Baiba Skride - Riga International Airport


Baiba Skride - Riga International Airport
Take your FREE copy!
autumn/winter 2006/2007
Baiba Skride:
A being not entirely
of this world
The perfect
winter escape
Ich bin ein Berliner
(+371) 7280147
Bang & Olufsen Riga,
Lacplesa str. 52/54,
Riga, LV 1011
tel. 00 371 728 0147;
fax 00 371 728 0149;
©SAD 2006 FSBK01-1
Every time I take a stroll through
the airport terminal the place seems
Latvian mythology
to be busier and busier. It's fantastic
through, visiting Riga on business or
Transparency and honesty,
the Scandinavian way
Emigration - a Latvian recipe for success?
The Latvian economy a victim of its own success?
The history of Latvian aviation
Ventspils-Rostock, Ventspils-Karlshamn, Ventspils-Nynäshamn
Booking and information: Scandlines Booking Center, N. Sodo 1, LT - 92118 Klaipeda
Telephone/fax: + 371 77 96 900
rate in the Baltic region. We saw almost 40 percent more passengers in the
first six months of 2006, up to 1.15 million people, which means we'll be
close to the 2.5 million mark for the full 2006 - more than double the number of people who flew to or from Riga in 2004.
It looks like the airlines are successful in attracting more passengers per
flight, since the number of flights grew by 15 percent in the same period.
And it looks like we will maintain the pace of growth. It is still our aim
to attract 10 million passengers by 2013. In spring 2007, as many as nine or
10 new airlines will be flying to Riga, while others will open new routes. We
now have almost all European capitals as direct destinations from Riga, so
now we are aiming at European countries' second, third or fourth cities.
You like driving, but want to arrive quickly and relaxed? One of the
most pleasant ways of getting to Germany, Sweden or Denmark
is on one of our ferries. Enjoy the fresh sea air and arrive at your
destination completely relaxed. Scandlines offers three routes via
the Latvian port of Ventspils to Germany, Sweden and Denmark.
You choose your itinerary.
Welcome on board!
In fact, passenger traffic has been
growing at by far the most rapid
The wild hunt
Berlin: Ich bin ein Berliner
The bridge to Germany,
Sweden or Denmark
for a leisure break.
Baiba Skride:
a being not entirely of this world
to see so many people flying
New destinations next year will probably include airports in cities in
the UK, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Sweden and Denmark that we don't fly
to already.
As we expand, overcrowding and long queues at the airport are out of the
easyJet: Making life easier for travellers
question. The capacity of the airport allows for twice as many passengers as
there are now and by 2010 a new building will open in front of the existing
In-depth profile of Zemgale
one, as well as a new pier stretching north from the new extension of the
terminal we opened earlier in 2006.
The perfect winter escape
The latest news and updates from Latvia's
award-winning airport
Dzintars Pomers
President & CEO, Riga International Airport
Sadly, if there were temples in
this region of the Baltics, then we
have no evidence of them as no
archaeological dig has ever uncovered a beyond-doubt pre-Christian
temple in this region. The documents speak of temples being just
sacred forests, areas of water and
fields. But not much more is
actually known.
Because Latvia had no unified
nation state until as late as 1918,
it means that written testimonies
of what life was like in Latvia
Latvian mythology
were penned by German missionaries (originally the crusaders), or
those Latvians who managed to
work their way up through the
class system. Therefore, all texts
Mythology can be defined as the body of myths (sacred stories)
of a particular culture, and the study and interpretation
of such myths. But the actual definition of mythology
is a problem still to be solved by scholars.
These can broadly be broken
If we take the Roman and Greek
down into:
and Semigallian tribes were
related to Latvian culture pre-dat-
which were studied in great
The later documented writings,
strongly opposed to the will and
ing the late 19th century may
detail by the world-famous
whims of their Christian adver-
turn out to be biased works by
mythologist, Wilhelm Mannhardt
saries, but again there is little
writers who had no wish to posi-
around 1870, are also disappoint-
written documentation evidenc-
tively promote the Latvian ancient
the lands now associated with
ing in that they mostly describe
ing connections to the long-dis-
culture in general and their
modern day Latvia. In his trave-
the Christianisation of the Balts.
tant past.
mythology in particular. In fact,
mythological systems as the basis for
• Historical documents
logue, Tacitus talks about the local
There is little mention of myths
how we study Latvian mythology
• Folklore texts
tribes of that time worshipping
or of the existence of an ancient
accounts do mention the pagan
about the remnants of that cul-
then we have a very big problem.
• Archaeological evidence
female deities, or some Mother
religion in these parts at that
burial rites of the Curonians, but
ture and mythology come from
This will come as something of a
• Place-name evidence
Goddess. Beyond that, he goes into
time, though calling the locals
the scarce references to the wor-
works dedicated to the eradication
surprise to many who associate the
Interestingly, no early culture
very little other detail that attests
“heathen” supposes them having
ship of deities relate to tribes that
of the above.
to evidence of some great, complex
a different kind of belief system.
we could describe as Estonian or
In 1878 a number of Latvian
culture at that time. As Tacitus
We do know that the Curonian
Lithuanian, rather than Latvian.
intellectuals (who insisted on their
very name “Latvia” with paganism
ever documented its myths as
and/or ancient cultural traditions.
Greek and Roman mythology is
The so called facts upon which
known to us from works of
Latvian mythology are based are few
learned men - philosophers and
and far between; rather they are, as
poets - while much appraised
Aldis Putelis describes, "just a deriva-
Celtic mythology must be derived
tion from Latvian folklore material,
from writings of later authors, rep-
and mostly - song texts". The
resenting the old beliefs indirectly.
understanding of what mythology is
has changed over time, but still the
The first
account of
the Baltic
tribes was
made by
a Roman
most likely could neither speak or
understand the language used by
these Baltic tribes one might expect
that his account might be taken
with a rather large pinch of salt.
That is however, until one realises
that his insights about the ancient
The first ever historical account
Balts are the only written testimo-
existence of specific myth texts is
which mentions any of the Baltic
ny we have until the ninth centu-
relevant when we speak about
tribes was made by a Roman man
ry. This is bad news indeed, for
known as Tacitus. Tacitus was the
any modern-day Latvian who wish-
For a serious, academic study of
modern-day equivalent of a Royal-
es to call upon concrete evidence
mythology you need evidence based
commissioned travel-writer; sent by
of a great Latvian culture once
upon a number of sources, as no one
Nero in 55AD to explore Germania,
existing on these lands two or
single source can be reliable enough.
which possibly also encompassed
more millennia ago.
autumn/winter 2006/2007
More detailed thirteenth century
most of the data one can gather
Finally, here is the most famous
and most loved Latvian tale:
vivid tale by Andrejs Pumpurs is
although the message originally
set in Latvia at the time of the
applied to its people remaining
German Crusades. Pumpurs was
defiant and strong against a
not the only author who tried to
German occupier, the Lacplesis
create an epic on the basis of
story continued to conjour up
texts that can be found in folk-
images of fighting against oppres-
lore, but his work received by far
sion in later times in the form of
the widest acclaim - probably
forces such as the Nazis and
because of the political connota-
Soviets. There are different
tions it contains.
accounts of the Lacplesis story, but
Lacplesis was half man, half
Lāčplēsis (The Bear-Slayer)
"Vorzeit Leiflands",
Latvia's national epic is called
Lacplesis. Published in 1888, this
own Latvianness even after acquir-
religion is based on folklore and
along with some functions they are
ing education at a German-lan-
has its roots in a belief that there
responsible for, but not much more.
guage university) including
was a purely “national” Latvian
Krisjanis Valdemars, Fricis
religion dating back to a glorious
motifs: The courting of Saules
Brivzemnieks (Treuland) and
past. The evidence of this is, in
meitas (Sun's Daughters) by Dieva
Krisjanis Barons decided to collect
reality, almost non-existent, while
deli (God's Sons) or other heavenly
and publish the best Latvian folk-
the religion itself is largely a con-
beings; the passing of a hero into
song texts. This was the period of
struct. Still, if it can serve the
national reawakening that wit-
nessed the Latvian people attempt
to recreate their “lost” culture as
a way of justifying their very
The best loved Latvian
mythological tales
What we are left with are just
has had
a major
on Latvian
the “otherworld” to perform a task,
returning and cleansing afterwords;
different rituals to be performed in
order to ensure fertility or some
other favourable result. Even these
sense of national identity, backing
It is difficult to say what the
the claim to nationhood. This was
mythological narratives of ancient
just the beginning of the Latvian
Latvians were like. There is no com-
revivalist movement which is
plete narrative that could be cited
most likely will never get solved is
becoming ever increasingly popu-
that would have told the character-
the relationship between Latvian
lar today in the 21st century. The
istic story of the world being creat-
folklore texts and Christianity -
interest in ancient culture and
ed, and of the first people inhabit-
there are people (like dievturi) who
using it in order to strengthen
ing the land and introducing the
insist that Latvian folklore is purely
the national feelings perhaps was
civilisation. Nor is there a narrative
pagan, while quite a few scholars
most significantly expressed by
that tells us about the gods that
have indicated the Christian fea-
the creation of Dievturiba in
helped them in that or hindered
tures, in particular texts and
1925. This neo-pagan revivalist
them. There are names of deities,
images of deities.
autumn/winter 2006/2007
are just interpretations of the texts,
not the narratives to be found on
the surface. Another problem that
Pumpurs' rendition tells of
bear; a Bear Slayer who came to
Lacplesis bravely fighting the Black
the aid of his nation whenever he
Knight by the edge of the Daugava
was needed. Andrejs Pumpurs creat-
River, before the two tumble into
ed this most beloved of Latvian
the Daugava, never to be seen
folk heroes, basing this colourful
again. The finale of the work men-
story on existing folklore. The
tions that the two have been seen
Lacplesis story has had a major
from time to time by boatmen
influence on Latvian culture and
passing the spot and suggests that
the Latvian people's sense of
there will come a day when
national identity. The story reflect-
Lacplesis will finally overcome his
ed a fledgling nation's move
adversary and finally dispose of
towards full nationhood and
him in the deep, dark waters.
A being not entirely
of this world
Although a number of Latvian artists have succeeded in receiving international acclaim
after first making it big at home, few have managed to launch their careers
in another country. Described by “Die Zeit” newspaper in Germany
as “a being not entirely of this world”, Baiba Skride is a down-to-earth
and hugely talented young lady with fans of her music living as far away
as Japan and Australia.
me into music when I was just
My granny helped start all this
You were born in Riga in 1981.
three years old. She sang me a
off, but also my parents were real-
What can you remember about
song and I quickly learned it. All
ly positive. My mum is a talented
growing up in Latvia?
my sisters liked singing too, so you
pianist, so that definitely helped
could say we were “singing sisters”.
me. Also, I had some great teach-
Only fun things. I remember lots
of snow, which is something I
Before I knew it I was in music
don't see too much these days liv-
school at the age of three.
ing in Germany. I also fondly
remember my family's summer
house near the beach, and all the
peaceful summers my sisters and I
What was it like going to school
at such an early age?
Well, I didn't really know how
had there during the long break
to behave. At first I just used to
from school. The other thing I
cry so hard so that I could go
remember is concerts. Lots and lots
home, but I soon came to under-
of concerts!
stand that it was really good fun
When did you first become interested in music? Was it something
ers. One teacher, Mrs. Girska, was
absolutely amazing.
What made you decide to move
Contest in 2001. That must have
or three that I haven't really
proud and scared and the same
been a great honour. Can you tell
enjoyed working with. It's good to
time. People have such different
me what happened and how you
work with conductors from differ-
tastes and you don't know how
ent generations. People from the
they will take your music. If you
old school, like Blomstedt, have
read terrible things written about
got something special to offer you,
you, it is very painful. The
while the young generation are
strangest thing is probably seeing
also very interesting. It is certainly
posters of yourself in the streets. It
never boring. I particularly enjoyed
does make you feel very proud
working with Paavo Jarvi and his
though, and you also know that
son. Everything just seemed to fit
one day it will all be over.
I went into the competition without expectations. I won and thought
classical music is a big deal.
abroad to Rostock to begin your
Winning the competition meant I
was famous for one week; being
It was mostly by accident. I
interviewed from morning until
night. People even recognised me in
and soon after that I was invited
the street. It helped me a lot. I
to go to Rostock in 1995. One fac-
can't say it changed my life, but it
to be there at the school. I saw
tor in the move was that my
certainly opened a lot of doors.
my older sister at school and I
mother managed to get a job there
wanted to be just like her.
as a pianist, so it made it much
So was your granny your biggest
thing is
of yourself
in the
very well. We travelled to the
Baltics, and to Estonia, where
Paavo is from.
The Nippon Foundation kindly
You were signed by Sony Music
You have worked with conductors
You play a Stradivarius Wilhelmj
loaned me it for four years after I
and released your first CDs in
won the Brussels competition. They
easier to make the move. I studied
like Graf and Blomstedt. Who have
2004. Can you tell me a little bit
are very supportive towards emerg-
in Rostock until 2001, although I
you most enjoyed working with?
about these CDs?
ing young talent. It is great that
still went back to do exams and
from very early on. My granny got
other stuff after that.
autumn/winter 2006/2007
feeling to be published. I was
“wow”! It was amazing. In Belgium
musical influence when you were
Oh, I was interested in music
people. There have only been two
went to a competition in England,
natural or were you pushed towards
a musical life from an early age?
