Grower Discounts on Seeds
Grower Discounts on Seeds
2007 CATALOG FOR ROADSIDE, U-PICK AND BEDDING PLANT GROWERS SEED Grower Discounts on Seeds... SEE INSIDE! To Order Call: 1-800-622-7333 • Or Fax: 1-864-227-5108 • Or Visit: Otis S. Twilley Seed Co. Inc. 121 GARY ROAD HODGES, SC 29653 864-227-5150 TOLL FREE ORDERING: 800 622 7333 ORDER FAX: 864-227-5108 Dear Grower Friends, Welcome to the 2007 Twilley Seed catalog. We’re hoping for a wonderful and successful season for all of you. This catalog contains over 70 new varieties chosen as the most important ones especially for the needs of Roadside, U-Pick and independent Bedding Plant operations. Look for the important new Beans, long shelf-life Cantaloupes, PM Pumpkins, Gourds, Squash, Corn and Tomatoes including an early TSW and a Roma type TSW. News Flash! Royal Crown Tu rnip made a good crop this year and is at last available again. At the back of the catalog, you’ll see beautiful new flowers including the latest colors of the new AAS Winners. This is the year of All American Selections’ 75th anniversary celebration. Twilley Seed is re-featuring several of the All America Classics in honor of this event. Our back cover features the original Purple Wave. You will find the original Majestic Giants Pansy also returned to your catalog. And Tomato Big Beef is still here and going strong! In the same spirit, our front cover features Medallion, Twilley’s all-time best selling Summer Squash. Beginning in January until Easter, we will be open from 9am til 12pm on Saturdays in addition to our M-F hours. It would be a privilege to hear from you. Best wishes for a happy season of sowing and growing from all the folks at Twilley. George B. Park, President George B. Park, President T h i rd generation seedsman, has been president of FloraStar, past AAS vice-president and flower judge Cantaloupe Halona Hybrid Tomato Bella Rosa Hybrid GROWER DISCOUNTS! • When you order more than $100.00, you deduct a discount of 3%. • Order over $500.00 and you take a 5% discount! • Or order over $1,000.00 and deduct 7% from your order total! That really adds up! PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS. DISCOUNT ON SEED ITEMS ONLY. Discount applies to any single order placed and is not cumulative over the season. Discount applies only on catalog prices. Note, Twilley Rated Credit Accounts: Discount is applicable only on orders which are paid within 30 days from date of invoice for charge customers. Gourd Koshare Yellow Banded SPECIAL NOTE REGARDING SEED TREATMENT Most of our seed is treated with approved seed protectants which help promote better seedling growth, especially under cool, wet conditions. ORGANIC GROWERS, NOTE: Please call ahead if requesting availability of untreated seed. Ordering Information HANDLING CHARGES Order Handling charge: Include in Order If your order is: ADD $15.00 or less Between $15.01 - $25.00 Between $25.01 - $100.00 Over $100.00 $4.00 $3.00 $2.00 No Charge Terms If you pay by check, please make it payable to “Twilley Seed Co., Inc.” Payable in U.S. funds only. There will be a $25.00 charge on all returned checks. Credit Accounts are due net 30 days from invoice date. Interest will be charged on past due accounts at a rate of 2% per month (annual rate 24%). Seed is non-returnable except with proper authorization from Twilley Seed Co. There will be a restocking fee of 20% on all returned orders. Conditions of Sale All orders are subject to the Conditions of Sale printed on the Order Blank in this catalog. Bean Jade New Vegetables Fresh Market Tomato Bella Rosa Hybrid Page 50 Heat tolerant and TSWV resistant, large fruit. Cantaloupe Halona Hybrid Page 11 68-72 maturity, thick sweet orange flesh. Gourd Koshare Yellow Band Page 48 4 1⁄2” fruit with assorted banding patterns . Bean Jade Page 5 Long, straight, tender dark green pods. On The Cover Squash Medallion Hybrid Bright yellow, strong semi-crook neck fruits. ® Registered Otis S. Twilley Seed Co., Inc. ™ Trademark Otis S. Twilley Seed Co., Inc. © 2006 Otis S. Twilley Seed Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. Page 44 INDEX ALL-AMERICA SELECTIONS WINNERS........85 GROWING SUPPLIES...................................84 ORDER FORM, WARRANTIES ........Centerfold CONDITIONS OF SALE, TERMS.......Centerfold PROFESSIONAL SEEDS SERIES™ .............2-3 VEGETABLES Pepper Muscato Hybrid Explanation of Symbols in this Catalog Pumpkin Hooligan Hybrid Listed for the first time in theTwilley catalog. Some of these are newly introduced for 2007. NEW! Designated a winner by All America Selections, a non-profit organization which evaluates new seed-grown flowers and vegetables from around the world for home garden performance. All-America Selection winners are consistently and reliably good varieties. The ‘‘ P rofessional Seeds Series™’’, a selection of exclusive Twilley varieties called ‘‘The Best of The Best’’. We believe that our ‘‘ P rofessional Seeds Series’’ represents the best varieties available in their respective classes. (See page 2 and 3 for more information.) Squash Sunglo Hybrid Well-suited to growing in packs for bedding plant sales.When appearing in variety description, indicates specifically good pack performance. Indicates varieties particularly popular or attractive for roadside stand sales. Indicates varieties popular or well-suited for U-pick operations. Watermelon Bush Sugar Baby for 2007: Specialties Pumpkin Hooligan Hybrid Page 40 Orange/white Jack Be Little, PM tolerant. Pepper Muscato Hybrid Page 36 Blocky orange bell, 5 x 4” heavy yielder. Squash Sunglo Hybrid Exclusive! Designates a proprietary variety, available only from the Otis S. Twilley Seed Co., Inc. or its affiliated company, Abbott & Cobb, Inc. PVP This symbol indicates that a Plant Variety Protection certificate has been granted by the USDA because of the uniqueness of the variety. Symbol is also used if this certificate is applied for. Unauthorized propagation of such a variety is prohibited. Indicates cutflower production. Page 44 38-42 day yellow crookneck, PM resistance. Wa t e rmelon Bush Sugar Baby Page 61 65 day, 5-8 lb icebox type, drought resistant. An exclusive series of homozygous sh2 vari eties, called super sweet. Summer Sweet Brand sweet corn is at least twice as sweet as normal sugary corn, withlong holding ability. ( M o re information, pages 18-20.) Meeting the highest standards for sweet pep pers, Summer Sweet Brand vari eties series have high yield poten tial and disease tolerance. (More information, page 36.) Value-added varieties particularly well-suited as specialty market items. See symbol throughout the vegetable section. Page Artichoke...........................................................4 Asparagus .........................................................4 Beans .............................................................4-5 Beets, Brussels Sprouts .....................................6 Broccoli .............................................................7 Cabbage...................................................8-9, 71 Cantaloupe .................................................10-13 Carrots.............................................................14 Cauliflower.......................................................15 Celery, Swiss Chard, Collards ..........................16 Chinese Cabbage, Pak Choi.............................17 Corn Salad.......................................................55 Cowpeas (Southern Peas)................................35 Cucumbers .................................................26-27 Eggplant ..........................................................28 Endive .............................................................55 Gourds.............................................................49 Herbs..........................................................30-31 Kale, Kohlrabi, Leek ..................................32, 71 Lettuce, Endive, Escarole ................................29 Mustard, Okra, Parsnip ....................................33 Onions.............................................................34 Parsley, Peas, Shallots .....................................35 Peppers ......................................................36-39 Popcorn, Ornamental Corn ........................25, 71 Potato..............................................................43 Pumpkins ...................................................40-42 Radish, Spinach ...............................................43 Rutabaga .........................................................55 Squash ......................................................44-48 Sweet Corn.................................................18-24 Tatsoi...............................................................55 Tomatoes....................................................50-54 Turnip ..............................................................55 Watermelon ................................................56-61 FLOWERS ................................Page Agastache, Ageratum, Alyssum, Achillea ........62 Amaranthus, Astilbe, Aster ..............................63 Bachelor’s Button, Begonia..............................63 Browallia, Carnation ........................................64 Calendula, Candytuft, Celosia ..........................64 Cleome, Coleus, Coreopsis, Cosmos ..............65 Cyclamen,Dahlia, Delphinium ........................66 Dianthus, Didiscus, Dusty Miller ....................66 Geranium ...................................................67-68 Gaillardia, Gerbera, Godetia, Gomphrena ........69 Gazania Gypsophila .........................................69 Heliotrope, Iceland Poppy ................................70 Hibiscus, Hypoestes.........................................70 Impatiens.........................................................71 Larkspur, Lisianthus, Lobelia............................72 Nasturtium, Nicotiana .....................................72 Marigold .....................................................73-74 Melampodium, Morning Glory, Pansy...............75 Ornamental Cabbage, Kale..............................70 Osteospermum ................................................75 Petunia .......................................................76-78 Portulaca,Rudbeckia, Salvia.............................79 Shasta Daisy ...................................................79 Snapdragon, Statice, Strawflower ....................80 Sweet Pea, Sweet William ................................80 Sunflower, Torenia ...........................................81 Thunbergia,Tithonia .........................................80 Verbena, Vinca .................................................82 Viola ................................................................75 Wildflowers ......................................................80 Zinnia .........................................................83-84 1 Squash, Precious II Hybrid — Exclusive! Yellow straight neck averaging 6-7 in. long. See page 44 for more information* Pepper, Summer Sweet® Brand Series — E x c l u s i v e ! High quality fruit, high yield potential. See page 36 for more information.* The “Best of the Best” Cabbage, Solid Blue™ Brand Variety #780 Hybrid — Exclusive! Excellent main crop for all areas; matures in 78 days. S e e page 8 for more information.* Collard, Blue Max Hybrid—Exclusive! 68-day variety with outstanding yields. See page 16 for more information.* Exclusively from Twilley: “Professional Seeds Series™” Vegetables for Commercial Growers The ‘‘Best of the Best’’ Why a ‘‘Professional Seeds Series™’’? The people at Twilley believe the vegetable variety chosen for planting is the most important decision made by the grower. Each vegetable variety in the ‘‘Professional Seeds Series™’’ offers important benefits designed to improve the potential for a quality crop, and provide the greatest potential return for the grower. Twilley is constantly on the lookout for the best vegetable varieties, testing thousands of varieties from breeders around the world, then selecting what is best in each respective class. All are tested for top quality as well as maximum tolerance to stress and disease. Hence the ‘‘Best of the Best’’. Peas, Sugar Sprint — Sweet and stringless. High yield. See page 35 for more information.* Each year the Series is reviewed, and superior varieties are added if they meet required criteria. Be confident in selecting “Professional Seeds Series™” vegetables. You won’t waste precious growing space or eff o rt on unreliable varieties which may not perf o rm well for you. Grow the “Best of the Best”. ™ Trademark Otis S. Twilley Seed Co., Inc. 2 Cantaloupe, Athena Hybrid — Exclusive! Course netting, small cavity, firm flesh. See page 10 for more information.* Turnip, White Lady Hybrid — Sweet, tender and delicious. See page 55 for more information.* Kale Blue Knight Hybrid — Exclusive! Early, uniform, high yields. See page 32 for more information.* Beet Red Ace Hybrid — Dark red full globe shaped roots with strong, attractive tops. See Watermelon Summer Flavor® Brand Variety #500 — Exclusive! Royal Sweet type. See page page 6 for more information.* 58 for more information.* Pumpkin, Pro Gold #510 — 14-16 in., average 22-26 lbs. See page 40 for more information.* Choose from these Fine 2007 “Professional Seeds Series™” vegetables Broccoli, Packman (p. 7) Broccoli, Patriot (p. 7) Cabbage, Quick Start (p. 8) Cabbage, Solid Blue™ Brand Var. #780 (p. 8) Cantaloupe, Magic-To-Dew (p. 13) Collard, Blue Max (p. 16) Kale, Blue Knight (p. 32) Muskmelon, Honey Brew (p. 13) Mustard, Savannah (p. 33) Pak Choi, Joi Choi (p. 17) Pea, Sugar Sprint (p. 35) ® Pepper, Summer Sweet Brand Series (p. 36) Pumpkin, Pro Gold™ Brand Varieties (p. 40) Squash, Medallion (p. 44) Squash, Table Gold (p. 47) ® Sweet Corn, Summer Sweet Brand Series (p. 18-19) Sweet Corn, Supersweet Jubilee (p. 20) Tomato, Celebrity (p. 51) Tomato, Mountain Fresh Plus (p. 52) Watermelon, Summer Flavor™ Brand Var. #500 (p. 56) Watermelon, Ssupersweet™ Brand Triploid Series (p. 58) Watermelon, SsuperSweet™ Brand Variety #5244 — Exclusive! All-Sweet type. Ve ry sweet, bright red flesh is fine and crisp. See page 56 for more information.* Sweet Corn, Summer Sweet® Brand Hybrid series — Exclusive! sh2 type produces 100% super sweet kernels with high sugar, crisp texture. See pages 18-19 for more information.* Tomato, ® ™Registered Trademark or Trademark Abbott & Cobb, Inc. *Available exclusively from Twilley! Squash, Medallion Hybrid— SemiCrookneck. Vigorous See page 44 for more information.* Celebrity Hybrid — Large, red, deep oblate fruits are firm , flavorful, average 8 oz. ;show crack resistance. See page 51 for more information.* 3 Bean Festina Bean Derby Bean Kentucky “Dreamer” VEGETABLES You’ll find a large selection of high-quality hybrids and favorite open-pollinated varieties listed in the following pages. They’ve all performed well for us in trials, and we suggest them for your 2007 fresh market growing. Symbols throughout the text give special information about certain varieties at a glance (see symbol explanation on page 1.) Of special note are Twilley’s “Professional Seeds Series™” varieties—see pages 2-3. Asparagus 1007 Bush Blue Lake 274 55 days. Bush form of Blue Lake pole, known for its delicious flavor, size, yield and quality. Long, dark green pods are round, 6 x 3 ⁄8 ”.; slow to form fiber/seeds. Gdn, Fresh Mkt, Canning. 1012 Bush Kentucky Wonder #125PVP 58 days. Bush form of Kentucky Wonder pole bean. Long, dark green pods to 6-7” held well off the ground. Heavy yields; strong, upright plants. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Resistant to BCMV. 1045 Kentucky "Dreamer" - 54 days. I m p roved Bush Kentucky Wonder #125 type. Concentrated pod set high on plant. Flat, medium green 6" x 12⁄ " pods. Very upright 17" plants. Good for fresh market and shipping due to low fiber. White seeded. Resistant CMBV1 & NY Strain 15 Fresh mkt, Gdn, Shipping Perennial (Asparagus officinalis) A p p rox. 700 seeds/oz. Pkt plants 25 ft. of row; 1⁄ 2 oz sows 100 ft. of ro w. Seeds germinate in about 15 days. Grow seedlings on until following spring. Set plants 9-15” apart in rows 48-72” apart. Plantings usually yield well for many years under normal conditions/culture . Bean EspadaPVP 2020 Jersey Giant Hybrid Plants are good producers of large, uniform spears. The 100% male plants have excellent vigor. Tolerant fusarium wilt. 25 sds $3.60; 100 sds $9.75; 500 sds $35.75; 1000 sds $63.00; 5 MSd $60.00/MSd 2025 Jersey Knight Hybrid Heat resistant. All male hybrid similar to Jersey Giant produce ideal tight head quality where harvest-time day temperatures rise above 85oF. Stems from 38⁄ to 3 ⁄ ” thick depending on plant spacing. All male4 means every plant produces spears not seed, resulting in higher yield, fewer volunteer off types in successive seasons, premium quality. High tolerance to fusarium, crown and root rot, rust, cerscospera. 1027 DerbyPVP 57 days. AAS. Easy harvest! Plants produce attractive, long slim green pods up to 7”; slip easily from the stem without the pedicel (“cap”), makes picking easier. Longer pods stay tender. Mechanical harvest. Tolerant to BCMV1. Commerc i a l , F resh Mkt, Gdn. 1032 Espada PVP 56 days. High quality bean excellent as a substitute for Derby when needed. Holds well in the field over long picking season. Superior disease package makes for high yield potential and durable plant over extended season. Resistant to BCMV (BV-1A), HB (2), A, ALS and tolerant to BBS. Local Fresh Mkt, Roadside. 1037 Festina 56 days. Extra deep dark glossypods, 6” long, very straight with slender appearance, are borne at mid height on upright, sturdy plants. Heat tolerance, vigoro u s g rowth and concentrated set lend potential for high yields. Harvests well by hand or machine, easy and clean, with minimal broken pieces or trash. Pods are tender and refined with just enough fiber for excellent shipping. An improved Blue Lake type. Resistant to BCMC. Whole pod, Fresh Mkt, Shipping. 25 sds $3.25; 100 sds $8.80; 500 sds $32.50; 1000 sds $57.00; 5 MSd $54.00/MSd Beans Bean Alicante Bush Green Pod (Phaseolus vulgaris humilis) Approx. 1,600 seeds/lb. 1 lb sows 200 ft. of row. Direct-sow 70-90 lbs/acre. Sow seeds 1-2” deep, 2-4” apart, in rows 18-36” apart. Seeds germinate in about 6 days. 1002 Alicante ( F rench filet bean)56 days. Very early. Long, straight, very thin “baby” beans pre f e rred for nouvelle cuisine. Ve ry high quality pods are tender, stringless, dark green and gourmet flavorful. Seed holds well in pods on upright plants giving long harvest window. Harvest at 4-5” while still slim(#2 sieve or 1⁄4”). Concentrated set; machine/hand harvest. Resistant to BCMV, A. Fresh Mkt. Bean Hialeah PVP Artichoke 2005 Green Globe Approx. 608 seeds/oz. Traditional type, large greenheads. About 50% produce artichoke during the first season on 30” stems. Pkt $3.00; oz $5.95; 1/4 lb $18.00; 1/2 lb $33.25; 1 lb $59.00; 5 lb $53.00/lb; 10 lb $49.25/lb; 25 lb $47.25/lb 2010 Romanesco Approx. 663 seeds/oz. Exotic Italian heirloom type, stems and artichokes aremarked in bronze and purple. Ornamental/edible. Pkt $1.70; oz $10.55; 1⁄4 lb $34.70; 1⁄2 lb $59.80; 1 lb $106.75; 5 lb $97.90/lb; 10 lb $91.50/lb 4 Catalog Number BEAN PRICES 1002 1007 1012 1027 1032 1037 1045 Alicante Bush Blue Lake 274 Bush Kentucky Wonder #125 Derby Espada Festina Bush Kentucky Dreamer ⁄4 lb 1 $4.20 $2.45 $2.35 $1.75 $2.65 $3.45 $1.45 ⁄2 lb 1 6.45 3.80 3.75 2.70 4.00 5.30 1.75 lb 5 lb 10 lb 10.959.65/lb8.75/lb 4.60 3.70/lb 3.45/lb 5.90 3.85/lb 3.55/lb 4.55 4.00/lb 3.65/lb 6.90 6.00/lb 5.50/lb 9.00 7.95/lb 7.20/lb 3.00 2.60/lb 2.40/lb 25 lb 8.15/lb 2.90/lb 3.00/lb 3.35/lb 5.15/lb 6.65/lb 2.30/lb 50 lb 100 lb 500 lb 7.65/lb 7.30/lb 2.40/lb 1.95/lb 2.50/lb 2.20/lb 3.15/lb 3.00/lb 4.80/lb 4.60/lb 6.25/lb 6.00/lb 2.20/lb 2.00/lb 7.00/lb 1.60/lb 2.15/lb 2.90/lb 4.40/lb 5.75/lb 1.90/lb Bean Royal Burgundy Bush Green Beans Cont. 1042 Hialeah P V P 53 days. Widely adapted; proven rugged, productive and capable of quality yields even in areas with tough growing conditions, hot, dry or wet. Upright plant holds pods well off the ground for clean harvest. Pods release well at picking and resist damage, yielding a high packout of whole beans that are uniform, medium green, and slightly oval in cross section. Resistant BCMV1 , Tolerant BBS. Fresh mkt, Shipping, Machine Harvest. Bean Golden Rod Bush Wax Pod 1143 Golden Rod 53 days. High yielding, white-seeded wax bean. Vigorous and upright plants, 14-16” tall with 6” long, uniform, pods set on sturdy plants. Good anchorage for mechanical harvest or U-pick. Slow seed development with a small seed cavity. Tolerant to BCMV. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Shell Bean 1044 Jade- 60 days. Long, straight, extra deep green 6 1⁄2" pods. Upright bushholds pods well above ground, which reduces damage from splashing soil such as curling and tip rot. Tender texture and sweet flavor ideal for fresh market sales. Resistant BCMV, BCTV Fresh Mkt, Roadside, Shipping 1057 Roma II 59 days. Bush form of the well-known Romano pole, with the same delicious flavor, Italian-type, flat green pods to 1 4 ⁄2” Sturdy plants resist BCMV. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. White seeded. Bush Purple Pod 1062 Royal Burgundy 51 days. Round, tender, stringless; purple pods turn green when cooked. Upright, hardy plants. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Culture same as for bush beans. To dry, let pods mature on plants until pods are completely dry and seeds rattle in the pods. Pull up whole plants and hang or place in warm, dry area for several days to finish drying off. Shell the beans and store seeds in airtight containers. Lima beans, cowpeas, peas and other types of beans should be treated the same way when grown for dried seeds. 1129 Etna Bean 68 days. Seeds are red & white speckled and pods dry to ivory with re d s t reaks. Young pods are green streaked re d . Variety for use as fresh, semi-dried or dried bean with large 5” pods. Harvest when young for snap beans or let seeds form until plump for tender shell beans. BCMV. Fresh Mkt. Pole Bean Lima Beans (Phaseolus limensis) A p p rox. 1,600 seeds/lb. 1 lb. sows 200 ft. of row. D i rect-sow 20-40 lbs/acre. Sow seeds 1-2” deep, 6-9” apart in rows 36-48”apart. Seeds germ i n a t e in about 6 days. Approx. 1,200 seeds/lb (small-seeded types), 500 seeds/lb. (large-seeded types). 1 lb sows 150 ft. of row. Direct-sow 40-60 lbs/acre (30-40 lbs, lg. seed). Sow seeds 112⁄ ” deep, 3-6” apart, in rows 18-36” a p a rt. Seeds germinate in about 7 days. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 1105 Helda SG - 58 days. Big yields, big pods, big flavor. Flat pods are Romano type in both shape and superior beany flavor, tender and white seeded. Yield potential may be double compared to older strains of this type. Vigorous disease resistant vines are capable of long harvest. Resistant BCMV. Fresh Mkt, Roadside, Gdn 1110 Kentucky Blue P V P 60 days. AAS. Pole variety seven days earlier than KY Wonder! Combines characteristics of Kentucky Wonder and Blue Lake for excellent ‘‘beany’’ flavor Green pods, 8” in length are round, straight, smooth. Vigorous,highly productive vines. Fresh Mkt, U-Pick, Gdn. White seeded. Resists BCMV. 1112 Kentucky Wonder Brown RR - 63-67 days.Stringless 6"-7" pods are round/oval, medium green and stringless. Fine quality picked young. Rust Resistant Fresh Mkt, Gdn, U-Pick Catalog Number BEAN PRICES 1062 1110 1129 1081 1086 1091 1112 1044 1105 Royal Burgundy Kentucky BluePVP Etna Fordhook #242 Henderson Bush ⁄4 lb 1 $2.00 $3.55 $3.45 $2.45 $1.85 King of the Garden $2.20 KY Wonder Brown $1.45 Jade $2.00 Helda SG $7.20 Bean Disease Tolerance codes: BCMV HB A ALS BBS Bean Common Mosaic Vi ru s Halo Blight Anthracnose Angular Leaf Spot Bacterial Brown Spot ⁄2 lb lb 5 lb 10 lb 25 lb 50 lb 100 lb 500 lb 4.70 7.50 8.95 5.80 4.55 3.00/lb 5.15/lb 7.75/lb 3.90/lb 2.95/lb 2.85/lb 4.60/lb 7.00/lb 3.55/lb 2.65/lb 2.50/lb 4.15/lb 6.55/lb 3.00/lb 2.20/lb 2.35/lb 3.60/lb 6.20/lb 2.65/lb 1.90/lb 2.25/lb 3.40/lb 5.90/lb 2.45/lb 1.70/lb 2.15/lb 3.35/lb — 2.30/lb 1.60/lb 3.45 5.15 1.60 2.75 3.20 5.40 11.15 18.80 Bean Etna 1081 Fordhook #242 (Bush) 75 days. AAS. Famous Fordhook quality; improved strain which reliably sets blossoms and pods under adverse weather conditions. Produces reliable yields of high quality, largeseeded limas with delicious flavor; 3-4 seeds per 4” pod. Vigorous plants, heavy yields. 1091 King of the Garden (Pole) 87 days. Popular, giant large-seeded lima beans fine for drying. Large, wide pods contain 4-5 seeds each. Produces a continuous crop over a long season. 3.15 6.20 5.25 3.85 3.00 1 Bean Jade 3.50/lb 3.15/lb 2.65/lb 2.30/lb 2.00/lb 1.95/lb 2.40/lb 2.20/lb 2.00/lb 1.90/lb 1.80/lb 1.75/lb 4.75/lb 4.30/lb 4.00/lb 3.75/lb 3.60/lb 3.45/lb 16.55/lb 15.00/lb13.90/lb13.15/lb12.50/lb12.00/lb Bean Kentucky Wonder Brown RR Bean Roma II 5 Beet Scarlet Supreme Hybrid Open Pollinated 2040 Burpee Golden 55 days. Sweet fine textured deep golden roots. Non-staining juice . Good eating tops, light green with pale golden ribs. Colorful salad, roots and tops. 2045 Cylindra 55 days. Long shape for more equal slices per root. Dark red quality roots 5” x 11⁄ 2 ”. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 2050 Detroit Dark Red Medium Top 6 0 days. Well known bunching variety. Deep red Globe shaped roots, uniform, very smooth. Bunching, Processing, Gdn. 2055 Detroit Supreme 59 days. Refined Detroit type. Dark red interior, very light zoning. Smooth globe shape, small smooth crowns. Dark matte green leaf on 14-16" tops. High tolerance to bolting and very high yield potential. Tolerant Cercospora, Medium Tolerance DM. Bunching, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Beet Kestrel Hybrid Beet Merlin Hybrid 2060 Green Top Bunching (Early Wonder) 52 days. Early, sweet roots; high quality tops. Bunching. Fresh Mkt,Gdn. 2070 Lutz Green Leaf 63 days. Glossy green tops, white stems. Deep red roots sweet & tender. Good for fall harvest and storage. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 2095 Ruby Queen 54 days. Uniform, smooth, round, deep red roots. Proc., table, Fresh Mkt. Beet Red Ace Hybrid Beets (Beta vulgaris) Approx. 1,600 seeds/oz. Pkt plants 25’ of row; 1 oz sows 100’. Direct sow 6-10 lbs/acre or 300 MSd. Sow seed 3⁄4 -1” deep, 2-4” apart in rows 12-30” apart. Germination in about 8 days. Thin plants to 3” apart in the row. *Note: Seed is sized, treated and decorticated. Hybrids 2065 Kestrel Hybrid 53 days. Roots form smooth globe shape and deep color from very early stage. Dark red interior with very little zoning. 12-13" tops, bright glossy mid green leaves, brilliant ruby stems. Small, late bolting crowns, drought hardy. High yield potential. High 10-12% sugar content. Excellent for baby beet as well as main season production. Tops stay erect and healthy due to high disease tolerance. Top appeal in bunching. High Tolerance Cercospora, Medium tolerance PM, DM, Rhizoctonia Fresh Mkt, baby beets, Processing. 2075 Merlin Hybrid 55 days. Solid dark re d interior resists zoning even in adverse hot weather. Bright red stems 15-17” tall with dark green leaves that stay green all season give extra sales appeal. Roots very even, round and smooth. refined taproot. Small slow bolting crown. High yield potential plus high 1215% sugar content and bright attractive appearance. Tolerant DM, Cercospora and Drought. F resh Mkt, Pro c e s s i n g . 2080 Pacemaker III Hybrid 53 days. Dark red, smooth, globe shaped roots. High yield, widely adapted to varying growing regions. Disease and drought tolerant. Late bolting and erect top for year round cropping. High tolerance Cercospora Leaf Spot, Moderate Tolerance DM, PM, Rhizoctonia. Topped, Bunched, Shipping, Fresh Mkt. 2100 Scarlet Supreme Hybrid 52 days. Best sub for Red Ace when needed. Early, sweet roots hold sugar and texture well. Consistent smooth crown, uniform globe shape, bright red color and even size. Short top, averages 12-14”, erect for easy bunching, with red stem and bright green foliage for tender greens. Same leaf disease tolerance as Red Ace. Fresh Mkt, Roadside. 6 Brussels Sprouts (Brassica oleracea, Gemmifera Group) About 9,000 seeds/oz. Pkt produces about 125 plants; 2 oz produces about 10,000 plants. Seeds germinate in about 10 days. Set plants 18-24” apart in rows 24-40” apart. *Note: Days to maturity are from transplant. Seed graded and treated. Beet Red Cloud Hybrid 2090 Red Cloud Hybrid 60 days. Perfectly round shape. Solid deep red zoneless interior. Non tapering base, smooth refined crown. Attractive red 14” stems, green leaves. Very high sugar content. Pacemaker type, best sub when needed. Fresh Mkt, Processing. 2199 Dutch Treat Hybrid 130 days. Reliable, easy, high yield. Uniform upright stalks. Flavor very mild, more likely to be slightly sweet and not bitter even when the weather is a bit too warm. Good for fall harvest in most areas or winter in warm areas. 2204 Jade Cross Hybrid 85 days. Very early, can be sown later than most varieties and still matures well in early frosts. Shorter stalks than most varieties, less prone to lodging or other wind damage. High yield of firm, deep green, well wrapped sprouts spaced closely on stalk. Fresh Mkt, Processing. 2085 Red Ace Hybrid 53 days. Hybrid Detroit Dark Red type, well suited to a wide range of growing areas. Full globe shaped red roots, uniform deep red interior color. Strong, attractive tops 13-15” tall. Fresh Mkt, Processing, Gdn. Catalog BEET PRICES Number M=1,000 seeds 200 1,000 10,000 50,000 100,000 500,000 1,000,000 Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds 2075 2085 2090 2100 2065 2080 $1.80 $1.80 $2.15 $3.00 $1.75 $1.80 2.55 2.50 3.65 4.35 2.45 2.55 .95/M 1.00/M 2.00/M 1.95/M 1.00/M 1.00/M .86/M .86/M 1.55/M 1.65/M .84/M .86/M .81/M .81/M 1.15/M 1.45/M .79/M .81/M .76/M .76/M .85/M 1.30/M .74/M .76/M .70/M .70/M .80/M 1.25/M .68/M .70/M Merlin Hybrid Red Ace Hybrid Red Cloud Hybrid Scarlet Supreme Kestrel Pacemaker III Catalog Number BEET PRICES 2040 2045 2050 2060 2070 2095 2055 Burpee Golden Cylindra Dutch Treat Hybrid Jade Cross Hybrid Jade Cross E Hybrid 1 oz $1.80 $1.50 Detroit Dark Red Med. Top $1.45 Green Top Bunching $1.35 Lutz Green Leaf $1.60 Ruby Queen $1.35 Detroit Supreme $1.95 Catalog BRUSSELS SPROUTS Number PRICE CHART 2199 2204 2209 Pkt ⁄ 4 lb 10.3032.25 2.50 5.35 1.95 3.55 1.95 4.20 2.95 6.45 2.00 3.75 3.95 7.95 Pkt $2.20 $1.65 $1.50 1 ⁄ 8 oz 9.95 5.65 5.80 1 ⁄ 2 lb lb 55.00 97.00 8.50 11.20 4.95 7.40 6.70 10.70 8.95 14.15 6.00 10.65 13.95 17.50 1 ⁄ 4 oz 1 5 lb 91.00/lb 10.40/lb 6.90/lb 9.85/lb 13.40/lb 9.90/lb 16.25/lb ⁄ 2 oz 17.20 28.75 9.45 16.40 9.70 16.95 oz 10 lb 25 lb 100 lb — — — 9.80/lb 9.30/lb — 6.65/lb 6.15/lb 5.35/lb 9.20/lb 8.60/lb 8.15/lb 12.80/lb12.45/lb 12.20/lb 9.20/lb 8.80/lb 8.30/lb 15.25/lb 14.55/lb 14.00/lb ⁄ 4 lb 1 ⁄ 2 lb 1 50.00 180.00 323.00 29.50 110.00 208.00 30.50 114.00 215.00 lb 611.00 397.00 410.00 Broccoli Southern Comet Hybrid Broccoli Premium Crop Hybrid Brussels Sprouts Jade Cross E Hybrid 2209 Jade Cross E Hybrid 85 days. Popular Jade Cross type with extra disease tolerance. Vigorous stalks packed tight with high yield of firm, deep green, well wrapped sprouts. Early maturing, can be sown later than other varieties and still mature well in eary frosts. Compact stalks less subject to wind damage or lodging. We suggest topping plants 3 weeks before harvest. Good tolerance to Botrytis. Fresh Mkt, Processing. Broccoli (Brassica oleracea, Botrytis Group) Approx. 9,000 seeds/oz. Pkt contain about 100 seeds; 2 oz produces about 10,000 plants. Seeds germinate in about 10 days. Set plants 1224”apart in rows 18-36” apart. *NOTE: Days to maturity are from transplant. All seed is graded and treated. 2110 Coronado Crown Hybrid 58 days. Large, very solid, blue green, well-rounded, dome shaped heads for early crown production. Head quality is quite refined with tiny beads and excellent firmness. Plants have good heat tolerance, adaptable to warm areas where growing of good broccoli can be difficult. Excellent stem quality resists fiber formation. Produces a heavy crop of side shoots for continual harvest after the main head is cut. Shows good field holding ability which is a plus for late spring harvest. Fresh mkt, shipping, processing. 2120 Early Dividend Hybrid 45 days summer; 67 days winter. Very early with good dark green color and excellent flavor. Medium 25” plant habit, semi-domed heads with medium beads.Early enough to be direct seeded or may be transplanted for quicker crops. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 2130 Gypsy Hybrid 64 days Good Pinnacle replacement. Among the earliest to tolerate and perform well after the onset of warm weather, while maintaining its disease resistance. Overall uniformity, excellent smooth domed beads with small tightly refined heads. Resistant DM. Bunching, Crown Mkt, Fresh Mkt, Shipping. 2140 Marathon Hybrid 75 days. Deep, dome-shaped heads, small beads. Vigorous plants are highly tolerant to bacterial leaf spot and black rot; tolerant to DM, hollow stem. F resh Mkt, Processing. 2150 Patriot Hybrid 72 days. Greenbelt type. Small, fine beads and high dome shaped heads. Holds well before and after harvest. Tolerant to brown head and DM. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Broccoli Disease Tolerance codes: DM HS BR BLS Downey Mildew Hollow Stem Black Rot Bacterial Leaf Spot Broccoli Packman Hybrid 2145 Packman Hybrid 50 days summer; 64 days spring. Early, especially suited to n o rt h e rn areas. Large, fine quality heads 6-7” across. Compact, uniform plants. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 2155 Premium Crop Hybrid 58 days summer; 85 days spring. AAS. Attractive terminal heads are pale blue-green, very uniform , large (7-8”) and solid tight beads. Fine texture and longer holding than most others of its class. U n i f o rmplants. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 2160 Southern Comet Hybrid 55 days. Reliable crop summer to fall in temperate areas or in winter in warm areas. Deep green medium sized semi-domed heads with medium sized beads. Capable of high yields with few side shoots. Resistant hollow stem. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Broccoli Coronado Crown Hybrid Broccoli Raab (Brassica Rapa, Ruvo Group) A p p rox. 9,000 seeds/oz. 1⁄ 4 oz sows 100’ of ro w. D i rect-sow 2 lbs/acre. Sow seeds 1⁄4 ” deep in rows 2 1⁄ 2 -3’ apart. Seeds germinate in about 10 days. 2177 Spring Sprouting Broccoli (o.p.) 60 days. Popular ethnic vegetable. Early. Many small, tender shoots and leaves with delicious flavor. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 2172 Sorrento 40 days. Larger, earlier florets, uniform maturity and top yield even at cooler times, fall thru spring. Tall upright plants. Blue green, narrow turnip shaped leaf. Less harvest labor per lb of crop due to floret Catalog BROCCOLI PRICES Number M=1,000 seeds 2130 2140 2145 2150 2155 1000 Seeds Seeds Gypsy Hybrid Marathon Hybrid Packman Hybrid Patriot Hybrid Premium Crop Hybrid Catalog Number BROCCOLI PRICES 2110 2120 2177 2172 2160 100 Broccoli Patriot Hybrid 5,000 10,000 50,000 80,000 Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds 5.60/M 5.20/M 8.45/M 5.95/M 4.15/M 5.15/M 4.75/M 7.75/M 5.40/M 3.90/M 4.75/M 4.50/M 7.30/M 5.15/M 3.55/M lb 5 lb $1.90 8.80 7.30/M 6.25/M $1.90 8.35 6.60/M 5.75/M $2.45 13.50 10.80/M 9.50/M $1.75 9.45 7.70/M 6.70/M $1.90 6.55 5.30/M 4.60M Pkt 1 ⁄ 4 oz 1⁄ 2 oz oz 1 ⁄ 4 lb 1 ⁄ 2 lb 400,000 10 lb Coronado Crown Hybrid $1.75 16.80 28.25 49.00177.00 331.00 624.00 594.00/lb — Early Dividend Hybrid $3.80 16.95 29.25 54.00161.00 305.00 508.00 499.00/lb — Raab, Spring Sprouting $1.80 — — 4.90 9.40 14.65 23.30 22.80/lb 22.45/lb Raab, Sorrento $1.55 — — 4.15 13.50 23.25 41.50 38.00/lb 35.75/lb S o u t h e rn Comet Hybrid $2.95 12.00 20.60 34.25114.00 190.00 319.00 311.00/lb — Fax your order: 864-227-5108 7 Cabbage Charmant Hybrid Cabbage Solid Blue™ Brand Hybrid Variety #780 Cabbage (Brassica oleracea, Capitata Group) Approx. 9,000 seeds/oz. Pkt contains 200 seeds; 2 oz. produces about 10,000 plants. Seeds germinate in about 10 days. Set plants 12-24”apart in rows 2436”apart. All suited to shipping/fresh mkt Note: Days to maturity are from transplant. All seed is graded and treated. Early 2229 Charmant Hybrid 52-64 days. Stonehead type, with larger heads. Solid, compact, deep green 2 12⁄ -3 lbs. heads are uniform, with good wrapper leaves. Upright, vigorous, compact plants suited to close planting, spring or summer; well-adapted to all growing areas. Resists FY, TB. Gdn, Mkt, shipping. BRT. 2234 Dynamo Hybrid 70 days. Blue green variety producing small heads perfect for one family. Densely packed head and small core. The mature plant size is 22-24” wide weighing 2 to 21⁄2 lbs. Resistant to FY. Shipping, Fresh Mkt. Resists FY. Cabbage Green Cup Hybrid 2254 Green Cup Hybrid 73 days. Blue greenball shaped 4-6 lb head with short inner core,. Extra disease packages and upright habit provide potential for excellent performance and yield at close spacing. Good holding ability in the field, slow bursting. Tolerant to heat, cold and wet conditions. Excellent for spring to fall harvesting. Tolerant BR, Resistant FY. Fresh Mkt, shipping. 2284 Quick Start Hybrid 55 days. Early, solid head cabbage with a short core.Uniform plants produce 31⁄2 lb. heads. Shows tolerance to YT. Widely adapted. Fresh Mkt.Gdn. 2304 Rocket Hybrid 65 days. Early mkt type produces round, blue-green heads averaging 3 to 4 lbs. each. Plants with small frame have resistance/tolerance to YR. Fresh Mkt. Catalog CABBAGE PRICES Number M=1,000 seeds Cabbage Blue Vantage Hybrid Special Note: Most of our seed is treated with approved seed protectants. This promotes better growth, especially under cool, wet conditions. Main 2334 Solid Blue™ Brand Hybrid Variety #780 78 days. Exclusive! Excellent main crop for all a reas. Outstanding blue-green color, rugged leaf texture; mild, sweet flavor. Heads have short core and excellent density. Upright wrapper leaves and medium to large frame protect the 31⁄2-4 lbs. heads (7-712⁄ ” across). BR, BS and TB tolerant; FY. 2339 Solid Blue™ Brand Hybrid Variety #790 79 days. Exclusive! Fine main season variety with excellent uniformity and good wrapper leaves. Round heads average 312⁄ -4 lbs (6-7” across). Short to medium core. Tolerant BR,FY. 2274 OS Cross Hybrid 80 days. Large frame, resists bursting til very late. Flat-round 5 lb. heads which can be grown to 14 lb under optimum conditions. Adapted worldwide, heat tolerant. 2219 Blue Vantage Hybrid 67-80 days. Ball head type. Deep blue-green color weigh 31⁄ 2 4 lbs and 6 3⁄4”in size with short core on medium plants. Strong, sturdy plants produce well-developed root systems which help withstand moisture fluctuations. Resists FY, TB, BST, tolerant to BRT. Fresh Mkt, shipping. 2239 Fresco Hybrid 75 days. Early, attractive blue green, round, well wrapped with short core. Tight sweet interior holds well in field for extended quality harvest. Thrips Tolerant. FY, TBT. Fresh Mkt when planted close., slaw if more widely spaced. 1,000 5,000 10,000 50,000 100,000 Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds 500,000 Seeds 2229 Charmant Hybrid $2.00 6.85 5.65/M 4.80/M 4.30/M 4.00/M 360/M 2234 2254 2304 Dynamo Hybrid Green Cup Rocket Hybrid $1.55 $1.95 $2.00 5.95 4.95/M 4.25/M 3.80/M 6.15 4.95/M 4.330/M 3.85/M 7.65 6.30/M 5.45/M 4.85/M 3.45/M 3.50/M 4.45/M 3.25/M 3.25/M 4.15/M 2239 Fresco Hybrid 2274 2219 OS Cross Blue Vantage Hybrid Solid Blue™ Brand Series Quick Start Hybrid $2.45 $2.80 $2.15 $2.00 $2.35 9.20 5.95 5.20 5.25 5.65 5.15/M 4.00/M 3.00/M 2.40/M 3.30/M — 3.90/M 2.85M 2.25/M 3.15/M 2284 8 200 Seeds Cabbage OS Cross Hybrid 7.40/M 4.45/M 4.35/M 3.45/M 4.75/M 6.20/M 4.40/M 3.75/M 2.95/M 4.15/M 5.60/M 4.30/M 3.25/M 2.60/M 3.60/M Cabbage Super Red 90 Hybrid Cabbage Megaton Hybrid Midlate 2264 Megaton Hybrid 85 days. Potential to make very large size, up to 14-18 lb and 1618" diameter, when grown into extended season. Excellent holding ability, dense head with s h o rt core and large frame. High yield potential. Resistant FY, Tolerant TB. Roadside, Fresh Mkt, Processing. 2269 Milestone Hybrid 87 days. Imp. giantframed round-head cabbage. Higher solid content, sweeter flavor, split resistant, and stands machine harvest better. Like its sister Megaton, Milestone shows potential to make up to 14-18 lb and 16-18" diameter, like bowling balls when grown into extended season. Excellent holding ability, dense head with short core and large frame. High yield potential. Resistant FY, Tolerant TB. Roadside, Fresh Mkt, Processing. Cabbage Rio Verde Hybrid Both varieties: 100 sds $2.15; 500 sds $8.80; 1,000 sds $14.45; 5,000 sds $13.20/M; 10,000 sds $11.75/M; 50,000 sds $10.95; 100,000 sds $10.40/M Cabbage Ruby Dynasty Hybrid 2299 Rio Verde Hybrid 85 days. Huge bluegreen Danish flat round hybrid, withstands cold very well. Heads are large-framed, weighing 5-7 lbs each, 6 to 7” diameter, with upright wrapper leaves and medium core. Vigorous plants. Heads hold well. FY, BL Speck. Fresh Mkt, Roadside, kraut. 2306 Ruby Dynasty Hybrid - 75-80 days. 7 to 12 lb. Extral large round headed red cabbage. Both wrappers and interior leaves are a good bright red color. Main season. Large frame, holds well in field and storage. CMS Fresh mkt, processing. Red Savoy 2289 Red Jewel Hybrid 67-75 days. Mid season producer of deep ruby red heads, well filled and full colored, with short core, 6” across weighing about 3 lb. Fine shape, color, solidity and uniform maturity. Semi-open frame, good wrapper protection. Erect plant type holds well above soil splash. 2314 Ruby Perfection Hybrid 80 days. Deepest red color. Very attractive deep re dheads oval, large 3-4 lbs. each. Large-framed, vigorous, uniform plants. Excellent interiors. 2354 Super Red 90 Hybrid - 90 days. 3 1⁄2 to 5 lb. Solid interior. Red inside and out. Fancy wrappers and high uniformity combine with strong disease package for high packout of premium quality heads. Dark red exterior, medium red interior, large red-green frame. Firm, midsize core. Round head, tough wrappers, holds well in field and shipping. High yield. Resistant Yellows, High Tolerance Tipburn, Moderate Resistance Thrip. Fresh Mkt, storage, shredding. 2319 Savoy Ace Hybrid 78 days. Fine quality main-season savoy heads of good deep g reen color; uniform, rounded, averaging 31 ⁄2 lbs. Excellent interiors; attractive, sold as cut halves in shrink wrap. Medium-sized plants. Adapted to all are a s . 2324 Savoy Express Hybrid 55 days.Earliest maturity in its class, often the first cabbage harvested. Flavor is sweet like a good ball cabbage, non-bitter, unique among savoys. Semi-erect, semi-Napa shaped heads, 8” tall, 6” diameter, with small wrapper leaves, permits close spacing and double yields. Heads are golden-green, average 1 to 11⁄2 lb. Cabbage Milestone Hybrid 2329 Savoy King Hybrid 75 days. The most vigorous, uniform, high-yielding savoy— often 50% higher reported yields than others of its type. Dark green, semi-flat heads average 4 lbs. for fall crops; smaller and lighter green when grown for spring. Excellent for cooking. Cabbage Savoy Express Hybrid Catalog CABBAGE PRICES Number M=1,000 seeds 2244 2289 2299 2314 2319 2324 2329 2354 2306 Gonzales Hybrid Red Jewel Rio Verde Ruby Perfection Hybrid Savoy Ace Hybrid Savoy Express Hybrid Savoy King Hybrid Super Red 90 Hybrid Ruby Dynasty 200 Seeds 1000 Seeds $2.60 $4.15 $1.95 $2.45 $2.35 $1.50 $2.45 $2.00 $3.60 9.55 15.95 5.55 9.70 8.95 6.40 9.55 7.75 13.75 5,000 10,000 50,000 100,000 Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds 7.70/M 6.50/M 6.15/M 5.75/M 4.60/M 3.95/M 7.95/M 6.75/M 7.35/M 6.35/M 4.50/M 3.85/M 7.15/M 6.35/M 6.45M 5.50/M 11.30/M 9.75/M 5.75/M 5.30/M 3.55/M 6.00/M 5.65/M 3.45/M 5.75/M 4.95/M 8.70/M 5.35/M 5.00/M 3.25/M 5.60/M 5.15/M 3.25/M 5.50/M 4.50/M 7.95/M 500,000 Seeds 4.75/M 3.00/M 5.40/M 4.90/M 3.00/M 5.40/M 4.20/M 7.45/M Baby Cabbage 2244 Gonzales Hybrid H a rdly larger than a softball. Bright green, sweet, crispy, dense and early. Holds long in the field and stays quite u n i f o rm. Specialty/ Restaurant/ Roadside. Disease Tolerance Codes: BRT BST TBT FY TT Black Rot Black Speck Tip Burn Fusarium Yellows Resistant Thrip Tolerant 9 Cantaloupe Athena Hybrid Cantaloupe Classic Hybrid Cantaloupe Fastbreak Hybrid Cantaloupe Earlisweet Hybrid Cantaloupe Ambrosia Hybrid Cantaloupe Carousel Hybrid Eastern Type Hybrids 2369 Ambrosia Hybrid 88 days. Higher than average sugar content, extra-sweet flavor your customers will come back for again and again. Nearly round fruits average 4-4 1⁄ 2 lbs., 61⁄2 x 6”, with heavy netting and no sutures. Thick, sweet salmon flesh; small seed cavity and very tight seed mass. Vines show some tolerance to DM, PM. Short distance shipping, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 2374 Athena Hybrid 75 days. Early maturing eastern muskmelon particularly suited to SE, Midwest and Mid-Atlantic mkts. Course netting, small cavity, very firm flesh (5-6 lbs.) Resistant to F1, F2, and PM. Tolerant to sulphur. Fresh Mkt, Gdn, shipping. Cantaloupe Burpee Hybrid PMT Melon Disease Tolerance codes: DM F, F1, F2 PM, PM1, PM2 WMV Downey Mildew Fusarium Wilt, races 1 and 2 P o w d e ry Mildew, races 1 and 2 Wa t e rmelon Mosaic Vi ru s Cantaloupe (Muskmelon) (Cucumis melo) Approx. 1,200 seeds/oz. Hybrid pkts contain 25 seeds; o.p. pkts produce 12 hills; 1⁄ 4 lb. produces approx. 2,500 plants. Seeds germinate in about 7 days. Transplant 6,000 plants/acre. Set plants 12”apart in rows 60-84”apart. 10 2379 Burpee Hybrid PMT 82 days. Pale orange flesh is thick, firm and juicy with a sweet musky flavor. Fruits measure 7” long and 6” across, slightly oval, thick rinded and weigh 4 to 41⁄2 lbs. Heavily netted and distinctly ribbed. High yields and excellent quality. Tolerant to PM. Shipping, Fresh Mkt, Roadside. 2381 Carousel Hybrid - 80-85 days. 6-9 lb; Oval Super Star type melons, measure 9 1⁄2 x 7" in diameter with strong sutures like classical muskmelons. Tight cavity, firm flesh & good sugar for excellent eating quality. Strong vigorous vines and double disease package provide high yield potential. Firm melons and firm internal flesh. Good shipper with lasting quality. Well adapted to outdoor production. Resistant PM, F012 Fresh Mkt, Shipping, Gdn, Roadside 2384 Classic Hybrid 85 days. Main season, matures just after Delicious 51. Large, uniform fruits weigh 4-41⁄2 lbs., measure 7 x 61⁄ 2” with sufficient net and resiliency for shipping. Fine grained salmon flesh of high quality, excellent flavor, holds well. Widely adapted. Short-distance shipping, Fresh Mkt. 2389 Earlisweet Hybrid 70 days. Early, round type matures all fruit before midseason; grows well in Nort h e rn areas where some early varieties fail. Melons weigh 21⁄2 -3 lbs. 51⁄2 x 51⁄2” with light netting and sutures; deep salmon flesh. High-yield. Fresh Mkt, Home Gdn. 2404 Eclipse Hybrid 85 days. 6 x 8” ovalshaped fruit, 3-31⁄2 lb. and outstanding shipping ability for an Eastern melon. Tan rind with medium fine net, very light sutures. Resistant to PM, F2. Shipping, Fresh Mkt, Roadside, Gdn. Athena Cantaloupe — Sorry, No sales to South Carolina, Sales to all other states of more than 1,000 seeds require a waiver to be signed. Catalog HYBRID CANTALOUPE 25 100 500 1,000 5,000 Number M=1,000 seeds SeedsSeedsSeeds Seeds Seeds 2369 2374 2379 2384 2389 2404 2381 Ambrosia Hybrid Athena Hybrid Burpee Hybrid PMT Classic Hybrid Earlisweet Hybrid Eclipse Hybrid Carousel Hybrid $3.40 9.65 40.75 $3.75 8.00 29.75 $3.50 9.80 41.50 $3.40 9.90 41.75 $5.00 11.50 41.75 $3.35 11.45 42.50 $1.90 5.90 25.15 72.00 56.00 7300 74.00 80.00 78.00 44.00 65.00/M 53.00/M 66.00/M 67.00/M 77.00/M 74.00/M 40.00/M 10,000 Seeds 61.00/M 51.00/M 61.00/M 62.00/M 76.00/M 64.00/M 37.15/M 20,000 50,000 100,000 Seeds Seeds Seeds 57.00/M 49.75/M 57.00/M 58.00/M 74.00/M 62.00/M 34.90/M 54.00/M 48.75/M 55.00/M 56.00/M 73.00/M 60.00/M 33.30/M 52.00/M 48.00/M 53.00/M 54.00/M 72.00/M 59.00/M 32.00/M Cantaloupe Gourmet Hybrid Cantaloupe Magnum .45 Hybrid Eastern Type Hybrids Continued 2409 Fastbreak Hybrid 65 days. The earliest melon we offer — 3-4 lbs. with medium-sized vines, rough corky netting and ribbed rind. Very sweet, outstanding flavor Resistant to F2. F resh Mkt, Roadside, Home Gdn. 2414 Gold Doubloon Hybrid 82 days. Midseason, oval Eastern type melon with orange flesh, distinct sutures and good netting, good set of 6 1⁄2 lb melons. Avg. size 6 12⁄ x7”. Large vigorous vine carries high yield potential due to multiple disease tolerances. Extra strong internal color, demonstrated highest total yields per acre and among the highest sugar level (Brix%) in Eastern melon trials. Tolerant F0, F1, F2, PM1, PM2. Fresh Mkt, Gdn, Shipping 2419 Gourmet Hybrid - 75-80 days. Superb eating quality. 6" x 7"; 3 - 4 lb fruit. Very early ripening. Rind has sparse but distinct netting over green and orange skin. Flesh is creamy white, sweet and aromatic, delicious. Ripens very quickly, early in the growing season, long before other melons of similar quality. Good intermediate shelf life. High yield potential. Resistant PM, Tolerant F Fresh Mkt, Roadside, Gdn 2421 Halona Hybrid - 68-72 days. 4 - 5 lb. 6" globe shape. An improved Earliqueen type, matures a week earlier. Thick, sweet orange fleshed muskemelons Rinds with heavy netting and distinct sutures. Uniform and productive, with better taste and stronger disease package. Resistant PM, Tolerant F Fresh Mkt, Roadside, Gdn 2424 Magnum .45 Hybrid 80 days. Bred especially as a shipping type for TX, FL, all southern states; also perf o rms well in the NE. If Star Producer has done well for you in the past, we suggest growing Magnum .45. Large, uniform , slightly oval fruits weigh 21⁄2 -3 lbs., measure 51⁄2 x 6” with good netting, light sutures. Deep orange flesh, small, dry seed cavity, outstanding taste. High-yielding plants have concentrated set, PM resistance. Shipping. Catalog CANTALOUPE PRICES M=1,000 seeds 2414 2421 2409 2424 2434 2419 Gold Doubloon Hyb Halona Hybrid Fastbreak Hybrid Magnum .45 Hyb Moneyloupe Hybrid Gourmet Pkt $1.55 $1.75 $3.40 $1.70 $1.60 $3.15 Cantaloupe Moneyloupe Hybrid Cantaloupe Eclipse Hybrid 2434 Moneyloupe Hybrid 72 days. Full netted nearly round melon in the early Athena class, with strong disease package. Avg size 7” x 8”. Avg weight 6 12⁄ to 71⁄2 lb, with potential of yielding 8 lb melons with good keeping quality and high sugar. Very lightly sutured Large frame vine with high yield potential. Smaller cavity, larger fruit, and about the same maturity. Has demonstrated strong performance in eastern melon trials for size, total yield and flavor. A winner for SE, Midwest and MidAtlantic markets. Resistant F0, F1, F2, PM1, PM2. Fre s h Mkt, Gdn, Shipping. 100 500 1,000 5,000 Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds 4.60 19.40 5.35 22.75 10.35 43.75 3.75 15.60 4.85 20.60 9.60 40.75 34.00 39.90 78.00 27.50 36.15 71.50 30.95/M 36.25/M 69.00/M 24.95/M 32.90/M 65.00/M 10,000 Seeds 28.70/M 33.65/M 65.00/M 23.20/M 30.55/M 60.30/M Cantaloupe Gold Doubloon Hybrid 20,000 50,000 100,000 Seeds Seeds Seeds 27.00/M25.00/M 31.60/M30.15/M 60.00/M58.00/M 21.80/M20.75/M 28.70/M27.35/M 56.70/M54.15/M 24.75/M 29.00/M 56.00/M 20.00/M 26.25/M 52.00/M Cantaloupe Halona Hybrid 11 Cantaloupe ACimarron Hybrid Cantaloupe Primo Hybrid Cantaloupe Star Headliner Hybrid Cantaloupe Strike Hybrid Cantaloupe Saticoy Hybrid More Eastern Type Melons Cantaloupe Minerva Hybrid 2429 Minerva Hybrid 78 days. 7-8 lb.. Recommended where early size, sugar and holding ability are wanted. Athena type Eastern melon, from same breeding butslightly larger, measuring 7 x 7 1⁄2” with higher resistance level. Fruit is oval to flat oval and lightly but distinctly sutured, with coarse open netting overall. Flesh is thick with outstanding firmness. Vine is vigorous. Largest sizes have reached 10 lb. under best conditions. Well proven and widely adapted in University trials, especially U of F 2000, where Minerva demonstrated higher yields with same fruit set but 8.3 avg. wt. vs. Athena’s 5.6 lb. Minerva performs well and maintains quality under wet field conditions. Firm flesh allows harvest at tan stage and full slip; green harvesting such as for softer varieties is not needed. Resistant F0, F1, F2, PM1, Tolerant PM2. Roadside, Fresh Mkt, Shipping. 2454 Saticoy Hybrid 88 days. Harvest Queen type with very high sugar content.Slightly oblong melons 61⁄2 x 51⁄2 weigh 31⁄2 -4 lbs. and have hard rinds. Excellent-quality flesh is very dark orange, very firm, solid and thick, with delicious flavor and sweetness. Productive, strong plants resistant to PM1 and F2. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Cantaloupe Sensation Hybrid Catalog Number HYBRID CANTALOUPE PRICES Pkt 2469 Star Headliner Hybrid 1 ⁄ 4 oz 1 ⁄ 2 oz oz 12 ACimarron Hybrid Minerva Hybrid 2444 2454 2464 2471 Primo Hybrid Saticoy Hybrid Sensation Hybrid Strike Hybrid ⁄ 4 lb 1 ⁄ 2 lb lb 5 lb $3.70 26.25 42.25 72.00 257.00 465.00 859.00 819.00/lb Catalog CANTALOUPE PRICES 25 100 500 1,000 5,000 Number M=1,000 seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds 2364 2429 1 10,000 Seeds 20,000 Seeds 50,000 Seeds 100,000 Seeds $1.45 2.15 6.00 10.40 8.75/M 7.95/M 7.75/M — — $3.50 6.65 26.25 49.50 46.75/M 44.75/M 44.00/M 43.25/M 42.50/M $3.15 4.00 14.90 24.85 22.65/M 20.00/M 18.25/M 17.00/M 16.70/M $3.60 12.00 51.00 90.00 83.00/M 74.00/M 71.00/M 67.00/M 65.00/M $3.60 6.80 27.25 46.25/M 45.50/M 44.50/M 43.75/M $3.75 11.45 48.60 85.25 77.50/M 71.90/M 67.60/M 64.50/M 62.00/M 2464 Sensation Hybrid - 85 days. 8" x 7 1⁄2", 5 1⁄2 lb - 6 lb. A novelty gourmet melon with good shelf life in addtion to superb sugar and aroma. White interior with green tinge near rind is super sweet and keeps well when harvested at early yellow rind stage. Flesh is crisp and sweet at this stage with full aroma and flavor. Highest yield potential of its type. Rind is thin but distinctly netted. Skin progresses from green immature, to yellow at good keeping stage, to orange at soft mature stage. PM, F Fresh Mkt, Roadside, Gdn. 2469 Star Headliner Hybrid 84 d a y s .Exclusive! Our best selling melon variety—and popular variety for the North. Excellent for roadside sales. Large fruits weigh 4-41⁄2 lbs. and average 61⁄2 x 7” with firm rind, heavy netting and deep sutures. Thick, solid, deep orange flesh with delicious flavor; f ruits have good keeping quality. Strong, vigo rous vines stay green longer than most hybrids. Widely adapted; suited to plastic cult u re. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Western Type Melons 2364 ACimarron Hybrid 81 days. Exclusive! A mid-early We s t e rn shipper with better disease resistance replaces Pronto. Mid size 4 12⁄ lb fru i t average 6” diam., with potential for large sizes. Thick deep orange flesh, potential for high sugar and fairly concentrated set. Round, fully netted, nearly sutureless. Resistance to F0, F2, PM1. Long and short shipping, Mkt. 2444 Primo Hybrid 79 days. Early, large, dark orange flesh,—very attractive for f resh mkt and shipping. Almost suture less fruit are heavily netted, with a small, dry seed cavity. The colorful flesh is very thick, sweet and flavorful. Fruits average 5-7 lbs. each, 7 x 7 1⁄2” Plants show tolerance to PM1, PM2, and applied sulfur. Fresh Mkt, Shipping. 2471 Strike Hybrid - 85 days. 6-8 lb; 8" x 6 1⁄2". Large melon with long shelf life, comparable to Athena. Oval fruits have course netting and no sutures. Flesh is very thick , sweet and firm. Trial results suggest a widely adapted variety with potential for high yields of uniformly large melons, up to 12-14 brix, with good holding ability after 3 weeks in cool storage and lasting well in rainy seasons. Worth testing. Resistant PM, F01 2 Fresh Mkt, Roadside, Shipping 2478 Yuma Grande Hybrid - 88 days; 9" x 7"; 7-8 lb. Large oval Western Shipper. Monoecious type, best for spring and fall harvests when cool conditions limit fruit size, rather than main season. Thick firm deep orange flesh and very compact seed cavity. Heavy netting with no sutures. Very good flavor. Resistant PM, F02 Fresh Mkt, Shipping Honeydew Hybrids 2399 Early Crisp Hybrid 80 days. Very early, v e ry large green-fleshed honeydew. Has a natural-sugar flavor in a firm crispy flesh. Large f ruited at 7 to 8 lbs. Very early for successfulc rops everywhere. Fruits resist cracking. Resistant to F. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 2486 Earli-Dew Hybrid 75 days. Early honeydew type especially suited to most northern areas. Fruits average 51⁄ 2 ”, weigh 11 ⁄2 -3 lbs. with smooth skin turning green-gold at maturity. Thick, pale green, sweet flesh. Vigorous vines resist F2. Short-distance shipping, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 2491 Honey Brew Hybrid 90 days. Highyields of uniform, top quality honeydew type f r u i t . Large, smooth melons 6 x 6”weigh 3-4 lbs. each. Pale green flesh has more stable sweetness than standard Honeydew, especially under cool conditions. Fruits have excellent keeping quality. Strong, vigorous vines last well, are resistant to F and PM. Distance and short-distance shipping, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 2496 Magic-To-Dew Hybrid 92 days. Exclusive! (4 lbs.). Excellent yield potential, thick, light green flesh is sweet, firm and crisp. Smooth thick rind. Vigorous plants show resistance, tolerance to F, PM. Roadside, Gdn. Melon Honey Brew Hybrid Melon Earli-Dew Hybrid Melon Magic-To-Dew Hybrid Specialty Melons Crenshaw Hybrid 2377 Burpee Early Hybrid Crenshaw 81 days. Famous, delicately flavored melon, widely adapted and early enough to make a crop even in northern areas. Bumper crops of large oval melons weigh 7-13 lbs, measure 7”x10”. Beautiful peach pink flesh is firm with delicious, honeylike flavor. Skin starts green and netless, ripens toward yellow. Full maturity when blossom end becomes slightly soft. Roadside, Fresh Mkt, Speciality. Melon Passport Hybrid Melon Disease Tolerance codes: DM F, F1, F2 PM, PM1, PM2 WMV Green-Fleshed Melon 2501 Passport Hybrid 75 days. Ve ry early specialty melon gets you to the market first! Large, round fruits average 6 lbs. each and 7 x 7”, with very thick, flavorful and aromatic light green flesh. Sweet, firm flesh averages 12-13% sugar at earliest harvest. Rinds have slight or no sutures and fine, full net. Fruits slip when ripe. Plants are vigorous and productive. Shipping, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Melon Growers, Note: We suggest you grow the correct type of melon for your market. Shipping types are especially resilient with lasting quality for long-distance market. They do, however, taste fine if grown for local market. The varieties we recommend for local or home garden are best used near where they are grown because they have a softer rind/skin and may not hold as well. Catalog HYBRID MELON PRICES Number M=1,000 seeds 2486 2478 Earli-Dew Yuma Grande Downey Mildew Fusarium Wilt, races 1 and 2 P o w d e ry Mildew, races 1 and 2 Wa t e rmelon Mosaic Vi ru s CHIEF USE OF CANTALOUPE VARIETIES Long-Distance Shipping ACimarron, Honey Brew, Magnum .45, Primo, Short-Distance Ambrosia, Burpee Hybrid PMT, Shipping Classic, Earli-Dew, Magic-ToDew, Minerva, Moneyloupe, Passport, Pulsar, GoldDoubloon Fresh Market/ Home Garden Athena, Fastbreak, Earlisweet, Early Hybrid Cre n s h a w, Early Crisp Hybrid, Eclipse Orange Blossom, Minerva, Saticoy, Savor, Star Headliner, Moneyloupe, Gold Doubloon 25 100 500 Seeds Seeds Seeds 1,000 Seeds $4.50 11.95 38.75 $1.55 4.80 20.40 74.00 69.00/M 68.00/M 64.00/M 62.00/M 61.00/M 35.75 32.50/M 30.15/M 28.35/M 27.00/M 26.00/M Catalog Number HYBRID MELON PRICES Pkt 1 ⁄ 4 oz 1 ⁄ 2 oz 5,000 Seeds oz 10,000 20,000 Seeds Seeds 1 Melon Yuma Grande Hybrid ⁄ 4 lb ⁄ 2 lb 1 50,000 100,000 Seeds Seeds lb 5 lb 2399 2491 2496 2377 Early Crisp Honey Brew Magic-To-Dew Early Hybrid Crenshaw $3.45 25.50 38.25 64.00 220.00 $2.90 11.90 20.45 36.00 136.00 $2.00 8.55 14.55 25.50 97.00 $2.80 18.40 33.50 64.00 243.00 409.00752.00 253.00482.00 180.00344.00 469.00872.00 729.00/lb 462.00/lb 331.00/lb 829.00/lb 2501 Passport $3.15 18.80 34.75 54.00 151.00 276.00447.00 427.00/lb Melon Burpee Early Crenshaw Hybrid 13 C a rrot Ingot Hybrid C a rrot Karina Hybrid 2538 Envy Hybrid - 66 days. Large, 12" x 13 ⁄4" cylindrical roots. Sweet, smooth, uniform bright orange roots taper very slowly to blunt ends. Fast vigorous growth , early maturity. Top variety for production of fresh jumbo carrots. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 1 2543 Ingot Hybrid - 70-75 days. 8 x 1- ⁄4". Nantes type with sweet full sugar flavor, high color, beta carotene, high yield potential, smooth roots. Strong midgreen tops, 15-18". Roadside, Bunching, Juicing, Gdn. C a rrot Yellowstone Hybrid 2553 Nevis Hybrid 70 days. Core l e s s Nantes/Imperator type, sweet Nantes flavor. 8 x 1” roots. Blunt cylindrical tip. Interior is orange with 12-14” tops. Alternaria tolerant tops. Fresh Mkt, slicer, cello. 2563 Purple Haze Hybrid - AAS Winner 2006. 70 days. Smooth deep purple 10-12" roots. Imperator type shape, broad shoulder tapers to a point. Bright orange interior. Vi g o rous 14-16" tops. Specialty, Restaurant, Salad Blend. 2578 Sweetness III Hybrid 72 days. A sweet European Nantes-type with a mid-early maturity. Cylindrical 8” roots with mediums t rong tops. Good color and smooth bright skin."Slightly later than Sweeetness II."Fre s h Mkt, Gdn. C a rrot Envy Hybrid Carrot Nevis Hybrid C a rrot Thumbelina Carrots Open Pollinated Types (Daucus Carota sativus) Approx. 23,000 seeds/oz. Pkt plants 30 ft. of row; 1 ⁄ 2 oz sows 100 ft. Direct-sow 2-4 lbs/acre. Sow seeds 1⁄ 2 ”deep, 1-3”apart in rows 16-30”apart. Seeds germinate in about 8 days. 2533 Danvers #126 Improved 75 days. Heavier yield than Danvers. Smooth, orangered roots have well-colored cores, average 68” long (about 1” longer than Danvers). Heatresistant tops. Storage, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 2568 Scarlet Nantes 68 days. Popular variety for early mkt. Attractive, quality roots 6-7” long with dependable, delicious flavor — sweet and tender. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 2583 Thumbelina 60-70 days. Novelty small, round roots — cook and serve whole. Thin, tender skin needs no peeling. Bright orange; sweet flesh, small core. Harvest sizes from 1 ⁄2 up to 11⁄ 2 ” across. Close spacing; performs well on all soil types, even clay. Short, strong tops; little or no digging needed. Fresh “baby” Mkt, Gdn. 2588 Yellowstone 90 days. Bright yellow eye appeal. 10-1⁄2" x 1-1⁄2" tapered roots, sweet and crispy. Extra interest for salad. Novelty color carrot market, Restaurant and Roadside. Hybrid Imperator Types 2548 Karina Hybrid 75 days. A superior thick, smooth tapered Imperator. 9” length, excellent strong tops, outstanding flavor and bright orange color. Hybrid type crossing the advantages of sweetness from Nantes and intense color and soil tolerance from Kuroda type. For jumbo fresh, cello pack, cutpeel. Hybrid Nantes Types 2523 Adelaide Hybrid 65 days. Perfect for the baby carrot mkt. 3 12⁄ x 3⁄4” cylindrical, short, smooth, blunt roots. Interior is bright orange and coreless. Tops are 6”. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. C a rrot Adelaide Hybrid Catalog HYBRID CARROT PRICES Number M=1,000 seeds 2523 2553 2588 2543 2563 Adelaide Hybrid Nevis Hybrid Yellowstone Hybrid Ingot Hybrid Purple Haze Hybrid Catalog Number CARROT PRICES 14 2500 10,000 50,000 100,000 Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds $2.15 .83/M .65/M $3.15 1.20/M .92/M $2.15 .82/M .63/M $1.55 .50/M .40/M $3.25 1.20/M 1.00/M Pkt oz ⁄4 lb 1 ⁄2 lb 1 lb 500,000 Seeds .55/M .77/M .51/M .33/M .85/M .48/M .68/M .44/M .29/M .75/M 5 lb 25 lb 2533 2548 2568 Danvers #126 Improved Karina Hybrid Scarlet Nantes $1.40 2.20 $2.85 15.50 $1.40 2.20 3.45 6.15 51.00 87.00 4.15 5.85 10.25 10.20 9.95/lb 157.00 144.00/lb 135.00/lb 10.15 8.70/lb 7.90/lb 2583 2538 2578 Thumbelina Envy Hybrid Sweetness III $2.60 10.80 $3.80 23.25 $3.20 19.65 37.25 65.00 76.00 131.0 60.00 111.00 112.00 104.00/lb 235.00 215.00 198.25 181.90 — 207.00 170.00 Cauliflower Candid Charm Hybrid Cauliflower Majestic Hybrid Cauliflower White Passion Hybrid Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea, Botrytis Group) Approx. 9,000 seeds/oz.; 2 oz packet contains 100 seeds. Seeds germinate in about 10 days. Set plants 14-24” apart in rows 24-36” apart. NOTE: Days to maturity are from transplant. All seed is graded and treated. Cauliflower Rushmore Hybrid 2608 Amazing Hybrid 75 days. Top quality early for its class .Self wrapper. Large vi g o rous plant produces thick leaf jacket. Deep domed bright white heads 7 to 8” across are heavy and firm. Adapted for early and late markets. Fresh Mkt, Shipping. 2613 Candid Charm Hybrid 65 days. Fresh m a r k e t - p rocessing type for summer harvest; best in cool areas. Large, deep dome-shaped curds 7-9” across are pure white, uniform in maturity. Very heavy yields. Excellent quality, non-ricey, long holding ability without purple cast. Vi g o rous, semi-upright plants have large, dark green leaves which cover heads well. Fresh Mkt, pro c e s s i n g . 2623 Cheddar Hybrid - 68 days. Orange heads, uniform, smooth, domed shaped, with good weight, firmness and fine flavor. High beta carotene. Easy to grow when spring planted in areas of moderate temps. Leave heads "untied" for maximum orange color. In warmer regions plant later for head development in cooler fall temp. Romanesco Shannon YR Cauliflower Cheddar Hybrid Cauliflower Violet Queen Hybrid 2633 Majestic Hybrid 50 days. A few days earlier than Snow Crown. Plants are compact but upright. Smooth, pure white heads are slightly domed, average 7-8” across. Plants show good tolerance to BR, DM and heat. Fresh Mkt, freezing. Romanesco Approx. 6,000 seeds/oz. 2598 Brocoverde 68 days. A new, sweet tasting, green-headed cauliflower. Medium-sized, semi-domed heads weigh about 14 oz. Plants are strong, upright and of medium height. A real innovation which will have instant popularity! Fresh Mkt, specialty, Gdn.. 2643 Rushmore Hybrid 51 days. Pure white heads weighing 21 ⁄4 lbs. and 6” across. High dome shape with white curds that are slightly knobbed. A lot of bottom and top protection with the dark green leaves. Fresh Mkt. 2653 Snow Crown Hybrid 68 days. Earlier, more uniform Snowball type with plenty of fresh mkt appeal. The high-quality, wellrounded, pure white heads measure up to 8” across, have good depth and stay tight for several days after harvest. Vigorous plants, big yields. Fine raw or cooked. Fresh Mkt, Freezing, Canning, Gdn. 2658 Violet Queen Hybrid 70 days. Beautiful, deep purple, domed 6-7” heads. Upright, medium tall plants with heads weighing about 11 ⁄ 2 lb each, excellent for fall harvesting. Medium wrapper leaf. When cooked, heads t u rn to a bright green color. Fresh Mkt, salad mixes, restaurant. 2663 White Passion Hybrid 63 days. A midearly type yields a uniform consistently white head that is covered by an excellent inner wrap and outer leaves. Yields a domed, dense head with a dense curd. Well suited for fresh mkt and is adaptable to many caulifower gro w i n g a reas. 2648 Shannon YR 80 days. Vi g o rous large framed grower with high yield potential of attractive bright green peaked 6-7” heads, made up of numerous small spiral coned florets. Stores well in cold. Good item for fall harvest. Resistant Fusarium Yellows. (YR). Cauliflower Snow Crown Hybrid Catalog CAULIFLOWER PRICES Number M=1,000 seeds 25 100 Seeds Seeds 1,000 Seeds 2608 2613 2633 2643 2653 2663 2598 2648 2658 2623 — — — — — — — — $2.00 $3.70 9.45 9.60 10.80 17.75 11.90 14.40 5.60 28.25 11.70 77.00 Amazing Hybrid Candid Charm Hybrid Majestic Hybrid Rushmore Hybrid Snow Crown Hybrid White Passion Hybrid Brocoverde Shannon YR Violet Queen Cheddar Hybrid $2.65 $3.00 $2.90 $4.15 $2.35 $1.90 $1.90 $3.75 2.70 11.25 5,000 Seeds 10,000 Seeds 50,000 Seeds 100,000 Seeds 7.60/M 6.65/M 6.00/M 5.75/M 8.70/M 8.40/M 8.15/M 7.90/M 9.50/M 8.50/M 7.80/M 7.40/M 15.35/M 14.15/M 12.95/M 12.15/M 9.75/M 8.60/M 7.80/M 7.35/M 11.50/M 9.85/M 8.70/M 7.95/M 4.35/M 3.95/M 3.00/M 2.25/M 22.90/M 19.45/M 17.20/M 15.75/M 10.35/M 9.45/M — — 68,00/M 62.00/M 15 4339 Rhubarb Chard 60 days. Edible ornamental variety. Thick, savoyed leaves are reddish green; stalks are brilliant crimson, lending a likeness to rhubarb. Good flavor. Attractive in vegetable or flower plantings. Collards (Brassica oleracea, Acephala Group) Approx. 9,000 seeds/oz. Pkt plants 25 ft. of row; 1⁄4 oz sows 100 ft. Direct-sow 2-4 lbs/acre. Sow seeds thinly, 1⁄4” deep 12-24” apart in rows 24-36” apart. Seeds germinate in about 10 days. All seed is graded and treated. 2767 Blue Max Hybrid 68 days. Exclusive! Outstanding hybrid yields up to 25% m o re than o.p. types. Fast growth of large, slightly savoyed leaves with large leaf surface extending further down the petioles and close internode spacing assure reliably heavy harvest. Leaves are tender, mild, tasty; hold blue-green color well even after cutting. Upright, highly uniform, vigorous plants are sturdy and compact. Fresh Mkt, Processing, Gdn. Celery Starlet Celery Swiss Chard Bright Lights (Apium graveolens dulce) Approx. 72,000 seeds/oz. Pkt produces about 500 plants; 1 oz produces about 10,000 plants. Seeds germinate in about 21 days. Set plants 6-12” apart in rows 18-40”apart. Note: Days to maturity are from transplant. 2673 Starlet 120 days. The first Tall Utah type to show excellent tolerance to Fusarium wilt; slower to bolt than Tall Utah 52-70R. O.P. plants produce compact, full-hearted stalks of high market quality with long, smooth, medium dark greenribs. Plants 25-27” tall with few basal buds. Tolerant to F1, F2. Fresh Mkt. 2772 Champion 78 days. Vates type selected for longer standing ability. Widely adapted 1-1 1⁄ 2 ’ plants are vigorous, yield well. Introduced by the Virginia A.E.S. 2777 Flash Hybrid 75 days. Smooth, flat, broad, deep green, early Vates type. Upright 18” plants are slow to bolt. Fast regrowth and good uniformity. 1000 sds $4.20; 5,000 sds 15.50; 10 MSd 2.40/MSd; 50 MSd 2.00/MSd 2678 Tall Utah 52-70R Improved 120 days. Well-known and in demand for high quality harvest superior pack. Thick, smooth long petioles are produced on tall vigorous, sturdy plants, 10-11” to the first joint. Resistant to brown check; apparent tolerance to certain strains of Western celery mosaic. 