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For more detailed information about any story in this bulletin; or for tailored sector-specific monitoring contact:; Local Daily News October, 20, 2014 *Xanana calls on President TMR to talk on TL and RI’s relationship with Jokowi * Timor-Leste, October 20, 2014 language source: Tetun Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao has called on the President of the Republic, Taur Matan Ruak (TMR) to talk with new President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo about Timor-Leste and Indonesia’s bilateral cooperation. Xanana made the comments regarding President TMR’s visit to Indonesia to take part in Indonesia’s new President-elect’s swearing-in ceremony. He affirmed that President JOKOWI had good will to continue strengthening the two countries bilateral cooperation in the future. “We talked about President TMR’s presence in the swearing-in ceremony of Indonesia’s new-president-elect. We hope the president could get few minutes to talk with President Jokowi,” he said. *Xanana calls on Timorese people to recall weapons *Televizaun Timor-Leste, October 20, 2014 language source: Tetun Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao has called all the Timorese people to recall all the weapons which are still at large in the country. The prime minister made the call regarding the Government’s new resolution on recalling all the weapons which were used during the country’s resistance against the Indonesian occupation of TimorLeste. Speaking to journalists, Xanana said all the weapons which were still at large in the country had to be recalled to strengthen peace and stability of the country. “The 30th of October is the deadline for recalling all the weapons, the grenades and the bullets. These all must be recalled, as well as military uniforms,” he said. *Doctors provides medical treatment for communities in remote areas *Televizaun Timor-Leste, October 20, 2014 language source: Tetun Twenty six of the Timorese doctors held a work trip to the remote areas to provide medical treatment for local residents in Fatumasi. Speaking to journalists, Doctor Virna Gusmao Sam said they came to the villages to provide medical treatment for the local residents here in commemorating the Timorese Doctor Association Day. “We are providing this medical treatment for the local residents here in relation to our association’s anniversary,” She said *Civil society organizations question productivity of Parliament *Televizaun Timor-Leste, October 20, 2014 language source: Tetun Director for MAHEIN Foundation, Nelson Belo who is also a founding member of Judicial System Monitoring Program (JSMP) has questioned and criticized productivity of the National Parliament. Belo said the third legislature of the Parliament was not productive as it had only produced few laws compared with the previous legislature. “Productivity of the third legislature of the Parliament is very low if it compares with the previous legislature ones,” Belo said during his speech marking the opening of JSMP’s one day seminar which was held last Friday. Director for JSMP, Luis Oliveira said the Pension Fund Law for the ex-state officials had been the major concerns of the people as it only benefited the Parliament members and other state officials. Oliveira called on the Parliament to make its own priorities which laws had to be produced first. *TL hires 35 Cuban Doctors to fight Ebola in Guinea Bissau *Independete, October 20, 2014 Language source: Tetun Timor-Leste, Cuba, and Guinea Bissau will sign a trilateral agreement to combat Ebola in Guinea Bissau and this trilateral agreement is scheduled to be signed on October 29, 2014 and will be implemented next year. Cuban Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Luis Julian Laffiette met with Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MNEK) Constancio Pinto, discussing about the trilateral agreement. “The discussion is among the three countries and Timor-Leste agrees to hire 35 Cuban Doctors and will send them to Guinea Bissau to combat Ebola Virus and Timor-Leste also will send the Timorese Doctors to work together with the Cuban Doctors in Guinea Bissau,” MNEK Constancio said on Friday 17. *October 31 is the deadline for submitting illegal weapons: Xanana *Independete, October 20, 2014 Language source: Tetun The Council of Ministers has made a resolution and has set the October 31, 2014 as the deadline for the veterans and the Timorese to recall illegal weapons which are still at large in the country like unused weapons, ammunitions, and other dangerous arms. Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao calls on the veterans from the four regions with clandestine management during Indonesian occupation of Timor-Leste, such as region 01, 02, 03, and 04 to recall the weapons that were still with them, although those weapons have not functioned properly. “I have received some weapons, but I know that the other weapons are still out there, therefore, October 31 is the deadline for submitting all these weapons,” he said,” Prime Minister Xanana said on Thursday 16 at Presidential Palace. *New Zealand supports $ 4 million for agricultural sector *Independete, October 20, 2014 Language source: Tetun The New Zealand Government through its Embassy in Timor-Leste supports US $ 4 million to help support the Government in developing the country’s agricultural sector. The fund was handed over through signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Minister for Agriculture and Fishery, Mariano Assanami Sabino and New Zealand Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Jonathan Schwass on Thursday 16 at Motael Park of Dili. “This partnership project will develop Aquacultural Industry in Timor-Leste through training, making plans, developing fishes, and seeking market for Aquaculture Industry,” Ambassador Schwass said in his speech at the ceremony of signing the MoU. *TMR to take part in Indonesian President Jokowi’s Inducting Ceremony *Suara Timor Lorosae. October 20, 2014 Language source: Tetun President of the Republic, Taur Matan Ruak (TMR) yesterday departed to Indonesia to participate in the Indonesian President-elect, Joko Widodo’s swearing-in ceremony on Monday (20/10). President-elect, Jokowi and his Deputy, Jusuf Kalla will replace the current President, Susilo Bambang Yudhono and his deputy, Budiono to lead Indonesia for the next five years. “President TMR’s visit to Indonesia is to participate in Indonesian new president’s inducting ceremony on Monday 20, 2014,” the National Parliament Deputy House Speaker, Adriano do Nascimento said. October, 16, 2014 *General Lere and President TMR talk about F-FDTL’s work *Televizaun Timor-Leste, October 16, 2014 language source: Tetun The Timorese Defense Force (F-FDTL) Commander, Major General Lere Anan Timur yesterday met with the President of the Republic, Taur Matan Ruak (TMR), talking about the defense force’s activities. Speaking to journalists, the commander said he met with the president of the republic to inform about the defense force’s development to the president. “I met with the president to inform him about F-FDTL’s activities and also inform him about the general security situation of the country,” he said. *MAP promotes local products: Minister Asanami *Televizaun Timor-Leste, October 16, 2014 language source: Tetun Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries (MAP), Mariano “Asanami” Sabino Lopes said MAP commemorated the World Food Day to help promote Timor-Leste’s local agricultural products. Asanami said agriculture was very important sector for the Timorese people; therefore the Government had made its programs to increase numerous of the agricultural products in the country. He added that the Government would guarantee food security and nutrition for the Timorse people. On Tuesday (14/10), MAP, the Ministry of Education and some International NGOs commemorated the World Food Day in Dili. *Tibar school teachers call for proper sanitation and water supply *Televizaun Timor-Leste, October 16, 2014 language source: Tetun Teachers of Tibar Primary school have called on the Ministry of Education to provide proper sanitation and the clean water supply for the referred school. The man in charge of the school, Adelina Mendonca said the school had 160 students, but there were no clean water supply and no toilets. “This school is lacking class rooms and it is also difficult for us here to get access to the water supply and proper toilets,” she said. *Timor-Leste builds cooperation for free access visas with Indonesia, Cuba and China *Radio Timor-Leste, October 16, 2014 language source: Tetun Timor-Leste has made agreement with Indonesia, China and Cuba to get access to free access visa to each country. Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Costancio Pinto said this would be given to the Timorese people who were holding diplomatic and working visas, wishing to visit these three countries. Mr. Pinto affirmed that the visas for Indonesia and Cuba had been realized and with China it would be made shortly. *Police intelligence service seizes 800 grams of illegal drugs in Akadiruhun *Radio Timor-Leste, October 16, 2014 language source: Tetun The Police Intelligence Service yesterday seized another 800 grams of illegal drugs in Akadiruhun. During the operation, the police also seized one box of bullets and also a numbers of cigarettes containing drugs and US $ 100. The police seized those illegal drugs at the drug smuggler suspect, Venancio Madaeira Jong in Akadirihun who was arrested last month for the same case. *PNTL seizes 9 kilograms of methamphetamine *Timor Post, October 16, 2014 Language source: Tetun State Secretary for Security, Fransisco Guterres is proud of the Timorese National Police (PNTL) which has been able to seize illegal drugs of 9 kilograms of methamphetamines or “Sabu-Sabu”. He said that PNTL seized 9 kilograms of methamphetamine on October 14, 2014, but he refused to tell it in a greater detail. “PNTL seized more 9 kilograms of methamphetamine and PNTL will continue to ruin the drug trafficking link in Dili,” Fransisco Guterres said at the National Parliament on Wednesday 15. *TL – RI to discuss about TNI and F-FDTL’s cooperation *Timor Post, October 16, 2014 Language source: Tetun Timor-Leste’s (TL) Defense Force (F-FDTL) and Republic of Indonesia’s (RI) National Force (TNI) are planning to discuss about bilateral cooperation that the two countries’ forces could build. F-FDTL Commander, Major General Lere Anan Timur said he