The 13th year of the First Lady Cup took place on Sunday 21st


The 13th year of the First Lady Cup took place on Sunday 21st
Daryl ‘Daisy’ Mills (centre top row) at the Bali ‘Hash’ in Ubud, pictured
with other Dili Hashers both past and present most of which made the
journey from Dili to wish Daisy a final farewell and some of them even
there on medical grounds. More in the social pages.
Photo by Leith Carroll
Guide post Magazine
Guide post Magazine
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The ‘100 Great Icons’
When Insults Had Class. These glorious insults are from an era “ before” the
English language got boiled down to 4-letter words. A member of Parliament to Disraeli:”Sir,
you will either die on the gallows or of some unspeakable disease.””That depends, Sir, “ said Disraeli,”whether
I embrace your policies or your mistress.” “He had delusions of adequacy .”-Walter Kerr. “He has all
the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire.” -Winston Churchill. “I have never killed a man, but I
have read many obituaries with great pleasure.” Clarence Darrow “He has never been known to use a word
that might send a reader to the dictionary.”(William Faulkner (about Ernest Hemingway) “Thank
you for sending me a copy of your book; I’ll waste no time reading it.”- Moses Hadas “I didn’t attend the
funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.”- Mark Twain. “He has no enemies, but is intensely
disliked by his friends.”-Oscar Wilde. “I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; bring
a friend, if you have one.” -George Bernard Shaw to Winston Churchill. “Cannot possibly attend
first night, will attend second... if there is one.”-Winston Churchill, in response. “I feel so miserable
without you; it’s almost like having you here.”-Stephen Bishop. “He is a self-made man and worships his
creator.”-John Bright. “I’ve just learned about his illness. Let’s hope it’s nothing trivial.”-Irvin S. Cobb.
“He is not only dull himself; he is the cause of dullness in others.”-Samuel Johnson. “He is simply a
shiver looking for a spine to run up.” Paul Keating. In order to avoid being called a flirt, she always yielded
easily.” -Charles, Count Talleyrand. “He loves nature in spite of what it did to him.” -Forrest Tucker.
“Why do you sit there looking like an envelope without any address on it?” -Mark Twain. “His mother
should have thrown him away and kept the stork.”-Mae West. “Some cause happiness wherever they
go; others, whenever they go.”-Oscar Wilde. “He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts...
for support rather than illumination.”-Andrew Lang (1844-1912). “He has Van Gogh’s ear for music.”Billy Wilder. “I’ve had a perfectly wonderful evening. But I’m afraid this wasn’t it.” -Groucho Marx
LAMBORGHINI – Fast & Furious
Frank Sinatra, who owned an orange Lamnorghini Miura with wild-boar skin leather trim and orange shagpile carpet, once famously stated: ‘if you want to be someone, buy a Ferrari . . . if you are someone, buy
a Lamborghini.’ But before he’d ever dreamed of building his own supercar, Ferruccio Lamborghini owned
a Ferrari, and it was his dissatisfaction with that car’s clutch which ultimately led to his decision to do it
himself. Like many Italian men, Ferruccio had a passion for fast cars, and at age 31he built and raced his
own. But soon after crashing through the front of a café during the 1947 Mille Miglia he admitted, ‘That was
enough racing for me. I stayed and ordered a glass of vino.’ It was 1962 when 46-year-old Ferruccio, by
then a wealthy manufacturer of tractors (adorned with the Lamborghini logo, a raging bull inspired by his
star sign, Taurus), heaters and airconditioning units, was refused a government license to build helicopters.
That year he took his Ferrari to Modena to complain about his car’s clutch, but glowing customer service
was not on Enzo Ferrari’s agenda. Enzo dismissed Ferrucio’s compliant, responding with a comment that
tractor-makers should stick to what they know. So began one of the greatest rivalries in the history of motoring. An angry Ferruccio did what every disillusioned consumer wishes they had the money to do he set up
his own supercar factory. He copied the best bits from all the cars ke knew, including most of the Ferrari’s
engine and the twin cams from an Alfa Romeo, then hired Giotto Bizzarrini, a leading engine designer
who’d recently left Ferrari. Bizzarrini built a wickedly powerful engine, a 3.5-litre V12 that put out over 360
horsepower. With a body created by famous car designer Franco Scaglione, the prototype appeared in 1963
at the Turin Auto Show. Response was lukewarm, so Ferruccio hired Alfa Romeo designer Carlo Anderloni
to tweak the bodywork. The 350GT was shown at the 1964 Geneva Motor Show and a motoring icon was
born. Ferruccio never financially outdid his rival at Ferrari, but successfully created an even more exclusive
and desired brand. After Enzo Ferrari died at age 90. Ferruccio joked that he’d live until he was 91, but sadly
passed away in his Umbrian Vineyard aged 76.
Another occasion when I was not ‘in country’ at deadline and finalising of this edition so I sit in Ubud (for
various reasons) happily writing this editorial.
An excessive number of social events and some new adverts resulted in a short fall of social photos
space. Unfortunately therefore we were not able to give some events the extent of coverage that they
so richly deserved.
Having said that, amongst those events was the farewell of ex GM of Hash House Harriers, Daryl ‘Daisy’
Mills. Again, unfortunately we were in Australia attending a wedding on Daisys farewell in Dili. So we
decided to attend his second farewell in Bali on our way back. Hence one reason why we are in Ubud.
Front page and a few pics inside. See ya layta Daisy.
Prior to this we attended a wedding near Ballarat in Victoria which had significance to Timor Leste as
Dion Layton and Catherine Byrne both worked and met in Dili. hence Dili/Timor Leste was instrumental
in this happy bonding. Quite a few attended fromTL and some photos are herein.
lots more has come to pass so look herein for a glimpse of the past month.
As per usual, if you are going somewhere, safe travelling.
Till next time.
Cheers !
Leith Carroll
1916: Ferruccio Lamborghini is born on 28 April in Renazzo, near Bologna
1946: Ferruccio builds his own race car by boring out a Flat 500 motor to 750 cc and adding bronze
cylinder heads, earning it the nickname Testa d’Oro (‘Golden Head’).
1948: Recycling aircraft engines left over after the war, Ferruccio begins building Lamborghini tractors.
1962: An argument between Ferruccio and Enzo Ferrari convinces the tractor manufacturer to open his
own supercar factory.
1969: Frank Sinatra’s orange, shagpile carpeted Lamborghini Miura leaves the factory. At the time it
would have cost around US$20,000. New models today can cost more than US$ 600,000.
1972: After oil embargoes and a world recession Ferruccio is forced to sell 51 per cent of his company
stock to Swiss businessman Georges-Henri Rosetti.
1993: Ferruccio Lamborghini dies on 20 February.
From Chris Sheedy & Jenny Bond
Guide Post
Advertising Enquiries: ph:(+670) 7726 7160
Deadline: every 20th of the month. Guide Post. Central Hotel.
Give your kids reponsabilities
Children grow up and leave home. They go from helpless babies to mature adults who have sex and drink
beer while you back is turned. The secret is to try and keep pace with them. As they grow you have to back
off more and left them do more. You have to resist the urge to do everything for them and let them fry eggs*
or paint dustbins ** for themselves.
*This one comes from my own son who, when he asked what being a grown-up meant, said it was being
able to fry eggs as he wasn’t allowed to – he was about 8 at the time. I felt so mean I got him cooking
breakfast every day for a month until he was sick of frying eggs.