I have
been very
in my life
to work
so many
You won the Queen Elisabeth
I have been very lucky in my
life to work with so many great
Both CDs were released at the
same time. It was such a weird
autumn/winter 2006/2007
they give people who are not
famous a chance to succeed.
can't wait. We're even going to
tour Tasmania.
How often do you return to
to live one day or are you settled
your biggest achievement to date?
in Germany now?
And as they always ask in job
I don't really know. I can imag-
Latvia? Do you think the country
ine living here in a little house
has changed a great deal since you
next to a lake one day, but
first set off to Germany in 1995?
speaking honestly I am use to the
I get back two or three times a
lifestyle in Germany now. When
year. This year will actually be the
you move to a new country at
first time all the family hasn't got
the age of fourteen or fifteen it
together in Latvia for Christmas.
shapes you in a certain way. It
Instead we are going to celebrate it
would be a little difficult to
in Hamburg.
return to Latvia and fit into the
Every time I come back I think,
lifestyle here.
“What's happening here?” There is
always something new, but basically
the country appears to be doing
very well. I like how it looks now.
There seems to be a strong con-
Finally, what do you consider as
Do you plan to return to Latvia
Who are your favourite Latvian
Well, “Prāta Vētra”, of course!
I was
on the
with the
from side
to side.
It would
have been
an interesting way
to go!
interviews - where do you see
yourself in five years time?
The most satisfying thing is that
I've managed to do what I'm doing
in another country with no particular help from anybody. I did it on
my own with nobody really pushing
me. Everybody needs luck, and I've
had some along the way; but now
it is a wonderful feeling when I
hear people say that they are proud
that Baiba Skride is Latvian.
As for the future...I can imagine
having a family one day, but I'm
not sure if my life will be compat-
There are always people on the
I also like Mielavs and the first
ible for some time. I guess after
streets. It's nice to see young people
album “Cosmos” did. If I think
some years I would like to have a
out having fun in Riga. There are
back a few years ago, then I have
more stable, more normal life; but
an earthquake. I was on the twenti-
very exciting, but I'm sure it would-
also so many kids out everywhere.
fond memories of some of Imants
I want to try out everything there
nection with Japan. I believe you
eth floor with the building shaking
n't be like that anymore these days.
It's not like that in Germany.
Kalnins' music.
is first!
are playing in concert there soon.
from side to side. It would have
What were your impressions when
been an interesting way to go!
“Die Zeit” newspaper are quoted
as saying, “Baiba Skride is a being
you played there before?
On the subject of travelling, do
Yes, my sister and I are playing
not entirely of this world,” That
there in two weeks time.
you find that it all gets a bit
sounds like an amazing compli-
(September) That will be great fun,
wearisome because you are always
ment. How do such compliments
but going alone is a little more
on the road? Where are your
make you feel?
intimidating. I love the food and
favourite places you've been?
the different mentality in Japan. It
is difficult to understand sometimes, but Japan is really great,
and they always organise everything perfectly.
Have you ever felt like Scarlett
Johansson in “Lost in Translation”
during your trips to Japan?
Yes! Definitely! It is exactly those
feelings. That film perfectly sums up
how you can feel if you are all
It is a
I hear
people say
that they
are proud
is Latvian
You get a bit sick of it after a
I'm an alien! (laughs) Of course
it is fantastic when you hear some-
couple of months because you
thing like that, but you know how
can't wash your clothes and stuff
you are in reality. People say good
like that, but then I get “sick” if I
and bad things about you, so it's
don't travel for a few months. It's
important to keep everything in
not exactly the worst life in the
world staying in hotels - not having to clean any dishes and eating
Do you have any new projects or
in nice restaurants; but there again
CDs planned or are you just con-
it is nice to go home and cook for
centrating on your concert tour?
yourself sometimes.
I love Europe, which is a great
My sister and I will have a CD
released in January. It will be
alone in Japan. There is always
place to travel around and relatively
launched in Japan first, and then a
something a little bit strange and
easy to get from place to place.
bit later on in Europe, I believe. In
interesting going on under the sur-
Malaysia and Taiwan were really
October I am going to play in the
face of life in Japan. Last time I
good fun. We went right off into
US, in Philadelphia. Then I'm off
was there I called my sister during
the jungle and did tours. It was all
to Australia for the first time. I
autumn/winter 2006/2007
with further price rises almost cer-
there were increases in both the
and stick of euro-adoption seems
tain for utilities and transporta-
euro-zone and the US; while in
to have had little impact on pro-
tion. To some extent, it could be
Japan, the Japanese central bank
ceedings, and privately most eco-
argued that Latvia is in danger of
raised its key interest rate from
nomic analysts acknowledge that
becoming a victim of its own suc-
0% to 0.25% in July, taking it
entry into the single European cur-
into positive figures for the first
rency might be as far as five years
time in six years.
off, with incoming EU funds com-
cess. Lending growth together
with massive increases in the
incomes of individuals and busi-
The Latvian
Latvian economy
economy a victim
victim ofof its
its own
After a summer of record temperatures,
the Latvian economy is also showing signs
of serious overheating...
nesses are creating troubling
demand-side inflationary pressures.
At the same time, there has been
a noticeable slow down in the
country's export figures, while
Latvia's appetite for imports con-
Moderation would
seem to be
the key to
Moderation would seem to be
the key to sustainable medium-
pounding the inflationary problem.
In the midst of the Latvian prop-
term growth, but the Bank of
erty boom, perhaps a change in
Latvia's ability to manage the situa-
government policy together with the
tion is limited by a lack of effec-
“policing” of the real estate market
tive monetary policy tools.
might increase government revenues
In the absence of a magic wand,
and clamp down on the supply of
tinues to grow. This growing
Latvia's damaging inflation rate
money - so much of which perme-
external imbalance can only lead
might only be kept in check if
ates from the country's grey econo-
the country along the road to a
controls are put on credit growth
my. And while Latvia's banks - now
high current account deficit.
and the current trend towards mas-
the second most profitable in the
sive wage increases. However, with
EU - continue to grow fatter and
rate hike seems like a prudent
the spectre of continued emigration
richer every day, there must be
move, but was perhaps unavoid-
there is something of a “catch 22”
responsible limits placed by these
able in any case, given the world-
scenario in regard to limiting wage
financial institutions on the levels of
wide trend. During mid-2006
increases. Furthermore, the carrot
mortgage lending.
The Bank of Latvia's interest
which began in late May 2006, as
the international body compiled
data ahead of its annual report on
Latvia's economic development.
Bank of Latvia's move were cited
Comparing the development of the
as “the current account and lend-
Latvian economy over the summer
ing that point to a high and per-
months to the previous two quar-
sisting domestic demand.”
ters, it followed -broadly speakinga very similar pattern.
The most significant development
Fears of an overheating economy
are now well documented with the
IMF making specific warnings in
Indeed, the alarm bells were
can only
the country
the road
to a high
already ringing after Latvia posted
an all-time-high growth figure of
13.1% in the first quarter of
2006. Retail trade turnover, for
example, increased by 29.5% yearon-year in May 2006. Although
was the Bank of Latvia's decision in
June. Rachel Van Elkan, the head
mid-July to raise the refinancing
of the IMF mission to Latvia was
interest rate by 0.5% to 4.5%. This
quoted as saying, “The steep rise
decision was driven by a number of
in domestic demand that was
factors - not least of all - the coun-
brought about by EU accession has
try's continued high inflation rate,
increased economic vulnerability in
which began the year in January at
several areas, including a high cur-
7.6% year-on-year, before dropping
rent account deficit, the increasing
consequence medium and long-
to 6.3% in June. At the time of
burden of foreign debt, steep salary
term growth will be seriously
going to print in late September
and price inflation, and the strong
Latvian producer prices had grown
increase in housing prices,”
11.1 % year-on-year.
Other contributing factors to the
The comments came during the
IMF's two-week long mission,
autumn/winter 2006/2007
there are certainly tangible benefits in the continued rapid growth
of the Latvian economy, (after all
as the poorest country in the EU,
Latvia still has a lot of catching
up to do) the fear is that the situation is unsustainable and as a
Continuing uncertainty in the
Middle East does not bode well in
regard to inflationary pressures
autumn/winter 2006/2007
In April, 2005 Parex Banka and
ern Europe that still remain abroad.
trends and keep their weapons sharp.
American Express announced the
Most tourists are not aware, for exam-
RMS with its easy-to-update parameters
launch of the first American Express
ple, that practically every ATM machine
can always be adjusted according to
Cards in Latvia.
in Riga has a CCTV built into it. One
new fraud patterns.
Furthermore, in July 2005, Fortune
Transparency and honesty,
the Scandinavian way
There is currently a 40 per cent annual growth in the Latvian bankcard market.
This is not only driven by a booming economy, but also by an increasing
realisation that bank cards are safe and convenient.
myths about safety in Latvia is in
electronic business and payment market,
regard to the authorities' success rates
mimic the Scandinavian model of trans-
First Data, expanded its business opera-
in cutting down on credit card fraud.
parency and honesty the latest figures
tions in Europe, with its acquisition of
In the UK, for example, government
show that together with a strong
EuroProcessing International (EPI)
agencies managed to prevent 25 per
Group, inter alia, the leading Baltic card
cent of payment card fraud last year.
processing company SIA Banku Servisa
In Latvia the figure was 75 per cent.
Centrs. By this acquisition, First Data
"Through our Risk Management System
expanded its network of companies that
(RMS) we have a total picture of the
process issue and acceptance of credit
market. Information is immediately
cards and debit cards and provide sup-
shared. Indeed, many fraudsters who
port to local banks.
have been at large in Europe have been
The Managing Director of First Data
International in Latvia, Zanda Brivule,
explains that this event means a his-
ness and payments authorisation con-
British are credit card addicts; the
and traditions from the country's recent
improving the public's knowledge of
cern in the world...”
Germans and French prefer to work
Soviet experience, when people pre-
the true situation that hurdles created
in cash, while in Iceland 96 per cent
ferred to save any money they had at
by cultural perceptions are finally
dominant market player with a market
of all transactions are made by pay-
home. This behaviour applies more to
cleared. If a card is lost or stolen or
share for POS transactions of 90% and
ment cards. Latvia has a much less
the older generation, but is still an
becomes invalid due to another rea-
44% for ATM transactions. First Data
developed payment card market, but
issue throughout society. According to
son, such as your PIN number falling
customers in Latvia include all 23
all the signs are that it is moving in
the latest FDI research, at least 40 per
into the hands of an unauthorised
Latvian banks. “Card service is a neces-
the direction of the Scandinavian
cent of the population receives its
person, the card-holder must notify
sary evil… but as long as things are
model where transparency and hon-
salary directly hand-to-hand.
the bank or First Data International
perfect, we are invisible,” Ms. Brivule
points out.
visit Latvia every year will also soon
understand that using their credit or
Evidence of the changing market situation is clear if one is to look at DnB
Nord, which now offers a whole range
Safer than using your credit
card at home
There are 3 million tourist days a
soon expand at an even greater rate
etration rate of 0.82. The average
once the message has got across to
interest-free and revolving credit cards
year in Latvia but the use of credit
European penetration rate is 1.2. Latvia
customers that payment cards are safe
as well as exclusive international pay-
cards is very low. One explanation of
is currently some way behind Estonia
and protected. Some potential cus-
ment cards such as Visa Gold and
this is a perception by many foreigners,
where the penetration rate has already
tomers still believe that the loss of
MasterCard Gold. DnB Nord also offers
particularly from Western Europe, that
broken through the psychological barri-
their credit card would bring about
peace of mind to its customers who
it is unsafe to use their credit cards in
er of one card per person; and now
financial ruin. The reality is, that if a
buy on-line through the introduction of
Latvia. This belief is not based on cold,
stands at 1.06.
customer loses their card, they simply
Verified by Visa and MasterCard
hard facts and is most likely due to
need to cancel it immediately. In
stereotypical images of post-Soviet east-
autumn/winter 2006/2007
the millions of foreign tourists who
Indeed, First Data in Latvia is the
Latvia, meaning the country has a pen-
ices. Meanwhile, it is to be hoped that
them in their own country.
but the culture is not. It is only by
means of payment for goods and serv-
service providers need to follow the
cash. Such behaviour is based on habits
One explanation for the relatively
ment cards as a safe and convenient
now part of First Data - the leading
greatly throughout the world. The
of around 40 per cent. This could
Latvians are placing their trust in pay-
venient but often safer than using
Europe and the largest electronic busi-
There are 1.9 million bankcards in
sion can be drawn that more and more
ers and banks, so fraud monitoring
independent transaction processor in
encing an annual growth in card use
quency of card use. The clear conclu-
payment cards in Latvia, "BankServiss, is
sumer protection laws are in place
Overview of the Latvian market
Thieves however are always inventing
there is also a rapid increase in the fre-
debit card in Latvia is not only con-
Latvia we can conclude that the con-
This aside, the market is develop-
Brivule points out.
growth in the number of credit cards
new techniques to steal from cardhold-
in Latvia is that Latvians like to pay in
ing quickly. Latvia is currently experi-
caught trying their tricks in Latvia,"
are always
to steal
and banks
toric and significant turn in the field of
low rate of payment card penetration
esty govern the market.
