
25, 26 and 27 FEBRUARY
The 1st CPLP Global Economic Forum – The CPLP and Globalisationa
“Timor-Leste: A Hub for Business Cooperation between the CPLP and the Asia-Pacific”
Dili Convention Centre and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. February 25th - 27th 2016
Timor-Leste as a platform for business cooperation between the CPLP and the Asia Pacific
Portuguese-Speaking Countries Community
In the Global Business
On July 2014, the Portuguese-Speaking Countries Community (CPLP) gathered for the
10th Heads of State and Government Summit. This Summit endorsed to Timor-Leste
the itinerary Presidency of the Community, being one of its main Recommendations the
strengthening of the economic relations and business partnerships between the
Member Countries in order to foster CPLP’s position in the Global Economic scenario.
It was considered a strategic Recommendation, given the unique geographical
spreading of this Multi-Regional Community and its potential to promote global
Given this framework, The Timorese itinerary Presidency decided to make all
reasonable efforts to present the 1st Portuguese-Speaking Countries Community
Global Economic Forum during its Presidency.
The CPLP spreads from Brasília (Brazil) to Díli (Timor-Leste), passing through Portugal
(Europe), Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Cape Verde, Angola and Mozambique
(Africa). Each and every Member Country is well integrated in its economic region, thus
representing a relevant opportunity to serve as a Hub for global business trough CPLP.
In particular, Timor-Leste stands in the heart of ASEAN and Asia-Pacific Region, which
is a unique opportunity for CPLP countries to develop business opportunities in this
side of the world, capturing investment and forging business partnerships.
Therefore, on behalf of the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, I
endorse my sincere regards to every businessman, company representative or public
agency official that decided to join us on this 1st Portuguese-Speaking Countries Global
Economic Forum, in Díli, between 25 and 27 February 2016.
Díli, November 30th, 2015,
Eng.º Estanislau Aleixo da Silva
State Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs
Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries
Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
The inception of the 1st CPLP Global Economic
Forum arose out of the deliberation of the 10th
CPLP Heads of State and Government Summit.
It aims to express the need to develop and
integrate the economic and business spheres of
CPLP countries into the global economy.
Under the theme ‘CPLP and Globalisation’ the
forum will discuss the concept of “Timor-Leste
as a platform for business cooperation between
the CPLP and the Asia-Pacific” as a means to
enhance Timor-Leste’s strategic framework
within the context of CPLP’s multi-regional
blocks, ASEAN, and the greater Asia-Pacific.
In addition to presenting a unique opportunity for
investment within the nation, Timor-Leste can
also serve as a platform for attracting investment
and business partnerships between the CPLP,
ASEAN and Pacific Nations.
The 1st Global Economic Forum aims:
- To explore the geostrategic and political
potential of Timor-Leste as a contact platform
between the nations of the CPLP, Southeast Asia,
and the Pacific;
- To present Timor-Leste as a country with
a competitive environment for investment,
business partnerships and export projects for the
Asian, Pacific and Lusophone markets;
- To introduce the business environment of the
nations of CPLP, ASEAN, and the Pacific;
- To contribute to the sustainable development
of Timor-Leste’s economy through the sharing
of know-how, capacity building and the
diversification of the domestic private sector,
especially SMEs and through the establishment
of large investments and business partnerships;
- To promote business to business (B2B) meetings
between CPLP companies, based in Timor-Leste
and the Asia Pacific, to encourage joint projects,
investment in Timor-Leste, and the exploration
of new partnerships in common markets.
Forum Blueprint
This Economic Forum will be more than a mere debate or conference. Businesses
from all over the CPLP, ASEAN, and Pacific Regions will converge on Dili to showcase
their products and services, and to explore new potential partnerships.
As the host of the 1st CPLP Global Economic Forum, Timor-Leste has elected to
promote 5 strategic sectors:
• Oil & Gas
• Agriculture (and Agroindustry)
• Sea and Fisheries
• Manufacturing
• Tourism
• Infrastructure
Local Product and Business Exhibition
Businesses and their products and services from every nation of the CPLP will
be exhibited at the Forum. In addition, stands are offered for any interested
commercial or national representatives from the Asia-Pacific Region.
The Forum will also include specific showrooms for the presentation of strategic
development projects in Timor-Leste. These include projects in the Oil & Gas Sector,
Oecusse Special Social Market Economic Zone (ZEESM), Tourism development,
and Infrastructure among others.
Themed Rooms and Business to Business Meetings
At the Forum, participants will be free to promote investment opportunities,
opportunities for business partnerships and import and export opportunities.
Within the Dili Convention Centre, areas will be reserved for relevant sectoral
meetings between entrepreneurs in the tourism, infrastructure, and agriculture
sectors among others. The Forum will develop a schedule of B2B meetings for
participants. Requests for meetings can be made through the Forum website,
either upon registration for participation or during the course of the Forum.
Debate Panels
The 1st CPLP Global Economic Forum will host several panels of discussion.
