Fall 2011 - Talented Tenth District Ques


Fall 2011 - Talented Tenth District Ques
Fall 2011
Illinois - Indiana - Michigan - Minnesota - Wisconsin
Message From the
District Representative
Greetings Brethren of
Talented Tenth District:
Table of Contents
Intro.... Page 1
Illinois... Page 6
Indiana... Page 10
Michigan... Page 12
Minnesota... Page 15
Wisconsin... Page 17
I pray this communication finds you
well as we prepare for the 2011 Fall
Council Meeting in Merillville, IN and
prepare to celebrate our true 100-years
of existence around the world. I'm sure
most of you, me included, are still
recuperating from our historic
Centennial Celebration in Washington,
DC where we had approximately 5,000
registered members attend and where
both registered and unregistered
members impacted the District of
Columbia with revenues estimated
between $36 to $40 million U.S.
Dollars. I am VERY THANKFUL and
PROUD to disclose that, to date, there
were NO reported incidents involving
members of our Fraternity and the local
authorities. That being said, the true
essence of Omega revealed itself in five
(5) areas for me at the Centennial
Celebration: 1) The Salutes to Brothers
in various categories that impact our
lives in every way, shape, and form; 2)
The Colonel Charles Young Memorial;
3) The Brick Dedication on the campus
of Howard University. Words can't
explain the energy I felt as I
approached Thirkield Hall on that
memorable day. Neither can I detail in
words the movement of my spirit as I
found no blank area to the east, west,
north, and south of the courtyard
among the harmonic sea of Royal
Purple & Old Gold; 4) The Souvenir
Ad Journal. After reviewing this
impressive compilation of our
Fraternity's history during the little
down-time that I had, it was then the
magnitude of what I was part of truly
hit me; and 5) Shaking hands with
Brothers that received their 60+ Years
of Service Award. Although their
mouths said to me, "Thank you
Brother!", their eyes---confirmed by
their firm handshake- said, "Son, my
time is nearing and I'm now passing the
torch on to you. The future of our Great
Fraternity is now in your hands.
Preserve it and the purpose &
principles for which it was
established". The look in the eyes each
of those Brothers will forever be with
me until that day when my eyes speak
the same words to a more youthful
Brother, communicating that same
As for the Talented Tenth District,
it's time to get down to business yet
again as in less than a year we
prepare to: 1) host a Fall Council
Meeting & District Convention in
Merrillville, IN; 2) host a Grand
Conclave in Minneapolis, MN; and 3)
plans and execute historic Centennial
Celebrations at each chapter/area.
There are a few items I need to note at
both the International and District
levels. (next page)
Fall 2011
All MSP Certifications expire October 31, 2011. All brothers seeking to participate in MSP for the Spring
2012 Cycle must be re-certified beginning November 1, 2011 and completed by December 31, 2011.
Likewise the Acknowledgement & Indemnification agreements must be fully executed in the same manner.
Insurance and CEF must be paid by December 31, 2011. If not, chapters will automatically go into
"INACTIVE" status rendering all members inactive even if they are current on their dues (fully financial).
All chapters MUST reconcile their "active rosters" by October 15, 2011.
All chapters MUST provide verification that form 990 was filed for FY 2010 by October 15, 2011.
Bro. Stuart T. Turner of Epsilon Rho Chapter (Minneapolis, MN) is the Grand Marshal for 2012/78th Grand
Conclave for additional information, Bro. Turner can be contacted at turnspit@gmail.com. You may also
view the 2012/78th Grand Conclave YouTube video at the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=oCV7tRk57QY&feature=player_profilepage . Brothers I can assure you that your registered attendance
and participation in Minneapolis, MN will be one that you'll never forget. I have been to several Conclave
committee meetings in the Twin Cities and I submit to you that my experience has been nothing less than
exceptional. That being said the Talented Tenth District needs to be in FULL SUPPORT of this Grand
Conclave with not less than FIVE-HUNDRED (500) fully registered and participating Brothers.
Bro. Kenneth Barnes is the new Executive Director for the Fraternity.
The 2011-2012 National Achievement Week Essay Contest Theme is on the International Website and can
be downloaded by clicking on the following link: http://www.oppf.org/docs/
Tenth District Council Administrative Updates: Bro. Jokondo A. Jokondo (Xi Chapter, MN)
ajokondo@gmail.com has been appointed as 2nd Vice District Representative (replacing Bro. Danny
Preston); Bro. Langston Evans (Gamma Gamma Gamma Chapter, WI) inheritors45@yahoo.com appointed
to Wisconsin State Representative (replaces Bro. Rodney Hopkins); and Bro. Charles Brown (Gamma
Gamma Gamma, WI) charrisonbrown@aol.com appointed to Achievement Awards/Banquet Chairman
(replaces Bro. Bernard Crawford). All other chairs remain from previous year and all to be ratified at the
2011 Fall Council Meeting. All informational updates (officers, state representatives, and committee chairs)
are due to 1st Vice District Representative Bro. Walt A. Buckhanan by October 10, 2011.
UNDERGRADUATES, your grades/cumulative GPA ending December 31, 2011 are due to the 2nd Vice
District Representative, District Representative, and District Keeper of Record & Seal by January 20, 2012.
Failure to do so will automatically eliminate your chapter from entering the 2012 Tenth District Marchdown
Competition in addition but not limited to meeting minimum GPA requirements.
The Tenth District 2011 Fall Council Meeting is October 28-30, 2011. It is hosted by the Alpha Chi Chapter
and will be held at the Radisson Star Plaza Hotel in Merrillville, IN (and also the location for the 2012/75th
Tenth District Convention). The District Marshal is Bro. Foster B. Stephens. Bro. Stephens may be reached
at 219-781-7649 or tenthdmarshall@aol.com. Registration can also be done via
The format of the 2011 Fall Council Meeting will very similar to last year's which will include District
Officer updates, committee chair updates, workshops, and training. Specifically there will be enhanced
MSP Training, MANDATORY State Representative Training (current State Reps and those seeking to be
State Reps), and District & Grand Officer Candidates Forum. An agenda will be forthcoming shortly and
the attire will be business casual (prospective candidates ONLY will be business professional during the
Candidates Forum).
The "GET RIGHT" program in the Talented Tenth District. If a prospective member was illegally initiated
in a prior period, that individual MUST MEET or EXCEED the requirements and participate in MSP as if
he was a first-time applicant. The aim is to properly equip the prospective member(s) with the most current
information with the hope of correcting a tainted mind-set by a prior, illegal process. If a prospective
member seeking to "Get Right" resides in another District, that individual shall be initiated within the
District of which they reside.
Every active chapter must appoint an MSP Chair for fiscal year 2011-2012 and submit that name to the
respective State Representative, Tenth District MSP Chair - Bro. Kendall D. Franklin, District KRS - Bro.
Timothy W. Tyler and I by November 10, 2011.
Re-activated Chapters: Pi Psi Chapter (UG), University of Illinois @ Urbana-Champaign; Rho Sigma
Chapter (UG), Purdue University - West Lafayette, IN; and Beta Xi Chapter (G), Evansville, IN.
New Chapter Charters: Omega Mu Mu Chapter (G), Lansing, IL; Chicago, IL - West Side (G, pending);
Millikin University, Decatur, IL (G, pending).
Registration fees for all NEW initiates (post the 2011 Tenth District Convention in Madison, WI) will be
applied to the 2012 Tenth District Convention in Merrillville, IN and not the 2011 Fall Council Meeting.
God-willing, I look forward to seeing and being in fellowship with all of you at the 2011 Fall Council Meeting.
Until then, be safe in all of your travels and may God continue to bless you in all of your endeavors.
