
there are a number of monuments
entrances to the ever-popular
including the huge Rainis’ statue.
Vermanu Gardens, an intriguing green
In summer you will find beer tents
space, which includes a bronze foun-
and kids’ trampolines here, while the
tain, an open-air theatre, a statue to
gorgeous Academy of Art building is
the great Latvian writer Krisjanis
a few metres further on at the inter-
Barons, a kids’ playground and, in
section of Valdemara iela. Latvia’s
summer, a number of bustling beer
finest art students can be seen filing
tents. There’s a cosy wooden teahouse
in and out of this impressive neo-
in one corner of Vermanu and some
Gothic masterpiece, while another
well-tended flowerbeds close to the
quirky find is the Kobe Clock, on
entertainment complex on the oppo-
The only
the peace
are the
cries of
on the
spring/summer 2009
All photos courtesy of
The most comfortable and
convenient route east
While a number of airline operators have been forced to consolidate
in recent months, Finland’s flag carrier Finnair has continued to operate
at full strength in Latvia
becomes apparent when you consider
While Finnair passengers can take
But then again, Latvia and the whole
that Finnair has been operating in
advantage of the daily 55-minute
Baltic region are very much an inte-
Latvia for many, many years and is
flights between Riga and Helsinki for
gral part of an area Finnair considers
one of the most established airlines
business and pleasure, Finnair also
to be its home market. A fact that
operating in and out of Riga.
offers customers in this region the
spring/summer 2009
rapid connections
from its hub
in Helsinki
to destinations all
over Asia
set it apart
from the
originating out of Riga have seen
Long haul business class flights are
extremely positive growth in the
doing particularly well thanks, in part,
past few years, as many Latvians
to the current fleet of new and mod-
have begun to discover the many
ern aircraft with great entertainment
delights on offer in the East.
systems and lay-flat seats for those
Finnair currently has one of
the most modern fleets in Europe,
and has in recent months invested
fastest connection time to many
Asian destinations. Quite aside from
the high quality of in-flight service
already offered by this airline, its
numerous rapid connections from
A total
of five brand
new Airbus
A330s are
already set
to join
the Finnair
fleet in 2009
who want to arrive on the other side
of the world feeling their best.
This in combination with easy,
hundreds of millions of euros in
fast and smooth transfers at Helsinki
brand new aircraft. A total of five
Airport enable passengers from all
brand spanking new Airbus A330s
over Europe –not just the Baltics-
are already set to join the Finnair
to reach the Asian continent in
fleet in 2009.
comfort and in style, in just a few
While some operators in the low
hours. And with prices to Beijing
cost sector struggle in the economic
and Shanghai from just 375 lats
downturn, Finnair’s reputation for
from Riga, who could blame any-
a high-class quality of service has seen
body for taking advantage of
competition in the Baltic region.
the Finnish flag carrier continue to
the many advantages that Finnair
Indeed, sales for long haul flights
attract strong passenger numbers.
has to offer customers.
its hub in Helsinki to destinations
all over Asia set it apart from the
spring/summer 2009
A summer view
from the terrace of
Source: Comma Image Oy
Photo courtesy of Visit Finland Image bank
With just
over a half
a million
a cosmopolitan and
vibe at an
Where West
meets East
Rather than East meets West, Helsinki is
perhaps Europe’s best example
of West meets East.
spring/summer 2009
Photographer: Niko Soveri / Source: City of Helsinki Tourist & Convention Bureau
Photographer: Matti Tirri
Kaivopuisto bank
Helsinki offers a refreshingly alter-
at night
Tourists from western Europe have
native take on the ‘east meets west’
been flocking to the eastern side of
holiday experience. This is because
the continent since the psychological
Finland’s cool and understated capi-
green light of EU expansion in 2004,
tal, located just 186 kilometres from
for their fix of eastern European cul-
the Russian border, and a two-hour
ture. Cities such as Prague, Bratislava,
ferry ride away from the Soviet tower
Tallinn and Riga have benefited from
block estates of Tallinn’s suburbs,
this newfound curiosity as millions
belongs undeniably to western
of tourists choose the relatively
Europe. Here you come to peer over
unknown former eastern bloc coun-
the border and feel a taster of east-
tries for their annual holidays and
ern Europe, rather than holidaying in
weekend breaks.
the East looking back towards home.
