May 2012
May 2012
The Healing Garden May 2012 Welcome! To those of you who are newly bereaved and receiving our newsletter for the first time, we warmly invite you to The Compassionate Friends. We are other parents who have experienced the death of a child at any age and offer understanding and support through our monthly meetings. It is often difficult to attend your first meeting, but those who do come find an atmosphere of support from other parents who understand a parent’s grief. Nothing is asked of you; there are no fees; you do not have to speak a word if you do not care to. If you are more comfortable bringing a friend or relative along with you, please do. Many have found these meetings help them to heal; and together we learn how to live with our loss. We learn that we need not walk alone. Debbie Bice, Chapter Leader The Compassionate Friends Volunteers Chapter Leader...........................................................Debbie Bice Co-Chapter Leader...............................................Debbie Kamm Treasurer.......................................................Marty VanDenBerg Database Manager........................................ OPEN POSITION Newsletter Editor........................................... Deb Starkweather Newsletter Distribution..................................... OPEN POSITION Library............................................................................ Pam Malisa Birthday & Angelversary Cards.................. Deb Starkweather Outreach Data Collection......................... Marty VanDenBerg, Darlene Pruett, Emilie Shely, Donna Will Newly-Bereaved Outreach Cards & Info........ OPEN POSITION Meeting Greeter................. Dorothy Geiger & Debbie Kamm Hospitality...........................................................Stacey Landrum Steering Committee................... Debbie Bice, Debbie Kamm, Deb Starkweather, Danialle Flannery, Angie Welling, Dorothy Geiger, Marty VanDenBerg Special Projects (Spring Remembrance, ............THANKS to all Candlelighting Service, Golf Outing).......... who will volunteer 2012 Golf Chair.............................................. Danialle Flannery Grandparents’ Group............................................ Angie Welling May Meeting (2nd Thursday of each month) Thursday, May10, 2012 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Meeting Topic: Our Emotional Triggers Oaklawn Out-Patient Bldg, Mtg. Rm. 2 403 E. Madison, South Bend, Indiana Vol. 11, No. 5 Telephone Friends Chapter LeaderDebbie Bice............... 574.607.5840 Adult Child Loss Teen/Young Adult Accidental/Sudden Loss SIDS/Infant Loss Grandchild Loss Death from Impaired Driver Bereaved Dad Sibling Loss Step Father Regional Coordinator Dave Joachim........................ 574-233-8347 Don & Sandy Collins............574-291-5794 Debbie Martin-Kamm..........574-277-7337 Debbie Bice............................574.607.5840 Kathy Wishart.......................269-358-0821 Debbie Bice............................574.607.5840 Angie Welling....................... 574-386-4531 Don & Sandy Collins............574-291-5794 Dave Joachim........................ 574-233-8347 Kristin Burkhardt.................574-370-0962 Dorothy Geiger......................574-273-6514 Marty VanDenBerg............ 269-683-3059 Jerry VanDenBerg............. 269-683-3059 Mary Rose & Cecil Jones.... 812-254-3108 If you would like to talk to another parent who has experienced a loss similar to yours, please contact any of those on this list. Or if you just need someone to talk to or to find out more about The Compassionate Friends, please feel free to call anyone listed above. We welcome your call. LIBRARY – Pam Malisa is our Chapter Librarian. We currently have about 100 books, tapes and CD’s for our members to borrow. A complete list is available on our website. If you don’t have access to our website, Pam will be happy to give you a list. If you have any books that you would be willing to donate, we would greatly appreciate it. Donated books will be marked as donated in memory of your child. Please contact Pam at 269-687-9125 or 574-383-8744. Inside this issue..... Good-bye to Good-bye............................2 Their Song of Love................................3 Are You Willing to Give Back?.................3 Volunteers Needed.................................3 For a Little While...................................4 New Volunteer Opportunity.....................4 Angels Around the Country.....................5 TCF National Conference.......................6 Book Review: Grieving with Hope...........6 Announcements.....................................7 Good-Bye