
David Chick
In April and May 2006, Timor-Leste – one of the smallest countries in
Southeast Asia – experienced the worst outbreak of violence in its brief
five-year history since independence. During this time, 38 people were
killed and 150,000 more were displaced. While the arrival of an
Australian-led International Security Force (ISF) ended the violence, gang
fighting, attacks against internally displaced persons (IDPs), and
confrontations with the ISF remain daily problems in Dili, the capital.
This violence has destabilised the country and hindered development
Australia is currently reviewing its aid program in Timor-Leste. It aims
to double its overall level of international assistance between 2006 and
2010. Increased aid is considered a cost-effective means to deliver longterm stability. As one of its closest neighbours, Australia has played a
significant and active role in promoting security and assisting
development in Timor-Leste. Beyond humanitarian assistance, Australia
also has a national interest in regional stability and has sought to promote
both of these goals in Timor-Leste through military assistance and
generous donor support.
This paper considers how Australia could extend its aid program to
support peace in Timor-Leste. It examines the underlying causes of the
recent conflict and suggests five policy options to complement and build
on existing programs. These policy options specifically target the causes of
conflict and support peace-building efforts using a sustainable approach
coordinated with existing international assistance efforts, both military
and humanitarian.
Since independence, Timor-Leste has suffered from occasional acts of politically
motivated violence. The worst violence in the country’s brief five-year history
occurred in April and May 2006. Thirty-eight people died and 150,000 more were
displaced (UN Independent Special Commission of Inquiry for Timor-Leste 2006,
42). The initial wave of violence concluded at the end of May 2006 with the
arrival of the International Security Forces (ISF). The ISF was invited by the
David Chick is an Australian national and recent graduate of the Program in
International Development Policy at Duke University (david.chick@duke.edu).
Asian Journal of Public Affairs
Timorese government to restore order between rival members of the military,
police, and militia groups.
While the Timorese security forces no longer engage in conflict per se, violence
remains a daily problem in the capital city of Dili. This period of lawlessness
provides an opportunity for gangs of youths and other disaffected but
disgruntled members of society to run amok. They burn homes and commercial
buildings of their ethnic and other rivals. Gang fighting abounds, as do attacks
against internally displaced persons (IDPs), resulting in occasional fatalities,
besides confrontations with the ISF. IDPs are therefore unwilling to return to
their homes (if they still exist) until the security situation improves.
The violence has demonstrated the fragility of peace in Timor-Leste. It has
widened a latent rift between people from the east and west of the country,
around which much of the violence continues to center. These historical tensions
stem from a commercial rivalry and divisive perceptions of the resistance
movement among those from the east and west. The violence has also hindered
development, leading the government to request international assistance to
respond with numerous initiatives to promote stability.
As one of Timor Leste’s closest neighbours, and one of the region’s most
developed countries, Australia has played a significant and active role in
promoting security and assisting development. Beyond humanitarian concerns,
Australia has a national interest in regional stability. It has sought to promote
both of these goals in Timor-Leste through military assistance and generous
donor support.
Australia is currently reviewing its aid program in Timor-Leste. It aims to double
its overall level of international assistance between 2006 and 2010. Increased aid
is considered to be a cost-effective means to deliver long-term stability. It is
necessary for the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) to
develop project options to assist the Agency’s goal of securing the stability of the
government and promoting economic opportunities (AusAID 2006c).
This paper considers how Australia could extend its aid program to support
peace in Timor-Leste. It examines the underlying causes of the recent conflict and
suggests five policy options to complement and build on existing programs. To
do this, the paper first provides an analysis of the conflict in Timor-Leste. It
identifies the root and proximate causes of the conflict as well as the supporting
factors for peace and reconciliation. Based on this analysis, the paper outlines
five capacity-building concepts for AusAID’s consideration to help build a
lasting peace. These project ideas are designed to address the causes of conflict
and build peace in a feasible, effective, and sustainable manner.