spring/summer 2009
Senate Square
Mannerheiminitie is where Helsinki
Photographer: Niko Soveri / Source: Convention Bureau
Finland has only been an independ-
Helsinki’s geographical position on
able stress-free pace. If your wish list
ent and integral part of western
the shores of the Baltic means it
for a city break includes top-notch
Europe since 1917. Prior to that
shares some physical similarities with
accommodation, a wide range of
there was a period of Russian rule, as
many of the eastern European port
international cuisine, dozens of muse-
well as centuries under Swedish con-
cities of the Baltic region.
ums and galleries, fascinating walks
trol, both of which have left their
With just over a half a million
and beautiful coastline - all combined
residents, Helsinki offers a cosmopoli-
with a lack of tourist hordes - then
the Finnish capital. Furthermore,
tan and happening vibe at an enjoy-
Helsinki is the place for you.
Photographer: Marita Haukemaa
Source: City of Helsinki Tourist & Convention Bureau
very different kinds of influences on
Fisherlady selling
her products in
the annual Helsinki
Baltic Herring Fair.
The event started
first in 1743
spring/summer 2009
ic white cathedral.
buzzes with shopping malls and pass-
Amongst the top tourist attrac-
ing trams, while Erottajankatu Street
tions of the 450-year-old capital are
uninitiated and is undeniably
is home to some of the city’s finest
the Suomenlinna fortress island,
the best place in Europe to get
restaurants, along with a number of
quirky Sibelius Park and the photo-
a sense of where West meets East,
trendy, friendly and accessible bars
genic Senate Square with its dramat-
from the inside looking out.
and clubs, where musical genres as
the top
of the 450year-old
capital are
a fortress
Park and
the photogenic,
Square with
its dramatic
of the Aland archipelago.
diverse as death metal, ambient
trance and the tango can fill the air.
Helsinki is first and foremost
a green city; a place where you can
swim, fish, cycle, indulge in a spot
of Nordic walking, linger in its
numerous parks and outdoor summer
concert halls, or even try your hand
at ice fishing during the winter
months. Leave the city environs
of Helsinki and there are endless
stretches of forest and hundreds of
lakes. Alternatively, take a ferry ride
from the city’s port in a once heavily industrialised, now rejuvenated corner of Helsinki, to the 6,500 islands
Helsinki has much to offer the
escape offering dozens of top class
hotels, spa resorts and excellent
restaurants. The stunning architecture,
narrow cobbled streets and laid-back
vibe of the town are further complemented by Parnu’s stunning white
sand beaches and attractive promenades. During June, July and August
Parnu is the beach capital of Estonia,
while at other times of the year this
hugely attractive town is certainly
the place to stay if you want to
Photo: Indrek Aija
relax and unwind, stroll and take in
the fresh sea breeze.
There are many quality hotels,
Drive north from Riga using the
A1 motorway and it is an enjoyable
two-hour journey along an easily
navigated coastal road to the first of
our featured destinations, Parnu.
Photo: Toomas Volmar
Parnu is undoubtedly one of the
finest spa towns in this region of
Europe and visitors have been flocking here for treatments for 170 years.
While many towns in Europe struggle with the economic downturn,
Parnu is bucking the trend as its
Best of the Baltics
continued renaissance sees Estonia’s
fifth largest community begin to
relive its popularity of the 1920’s
Ammende Villa
One of the top hotels in the
guest houses and spa resorts in
Baltic states is the Ammende Villa, a
Parnu but Gateway Riga recommends
historic luxury hotel and member of
three in particular that should suit
Vogue Condé Nast Johansens, which
all tastes:
has been included in The World’s
Parnu is
one of the
finest spa
towns in
this region
of Europe
and visitors
have been
here for
for 170
and 1930’s. This town is the perfect
In this special two-part series we take you beyond Latvia, to Estonia
and Lithuania, where we reveal some of the fascinating towns and cities
and excellent hotels that can easily be reached by road
from Riga International Airport.
Riga International Airport (RIX)
any longer wasted queuing at the
respective borders.
joining up to the Schengen visa
has excellent road links to both
waiver scheme it is now easier than
countries meaning that it is possible
two other Baltic capitals: Tallinn and
ever and much more convenient to
to reach Lithuania and Estonia in
Vilnius, as well as one of the region’s
travel to Estonia and Lithuania to see
just over one hour, with no time
most popular spa towns, Parnu.
spring/summer 2009
In this issue we take a look at the
Photo: Indrek Aija
the many delights on offer there.
With the three Baltic states recently
spring/summer 2009
Finest Recommended Hotels Guide.
