Cosmos: Taking cosmology to the world


Cosmos: Taking cosmology to the world
Take your FREE copy!
summer/autumn 2008
Troublesome teen
Latvia's destination
of excellence
Ode to Cologne
Taking cosmology
to the world
Buy handmade!
The rapid develop-
Taking cosmology to the world
Troublesome teen
Bringing business to the Baltics
A change for the better
ment of Riga
International Airport
continues to match
our ambitious plans. We are among the fastest growing airports in Europe, expecting 4 million passengers
in 2008. That is set to rise to 6 million in 2012 - a
huge increase on the 1 million passengers we saw just
four years ago.
The impressive passenger figures point towards a
bright future as a Northern European transit hub. We
are already by far the biggest airport in the Baltic
countries and in the near future we aim to be one of
the biggest airports in the Baltic Sea region. As many
as 15 new routes will open this year, adding to our
rostrum of over 60 direct destinations now reachable
from Riga. Many of these will be to regional capitals
Kuldiga: Latvia's destination of excellence
to the east of Latvia.
RIX has joined the Schengen zone on schedule,
having divided Schengen and non-Schengen passenger
Real shopping
flows inside the terminal building ahead of time. We
anticipate a large rise in traffic coming from non-EU
states such as Russia and the CIS countries. A one-year
Enjoying the grand voyage
Schengen visa is much easier to get than a Latvian
visa once was, meaning that businesspeople will be
able to fly in as often as they like without having to
line up for hours at a hard-to-reach consulate.
Ode to Cologne
To cope with the ever-rising passenger flows, capacity at the airport will also be increased and a number
of new buildings and extensions are swiftly being con-
The Germans are coming!
structed. Soon we will start to build a new departures
terminal, as well as complete reconstruction on the
runway. Work will also begin imminently on a five-
If you go down to the woods today
storey hotel connected to the airport terminal.
Meanwhile, construction work has started on a new
business park, which will rise out of a greenfield site
Join the club!
close to the airport terminal over the coming 10 years.
Flick forward to the airport pages at the back of this
issue to read more about the business park. These are
Riga International Airport is expanding
at an extraordinary rate
exciting times indeed for Riga International Airport.
Enjoy your time with us!
nis Peters
Chairman of the Board
of Riga International Airport
summer/autumn 2008
Photos: Latvian Tourism Development Agency
Buy handmade!
With everything seemingly produced in China these days,
it's refreshing to see that Latvia is actively retaining
its tradition of making quality hand-made goods
summer/autumn 2008
One of the joys of handmade gifts
is that you end up purchasing
something that seems meaningful
rather than inconsequential and
superficial. There is a certain satisfaction in buying from a local artisan
instead of investing in soulless massproduced goods; you can't beat that
one-of-a-kind appeal, which is the
There is
a certain
in buying
from a local
result of skill and craftsmanship; an
expertise that has often been passed
down through the generations until
the present day.
summer/autumn 2008
If you thought hand-made goods
amounted to little more than a few
nicely woven jumpers, then think
again. Latvia's artisans offer visitors
the opportunity to purchase handmade goods fashioned from amber,
ceramics, textiles, glass, metal, leather
and wood as well as the often forgotten traditional folk medicine.
The truth is mass-produced
goods are a major cause of global
warming. We know that things
need to change in the 21st century, and by purchasing from smallscale independent artisans we will
all benefit in the long run.
So, while you are visiting Latvia
instead of buying mass-produced
garbage invest your lats in local
hand-made goods. On the following pages is a selection of the
excellent items you can purchase
during your stay here. So go on buy handmade!
summer/autumn 2008
as choir conductors and one as a
percussionist. Two of us are 'freeloaders'. We have been in the choir life
all of our lives.
But how did the whole Cosmos
thing first get started?
We founded a chamber choir and
started singing without women six
years ago. And it was, dare we say,
much better.
We were lucky because there were
no a cappella groups at a level that
could be called good at that time in
Latvia. We were also lucky enough
to meet many a cappella outfits such
as Take 6. We actually had a master
class with them.
When do you think was that
defining moment when you made
the big break?
The break came at the Latvian
Music Awards. Our first CD included
many popular songs written many
years ago. We did them in our own
way and people just liked it. It was
as simple as that.
Our popularity came as singers
and as a pop group taking part in
competitions and festivals. When we
Photos: Cosmos photo archive
won 'New Wave' that really put us
in the spotlight.
Taking cosmology
to the world
While every country has its boy bands, Latvia's most popular all-male collective
scores rather more highly than most in the talent department.
In this exclusive interview the members of Cosmos talk to Justin Walley about
the state of the Latvian music industry, the future of Cosmos and the surreal
experience of representing their country at the Eurovision Song Contest
summer/autumn 2008
It must have been rather a shock
winning 'New Wave'? Cosmos are a
million miles away from the usual
acts that perform at that competition.
It was something very strange for
'New Wave'. To start with, we sang in
Latvian to a principally Russian-speaking audience and, what's more, it was
without accompaniment. It was a realHow did you all meet?
We're mostly from one school,
Riga Dom Choir School in
Padaugava. Most of us have actually
been singing together for fifteen
ly 'good school' for us. We learned a
years; Andris even has his daughter
lot from it. The people working there
studying there now.
After that four of us went to
music academy with three graduating
of us are
summer/autumn 2008
at 'New Wave' are very professional in
their way and that's not just music
we are talking about.
The main reason we went was to
hot. Dima Bilan was interesting to
reach out to people. After the 2006
talk to and gave us lots of feedback
Eurovision competition we released
about his experiences in the indus-
an album in Asia and began per-
try. He was a nice, open-minded
forming outside of Latvia.
guy both professionally and on a
The main aim wasn't to win but
personal level.
to promote Cosmos. We could wave
above the fence, so as to speak, and
tell people who we are. It was a
What is your take on the music
scene here in Latvia?
Commercially, not that good. Some
good experience.
As far as established Latvian acts
radio and TV stations are currently
taking part, well, in Eastern European
promoting not such good material.
countries it means something else.
Management and money are also part
Eurovision still means something to
of this discussion. Europe doesn't
many of the young, newly independ-
allow small Latvian acts into the big,
ent countries of Europe.
wider world market. At the same
time, Brainstorm can play to 40,000
Any interesting stories from the
at one time in Latvia.
2006 competition? Who were the
most interesting performers you met?
Lordi always kept their masks on
and were fantastic. Greece was very
Who do you respect musically in
this country?
Academically or pop music?
Appropriate place
for organising seminars
Bright ideas
for entertaining corporate clients.
Motivating relaxation.
Event conception and handling.
How were you treated?
contrast with representing Latvia at
The atmosphere was friendly;
the 2006 Eurovision Song Contest?
nobody told us what to do. We also
received many interesting ideas.
New Wave and Eurovision are so
similar. In fact, they are getting more
and more similar every year
Wasn't the whole 'New Wave'
experience a bit surreal?
Yes, there were people from 'Spain'
speaking Russian. You could call it
Similar in which way?
The music, the countries taking
part and the weirdness.
an experience and that is it.
What did you gain from the
How did your experience there
summer/autumn 2008
It was the first ever a cappella
the 2006
we released
an album
in Asia
and began
of Latvia
Yes, but most of the viewers are
performance. We freely answered
half drunk, eating or on the phone.
questions at press conferences and
It is also a slow contest and people
even sang to show our skills. I
aren't really taking it too seriously.
think it allowed us to really be ourselves and show the best of what
we have to offer.
In a country such as the UK taking
part in Eurovision is seen as a suicidal
move. If an established act fails to do
You performed in front of a glob-
Excellently designed guest house
laid in a landscape surrounded by water.
One hour drive from Riga.
well at Eurovision they would lose
al TV audience of 100 million peo-
any of their previous credibility. Why
ple! That must have blown your
have Latvia's best artists chosen to
minds, surely?
compete in this competition?
allow small
Latvian acts
into the big,
wider world
summer/autumn 2008
On the road we like to talk about
what we are doing and how it can
be improved. It is nice to get out of
our normal lives and refocus.
What are the good and bad points
of being famous?
There are just good things,
although you learn that you don't
step in the same river if you make a
mistake. Latvians don't come up to
you (because you are a star). In this
country you could meet the ex-president in the supermarket.
Being quite a successful group
means you like to make surprises
for the audience. Here in Latvia it
is always a challenge. If you play
to a new audience abroad they
don't know you and are more easily pleased.
What is the plan for the next
few months?
Our new album was released on
April 16. We are very happy about
it. It is very different from our
previous stuff. In early May we are
ence of performing abroad
Academically we like Kremerata
playing a concert at the Latvian
You must be open-minded about
National Opera House. This new
Baltika. The best non-academic
what is going on outside Latvia; be
CD is very important because it
band is Brainstorm. Intars Busulis
aware and not copy! Before Cosmos
mostly contains songs written by
who sang “Time after time” is
and up to now my mind has
all of us. We are also making a
great as is Goran Gora. There are
changed a lot (Janis). Travelling has
second DVD which is much more
also many good drummers and
opened our minds. It has changed
interesting and fragile.
guitarists out there.
our worlds a couple hundred degrees.
Going back to academic stuff, we
With Cosmos we tend to work
really respect the Latvian Radio
more in Eastern Europe: for exam-
Choir and the State Choir.
ple at the Azerbaijan Jazz Festival.
Conductor Andris Nelsons is also
Our preferred country is Ukraine
a fantastic talent.
with its mix of European and
In actual fact the musical back-
Eastern influences. We've toured
In this
country you
could meet
the expresident
in the
Will Cosmos still be here in a few
years' time? Will you start doing
your own stuff individually?
We are already doing our own
stuff, but after 20 years we're not
We have a nice balance. Cosmos
ground here is very rich. As a result
Germany, Italy, France etc. as well
we have always got musical graduates
as the USA. This summer we will
is the main thing but there will
from Latvia who can do well in
perform in Canada.
always be something else going on.