Bro. Johnny A. Lynch
3-PI PSI-1988 | LM #3953
Tenth District Representative
Fall 2011
Fall 2011
Fall 2011
Ques 4 Christ
A man of knowledge uses
words with restraint, and a
man of understanding is
Proverbs 17:27
Chi Lambda Lambda’s Alabama Relief
Submitted by Brother Sean Long
East Hazel Crest, IL – Chi Lambda Lambda put out the call
to the 7 other Chicago-land Chapters, and The “Chicago
Ques” overwhelmingly responded. On Sunday, May 15, over
100 Omega men dropped off clothing, food, water, and
supplies for the relief drive at the chapter’s Omega Center.
The goods were then packed and delivered to
New Faith Baptist Church in Matteson, IL
through the partnership with Steve and Josie
Luster, of Clintex Labs, and The Joseph
New Faith, headed by Bro. Trunell Felder,
and Joseph Assignment, headed by Dr. Alexis
Felder opened the church doors, and the
congregation also brought supplies for the
effected families.
Clintex Labs organized the transportation of
the goods from the Omega Center and New
Faith Baptist Church, to two locations in Alabama. Reid
Dove, President of AAA Cooper Transportation agreed to
pick up and deliver the goods to Alabama at no charge. Steve
and Josie Luster then drove to Alabama to help coordinate
the distribution in Alabama
The team on the ground in Alabama consisted of the Brothers
in Alpha Phi Chapter in Birmingham, and Alpha Tau Chapter
in Tuscaloosa, and Carla Truss of Pelham, AL.
Bro. John Hackett
of Alpha Phi
organized the
receiving team at
Mount Moriah
Church in Pratt
City, AL. and Alpha
Tau Basileus,
Dwight Monroe,
organized the team
at The Impact
Nations Fellowship
Church in
Tuscaloosa, AL.
Carla Truss worked with media outlets and local politicians
in Birmingham to build an awareness of the event.
Many Hands Lighten the Load
Submitted by Brother Kalvin Watson
Chicago, IL - On August 27, 2011 the Brothers of Sigma Omega Chapter
assisted the Canaan MBC Food Pantry with the packaging and
distribution of nearly 300 bags of groceries. The end of the month is their
busiest time and people start lining up as early as 5:00am in sometimes
very harsh conditions. Food distribution is usually from 7:30am until
12:30pm, but with the men of Omega Psi Phi providing cheerful and
enthusiastic assistance the doors were closed at approximately 10:30am
cutting nearly two hours from the normal hours of operation. August 27th
might have been our first time helping there, but it definitely won’t be the
last for Sigma Omega Chapter!
Chi Lambda Lambda Initiates Four
Submitted by Brother Michael Easter
Matteson, IL - On May 7, 2011, the Chi Lambda Lambda Chapter of Omega Psi
Phi welcomed into the fold four young men thoroughly immersed in true Omega
Spirit. They are: Derrick Garth, Marcus Taylor, Kwame Mandisodza and
Michael Easter.
The Four Centennial Sons of Que-census are hard workers and truly enjoy
reaching back to help out those that may be less fortunate in the community.
Rho Gamma Gamma – Englewood Parade
about another responsibility – school supplies. Yes, school
supplies are purchased by the members and donated to the
Englewood Community. The Englewood Community loves
seeing the men in the Purple and Gold. Every year the
Omegas marshal, pass out school supplies, and assist with
passing out the food to the parade participants and the
Submitted by Brother Lemarr Ketchens
Chicago, IL - On August 27, 2011, the Annual Englewood
Back to School Parade was held on the Southside of Chicago
– Ogden Park (65th & Racine). This is the location of the
Englewood community. Many hear that community name
and shake their head because it is pretty rough to live in that
community. Of course, the men of Omega believe in helping
out where possible and this event is a prime example.
Over the past 20+ years, Rho Gamma Gamma Chapter has
partnered with the Englewood Back to School Parade as
Parade Marshals. However, the past 6 years have brought
The Joseph Assignment were assisting this year in a huge
way. The Rho Gamma Gamma Omegas purchased over 300
book bags with school supplies in them. Joseph Assignment
purchase more book bags to bring the total number of book
bags with school supplies over 400. They also added another
250 small bags with school supplies as well.
Passing out the school supplies to the needy is a wonderful
thing and the Englewood Community really appreciates it.
Even those who didn’t say “Thank you”. There were
Neophytes from Sigma Omega and Chi Lambda Lambda
who assisted with packing the book bags and passing out the
book bags. Every year gets better for the Englewood
Community and the men of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. –
Rho Gamma Gamma Chapter are happy to be there making
sure that happens.
Chi Lambda Lambda Golf Outing
Submitted by Brother Richard Brown
Glenwood, IL - The Chi Lambda Lambda Chapter golf outing was held this
year at the Glenwoodie Golf Course in Glenwood, Illinois on April 30, 2011.
Here the Uplift Foundation raises money for scholarships for college bound
high school seniors. This year there were 44 participants and several sponsors
which helped the chapter raise over $4,500.00. The scholarship recipients
were in attendance as well. At the end of the outing there were trophies
presented by even chairman Bro. Tony Brown and an excellent dinner was
prepared for all to enjoy. Everyone one had an outstanding time.
Fish for a Day
Submitted by Brother Mandel Williams
Chicago, IL - The old proverb states, “Give me fish and I eat for a day, teach me how to fish and
I eat for a lifetime!” The men of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. did just that. Working closely
with the Knights of Omega (mentoring program) taking 28 young men on a one day fishing
expedition in order to teach them as many life lessons as possible.
The first stop was the Bass Pro Shop in Gurnee, IL where all were treated to a live fishing
demonstration and seminar by local fishing pro Dan Hayes, and ESPN Radio’s Chauncey Niziol.
Bass Pro Shop was kind enough to donate 30 rods and reels to the cause. After a filling lunch it was off to fish Lake Beach in Volo,
The trip made a tremendous impression on the youth, especially one in particular, who made a tremendous impression on the
Brothers. Approximately six hours into the day trip, one of the friends of a “Knight” realized something that was out of place. He
exclaimed, “I haven’t heard any sirens all day!” He politely asked if it was ok to take a chair close to the water and enjoy the peace
of mind which seemed to be rare for him. It’s a moment like that which lets Brothers know that we are doing a much needed
service in the community.
The Knights of Omega Foundation would like to extend a sincere Thanks You to Mr. Larry Whiteley - Manager of
Communications for making the event possible and Mr. Scott Loesch – Operations Manger for making the outing possible and
extending great hospitality at the store.
Chi Lambda Lambda Chapter Charles R. Drew Blood Drive
Submitted by Brother Michael Easter
Homewood, IL - This year Chi Lambda Lambda Chapter
hosted its annual blood drive to fulfill its obligation to the
national health initiatives. This year the chapter had its
annual Charles R. Drew Blood Drive at the HF Racquetball
Club, located in Homewood, IL.
The chapter collected 26 pints of blood from several
volunteers (many of them Brothers from the chapter) that
came out to help with the endeavor. Some of the blood
collected was designated to go to the Chicago Children’s
Hospital for children with Sickle Cell Anemia since this is
very prominent within the African-American Community.
The event went extremely well and left volunteers with a
positive feeling for their role in helping out those in need in
the community.
Rho Gamma Gamma – Prostate Cancer Walk 2011
Submitted by Brother Lemarr Ketchens
Chicago, IL - On September 18, 2011, the men of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. – Rho Gamma Gamma Chapter set out to raise
money and awareness to a very serious disease. That disease is Prostate Cancer, and it is claiming quite of few lives of Black
Men. This very disease came into Rho Gamma Gamma Chapter in 2010, when two Omegas were stricken with this disease.