Victoria Hotel, a sumptuous four-star
This splendid Art Nouveau master-
establishment in Parnu’s historic old
piece was built by local merchant
town close to the centuries old
cosmopolitan capital as it continues
Hermann Leopold Ammende in 1905
Lutheran church and a few footsteps
to attract visitors and new residents
and offers the very finest old world
away from many of Parnu’s best
from the four corners of the globe.
class for those who are lucky enough
bars, restaurants and quaint streets.
It is also a frontier city where east
to stay in any of its beautiful and
Homely understated rooms compli-
and west meet for a cultural experi-
luxurious rooms and suites with their
ment the style and elegance of this
ence quite unlike anywhere else in
wall paintings and period furniture.
hotel, while all visitors to Parnu
The Ammende Villa is surrounded by
should take time to enjoy the excel-
gorgeous tree-lined avenues and
lent a la carte Café Grand Restaurant
parks, and is just a few metres away
with its period furniture and wonder-
from Parnu’s white sand beaches. All
fully laid back 1920’s ambience.
the grandeur and class of the early
town today.
Meriton Grand Hotel
One place that has it all if you
plan to visit Tallinn is the Meriton
Strand Spa Hotel
1900’s remains with the hotel’s strik-
For an all-together different vibe
ing central hallway, imposing bal-
Tallinn is
a frontier
city where
east and
meet for
a cultural
quite unlike
in Europe
Photo: Allan Alajaan
In 2009 Tallinn is very much a
Grand Hotel. This excellent modern
4-star hotel is ideally located within
conies and its enchanting Red Salon,
consider staying at the Strand Spa
while the Volga Restaurant offers a
Hotel, situated close to Parnu’s
fine dining experience in keeping
famous white sand beach. Aside from
with the five star luxury standards of
trips to the beach and the historic
this unique art nouveau hotel.
town centre, there is no need to
164 rooms of which 157 are execu-
leave the comfort of this friendly
tive rooms coming with all the
modern hotel, which has a good
amenities one could wish for. The
Victoria Hotel
range of spa facilities as well as its
For the style and elegance of the
own happening nightclub, bars and
1920’s and the most central location
in town look no further than the
Drive two hours further north
and you reach the Estonian capital
Tallinn - for many, the most beautiful of the three Baltic capitals.
Tallinn dates back around 850 years,
and its medieval old town, which
includes influences from Sweden and
Imperial Russia, is regarded as one
of the finest in all of Europe.
Years of experience during the
1990’s in dealing with millions of
incoming tourists from Finland and
Russia means that the hotels, bars
Photo: Ain Avik
and restaurants in this beautiful and
spring/summer 2009
fascinating city are extremely well
geared up for the many varied
requirements of international visitors
who come to this former Hanseatic
walking distance of the old town
and the parliament and offers its
guests wonderful views of old
Tallinn’s city walls. The hotel has
Meriton Grand Hotel also offers
just two years ago and is one of the
ous Aqua Spa centre, the highly rated
Europe as well as one of the highest
guests the chance to try their luck at
most modern hotels in all of the cap-
a la carte restaurant Nero, the Hera
concentrations of churches and cathe-
the hotel’s themed French casino or
ital. The hotel has quickly earned
Salongid Beauty Centre and, last but
drals you are ever likely to see. While
you can indulge in less stressful
itself an excellent reputation as the
not least, the ever popular Cigar Bar
you admire its Gothic, Renaissance
pleasures in the hotel’s saunas and
ideal place to call home during any
Fidel. For more information about this
and Baroque architecture also make
beauty centre. Special packages cur-
business or leisure trip to Tallinn.
excellent modern hotel check out its
sure you also pay a visit to Uzupis,
rently available to Gateway Riga read-
Amongst its countless amenities are a
website below:
the quirky and tourist-free bohemian
ers include the ‘Romantic Getaway
modern conference centre, the luxuri-
district of Vilnius, which is a self-pro-
package’, which can be booked
claimed free and independent state.
online at the website below:
Indeed, Vilnius itself has for cen-
turies had the feel of being independent and ‘different’ from most other
Vilnius is
of Culture
for 2009
Tallink Spa &
Conference Hotel
Tallink has become one of the
main players in the Estonian hotel
industry in recent years and now
European capitals. Today the city is
overwhelmingly Catholic, but vestiges
of the Orthodox church along with
the Jewish and Muslim religions
remain in a city that was once
offers several excellent places to stay
referred to as the Jerusalem of the
in Tallinn. Gateway Riga particularly
North, and today boasts a cosmopoli-
recommends the Tallink Spa and
tan population of which Lithuanians
Conference Hotel, which was opened
make up just over half its citizens.