How to Use Australian Aid to Promote Peace in Timor-Leste
Background to the Conflict: East Versus West
The April and May violence stemmed from a long-running dispute within the
Falintil-Timor-Leste Defence Force (F-FDTL). Members of the F-FDTL, who are
of western origin, alleged that they were discriminated against in the military,
particularly in promotion opportunities. These members submitted a petition to
defence forces commander Brigadier General Taur Matan Ruak, and President
Xanana Gusmao, on 9 January 2006. On 17 February they abandoned their
barracks and on refusing to return, the 591 petitioners were dismissed by Taur
Matan Ruak in March.
The four-day demonstration in Dili that followed erupted into violence on 28
April. The violence spread through the capital as well as surrounding
neighbourhoods and villages. The country came close to civil war, with
westerners rallying against the Revolutionary Front for an Independent East
Timor-controlled government (FRETILIN). There were two separate but related
manifestations of the violence. First, central to the conflict in April and May 2006,
was the violence within the security forces. Members of the F-FDTL and National
Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) fought amongst each other on grounds of identity
(east/west) and support for the government (pro/anti). Second, in the weakened
security situation, community-based violence rapidly proliferated. The
heightened period of violence in Timor-Leste amounted to a ‘level 3 crisis’
(Heidelburg Institute for International Conflict Research 2006).2
Causes of Conflict: Why Did Timor-Leste Fall Into a Crisis?
The underlying factors behind the conflict can be attributed to root and
proximate causes, as well as its immediate triggers.3 Although many of these
causes of conflict were recognised by scholars before the outbreak of violence
(Center for International Conflict Resolution 2004), these had not been
adequately addressed by the time the crisis actually broke.
Root Causes. There are numerous root causes of the 2006 violence in TimorLeste. First, Timor-Leste has suffered from occasional but significant acts of
violence over its recent history (Figure 1). The worst violence occurred following
the pro-independence referendum in 1999. In reaction to the referendum’s
outcome, the Indonesian military and militia destroyed 70 percent of the
country’s infrastructure. The violence led over half a million people to flee their
homes and resulted in the loss of approximately 1,500 lives. Subsequent to the
departure of Indonesian occupying forces, low-level violence has continued,
The Heidelburg Institute for International Conflict Research uses a 5 point scale, with level 1
signifying ‘latent conflict’ and level 5 indicating ‘war’.
Root causes underlie the conflict and are necessary, but not sufficient for the occurrence of
violence. Proximate causes occur closer to the outbreak of violence and exacerbate the negative
impacts of the root causes of conflict. Triggers for the conflict are those events or circumstances
that occur immediately prior to the conflict to bring the violence to a head (Conflict Prevention
and Post-Conflict Reconstruction Network 2005, 8).
Asian Journal of Public Affairs
including attacks on Indonesian ‘collaborators’ in 1999-2000 and street riots in
Figure 1: Numbers of Fatalities and Refugees/IDPs in Timor-Leste: 1998-2007
Ye a r
Sources: International Institute for Strategic Studies 2007; UN Independent Special Commission
of Inquiry for Timor-Leste 2006; UNHCR 2004; UNHCR 2005; Caritas Australia 2006.
Second, Timor-Leste is often quoted as having been the poorest country in the
world at the time of its independence in 2002. Much of this stems from the
neglect of the country’s economy under both Portuguese and Indonesian rule.
Now, although per capita GNI grew to US$747 by 2005 (World Bank 2007), it still
borders the ‘low income’ category of countries, thus making it more susceptible
to violent conflict (Collier and Hoeffler 2002).
Third, Timor-Leste is highly dependent on primary commodities. Hope for selfsufficiency comes through the exploitation of its oil and gas reserves in the Timor
Sea. Royalties from these reserves account for US$350.9m of the country’s
US$394.5m 2005-2006 budget and this share is set to grow rapidly over the
coming years (Economist Intelligence Unit 2006, 6). This dependency is a cause
for concern as Collier and Hoeffler (2002) argue that countries dependent on
primary commodities for their exports (between 16-48 percent of GDP) have a
greater probability of violent conflict.