**This came from a friend who was always angry with his father. When I asked him about his relationship,
he complained that as a kid he was never allowed to do anything to help. He finally lost it with his father
when when his father was painting a dustbin and the kid wanted to help and his father said, ‘No’. But why? It
wouldn’t have hurt. Why the father was painting a dustbin in the first place remains a mystery. It’s a delicate
balancing act. You can’t give them more responsibility than they can handle but at the same time you can’t
hold them back. And when you do let them fry eggs or paint dustbins for the first time, they are going to
make a mess – yolk on the cooker, paint on the garage floor. It’s the mess most often that makes a parent
say, ‘No, you can’t. But we have to break a few eggs ( ha ha) to be able to fry one. We have to gloop a bit of
paint if kids are going to be able to carry out any DIY job for themselves when they are grown up. When they
are tiny and learning to drink from a cup for the first time we expect spillage. We stand there with kitchen
roll in our hand prepared to mop up. But by the time they are teenagers we’ve forgotten the art of hiding
the kitchen roll behind out back waiting for them to spill stuff. We expect them to be able to keep their room
tidy first time. But they’ve never done it before. They don’t know how to do it. They have to learn and part
of that learning process is not doing it, ding it badly, doing it differently from how we, as adults would do it.
Out job is to help them. To hand them responsibility slowly, bit by bit, but with guidance. We expect them
to do everything right first time, no spillage, no broken eggs, no paint on the floor. It s our expectations that
are unrealistic. Growing up is a messy business.
From Richard Templar
Guide post Magazine
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From Wit’s Dictionary
A line where the earth and the sky meet, but which disappears when you get there.
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From Wit’s Dictionary
Someone who gives away what he should give back.
Guide post Magazine
“My View” (A film review)
By Ruth Klaase
Three shades of women
General Highlights: For the zodiac sign Aries November of 2016 will be a calm and relaxed time, especially in terms of work and finances. Nevertheless, despite the overall decline in the dynamics of this period
(compared to the previous periods of 2016), the events around you will develop in the most vivid, unpredictable
and somewhat amusing manner. That is, despite the fact that the Sun, your exaltation, will lose its former power,
its powerful light will be enough to secure a total and confident support for its “wards”. In addition, Mars, the ruler
of the zodiac sign Aries, will not stand aside and will cooperate (who would have thought that?!) with Venus, its
eternal antagonist, which is responsible for the “exile” of Aries. However, at this stage, such a tandem will be
in favor of the representatives of this sign, especially when you consider the fact that during the first half of the
month you will have to fight with Saturn, responsible for the “fall” of your sign.
General Highlights: Representatives of Taurus, the leading zodiac sign of the earth trine, in November of
2016 will find themselves in a fairly stable position, though a bit ambiguous. With this being said, the ambiguity
of this moment will depend primarily on the position of Venus, which in its normal position is a planet-ruler of
this sign. In November, Venus will retain its classic position and at the same time will receive an additional reinforcement due to some planetary combinations. A similar situation will be in place on other fronts, in particular,
regarding Pluto, which usually plays the role of the planet responsible for the “expulsion” of Taurus. The exaltation of this sign, the Moon, will retain its position, as well as Saturn, which is responsible for the “fall” of Taurus.
In fact, the influence of these two celestial bodies in the solar system (the Moon and Saturn) will completely
compensate each other, so it makes no sense to pay any attention to them.
General Highlights: For Geminis November of 2016 may well turn out to be though not a stable but
definitely bright and productive month, in the first place in the working and financial direction. Many celestial
objects of the solar system will now have a quite powerful impact on your sign, but it is logical to define only
two pivotal vectors. The source of the first one will be Venus, which is in its normal position responsible for the
“fall” of Geminis. However, at the current moment due to the peculiarities of its planetary position the celestial
priestess will replace the modality of its energy flows, and will be in clear collaboration with Saturn, your traditional exaltation. But Jupiter, which will be the source of the second energy vector, will not be as generous in
terms of beneficial influence; therefore, it would be nice to defend yourself against its “attacks”. But, as usual,
it is easier said than done.
General Highlights: Alas, for the zodiac sign Cancer, November, the penultimate month of 2016, will be
dynamic, but not as positive as you would like. The fact is that Jupiter, which traditionally performs the functions of exaltation of this sign and at the same time acts as the “heavenly leader” of the whole water trine at
the current stage, will literally turn away from Cancers and will leave them to deal with their problems alone.
Fortunately, such a negative point will be the only one of its kind and, for example, the Moon, the planet-ruler
of Cancers, is not going anywhere, that is, it will continue to provide you with positive energy vibes. Saturn and
Mars, responsible for the “expulsion” and “fall” of this sign, will respectively reduce the dynamics of their actions
due to the global planetary combinations to a great extent, so their influence as a result will be minimal, so it
makes no sense to pay any attention to these objects of the solar system.
General Highlights: For the zodiac sign Leo November of 2016 might appear a quite turbulent time, but
clearly positive and promising in terms of debriefing. In this respect, a kind of fateful and fatal moment may be
observed: at the end of the month you will still come to a predetermined ending, but the road that will take you
there can be extremely arbitrary and unusual. Nevertheless, the roads that we are walking on are sometimes
much more important than the results we achieve, so you shouldn’t underestimate the ambiguity of the situation.
Fortunately, Pluto, the exaltation planet of the sign Leo, will be significantly strengthened due to its planetary
status, but the Sun, the ruler of this sign, will somewhat reduce the dynamics of its emanations, which, by the
way, won’t hurt Leos at all. Another important point relates to the fact that the emanations of Uranus responsible
for the “expulsion” of Leos, will also be weakened, and Mercury, which is responsible for the “fall” of this sign.
General Highlights: Virgos, representatives of the mutable cross of the earth trine in November of 2016,
will lose the lion’s share of astronomical support from their key patron. Normally Mercury simultaneously acts
as the exaltation planet and the planet-ruler of this sign. The role of this object of the solar system will not
change now, but its position will significantly weaken its energy emanations. This situation is not too critical, but
actually not the most positive, especially given the fact that Neptune, which is traditionally responsible for the
“expulsion” of Virgos, is not going anywhere; it will maintain its negative impact and will even try to alternately
focus either on the area of personal relationships or the financial area. However, Venus in this respect will shuffle everyone’s cards, except yours. A clever heavenly priestess will decide that it is time to “grab the bull by its
horns,” it will come into play at the beginning of the month, and will basically guide you throughout the whole
three decades in November.
General Highlights: The representatives of the cardinal cross of the air trine, Libra, in November 2016
will in fact lose the support of their main benefactor, Saturn. The Lord of rivers of time, which usually plays the
role of the planet exultant, will significantly reduce the dynamics of their emanations, but, strictly speaking, this
point will not be negative, because the position of Mars will be much more important, the planet responsible for
the “expulsion” of this sign. The red warrior planet will try at all costs to keep you pursing the implementation of
actual plans and ideas that were conceived previous stage of life. Fortunately, the Sun, which is usually responsible for the “fall” of Libras, will not be able to help its negatively-tuned buddy due to the significant weakening
of its own energy. As a result, the negative fluids confronting you won’t be as strong , but you will still have to
take them into consideration in any case, so be careful, all month and on all fronts.
General Highlights: The penultimate month of 2016 may seem a rather restless, in many ways ambiguous
and eventful time for Scorpios. At the same time November promises to be the most dynamic month you’ve
ever experienced! In principle, a steady progress and a relentless movement forward are something that fits the
Scorpios’ nature, however, let’s say, the representatives of this zodiac sign are more accustomed to a slower
pace, that’s why they might come across some misunderstanding at this stage. In general, Saturn, the exaltation planet of the sign Scorpio, will be strong enough to help you avoid any negativity. In addition to that, the lord
of the rivers of time will work closely with Venus, which in its normal position is responsible for the “expulsion”
of Scorpios. Due to the combination with the extremely favorable position of Mars, the ruler of your sign, you
will find yourself surrounded by a powerful energy triangle that none of the negatively-tuned objects of the solar
system will be able to penetrate.