2782 Georgia Southern 80 days. Well adapted to all areas; performs well under adverse conditions or poor soil. Plants reach about 3’ in height. Upright, large, blue-green leaves on leafy nonheading plants. Fresh Mkt, Roadside Mkt, Processing,Gdn. Swiss Chard 2789 Hi-Crop Hybrid - U n i f o rm, deep green, semi-savoyed tender leaves. Versatile and vigo rous hybrid, tolerates both heat and cold. Excellent producer of medium size plants in both long, hot and short, cool season areas. Plants can be harvested at one time. (Beta vulgaris, Cicia Group) Approx. 1,600 seeds/oz. Also called Leaf Beet. Pkt plants 25’ of row; 1⁄ 2 oz sows 100’ D i rect-sow 5 lbs/acre. Sow seeds 1⁄ 2 ” deep 12-15”apart in rows 24-36”apart. Seeds germinate in about 8 days. Collards Blue Max Hybrid 4329 Bright Lights 65 days this 20” plant has moderated, savoyed leaves. Veins are primarily light green. Petiole colors range from yellow, gold, pink and crimson. 2792 Morr i s. Popular in traditional southern markets. Leaves grow straight up in young stages and are picked for early greens. After leaf harvest, plant can be left in field to form a head which can be harvested and used like cabbage. 4334 Fordhook Giant 60 days. Vigorous variety provides heavy yields. Thick, fleshy, savoyed leaves with wide, pearly white stalks up to 21⁄2 ” across. 2802 Vates 75 days. The standard, most well known variety. Compact plants with thick, broad leaves grow 11⁄ 2 -2’ tall. Catalog Number CELERY PRICES 2678 Pkt Tall Utah 52-70R Improved ⁄ 2 oz oz 2.30 3.00 Pkt oz 1 $1.65 Catalog Number SWISS CHARD PRICES 1 1 ⁄ 2 lb 8.00 12.20 ⁄ 4 lb 1 lb 5 lb 19.00 17.50/lb ⁄ 2 lb lb 5 lb Bright Lights Fordhook Giant $1.75 $1.40 10.20 2.50 17.80 3.70 31.50 5.00 58.00 8.85 52.00/lb 8.45/lb 4339 Rhubarb Chard $1.50 3.45 5.25 8.40 15.30 14.60/lb ⁄2 lb lb Pkt oz 2772 2777 2782 2792 Champion Flash Hybrid Georgia Southern Morris $ 1.65 2.90 $ 2.25 14.55 $ 1.45 2.25 — $1.45 2802 Vates $ 1.60 Catalog HYBRID COLLARD PRICES Number M=1,000 seeds 16 ⁄ 4 lb 4329 4334 Catalog Number COLLARDS PRICES Collards Hi-Crop Hybrid 1 2767 2789 Blue Max Hybrid Hi-Crop Hybrid 2.15 ⁄4 lb 1 5.70 9.15 15.80 47.50 83.00 157.00 2.85 4.95 8.80 2.00 3.20 5.40 3.35 100 500 Seeds Seeds $1.75 $1.45 1 2.25 2.25 4.65 5 lb 25 lb 50 lb 14.25/lb 13.40/lb12.95/lb 148.00/lb 140.00/lb — 7.75/lb 7.25/lb 6.75/lb 4.80/lb 4.40/lb — 6.85 5.40/lb 4.70/lb 4.20/lb 1,000 Seeds 5,000 Seeds 10,000 Seeds 80,000 Seeds 2.95 3.65 2.45/M 3.15/M 2.20/M 2.75/M 1.90/M 2.50/M Pak Choi Joi Choi Hybrid Chinese Cabbage Monument Hybrid Chinese Cabbage Blues Hybrid Chinese Cabbage Michihili Jade Pagoda Hybrid Chinese Cabbage (Brassica Rapa, Pekinensis Group) Approx. 9,000 seeds/oz. Packet plants 25’ of row; 1⁄4 oz sows 100’. Direct sow 1⁄2 -11⁄2 lbs/acre. Sow seeds 1⁄4”deep, 12-24” apart in rows 24-36” apart.Seeds germinate in about 10 days. Napa types somtimes called “Louisiana Lettuce”; all types gaining popularity as a salad bar offering. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. All seed is graded and treated. Napa Type, Barrel Shape 2688 Apollo Hybrid 65 days. Excellent heat tolerance and good cold tolerance, well suited for spring sowings/early summer harvest in temperate regions. Bright green 5 lb heads, light yellow interior. Excellent field holding ability. Highly tolerant to Clubroot, certain Virus and Soft rot diseases. Fresh Mkt. 2693 Blues Hybrid 57 days. Napa type with broad, squat heads. Early, multiple disease resistance and very slow to bolt. Recommended for spring to early summer crops. Mature heads average 41⁄ 2 lbs.,fresh green leaves with wide, white midribs. Resistant to alternaria leaf spot, bacterial soft rot, DM, YT, DM , BR and virus. 2703 China Pride Hybrid 69 days. Rugged Napa type best for fall/winter crops. Broad, large heads average 51⁄2 lbs., with good darkgreen color. Strong, uniform plants show hightolerance to bacterial soft rot, DM and tip burn . Well adapted to cool temperature areas. 2718 Optiko Hybrid 60 days. Early, vigorous, b a rrel shaped Napa type heads 5”x 11” tall. Extremely bolt tolerant. Mid green wrappers, white ribs. High yield potential due to YR, TBT disease package. Michihili Type, Narrow Cylindrical Shape 2708 Michihili Jade Pagoda Hybrid 65 days. Early Michihili type, slower to bolt. Very uniform, vigorous cylindridal plants to 16” high, 6 lbs. Chinese Cabbage Apollo Hybrid Pak Choi Mei Qing Hybrid Novelty Chinese Cabbage 2735 Japanese White Celery Mustard 60 days. Oriental novelty used as greens. Bulbous shape with broad, pure white stalks; dark green, thick, spoon-shaped leaves. Cold tolerant. Pak Choi Culture same as for Chinese Cabbage. 2740 Joi Choi Hybrid 55 days. Extremely well adapted to fall and winter planting. Very tender, shiny, dark green leaves; tender white stalks. Uniform plants are slow to bolt, high yielding, cold tolerant. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 2745 Mei Qing Choi Hybrid 40 days. First hybrid pak choi with green petioles—produces highly marketable plants. Easy to grow, attractive heads are tender, excellent eating quality. Vigorous, early, uniform plants are upright, compact and slow to bolt. Well adapted to spring/fall sowings; tolerant to heat and cold. 2713 Monument Hybrid 80 days. Finest Michihili type hybrid available. Strong, vigorous plants to 18” are tolerant to specking; p roduce tall, uniform, dense, cylindrical heads with deeper green outer color, white interiors, good flavor. BR YT or YR DM Apollo Hybrid Blues Hybrid China Pride Hybrid Michihili Jade Pagoda Hybrid Optiko Hybrid Monument Hybrid Joi Choi Hybrid 2745 Mei Qing Choi Hybrid Bouquet Hybrid Japanese White Celery Mustard 5,000 10,000 50,000 100,000 1,000,000 Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds $1.95 3.00 2.555/M 2.20/M 1.95/M 1.80/M $2.35 3.25 2.65/M 2.20/M 1.75/M 1.70/M $2.45 3.50 2.95/M 2.45/M 2.25/M 2.15/M $2.45 3.500 2.95/M 2.45/M 2.25/M 2.15/M $2.15 5.15 4.15/M 3.60/M 3.15/M 3.00/M $2.40 3.30 2.65/M 2.20/M 1.80/M 1.75/M $2.45 3.40 2.60/M 2.45/M 2.20/M 2.15/M $2.45 3.40 2.60/M 2.45/M 2.20/M 2.15/M Catalog Number CHINESE CABBAGE/PAK CHOI PRICES Pkt 2698 2735 Black Rot Yellows Tolerant or Resistant Downey Mildew Cabbage—see pages 8-9 Catalog CHINESE CABBAGE/PAK CHOI PRICES 200 1,000 Number M=1,000 seeds Seeds Seeds 2688 2693 2703 2708 2718 2713 2740 Chinese Cabbage China Pride Hybrid Chinese Cabbage Disease Tolerance Codes: $1.45 $1.45 1 ⁄ 2 oz oz 3.95 3.25 6.90 4.75 1 ⁄ 4 lb 19.65 13.50 1 1.70/M 1.55/M 2.05/M 2.05/M 2.80/M 1.50/M 2.00/M 2.00/M ⁄ 2 lb lb 5 lb 33.00 22.00 59.00 38.00 58.00/lb 30.00/lb Chinese Cabbage Optiko Hybrid 17 Sweet Corn Hybrids Summer Sweet® Brand Series (sh2 super sweet) Join the “Sweet Corn Revolution” begun in the ‘80’s — grow the world’s sweetest corn, perfect for shipping to long-distance markets! Exclusive! High-quality sweet corn series is genetically designed for two to three times the sweetness of normal sugary sweet corn. Summer Sweet® Brand varieties are characterized by high sugar content, low water-soluble polysaccharides, and crisp texture. Full sh2 homozygous kernels stay sweet longer than other types of sweet corn, excellent for long-distance shipping. Tasty, crunchy kernels are excellent raw; need no butter or salt. Genetically a shrunken-2 type (sh2), Summer Sweet® Brand varieties produce finequality ears with very attractive, glossy, 100% super sweetkernels of crisp texture . Seed is lighter than other types of sweet corn because of the high sugar content in the kernel. Seed has a shriveled appearance and higher seed count per lb. Plantings require isolation; sow when soil is warm. We supply growing instructions with your s e e d o rder for best crop results. If you’re packing and shipping your sweet corn for sale more than 48 hours after picking, Summer Sweet® Brand hybrid series will please the consumers with its quality. Fresh Mkt, shipping, roadside, Gdn. Note: Sold by kernel count only, not by weight. See price chart, below. We supply a grade size of approx. 4,000 kernels/lb; recommend 25,000 kernels/acre. Summer Sweet® Sugar3™ Types (Ultra & Supreme) A tested breakthrough in eating quality offering the best combination of sweetness, creaminess and tenderness of any of the corn tested. High gloss kernels, refined ear appearance, high % marketable ears.Super Sweet-holding sugar for days under good post-harvest conditions, yet creamy flavored with tender pericarp. Superb for Roadside, UPick, grocery mkts and an exceptional garden variety. Rapid emergence, tolerant of cool soil. Strong root system. May develop tasselate ear tips under stress. 1689 Summer Sweet® Brand Variety #642A W Hybrid. 78 days. Extra fine, large, thick 8 1 ⁄2” x 1 7⁄8” ears with 18-20 rows of white sugar cream kernels. Moderant tolerance to NCLB. 1704 Summer Sweet® Supreme Series™ Variety #502 Hybrid. 79 days. 18-20 rows of creamy bicolor kernels combined with supersweet high sugar. 8-8 12⁄ ”-9”cylindrical ears. NCLB, SW. White (sh 2) Summer Sweet® Hybrids 1354 ACcelerator Hybrid. 79 days. Large thick 8”x 1 7⁄8” ears produced on sturdy, rugged 5’ stalks. Excellent germination potential. Long dark green husks, strong flags with excellent tip fill. 16 rows of kernels. 1624 Summer Sweet® Brand Variety #7111W. 75 days. White super sweet kernels produced on 8” x 1 7⁄8” ears on strong, sturdy 6 1⁄2’ plants with tight husk and excellent tip fill. 16-20 rows of kernels. SW, NCLB. 1669 Summer Sweet® Brand Variety #8101R. Exclusive. 81 days. Bright White supersweet kernels produced on long 8 1⁄2”9”x 1 34⁄ ” ears. Improved best white. Rugged clean plant. Great eating quality. Good husk. Strong emergence and vigor. 16-18 rows of kernels. SW, NCLB, CR. 1656 Summer Sweet® Brand Variety Hybrid - (sh2) 83 days. Big 8NEW! #7641R 1 ⁄2" ears, slightly tapered. with 18-20 kernel rows. Bright white kernels. Extrra strong disease package. Tall stalk holds ears well above critter level. Tight deep green husk. Best compatible alternate for Snow White. Resistant SW, NCLB, RR-Rp1D Yellow (sh2) Summer Sweet® Hybrids 1579 Summer Sweet® Brand Variety #600. 80 days. Very bright, high luster yellow kernels on ears 8-8 1⁄2” x 1 3⁄4”. Sturdy 6’ stalks. Very good husk length and flags. 16 rows of yellow kernels. Moderate tolerance to SW, NCLB. 1599 Summer Sweet® Brand Variety #6800R Hybrid. 73 days. First early corn with refined ear and strong disease pkg. Widely adapted to most sweet corn areas. Early for fall and spring plantings. 7” x 1 7⁄8” ears produce 14 rows of yellow kernels on sturdy 6’ stalks. SW, NCLB, CR. 1614 Summer Sweet® Brand Variety #7100R. 76 days. Refined super sweet yellow 8” x 1 7⁄8” ear. Widely adapted. Good for both fall and spring plantings. Compact, sturdy 6’ stalks. Excellent tip fill. 16 rows of kernels. SW, NCLB, CR. ⁄4" x 1- ⁄8", with long husk and strong flag trait. Supersweet Jubilee type, best compatible alternative for this type. 1654 Summer Sweet® Brand Variety #7650R Hybrid. 83 days. 6’ stalks resist lodging & bird peck, super long 8 1⁄4” x 1 3⁄4” ears. 16-18 rows of yellow kernels. SW, NLB, CR. 1696 Summer Sweet® Multisweet® Brand Variety #820Y Hybrid - 77 days. Large yel low, cylindrical 8-1⁄2" ears. 16-18 ker NEW! nel rows, dark green husks with good flags. Comparable to Supersweet Jubilee size and shape, with even more extra Sugar3™ eating quality. Tolerant SW, NCLB Bicolor (sh2) Summer Sweet® Hybrids 1634 Summer Sweet® Brand Variety #7210 Improved. 76 days. Now, more uniform and slightly smaller version of our famous original. Excellent package, improved appearance, high yield potential. Glossy, bright yellow 8” x 1 7⁄8” ears produced on 6’ stalks. 1416 rows of kernels. NCLB, SW, ALB. 1619 Summer Sweet® Brand Variety #7102R. 75 days. Excellent seedling vigor for cool soil. Rugged, sturdy 6 1⁄2’ plants. 7 1⁄2” x 1 5⁄8” ears. Excellent fill, strong contrast. 16 rows of bi-color kernels. SW, NCLB, CR. 1674 Summer Sweet® Brand Variety #8102R BC. 81 days. 8 1⁄2” cylindrical ears. 16-18 rows of bi-color kernels. Rust resistant version of 8102BC. SW, NLB. CR. 1684 Summer Sweet ® Brand Variety #7640R. 84 days. Very refined, bright yellow 81⁄2” ear with 18-20 rows of kernels.Consistent high yielder with extra Rust resistance. SW, NCLB, CR. 1609 Summer Sweet® Brand Variety #6802R. 73 days. Strong 6 1⁄2’ plants. Full tips, very refined 7 1⁄2” x 1 1⁄2” ears for early variety. 16 rows of bi-color kernels. SW, NCLB. 1664 Summer Sweet ® Brand Variety #8100R Hybrid. 81 days, Improved disease pkg. Refined 8 12⁄ ” x 1 3⁄4” ears produced on sturdy 6’ stalks. Widely adapted to most sweet corn areas. Good stress tolerance. Excellent yield and recovery . Good husks, strong flags. 16-18 rows of yellow kernels. SW, NCLB, CR. A Note about Hybrids… There is a lot of recent interest in old-fashioned “heirloom” vegetable varieties. While these varieties may have their place in the garden, hybrid varieties have advantages to the commercial g rower over these older types: namely diseaseresistance, more plant vigor, and often better yields. We suggest planting hybrid varieties, especially any of the Summer Flavor® Brand or Professional Seeds Series™ for best results. 1679 Summer Sweet® Brand Variety #945Y Hybrid. 77 days. Strong in cool soil. Rugged, 6 1⁄2’ stalks bear 8” x 1 3⁄4” ears with tight husks and excellent flags. 16 rows of yellow kernels. SW, NCLB, CR, SCLB. 1349 ACcede Hybrid. 81 days. Refined 7 1⁄2” x 1 3⁄4” ear for early havest. Strong 6’ stalks resist lodging. Very tight husks, strong flags. 16-18 rows of yellow kernels. SW, NCLB, CR. SUMMER SWEET® BRAND PRICES #500,#502, #600, 642AW, 6800R, 7100R 7102R, 7210 Imp, 7640R,7641R, 7650R 8100 R,8102 R BC, ACcede, ACcession, 820Y, 945Y, 6802R 6801 7111W, #8101R, Accellator 18 1352 ACcession Hybrid - (sh2) 78 days. yellow. Large top quality ears, 8NEW! Bright 3 7 A NOTE ABOUT ISOLATION: The reason for isolating super sweet (s h2) types is the same as for isolating white from yellow corn, but more important because marketability of the ear is affected. The sh2 types are isolated to prevent cross pollination with normal sugary sweet corn or field corn. Isolate in one of three ways: by maturity (10 days to two weeks), by distance (100-150 ft. upwind), or use a barrier planting. 500 2,500 5,000 10,000 25,000 50,000 Kernels* Kernels* Kernels* Kernels* Kernels* Kernels* $5.50 $20.70 $33.15 $55.65 $122.00 $4.50 $5.80 $17.35 $22.45 $28.40 $36.75 $49.00 $109.35 $63.35 $141.40 $246.70 $200.65 $259.50 100,000 Kernels* 438.00 $375.00 $485.00 Sweet Corn Super Sweet Corn ACcelerator Sweet Corn Summer Sweet® Brand Variety #7650R Sweet Corn Summer Sweet® Brand Variety #7111W Sweet Corn Summer Sweet® Brand Variety #945Y Sweet Corn SuperSweet Corn ACcede Sweet Corn Summer Sweet® Brand Variety #8100R Summer Sweet® Brand Variety #7210 Improved Sweet Corn Super Sweet Corn ACcession Sweet Corn Summer Sweet® Brand Variety #8101R 19 Sweet Corn Honey ’N Pearl Hybrid Triple Sweet Hybrid Sweet Corn Sweet Corn Serendipity Hybrid TripleSweet™ is a class of corn with 75% se k e rnels and 25% sh2 k e rnels on each ear. Combines extra tender creamy texture with extra sweet and lasting flavor for extended field holding ability and long shelf life even under some kinds of stress conditions. 1369 Avalon Hybrid 82 days. White TripleSweet™. Large white ears 8-1⁄4" x 1-3⁄4". 16 kernel rows, medium green husks with compact flags. Superior eating quality compared to other white se types. Roadside, Local Top Quality. Sweet Corn Double Up Hybrid 1424 Honey Select Hybrid 79 days. YellowTripleSweet™. Top quality product, enhanced flavor and holding ability. Extra fat yellow ears 8 12⁄ x 2” with 18-20 kernel rows, green husks with good flags. Roadside, U-Pick, Fresh Mkt. 1426 Honey Treat Hybrid 76 days. Yellow TripleSweet™ 8" x 1-78⁄ "; 14-18 kernel rows. Large cylindrical ears covered to tip in fat tender yellow kernels. Medium dark green husk cover extends past the end of the ear. Matures earlier than Honey Select providing high quality for early farm stand sales. Stalks 6-12⁄ ft. Roadside, Local Shipping, Fresh Mkt, U-Pick 1504 Serendipity Hybrid 82 days. Bicolor TripleSweet. Superb eating ears with shelf life. 8 ft stalk, 8 x 1 78⁄ ” ears with 16-18 kernel rows. Roadside, Local shipping. Sweet Corn Honey Treat Hybrid SH2 Super Sweet Corn Sweet Corn Avalon Hybrid A Note about Hybrids… There is a lot of recent interest in old-fashioned “heirloom” vegetable varieties. While these varieties may have their place in the garden, hybrid varieties have advantages to the commercial g rower over these older types: namely diseaseresistance, more plant vigor, and often better yields. We suggest planting hybrid varieties, especially any of the Summer Flavor® Brand or Professional Seeds Series™ for best results. BiColor Hybrids 1419 Honey ’N Pearl Hybrid (sh2) 78 days. Supersweet type with excellent holding ability. Well-formed, 9” ears contain 16-18 straight rows of shiny yellow and white kernels; excellent tip fill. Flavorful, sweet; rated high in All America taste trials. Shipping, Roadside Mkt, Processing. A NOTE ABOUT ISOLATION: The reason for isolating super sweet (s h2) types is the same as for isolating white from yellow corn, but more important because marketability of the ear is affected. The sh2 types are isolated to prevent cross pollination with normal sugary sweet corn or field corn. Isolate in one of three ways: by maturity (10 days to two weeks), by distance (100-150 ft. upwind), or use a barrier planting. 1389 Double Up Hybrid - 73 days. (sh2) Large and early, 8 x 1.8" ears produce 14-16 rows of bicolor kernels. Good tip fill with medium green husks. Excellent for most areas. NCLB, SCLB, SW Roadside, Local Top Quality. Catalog Number 1419 1424 1426 1504 1369 SWEET CORN PRICES Honey ‘N Pearl Honey Select Honey Treat Serendipity Hybrid Avalon Hybrid Catalog Number HYBRID SWEET CORN 1389 Sweet Corn Honey Select Hybrid 20 Double Up Hybrid 1 ⁄4 lb 1 ⁄2 lb lb 5 lb 10 lb 25 lb 50 lb 100 lb 500 lb $6.30 9.65 16.00 14.30/lb13.00/lb12.10/lb11.45/lb10.90/lb10.30/lb $6.90 10.80 14.35 11.45/lb 11.15/lb 10.95/lb 10.40/lb10.30/lb10.00/lb $5.95 9.15 15.50 13.65/lb 12.40/lb 11.50/lb 10.80/lb10.30/lb 9.90/l $6.15 9.45 16.00 14.00/lb 12.75/lb 11.75/lb 11.15/lb10.65/lb10.25/lb $8.25 12.75 21.60 19.00/lb 17.25/lb 16.00/lb 15.00/lb14.30/lb13.75/lb 25,000 50,000 100,000 KernelsKernels Kernels Kernels 500 2,500 5,000 Kernels Kernels Kernels $6.15 23.65 149.00 274.00 512.00 38.75 10,000 67.00 Sweet Corn Krispy King Hybrid Sweet Corn Supersweet Jubilee Hybrid Explanation of Sweet Corn Types Selecting Sweet Corn Varieties Sweet Corn breeders have been working with many new genetic combinations aff e c ting the sugars in sweet corn varieties, which in turn affects classification of varieties. So far, there has not been complete agreement about classifying various types. Tw i l l e y ’s research department continually looks at diff e rent varieties and how they perf o rm. The following information will help clarify types listed by Twilley, so you can choose what’s best for your sweet corn production. Homozygous Shrunken 2 Gene Type (sh2) Full homozygous — 100% of kernels are super sweet, with 2 to 3 times the sugars of normal sugary types at peak harvest. Kernels are characterized by high sugar content, low water-soluble polysaccharides, and crisp texture. Conversion of sugars to s t a rch is much slower than for normal sugary types, allowing longer storage, long-distance shipping. Isolation is re q u i red. The exclusive Summer Sweet® Brand Series is the ultimate example of 100% super sweet genetics. The series includes a wide range of yellow, white and bicolor varieties, all of the highest quality with excellent keeping quality for shipping/fresh market more than 48 hours after picking. Homozygous Sugary Enhancer Gene Type (se) Full homozygous — 100% of the kernels are sugary enhanced. Each tasty kernel has higher sugar content than normal sugary types but has comparable levels of starch which contribute to its creamy texture and delicious “corn” flavor. The kernels also have a very tender pericarp. Best used within 48 hours of picking. Isolation is suggested but not required. The exclusive Summer Flavor® Brand Series is the ultimate example of full homozygous se. The full range of yellow, white and bicolor varieties provide the ultimate in gourmet flavor — creamy, tender and sweet. The best for roadside and fresh market. Heterozygous Shrunken 2 Gene Type Some sweet corn varieties have some super sweet parentage, giving them approximately 25% of the kernels on each ear with the extra-high sugars of sh2. Best used immediately after picking; conversion of sugar to starch is rapid. Isolation suggested but not required. Heterozygous Sugary Enhancer Gene Type Many so-called se types fall into this category, with approximately 25% of the kernels on each ear being sugary enhanced. This gene provides about 15% higher sugars at peak harvest over normal sugary types. Best used immediately after picking: conversion of sugar to starch is rapid. Isolation not required. Normal Sugary Gene Type (su) The standard sweet corn for many years. Sweet, creamy kernels with tender skin best used immediately after picking; conversion of sugar to starch is rapid. Isolation not required. A NOTE ABOUT ISOLATION The reason for isolating super sweet (s h2) types is the same as for isolating white from yellow corn, but more important because marketability of the ear is affected. The sh2 types are isolated to prevent cross pollination with normal sugary sweet corn or field corn. Isolate in one of three ways: by maturity (10 days to two weeks), by distance (100-150 ft. upwind), or use a barrier planting. Catalog Number SWEET CORN PRICES 1429 How Sweet It Is Hybrid $5.60 ⁄4 lb 1 ⁄2 lb 1 lb 5 lb 10 lb 25 lb 50 lb 100 lb 500 lb 8.60 14.75 12.85/lb11.35/lb10.55/lb10.00/lb9.55/lb 8.95/lb Sweet Corn How Sweet It Is Hybrid SH2 Super Sweet Corn Yellow Hybrids 1454 Krispy King Hybrid - 78 days. (sh2) Yellow. Large, 8 x 1.9" ears produce extra deep sweet, bicolor kernels. 18-20 kernel rows, excellent tip fill. Roadside Mkt, Shipping. 500 sds $6.15; 2,500 sds $23.65; 5,000 sds $38.75; 10,000 sds $67.00; 25,000 sds $149.00; 50,000 sds $274.00; 100,00 sds $512.00 1709 Supersweet Jubilee Hybrid (sh2) 83 days. Super sweet Jubilee type with excellent holding ability. Ears 81⁄2 x 1 7 ⁄ ” long have 16-20 rows of tender, yellow ker8 nels. Plants 7-9’ tall are widely adapted. Isolation required. Shipping, Roadside Mtk, Processing. 500 sds $5.90; 2,500 sds $22.70; 5,000 sds $37.25; 10,000 sds $68.00; 25,000 sds $138.00; 50,000 sds $244.00; 100,00 sds $447.00 SH2 Super Sweet Corn White Hybrids 1429 How Sweet It Is Hybrid (sh2) 87 days.Ears to 8 x 1.9” long contain 18 rows of crisp, very sweet kernels. Widely adapted plants grow to 7’, MT to NCLB, SW. Normally produces two ears/stalk. Isolation required. Commercial, Shipping, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Disease Tolerance codes: ALB CR GW NCLB NCLB1 NCLB2 SCLB W Anthracnose Leaf Blight Common Rust Goss’s Wilt Northern Leaf Blight Northern Leaf Blight, Race 1 Northern Leaf Blight, Race 2 Southern Leaf Blight Stewart’s Wilt Special Note: Most of our seed is treated with approved seed protectants. This promotes better growth, especially under cool, wet conditions. 21 Sweet Corn Whiteout Hybrid Sweet Corn Silver King Hybrid White Hybrid SE Sweet Corn Sweet Corn Spring Snow Hybrid All these varieties suited to Fresh Mkt, shipping, Gdn. 1364 Argent Hybrid (se) 86 days. Medium late white with fine eating quality. The 81⁄2 x 2” ears average 16 rows of tasty kernels; good eating. Vigorous plants HT to SW, NCLB, T to CR. 6 1⁄2’ stalks. Heterozygous se type. 1379 Debutante Hybrid (se) 70 days. White. 5 1 ⁄2 x 6’ stalks. Early, high quality white 7” x 1 3⁄4” ear with 14-16 rows of kernels per ear. Truly a g o u rmet sweet corn with superb eating quality. 1509 Silver King Hybrid 82 days. Slightly t a p e red ears with 16 rows and very good tip fill of this white homozygous se. 6-7’ plants, 8 x 1 7 ⁄8” ears. Medium green husk with good cover. Wide range of adaption. T to NLB, W,CR. 1514 Silver Knight Hybrid (se) 67 days. Earliest of the “Silvers”. Famous eating quality, glistening white kernels. 14-16 rows of kernels on 7 1⁄2 x 1 3⁄4” ears. Excellent husk cover for such early maturity. 1524 Silver Princess (se) 74 days. Outstanding variety producing 7 12⁄ x 2” ears filled to the tip with 18-20 rows of sweet, glossy white kernels. Exceptional eating quality with early maturity. T to NLCB, W and CR. Sweet Corn Silver Princess Hybrid Sweet Corn Argent Hybrid 1529 Silver Queen Hybrid (su) 88 days Uniform 8 x 1 34⁄ ” large ears contain 14-16 rows of white kernels. Dark green husks and flags. Vigorous plants to 7’ resistant to leaf blight. Short-distance shipping. T to NLCB, SW, SCLB. Sweet Corn Summer Flavor® Brand Variety #76 W 1534 Spring Snow Hybrid - 67 days. 5’ stalk. 7 " ears. Snow white kernels, very tender, sweet and silky textured. 12-16 rows, Compact plant resists lodging. 1564 Summer Flavor® Brand Variety #76 W. 76 days. Attractive dark-green husks with excellent flag leaves. A consistent performer with 5 1⁄2 x 6’ sturdy plants and excellent seeding vigor. 8” x 1 5⁄8” ears with excellent gourmet sweet flavor and creamy texture. SW, NLCB 1724 Whiteout Hybrid (se) 74 days. White. 8 x 1 3⁄4” ears with 16 kernel rows of excellent eating quality. Stalks 6 1⁄2’ tall. Sturdy, vigorous plants have great ear conformation. Sweet Corn Debutante Hybrid Catalog Number HYBRID SWEET CORN PRICES 1364 1379 1534 1509 1514 1524 1529 1724 Argent Debutante Spring Snow Silver King Silver Knight Silver Princess Silver Queen Whiteout SUMMER FLAVOR® BRAND PRICES ⁄4 lb 1 $4.35 $3.80 $4.55 $5.80 $5.40 $5.55 $4.70 $4.80 ⁄2 lb 1 5 lb 9.85/lb 8.70/lb 10.35/lb 10.30/lb 10.00/lb 10.65/lb 9.00/lb 10.95/lb 10 lb 8.95/lb 7.90/lb 9.40/lb 9.50/lb 9.00/lb 9.65/lb 8.00/lb 9.95/lb 25 lb 50 lb 100 lb 500 lb 8.35/lb 7.30/lb 8.65/lb 8.95/lb 8.60/lb 9.25/lb 7.80/lb 9.20/lb 7.80/lb 6.90/lb 8.20/lb 8.60/lb 8.30/lb 8.85/lb 7.70/lb 8.65/lb 7.40/lb 6.55/lb 7.85/lb 8.40/lb 8.00/lb 8.65/lb 7.50/lb 8.25/lb 7.15/lb 6.30/lb 7.70/lb 8.30/lb 7.95/lb 8.55/lb 7.25/lb 7.95/lb 500 2,500 5,000 10,000 25,000 50,000 Kernels* Kernels* Kernels* Kernels* Kernels* Kernels* Summer Flavor® Brand Variety #76 W $3.25 22 lb 6.60 11.20 5.85 9.85 6.95 11.75 8.80 112.25 8.40 11.75 9.00 12.65 7.25 10.55 7.35 12.35 11.95 19.25 33.00 75.00 135.00 100,000 Kernels* 235.00 Sweet Corn Golden Blessing Hybrid (see description pg 23) SE Full homozygous — 100% of the kernels are sugary enhanced. Each tasty kernel has higher sugar content than normal sugary types but has comparable levels of starch which contribute to its creamy texture and delicious “corn” flavor. The kernels also have a very tender pericarp. Best used within 48 hours of picking. Isolation is suggested but not required. The full range of yellow, white and bicolor varieties provide the ultimate in gourmet flavor — creamy, tender and sweet. The best for roadside and fresh market. Disease Tolerance codes: ALB CR GW NCLB NCLB1 NCLB2 SCLB W Anthracnose Leaf Blight Common Rust Goss’s Wilt Northern Leaf Blight Northern Leaf Blight, Race 1 Northern Leaf Blight, Race 2 Southern Leaf Blight Stewart’s Wilt Yellow Hybrid SE Sweet Corn 1376 Colorow Hybrid - 77 days. Beautiful big 8-1⁄2"' yellow ear, 16-18 kernel rows, Top se quality, best replacement for Chief Ouray. Vigourous 6+ft stalk holds ear above ground. Clean plant, Roadside, UPick, Fresh Market, Shipping. 1404 Eureka Hybrid (se) 73 days. Yellow. 8 x 13⁄4 ” ears with 14-18 kernel rows on 5 to 51 ⁄2 ’ stalks. Ears are blocky and easy-snap. The very best eating quality with Galinat’sTABLESWEET® homoz gous SE genetics. 1396 Early Sunglow Hybrid - (su) 70 days. Yellow. Big 7-1⁄2" x 1-3⁄4" ears, 12-14 kernel rows. Among the finest traditional Sweet Corns. Old fashioned creamy sweet flavor with big kernels for locally grown market. Fresh Mkt, Roadside, Gdn. Sweet Corn Eureka Hybrid 1409 Golden Blessing Hybrid 72 days. 1⁄2 se. Fat ears, 2 x 8" long, packed deep and tight with 18-20 rows of golden, extra tender kernels. Classic creamy corn flavor. Robust wind resistant 6’ stalks bear ears 2’ above ground. Heavy husk cover. Bred for strong seedling vigor and cold soil emergence, Roadside, Fresh Mkt. 1414 Golden Queen Hybrid (su) 88 days. The yellow version of Silver Queen, quite popular with our customers nationwide. Uniform ears 8 1⁄2” x 1 3⁄4” contain 12-16 rows of yellow kernels with Silver Queen flavor; very sweet and tender. Very dark husks and flag leaves. T to W, NCLB, SCLB. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 1434 Jubilee Hybrid (su) 81 days. Popular allpurpose variety bears 81⁄2 x 1 3⁄4 ” ears with 1620 rows of sugary yellow kernels; sometimes two ears per stalk. Flavorful, tender and sweet. Adapted to New England, Great Lakes, west of the Mississippi. High yields. Processing, freezing, canning, roasting, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 1439 Kandy Korn E.H. Hybrid 81 days. Sweeter than normal sugary types. Very attractive purple stalks, purple and gre e nhusks. The 9” x 1 3⁄4” ears have 16 rows of tender, very sweet yellow kernels. Long-lasting sweetness allows longer harvest period.Fre s h Mkt, Gdn. T to CR, W. Sweet Corn Tendertreat E.H. Hybrid Sweet Corn Early Sunglow Hybrid Sweet Corn Jubilee Hybrid 1444 Kandy Kwik E.H. Hybrid (se) 67 days. A vigorous yellow variety that allows an early start on the season. Fresh-looking, dark green husks with 7-8” ears and 14-16 average row count. Meets demand for quality sweet corn early in the season. T to W, NCLB. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 1474 Precocious Hybrid - 66 days. Earliest homozygous SE variety. Especially suited for northern states and early season sowings. 7" ears, 12-14 rows. Yellow kernels with excellent flavor. 5’ to 5-12⁄ ’ stalk. Fresh Mkt, Gdn, Roadside. 1484 Seneca Horizon Hybrid 65 days. Early crop excellent for short-season areas. Large ears 9-10” long with 16-18 rows of bright yellow kernels; top quality. Good tip fill, attractive flags. Shows good emergence, early vigor; stalks have rapid growth potential, grow 5-51 ⁄2 ’. Well adapted to NE and MW. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 1539 Spring Treat Hybrid (se) 68 days. Yellow. Early crop ideal for short season areas, with unusually high quality and good yield for a first early variety. Large, 81⁄ 2 x 13 ⁄4 ” ears with 12 kernel rows. Clean tiller-free 5’ stalks. Fresh Mkt, roadside,Gdn. 1714 Tendert reat E.H. Hybrid 87 days. Sweeter than normal sugary types. Latematuring variety with attractive purple stalks, purple and green husks. The 9 x 1 7⁄8” ears have 14-18 rows of yellow kernels with excellent flavor and tender pericarp. Long-lasting sweetness allows longer harvest period. Large plants to 9-10’. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Tto W. Sweet Corn Kandy Korn E.H. Hybrid Catalog Number 1376 1404 1409 1414 1434 1439 1444 1484 1396 1474 1539 1714 HYBRID SWEET CORN Colorow Eureka Golden Blessing Golden Queen Jubilee Kandy Korn E.H. Kandy Kwik E.H. Seneca Horizon Early Sunglow Precocious Spring Treat Tendertreat ⁄4 lb 1 $4.95 $5.00 $4.75 $5.15 $5.30 $4.90 $4.15 $7.30 $3.95 $5.00 $5.00 $4.20 ⁄2 lb 1 Sweet Corn Precocious Hybrid lb 5 lb 10 lb 25 lb 50 lb 100 lb 500 lb 7.65 12.95 11.40/lb10.30/lb 9.55/lb 9.00/lb 8.60/lb 8.25/lb 7.70 12.95 11.50/lb10.45/lb 9.65/lb 9.15/lb 8.65/lb 8.35/lb 8.60 11.40 9.15/lb 8.85/lb 8.60/lb 8.30/lb 8.25/lb 8.00/lb 7.55 11.15 9.15/lb 8.15/lb 7.70/lb 7.50/lb 7.30/lb 7.25/lb 7.85 11.55 9.70/lb 8.55/lb 8.00/lb 7.90/lb 7.70/lb 7.50/lb 7.00 10.15 8.65/lb 7.95/lb 7.50/lb 7.30/lb 7.25/lb 6.95/lb 7.00 10.20 8.60/lb 7.80/lb 7.40/lb 7.15/lb 7.00/lb 6.90/lb 12.00 16.95 14.75/lb12.95/lb12.45/lb11.75/lb11.55/lb11.30/lb 6.15 10.35 9.15/lb 8.25/lb 7.65/lb 7.20/lb 6.85/lb 6.60/lb 7.70 13.15 11.55/lb10.50/lb 9.70/lb 9.15/lb 8.65/lb 8.35/lb 7.70 12.95 11.50/lb10.45/lb 9.65/lb 9.15/lb 8.65/lb 8.35/lb 6.85 9.95 8.60/lb 7.80/lb 7.40/lb 7.25/lb 7.00/lb 6.85/lb 23 Sweet Corn Mystique Hybrid Sweet Corn Luscious Hybrid Sweet Corn Ambrosia Hybrid Sweet Corn Peaches & Creamy Early Hybrid Sweet Corn Spring Treat Hybrid 1459 Luscious Hybrid (se) 75 days.Bicolor. 8 x 1 7⁄8” ears with 16-18 kernel rows of luscious kernels. 6-6 1⁄2’ stalks. Large, blunt ears have very sweet and tender eating quality with Galinat’s TABLESWEET® homozygous SE genetics. Produces well even under stressful conditions. The husk package offers good tip coverage and classy flags. Good tolerance to SW, NLB and SLB. Fresh Mkt, roadside, U-Pick. 1464 Mystique Hybrid (se) 75 days. Supreme homozygous se, extra good quality, may be the most tender kernel on the market. Extra disease resistance and good early vigor for easy growing. Excellent husk protection, similar to Delectable but midseason. Ears 8 1 ⁄2” x 2” with 16 kernel rows. Ear height 20” on 6’ stalk. T to CR, SW, NCLB. Fresh Mkt, Roadside,Local shipping,Gdn. So tender it is not recommended for mechanical harv est. 1466 Peaches 'N Cream Early EH Hybrid (su) 70 days. Bi-Color. 7-3⁄4" x 1-7⁄8" ears produce 14 rows of fat yellow and white kernels. The husk package offers long , medium green flags. A first early roadside variety that delivers a great sweet creamy flavor for locally grown mkt. Early Roadside, Gdn. Sweet Corn Delectable Hybrid Bi-Color Hybrid SE Sweet Corn 1359 Ambrosia Hybrid (se) 75 days. Fine quality bicolor. Exceptionally tender, delicious yellow and white kernels on 8” x 2”ears; average 16 rows per ear. Wonderful flavor. 7 1⁄2’ plants may have some tolerance to smut. Fresh Mkt, local shipping, Gdn.T to SW. 1384 Delectable Hybrid (se) 84 days. Midmain season bicolor with large, well-filled 9 x 2.1”. ears having 18 rows in a dark green husk. Widely adapted to all areas. Fresh Mkt, U-Pick, shipping, Gdn. T to NCLB, SW, MT to CR. Sweet Corn Precious Gem Hybrid 1399 Envoy Hybrid 69 days. ( s e ). Early Tablesweet® bicolor. 7-8" cylindral ears, 14-16 kernel rows Sweet, creamy and tender. Excellent husk package and clean, strong 6’ plants. Fresh Mkt, Roadside. 1469 Precious Gem Hybrid (se) 80 days. Bicolor. 6-6 1⁄2’ stalks. Tender, tasty 9 x 1 3⁄4” ears with 16-20 kernel rows. . Good flags and husk coverage, an easy snapper and clean plant. Tolerant to drought conditions.Tolerant to SW, CR. Fresh Mkt, roadside, U-Pick, Gdn. DISEASE TOLERANCE CODES 24 ALB Anthracnose Leaf Blight CR Common Rust GW Goss’s Wilt NLB Northern Leaf Blight NLB1 Northern Leaf Blight, Race 1 NLB2 Northern Leaf Blight, Race 2 SLB Southern Leaf Blight SW Stewart’s Wilt Catalog Number 1359 1384 1399 1459 1464 1469 1466 HYBRID SWEET CORN Ambrosia Delectable Envoy Luscious Mystique Precious Gem Peaches N Cream ⁄4 lb 1 $4.45 $4.30 $4.65 $4.60 $4.15 $4.60 $7.85 ⁄2 lb 1 lb 5 lb 10 lb 25 lb 50 lb 100 lb 500 lb 6.85 11.60 10.20/lb 9.25/lb 8.60/lb 8.00/lb 7.70/lb 7.40/lb 6.50 11.00 9.65/lb 8.75/lb 8.15/lb 7.60/lb 7.25/lb 7.00/lb 7.15 12.15 10.70/lb 9.70/lb 9.00/lb 8.45/lb 8.00/lb 7.75/lb 7.00 11.95 10.50/lb 9.55/lb 8.85/lb 8.25/lb 7.95/lb 7.60/lb 6.30 11.15 10.15/lb 9.30/lb 8.60/lb 8.00/lb 6.55/lb 7.00/lb 7.00 11.95 10.50/lb 9.55/lb 8.85/lb 8.25/lb 7.95/lb 7.60/lb 12.00 16.85 13.20/lb13.00/lb12.65/lb12.00/lb11.80/lb11.70/lb O rnamental Corn Fiesta Hybrid O rnamental Corn Bloody Butcher Ornamental Corn & Sorghum 1184 Bloody Butcher 100 days. Large deep red ears 8 to 12" x 2" for fall decoration. Giant 9-12’ stalks bear 1-2 ears each well above ground. Prized heirloom variety. Dried Ornamental for Cornucopia, Roadside. 