Fourth, poor governance has failed to ameliorate community tensions. The
FRETILIN party dominates the democratic system, without effective opposition
or checks and balances on power from the parliament or judiciary. The rule of
law is weak and many people do not understand the judicial system, its
procedures or its language as most of it is in Portuguese. A backlog of criminal
cases and a lack of judicial and legal capacity also make it near impossible to
enforce contracts or hear civil disputes. Uncertainty exists even regarding the
How to Use Australian Aid to Promote Peace in Timor-Leste
content of laws, including those relating to land ownership. Opportunistic land
acquisitions in 1999, when buildings formerly occupied by Indonesians were
being taken over, were a particular source of tension and has since led to
individual acts of violence (Scambary 2006, 3).
The dominance of one ethnic group over another can increase the risk of violent
conflict – a fifth root cause of violence. Prior to the crisis, the distinction between
those from the east and west of the country was rarely mentioned. However, by
early 2006, it was clear that western-born members of the military felt
discriminated against by officers from the east. President Gusmao even directly
addressed this issue in a speech in March 2006. The split has two sources. First,
some easterners view themselves as more responsible for the resistance
movement and the ultimate liberation of Timor-Leste. They view western
Timorese as closely associated with the Indonesian occupying forces during the
colonial period. Second, a commercial rivalry has traditionally existed between
those of the east and west. This was particularly evident following the influx of
easterners into the western markets of Dili following the end of World War II
(Scambary 2006, 2).
Sixth, urban youth unemployment is particularly high. Sixty percent of TimorLeste’s population is under 18 years of age (UNICEF 2006). The World Bank
estimates urban youth unemployment in Timor-Leste as 43 percent (USAID 2006,
11). Of the entire working population in 2001, 73.9 percent were involved in
subsistence agriculture and 16.8 percent were openly unemployed (Government
of Timor-Leste 2002, 76). Such high levels of unemployment lead to youth unrest,
a significant source of potential conflict.
Lastly, the population of the capital Dili has increased rapidly over the last five
years: from 120,000 in 2001 to 168,000 in 2006 (Economist Intelligence Unit 2006,
14). This increase is the result of migration to the capital for better employment
opportunities as well as the rapid rise in fertility immediately after
independence. Social tensions have accompanied this rapid population growth.
Proximate Causes. A number of factors have exacerbated underlying tensions
leading to the crisis. Challenges in communication and informationdissemination permitted the spread of fallacious rumours throughout the
country. Communication infrastructure and local reporting capacity, especially
outside Dili, is poor. Low literacy rates make written communication difficult.
Research suggests that the Timorese have traditionally relied on informal
communication networks and may not trust alternative sources (USAID 2006,
10). Furthermore, communication between politicians and the community is
limited, both in terms of information and consultation.
In addition, social jealousies and disillusionment with the government are rife in
post-independent Timor-Leste. This has been in response to the appointment of
certain individuals to well-remunerated jobs with foreign agencies, as well as the
opportunistic seizure of property by individuals upon the exit of the Indonesian
forces. Many people also feel disillusioned with the development process, which
seems to have fallen short of public expectations. Within Dili alone, a number of
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disaffected groups reject the legitimacy of the government. These groups are
aligned with particular political factions and engage in politically-motivated
criminal activity (Scambary 2006, 5-7). These include Colimau 2000, Sagrada
Familia, CPD-RDTL, Orsnaco, as well as some popular martial art groups. Such
groups had become more active in the lead up to the crisis.
Tensions between Timor-Leste’s small political elite have also not been resolved.
These tensions run deep, originating from the days of the resistance against the
Indonesian armed forces. More recently, the political arena has become divided
between government ministers, particularly President Gusmao and Prime
Minister Alkatiri. During the early months of 2006, a deep political battle raged
between the President and Prime Minister, with each having their own
supporters, such as Minister Ramos Horta siding with the President and Minister
Lobato supporting the Prime Minister.