The important thing now though is
places like France and the UK.
What do you do in those spare
Tell me about the Cosmos experi-
moments on the road?
summer/autumn 2008
that we really have a new beginning with our new album.
flows. The Latvian government will
account deficit which contracted to
be equally influential should they
17.7% of GDP, from 24.8% at year
choose to intervene, either through
end. Credit and money supply are
policy reform (although this has a
also cooling, and the Government
delayed effect) or direct stimulus.
also continues to run a budget sur-
Latvia is not unique in facing
plus, albeit at lower levels than in
challenges. Indeed the EU has low-
2007, but still above the EU average.
ered its forecast for GDP growth by
Latvia also raised €400m by placing
a 10yr Bond in the international capital markets in February. This demonstrates that, at a sovereign level,
Latvia remains among the lowest
Troublesome teen
In this issue of Gateway Riga guest expert Neil Mathieson
summarises the main developments related
to the Latvian economy.
Real GDP and Consumer Prices
positives, most notably the current
leveraged countries in the EU, with
Government debt equating to c.9% of
GDP. This also provides liquidity typically tax revenue falls and public
spending rises in a slowdown. Indeed,
this trend is already apparent.
Liquidity is a word we will hear
is a word
we will
hear more
in 2008,
with regard
to Latvia's
29% to 2.0% in 2008 while increasing its inflation target by 50% to
also expected to increase to an aver-
still an emerging economy. It grew
service based sectors booming while
export drivers such as manufacturing
Teenage years are often a period of
down however, GDP actually con-
difficult and costly than before and
profound change; spurts of growth
tracted in Q4, traditionally the
typically subject to shorter borrow-
start and stop without much warn-
busiest quarter. Data for Q1 2008 is
ing periods. At present, non-perform-
Director of Key Capital,
ing; knowledge is accumulated, but
awaited; however, this period is typi-
ing loans and provision levels
a corporate finance advisory.
with a few hard lessons along the
cally quieter due to seasonal factors
remain stable and acceptable, but
For more information
way; we transition from one stage of
and a variety of indicators already
are likely to rise.
development to the next. As Latvia
evidence further slowing.
hit hardest with new car sales down
49.2% on last year and completions
data for March 08 shows that con-
in the land register down 34%. New
sumer prices were 16.8% higher than
company formations were down
the corresponding period last year
8.9%, while insolvencies rose.
(12.3% annualised); producer prices
Industrial output showed a decline
10.5% higher, real wages 15% higher
and two large manufacturers cut jobs,
GDP growth this year, falling to
and construction prices 20.7% higher.
as higher costs were not matched by
0.75% in 2009 and 0.2% in 2010.
ance for 2008 from the Government
at present
is inflation
is for inflation to remain close to
current levels: a current account
deficit of 15.9% and GDP growth of
5% (revised from 7.5%). Contrast this
with the IMF, which predicts 3.6%
At the same time as prices are
higher productivity. A survey of
rising so growth is slowing. GDP for
Latvian business confidence by a
erable role, especially global financial
full year 2007 totalled Ls 13.96bn,
leading bank returned it lowest level
markets, commodity prices and the
an increase of 10.3% on the previ-
since 2004.
performance of the EU economies,
ous year when adjusted for inflation.
Among this bad news were some
summer/autumn 2008
External factors will play a consid-
which account for 75% of trade
4 period moving average
Stock Market
The burning issue at present is
teenage volatility in the short term.
inflation. Central Statistical Bureau
Source: CSB
for Latvia. However, we can expect
and depth of slowdown. Recent guid-
Real GDP, Qtrly
global credit crisis this is both more
tionary expenditure. Large items were
stage. Growth has been uneven, with
there is plenty of growth to come
encing such change.
quicker as we move into a testing
predominantly source their capital in
insufficient data to predict the length
faster in the up-cycle but may slow
played a large role. Longer term
in Q1 as consumers ceased discre-
What sets Latvia apart is that it is
to Latvia's commercial banks, which
independence its economy is experi-
age of 1.2% of GDP.
struggle. External funding has also
beyond doubt. However, there is
international markets. Due to the
Retail turnover was effectively flat
Source: Eurostat
If we look at the quarterly break-
approaches its 17th birthday since
3.6%. Government budget deficits are
more in 2008, especially with regard
That the economy is slowing is
Neil Mathieson is Managing
contact telephone +371 2200 1139
or visit
Source: OMX
Baltic Benchmark
British Chamber of
a very special milestone. Founded
as the first foreign chamber of
The British Chamber of
commerce in Latvia in 1993 by
fewer than 30 American investors,
Commerce is a members association
the Chamber has grown to 150
established in 1996 with a Board
members today, representing one of
elected from the membership. It is
the largest foreign chambers in the
a very diverse Chamber, and even
Baltics. Fifteen years later the
though its name indicates British
Chamber's core goals remain the
business, in reality it represents
same: to actively promote the
business interests from all over the
development of investment and
world - including Sweden, Norway,
trade between Latvia and United
Iceland, and the United States. In
States and to serve as a platform
other words, you do not have to
for networking among and support
be British to become a member of
for its members.
the BCCL.
According to the Chamber's
President, Jerry Wirth, “We have
an amazing amount of expertise in
different disciplines among our
membership. We want to make
that expertise accessible. To do
that, we will continue our successful Seminar Series. Last year, hundreds of our members attended
seminars on Supply Chain
Management, Corporate
Bringing business
to Latvia
What do the various foreign chambers of commerce
and business organisations do here in Latvia?
And why should you join one?
Governance, IT Management,
Human Resources Management, and
“In addition,” he says, “we are
This year
the US
15 years
working in
developing an Economic Forum
program to gather the best and
brightest in Latvia and the region
to meet our members and to
debate the economic challenges facing Latvia today.”
American Chamber
of Commerce in Latvia
As the Chamber marks 15 years
of operation in Latvia, this year is
summer/autumn 2008
More information:
+371 6721 2204
summer/autumn 2008
The BCCL exists in order to
export and business activities in
ple. There is, according to its
quent seminars and meetings. The
through quarterly Business
facilitate business relationships and
the Baltic States through provid-
Chairman, Dean Strautins, no point
Chamber also acts for the interests
Development Forums in Riga and
provide its members with verified
ing business contacts, information
looking within Europe to find a
of its members in relation to the
Toronto, the business association's
business contacts in Latvia. The
and advice.
way to gain a competitive advan-
Latvian authorities on its own or
tage within Europe: “Right now the
in its capacity of being a member
BCCL is also regarded as an excellent networking tool - in that it
More information:
US and Europe, including Latvia,
of the Foreign Investors' Council
brings together a wide and varied
are suffering an economic down-
in Latvia.
spectrum of business representa-
tives. Its reputation is that of the
+ 371 6732 0718
The Walloon economic repre-
turn whereas Australia's economy is
web site (, and partici-
The Chamber has 100 members
booming.” Strautins emphasises.
representing a wide range of indus-
AustCham Latvia is currently
tries, such as forestry, construction,
most active Chamber in Latvia - as
sentative office in the Baltic States
it hosts many formal and informal
(AWEX) was opened in 2002 to
sourcing around 500 million euros
manufacturing, retail/wholesale
events at which members and non-
develop economic links between
of products for the Australian mar-
trade, banking, telecommunication,
members alike have an opportunity
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and
ket, and is the only Western
law and audit services, consulta-
to meet
Chamber of Commerce with a sec-
tion, hotels, education and other.
Wallonia is the biggest region of
More information:
the federal state of Belgium.
The Netherlands-Latvian
Chamber of Commerce
+371 6721 8043
The Netherlands-Latvian Chamber
of Commerce (NLLC) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization,
founded in the Netherlands in
2003, now registered in Latvia. Its
aim is to centralise, support and
develop the networking between
Latvia and the Netherlands as well
German-Baltic Chamber
of Commerce in Estonia,
Latvia and Lithuania
The German-Baltic Chamber of
as to provide a platform for the
exchange of views and experiences
between Dutch and Latvian companies. Parallel to this, the Chamber
Chamber of
in Latvia,
Estonia and
in 2004
ond regional office in Latvia.
Social events occur on occasion.
as iron and steel, the chemical
with the Western Australian
industry, the glass industry, metal
Commissioner of Police to discuss
More information:
works, and food and drink have
what citizens can do to discourage
remained the largest economic sec-
institutionalised corruption.
tors, Wallonia is definitely in the
Students able to afford the study
+371 6728 5667
active process of turning its atten-
fees in Australia should approach
tion towards advanced technologies.
AustCham to take advantage of the
Nowadays biotechnologies, phar-
desire to get Latvians to Australian
er sciences are among Wallonia's
More information:
industrial flagships.
+371 6729 3361
More information:
+371 2639 4789
Canadian Latvia
Business Association
The Canada Latvia Business
fessional interests of its members
Association, founded in 1999, has
and the corresponding social con-
its registered offices at the
bilateral trade and investment
tacts. During its short existence,
+371 6703 9321
Canadian Embassy in Riga and a
between the Baltic States and
more than 60 companies and indi-
Germany and now has a member-
viduals from Latvia and the
ship base of about 380 companies
Netherlands have already chosen
from the Baltic States and
the NLCC as their chamber.
section in Toronto.
The main objectives are to pro-
Swedish Chamber
of Commerce in Latvia
The Swedish Chamber of
The NLCC works closely together
mote business ties between Canada
and Latvia. The saying "It's not
what you know, it's who you
range of sectors. It is part of a
with LIAA and the Royal
Commerce in Latvia offers its
know that counts" is ever so true
network of 120 offices of the
Netherlands Embassy in Latvia. The
members a platform to meet
for Latvia. Knowing who to turn
German Chambers of Commerce
NLCC also represents Fryslan House
Latvian and Swedish business peo-
to, or who to talk to, can make
abroad in 80 countries around the
in Latvia.
ple, sharing an interest in
life so much easier. The large
Swedish-Latvian commercial co-
number of Latvian-Canadians active
operation and also provides infor-
in Latvia is an excellent resource
mation about the development in
for others thinking about doing
business in Latvia.