to Good-Bye By Darcie D. Sims (2004) “I didn’t get to say good-bye.” As a therapist, I have listened to thousands of bereaved lament their last words spoken to loved ones and so many of them wept in grief over not saying good-bye. So much grief has been spent on not saying a farewell. So much additional hurt has been felt because someone did not get to say good-bye. Sermons have been preached, books and poetry written about saying good-bye. Pictures have been painted: tears caught in bronze and sculpted arms left empty in the lament of good-bye. Almost no one believes there might be a reason to say good-bye TODAY. Most days are simply ordinary ones and there seems no special reason to say good-bye. Hardly anyone knows it will be THE LAST DAY or THE LAST TIME. Why do we spend so much time and grief over not saying goodbye? Why do we wash the words we did get to say over a lifetime of loving someone with the single lament, “I didn’t get to say good-bye”? Why are those words so important that the lack of them creates a lifetime of additional hurt and pain? Ceremonies are created and designed for the bereaved to say good-bye. We stand in line for hours to express our sympathies to the bereaved and to say “goodbye” to the deceased. Even if we have not seen the deceased in years, it seems especially important to come at the time of death to say good-bye. Funeral directors, mental health professionals and most of the world seems to believe that it is necessary to say goodbye in order to begin the healing process. Good-bye? Why would I want to say good-bye? I wasn’t through saying hello! 25 years ago, I did get to say good-bye. I knew the end of our son’s life was approaching and I got the chance to give one last hug and say one sentence. I got the chance to say good-bye and I didn’t take it. In the last moments of my son’s life, and years later, of my parents’ lives, I did not say good-bye. With the very last breath of my son’s life, I simply said I 2 LOVE YOU. I was able to be with my Mom in her final hours and I did not say good-bye. I said I LOVE YOU. And although I was not with my Dad when he died, the last words I shared with him as I left his home on what was to be his last night, I kissed him and said I LOVE YOU. Let go of the hurt you are experiencing if you did not get to say good-bye. You would not have said it, even if you had the chance! You would have said, I LOVE YOU. Good-bye is simply too final, too harsh, too forever. Surely your loved one knew you loved him. Surely your loved one knew you cared. And even if you don’t believe they knew, you can do something about that right now. Go outside, find your special star, and with all your might, whisper, speak or yell our loud I LOVE YOU! Trust me, the Universe is listening and your words of love will travel far to reach the heart of those no longer within hug’s reach. I guess you could yell goodbye, too, if you really want to.... but why? Why let the grief of not saying good-bye rob you of the memories of what you did get to say and how you lived your life together? Why let not saying goodbye steal away the joy of knowing your loved one was in your life and still a thread in your fabric, to be woven forever around your heart. Good-bye? I’d rather live my life so that my last words are I LOVE YOU. We never know when an ordinary day will turn into a day that gets marked down in the family history as a not-so-ordinary day. But all of us can live our life so we can leave with few regrets. Do not let the events of the past few years rob you of your hope, your passion, your joy in living. Let it become a lesson for all of us to live our lives as if there were only moments left....because that is all there really are anyway. Moments....just moments, one after another, each special and sacred in their own way, each waiting to be etched forever in our memory or lost in the sea of millions of other ordinary moments. I learned so long ago that any moment can be the last one and so, I no longer waste too many of my moments. Oh yes, there are days when I simply plod through the moments, not even aware of their passing. It often takes a cataclysmic event to shake me out of by reverie and reawaken me to the specialness of each moment. Their Song of Love Remembering on this Mother’s Day the melody your child etched in your heart. The sweet song of love that only your child could place there. As this special day brings their song to you, may the warmth of their eternal love fill your heart once again. For their song is never ending. by Patty Erdman TCF, Longview, WA Your Help is Needed Are You Willing To Give Back? Our TCF chapter is in need of a