General Highlights: The zodiac sign Sagittarius in November of 2016 will bring a lot of amazing and curious events, each of which you will remember for a long time. But whether the memories will be good or bad is
entirely up to you. This is clearly an interesting time, at the very least because your ruling planet, Jupiter, will
refuse to perform its functions. It won’t just give you up, on the contrary, it will put more pressure on you, thinking that you live too “freely”. At the same time Venus, which traditionally acts as a planet-exultant for the sign
Sagittarius, will be repeatedly reinforced by its planetary positions. Such a situation is “fraught with” a few rather
important points. First, we are talking about the fact that it is logical to place the key emphasis on your personal
relationship, and this applies to all areas of your life. Even at work, any time, the emotional sphere (yours, but
not only yours) will prevail. Secondly, special attention should be given to controlling your own emotions.
General Highlights: In general, representatives of the zodiac sign Capricorn will not be pleased with
November of 2016 and this statement can be applied to the whole current yearly cycle. Well, what can you do if
your personal energy levels do not coincide with the mood of the current interim stage! This does not mean that
you have no chance of a positive outcome; quite the opposite, the struggle, as is known, strengthens, makes
you stronger, allows you to experience the most difficult and unforeseen circumstances in the future. Now your
main antagonist, Jupiter, traditionally responsible for the “fall” of Capricorns, will be repeatedly reinforced due to
its planetary positions. This is definitely a negative point, which is fully offset by the situation with Saturn, your
ruler, who at the same time acts as the “celestial leader” of the whole earth trine. The result will be that the Moon
will be responsible for the “fall” of Capricorns, and Mars will be your planet exaltant.
General Highlights: Aquarius, the zodiac sign in which the element of air completes its energy cycle, in
November of 2016 will feel quite calm and confident, although we cannot say that it will be unequivocally positive. Now, a lot will not be the way you long thought it would be, and this is important, because the moments
of frustration will be followed by the chain of understanding bordering with revelation. Now Saturn, the ruler
of your sign, will repeatedly be reinforced in terms of the intensity of positive emanations that have an effect
on the overall tone of the current life stage. At the same time Mercury, the exaltation of Aquarius, will help its
subjects with mixed success. In the end, the actual phase may at times seem very ambiguous, and even flat
out negative, in particular in the working direction. Focus on what is really important to you, but do not be in a
hurry to “distance yourself” from anything, because the more things happening around you, the easier it will be
for you to “breathe”.
General Highlights: For the zodiac sign Pisces, November of 2016 will be quite an unusual and controversial month, because one of the key antagonists of the whole heaven belt, Jupiter, will be in the position of
“heavenly leader” of the water trine this month. This phenomenon will be specifically reflected and noticeable
for Pisces, so it makes sense to think seriously about the likelihood of implementing your plans. Apart from
Jupiter, Venus, the exaltation planet of your sign, will have a direct influence on your life in the current stage.
And this is extremely positive because the celestial priestess will help you to endure even the most complex
and unclear situations. However, you shouldn’t think that the stars will do everything for you. You will have to
implement everything yourself, with your own hands, regardless of your status, rank, or privileges. In fact, it
looks quite natural, and Pisces, most of whom are usually direct or latent (sorry for the wording) workaholics,
will accept the situation.
Bridget Jones and Anastasia Steele: in some ways they are worlds apart, but
at the same time they share some interesting similarities: both come across as
ratherclumsy, theycome from a book, and their stories are immensely successful
all over the world. So what makes them and the movies they’re in so special? And
which sequels should you watch?
It all started in 1813, in Hampshire, Great Britain, from wherea mystery writerpublished her second novel.
Women were not supposed to write fiction in those days, so her identity was not revealed until after her
death. The novel tells the story of Elizabeth Bennett, a smart and progressive young woman who falls in
love with a Mr Wrong and a Mr Right at the same time. At first she mixes up their predispositions, as one is
very charming while the other – Mr Rightaka Mr Darcy— appears annoying, conceited and grumpy.
Grumpy but dashing
But eventually Elizabeth sees the error of her ways (and Darcy sees his) and she marries her Mr Right. The
novel, Pride & Prejudice, is one of the most successful novels ever written and rightfully so. Anyone
who calls it ‘chick lit’ has either not read it, or needs to learn how to read.
But what does this have to do with Bridget Jones? Well, everything. Bridget is based on Elizabeth Bennett,
and it’s not a coincidence that her conceited, grumpy, but dashingMr Right is also called Mr Darcy. Helen
Fielding, the woman behind the Bridget Jones diaries, loves Pride & Prejudice, and her first book is a
modern version of its plot. In fact, the actor who plays him in the movies (Colin Firth) is the same one that
plays Mr Darcy in the Pride & Prejudice series.
Which to watch?
The first Bridget Jones film is very funny. The book is still better (I think), simply because there’s more in
it, but they did a great job to turn it into a screenplay. The second movie (the Edge of Reason) is a bit of
a train wreck. This is mainly because they skipped the funniest part in the book, which was impossible to
film. If you read the book you’ll know why.
When I first heard that 15 years after the first, a third film about Bridget was in the making, I was not exactly
jumping for joy. What could they possibly add to the story that would be interesting? A baby? It seemed just
an obvious attempt to milk the Bridget Jones story for everything it was worth.
But I was wrong. Bridget Jones’s Baby is hilarious. Our clumsy friend has grown into a woman who
takes her responsibilities serious, which means the over-the-top slapstick element has thankfully vanished.
And the plot is genuinely funny.
A different ballgame
What’s more, Daniel Cleaver (Hugh Grant) has made way for…Patrick Dempsey. He is adorable, and
turns out to have good comic timing. Next to Colin Firth’s Mr Darcy, who looks rather out-of-place, he is as
dashing and loveable as can be. The ending could have been a bit funkier, but you should still go see this
third addition if you have not already!
Another nice-looking gentleman is James Dornan. If I tell you he’s a Northern Irish actor and musician,
and played a serial killer in the excellent series The Fall, you ‘ll probably shrug your shoulders. But
what if I add that he’s also Christian Grey? Oh my… Yes, he is pretty good at faking an American accent,
So how did we get from a 19th Century novelist to Christian Grey? Well, the also rather mysterious writer of
Fifty Shades of Grey was clearly quite enamoured with Jane Austen. She’s explicitly mentioned in the
book (and film), and it seems that the main character could be Elizabeth Bennett and Bridget Jones’s sister.
Partly due to the bizarre hysteria surrounding the film, I chose not to watch it last year. The other reason
was that I’d tried reading the book—I am no stranger to curiosity—but threw it away after three pages because it was so badly written. I could not imagine how they couldmorph a book that bad into a reasonable
script, and I was right.
Spoiler alert, sort of
Yes, I finally watched ’50 Shades’ last night, because there’s a sequel coming up, and I have to have
something to talk about at my new job. But seriously, although they’ve managed to improve the plot a
bit—quite a feat—it’s still mediocre at most. For those of you who have been living under a stone the past
five years, this is the story: clumsy and pretty girl means handsome rich man who flies his own helicopter.
Man falls for girl. Girl likes the attention. Man turns out to have an interesting alternative lifestyle. Woman is
hesitant to follow. Falls in love anyway. Regrets it and walks
away. The end.
I’m not kidding: that’s it. There are no plot twists or interesting subplots (unless you’ve never seen nudity before), the
editing is wildly inconsistent, and the ending is the dumbest I’ve ever seen. The worst bit is that it seems the actors
don’t like each other very much: there is very little chemistry.