1189 Carousel 100 days. Miniature ornamental c o rn produces tiny, colorful ears excellent for local florists, dried flower wholesalers. Gay multicolored kernels fill 4-5” ears; average 2 or 3 ears per plants. Cross-market with pumpkins, gourds. Local Mkt,Gdn, Roadside Mkt. 1194 Earth Tones Dent Corn 85 days. Delectable muted glowing coloration, soft browns, pinks, mauves, greens, blues and golds, the magic of summer’s end. Early maturing for dent corn, can be cut and hanging out for sale in 3 months from planting. Roadside, Cornucopias. 1199 Fiesta Hybrid 102 days. Colorful husks and ears. Long, 7-10” ears contain kernels in a wide range of colors, including red, purple, yellow and white. Extremely decorative husks a re 50-70% purple. Plants to 7’. 1209 Mini Blue (popcorn) 100 days. Kernels are medium to deep blue in color. Small, narrow cobs average 2-4” in length with two ears per stalk. Can be used for dried arrangments, fall decorations or popped for eating. O rnamental Corn Wilda’s Pride O rnamental Corn Earth Tone 1204 Ornamental Indian Corn 105 days. Good range of bright colorful kernels —yellow, re d , blue, white and purple. Strong plants. 1229 Strawberry Popcorn 110 days. Small ears with tiny, dark strawberry - red kernels are dual purpose, for popping and ornamental. 23” ears 11⁄2 ” across, lovely with husks attached and bunched for fall decoration. Plants avg 6 ft. Fresh Mkt, Gdn, Roadside Mkt.. 1239 Wilda’s Pride 110 days. Extremely wide and bright color range. Sturdy plants. Large ears 8-11” long in sparkling array including maroons, deep purplish and blackish reds, pinks, whites, yellows andmany multicolors. Fall cornucopia sales with Pumpkins. 1234 Wampum - 95 days. Early Carousel type. Petite 4" x 1-14⁄ " ears are highly ornamental. 16-20 rows of small bright kernels. Many shades: Pink, red, blue, black, yellow, gold, white, and purple, with high % of multicolored ears. Maroon and white husks. Dried ornamental, Roadside, Cornucopia. 1219 Mixed Colors Broom Corn Highly o rn amental new type for autumn cornucopias, can sell with pumpkins, g o u rds, Indian corns. Dried o rnamental, Roadside. 1250 Sorghum Colored Uprights Mixed Ornamental new type for autumn corn ucopias, can sell with pumpkins, g o u rd s , ornamental corns. Dried, Roadside Mkt. Ornamental Millet 8311 Purple Majesty - 4-5’ AAS Winner. Fantastic Foliage®. Striking corn like plant w' deep purple foliage, stems & flower plumes. Large container, Landscape, Cornucopia. 1214 Mini Pink (popcorn) 100 days. The color of this seed varies from pink to mauve. Small, narrow ears average 3-5” in length. Each plant bears two to three ears per stalk. Can be used in dried arrangements, craft displays, home decoration or popped for eating. 1255 Red Head 90 days. Fast maturing. Highly ornamental. Tight packed red 6" seed heads on stocky 3’ stems. Till after first cut for repeat harvests til frost. Birds love it. Dried Ornamental for Cornucopia, Roadside. O rnamental Corns, Brooms and Sorghums — p i c t u red above, clockwise from upper left: B room Corns, Colored Sorghums, Indian Mix, Mini Pink, Mini Blue, Mini Mix (see Carousel) Pkt 25sds $7.40; 100sds $21.95 500sds $87.00 1000sds $146.00 Catalog Number ORNAMENTAL CORN PRICES ⁄4 lb 1 $ 5.25 $ 3.60 $12.95 $ 7.50 $ 3.60 $12.90 $11.85 $12.75 lb 14.75 11.15 20.25 23.30 11.15 39.25 36.00 5 lb 12.80/lb 9.15/lb 18.55/lb 18.75/lb 9.15/lb 31.25/lb 29.00/lb 10 lb 11.45/lb 7.85/lb 17.85/lb 15.90/lb 7.85/lb 26.75/lb 24.45/lb 25 lb 50 lb 10.50/lb 7.00/lb 17.55/lb 14.15/lb 7.00/lb 23.75/lb 21.75/lb 9.90/lb 6.40/lb 17.00/lb 12.90/lb 6.40/lb 21.75/lb 20.00/lb 1184 1189 1250 1194 1199 1209 1214 1219 Bloody Butcher Carousel Sorghum Colored Uprights Earth Tones Dent Corn Fiesta Hybrid Mini Blue Mini Pink Mixed Colors Broom Corn 1204 1255 O rnamental Indian Corn Sorghum Red Head 30.00 24.20/lb 20.70/lb 18.20/lb 16.75/lb $2.70 8.30 6.85/lb 5.90/lb 5.25/lb 4.80/lb $ 6.70 19.55 17.65/lb 16.00/lb 15.60/lb 15.30/lb 1229 1234 1239 Strawberry Popcorn Wampum Wilda’s Pride $5.00115.00 12.15/lb 10.35/lb 9.15/lb 8.35/lb $10.00 30.25 24.35/lb 20.70/lb 18.30/lb 16.80/lb $ 4.95 15.00 12.00/lb 10.20/lb 9.00/lb 8.30/lb 100 lb — 6.00/lb 1680/lb — 6.00/lb — — — 4.50/lb — — — — O rnamental Millet Purple Majesty 25 Cucumber Early Triumph Hybrid Cucumber Dasher II Hybrid Cucumber Supersett Hybrid 2842 Early Triumph Hybrid 63 days. Straight, dark green fruits 81⁄2 x 21⁄2”, tapering at blossom end. Tolerance to CMV, S, DM, PM, A and ALS. Shipping, Roadside Mkt, Gdn. 2857 Fanfare Hybrid. 63 days. AAS. A dwarf monoecious plant produces 8-9” fruits. Tolerant to PM, DM, S, CMV, ALS, A. Container, Gdn. Cucumber Slice Master Select Hybrid 2862 General Lee Hybrid 66 days Mkt leader A white spined slicer. 8” fruits are straight and an attractive uniform dark green. Vines are large and vigorous, with dark green foliage. Widely adapted for spring and fall seasons. Resistant to SCAB, DM, PM. Tolerant to CMV. F resh Mkt, Gdn. 2877 Indy Hybrid 59 days. Vigorous, gyn. slicer producing high yields of top quality 8 1 ⁄2 x 2 14⁄ ” fruits, smooth and straight. Dark-green, uniform. Tolerance/resistance to CMV, S, PM, A-2, ALS, ZMYV, WMV and PRSV. 2892 Slice Master Select Hybrid 61 days. Improved Slice Master strain with better fruit shape, color; similar maturity, yield potential. Vigorous gynoecious plants are well adapted; tolerant to DM, PM, CMV, S, TLS and ALS. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 2897 Speedway Hybrid 56 days. Early gynoecious slicer is a good producer of uniform dark green, straight fruits averaging 8”. Early harvests, high yield potential. Vi g o ro u s plants with tolerance to CMV, S, PM, DM, A and ALS. Commercial, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 2902 Supersett Hybrid 60 days. Uniform, highly productive Cylindrical, dark gre e n fruits to 81⁄ 2 x 21⁄4 ”. Early, vigorous gyn. plants produce excellent yields. Tolerant to CMV, A, ALS, S, SM and PM. Commercial, Fresh Mkt. 2927 Thunder Hybrid 40 days. High percent Super Selects for quality mkts. Top commercial productivity. Smooth, long, cylindrical glossy dark green, mostly female, near spineless, very small seed cavity. Fills to end even under stress. Very early for a fancy cuke but the disease package allows long picking or late season supply. Strong Resistance PM, CMV,S. Moderate Resistance DM, ALS; Tolerant A, ZYMV. Roadside, U-Pick, Fresh Mkt, Shipping 2932 Turbo Hybrid 67 days. High quality1 fruits a re blocky, uniform dark green, average 8 ⁄2 -9”. P a rticularly well adapted to Northeast. Tolerance to CMV. Commercial, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Cucumber Thunder Hybrid Cucumber Fanfare Hybrid Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) Approx. 1,100 seeds/oz. 1⁄ 4 oz sows 100 ft. of row. Direct-sow 2-3 lbs/acre. Sow seeds 1-2”. deep, 8-12” apart in rows 36-72” apart. Seeds germinate in about 7days. Hybrid Slicing Types 2822 A&C 187 Blend Hybrid 60 days. Superb disease package, refined quality even under stress with high potential for grade A’s. 8 1⁄2” cylindrical fruit, smooth glossy dark green with clean white interior. Medium vine. Disease combo permits long picking and late harvest. Gyn. with 20% pollinator. CMV, ZYMV, PRSV, WMV, S, PM, DM. (Price pg 27) Cucumber Speedway Hybrid 2832 Dasher II Hybrid 58 days. Uniform, straight, dark green fruits 81⁄2 x 21⁄ 2 ”. of highquality. Early gyn. hybrid plants are productive, vigorous. Tolerant to ALS, A, DM, PM, S and CMV. Commercial, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Catalog Number CUCUMBER PRICES 2832 2862 2877 2897 2902 2927 2932 Dasher II General Lee Indy Speedway Supersett Thunder Hybrid Turbo Catalog Number HYBRID CUCUMBER PRICES Cucumber General Lee Hybrid 26 2842 2892 Early Triumph Slice Master Select 25 Seeds 100 Seeds 500 Seeds 1,000 Seeds 5,000 Seeds $1.90 $1.95 $2.15 $1.60 $1.90 $2.15 $1.95 3.15 3.15 3.60 3.35 2.40 2.70 2.85 8.25 7.25 13.50 8.55 7.30 8.80 9.20 12.15 9.75 20.00 13.85 10.95 13.80 14.40 9.80/M 8.95/M 17.50/M 10.85/M 9.70/M 11.30/M 12.75/M Pkt 1 ⁄ 4 oz oz 1 ⁄ 4 lb 1 ⁄2 lb lb 5 lb 25,000 Seeds 8.55/M 7.00/M 15.55/M 9.90/M 8.95/M 9.00/M 11.40/M 25 lb $2.20 7.50 25.25 88.00158.00 295.00 279.00/lb 265.00/lb $3.50 — 15.45 50.00 86.00 164.00 153.00/lb148.00/lb Cucumber Eureka Hybrid 2922 Tasty Green Hybrid 52 days. “Burpless” type produces long, slender, smooth-skinnedf ruits. Early, heavy yields; long harvest. Best at 9 x 1” but holds at larger sizes. Resistant to PM, highly tolerant to DM; tolerate high temperature/humidity. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Cucumber Tasty Green Hybrid Burpless Hybrids Handsome slicing types with reduced bitterness in their genetic makeup, these fruits have more tender skins which are believed easier to digest than regular cucumbers. Very popular with roadside stand customers. 2837 Diva Hybrid 58 days. 2002 AAS. Seedless (parthenocarpic) cucumber. Sets abundantly without pollination and stays seedless if not interplanted with other cukes. Fruit is smooth and spineless, glossy bright green, slender and cylindrical with slightly tapered ends. Eating quality is extra fine, nonbitter, crispy sweet and tender. Non-bitter trait is unattractive to Cucumber Beetles so this pest is less likely to carry CMV onto the crop. Can also be sold as gourmet mini cukes if picked at 4”. Resistant to S, Tolerant DM, PM. Fresh Mkt, Roadside, Gdn, Shipping. 2907 Sweet Slice Hybrid 62 days. Excellent, sweet flavor. Long, straight fruits to 8-10” hold their color well; have sweet, crisp flesh and tender skin. The vigorous vines are tolerant to CMV, A, ALS, S, WMV12, ZYMV, DM and PM. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 2912 Sweet Success Hybrid 55 days. AAS. Ghse-type parthenocarpic cucumber also p e rf o rms well in the garden (sets fruit with out pollination). Medium green, smooth, high-quality fruits grow 12-14” long. Grow on stakes or trellis. Sweet, crisp flesh, tender skin. Tolerant to CMV and S. Ghse Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Cucumber Calypso Hybrid Open Pollinated Slicing Types 2887 Marketmore 76 66 days. Well-known variety for planting both in North and South. Plants tolerant to CMV, S, DM and PM. Commercial production. Pickling Types 2827 Calypso Hybrid 56 days. Uniform, dark green, blocky fruits have a length-to-depth ratio of 3:1; white spined. Introduced by NC Agricultural Experiment Station. Plants are tolerant to ALS, A, CMV, DM and PM. Processing, Fresh Mkt, Roadside Mkt. 2847 Eureka Hybrid 57 days. Well adapted to hand harvest. This monoecious plant is vigorous, highly productive yielding an abundance of white-spined picklers about 11⁄2 ” across. Very dark green and firm; crisp text u re and small seed cavity. Resistant to ALS, A, CMV, DM, PM, S, WMV1,ZYMV and PRSV. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 2872 Homemade Pickles 56 days. (Open pollinated) Solid, crisp, medium green fruits with small white spines. Harvest from 11 ⁄2 ” long for tiny sweets, to 5-6” for dills and spears. Plants a re vigorous with excellent fruitset and very high yields. The interior is solid and crisp which is just right for crispy, crunchy pickles. Fresh Mkt, Roadside Mkt, Gdn. Cucumber Sweet Success Hybrid Giant Pickle 2917 Sweeter Yet Hybrid 48 days. Extra early. Bitterf ree burpless. Superb disease package. Potential for high yields of grade-A fruit at 12" x 2" size. Thin dark green non-bitter skin, sweet flesh. Vigorous semi-bush vine can produce ground or trellis crops. White spine, gyn, with small % of pollinator variety blended in. Medium Resistant DM, PM, CMV, ZYMV, PRSV. Slicing. 2937 Yellow Submarine Hybrid 58 days to mature harvest. Giant burpless pickle type Remains nearly seedless to full size of 8 x 3". Skin at maturity is thin and light yellow. Flesh is sweet, nonbitter, crunchy and delicious, with v e ry small cavity. Young fruit are light gre e n and can be used for seedless slicing. Tolerant CMV, Scab, PM. Giant Pickler, baby burpless. Cucumber Yellow Submarine Hybrid Catalog Number CUCUMBER PRICES 2827 2837 2857 2887 2872 2937 Calypso Hybrid Diva Hybrid Fanfare Marketmore 76 Homemade Pickles Yellow Submarine Pkt $1.55 $2.15 $1.75 $1.60 $1.60 $2.30 Catalog Number CUCUMBER PRICES 2822 2847 2867 2907 2912 2917 2922 1 ⁄ 4 oz 1 ⁄ 2 oz oz 1 ⁄ 4 lb ⁄2 lb 1 lb 5 lb 25 lb — — 5.70 10.70 16.90 25.65 25.00/lb 24.40/lb 4.45 7.20 12.90 47.00 87.00 163.00155.00/lb150.00/ l b 9.30 — 31.50 109.00197.00366.00 347.00/lb330.00/ l b — — 3.80 12.50 21.50 38.35 35.20/lb 32.90/lb — — 3.80 7.45 9.85 17.90 14.80/lb 13.20/lb 7.80 10.65 19.55 60.00 115.00183.00 176.00/lb — Pkt 100 Seeds 500 Seeds 1,000 Seeds 5,000 Seeds 25,000 Seeds 6.15/M 11.35/M — 23.70/M A&C 187 Blend Hybrid Eureka Hybrid Holland Hybrid (pkt. 10 seeds) Sweet Slice Hybrid $2.15 $2.55 $9.50 $2.60 3.15 4.30 7.20 3.70 8.80 12.35 71.00 284.00 478.00 4.25 15.75 28.00 6.25/M 11.50/M 419.00/M 25.50/M Sweet Success Hybrid Sweeter Yet Hybrid Tasty Green $5.95 $2.00 $2.15 17.95 3.15 3.50 108.00/M 100.00/M 20.20/M 18.40/M 17.00/M 15.15/M 72.00 122.00 12.90 22.70 13.15 19.50 Greenhouse Cucumbers 2867 Holland Hybrid 64 days. Seedless when isolated. Gyn genetic, non-bitter, parthenocarpic ghse hybrid. Vi g o rous cylindrical 16 x 2” unif o rm dark-green cucumber. Ghse, Fresh Mkt. Disease Tolerance codes: ALS A CMV DM PM PRSV S TLS WMV1 WMV2 ZYMV Angular Leaf Spot Anthracnose Cucumber Mosaic Virus Downy Mildew Powdery Mildew Papaya Ringspot Virus Scab Target Leaf Spot Watermelon Mosaic Vi rus, Race 1 Watermelon Mosaic Vi rus, Race 2 Zucchini Yellows Mosaic Vi ru s 27 Eggplant Epic Hybrid Eggplant Dusky Hybrid Eggplant Twilight Hybrid Eggplant Black Bell II Hybrid Eggplant Ghostbuster Hybrid Eggplant Money Maker No. 2 Hybrid Eggplant Black Beauty Eggplant (Solanum Melongena esculentum) About 6,500 sd/oz. Hybrid pkts 100 seeds; o.p. packets produce about 75 plants; 4 oz pro d u c e s about 10,000 plants. Seeds germinate in about 10 days. Set plants 18-30” apart in rows 24-48” apart. Hybrids 2947 Bambino Hybrid 45 days. Unique baby vegetable well adapted to both garden and container culture. Plants one foot tall display large lavender flowers, branching habit and attractive foliage. Shiny, oval 1” fruits borne in clusters. Can be cooked whole, grilled or salad. Fresh Mkt, Roadside, Gdn. 2949 Black Beauty - 72-85 days. op. Popular standard. Large black teardrop oval fruit, 6-1⁄2" x 5", can be picked at sizes frrom 1 to 3 lb.. Bushy 2 ft plant spreading to 30". Good yield in northern areas provided long frost-free season. Gdn, Roadside, Fresh Mkt 2952 Black Bell II Hybrid 68 days. Outstanding yields. Large, oval-to-round fruits 6 x 3⁄4”. Outstanding purple-black color extending all the way to the blossom end. Excellent quality, long shelf life, green calyx. Vigorous, sturdy, 28-30” plants are tolerant to TMV. Shipping, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 2962 Dusky Hybrid 63 days. Florida Mkt type. Early, productive hybrid for early fresh mkt crops. Oval fruits 61 ⁄2 x 3” have attractive, glossy black skin color. Fine in shortseason areas in North and for earliest harvest in South; tolerant to TMV. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 28 2967 Edna Hybrid 70 days. An unusually “long-keeping” Eggplant with firm fruit, oval to 8” long. Glossy black color stays strong til end of picking season. High yield potential, with good comments coming especially out of north Florida growers. High % uniform grade A’s carried high on 40” plants. Widely adapted with good fruit set at high temperatures and under cool conditions. Good response to growth stimulants. Fresh Mkt, Roadside Mkt, Shipping. 2972 Epic Hybrid 64 days. Especially good fresh market type. Oval, tear drop fruit of deep purple-black are 814⁄ x 4”, with green calyx. Strong, upright plants to 36” are tolerant to tobacco mosaic virus. Shipping, Fresh Mkt. 2987 Ichiban Improved Hybrid 58 days. Popular Oriental type. Long, slender, high quality, dark purple fruit, 9 x 11⁄2” with dark calyx. Slow development of seed in fruit allows longer keeping quality. Heavy set of fruits per plant. Similar to original Ichiban except for improved yield, performing well even at cooler temperatures, and fruit changing from black to dark purple if left on the plant. Fresh Mkt, Garden. Catalog Number EGGPLANT PRICES 2947 2952 2957 2962 2967 2972 2977 2987 2997 3002 3007 2949 Bambino Hybrid Black Bell II Hybrid Casper Hybrid Dusky Hybrid Edna Hybrid Epic Hybrid Ghostbuster Hybrid Ichiban Improved Hybrid Millionaire Hybrid Money Maker No. 2 Hybrid Twilight Hybird Black Beauty 2997 Millionaire Hybrid 63 days. Very early, high quality Oriental type produces very attractive, long narrow fruits with purple calyx. Fruit color glossy black. Upright plant 25-30”. Fresh Mkt. 3002 Money Maker No. 2 Hybrid 60 days. Very early, high yielding Oriental type f ruits averaging 8 oz. Semi-upright plants produce glossy black, long oval fruits with purple calyx. Excellent fruit taste, very tender and juicy. Ideal for ghse as well as outdoor production. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 3007 Twilight Hybrid 62 days. Exceptional yield potential. Large, elongated oval shape, 8 x 4” fruits gradually tapering towards the stem. Outstanding color of almost black purple with green calyx. Plants are about 40” and set prolific fruit freely throughout the summer. TMV, Fresh Mkt, roadside, shipping. White Eggplant 2957 Casper Hybrid 72 days. Shiny ivory fruits with mild snow white flesh and bright green calyx. Cylindrical fruits average 6”x 21⁄2” at picking stage. Plant has very few spines so fru i t is easily picked without marring. 2977 Ghostbuster Hybrid 80 days. Clean cool white, sweeter flesh than standard purple types, with deep oval fruit 6 to 7” long borne 3 to 6 per cluster. Spineless for easy picking; G reen calyx in attractive contrast to white skin. Well branched with robust frame and dense bright green leaves that provide good canopy against sunscald. Pick when young for purest white, as fruit yellows at overripe stage. 100 Seeds 500 Seeds 1,000 Seeds $2.75 $7.00 $1.45 $1.75 $1.45 $2.00 $1.80 $1.95 $1.75 $1.75 $1.75 $1.45 10.30 26.50 1.90 5.20 3.50 7.55 6.65 7.35 6.00 6.00 4.50 1.95 16.40 42.25 3.00 8.30 5.65 12.15 10.65 11.80 9.55 9.55 7.30 2.95 5,000 Seeds 10,000 Seeds 13.80/M 12.20/M 35.50/M 31.25/M 2.55/M 2.25/M 6.90/M 6.15/M 4.75/M 4.15/M 10.15/M 8.90/M 8.95/M 7.80/M 9.90/M 8.70/M 8.00/M 7.00/M 8.00/M 7.00/M 6.15/M 5.35/M 2.55/M 2.15/M Lettuce New Red Fire Lettuce Green Wave Lettuce EsmeraldaPVP Lettuce Cimmaron Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) Approx. 25,000 seeds/oz. Pkt plants 30 ft. of row; 1⁄4 oz sows 100 ft.; 1 oz. produces a p p rox. 10,000 plants. Direct-sow 1-3 lbs/acre; sow seeds thinly 1⁄ 4 ” deep. Seeds germinate in about 7 days. Set head types 10-15” apart in rows 16-24” apart (leaf types 8-12”apart in rows 12-24”apart). Lettuce Baby Star Lettuce Simpson Elite 3110 Cimmaron - 58 days. Tall cylindrical heads 9" tall x 4" broad. Bronzy tips melt to tender spring green base with creamy butteryellow core. Withstands heat and resists bolting. Well suited to baby leaf and buttery coshead markets. Fresh leaf shipping, Roadside. Butterhead Type 3112 Esmeralda pvp 55 days. Medium size firm heads and medium green, tender, pliable leaves. Good weight and slow bolting. Industry standard for Tipburn tolerance. Commercial, Gdn. Cos/Romaine Type 3137 Parris Island Cos (Romaine) 71 days Selection of the popular market-type Romaine. Tall, narrow heads with crisp, sweet leaves produce creamy yellow centers. Adapted to North, South, East and West, Vigorous, uniform. 3107 Baby Star 65 days. Miniature Romaine with the famous crispy tasty texture but small enough for a whole-head salad. Plants 4 to 5” tall produce shiny dark green leaves in a loose head with a baby heart in the center. Small leaves are crispy and sweet. Gdn, restaurant. 3127 Ithaca 72 days. Early; high yields. Resembles Fulton but darker green and better leaf fringing. Resistant to TB, BRb. Grows well on both upland and muck soils; developed at Cornell. M.I. Catalog Number LETTUCE PRICES 3112 3137 3142 3147 3110 3138 PVP Esmeralda Parris Island COS PVP Simpson ElitePVP pending Summertime Cimarron Red Sails Catalog Number LETTUCE PRICES 3107 3122 3127 3132 Baby Star Green Wave Ithaca MI New Red Fire MI Pkt $1.60 $1.60 $1.60 $1.60 $1.45 $1.45 1 ⁄ 4 oz — — — — — Iceberg/Crisphead Types 1 ⁄ 2 oz oz 2.15 2.15 4.00 5.40 1.85 3.35 3.40 3.65 6.55 8.85 3.00 5.50 1 ⁄ 4 lb 11.90 12.75 22.80 30.50 10.45 18.95 1 ⁄2 lb lb 21.25 39.00 22.70 41.50 40.75 75.00 54.00 100.00 18.65 34.25 33.80 62.00 5 lb 10 lb 36.50/lb 39.00/lb 69.00/lb 94.00/lb 32.00/lb 58.00/lb — — — — — 200 Seeds 1,000 Seeds 5,000 Seeds 10,000 Seeds 25,000 Seeds 100,000 Seeds $2.70 — — — 10.25 $1.50 $1.90 $3.40 41.50 4.00 7.00 12.70 7.00/M .63/M 1.15/M 2.00/M 6.20/M .53/M .95/M 1.70/M 5.70/M .47/M .83/M 1.50/M 3147 Summertime 70 days. Slow bolting and resistant to rib discoloration and tipburn. Yields a substantially higher percentage of usable and non-defective heads. Plant habit is compact; mature heads are solid and slow to become bitter in hot weather performance. Best head for the gdn. Leaf Types 3122 Green Wave 48 days. Quick maturing frilly leaf lettuce for spring or late summer sowings, to harvest early summer or fall.Good heat and cold tolerance. Early bolting, must be harvested shortly after leaves size up 3132 New Red Fire 48 days. Medium/large dark red heads having excellent uniformity in size and color. Leaf-type is red-tinged, ru ffled with waxy margins. Slow bolting. Specialty Mkt, Gdn M.I. 3138 Red Sails - 40-65 days. Full rosette of intense red foliage, bronzed at tips, extra ruffly and deeply lobed. Flavor is mild, tends to be free of bitter tones. Reaches cutting quality early, but holds well up to cutting with good shelf life after. High content of vitamins A&C. Fresh Butterhead and Leaf, color mkt. 3142 Simpson Elite pvp pending 48 days. Slowest bolting of green leaf-types replacing Black Seeded Simpson. Medium-light green color. Leaves are attractive, broad and cru mpled with curled outer leaf margins. Shipping, Home Gdn. Some lettuce varieties listed are Mosaic Indexed Seed(M.I.). A sample of 30,000 seeds or seedlings was tested and found free of lettuce mosaic virus infection. However, no seed lots are guaranteed disease-free. 29 Basil Sweet Large Leaf Italian 5313 Purple RufflesPVP AAS. Ornamental with shiny, dark purple, ruffled leaves and purple flowers. Provides fine flavoring for culinary use. Ht. 18-24”. Pkt $2.15; 1/8 oz $5.20; 1/4 oz $9.45; 1/2 oz $17.35; oz $32.25; 1/4 lb $113.00 Basil Purple Ruffles 5322 Siam Queen AAS. Outstanding anise flavor and fragrance having beautiful, lush, bright green leaves 3-4” long and 11⁄2-2” wide. Can be picked 4 or morePkt $2.00; 1/8 oz $4.45; months. Ht. 30”. Annual Herbs 5205 Anise (Pimpinella anisum) Approx. 7,000 seeds/oz. Leaves and seeds have flavor of licorice. Flavor cakes, cordials and sausage. Ht. 2 ft. Pkt $1.35; oz $2.60; 1/4 lb $9.35; 1/2 lb $14.40; 1 lb $26.75 5213 Arugula Astro -( E ruca vesicaria sativa) 31 days clipping, 52 days bunching. Impro v e d slow bolter. Mid green leaves only slightly lobed lend a fre s h e r, younger leaf look. Vi g o rous. Zesty, nutty flavor. Clip at 6", bunch Pkt $1.45; at 12" Bunch, Clip, Gdn. oz $2.80; 1/4 lb $7.50; 1/2 lb $12.70; 1 lb $22.20 5214 Arugula (Rocket) Slow Bolt Holds in field 10 extra days, outyields other Rockets. Pkt $1.95; Seed is Fusarium tested. oz $2.85; 1/4 lb $5.85; 1/2 lb $9.95; 1 lb $17.80 5223 Arugula (Rocola, Rocket, Roquette) (Eruca vesicaria sativa) Approx. 15,000 seeds/oz. Continental favorite. Tender young leaves are peppery. Cool weather crop — becomes bitter in hot summer. Ht. 16-18”. Pkt $1.40; oz $2.55; 1/4 lb $5.50; 1/2 lb $8.15; 1 lb $15.00 Basil (Ocimum basilicum) Approx. 22,500 seeds/oz. 5250 Genovese A p p rox. 16,000 seeds/oz. Dark green, plain leaves. Uniform, tall, 24” plants are slow to bolt. Heavy, spicy taste and smell...use in pesto sauce. Pkt $1.55; ⁄ 4 oz $1.95; ⁄ 2 oz $2.55; oz $3.40; lb $6.75; 1⁄ 2 lb $12.25; lb $22.75 1 1 ⁄4 1 5286 Lemon “Sweet Dani” AAS. Leaves burst with lemon fragrance when lightly touched due to high essential oil and citral content. Compact 26” plant. Useful as a bedding plant in 8-10 weeks from seed. Excellent culinary variety. Pkt $2.15; 5331 Spicy Globe (O. basillicum) Approx. 26,000 seeds/oz. A fine leaf compact basil that has very little bitterness. Plants are attractive as o rnamental and has a 12-15” compact green bush. Ve ry popular for cooking. 1/4 lb $8.85; 1/2 lb $14.70; 1 lb $26.50 5475 Fine Curled Garden Cress (Lepidium sativum) Approx. 13,500 seeds/oz. For sprouts or g a rnish. Easy to grow, fast crop; sow every two weeks for constant supply of sprouts. Pkt $1.40; oz $1.95; 1/4 lb $4.25; 1/2 lb $5.20; 1 lb $10.35 5340 Sweet Large Leaf Italian Sweet, pungent herb with broad 2-3” leaves; used to flavor tomato sauces, meat, fish, vegetables, Popular for pesto sauce. Ht. 2 ft. Dill (Anethum graveolens) A p p rox. 20,000 seeds/oz. Direct seed in early Pkt $1.55; 1/4 oz $1.95; 1/2 oz $2.60; oz $3.45; 1/4 lb $6.80; 1/2 lb $12.35; 1 lb $23.00 5511 Bouquet Dill Delicate, soft green feathery foliage used fresh on fish and salads; seed heads a favorite pickling spice. Ht. 28-30”. 5349 True Red Osmin Basil 18”. Near 100% u n i f o rm for deep burgundy red foliage. Pink flowers,classic basil flavor, mid size leaf. Pkt $2.45; 1/8 oz $3.20; 1/4 oz $4.90; 1/2 oz $8.30; oz $14.55; 1/4 lb $53.00; 1 lb $198.00 Scented Basil: 5241 Cinnamon 5277 Lemon 5295 Licorice Any Scented Basil: Pkt $1.50; 1⁄ 8 oz $3.10; 1⁄ 4 oz $5.20; 1⁄ 2 oz $8.60; oz $15.60; 1⁄ 4 lb $57.25 5358 Borage (Borago officinalis) Approx. 1,850 seeds/oz. P roduces tiny blue and pink flowers f rom late spring to frost. Used in salads, soups or cool drinks. Commercially grown for its oil seed. Attracts bees. Ht. 1 1⁄2 -2 ft. Pkt $1.50; 1/4 oz $1.85; 1/2 oz $3.20; oz $4.50; 1/4 lb $12.30; 1/2 lb $19.85; 1 lb $32.25 5376 Caraway (Carum carvi) Approx. 11,000 seeds/oz. Plants with finely cut foliage and white flowers that appear the second year. Used in seasoning bread, meat, cheese, Pkt $1.85; soups and liquors. Ht. 20”. oz $2.45; 1/4 lb $5.75; 1/2 lb $9.95; 1 lb $18.90 5412 Chamomile, German (Matricaria recutita) About 500,000 sds/oz. Apple-scented plants that like sun. Plants flower profusely. Used in Pkt $2.15; 1/4 oz $3.30; teas. Ht. 11⁄2 ft. 1/2 oz $5.20; oz $9.25; 1/4 lb $32.25 spring or start indoors for earlier harvest. Grow in rich, light soil in full sun. Pkt $1.35; 1/4 oz $1.55; 1/2 oz $1.65; oz $1.75; 1/4 lb $3.60; 1/2 lb $6.00; 1 lb $9.35 5520 Dukat Dill Plants produce very strongly flavored, pungent foliage with high oil content. European strain used for warmer weather. Ht. 48”. Pkt $1.60; oz $2.15; 1/4 lb $3.65; 1/2 lb $6.40; 1 lb $11.40; 5 lb $10.30/lb 5529 Fernleaf Dill AAS. Extremely compact, basal-branching; deep green, finely-cut foliage with the flavor of larger types but also quite ornamental. Ht. 18”. Pkt $2.95; 1/4 oz $8.45; 1/2 oz $14.15; oz $24.40; 1/4 lb $85.00; 1/2 lb $148.00; 1 lb $270.00 5538 Mammoth Dill Larger yellow flower heads than Bouquet. Leaves for soup or stews. Stalks and seeds for pickles. Ht. 2 ft. Pkt $1.45; oz $2.25; 1/4 lb $4.00; 1/2 lb $6.80; 1 lb $12.00; 5 lb $11.35/lb 5547 Epazote ( Chenopodium ambrosiodes) Approx. 17,500 seeds/oz. Widely used in Mexican cooking; yellow-green flowers with strong smelling foliage. Ht. 4 ft. Pkt $5.00; 1/2 oz $14.15; oz $25.50; 1/4 lb $88.00; 1/2 lb $148.00; 1 lb $273.00 5556 Fennel, Florence (Foeniculum dulce) Approx. 7,000 seeds/oz. Enlarged leaf bases, somewhat like celery with distinctive aniselike flavor. Leaves/seeds used in soups, eggs, sauces. Ht. 2 1⁄ 2 ft. Pkt $1.45; 1/2 oz $2.35; oz 5421 Chervil, Curled (Anthriscus cerefolium) Approx. 15,000 seeds/oz. Parsley-like feathery $3.50; 1/4 lb $8.80; 1/2 lb $15.40; 1 lb $25.50 leaves similar in appearance to parsley but with a slightly anise-like flavor. Ht. 2 ft. 5565 Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) Approx. 2,200 seeds/oz. Deep green, clover-like Pkt $1.50; oz $2.25; 1/4 lb $4.55; 1/2 lb $7.80; 1 lb $13.90; 5 lb $12.75/lb 5448 Coriander, Cilantro Santo (Coriandrum sativum) Approx. 2,550 seeds/oz. ( Chinese Parsley) Used in Oriental and Mexican cuisine. Broad, deep green, celery-like, pungent foliage. Slow to bolt. Ht. 2 ft. Pkt $1.40; oz $1.75; 1/4 lb $3.60; 1/2 lb $5.30; 1 lb $10.35 5304 Magical Michael 15”, Improved, highly ornamental and uniform growing, fragrant and blooming abundantly with neat deep lilac spikes over dark foliage. For pack and bedding, kitchen gardens, fresh cut herb. 5458 Cilantro Delfino - AAS . 30-40 days. I m p roved for fresh cutleaf herb produc tion. Fine fernlike foliage offers superior appearance at market. 20" plants. Cut leaf, Pkt $1.50; oz $1.75; 1/4 lb Bunching. 30 5502 Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) About 11,000 sds/oz. Seed is powdered and used in curries and Mexican food. Hot, pungent flavor; pickles Pkt $1.45; oz $2.45; & sausage. Ht. 9”. 1/8 oz $6.35; 1/4 oz $10.60; 1/2 oz $18.65; oz $33.50; 1/4 lb $114.00 Pkt $2.15; 1/8 oz $5.85; 1/4 oz $11.00; 1/2 oz $20.20; oz $36.50 Pkt $1.35; oz $1.75; 1/4 lb $3.60; 1/2 lb $5.80; 1 lb $10.35 1/4 oz $7.65; 1/2 oz $13.60; oz $24.20 Pkt $1.65; 1/4 oz $4.00; 1/2 oz $7.85; oz $14.40; 1/4 lb $53.00 Cilantro Delfino Cilantro Santo 5457 Coriander, Slo-Bolt ( C o r i a n d rum sativum) 45 days. Well known and reliable variety. Fresh cut leaf, Dry leaf, or ground seed for spice. $5.60; 1/2 lb $9.40; 1 lb $16.50 leaves used in eastern cooking. Seeds used for pickling or sprouting for salads. Ht. 1-2’ Pkt $1.45; oz $2.95; 1/4 lb $8.80; 1/2 lb $14.45; 1 lb $26.25 5646 Marjoram, Sweet (Origanum Majorana) Approx. 113,500 seeds/oz. Sweet flowers in purple spikes used for flavoring meats, poultry, soups, dressing and salads. Ht. 2 ft. Pkt $1.45; 1/4 oz $3.35; 1/2 oz $5.15; oz $8.95; 1/4 lb $28.25 5727 Savory, Summer (Satureja hortensis) Approx. 42,500 seeds/oz. Leaves and young stem-tips used fresh or dried for flavoring meats, stuffings and teas. Ht. 1 ft. Pkt $1.35; 1/2 oz $3.45; oz $4.30; 1/4 lb $12.25; 1/2 lb $20.15; 1 lb $32.25 Perennial Herbs 5232 Balm, Lemon (Melissa officinalis) Approx. 43,000 seeds/oz. Heart-shaped leaves with a 5700 Rosemary ( Rosmarinus officinalis) Approx. 25,000 seeds/oz. Wonderfully fragrant, lemon fragrance. Attracts bees. Used in teas and salads. Ht. 18-36”. Pkt $1.50; 1/4 oz $3.90; grayish-green plants attractive in borders or containers. Tasty for seasoning meats, eggs and vegetables. Ht. 2-21 ⁄2 ft. 1/2 oz $6.30; oz $11.55; 1/4 lb $42.00 Pkt $2.85; 1/8 oz $9.90; 1/4 oz $17.50; 1/2 oz $32.75; oz $61.00; 1/4 lb $233.00 5394 Catmint (Nepeta Mussini) Approx. 38,000 seeds/oz. Blue flowers that thrive in hot weather. Ht. 1 ft. Pkt $1.60; 1/8 oz $5.45; 1/4 oz 5709 Rue ( Ruta graveolens) Approx. 16,000 seeds/oz. Lacy blue-green foliage is highly $9.95; 1/2 oz $16.55; oz $30.50; 1/4 lb $110.00 ornamental. Salads and flavoring cheese dishes. Ht. 2 ft. 5403 Catnip (Nepeta catarica) Approx. 48,000 seeds/oz. Vigorous mint; attractive to cats. Use the heart-shaped leaves fresh or dried in Pkt $1.35; 1/2 oz $3.30; oz teas. Ht. 24” . Pkt $1.60; 1/16 oz $5.40; 1/8 oz $9.00; 1/4 oz $16.35; 1/2 oz $27.00; oz $49.00 5718 Sage (Salvia officinalis) Approx. 3,450 seeds/oz. Gray-green leaves and violet flower $6.00; 1/4 lb $21.45 spikes. Use leaves and young stem tips to flavor poultry, meats, sausage, chowders and sauces. Ht. 1-2 ft. Pkt $1.35; 1/8 oz $1.95; 5430 Chives, Common (Allium Schoenoprasum) Approx. 22,000 seeds/oz. Onion flavored grass-like leaves. Finely chopped tops for flavoring meats, Pkt $1.30; vegetables and salads. Ht. 1 ft. 1/4 oz $3.30; 1/2 oz $5.40; oz $10.00 1/4 oz $2.00; 1/2 oz $3.45; oz $6.20; 1/4 lb $17.30; 1/2 lb $28.50; 1 lb $53.00 5736 Savory, Winter ( Satureja montana) Approx. 45,000 seeds/oz. Lilac flowers good for 5439 Chives, Garlic Oriental (Allium tuberosum) Approx. 5,000 seeds/oz . Use chopped edging, borders or as a rock garden plant. Used to season vegetable dishes. Ht. 1 ft. Pkt $1.80; 1/8 oz $5.75; 1/4 oz $10.40; 1/2 oz $17.60; oz $32.25 leaves to add a mild garlic flavor to salads, soups or stir-fry recipes. Flowers are white. Ht. 12”. Pkt $1.55; 1/2 oz $4.15; oz $7.65; 5754 Soapwort (Saponaria ocymoides splendens) Approx. 16,000 seeds/oz. Produces mass- 1/4 lb $27.75; 1/2 lb $47.25; 1 lb $84.00 5484 Cress, True Water (Nasturtium officinale) A p p rox. 150,000 seeds/oz. Peppery tasting gourmet herb. Grows best in streams, but will also grow in rich, moist, shaded soil. Pkt $1.35; 1/4 oz $3.45; 1/2 oz $5.60; oz $10.65 5493 Cress, Upland (Barbarea Verna) Approx. 3,000 seeds/oz. Dark green, glossy, rounded leaves similar to water cress; peppery flavor. Ht. 6-8”. Pkt $1.35; oz $1.95; 1/4 lb $3.60; 1/2 lb $6.00; 1 lb $10.65 5574 Horehound (M a rrubium vulgare) Approx. 24,000 seeds/oz. Leaves and extracts are used es of bright pink flowers in loose sprays on trailing plants. Source of homemade soap. Ht. 1 ft. Pkt $1.40; 1/8 oz $4.00; 1/4 oz $7.00; Lavender Lady 5628 Lemon Mint (Monarda citriodora) Approx. 50,000 seeds/oz. Lemon-scented foliage an blooms attract bees. Ht. 24-36”. Pkt $1.50; 1/64 oz $3.15; 1/32 oz $5.95; 1/16 oz $10.00; 1/8 oz $17.90 5637 Lovage ( Levisticum officinale) Approx. 8,000 seeds/oz. All plant parts are edible and have a celery-like flavor. Used in soups, salPkt $1.45; 1/4 oz ads and cakes. Ht. 6 ft. $3.95; 1/2 oz $6.70; oz $12.00; 1/4 lb $42.00 for flavoring and medicinal teas. Ht. 2 ft. Pkt $1.45; 1/8 oz $3.80; 1/4 oz $7.00; 1/2 oz $11.65; oz $21.45 5583 Hyssop ( Hyssopus officinalis) Approx. 29,000 seeds/oz. Similar to a mint flavor. Plants yield aromatic oils used in perfumes and soaps. Leaves are used in tea. Ht. 11⁄2 ft. Pkt $2.40; 1/8 oz $4.80; 1/4 oz $8.50; 1/2 oz $13.75; oz $25.25 5592 Lavender, Hidcote Blue (Lavandula angustifolia) Approx. 28,000 seeds/oz. Leaves and deep purple flowers are fragrant, ornaPkt $2.30; 1/16 oz $8.95; mental. Ht. 18”. 1/8 oz $14.90; 1/4 oz $27.25; 1/2 oz $45.75; oz $84.00 5601 Lavender Lady (Lavandula angustifolia) AAS. An improved aromatic herb particularly suited to bedding plant pro duction. Compact branching plants spreading 18” Ht. 10”. Pkt $4.50; 1/16 oz $25.00; 1/8 oz $46.00; 1/4 oz $79.00; 1/2 oz $137.00; oz $245.00 5610 Lavender, Munstead Strain (Lavandula angustifolia) Compact, bushy habit with fragrant lavender-blue flowers. Attractive in borders or landscape with gray-green foliage. Ht. Pkt $1.60; 1/16 oz $4.00; 1/8 oz 1 ft. $6.65; 1/4 oz $12.00; 1/2 oz $20.00; oz $37.50 5619 Lavender Vera (Lavandula angustifolia vera) Pungent leaves and flowers used in potpourri, wreaths, scenting linens, perfumes. Hardy plants with aromatic lavender- b l u e flowers. Ht. 2 ft. Pkt $1.55; 1/4 oz $5.00; 5655 Mint, Peppermint (Mentha x piperita ) Approx. 