Fortunately, they both were able to get treated and are well.
The SEA Blue Prostate Cancer Walk/Run took place in Lincoln Park (Chicago, IL), on a very dreary day. It was rainy most of
the day, but the rain did not affect the participants that showed up. It was a nice amount of walkers and runners and all were
enthused. Some of the participants were “Warriors”, as they were referred to because they have been stricken with Prostate
Cancer and survived.
The causes of prostate cancer are not fully understood, although it is believed that multiple factors can contribute to your overall
risk, including your family background, ethnicity, diet, and environmental factors.
Risk for developing prostate cancer is 2 times higher in men whose father or a brother has been diagnosed with the
Risk begins to increase significantly at age 50 for white men and
at age 40 for African-American men
African-American men are more likely than whites to develop
prostate cancer, whereas many Asian populations have the
lowest rates of prostate cancer.
Diets high in fat may increase your risk of prostate cancer by
increasing testosterone, which stimulates prostate cell growth
It is the goal of Rho Gamma Gamma Chapter to raise awareness and
funds for Prostate Cancer research. Only five (5) Omegas showed up for
this walk, which means that many are not concerned about this disease. It
is claiming the lives of Black Men, and it should be given serious
consideration. Many can still donate up until October 31, 2011.
Just click this link: http://www.ustooevents.org/site/TR?
team_id=4802&pg=team&fr_id=1240&et=Wufnkgrx8UWhA6cOs5gKRA&s_tafId=4042 - and click “Support Omega Team!”
Make a small donation of $10 or more. Stay healthy and stay focused.
Chicago-Area Omega – Bud Billiken Parade
Submitted by Brother Lemarr Ketchens
Chicago, IL - On August 13, 2011, the Annual Bud Billiken
Parade took place in the city of Chicago. What is the Bud
Billiken Parade? Since 1929, the Bud Billiken Parade has
been the oldest and largest historically Black Parade in the
United States. It’s held the 2nd Saturday in August every
year. It’s also a local area indicator that school is about to
men can and should go to school. The men sported purple tshirts with the Centennial design that mimicked the winning
Oracle cover. In addition, “All of My Love” was being sung
as Brothers walked past the viewing stands.
The unified Brotherhood was televised on WGN-Chicago,
WLS-Chicago, and TV-One. So, there is a good chance that
the men of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. – Chicago Area
The Chicago Area Omega Coalition thought this was a
worthy cause and showed up in full force. The men of
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., with eight chapters (Chi
Lambda Lambda, Iota, Mu Xi, Nu Pi, Rho Gamma Gamma,
Rho Tau, Sigma Omega, Theta Kappa Kappa) being
represented, were a sight to see. The crowd loved the men in
Purple in Gold, who were there to show support and honor to
one of Chicago’s treasures, the Bud Billiken Parade.
Scholarship is Omega’s second Cardinal Principle, and the
Parade is an indicator that school will soon be starting. The
Omegas walked in the parade to further support the fact that
Omega Man Elected as New Senior Pastor
Submitted by Brother De Juan Lockhart
E. St Louis, IL - The Rev. Gary Gaston has been elected as the Senior Pastor of the St Paul Baptist Church 1501 Bond Ave, E. St
Louis, IL. Rev. Gaston is one the efficient Sons in Ministry trained by the retired Pastor Obie Rush.
Pastor Gaston is a graduate of the E. St Louis Senior High School. He presently serves as the Coordinator of Admissions at the
children’s center for Behavior Development in Centerville, IL.
Rev. Gaston holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theology / Psychology from American Baptist College in Nashville, TN.; a
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Religious Studies, from Lindenwood University in St Charles Mo.; and a Masters in Administration,
Human Resources Management from Lindenwood University. Bro Gary Gaston is a proud and active member in the Omega Psi
Phi Fraternity.
Rev. Gaston has been active at the St Paul Baptist Church since he was a very young man. He is a Sunday School Teacher,
member of the Board of Christian Education, Chairman of the Culinary Ministry and many other activities.
Pastor Gaston was installed as pastor on Sept 11, 2011 during a 3:00pm Sunday evening program. The men of Nu Chi Chapter
supported this event with words of encouragement and strong brotherhood. The Brothers of Omega also presented Pastor Gaston
with words of uplift and a wall plaque.
Nu Chi Chapter Wins Annual Softball Tournament
Submitted by Brother Andrew Bailey
E. St Louis, IL - On June 25 the Brothers of Nu Chi Chapter participated in the Second Annual Fraternity Softball Tournament.
The tournament was held at Miller Park in St. Louis, MO.
The entry fee for each team was 10 cases of canned goods. The winners having the choice to donate canned goods to the
charity of their choosing. There were 4 teams represented such as: Mason Lodges #167 and #171, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity
and the men of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Nu Chi Chapter, of E. St Louis, Illinois.
The men of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Nu Chi Chapter, defeated the Mason Lodge #167 for the championship by a score
of 25-6. The brothers of Omega Psi Phi donated 39 cases of canned goods to the food pantry at St. Mattew's Baptist Church in
E. St Louis, IL.
Alpha Chi Voter Registration
Submitted by Brother Brian Williams
Gary, IN - Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Alpha Chi Chapter of Gary, IN
held its annual voter registration October 24, 2011 at the Village Shopping
Center in Gary, Indiana. Its purpose was to register voters for the election
and encourage people to vote. The Brothers of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity,
Inc. voter registration was a success and a large number of potential voters
for the November election were registered.
Zeta Phi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Celebrates the Fraternity’s 100 Year Anniversary
Submitted by Brother Donald H. Ratliff, Jr. MS
Indianapolis, IN - On July 5, 2011 Bro. Dr. Andrew A. Ray,
Grand Basileus of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. visited
downtown Indianapolis as Omega’s Ambassador for the
Kappa Alpha Psi’s 100 year anniversary celebration; at the
High Velocity Restaurant within the brand new JW Marriott
Hotel for an informal reception after attending a public
meeting. Some of Zeta Phi Chapter members attended the
ceremony in support of
the Grand Basileus for
Omega Psi Phi
Fraternity, Inc.
Indianapolis, IN From July 7-17, 2011
this nation’s largest
and most successful Black Expo was held in Indianapolis
and Zeta Phi Chapter showcased an exhibit booth adorned
in Purple and Gold during the week long exhibition on
fraternity row along side other Divine9 Greek letter
organizations. Zeta Phi displayed its chapter banner and
membership activities at the Indianapolis Black Expo for its
41st Annual Summer Celebration. On display for public
viewing were vintage Omega artifacts, neat displays, hard
copy media and fraternity paraphernalia. Omega Men also
proudly shared their
illustrious history of
success, impact and
achievements in the
community, around the
nation and the world.
10th District Gets Out the Vote
Submitted by Brother Gene Hawkins
Indianapolis, IN - The Brothers of Zeta Phi Chapter have
teamed up with the Greater
Indianapolis NAACP to energize the
2011 Get out the Vote (GOTV)
campaign. During the week of
September 19th, the men of Omega
participated in two voter’s
registration canvasses in an
underserved neighborhood, and a
parolee detention center.
Team Omega was selected to
canvass a targeted neighborhood
known for low voter participation.
Seventy residences were
approached, yielding a flurry of
registrations, and absentee voter
applications. The Brothers were enthusiastically received by
the residents, a testimony to Omega’s consistent presence in
the community.
The mid-week success was matched over the
following weekend, as another team of Omegas in
partnership with M.O.V.E (Members of the
Village Empowered) successfully registered a
dozen recently released detainees. The Indiana
code allows voting rights to persons who are not
imprisoned or subject to lawful detention.
These efforts are part of a 10th District-wide
appeal for voter’s registration and awareness.