Topics of discussion will include:
- To explore the geostrategic and political potential of Timor-Leste as a contact
platform between the nations of the CPLP, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific;
- Strategies for promoting investments and partnerships;
- An analysis on models of sustainable development.
Ultimately, these panels seek to deepen the political dialogue and economic
integration among the CPLP, ASIAN and Pacific Regions.
Communication and Event Management
The 1st CPLP Global Economic Forum’s website is the main platform for event
management. It contains all available information about the Forum and allows
participants to;
- Register for the Forum
- Access registered participant details
- Request B2B meetings
- View and manage participant logistics (Accommodation booking, airport
transfers, etc..)
Schedule of Events
Thursday 25th of February
Dili Convention Center
08.30 - 9.45
10.00 – 10.45 - OPENING CEREMONY
- Institutional Speeches
10.45 – 11.15 - Opening of the Exhibition “Partnerships for Development” (Common Area):
- Product and Business Exhibition, and Cultural Events
11.15 – 11.30 Coffee Break
11.30 – 12:30 Theme Rooms (Individual Country Presentations)
12.45 – 14.00 Lunch (provided by the Forum)
14.15 – 15.30 Theme Rooms (Individual Country Presentations)
15.30 – 15.45
Coffee Break
Continuation of Product and Business Exhibition, and Cultural Events
15.45 – 17.00 Theme Rooms (Individual Country Presentations)
19.30Dinner “Platform of Cultures” – Lahane Palace
Hosted by the Government of Timor-Leste and the Cabinet of the President of the CPLP
Program subject to changes in accordance with organizational needs
Friday, 26th of February
Dili Convention Centre
09.00 Opening of the Exhibition 09.15 - 10.30 Theme Rooms
10.30 - 10.45
Coffee Break
10.45 – 12.00 Theme Rooms
12.00 – 12.30
B2B meetings
13.00 – 14.15
Lunch (provided by the Forum)
14.30 – 17.00
B2B meetings
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
09.00 – 11.30
Panel on “Food Security and the Agro-industry” *
14.30 – 18.30
“Planting the CPLP Flag in the World of Business”
Key Note Speaker*
General Overview on main subjects of discussion (15 minutes)
3 Speaker presentations (5 -10 minutes each) Discussion (30 minutes) **
* 2 to 3 speakers in each Panel
Program subject to changes in accordance with organizational needs
o Panel 1: CPLP, an expanding Multi-Regional Block
Presentation and debate topics:
o “ The Role of Economic Blocks in the global economy and the CPLP as a potential Multi-Regional Economic Bloc
o “Challenges and Opportunities of the CPLP integration into Regional Economic Regional Blocs. Timor-Leste as a
platform for business”
o Panel II: Timor-Leste as a Platform for CPLP in the Asia-Pacific
Presentation and debate topics:
o “Timor-Leste’s initiative to integrate into the Asia-Pacific Economic Blocs: providing mutual benefits to the CPLP, AsiaPacific, and Timor-Leste”
o “ The Political and Economic integration of Timor-Leste into the ASEAN and Asia-Pacific Region – Challenges and
o Panel II: Timor-Leste as a Platform for CPLP in the Asia-Pacific
Presentation and debate topics:
o “Major Projects for CPLP Economic integration”
o “Concrete Initiatives to enhance competiveness within the CPLP”
Free Dinner
*Debate organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, the CPLP Business Confederation, and Lusophone Agricultural Chamber
(CPLP–CAL), with support from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
** The Panels will consist of speakers and one moderator. Speakers will either conduct exhibitions or technical presentations
Program subject to changes in accordance with organizational needs
Saturday, 27th of February
Dili Convention Centre
09.00 Opening of Exhibition 09.30 – 13.00 B2B Meetings, Local Product and Business Exhibition
13.00 – 14.00
Free Lunch
14.00 – 16.00
B2B meetings
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
14.00 – 16.00
General Overview on main subjects of discussion (15 minutes)
3 Speaker presentations (5 -10 minutes each) Discussion (30 minutes) **
o Panel I: Sustainable Economic Development, Social Responsibility, and Social Innovations
Themes for debate:
o “The Imperative for a Sustainable Economy in Today’s World”
o “ Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Market Innovation”
o “ZEESM – Special Social Market Economic Zone Pilot Project
Program subject to changes in accordance with organizational needs
17.00 – 18.00
o “Presentation and adoption of the Final Declaration of the Forum”
o Institutional Speeches
CLOSING CULTURAL EVENT (Open to the public)
Sunday and Monday, 28th and 29th of February
Extra Forum Activities
The Forum plans to offer an opportunity for participants to visit local agricultural production areas, investment zones, and industrial zones of
Timor-Leste. Further information will available on the forum website and during the course of the forum itself.
Program subject to changes in accordance with organizational needs
For further Information and Registration:
João Pinto
Daniela Sousa
| www.uecplp.org
| joao.pinto@uecplp.org
| daniela.sousa@uecplp.org
(+351) 962 652 333
(+351) 911 900 967