Which makes you fear the worst for the soon-to-be-released
sequel, Fifty Shades Darker. It will be torture to watch.
Guide post Magazine
‘Please Explain’
“Ask DAD”(a pet column) By Tori Valcic
‘Courtesy of Dili Alpha Dog’
Where Did the Day Go?
Ticks on Dogs
There has long been a spurious claim that a NASA computer ‘proved’ that a miracle from the Bible actually happened – the so called ‘Mising Day of Joshua’ or ‘Long Day of Joshua’.
Science and religion are often seen as being on oppsote sides of the fence, i.e. one is based on ‘proven
facts and data’ while the other is based on ‘ancient fables, faith and belief’. However, occassionaly, the
gap is said to be breached, as in the case where a computer supposedly supported the biblical miracle
of the ‘Missing Day of Joshua’. I first saw this particular, supposed collusion of science and religion in
the mid-1970s – as a badly typed chain letter in those days. Since then, it has resurfaced in widespread
emails, religious internet forums, newslist groups and from the mouths of preachers. I have even seen it
engraved on wooden plaques hanging on the wall in people’s homes. And it is still sent to me via snail
mail or email about once every fortnight.
Ticks can be prevented by regular use of tick control products.
Illnesses transmitted by ticks can case fever, anemia, paralysis, lameness, and
other symptoms.
Adult ticks can live up to 3 years without blood meal.
Ticks live on three different animals during their life.
Most ticks spend most of their life OFF the host (animal) in the environment.
Ticks can’t jump and don’t “fall from trees” as most people think, but transfer
onto hosts when animals or humans walk through long grass, bushes and brush.
Prevention: Tick Collars
The Miracle
The specific miracle referred to is Joshua 10: 12-13. Fighting the Forces of Evil, Joshua sets off from
Gilgal, defeats the enemy (with some divine help) and retrurns safely.Although Joshua seemed to be
winning on the battlefield, he called for divine help. The Lord answered Joshua’s pleas, prolonging the
sunlight by ‘about a full day’ so that Joshua had enough light to win the battle. This is the famous ‘missing
The Scientists
What’s so special about this miracle?
Well, the story goes that this miracle can resolve the ongoing problem that some NASA scientists still
have, even today. These particular scientists work at the Greeenbelt Goddard Space Center in Maryland.
Their computer calculates what’s called the ‘ephemeris’ – a catalogue of what goes on in the heavens.
It’s a list of the locations of the Sun, Moon, planets, stars and satellites etc., with respect to any given
reference point. They need this information as a reliable navigation aid to guide their various spacecraft
to their destinations. They usually run their computers only forward in time, to make sure that their spacecraft will go where it’s intended.
The story continues that on one occasion, purely as a test exercise, the NASA scientists ran a computer
simulation back in time, covering thousands of years. It ground to a halt with a pathetic blaze of flashing
red lights, having come across an unbreakable logic error. According to the story, the computer had found
‘The Missing Day’.
This was supposed scientific proof of the miracle in which God had stopped the world turning so that
Joshua could better slay his enemies.
Tick Collars are best for dogs with older children (that will remember
to wash their hands afterwards) or dogs that don’t go swimming. Preventic Collar cannot be used on pregnant or lactating dogs or puppies
under 12 weeks of age.
Shampoo or Rinses
There are many flea and tick shampoo available however
these must not be used on pregnant or lactating dogs or
puppies under 12 weeks of age. Most flea and tick shampoo containpermethrin or pyrethrin which is a poison
highly toxic to cats. If there is a heavy burden of fleas
and ticks then a bath with a tick shampoo may be recommended however shampoos do not have a good residual
effect and only last about 24 hours.
History of Myth – Part 1
This myth began back in 1890 when Charles Adiel Lewis Totten published his book, Joshua’s Long Day
and the Dial Ahaz – A Scientific Vindication. Charles Totten was not a scientist of standing but an Army
lieutenant who had been palmed off to Yale University from 1889 to 1892 to teach military tactics and
science. And anti Semite, he was obsessed with Ayrian racial purity and the imminent apocalypse. He
‘showed’ (using very dodgy methodology) how Joshua’s miracle neatly explained a one day gap in the
supposedly 6000-year age of the Universe. (You can see one problem right away – the Universe is many
billions of years older than 6000 years.)
In 1927, a certain US Creationist, Dr Harry Rimmer, published his book, Harmony of Science and Scripture. He devoted an entire chapter, ‘Modern Science and the Long Day of Joshua’, to how Lieutenant Totten converted an agnostic astronomer who had come across this missing day, by showing him Joshua’s
exploits in the Bible. Surprisingly, Totten did not even write this story – it was a total fabrication by Rimmer.
Frontline or Advantix are by far the best
products on the market. Both products are
safe for use in pregnant or lactating dogs and
safe for puppies from 8 weeks of age. Spot-on
liquids are applied to the dogs skin by parting
the hair on the back of the dog’s neck between
the shoulder blades and squeezing the entire
contents onto the dog’s skin. Most spot-on last
1 month and are water resistant and safe to
touch once dry.
History of Myth – Part 2
Now computer enter the story.
In the 1960s, Harold Hill, who claimed that he was a consultant to NASA, began telling this same tale
about Joshua’s miracle and the missing day. Around this time, NASA was very much in the public eye
because of the race to the Moon, so claiming a link to NASA was very hip. Hill suitably modernized his
fable by adding some newfangled impressive technology called ‘computers’. One of his talks was taped,
transcribed and then passed on to the journalist, Mary Kathryn Bryan. She then published the story in her
regular Mary Kay’s Kollum in the Evening World newspaper (in Spencer, Indiana) on 10 October 1969,
a few months after the first landing on the Moon. Although the story attracted incredible interest at the
time, it then faded away only to find new life on the interest. But there are still problems with the truth of
the story. First, various newspaper journalists tracked down Harold Hill and interviewed him face to face.
He was never able to provide them with any documentation, confirming that the computer had found the
missing day. Second, NASA at Greenbelt released a statement denying the incindent. They wrote in a
press release that they had ‘no knowledge of the use of its computers supposedly by Mr Harold Hill, and
attributed to our scientists. Goodard does not apply its computers to the task of projecting thousands of
years into the future or the past, as this would be irrelevant to the operational lifetime of satellites, which
rarely exceeds a dozen years’. Third, NASA also denied that Hill had even been a consultant for them.
They wrote that Hill ‘worked briefly at Goddard early in the 1960s as a plant engineer, a position which
would not place him in direct contact with our computer facilities or teams engage in orbital computations’.
PLEASE remember fleas and ticks are in the environment. By treating your pet you are only solving half of
the problem.
For more information or to see what products are available come and see us at
Dili Alpha-Dog Unip, Lda, Kampung Baru 7370 4009
The Answer
Dr Rimmer lied 1927 as did Harold Hill in the 1960s. Hill was never a ‘consultant’ to NASA, but President
of the Curtis Engine Company in Maryland. His company maintained diesel engines for NASA.
But ignore the lies and exaggerations and just think about the concept of a missing day.
You can measure the length of a piece of string only if you can reach both ends of the string. And you can
tell if it’s missing a bit of length only if you can measure between both ends of the string.
In the same way, you can find a missing day. We have good calendars today, after the time of Joshua,
but what about before his time?