Registration deadlines & identification
requirements for all 5 states in the district have
been communicated via the district blog and
website. The District also encourages Brothers to
serve as non-partisan Election Day pole
volunteers and driver-support this November.
Zeta Phi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Celebrates the Fraternity’s 100 Year Anniversary
Submitted by Brother Donald H.
Ratliff, Jr. MS
Indianapolis, IN - Zeta Phi Chapter
of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
celebrated the fraternity’s 100 years
of service July 27-31, 2011 in
Washington, D.C. the city of
Omega’s birthplace. Zeta Phi Chapter
is one of the Tenth District’s most
illustrious chapters in the fraternity
boasting 86 years of service in the
Indianapolis and surrounding areas,
made history at the Centennial
celebration held in Washington, D.C.
At the Centennial Celebration one of
Zeta Phi’s own, the Tenth District
Chaplin, Bro. Reverend Alan Bacon,
was the head Presenter at the
Centennial Bible Study. The
Centennial celebration chronicled a
culmination of achievements and
importance of the fraternity
throughout its 100 year history.
Indianapolis, IN - On July 18, 2011
Zeta Phi Social Action Committee
Chairman, Bro. Eugene Hawkins
and Bro. Andre Wade and their
Mentees participated together in an
Indianapolis neighborhood
community project by providing and
enhancing a community garden with
a Rain Collection Barrel and Stand.
The Mentees helped design the stand
and also picked up some skills on
the use of power tools as well.
Congratulations to all Omega Men
who continue to build bridges and
carve out paths for our youth.
Detroit Omega Men Visit Capitol Hill
Submitted by Brother Medgar Clark
Washington, DC – On Thursday, July 28, 2011, more
than 85 members of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
the Nu Omega Chapter, Detroit, MI, visited their
U.S. Congressional leaders while in Washington,
D.C. attending the Centennial Celebration.
The delegation was led by Brother Arnold Simmons,
Basileus of Nu Omega Chapter as they met with the
Honorable John Conyers, Jr. (D)-14th Congressional
District and the Honorable Hansen Clarke, (D)-13th
Congressional District where the congressmen met
with the group and discussed the many efforts in
helping to rebuild the City of Detroit and restore
community confidence for youth and families.
When the fraternity was incorporated on October 28,
1914 by Congress there was not one AfricanAmerican serving at the federal level, today three
members of the fraternity are amongst the 535 members in the 112th U.S. Congress and they are Honorable James Clyburn, (D)SC, Honorable Henry “Hank” Johnson, (D)-GA and Honorable Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D)-IL.
Nu Omega Chapter, Detroit, MI, was founded June 16, 1923 by DeWitt T. Burton, MD, Francis M. Dent, Esq., David Smith,
Odie T. Davis, Livingston Jeffries and Charles Washington. Francis M. Dent, Esq., would be appointed the first Tenth District
Representative for what today has become the Talented Tenth District made up of the states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan,
Minnesota and Wisconsin. Nu Omega Chapter helped to charter undergraduate chapters Nu Sigma at Wayne State University in
1938 and Chi Gamma at University of Detroit Mercy in 1969.
When asked what Omega means to him, Brother James R. Anderson, Sr., a fifty year member stated “It means giving back to the
community, and making sure you do your part by just living the Cardinal Principles and the motto as a foundation”. Brother
Anderson is a retired Detroit Public Schools educator, counselor, and coach who graduated from Langston University in
Oklahoma and the University of Michigan. He has helped thousands get a college education by having sent them locally to area
institutions of higher learning and nationwide to historically Black colleges and universities with the help of other “Omega
Operation: Lamp Light Receives Recognition and
Detroit, MI – While summer time is often a hiatus for many organization for traveling, vacationing, and having board meetings;
this summer was a little different behind the scenes for the Detroit Omega Foundation, Inc. (DOFI) Operation: Lamp Light male
youth mentoring program. During the public meeting portion at the Centennial Celebration hosted by Grand Basileus Dr.
Andrew Ray for the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. in Washington, D.C. on Friday, July 30, 2011; Karen Mathis, National
President of Big Brothers Big Sisters of America gave recognition to Operation: Lamp Light as one of the outstanding programs
throughout the nation as a local success in mentoring with the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Detroit.
Big Brothers Big Sisters created an initiative with all the historically Black fraternities in 2009 to increase the number of Bigs as
one-on-one mentors. What makes Operation: Lamp Light such a success for other Black fraternities to follow is that while the
one-on-one relationship for the matched Big Brother and his Little Brother is the key; Operation: Lamp Light is a hybrid
mentoring program. The uniqueness of Operation: Lamp Light is that all the Bigs knowing another bodes well for the Littles as
they come together for workshops/seminars, events and projects together. “The coming together collectively bonds Littles and
allows them to have friendships with their peers outside of their school and neighborhood” said Butler Benton a Big Brother to
Little Brother Carlos.
“Operation: Lamp Light is a great example of the new initiative by Grand Basileus Ray as the overall fraternity is focused upon
mentoring that ties well with ‘The Fatherhood Initiative’ of President Barack Obama”, stated Lee Oliphant whose Little Brother
is Maurice. 3,500 Omega men signed up nationwide to support the newly combined ‘Fatherhood and Mentoring Initiative’
headed up by former Grand Keeper of Records and Seal Robert Fairchild and former International Executive Director S. Earl
Wilson to work with President Obama’s team.
A “Motown” Call to Service
Submitted by Brother Keith D. Bullock
Detroit, MI - The Brothers of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Tau Kappa Kappa
Chapter, teamed up with Motown recording artist and Detroit’s own KEM to
host his 2nd Annual "A Call to Service" KEM concert at Cass Park in Detroit,
MI the weekend of August 27 & 28, 2011. The Brothers were on hand both days
cleaning and preparing the park to facilitate and feed approximately
10,000-30,000 attendees and homeless people. KEM delivered a message of
love and hope to the masses, sharing his own personal story of how he lived on
those very same streets fighting drug addiction, until he reached out and got
some help.
According to public review, the event was a huge success. The participation of
hundreds of volunteers in conjunction with the hospitality which included a hot
meal, gift bags, and a free “KEM – LIVE” concert, it was clear to see why
everyone was impressed with this soon to be “must see” event.
As the Brothers of Tau Kappa Kappa Chapter continue to help strengthen our
communities through service and hold fast in our reclamation efforts, our vision
is to provide more scholarships than ever before. Here is a brief snapshot at
some of our projects during the months of July thru September:
*Saturday July 16, 2011, Tau Kappa Kappa's Fellowship Breakfast & Adopt-aHighway Clean Up :
- All clothing items are donated to Operation Get Down and surrounding
*Friday August 19, 2011 Children’s Center Summer Smash:
- This is a carnival/ festival type event held on campus that celebrates the kick
off of the new school year. The chapter donated $500 in back-to-school supplies
for the children.
*Saturday August 27, 2011 - Two high school graduates and one undergraduate
student were awarded scholarships for the upcoming fall semester of college to
assist them with higher education cost. Part of the proceeds from our annual
“Cruise with the Ques Weekend Extravaganza” (which was a huge success)
goes toward scholarships for our youth.
*Saturday September 3, 2011 – Tau Kappa Kappa held its Annual Family CookOut at Beechwood Park. Simply a time for relaxation, food, family, fun and
fellowship before the fall school season. In addition to the picnic, some of the
Brothers sacrificed time for community service fundraiser with our adopted
agency, “The Children’s Center” for their Arts, Beats and Eats festival.
*Friday September 9, 2011 – The Brothers participated in a break-out forum
panel discussion in conjunction with The Word Network broadcasting network
on The State of the Black Family. The topic of discussion was "A Choice of
Weapons - Education vs Prison."