volunteer willing to assist in our efforts to support other grieving families in our area. Right now, we urgently need to fill the position of Newsletter Distributor. The person(s) in this position will be responsible for helping to get our newsletters to our families. It requires 1 to 1½ hours of your time, once a month. Our newsletters are printed and given to this person to place the address labels, and then sort. Once completed, we ask that you take them to the Post Office for bulk mailing. Take advantage of the moments we have and spend them wisely. Spend them saying I LOVE YOU instead of wishing you had said good-bye. Make a commitment to never let another moment pass without being aware of its passing. This is a very important role in our organization. It allows us to help hundreds of families in our local community. Please contact our chapter leader, Debbie Bice (574.607.5840) if you are interested. Good-bye has always been a part of my life because I grew up military, married military and gave birth military. My address changes more often that the weather. But I gave up saying good-bye long ago when I realized I LOVE YOU lasts far longer and feels so much better. Good-bye? I’m not through saying Hello and I LOVE YOU. We are in need of a person for this extremely important position! Volunteers Needed “Outreach Data Collection” Think back to when you received your first newsletter. Did you wonder how our group found you and sent a card and newsletter to you? Chances are good that it was someone in this Outreach Data Collection group. Although it may sound a little morbid, our volunteers watch and read the local obituaries, and make every attempt to contact the newly-bereaved parents. If you want to make a valuable contribution to fellow bereaved parents, please give Debbie Bice a call at 574.607.5840. 3 For a Little While Written by Bobbie Candler, in memory of her great-grandson, Allen Ray Brittain, 9/13/09 to 12/23/09 New Volunteer Opportunity! Do you like to read poems and articles on grief and inspiration? Are you organized? Do you like to give back to others who are also grieving? If so, you have what it takes to be the TCF Newsletter Editor! It’s not as hard as you might think. I gather information for the articles (on-line, borrowed from other TCF chapters around the U.S., magazines). Occasionally I write something myself, or get someone from the local community to do so. Over the almost eight years that I have been doing this newsletter, I have created files of many different articles and poetry, organized by categories: holidays, different kinds of loss, articles for parents, grandparents, siblings. I keep track of birthdays and anniversary dates, upcoming events, and donations to include in the newsletter. I long to hold you in my arms again, even for just a little while. And kiss your sweet little face and touch your precious smile! I can still see your precious little smile, everywhere I go, Especially in the faces of other children. Oh! How I miss you so. You had such cute little ways, you always made me smile. I’m so glad I held and touched you, even for a little while. You’re always on my mind, my thoughts, and in my heart. You took my breath away, I know we will never part! I will see you again one day, when I leave this world behind. What a joy it will be when our hearts are intertwined! Once a month, I send all the information on to the wonderful lady who types up this newsletter! (Barb does a great job, don’t you think?) At this point, my job is done. From Barb, it goes to the printer and then some TCF volunteers add labels and run them to the Post Office. I began attending TCF meetings in 2001, about six months after my son, Kris, passed away. These meetings and the friendships of the fellow bereaved parents, grandparents, and siblings have been very healing and rewarding for me. It didn’t take long for me to understand that giving back to others in a win-win situation. Are you enjoying the newsletters? Would you be interested in being the one who selects the stories and poems each month? If so, would you like to become our newsletter editor? I would be happy to help transition you into this position. My many files could be yours (probably enough for years to come!). My expertise after eight years on the job would be available to help you until you feel comfortable with the position. I feel it is time for me to take on other roles with TCF and to get new energy and ideas for the newsletter from fresh minds. I have loved doing these newsletters, but would like to give others a chance to benefit from this wonderful volunteer job. If you would like to know more, or think