Eclipses are ideal for this purpose, because they are such well documented and memorable events. In
the21st century, we now have records of eclipses both after and before the time
of Joshua. But at the time of Harold Hill;s lectures, the earliest documented
eclipse was in 1217 BC, nearly two centuries after Joshua battled the forces of
evil. In Harold Hill’s day there were no eclipses documented before the time
of Joshua and, therefore, there was no way to find a missing day. It is mathematically impossible. Bert Thompson, an American Creationist and religious
man himself, wrote and article on this missing day in the publication Reason
and Revelation – A monthly Journal of Christian Evidences. He wrote: ‘We do
a disservice to God’s Word when we attempt to “defend” it with stories like
these that with a bit of common sense and a small amount of research, can be
shown to have no factual foundation whatsoever.’ There is no point in telling
lies for Jesus
From Wit’s Dictionary
The development of the memory at the expense of the imagination
Owen Johnson
Guide post Magazine
‘‘Psychology made Simple”
Fears grow for European Schiaparelli Mars lander There are growing fears
a European probe that attempted to
land on Mars on Wednesday has been
lost. Tracking of the Schiaparelli robot’s
radio signals was dropped less than a
minute before it was expected to touch
down on the Red Planet’s surface. Satellites at Mars have attempted to shed
light on the probe’s status, so far without success. One American satellite
even called out to Schiaparelli to try to
get it to respond. The fear will be that
the robot has crashed and been destroyed. The European Space Agency, however, is a long way from
formally calling that outcome. Its engineers will be running through “fault trees” seeking to figure out why
communication was lost and what they can do next to retrieve the situation. This approach could well last
several days. One key insight will come from Schiaparelli’s “mothership” - the Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO).
As Schiaparelli was heading down to the surface, the TGO was putting itself in a parking ellipse around
Mars. But it was also receiving telemetry from the descending robot. That telemetry could now hold vital
clues as to what happened in the crucial minute before the expected touchdown. Esa experts and those
from the industries that built Schiaparelli will examine the downlinked data overnight. They will hold a
press conference at 10:00 local time (09:00 BST; 08:00 GMT) on Thursday. Paolo Ferri, the head of mission operations here at Esa’s control centre in Darmstadt, Germany, told reporters: “People will spend the
night looking at this data. I’m pretty confident that this telemetry will tell us what action was interrupted
when we lost the communications. I would say we have a very good chance tomorrow morning to either
know that the lander is lost or to know what attempts we can make to recover it.” If the mood here surrounding Schiaparelli’s fate is sombre, there is at least good cheer in the performance of the TGO in
getting into its right orbit above Mars. This satellite is really the key part of the mission formally called ExoMars 2016 - a joint endeavour with the Russian space agency (Roscosmos). The TGO is going to spend
the coming years studying the behaviour of gases such as methane, water vapour and nitrogen dioxide
in the Red Planet’s atmosphere. Although present in only small amounts, these components - methane in
particular - hold clues about Mars’ current state of activity. They may even hint at the existence of life on
the planet today. Landing on Mars is always a daunting prospect. It is necessarily a high-speed approach
that has to be got just right or the spacecraft runs the risk of smashing into the ground. Schiaparelli had a
heatshield, a parachute and rocket thrusters in order to slow its approach to the surface. BBC
Truth is one of the pillars without which the relationships cannot survive. It’s as water for a plant.
The word “truth” means agreement between an object (the reality) and the idea that we
have about that object; between what we say to believe and think and what we practice. It is authenticity; it’s the absence of lie, even if it’s pious.
There’s a Portuguese saying that says: “The lie has short legs.” That means that lasts a
little while but soon is discovered. There’s no healthy relationship that is based on lies. It may be a
relationship but it’s not healthy.
The lie is creator of conflicts, negative feelings, frustration and suffering so cannot contrib-
ute to a healthy relationship.
Truth produces harmony among people, peace of mind, trust in other people’s saying,
safety in the relationship, everything a relationship needs to remain healthy.
If a father promises a son that goes to his school presentation and then does not appear,
how is going to stay the trust of this son in his father’s word? The trust will be broken and it will be
difficult to be rebuilt. The lack of trust does not produce healthy relationships.
How it will survive a marriage relationship in which the husband tells, everyday day, that
goes out to work and then goes to a bar drink and play with friends? Certainly, the money will not be
appearing at the end of the month to pay the expenses and this husband, probably will become sick
Across: 1. Cowes 4. State 10. Fiddler 11. Samba 12. Error 13. Iceland 15. Gale 17. Upset 19. Decoy 22. Oven 25.
Pastime 27. Droop. 29. Rouse 30. Strange 31. Yeats 32. Berry Down: 2. Older 3. Enlarge 5. Taste 6. Lumbago 7.
After 8. Trail 9. Tardy 14. Cede 16. Atom 18. Pasture 20. Endorse 21. Spire 23. Verse 24. Speed 26. Inept 28. Owner
from drinking so much. The wife will not be happy and will fight with him creating a conflict. She will
feel unhappy and frustrated because expected a different behaviour from him, and he will feel hurt by
her words and sick because treated his body so badly. The constant conflict, the frustration and the
hurt don’t contribute to maintain healthy relationships.
Only when we always speak the truth and act with authenticity we can expect to have
The Da Vinci
Book Quizzes:
A. In the church
of Saint Florentin
healthy relationships. The lie may be small but when it’s discovered makes a great damage in relationships’ health and some of these will never be able to recover.
Don’t fear to be true! All of us deserve the truth and even more those ones we say to love.
Do you wish to have healthy relationships? Always chose the truth!
The Rock Pop Trivia Book Quiz:
15. August 1967 (Epstein was found dead in his home an accidental overdose of sleeping pills,
although many believe it was suicide. He was becoming increasingly depressed owing to his growing
lack of involvement with The Beatles)
16. His father, a retired minister (Gaye was shot by his father several times in the chest after arguments
allegedly after some “insurance dealings”)
17. 1991 ( from pneumonia and a stroke)
18. Nick Drake (who over-dosed on anti-depressants in 1974, after suffering bouts of severe
depression since 1972)
19. Gloria Jones (Bolan’s common law wife)
20. Buddy Holly (the aeroplane they were travelling in crashed, killing all three of them, and the pilot)
By: Ângela Rodrigues
From APPCP (Portuguese Association of Person-Centered Psychotherapy and Counselling)
association that is a “Full Member” of European Association for Counselling
Master in Helping Relationship and Therapeutic Intervention,
From UAL (Universidade Autónima de Lisboa), the oldest Private University of Portugal
Contact: 78073834 or
From Wit’s Dictionary
Someone who gets paid for sleeping under other people’s sinks.
Drill, Hammer, Saw, Axe. Mystery Word: Dash
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Girls to take over the world
From Dili to Dakar, Melbourne to Madrid girls across the world will stage a historic “takeover”on 10 and
11 October as they become Ministers, Directors, CEOs and TV presenters for a day to raise their voice
for justice and equality.
Girls will hold over 200“takeovers” in more than 50 countries to mark the International Day of the Girl.
In Timor-Leste, leading figures in political and intergovernmental spheres will step aside for a day so
girls can take charge.
By occupying spaces and places where they are rarely seen or heard, girls will be calling on governments to bring down the barriers that deny them their rights, visibility and voice.
“Timor-Leste has committed itself to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
by 2030. This will only be possible if girls and boys, women and men, work together
for gender equality, so that girls and women play an equal role in decision making.”
Said Dillyana Ximenes, Plan International Timor-Leste Deputy Country Director,
Odelia 17, one of twelve girls selected for the takeover by Plan International and Rede Feto,will work
with Timor-Leste’s UN Resident Coordinator, Knut Ostby.
“I am excited to have this opportunity and am proud to represent the voice of girls in
Timor-Leste. I want girl’s issues and gender equality to get more attention”said Odelia
from Alieu municipality.
Mr Ostby from Norway was appointed UN Resident Coordinator for Timor-Leste in 2013 and is a strong
advocate for gender equality.