*Friday September 23, 2011 - Brother Dr. Jay Marks announced the rebirth of Omega Academy (One Man Eager to Get Ahead)
mentoring program. Participants are young males between the ages of 10 – 14 who could benefit from positive male role models.
This program had proven to be a huge success in the previous years and we look forward to it being even better in years to come.
Tau Kappa Kappa chapter was awarded a sponsorship plague from the Southfield Baseball League.
Omega Spotlight: Brother Darryl L. Jones
Receives United States Patent Award
Submitted by Brother Keith D. Bullock
Southfield, MI - Congratulations to Brother Darryl L.
Jones, who received a United States Patent award for
his participation in the design and development of the
Cord Wrap and Power Plug Receptacle Arrangement
for the Temporary Mobility Kit (TMK).
The growing trend
today among
manufacturers is to
reduce vehicle
weight and comply
with or surpass fuel
requirements. The
lightweight TMK
helps addresses this
issue by replacing
the heavier spare
wheel and tire
assembly. While the
TMK is compact in
size, it includes a
dual-purpose air
compressor and tiresealing system to
temporarily repair a
damaged tire until it
can be permanently
repaired or replaced.
The TMK is, indeed,
a game-changer for immediate tire repair however; it
did not have a practical electrical cord storage
mechanism which made it difficult to return the TMK
to its intended storage space after use. Brother Jones
and his colleagues resolved this issue by incorporating
two things: 1) A peripheral channel, in the TMK's
housing, about which the cord portion of the electrical
plug assembly is wrapped and 2) A plug-receiving
aperture to receive and retain the plug. These two
modifications eliminated the need for extra effort, on
behalf of the user, to re-store the electrical cord.
Brother Jones is a Product Global Wheel and Tire
Engineer in the Chassis Engineering Division of Ford
Motor Company in Dearborn, Michigan. He is a native
of Chicago, Illinois and Founder/CEO of Eccentric
Marketing -- a premier nationwide event marketing,
planning, and promotional firm. Brother Jones
volunteers his time positively impacting youth in the
metro Detroit, MI community by
working with the Detroit Area
Pre-College Engineering
Program (DAPCEP); National
Society of Black Engineers
(NSBE) and Think Detroit/PAL
Brother Jones received his
Mechanical Engineering degree
from the Alabama A&M
University and is an active,
proud, and dedicated member of
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity’s - Tau
Kappa Kappa Chapter in
Southfield, Michigan. He
continues to work tirelessly for
Omega by leading several
chapter committees. Darryl has
also served on the chapter's
executive board as KRS and
Vice-Basileus and a past
recipient of the Tau Kappa
Kappa Chapter “Omega Man of
the Year and Superior Service of
the Year Awards.” He currently
serves as the Tenth District Social Action Committee
Chair and as the Assistant District KRS.
The Brothers of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity,
Incorporated, Tau Kappa Kappa Chapter of Southfield,
Michigan proudly spotlight Brother Darryl L. Jones for
his infinite wisdom and achievements that is a
reflection of Omega men all over the world.
Reclamation Cookout Brings the Brotherhood Out
Submitted by Brother Charlie Blackwell
Minneapolis, MN - As a long held tradition of Epsilon
Rho, the reclamation cookout was held on the third
Saturday of August at Brookview Park in Golden Valley,
MN. There were over 80 Brothers, family members, and
friends in attendance for the cookout which included
Tenth District Representative, Brother Johnny Lynch.
As with local tradition, the Epsilon Rho neos from 2011
manned the grill while the more seasoned Brothers told
them what the fraternity was like, “in their day.”
Scholar/Athlete Presents Research at the University
of Minnesota
Submitted by Chip Scoggins
Minneapolis, MN - Brothers
who are fans of college sports
should meet the U of MN’s
Bro. D.L. Wilhite, who
embraces studying, volunteer
work and Gopher football
with equal fervor.
Brother Wilhite is a junior
defensive end for the
Gophers football team. He's
also a double major who
dreams of becoming a college
professor, plans to do his
postgraduate studies in Egypt
and is nominated for a
national award based on his
involvement in community
service projects (via Omega
Psi Phi). Wilhite thrives in
the classroom -- he has a
cumulative 3.1 grade-point
average -- and volunteered in the Minneapolis community
in hospitals, schools and north Minneapolis after the May
22 tornado hit. Wilhite was good
enough to start eight games as a
sophomore and is playing this season,
but he knows the odds of him
becoming a professional football
player are minuscule, so he isn't going
to squander a free education and the
platform he's afforded as a college
Wilhite recently presented his
Summer research as a University of
Minnesota 2011 Ronald E. McNair
Scholars program, a federal TRIO
initiative that honors Brother McNair,
the former astronaut who died in the
Challenger space shuttle disaster.
Wilhite, with the help of faculty
mentor Michael Goldman, analyzed
the 2011 Egyptian revolution and
what role financial institutions played
in the country's unrest. Wilhite spent
up to 30 hours each week researching
and studying documents for his
presentation, which he called "Global
City Making in Cairo: The Roots and Routes of a New
Urban Politics."
An Exceptional Omega Man
Submitted by Kathryn Sharpe (non-member)
Minneapolis, MN - On the stage at the MN 4-H
Foundation’s Benefit Step Show in 2009, the men of Omega
Psi Phi were vibrant, dressed as the Joker (from Batman),
and full of their own badness. Of these men, was one who
was even fiercer than the rest, and also smaller. It was this
young man that a group of youth from one of our Urban 4H clubs chose to approach. Little did they know that they
were making a connection that would prove transformative
for so many young lives.
That crazy Joker turned out to be Brother Timothy Sayon, a
student at the University of Minnesota and dedicated
member of Omega Psi Phi, Xi Chapter, who has a true
passion for young people and for supporting them in finding
their own positive paths in the world. Through the
connection that was made that night, Tim came in to
interview with the staff, and was recognized immediately
what a marvelously gifted young man he was.
Since that time, he
has been in intern and
a volunteer with
Urban 4-H and has
done a remarkable
range of work: he
worked with the
American Indian
Magnet School’s
afterschool program;
he helped to create a
club to bring together
immigrant youth with
youth at a middle
school in order to
build cultural pride
and understanding; he
volunteered as a
chaperone for a
week-long youth
leadership trip with
30 teens to Washington, DC two summers in a row; and
then he committed himself to continuing to work with both
of those delegations after they returned, as well. He helped
one of those delegations, the Silence the Violence Crew,
create a peer mentoring club at the middle school they had
graduated from in order to reduce violence and bullying
there by offering positive alternatives. And most recently,
he has been hired as an Americorps Promise Fellow for the
2011-2012 year to help prevent high school drop outs.
The work that Tim has done as both an intern and volunteer
with Urban 4-H is impressive in its quantity and scope (and
this is only one of several organizations where he has given
his time and talents). But the heart that he brings to it is
harder to quantify, and infinitely more important. As a
smart, strong young man with a deep sense of honor, he has
been an important role model in the lives of dozens of youth
and helped them to create a culture of respect around them.
Having lived through the civil war in Liberia and come to
the US as a refugee, he can relate to the struggles and
dislocation of so many of the immigrant and
refugee youth in our community. He
continually encourages them to find their
own strength and resilience from out of that
struggle. In addition, his commitment to
education and learning inspires them and
helps them to see college as a possibility in
their own lives.
I will never forget watching Tim and one of
his Omega brothers when they volunteered
with our Campus Visit to the University of
Minnesota with a diverse group of Urban 4H’ers. They corralled a group of 40
teenagers into lines and taught them a step—
breaking out of their shyness, learning to
shout out proudly, feeling the power of being
part of that line. It was a highlight of the day
for all of us. This is what Tim brings to
every group he becomes a part of: honor,
strength, community, and pride. Brother Tim
Sayon, a true shining example of Manhood,
and Omega Psi Phi.