The Australian Chamber
of Commerce
network of the German Chambers
More information:
abroad, its commercial services
help thousands of companies each
Europeans to non-European
Latvia as well as in Swedish-
year to start or expand their
+371 6720 4680
advanced ideas, products and peo-
Latvian trade relations through fre-
summer/autumn 2008
More information:
rials, microelectronics, and comput-
with the objective of fostering
in Canada and visa versa.
Lithuania was established in 2004
ciation helps Latvians do business
aims to promote the mutual pro-
world. Within this consultancy
events. The result is that the asso-
of the largest foreign investors in
The most recent event was dinner
Commerce in Estonia, Latvia and
Germany spread across a broad
pation at Embassy organized
The Chamber represents many
Although traditional industries such
maceuticals, machinery, new mate-
many of
the largest
in Latvia
AustCham connects Latvian
Networking facilitation is done
summer/autumn 2008
The Centre of Plastic and
Microsurgery (CPRM)
of Latvia
“We specialise in aesthetic sur-
A change
for the better
It's easy to do down those who are in favour
of plastic and reconstructive surgery.
After all the naysayers forget that, for many, the
benefits are often both physical and emotional.
summer/autumn 2008
If somebody thinks they look healthi-
offers foreigners the opportunity to
whole lifestyle. Put simply, corrective
visit this country for a whole host of
surgery often opens new doors to
other forms of 'health tourism'
to close themselves away from others.
For many who do undergo corrective surgery they quickly find that
ed their skills in the U.S.A.,
Singapore, Norway, Germany and
Austria. CPRM is located in the
gery, hand and reconstructive micro-
Clinical Hospital “Gailezers” on the
surgery. This is the only place in
outskirts of Riga. It serves private
Latvia where it is possible to reat-
patients and provides hand and
And don't forget that Latvia also
reinvention tends to impregnate their
one reason or another, have chosen
All doctors have trained and upgrad-
that can last a lifetime.
er and younger then this sense of
people who, short on confidence for
tach amputated parts of the body.
Put simply
opens new
including dentistry, convalescing and
opticians services.
We asked three of the leading
companies in this industry in Latvia
what they offer their clients and
they are more confident and outgo-
why we should consider using their
ing; a feeling of improved self-esteem
summer/autumn 2008
accommodation, leisure activities,
medical treatment and procedures to
ensure that you are safe and well
taken care of!”
For further information:
Dr. Gilis
Plastic Surgery Clinic
“Founded in 1992 and located in
the heart of Riga (Baznicas iela 31),
Dr.Gilis Plastic Surgery Clinic has
successfully combined the safety
reconstructive surgery services to
Baltic Link and Aviteks Baltic
standards of a hospital with the
subsidized patients. Operations are
“Going abroad for medical treat-
performed in well-equipped operat-
ment has become a real alternative
confidentiality of a private clinic for
ing theatres. Wards are comfortable
for individuals. There are many rea-
16 years. Plastic surgeon Dr. Janis
and the nursing staff is skilled and
sons why people are going abroad
Gilis is certified by the Latvian
very friendly.”
comfort, friendliness, discretion and
for medical treatment: Access to lead-
Plastic Surgery Association, is an
For further information:
ing medical institutions and doctors;
active member of the American
significant savings compared to pri-
Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
vate healthcare; the avoidance of
(ASAPS) and of the International
long waiting lists and excellent quali-
Confederation for Plastic
ty of service. Our aim is to facilitate
Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
and organize qualitative medical serv-
(IPRAS). He has improved his qualifi-
ices at affordable prices for customers
cation and knowledge in different
seeking medical treatment abroad.
clinics in the USA, Canada, etc.
We also offer you the chance to
Our clinic specializes in cosmetic
combine your treatment with
and reconstructive surgery, such as
tourism, leisure activities and visiting
facial plastic surgery, breast surgery,
places of interest that you would like
body contouring surgery and plastic
to see prior or after your treatment.
surgery of genitals.”
Baltic Link will coordinate and
For further information:
arrange your travel and transport,
Houses by Hansa-Bau:
Quality guaranteed
Ronald Nickel is an extremely experienced German architect who is now working in Latvia. Here he has built a settlement of highquality townhouses by transferring the German quality standards of building to Latvian soil. The houses designed by R. Nickel have
been constructed in Marupe by German building companies. We have asked the esteemed European architect to discuss how the
idea of a comfortable and economic quality habitation differs in Germany and Latvia.
What are your qualifications and how long have
you worked as an architect?
In Germany, to get the necessary architect qualifications, you need to have the corresponding education. I have been working independently as an
architect for 35 years.
I deal with projecting, planning, I also organise all of
the work and supervise the building process.
What are the specifics of work for a qualified
architect in Germany?
In Germany the whole process is absolutely different. To obtain the status of architect, it is not enough to
merely graduate from an institution of higher education,
you also need to have work experience and be a member of the professional chamber of architects. Only then
do you become a qualified architect who can accept
such tremendous responsibility.
As an architect and builder, what would you say
are the main assets of townhouses?
We seek to create houses that would be comfortable for living and would be built on a high technical level. I would like to particularly note that in
Germany we pay a lot of attention to energy saving
and therefore we use specific materials and techniques which help us to achieve this goal. One can
say that it is my trend.
Which type of house is more economic for living - an apartment block, a townhouse or an
individual house?
Our houses are built so that a family with two children could comfortably live there. It is actually an individual house, but with neighbours. We wanted to bring
to Latvia the standards which are common for us. Most
importantly, it is energy saving. For example, one
square meter of space in our house will consume just
60 kW of energy, but nevertheless, it will be good and
comfortable for living.
Describe the method of building massive walls.
As far as walls go, we focus mainly on two-layer construction. Also, the inner layer has a capacity to absorb
heat and then to give it back, so the walls of the house
are energy saving. This effect is caused by expanded
clay aggregate, definitely an asset of design.
Since Latvia is located further to the north than
Germany, did you modify your project with regards
to climate?
The problem is not just in climate but in the building
materials we use. We build our houses in summer,
when it is still cool inside despite a 30 degree heat outside. So, it does not matter at all whether we live in
Latvia or in Germany. You get the same effect. I would
also like to note that so far I have not seen in Latvia
such massive ceiling constructions as in Germany.
Apart from energy saving, it also gives a good soundproofing effect.
summer/autumn 2008
What role does the solid massive foundation play
in the construction project?
It is a German standard. We only build in such a way.
How do you evaluate the general difference in
approaches to design and building in Germany in
I would like to point out that there is alarge
amount of different requirements from state institutions regarding documents in Latvia. In Germany, it
is all the past since long ago. In principle, the type
of building Hansa-Bau is conducting here is largely
my responsibility, because as a designer I am fully
responsible for this building. Another example,
which crossed my mind, is the inability to provide
natural gas supply during two months. In Germany,
you could just make two phone calls, and you would
get this utility service after three days. I have already
gotten used to it here. But other people are suffering from it.
When designing townhouses in Marupe, did
you follow the standards of German or Latvian
In the end, I still tried to use the style and experience that I had in Germany. Yet I do not see a big difference in architectural styles. Actually, we use quite a
lot of timber, which is typical also here, as I have
noted. And, what is particularly important for me, is
that I had to apply the quality which I am used to in
Germany, and I was able to implement it here.
What about quality requirements here in
Despite Latvia's membership in the EU, I would not
say that EU standards are being very strictly observed
here. At the same time, we have people from Poland
and other Eastern European countries working in Germany, and with no problems there.
The project has a number of architectural elements, such as large windows with transom, tiled
roof etc. What style would you call it?
In principle it is a German house. All the materials
used are brought from Germany. Of course, in Latvia
you also produce concrete tile, yet here they are about
1 cm thick, but we use 2 cm. We automatically give a
30-year guarantee to this roofing. Presently, we give
Latvian consumers what nobody else can give them European quality of building. Therefore, we wish the
quality of building to be present everywhere in Latvia.
And the townhouse neighborhood of Hansa-Bau in
Marupe is an example to follow.
You can get more information at:
Pundurisi-1, Ziedleju street 6,
2nd building, 3rd store, Marupe,
Marupe rural municipality,
Riga district,
Phone: (371) 67 780 595, (371) 67 780 596
Fax: (371) 67 780 597
Mob. phone: (371) 22 07 41 31
Photos: Kuldiga TIC
Latvia's destination
of excellence
After being named as one of the EU's European Destinations
of Excellence in 2006, it seems that, finally, the tourists
are about to start flocking to Kuldiga.
summer/autumn 2008
baroque, renaissance and Gothic-style
Those who are already familiar with
This area of what is now mod-
this gem of a town in Kurzeme are
no doubt wondering why it has
taken so long for it to be discov-
History in brief
Once upon a time, as they say,
ered by mass tourism. After all, it
Veckuldiga hill fort, close to the
might well be argued that Kuldiga
modern day Kuldiga settlement,
is perhaps the most attractive town
was once the most important hill
in the whole Baltic region.
fort belonging to the Cours.