415,000 seeds/oz. Excellent beverage mint, strong cooling menthal aroma. Oil from plants flavors candies and desserts. Ht. 24”. Pkt $2.15; 1/16 oz $5.65; 1/8 oz $9.45; 1/4 oz $17.15; 1/2 oz $28.50; oz $53.00 5664 Mint, Spearmint ( Mentha spicata) Approx. 475,000 seeds/oz. Appearance very similar to peppermint but less potent. Young leaves used in jellies and drinks. Ht. 22”. Pkt $1.45; 1/32 oz $3.65; 1/16 oz $5.95; 1/8 oz $10.30; 1/4 oz $18.40; 1/2 oz $33.75; oz $63.00 Oregano, Greek (Origanum heracleoticum) Approx. 130,000 seeds/oz. This strain has a small leaf and a stronger, more pungent flavor than other strains. Leaves used fresh or dry in sauces and soups. Ht. 21⁄ 2 ft. 1/2 oz $11.65; oz $21.45 5763 Sorrel (Rumex acetosa) A p p rox. 30,000 seeds/oz. Long slender leaves with a distinctive c i t rus tang. Used to flavor soups, sauces, salads and other vegetables. Ht. 6-8”. Pkt $1.45; 1/4 oz $3.00; 1/2 oz $4.80; oz $8.15; 1/4 lb $28.25 5772 Tansy ( Tanacetum vulgare) Approx. 170,000 seeds/oz. Small yellow button-like flowers; leaves used dry to make dyes or dried for insect repellant. NOT edible. Pkt $1.55; 1/16 oz $3.50; 1/8 oz $5.55; 1/4 oz $9.80; 1/2 oz $17.70; oz $34.75 5781 Tarragon, Russian (Artemisia dracunculus) Approx. 150,000 seeds/oz. Spreading plants with pale green leaves. Used in herb vinegar, sauces and salads. Ht. 5 ft. Pkt $1.60; 1/16 oz $4.65; 1/8 oz $7.65; 1/4 oz $14.15; 1/2 oz $23.50; oz $43.75 5790 Thyme (Thymus vulgaris ) Approx. 125,000 seeds/oz. Lilac flowers good for edging. Season chowders, stews, sauces and Pkt $1.80; 1/4 oz $4.35; pickles. Ht. 6”. 1/2 oz $7.50; oz $13.00; 1/4 lb $40.75 5673 Pkt $1.90; 1/16 oz $4.45; 1/8 oz $6.95; 1/4 oz $12.70; 1/2 oz $20.90; oz $38.25 5682 Oregano, Italian (Origanum vulgare) Approx. 130,000 seeds/oz. Flavorful herb used in tomato sauces, salad dressing and soup. Pkt $1.45; 1/8 oz $4.35; 1/4 oz Ht. 18”. $7.75; 1/2 oz $12.65; oz $23.15 5691 Pennyroyal (Mentha Pulegium) Approx. 300,000 seeds/oz. Strong mint flavor and fragrance. Good along walkways or as a permanent edging to repel insects. Used sparingly Pkt $2.15; in teas and sauces. Ht. 6”. 1/32 oz $4.75; 1/16 oz $8.70; 1/8 oz $14.40; 1/4 oz $26.00; 1/2 oz $43.50; oz $79.00 5799 Thyme, Creeping (Thymus serphyllum) Approx. 114,000 seeds/oz. Tiny, rounded, bluegreen leaves — purple flowers. Use in rock gardens, pathways or groundcover. Leaves are used in teas, salads, rice and fish dishes. Ht. 2-6”. Pkt $1.45; 1/16 oz $4.70; 1/8 oz $7.50; 1/4 oz $12.70; 1/2 oz $22.20 5808 Woodruff, Sweet (Galium odoratum) Approx. 4,500 seeds/oz. Fragrant white flowers in spring. Leaves can be used in May Wine. Ht. 8” Pkt $2.80; 1/16 oz $4.55; 1/8 oz $7.60; 1/4 oz $12.15; 1/2 oz $20.15; oz $33.25 5817 Wormwood ( Artemisia absinthium ) Approx. 270,000 seeds/oz. Foliage is silverygray and aromatic. Use commercially in cosmetics, vermouth and absinthe. Ht. 1 ft. Pkt $1.70; 1/16 oz $3.45; 1/8 oz $5.95; 1/4 oz $10.50; 1/2 oz $17.55; oz $31.50 1/2 oz $7.90; oz $13.65; 1/4 lb $42.00 31 Kale Red Bor Hybrid Kale Blue Armor Hybrid Kale Blue Knight Hybrid 3032 Blue Armor Hybrid 47-57 days. Exclusive! Outstanding hybrid Vates type. Attractive, very deep blue-green leaves are extremely curled and fringed; wide petiole spacing makes harvest easier. High yield potential on strong growing, uniform plants. May be suitable for wintering over. Kohlrabi Grand Duke Hybrid 3072 Express Forcer Hybrid 43 days. Extra early forcing type - smooth, light green bulb. Excellent quality, very slow bolting. Earlier than Grand Duke. 3077 Grand Duke Hybrid 45 days. AAS. Easy to grow, tasty crop; high yields in limited space. Plants form rounded, smooth, bulbous stems above soil level, up to 4” across. Delicious raw, in salads or cooked. Disease tolerant; resist cold weather, light frosts and adverse weather conditions. 3082 Winner Hybrid 55 days. Mid early. Large green knob, upright, resists pithiness. Best substitute for Grand Duke when needed. 3037 Blue Knight Hybrid 45-55 days. Exclusive! Outstanding hybrid Vates type replaces plantings of standard Vates — earlier, stronger, more uniform and higher yields. Deep blue, firm, curly leaves have less tendency to yellow and hold up well when cut. Uniform, strong grower yields 7-8” plants in just 45 days; larger plants in 55 days will outyield o.p. types by 50%. Spring/fall planting. 3047 Green Lance Hybrid (Chinese Type) 45-60 days. Oriental type. Produces edible young leaves, buds and stalks even during hot weather when other cabbage-family members don’t thrive. Plants resist heat, dro u g h t . 3052 Red Bor Hybrid 47-57 days. Unique dark red. Similar to Blue Armor except for color. Tall standing habit, over winters well, bolt tolerant, deeply fringed and curled. 2’ tall. Very productive, Vegetable, salad. Fresh. shipping, ornamental. Leek (Allum ampeloprasum, Porrum Group) Approx. 11,000 seeds/oz. Pkt plants 30’of row; 1⁄ 2 oz sows 100’. Direct-sow 3-4 lbs/acre.Sow seeds 1⁄ 2 ” deep, 1-4” apart in rows 16 24” apart. Seeds germinate in about 10 days. Choice item for the gourmet produce section. 3092 Gabilan - 145 days. Early for fall harvest, frost hardy for overwintering to spring crop. Very high yield potential. Long, slender, cream white bulbless shanks, 8 x 1-1⁄2". Upright flags, deep blue-green. Widely adapted fall and overwintering variety. Fresh Mkt, Shipping. 3057 Red Russian Red leaves, crisp andcurly, cold hardy, for winter harvest. 3062 Vates (o.p.) 55 days. (Also called Dwarf Blue Curled or Dwarf Blue Scotch.)Well-known variety with attractive, curled leaves which resist yellowing. Upright, hardy plants. 3097 Lancelot 90 days from transplant. For summer and fall harvest of long, straight, bulbless shanks of good diameter. Shafts are white, 14” tall x 2” thick, with dark blue green flags leaves and no bulbing nose. Early and virus tolerant, suitable high yield production in short season areas or where disease might be a pro blem. Tolerant Alternaria Purple Blotch, Phytophthora, Rust. Fresh Mkt, Gdn, specialty. Kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea, Gongylodes Group) Approx. 9,000 seeds/oz. Pkt plants 30’ of row; 1 ⁄ 4 oz sows 100’. Direct-sow 2-4 lbs/acre. Sow seeds 1⁄ 2 ” deep, 18-24”apart in rows 24-36” apart. Seeds germinate in about 12 days. Graded and treated seeds. Catalog KALE PRICES Number M=1,000 seeds Leek Lancelot Kale (Brassica oleracea, Acephala Group) Approx. 9,000 seeds/oz. Pkt plants 30’ of row; 1 ⁄ 4 oz sows 100’. Direct-sow 2-4 lbs/acre. Sow seeds 1⁄ 2 ” deep, 18-24” apart in rows 24-36”apart. Seeds germinate in about 10 days. All seed is graded and treated. Now rivalling parsley as an attractive, durable fresh/raw garnish; and as highly nutritious greens in many produce sections and salad bars. 32 3032 3037 3042 3052 Blue Armor Hybrid Blue Knight Hybrid Blue Ridge Hybrid Red Bor Hybrid Catalog Number KALE PRICES 3047 3057 3062 Green Lance Hybrid Red Russian Vates Catalog Number KOHLRABI PRICES 3072 3077 3082 Pkt 100 Seeds 1000 Seeds 5,000 Seeds 10,000 Seeds 50,000 Seeds 100,000 Seeds $1.90 $1.50 $2.45 $2.65 9.35 7.35 7.15 16.80 37.50 29.50 28.00 68.00 62.00 49.00 49.40 120.00 276.00 216.00 214.90 529.00 501.00 393.00 362.00 — oz 1 ⁄ 4 lb 1 ⁄2 lb lb 5 lb 10 lb 25 lb 50 lb $1.85 10.20 34.75 61.00 112.00 106.00/lb — — — $2.15 3.00 8.00 11.45 17.35 16.20/lb 15.50/lb 14.50/lb13.65/lb $1.45 1.40 4.70 8.25 15.00 13.90/lb 13.15/lb 12.50/lb12.00/lb Pkt 1 ⁄ 8 oz Express Forcer Hybrid $3.00 13.00 Grand Duke Hybrid Winner Hybrid 100sds $1.85; 500 sds $2.35; 1,000 sds $3.55; 5,000 sds $8.80; 25,000 sds$1.60/M; 50,000 sds $1.50/M $3.00 $2.30 — — 1 ⁄ 4 oz 1 ⁄2 oz 21.00 35.00 — 27.25 — 12.85 oz 68.00 45.25 21.50 1 ⁄ 4 lb 1 ⁄2 lb 224.00 413.00 160.00 290.00 74.00 130.00 lb 5 lb 797.00 542.00 233.00 787.00/lb 527.00/lb 225.00/lb Mustard Red Giant Mustard (Brassica juncea) Approx. 15,000 seeds/oz. Pkt plants 50’of row; 1⁄ 4 oz sows 100’. Direct-sow 3-5 lbs/acre. Sow seeds 1⁄ 4 ” deep, 5-10” apart in rows 12-36”apart. Seeds germinate in about 9 days. Seed is graded and treated, except Red Giant. 3157 Florida Broad Leaf (Large Smooth Leaf) (o.p.) 50 days. Large, broad, oval, green leaves have toothed margins, distinct white midribs. Vigorous, large, erect plants. 3162 Red Giant (o.p.) 40 days. Dark purplish red with large leaves and nice mustard pungency. Suitable for use as an ornamental edible for Gdn and colored salad material for restaurant use or as garnish. Leaf type mustard and slow bolter. 3167 Savanna Hybrid 35 days. Ve ry early, very productive plants. The round, smooth, thick leaves are dark green, nutritious. Tangy-flavored greens excellent for boiling, steaming, stir fry. Large, upright, vigorous plants are widely adapted. Bunching, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 3172 Southern Giant Curled (o.p.) 45 days. Popular variety for bunching. Bright green, frilled and curled leaves; upright, longstanding plants. 3177 Tendergreen -40 days. Dark green, very smooth oblong leaves keep deep color even in hot, dry spells. Large, erect, early bearing plants, good yield potential. Early maturity for quick harvest. Distinct mild spinach/mustard flavor. Fresh Mkt, Garden. Pkt. $1.75; oz. $4.25; 14⁄ lb $7.95; 1⁄2 lb $14.00; lb $24.00; 10 lb $21.00/lb; 25 lb $19.25/lb Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) Approx. 500 seeds/oz. (Formerly of genus Hibiscus.) Pkt plants 20’ of row; 2 oz sows 100’. Direct-sow 6-8 lbs/acre. Plant in warm soil. Sow seeds 1” deep, 18-24” apart in rows 42-60” apart. Seeds germinate in about 10 days. Plants have ornamental flowers and attractive leaves; pods are about 3” long. Hybrid Okra 3187 Annie Oakley II Hybrid 57 days. Improved Annie Oakley with even higher yields. Medium green, spineless pods are long, slender; stay tender up to 41⁄2 ” long. Pods are also very uniform and have been rated for good flavor, too. Compact plants with short internodes provide a more concentrated harvest. Suggested spacing at 8” in the row. Widely adapted plants average 41⁄ 2 ’ tall. F resh Mkt. Gdn. Okra makes an attractive ornamental plant for the back of flower borders. Dried pods are also attractive for wreath making and fall/winter arrangements. Okra Cajun Delight Hybrid 3192 Cajun Delight Hybrid 49 days.Tender pods are 3-5” long. Darker green, attractive pods that stay tender longer with less fiber build up. Height at maturity is 48” with a spread of 24” 10 days earlier than Clemson Spineless. Outstanding perfomance all over the U.S. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Okra Annie Oakley II Hybrid Open Pollinated Types 3197 Clemson Spineless #80 60 days. High quality. Spineless, rich green pods. Highly productive 4’ plants. Developed by SC Agricultural Experiment Station. Fresh Mkt,Gdn. 3202 Red Burgundy 60 days. (Open-pollinated)Tender, 5-7” pods of deep burgundy color, 4’ stalk, green leaves, burgundy stems and leaf ribs. Yellow flowers followed by shocking burgundy pods. Excellent for eating, landscape and for arrangements in Cornucopia or with dried or fresh cut flowers. Fresh Mkt, cornucopia,cutflower arrangements, Gdn. Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) Approx. 12,000 seeds/oz. Pkt plants 30’of row; 1⁄ 2 oz sows 100’.Direct-sow 3-5 lbs/acre. Sow seeds 1⁄ 4 -1 ⁄2 ” deep, 2-4” apart in rows 18-36” apart. Seeds germinate in about 18 days. 3327 Harris Model (o.p.) 120 days. Very attractive; well known for the smoothest roots. Long, white roots to 10-12” keep their whiteness after harvest without discoring. High quality for packing/bushel sales. Mustard Savanna Hybrid Catalog Number MUSTARD PRICES Pkt oz 1 ⁄ 4 lb ⁄2 lb lb 1 5 lb 10 lb 25 lb 3167 3157 3162 Savanna Hybrid Florida Broad Leaf Red Giant $2.40 5.50 17.70 32.50 56.00 51.00/lb 49.50/lb 47.75/lb $1.45 2.55 3.25 4.40 7.25 6.45/lb 5.95/lb 5.45/lb $ 1.45 2.95 8.95 15.65 27.95 25.75/lb 24.50/lb 23.90/lb 3172 Southern Giant Curled $1.45 Catalog Number OKRA PRICES Pkt 2.80 1 ⁄ 2 oz 3.45 oz 4.55 ⁄ 4 lb 1 7.25 ⁄2 lb 6.60/lb lb 1 6.25/lb 5 lb 10 lb 5.00/lb 50 lb 3187 3192 3197 Annie Oakley II Hybrid $3.80 11.65 19.15 66.00 118.00 216.00 202.00 — — Cajun Delight Hybrid $3.85 11.75 19.15 66.00 118.00 216.00 202.00/lb — — Clemson Spineless #80 $1.40 — — 2.00 — 3.55 3.40/lb 3.20/lb 2.80/lb 3202 Red Burgundy Catalog Number PARSNIP PRICES 3327 Harris Model $1.45 2.15 6.55 11.15 Pkt oz $1.40 1.80 1 ⁄ 4 lb 3.60 19.60 18.00/lb ⁄ 2 lb lb 5 lb 10 lb 6.40 8.95 8.60/lb 8.40/lb 1 33 Shallot Matador Hybrid Onion Super Star Hybrid 3262 Super Star Hybrid 100 days from sow ing. Ve ry large, mild sweet bulbs can mature to 1+ lb. Day neutral, can be g rown as spring or fall crop anywhere in U.S. Fresh Mkt, Giant Slicer. Onion Robin Hybrid Sweet Spanish Types 3237 Exhibition (o.p.) 100 days.Long Day. Extra large, extra sweet, mild with good Spanish type color. Bolt tolerant. Comparable to Walla Walla, best sub when needed. 3272 Walla-Walla (o.p.) 105 days. Long day, extra sweet, extra large and earlier than other Spanish types. Light brown skin, white flesh, very mild and sweet. Summer ripening for fresh use, very cold hardy; not a good keeper. Does well in the NE. 3277 Yellow Sweet Spanish 115 days (long day). Leading variety for the production of large yellow bulbs. Jumbo strain of deep globe-shaped bulbs with heavy golden-brown skin; small necks. Very mild, sweet, white flesh. Very few bottlenecks. Onion Candy Hybrid Onion Red Baron Bunching 3257 Onion Robin Hybrid 110 days. (long day). Very deep red with glossy shine to the skin. Traditional intense Italian flavor and top-round shape. Lustrous red outer color complemented by deep maroon rings which hold uniform color all the way to the heart. Will sell on sight. Midlong storage. Tolerant to Pink Root. Storage, Fresh Mkt, Roadside. Bunching Types (Scallions) 3227 Crystal White Wax (o.p.) 60 days. Produces lots of small, white, pearl onions very uniform in size and shape. Perfect for pickling, hors d’oeuvres or cocktails. Sow thickly and harvest early. Mild flavor. Resistant Pink Root. 3232 Evergreen White Bunch 120 days. High quality. Very long; slender, white shanks with white skin attractive for bunching, delicate flavor. Plants are slow to bolt; resist pink root, smut. Hardy plants winter over for spring crops. 3247 Red Baron Bunching The first red buncher to stay colored through all stages of growth and under wide range of temperatures. Salads. Intermediate Day Hybrids True Shallots from Seed 3222 Candy Hybrid 100 days. This mid-day hybrid is a favorite throughout the U.S. Golden straw color scales with white flesh and yields 4” jumbos with a globe shape. Short, sturdy tops and small, tight necks. Matures early in Nort h e rn growing areas. Excellent potential for transplants. Sweet & mild flavor. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 3252 Red Cross Hybrid Midlate. Mid-day type capable of spring to summer harvests. Large thick flat 8-10 oz. bulb. Deep red skin, white flesh with red rings. Overwinters well. High tolerance to DM and Botrytis. Fresh Mkt and (3 months) storage. 3990 Matador Hybrid 100 days. The genuine F rench delicacy at last available from tru e seed, can be grown like any onion, with less labor and without the diseases carried by sets. Small 11⁄2”-2” round reddish brown onions with special flavor. Bolt resistant. Sow 30 to 12 seeds per foot for shallots from 1” to 2” diameter. Long storage. 3995 Prisma Hybrid 105 days. LD. Rose pink. Higher yield of flattened-round bulbs. Uniform color, high dry matter content. Culture and flavor characteristics like Matador. Fresh or Storage. Onion for Pickling Shallots Prisma Hybrid Catalog Number ONION PRICES 100 Seeds 1000 Seeds 5000 Seeds 10,000 Seeds 100,000 Seeds 3257 Onion Robin $1.80 3.00 2.45/M 2.20/M 1.95/M Catalog Number ONION PRICES Onion Exhibition Onion (Allium Cepa) Approx. 8,500 seeds/oz. Pkt plants 25-30’of row; 1 oz sows 100’. Direct-sow 3-4 lbs/acre. Sow seeds 1⁄ 2 ” deep, 1-4” apart in rows 16-24” apart. Seeds germinate in about 10 days. 34 3227 3222 3252 3262 3237 3272 3277 3232 3247 Crystal White Wax Candy Hybrid Red Cross Hybrid Super Star Hybrid Exhibition Walla-Walla Yellow Sweet Spanish Evergreen White Bunch Red Baron Bunching Pkt $1.65 $2.80 $3.20 $2.75 $2.80 $1.95 $1.80 $1.90 $2.35 ⁄ 4 oz oz — 7.55 13.40 8.20 6.50 — — — 4.80 2.45 23.15 40.00 25.25 20.50 8.70 2.45 3.95 14.80 1 1 ⁄ 4 lb 6.15 81.00 138.00 85.00 68.00 24.50 6.00 10.15 48.50 ⁄2 lb lb 5 lb 10.60 143.00 250.00 156.00 117.00 42.50 10.45 16.65 85.00 18.90 269.00 468.00 282.00 217.00 63.00 18.65 18.30 157.00 17.45/lb — — — — 62.00/lb 16.80/lb 16.70/lb — 1 Parsley Green River Parsley Favorit 1271 Green Arrow 68 days. Large yields. Bright green pods 41⁄2 ” long are tightly packed with 9-11 sweet peas each, borne in pairs on the upper parts of vines. Plants 24-28” tall are tolerant to DM and Fusarium wilt. Fresh Mkt. Freezing, Gdn. Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) Approx. 18,500 seeds/oz. Pkt plants 30’ of row; 1⁄ 4 oz sows 100’. Direct-sow 3-4 lbs/acre. Sow seeds 1 ⁄4 ” deep, 4-12” apart in rows 12-36” apart. Seeds germinate in about 21 days. 3287 Dark Green Italian (Plain) 78 days. We believe this is the best strain of plain parsley available. Produces large quantities of broad, dark green leaves; may be cut repeatedly. Leaves with strong flavor used fresh or dried as herb. Fresh Mkt, Flavoring. 3292 Favorit 75 days. Very dark green double curled type with strong stems. Large frame plant with quick regrowth, multiple cuttings. Highly productive. Bunching, Fresh Mkt, Dehydration. 3302 Garland - 77 days. Very deep green, finely cut triple curled leaf. Durable and heavy yielding under multiple harvests. Fresh, Dehydrated, Processing. 1276 Mr .Big 58 days Giant podded, 4” long and 12⁄ ” thick, easy to pick and shell. Pod zips out 9 to 10 extra plump peas. Stays sweeter longer than most. Productivity excellent due to early set of 2 pods per node and disease resistance. Resistant to F1 and PM. 1281 Wando 67 days. Heat resistant; dependable cropper. Dark green pods 3” long are well-filled with 7-8 peas of excellent flavor. Late plantings produce because vines do well in warm weather. Vines to 21⁄2 ’ Freezing, Gdn. Edible-Podded Peas Snap Peas 1300 Super Sugar Snap pvp 66 days. A sweet, new snap pea that is crisp. Produces plumper 3” pods and matures six days earlier than Sugar Snap. Vigorous productive vines grow 55-65”. requires support. Resistant to PM, tolerant to BLRV. Freezing, Mkt, Gdn. 1295 Sugar Sprint 62 days. Supercedes Sugar Ann and Sugar Bon. Early, sweet and stringless with improved disease traits and short 26” vines. High yield potential, avg. 12 nodes at 2 pods per node. Tolerant PEMV, resistant PM. Fresh Mkt, Freezing, Shipping. 3307 Green River 70 days. Evergreen double curled type. Erect stems and upfacing foliage, good for bunching. Medium dark green color persists after harvest. Curliness holds well during warm season. Ships well. Excellent variety for flavoring and garnish as well as a superior variety for drying. Bolt tolerant, excellent for multiple harvests. Fresh Mkt, shipping, drying. 3312 Triple Curled 88 days. Tightly curled leaves attractive for garnish or salad. Less productive than Decora but the best substitute when needed. Peas Snow Pea (Oriental Pea) (Pisum sativum) Garden Peas 1266 Dakotapvp 57 days. Best available sub for Pea Knight. Good disease resistance and extra early. 22" vines bear concentrated set of long 21⁄2" pods mostly 2 per node. Pods are well filled averaging 9 peas per pod. Resistant F1, PM. Roadside, Fresh Mkt, Shelling. 3287 3292 3312 3307 Pkt Dark Green Italian Favorit Tripled Curled Green River oz $1.40 $2.00 $1.45 $1.55 Catalog Number GARDEN PEA 1 1 ⁄ 4 lb 1 ⁄ 4 lb 1 ⁄ 2 lb lb 2.00 4.00 6.20 11.50 4.25 13.95 24.50 43.75 1.85 6.00 10.45 18.65 2.75 9.00 15.50 27.75 ⁄ 2 lb lb 5 lb 10 lb 5 lb 10 lb 11.20/lb 40.75/lb 17.15/lb 25.50/lb 25 lb 25 lb 10.70/lb 10.45/lb 38.50/lb 36.75/lb 16.00/lb 23.75/lb 50 lb 100 lb 500 lb 1.45/lb 3.40/lb 1.45/lb 6.00/lb 1.35/lb 3.00/lb 1.35/lb 5.75/lb 1.30/lb 2.80/lb 1.30/lb 5.65/lb 1266 1276 1271 1314 DakotaPVP Mr. Big Green Arrow Snow Pea Goliath $1.95 $3.25 $2.00 $3.40 2.65 4.80 2.60 6.00 4.35 2.45 2.15/lb 1.70/lb 7.45 5.20/lb 4.40/lb 3.80/lb 4.40 2.45/lb 2.00/lb 1.70/lb 9.55 9.15/lb 7.65/lb 6.45/lb 1281 Wando $2.10 3.00 5.00 3.05/lb 2.60/lb 1.90/lb 1.75/lb 1.60/lb 1.50/lb Catalog EDIBLE-PODDED Number PEA PRICES 1300 1295 1324 ⁄4 lb 1 PVP Super SugarSnap Sugar SprintPVP Oregon Sugar Pod II $2.15 $3.25 $2.75 ⁄2 lb 1 Pea Green Arrow 1314 Goliath 68 days. Long shelf life pods stay crisp and sweet, hold intense green color longer after harvest. Vigorous 4 to 5’ vines stay healthy and provide a longer harvest period due to extra disease package, which also promotes potential for very high yields. Large, very flat 41⁄2” x 11⁄4” pods.Resistant F1, PM. Roadside, Fresh Mkt, Shipping. 1324 Oregon Sugar Pod II 68 days. Orientaltyp flat-podded variety with tender, bright gre e n pods. Pods are high quality, smooth, about 4”sweet, mild flavor and crunchy texture raw, stir-fry or steamed. Vines 26” need no support. PEMV, PM, CW, PSV. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Approx. 1,440-2,800 seeds/lb. 1 lb sows 150’ of row. Direct sow 90-220 lbs/acre. Sow seeds 1-2” deep, 1-3”apart, in rows 24-48” apart. Seeds germinate in about 8 days. Catalog Number PARSLEY PRICES Pea Mr. Big lb 5 lb 10 lb 25 lb 50 lb 100 lb 500 3.45 5.15 3.95/lb 3.15/lb 2.65/lb 2.50/lb 2.40/lb 2.35/lb 4.00 6.15 4.75/lb 3.80/lb 3.15/lb 3.00/lb 2.90/lb 2.70/lb 3.20 5.05 3.10/lb 2.55/lb 2.15/lb 1.95/lb 1.80/lb 1.75/lb Pea Goliath Cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata) (Southern Peas) Culture same as for bush beans. Use fresh/dried. 1168 Pink Eye Purple Hull 78 days. Best selling variety with excellent flavor. Productive, bunch-type plants mature in 7 weeks; plants may produce two crops in one season under favorable weather conditions. 1 ⁄4 lb $2.00; 1⁄2 lb $2.55; 1 lb $4.10; 5 lb 3.20/lb; 10 lb $2.85/lb; 25 lb $2.30/lb; 50 lb 2.10/lb; 100 lb $2.00/lb 1173 Queen Anne 68 days. Early, dependable, heavy yields; excellent quality fresh or dried. Pods contain 9-12 seeds each. 1 ⁄4 lb $1.90; 1⁄2 lb $2.55; 1 lb $4.05; 5 lb 3.15/lb; 10 lb $2.80/lb; 25 lb $2.35/lb; 50 lb 2.05/lb; 100 lb $1.95/lb 35 Pepper Summer Sweet® Brand Hybrid Variety #830 Pepper Blushing Beauty Hybrid Pepper Jupiter 3337 Admiral Hybrid 74 days green/ 84 days yellow. Vigorous plants provide excellent cover and quality. Thick walled 412⁄ x 41⁄2” fruit. High quality, blocky. High yielder. Resistant, Tolerant to BLS12, TMV, PVY and Stip. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Pepper Excursion II Hybrid TSW Resistant Pepper Pepper Summer Sweet® Brand Hybrid Variety #8610 (Capsicum annuum) Approx. 4,500 seeds/oz. Hybrid packets contain 25 seeds; o.p. packets produce about 75 plants; 7 oz. produces approx. 10,000 plants. Seeds germinate in about 10 days. Set plants 12-24” apart in rows 18-36” apart . Note: Days to maturity are from transplant. Sweet Bell Peppers Pepper Muscato Hybrid Summer Sweet® Brand Hybrids. Exclusive! series of noteworthy sweet peppers-offers high quality fruits, uniformity, disease tolerance and high yield potential. Beautiful novelty fruits of special interest for commercial and fresh mkt sales. 3557 Summer Sweet® Brand Variety #209 Hybrid -76 days green, 86 days red. Block bell 5" x 4 1⁄2". Large vigorous plant frame. Consistent high yield of very large high quality fruit due to triple disease resistance. BLS123, TMV, PVY Fresh Mkt, Roadside, Shipping. 3562 Summer Sweet® Brand Hybrid Variety #830 73 days green/83 days red. Blocky to deep blocky. Large 4 x 4” fruit with extra large crown set. Smooth high quality with a plant size medium to large. Very productive. TMV, PVY, BLS123 3572 Summer Sweet® Brand Hybrid Variety #8610 73 days green/83 days yellow. Replaces Pepper Summer Sweet® Brand Variety #8600 Hybrid. Top quality, deep blocky 412⁄ x 5” fruit. Solid thick walled, mostly 4-lobed fruit with sweet flesh. Glossy green turns bright yellow. Leaf canopy protects fruit well. Early with more disease resistance and high yield potential. BLS123, TMV, PVY. Fresh Mkt, Roadside, specialty Mkt. Catalog PEPPER PRICES Number M=1,000 seeds 3562 36 3492 North Star Hybrid 70 days. Early; excellent for short season areas! The green fruit with 3-4 lobes average 4 x 31⁄2”, maturing to re d , with medium thick flesh. Medium-tall, vigoro u s plants produce good cover, excellent set under adverse conditions; resistant/tolerant to TMV. Commercial, Mkt, Gdn. 1,000 5,000 10,000 25,000 50,000 Seeds Seeds 500 Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds Summer Sweet® Brand #830 $2.55 4.60 18.35 32.00 28.80/M 26.85/M 25.40/M 24.20/M Summer Sweet® Brand #8610 $2.55 4.60 18.35 32.00 3557 3602 Summer Sweet® Brand #209 Super Heavy Weight Hybrid $1.55 $2.95 4.65 7.70 19.75 31.75 34.70 31.60/M 29.30/M 27.55/M 26.25/M 55.00 49.75/M 46.50/M 44.00/M 41.75/M 3337 Admiral Hybrid $3.15 6.80 25.75 49.50 44.50/M 40.50/M 37.00/M 35.75/M 3362 Blushing Beauty Hybrid $6.00 11.15 46.50 77.00 71.00/M 64.00/M 58.00/M 53.00/M 3407 Excursion II Hybrid $1.85 5.60 23.00 40.40 36.00/M 33.55/M 31.70/M 30.45/M 3467 Jupiter $2.30 2.80 3.80 3472 King Arthur Hybrid $3.40 8.65 36.25 64.00 57.00/M 53.00/M 50.00/M 47.75/M 3489 Muscato Hybrid $1.65 5.00 21.30 37.00 33.30/M 31.15/M 29.40/M 28.00/M 3492 North Star $3.50 6.20 24.85 46.50 39.00/M 37.00/M 34.75/M 34.25/M 3692 Valencia Hybrid $3.65 8.90 38.50 67.00 60.00/M 54.00/M 50.00/M 47.75/M . 3572 Pepper King Arthur Hybrid 100 25 Sds Seeds 3362 Blushing Beauty Hybrid 72 days. Fruit blushes from light lemon yellow to red at maturity, with red/yellow bicolor stages in between. Thick and sweet at all stages, mostly 4 lobed. High yield potential and prolific fruit set. . TMV tolerant and resistant to BLS123. Color Pepper, Roadside, Mkt. 3377 California Wonder #300 o.p. 74 days.Selected mosaic-resistant strain. Fruits mostly 4-lobed, solid, heavy, average 4 x 4”. Compact, vigorous plants 24-28” tall. Commercial, Mkt. 3407 Excursion II Hybrid - 74 days Green, 84 days Red. Includes TSW in extra strong quadruple disease package. Extra large fruit pack out a beautiful shiny dark green, smooth and uniformly blocky with thick walls. Mid size plant frame. BLS 123 TSW, PVY, TMV Fresh Mkt, Roadside, Shipping 3467 Jupiter PVP 72 days.(o.p.) Very large, extremely blocky, 4 lobed fruits, 4 x 4”; widely adapted plants produce good yields. Commercial, Mkt, Gdn. 3472 King Arthur Hybrid 72 days. Large blocky 41⁄2 x 41⁄2” 3-4 lobed fruit. Upright habit, Fruit matures green to red. Widely adapted.Tolerant to TMV, PVY, TEV and BLS2. Commercial, Mkt. 3489 Muscato Hybrid - 75 days, 5" x 4" 4 lobed, dark green to orange color. Heavy yields of blocky, very thick wall, pendant fruits are produced on vigorous 24" plants with thick stems. Continual bearing, widely adapted plants hold up well. TMV Fresh mkt, processing, roadside, mixed colored peppers. 5.00 28.80/M 26.85/M 25.40/M 24.20/M 3.45/M 3.30/M 3.15/M 3.00/M Pepper Valencia Hybrid Pepper Giant Marconi Colored Bell Peppers 3402 Diamond 60 days translucent white, 75 days pale yellow, 85 days scarlet. Medium thick flesh, 3-4 lobed. 3497 Orange Sun 70 days green, 80 days orange. Excellent flavor. 3-4 lobed, thickflesh, 4-5" long. 3502 Purple Beauty 65 days green,70 days purple, 80 days red. Thick walled meaty 3-4 lobed fruit, crispy tender texture. Heavy leaf coverage protects from sun scald. 3612 Sweet Chocolate 58 days green, 86 days chocolate. Early medium sized variety with intense color at maturity. 3-4 lobed with thick walls. Pepper X3R™ Sweet Spot Hybrid Pepper Carmen Hybrid Sweet Peppers (cont) 3372 Banana Bounty Hybrid 65 days. Very early Sweet Banana type producing excellent yields. Smooth fruits 8” x 2” taper to a point, have thick sweet light yellow flesh (turns red at full ripe stage) Vigorous 2 ft plants: high yield potential. Fresh Mkt, processing. 3683 X3R™ Sweet Spot Hybrid 70 days. Early main season. The most impro v e d Banana Pepper available on today’s market. Disease resistance aids in high yield potential and easier production. Loads of light yellow 8” x 2” peppers, thick sweet flesh. Resistant to BLS123 Fresh Mkt, shipping, processing. Sweet Bell Peppers (cont) 3637 X3R Aladdin Hybrid 73 days. 5 x 4 12⁄ ” fruit turns green to yellow. Very productive, vigorous and uniform. 10 oz fruit. Resistant/tolerant to BLS123,TMV. Shipping, Mkt. 3642 X3R Camelot Hybrid 74 days. I m p rovement over original Camelot with more disease resistance. Heavy concentrated set with 5 x 41⁄2” dark glossy-green to red attractive fruit. High yield Resistant, tolerant to BLS123, TMV. Shipping, Fresh Mkt. 3527 X3R Socrates Hybrid - Early. Extra large 3-4 lobed block bell. Good thick walled quality at both green/red stages. Vigorous plant frame, strong canopy and strong disease package BLS123; PVY 0 (all races) Fresh Mkt, Processing 3607 Sweet Banana 68 days. o.p. (Hungarian sweet wax type) Attractive, bright yellow fruits turn red; 6 x 3⁄4” with sweet flesh. Vi g o rous, erect plants. Commercial, Mkt, Gdn. 3367 Boldog Hungarian Spice o.p. Sweet Spice pepper from central Hungary, the classic Paprika of Goulash fame, high sugar with just a touch of heat. 3 lobed and 5” long. Early deep red maturity. String when green and dry for Paprika or use fresh red fruits as high sugar salad pepper. 3387 Carmen Hybrid - AAS 60 days green, 80 days red. Classic Italian bull horn shape. 5 oz fruit is 6" x 2-1⁄2". Very sweet from first show of red pigment. Upright medium large plant, 28" spreading to 16", provides good protective leaf canopy. Early and productive, widely adapted. Roadside, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 3602 Super Heavy Weight Hybrid . 77 days g reen/ 92 days gold. The biggest, heav iest, thickest sweet blocky Bell ever. The legendary giant stuff e r. TMV, PVY. Fre s h Mkt, Roadside, Gdn. 3632 Valencia Hybrid 68 days green/79 days orange. Fruits 4-1⁄2" x 4-1⁄2". Large, smooth, 4 lobed blocky bells, thick walls, firm flesh to maturity. Excellent flavor and very stong color presentation, maturing from deepglossy green to rich orange.. Highly productive with dense foliage cover to protect from sun scald.Resistant TMV, Tolerant Stip. Mkt. Color Pepper. Catalog PEPPER PRICES Number M=1,000 seeds 1,000 5,000 10,000 25,000 Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds 25 Seeds Seeds Seeds 3367 Boldog Hungarian Spice $1.65 100 3.15 500 13.60 23.15 50,000 Seeds 19.75/M 17.80/M 15.75/M 14.75/M 3527 X3R Socrates Hybrid $3.40 10.55 44.25 77.00 69.00/M 65.00/M 61.00/M 58.00/M 3387 Carmen Hybrid $2.60 7.95 33.45 58.15 52.35 44.00/M 3402 Diamond Hybrid $1.70 3.15 5.80 6.70 5.55/M 3637 X3R Aladdin Hybrid $4.70 10.70 44.00 74.00 66.00/M 59.00/M 56.00/M 54.00/M 3642 X3R Camelot Hybrid $3.35 8.70 36.50 64.00 58.00/M 54.00/M 50.00/M 48.25/M 3372 Banana Bounty Hybrid $3.25 8.80 36.50 64.00 57.00/M 53.00/M 50.00/M 48.00/M 3683 X3R Sweet Spot Hybrid $3.35 9.60 40.25 70.00 63.00/M 59.00/M 56.00/M 53.00/M 3497 Orange Sun $1.50 2.75 5.00 5.85 4.85/M 4.35/M 3.85/M 3.30/M 3502 Purple Beauty $1.50 2.75 5.00 5.85 4.85/M 4.35/M 3.85/M 3.30/M 3612 Sweet Chocolate $1.65 3.15 5.60 6.50 5.40/M 4.85/M 4.20/M 3422 Giant Marconi $4.25 7.80 34.25 PEPPERS Pkt Catalog Number 1 ⁄ 2 oz oz 48.85/M 46.20/M 5.00/M 4.35/M 59.00 50.00/M 45.50/M 40.00/M 1 ⁄ 4 lb 1 Pepper Super Heavy Weight Hybrid 3.80/M 3.70/M 37.50/M ⁄ 2 lb lb 5 lb 25 lb 3607 Sweet Banana $1.20 3.55 5.75 15.30 26.00 37.25 34.25/lb 29.75/lb 3377 California Wonder $1.60 3.00 5.40 14.00 23.25 31.25 30.75/lb 30.25/lb Pepper North Star Hybrid 3422 Giant Marconi 72 days. Large, elongat ed, tapering and extra sweet, especially in mature red stage. 8” fruits on 30” plant. Fine for grilling or as sweet salad i n g redient, Widely adapted, weather tolerant. 37 Pepper Inferno Hybrid Pepper Tiburon Hybrid Pepper Ancho Villa Hybrid Chili Peppers 3342 Anaheim Chili TMR23 77 days (chili type) Pungent fruits 7-8” long, 11⁄2 ” acro s s , with medum-thick flesh. Plants 28-34” tall provide good fruit protection. Processing, Drying, F resh Mkt, Gdn. 3417 Fresno -75-80 days. Very hot, 21⁄2 x 11⁄4” conical fruit, tapers to point. Smooth waxy skin. Vigorous 24-30” plants, dense dark green foliage. Ripens from deep green thru orange to red. Popular type for fresh salsa, pickling. Market at mature green stage. Resistant TMV Salsa, Pickling, Fresh Mkt. 3597 Super Chili Hybrid 75 days. (chili type) Elongated, tapered fruits to 2 1⁄2 x 1⁄2” have hot flesh, thin walls. Harvest green/ orange/red. Fruits borne upright on semi-compact plants. D rying, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Pepper Stoked Hybrid Ancho/Poblano Peppers 3352 Ancho Villa Hybrid - 78 days. 31⁄2" x 21⁄2". Extra large. Deep green and thick walled at poblano stage, good mild hot stuffer for Chiles Rellenos. Red ripe ancho stage dries well. Good yield potential over extended season. PVY, PeMoV Fresh Mkt, Stuffer, Drying 3487 Mulato Isleno Hybrid - 85-95 days. (Poblano) Giant, 6" x 3" heart-shaped peppers mature from deep green to dark chocolate-brown at maturity. Thick, tasty flesh, mild-hot at 1000-1500 Scovilles. Use fresh or dried. The full ripe "Anchos" stage is widely used for drying in. Fresh Mkt, Rellenos, Drying, Salsa Processing. 3627 Tiburon Hybrid -(Poblano/Ancho type) Mid season maturity High yield potential. Extra large 6”x3”. Shiny, very dark green, mildly pungent. Stuffer. Habanero Peppers 3427 Habanero 90 days. Extremely pungent with high flavor. Wrinkled, thin-walled 1 x 2” fruit taper to a point. Flesh is light green to orange/pink. Up to 215,000 Scoville units. Processing, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Pepper El Rey Hybrid Catalog PEPPER PRICES Number M=1,000 seeds 1,000 5,000 10,000 25,000 Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds 3442 3597 3542 3352 3627 3457 3452 3447 3482 3522 3547 $5.15 $1.95 $2.00 $1.65 $3.45 $3.15 $2.40 $4.15 $3.25 $1.85 $1.55 70.00/M 36.50/M 22.45/M 24.60/M 57.00/M 41.75/M 31.50/M 82.00/M 52.00/M 25.50/M 31.60/M 65.00/M 34.00/M 20.95/M 23.00/M 51.00/M 39.00/M 28.00/M 77.00/M 48.25/M 23.90/M 29.30/M 58.00/M 32.25/M 19.85/M 21.75/M 47.50/M 37.00/M 26.75/M 73.00/M 46.00/M 21.60/M 27.55/M 56.00/M 30.50/M 18.90/M 20.70/M 45.25/M 35.75/M 25.50/M 69.00/M 43.75/M 20.50/M 26.25/M lb 5 lb 25 lb Catalog Number 38 Inferno Hybrid Super Chili Hybrid Stoked Hybrid Ancho Villa Hybrid Tiburon Hybrid Jalapeno El Rey Hybrid Jalapa Hybrid Ixtapa X3R Hybrid Mitla Hybrid Sierra Fuego Hybrid Summer Heat #105 Hyb PEPPERS BY WT 25 100 10.20 5.45 3.40 3.75 8.40 6.25 4.00 12.55 7.80 3.20 4.65 Pkt 500 42.50 23.30 14.35 15.75 36.50 26.25 18.55 53.00 33.00 14.85 19.75 ⁄ 2 oz 1 oz 74.00 40.50 25.00 27.75 63.00 46.25 32.75 92.00 57.00 26.50 34.70 1 ⁄ 4 lb 1 ⁄ 2 lb 50,000 3342 3427 3462 Anaheim Chili TMR23 Habanero Jalapeno M $2.70 4.95 8.30 28.50 49.50 90.00 85.00/lb 81.00/lb $1.65 16.50 26.50 90.00 160.00293..00 — — $1.85 2.90 4.80 13.15 22.70 31.25 29.75/lb 27.75/lb 3487 3622 3417 Mulato Isleno Hybrid Tam Jalapeno #1 Fresno $1.45 4.95 $1.50 3.50 $1.50 5.00 8.35 29.15 52.40 97.95 88.00/lb 6.15 16.40 28.50 40.00 37.25lb 35.00/lb 8.50 29.75 53.00 100.00 94.00lb 90.00/lb Hot Banana Peppers 3442 Inferno Hybrid (hot banana type) 62 days. Productive, very uniform, smooth tapering medium thick fruit 8 x 11⁄2” maturing yellow to red. 2,500 4,500 Scoville units. Fresh Mkt, Pickling, Gdn. 3542 Stoked Hybrid (hot banana type) 58 days. Long, tapered, smooth conical fruits, size up uniformly to 5 12⁄ ” x 1 1⁄2”. Bright pure yellow maturing to scarlet-orange. Compact, well branched but vigorous growing plants. Produces high yields of smooth fruits. Fresh Mkt, shipping, processing. Jalapeno Peppers 3457 Jalapeno El Rey Hybrid 75 to 85 days. Mid early. High yielding on compact plant. Produces heavy load of large, long Jalapenos, thick and pungent. Dark green fruit show little stress purpling and sort very reliably towards grade A. BLS123 Fresh Mkt, Processing, Garden pack. 3452 Jalapa Hybrid 65 days. (jalapeno type) Fruits 3 x 11⁄ 4 ” tapered, blunt tip, thick walls; medium green maturing to red. Concentrated set; vigorous, productive, compact plants. Processing, Fresh Mkt. 3462 Jalapeno M 72 days. (jalapeno type) Fruits 31⁄2 x 11⁄2 ” are bright red with thick, pungent flesh. Upright plants 26-36” tall. Processing, Fresh Mkt. 3447 Ixtapa X3R Hybrid - 75-80 days. (Jalapeno type) Large 4 x 1 1⁄2" thick walled Jumbo jalapenos. Bluntly tapered. Matures from dark green to red with an excellent yield potential. Mid hot Scoville range of 4,0006,000. Strong disease package promotes high yield potential and helps against some types of fruit blemish. Resistant BLS123; PVY 0 (all races) Roadside, Fresh Mkt, Shipping. 