Kappa Phi’s Annual Neighborhood Clean Up
Submitted by Brother Donald D. Stone, Jr.
Milwaukee, WI - On Saturday, August 20, 2011 Kappa Phi Chapter of Omega Psi
Phi Fraternity, Incorporated took to the streets for a neighborhood cleanup.
Approximately 30 members from the chapter along with other groups met at their
fraternity house at 2661 N. 2nd Street at 9:00 am to participate.
What took place during the next two hours was a snapshot of the possibilities for
our community. Black Men taking to the streets and patrolling them,
overseeing them, and making sure the hood was clean. They walked side-by-side
and picked up trash from the sidewalk, yards, gutters, and streets.
Some of the Brothers even cut lawns for the neighbors and offered other assistance.
The event was moved from early in the summer to the end to coincide with the 1st
Annual Louis Adams Back To School Block Party which was held that next
To view a video link of this project please visit the following URL: http://
Giving Guests a Sense of Adventure at a Cookout
Submitted by Brother Togo
Uganda Coles
Milwaukee, WI - On Saturday,
August 6th, more than 150
guests joined Kappa Phi Chapter
as it held its John Pope Annual
Reclamation and Community
Appreciation Cookout from
11:00am to 7:00pm at Kletzsch
Park in Glendale, Wisconsin.
More than just throwing meat on
the grill, held each summer, this
family-friendly cookout allows
the Brothers an opportunity to
gather and fellowship with
friends, family, and members of
the greater Milwaukee
Community and to establish
lines of communication that will
facilitate long-term success as
The food committee co-chaired
by Bros. Travis Hardin, Arras
Martin, and Donald Stone
crafted a menu consisting of
hamburgers, hotdogs, ribs,
chicken, and roasted corn while families
provided side dishes. A specially decorated
cake was commissioned to highlight the
Centennial Year of Omega Psi Phi
Fraternity, Inc.
While food and veggies grilled, the
Milwaukee Fire Department continued its
tradition of having a ladder truck on-site for
tours by youth and adults alike. Other
attractions included a Dee-jay, games for
the youth coordinated by Bro. DelShon
Henry, and a group photo.
Members of the Milwaukee Alumnae PanHellenic Council’s Executive Committee
attended this year’s cookout and used it as a
kickoff to their own Unity Weekend held
the following weekend.
A Kappa Phi Tradition… The Best of Omega Golf
Shoot Out
Milwaukee, WI - Once again, the Brothers of Kappa Phi Chapter participated in its annual “Best of Omega Golf Shoot Out.” The
tradition, formed out of happenstance when several years ago the chapter’s official scholarship fund golf outing was rained out.
Having received complimentary greens fees, the scholarship committee decided to host a golf outing to celebrate the men of
Omega; thus was the inception of the Kappa Phi Chapter Best of Omega Golf Shoot Out.
Hosted by Brother Ken Little, this year’s outing was held September 24th, 2011 at Dretzka Golf course located in Milwaukee, WI.
With four groupings, the hope of each brother was not only to ensure their team’s success,
but also to see who would garner the bragging rights of best golfer in the chapter.
The Brothers had a grand time as they matched wit and skill, with the team honors falling
to Brothers Ruben Cotton, Derrick Martin, Harvey “Jock” Johnson, and the host himself
Brother Ken Little. Individually, none could match the talents of Bro. Anthony Rice.
Immediately following the shoot out, the 19th hole was held at the home of Brother Little.
Along with a number of adoring Quette’s, Brother Little’s wife Daphne played hostess
extraordinaire, as the fellowship went well into the night. Tall tales of the shot that was
and then wasn’t… were told by all.
Pleased with the overall success of the outing, plans are already underway to ensure that
next year’s outing is even bigger and better.
Kappa Phi Takes Assault on Illiteracy to a New
Milwaukee. Kappa Phi Chapter received support from 53
different sponsors and vendors which included Wal-mart
who donated over $5,000 in school supplies, Calvary
Baptist Church, All Peoples Lutheran Church, Another
Hand Foundation, CYD, Harley Davidson, WE Energies,
Target, Sam’s Club, Paradise Memorial Funeral Home,
representatives from 6 Wisconsin universities, and many,
many more.
Milwaukee, WI - On August 27, 2011, the Brothers of
Kappa Phi Chapter held its Inaugural Louie M. Adams
Back to School Block Party. The chapter distributed 645
book bags filled with school supplies to deserving students
in the city of Milwaukee; 91were preschool bags, 273
elementary students bags, 163 middle school bags and 118
high school bags were distributed. The brothers also
distributed door prizes which consisted of gift cards to
Barnes & Noble, movie passes, vouchers to the museum
and gift cards to Target and Wal-mart.
The success of the event was due to major support from
many organizations and businesses throughout the city of
During the event the students went to the various
educational stations and received information which ranged
from breast cancer awareness to resume writing. The
chapter also provided the students with four barbers who
cut 92 heads on the frat house porch. In addition to the host
of activities, Kappa Phi Chapter also fed 820 people in the
community. The event received an array of media attention
which included a live broadcast on Milwaukee Public
Access TV Channel 14 with the Jeanetta Robinson Show
which aired 6 times, The Blaquesmith Show with our dear
Omega Brother Dr. Ramel Smith, TMJ News 4, ABC News
12, and the local Community Journal Newspaper in
addition to local radio stations. Present at the event were
the Mayor of Milwaukee Tom Barrett, 1st Vice Chair of
The Milwaukee County Board and Omega Man Michael
Mayo Sr., Alderpersons and Milwaukee Public Schools
Superintendent Dr. Gregory M. Thornton. The chapter will
hold its 2nd annual event on August 25, 2012.
The Chapters of the
Talented Tenth District
Celebrate 100 Years of Omega
• Chi Beta Beta
• Chi Lambda Lambda
• Delta Beta Beta
• Epsilon Eta
• Iota
• Mu Xi
• Nu Chi
• Nu Pi
• Omicron Mu Mu
• Omega Nu
• Omicron Theta
• Pi Beta
• Pi Eta
• Pi Psi
• Rho Gamma Gamma
• Rho Tau
• Sigma Omega
• Sigma Xi
• Tau Gamma
• Tau Upsilon
• Theta Kappa Kappa
• Theta Xi
• Alpha Chi
• Alpha Kappa Kappa
• Beta Xi
• Nu Alpha Alpha
• Rho Sigma
• Tau Nu
• Upsilon Kappa Kappa
• Zeta Epsilon
• Zeta Phi
• Chi Gamma
• Chi Xi
• Iota Pi
• Nu Omega
• Nu Sigma
• Omicron Alpha Alpha
• Omicron Rho
• Phi
• Sigma
• Sigma Rho
• Sigma Upsilon
• Tau Kappa Kappa
• Theta Gamma
• Theta Nu
• Upsilon Gamma
• Upsilon Pi
• Epsilon Rho
• Xi
• Epsilon Theta
• Gamma Gamma Gamma
• Kappa Phi
• Sigma Zeta
This Que-Munnicator is dedicated to memory
Earnest Fair, Sr.
(Rho 1950, Sigma Omega Chaplain - Emeritus)
Omega Chapter 2011
The Editor’s Update
The Editor’s Update - 2011 Centennial Edition
Editor to The Oracle
Brother Michael A. Boykin, MAJ
3951 Snapfinger Parkway
Decatur, GA 30035
Email: editortotheoracle@oppf.org
October 8, 2011
The Oracle
The official publication of
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
The Oracle is published quarterly
(spring, summer, fall and winter)
by Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
at its publications office:
3951 Snapfinger Parkway,
Decatur, GA 30035.