Located on the banks of the gen-
Consequently, a settlement dating
tly flowing Venta River, Kuldiga's old
to around the 9th century began
town of narrow streets and tiled
roofs is packed with an ensemble of
is perhaps
the most
town in
the whole
Kuldiga went from strength to
ern-day Latvia was later invaded
strength, particularly under the
by German knights and became a
auspices of Duke Jacob (a man
stronghold after a number of
who had colonies as far away as
stone castles were built. The town
Tobago) between 1642-82. …That
was officially mentioned for the
was until the Swedish army
first time when a castle was built
invaded during the Northern War
on the River Venta in 1242.
and inflicted major damage on
Around a century later the
the town in 1702. Matters were
town became a member of the
compounded when the Great
all-powerful Hanseatic League and
Plague caused untold death in the
to develop close to this important
in later centuries became the capi-
area. Kuldiga never again recov-
strategic fortification.
tal of the Duchy of Courland.
ered its former importance.
summer/autumn 2008
Getting there
Get yourself down to Riga bus
Here is Gateway Riga's
Kuldiga Top 10 for those
of you planning a visit:
The Medieval Historical
Centre of Kuldiga
Kuldiga has dozens of individual
highlights but the atmosphere of its
historical centre in its entirety cannot
be beaten. A fascinating ensemble of
17th and 18th century buildings
greet visitors; the scene made all the
more special by the Aleksupite River
flowing through the town close to
the walls of many houses.
Kuldiga Old Town Hall
and Town Square
The Old Town Hall was once
the town's prison. Dating to the
Liepajas Street
The town's main pedestrian street
Kuldiga Top 10
Venta. Back in 1874 it was built
with carriages, rather than cars, in
building in Latvia but number seven
Baznicas iela still dates way back to
day. Many Kuldiga houses still
1670, and is well worth a few min-
immaculately tiled roofs.
You will also find most of
St Catherine's Church
present structure only dates to
Kuldiga's best restaurants and cafés
1866, although the pulpit and the
along Liepajas Street.
wooden altar, with its baroque
style woodcarvings, are around
Ventas Rumba
Niagara Falls it isn't but Ventas
Rumba has the curious distinction
of being the widest waterfall in the
whole of Europe. For the record,
the Rumba is 240 metres wide.
a young lady called Louisa
Charlotte here.
Water mill
Walk along Baznicas iela and
cross the Aleksupie River. Close
The old brick bridge
The widest waterfall in Europe
17th century, you will find the
350 years old. Duke Jacob married
Falls it isn't
but Ventas
Rumba has
the curious
of being
the widest
in the
of Europe
Castle Park
The castle has gone but ruins do
remain adjacent to Kuldiga's attractive
Castle Park. Visitors can also spend
time in the sculpture park and at
the Kuldiga District Museum on the
edge of the park.
Back lanes,
Kuldiga. Once you arrive
in Kuldiga, it's a ten-minute walk
Open 09:00 - 17:00.
to the centre of town.
Closed Sat, Sun.
The tree star hotel, restaurant, bar is situated in the pearl
of Kurzeme, at the very heart of the Kuldiga old city.
Hotel – 14 rooms + 1 lux room.
Restaurant – it is possible to order event catering.
Meals that give pleasure to your eyes and your taste buds.
Bar – you can enjoy cocktails and wines in a delightful atmosphere.
Summer terrace is open for clients in the summer season.
Rooms for seminars, conferences up to a hundred people.
Address: Baznicas Str. 11, Kuldiga, LV-3301
Telephone: +371 633 50588
tioned here the final tip on our
by is a watermill. The attractive
Kuldiga Top Ten list is to explore
combination of water and archi-
the back lanes of this fascinating lit-
tecture perfectly captures the spirit
tle town, where you are sure to
Baznicas iela 5.
bridges (of its type admittedly) to
of Kuldiga.
uncover your very own Kuldiga gem.
summer/autumn 2008
ing the Latvian capital with
toric buildings of note not men-
needs one of Europe's longest
Tel. (+371) 332 22 59,
While there are many other his-
original wooden building at
of the city and catch a bus link-
utes of your time if you're in town.
This church was first mentioned
way back in 1252. In truth, the
Baznicas 5.
It might not be the oldest wooden
500 feet long and 26 feet wide
the 17th century to the modern
adorned with woodcarvings and
Info Centre Kuldiga
station (Autoosta) in the centre
The oldest wooden
building in Courland
is an architectural time trip from
retain their characteristic doorways
has dozens
of individual
but the
of its
centre in its
cannot be
span this section of the River
Tourist information
summer/autumn 2008
of Riga Central Market
The idea of a central city market
was discussed before the First
World War but for several reasons,
mostly to do with the realities of
the war itself, the idea never got
off the ground.
In the years following the war
almost half of all food products
consumed by Rigans were sold at a
22 000 m2 large marketplace on the
right side of the Daugava River.
Goods were sold in wooden stalls,
but as there was no adequate food
storage equipment the market was a
giant potential health hazard.
Indeed, so much was wasted (particularly in summer months) that it
was estimated a total of 12 lats'
worth of food products per capita
were damaged in outdoor markets
each and every year. This figure
translated to a staggering 2 million
lats' worth of annual losses at the
Daugava riverside market.
On December 28, 1922 Riga City
Council decided that enough was
Photo: Ainars Meiers / Riga Convention Bure
enough and that they should build a
new food product market in the city
centre. For this purpose, the city
authority signed a deal with the government to buy the redundant
Zeppelin hangars, which had been
abandoned by the Kaiser's defeated
army in the western Latvian region
of Kurzeme. It is an interesting fact,
not known by many Rigans, that no
aircraft were ever stationed inside
Real shopping
Nothing encapsulates
the spirit and atmosphere of a city more than
its street markets and bazaars.
summer/autumn 2008
dodgy compact discs; meat and dairy
States, but it also ranks as one of
These seething masses of people and
produce to furniture and toys that
the largest outdoor markets in
goods form the beating hearts of
urban dwellers all over the world
many of the world's most significant
acquire their daily wares and millions
towns and cities. For although 'the
make a living.
mall' may be king for many in the
21st century, it is on the busy temporary stalls, through the hectic trading of everything from vegetables to
Riga Central Market
Not only is Riga Central Market
the largest market in the Baltic
were ever
inside these
these giant hangers.
That was not the end of the
Europe, vying with the likes of the
story though as it turned out that
Seventh-kilometre Market in Odessa
due to the great height of the
for the title.
hangars they were susceptible to sig-
Today the central market covers a
nificant temperature variations
total area of 72,000 square metres
inside, to the detriment of the
and has trading spaces for 6,000
stored food.
market traders.
summer/autumn 2008
Eventually the Riga city authorities
streets. It was built in 1902 with
times. Two of the best selling
both pavilions designed for the
products at that time were milk
most important trades of those
products and sauerkraut.
Of course, there are many more functioning markets in Riga.
Here is a list of where you can find them:
Photo: Aleksandrs Kendenkovs
Market was
on the edge
of Riga
decided to resolve the problem and,
in 1924, construction began when
two red warehouses were pulled
down to clear space for the project.
When costs began to spiral the project was put on hold and only
resumed in 1928. It was then completed in autumn 1930
The construction project required
6 million bricks, 60 000 barrels of
cement and 2 460 tons of iron.
The final cost of building the
Central Market was a whopping
5 million lats.
Riga Central Market
in figures:
Riga's other markets
1930 - year of foundation
- the time the markets
open in the mornings
seven days a week
150 - number
of permanent staff
72.3 - total number
of square metres
the market covers
6000 - number of trade places
- the time the markets
close in the evenings
Riga Central market is Agenskalna
Second only in importance to the
market, which was opened in 1889
and is the oldest remaining of Riga's
purpose-built markets. This trading
place became very important for people who lived in Pardaugava, particularly those who had problems accessing food. With this in mind, construction began on a new closed
The final
of building
the Central
Market was
a whopping
5 million
pavilion in 1914, which was finally
completed in 1923. R Schmeling was
the man responsible for the design
of this gorgeous red brick building.
Today, stalls sell all kinds of produce
and there's also a café on the second
floor of the main building with
bird's eye views on proceedings
below. Open 07:30-19:00
Vidzemes market was originally
built on the edge of Riga. With
the development of the city it is
now actually quite close to the
centre and is located on the intersection of Brivibas and Matisa
summer/autumn 2008
Rigas Centraltirgus
Negu 7
Ropazu 70
Farmers' market
Berga Bazars
Agenskalna Tirgus
Nometnu 64
Damnes Tirgus
Damnes 36a
Gabrija Komplekss
Lubanas 129a
Juglas Tirgus
Bivibas gatve 409
Kurzemes Tirgus
Kurzemes Prospekts
Kustonu Tirgus
Mezotnes 61
Kengaraga Tirgus
Maskavas 250a
Latgales Tirgus
F.Sadovnikova 9a
Lacu Muizas Tirgus
Nicgales 46
Mezciema Tirgus
Hipokrata 55
Sarkandaugavas Tirgus
Duntes 25
Vidzemes Tirgus
Brivibas 90
J.Chakstes gatve 70
Solitudes Tirgus
J.Endzelina 11
storage bins, third-row storage area
and clever storage bins and pockets!
Another of the reasons for the
success of this popular vehicle is that
it can function as either a family car
or just as easily as a business vehicle
with comfortable seating for seven
'The convergence of craftsmanship
with technology and functionality
with design is an embodiment of
engineering and beauty coming
together.' Well, so the brochure for
this top selling vehicle says. But with
over 30 new or improved features
including a one-touch push-button
control panel and a power recline
feature as well as an all-new exterior
and interior design for a more contemporary appearance it is difficult to
argue with this eloquent assessment
of the all-new Grand Voyager.
Increasingly, safety is recognised as
one of the key features in the mini-
the grand voyage
van market. In this regard, the
Chrysler is well ahead of its rivals
thanks to state of the art features
including Electronic Stability Program
(ESP) with brake assist and traction
control. Advanced multistage driver
and front-passenger air bags and supplemental front seat side thorax air
bags also provide front-seat impact
protection, while side-curtain air bags
When the first Chrysler Voyager rolled out of the factory
and onto the road 25 years ago those behind the original model
probably couldn't have imagined just how popular this brand of car
would become all over the world.
extend protection to passengers sat in
all other areas of the vehicle, be
they your beloved family members or
valued business partners.