These tensions and political maneuverings among the elite have also been
subsequently absorbed into the fabric of the police and military forces. From
2002, Interior Minister Lobato enlisted members of the PNTL with personal
allegiance to himself. The division intensified when Brigadier General Taur
Matan Ruak sacked the ‘western’ petitioners of the military for continuing to
refuse orders to return to their barracks. While Alkatiri supported the decision,
Gusmao did not, broadcasting an emotional telecast to the nation on 23 March
2006 in which he called the dismissal incorrect. This led to a souring of relations
between the President and the Brigadier General, contrary to their earlier
association, which had been a significant stabilising relationship through the
resistance. The President’s rebuke also appeared to justify the cause of the
petitioners, with westerners subsequently burning 17 easterners’ homes by late
March (International Crisis Group 2006, 8).
Triggering Events. The trigger for the violence in April and May was the bungled
response of political leaders in managing the protest of the dismissed members
of the F-FDTL. Minister Ramos Horta had apparently mistaken the timing of his
meeting with the protesters and did not arrive in the morning as was originally
expected. By midday, the crowd had started to throw stones and burn vehicles,
with demonstrators then deciding to move through Dili on a rampage of
destruction. After four days of protests in front of the Government Palace,
tensions were high. Several other persons, including angry youth, had also
joined the protests, venting frustrations over economic, political, and ethnic
issues. The decision to use the F-FDTL to restore order – taken in a crisis cabinet
meeting at 6 pm on the same day - brought the eastern and western elements of
the military and police into direct conflict with each other. The move ignited the
conflict, broke down law and order, and enabled ethnically motivated violence to
spread throughout Dili and surrounding areas.
How to Use Australian Aid to Promote Peace in Timor-Leste
Factors Contributing to Peace
Communities are complex and dynamic and the advent of violence (such as that
described above) does not indicate that peace-building factors were or are absent.
At best, such a situation demonstrates that these factors were not able to
dominate at that point in time. The presence of the ISF illustrates that law
enforcement structures can effectively limit structural violence. Although the ISF
has not ended community-based violence, it has effectively contained outbreaks
when they occur. Similarly, the delivery of emergency humanitarian aid has also
undoubtedly helped to build peace and a sense of normalcy among IDPs and the
broader Timorese society.
Knowledge of government decision-making processes can alleviate concerns of
corruption and discrimination, and potentially avert future security threats. The
local community has generally welcomed information on the recent conflict (e.g.,
the recent release of the Report of the UN Special Commission of Inquiry for
Timor-Leste). Lack of information only serves to fuel rumours and further
violence. For instance, rumours that the F-FDTL had massacred 60 people in Taci
Tolu in April 2006 heightened Timorese fears and may have encouraged further
retributive violence.
In addition to transparency, contact with officials gives people a sense of ‘being
heard’ and eases community frustrations. This is particularly important in the
context of limited government capacity, such as Timor-Leste. Previous meetings
between petitioners and politicians had, before April, helped mitigate violent
conflict. In contrast, the failure of Minister Ramos Horta to address the
petitioners and others on 28 May served as a direct trigger to violence.
It should also be noted that the outbreaks of violence within Dili were not
uniform. While some sucos (village clusters) and aldeias (villages) were heavily
damaged, others were not affected by the violence. Thus, it is possible that local
leadership played a stabilising role in some communities.
Stakeholder Analysis of the Violence
To promote and support peace, aid should empower connectors and peacemakers while weakening the influence of those that encourage violence
(Anderson 1999). Each stakeholder has their own interests, capacities and
relationships. The following are considered to be key actors in Timorese society.
Suco Councils: There are approximately 500 popularly elected Suco Councils
across Timor-Leste. Representation in the Councils is equally divided
between men and women and, if desired, decision-making can be by
consensus. The World Bank was instrumental in creating these local
councils to represent village clusters and act as the vehicle for communitydriven development. Each council can apply for funding grants from the
World Bank. These local governance arrangements have provided stability
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and leadership to many communities which escaped the recent violence in
and around Dili. However, it is also argued that on occasion, the Suco
Councils have themselves been a source of conflict between elected and
traditional leaders in some areas (Rawski 2005, 947).