“Globally, the ratio of the male and female leading roles is still not equal, and it is
important to continue promoting the rights of women and girls to live up to their full
potential. The “Girls Takeover” is definitely a great start for their leadership to be
nurtured. Offering an insight for girls into practical leadership can help motivate them
to aim for a future career in leadership” said UN Resident Coordinator, Mr Ostby.
The global takeover action will be supported in Timor-Leste on International Day of the Girl by a Girls
Takeover Marchin association with Rede Feto at 9:00 am on 11th October,followed by celebrations and
the launch of a new report, which sets out a 3 year action plan for girl’s rights in Timor-Leste, at the
Secretario Estado Joventude Desportu, where the March concludes and a program of activities begins.
Information Provided by: Imogen Wilson (Communications Manager, Plan International Timor-Leste)
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personal observation, currently women’s contribution in agriculture sector is decreasing if we compare with
men,” Agustinho told STL in his Office at Pantai kelapa two days ago. *Suara Timor-Lorosae October
*2.071 Candidates to compete in Village Chief Election The State Technical Secretariat for
Electoral Administration (STAE) has registered village chief candidates from territory of Timor-Leste and
the total candidates who will compete in the village chief election on October 29, 2016 are more than 2000.
Director-General for STAE, Acilino Manuel Branco said the candidates who had come and registered to
compete in village chief election were 2.071 and this number, there were 1.752 men candidates and 319
women candidates. “There will be three kinds of ballot papers, white ballot papers for village chief candidates, yellow for sub village chiefs and green for delegates,” Branco said at STAE Office yesterday. *Suara
Timor Lorosae, October 20, language source: Tetun
Ex-finance Pires hands over passport to court The ex-Minister for Finance, Emilia Pires,
who is also the accused has handed over her passport to Dili District Court after getting permission to take
part in G 7+ meeting in New York. Pires returned her passport to the court on Thursday (20/10) as her
last trial will be held on Friday (21/10). Judge Jose Maria Araujo said the accused had to hand over her
passport showing that she already returned from overseas visit in accord ance with the request she made.
Mr. Pires is threatened to ten years in prison by the Public Prosecution Office as they were suspected of
engaging in providing a tender project for her spouse to supply beds for the National Hospital of Guido
Valadares. *Radio Timo-Leste, October 21, 2016 language source: Tetun
*Australia ready to support women group to do business The First Secretary of the Australian Embassy for political affairs to Timor-Leste, Johanna said Australia would continue to help support
Bobometo women group to do business to better develop “tais” business in the country. Ms. Johanna made
the comments during her official to Bobometo Tais women group in Dili on Thursday (20/10). “We will continue to be in partnership with women group like Sentru Coperativa Bobometo and will also work together
with APSTL in order to support women’s economic empowerment,” she said. *Televizaun Timor-Leste,
20, 2016 language source: Tetun
*Many children in TL still do heavy work Timor-Leste has ratified international convention for
children’s rights and Timor-Leste itself has created law to defend Timorese children’s right, but many Timorese children still do heavy work. Regarding the issue, Asian Justice and Right (AJAR)’s Representative,
Inocenço Xavier said many children still did heavy work like adult in Timor-Leste. “Even though we have
ratified international Convention of Children’s Rights and we also have it in our constitution, but it is only an
instrument and we have not yet implemented it well because many children are still doing the heavy work
like adults,” Inocenço told STL at his Office in Farol, Dili yesterday. *Suara Timor Lorosae, October 20,
2016 language source: Tetun
*Japan canalizes clean water to people in Maulu-Maubisse The Japanese Government,
Non Governmental Organization (NGO), PARCIC and people of Maulu of Maubisse of Ainaro Municipality inaugurated a water supply project on October 13, 2016 The Japanese Government has cooperated
with PARCIC to canalize water supply to people in Maulu of Maubisse since 2015. In the inauguration
ceremony, the Advisor of Japanese Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Yohei Higuchi said the construction of the
water supply system was successful because of PARCIC and people of Maulu’s cooperation. “I believe the
Facilities Team Management members in this village have known their responsibilities to keep the water
supply lasting for long term use,” Mr. Higuchi said. The inauguration ceremony was participated by the
Advisor of Japanese Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Yohei Higuchi, PARCIC Director, Reiko Inoue, and local
authorities and people. *Independente, October 19, 2016 Language source: Tetun
*PN suggests buying big ship to control Timor Sea in 2017 People’s Representatives at
National Parliament (PN) really preoccupy about illegal fishing in southern coast of Timor-Leste, therefore,
they suggest the Timorese Government to buy big ship to control illegal fishing in 2017. Before Deputy
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAP), Marcos De Cruz said Timor-Leste lost almost $200 million of
it sea wealth because of illegal fishing and Timor-Leste had no big ship to control it. “We are going to propose to buy big ship in 2017 to control Timor Sea,” PN member, Cesar Valente told Timor Post yesterday
at PN. *Timor Post, October 19, 2016 language source: Tetun
*Parliament passes anti-drug law The National Parliament has overwhelmingly approved the
daft of anti-drug law to take effect in south East Asia’s newest country Timor-Leste. Member of the Parliament’s Committee Arao Noeh said Timor-Leste had now produced its own anti-drug law, which would
regulate drug trafficking in the country. “We produced this law as our Penal Code does not regulate
punishment for the drug traffickers, such as the one who plants, and produces to sell it,” he said. The
referred newly-approved law passed with 36 votes in favor, abstain zero and one vote against it. *Radio
October 21, 2016 language source: Tetun
*Timor-Leste pledges to implement UN resolution Prime Minister, Rui Maria De Araujo has
pledged to implement the National Action Plan of United Nations Security Council Resolution (PAN -UNSCR) of putting more women in decision-making positions. “The resolution calls on all countries to increase
women representatives in decision-making positions in national and international level,” PM Araujo said in
his speech at Ministry of Defense Hall in Fatuhada, Dili yesterday. He said it was important for everyone to
compromise to increase women representatives in national, regional and international levels and all state
institutions had responsibility to implement this action plan. He also called on all Timorese people not to just
increase numbers of women representatives in national level, but the change should start from household
and men in a family should recognize that women plaid important role in their family. *Timor Post, October
Timor-Leste, October 20, 2016 language source: Tetun
*Govt, CNE and STAE monitor ballot papers production Deputy Minister for State Administration (MAE), Thomas Cabral, President of National Election Commission (CNE) and Technical
Secretariat of Electoral Administration (STAE) on Wednesday (19/10) monitored production of ballot papers in Dili. TVTL, the country’s public television reported that the produced ballot papers will be used in
the upcoming village chief election. Mr. Cabral said the referred ballot papers would be distributed to all
municipalities on October 21. “So, the ballot papers will be distributed to all municipalities throughout the
country on the 21st of October, so that they can be sent directly to each village,” he said. *Televizaun
21, 2016 Language source: Tetun
*PM Araujo calls on State Institutions to add more women representatives in decision-making Prime Minister (PM), Rui Maria de Araujo has called on all state institutions in TimorLeste to add more women’s representatives in decision –making positions. PM Araujo made the call when
launching National Action Plan of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) about women,
peace and security at Ministry of Defense Hall in Fatuhada, Dili yesterday. “This action plan is similar to
UNSCR 1325 announced on October 20, 2000 and in point 18, the first point calls on all countries to add
more women’s representatives in decision-making positions in national, regional and international level,”
PM Araujo said. He added the change should start from household level and men in a family should start
recognizing women’s role in order to make the change in national, regional and international level. *Timor
Timor-Leste, October 20, 2016 language source: Tetun
*MS calls on doctors not to prescribe patients to buy medication Ministry of Health