If you are interested in combining
your visit to Latvia with a trip to
tion for the quality of their hotels
perfect time to do it. Vilnius is
worldwide, but this grandiose stately
European Capital of Culture for 2009.
building appears to be one of the
have a superb location in the heart
Lithuania, and the Lithuanian capital
of Vilnius old town but also its 119
is a total of four hours away from
rooms perfectly combine old style
Riga by road.
class with all the modern amenities
The feel of this city is very differHere there is very much a sense of
empire and of former glories; of a
Photo: Vilnius Tourist Information Centre
time when Lithuania had its own
spring/summer 2009
pick of the bunch. Not only does it
by the A10 when you reach
ent from the other Baltic capitals.
Radisson SAS have a fine reputa-
Lithuania then you have chosen the
Take the A7 from Riga, followed
Radisson SAS Astorija Hotel
empire stretching across significant
parts of Europe.
With Europe’s borders once again
stretching eastwards to Russia, Vilnius
is now just a few kilometres away
from the geographical heart of the
European continent. This beautiful city
of countless parks and monuments
also has the largest old town in all of
of the 21st century.
Business-class rooms even include
their own luxurious sofas and espres-
so machines, while hotel amenities
Gendimino Castle and nearby
cosy luxury rooms await those lucky
include an indoor swimming pool
St. Anne’s Church. After spending
enough to stay here. Spend a night
with steam bath and sauna, free
the night with William Shakespeare
or two at the Stikliai if you want to
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Opera
Die Zauberflote
Internet and international papers and
or Ernest Hemmingway, prepare to
feel like royalty.
the cool and trendy Astorija Bar.
tuck in to one of the finest a la
carte breakfasts in the Baltics.
Shakespeare Boutique Hotel
Tilto Hotel
For those on a tighter budget who
No matter how nice some four-
still demand high standards and a
and five-star hotels are sometimes
central location, the Hotel Tilto
they begin to feel like much of a
makes for a perfect stay in Vilnius. It
much ness. This is where the
boats the unusual title of being ‘the
Shakespeare Boutique Hotel stands
first Irish Boutique hotel in Vilnius’
out from the rest of the high-class
and is just moments away by foot
crowd thanks to its unique design
from the main shopping street and
with each of its homely luxurious
the sumptuous Basilica cathedral.
rooms designed with a literary motif
Rooms are totally modern, each with
of a famous writer including books,
flat screen televisions, free WiFi and
paintings and period antiques.
Stikliai Hotel
some coming with their own kitch-
Pearls of Russian Music concert
March 20 / Great Guild
JaRule live
February 5 / Club Essential
Latvia v Luxembourg World Cup
Football Qualifier
Disney on Ice
April 1 / Skonto Stadium
February 10 / Arena Riga
Gaetano Donizetti opera
L’elisir D’amore
February 12 / National Opera
enettes. As well as modern amenities
February 13 / Club Essential
narrow street close to the main
and Hollywood actors are amongst
and a brilliant location, the Tilto also
Brandon Stone
action, from where many of its
the numerous famous people who
scores very highly on price.