Catholic Church: Support for the Catholic Church has spread to
approximately 90-95 percent of the population. Much of this occurred
during the period of resistance against Indonesian occupation. The Church
was the only institution that spoke out against the atrocities of the
Indonesian occupation and also played a significant stabilising role in the
communities (Center for International Conflict Resolution 2004, 32). It
maintains a strong connection with the youth through the Scouts movement
and acts as an important mediator within the community.
Community groups: These groups provide a possible vehicle for reaching and
addressing anti-social behaviour through a peer-network. The goals of
community groups include neighbourhood security, connections with other
youth, and peace-building (Scambary 2006, 25-27). Community groups are
generally peaceful, though they may include violent members.
Media: The media has a recognised role in conflict mitigation. However, the
media sector in Timor-Leste remains weak. Radio is the most effective
medium, with 17 stations providing broadcasting coverage to
approximately 69 percent of the population (Center for International
Conflict Resolution 2004, 32). Low levels of literacy limit the effectiveness of
Extended families in districts/villages: Extended families ease the pressure on
IDPs to return to unstable urban areas. Despite their own dire economic
circumstances, they have met many of the basic needs - housing and food of many of the IDPs.
In contrast, the following stakeholders are associated with conflict and division.
Political elite: The level of community support for politicians has waned as a
result of their role in the crisis (see Proximate Causes above). The conflict
led to the resignation in June 2006 of Prime Minister Alkatiri as well as
Interior Minister Lobato and Defence Minister Rodrigues. The United
Nations Independent Special Commission of Inquiry for Timor-Leste has
recommended that criminal charges be brought against Ministers Lobato
and Rodrigues as well as defence forces commander Brigadier General Taur
Matan Ruak for their alleged role in the illegal distribution of weapons to
civilians during the crisis (United Nations Independent Special Commission
of Inquiry for Timor-Leste 2006, para 132 and 134). With public faith in
government being so low, momentum for peace initiatives should ideally
originate from alternative sources, although it cannot ignore the important
role of the political elite in the future.
How to Use Australian Aid to Promote Peace in Timor-Leste
Security sector: The weak security sector has been a major source of tension
and destabilisation in Timor-Leste. Divisions between F-FDTL members
from the east and west of the country, exclusion of some FALINTIL fighters
from active duty and politicisation of the PNTL are central to this sentiment.
The government, assisted by the new United Nations Integrated Mission in
Timor-Leste (UNMIT), continues to work on a comprehensive review of the
security sector, including the Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Defence,
PNTL, and F-FDTL. In the interim, a Trilateral Coordination Forum
between the government, UNMIT, and ISF coordinates ongoing security.
Foreign countries: There is growing local disillusionment with the
development process and the international community. Some Timorese feel
that foreign countries, such as Indonesia, Portugal, and Australia may be
seeking to influence the government for their own political interests.
Despite political support from the Timorese government and their vital role
in stemming violent street conflict, even justified acts of self-defence by the
ISF can further degrade relations between foreigners and locals and thereby
limit their ability to act as neutral and credible peace-builders.
Australian Aid: Pathways to Peace-Building
Australia has a strong interest in a secure, stable, and prosperous Timor-Leste
(Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 2003). It has taken an active
role in the development of Timor-Leste ever since Timor’s 1999 vote for
independence. Assistance has been provided through a range of sources,
including the Department of Defence and Australian Defence Forces, the
Australian Federal Police, and AusAID. Australia has also provided vital
security - first as the leader of INTERFET forces in 1999, and again in 2006 as the
lead of the joint ISF from Australia, New Zealand, Portugal, and Malaysia. The
Australian government has reportedly spent US$2.4 billion since 1999 on defence
operations to stabilise Timor-Leste (The Australian 2007).
The Australian-led ISF has been instrumental in restoring order to Dili and its
surrounding neighbourhoods. As mentioned before, the new Trilateral
Coordination Forum now coordinates ongoing security between the ISF, UNMIT
and the Timorese government. As provided by its mandate and outlined above,
UNMIT will also play a significant role in helping the Timorese government to
implement more long-term security sector reforms. The immediate humanitarian
response and support of IDP camps, coordinated through the Inter-Agency
Humanitarian Coordination Group, has also been exceedingly important in
bringing at least a modicum of normalcy to the country and helping to meet
basic needs.