(MS) has called doctors not to prescribe patients to buy medications in private pharmacies amid people
concerns over lack of medications in public hospitals. “Minister for Health has called on doctors not prescribe patients to buy medications because the State Institution of Medication (SAMES) has distributed
medications to all referral hospitals health posts in the territory of Timor-Leste,” Director of Dili Municipality
Health Service, Agostina da Costa Saldanha said in Praia Dos Coqueiros, Dili yesterday. She added MS
had threatened to cut salaries of the doctors who prescribed patients to buy medication in private pharmacies. *Timor Post, October 20, 2016 Language source: Tetun
*Govt has two options of Suai Supply Base Project The Timorese Government has signed
contract with HYUNDAI Company from South Korea to implement Suai Supply Base Project, but until now
Audit Court has not yet approved budget for the project, therefore, the project is pending. Prime Minister,
Rui Maria De Araujo said if Audit Court did not approve the project, then the government had re-open the
tender process or made an appeal to Audit Court. “If Audit Court does not approve the project, Government has many ways to implement the project, first of trying to make an appeal to Audit Court or re-open
the tender process,” PM Araujo said in Praia Dos Coqueiros, Dili yesterday. *Timor Post, October 20,
Post, October 21, 2016 language source: Tetun
*Putting women in decision making should start in a household level PM Araujo
Prime Minister (PM), Rui Maria de Araujo says the Timorese Government has prepared national action
plan to increase numbers of women in decision-making posts to implement the United Nations Security
Council Resolution (UNSCR), but the change should start in household level. “We can have compromises
to implement UNSCR 1325 and the plan is clear, but I think change should start from a household, especially men should recognize women’s role in a family. There is a traditional saying in Timor-Leste, women
have short stride and men have long stride and now we have to change this situation,” PM Araujo said
when launching National Action Plan of UNSCR yesterday in Fatuhada, Dili. He added government could
have good plan, but it would not work if the change did not start from a family. *Diario, October 21, 2016
2016 Language source: Tetun
*PN to discuss Minister Kalbuadi’s political immunity removal National Parliament
(PN) Committee G is analyzing the notification letter to remove Minister for Tourism, Fransisco Kalbuadi
Lay’s political immunity to be heard in court regarding CNRT Party’s fund raising case.“We are analyzing the notification letter and shortly we will hand it over to PN President to schedule the discussion in
plenary,” PN Committee G President, Agostinho Lay said at PN yesterday. Minister Kalbuadi and former
Deputy Minister for Social and Solidarity, Jacinto Rigoberto are suspected of organizing CNRT Party’s
fund raising in 2012 in which CNRT Party was suspected of receiving illegal money from people participating in the fund raising. *Independente, October 20, 2016 Language source: Tetun
*TL loses $200 million of sea wealth each year Govt should have policy to control illegal fishing Every year Timor-Leste has to lose $ 200 million of its sea wealth because of illegal fishing, therefore,
civil society organizations call on the Timorese Government to define good policy to control it. Director of
Timor-Leste’s Non Governmental Organizations Forum (FONGTIL), Arsenio Pereira said the Timorese
Government needed to facilitate the Timorese Defense Force (F-FDTL) and Timorese National Police
(PNTL) maritime units and cooperate with neighboring countries to control illegal fishing. “We need to
control illegal fishing in our sea because $200 million that Timor-Leste loses each year is big amount of
money,” Arsenio Pereira told Independente via phone yesterday. *Independente, October 20, 2016
Language source: Tetun
*Women’s contribution in peace is important SEM State Secretary for Women’s Economic
Promotion (SEM), Veneranda Lemos said women’s contribution in peace was important especially in conflict and post conflict. “In the context of Timor-Leste, during conflict and war, Timorese women had played
important, sometimes they did something out of their traditional role as doing housework such as fighting
for Timor-Leste’s independence some of them become victims during the struggle,” Veneranda Lemos said
after participating in the ceremony of launching National Action Plan about women, peace, and security at
Ministry of Defense Hall in Fatuhada, Dili yesterday. She added after Timor-Leste got its independence,
many Timorese women had assumed important positions in state institutions and other organizations.
*Diario, October 21, 2016 Language source: Tetun
*Working coordination by local Govt still weak: President TMR President of the Republic,
Taur Matan Ruak (TMR) said working coordination between the local Government and local residents at
grass root level in Municipality of Liquisa was considered to be weak. TMR made the comments during his
official visit to the village of Fatukesi of Liquisa last week. The president affirmed that last two years some
local residents experienced natural disaster, but so far they had not yet received any humanitarian aid from
the Ministry of Social Solidarity. He called on the local Government of Liquisa to create good coordination
with the central government for helping community members affected by natural disaster. *Radio Timor-
Language source: Tetun
*Deputy Minister Pereira denies rumor of buying private car with state budget
Deputy Minister of Public Work, Transport, Communication (MOPTK), Januario Pereira has denied rumor
mongering he has bought his private car with state money. “Rumor saying I buy a private car with state
money and other rumor regarding electricity projects are not true and I am calling on media before publishing a news, they need to confirm the stories,” Deputy Minister Pereira told Diario at his office in Kaikoli, Dili
yesterday. Anti Corruption Commission (KAK) Deputy Commissary, Rui Pereira said two days ago, Deputy
Minister Pereira was going to KAK to give information to a case that being investigated by KAK and his
presence in KAK was as testimony. *Diario, October 20, 2016 Language source: Tetun
*MAP launches programs to support young farmers Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
(MAP) has launched a program of support fund to young farmers in Timor-Leste. “The fund is aimed to
motivate young people to farm such as planting vegetables, rice or corn including farm animals,” Minister
for MAP, Estanislau Da Silva said at MAP Office yesterday. In addition, MAP’s Director for Horticulture,
Amaro Ximenes said they had received 83 proposals and only 66 proposals that had passed the selection
to receive the support fund. *Diario, October 20, 2016 Language source: Tetun
*Women’s contribution in agriculture sector decreases Timorese women’s contribution
in agriculture sector decreases if compares with men and it is not good because to develop agriculture
sector forward women and men’s contribution is necessary. The Dean of Economy Faculty of Institute
of Business (IOB), Agustihno Coelho said agriculture was an important sector in Timor-Leste; therefore,
men and women’s contribution in this sector is needed in order to develop this sector forward. From my
Guide post Magazine
Leste, October 24, 2016 language source: Tetun
*Timor-Leste and China strengthen cooperation in defense sector Timor-Leste’s Defense Minister, Cirilio Cristovão visited China and met with Chinese Minister of Defense Chang Wanquan
to talk about bilateral cooperation of the two countries in defense sector in Baijing, China. After the meeting
Timor-Leste’s Defense Minister Cristovão said China would continue support Timor-Leste’s defense sector. “This bilateral meeting has gone well because besides the support that China had been giving, it will
continue supporting Timor-Leste’s defense sector in capacity building area,” Minister Cristovão said in a
press release yesterday. *Diario, October 24, 2016 Language source: Tetun
We only have space for a few days news and the above information
was the latest at time of going to Press.
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The Da Vinci Book Quizzes
(The End)
According to his wishes, Leonardo was buried
A. In the church of Saint Florentin d’Amboise
B. In the chapel at Cloux
C. Next to his father in Florence
From Wit’s Dictionary
A man with a strong taste for drink trying hard to keep sober.
Elbert Hubbard
From Wit’s Dictionary
A microbe with its face washed
Frank Scully
From Wit’s
A financial Speculation
Rock & Pop Quiz Book: DEATHS
15. In which year did Beatles manager Brian Epstein die at the age of 32?
16. Who shot Marvin Gaye dead in April 1984?
17. In which year did jazz legend Miles Davis die?
18. Who went to Cambridge University in 1968, released his debut album in 1969 with members of Fairport
Convention as session musicians, released a follow up in 1970 with session musicians such as John Cale and
Richard Thompson, refused to give press interviews, and refused to perform live at all after 1970?