3482 Mitla Hybrid 60-68 days. (jalapeno type) Very early. Produces large fruit, 3 x 1”, with cylindrical blunt shape,ripen dark gre e n red. Perf o rms especially well in FL, TX, CA. Medium large plants. Processing, Fresh Mkt. 3522 Sierra Fuego Hybrid (jalapeno type) 80 days. Continuous and uniform 31⁄2 x 11⁄2 ” fruit. Highly productive and blunt, bullet shaped peppers. Produces a thick canopy of large leaves protects the fruit wall from the sun. Firm, crisp texture with spicy flavor. Processing, Fresh Mkt. 3547 Summer Heat™ Variety #105 Hybrid Main season (jalapeno type) Dark green, smooth fruits 3 1⁄2” x 1 1⁄2”. Large blunt shape, rounded at both ends and only slightly tapered. The Summer Heat™ disease package lends high yield potential; vigorous, productive plants load up and keep coming. TMV, PVY. Processing, Fresh Mkt. 3622 Tam Jalapeno #1 73 days. (jalapeno type) Mildly hot fruits are very dark green, thick-walled, 21⁄2 x 11⁄2 ”. Productive plants to 31” provide good fruit protection. Processing, Fresh Mkt. Pepper Mitla Hybrid Other Hot Pepper Varieties 3592 Super Cayenne III Hybrid (Cayenne type) 70 days. Early and extremely productive improvement over the original. Long, large fruit, 6" x 3⁄8". Tall 28" plant with strong stems that support heavy fruit set. Good flavor and high pungency. Resistant BLS2, TMV Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Pepper Holy Mole Hybrid 3477 Mariachi Hybrid AAS Winner. 66 days. (Caloro Chile type) Conical 4" x 2" bluntly tapered fruit. Highly marketable bright yellow thick walled fruits turn red at full ripe stage. Vigorous, deep green18 to 24" plants with abundant fruit set over long season. Moderately pungent scovilles in the 500 to 600 range. Resistant TMV Roadside, Fresh Mkt, Shipping. 3507 Red Cherry, Large Hot 77 days. (cherry type) Medium thick green fruits 11⁄ 2 -2” across mature to bright red. Strong, upright plants to 20”; heavy yields. Pickling, processing, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 3517 Serrano del Sol Hybrid 65 days. First hybrid Serrano type. Early and productive with larger fruit. Nearly a month earlier than OP strains. Medium hot, deep green cylindrical 3” fruit borne on 30” plant. Resistant PVY and PMV. 3617 Tabasco (capspicum frutescens) 80 days. Very Hot. Light yellow-green to red. Tall plant, fruit grows almost erect from the branches. Special type of famous sauce, strong pungency laid over classy flavor. Fresh Mkt, Processing, Specialty, Gdn, Pack. 3392 Cayenne Large Red (Thick) 74 days. (Cayenne Type) Bright red fruits 6-7” long 1 1 ⁄4” across with medium-thick, hot flesh. Upright, vigorous plants 24-26” tall. Processing, drying, sauces, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 3434 Holy Mole Hybrid 85 days green, 99 days chocolate: AAS Winner 2007. (Pasilla type) Tapered fruits 7-9" long x 1-12⁄ " wide mature from green to a dark chocolate. Plant grows up to 3 ft spreading to 30" with abundant yield potential. Distinct flavor, only mid-hot at 700 Scovilles but very full of other sweet and meaty aromas. Pasilla is preferred type for famous Mole recipes. Resistant Tobamo. Sauce, Dried, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 3437 Hungarian Yellow Wax Hot 65 days. (Hungarian type) Light yellow, waxy-looking fruits to 6” long, 2” across are tapered, with thick, very hot flesh. Mature to bright red. Processing, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Catalog Number PEPPERS Pkt 1 ⁄ 2 oz oz ⁄ 4 lb 1 1 ⁄ 2 lb lb 5 lb Cayenne Large Red (Thick) $2.80 3.80 6.20 21.00 37.50 69.00/lb 63.00/lb 61.00/lb 3437 Hungarian Yellow Wax Hot $3.50 5.00 8.15 26.75 47.75 89.00/lb 85.00/lb 78.00/lb 3507 Red Cherry, Large Hot $2.45 4.95 8.20 28.50 49.75 90.00/lb 85.00/lb 82.00/lb 3617 Tabasco $2.15 10.20 17.20 65.00 120.00228.00/lb222.00/lb 218.00/lb Catalog PEPPER PRICES Number M=1,000 seeds 1,000 5,000 10,000 25,000 50,000 Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds 3517 3592 3477 3434 $5.20 $2.35 $3.15 $2.65 50.00/M 47.50/M 64.00/M 53.55/M 46.25/M 44.25/M 60.00/M 49.95/M 43.25/M 42.00/M 57.00/M 47.25/M 42.00/M 40.00/M 54.00/M 45.00/M Serrano del Sol Hybrid Super Cayenne III Hybrid Mariachi Hybrid Holy Mole Hybrid 100 8.20 7.20 9.80 8.15 Pepper Summer Heat™ #105 25 lb 3392 25 Pepper Mariachi Hybrid 500 33.00 30.25 41.00 34.20 56.00 53.00 71.00 59.50 Pepper Super Chili Hybrid MONEY MAKING IDEAS. Make the very most of your carefully grown produce. Display vegetables on a bed of ice, and keep cut herbs in water, for maximum appearance, freshness and nutritive value. Attractive pre-packs in clear plastic containers with snap lids can raise perceived value while keeping freshness longer and preventing customers from picking over delicate items. When marketing greens or peppers, be s u re to offer three or four types together since they are much more attractive to buyers. Cross-sell various salad items or baby vegetables. Twilley cooperates with trial sites in many locations across the country. Disease Tolerance codes: BLS Bacterial Leaf Spot PVY Potato Virus Y TEV Tobacco Etch Virus TMV Tobacco Mosaic Virus Stip Stip 39 Pumpkin Hooligan Hybrid Pumpkin Hybrids Pumpkin Dependable Hybrid (Cucurbita Pepo or C. maxima) Approx. 100-200 seeds/oz. large seeded. Approx. 200-300 seeds/oz. small seeded Hybrid packets contain 15 seeds; o.p. packets produce 10 hills; 1⁄ 2 oz sows 100’ of row. Direct-sow 1 lb/acre. Sow seeds 1”deep, 36-60”apart in rows 72-96”apart. Seeds germinate in about 7 days. ProGold® Hybrid Series Exclusive! These proprietary hybrids provide what your pumpkin buyers want —attractive, highly colored exteriors; strong handles; thick, dark yellow flesh. Shipping, Fresh Mkt, U Pick, Gdn. Pumpkin ProGold® Brand Variety #510 Hybrid 3860 ProGold® Brand Variety #300 88 days. Thick golden-yellow flesh, rich orange skin color with fruits 12” across weighing 16-20 lbs. Bush type needs less space. Compare to Spirit for habit. 3870 ProGold® Brand Variety #510 95 days. Deep round to tall fruits of the Howden type average 14-16” across; deep orange, deep ribs. Average 22-26 lbs. each. Pumpkin Harvest Time Hybrid Pumpkin PMR Hybrids 3765 Dependable Hybrid (ACX 103) 95 days. Deep round long faced fruit, large and strong medium orange, weigh in at 24-28 lbs with high potential yields. Large full vines. Ribbings is distinct but not extreme. Strong dark green handles. Great carvers! Moderate Tolerance to PM. Roadside, Fresh Mkt, shipping, carving. 3782 Harvest Prince Hybrid - 85 days. 1 lb fruit, 3" diam. Small round sugar pie, smooth deep orange, stong tan handles, witth PM tolerance for reliable yield. Excellent for cooking, crafts or carving. Tolerant PMT Pumpkin ProGold® Brand Variety #300 Hybrid Cornucopia, painting, carving 3785 Harvest Time Hybrid 93 days. 24-28 lb. 12"w x 15"h. Large fruited with tall Howdenlike faces shape for premium jack’o’latern market. Smooth deep orange color, large robust vines, strong handles and s t rengthagainst disease work together for high yield potential. Moderate PM Tolerance. Catalog Number PUMPKIN PRICES 40 Pkt oz 1 ⁄ 4 lb ⁄2 lb 1 lb 5 lb 10 lb 25 lb 3860 ProGold® Variety #300 $1.50 4.45 12.65 22.30 36.80 35.20/lb 34.70/lb 34.20/lb 3870 ProGold® Variety #510 $1.50 5.20 14.00 24.40 43.55 43.00/lb 42.40/lb 42.00/lb 3765 Dependable $1.75 6.55 21.95 38.15 68.80 64.00/lb 60.65/lb 57.75/lb 3785 3790 Harvest Time Hobbit PMR Hybrid $1.75 6.55 21.95 38.15 68.80 64.00/lb 60.65/lb 57.75/lb $2.90 10.00 25.25 42.00 77.00 74.00/lb 71.00/lb 70.00/lb 3825 3875 3797 3782 Merlin Hybrid Reliable Hooligan Harvest Prince $5.00 17.50 $1.60 6.20 $2.30 14.15 $1.45 $8.50 59.00 104.00 20.90 36.35 47.50 82.60 $28.50 $49.55 192.00 171.00/lb 156.00/lb 65.50 61.00/lb 57.75/lb 148.85 138.75/lb 131.25/lb $89.30 $83.25 $78.75 150.00/lb 55.00/lb 125.00/lb $75.00 Pumpkin Merlin Hybrid 3790 Hobbit PMR Hybrid 93 days. 10-12 lb. 7"w x 8-1⁄2"h. First multiple disease package in medium large pumpkin. Early maturity enhances flexibility at planting and surer harest window. Smooth deep orange skin. Semivine habit. Tolerant PM, CMV. 3797 Hooligan Hybrid - 95 days. Unique bicolored Orange & white mottled. Small fruit, 14⁄ lb; 2" x 3". Good handle. High yield potential. Vigorous vine covers well against sunburn. Unique novelty for fall ornamental mixture and arranging. Ornamentals, Fresh Mkt, U-Pick, Gdn. Tolerant PM. 3825 Merlin Hybrid 115 days. 18 - 25 lb. 12"w x 14"h. Fruit is round with medium heavy ribbing, deep orange rind and large handles. Semi-bush vines are uniform and support dense sowing for high yieldpotential. 200sd/oz. Tolerant PM. Pumpkin Autumn Gold Hybrid Pumpkin Big Autumn Hybrid Pumpkin Sorc e rer Hybrid Pumpkin Spirit Hybrid 3715 Appalachian 110 days. Large deep orange carving type reaches 14-16”, 20-25 lbs. Large handle. Smooth rind but otherwise resembles Howden type. Good sub for Pro G o l d #510 when needed. Roadside, U-Pick, Fresh Mkt, Shipping, Carving. 3720 Autumn Gold Hybrid 90 days. Early. Handsome fruits show attractive goldenorange rind color when small. Vi g o rous vines bear 3-5 fruits each, averaging 7-10 lbs. Firm , meaty flesh for carving, cooking. Fresh Mkt, UPick, Gdn. 3730 Big Autumn Hybrid 90 days. Fru i t s show bright yellow color when immature , ripen bright orange. Average 16 lbs. each; symmetrical shape, deep orange flesh, heavy, dark green stems. Pies, carving. Semi-bush plants compact with larger fruit than Autumn Gold. Fresh Mkt, U-Pick, Gdn. Pumpkin Jack-Of-All-Trades™ Hybrid 3745 Buckskin Hybrid - 115 days. 11 lb; 7 x 10"; Kentucky field type. Buff colored, unusually attractive, fine textured rind, golden flesh. Vigorous vine. Excellent for pie filling displays. Fruit matures 7-10 days earlier than open-pollinated Kentucky Field types. Fresh Mkt, Roadside, Cornucopia. 3770 Frosty Hybrid 95 days. High quality bush carving type. Very attractive, bright orange fruits average 10” across, have firm flesh. Stores well. Bush habit saves space. Shipping, Fresh Mkt, U-Pick, Gdn. 3805 Jack-Of-All-Trades™ Hybrid 90 days. Dark orange flesh with a dark orange skin and shallow ribs. Semi-bush plants. Good uniformity of smooth, glossy, 15 lb pumpkins, 11” diameter with a thick sturdy dark green stem will hold up well after harvest. Shipping, Gdn. 3810 Jamboree Hybrid 95 days. Highly orn amental metallic gray rind. Fruits weigh 10 lb, 10” diam. Ribbed, flat round fruits. High yield potential, very uniform. Good baking quality. CMV, Papaya Ring Spot. Roadside and C o rnucopias. 3835 Neon Hybrid 65 days. 7-8 lb., 10” x 12”h. The earliest American Jack ‘O’ Lantern , 2 to 3 weeks earlier than most others. Rind is dark orange, medium ribbed. Handle is striking emerald black, broad and strongly attached. Flesh is deep golden. High yield potential because semi-bush plants can achieve high density and average 2 grade A’s per plant. So early that fruit maturity occurs well before disease pre s s u re, tending to avoid BLS, fruit rot and weak stem, and promoting high percent of marketable yield. U Pick, Roadside,Shipping, Carving. 3840 Orange Smoothie Hybrid 90-110 days. 5-8 lb. 8” diam. High percent marketable f ruit due to great uniformity of smooth deep orange color, perfect globe shape, long strong green handle. A tendency has been reported not to succumb BLS so avoiding fru i t rot or weak stems, perhaps due to early and rapid toughening of rind before disease onset can occur. Weight is light for its size which makes it easy moving from fields and easy c a rry-out for customers. Semi-deteminate bush habit, yield potential, 3-4 fruits per plant. Roadside, Shipping, Carving, Painting, Pies. Pumpkin Jamboree Hybrid 3845 Peek-A-Boo Hybrid 90 days. 3-1⁄2 to 4 lb. 7"w x 5-1⁄2"h. Early baby pumpkin. Semibush habit permits close spacing for high yield potential. Smooth deep orange rind, strong dark green handle, good choice for baby pumpkin market. 250 sd/oz. 3885 Snackjack Hybrid 90 days. Produces Hull-less edible seeds perfect for roasting as a snack food. Compact, semi-bush plants produces small deep orange fruit, 4 1⁄2” in diam. and weighing 2 lbs. Yield potential is high. Fruits have a thin rind and large seed cavity with high seed yields. Depending on planting density, the plants grow two to five round, shallow ribbed pumpkins with short strong stems. Commercial, Gdn. 3890 Sorcerer Hybrid 90-100 days.15-20 lb.,12”w x 14”h. Distinct crown setting habit for efficient field work. Yield potential is high and crop is very uniform. Large size, dark orange, deep round fruit, heavy ribbing and heavy deep green handle. Semi-vine habit. Roadside, Shipping, Carving. Catalog Number PUMPKIN PRICES 3715 3720 3730 3770 3805 3835 3840 3845 3885 3890 3895 3745 Appalachian Hybrid Autumn Gold Hybrid Big Autumn Hybrid Frosty Hybrid Jack-Of-All-Trades™ Hybrid Neon Hybrid Orange Smoothie Hybrid Peek-A-Boo Hybrid Snackjack Hybrid Sorcerer Hybrid Spirit Hybrid Buckskin Hybrid Pkt oz $3.35 $2.30 $2.65 $1.75 $2.95 $3.60 $3.30 $3.20 $3.00 $7.80 $3.30 $1.95 11.15 9.85 10.35 4.85 9.90 16.15 12.15 11.15 18.70 18.25 12.20 6.95 Pumpkin Orange Smoothie Hybrid 3895 Spirit Hybrid 98 days. Early, semi-bush variety needs less space. Fruits up to 12” across, 10-12 lbs., have outstanding, rich orange color and smooth rind — very attractive for carving, decoration. Thick, goldenyellow flesh fine for cooking; good keeping quality. Vigorous, compact. Shipping, Fresh Mkt, U-Pick, Gdn. 1 ⁄ 4 lb 37.25 26.00 27.00 12.90 32.75 54.00 41.25 27.25 63.00 60.00 40.50 23.15 1 ⁄2 lb 61.00 41.75 42.25 23.85 53.00 95.00 72.00 45.25 109.00 100.00 69.00 40.25 lb 5 lb 10 lb 107.00 97.00/lb 94.00/lb 70.00 68.00/lb 67.00/lb 70.00 68.00/lb 67.00/lb 45.00 42.50/lb 40.00/lb 89.00 85.00/lb 81.00/lb 169.00 157.00/lb 149.00/lb 133.00 125.00/lb 116.00/lb 82.00 78.00/lb 77.00/lb 196.00 183.00/lb 173.00/lb 177.00 160.00/lb 151.00/lb 121.00 110.00/lb 104.00/lb 72.00 67.00/lb 40.00/lb 25 lb 90.00/lb 64.00/lb 64.00/lb 39.00/lb 77.00/lb 142.00/lb — 76.00/lb 165.00/lb 144.00/ l b 98.00/lb 61.00/lb 41 Pumpkin Jack Be Little Pumpkin Baby Bear Pumpkin Gooligan Hybrid PVP . Pumpkin Rouge Vif d’Etampes 3815 Lumina PVP 110 days. Size and shape varies. 10-15 lb white with smooth skin and large fruits varying from globe to flat-globe 8-10”. Flesh is bright orange. Ideal for painting, decorating or carving. Harvest slightly immature for a better white. Stress will cause a blue tinge to skin. Fresh Mkt. 3830 Mini-treat 75 days. 2 x 3". Tiniest true pumpkin. Bush habit with concentrated set yielding high count of fruit per acre. Orange rind and orange interior. Lightly sutured with distinct dark handles. Genuine miniature jack-o'-lantern. Cornucopia, Roadside, Ornamental. Pumpkin “Howden’s” Howden Pumpkin Wyatt’s Wonder Hybrid Novelty Pumpkins 3725 Baby Bear PVP 105 days. I rresistible “baby” pumpkins are sized for small childre n ’s hands. Bright orange skin, shallow ribs, good handles; 112⁄ -2 lbs., 4-6 x 3-4” Vining plants produce 8 to 10 fruits each. Suggest for pack sales; promote for kids. Painting, carving, pies; partially hull-less seeds. Some disease tolerance. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Pumpkin Lumina 3750 Casper 90 days. 10-15 lb. 8” h x 10” w. White skinned pumpkin improved to minimize the blueing under stress which affects some varieties. Globe shaped fruit have thick orange interior. Good eating. Distinct tan corky handles. Fresh Mkt. PVP 3777 Gooligan Hybrid. 95 days. Baby white. ⁄4 lb; 2"x 3". High yield, uniformly white & deep ribbed. Vigorous vine covers well against sunburn. High % unique white fruit, fine eating quality and flavor. Cornucopia. 3800 Jack Be Little 95 days. Popular minipumpkin much in demand at roadside stands. Tiny pumpkins 2 x 3” weigh 3-4 oz. each. Prolific plants, 8-10 fruits on large vines 10-12 ft. long. Excellent keepers after curing. Ornamentals, Fresh Mkt, U-Pick, Gdn. Pumpkin Wee-B-Little Catalog Number PUMPKIN PRICES 3725 3735 3740 3750 3755 3780 3795 3815 3880 3900 42 Baby Bear Big Max Big MoonPVP Casper Connecticut Field Halloween in Paris “Howden’s” Howden Lumina PVP Rouge Vif d’Etampes Wee-B-LittlePVP Catalog Number PUMPKIN PRICES 3800 3777 3905 Jack Be Little Golligan Hybrid Wyatt’s Wonder Hyb Pkt oz ⁄ 4 lb $3.25 11.35 27.25 $1.40 3.50 7.15 $2.65 8.00 27.00 $1.95 6.45 20.40 $1.95 3.00 6.90 $3.45 7.70 25.50 $1.95 3.85 12.30 $2.35 6.15 16.85 $2.15 4.75 15.95 $3.50 10.70 36.25 Pkt ⁄2 oz 1 ⁄2 lb 1 oz 1 1 45.50 11.20 46.75 36.25 8.00 43.50 21.25 31.75 27.75 63.00 ⁄ 4 lb ⁄2 lb 1 lb 5 lb 10 lb 84.00 80.00/lb 78.00/lb 17.15 16.30/lb 15.00/lb 84.00 79.00/lb 75.00/lb 67.00 60.00/lb 55.00/lb 12.70 10.15/lb 8.20/lb 78.00 72.00/lb 67.00/lb 37.00 32.50/lb 29.25/lb 58.00 55.00/lb 53.00/lb 50.00 46.60/lb 44.15/lb 113.00 105.00/lb 100.00/lb lb 5 lb 10 lb 25 lb 77.00/lb 14.80/lb 70.00/lb 52.00/lb 7.70/lb — 26.50/lb 52.00/lb 42.00/lb 96.00/lb 25 lb $1.66 3.25 5.15 16.20 28.00 49.75 48.75/lb48.25/lb 47.75/lb 2.30 14.15 47.50 82.60 148.85138.75/lb131.25/lb125.00/lb $10.85 $33.35112.15195.00351.30327.45/lb309.75/lb295.00/lb 3900 Wee-B-LittlePVP 85 days. A true miniature pumpkin but scaled down to decorative size. Deep orange color, sturdy spineless handles with 3 x 31 ⁄2 globe shaped 8 oz. fruit having a slight rib and mature from yellow to deep orange. U Pick, Gdn. Small seeded. 3905 Wyatt's Wonder Hybrid. 120 days. Capable of huge exhibion sizes, measured up to 21⁄2 ft tall x 3-4 ft across, ranging form 50 to 300 lb under the culture of competion specialists. Deep brilliant orange rind, smoothly sutured. Very robust vine. Giant Exhibiton, State Fair Competition. Open Pollinated 3735 Big Max 120 days. Prize-winning up to 100 lbs. Fruits have distinctive, pinkishorange rind, bright yellow-orange flesh 3-4” thick, good cooking quality. Display at farm show, harvest fairs. Fresh Mkt,, U-Pick, Gdn. 3740 Big MoonPVP 120 days. The Big One! Huge fruits up to 200 lbs. Medium orange, evenly ribbed rinds; thick, light orange flesh. I m p ressive for display, harvest shows. Provide plenty of space, water and nutrients for the biggest fruit. Fresh Mtk, U-Pick, Gdn. 3755 Connecticut Field 115 days. Selected strain produces large, orange fruits with attractive appearance; weigh 15-20 lbs. 3760 Cushaw Orange Striped 110 days. (Cucurbita mixta) Pear shaped with crookneck, 25-30 lb fruit. Hard thin smooth rind, marked with golden orange stripes over creamy white background. Fine grained sweet golden flesh is excellent for baking or pies, good keeper. Roadside, Cornucopia, Ornamental Gourd. 3795 Howden’s” Howden 115 days. The original strain. Crop produced from John Howden’s original foundation seed. Classic halloween pumpkin shape, deeply ribbed orange globes with tall, imposing brow, broad stable base and substantial green carrying hande. 13-16” pumpkins average 20-30 lbs. Halloween, Roadside, Fresh Mkt, Shipping. Cinderella Pumpkins 3780 Halloween in Paris 100 days. 15-20 lb. Brilliant yellow version of Vif d’Etampes type. Huge flattened fruits with sweet light yellow flesh, a popular ingredient in Parisian soups. Very bright and showy for novelty sales. Specialty sales. 3880 Rouge Vif d’Etampes Improved early strain of French heirloom type. Intensely bright reddish orange, bulging flattened globe, extremely deep ribs, golden interior, long keeper. 15-20 lbs. Radish Cherriette Hybrid Potato Radish Easter Egg II Blend 3705 Potato Zolushka 110 days from transplant. Tubers medium large, 3” x 4”, round oval, with shallow eyes, smooth white skin and creamy white flesh. Germinate indoors or in seed bed like tomato, transplant at 25 days with 4 true leaves. Pelleted seed. Medium resistance to Late Blight and some viruses. Radish Radish Tae-Baek Hybrid Spinach Skookum (Raphanus sativus) About 2,500 seeds/oz. Pkt plants 30 ft. of row; 1 oz sows 100 ft. Direct-sow 10-20 lbs/acre. Sow seeds 1⁄4-1⁄2”deep, 1⁄2-1” apart in rows 8-18” a p a rt. Seeds germinate in about 6 days. All seed is graded and treated. Radish Rudolph 3950 Hailstone 25 days. o.p. Pure white skin and pure white flesh. Good holding a b i l i t y, remaining crisp and firm a long time. Medium size tops are larger than most early globe types and dark green. Good for either spring/fall sowings. Bunching, Forcing, Gdn. Bunching/Cello Pack/Salad Types 3915 Altabelle - 26 days. Best disease resistance in red radish. Bright red, medium large, globe shaped roots. Great color retention. Cutleaf foliage. Dark green, medium tall tops are highly tolerant to leaf diseases for fresh mkt pack.Tolerant DM, moderate tolerance Rhizoctonia Scurf, Resistant Yellows Fusarium Cello, Bunching, Fresh Mkt. 3925 Cherriette Hybrid 23 days. Cherry Belle type. Bright cherry-red, crisp flesh, fre e from pith, globe shaped. Bred for increased uniformity and larger, marketable yields. 3930 Cherry Belle (o.p.) 26 days. Well known variety produces small, bright cherry red roots for salad use. Short tops even in warm weather; fine for muck soil. Packing, bunching, forcing,Gdn. 3935 Crunchy Royale 24 days. Deep red and round, extremely uniform root formation with high packout rate, high quality interior with excellent crispness and bright white color. Quality stands up well to 4” size. Pith tolerant. Fresh Mkt, bunching, cellopak. 3940 Easter Egg II Blend - 28 days. Mixed red, white and purple colors. Large round roots.Green strap leaves, medium strong, medium tall, upright tops. Excellent flavor and long field holding ability. Roots hold well and are late to get pithy. Novelty Bunching, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 3960 Rudolph 24 days. Large round type with short foliage for winter and spring production. Excellent skin quality with very durable bright red color that withstands handling. A good value for performance. 3970 White Icicle (o.p.) 27 days. White, elongated roots to 5” Does well on muck/upland soils. Short tops, even on fertile soils. Bunching, forcing. Oriental Hybrid 3920 April Cross Hybrid 60 days. Spring planted Minowase type. Pure white roots to 18 x 2” are delightfully pungent, slow to become pithy. Slow to bolt. 3945 Fancy Free Altari Hybrid 50-60 days spring; 30-35 days autumn. Early maturing and late bolting. Pure white roots 31⁄2 -4” long and 1-11⁄2” across having excellent quality. Tender and crisp with almost no pungency. Resistant to common radish disease. 3955 Minowase Summer Cross #3 Hybrid 50 days. For late spring/summer planting. Pure white, uniform roots to 16 x 21⁄2 ”; very high quality and slow to become pithy. Heat tolerant, resistant to Fusarium wilt. 3965 Tae-Baek Hybrid 70 days. Best suited to late summer planting. Short, blunt white roots tinged green weigh about 2 lbs. each; very firm and uniform. Highly tolerant to virus, bacterial soft rot, DM. Kimchee/ storage (keeps 4-5 months). Catalog Number M=1,000 seeds 25 seeds 100 500 seeds seeds 1,000 seeds 3705 Potato Zolushka $1.85 3.95 14.50 25.75 23.80/M 21.75/M 19.90/M 19.35/M Pkt ⁄ 2 oz oz 3.00 — 3.15 1.80 2.70 — 10.60 2.50 8.15 4.90 2.25 5.00 2.35 3.15 3.30 20.00 4.00 14.00 Catalog Number RADISH PRICES Radish April Cross Hybrid 1 3925 3930 3935 3950 3960 3970 3920 3945 3955 Cherriette Hybrid Cherry Belle Crunchy Royale Hailstone Rudolph White Icicle April Cross Hybrid Fancy Free Altari Hybrid Minowase Summer Cross #3 Hybrid $1.80 $1.15 $1.85 $1.40 $1.65 $2.45 $3.20 $1.50 $2.80 3965 Tae-Baek Hybrid $1.80 4.15 6.75 5,000 seeds 1 ⁄ 4 lb 11.20 3.55 11.50 3.00 5.00 4.00 59.00 11.15 48.50 10,000 seeds ⁄2 lb 1 23.40 41.75 77.00 71.00/lb SPINACH PRICES M=1,000 seeds 250 2,500 10,000 50,000 200,000 seeds seeds seeds seeds seeds 4005 4010 4015 4020 Melody Hybrid Skookum Hybrid Space Hybrid Tyee Hybrid $1.95 $1.80 $2.25 $1.90 .64/M .58/M .62/M .59/M 5 lb .58/M .46/M .54/M .48/M 50,000 seeds 25 lb 18.90 35.50 32.75/lb 31.25/lb 4.15 5.65 5.40/lb 5.15/lb 19.50 36.25 33.75/lb 32.25/lb 3.80 6.35 5.45/lb 4.85/lb 7.30 13.30 12.85/lb 12.55/lb 5.90 8.75 7.20/lb 5.90/lb 105.00194.00181.00/ l b — 21.45 39.25 38.25/lb — 91.00 166.00 148.00/lb — Catalog Number 3.75 2.70 3.75 2.75 lb 25,000 seeds .51/M .39/M .47/M .41/M — 500,000 1,000,000 seeds seeds .45/M .36/M .41/M .38/M .38/M .34/M .35/M .36/M Radish Crunchy Royale Hybrid Radish Minowase Summer Cross #3 Hybrid Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) Approx. 2,800 seeds/oz. Pkt plants 25-30 ft. of row; 1 oz sows 100 ft. Direct-sow 10-15 lbs/acre. Sow seeds 1⁄2 - 1” deep, 2-6” apart in rows 12-36” apart. Seeds germinate in about 8 days. 4005 Melody Hybrid 43 days. Very high yields. Deep green, savoyed leaves are rounded, thick. Large, upright plants tolerant to DM12 CMV. Spring/fall planting. Fresh Mkt, Processing, Gdn . (Sized seed) 4015 Space Hybrid 40 days. Very upright leaves are dark green, smooth and round. Slow bolting monoecious type good for long season of sowings from spring through fall. Resistant DM123. Fresh Mkt, freezing. 4010 Skookum Hybrid 41 days. Early, highly disease tolerant. Dark green, semi-savoy leaves are large, rounded, upright. Vigorous, high-yields, long-standing plants; resistant to DM123. Fresh Mkt, Processing.(Sized seed) 4020 Tyee Hybrid 53 days. Spring/fall/winter plantings. Large, dark green leaves are heavily savoyed. Vi g o rous, productive, longstanding; tolerant to DM13. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. (Sized seed). 43 Squash Sundance Hybrid Squash Fancycrook Hybrid Hybrid Straightneck Types 4057 Daisey Hybrid. 41 days. Classy productive straightneck. Lemon yellow, slightly tapered 6"-7" fruit with green stem & small bulb. Vi g o rous medium bush. High yield potential. Medium resistant PM. Fresh Mkt, Shipping, Processiong, Gdn. Squash Medallion Hybrid 4070 Enterprise Hybrid 41 days. Attractive bright yellow straightneck with long tapere d fruits. Heavy continuous production over a long season. Vi g o rous bush with high quality fruits. Tolerant Mildew. Processing, Fresh Mkt. 4085 Goldbar Hybrid 43 days. Golden yellow, cylindrical fruits are very uniform, smooth. Upright, open, vigorous plants. Commercial, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 4125 Precious II Hybrid 53 days. E x c l u s i v e ! P recocious yellow gene masks green streaking caused by certain viruses, delaying its appearance until later in the season. Attractive, marketable bright yellow fruits are smooth, slender, average 6-7” long on open, medium plants. High yield potential. Fresh Mkt, Processing, Gdn. Squash Daisey Hybrid Hybrid Crookneck Types Squash Precious II Hybrid 4075 Fancycrook Hybrid 43 days. Full fancy curved crookneck. Precocious yellow gene masks green streaks caused by CMV so the fancy quality makes it to market. Glossy butter yellow fruit, vigorous upright open habit, high yield potential. 4095 Horn of Plenty Hybrid 41 days. Early high yielding semi-crook neck, pick at 4”-6”. Tall vigorous plants. Bright yellow with relatively smooth skin. Shipping, F resh Mkt, Gdn. Squash Sunglo Hybrid *Squash Summer (CucurbitaPepo) Squash Horn of Plenty Hybrid A p p rox. 120-400 seeds/oz. Packet contains 30 seeds; 1⁄ 2 oz sows 100 ft. of ro w. Directsow 2-6 lbs/acre. Sow seeds 1-2” deep, 2448”apart in rows 36-60”apart. Seeds germinate in about 7 days. Catalog Number 4070 4075 4085 4095 4100 4125 4170 Catalog Number 4130 Squash Goldbar Hybrid 44 SUMMER SQUASH PRICES Enterprise Hybrid Fancycrook Hybrid Goldbar Hybrid Horn of Plenty Hybrid Medallion Hybrid Precious II Hybrid Sundance Hybrid 4100 Medallion Hybrid 52 days. Exclusive! Semi-crookneck fruits have bright yellow skin, strong necks, average 41⁄2 61 ⁄2 Vigorous, open, bush-type plants. Commercial, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 4170 Sundance Hybrid 45 days. Bright yellow, smooth fruits, medium neck; uniform, high quality. Compact open plants, high yields; well adapted. Commercial, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 4172 Sunglo Hybrid. 40 days. 7" x 2". Glossy, smooth yellow crookneck with small blossom scar. Strong neck and few spines limit damage. Shape and quality lasted to late season in trials with high pack-out of fancy grades. PM trait helps yield. Open vigorous bush. Medium resistant PM. Fresh mkt, Roadside. Pkt oz $4.00 $3.80 $4.30 $2.95 $1.85 $1.65 $4.30 10.55 13.55 11.40 10.15 4.85 5.15 12.00 1 ⁄ 4 lb 34.00 43.50 35.50 24.50 15.55 14.65 39.25 1 ⁄ 2 lb lb 5 lb 25 lb 55.00 99.00 95.00/lb 89.00/lb 79.00 144.00 130.00/lb 113.00/lb 57.00 103.00 98.00/lb 94.00/lb 38.25 70.00 66.00/lb 63.00/lb 26.65 46.85 44.15/lb 42.00/lb 25.95 48.15 46.15/lb 44.15/lb 62.00 118.00 108.00/lb 104.00/lb M=1,000 seeds 25 seeds 100 seeds 500 seeds 1,000 seeds 5,000 seeds 25,000 seeds 50,000 seeds Prelude II Hybrid $3.25 10.00 41.25 71.00 64.00 58.00 54.00 Squash Zucchini Spineless Beauty Hybrid Squash Zucchini Cashflow Hybrid Squash Zucchini Gold Rush Hybrid Hybrid Zucchini Types 4030 ABCO® Variety #45A Hybrid 49 days. Improved disease package with high yield and s t ress tolerance. Glossy deep green, smooth, cylindrical 6” fruit. Vi g o rous medium bush, open habit. Tolerant ZYMV, WMV2. 4035 Ambassador Hybrid 51 days. Especially good for the South. Uniform, cylindrical fruits are medium dark green. Open plant habit; extremely productive. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 4040 Blackjack Hybrid - 54 days. Very dark green, 7-8" fruit. Smooth cylindrical fruit on upright, vigorous plants. Good cover and excellent quality. One of the darkest hybrids available. Fresh Mkt; Shipping, Gdn. 4050 CashFlow Hybrid - 44-47 days. Early, medium green, 7 1⁄2 8 1⁄2" long. Diameter 1 3⁄4". Slightly tapered. Vi g o rous growth, open habit, large plants. Due to high yields this variety is a favorite Eastern green zucchini. In some university trials, yields have been 14-25% higher than comparable varieties. Replaces Revenue. Tolerant ZYMV Fresh Mkt, Shipping, Roadside. Squash Zucchini Sebring Hybrid Squash Zucchini Ambassador Hybrid 4055 Clarimore Hybrid 51 days. Mediterranean type produces 5-6” long slightly tapered fruit of a distinct light green speckled color. Open bush habit is easy to harvest. Vigorous plant, generally out-yields regular zucchini hybrids. Fresh Mkt. 4080 Gold Rush Hybrid 52 days. .Golden yellow fruits, attractive novelty. High-quality, uniform, cylindrical, extremely smooth skin. Upright, open plants. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 4145 Sebring Hybrid 40 days. SemiSpineless, straight, golden fruit highly productive at 8”. Strong plant and uniform production. Bush habit with open plant structure makes it easier to see the fruit for a more complete harvest. Commercial, Gdn. 4155 Seneca Hybrid 42 days. Very popular for all areas. Dark green fruits flecked with lighter green. Early, high yields. Plants adapted to N, FL. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 4160 Spineless Beauty Hybrid 43 days. Few or no spines on leaves and stems allow easier harvest. Ambassador type produces medium green, waxy, cylindrical, uniform fruits averaging 71 ⁄2 -81 ⁄2 ” long. The medium-size, open plants set well and produce high yields. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Catalog Number SUMMER SQUASH PRICES Pkt 4035 4080 4145 4155 4160 4040 4050 4030 4055 Ambassador Hybrid Gold Rush Hybrid Sebring Hybrid Seneca Zucchini Hybrid Spineless Beauty Hybrid Blackjack Hybrid Cashflow Hybrid ABCO Variety 45A Hybrid Clarimore Hybrid $4.20 $6.20 $2.50 $3.50 $2.80 $2.75 $2.60 $1.85 $1.85 Squash Zucchini SenecaHybrid Squash Zucchini Sungreen Hybrid 4175 Sungreen Hybrid 54 days. Highly productive compact bush, open branching and tough stems for easy harvest. Yields long and heavy pickings. 8” glossy dark green, cylindrical fruit with good interior quality. Sungreen is slow to make seed and can be picked with good quality longer. Moderate resistance ZYMV, Resistant WMV2. oz 1 ⁄ 4 lb 1 ⁄ 2 lb lb 5 lb 25 lb 14.00 45.00 71.00 127.00 122.00/lb 116.00/lb 15.85 49.50 84.00 156.00 150.00/lb 143.00/lb 9.65 20.55 34.75 64.00 61.00/lb 58.00/lb 9.15 30.00 47.50 86.00 83.00/lb 77.00/lb 17.35 56.80 97.95 174.95 160.50/lb 150.00/lb 16.75 55.00 95.00 160.95 155.00/lb 145.00/lb 15.95 52.30 90.15 160.95 147.65/lb 138.00/lb $4.85 $15.55 $26.65 $46.85 $44.15/lb $42.00/lb $11.20$36.75 $63.00 $114.00 $104.00/lb $97.00/lb Squash Zucchini ABCO® Var #45A Hybrid 45 Squash Eight Ball Hybrid Squash Papaya Pear Squash Total Eclipse Hybrid 4110 Papaya Pear 42 days. Harvest 6 oz fruit at 31⁄2” x 2 3⁄4” AAS Winner 2003. Unique pear shaped yellow summer squash. Highly productive semi-bush habit. Tender, high quality fruit with excellent summery flavor. Widely adapted. Extra early. Squash Vegetable Spaghetti 4120 Peter Pan Hybrid 52 days. AAS Winner. High-quality Patty Pan type with attractive, light green skin and delicious, tradtional flavor. Best picked at about 3” across. Salads, cooking, stuffing. Compact plants. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 4165 Sunburst Hybrid 50 days. AAS Winner. Yellow-skinned Patty Pan type. Fruits have attractive, tender, buttery yellow skin, fine flavor and texture. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 4179 Total Eclipse Hybrid - 49 days. 2" x 3" NEW! prolific dark green Patty Pan type. Pie shaped scalloped fruit. Fine grained, mild sweet white flesh, Compact bush. Attractive deep green shows well with gold and white in baby squash medley. Fresh mkt, gdn, ornamental Squash Peter Pan Hybrid Vegetable Spaghetti Winter Squash Tivoli Hybrid Novelty Summer Squash 4060 Early White Bush Hybrid 47 days.Patty Pan type. Young 1” fruit very pale green, turning chalky white at mature size 6” diameter. Interior is white, fine textured. Bush bears clusters around the crown of the plant. Young 1” fruit can be marketed as mini-vegetables. Fresh Mkt, Gdn, Novelty. 