rooms have to-die-for views of
have chosen the five-star Stikliai
February 14 / Riga Congress House
Mumiy Troll
Hotel as their home from home
February 14 / Arena Riga
during their time in Vilnius. It’s not
James Blunt
hard to see why: this beautiful listed
February 16 / Arena Riga
building in the very heart of Vilnius
caters to every whim and desire of
those whose main priority is luxury
and comfort. This starts at the front
door from the very moment you
walk in with special attentive personal service from the staff, while
Elizabetes iela 83/85, Riga LV-1050, Latvia
tel +371 67770900, fax +371 67770940 |
Armin Van Buuren & Blake Jarell
Princes, international pop stars
Its location is excellent, on a quiet
·ampïtera iela 139a, Riga LV-1046, Latvia
tel + 371 67892728, fax + 371 67892729 |
March 20 / Arena Riga
Back 2 the 90’s
February 1 / National Opera House
The Sandman Ballet
February 20 / National Opera House
Penelope and Dick
February 21 / Daile Theatre
9th International Bach Chamber
Music Festival
February 26 – April 4 /
Riga and regions
Carmen Opera
April 4 / National Opera House
Riga International
Children’s Film Festival
April 4-14 / Riga Cinema
Opera Aida
April 8 / National Opera House
Br¥v¥bas iela 199c, Riga LV-1039, Latvia
tel +371 67166000, fax +371 67166001 |
Baltic Ballet Festival
April 23 – May 8 / Riga and regions
Patricia Kaas
April 23 / Arena Riga
Vestards Simkus and Latvian
National Symphony Orchestra
April 29 / Great Guild
Latvian Grand Music Awards
Festival Sound Forest
March 4 / National Opera House
Richard Clayderman
March 7 / Riga Congress House
Ray Horton
March 8 / Riga Congress House
May 8, 9, 15, 16 / Riga
Skolas iela 11, Riga LV-1010, Latvia
tel +371 67289823, fax + 371 67287658 |
Night of the Museums
May 16 / All Latvia
Depeche Mode
May 25 / Skonto Stadium
Concert for Children
March 8 / Riga Great Guild
17th International Piano Stars
Elizabetes iela 21, Riga LV-1010, Latvia
tel +371 67031900, fax +371 67031901 |
March 8-15 / Liepaja
Information correct at time
of going to press.
Express Restaurant
Restaurant Villa Joma
The restaurant Villa Joma is located in
the very heart of Jurmala - on the main
promenade, housed in a century-old cosy
wooden villa, renovated entirely to the
highest degree of comfort. The restaurant
facade and its interior present wooden
architecture that is characteristic only of
this town and allows diners to enjoy an
unforgettable atmosphere enclosed by historical buildings and the unique nature of
Jurmala. The chef of Villa Joma restaurant
Rihards Jeršovs invites you to enjoy carefully selected light seasonal dishes.
His skill and experience will carry you
into a world of flavors and allow you to
enjoy variations of ascetic dishes, created in
line with a new concept of healthy food.
We care about the supreme taste of our
meals and use mainly seasonal products of
high quality for cooking.
For Your comfort, we want to create
a special atmosphere, which relaxes, inspires
and encourages you to visit our restaurant
again and again!
Indian Raja
Chicken tikka masala might sound
like an unlikely marriage, but expats are
truly blessed with this INDIAN RAJA
amongst imitators.
Sunny Motwany, the Restaurant Director,
has created a restaurant that is on a higher
level than most. A very well located in the
old town, an elegant decor and the exotic
aroma of spices conjures the tastes of the
Maharajahs is complemented by mouthwatering Indian dishes made by Indian chefs
that pack exactly the right punch.
Indian Restaurant
Skārņu iela 7, Riga (Near St. Peter’s Church)
tel +371 67223240
Trattoria del Popolo
This Italian club-restaurant is an ideal
place to enjoy an Italian-style ambience.
At our place, you can savour sophisticated cuisine, as well as our generous
wine-list. Our restaurant is well-suited
for business meetings, social events,
and romantic dinners.
Marijas iela 13, Riga, Berga Bazaar
tel +371 67284801,
Working hours: 12:00 - 24:00
Baznīcas iela 14, Riga
tel +371 27014933,
Indian & Thai Restaurant
Vecpilsētas iela 3, Riga
tel +371 67221617, +371 26559185,
Jomas iela 90, Majori, Jurmala, LV-2015
tel +371 67771999, fax +371 67771990,
This new and stylish restaurant and bar
is located in a renovated 19th-century
wooden building in the Center of Riga.
The interior combines 19th century and
modern elements with taste and offers a
very cosy ambience. Clients are welcomed
and served by wait staff in flight attendant outfits. A wide variety of international cuisine is available as well as some very
local dishes, interesting coctails and local
beers. On working days there is a good
two-course business lunch for 4 Ls, and
on weekend mornings a 20% discount for
brunch dishes. On Friday and Saturday
evenings the bar is open late and you can
stop by here for dancing and coctails.
Restaurant and wine cellar del Popolo
is located in the very heart of old Riga,
near the St.John's Church. The friendly
waiters will welcome you and introduce
you to the wonderful world of Italian
cuisine and perfect wines.
In the plesurable atmosphere of this
restaurant you can enjoy a meal during
the day as well as have a snack or spend
a romantic evening in our cosy wine cellar.
This is the place where you are always
welcome and, after the first meal, you will
return here again and again.
See you at del Popolo!
E' l' ora di mangiare!