Australia is one of the top five donors to the country and aid from Australia is
currently in a period of expansion. Their aid to Timor-Leste totaled
approximately US$335m between 1999 and mid-2006 (La’o Hamutuk 2005;
AusAID 2006a, 81), which is one-seventh the overall Australian military
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expenditure over the same period. In 2005-06, Australian aid totaled
approximately US$35m (AusAID 2007a), one-fifth of the total Official
Development Assistance to Timor-Leste.4 The Australian government agreed in
2006 to double its aid budget by 2010. AusAID is developing a range of new
initiatives through the piloting of new projects and greater engagement with
Timorese institutions.
The overarching objective of the Australian aid program is “[t]o assist
developing countries to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development, in
line with Australia’s national interest” (AusAID 2006b, 20). Through its work in
Timor-Leste, AusAID seeks to “target the key drivers of stability, security and
economic growth and address the causes of instability and conflict” (AusAID
2006c). The two main focus areas of AusAID are:
Securing stability of the government; and
Promoting economic opportunities and sustainable livelihoods.
More specifically it aims to provide support to the law and justice sector;
improve public sector accountability and transparency through strengthened
public sector management; build stronger electoral and parliamentary
institutions and strengthen civil society; pursue job creation, economic
development, as well as rural income-generation; improve food security; and
enhance the delivery of services in health, water supply and sanitation,
particularly to rural populations (AusAID 2006c).
To maximise its impact and success in achieving these goals, AusAID must not
only consult with local politicians, organisations, and people about their needs,
but must coordinate with local authorities and other donor partners. This is
necessary to avoid program overlap and encourage a broad peace-building
approach to address gaps and create synergies in different peace-building
AusAID’s Existing Role in Timor Leste
AusAID’s coordinated and consultative approach has provided an admirable
and valuable contribution to Timor-Leste’s early development. It has supported
the formulation and implementation of the Timorese government-approved
National Development Plan (NPD), establishing the country’s medium-term
development priorities until 2020. These priorities relate to improved education
and health, broad-based economic development, promoting stability, effective
governance, and an active civil society. Aid is coordinated with the government
and other development agencies through two forums: the biannual coordination
meetings led by the Ministry of Planning and Finance as well as the Ministry of
Average collective ODA (which includes Australian ODA) is US$181m for the period 2001-05.
See OECD Development Co-operation Directive (2006b).
How to Use Australian Aid to Promote Peace in Timor-Leste
Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, and the annual Development Partners
Meetings co-chaired by the Timorese government and the World Bank.
Anecdotal evidence supports the view that AusAID’s involvement has been
effective in the delivery of aid. However, some concerns have been expressed
about Australian aid being too closely tied to Australia’s political interests (La’o
Hamutuk 2005).5 AusAID, like other donors, could increase its budget
transparency and provide more information to local communities about its work
(La’o Hamutuk 2002). While AusAID does contract out most of its project work,
it no longer supports a policy of ‘tied aid’ to support only Australian businesses
in Timor-Leste. Through its locally engaged staff, AusAID has the capacity to
engage more closely with local recipient communities. Given this foundation,
AusAID is well-placed to further partner with the Timorese community in peacebuilding initiatives.
Like other multilateral and bilateral aid programs in Timor-Leste, the existing
AusAID program focuses on governance. A range of projects aim to build public
sector management and institutional capacity throughout the Timorese
government. These include projects within the national parliament, training of
the police force and improving the efficiency and stability of the justice sector
(See Figure 2). In addition, AusAID manages a number of health, rural
development, and scholarship programs. Recent delays in rural development
programs that exposed the aid program to criticism of becoming too Dili-centric
are beginning to be addressed through a new six-year Community Water Supply
and Sanitation Project that commenced in 2007. In response to the recent crisis,
Australia has also donated approximately US$8m in humanitarian assistance to
the UN Flash Appeal, World Food Program, and Oxfam.