As the Latvian bank market looks to
5000 listed company and leader in the
The use of payment cards differs
There are
1.9 million
in Latvia,
the country
has a
rate of 0.82
simple statistic that breaks one of the
of credit cards including salary, internet,
autumn/winter 2006/2007
This figure might seem crazy to
ply of labour. At that point there is
the casual reader but if the average
expatriate saves 10,000 euros per
annum working abroad (as many
financial analysts believe they do),
then the figure is certainly somewhere between 1-3 billion euros,
depending upon the true number of
Latvian emigration
emigration Latvian
recipe for
for success?
a recipe
Anybody who has arrived at Riga International Airport can't have failed to notice the long
queues of young, dynamic Latvians at the departure terminal. The scene is an almost
daily occurrence with the longest queues stood, slightly impatiently, at the boarding
gates for flights to Dublin, Liverpool and London. Where exactly are all these
young people going? And perhaps more importantly - why are they leaving?
Latvians working abroad.
As a net result the economy in
Latvia is growing while commodities
consumption is actually decreasing.
“Remittances from
amount to
as much as
a 3 billion
euro cash
input into
The tide shifts once more
a decrease in salaries. It might be
argued that the best workers went
HR Manager,
to places like Ireland eight years
ago. Already there is evidence that
there are significant returns of citizens in Lithuania. Many people will
begin to return to Latvia with
enough money to buy a house or
start their own businesses.”
And while some corporate businesses have spent the last few years
tant assets in our company -
haemorrhaging staff like fast food
employees with experience, knowl-
restaurants, others have found it eas-
edge and networks. Our employees
ier to keep their staff.
receive good remuneration, but we
One of the country's which has
“We have been sending our staff
most benefited from the supply of
abroad since 95/96 to participate in
increase merry-go-round. Human
cheap and eager eastern-European
international projects and exchange
Resource Capital is all about
labour has been the United
programs, but during that time only
attracting, developing, maintaining
Kingdom. Already by September
a very few people have chosen to
and utilising human capital. This is
2006 the official number of immi-
stay abroad after their foreign sec-
how we keep our staff - by
grant workers from the new EU
ondment. Most move from our
empowering them.”
member states stood at 427,000. The
office here where we have 70
real figure could be closer to a mil-
employees to a secondment in larger
Elections on the horizon, it is inter-
lion. Indeed, the British economy is
practices located in major cities. In
esting that none of the political par-
are not part of the current salary-
With the Latvian General
UK. These two countries, along with
has actually been transformed.”
said to have generated more new
fact, this is an exciting experience,
ties are discussing what you might
Since 1990 it has been estimated
Sweden, were the only old Member
Argues Janis Zelmenis, Partner at
jobs for Poles since 2004, than
but looking at the longer perspective
consider to be the political hot
that somewhere between 250,000
States that did not impose restrictions
Deloitte Latvia.
Poland itself. Inevitably, the British
people count pros and cons and
potatoes of the day - such as immi-
and 400,000 people have left Latvia
on new EU nationals. More than
decide to return to their careers and
gration and taxation. Instead, all the
to live and work abroad. This
100,000 people have emigrated since
concluded that respondents with
in scare stories about the “Eastern
personal lives in Latvia. Meanwhile,
parties across the political spectrum
equates to more than 10% of the
the Baltic state joined the EU in
monthly earnings below 300 LVL
European invasion”. Some of this is
salaries and productivity continue to
seem hung up on the single issue
national population. On the surface
May 2004. Some put this figure as
are significantly more likely to move
driven by xenophobia - which is
go up in Deloitte at around 10%
of corruption. This puzzles Zelmenis,
of it, this sounds like a disaster for
high as 200,000.
west than those who earn above
always guaranteed to sell papers -
per annum. This translates to an
who believes now is the time for
this figure; and with the majority of
while Ireland's experience of “social
increase in salary per hour and, sig-
some enlightened politicians to seize
these individuals coming from the
dumping”, which has led to much
nificantly, revenue per employee.”
the moment and change the future
poorer, eastern parts of the country
of its indigenous workforce being
where unemployment is high it
replaced by cheaper foreign labour
becomes apparent that rather than
together with the weakening of its
becoming a burden to Latvia, this
Trade Union power structures, has
group of people have actually
caused some hostility towards for-
become a benefit.
eign workers.
this fledgling Baltic country. There
are however those who argue, that
Instead of seeing this situation as
far from being a disaster, mass emi-
being the precursor for doom and
gration is actually a formula for eco-
economic gloom there are those who
nomic success in Latvia.
believe that there are many economic benefits from the current exodus.
Indeed, survey after survey has
More than
100 000
people have
the Baltic
state joined
the EU in
May 2004
tabloid press has started to indulge
Statistics show that more people
“If they had stayed in Latvia
have left Latvia in the last five years
there would have been no social
than chose to leave of their own
network to protect them. Many of
“Nobody planned this. The
But if Gunita Smirnova, Human
accord after the end of the Second
the young people in the 21-40 age
Latvian economy is liberal but it
Resources Manager at Deloitte Latvia
World War. The Latvian Ministry of
bracket are dynamic, but low skilled.
isn't steered. The latest figures sug-
is correct then the situation is
Economics believes that between
Their futures would probably have
gest that remittances from abroad
already changing:
15,000 and 40,000 Latvians currently
been careers in the army, construc-
might amount to as much as a 3
live in the Irish Republic, with a
tion industry or as shop assistants.
billion euro cash input into this
similar number now based in the
An otherwise redundant workforce
country.” Zelmenis explains.
autumn/winter 2006/2007
None of
the political
parties are
what you
to be
the political
of the day such as
and taxation
But how do you increase productivity and efficiency in line with the
almost quarterly increases in Latvian
direction of Latvian political and
economic thinking.
“The economic policy here has
salaries? After all, salaries in the
been anti-social over the last fif-
construction industry have gone
teen years. We have high income
through the roof in the last 3-4
and social tax, an ageing popula-
years but construction companies are
tion, and net deaths versus births.
still unable to keep their staff.
Nobody is talking about how to
“We have kept our staff over 11
finance culture, health etc. When
years and we are not shy about
you consider that tax collection is
letting people know that.” Ms.
perhaps just one third of what it
phenomenon of equilibrium which
Smirnova enthuses, “Human capital
should be, it is certainly time for
continues until there is an over sup-
services is one of the most impor-
a rethink”.
“There is what I would call the
autumn/winter 2006/2007
Peteris Abrams, Alfreds Rozentals,
copy of a Wright type aircraft, as
the well-known engine construction
Kristaps Cirulis and Janis Sumanis,
well as construction on transformed
factory, which was guided by the
who immediately after this event
French Gnome type rotary engines
engine constructor Shvetsov during
for the needs of Russian aviation
the time of the Soviet Union.
started to build and test their own
aircraft. There was also a subsidiary
of the Russian Aviation and Car
Club in Riga, which launched aviation propaganda in Riga, just as the
student union had done before.
Slesarenko with one of the first
With the beginning of World
Shortly before the beginning of
- founded the first pilot school in
part of the Baltic province of Russia)
Riga. They also carried out repairs on
was involved in all further military
Farman IV machines in their work-
events on the side of Russia. The
shops, and began the construction of
people of Latvia irrespective of their
craft and aviation engines. The Riga
the Farman XVI. Thus, not long
national identity (Latvians, Russians,
Aviation Department of the Russo-
before World War I, Riga became one
Lithuanians, Polish and even
Baltic Carriage Factory in Riga man-
of the most active aviation develop-
Germans) were mobilised into the
ufactured Sommer-type aircraft
ment centres in Russia. Only the
army of the Russian tsar and took
according to French licenses, as well
beginning of World War I, and the
part in the war on the Eastern
as the advanced 6-cylinder line RVR-
movement of the front line towards
Front against German and Austro-
6 aviation engine (Rı̄gas Vagonu
Riga stopped this development.
Hungarian troops. A smaller number
centres of Russia. As was the case in
France and Germany, it saw the
beginning of the construction of air-
In a special two-part series historian, author and former-pilot Edvins Bruvelis
takes us through the complete history of Latvian aviation, from the very first flights
on Latvian territory, up until the modern day.
World War I in 1913, Vladimir
Latvian Pilots during
World War I
and the Russian Civil War
engines annually).
War I in August 1914, Latvia (as a
of the most significant industrial
Pilot Rudzitis
(the plan was to launch 1,000
Russian women pilots - Lidiya Svereva
Between 1910-1913, Riga was one
The history
of Latvian aviation
Not long
World War I,
one of the
most active
in Russia
rūpnı̄ca - Riga Engine Factory) and
All aviation related factories and
were also mobilised into the Russian
worked in accordance with German
workshops in Riga were evacuated to
air force, initially as aerial troops, in
Argus and Benz engine building
Russia and became involved in the
the unit of air surveillance, recon-
licenses for the later legendary
common development of Russian
naissance and forward observation
multi-engine aircraft, Ilya Muromets.
aviation. The Aviation Department
division. However, most important
Some original Russian construction
of the Baltic-Russo Carriage Factory
of all were the pilots and the pilots'
aircraft were also built during this
in Riga was moved from Riga to
observers. They were mostly volun-
Petrograd, and later became one of
teers, including many Latvian pre-
the major aircraft construction facto-
war aviation enthusiasts who had
which were attended by many
exhibited. Similarly, the director of
In this first part, Edvins Bruvelis
American and French pilots with
Riga Bicycle Factory, Mr. Leitners,
charts the history of Latvian avia-
their own aircraft.
had acquired a Hans Grade type air-
was guided by Teodors Kaleps, in
ries in Russia. The Engine Factory of
been building gliders and aircraft
tion until the end of the Liberation
At the Riga Engine Factory, which
All these events helped arouse the
craft in Germany. Between 1910 and
Zasulauks (not far from the race-
Teodors Kaleps was moved to
themselves - the abovementioned
interest of Riga's citizens in aviation.
1911 the Zolitude racecourse in Riga
course) construction began on a
Moscow in 1915, and later became
Skaubitis, Abrams, Rozentals, Cirulis
In 1909 students of the Polytechnic
saw the first public flight demon-
Institute of Riga, under the guidance
strations of aircraft navigated by fac-
of Fridrihs Canders, founded the
tory pilots trained in France:
The first flights with gliders and
Aeronautics and Aviation Technology
Meibaums (Estonian) and Smits.
aircraft in Latvia (while being under
Union of Riga Students. They gained
Both showed rather modest results.
the rule of tsarist Russia) took place
broad publicity in Riga with the
in 1910-1911. This was after news
building of their own Delom type
guest pilots and their French aircraft
reached Latvia of the successful
balance glider, which was used for a
proved more successful: Kuzmicky
flights of the Wright brothers in
flight on the outskirts of Riga. In
with the aircraft Bleriot XI in
1903 in the USA and later also in
1910 on the premises of the former
Liepaja and Utochkin with the air-
Germany; the rapid development of
opera theatre house an aviation
craft Farman IV in Riga, Jurmala
aviation in France; the crossing of
exhibition was organised, in which a
and Jelgava. These public flight
the English Channel by air (Blériot)
Wright type aircraft belonging to
demonstrations created a great deal
Latvian pilots
and the first international aviation
Teodors Kaleps (Estonian), the direc-
of interest among Latvian aviation
during the Russian
competitions in Reims in 1909,
tor of Riga Engine Factory, was
enthusiasts, like Karlis Skaubitis,
Civil War
autumn/winter 2006/2007
War of 1919-1920.
History of Latvian Aviation:
period before World War I
Demonstration flights by Russian
Eduards Tomsons,
in Riga
saw the
first public
one of the
most famous
Latvian pilots
of World War I
autumn/winter 2006/2007
Latvian pilots were divided into
two warring parties: the Red Army
and the White Guard Army. The
majority of Latvian pilots remained
faithful to the oath they had given
to Russia and continued to fight in
and Sumanis, as well as Karlis
two-seater Vuazen, Farman and
Vizins, Rudolfs Celms and others,
Moran type reconnaissance aircraft,
who also got involved in the war
performing various reconnaissance
and aviation on a voluntary basis
and “small” bombing missions near
when the fulfilment of their dreams
the Front or operating the heavy
was close.
multi-engine bombers Ilya Muromets,
Latvian pilot
the Russian
Civil War
Before beginning pilot training in
making long flights to the rear of
aviation schools in Moscow,
the enemy lines where they bombed
Sevastopol and Baku (for naval avia-
important, strategic targets (pilots
tion), they all met in the Aviation
Basko and Kruze). However, they
Department of Peter I Polytechnic
mostly used one-seater Nupora and
Institute in Petrodvorets. There they
Spad type fighters for defending
mastered several additional aviation
their air space near the Front
professions such as mechanics, aerial
against the air raids of the enemy,
photography, and the broader subject of aviation theory.
At the beginning of the war, sev-
the end
of the
Civil War
remained in
Russia and
held high
Formation of the National
Military Air force of Latvia
and its operations during
the Liberation War
Latvian Army
Aviation Group
The Latvian Army Aviation Group
the Red Army air force on differ-
- the first national military aviation
(7th of June,
ent fronts of the Russian Civil War
unit of the independent Latvia -
- on the North Front (Celmins), on
was founded by the Technical Board
ed urgently. The only machines
the Crimean, Polish, Belarusian,
of the army on June 7th, 1919.
available were Bolshevik aircraft and
Ukrainian or the Siberian Front.
With the order of Colonel Janis
captured German planes, as well as
Some Latvians joined the “whites”
Balodis, the commander of the
four ageing English aircraft, which
and fought in the interventionist
army's southern brigade, Alfreds
they had acquired themselves.
army: Edvins Bite, Aleksandrs
Valleika was appointed as its com-
Zarins, Julijs Rimsa, Rudolfs Celms,
manding officer.