went to Indonesia recently to meet with TNI Commander to discuss about the cooperation that the two countries’ forces could do, but the meeting was cancelled because TNI’s Commander had to accompany the Indonesian President at TNI’s anniversary celebration. “We scheduled a bilateral meeting between two of us, but we were not able to meet because TNI Commander-general should accompany the Indonesian President, Susilo Bambang Yudhono at TNI’s anniversary ceremony on October 5, 2014,” Lere Anan Timur said at Presidential Palace on Wednesday 15. *Liputan 6. Com has apologized to PM Xanana *Diario, October 16, 2014 Language source: Tetun Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MNEK), Constancio Pinto said the Indonesian media, had apologized to the Timorese Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao and the Timorese people regarding its news story, saying Xanana Gusmao beckons Timor-Leste to rejoin the Republic of Indonesia.“Liputan6. com has apologized to us and said that it has made a wrong quotation,” MNEK Constancio Pinto informed at the National Parliament on Wednesday 15. Indonesian media has apologized to Timor-Leste, especially PM Xanana regarding its interpretation of PM Xanana’s speech in Bali Democracy Forum which it published on Friday 12, saying that “Perdana Mentri Timor-Leste Xanana Gusmao isyaratkan Timor-Leste kembali ke pangkuan Negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia. *Free Visa for entering EU, MNEK continues negotiation with EU *Diario, October 16, 2014 Language source: Tetun The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MNEK) is continuing negotiation with Europe Union (EU) to provide free visa for Timorese people to enter EU. Deputy Minister for MNEK, Constancio Pinto said that even though EU Parliament had ratified cooperation agreement on the free visa for the Timorese people, the negotiation was continuing because it had not yet been implemented. “Currently, MNEK is still negotiating with EU about the free visa for all the Timorese people who want to enter EU if it has been finished, then Timorese people could go to EU without visa,” Constantio Pinto said at the National Parliament on Wednesday 15. *U.S Coffee giant Starbucks’ pushes Timor-Leste coffee *Independente October 16, 2014 Last month Starbucks Consumer Packaged Goods announced it would be adding coffee from Mount of Ramelau in Timor-Leste to be part of its “extraordinary New single-origin coffee” line sold exclusively in supermarkets. The U.S coffee giant has said for a small nation the global branding power of sturbacks was potentially a huge boost for the fledging state’s economy, tourism and global market awareness. Speaking to Forbes Media, Andrew Lineman, a 21-year partner at Sturbacks, painted a glowing picture for the new mount Ramelau coffee for both consumers and the people of Timor Leste. He described the coffee from around the mountainous and isolated region as “very different” with a “brighter flavor profile” atypical for Asian produced coffee. Having first started sourcing coffee from Timor-Leste in 1997, Linneman said he was pleased that Starbucks could now showcase a single-origin coffee from the region. October, 15, 2014 *Deputy PM calls on communities not to destroy the environment *Televizaun Timor-Leste, October 15, 2014 language source: Tetun Deputy Prime Fernando “Lasama” Araujo has called on the communities of Timor-Leste not to burn trees and bushes as it could impact the environment of the country. Lasama made the call during the commemoration of the World Day of the environment in Uraho village, the district of Ermera. The deputy PM said the communities ought to love their environment by taking care of the trees, so that the country could stay away from natural disasters. “Natural disaster is not good for our lives, but sometimes we the communities provoke it by cutting and burning the trees recklessly,” he said. *Minister Asanami launches local foods to commemorate world food day *Televizaun Timor-Leste, October 15, 2014 language source: Tetun The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAP) yesterday launched Timor-Leste’s local food expo to commemorate the world food day. The launch of the local foods expo was officially launched by Minister for MAP, Mariano “Asanami” Sabino Lopes yesterday in Dili. Speaking to journalists, Minister Asanami said the Timorese farmers ought to increase agricultural productions in order to better develop the local food in the country. “We want sustainable agriculture, especially on how to secure the local food and nutrition for the poor families in the country,” he said. *Govt thanks Australia’s supports for fixing ambulances for MS *Televizaun Timor-Leste, October 15, 2014 language source: Tetun The Government of Timor-Leste has thanked the Government of Australia for giving its funding supports, totaling more than US $ million to be used for fixing the ambulance cars of the Ministry of Health. Head of the Ambulance Department, Jose da Costa said the Australian Government’s supports were very helpful as it could help facilitate the Ministry of Health to the fix damaged ambulance car. “These ambulance cars have been damaged, but the Government of Australia and the Ministry of Health are in cooperation to fix them,” he