Figure 2: Schedule of AusAID Projects in Timor-Leste
Amount Effective Closing
(in A$m)
Project Name
Australia-East Timor
Public Sector
Management Capacity
Development Program
Public sector
management skills,
including through
Democracy in East
capacities of
Australia-East Timor
Police Development
Police training
CURRENT (Feb 2007)
La’o Hamutuk has alleged that AusAID withdrew financial support from a Timorese NGO in
response to its support for the Timorese government in relation to negotiations concerning profitsharing between Timor-Leste and Australia over profits from the oil and gas reserves in the
Timor Sea.
Asian Journal of Public Affairs
Project Name
Law and Justice
Development Program
Improve efficiency
and stability of
justice sector
Health Sector Support
institutional health
service delivery
Health Seeking Behavior
Research causes of
of health services
Australia-Timor Leste
Program of Assistance
for Specialist Services
Placement of
professionals in
Timor, and
training local staff
UNICEF Strengthening
immunisation –
Hepatitis B
Rural Development
Seeds of Life 2
Identifying higher
yield varieties of
staple crops
Water and Governance
Australia-East Timor
Community Water
Supply and Sanitation
Public sector
capacity building
and health and
Australia-East Timor
Training in crucial
areas for
Response to Unrest
Support to UN
Flash Appeal, WFP
and Oxfam for
AusAID-World Bank
Encourage skills
for leadership and
Emergency/Humanitarian Communications and
crisis management
Leadership Capacity for among formal and
National Renewal
informal leaders
Amount Effective Closing
(in A$m)
How to Use Australian Aid to Promote Peace in Timor-Leste
Amount Effective Closing
(in A$m)
Project Name
Ministry of Planning
and Finance Capacity
Building Project
Improve capacity
of Budget and
Revenue Office
Rural Development /
Australia-East Timor
Fisheries Project
Train in
sustainable fishery
Community Development
Small Grants Scheme
Various projects to
promote improved
standards of living
USAID-AusAID Conflict
Assess causes of
conflict and
opportunities for
Source: AusAID 2007b.
Policy Options: Possible Additional Roles for AusAID
The existing array of assistance programs in Timor-Leste - whether funded by
Australia, the government of Timor-Leste or other donors - already addresses
numerous causes of conflict and support local peace-building capacities. Efforts
are being made to address economic development, security reform, gang activity,
and many aspects related to governance. The youth and the Catholic Church
have also received specifically targeted support.
However, there are additional ways to address conflict, build peace, and help
stabilise Timor-Leste. Five capacity-building options for AusAID’s consideration
include strengthening local voice, the media, local governance, youth mental
health, and rural development. The options deal with causes of conflict and
aspects of peace-building that have not yet been fully addressed in the response
to the 2006 crisis. They aim to improve communication, minimise social pressure
from demographic change, and prevent political instability. The proposals
engage local leadership, strengthen transparency and voice, and support
extended families in a manner that meets basic needs – all of which contribute to
peace. Furthermore, they are consistent with the NDP.
Option 1: A Local Voice Pilot Program to link community leaders and enable
them to discuss different working styles and common problems. If successful, the
pilot project could help develop a culture of innovation, as well as provide
support in other capacities including conflict management and peace-building.
The local government alliance could be modeled on the Australian Local
Government Association which has been successful in this regard (Martin 2001).
To identify pilot neighbourhoods and facilitate the project, a review of existing
assessments and, if necessary, a survey of other areas could be conducted. From
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the results, AusAID could identify several neighbourhoods in Dili that have
either experienced, or been spared from, violence during the last year. It is also
necessary to identify both traditional and elected leaders to encourage a genuine
and open discussion of their perspectives. This is particularly important given
the existence of tension in some local communities between the traditional
leadership and local Suco Councils (Rawski 2005).
As an initial step, the selected community leaders could explain their views on
why they were or were not successful in promoting peace. The group could
consider the likelihood of future threats to their neighbourhoods and any steps
they could take to continue to provide security. Through the active engagement
of community leaders in this manner, learning can spread throughout the
community from a grassroots-based understanding of the issues involved.