Janis Lindbergs, Jeske and Mellups
As in Latgale, the Liberation War
On August 26th, 1919 the aviation team engaged in a battle on
the Latgale Front. Unfortunately,
and others. These units were better
against the Red Army had not
they only had a few aircraft, so
in terms of technical supply - they
ended. The Latvian army needed it’s
they mainly stuck to reconnaissance
used new English aircraft including
own air force for reconnaissance
flights towards the rear of the
D.H-9, Se-5 and Spad XIII.
flights over the back lines of the
Bolshevik Front. The irony of this
enemy. After proclaiming the inde-
was that the most active pilots in
pendence of Latvia the “white” pilots,
pendence of Latvia, most former
air raids were those who had come
which often resulted in dogfights
together with the Latvian Troicka and
Latvian pilots had returned from
from this Front: Prieditis and
against German pilots.
Imanta regiments, returned to Latvia
Russia to Latvia. Most of them legal-
taking the long route home through
ly by road, but there were also
Crimea and Paris.
those who had come back using
After the proclamation of the inde-
During the dogfights some of the
eral Latvians, aside from the above-
well-known Latvian “air masters”
mentioned, were also trained as
distinguished themselves with more
pilots in foreign aviation schools in
than five air victories: Eduards Pulpe
many Latvians remained in Russia
Puskelis, Abrams, Vizins, Mardoks
Germany and France (Eduards Pulpe,
and Eduards Tomsons in the French
and held high positions in USSR
and Korobovskis. These Latvian
Eduards Tomsons, Otto Balodis,
and tsar's army; moreover, Eduards
aviation. Sadly, many Latvian pilots
pilots mark the beginning of organ-
Aleksandrs Jevlampjevs, Janis Kruze
Tomsons distinguished himself also
died during Stalin's “cleansing cam-
ised aviation groups. However, one
and Janis Prieditis (1915)). Some of
while fighting in the Red Army.
paign”, for example the aviation
thing these teams did not have was
these men returned to Russia, while
Victories were also gained by Olgerts
Commander-in-Chief J. Alksnis.
a fleet of aircraft, which they need-
several continued fighting against
Teteris and Alfreds Valleiko with
Jakubovs. They were soon called
the Germans on the Western Front.
their two-seater Moran and Vuazen
back to Riga due to political events,
Latvian Army
which took place in Kurzeme on
September 1st. The army of
There were also those who had
finished military college in Russia,
had become officers and then taken
aircraft, whilst fighting on the
Daugavpils' Front.
After fighting against the German
positions in different non-aviation
air force, which was superior in
army bodies, like Jazeps Basko and
terms of their number and supply
Alfreds Valleika.
of arms, many Latvian pilots never
Thus, during World War I and the
returned and died in dogfights and
Russian Civil War there were 100-150
airplane crashes. The names included
Latvians who were fighting as pilots
Rozentals, Pulpe and Teteris.
on different parts of the Eastern
After the Communist upheaval
Front - on the Baltic, Belarussian,
in Russia during October -
Polish and Romanian Fronts.
November 1917 and with the
The Latvian pilots operated both
beginning of the civil war, the
autumn/winter 2006/2007
After the end of the Civil War
The only
aircraft and
as well as
four ageing
Bolshevik aircraft: Prieditis, Jakubovs,
Bermondt Avalov had aligned with
the German army bodies defeated
during the Cesis-Rauna battles.
Consequently, the Latvian army had
an urgent need to make reconnaissance flights to determine the location and possible movement of the
enemy troops.
Due to the increase in the number
of aviation aircraft and staff, the aviation group was reformed on October
The first two
Due to the involvement of the
military flights were made with
English fleet in fighting off
a total flight time of 56 hours.
Bermondt's attack, the Latvian air
After flights on the Bermondt
force began co-operating with the
Front ceased, “the park's” planes
English fleet in making forward
returned to the main airbase in
observations of English vessels
Spilve aerodrome. It was the begin-
1st. Rudolfs Drillis, who had been a
together with English observers to
ning of the last stage of the
pilot in the Russian air force since
help target Bermondt's troops from
Liberation War, the 3rd campaign
with a Bolshevik
1917 and had finished the Sevastopol
greater distances. They continued
against the Bolsheviks in Latgale,
Aviation School, was appointed as
to bomb Bermondt's troops. The
which began on April 13th, 1920
the commander. After the reconnais-
only dogfight between German and
and finished on August 21st, 1920
sance flights over Kurzeme, the new
Latvian pilots took place when
with the signing of a peace treaty
Mardoks and pilot-observer Sparins
with Soviet Russia.
Janis Prieditis
arrives in Latvia
took on a German fighter above
Latvian pilots usually chose to fly
On February 1st, 1920 a secret
peace treaty had been concluded
with Soviet Russia on the cessation
at high and safe altitudes as they
of hostilities and demarcation of the
could not realistically take on the
border. However, in Latgale, local
German air force because of their
battles had not stopped and continu-
superiority in numbers (120 planes).
ous vigilance and combat readiness
German pilots did, however, fly at
were necessary in case Russia failed
low altitudes, and consequently lost
to observe the peace treaty. For this
many men and aircraft.
purpose seven aircraft were sent to
Despite Bermondt's support from
Latgale with seven pilots and four
unit's aircraft were sent back to
the German air force, the Latvian
pilot-observers for reconnaissance
fighting on the
Latgale for a short time to support
army stopped Bermondt's attack, and
flights. These flights operated over
Daugavpils' front
the general attack by the army.
on November 11th forced them to
two periods from Rezekne aerodrome.
However, once again they did not
withdraw as far as Kurzeme, from
More than 20 military flights were
become involved in dogfights as they
where they were banished by
made in total, which is a smaller
were soon called back to Riga on
November 28th.
number than during the Bermondt
Olgerts Teteris
urgent business.
Whilst withdrawing, the German
The attack of Bermondt's army on
No pilot
or aircraft
was lost
service in
the war
air force divisions were forced to
the campaign against the Bolsheviks
Riga started on October 8th and the
leave many aircraft, which were
was First Lieutenant Korobovskis,
old claimants to Latvia's territory -
temporarily unusable but could be
whose two nationalities were Russian
the Russians and Germans - did not
repaired. These trophies became the
and Polish and who was the last to
feel any sympathies towards the
property of “the Park” and were
leave the Bolsheviks and fly to
independence of Latvia and the
repaired. Thus “the Park” improved
Rezekne aerodrome on December
Baltic countries. Latvia had few allies
their material condition with these
26th, 1919.
to call upon. As Bermondt's troops
newly acquired aircraft. For their
threatened to reach Riga, the aircraft
merits in the battles against
participation of the Latvian national
of the “Riga Aviation Park” were
Bermondt two pilots: Janis Prieditis
military air force in the Liberation
forced to withdraw to the aero-
and Voldemars Jakubovs, and one
War. A total of 80 military flights
drome in Sigulda, from where they
pilot-observer Augusts Sparitis were
were made with a total flight time
continued their aerial support
awarded the Military Order of
of 100 hours. No pilot or aircraft
against Bermondt. When Bermondt's
Lacplesis, third degree.
was lost during active service in
army failed to take Riga, “the Park”
campaign. The most active pilot of
On Bermondt's Front in the peri-
This event marks the end of the
od from October 8th, 1919 to
was lost with three men whilst
drome near the Vidzeme highway.
November 28th, 1919 a total of 46
returning from Rezekne to Spilve.
autumn/winter 2006/2007
Delicatessen market Gastronome is a part of mc2 Interior Design and Delicatessen Centre .In Gastronome you may find a wide selection
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and marinate fish for you before you take it home.
Mouth-watering appetizers with a home-made taste
Gastronome's chefs use ancient, time-honoured recipes, ensuring
that everything they prepare tastes just as good as the homemade treats that grandmother once used to make. We smoke fish
in our own smokehouse, and in accordance with the best fishermen's traditions. For family dinners or festive occasions with
friends, try our hot, home-style entrées- stuffed goose or pike,
roast lamb, sautéed cabbage and other delightful dishes.
We are proud to offer you
an increasingly large selection of superior quality and ecologically
sound products grown right here in Latvia.
Enhance the pleasure of giving with a special surprise
A smartly packaged gift basket filled with exclusive gourmet delicacies
and Latvian cuisine specialties is sure to be appreciated by your
friend, loved ones and work colleagues. You can put together your
own basket, or entrust the gift selection to the care of our specialists.
Made with love and care
Seafood for a healthy lifestyle
The fresh-fish and seafood department is the pride
of the Gastronome market. Surpassing seafood and
fresh fish from 15 countries and three of the
world's oceans
is specially delivered twice
a week by air.
Seafood restaurant
In Gastronome Seafood restaurant treat yourself to royal
seafood platter, or choose your
own individual fish, which will
be specially prepared in the
The most sumptuous confectioneries, pies and pastries are made
not only with best ingredients, but also with a healthy dose
of love and care.
Special catering for special events - in your own dining room
Gastronome's qualified team of gourmet chefs and attentive caterers
will help you to create the ambience of your choosing in your
own dining room, or at any other location.
Our delivery service can be arranged for both
individual and regular events.
Order desk and delivery service
telephone: (+371) 701 9619
New Gastronome in the center of Riga
Welcome to new delicacy store GASTRONOME in the centre of Riga at Reval Hotel Latvija!
The new seafood restaurant Gastronome with open grill-kitchen is proud with wide choice and freshness of offered fish, oysters and other delicious seafood.
Gastronome working hours 9:00 - 21:00, on Sunday 10:00 -18:00, restaurant working hours 11:00 - 23:00.
Phone: + 371 7772356, restaurant reservation + 371 7772391.
the war. Unfortunately, one aircraft
moved to the Cross Church aero-
Welcome to Gastronome,
the place where best products and delicacies from all over the world
are gathered together.
Krasta str. 68a., Riga, phone 7019619, e-mail:
Open Monday to Saturday 10.00-21.00, Sundays and holidays 10.00-19.00
autumn/winter 2006/2007
Restaurant working hours Monday to Saturday
10.00-21.00, Sundays and holidays
more “conventional” European coun-
to let a dying animal run off, and if
tries. Especially in the untrampled
it runs across the border you won't
wilderness of northeastern Latvia,
be able to catch it.”
the season stops as soon as the allocated number of kills for
that season has been registered. Other animals and fowl, such
and the signs of man are rare, this
trophies, including a rare capercaillie,
permission to take your weapon
as badger, mink, polecat and ducks, are unlimited game, but
is where you could imagine yourself
stuffed and perched on a “branch” in
across the border even with a
they still have their assigned seasons. Contact the Latvian
out tracking bears in the isolated
the living room. In the EU, only
European Weapons Passport and all
State Forest Service, 13 janvara iela 15, Riga LV-1932,
Siberian steppe.
Latvia and a few other countries allow
the other licences for it. Plus you
Tel./fax +371 7226600, for more details.
the hunting of capercaillie.
need an invitation from your host.
Season starts
Season ends
This gives Latvia limited possibilities.”
1 Sept
15 Dec
Red deer (male)
1 Sept
31 Jan
might have some difficulty under-
wildest forest terrain in Europe, unaf-
standing how it is to be a hunter.
fected and untouched by human
But for those men who are keen
climate, flora, fauna and also the
It's also doing a service, they say, by
country's tumultuous history create a
keeping the numbers of animals
specific background for hunting tradi-
down to a manageable level for the
tions and practices.
sustainable livelihood both of farmers
and of other animals.
Take beavers. They're adorable little
Janis Baumanis, head of the State
Forest Service's Game Management
Department, explains. “Latvian hunt-
creatures to be sure, but their habit of
ing is based mainly on the German
building dams can flood large areas of
“These birds are very limited in
Latvia, with just 64 shot in 2005.
can arise when bringing a hunting
Red deer
another Dane has just set up Riga
its to the number that is possible to
rifle into Latvia, but promises that
(female and calf) 15 Aug
31 Dec
Event (, a travel
shoot per season. This “limited
procedures will get easier in future:
Roe deer (male)
1 June
30 Nov
agency that organizes sightseeing
game” includes lynx, which has a
“If you show you have a hunting
Roe deer
tours - with or without hunting. But
limit of 75 licenses - as well as wolf,
license in your home country, you
(female and calf) 15 Aug
30 Nov
while talking to him it soon becomes
moose and beaver.
should be able to get a license to
Wild boar
1 May
31 Jan
hunt in Latvia too.”
1 Aug
31 Mar
“I love taking friends to see the
Future dangers
Wild nature is clearly important for
1 Sept
31 Oct
the biggest roe buck and wild boar in
the future the “Latvian wilderness”.
short time or whole year.
15 July
31 Mar
Europe, and we've won medals for
EU money is being provided to
these trophies. Almost everyone who
encourage ways of using the land.
to come back again and again.”
Lemvigh, who admits to spending
“It threatens to spoil the wilderness.
More land in Latvia will inevitably
become cultivated. There's already
60 or 70 days a year hunting in var-
rapid development - the sale of wood,
ious countries, has had some of his
for example, fuels the economy.”
best hunting experiences in the
It's a similar story in Lithuania and
forests around the town of Aluksne,
Estonia, but there is more to lose in
whose head forester Andis Kreslins
Latvia, which has less agricultural land
has helped him on numerous occa-
and more dense, untouched forests.
sions to find knowledgeable local
hunters as guides.