Send address changes to:
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Attn: Grand KRS
3951 Snapfinger Parkway
Decatur, GA 30035
* The Oracle deadlines are:
Spring issue Summer issue Fall issue Winter issue - February 15
- May 15
- August 15
- November 15
*Deadlines are subject to change.
District Directors of Public Relations
1st Brother Al-Rahim Williams 2nd Brother Zanes Cypress, Jr.
3rd Brother Terrence Gilliam
4th Brother Bryan K. Dirke
5th Brother L. Rodney Bennett
6th Brother Byron Putman
7th Brother Darron Toston
8th Brother Osuman Issaka
9th Brother Van Newborn
10th Brother Robert Browne
12th Brother Robert L. Woodson
13th Brother Trevor Hodge
Graphic Design Team
Brother Craig Ballard
Brother David Shelton
Brother Sean T. Long
Brother Marquis Sagnia
International Photographer Emeritus
Brother John H. Williams
International Photographers
Brother Reginald Braddock
Brother Galvin Crisp
Brother Kirk Weems
Brother James Witherspoon
Executive Director
Brother Kenneth Barnes
39th Grand Basileus
Brother Dr. Andrew A. Ray
Cover by Brother Marquis D. P. Sagnia
# 15 Nu Omega 1997
Detroit, MI
The Editor’s Update - 2011 Centennial Edition
October 2011: “Address Verification Month”
for Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Greetings Brothers,
I hope this message finds you in the best of health
and friendship. Based on the many emails and phonecalls
I have received, many of you have already received the
Summer 2011 Centennial Oracle. However, I continue to
meet and talk with brothers who indicate they have not
received The Oracle in several years. Hopefully, this
information will help those brothers correct that situation.
Having been deeply involved with all aspects of The
Oracle (including publication, printing, and distribution),
I’ve been able to identify areas that can improve our service
delivery to the brotherhood and reduce wasted resources.
It is important to reiterate that the printed version of
The Oracle is mailed to current financial brothers only.
Addresses for The Oracle mailing are taken from the
International Headquarters (IHQ) membership database.
In many instances, I have found that those brothers who
indicate they have not received an Oracle in years, usually
have an incorrect address on file.
It is the responsibility of each brother to ensure
that his address is updated in the IHQ membership
If you are reading this message and you have NOT
received the Summer 2011 Centennial Oracle, you
should check your address. At the end of October, a
report will be run by IHQ to see the number of address
verifications for each district.
Brothers are able to check and/or update their
address several different ways:
Brothers have immediate 24/7 access to the
Members Only section on the
www.oppf.org website to confirm/change
their address information. This is the preferred
method because the update is immediate once
the transaction is saved by the submitter.
Chapter Keepers of Records and Seal and
Chapter Basilei can confirm/change address
information for brothers in their chapter. In
some cases, brothers that report address
changes to their chapter leadership are under the
impression their addresses are being updated
in the IHQ database. Often times the changes
are made for LOCAL purposes and are never
updated in the IHQ database!
For those brothers who might be unattached
financial members that do not feel comfortable in
utilizing computers OR have not been able to get
address confirmation through other means, you
may contact the International Headquarters at
404-284-5533. There are limited staff members
at IHQ to take these address verification calls,
so brothers should be patient when utilizing
this method.
Financial brothers with addresses outside the
United States must contact IHQ for mailings
outside the US. The IHQ membership
database does not recognize foreign
I’ve found that brothers are moving from area to
area or state to state, yet they never seem to update their
address with IHQ. Some brothers stated they have given
their Chapter KRS their updated address. Often times, it
appears that the address may not be updated eventhough
it was provided to the Chapter KRS.
In an effort to deliver The Oracle to all our financial
brothers, Grand Basileus Dr. Andrew Ray has authorized
me to proclaim October 2011 as “Address Verification
Month” for the Fraternity.
As of July
2011, there were
approximately 21,000
addresses for financial
brothers in the
Fraternity. That number
has slightly increased
with recent Membership
Selection and
reclamation activities.
Each financial brother
is entitled to receive
a printed copy of The
The Editor’s Update - 2011 Centennial Edition
Steps to Verify/Change your
Address Online
Step 3. Select: MY PAGE
Step 1. Log onto OPPF Website (Member Login)
Step 4. Select : Edit (Left side of Photo)
Enter Current Information: Address, Telephone
Numbers, Email, Home Phone, Cell- Phone in both
address sections).
Step 2. Enter 9- Digit Control Number & Password
Step 5. Scroll Down to Bottom of
screen and Click Save.
The Editor’s Update - 2011 Centennial Edition
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding The Oracle Operations
Q. I’ve been financial every since I entered the
Fraternity, but I have not received an Oracle in
the last several years. What do I have to do to get
an Oracle?
A. First, you need to determine what address is on
file in the IHQ membership database. You can do this
by following the directions on page 4; by contacting
your Chapter KRS or Chapter Basileus; or by calling
the IHQ at 404-284-5533 to confirm your address.
(Calling IHQ should be a last resort method because
there are only a small number of staff members to
support the entire membership population).
Q. Why do articles have to be sent to District
Directors of Public Relations (DDPR) first instead
of being sent directly to the Editor to The Oracle?
A. There are several reasons why articles must
first go to the DDPR. Each district should have a
publication that highlights activities from around
your district. The DDPR manages this publication
and if your articles are sent there first, your article
may be featured in the district publication. Secondly,
the DDPR must ensure your article meets the criteria
to be featured in The Oracle. Finally, there are over
700 chapters throughout the Fraternity, it would be
extremely difficult to manage the publication process
if each chapter sent articles directly to the Editor.
Q. I followed the directions on page 3 and
discovered I have an old address in the IHQ
database. I have since changed my address. What
do I need to do to have another Oracle mailed to
my updated address?
A. Since one Oracle has already been mailed to the
address that was on file, there are additional costs
associated with mailing another Oracle to the updated
address. The cost of another Oracle is $10 per copy
and there is a $5 shipping and handling fee (this fee
covers up to three Oracles per mailing envelope).
Brothers can order additional Oracles through the
Member’s Only section of the website or by calling
Q. I received my copy of the latest Oracle
without any problems. I would like to order some
additional copies for my family. What do I need
to do?
A. There are a very limited number of extra copies
available for purchase and they are sold/distributed
on a first come first served basis. You may purchase
extra copies by following the instructions listed in the
previous answer.
Q. I mailed a hardcopy hand-written article to
the International Headquarters to be published
in The Oracle, but I have never seen it published.
Why was it not published?
Q. I live outside the United States (ie, Canada,
Germany, the United Kingdom) and I have a
foreign mailing address. Why haven’t I received
a copy of The Oracle?
A. Articles must follow the submission guidelines
indicated on pages 6 - 7. Articles that do not follow
those guidelines will not be printed in The Oracle.
A. The IHQ database only recognizes US zip
codes. Foreign mailing addresses contain letters and
numbers, therefore these addresses are flagged as
“bad” addresses. Chapter KRS’s should notify IHQ
with a list of financial brothers and mailing addresses
to mail The Oracle from the IHQ office. There is no
fee if your address was flagged as being “bad.” This
means no Oracle was ever mailed to you.
The Editor’s Update - 2011 Centennial Edition
Guidelines for Article Submissions for The Oracle
• Articles must be sent via email to
your District Director of Public
Relations (DDPR) and must be typed,
single-spaced and ready for printing
before the deadline dates to allow for
editing by your DDPR prior to
submission to the Editor to the Oracle.
Chapter articles not sent through
the DDPR will be returned.