Top Gear, the ever-popular British
tion of many factors including econ-
and materials; even when the seats
television programme dedicated to all
Since 1983 more than 11 million of
omy in fuel efficiency, comfort, car-
are placed vertically in the upright
things connected to the motor indus-
these comfortable vehicles have hit
like handling and safety.
position there are large storage bins
try described the Chrysler Voyager as
under the floor which provide bags
being “the choice of pop stars and
the roads including more than 60
The all-new Chrysler Grand
different models, which have helped
Voyager's unique seating and storage
of hold space. And if that doesn't
politicians everywhere. There's no bet-
revolutionise the minivan market.
system, the so called 'Stow 'n Go'
seem like enough storage space then
ter pedigree than that,”
The secret to the vehicle's contin-
allows passengers to fold the second
there is always the premium, multi-
Indeed, it is difficult to disagree
ued success and its status as the best
and third row seats to create a huge
function, front-row sliding console,
with such sentiments: It's clearly time
minivan in the world is a combina-
cargo space for transporting goods
dual glove boxes, second-row covered
to enjoy the grand voyage!
summer/autumn 2008
PhotoS: ©
Ode to Cologne
Gateway Riga hops on the new direct Germanwings flight
to Cologne to explore the city famous for Kölsch,
Christmas markets and its chocolate museum.
summer/autumn 2008
Riga and the German city of
Cologne bear more than a passing
around a million and are full of
Germany's television and press agen-
ashes and rapidly grew into the
churches and stunning architecture.
cies, has one of Europe's largest gay
biggest city in the heavily industrial
populations as well as one of western
North Rhine-Westphalia region of the
Europe's largest Turkish communities.
country. It is also the fourth largest
Cologne (Köln to the locals) is,
resemblance: Both are located on
though, a bit more eccentric and
narrow stretches of important rivers
cosmopolitan in character (call it a
After being almost completely
combination of colourful and com-
obliterated by bombing raids during
pletely mad) than its Baltic counter-
the Second World War, Cologne rose
it has one of the most happening
part: The city is home to many of
like the proverbial phoenix from the
bar, pub and club scenes in
and have an old town on their right
bank placed between two river
bridges; both have a population of
is all things
to all people
summer/autumn 2008
city in Germany.
Cologne is all things to all people:
Germany; is regarded as shopping
es. Somehow this 760-year-old archi-
the River Rhine, a museum dedicated
as Kölsch, there are vestiges of the
Philharmonic Orchestra and Köln
Christmas markets this December.
heaven by those who know about
tectural jewel survived the ferocious
to that thing most treasured by
city's Roman past, a football-crazy
Arena, one of Germany's top pulls
After all, if the weather is
that kind of thing; and is endowed
firestorms of WWII and today con-
women all over the world - no, not
population whose team FC Köln are
for international artists?
inclement, it's not as if you will
by enough quality museums, church-
tinues to dominate the city's skyline.
shopping or the 's' word, but choco-
forever being outdone by their fierce
es, stunning architecture and interest-
On a grey, drizzly day it might even
late. There's even a chocolate fountain
local rivals who play throughout this
ing sightseeing options to keep a
be described as looking rather sinis-
to reward those who decide to ven-
industrial heartland of Germany, and
massive assemblage of Japanese and
ter, but there is no doubting that
ture to this rather unusual museum.
the remarkable spectacle known as
American tourists clapping, whooping
this exceptional Gothic masterpiece
and happy snapping till the cows
has to be seen to be believed.
come home.
Cologne is packed full of museums
Pride of place in the city centre is
of place
in the city
centre is
the unreal
Kölner Dom
What other delights does Cologne
have to offer? Well, aside from its
wonderful old town, full of breweries
the Cologne Parade - one of the
biggest street carnivals in the world.
Sorry, did we forget to mention
Last and not least there are
Parade is
one of the
carnivals in
the world
Cologne's world famous Christmas
be struggling to find other alternative things to do with your time.
markets. We won't linger too long
on this subject now as this issue is
in print through the summer and
Getting there
German Wings flies directly from
autumn months, but maybe you
Riga to Cologne, with connections
should start booking up your
on from there to dozens of destina-
flights very soon so that you can
tions in Europe. For more informa-
but one of the city's most quirky, and
and micro-pubs serving punters comi-
the city's opera house, theatres,
the unreal Kölner Dom, surely one
indeed popular options, is the
cally petite 0.2 litre glasses of the
comedy clubs, unrivalled selection
spend a few days hanging out in
tion check out the airline's website:
of the world's most evocative church-
Schokoladen Museum on the banks of
excellent famous local tipple known
of cinemas, the Kölner
the hugely atmospheric Cologne
summer/autumn 2008
summer/autumn 2008
The Germans are coming!
Germany's leading low cost airline Germanwings is the latest big player
to start offering scheduled flights on the hugely competitive Germany-Latvia route.
fleet of 27 Airbus A319 aircraft,
very high
on the new
The inaugural Germanwings flight
which fly to a total of 60 destina-
from Germany to Latvia landed in
tions across the length and breadth
Riga in early May with the top brass
of the European continent; a net-
from both Riga International Airport
work that stretches from Antalya
and Germanwings excitedly looking
and Moscow in the East, to Dublin
on. Initially, the direct flights linking
and Faro on the fringes of western
Germany's fourth biggest city with
the Latvian capital will operate three
And what's more, total passenger
times per week: on Tuesdays, Fridays
numbers for 2007 topped 8 million;
and Sundays; but with time this
all in all, pretty impressive for a
might become more regular with,
company that has only been operat-
perhaps, other German cities linked
ing in the highly competitive airline
directly to Latvia.
business for a total of five and a
Currently, Germanwings boasts a
summer/autumn 2008
half years.
Germanwings expects very high
is that
will flock to
Latvia each
to visit
the cultural
of Riga and
of Liepaja
months to take advantage of the
capacity on the new Riga-Cologne
city's excellent opportunities for shop-
route with around 94% of tickets
ping and, of course, its world famous
likely to be purchased on the
Christmas markets.
Internet. Indeed, projections suggest
And with 10-15 percent of one-
that more than 20,000 passengers
way Internet ticket prices starting
will use this route annually, with
from just 19 euros including taxes,
around 60 percent of the ticket take
who could blame the Latvians for
up coming from German customers.
jumping on the Friday afternoon
The thinking is that Germans will
Germanwings flight and taking the
flock to Latvia each summer to visit
opportunity to experience the many
the cultural delights of Riga and
delights Cologne has to offer?
beaches of Liepaja, while reciprocally
Latvians will flock to the fascinating
Contact details:
city of Cologne in the winter
summer/autumn 2008
If you go down
to the woods today
Sliteres ranks amongst Latvia's oldest nature reserves. In 1921 around
1,100 hectares of forestry were set
aside for reservation. 66 years later
the park had grown to encompass
an area of 15,000 hectares although
the subsequent effects of the 1991
land reform saw this shrink by 2,000
hectares as many Latvian citizens got
Latvia is a rural country,
with more hectares of forest (2.9 million)
than there are people (2.3 million).
the land back that they had lost
under Soviet rule.
Today this area includes forests,
dunes, swamps and beaches, some of
Not surprisingly Latvians feel a
Nature, history and cultural are
strong sense of identity with the
all catered for in good measure at
land; with 500 kilometres of coast-
Tervetes Park.
line, 5,000 lakes and around 1,000
rivers this small Baltic country is a
delight for those foreign visitors
wishing to escape the urban toil of
their homeland.
In this issue of Gateway Riga we
is also
to be
the “most
familyfriendly site
in Latvia”
Although not officially recognised
includes the Fairy Tale Forest, wood-
which run along the Baltic coast close
en sculptures, ancient burial grounds
to Cape Kolka. In this reserve it is
and an ancient castle mound.
possible to see lynx, wolves, moose
The Forest Landscape Park is divid-
and wild boar as well as a fantastic
ed into many different areas includ-
variety of flora and fauna and more
as a national park, Tervetes is
ing the Elf Forest, the Ancient Pines
than 150,000 birds pass Kolka each
renowned for having the best pine
Park and the aforementioned
morning during the middle of April.
forest in the Baltic region. This is
Fairytale Forest.
an ancient place with many trees
Visitor numbers are on the up
Sadly around 3,300 hectares of forest were destroyed during the forest
around 300 years old. Enjoy the
with more than 60,000 people
beautiful Tervete river valley, the
enjoying the delights of this park
The Slitere National Park, which
pine forest, the bird viewing and
last year. Tervetes is also consid-
also contains a 10,000-hectare aquato-
take a look at a few of its best
information trails, and not least of
ered to be the 'most family-friendly
rium, is home to the only remaining
nature trails:
all the 400-hectare forest that
site in Latvia.'
Liv settlements, miles of deserted
give you a brief overview of
Latvia's national parks and also
summer/autumn 2008
fires of the scorching 1992 summer.
summer/autumn 2008
ancient valley formations in Latvia.
biological diversity. The reserve teems
The area has 47% forest-cover with
with migratory birds each year, while
sandstone exposures dating back
the dramatic Salaca river valley flows
around 350 million years. There are
to the dramatic unspoilt seashore,
at least 755 species of fern-type plant
which is particularly captivating in
and seed plant. This is the only
the Ainazi district.
place in Latvia where the river maintains its original course, and is an
ideal spot for boating and rafting.
The Gauja National Park, just 50
kilometres from Riga, covers 90,000
Gersene Nature Trails
Scenic nature trails, swings, and
km2. It was established in 1973, 100
comfortable picnic areas await visitors
years after the Yellowstone National
in quiet Gersene. Here one can also
Park in the US, whose principles of
see the English Neo-Gothic style
protection, education and recreational
Gersene Castle, a 1905 Neo-Romantic
access it shares.
style church, and the Von Budberg
estate chapel.