Lemvigh says that illegal hunting is
also a problem. “In Poland, Denmark
8,000ha, but this can be expanded to
the daytime. But in Latvia, they are
woodland and kill vast numbers of
Latvia has also been influenced by
38,000ha if needed,” says Lemvigh.
too scared to wander about in the
trees. Hence the issuance of hunting
Swedish, Polish and Russian tradi-
“It's a fantastically untamed, wild
daylight for fear of getting shot.”
licenses in 2006 to blast 20,000 of
tions. The hunting morals and man-
place with stunning scenery. You can
He concludes that Poland, the most
them out of the water or catch them
ners typical of the socialist era, from
look over the river into Estonia and -
important hunting country in Europe,
in traps, keeping the population in
when Latvia was part of the Soviet
if you get permission beforehand -
has a more structured, professional
Latvia down to about 54,000.
Union, have also left an imprint on
stalk your prey right on the edge of
and protective approach to its wildlife.
local traditions.”
the Russian border.
“But you should resist shooting
for locals and foreigners alike.
and absolutely pristine countryside,
game there unless you're sure of a
Hunting here has its particularities -
makes hunting in Latvia different to
kill. The worst violation of hunting is
autumn/winter 2006/2007
10 May
Black grouse
system, but game management in
This, coupled with the rich habitat
31 Mar
10 Apr
by hunting licences for one day, a
or Sweden you can see animals in
increasingly popular pastime in Latvia
1 Dec
You pay a small fee according to
hunters. But Lemvigh worries about
“We usually hunt on territory of
Whatever the ethics, hunting is an
the period you hunt for: You can
can shoot amazing trophies, some of
makes the effort to come here wants
those men
who are
keen on
the sport,
hunting is
a passion
Baumanis admits that difficulties
Many animals and fowl have lim-
Latvian wildlife,” he exclaims. “You
habitation. The geographical range,
on the sport, hunting is a passion.
The walls of Lemvigh's flat in cen-
apparent where his passion lies.
Latvia has some of the densest,
these times is illegal. The species below are limited game -
least a month, for example, to get
Henrik Lemvigh is a retired Danish
If you have never been hunting you
do not send groups to Latvia because
of all the bureaucracy. It takes at
media director who together with and
and its challenges too.
Every species has its own reserved season. Hunting outside
tral Riga are covered with hunting
Keen hunter
Hunting is a controversial pastime,
but growing numbers of hunters are coming
to Latvia for its rich habitat, thick forests
and wide variety of game.
“The big hunting travel agencies
borders, where settlements are few
close to the Russian and Estonian
The wild
wild hunt
Latvian hunting season
bogged down in paperwork.
“Poland knows how to manage the
land, take care of the animals and
earn money from hunters,” he says.
Hunters visiting Latvia can also get
autumn/winter 2006/2007
Photographer:Gunnar Strom
Getting there and away:
easyJet and airBaltic offer daily
flights to Berlin.
Berlin has three airports -
Ich bin
ein Berliner
Berlin was back in the spotlight last summer
as it hosted millions of fans at the 2006 FIFA World Cup.
For some it was their first chance to experience
one of Europe's most exciting and diverse capital cities,
while for others it was just a good excuse to return
to a city they know as vibrant, exciting and
maybe even a little bit strange.
nations in 50 countries.
Berlin Airports have set up the
first fully-integrated booking system
on the Internet for flights via
Berlin - a unique development in
Germany. Customers can then
combine flight connections all over
Europe with a stop in Berlin and
with museum island and the brand
annual Love Parade is testimony to
then pay a visit to Checkpoint
book them directly. For further
spanking new (and decidedly futuris-
that as millions of people join in
Charlie for a quick fix of Cold War
information -
tic) central station examples of what
something that is a cross between
nostalgia, before taking in the old
can be achieved when architects and
Billy Smart's Circus and a massive
and the new of Berlin Dom and
The public transport system is
city planners quite literally go back
60's style flower-power love-in.
Potsdamer Platz...that should leave
cheap and convenient. It is also,
to the drawing board.
you with just enough time to
like London, an ideal way to
regrettably repack your suitcase and
dodge around the city from place
ing for dozens of kilometres in each
out the Brandenburg Gate and the
get a taxi back to the airport for
to place whilst indulging in a spot
are too busy having a good time in
and every direction; a mish mash of
Reichstag. Yes, they are obvious
your return flight home...
of people-watching.
a party city that is constantly rein-
styles and influences which change
ports of call for the visiting tourist,
venting itself. What works for Berlin
every day thanks to the people that
but that doesn't make them any less
is the fusion between east and west
live in this multicultural melting
- the edgy, eclectic East Berlin with
pot. It is the European equivalent of
its sometimes neglected cobbled
Osaka or Los Angeles mixed with
streets, screeching trams and seedy
Moscow's layer-cake cityscape of cen-
dive bars juxtaposed against the
turies-old grandeur and the moody
shiny, extravagant shopping malls of
no-nonsense sobriety of a former
West Berlin, which are just a few
imperial capital.
While “cool” and “happening”
cities tend to be a little snobbish and
If you choose to visit Berlin this
It is the
of Osaka or
Los Angeles
mixed with
deserving of your attention. If Berlin
is to be likened to the phoenix
from the fire, then the Reichstag's
turbulent history of glory and dishonour; of grand design, destruction
and rebirth perfectly encapsulates
this. Be warned though - midday
queues are often an hour or two
tion in the last fifteen years on a
affected, the happening side of Berlin
morning while you are still sporting
scale rarely witnessed in modern day
is anything but pretentious. This is a
your dunkel-bier hangover.
Europe. Parts of the city have been
city where people can be whoever
totally rebuilt since reunification
and whatever they wish to be. The
Another distinctly Berlin superstructure is the giant TV tower,
which - when a fog descends upon
were about to get worse for the
the pinnacles of the city's skyscrap-
average citizen, but the World Cup
ers - appears to be floating above
has injected new spirit and opti-
the metropolis like a space ship
mism into both the German econo-
scrutinising what the city's some-
my and the hearts and minds of
times eccentric inhabitants are get-
the German people. Not that
ting up to below.
Berliners are ever going to be too
And finally, if you have enough
concerned about the country's econ-
time - in-between the partying,
omy being in the doldrums; they
shopping and people watching -
autumn/winter 2006/2007
Berga Bazars, Marijas 13, LV-1050
Tel./Fax: +371 7284801; E-mail:
long, so get there early in the
Germany who feared that things
Getting around:
winter then make sure you check-
Berlin has seen massive regenera-
with 99 airlines flying to 155 desti-
Berlin is simply massive, stretch-
subway stops away.
Early in 2006 there were some in
Schönefeld, Tegel and Tempelhof -
autumn/winter 2006/2007
line will recommence its daily service
rise. To date, 130,000 passengers
connecting the two capital cities.
have taken advantage of the Berlin-
easyJet is now Europe's leading low-
Riga route since it was launched in
fares airline and rates as the fourth
2004, and projected passenger num-
largest schedule airline in Europe
bers for the next 12 months are
behind KLM, Lufthansa and Ryanair.
somewhere in the range of 80-
At the last count easyJet had 121
aircraft operating across 264 routes. Its
To ensure you manage to get the
recent expansion into Morocco means
that the company is now operating
outside of Europe. Market analysts
expect the company to carry 35 million passengers in 2006, with the
company soon to announce further
Making life easier
for travellers
expansion from its current 74 airports
in 21 countries. The company hopes
to grow by around 15% per year, and
Few would argue that greater compe-
look for profitable new routes. Riga
tition isn't good for an airport. Only
was the first port of call, and most
a few years ago a number of airlines
attractive new destination for many -
had a virtual monopoly on routes in
within months, three budget opera-
and out of Riga meaning that air
tors had set up shop in Latvia. One
tickets were usually very expensive
of these airlines was easyJet, which
and connections limited. The
started operations to and from Riga
astounding success of Riga
in November 2004.
International Airport, which has seen
easyJet's Riga-Berlin route has
a 300% rise in passenger numbers
proved popular with tourists and
since 2003, and forecasts of 2.2 mil-
business travellers alike; and has also
lion passengers using the airport this
made it easier for families in Latvia
year has meant that Riga has
to visit their relatives living in
become more and more attractive to
Germany. Currently, for this winter
operators from all over the globe.
season, easyJet is operating return
With Latvia's accession to the EU in
flights from Berlin to Riga five times
2004, the low-fare airlines seized
a week, with prices for a return jour-
upon the opportunities presented to
ney starting from as low as 50 euros
them by the opening up of destina-
including tax. In the spring, the air-
autumn/winter 2006/2007
airline itself:
• Try to book as far ahead
as possible
• Try to be flexible
with your travel dates
• Try to avoid travelling at
peak holiday times or when
additional 25 aircraft to be delivered
held in the destination.
easyJet's expansion plans in Latvia,
but passenger numbers continue to
has proved
easyJet here are some tips from the
big sporting events are being
There is currently no news about
tions in eastern Europe and began to
At the
last count
had 121
264 routes
to this end it has already ordered an
by the end of 2007.
easyJet is just one of an increasing number of low-fare airlines
that have spotted the huge potential of Riga International Airport as
an international destination for business and leisure travellers.
best value ticket available from
• Book your flight on-line
to cut down on charges
• Paying with a debit card
will save you additional fees.
Photographer: Peo Jonson
very fact that its most famous archi-
Quirky tourist sites
tectural site, Jelgava Palace, is now
Aizkraukle - Kalna Ziedu Glen
home to students from the Latvian
A tourist pathway leads from
Agricultural Museum. There are
Aizkraukle History and Art Museum
indeed more than 10,000 students in
through apple orchards to Kalnu
this city, located on both banks of
Ziedu Glen with its castle-mound,
the Lielupe River. Jelgava has at least
brook and its panoramic views over
five Lutheran churches of note - the
the Daugava River.
best of the bunch being Lielvircava,
which dates to 1595. The St.Simeon's
and St.Anna's Orthodox cathedral has
Bauska - Farmstead and the
Agricultural Machinery Museum
one of the finest facades in Latvia.
The Zemgale Farmstead and
Don't miss the G. Eliass Museum of
Agricultural Machinery Museum is
Jelgava History and Art, housed in a
located in a 19th century Zemgale
beautiful Classical style building.
farmstead, which includes a dwelling
house, granary, mill and a forge.
Dobele officially dates back to 1254,
The River Daugava winds it way from the Gulf of Riga
all the way to Belarus in the south. On its way it passes
nearby to the dozens of castles, palaces and manor houses
that abound throughout Zemgale and so distinguish the region.
Hundreds of objects including furniture, clothes and tools give the visi-
but archaeological excavations indicate
tor an accurate picture of Latvian
that the town was home to a Zemga-
farmers' lifestyle and culture. The
lian wooden castle well before that.
museum boasts the biggest collection
The oldest remaining building in
of agricultural machinery in Latvia.
Dobele is the Lutheran church, which
was constructed in 1495 at the com-
So far we have explored the
Towns and cities
mand of the Livonian Order. The town
is best known for its castle mound and
Latvia is divided into four historic,
delights on offer to the tourist who
cultural and geographical regions:
visits the wild coastline of Kurzeme
• Kurzeme (western region)
and the peaceful, pristine national
tle and also for its beer, which is
• Zemgale (southern region)
parks of Vidzeme. Now, in the third
certainly one of the best tipples in
• Vidzeme
part of our series, we take a look at
(middle and northern region)
• Latgale (eastern region)
the often unexplored region known
as Zemgale.
Zemgale stretches from just south
of Riga along the western bank of
the River Daugava towards the borders of Belarus and Lithuania. It is
characterised by fertile farmland and
the streams and rivers which feed
off the region's rivers. The region's
name comes from the Semigallian
tribes who occupied this area of
Latvia during the time before the
Crusaders arrived. Often overlooked
The town is renowned for its cas-
comes from
tribes who
this area
of Latvia
the time
before the
Latvia. Bauska is a tidy little town
centration of castles, palaces and
manor houses.
autumn/winter 2006/2007
Located on the banks of the
with a number of good dining
Daugava River, Aizkraukle is a new
options just off its main square. After
town that was constructed with the
visiting the castle it’s worth checking
building of the nearby hydroelectric
out the Museum of regional Studies
station. Its position on the banks of
and Art. Peter's Stone, close to the
the Daugava make the town a great
castle, allegedly marks the site where
place to base yourself for visiting the
Peter the Great and August II of
local countryside.
Poland had arm-wrestling competitions and play fights before taking
the rather odd decision to bury a
Jekabpils is actually an amalgama-
couple of spoons under the rock.
tion of two towns with Krustpils on
Many castle mounds, castles, palaces
the opposite bank of the Daugava.
and manor houses are found within
The town has kept many of its attrac-
a 10km radius of Bauska.
tive c19th red brick houses, and also
has one of
the biggest
of castles,
and manor
in northeastern
boasts seven churches of note.
by overseas visitors, Zemgale is
home to the country's biggest con-
Livonian Order castle ruins.
Jelgava is a student city; something very much apparent by the
Krustpils Castle dates to the c13th,
although nowadays it functions as
a museum and manor house.
autumn/winter 2006/2007
Dobele - Spr¥d¥‰i Park
GÇrsene Nature Trails
The park is home to the oldest
Scenic nature trails, swings, and
are now open to families to visit
Spridisi's 1100 hectares contain such
in quiet G‚rsene. Here one can also
exiled from his homeland.
allowing children to witness and learn
wonderfully named places as the Elf
see the English Neo-Gothic style
Forest, the Park of Sunny Moods
G‚rsene Castle, a1905 Neo-Romantic
One great advantage that Zemgale
to much of it’s former glory. After
has to offer visitors from abroad is
years of neglect during Soviet times
its proximity to Riga - pretty much
Zemgale has one of the biggest
(when it was used as an army bar-
all of the region can be reached on
concentrations of castles, palaces and
racks) the palace now functions as
day trips, although an overnight
manor houses in north-eastern Europe,
Jekabpils' museum.
visit is certainly recommended.
estate chapel.
as well as a bathhouse and a 200year old farmhouse.