Jāņa iela 8, Riga
tel +371 67350559
Open daily 11:00 - 24:00
spring/summer 2009
Authentic medieval restaurant
Welcome to the medieval times.
Start your journey to the medieval
times in the heart of the Old Riga Town
in Latvia.
Relax in the glimmering lights of
candles.Try the favourite dishes and
drinks of King Philip I, Duke Charles
of Burgundy and Margaret of York.
Listen to the Ancient Wall and
the Old Well whispering the secrets
of the Order of Knights Templars.
Find your medieval treasure.
Find your philosophers stone.
Find your Grail.
Rozēna iela 1, Riga
tel +371 67220356
Bergs Restaurant
There is a charming pedestrian oasis
in the center of Riga called Bergs Bazaar
where the Bergs restaurant is located.
Decorated in a contemporary style the
restaurant Bergs has been thoughtfully
designed to provide guests with a calm
and intimate retreat in the business centre
of Riga city. The restaurant is sited in the
five star boutique Hotel Bergs - a member
of the Small Luxury Hotels of the World.
Under the leadership of Kaspars Jansons
the restaurant provides exquisite cuisine
and distinguished service. Enjoy the
evening with a seasonal 5-course gourmet
dinner served with an excellent choice of
wines by Bergs sommelier Renārs Tarvids.
Our three-course lunch meal is served
on weekdays from 12.00 to 16.00 for 15 Ls
per person inclusive of tea or coffee.
Use this opportunity to enjoy
a wide range of cold delicatessen, exquisite hot dishes, LIDO cakes and desserts
in the romantic atmosphere offered
by the Express Restaurant at the LIDO
Recreation Centre, which is one of
the largest and most beautiful log buildings in Europe.
The Express Restaurant offers:
• 100 various cold dishes as buffet;
• Holiday meals and banquets;
• Music every night;
• Banquets at your place.
Dzirnavu iela 2, Riga LV-1010, Latvia
tel + 371 67821909, fax + 371 67821908 |
You are welcome Lunch 13:00-17:00
Dinner 18:00-23:00
Krasta iela 76, Riga
tel for info +371 67504420,
tel for booking +371 67700000,
Elizabetes iela 83/85, Bergs Bazaar, Riga
tel +371 67770957, fax +371 67770940
Working hours: 12:00 - 24:00
Closed Sundays
Restaurant and Bar
Lidojumam labvïl¥gs laiks
Kr.Barona iela 37, Riga LV-1011, Latvia
tel + 371 67312323, fax + 371 67316953 |
Jersikas iela 1, Riga LV-1003, Latvia
tel +371 67240220, fax +371 67240218 |
Doma laukums 1, Riga LV-1050, Latvia
tel +371 67814090, fax +371 67503326 |
If you want to get to Belgium you need
not buy a ticket to Brussels. Instead you
can discover the world of “Bon-Vivant”
the Belgium Beer cafe – in Old Riga. With
the aura of an ancient pub, nice Belgian
charm will compel you to forget all your
daily problems. Here you can touch the
masterpiece of some of the world's best
breweries, when you taste many well
known sorts of Belgian beer.
The customers, whether they be gour-
mets or amateurs, will find something
for themselves. And let's not forget the
wonderful kitchen of „Bon-Vivant”.
Our incredible 1.5 m sausage for the company of several people, will evoke very
positive emotions and compel the friendly
collective to become more united.
Mārstau iela 8, Riga
tel +371 67226585, fax +371 67226584,
Open: Mon.-Fri.: 11:00 – last customer
Sat.-Sun.: 13:00 – last customer
Dzintaru pr. 68, Jurmala, Latvia
tel +371 67751297, fax +371 29165865 |
Dubai in the United Arab Emirates,
can be seen in Dubai.
to which airBaltic is now flying twice
The range of destinations reachable
from RIGA International Airport
keeps on growing, despite
the economic hard times.
The city also attracts plenty of
tions, accept aircraft of any size and
brought together the teamwork of
to Є23.5 million, with Є16.5 million
type. This means that of one of the
five companies – Firma L4, the gen-
coming from the European Union
major preconditions for the airport to
eral contractor for the runaway
Cohesion Fund.
become a prominent northern
extension; the road surface construc-
European transit hub has been
tion company SC&A; Leminkainen
the work carried out, Guntis Karols,
accomplished. Riga can now start to
Lemcon, which oversaw the water
a representative of SC&A, said:
To give an idea of the scale of
a week, on Mondays and Fridays.
attention with its vast real estate
welcome large planes making
drainage and rain collection systems;
“During the runway’s reconstruction,
The 6 hour 15 minute flights are
projects, a well-developed tourism
transcontinental journeys.