said. *LH calls on fact-finding committee to investigate irregularities by Govt members *Televizaun Timor-Leste, October 15, 2014 language source: Tetun Luta Hamutuk [LH] has called on the National Parliament’s Fact-Finding Committee to investigate irregularities committed by the Government members in the implementation of the state-own projects in the country. LH Executive Director, Mericio Akara made the comments during a press conference which was held yesterday at LH’s office. Akara said the Fact-Finding Committee had to investigate the irregularities in the execution of the country’s state budget for the implementation of the state-own projects throughout the country. LH prefers findings of the investigation must be submitted to the Public Prosecution Office for legal proceeding. *MPs call for resolution to control media in Timor-Leste *Televizaun Timor-Leste, October 15, 2015 language source: Tetun MP Aniceto Guterres from the Fretilin Party has called on the National Parliament to produce a resolution to be used for controlling the media in Timor-Leste. Guterres was referring to the recent publications of the media, saying Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao had made a statement that Timor-Leste would reintegrate with Indonesia. “I am calling on the Parliament to produce a resolution to condemn the media outlet which published the story and ask for their responsibility,” he said. MP Natalino from the CNRT Party said what had happened was the consequence of the media which had been very free in the country. The media of Timor-Leste quoted PM Xanana’s statement from one of Indonesia’s online media, and then published it last week when the prime minister was in Indonesia. *Today, Govt to present 2015 State Budget to PN *Independente, October 15, 2014 Language source: Tetun The Government is scheduled to present 2015’s State Budget (OJE) to the National Parliament (PN) and the Government will also take PN to alter the 2014’s OJE Decree law article 8 to let the Government takes US $ 200 million of 2014’s OJE before approving 2015’s OJE. “The alteration of 2014 OJE law article 8 which said if the Government would have executed 80 % of 2014 OJE at the end of the year, it should ask PN to take the rest of the budget from 2014 OJE to its treasurer,” PN Deputy President, Aderito Hugo said at PN yesterday. He added that it was good news that the Government wanted to ask PN to alter the law in order to transfer the rest of 2014 OJE if it had executed 80 % of the budget at the end of the year. *Vicente Guterres: Removing my political immunity is PN members’ competence *Independente, October 15, 2014 Language source: Tetun The National Parliament (PN) President [House Spealer, Vicente Guterres does not want to comment on his engagement in the participation of economic crime which accused by Public Prosecutors. However, in regard t the FRETILIN Bench’s concerns about removing his political immunity, Vicente Guterres said that it was PN Members’ competence. “I do not want to comment on the case, but about my immunity, you should ask PN members because it is their competence,” Vicente Guterres said. PN Deputy President, Aderito Hugo said PN would remove PN President Vicente Guterres’ immunity if it had received Dili District Court’s summon to appear in courts. *German Ambassador discusses about cooperation with President TMR *Independente, October 15, 2014 Language source: Tetun The German Ambassador to Timor-Leste, George Witschel met with President of the Republic (PR) Taur Matan Ruak, discussing about bilateral cooperation of the two countries. Ambassdor George Witschel said the two countries had been cooperating in the areas such as maritime transport s and and rural development. “Now we have had good cooperation in the areas that the two countries agreed, therefore, to better develop these areas, the two countries will keep up with the cooperation in the future,” George Witschel told journalists after meeting with President TMR at Presidential Palace on Monday 13. *Liputan should apologize to PM Xanana *Diario, October 15, 2014 Language source: Tetun The National Parliament (PN) calls on the Indonesian media, Liputan to apologize to the Timorese Prime Minister (PM) Xanana Gusmao and the Timorese people regarding its controversial news which was published few days ago. PN member from the CNRT Party, Carmelita Moniz calls on the Timorese Government through the Ministry for foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MNEK) to send an official letter to Indonesian Press Council to take a necessary action against its media and to apologize publicly to PM Xanana because she is confident that PM Xanana has never made statement, saying Timor-Leste will rejoin Indonesia as what was published by the “In relation to the news story which was published by, I am calling on the Government to send an official letter to Indonesian Press Council to take actions against its online media which has published incredible news about our PM,” she said. On Friday 12, published, “Perdana Mentri Timor-Leste Xanana Gusmao isyaratkan Timor-Leste Kembali ke pangkuan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia” (Timorese Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao beckons Timor-Leste to rejoin Indonesia).