you are interested, please contact me at 574.232.8191. Thanks! Deb Starkweather “Grief is not a disorder, a disease or a sign of weakness. It is an emotional, physical and spiritual necessity, the price you pay for love. The only cure for grief is to grieve.” ~ Earl Grollman 4 Angels Around the Country Judy Toles, of Plymouth, Indiana, lost her son, Robert Williams, on May 1, 1980. He was just 19 years old. Judy and her husband love to visit the Angel of Hope statues around the country and so far has visited 65. Judy is sharing these photos and her thoughts with you and we will print them in coming issues. Love Gifts Our chapter exists entirely through donations. Our largest expense is the printing and mailing of our chapter newsletter, which is distributed to over 600 readers. Love gifts enable us to continue our outreach to bereaved parents through many chapter activities. Judy Toles’ son Robert Williams Grove, Oklahoma Judy says: “The Angel is in Lendonwood Gardens, which is a beautiful garden.” A love gift is money donated to the chapter in memory of a child who has died. If you feel a love gift is an appropriate way to honor the memory of your child, and to support this chapter of The Compassionate Friends, please consider a donation in any amount, small or large. If you wish to make a donation for your child’s date and want to make sure it is mentioned in the newsletter for that month, please make sure we receive your donation before the 5th of the prior month. (This is when our newsletter goes to the printer). Make your check out to “The Compassionate Friends of St. Joseph County”, and mail it to the return address on this newsletter. You may state the child’s name. Your donation is tax deductible. Thank you for your support! Special Thank Yous... TCF wishes to thank the following people for their generous donations to help support publication of this newsletter. to George & Sharon Lybarger, in memory of their daughter, Sandra Creech to Patricia Csiszar, in memory of her son, Thomas to Sally Puchala, in memory of her son, John to Marty VanDenBerg, in memory of her son, Kevin Borkholder 5 The Compassionate Friends National Conference, Costa Mesa, California Registration is now open for The Compassionate Friends 35th National Conference/5th International Gathering on July 20-22, 2012 in Costa Mesa, California. For online conference and hotel registration information, transportation information, as well as the conference schedule and list of workshops. click on "News & Events" at www. Keynote speakers will be the following: • Lois Duncan. award-winning author of 48 books. including "Who Killed My Daughter?" • Kathy Eldon, journalist, author, producer, activist, and mother • Darcie Sims, always popular international keynote speaker • The Reverend Canon Simon Stephens, founder of The Compassionate Friends worldwide The conference will include over 100 workshops on many topics related to the death of a child, and a full track of workshops for bereaved siblings, including a sibling trip on Friday. A Walk to Remember will be held on July 22. A pre-conference excursion to the Huntington Library ( on July 19 and a post-conference trip to Disneyland on July 23 are available. Hotel TCF has a room block that includes every room within the Hilton Orange County/Costa Mesa hotel (714-540-7000), with overf low rooms available at The Hotel Hanford (877-426-3673) (, which is across the 6 Book Review Grieving with Hope by Catherine Holtkamp, Ph.D. Grieving with Hope is a small easy to read book which was written for individuals who are experiencing a crisis of faith in addition to their grief. Knowing that authentic faith and true joy are often found on the far side of suffering, Dr. Holtkamp sought a way to encourage others. In hopes of awakening a “shiver of self-recognition” in her readers, Dr. Holtkamp has chosen the personal, informal essay. This most intimate form of writing offers identification, understanding, companionship and encouragement for those who struggle through the spiritual winter of sorrow. About the Author Dr. Holtkamp is a licensed professional counselor, a certified grief therapist and noted public speaker. She has conducted seminars throughout the United States and in Australia. In addition to Grieving with Hope, Dr. Holtkamp has written aftercare bereavement material, Something More, which is used throughout the United States, she has contributed two chapters on grief; contributes a column for Bereavement Magazine and is currently writing a volume on Donor Family Grief for Brunner/Mazell Publishers. street from the Hilton. If you make phone reservations at The Hotel Hanford, you