Jelgava - LoÏmetïjkalns
(Machine Gun Hill)
Ložmētējkalns is the place where
heavy fighting with German forces
during World War I (1916-1917)
drained the ranks of the first
Latvian national units in Czarist
Castles and palaces
By train: Riga - Olaine - Ozolnieki -
but few of these can compare to the
Sports and recreation
spectacular Rundale Palace (2, 7).
With the breathtaking pace of
Rundale was planned and built by
Riga - Bauska - Rundale - Jelgava
St.Petersburg's outstanding Winter
many sports and recreational oppor-
60 minutes - 15 minutes - 60 minutes
Palace. The magnificent interior hous-
tunities exist in Zemgale as they do
By bus:
throughout the country.
Riga - Kekava - Bauska (A7)
es 138 restored rooms which lead to
grand Rococo halls and receptions
for 36 people.
Only the romantic stone ruins of
rooms. The palace took five years to
Dobele castle remain. The Semigallian
construct between 1736 and 1741.
tribes burned down their 12th centu-
Just a short distance from Rundale
ry wooden castle, rather than surren-
area with a museum, a monument
Originally built in the 15th century,
you can see the remains of the 14th
to the Latvian Riflemen, a viewing
work continued on the Livonian
century Livonian Order Castle that
tower, and reconstructed trenches.
Order fortress for another three cen-
was built in its place.
turies. Explore its medieval fortress
18th century architectural wizard
National Parks
ruins, climb the viewing tower or
Bartolomeo Rastrelli was also at work
Tïrvete Nature Park (3)
visit during the annual International
building Jelgava Palace during his
Ancient Music Festival.
time in this region. The palace is
Mezotne Palace (5) marks almost
Enjoy the beautiful Tervete river valley,
the exact spot where the Semigallians
the pine forest, the bird viewing and
fought their final battle against the
information trails, and not least of all
German crusaders. Just minutes away
the 400 hectare forest that includes the
from Rundale, Mezotne's history dates
Fairy Tale Forest, wooden sculptures
to the late 18th century when
and an ancient castle mound.
Russian Empress Catherine II entrusted the newly-built castle to Charlotte
Pokai¿i Forest (4)
The many rock pile formations
Von Lieven. Damaged during times
of war and upheaval in the 20th
and beautiful landscapes help to gen-
century, it wasn't until 1996 that the
erate a special and unusual feeling to
castle began to regain its full glory
Pokaini Forest - many believe it is an
when extensive restoration work was
ancient Latvian sacred area. The
carried out to return the buildings to
main attractions in the forest are the
their former glory. Today, the palace
several kilometer-long hiking trails.
contains a hotel with accommodation
autumn/winter 2006/2007
By car:
development in Latvian tourism
der to the German crusaders. Today
Nature, history and cultural are all
Jelgava - Dobele
Rastrelli, the man responsible for
is medieval Bauska Castle (6).
Russia's army. It is now a protected
catered for in Tervete National Park.
palaces in Latvia which is experiencthe building has finally been restored
of sculptured fairy-tale characters.
and built by
the man
how a working farm operates.
style church, and the Von Budberg
c19th. The site includes a windmill
Krustpils (1) is one of many
ing something of a renaissance as
and Fairy-Tale Forest with its dozens
structions of Latvia as it was in the
catered for in Zemgale. Many farms
of France lived there while he was
history museum focuses on recon-
cry from the days when Louis XVIII
comfortable picnic areas await visitors
This open-air ethnographic and
ly, green holidays are now well
and highest pine trees in Latvia.
Jekabpils - Sï∫u Sïta
Agricultural University, which is a far
now home to the Latvian
There is a popular cycling route in
One great
has to offer
is its
to Riga
Riga - Olaine - Jelgava (A8)
the Augszeme Highlands, which
includes the Jekabpils District, while
Tourist information
water tourism enthusiasts can rent
Zemgale Tourism Association
canoes in Bauska, river raft along the
Krasta iela 4/39, Dobele
Daugava or enjoy jet skiing and
Tel. +371 3781024
yachting in Jelgava. Tervete National
Park offers instructors, riding and
horse-drawn sleighs in unspoilt nature.
Latvian Regional Development
In a country dominated by lakes it's
Pils Laukums 4, Riga
not surprising to find dozens of lakes
Tel. +371 7229945
and man-made water reserves offering
fishing opportunities, while alternative-
Photos "Hotel Jurmala SPA"
The perfect
winter escape
cated spa hotels. Perhaps the best
varied as your imagination with
known of the latter include the
everything from magnetic capsules,
Jurmala Spa Hotel and the nearby
ajurvedic massage, curative mud
Baltic Beach Resort. Both hotels offer
baths and detoxifying body wraps to
a whole range of procedures and
collagen treatments, steaming with
massages together with swimming
birch branches, Egyptian massage and
pools, saunas and bath houses. The
even specially-designed programmes
range of massage and spa procedures
for men in their forties!
offered by both establishments are as
Tourists from all over the world are finally getting to discover the delights that
Jurmala beach and spa resort has to offer. Most though, are unaware that Jurmala is
a year-round resort, which offers international tourists, conference organisers and
locals alike the perfect winter getaway from the stresses and strains of modern city life.
An 80 minute aromatic massage
US, which has an annual turnover
of around $8 billion.
Why is spa and wellness becoming
so popular? Could it be something
to do with the alarming amount of
swim... then round it all of with
stress we all suffer from in our 24/7
While it is true that every season is
a stroll along the snow-covered
lives? Or does the desire to pamper
a time to enjoy the pleasures and
avenues of Jurmala and its nearby
relaxation of spa treatments, what
deserted beaches; dine in a roman-
better time can there be than winter
tic, candle-lit restaurant and then
to indulge in a bit of self-pampering?
retire for the evening in your cosy,
The Latvian winter is both dramatic
luxury room with all the mod-cons
and beautiful, but it can take its toll
one could possibly wish for!
on you if you are not prepared to
look after yourself and unwind from
to be for the rich and famous but
the day to day stresses.
now everybody, it seems, is getting
In winter, Jurmala has a greater
Spa and wellness treatments used
oneself have more to do with the
from it all
for an
or even
a long
spread of health consciousness, the
changing role of women in society
and a more sophisticated type of
modern traveller?
The answer is probably all of the
above, but who wouldn't wish to
chase the blues away by taking
advantage of hotel spa packages that
in on the act. It is estimated for
include luxury overnight accommoda-
availability of rooms, prices are
example, that in the United States
tion; dozens of exotic spa treatments;
lower, and the time available for
alone, 95 million visits are made
access to state-of-the-art saunas, steam
personal attention from others is
to hotels and resorts offering spa
rooms and fitness rooms; topped off
higher. Imagine escaping from it all
and wellness treatments each year.
by an excellent meal in a top-class
for an afternoon or even a long
With an annual revenue of $5.5
weekend to enjoy a long, soothing
billion, the spa industry isn't far
Jurmala boasts 10 hotels, 7 rehab
massage followed by a sauna and a
behind the film industry in the
centres, 20 guest houses and 4 dedi-
autumn/winter 2006/2007
autumn/winter 2006/2007
followed by a luxurious Cleopatra
army officers spent weeks or
Nature Park protect potentially
post card images of a time, long
bath, and then a foot and hand
months in Jurmala convalescing
endangered areas of natural beauty
since passed. 19th century and early
massage for example, costs 40 Lats at
during the war between Russia and
from overzealous property developers.
20th century art nouveau and
the Jurmala Spa Hotel. It is just a
France. They stayed at fishermen's
case of setting aside the time for
houses in Dubulti, and inevitably
your visit to the spa and then let-
the small town began to develop.
ting the experts take over.
A hotel was built, and steamboats
But why is Jurmala the leading
spa resort in the Baltic region?
The history of Jurmala
Jurmala is the Latvian for “by
the sea”.
The oldest part of Jurmala is
Sloka with records of a small fishing settlement there dating back to
1520. The community flourished
began to arrive at the town's har-
the end
of the 18th
the holidaymakers
to arrive
In 2005 the WHO granted Jurmala
"Healthy City" status.
So many tourists make the mistake
of thinking of Jurmala as simply
and Jelgava. In 1838 nearby Kemeri
being a summer resort. This is certain-
was established as a state resort
ly a long way from the truth and
due to the curative qualities of its
this winter there are a whole host of
sulphur springs. In 1870 Dr.Johann
activities planned to celebrate the
Christian Nordstrom built the first
Christmas holiday. Jomas Street will
spa, known as Marienbad.
be even more cosy than usual this
December with its own Christmas
made accessible to the masses with
Market and sleigh rides. In fact, don't
under the Courland Dukedom from
the opening of the Riga-Tukums
be surprised in two or three years
1561 to 1783, and by the end of
train line. The area developed rap-
time when you read international
the 18th century the holidaymakers
idly and by 1920 the area from
publications proclaiming the merits of
first started to arrive. Early in the
Predaine to Kauguri became known
Jurmala as the perfect Christmas get-
19th century, wounded Russian
as Rigas Jurmala.
away - if you didn't already know,
Jurmala City was recognised as
a separate entity in 1959 and also
then you read it here first!
But what if you plan to stay in
received All-Union resort status from
Jurmala to enjoy some well deserved
Moscow. With this came the con-
spa treatments or to celebrate
struction of many sanatoriums and
Christmas together with your family?
within a couple of years annual visi-
What else is on offer to visitors to
tor numbers topped 250,000.
this wonderful spa resort?
In the years since Latvia's regained
independence Jurmala has once again
began to flourish. Jurmala's beaches
Walking along the snow-covered
have Blue flag awards, and the
avenues and back-lanes of Jurmala in
Kemeri National Park and Ragakapa
Winter reminds one of the Christmas
autumn/winter 2006/2007
Russia, Germany and beyond can be
seen on every street corner; behind
An all year round resort
bour bringing people from Riga
In 1877 the Jurmala area was
national romanticism styles from
every cluster of evergreen trees with
their heavy load of winter snow.
4000 buildings, most of them wood-
Golfers can also enjoy a round or
two well into late November at
Jaunmarupe's renowned 18-hole golf
course, while horse riding is available
throughout the winter months. If
indoor sports are more your forte in
the winter months then the options
include tennis, bowling and two
water amusement parks. Jurmala's
Livu Aquapark is actually the largest
indoor water park in the whole of
en, are listed as having historical
Much of Jurmala's international
importance; with over 10 per cent of
Northern Europe and with several
restaurants and bars, a visit there
these officially listed and protected.
reputation has been built on its
doesn't necessitate the whole family
The Jurmala Tourist Information
location in the midst of pine
getting wet!
Centre on Lienes Street - just oppo-
forests, next to rivers, lakes and
site Majori train station - has some
of course, the sea. Kemeri National
sporting option is skiing in
excellent ideas for walking tours of
Park is a wonderful place to get
Jurmala's sand dunes, which is
the city to suit every taste.
away from it all during winter with
becoming increasingly popular
its eco-trails offering visitors the
every winter time.
One other slightly more extreme
opportunity to spot rare animals,
Many conference organisers are
wild horses and endangered plant
Quality Dining
Japanese? Brazilian? Indian? Or
becoming increasingly tired of the big
species with no other sign of
city conference experience. They are
human life around you for miles.
maybe Mexican? The dining options
looking for a more intimate, laid-back
The Ragakapa Nature Park, located
in Jurmala are seemingly endless. At
on the Riga-side of Jurmala, is also
the last count there were around
deserted in winter time. This is
twenty different types of international
despite the fact that Ragakapa offers
cuisine catered for ranging from
visitors peaceful seclusion and won-
high-class quality dining in a reno-
derful nature just minutes away
vated mansion in Villa Joma, on
from the centre of Jurmala. The
Jomas Street, to belly dancing, water
sight platforms provide fantastic
pipes and Lebanese cuisine at Al'
vantage points over the park, while
Tohme, next to the beach.
atmosphere for conference delegates in
locations away from the hustle and
bustle of city life that those same delegates are more than keen to escape
from for a few days. The Jurmala Spa
Hotel, for example, offers seven modern, well-equipped conference halls,
with a capacity of 600 people. The
Baltic Beach Resort also has 11 conference rooms available.
Museums and art galleries
One other
is skiing in
sand dunes
the specially designed wooden walk-
Most of Jurmala's restaurants are
ways zig zag through the forest to
concentrated around Majori, Bulduri,
some of the most deserted spots in
Dubulti and Dzintari, but options
the whole of Jurmala.
can be found as far away as Kauguri.
As well as the brand new Jurmala
City Museum, which informs visitors
The major hotels also have their
own high-class, year-round restaurants
about the history of this resort from
Just because winter is setting in, it
the end of the c19th to the present,
doesn't mean everybody has to hiber-
there is also the Jurmala Open Air
nate. Before the snows arrive take
Museum in RagaKapa Nature Park.
advantage of Jurmala's excellent cycle
Don't miss the “Inner Light” art stu-
routes. One example is the Vaivari -
Length of coastline: 33 kilometres
dio where paintings, state-of-the-art
Jaunkemeri - Kemeri trail which
Jurmala's territory: 100 km2
light painting technology and aro-
stretches for 20 kilometres and passes
Distance from Riga: 25 kilometres
matherapy combine to offer the visi-
Sloka Lake, before cutting through
Distance from Riga International
tor a unique gallery experience.
parts of Kemeri National Park.