19. Who was driving the car that crashed killing Marc Bolan instantly in 1977?
20. Who died along with Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper at the edge of a cornfield in Clear Lake, Iowa??
From 250 Cartoons by
Poetic Justice
From Wit’s
When your dentist tells you it isn’t going to hurt and then catches his hand in the drill.
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Mosul battle: US says IS using human shields The US has accused Islamic State
Healthy mice from lab-grown eggs Japanese scientists say they have created healthy
baby mice from eggs they made entirely in the lab using a
sample of mouse skin cells. The pups born from the eggs
appeared to be healthy and were able to go on to have babies themselves. Experts say the findings, in Nature journal, offer future hope of artificial eggs for couples who need
fertility treatment. But they say many more years of study
is needed to make that leap to humans. Lab-grown Scientists have already been able to make sperm in the lab,
but for that feat they used an immature embryonic stem
cell, which is known to be able to morph into any type of cell. Taking a grown-up skin cell and getting it to
change into an egg is more challenging, say experts. The Japanese team, Prof Katsuhiko Hayashi and colleagues, took cells from a mouse tail and reprogrammed these adult cells back into immature ones. Then,
they coaxed these immature stem cells to become an egg. Not all of the eggs that they made in the lab
were healthy or viable. But the ones that were could be fertilised by sperm in a dish. When these fertilised
eggs were put into the wombs of adult female mice, they developed into apparently healthy babies. Experts
warn there are many barriers to using the same method in humans. Some are technical, but arguably the
biggest ones are about safety and ethics. Flaws in artificial eggs might be passed on to future generations,
for example. The technique the Japanese researchers used still required harvesting some tissue from
embryos to support the artificial eggs as they matured in lab dishes. Prof Richard Anderson, from the MRC
Centre for Reproductive Health at the University of Edinburgh, said: “One day this approach might be useful
for women who have lost their fertility at an early age, as well as for improvements in more conventional
infertility treatments. “But the very careful analyses in this paper show the complexity of the process and
how it is a long way from being optimised.” Prof Azim Surani has been studying how to turn human skin cells
into the precursors of sperm and eggs in his lab. He said: “As far as humans are concerned, we are way
behind. “We can’t be sure the same will apply with human cells.” He said it was futile to speculate when
that breakthrough might come, but it was worth preparing for. “Ethically, this issue has yet to be discussed
fully by the scientists and society,” Prof Surani said. “These discussions have occurred in the past, and are
continuing within the regulatory bodies, certainly in the UK. “This indeed is the right time to start a debate
and involve the wider public in these discussions, long before and in case the procedure becomes feasible
in humans.” BBC
(IS) militants of using civilians as human shields as Iraqi
forces move closer to the group’s stronghold in Mosul. Some
700,000 people are believed to remain in city, where up to
5,000 IS fighters face the third day of the operation to retake
Mosul. News that the nearby town of Qaraqosh had been
liberated was later denied by a government commander. But
the US-backed coalition say they have driven IS out of 10
villages. Government troops are moving up from the south
while their Kurdish allies are approaching from the east in a
two-pronged campaign which began on Monday. US President Barack Obama has sought to allay concerns
about an exodus of civilians from the area, saying “plans and infrastructure” are in place for dealing with a
potential humanitarian crisis. How dangerous is it for civilians in Mosul? Asked by reporters in Washington if IS
was using civilians as human shields, Pentagon spokesman Navy Captain Jeff Davis said “absolutely”. “They
are being held there against their will,” he said on Tuesday. “We have not seen any change in the last day of
people leaving or fleeing.” Residents reached by telephone by Reuters news agency said IS was preventing
people fleeing the city and had directed some of them towards buildings likely to be targeted by air strikes. The
UN is working to create new refugee sites outside Mosul. Lise Grande, the UN’s humanitarian co-ordinator for
Iraq, said the organisation was working on the assumption that as many as 200,000 people might need shelter
in the first days and weeks of the operation. Government and Kurdish forces are still between 30 and 40 km
(19 and 25 miles) from the city. They are still besieging Qaraqosh to the east, where snipers have been holding
up the advance, the commander of the Iraqi ground forces, Riadh Jalal Tawfeeq, confirmed. Earlier reports
that the town had been freed caused a momentary outpouring of joy among Iraqi Christians who had fled to the
Kurdish regional capital, Irbil. Before the war, Qaraqosh, 32 km (20 miles) from Mosul, had been Iraq’s largest
Christian town. IS fighters appear to be putting up stiff resistance in places, with the group releasing video
purporting to show them firing on coalition armoured vehicles. The coalition advance is expected to resume on
Wednesday. Some 34,000 Iraqi security personnel, Kurdish fighters, Sunni Muslim Arab tribesmen and Shia
Muslim paramilitaries have been deployed. BBC
Indonesia castration law ‘will wipe out paedophilia’ Indonesia could “wipe
out” paedophilia with its new policy of chemical castration,
President Joko Widodo has told the BBC. He said Indonesia
respected human rights but there would be “no compromise”
when it came to punishing such sexual crimes. Indonesia
passed controversial laws earlier this month authorising
chemical castration for paedophiles. The laws were subject to
fierce debate in parliament. “Our constitution respects human
rights, but when it comes to sexual crimes there is no compromise,” President Widodo said. “We are strong and we will
be very firm. We will hand out the maximum penalty for sexual crimes.” He added: “In my opinion… chemical
castration, if we enforce it consistently, will reduce sex crimes and wipe them out over time.” In a wide-ranging
interview with the BBC’s Yalda Hakim, President Widodo - also known as Jokowi - discussed topics including the South China Sea, corruption, a recent tax amnesty and the government’s stance on homosexuality.
Earlier this month, an advert for a new youth ambassador position stipulated that members of the lesbian,
gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community need not apply. The government advert said the post was
only open to applicants not involved in “sexually deviant behaviour”. President Widodo said there was no discrimination against minorities, but he added: “We are the world’s largest Muslim nation and we have religious
norms. You have to remember that and know that. We have social norms.” On the subject of the ongoing
maritime rights dispute in the South China Sea, Mr Widodo defended Indonesia’s stepped-up military presence around the Natuna Islands. He said the Indonesian military was acting to stop illegal fishing in the area.
“This is our natural resources, this is Indonesian wealth. So from now on illegal fishing vessels cannot play
around with us,” he said. “The second thing is Natuna is our territory. Natuna is in Indonesia. So if we want to
do military operations, war games, then it’s our right. In terms of sovereignty I will never compromise.” ‘Harsh
and strict’ He also said the government was cracking down on corruption. “Nine ministers, 19 governors, 300
more local leaders [and] 100 parliamentarians are in jail because of corruption,” he said. “We are harsh and
strict on corruption. We will be consistent in our harshness to improve the situation.” In September, thousands
of Indonesian workers protested in Jakarta against a government tax amnesty scheme. It was meant to plug
a budget deficit but unions say it unfairly pardoned wealthy tax dodgers. “It’s not really about how much
money we earn from it, how much money is repatriated,” President Widoko said. “The most important thing
is this is the start of reforming the tax system in Indonesia. “We want to expand the tax system, we want to
improve the tax system and we want to build trust and faith among people in our tax system so that industry
and businesses that pay tax they believe that there money will go to the good of the country and be used to
build things.” BBC
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From Wit’s Dictionary
Someone who once lost his wallet in a church while standing between a policeman and a nun
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