must mention The Compassionate Friends conference to receive the special room rate of $129.00 per night plus about 11% tax. To reserve rooms online, visit Shuttles TCF has arranged for complimentary shuttles between the hotels and John Wayne Airport (SNA), and a special rate between the hotels and the Los Angeles Inter- national airport (LAX) ($36 on the SuperShuttle for the first person and $9 for additional passengers, reserved online in advance). Airline discount TCF has also arranged with American Airlines to provide a 5% discount for this conference, for travel dates from July 14 to July 27, 2012. Visit to book your flight, and place the Promotion Code 2372DJ in the promotion box on American Airlines website to receive the discount. Announcements Anniversaries Birthdays and anniversaries of the dates our children passed can be especially difficult. Please remember these people during the month of May. May Meeting Topic Save the Date... Our Emotional Triggers Birthdays: Passings: Robert Williams, son of Judy & Dan Toles Scott, son of Jack & Robin Cahall Eric, son of Vivian Wagner Ryan, brother of Stacey Landrum Donelle Moely Ruiters, daughter of Don & Eloise Moely Jeff, son of Violet Bailey Shayla, daughter of Shelly Aston Willie Joe, son of Gale Shaffer Randy, son of Cheryl Horton Margie, daughter of Larry & Katie Zehring Brandon, son of Beth Berry Scott, son of Bob & Sally Elston Brent, son of Terri Malcom, brother of Kristin Malcom Joseph, son of Katha Nash Cindy, daughter of Dorothy Pasternak Rachel, daughter of David Moore Tony, son of Margi & Eldon Scott DiAnn Ross, daughter of Leroy & Kathryn Ross Forev My Heart Wris n i t er are available at all meetings ds ban Kenny, son of Patti & Ron Skibins Courtney, daughter of Christina Gordon Meghan, sister of Jenn Strathman Jose, brother of Mary Jane Bueno and Natalia Bueno Monica Reynolds, daughter of Cindy Yates Jacque, daughter of Bud & Diane Zolman Kevin Borkholder, son of Mary & Jerry VanDenBerg Sarah Van Goey, daughter of Bernadette Talboom, Robby Martin, son of Deb & Mark Kamm, Rob & Cathy Martin Kayla Traversa, daughter of Chana Mikel Jennifer, daughter of Sue Remmo Collin, son of Ronald & Julie Holt, brother of Trey Holt and Lucas Bergman Michael, son of Diana Zollinger John, son of Sally Puchala $3.00 each or two for $5.00 TCF Mission Statement When a child dies, at any age, the family suffers intense pain and may feel hopeless and isolated. The Compassionate Friends provides highly personal comfort, hope, and support to every family experiencing the death of a son or a daughter, a brother or a sister, or a grandchild, and helps others better assist the grieving family. ================ join our group on FACEBOOK! Just type in “The Compassionate Friends of South Bend Indiana” The Healing Garden is published monthly for all bereaved parents. If you would like to submit an article or have a suggestion for information that would be helpful to you, please feel free to contact Deb Starkweather (1109deb@gmail. com) by the 5th of the previous month. Published Monthly by the Saint Joseph County Area Chapter of The Compassionate Friends 2028 Pershing St., South Bend, IN 46628 Spring Remembrance Celebration May 12, 2012 Annual Picnic and Balloon Release at Angel of Hope Garden July, 2012 Compassionate Friends National Conference Costa Mesa, CA July 20-22, 2012 Annual Golf Outing September 16, 2012 Pregnancy & Infant Loss Day of Remembrance October 2012 Angel of Hope Zolman Lube-A-Thon Fundraiser October 2012 Annual Candle Lighting December 9, 2012 We look forward to seeing you! If you would like to volunteer to help with any of these events, please contact Debbie Bice at 574.607.5840. National Office: P.O. Box 396 Oak Brook, Illinois 60522-3696 Phone 877-969-0010 Fax 630-990-0246 7 Non Profit Org US Postage Paid Permit #88 South Bend, IN P.O. Box 156 Mishawaka, IN 46544 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Spring Remembrance Celebration Saturday, May 12, 2012 2:00 pm Angel of Hope Memorial Garden • Pinhook Park, 2801 Riverside Drive, South Bend, IN The program will include music, readings, and a speaking of the names of those children we wish to remember. You are invited to bring a 3” potted flower to plant, or a fresh flower to place at the Angel of Hope. The Angel of Hope Memorial Garden is a place of reflection and remembrance for all who have lost a child of any age. If you have questions, please call: 574.607.5840 Supported by the Angel of Hope Memorial Garden Board of Directors and the St. Joseph County Compassionate Friends Debbie B 574 607 5840 • Debbie M 574 277 7337 Diane Sculzcyk • 574-259-3622 or visit