The Ragakapa Nature Park
Located on the Riga-side of
Jurmala, you will tend to find
Ragakapa almost totally deserted. This
is despite the fact that Ragakapa offers
shoreline, and the Blue Hills, which
area of 38, 165 hectares; 57% of
visitors peaceful seclusion and wonder-
were formed by an ancient ice lake.
which is forest, and 24% bog.
ful nature just minutes away from the
All visitors require a permit to certain areas of the park.
centre of Riga. The sight platforms
provide fantastic vantage points over
Razna Lake covers 58 km2 and is
Kemeri National Park
This is the most easily accessible
wooden walkways zig zag through the
lead to the c13th Volkenberg castle
forest to some of the most deserted
ruins. Considered by many to be one
flying in and out of Riga. Kemeri
of the cleanest lakes in Latvia, it is
National Park is a wonderful place
popular with anglers all year round,
to get away from it all with its eco-
including for ice fishing when the
trails offering visitors the opportuni-
lake is usually frozen over in
ty to spot rare animals, wild horses
February and March.
and endangered plant species with
no other sign of human life around
you for miles. A 3 km-long specially
the park, while the specially designed
up to 17 metres deep. Lakeside trails
of Latvia's national parks for visitors
Daugavas Loki Nature Park
The 25-kilometre stretch of the
spots in the Riga area.
horses and
bison roam
the dunes,
and lagoons
of Pape
Wild horses and bison roam
amongst the dunes, meadows and
lagoons of the Pape Nature Park. The
WWF has been strongly involved in
the protection and development of
Pape. There are nature trails, an
constructed pathway enables visitors
Daugava valley between Jezupova and
ornithological station and a bird
to explore the most interesting parts
Kraslava has been deemed as a
watching tower. The Pape Lake trail
of the national park's bogs and
unique ecological area. The Daugava
stretches for 26 kilometres.
moor land.
makes nine scenically impressive arcs
The cycle-path is also a great way
in the space of one seven-kilometre
to navigate your way around Lake
length of the river. The river valley
Valgums. The park was only estab-
arcs of the Daugavas Loki Nature
lished in 1997 and covers a total
Park are believed to be the most
summer/autumn 2008
hectares, which is an area of 900
North Vidzeme
Biosphere Reserve
This sustainable tourism project is
aimed at preserving the area's rich
The Gauja River is the park's
million years ago, and was later trans-
and more than 200 hundred species
formed 12,000 years ago as its glaciers
of bird at certain times of the year.
lifeblood, as it winds its way through
receded and left the deep valley of
the heart of the valley from close to
today. Almost half of the park is
special protection in the form of a
Murjani in the west, to Koceni in
forested, creating a timeless natural
reservation. This accounts for approx-
the Northeast.
environment home to hundreds of
imately 4% of the total territory and
species of plants, 48 animal species,
is closed to visitors.
This area began to form some 380
The most sensitive areas are given
best practice facilities in the country. With the only PGA-qualified
golf professionals working in Latvia
and plans in place to provide the
most advanced teaching equipment
available it is clear that the management of this increasingly popular club are setting standards which
will differentiate them from the
“We are dedicated to giving our
members the very best golf experience possible in Latvia and we are
also actively promoting and developing the sport here at both a
junior and senior level through top
class coaching and regular tourna-
Join the club!
You might not naturally associate Latvia with the sport of golf,
but thanks to the opening of the biggest and undoubtedly the best
golf complex in the Baltic States, this is one sport that is most
definitely now on the map in this part of the world.
But it's a completely different
the biggest golf complex in the
It would be fair to describe golf as
world that we live in today in
Baltic States also, naturally,
being almost a virgin sport in the
Latvia and, not surprisingly, golf is
Saliena Golf has the largest mem-
Baltic States. After all, during
one of the fastest developing sports
bership and has seen the fastest
Soviet times almost nobody knew
in the entire region; with golf
growth in new enrolments in
anything about this most pleasura-
courses now sprouting up all over
Latvia in 2008.
ble of pastimes; there simply was-
the Baltic States and other parts of
n't the infrastructure in place in
eastern Europe.
the 1980s and 90s and golf, at
The leader in the field -or
The reasons for its success and
growing reputation are easily
explainable: Saliena Golf's 27-hole
that time, was seen as a western
should we say 'green'- is Saliena
complex has quickly established
sport that didn't fit into the Soviet
Golf, which is part of the very
itself as a full service golf club
ethos. In fact, golf simply wasn't
impressive Saliena real estate
catering to the whole spectrum of
on the radar in Latvia until around
development offering 21st century
players from total beginner to
five years ago.
lifestyle living. As well as having
advanced golfer, and boasts the
summer/autumn 2008
has quickly
as a full
golf club
ments.” Edward Charnock, the
Latvia v Lithuania
Director of Saliena Golf (and PGAqualified golf pro) explains.
“On completion of all the facilities at our 74 hectare site we will
host a number of professional tourexpect interest in the sport to go
through the roof here in Latvia
during the next two or three
years.” Charnock enthuses.
But regardless of your handicap
you don't need to wait until the
big tournaments if you want to
enjoy a game of golf. Saliena Golf
is open 7-days-a-week this summer
all the way through into the late
Art Festival Cesis 2008
Wagner's Zigfrid
July 19 - August 16 / Cesis
June 6 / National Opera House
Comedy Club
Sensation White Dance Event
July 29 / Arena Riga
June 7 / Arena Riga
August 9 / Mezaparks
International Music Festival 'Summertime'
August 9-17 / Jurmala
Les Saisons Russes ballet
Avril Lavigne
July 2 / Arena Riga
Rigas Ritmi Festival
July 2-6 / Riga
Fontaine Festival
autumn and, with its perfect loca-
July 3-6 / Fontaine Palace, Liepaja
tion midway between the beaches
and spas of Jurmala and the big
Linkin Park
June 11 / Arena Riga
city life of Riga, all tourists with a
passion for the sport should con-
Essential Knockout Dance Festival
July 5 / Zakusala Island, Riga
here with a round or two at the
August 18 / Arena Riga
Culture Forum 'White Night'
August 23 / Riga
Speedway Grand Prix
August 30 / Daugavpils
'Golden Mask in Latvia' Arts Festival
Kylie Minogue
best course in the region.
Deep Purple
September 1-30 / Riga
June 13 / Jana Church Riga
sider combining their summer trip
August 11+12 / National Opera House
Baltic Pearl Film Festival
Faces of Women
September 1-30 / Riga
June 20 / Arena Riga
Dima Bilan
Latvia v Greece
June 20 / Ogre Estrade
September 10 / Skonto Football Stadium
BI 2
June 21 / Dzintaru Concert Hall Jurmala
Latvian Song and Dance Festival 2008
July 5-12 / Throughout Riga
Jurmala 'New Wave' 2008
July / Dzintaru Concert Hall, Jurmala
Do you want to play golf?
Those of you who wish to try or
would like to book a personal lesson with a Saliena golf professional should contact the golf club
via the phone number and website below:
Tel: 00371 6716 0300
Photos: Avril Lavigne, Lenny Kravitz, Linkin Park from Bjork: Positivus
Golf is open
7-daysa-week this
all the way
through to
the late
Positivus AB Festival 2008
July 18+19 / Salacgriva
June 1 / Skonto Football Stadium
naments and as a consequence we
The Chemical Brothers
July 7 / Skonto Arena
Lou Reed
July 12 / Arena Riga
Latvian National Opera
opening season concert
September 11 /
Latvian National Opera House
Autumn Chamber Music Festival
September 4-27 / Throughout Latvia
Lenny Kravitz
June 21 / Arena Riga
Mark Rothko 2008
September 14-25 / Daugavpils
Ligo Midsummer Festival
June 23 / Events throughout Latvia
June 29 / Arena Riga
July 16 / Arena Riga
Information correct at time
of going to press.
The Gastronome Seafood Restaurant
specializes in the finest preparation of the
widest array of fish and seafood in Riga.
Customers are able to pick and choose
any of the products offered on display to
satisfy their tastes. With delicious scents
and flavours Gastronome's open kitchen
grill teases even the most selective of
appetites. Through much experience,
Gastronome's chefs are masters of delicate-
Marijas iela 13, Riga, Berga Bazaar
tel +371 67284801,
Working hours: 12:00 - 24:00
The restaurant Villa Joma is located in
the very heart of Jurmala - on the main
promenade, haused in a century-old cosy
wooden villa, renovated entirely on the
highest degree of comfort. Restaurant
façade and its interior present wooden
architecture that is characteristic only of
this town and allows to enjoy unforgettable atmosphere enclosed by historical
buildings and the unique nature of
Jurmala. The chef of Villa Joma restaurant
Rihards Jeršovs invites you to enjoy carefully selected light seasonal dishes.
His skill and experience will carry you
into a world of flavors and allow you to
enjoy variations of ascetic dishes, created in
line with a new concept of healthy food.
We care about supreme taste of our
meal and use mainly seasonal products of
high quality for cooking.
For Your comfort, we want to create
special atmosphere, which relaxes, inspires
and invites you to visit our restaurant
again and again!
Weekly lunch offers and special 5-course
gourmet dinners on weekends.
Elizabetes iela 83/85, Bergs Bazaar, Riga
tel +371 67770957, fax +371 67770940,
Working hours: 12:00 - 24:00
Closed Sundays
Elizabetes iela 19, Riga LV-1010, Latvia
tel +371 67332830
We are open every weekday 12:30-23:00
and on Saturdays 18:00-23:00
GASTRONOME seafood restaurant
Interior and delicatessen center mc2,
Krasta iela 68a, Riga
tel for info and reservations: +371 67019634
Jomas iela 90, Majori, Jurmala, LV-2015
tel +371 67771999, fax +371 67771990,
summer/autumn 2008
Restaurant VINCENTS
The amazing artistry of chef Mārtiņš
Rı̄tiņš gives you the urge to frame your
dinner, not eat it! Martins is famous for
having catered for numerous celebrities
among them US President George Bush,
Elton John, Prince Charles and
HRH Queen Elizabeth.