4065 Eight Ball Hybrid AAS Winner Highly productive zucchini with a round medi um dark green skin color. Excellent plant vigor and 3 1⁄2 x 3 1⁄2” uniform fruit weighing 1-11⁄2 lbs. Strong plant with open bush habit. Commercial, Gdn. Squash Sunburst Hybrid 46 Catalog Number SUMMER SQUASH PRICES 4060 4065 4110 4120 4165 4179 4297 4287 4045 Early White Bush Hybrid Eight Ball Hybrid Papaya Pear Peter Pan Hybrid Sunburst Hybrid Total Eclipse Vegetable Spaghetti Tivoli Hybrid Winter Squash Carnival Pkt oz $1.45 $2.70 $3.60 $5.80 $3.95 $1.45 $1.60 $3.95 $2.30 2.45 11.60 19.30 14.65 16.90 5.65 3.15 10.00 13.95 1 ⁄ 4 lb 6.50 37.50 61.00 46.50 49.00 18.55 4.85 31.25 45.75 1 ⁄ 2 lb lb 5 lb 25 lb 11.25 70.00 116.00 77.00 76.00 32.00 8.20 55.00 79.00 18.65 113.00 213.00 138.00 146.00 57.15 14.00 99.00 141.00 17.15/lb 109.00/lb 196.00/lb 134.00/lb 143.00/lb 52.45/lb 11.70/lb 91.00/lb 130.00/lb 16.00/lb 108.00/lb 189.00/lb 132.00/lb 140.00/lb 49.00/lb 9.35/lb 87.00/lb 121.00/lb (Cucurbita Pepo) 4287 Tivoli Hybrid 100 days. AAS Wi n n e r. New bush-vine habit; fine for smaller home gdns. Plants bear 3-5 uni form, oblong fruits each; average 3-4 lbs. with light yellow rind. Plants require just 16 sq. ft of growing space each. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 4297 Vegetable Spaghetti (o.p.) 110 days. Large fruits 3-4 lbs. each, 8-10” long, have yellow skin; light yellow flesh is low in calories, crunchy texture. High-yielding, vining plants. Long storage ability. Commerc i a l , F resh Mkt, Gdn. Winter Squash Approx. 120-400 seeds/oz. Hybrid packets contain 20-30 seeds; o.p. packets produce 10 hills; 1 oz sows 100’ of row. Direct-sow 2-6 lbs/acre. Sow seeds 1-2” deep, 36-96” apart in rows 72-96” apart. Seeds germinate in about 7 days. Acorn Types (Cucurbita Pepo) 4045 Carnival Hybrid 85 days. An acornsquash with a nutty twist. The fruits are flecked and streaked with color, shades of yellow, green, gold, every one different. Otherwise perf o rmance is uniform and comm e rcially dependable. Midsize fruit are borne near the crown of the semibush plant for easy cultivation and harvest. Good for long storage with fine interior quality. Winter Squash Table King Winter Squash cont. 4232 Cream of the Crop Hybrid 75 days.AAS Wi n n e r. Pale creamy white-skinned acorn squash is a novelty for roadside mkts, easy to see and harvest. Goldencreamy flesh with nutty flavor; the 2-3 lb. f ruits store well. Bush-type plants. Winter Squash Early Butternut Hybrid Winter Squash Table Ace Hybrid 4245 Mardi Gras PMT - 105 days. 4" - 5"; 1⁄ lb - 2lb. Multicolored acorns, stripes and splashes of white and green shades. Heart shaped, sweet and tender. Fruit sets in clusters on productive sem-bush plants. Tolerant PM Fresh mkt, gdn, commercial, ornamental 1 2 4257 Table Ace Hybrid 70 days. Earlier by 510 days than other Acorn types, best flavor of all similar types. Fruit with excellent shape, 41⁄2 x 51⁄2 ”,attractive black-green skin. Delicious, sweet flesh is free of stringy fiber, outstanding quality. Plants 3-4’ across, 2-21 ⁄2 ’ high. Commercial, Mkt, Gdn. Winter Squash Carnival Hybrid 4262 Table Gold 65 days for summer squash, 90 days for winter squash. Attractive, bright golden-skinned fruits average 412⁄ x 5” Or h a rvest at about 2 x 3”, when light yellow. Compact, bush-type habit. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 4237 Early Butternut Hybrid 82 days. AAS Wi n n e r. Earliest Butternut type we off e r. Attractive fruits have excellent flavor and texture; each provides two serv i n g s . H a rd rind assures at least 2 months of storage. Heavy yielding, semi-bush, compact vines; open habit. Commercial, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 4267 Table King 75 days. AAS Wi n n e r Dark green fruits 5-61⁄ 2 ” long x 43⁄ 8 -51⁄4 ” across, weigh 11⁄4 -11⁄2 lbs. each. Thick yellow-orange flesh with excellent flavor; improves in storage. Plants 3 1⁄ 2 -4’ across, 2-21⁄ 2 ’ high, 4-7 fruits each. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 4302 Waltham Butternut 110 days. AAS Winner Ve ry uniform production of fruits free of crooked necks. Large fruits have excellent flavor and color with uniform , straight necks; store well. Commercial, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 4272 Table Queen Mammoth 80 days. Selection of Royal Mammoth chosen for its large fruits. Deep green skin and attractive, dark orange flesh average 7 x 51⁄2” Well adapted for East and South. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 4277 TayBelle Hybrid 90 days. The original Taybelle variety. Good yields of 6x7” ebony g reen acorn squash, semi-bush habit. Best sub for Taybelle PM when needed. 4282 TayBelle PM Hybrid 90 days. Unusual s t rength against disease. Good yields of large 6x7” fruits. Color is deepest ebony gre e n . Semi-bush habit. Tolerant PM. Butternut Types (Cucurbita moschata) 4217 Butternut Supreme Hybrid 90 days. Large fruits are extremely uniform and attractive, with marked absence of undesirable longnecks. Squash average 12 x 5” with thick necks and typical buff exterior. Long keeper. Commercial, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 4227 Chieftain PMR Hybrid 85 days. Unusually strong against PM. Uniform 2 1⁄2 lb b u t t e rnuts are attractive mkt size. Compact plant. Good keeper with fine grained flesh. Tolerant PM. Roadside, Fresh Mkt, Storage. 4244 Indian Brave - 85 days. 3" x 9"; 4 to 5 pounds. Large fruit produced in abundance. Quality comparable to Butternut Supreme. Vigorous vine with disease tolerance, extra yield potential. Tolerant PM, resists cracking. Fresh mkt, gdn,shipping. Other Winter Types Winter Squash Cream of the Crop Hybrid (Cucurbita maxima) 4222 Chicago Warted Hubbard (o.p.) 105 days. Green-skinned processing type produces large, warted fruits averaging 15 x 10” High quality, deep orange-yellow flesh, stand a rd for pies, canning. Long storage. Commercial, Processing, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 4242 Hubbard Golden (o.p.) 105 days. Large, red orange, warted fruits weigh about 10 lbs., average 11 x 9”. Very tasty flesh is deep orange, dry; excellent for pies, cooking. Long storage. Commercial, Processing, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Catalog Number 4232 4257 4262 4267 4272 4277 4282 4217 4237 4302 4227 4244 4245 4222 4242 WINTER SQUASH PRICES Cream of the Crop Hybrid Table Ace Hybrid Table Gold Table King Table Queen Mammoth Tay Belle Hybrid Tay Belle PM Hybrid Butternut Supreme Hybrid Early Butternut Hybrid Waltham Butternut Chieftain PMR Hybrid Indian Brave Hybrid Mardi Gras Hybrid PMT Chicago Warted (Hubbard) Hubbard Golden Winter Squash Indian Brave Hybrid Pkt oz $3.40 $3.80 $1.75 $1.55 $1.45 $2.00 $3.25 $4.55 $3.80 $1.45 $1.65 $1.85 $2.35 $1.45 $1.55 10.30 13.70 4.20 2.75 2.50 11.85 15.40 15.45 13.70 2.55 10.15 11.30 14.45 3.00 3.50 1 ⁄ 4 lb 34.00 45.00 10.30 5.30 3.90 39.75 51.00 37.00 45.00 4.75 33.00 37.15 47.35 7.15 7.35 ⁄ 2 lb lb 5 lb 25 lb 59.00 77.00 16.70 8.65 6.70 68.00 91.00 62.00 77.00 7.80 57.00 64.00 81.65 10.90 9.65 104.00 138.00 31.25 14.55 11.15 123.00 165.00 116.00 138.00 13.25 102.00 114.30 145.80 16.30 18.25 96.00/lb 127.00/lb 29.75 13.80/lb 10.00/lb 112.00/lb 150.00/lb 109.00/lb 127.00/lb 12.50/lb 94.00/lb 104.85/lb 133.75/lb 15.30/lb 15.90/lb 92.00/lb 119.00/lb 28.25 12.65/lb 9.45/lb 105.00/lb 145.00/ l b 105.00/lb 119.00/lb 11.40/lb 87.00/lb 98.00/lb 125.00/lb 14.20/lb 13.65/lb 1 47 Winter Squash Autumn Cup Hybrid Squash Bush Delicata Squash Pinata Winter Squash Sweet Mama Hybrid 4202 Bonbon Hybrid 95 days. “Buttercup” type winter squash averages 4-5 lbs. Deep g reen, blocky shape, smooth skin and thick, sweet orange flesh on vigorous, medium vines. High sugar content, dry weight. Commercial, Fresh Mkt, Shipping, Gdn. Squash Sunshine Hybrid Winter Squash (continued) Buttercup and Kabocha Types (Cucurbita maxima) 4192 Amber Cup Hybrid 100 days. Looks of a Kabocha but offers outstanding flavor and quality of a buttercup. Vigorous full vines produce flattened round fruit. Each orange fruit weighs about 3 lbs. and grows 8-9” long and 5” wide. High sugar content, firm flesh. Commercial, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 4197 Autumn Cup Hybrid 95 days. Vines produce 3-4 large dark green 3 lb. fruits per plant, each 8 x 5” with deep orange, high quality flesh. Bush habit and concentrated fruitset makes this ideal for dense plantings or small space growing. Commercial, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Catalog Number WINTER SQUASH PRICES Pkt 4212 Buttercup (Burgess Strain) (o.p.) 100 days. Favorite winter squash variety. Round f ruits with ‘‘ b u t t o n ’’ have dull green rind striped with gray. Flesh of excellent quality and taste; deep golden yellow, fine-grained, sweet, flavorful and free of fiber. Cooks, freezes and s t o res well. Commercial, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 4247 Sunshine Hybrid 95 days. AAS Winner. Highly desirable combination of traits. Bright deep orange skin for sales appeal. High sugar (avg brix 15o.),light, sweet nutty-starchy flavor, completely smooth and stringless when baked. 3-4 lb fruits slightly flatround, with bright orange interior and high dry matter content (avg 17%). Vigorous short internode 8’ vine. oz 1 ⁄ 4 lb 1 ⁄ 2 lb lb 25 lb Bonbon Hybrid Bush Delicatapvp pending Buttercup Sunshine Hybrid Sweet Mama Hybrid $2.35 14.25 $2.60 9.95 $1.45 2.75 $3.60 12.20 $4.50 20.60 4292 4192 4197 4246 Turk’s Turban Amber Cup Hybrid Autumn Cup Hybrid Pinata $2.15 5.20 11.35 18.35 26.50 25.00/lb 23.40/lb $3.80 19.45 62.00 113.00 205.00170.00/lb$161.00/lb $3.15 15.85 50.00 92.00 166.00 138.00/lb 130.00/lb $1.65 10.15 33.35 57.50 102.65 94.15/lb 88.00/lb 48 46.75 81.00 144.00 29.00 52.00 97.00 5.90 8.30 12.85 72.00 125.00 222.00 61.00 112.00 184.00 5 lb 4202 4207 4212 4247 4252 131.00/lb 124.00/lb 92.00/lb 86.00/lb 10.70/lb 8.55/lb 204.00/lb 191.00/ l b 181.00/lb 174.00/ l b Winter Squash Amber Cup Hybrid 4252 Sweet Mama Hybrid 85 days. AAS Wi n n e r. Big yields of Buttercup-type f ruits with very dark, green skin, 2-3 lbs. each. Moderately thick, sweet, yellow flesh; excellent storage ability, 4 months or longer. Semi-short plants produce 2-3 fruits each, can be pruned back to 4’ Commerc i a l , F resh Mkt, Gdn. 4207Bush Delicata pvppending 80 days. 4 x 8”.(o.p.) Bush habit, first ever disease tolerance and high yields with less spraying earned high votes from AAS judges. 3’ spread and crown set dense planting. Has the sweet, smooth bright golden flesh characteristic of Delicata types, for which they’re sometimes called sweet potato squashes. Ornamental deep green striping over white background, oblong oval shape. Long keeping. Strong tolerance PM. Roadside, Shipping, Storage. 4246 Pinata - 85 days. 9" x 3"; 2-3lb. Long blimp-shaped fruit, striped cream with narrow dark green stripes in razor sharp contrast. Fine grained, very sweet flesh with rich nutty flavor like old-fashioned sweet potato pie. Excellent eating quality and long keeper. Productive semi-bush vines. PMT Roadside, cornucopia, shipping. Gourds Annual (Cucurbita Pepo ovifera) 150-500 seeds/oz. Direct-sow seeds after danger of frost where they are to remain. Seeds germinate in 5-7 days at 75-80°F. Best on a trellis in full sun. Do not thin seedlings as brightest colors may sprout slowest. Harvest when fruits are fully mature but before frost, and dry several weeks; can be varnished. 10-12’ vines. Small Seeded Gourds 5060 Small Gourds, Assorted Beautiful patterns, colors and shapes; smooth and warted skins. For table decorations, fresh or dried. 5039 Nest Egg Gourd Similar in size and shape to an ordinary egg. Outside is smooth, white and hard. Color for Easter. 5046 Pear Bicolor Gourd Pear shaped hard and smooth fruit, lower half green; upper half yellow to buff. 5067 Small Flat Striped Gourds Green, white and yellow stripes. 5074 Small Orange Small round smooth dark orange with tiny black handle. 5080 Small Asst Professional Warted MixBlended for advantages in commercial NEW! production for mkt. Smaller more uniform 3" fruit with stronger colors, more consistent warting. Assortment of stripes, bicolors, solids, spoons, pears, short pears, flats and rounds. High pro p o rtion of yellows, greens and oranges, with fewer whites, for brighter display at Roadside or mkt. 5081 Small Warted Blend An all-warted blend with an exceptional array of colors and shapes. It has bicolors of green, white and orange and many shapes. 5095 Spoon Gourd Striped green and white bottom with a long yellow crookneck. Prices—Any of the above: Pkt $1.40; 1⁄ 2 oz $2.45; oz $4.15; 1⁄ 4 lb. $11.95; 1 ⁄ 2 lb. $19.75; lb $35.25 5053 Shenot Crown of Thorns Improved C rown of Thorns type with pro n o u n c e d thorny warts around shoulders of fruits. Wide range of patterns in white, green and orange. Gourds Small Assorted Professional Warted Mix Ornamental Squash 4292 Turk’s Turban (o.p.) 100 days. Also called Mexican Hat. Very popular at roadside stands, markets-colorful ornamental fruits are edible, too. Bright orange fruits with “button” have red, white and dark green markings, average 8-10” across. Fine for baking, stuffing. High yields of uniform fruits. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 1 ⁄4 oz $2.15; oz $5.20; 1⁄4 lb $11.35; 1⁄2 lb $18.35; 1 lb $26.50; 5 lb $25.00/lb; 25 lb $23.40/lb Pkt $2.35; 1⁄ 2 oz $4.15; oz $7.00; 1⁄ 4 lb. $20.15; 1 ⁄ 2 lb. $33.25; lb $59.00 Large Seeded Gourds 5025 Large Gourds, Assorted Various sizes, shapes and colors. For birdhouses, dippers, ornaments. 5004 Bird House Gourd (C. Lagenaria) Mostly 10-12” diameter by 14-16” tapering toward the stem end. Smooth, hard shell. 5011 Caveman Maranka Club shape with large swollen end and curious random ridges. 5018 Chinese Bottle Double balloons, large swollen base, smaller bulb on thin neck near stem. Used as water jug or as birdhouse in south. 5032 Luffa G rown for its fibrous flesh. Harvest at 2” long for baby vegetables. Harvest after 90 days for sponges. Prices—Any of the above: Pkt $1.75; 1⁄ 2 oz $2.40; oz $4.15; 1⁄ 4 lb $13.80; 1 ⁄ 2 lb $25.25; lb $45.50 Gourds Shenot Crown of Thorns Winter Squash Turk’s Turban 5088 Speckled Swan Long elegant swan, oval base bearing a goose neck with a head at end. Pkt $2.50; 1⁄ 2 oz $3.40; oz $5.75; 1⁄ 4 lb$19.60; 1⁄ 2 lb $35.75; lb $65.00 5020 Gourd Koshare Yellow Banded -95 days. Unique variable banded pattern provides brilliant contrast. 2-5 bands of alternating dark green and golden yellow with some pure greens. 4” fruits with uniform spoon shape. Excellent color retention on stand or in storage. Multi-stem bush habit with concentrated fruit set permits high population, high yields and easy harvest. Pkt 100 sds $5.65; 500 sds $21.00; 1,000 sds $33.30, 5,000 sds $28.00/M Gourds Small Assorted Gourds Koshare Yellow Banded 49 Tomato (Lycopersicon esulentum) Approx. 11,500 seeds/oz. Hybrid packets contain 25 seeds; o.p. packets p roduce about 100 plants; 3 oz produces about 10,000 good transplants. Seeds germinate in about 8 days. Set plants 18-48” apart in rows 36-60” apart (if staked, 12-24”apart in rows 3648” apart). NOTE: Days to maturity are from transplant. TSWV Types Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus continues to be a persistent problem in southern states and Hawaii. TSWV has grown into a threat that wipes out entire tomato crops. Symptoms are hard to detect before the fruit appears, and by then it is too late to save the crop. TSWV is almost impossible to contro l because the spread by tiny thrips that feed on infected plants carries the virus to healthy plants. So, disease resistance is the only method to control this problem. 4359 Amelia Hybrid 75 days. Aggressive disease package including Tomato Spotted Wilt resistance. Vigorous determinate plant with good leaf canopy has yielded large to extra large fruit under moderate to heavy pruning regimes and is a good subject for stake culture. Jointed 7-8 oz. fruit are very firm, uniform red ripening, suitable for green or ripe harvest, and crack tolerant. Bred primarily for Southeastern U.S. shipping mkts but could be tested for other areas and applications. Resistant V, F123, N, St, TSW. Tomato Top Gun Hybrid 4371 Bella Rosa Hybrid - MidEarly. Large fru i ted with superb disease package including TSWV and heat tolerance. Vigorous determ inate vines. Bright red fruit is uniformly large, round, firm fleshed and highly flavored with good balance of acid to sugars. Superb trial results in SE U.S., especially Florida, and worth testing in any area with strong disease pre ssure. Resistant VF12AS & TSWV. Roadside, shipping, fresh mkt. 4379 BHN 444 Hybrid 80 days. 8-10 oz. U n i f o rm ripening, globe shaped fruit, Medium vigorous determinate plant. First variety resisting Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSW)! A breakthrough for SE growers. V, F12, TSW. Roadside, Fresh Mkt, Shipping, Gdn. Tomato Amelia Hybrid 4546 Muriel Hybrid - Main Season Large Roma type. Tremendous disease package featuring TSWV in combo with Nematode resistance. Stellar in SE U.S. trials. Jointed stems, uniform ripening shoulders. TSWV, VFFNA Fresh Mkt, Roadside, Gdn, Shipping 4604 Top Gun TSW Hybrid (XP1405037) 75 days. From Peto, the Top Gun breeder of Tomato. Top quality, great yield potential and resistant to Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus. Best yield potential and fruit quality to date in TSW resistant Tomato. 7-8 oz fruit, deep-oblate to round, on vigorous determinate plants. U n i f o rm color gene ripens firm and red all at once, without green shoulders, to brilliant red color with excellent acid balance and sweet flavor. Bred with hot-set gene to set fruit in hot weather when other varieties drop their blossoms, providing an even greater yield potential. Grow on the ground, or on short stakes or wires. TSWV is spread by thrips and only genetic resisitance controls it. Top gun TSW can fix this for you, no loss of performance.TSWV, ASC, Gray Leaf Spot, V1, F12. Fresh Mkt, Shipping, Gdn. Tomato BHN 444 Hybrid 50 Catalog HYBRID TOMATO PRICES Pkt Number M=1,000 seeds 250 500 1,000 Seeds Seeds Seeds 4359 4371 4379 4546 4604 33.75 26.25 37.15 16.75 44.75 Amelia Hybrid Bella Rosa Hybrid BHN 444 Hybrid Muriel Hybrid Top Gun TSW Hybrid $4.50 $3.40 $4.80 $2.20 $5.90 5,000 Seeds 54.00 93.00 84.00/M 44.15 76.65 69.00/M 62.35108.40 97.60/M 28.15 48.90 44.00/M 71.00122.00 109.00/M 25,000 Seeds 50,000 100,000 Seeds Seeds 78.00/M 64.40/M 91.00/M 41.00/M 99.00/M 73.00/M 70.00/M 60.90/M 58.00/M 86.15/M82.00/M 38.85/M37.00/M — — Tomato Bella Rosa Hybrid Tomato Muriel Hybrid Selecting Tomato Varieties With so many tomato varieties available, it may be difficult to choose which to grow for tomato p roduction. Tw i l l e y ’s re s e a rch department continually looks at diff e rent varieties and how they perform. The following information will help you select the best varieties for your production. We especially suggest any of the tomatoes in the Twilley “Professional Seeds Series™”. Maturity Consider the number of frost-free days in your growing area. Early crops are usually in demand for fresh market, but fruits may be small. Determinate vs Indeterminate Determinate plants grow shorter, with concentrated fruit set, and need no pruning or support. Indeterminate plants can be grown on the ground, but they usually yield larger, more perfect fruit over a longer period if supported and pruned. Fruit Type and Use Large-fruited types include globe and oblate shapes. There are also plum/paste and cherry types listed. Jointless vs Jointed Jointless fruits, when picked, are missing the stem (pedicel) where they were attached to the plant. This means fruit will show less damage in shipping. Jointed fruits have an enhanced appearance in fresh market settings because stem remains attached. Disease Tolerance Recently introduced varieties have better tolerance to disease, particularly to Fusarium and Verticillium wilts, which are present in many soils. There are other tolerances genetically built in; see descriptions and disease tolerance codes. Shipping/Fresh Market Descriptions list suggested best uses for each variety. Shipping types are indicated. Adaptability Many varieties perform well in certain regions; we include this information when possible. 50 Tomato Celebrity Hybrid Tomato Empire Hybrid Determinate Tomatoes 4389 Bonita Hybrid 70 days. Determinate. Early maturity. Large, red fruit average 7 oz. each, are jointless and globe-shaped. Produces high-quality fruit for market; does particularly well on short stakes. Plants tolerant to F12, V, St. Fresh Mkt, U-Pick. 4419 Celebrity Hybrid 72 days. Determinate. Mid-early variety for main crop; widely adapted, with wide-spectrum disease resistance. Large, red, deep oblate fruits are firm, flavorful, average 8 oz.; show crack resistance. Medium size, strong determinate plants. Resistant F12, V, TMV, N, ASC, St. Grow on ground, caged or staked. Commercial, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 4434 Colonial Hybrid 76 days. Determinate. Widely adapted variety. The medium to large, deep oblate fruits are jointless, have firm, deep red flesh, green shoulders, average 7 oz. Medium large plants are resistant/tolerant to V, F12, St and ASC. Ground or stake culture. Fresh Mkt Gdn. 4439 Empire Hybrid 72 days. Determinate. Main-season crops of large, high quality red fruits 10-11 oz. each; jointed, green-shouldered, with good firmness and crack-resistance. Large plants provide excellent fruit protection; well adapted to mid-Atlantic and northeastern areas. Tolerant to F 12, V, N, TMV, ASC, St. Mkt, Gdn., Husky Hybrid Stays compact like determinates but keep growing with prolonged yield like indet e rminates. Large 8 oz. full flavored fruits on 4 ft. vines. Easy to stake. Extra good looking in packs. Tolerant to cracking. Roadside/Bedding Plant. 68-70 days. 4464 Gold 4469 Pink 51 Tomato Sunmaster II Hybrid 4499 Keepsake Hybrid 70 days. Determinate. When picked “vine ripe”, these fruits will keep at room temp for up to six weeks. Yields a tremendous crop of 7 to 8 oz deep oblate, red fruit. Grow in cages, tied to short stakes, or just grow on the ground as a bush. Resistant to V1, F12, N, TMV, ST and ASC. U-Pick, Gdn. 4554 Pilgrim Hybrid 68 days. Determinate. Early maturity of consistently good, red, jointed fruits with excellent firmness and crack resistance; average 7 oz. and ripen uniform l y. Adapted to mid-Atlantic, NE and southern Canada. Less prone to environmental fru i t defect than others of similar maturity. Fre s h Mkt, Home Gdn. 4569 RoadRunner III Hybrid Exclusive! 74 days. Great flavor and disease re s i s tance. Determinate. Superb for ro a d s i d e or fresh market. Large 8 to 12 oz. fruit borne in concentrated set on 3 12⁄ ’ determinate vines. G reat flavor from high acid/sugar balance, combined with firm texture for long shelf life. Jointed stem for easy pick and attractive Roadside look. Light green shoulder ripens to full even red yet allow accurate monitoring of ripeness. Main crop comes on in a 14 day window. Excellent disease package allows high yield potential, heat tolerance and extended harvest after main picking. Tested widely a c ross US. Vines really load up and taste g reat. Resistant V, F12, N, ASC. St. Roadside, F resh Mkt, Shipping. 4579 Sunmaster II Hybrid 74 days. D e t e rminate. “Hotset” type yields smooth high quality fruit even when pollination occurs at high temps. Fruit is globe-shaped, firm, has u n i f o rm green shoulders and excellent color and flavor. Medium size fruits 7-8 oz. Bred for SE and SW climates. Resistant/tolerant to V1, F12, St, ASC. Commercial, Shipping. Determinate vs Indeterminate Determinate plants grow shorter, with concentrated fruit set, and need no pruning or support. Indeterminate plants can be grown on the ground, but they usually yield larger, more perfect fruit over a longer period if supported and pruned. Tomato RoadRunner III Hybrid Tomato Brandywine Red Open Pollinated Varieties 4394 Brandywine Red 78 days. Large, deep globe shape 1 lb fruits. Deep skin color. Soft with excellent flavor and smooth red flesh. Indeterminate, potato-leaf plants. Fruit with green shoulders, fairly large stem scar. A very popular 1800’s heirloom best known for high flavor. 4399 Brandywine Yellow 80-100 days. Heirloom. Indeterminate potato leaf vines Large fruit up to 2 lb, fine flavor for a yellow, creamy texture, exceptional quality heirloom. Both Brandywines: Pkt 250 sds $1.95; 500 sds $3.00; 1,000 sds $4.90; 5,000 sds $4.25/M; 25,000 sds $3.80/M; 50,000 sds $3.50/M; 100,000 sds $3.25/M Disease Tolerance codes: ASC BSp F F1 F2 N Alternaria Stem Canker Bacterial Speck Fusarium wilt Fusarium wilt, race 1 Fusarium wilt, race 2 Root Knot Nematodes St TMV V V1 V2 TSWV Catalog HYBRID TOMATO PRICES Number M=1,000 seeds 25 250 500 1,000 Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds 4389 4419 4434 4439 4464 4469 4499 4554 4569 4579 $1.95 5.55 $4.50 11.00 $1.35 2.90 $1.95 14.85 $2.35 5.15 $1.65 3.60 $3.80 12.20 $3.20 6.25 $2.00 4.95 $3.35 10.25 Bonita Hybrid Celebrity Hybrid Colonial Hybrid Empire Hybrid Husky Gold Hybrid Husky Pink Hybrid Keepsake Hybrid Pilgrim Hybrid Roadrunner III Sunmaster II 8.95 16.40 5.20 24.85 8.85 6.20 18.20 10.70 8.30 16.20 15.55 31.25 8.80 43.50 12.90 9.05 29.75 18.35 14.30 28.25 Stemphylium (gray leaf spot) Tobacco Mosaic Virus Verticillium wilt Verticillium wilt, race 1 Verticillium wilt, race 2 Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus 5,000 Seeds 25,000 Seeds 50,000 100,000 Seeds Seeds 12.95/M 27.50/M 7.20/M 39.25/M 11.40/M 8.00/M 23.35/M 15.40/M 12.85/M 26.00/M 10.75/M 23.95/M 5.55/M 36.50/M 9.95/M 6.95/M 20.95/M 12.95/M 12.00/M 20.60/M 9.95/M 9.50/M 23.20/M 22.30/M 4.75/M 4.40/M 34.50/M 33.00/M 9.60/M 9.25/M 6.70/M 6.45/M 18.95/M 17.90/M 11.90/M 11.40/M 11.50/M 10.80/M 17.65/M 16.00/M 51 Tomato Florida 47 Hybrid Tomato Mountain Spring Hybrid N.C. State Mountain Series Tomato Mountain Belle Hybrid 4449 Florida 47 Hybrid 75 days. Vigorous, Determinate. Proven commercial performance across the mid-Atlantic and SE to FL. Large, deep red, 10 oz fruits of exceptional firmness and uniform fruit quality. Uniform ripening fruit and jointed stem. Tall, vigorous plants with excellent foliage and fruit cover. ASC, V1, F12 and Stemphylium. Stake culture, Fresh Mkt, Roadside, Shipping. Tomato Mountain Fresh Plus Hybrid 4524 Mountain Belle Hybrid 68 days. Determinate. A jointless cherry tomato having high yields of uniformly sized fruit averaging 11⁄4" in diameter and weighing 1 oz. Will hold without cracking long after picking. Round to slightly oval bright red fruit free of yellow shoulder defect. From Dr. Randy Gardner, NC State Univ. Resistance/tolerance to F, F1. Commercial, Roadside, Gdn. Tomato Floralina Hybrid Disease Tolerance codes: ASC BSp F F1 F2 N St TMV V V1 V2 TSWV Alternaria Stem Canker Bacterial Speck Fusarium wilt Fusarium wilt, race 1 Fusarium wilt, race 2 Root Knot Nematodes Stemphylium (gray leaf spot) Tobacco Mosaic Virus Verticillium wilt Verticillium wilt, race 1 Verticillium wilt, race 2 Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus 4534 Mountain Fresh Plus Hybrid 79 days. Determinate. Large, deep oblate fruits 31⁄2 across and weighing 8-12 oz. Excellent resistance to cracking, blossom end rot, puffiness and angularity. Tolerant to V12, F12, Nematode Resistant and Early blight. From Dr. Randy Gardner, NC State Univ. Commercial, Home Gdn. 4544 Mountain Spring Hybrid 69 days. Determinate. Jointed. Firm, uniform, bright red color inside and out. High marketable yields all over East. Low susceptibility to cracking, blossom end rot, puffiness, angularity. Tolerance to V1, F12. Fresh Mkt, U-Pick. S o rry, no Mountain Spring sales to Arkansas or South Carolina. Tomato Carolina Gold Hybrid Catalog HYBRID TOMATO PRICES Number M=1,000 seeds 4409 4444 4449 4524 4534 4544 52 Carolina Gold Hybrid Floralina Hybrid Florida 47 Hybrid Mountain Belle Hybrid Mountain Fresh Plus Hyb Mountain Spring Hybrid 25 250 500 1,000 Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds $2.90 $4.15 $4.35 $3.40 $4.15 $4.15 13.75 32.75 32.75 10.25 13.25 16.35 4409 Carolina Gold Hybrid 75 days. 8-10 oz. Improved earliness, disease resistance, larger fruit and higher yields over Mountain Gold. Vigorous determinate large yield of clean, uniform ripening, round beef fruit. Golden tangerine color very attractive for specialty sales. Resistant V, F12 Highly Tolerant Graywall, Tolerant cracking and weather checking. Roadside, Fresh Mkt. 4444 Floralina Hybrid 72 days. Developed through joint effort between NCSU and U of FL. A fine, firm fresh mkt tomato tested and well suited to both mid Atlantic and Eastern Mtn regions. Large, smooth deep oblate fruit. Vi g o rous determinate plant adaptable to stake or bush culture. F12 , ASC, St, V1. Fresh Mkt, Shipping. 25.00 52.00 56.00 16.95 20.30 27.25 43.50 90.00 97.00 28.50 34.00 43.50 5,000 Seeds 25,000 Seeds 38.00/M 81.00/M 87.00/M 25.00/M 29.25/M 37.75/M 33.25/M 76.00/M 81.00/M 22.90/M 27.00/M 32.50/M 50,000 100,000 Seeds Seeds 30.00/M 71.00/M 77.00/M 21.40/M 25.50/M 30.25/M 28.00/M 68.00/M 72.00/M 20.35/M 24.90/M 29.00/M Jointless vs Jointed Jointless fruits, when picked, are missing the stem (pedicel) where they were attached to the plant. This means fruit will show less damage in shipping. Jointed f ruits have an enhanced appearance in fresh market settings because stem remains attached. Tomato Better Boy Hybrid Indeterminate Tomatoes Tomato Burpee’s Big Boy® Hybrid 4369 Beefmaster Hybrid 80 days. Indeterminate. Big, smooth, meaty beefsteak-type fruits averaging 10 oz. each. Deep red, solid, juicy flesh. Vigorous, high yielding plants resistant/tolerant to F1, V, N, ASC, St. Ground or stake culture. Mkt, Gdn. 4374 Better Boy Hybrid 75 days. I n d e t e rminate. Large, globe-shaped fruits up to 1 lb. or more, with bright red flesh. Vigorous plants with good fruit protection, tolerant to F1, V, N, ASC, St. Highly productive. Grow on ground or stakes. Mkt, U-Pick, Roadside Mkt. Tomato Beefmaster Hybrid 4384 Big Beef Hybrid 73 days. Indeterminate.1994 AAS. Early red beefsteak-type with round smooth shoulders, fruits weighing 8 to 12 oz. Best grown on stakes. Tolerance to V, F12, ASC, ST, N and TMV. Rave reviews nationwide. Mkt, Gdn. 4404 Burpee’s Big Boy® Hybrid 78 days. I n d e t e rminate. Popular variety asked for by name as plants or produce. Smooth, red, deep globe-shaped fruits have fine flavor, thick walls and bright red, meaty flesh. Many f ruits weigh 1 lb. or more. Large, extremely vigorous plants are heavy producers; popular at roadside stands. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Tomato Grandeur Hybrid Tomato Big Beef Hybrid 4459 Grandeur Hybrid 75 days. Indeterminate. Long yielding with strong disease package and short internodes. Crop starts early with large 8-9 oz fruit. Large leaved vigorous plants protect fruit from sunscald entire season. Produces 5-7 fruits per cluster, with green-shouldered trait to mark vine-ripe readiness. Deep oblate, smooth, red fruit with great taste, firm meat and crack-resistantce. High resistance to TMV, V, N, F1, St. Roadside, Gdn, Fresh Mkt. 4482 Jetsetter Hybrid - 64 days. Indeterminate. An extra early variety with large, 8 oz fruits and great flavor! Deep oblate, smooth, green shouldered fruit produce early and long. High yield potential. With nematode resistance this variety will do well in the South as well as the North. You will be the earliest for roadside market sells in your area. Resistant N Roadside, Gdn, Fresh Mkt, U-Pick, stakes or trellis. Greenhouse Tomatoes 4572 Sedona Hybrid - MidSeason. Indeterminate, highly productive ghse t o m ato. Extra smmoth, firm textured 8 oz fruit. Top fancy quality, with very small blossom end scar, bright red mature color, uniform ripening shoulders. Past trials suggest that Sedona is worth testing in both heated and passive (sunbelt) ghse cultures. Ghse, Shipping, Fresh mkt. Tomato Jetsetter Hybrid Tomato Sedona Hybrid Catalog HYBRID TOMATO PRICES Number M=1,000 seeds 4369 4374 4384 4404 4459 4482 4572 25 250 500 1,000 Seeds Seeds Seeds Seeds Beefmaster Hybrid $4.30 Better Boy Hybrid $4.15 Big Beef Hybrid $1.90 Burpee’s Big Boy Hybrid $3.25 Grandeur Hyb $1.95 Jetsetter Hybrid $1.45 Sedona Hybrid $10.90 7.55 12.00 9.35 12.75 10.60 17.80 8.45 14.45 6.90 11.45 6.35 10.65 83.65 140.60 22.00 23.60 31.00 22.30 19.90 18.50 244.55 5,000 Seeds 25,000 Seeds 50,000 100,000 Seeds Seeds 20.00/M18.20/M 16.80/M 16.15/M 22.00/M 19.45/M 18.00/M 17.30/M 27.75/M 26.00/M 24.55/M 23.40/M 17.80/M 16.80/M 15.65/M 15.00/M 17.95/M 16.75/M 15.80/M 15.15/M 16.65/M 15.55/M 14.70/M 14.00/M 220.15/M205.35/M194.25/M185.00/M 53 Plum/Paste/Saladette/Roma Tomatoes (cont) Tomato Sweet Chelsea Hybrid Tomato MiRoma Hybrid 4479 Hybrid 46 Hybrid - High quality Roma type. Determinate. Large, elongated, cylindrical fruit, very uniform size and shape. Jointless and Uniform Green ripening. Sets fruit up the plant, well protected by heavy leaf canopy. Widely adaptable across eastern U.S. and Mexico. Resistant N, St, TMV, V1, Fresh Mkt; Shipping; Gdn. 4519 MiRoma Hybrid 70 days. Determinate. High yield in trials. Large and extra long fruit, smooth, firm, blocky saladette ( roma) with very thick walls. Fruits ripen to a deep red color on strong plants with a good canopy. Concentrated set of uniformly maturing fruit is well suited for stake or bush culture and once-over hand harvest V1, F12, N, BSpeck. Mkt, Gdn. Grape/Cluster Tomatoes Tomato Super Sweet 100 Hybrid Tomato Cherry Grande Hybrid Cherry Type Tomatoes (cont) Tomato Sweet Baby Girl Hybrid 4589 Sweet Baby Girl Hybrid 65 days. Determinate. Combines the work horse virtues of a Cherry Grande with the deluxe flavor of Sweet 100. Premium flavor like Sweet 100 now on compact commercially productive plant frame. Enhanced sugars and high flavors combined with reduced to minimal cracking for high % deluxe grade harvest. High yield-to-plant ratio. Plant is compact with open habit for easy harvest on trellis or lowbush cultivation. Good shelf life after harvest, with long retention of superior flavor and firm skinned appearance. TMV12 4594 Sweet Chelsea Hybrid 65 days. I n d e t e rminate. Highly disease-resistant. Wellrounded fruit weigh about 1 oz. each, 11⁄2” a c ross, borne in clusters of 15-20. Thick, firm very sweet flavor; low acid, high sugar content. Excellent fruit set. Indeterminate plants resist F12, V, N, TMV, cladosporium. Mkt, Gdn. Tomato Juliet Hybrid 4584 Super Sweet 100 VF Hybrid 65 days. I n d e t e rminate. Improved Sweet 100 with disease tolerance. Small, round, red fruits have very sweet flavor, high Vitamin C content; borne in long, hanging clusters of up to 100 f ruits each. Productive, indeterminate plants tolerant to V, F. Gdn. Plum/Paste/Saladette/Roma Tomatoes 4414 Casa del Sol Hybrid 69 days. Determinate. Early/mid-season. Smooth, large, firm and oval fruits with excellent color. Medium-sized vines with excellent concentrated set and cover. Widely adapted. Resistant to V, F1, N. Shipping, Mkt. Tomato Sweethearts Hybrid Cherry Type Tomatoes 4424 Cherry Grande Hybrid 65 days. D e t e rminate. The earliest tomato we off e r. Large, uniform, cherry type fruits 11⁄4” across are b o rne heavily in large clusters. Vi g o rous, determinate plants provide good fruit protection, resist F1, V, ASC, St. Commercial, Mkt. 4564 Red Currant o.p. 42 days. Ve ry tiny tomatoes the size of currants and intensely sweet, perfect for fresh bite-size eating and in salads. Indeterminate large vines. 