ACB, responsible for the electrical
60 shiploads of granite were brought
being operated with Boeing 757-200
industry, huge beaches and an active
installations and illumination sys-
from Scandinavia to Riga, 70,000
aircraft and one-way tickets start at
and elegant nightlife.
any airport,” said Krisjanis Peters,
tems; and HoneyWell Airport
individual cargos were transported, an
“A runaway is the backbone of
LVL 139 (under Є200), including air-
The rapid increase in traffic at
chairman of the board of RIGA
Systems, which provided the illumi-
area equivalent to 107 football fields
port fees and transaction costs. More
RIGA International Airport, especially
International Airport. “Our new run-
nation equipment.
was greened over and 120 km of
just a few hours’ flying time away
information about the flight sched-
over the last five years – passenger
away actually means a new begin-
from RIGA International Airport con-
ules can be found on the company’s
numbers were just over 700,000 in
ning for the airport. The new 3,200-
tinues to expand. With passenger
Internet page,
2003 – means that capacity has had
metre runaway will let the people of
to increase too. In the latest of its
the Baltics reach even more destina-
construction projects designed in an
tions, making travel faster, wider and
effort to cope with the rising statis-
more comfortable.“
The list of cities and resorts now
“Soon we
will witness
by planes
from all over
the world.”
numbers growing from 3.2 million to
Dubai is known, rightly, as the
3.7 million in 2008 and over 60 des-
pearl of the Persian Gulf, the golden
tinations in 30 countries with direct
city of the Middle East, and is a
flights from the Latvian capital, Riga
global capital for fashion. Twin tow-
tics, the airport recently opened a
Mr Peters stressed that RIGA
is by far the leading airport in the
ers, pyramid-shaped shopping centres
runway extension. It now has the
International Airport is situated at
Baltic region.
and hotels – these are just a few of
longest runaway in the Baltic states.
the meeting point between east and
The latest addition to the list is
the architectural masterpieces that
The runaway can, without limita-
The total cost of the project came
road were asphalted.”
west, a strategically important communications centre where there is a
clear opportunity to develop international air traffic.
“I believe that soon we will witness landings by planes from all over
Call Centre and
RIX Club:
two new services
Riga,” he said.
in three languages – Latvian, English
on offer to passengers using RIGA
and Russian. One caller-friendly
aspect to the new service is that the
the airport launched a call centre in
technology can remember your num-
length of 3,200 metres. The newly
January, designed to field calls on
ber, so that if you call again you’ll
extended runaway allows RIGA
tricky questions like lost luggage, as
automatically be put through to
International Airport to serve inter-
well as regular calls on flight sched-
someone speaking your language.
continental flights without any
ules. A separate room has been creat-
The second new service is RIX
weight limitations, landing even the
ed at the airport with agents dedicat-
Club. This privilege program allows
biggest airplanes, including Airbus
ing their time fully to answer all
its members to use business-class
A340 and Boeing 747, 757, 767 and
incoming calls.
check-in and “Fast Track” security
The telecommunications company
and also gives discounts at airport
Lattelecom, in cooperation with
shops, restaurants and bars. Also,
capacity can be fount only at
Cisco, has provided the technical
RIX Club cardholders’ calls to the
Arlanda Airport in Stockholm and
platform for the new service and
airport’s new call centre will auto-
Vantaa Airport in Helsinki, which
another telecommunications compa-
matically be prioritized. Ideal for
also serve intercontinental flights.
ny, LMT, provided the number to
regular fliers!
The nearest runaways of similar
spring/summer 2009
Two innovative new services are
International Airport in 2009. Firstly,
777 aircraft.
partners can be transferred.
by 650 metres, reaching a total
The runaway has been extended
charge. Calls to individual airport
At the moment, calls can be taken
the world, aircraft the likes of which
have never been seen before here in
lost luggage, which are free of extra
The extension of the runaway
dial: 1187. The cost per minute is set
and reconstruction of its illumina-
at LVL 0.39 (Є0.58), but this is auto-
for members, which they’ll be
tion system began in May 2007 and
matically waived for calls regarding
informed about in advance.
spring/summer 2009
Special events are also promised
A large and multifaceted business
park is on the verge of being created
close to RIGA International Airport.