Airport: 15 kilometres
autumn/winter 2006/2007
including the “Jurmala” restaurant on
Jomas Street.
Jurmala facts and figures:
The Latvian Academy of Art
Riga Fashion Week
Christmas Market
Origo is a multi-functional and highly competitive downtown
85th Anniversary Exhibition
November 1-5
Throughout December
Baltic Beauty World
Camouflage pop concert
Exhibition, forum and festival
December 1
Autumn Chamber Music Festival
November 3-6
Sapnu Fabrika
Concert by Francois Chaplin
Kipsala Exhibition Centre
shopping experience.
October 6 19.00
Christmas lights
220 shops and restaurants. NEW! One floor completely dedicated
shopping centre located on the crossroads of the main districts
October 4-30
of Riga city. We offer a wide choice of fashion goods, as well as
House of Blackheads
December 3
November 4
Lighting of Riga's main Christmas Tree
Concert by the Latvian National
Symphony Orchestra
Riga Arena
in Dome Square and the city's
October 7 18.00
The Great Guild
Contemporary Folk Music Festival
“Live Music”
Prose readings
Tel.+371 721 37 98
November 10-12
December 7-9
Latvian Folk Art Agency
Monster Truck Show
Tel: +371 7228985
Tel. +371 7311021
October 7
Christmas lights
Tel +372 50 555 40
Lacplesis Day
November 11
December 15-17
Culture Department of Riga City
Riga Arena
2008 European Football
Championships Qualifier
Tel: +371 7043648
October 7
Log pulling event
and winter solstice party
December 17
Skonto Stadium
Independence Day
Latvian Ethnographic Open-air Museum
November 18
Culture Department of Riga City
Tel. +371 7228985
Riga Festival Orchestra concert
Latvian National Opera House
October 13
Sapnu Fabrika
We have a wide range of household appliances, electronic
Stacijas laukums 2, Riga;
goods, sport's shoes and clothes, as well as goods for pleasure.
Don't miss the hundreds of toys and goods on offer for
children either!
The 2nd floor of Elkor Plaza is devoted to the world of furniture and contemporary living, with furniture for bedrooms,
living rooms and children's rooms.
textiles, bedroom accessories, lighting fixtures and carpets that
can be found anywhere in the Baltics.
Brivibas gatve 201, Riga
„Domina Shopping” is one of the most popular fashion centres
in Riga, with the concept based on wide variety of merchandise
and services, including possibilities for entertainment and spending
Latvian Christmas celebrations
brands as Mark&Spencer, Benetton, Gerry Weber, New Yorker, the
December 20
restaurants, cafes as well as the most modern fitness and SPA club
NATO Summit
Old Riga
in the Battics help to enhance the shopping experience. The gor-
November 28-29
Latvian Folk Art Agency
Beware! Riga will be security conscious
Phone: +371 7228985
crazy for the meeting of NATO heads
Coolio concert
ing, coffee-bars and a children's playground.
free time. There are more than 140 stores including such famous
Tel. +371 7043648
October 13 19.00
Elkor Plaza has a total area of 30 000 m2, including park-
Latvia v Iceland
to clothing, shoes and sportswear outlets and stock shops...
Elkor Plaza also has one of the best collection of domestic
Grand Prix Latvia - 25 Dance
Bikernieki speedway stadium
attention towards the customer and how to best enhance their
Origo is a modern, light and friendly shopping centre with
K-1 Boxing Grand Prix
Tel.+371 7044300
a practical and purposeful shopping experience, paying extra
geous internal architecture with its wide, open areas, glass roof and
many benches insures positive emotions for visitors and gives the
impression of being in a "city within a city".
of state and government.
Don't be surprised if the Latvian capital
Body Shop, Bata and a lot more. Various activities such as bowling,
S/c MOLS - fashion focus in the capital city, a modern, high
Lutheran and Catholic
Christmas celebrations
standard shopping centre - as a certain bridge uniting the pres-
October 19 22.00
December 24-25
ent and the future, providing originality, quality and dynamics.
Riga Arena
Underworld concert
resembles a police-state during the two
days the summit is held in Riga.
Tel. +371 7043648
Kokle Music Festival “Solaris”
Already since September 1998 the s/c MOLS serves as a symbol of elegance, status and individual style for people in Riga
and Riga district, offering current trends delivered in the form
October 26-28
New Year celebrations
December 31
of varied fashion events and brand collections famous world-
wide - Vero Moda, Lindex, Camel Active, MEXX, Olsen, Esprit...
Folklore Festival “Folk Song”
Tel. +371 7043648
The best characteristics for the s/c MOLS are peace and cre-
October 29
ative atmosphere providing everyone MORE FASHION, MORE
Krasta iela 46, Riga
autumn/winter 2006/2007
Dickens Restaurant
complement our excellent cuisine and
Dickens is an excellent restaurant,
genuine English atmosphere making
situated in Riga's Old Town right near
Dickens the perfect place to enjoy a
St. Peter's Cathedral. Decorated in
delicious lunch or dinner.
warm shades with an operational fire-
uine grain-fed beef steaks, various fare
Restaurant Valdemars
restaurant ensures a memorable and if
seasoned with curry sauces as well as
Located in the heart of Riga's Art
you want, romantic visit.
several fish dishes.
Nouveau district and local business
Our friendly and attentive staff
center lies a small Scandinavian
And of course, after your meal, if
oasis. You will understand why
de Lacy`s
why not come right through to
Scandinavian style and design is so
Located in the centre of the Old
Dickens Pub and enjoy our friendly
Villa Joma hotel is a lovely 100 year-
recognized around the world when
Town, de Lacy`s Irish bar is proba-
old and entirely renovated wooden house,
you sit down to dine in the restau-
bly one of the best bars in Riga.
which serves as a small, high-class hotel
rant of hotel Valdemars. Here you
It is Irish-owned and managed
at Dickens is guaranteed.
in the very heart of Jurmala - on the
can enjoy not only a trendy,
and its proof is by the pour
You'll come back!
main promenade, two minutes walk from
appealing atmosphere but also a
of a pint and its large selection
the beach and Dzintari concert hall. The
selection of delicious international
on the menu from traditional
hotel has a high-grade restaurant with a
dishes made uniquely Scandinavian
Irish meals to tex-mex - something
terrace and wonderful views of the town
by our highly praised Swedish chef.
for everyone's taste. All major
atmosphere and great selection of beers.
One thing about coming to join us
Pēterbaznı̄cas iela 17, Riga,
tel +371 7213087
sporting events shown on plasma
Express Restaurant
skilled, experienced head-cook offers
you can either enjoy the fastest
screens including Premiership
Use this opportunity to enjoy
International cuisine, which perfectly
business lunch in Riga, or appreciate
football, Heineken cup and many
a wide range of cold delicatessen,
caters for business lunches, family outings
the company of your friends and
more. Recommended strongly
exquisite hot dishes, LIDO cakes and
or a romantic dinner. Villa Joma's hotel
family - our professional and friend-
as being the place to kick off
desserts in the romantic atmosphere
bar is also the perfect place to escape the
ly staff will make sure you get the
your stay in Riga and finish it,
offered by the Express Restaurant at
winter blues and enjoy exquisite cocktails.
best service either way.
as you will find the staff
the LIDO Recreation Centre, which is
at de Lacy`s more than willing
one of the largest and most beautiful
to help you enjoy your time
log buildings in Europe.
Jomas Street 90, Majori, Jurmala, LV-2015
tel +371 7771999, fax +371 7771990,
In the quiet, relaxed atmosphere
Kr.Valdemāra iela 23 (Hotel Valdemars), Riga
tel +371 7812419
at de Lacy`s and Riga.
Šķūņu iela 4, Riga, tel +371 7229045
They say that
this is the place to
The Express Restaurant offers:
seafood restaurant
Our unique restaurant offers our cus-
• 500 different cold dishes as buffet;
fish or seafood from Gastronome's seafood
• holiday meals and banquets;
department even if it is not in the menu.
• music every night;
To aid guests in choosing their wine, the
• banquets at your place.
recommendations of our sommelier are
fall in love – and
I Love You loves its customers and its
You are welcome for:
included in the menu for the majority
to fall in love
customers love I Love You. Whether
lunch 1 pm to 5 pm
of dishes including the desserts.
with! You can’t
it’s breakfast, an evening beer with
dinner 6 pm to 12 pm
miss this popular
your friends or Sunday brunch with
Enjoy delicious cuisine and excellent
service at Gastronome restaurant mc2,
Krasta iela 76, Riga
tel for info +371 7504420,
tel for booking +371 7812182,
your sweetheart, you’ll feel right at
(Latvian for "red") from top to bottom. It’s red-hot addic-
home. Order a cocktail, sink into one
tive, from the long bar downstairs to the chill-out
of the sofas downstairs and forget
menu at Gastronome restaurant in
lounges upstairs. There’s room here to meet everyone
your worries. And if you care about
Reval Hotel Latvija.
who’s anyone. Oh, and don’t forget to try the Sarkans
I Love You
music, then I Love You is spot on –
sandwich and its delicious fillings… Book ahead to
Discover this little gem tucked
no pop here, just quality, intelligent
away in one of the cobbled streets so
alternative sounds!
admired on a recent visit by Prince
Stabu iela 10, Riga, tel +371 7272286
Charles. Strange name for a café, you
may say – not really. Step inside and
pretty soon you realise that
autumn/winter 2006/2007
Aldaru iela 9, Riga, tel +371 7225304
Audeøju iela 1, Riga, LV-1050, Latvia
tel +371 7226441, fax +371 503280 |
Elizabetes iela 83/85, Riga LV-1050, Latvia
tel +371 7770900, fax +371 7770940 |
tomers the opportunity to choose fresh
bar, restaurant and place to hang out, because it’s sarkans
reserve a table for dinner.
Aspazijas bulv. 36/38, Riga LV-1050, Latvia
tel + 371 7225411, fax + 371 7216140 |
you wish to spend more time with us
Villa Joma
Hotel and Restaurant
and its centenarian trees. Our highly
At Dickens Restaurant we offer gen-
place in the cold seasons, Dickens
as well as a relaxed atmosphere and
Skolas iela 11, Riga, LV 1010, Latvija
tel +371 7289823, fax + 371 7287658 |
sophisticated dishes from our Gourmet
Gastronome mc2, Krasta iela 68a, Riga
tel for info and bookings: +371 7019619
Gastronome Reval Hotel Latvija,
Brı̄vı̄bas iela 31, Riga
tel for info and bookings: +371 7772391
Elizabetes iela 21, Riga, LV-1010, Latvia
tel +371 7031900, fax +371 7031901 |
Skyline Bar
Otto Schwarz
Start your journey back to
Skyline Bar is the one & only
Someone once said, “there are
medieval times in the heart of Old
cocktail lounge in the sky. Located
some restaurants which are so unique
Riga in Latvia.
on the 26th floor of the Reval Hotel
that they become legendary and part
be the perfect place for an after-work
Paddy Whelan's
Irish Pub & Sports Bar
of history”. As you gaze over one of
of candles. Try the favourite
dishes and drinks of King Philip I,
drinks with your workmates. Casual
Established in 1994! - The first
Baltics, be sure to enjoy the fantastic
Duke Charles of Burgundy and
atmosphere, dream cocktails, original
and still the number one Irish pub
views of the Freedom Monument and
Margaret of York. Listen to
menu and smooth tunes combined
in Riga. Located in the very heart
the park below. Restaurant Otto
the Ancient Wall and the Old
with the best view in the city add
of the Old Town it features very
Schwarz is an excellent place for busi-
Well whispering the secrets of the
an air of romance and elegance. Sit
friendly staff and offers delicious
ness lunches and private dinners.
Order of the Knights Templars.
back in comfy sofas with plush cush-
food and real old-fashioned BBQ
Breakfast buffet
Business lunch
Latvija, this trendy & urban bar will
ions and relax while sipping one of
served all day long till after mid-
Find your philosopher’s stone.
Steiku Haoss saloon
their tasty cocktails. Live DJ perform-
night. Great prices, 18 different
Find your Grail.
The western styled Steiku Haoss
ances every Friday and Saturday gath-
kinds of local and imported Beer &
has two restaurants to its name,
er the hip and trendy people of Riga.
Cider on tap, and a wide choice of
and we have now added a third
Open: Sun-Thu 15:00 - 02:00
Find your medieval treasure.
Rozēna iela 1, Riga, tel/fax +371 7224748
in Grecinieku Str. 26. The bar is
sure to catch your attention with
its horeshoe shape and its lit wall
15:00 - 03:00
Elizabetes iela 55, Riga
(26th floor, Reval Hotel Latvija)
tel +371 7772282
time it is possible to enjoy live
and other satellite sporting events
shown live on a large screen,
other Steiku Haoss have gone all
numerous flat screens and TV.
western, this one is for the
Excellent courtyard and street side
trendy jet-set who flock to the
summer terraces.
Live music
from 19:00
every working day
Kalku iela 28 (Hotel De Rome), Riga
tel +371 7087600
Grēcinieku iela 4, Riga
tel office +371 7210249,
1st floor +371 7210150, 2nd floor +371 7210254
Reval Hotel Ridzene Restaurant
with a choice of warm dishes.