54 Catalog TOMATO PRICES Number M=1,000 seeds 4424 4564 4589 4594 4584 4414 4519 Cherry Grande Hybrid Red Currant Hybrid Sweet Baby Girl Hybrid Sweet Chelsea Hybrid Super Sweet 100 Hybrid Casa del Sol Hybrid MiRoma Hybrid 4494 4599 4454 4514 4602 Juliet Hybrid Sweet Cluster Hybrid Gabrielle Hybrid Mini Charm Sweet Hearts 4454 Gabrielle Hybrid 60 days. 1⁄2-3⁄4oz. Classic round-oval grape shape, just the right size for one-bite eating. Exception high-brix flavor. Loads of small fruit in big clusters. 4494 Juliet Hybrid 60 days. 1999 AAS. I n d e t e rminate. Early, producing ripe f ruit in about 60 days from transplant. Sweet flavored red block pear glossy fruits. High yielding tomatoes in clusters like grapes on a vine. Holds on the vine with less cracking. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 4514 Mini Charm G rowers kept asking about the Grape Tomato of recent fame in gourmet groceries. This seems to be it. Small 3 ⁄4”rounded ovals weighing 1⁄3 to 1⁄2 oz. Clusters of great profusion. Sweet as grapes. 4599 Sweet Cluster Hybrid 67 days. A cluster type for premium price sales. Fruits ripen all over at the same time due to special (uniform green) gene. Short internode and good setting ability produce lots of 3”, round to deep oblate 4 oz fruit borne in clusters of deep, glossy red. VFNTC5. Outdoor or Ghse, Mkt, Shipping, Roadside. 4602 Sweet Hearts Hybrid - Early. Large indeterminate, productive vine bears large hands of firm extra sweet 1⁄4 oz fruit. Brilliant red, uniform grape shape and size. High yield potential with contuous set of full clusters to top of plant. High brix & above-average shelf life. Resistant TMV, Cracking Fresh Mkt, Shipping, Roadside. 4349 Tomatillo Toma Verde 100 days. Indeterminate. Used in a variety of Mexican and American dishes and salsas. To enjoy the tart flavor harvest while still green (before they turn yellow). Globe-shaped 2-3 oz. fruit is enclosed in a thin husk which should be removed before the fruit is used or consumed. Large fruited variety; widely adapte d . A p rox 15,000 sds/oz. Similar culture to tomatoes Pkt $1.80; 1⁄4 oz $5.20; 1⁄4 oz $8.55; oz $15.75; 1 ⁄4 lb $36.00; 1⁄2 lb $41.50; lb $68.00 250 500 1,000 Pkt Seeds Seeds Seeds $3.55 10.20 $1.50 2.30 $2.70 13.50 $3.20 9.70 $1.60 9.20 $1.85 4.95 $1.75 13.00 18.20 3.30 21.35 16.40 15.45 8.50 21.85 30.00 4.85 33.25 24.90 26.75 13.85 38.00 $1.95 6.40 $3.80 11.65 $1.65 4.65 $5.90 45.25 $10.6081.40 10.70 19.75 7.55 72.00 136.80 18.60 30.00 12.50 114.00 237.95 5,000 Seeds 25.50/M 4.00/M 27.75/M 19.90/M 24.15/M 12.25/M 34.25/M 25,000 50,000 100,000 Seeds Seeds Seeds 23.30/M21.80/M 3.50/M 3.20/M 26.00/M25.00/M 16.75/M15.20/M 22.60/M21.35/M 10.15/M 9.50/M 32.00/M30.25/M 20.65/M 3.00/M 24.40/M 14.45/M 20.30/M 9.20/M 28.75/M 16.70/M 15.60/M14.70/M 14.00/M 24.00/M 20.15/M18.20/M 17.40/M 10.90/M 10.15/M 9.85/M 9.65/M 103.00/M — — — 214.20/M199.80/M189.00/M180.00/ Turnip Alamo Hybrid Turnip All Top Hybrid Turnip (Brassica Rapa, Rapifera Group) Approx. 15,000 seeds/oz. Pkt plants 40 ft. of row; 1⁄ 2 oz sows 100 ft. Directsow 1-2 lbs/acre. Sow seeds 1⁄4 -1⁄2 ” deep, 2-6” apart in rows 12-36” a p a rt. Seeds germinate in about 7 days. NOTE: All seed is graded and treated. Turnip Royal Crown Hybrid 4644 Topper Hybrid 36 days for greens. 80 days for roots. Very heavy-yielding. Seven Top type. Vi g o rous tops up to 28” tall; thick, smooth, lobed leaves are broad and dark green. Hybrids 4619 Alamo Hybrid 33 days. Excellent taste, yields and regrowth ability. Short petiole with the greens having broad leaves and the roots are small, narrowed and tapered. Resistant, tolerant to TuMV and Aphid. 4624 All Top Hybrid 35 days. For greens only; does not form roots. Uniform plants produce large, broad, smooth green leaves with sturdy green stems; excellent for greens, forage. 4669 White Lady Hybrid 28-35 days. Sweet, tender and delicious. Medium-size, pure white roots are flattened-round, slow to get pithy. Bright green tops to 20” have little pubescence; fine for greens. Harvest roots at any stage. Plants resist bolting. Open Pollinated 4629 Just Right Hybrid 28 days for greens; 60 days for roots. AAS. Dual purpose type best for fall planting. Produces glossy, tender leaves for greens; or grow on for roots. Snow white roots are smooth, up to 6” across, high quality. 4644 Tu rnip Royal Crown Hybrid 40 days. Improved hybrid of Purple Top White Globe type. Tops are taller, more erect and deeper green, with more intense deep purple color on flat, globe shaped root crowns. High yield potential of uniform roots and quality dark greens. Regrows rapidly after cutting and holds well in field. Roots harvested at 3" to 6" average 14 oz., are sweet, smooth textured, resist pithiness until late in the season. Thick strong stems to 24" tall. Fresh Mkt, roadside, Shipping. 4634 Purple Top White Globe 55 days. I m p roved strain. Uniform, smooth, attractive roots with purple and white skin. Finegrained, tender white flesh. 4649 Seven Top 45 days. For greens only. Produces large quantities of tender, flavorful leaves for greens, forage. Rutabaga (Brassica Napus, Napobrassica Group) Approx. 12,000 seeds/oz. Pkt plants 25-30 ft. of row; 1⁄ 4 oz sows 100 ft. Direct-sow 12 lbs/acre. Sow seeds 1⁄ 4 -1⁄ 2 ” deep, 26”apart in rows 12 -26” apart. Seeds germinate in about 9 days. 3980 American Purple Top 90 days. High quality, selected strain. Large, round roots are deep purplish red above, yellow below; small tap root. Fine grained flesh is firm, crisp, mild and sweet. Small tops, short 1 necks. ⁄8 oz $1.80; oz $2.80; 1⁄4 lb $4.70; 4654 Southern Green Hybrid - Large oval, very dark, glossy smooth green leaves, excellent for greens production. Vigorous, Savanna-type, tall growing habit, early rapid growth and quick regrowth after cutting. Bolt tolerant and highly productive. Small short roots. Good reports from GA and Carolina growers. Fresh mkt, roadside, Shipping TURNIP PRICES Alamo Hybrid All Top Hybrid Just Right Hybrid Tokyo Cross Hybrid Topper Hybrid White Lady Hybrid Purple Top White Globe Seven Top Royal Crown Hybrid Southern Green Hybrid Pkt. oz. Turnip White Lady Hybrid 1 ⁄2 lb $5.50; lb $7.15; 5 lb $6.70/lb; 10 lb $6.50/lb; 25 lb $6.30 lb Specialty Greens 2812 Corn Salad — Large Seeded (Mache) (Valerianella Locusta) Approx. 11,000 seeds/oz. European favorite. Harvest leaves up to 3” for spring salads. Sow every 2 weeks; tolerates warm conditions. Ht. 1-1 1⁄2 ’. 4659 Tokyo Cross Hybrid 35 days. AAS. Early harvest of high quality. Perfectly globeshaped roots are pure white, smooth; 2” roots ready in only 35 days (plant closely and reduce nitrogen fertilizer). Vigorous plants can be harvested over longer period; roots grow up to 6” across without pithiness. Item# 4619 4624 4629 4659 4644 4669 4634 4649 4644 4654 Turnip Topper Hybrid 1 ⁄16 $1.65; oz $2.85; oz $2.80; 1⁄4 lb $9.35; 1⁄2 lb $17.15; lb $31.25 10 lb. 25 lb. $1.45 7.35 24.70 42.95 77.40 72.15/lb 68.25/lb $1.45 7.35 24.70 42.95 77.40 72.15/lb 68.25/lb $1.45 13.55 45.60 79.30 142.90 --$1.50 18.65 62.70 109.00 196.50 183.15/lb 173.25/lb $1.45 6.80 22.80 39.65 71.45 66.60/lb 63.00/lb $1.45 16.40 55.15 95.85 172.70 160.95/lb 152.25/lb $1.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 5.35 5.00/lb 4.75/lb $1.50 1.90 3.75 4.60 6.45 5.15/lb 3.85/lb $1.45 8.50 28.50 49.55 89.30 83.25/lb $1.45 8.50 28.50 49.55 89.30 83.25/lb 78.75/lb ⁄4 lb. 65.00/lb 65.00/lb --60.00/lb 145.00/lb 4.60/lb 2.60/lb 75.00/lb 75.00/lb 1 ⁄2 lb. 1 1 lb. 5 lb. Turnip Tokyo Cross Hybrid 55 Watermelon SsuperSweet™ Brand Variety #5244 Watermelon SuperSeedless™ Variety #7167 Triploid Hybrid Watermelon Excellent for shipping and fresh market. Please see cultural information below. (Approx. 400-500 seeds/oz) If you grow for fresh mkt or roadside stand, triploid hybrid watermelons are a crop you can count on to attract plenty of attention. Triploid hybrid watermelons bring high prices wherever they’re marketed — the flesh is absolutely tops in eating quality, market preference and consumer demand. No seeding necessary! And cut fruit displayed in shrink wrap is a sure seller. Watermelon SsuperSweet™ Brand Variety #5544 Sometimes incorrectly referred to as “seedless”, triploids are sterile hybrids which, because of their genetic makeup, characteristically produce fruit with few or no tru e seeds. Sometimes cultural practices or weather conditions may result in fruit with some vestigial seeds or empty white seed coats. Because of this, triploid hybrid watermelons are not guaranteed to produce seedless fru i t . A special note to growers of triploid hybrid watermelons: Please follow careful practices to grow triploid hybrid watermelons successfully. We supply detailed gro w i n g instructions with your seed. For best results, we suggest starting seed in the greenhouse in peat pellets (on page 84) 3 weeks before outdoor planting time. Because of their genetic makeup, triploid hybrid watermelons must be planted with a diploid (regular hybrid or open-pollinated) variety as a pollenizer in order to assure fruit set. SSUPERSWEET™BRAND Triploid Hybrid Series High quality triploids only from Twilley Watermelon SsuperSweet™ Brand Variety #3521Y — Pure Yellow Flesh **NOTE: Triploid Packet size contains a few seeds of a pollenizer variety . If ordering larger quantities of seed, please purchase a diploid variety of similar or earlier maturity as the pollenizer variety. The suggested ratio is one diploid plant to two triploids. SsuperSweet™ Brand Triploid Hybrid watermelons offer you some of the best triploid varieties available to melon growers, from our own research and development programs. The five listed here vary in weight and rind pattern but the flesh quality is the same — high quality, crisp, sweet, and no seeds. Shipping, Fresh Mkt. Diploid pollenizer required. 4891 SsuperSweet™ Brand Variety #2532 Hybrid (Triploid) Exclusive! 90 days. Excellent shipping type. Ve ry sweet, firm, crisp, bright red flesh. Nearly round fruits average 12-15 lbs. Rinds are thick, tough; dark stripe pattern on light green. Large, vigorous vines show tolerance to A. 4896 SsuperSweet™ Brand Variety #3521Y Hybrid (Triploid) Exclusive! 88 days. Exciting new triploid variety with bright yellow flesh. Ve ry productive vine withround attractive melons averaging 12-14 lbs. Exceptionally high sugars and crisp pure yellow flesh. 4906 SsuperSweet™ Brand Variety #5244 Hybrid (Triploid) Exclusive! 90 days. E x t remely high quality! Allsweet type; similar to Triple Sweet. Very sweet, bright red flesh is fine and crisp. Oblong fruits average 14-18 lbs., have light green rind with dark gre e n stripe. Large, vigorous vines offer good foliage p rotection. Tolerant to A. 4911 SsuperSweet™ Brand Variety #5544 Hybrid (Triploid) Exclusive! 90 days. Excellent uniformity, very good yield, vigorous vines and overall very high quality fru i t weighing 14-18 lb. Oval, oblong, light gre e n f ruit with dark green stripe. Flesh is crisp dark red. Tolerance to Fusarium. 4921 SuperSeedless™ Variety #7167 Hybrid 90 days. Large 14-18 lb. blocky oval fruit, medium green with broad dark stripes. Flesh is bright red, crisp and very sweet. Good pro t e ction provided by vigorous large leaved vine. High yield potential. Resistant A1. A Note about Hybrids… There is a lot of recent interest in old-fashioned “heirloom” vegetable varieties. While these varieties may have their place in the garden, hybrid varieties have advantages to the commercial g rower over these older types: namely diseaseresistance, more plant vigor, and often better yields. We suggest planting hybrid varieties, especially any of the Summer Flavor® Brand or Professional Seeds Series™ for best results. TRIPLOID HYBRID WATERMELON PRICES 100 Pkt** Seeds 200 Seeds 500 Seeds 1,000 Seeds 5,000 Seeds SsuperSweet™ Brand Variety #2532 SsuperSeedless™ Brand Variety #7167 SsuperSweet™ Brand Variety #5244 SsuperSweet™ Brand Variety #5544 SsuperSweet™ Brand Variety #3521Y $3.30 $4.60 $4.60 $4.60 $4.60 47.30 56.45 56.45 56.45 56.45 100.90 119.80 119.80 119.80 119.80 186.15 212.00 212.00 212.00 212.00 184.00 194.50 194.50 194.50 194.50 27.30 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 ™ Trademark Abbott & Cobb, Inc. 56 Watermelon Miniput Watermelon Amarillo More Triploid Hybrids 4873 Amarillo Hybrid - 82 days. Pure vibrant yellow interior, one of a very few seedless varieties in this class. Globe shaped, 15 lb. Thin rind, narro w, dark green stripes over m i d g reen background. Trials show less tendency to hollow heart than other seedless yellows. Fresh Mkt, Roadside, Shipping, Gdn. 4876 Apollo Hybrid - 75-80 days. 18-20 lb, very large for seedless type. Oval fruit. Early. Uniform size and shape. Strong vines support heavy fruit set. Bright scarlet flesh, full flav o red, seedless, sweet and crisp. Rind is dark g reen stripe on light green backgro u n d . Tolerant A1, F1. Fresh Mkt, Shipping, Gdn. 4936 Trillion Exclusive! 95 days. 16-18 lb. Strong vines yield high count top quality large oval fruit with good red flesh color. Rind is mostly dark green striping with subdued mid g reen background, very attractive for mkt. Competes in class of Millionaire and Tri-X313. Proven performer in field and transplant. Small seeded type, 12,000 sd/lb. Resistant A1. High Tolerance Hollow Heart. Fresh Mkt, Shipping, Gdn. 4886 Miniput Early. 3-4 lb. New type! Seedless Watermelon in the Sugar Baby class for size and color, but possessing the Triploid advantages of high sugar and long shelf lifewith lasting crispy firmness and bright re d color. Fruit are icebox size, round oval and very dark solid green. To produce more and smaller fruit in the 3-4 lb. personal or palm size range use the following planting method.Plant 2 seeds per cell in ghse. When transplanting into field, space plants 20-24” apart. Plant pollinator every 5th or 6th plant. It is recommended to use an early long oval variety as pollinator. Pkt size includes a few seed of this type. Fresh Mkt, Shipping, Gdn. 4926 Treasure Chest Hybrid 80 days fro m transplant. Flesh is bright yellow and very sweet. Round 7-10 lb fruit with traditional rind, light green with narrow dark stripes. About 650 sd/oz. Watermelon Disease Tolerance codes: A1 Anthracnose, race 1 A2 Anthracnose, race 2 A3 Anthracnose, race 3 F Fusarium wilt SPECIAL LIMITATION OF WARRANTY Watermelon Apollo TRIPLOID HYBRID WATERMELONS A. NOTICE: Hybrid triploid watermelons are sterile, or true, hybrids which characteristically produce fruits with few or no true seeds. Because the absence, or relative absence, of “hard” or true seeds in the fruit of the melon is its chief distinguishing characteristic, the hybrid triploid watermelon is often referred to as a “seedless” watermelon. Despite the popular perception, hybrid triploid watermelons are not true “seedless” watermelons. The first melons to ripen in a field of hybrid triploid watermelons often contain small, vestigial seeds. In addition, certain genetic, cultural and climatic factors are known to cause the formation of empty seed coats, small, white, immature seeds and/or hard seeds in the flesh of the melons. Due to the wide variety of possible causes of hard seed or ovule formation, HYBRID TRIPLOID WATERMELONS ARE NOT GUARANTEED TO PRODUCE SEEDLESS FRUIT. Hybrid triploid watermelon production requires a high level of grower sophistication. Hybrid triploid watermelons require a pollen source and bees to serve as pollen vectors. Hybrid triploids also require special care for satisfactory germination. Growers are encouraged to contact University extension personnel for government publications and information concerning recommended cultural practices. Otis S. Twilley Seed Co., Inc. can also supply certain of this information on request. Growers are encouraged to develop expertise in growing hybrid triploid watermelons prior to instituting large-scale commercial production. B. SPECIAL LIMITATION OF WARRANTY: ALL HYBRID TRIPLOID WATERMELON SEEDS ARE SOLD PURSUANT TO Otis S. Twilley Seed Co., Inc.’s STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. DESCRIPTIONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS OF HYBRID TRIPLOID WATERMELONS APPEARING (IN THE SEED CATALOG AND ELSEWHERE) REPRESENT HYBRID TRIPLOID WATERMELONS AS GROWN UNDER FAVORABLE GROWING CONDITIONS IN FAVORABLE GROWING AREAS. APPEARANCE AND PERFORMANCE MAY VARY IN OTHER GEOGRAPHIC LOCATIONS AND UNDER DIFFERENT GROWING CONDITIONS. Otis S. Twilley Seed Co., Inc. EXPRESSLY EXCLUDES ANY WARRANTY OF CONFORMITY TO DESCRIPTION, ILLUSTRATION OR SAMPLE AND EXTENDS NO WARRANTY THAT THE HYBRID TRIPLOID WATERMELON SEED SOLD WILL PRODUCE “SEEDLESS” FRUIT. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED. Catalog WATERMELON PRICES Number M=1,000 seeds 4873 4886 4916 4926 4936 4876 Amarillo Miniput *No sales to NC or SC Sunday Special *No sales NC or SC Treasure Chest Trillion Apollo 10 100 Seeds Seeds 200 Seeds 500 Seeds 1,000 Seeds 5,000 Seeds $7.00 $4.50 $4.95 $6.60 $3.70 $5.50 86.00 55.00 68.00 82.00 45.00 68.00 183.00 116.00 152.00 172.00 95.45 143.00 324.00 206.00 244.00 303.00 168.95 253.00 297.00/M 189.00/M 225.00/M 301.00/M 155.00/M 232.00/M 54.00 34.00 39.00 51.00 27.95 41.75 Watermelon Trillion 57 IMPORTANT NOTICE, WAIVER CONCERNING ALL WATERMELON SEED PURCHASED FROM OTIS S. TWILLEY, INC. (GROWERS, BROKERS, PACKERS/SHIPPERS) We want to advise you that the bacterial fruit blotch disease of watermelons has again appeared in watermelon fields in many watermelon producing areas. This disease has been periodically reported since its initial detection in 1989. Losses from this bacterial disease have ranged from minor to as high as 100% of the marketable fruits. The causal agent of the fruit blotch disease appears to be closely related to Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli (synonym: Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes subsp. citrulli). The pathogen could be seed-borne from the original seed lot, or result from other host infection. The disease has attacked many varieties of watermelon from different seed producers. Watermelon Summer Flavor® Brand Variety #800 Hybrid Although new testing procedures are currently under development, it is impossible to conduct any test procedures that will give 100% reliable results with regard to the identification of any seed-borne watermelon fruit blotch infections. Work is being done by public and private researchers, seed companies and growers, to determine improved identification and control measures and to develop statistically reliable testing procedures. Work is also being done to determine if different varieties of watermelon, both diploid and triploid, have any level of resistance or tolerance to this disease. No varieties to date have been identified as having any significant level of resistance. Traditional Seeded (Diploid) Types Watermelon Summer Flavor® Brand Variety #420 Hybrid Watermelon Summer Flavor® Brand Variety #710 Hybrid Watermelon Summer Flavor® Brand Variety #500 Hybrid — Royal Sweet type Catalog WATERMELON PRICES Number M=1,000 seeds 4819 4824 4829 4834 4839 4844 58 Summer Flavor® Brand Variety #420 Hybrid Summer Flavor® Brand Variety #500 Hybrid Summer Flavor® Brand Variety #510 Hybrid Summer Flavor® Brand Variety #710 Hybrid Summer Flavor® Brand Variety #790HQ Hybrid Summer Flavor® Brand Variety #800 Hybrid 4819 Summer Flavor® Brand Variety #420 85 days. Oblong melons weigh 20-25 lbs each. Top quality, good disease package contributes to high yield potential. Very sweet fruits have medium red flesh, distinct striping. Healthy medium size vines. F1, A1. 4824 Summer Flavor® Brand Variety #500 88 days. Blocky oblong melons weigh 25-30 lbs each. Consistent shape and size of the Royal Sweet type, but slightly larger. Fine textured, crisp bright red flesh. Medium green, broad dark striping. 4829 Summer Flavor® Brand Variety #510 84 days. Blocky, oblong melons of the Sangria or Royal Sweet Class. Produces 25 lb attractive fruit. Deep red flesh. Striped rinds. Early. 4834 Summer Flavor® Brand Variety #710 85 days. Blocky, oblong, Royal Sweet/Regency class. Big 30 lb fruits. Bright red flesh. Midgreen, narrow dark stripes. Resistant to F1, A1. 4839 Summer Flavor® Brand Variety #790HQ 85 days. Large, oblong, blocky 2428 lb fruit. Sangria type with sweet deep red flesh. Vigorous large vines. Good yield potential and very shippable, with durable dark striped rinds and good shelf life. Resistant to A1. 4844 Summer Flavor® Brand Variety #800 87 days. Broad leaf vine type. Potential to set many high quality fruits with relatively few culls. 22-26 lb fruits. Oblong melons with bright red flesh. Dark striped rinds. Strong male flowering tendency provides plenty of pollen for fruit set and makes an excellent pollenator for triploids. Resistant F1, A1. 10 Seeds 100 Seeds 500 Seeds 1,000 Seeds $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.55 $1.55 $1.55 5.85 7.00 5.45 7.40 7.70 7.40 23.95 28.65 22.25 30.25 31.45 30.25 41.20 49.40 38.45 52.20 54.15 52.20 5,000 Seeds 10,000 Seeds 36.95/M 33.80/M 44.30/M 40.45/M 34.40/M 31.45/M 46.75/M 42.75/M 48.45/M 44.30/M 46.75/M 42.75/M The symptoms on young seedlings appear as dark watersoaked lesions on the lower surfaces of the cotyledons or the true leaves. These initial water-soaked lesions later turn necrotic and may also have chlorotic halos surrounding the dead tissues. The lesions will also often appear on the hypocotyls of young seedlings, resulting in the wilting and death of these young plants. The most dramatic and destructive phases of this disease are the fruit infections that occur much later in the growing cycle. The lesions on the top surface of the fruits appear as small, water-soaked a reas, which under the right conditions of high temperature and humidity, enlarge rapidly to cover most of the surface of the fruits. Fruit decay often follows. This later condition of the disease cycle could lead to significant economical losses to the gro w e r. In cases where the pathogen is carried in the seed, the typical lesions described above will appear on the young seedlings within 7 days after seedling emergence. If no symptoms are observed on the young seedlings within three (3) weeks after emergence, it is unlikely that the bacterium is carried on the seed and that any subsequent infection is most likely from other sources. It is imperative that each grower inspect the young plants during this early stage, in order to determine the presence or absence of these symptoms and to mitigate any potential economical losses. CAUTION: Symptoms that appear on plants in the early stages of growth, and especially those symptoms caused by secondary infections, may not be evident on new foliar parts as the plants develop. The pathogen, however, may still be alive in infected tissues, and may infect the fruits if favorable conditions of temperature and humidity prevail. Do not retain any plants that show any symptoms at any time. Variety Tips 50,000 Seeds 31.50/M 37.85/M 29.40/M 39.90/M 41.50/M 39.90/M Why Grow Hybrid Watermelons? Hybrids offer you, the gro w e r, many advantages over o.p. types: wellshaped, uniform fruits; crisp, fiberless flesh (a flavor plus); disease tolerance which lets plants pro d u c e m o re and longer. Many hybrid varieties are smaller-seeded and theref o re more economical. Growing Watermelons for Shipping? Shipping types do not necessarily have hard or thick rinds — resilience is what counts. Please check variety descriptions for the best shipping types. Allsweet Types cont 4749 Jamboree Hybrid - 88 days. 23-27 lb. Allsweet type with advantages for cool season production or when growing conditions limit size. Long blocky fruit. Bright, deep red flesh, firm texture. Dark green rind with broken light green stripes. Rind has a heavier wax exterior and skin is somewhat gray making it more tolerant to sunburn. Medium size dark brown seeds. Tolerant A, F Fresh Mkt, Roadside, Shipping, Gdn. 4774 Royal Flush Hybrid 92 days. This AllSweet type has large uniform 30 lb fruit and good foliage cover to produce outstanding exterior color. Its firmness allows it to ship and s t o re well. 12 x 14” elongated shape. Commercial, Shipping, Gdn. 4784 Royal Majesty Hybrid 90 days. Large, uniform Allsweet type but a full week earlier. High marketable yields of elongated 11 x 24” fruit, averaging 30 lbs. Crisp, firm, bright red flesh; small dark brown seeds. Vi g o rous plants provide good fruit protection. Tolerant to F. Shipping, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Watermelon Royal Majesty Hybrid 4794 Sangria Hybrid 85 days. Very high quality; sweet and refreshing. Oblong fruits average 20-26 lbs., have deep green-patterned rinds. Bright red flesh normally contains soluble solids in excess of 11%; medium-size dark seeds. Highly resistant to F, tolerant to A1. Shipping, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Watermelon Jamboree Hybrid Watermelon Royal Flush Hybrid Charleston Grey Types Watermelon Crest Hybrid Allsweet Types Approx. 200-300 seeds/oz. for large-seeded types (500 seeds/oz for small-seeded types). Hybrid packets contain 25 seeds; o.p. packets produce 6-10 hills; 31⁄ 4 lb. produces approx. 10,000 plants (11⁄ 2 -2 lbs. if small-seeded). Germinates in about 8 days. Set plants 24-36” apart in rows 72-96” apart (closer for bush types). 4679 Allsweet 90 days. Crimson Sweet type. Oblong fruits weigh 25-30 lbs.; green rind, dark stripes. Bright red flesh with high sugar content, exceptional firmness. Tolerant to A1, A3, F. Shipping. Small seeded. 4739 Fiesta Hybrid 88 days. Similar to Sangria in flesh quality and high sugar content. Uniform fruits are blocky, weigh an average of 22-26 lbs. each. Light green rind is marked with dark green broken stripes; bright, dark red flesh. Performs well in the SE, TX, CA and FL. Commercial, shipping, Fresh Mkt. Large seeded. 4714 Crest Hybrid. 80 days. Early Charleston Grey type hybrid. Large, oval, light mottled grey-green rind. Produces heavy crown sets of uniform fruit averaging 23 lbs. Bright-medium red interior, sweet and crispy. Vigorous vines, earlier, higher consi stent yield, longer shelf life vs similar type hybrids. Small, dark brown seed. Resistant F, A Fresh Mkt, Roadside, Shipping, Gdn. Watermelon Sangria Hybrid IMPORTANT NOTICE TO WATERMELON SEED BUYERS: Please read the important information of the back of the order blank. We must have your signature on the order form if you are going to order more than 3,000 seeds of a variety. For additional Watermelon information, please see page 59. Varieties on this page - no sales over 2500 seeds or 1 lb. to South Carolina Watermelon Fiesta Hybrid Catalog WATERMELON PRICES Number M=1,000 seeds 4714 4739 4749 4774 4784 4794 Crest Hybrid Fiesta Hybrid Jamboree Hybrid Royal Flush Hybrid Royal Majesty Hybrid Sangria 25 Seeds 100 Seeds 500 Seeds 1,000 Seeds 5,000 Seeds $2.00 $2.85 $3.20 $3.95 $3.95 $3.00 6.25 8.60 9.50 11.65 11.65 9.15 24.95 34.25 38.00 46.50 46.50 36.50 42.00 57.00 64.00 78.00 78.00 61.00 36.75/M 50.00/M 56.00/M 68.00/M 68.00/M 54.00/M Disease Tolerance codes: A1 A2 A3 F Anthracnose, race 1 Anthracnose, race 2 Anthracnose, race 3 Fusarium wilt MONEY MAKING IDEAS. . . When Are Your Wa t e rmelons Ripe? Use the days to maturity as a rough guide to ripeness; then o b s e rve fruits daily. Check these indications: the side of the melon which rests on the ground (called the ground spot) turns from whitish to cream color (on solid, dark-skinned fruits, spot t u rns golden yellow); and tendril on the vine nearest the fruit begins to dry up. (Note — the classic “thump” test is not a reliable indication of ripeness.) 59 Watermelon Royal Sweet Hybrid Watermelon Crimson Sweet Jubilee Types Watermelon Royal Jubilee Hybrid 4729 Denver Hybrid - 85 days. 22 lb. 10 x 14". Crimson Sweet type. Strong, vigorous vines. Round-oval fruit has a strong fade resistant rind, medium green stripe on light green. Long shelf life and consistent yields, a great shipper. Small black seed. Resistant F, A Fresh Mkt, Roadside, Shipping, Gdn. 4754 Jubilation Hybrid 84 days. Blocky, round melons weigh 22-27 lbs. each, with striped rind and sweet, medium bright red flesh. Large, vigorous vines hold well under stress, high yield potential. Resistant/tolerant to F, A1. Best substitution for Watermelon Summer Flavor ® Brand Variety #710. Shipping, Fresh Mkt. Large seeded. Watermelon Denver Hybrid Watermelon Jubilation Hybrid 4759 Jubilee II - 95 days. (op) Jubilee type. 20-30 lb. Long cylindrical fruit. Rind light green with dark green stripes. Interior firm dark red. Resistant F1 Fresh Mkt, Roadside, Shipping, Gdn 4764 Juliett 90 days. Jubilee type. Elongated fruits weigh 23-26 lbs with blunt ends. Rind is light green with narrow, dark green stripes. Flesh is bright red. Large seed, mottled, dark brown. Widely adaptable to all regions. Tolerant A, F Fresh Mkt, Roadside, Shipping, Gdn. Watermelon Crimson Tide Hybrid Watermelon Stars ‘N Stripes Crimson Sweet Types Watermelon Sweet Favorite Hybrid 4719 Crimson Sweet 85 days. Very popular shipping type. Uniform, round melons average 25 lbs.; thick, tough rind is light green, striped dark green. Delicious deep red, firm flesh has high sugar content. Resistant to A, F. Shipping. Small seeded. 4724 Crimson Tide Hybrid 84 days. Semielongated melons weigh 22-26 lbs. each. Productive Crimson Sweet type with darker green rind. Fruits have bright red flesh, good interior color; small, dark brown seeds. Tolerant to A, F. Shipping. Small seeded. Watermelon Juliett 60 4779 Royal Jubilee Hybrid 95 days. Large long oval melons, 25-30 lb measuring 9 x 18”.Classic market look, with dark green striping, very distinct on light green b a c k g round. Crisp, bright red flesh very sweet. Thick tough rind makes for easy shipping and good roadside shelf life. Large seeded. Strong resistance to F1 and A1. Shipping, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 4789 Royal Sweet Hybrid 85 days. Uniform, large, oblong melons weigh 20-25 lbs.; medium-green stripes. Bright red flesh; small, dark seeds. Vigorous, medium vines resistant to F. Shipping. 4806 Stars 'N Stripes Hybrid - 85 days. 22-31 lbs. Elongated, cylindrical fruit, big size . Rind light green with bold dark green stripes. Firm red flesh is extra sweet. Thick rind holds up well in shipping. Robust vines with high yield potential. Resistant A1 Shipping, fresh mkt, gdn. 4854 Sweet Favorite Hybrid 82 days. AAS. High quality, big yields. Oblong melons average 20 lbs. Red flesh, high sugar, small seeds. Vigorous; resistant to A, F. Short-distance shipping, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Item # WATERMELON PRICES M=1,000 seeds 25 Seeds 100 Seeds 500 Seeds 1000 Seeds 5000 Seeds 4724 4729 4754 4779 4789 4806 Crimson Tide Hybrid Denver Hybrid Jubilation Hybrid Royal Jubilee Hybrid Royal Sweet Hybrid Stars ‘N Stripes Hybrid $2.30 $2.20 $3.25 $4.75 $3.40 $4.50 7.00 6.65 9.90 15.45 10.15 13.55 28.00 26.25 39.75 66.00 40.75 54.25 47.25 44.25 67.00 113.00 68.00 91.20 41.50/M 39.00/M 58.00/M 92.00/M 60.00/M 80.00/M Watermelon Baby Doll Hybrid Icebox Types Watermelon Smile Hybrid Watermelon Tiger Baby Hybrid 4799 Smile Hybrid 80 days. 6-8 lb. New type Icebox melon with outstandingly tough rind and high sugar. Stands rough handling and wet ground prior to harvest. Stores up to 12 days after harvest. Round melons with high brix and deep red flesh. Rind is light green with deep green stripes. Tolerant Fruit Cracking. Long distance shipping, Gdn, Mkt. 4814 Sugar Doll Hybrid 73 days. 8” diam, 14 lb. Icebox type with hybrid quality. Uniform. Round with dark green rind. Red flesh is crisp and very sweet. Small seeded. F1. Shipping, Roadside, Fresh Mkt. 4859 Tiger Baby Hybrid 80 days. Small fruits weigh 8-10 lbs., with striped rind and pinkish red flesh. Resistant/tolerant to F. Short distance shipping, Mkt. Watermelon Jade Star Hybrid Sugar Baby Types 4744 Jade Star Hybrid 75 days. A hybrid Sugar Baby type with stronger vines and larger fruits averaging 15 lbs. Sweeter, better tasting and considerably higher yield potential. Bright red flesh and uniformity of shape and size. Resistant to F. Commercial Roadside ,Gdn. Small seeded. 4809 Sugar Baby 84 days. Very popular icebox-type with good keeping quality. Round melons average 6-7 lbs. Distinctive dark rind is thin, fairly tough. Deep red, crisp flesh is very sweet; very small dark seeds. The pollenizer we supply with triploids (page 55). Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Small seeded. 4701 Bush Sugar Baby - 65 days. Very early bush icebox. Round, 7" diameter, 7 lb fruits with thin, tough rind. Almost black when fully ripe. Firm sweet red / orange flesh. Compact determinate vines. Worth testing as more efficient pollinator of seedless types, due to bush habit. About 8,000 seeds per pound. Fresh mkt, Roadside, Gdn, Local Shipping Yellow Flesh Types 4694 Baby Doll Hybrid 70 days from transplant. Bright yellow icebox type. 6-8 lb, round fruit. Green rind with small dark stripes. Small dark seeds, crisp sweet flesh. Best sub for Yellow Doll. 4769 Midas Touch Hybrid 74 days. Commercial size 14 lb. blocky oval fruits with bright yellow flesh. Rind is sharply striped dark green over light green. Flesh extremely sweet, solid and crispy with brighter yellow color than Yellow Doll. Resists hollow heart. Shipping, Fresh Mkt, Gdn. 4869 Yellow Doll Hybrid 68 days. Novelty yellow-fleshed fruits, the earliest. Icebox-size 5-8 lb. melons, medium green striped rind. Bright yellow flesh is crisp, sweet. Small seeds. Semicompact vines. Fresh Mkt, Gdn. Watermelon Yellow Doll Hybrid Watermelon Matador Watermelon Bush Sugar Baby Other Types 4767 Matador Hybrid - 87 days. A big melon. Long, smooth, sweet 25 lb fruits. Solid dark green rind, no stripes, retains fresher appearance in storage as a result. Classy interior, with deep red flesh punctuated by dark black mid-size seeds. Vigorous high yielding vines. Distinct size, appearance combo suggests this variety could be a good companion pollinator of seedless varieties. Medium Resistance F. Catalog WATERMELON PRICES Number M=1,000 seeds 4744 4767 4799 4814 4859 4869 Item# Jade Star Hybrid Matador Hybrid Smile Hybrid Sugar Doll Hybrid Tiger Baby Hybrid Yellow Doll Hybrid WATERMELON PRICES 4704 Calsweet 4849 Sunsweet 4701 Bush Sugar Baby Pkt 1/2 oz $1.70 $2.20 $1.45 --6.35 4704 Calsweet 92 days. Oblong, blocky melons weigh 25-30 lbs.; light green rind, dark stripes. Intense red flesh, dark seeds. Well adapted for southwestern U.S. Resistant to F. Small seeded. 4849 SunSweetPVP 85 days. Early, productive. Abundant yields of semi-elongated fruits 18-24 lbs.; striped rind, bright red, quality flesh. Productive plants, uniform fruit. Resistant/tolerant to F, tolerant to A1. Shipping/packing. Small seeded. 4864 Top Yield Hybrid 80 days. Large, oblong melons, 25-35 lbs.; gray-green, thick rind. Red flesh, small, black seeds. Resistant to A, tolerant to F. Commercial, shipping. 25 Seeds 100 Seeds 500 Seeds 1,000 Seeds 5,000 Seeds $4.80 $2.70 $1.95 $4.60 $4.35 $1.50 14.70 8.15 5.40 14.00 13.00 11.40 59.00 32.55 21.85 56.00 52.00 45.50 98.00 54.70 36.75 94.00 89.00 77.00 88.00/M 48.00/M 32.00/M 83.00/M 77.00/M 67.00/M 1/4 lb 1/2 lb 1 lb 5 lb 10 lb 3.00 10.15 6.70 21.95 10.40 35.90 oz 17.25 37.90 64.15 30.35 67.65 117.70 27.00/lb 62.00/lb 110.00/lb 24.70/lb 58.00/lb -- 61