RIGA Airport Business Park, other-
work on an airport hotel carrying a
a total space of 50,000 square
wise known as RIXPORT, will
well-known 4-star brand will start in
metres. A third hotel will be built,
become the biggest business park in
2009 in parrallel with airport termi-
together with more parking space
the Baltic and Nordic region. It will
nal extension work. The hotel will
and the green zone. An urban area
provide the best possible platform for
be ready to accommodate its very
will be completed, encompassing
the development of international
first clients in 2012.
organised infrastructure and premises
companies in the region and serve as
The colourful Rixport venue will
a natural hub between east and west.
include a central green area, the
Construction of the first flashy
and futuristic-looking office building
began in June 2008 and commissioning is planned in September 2009.
“The Rixport business park is a
great opportunity for companies to
function in an international environment. In cooperation with the airport,
Rixport will become a business and
communication centre of European
“Our aim
is to make
Rixport into
the biggest
and the best
in northern
for various services.
“Our aim is to make the Rixport
Baltic region’s biggest exhibition and
business park, along with RIGA
convention centre, parking lots and
International Airport, into the biggest
plenty of space for services, recre-
and the best construction project in
ational activities and shopping.
northern Europe,” said Petter Lundeby,
Rixport will serve as a modern,
urbanised environment providing con-
managing director of Rixport.
“Since the growth of the airport is
venience and support functions to all
beginning strongly only now, this is
its employees and airport passengers.
a good chance to learn from the
The project will be completed in
most successful examples and their
two rounds. First, by 2014, six to
mistakes. I have been to many air-
importance,” Ilmars Samsonovs, the
eight office buildings totalling
ports and business parks in the
director of Rixport, says.
100,000 square metres will be built.
world and I can only compliment
Two hotels with a total of 400
the airports in Oslo, Copenhagen
200 and 2,000 sq m is available for
rooms will be constructed, as well as
and Helsinki, but the potential of
tenants, along with developed service
the parking areas. The convention
this project will exceed all of them
and customised solutions. In 2009,
centre, covering 40,000 square
and we as investors believe in it.”
Rixport will start designing and con-
meters, will be created simultaneously
Customers interested in renting
struction work on a second, elegantly
and the main infrastructure including
premises at the Rixport business park
designed office building with a gross
shopping and recreational sites will
are kindly asked to contact Rixport
area close to 9,000 sq m.
be installed.
directly at or the real
High-quality office space between
Along with office space, Rixport
The second round of construction,
estate company Balsts (
will host hotels catering of various
which will last until 2020, will see
For further information please also
comfort requirements. Construction
another two to four buildings, with
take a look at
Check-In Media SIA
Nometņu iela 44,
Rı̄ga, LV 1002
Tel: +371 67228509
+371 29208200
Magazine reg. nr.
Editor-in-Chief Justin Walley
Contributing writer Anatol Stephens
Art director Inese Laizāne
Managing Director Māris Jēkabsons
Advertising and Sales Enquiries:
Tel: +371 29208200
Comments and opinions:
General information:
Gateway Riga is the official airport magazine for RIGA International Airport.
It is distributed three times in 2009. Circulation: 20 000. Opinions expressed in this
publication are those of the authors or persons interviewed and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the editor, Check-In Media or RIGA International Airport.
All rights reserved. Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any
form without written permission. Unsolicited manuscripts, photographs and
illustrations are not accepted. Gateway Riga accepts no responsibility for such
materials sent to its office, nor is it liable for loss of, or damage to, such material.
All prices are subject to change without notice.
Gateway Riga accepts no responsibility for printing errors.
Printed by Kroonpress, Estonia.
Special thanks for help in producing this magazine and/or providing photos: Inessa Galante, Enars Plinta, Balta, Tara Kneafsey, Aija Virse, Latvian Sauna
Association, Finnair,, Latvian Football Federation, Matias Sarkinnen, Barny Edis, Ruperto Williams, Inga Vasiljeva, Inspiration Riga,,
Ventspils TIC, Alona Chushenko, Latvian Tourism Development Agency, Saliena, makroconcert, Latvian CAA, Diana Galante, Anikka Treial,,, Latvian National Opera House, Ventspils International Airport, Liepaja International Airport.
We would like to extend our thanks to the following hotels:
Ammende Villa, Hotel Victoria, The Strand, Shakespeare Boutique Hotel, Radisson SAS Astorija, Stikliai Hotel, Tilto Hotel.