Fresh spring flavours and a modern
Piramida is for those who are seeking
country atmosphere await you at the
interior and responsive staff makes
excellent international cuisine in an inti-
Piramida Summer Terrace, due to open
which may account for the fine
for a pleasant mood in Belgian
mate and elegant ambiance in the heart
in late May. The Summer Terrace offers
Italian food. Italian-owned Bella Italia
beer cafe Braserie “Bon Vivant”.
of Riga`s business and financial district.
a wide selection of delicious food, out-
is split into two sections, with
You can get a taste of 24 sorts of
The executive Chef's creative and
standing service and of course the great
a pizzeria in one half of the building
famous beer. The beer is served in
fresh approach to cooking is reflected
feeling of having your breakfast, lunch
and a more formal restaurant
exclusive toby jugs.
in our international cuisine menu con-
or dinner in a beautiful, green oasis in
centrating on the key elements of each
the heart of dynamic urban atmosphere.
in the other. Friendly staff.
Vāgnera iela 16,
tel +371 7223587
Vienı̄ bas gatve 36,
tel +371 7149920
Open: 12-24
The food in our Belgian beer café
should suit every taste. You can
dish and enhancing their unique
Restaurant is open daily
have the 1.5 metre long sausage
flavours and textures. Situated under
from 7 a.m. till 11.30 p.m.
Bon - Vivant served on a special
Open daily:
the glass pyramid this culinary treasure
oak-tree board for 4 persons.
Sun - Thu: 11am-01am
offers fine dining and an extensive
Fri - Sat: 11am-…
menu. The breakfast buffet and the
Brasserie “Bon - Vivant” will
amaze you with its French quality
and German quantity!
Live band every Friday night!
autumn/winter 2006/2007
lunch A la Carte are complemented
Mārstaļu iela 8, Old Riga
tel +371 7226585
Kr.Barona iela 37, Riga LV 1011, Latvia
tel + 371 7312323, fax + 371 7316953 |
Kalku iela 28, Riga, LV 1050, Latvia
tel +371 7087600, fax +371 7087606 |
throw from the Italian Embassy -
A genuine Belgian beer café
Bon Vivant
This restaurant is just a stone’s
12:00 - 15:00
atmosphere. All major SKY Sports
Bella Italia
Kaleøju iela 9/11, Riga, LV 1050, Latvia
tel +371 7087501, fax +371 7087515 |
every working day
music in a relaxed, kicked back
for a stunning entrance. The
Grēcinieku iela 26, Riga
tel +371 26699966
7:00 - 10:30
wines and spirits. From time to
of booz in the back, which makes
Old Town.
the most extensive wine lists in the
Relax in the glimmering lights
Reimersa iela 1, Riga, LV 1050, Latvia
tel +371 7772345, fax +371 7772332 |
Reval Hotel Ridzene,
Reimersa iela 1, Riga
tel +371 7324433
Elizabetes iela 55, Riga, LV 1010, Latvia
Reval Hotels Reservation Centre
tel +371 7772345, fax +371 7772332 |
Riga International Airport has
come a long way since the
“ancient history” of the Soviet
years. When Latvia regained its
independence in 1991, a new era
of rapid development began...
The recent history of Riga
In 2006, Riga International Airport
has become... a movie star!
With a budget of $3.25 million,
All the developments of the last
utable companies in the same sur-
15 years have led to passenger num-
vey - commercial bank Hansabanka,
Oooh, the glamour of it. Film
bers in Riga growing faster than at
mobile telecoms company LMT and
crews, directors and a whole range
any other airport in Europe. The
the restaurant chain Lido - have a
of movie stars - even though you
ing early in the morning and end-
a co-production between Latvia,
average year-on-year growth over the
presence here at the airport.
may not have heard of all of them
ing late, making it a logistical
Austria and the UK.
- have been at work in recent
challenge for the airport staff.
first seven months of 2006 was
International Airport started in 1991.
38.8%. There are now over 40 direct
Before that, only Aeroflot was
destinations and counting, the latest
allowed to operate in Riga in a peri-
this year being Istanbul, Tbilisi,
od that should really be counted as
Here are some of the key dates
pared, cordoned off and given free
Midsummer Madness was shot
security control.
entirely in Latvia over seven weeks,
Shooting lasted two weeks, start-
Movie madness was definitely
months on a rostrum of exciting
The film is about an amiable
productions at Riga International.
airplane hijacker and the little boy
airport, which took place in March
1992 - Riga International Airport
And while these films may not be
he takes hostage, as well as an
while it was still snowing outside.
Baku, Bergen, Tel Aviv, Dusseldorf,
joins Airports Council International
starring Bruce Willis, they certainly
assortment of odd characters they
The filmmakers had to work hard
ancient history. Since 1991, the air-
Simferapol, and Kaliningrad. Most of
(ACI), the association of the world's
are professional international pro-
meet in and around Riga.
to give the impression it was mid-
port's astonishing growth has mir-
these new destinations have come
ductions which you should be able
rored Latvia's own speedy develop-
from the rapidly growing Latvian
ment and new-found fame as the
airline airBaltic. Ryanair, meanwhile,
lighting, the first big reconstruction
fastest growing economy in Europe.
opens Glasgow in October while
Today, Riga International looks
esting direct destinations by the
days, with a modern design that is
middle of 2007.
The leading destination in 2006 is
than many airports in Europe. And
London (217,200 in H1 2006), fol-
it doesn't just have a pretty face -
lowed by Dublin (92,500 up from
it's highly functional too, coping
21,000 in H1 2005) and Frankfurt-
with ever-increasing passenger flows
Hahn (79,964). The fullest flights -
that have doubled in the last two
those you'll find the most difficulty
years alone.
getting a ticket for - are Milan,
These results have been reached
thanks to a strategic development
1994 - Riga gets new runway and
Dublin, Amsterdam and, of course,
There are
now over
40 direct
to track down in the near future.
The Hostage, made by 44-year-old
later in the year to film the out-
answers. No explanation is given
door scenes.
on where the English-speaking but
accented hijacker - played by
ed both in Latvia and at one or
Slovenian actor Branko Zavrsan,
two film festivals in Europe. And
famous for the film “No Man's
opens, winning Latvia's prize for
while it didn't quite make the criti-
Land” - is from, or why he seized
best reconstruction.
cal and commercial splash its cre-
the plane in the first place. He
ators had hoped for, at least you
simply explains that he chose Riga
ger bridges opens, taxiways and cen-
can have fun spotting various loca-
because he likes names that con-
tral platform reconstructed.
tions around the airport.
tain the letter “r”.
1999 - New airport building
2001 - New pier with five passen-
2004 - Latvia joins EU, handles
more than a million passengers.
Arranging the set proved to be a
real challenge for the airport man-
summer. Cast and crew returned
vokes more questions than it
known directors, was hotly anticipat-
gers handled.
involved during shooting at the
A deconstructed thriller, it pro-
Laila Pakalnina, one of Latvia's best-
1997 - More than 500,000 passen-
airBaltic promises many more inter-
and feels totally different to the old
more spacious and attractive to eye
from the last 15 years.
Meanwhile, because of the filming, the long-awaited opening of
to shoot
the scene
on the
But The Hostage is a diverting
little piece of Latvian cinema.
the airport's second Arrivals Hall
had to be postponed for a week.
Shot in English and directed by
Hahn from a screenplay he cowrote with Norman Hudis - who
wrote the first six of the famous
British slapstick Carry On films this should be a fun movie really
worth tracking down.
2005 - Huge increase in passenger
agement. This was after all the first
numbers, 77% growth to almost 1.9
movie with a sizeable budget to be
to be shot on location at Riga
wild and hilarious comedy set in
million, 26% more aircraft, 82%
filmed on airport territory. One
International Airport this year, how-
Latvia during the shortest night of
The most important feature film
According to the filmmakers, it's a
strategy that is consistently being
More charter flights are being
updated by a well-qualified airport
launched for the expanding hordes
more cargo. Such fast development
scene involved 500 people, who
ever, was the forthcoming comedy
the year when the whole country cel-
management and highly trained
of Latvian tourists, such as Malta in
has not been seen at any other
had to dress up as if for the
Midsummer Madness, directed by
ebrates, and just about anything goes.
August and Rhodes in autumn.
major European airport. Riga
Latvian Song and Dance Festival,
newcomer Alexander Hahn and star-
The ensemble cast includes a
International Airport wins ACI
one of the country's most popular
ring Dominique Pinon (A Very Long
poetess from Portugal, two English
Europe Best Airport 2005 award.
mass events.
Engagement, Amelie, Delicatessen),
firemen, an American who hates
Maria de Medeiros (Pulp Fiction,
everything he sees, some shady
The very first capital investments
All this fast development has led
were invested into staff training
to a good reputation. Among
abroad and making contacts with
Latvia's top 1,000 companies, Riga
European and American airports.
International Airport came 12th in
That level of cooperation continues
terms of brand visibility in a survey
today, something that has helped
2006 - North extension opens to
The filmmakers wanted to shoot
the scene on the runway, but since
The Saddest Music In The World),
businessmen, an escaped kangaroo,
Near future - Further reconstruc-
this would have been technically
Orlando Wells (Wilde) and Birgit
an insatiable flight attendant and
among Latvians in 2006, up from
tion of the terminal, a second pier,
impossible with aircraft constantly
Minichmayr (Downfall, Taking
her bemused Japanese boyfriend.
Riga win a lot of international
18th in 2005. It's also worth noting
runway extension, hotel, large busi-
landing and taking off, a special
Sides), as well as Latvia's Gundars
By the time morning comes their
that three of the top four most rep-
ness park.
area close to the airfield was pre-
lives are changed forever...
autumn/winter 2006/2007
handle non-Schengen passengers.
autumn/winter 2006/2007
A new 2006 summer survey
reveals some surprising things
about what kind of passengers
there are at Riga International.
ber of passengers aged between 46
percent, Brits 7 percent,
and 60 has shrunk from 30 per-
Norwegians 5 percent, Finns 4 per-
cent in 1999 to under 20 percent
cent and Americans, Swedes and
now. Come on oldies, there are
Irish 3 percent each).
plenty of wonderful things to discover in Riga for you too!
According to the results of a
But what was your “final destination”? Well, about 100 respon-
About 30 percent of you were
dents mentioned places that sound
on business, 40 percent were visit-
as if they were in galaxies far, far
questionnaire in which 2,500 out
ing for pleasure and most of the
away, such as Vladivostok, Addis
of 59,000 departing passengers
rest were visiting friends and rela-
Ababa and Chelmsford.
were quizzed about their immi-
tives. Of course, this being a sum-
The most common destinations
mer survey, the number of passen-
were Dublin and London, followed
gers on business rises in autumn,
by Oslo, Berlin and Stockholm.
nent journeys, only 40 percent of
respondents said they were using
Riga International Airport for the
first time - that's much less than
in previous years - and as many
as 21 percent said they fly in at
least once a month, an additional
Riga is
a city
full of
winter and spring. Nevertheless,
About a third of you visited the
these summertime proportions have
airport's cafés and restaurants,
been fairly stable since this annual
spending on average LVL 12 (EUR
summer survey started in 1998.
17) in the passenger area and as
Interestingly enough, for the first
much as LVL 22.60 (EUR 31) in
15 percent once every three
time since the survey began, the
the public area. We don't blame
months and 16 percent every six
majority of respondents were
you - the food in Lido is delicious,
women. Perhaps that says some-
isn't it?
Riga is a city full of irresistible
thing about the rising tide of inde-
About half of passengers bought
charms and attractions, it seems.
pendent female travellers, especially
something at the airport, spending
Age-wise, you passengers seem to
since the proportion of women in
an average of LVL 32 (EUR 44), up
be getting younger. More than half
the survey has been increasingly
from last year's average spending of
are now aged between 26 and 45,
slowly every year.
LVL 19. The most popular items
with an additional quarter aged 19
Roughly 40 percent of you are
were alcohol (naturally), sweets and
to 25, a significant growth on pre-
local, 60 percent of you foreign
candies, perfumes and cosmetics,
vious years. Meanwhile, the num-
(Lithuanians 10 percent, Germans 9
tobacco, and Latvian souvenirs.
Check-In Media SIA
Vaļņu iela 5/1,
Riga, LV 1050, Latvia
Tel: +371 7228509
+371 9208200
Editor-in-Chief Justin Walley
Contributing writer Anatol Stephens
Art director Inese Laizāne
Managing Director Māris Jēkabsons
Advertising and Sales Enquiries:
Tel: +371 9208200
Comments and opinions:
General information:
Magazine reg. nr.
Gateway Riga is the official airport magazine for Riga International Airport.
It is distributed three times in 2006. Opinions expressed in this publication are
those of the authors or persons interviewed and do not necessarily reflect the
views of the editor, Check-In Media or Riga International Airport.
All rights reserved. Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any
form without written permission. Unsolicited manuscripts, photographs and
illustrations are not accepted. Gateway Riga accepts no responsibility for such
materials sent to its office, nor is it liable for loss of, or damage to, such material.
All prices are subject to change without notice.
Gateway Riga accepts no responsibility for printing errors. Printed by
Kroonpress, Estonia.
Special thanks for help and/or providing photos: Aldis Putelis, Baiba Skride, Edvins Bruvelis, Aleksandra Pugina, Latvian Tourism Development Agency,
Baiba Plume, Baltic Beach Resort, Jurmala Spa Hotel, Jurmala TIC, Bauska TIC, Dobele TIC, Tervete TIC, picture service.