Restaurant VINCENTS practices unique
concept and philosophy. We not only use
100% fresh products but they are the
highest quality available, seasonal, mostly
organically or biologically grown. Executive
chef and director Mr. Martins Ritins is also
Slow Food Riga Convivia president.
Our philosophy about food is to know
in detail what we put on the plate, where
it comes from and how it is grown and
be able to forward this knowledge to our
guests. Our main aim is to give a unique
one time experience for our guests during
the dinner they will remember long time.
Restaurant has the winner
of Best Sommelier of Baltic States 2007 Mr. Raimonds Tomsons and
one of the best wine cellars in town.
Bergs Restaurant
Restaurant Villa Joma
This Italian club-restaurant is an ideal
place to enjoy an Italian-style ambience.
At our place, you can savor sophisticated
cuisine, as well as our generous wine-list.
Our restaurant is well-suited for business
meetings, social events, and romantic dinners.
GASTRONOME seafood restaurant
Reval Hotel Latvia, Brı̄vı̄bas iela 31, Riga
tel for info and reservations: +371 67772391
The Bergs Restaurant, decorated in a
contemporary style, has been thoughtfully
designed to provide guests with possibilities of calm and intimate retreat in the
business centre of one of the most exciting city parts. The modern interior is
accented with African colours and design
elements. The restaurant has a nice glass
veranda with views of the hotel courtyard
and beautiful fountain. There, on our
summer terrace, our guests can enjoy the
calm and leisurely life of Bergs Bazaar.
Restaurant Bergs under the leadership
of chef Kaspars Jansons provides our elite
clients with exquisite cuisine and distinguished service.
Brown Sugar
Restaurant Reykjavik
“Aquarius” is a modern restaurant
offering seasonal, fresh and cotemporary
delights from around the world.
Aspazijas bulv. 36/38, Riga LV-1050, Latvia
tel + 371 67225411, fax + 371 67216140 |
Elizabetes iela 83/85, Riga LV-1050, Latvia
tel +371 67770900, fax +371 67770940 |
Baznı̄cas iela 1/3, Riga
tel +371 67281308, fax +371 67240008
Working hours: Mon - Fri 08:00 - 23:00;
Sat, Sun: 10:00 - 22:00
Audēju iela 1, Riga LV-1050, Latvia
tel +371 67226441, fax +371 67503280 |
While Jurmala has many restaurants
there is arguably a shortage of classy establishments offering the very highest levels of
luxury and quality food and service.
The restaurant's cool, sunlit and beautifully designed interior is the ideal escape
from those hot summer days of July and
Dishes such as smoked deer venison fillet with seasoned young potatoes and artichokes in Chardonnay sauce taste as excellent as they sound; the cuttlefish black
risotto with scallops and tiger prawns in
lobster-butter sauce being a particular
favourite during the summer months.
In the Reykjavik restaurant, you can
enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner. You
have a great opportunity to taste delicious meals and a wide range of drinks
in a pleasant atmosphere, which is
enriched by the sounds of our piano
player in the evenings.
Restaurant "Reykjavik" offers:
(weekdays 12:00 - 16:00)
Dinner includes:
Three-course special menu;
Coffee, tea, water or juice.
Parking free of charge.
Ķı̄psalas iela 20, Riga
tel +371 67608000
fax +371 67608001
Brown Sugar is located a few metres
away the "Reval Hotel Latvija" on the corner of Elizabetes and Baznicas streets.
Once inside it is difficult to resist the
delicious pastries, cakes, and coffee on
offer in the ground floor café. Meanwhile,
upstairs, the golden lamps and chandeliers
help create an aristocratic ambience with
a mix of French, Arabic, and Italian
styles. We serve breakfast on weekdays
from 08:00 - 11:00, but for those who
like to laze in bed at the weekend you
will be delighted to discover that breakfast
is available right up till 14:00.
Of course, most of our clients come
here to dine from our extensive restaurant menu and thanks to our cosy premises and the delicious food, we have
already become a popular place for people to relax, enjoy a business lunch, or
spend a lovely evening together with a
special person.
seafood restaurants
ly accentuating ripened aromas, leaving
clients knowing that most seafood should
simply be threatened with heat and celebrated with joy. In addition to the restaurant's culinary excellence, clients can also
enjoy the soothing sounds of live musical
accompaniment at the Gastronome restaurant in Reval Hotel Latvia.
Special offers, business lunches and
gourmet menu available.
Bulduru prosp. 33, Jurmala, LV-2010
tel +371 67751071, fax +371 67240008,
Open: 12:00 - 24:00
Skolas iela 11, Riga LV-1010, Latvija
tel +371 67289823, fax + 371 67287658 |
Elizabetes iela 21, Riga LV-1010, Latvia
tel +371 67031900, fax +371 67031901 |
Authentic medieval restaurant
Welcome to the medieval times.
Start your journey to the medieval
times in the heart of the Old Riga Town
in Latvia.
Relax in the glimmering lights of
candles.Try the favourite dishes and
drinks of King Philip I, Duke Charles
of Burgundy and Margaret of York.
Listen to the Ancient Wall and
the Old Well whispering the secrets
of the Order of Knights Templars.
Find your medieval treasure.
Find your philosophers stone.
Find your Grail.
Rozēna iela 1, Riga
tel +371 67220356
D'vine Bar
The modern design and very special
lighting elements create a unique atmosphere where our guests can enjoy good
wines and spirits, as well as trendy Tapas,
tasty salads, main courses and delicious
deserts from the open kitchen. On the 3rd
floor the D'vine Lounge can be found,
which is an excellent place for various
business events, presentations, banquets,
wine degustations and private parties.
Desiderata, from the Latin, mean
"objects of desire". It's also the name
of the newest fine-dining venue
in the Old Town - restaurant Desiderata.
Original interior design - the walls
sport white painted branches behind
glass cabinets, the part of the floor
reveals a 16th century well and old city
walls also enclose a private VIP niche.
The menu offers international cuisine
including 70 meals and good range
of wines.
Desiderata are a special place where
to mark a momentous occasion, or easily
impress any client or quest.
Kaļķu iela 3a, Riga
(in the "Royal Square Hotel & Suites")
tel +371 67216777
open daily 12:00 - 24:00
Paddy Whelan's
Irish Pub & Sports Bar
Otto Schwarz
Someone once said, “there are some
restaurants which are so unique that they
become legendary and part of history”. As
you gaze over one of the most extensive
wine lists in the Baltics, be sure to enjoy
the fantastic views of the Freedom
Monument and the park below. Restaurant
Otto Schwarz is an excellent place for business lunches and private dinners.
Breakfast buffet
7:00 - 10:30
Lunch and dinner 12:00 - 23:00
Live piano music Tuesdays - Saturdays
19:00 - 22:00
Elizabetes iela 55, Riga
(Reval Hotel Latvija, entrance from
Elizabetes and Brı̄vı̄bas street corner)
tel +371 67772217
Mon - Thu 12.00 - 24.00
Fri - Sat 12.00 - 01.00
Sundays - closed
D'vine lunch
Mon - Fri 12.00 - 15.00
Riga's first Irish pub, established in
1994, offers a total of 18 different kinds of
both local and imported beers and ciders.
We have an extensive menu with not only
traditional Irish dishes, our Indian chefs are
proud to offer Indian home-style cooking
at affordable prices as well. Here you can
sit back and relax in this kicked-back
atmosphere and watch live sporting events
on either a large screen or any of the
numerous flat screen TVs on both floors.
When legendary Irish singer Shane
MacGowan from the Pogues was in Riga,
this is where he came for a Guinness and
a whiskey. This is the place to be if you
wanna be, with the friendliest staff you'll
ever see. There is also a small smoking
area upstairs on our second floor.
Grēcinieku iela 4, Riga
tel office +371 67210249,
1st floor +371 67210150, 2nd floor +371 67210254,
Wonders reveals my Secret Room
Magic is here in the everyday’s gloom
Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to my Alchemy
During the day you can enjoy wondrous desserts and
unique drinks made with my famous Riga Black Balsam
created in 1752.
But as midnight approaches, Magic awaits you here
in my Secret Room.
Things suddenly begin to have their own life,
ancient ghosts, alchemical transformations: creation of
the Riga Black Balsam and…….
However, why would I reveal all my secrets?
Come and see for yourself.
Waiting impatiently for you,
Marijas iela 13-3 (D-7), Riga,
Berga Bazaar
tel +371 67284801
Working hours 12.00 - 24.00
summer/autumn 2008
Kr.Barona iela 37, Riga LV-1011, Latvia
tel + 371 67312323, fax + 371 67316953 |
Raibais Balodis (Colourful Dove)
Sunset Bar
A cozy cocktail bar and restaurant in
a corner of Old Riga, with a fascinating
view over busy traffic and river Daugava.
Very appetizing Caribbean/Jamaican/international food will give you some power
for the crazy parties held on weekends.
Just a few minutes walk from the Central
market, so food always comes fresh.
Best Latvian and international DJs playing
world music from Thu to Sat.
13. Janvāra iela 33, Riga
tel +371 67350385,
Mon-Wed 10:00- 23:00,
Thu 11:00- 02:00, Fri- Sat 10:00- 04:00
Express Restaurant
Use this opportunity to enjoy
a wide range of cold delicatessen, exquisite hot dishes, LIDO cakes and desserts
in the romantic atmosphere offered by
the Express Restaurant at the LIDO
Recreation Centre, which is one of the
largest and most beautiful log buildings
in Europe.
The Express Restaurant offers:
• 100 various cold dishes as buffet;
• Holiday meals and banquets;
• Music every night;
• Banquets at your place.
Located in the quaint surroundings of
the Konventa Seta in Riga's old town, this
stylish restaurant offers a wide variety of
international dishes. The decor of Raibais
Balodis is designed to complement its
romantic interior. It is also an ideal place
to enjoy a relaxed, vast and unlimited
buffet breakfast.
Open daily for breakfast
from 6:30 till 10:30 am.