• All articles should be in Microsoft
Word format, 12 pt font, with Times
New Roman font.
• Pictures should be in jpeg format
and at least 300 dpi resolution.
• Pictures should be sent as an
attachment and NOT on the same
page or placed within the article.
This makes it easier to have clearer
• Include the title of the article, name
of the chapter, city, state and name of
the writer for all articles.
• Avoid using all-capital letters in
• Contents should be to the point and
• The articles should be newsworthy
and should be of interest to people
outside of your chapter.
• Articles on activities that address
social concerns, community service
projects, mentoring, undergraduate
leadership development, scholarship
awards, lifetime achievements or
recognition are encouraged,
especially when articles address any
of the mandated programs.
• Articles describing these activities
are limited to 350-500 words or less.
Leading surveys indicate the ideal
article reading length is 350 words.
• Start articles with name of city and
state, include a dateline.
• Capitalize “Chapter” when used in
conjunction with the name of a
chapter, ex. Kappa Lambda Chapter.
All other references should be
• Avoid personal opinions and
editorial statements.
• When the word “Fraternity” is used
to refer to Omega Psi Phi Fraternity,
Inc., the letter “F” is to be capitalized.
• Please limit your articles to 350
words or less– the article should
address, who, what, when, where and
brief details.
• A maximum of two (2) articles
per chapter will be allowed per
• All articles must be reviewed for
grammatical perfection, correct
spelling,and proper syntax. They
must be reviewed for acceptable
composition and form.
• Do not permit individuals to be
photographed who are attired
inappropriately .
• Fraternity paraphernalia with canine
references, lewd images, profanity or
other inappropriate attire is not
• Images with brothers wearing gold
boots (other than step-show
competition) are not allowed.
• Images with brothers “throwing up
the hooks” are not allowed.
• Images with brothers offensively
exposing their tongues or suggestive
in nature are not allowed.
• Images that diminish the
professionalism of Men of Omega are
• Do not have pictures taken with
subjects in front of a cluttered
background. Move the subjects to a
suitable background.
• Articles must also be reviewed for
relevance and journalistic style.
These reviews will be made prior to
submission of any document for
• When shooting a group picture with
ladies seated, the photo should be
taken waist up for those sitting on the
first row. Avoid taking pictures of
large groups: 10 or 12 people per
picture is sufficient, with the
exception of chapter charterings.
• The Editorial Board reserves the
right to reject any article or to make
any editorial changes deemed
• When a photo exceeds five people,
indicate the notable speaker(s) or
person(s) and state appropriate names
and titles.
• When submitting articles, be sure to
scan documents for viruses prior to
submission. Please contact your
District Director of Public Relations
first when submitting or inquiring
about your articles. If you are
unsuccessful in getting your questions
answered, please send an email to
• Each photograph must have an
appropriate caption. Identify
individuals from the left to right and
tell what, when and where of the
• There is a limit of two (2) photos
per article.
• Photos of executive board members
should list the name and respective
office of the elected or appointed
The Editor’s Update - 2011 Centennial Edition
Article Submissions Flowchart for The Oracle
Step 1.
article(s) and
Omega Chapter
articles submitted
to local Chapter
Editor in accordance
with submission
If not, see Step 1A.
Step 1A.
Articles must
be sent to the
District Director of
Public Relations
for review and
editing. Articles
sent directly to the
Oracle Editor will
Step 2.
Articles are sent to and
reviewed by the District
Director of Public Relations for
clarity, content and grammar.
Articles must indicate who,
what, when, where and why.
The correct format is required.
DDPRs should record their
district articles using The
Oracle Submission Tracking
spreadsheet. If not, see Step
Step 3.
Articles that meet the
submission guidelines: (i.e.,
correct format, proper word
count, to include quality
high-resolution digital
pictures) will be sent by the
DDPR to the Editor to The
Oracle for review. If the all
items are in order, the article
moves to Step 4, if not see
Step 3A.
Step 2A.
The Oracle Editorial Staff
will review the draft version
of all Oracles and may
suggest revisions
before final release.
Step 3A.
Articles that do not
meet the submission
guidelines are
Chapter Editor or
submitter should
be notified by the
DDPR of the article
District Directors of PR Email Addresses
1. 1stdistrictpr@oppf.org
2. 2nddistrictpr@oppf.org
3. 3rddistrictpr@oppf.org
4. 4thdistrictpr@oppf.org
5. 5thdistrictpr@oppf.org
6. 6thdistrictpr@oppf.org
7. 7thdistrictpr@oppf.org
8. 8thdistrictpr@oppf.org
9. 9thdistrictpr@oppf.org
10. 10districtpr@oppf.org
11. 12thdistrictpr@oppf.org
12. 13districtDR@oppf.org
Step 4.
Editor to The Oracle accepts
the article for publication.
Minor edits may be made by
the Editor.
Articles that do
not meet the
guidelines are
The DDPR is
notified. The
DDPR may
correct and
to the Editor.
All articles should be sent to the respective
District Director Public Relations and not
directly to the Editor to The Oracle. DDPRs will
review and edit the articles before sending to the
DDPRs may have alternate email addresses, but
these addresses are assigned for your district.
Please contact your District Director of Public
Relations first when submitting or inquiring about
your articles.
The Editor’s Update - 2011 Centennial Edition
Guidelines and Items to Include for Omega Chapter Submissions
City, state (where the brother resided at the time of death). Begin the article with this info.
Name of the brother and date they entered Omega Chapter.
What university or college did the brother attend?
What chapter and when was the brother initiated in the Fraternity?
What area of study or professional career did this brother devote his life’s work to?
Were there any Fraternity offices this brother held on the local, district or International level?
If so, briefly mention this fraternal information.
7. Church affiliation or other organizational affiliation may be discussed.
8. Did this brother hold any elected/appointed state or national office? Did they serve in theUnited States
military? If so, mention this information briefly.
9. List surviving family members or final information.
10.DO NOT embed a photograph in the MS Word document. I have had problems trying to retrieve the
photographs from the document. The picture should be attached as a jpeg. Youmay scan a picture from
an obituary and send it as a jpeg. Or you may have a photographfrom other means to include. You may
also obtain one from the Chapter/District KRS if thebrother was financial. They can retrieve it from the
IHQ website.
11.Omega Chapter submissions should be concise, limited to 150-200 words. It isunderstood that each
brother who entered Omega Chapter was a stalwart brother and will begreatly missed. Please refrain from
entering that piece of information that is consistentamong all these brothers. Due to the number of Omega
Chapter submissions, it is necessary to limit information outside of these key components.
Here is an example submission:
Raleigh, NC - Brother Imm A. Que entered Omega Chapter on Thursday April 17, 2008. He was a
charter member of Kappa Kappa Chapter at State University in 1975. He graduated magna
cum laude from State University in 1978 with a B.S. degree in chemical engineering.
After graduation, Brother Que served in the United States Navy as a nuclear engineer for four years.
Brother Que retired from Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Inc. in 2000 with his last assignment as Vice
President of Research and Development. He served the Fraternity for more than 25 years in various
capacities, such as Basileus of Kappa Kappa Chapter, 6th District Keeper of Records and Seal and
6th District Chaplain.
Brother Que, a current member of the Kappa Iota Chapter in Raleigh, NC, had the honor of
being selected as the Kappa Iota and 6th District Omega Man of the Year in 1990. He was a
member of Matthews Baptist Church. Brother Que was preceded in death by his wife, Lady
Que. He leaves to cherish his memory two children, Ben A. Que and Imm A. Que, Jr; one brother,
Big Que, and a host of other relatives and friends.
The Editor’s Update - 2011 Centennial Edition
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The Editor’s Update - 2011 Centennial Edition