Lunch and dinner
from 12:00 till 11:00 pm.
Saulkalnes iela 11, Riga LV-1058, Latvia
tel +371 67623000, fax +371 67623190 |
New in Riga
Elizabetes iela 73, Riga LV-1050, Latvia
tel +371 67772345, fax +371 67772332 |
Kalēju iela 9/11 (Hotel Konventa Seta), Riga
tel +371 67087501
You are welcome from
12:00 am - 11:00 pm.
Krasta iela 76, Riga
tel for info +371 67504420,
tel for booking +371 67700000,
Kaļķu iela 10, Riga
tel +371 67222877,
Kaļķu iela 28, Riga LV-1050, Latvia
tel + 371 67087600, fax + 371 67087606 |
Kaļķu iela 28 (Hotel De Rome), Riga
tel +371 67087600
NAU lounge restaurant
The cuisine, design and atmosphere
unite Italian and eastern moods.
The environment is at the same time
easy-going and trouble-free, as well as
cutting-edge and urban. The perfect place
to have a nice conversation or business
talk at the same time enjoying in backgorund DJ's music. Thematical evenings,
tasty and refined food. What else do you
need for a high-value rest? We advise
to reserve beforehand.
P.S.: why not sample their wide wine
selection at "Aperitivo Italiano" time,
18.00 - 22.00.
Hotel de Rome
Ķı̄psalas iela 20, Riga
tel +371 67608000, fax +371 67608001
Scandinavian regional centres is an
interesting one. airBaltic currently
expands at a staggering pace.
The summer season is bringing
another range of fascinating destinations within easy reach of Riga.
The Mediterranean cities of Venice,
year looks likely to keep that reputa-
Nice and Athens, the Scandinavian
cities of Norrkoping, Alesund and
routes are already up and running,
with Sochi due to start on June 18.
The Latvian airline airBaltic is
Scandinavia - Bergen, Helsinki,
and leisure centre, and visitors will
Copenhagen, Oslo, Oulu, Stavanger,
enjoy the mosaic of blue Finnish
Stockholm and now Norrkoping in
lakes that can be surveyed from a
central Sweden, Billund in
75 m television tower.
Alesund is a port city with unique
Europe for some years now, and this
tion in motion. Most of these new
the Rauhalahti water entertainment
Alesund in Norway.
one of the fastest growing airports in
Make it
easy and
Kuopio, meanwhile, offers families
offers flights to ten cities in
Denmark, Kuopio in Finland and
Riga International Airport has been
ed 17 km from Billund.
The new flights from Riga to
Venice and Nice make it easy and
convenient to fly to places where
Art Nouveau architecture. The pres-
sunshine, sea and beaches are abun-
ence of the Atlantic Ocean is also an
dant. Nice on the French Riviera, not
attraction and the city boasts an
far from the Italian border and close
ocean park with one of Northern
to Monaco, has 300 days of sunshine
Europe's biggest aquariums.
every year. It been declared the
Billund is an excellent destination
greenest and most flowering city in
Billund and exotic cities in the east
behind the bulk of the expansion
for families with children, because it
France and has countless green alleys
such as Yerevan, Almaty, Chisinau
from Riga and more details about
is home to Legoland - a park made
and gardens.
and Sochi are the summer 2008
flight times and prices can be found
of more than 45 million Lego blocks.
highlights as the number of new
on its website.
Givskud Zoo and Safari Park, home
linked by 378 bridges and its
to more than 1,000 animals, is locat-
attractive sights include St Mark's
destinations reachable from RIX
The choice of targeting
Venice sits on 117 small islands
Square together with St Mark's
Basilica and the Doge's Palace. The
square offers an amazing set-piece
of Italian Renaissance and
April 2008, this time on the right
Construction has officially started
on turning a plot of wasteland next
to the airport into a leading
Northern European high-rise
business park.
undertaken to complete construction
work by September 2009.
Building work has begun on
estate in Norway, launching its proj-
transforming an empty, stubbly field
ects in Latvia under the subsidiary
beside Riga International Airport's
EBO International with a residential
Chisinau. Moldova has deep wine
approach road into one of Europe's
development in Babite and other
making traditions and wine tours usu-
most striking expo, business and
projects in Liepaja and Riga.
ally include Cricova, a small town 15
conference centres, a process that
km from the capital, famous for its
will take 10 years to complete.
EBO Invest, the investment fund
“It's hard to find such good projects in Norway and Scandinavia.
Riga, on the other hand, has a rep-
world's longest labyrinth of under-
and real estate developer from
utation as the capital of the Baltics
ground tunnels, totalling 120 km -
Norway that won the international
and is bound to be an important
half of it being used for wine storage.
tender to develop 21 hectares close
European city in the future.”
the low-cost airline Germanwings has
to the airport, has pledged to invest
EUR 400 million in the project.
This particular plot by the airport is prime real estate, Eide
just launched flights between Riga and
On completion, it will be possible
Cologne, Germany's fourth-biggest city
to stroll from the airport terminal via
saying that when Oslo Airport
and home to a huge Gothic cathedral
covered pedestrian walkways lined
moved further from the capital to
that towers over the Rhine.
with shops to two or three hotels, a
being a 20-minute journey by
stresses. He illustrates the point by
conference and expo centre, offices,
high-speed train, business parks
has launched flights to Yerevan, a city
office towers and, at the apex, a
and hotels quickly started to mush-
with a spectacular history, a famous
leafy park. A monorail may link the
room around it. The same is now
opera house and the ruins of Meso-
complex, which is provisionally being
beginning to happen to the rapidly
potamian and Roman fortresses.
called Rixport, with downtown Riga.
developing airport in Riga.
And the Armenian airline Armavia
summer/autumn 2008
the tender, NCC Konstrukcija, has
from Riga is the Moldovan capital of
Besides all of airBaltic's new routes,
first office building. The winner of
east that are now easily reachable
wine cellars and for having the
to construct the business park's very
EBO has a long history in real
Byzantine architecture.
Among the new destinations to the
EBO itself awarded a tender in
summer/autumn 2008
The range of services at the VIP
Centre itself has also been increased.
The sale of alcoholic beverages is
now available for consumption on
the premises. Clients can order
goods from Duty Free stores by
selecting them from a catalogue and
receiving them at the centre before
departure. Hot dishes and appetizers
can also be ordered by requesting
them in advance.
a service tailor-made for those VIP
Up until now, VIP clients were
Centre passengers who need to save
A new concept for the VIP Centre
was put into practice at Riga
International Airport in February,
along with several attractive new
services. Now greater attention is
being shown to business clients.
time and who are travelling only
transferred to the aircraft either by
with hand luggage.
Mercedes bus or by minibus.
and the passengers are escorted to the
plane in the shortest possible time.
The same applies to arrivals. The passenger is met at the gangway and led
The airport's classy and tastefully
designed VIP Centre was previously
known as the austere-sounding
Now, however, we are delighted
Their documentation is processed
to the VIP Hall, where his/her travel
documents are processed.
VIP clients are now being offered
clients are
now being
two types
of cards
to announce that transfers to the
aircraft will be made by a Lexus
vehicle. Even the children of VIP
clients have also been thought of.
Younger VIP clients will be given
small gifts with the VIP and Riga
International Airport logos.
Protocol Department, whose range
two types of cards. The VIP Gold
of services was geared mainly to
card for corporate clients is provided
Centre is delighted to present these
honouring foreign officials on state
for use of the VIP Centre services
new service packages and trusts they
visits. Now, however, more attention
on 10 separate occasions. The card
will make your time on the ground
is being devoted to welcoming busi-
can be bought both by companies
more enjoyable than ever.
ness clients.
and individuals, even families. It can
The basic service on offer, the
be given to other people to use too.
Classic service, has been maintained,
The VIP Platinum service, mean-
comprising of speedy processing of
while, has been created for frequent
travel documentation, baggage
fliers. Clients using this card, which
checks and claims, a minibar servic-
is valid for one calendar year, can fly
es and access to cable TV, wireless
an unlimited number of times using
Internet and daily newspapers.
the VIP Centre during the year.
A new service being offered, how-
One further novelty is the VIP
ever, is the Express service - “the
Centre gift card, which entitles its
fastest route through the airport” -
user to one use of the Classic Service.
Check-In Media SIA
Mūkusalas iela 45/47,
Rı̄ga, LV 1004
Tel: +371 67228509
+371 29208200
Magazine reg. nr.
Riga International Airport VIP
Editor-in-Chief Justin Walley
Contributing writers Anatol Stephens, Neil Mathieson
Art director Inese Laizāne
Managing Director Māris Jēkabsons
Advertising and Sales Enquiries:
Tel: +371 29208200
Comments and opinions:
General information:
Gateway Riga is the official airport magazine for Riga International Airport.
It is distributed three times in 2008. Circulation: 20 000. Opinions expressed in this
publication are those of the authors or persons interviewed and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the editor, Check-In Media or Riga International Airport.
All rights reserved. Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any
form without written permission. Unsolicited manuscripts, photographs and
illustrations are not accepted. Gateway Riga accepts no responsibility for such
materials sent to its office, nor is it liable for loss of, or damage to, such material.
All prices are subject to change without notice.
Gateway Riga accepts no responsibility for printing errors.
Printed by Kroonpress, Estonia.
Special thanks for help and/or providing photos: Ed Klavins, Viesturs Kundzins, Dean Strautins, Lita Bernarde, Paul (Baltic Link), Liga Skormane,
Ieva Gruzina, Kaija Silaraja, Leonids Velkovics, Roberto Sharpless, Ilga Berzina, Alexander Welscher, Olga Suhovilova, Andres Engel, Germanwings,,
Inspiration Riga, Kuldiga TIC, Ed Charnock, Barny Edis, Rupert Williams, Reinis Kucers, Enars Plinta, Latvian Tourism Development Agency, Cosmos,
Kristaps Sorins, Riga Central Market, Cologne Tourism, Chrysler