This exercise could potentially build a better understanding of local conditions;
strengthen bonds between local community leaders, as well as between local
community leaders and Australian officials; and support local conflict resolution
capacities. AusAID could extend its understanding of local community dynamics
and leadership successes to the Timorese government and other development
Option 2: Dialogue on Expanding Media Coverage with local media to enhance
the reliability of news reporting and student media initiatives. Lack of reliable
public information was a factor exacerbating tensions before and during the 2006
crisis. Such a dialogue would complement USAID’s Strengthening Independent
Media Program. However, strengthening media is not included as a separate
recommendation in this paper.
The evaluation should take into account levels of literacy of the population,
technical constraints such as broadcasting range and the distribution of
newspapers. This would seek to understand and build on the existing local
capacities and extend the media’s reach in a manner that promotes local
competition. AusAID should also investigate networking opportunities between
media outlets.
In addition, support of student-led media initiatives would ensure expansion of
future media capacity and involve youth in the process. AusAID should consider
a university radio station and special scholarships in journalism studies under
their existing ten-year $15m scholarship program to complement this proposal.
Any program adopted should have the involvement and support of the faculty
and students of the National University of Timor-Leste.
Option 3: Strengthening Governance Through Consultation: Two programs
could strengthen local, the rule of law, and respond to future crises. The first
program is to promote communication between local and national leaders.
Options could include the hosting of regular meetings to deliver rapid two-way
communication, or the establishment of telephone hotlines for more urgent
consultation. Ensuring that participation in such a program is extended to
members of opposition parties will also provide incentives for government
How to Use Australian Aid to Promote Peace in Timor-Leste
participation. It will also empower weak members of the opposition and foster a
greater culture of healthy competition between the government and opposition
In addition, during consultations with local leaders (option 1), AusAID could
sample demand for feedback among government and opposition members of the
national Constituent Assembly to identify possible future links. These would
complement AusAID’s existing program promoting good governance in TimorLeste.
The UN Special Commission of Inquiry into Timor-Leste concluded that during
the crisis, “governance structures and existing chains of command broke or were
bypassed” (UN Independent Special Commission of Inquiry for Timor-Leste
2006, para 136). In addition to improved communication, AusAID could promote
good governance by developing a ministerial training program to reinforce
constitutional processes for crisis management. This would maximise the impact
of governance training on stability and peace-building.6 Although training
should normally be at least partially financed by beneficiaries to be effective
(World Bank Institute 2006), the contribution of ministerial time and energy
should provide sufficient ownership of the process to have a lasting positive
To support this proposal, following the presidential and parliamentary elections
in mid-2007, officials from AusAID could suggest to UNMIT that it arrange with
incoming Ministers a simulated crisis situation. This would allow Ministers the
opportunity to review constitutional processes in a safe but realistic way.
Ministers of the Australian government undertake similar simulation exercises as
part of their emergency preparedness training. If Timorese Ministers supported
this initiative, officers of the Australian Attorney-General’s Department may be
able to assist UNMIT with the design of a locally-tailored simulation exercise.
Option 4: Support for Youth Mental Health Pilot. AusAID should consult with
experienced providers of psychosocial support in Timor-Leste – such as the
Program for Psychosocial Recovery and Development in East Timor - on the
level of community demand for their services. Should sufficient demand exist,
AusAID could sponsor a pilot project to offer a toll-free ‘Kids Help Line’ for the
psychosocial support of Timorese youth. Should difficulties exist over
telecommunication service provision – either for technological or cultural
reasons – AusAID could fund alternative delivery structures. This could include
confidential individual face-to-face counseling or counseling through peer-group
Option 5: Rural Development to limit the number of people who choose to
return to volatile and crowded city centers. The existing burden upon extended
families looking after IDPs from Dili and other parts of the country can
exacerbate conflict. AusAID should seek to reduce the flow of IDPs to Dili and
support voluntary integration of IDPs into regional communities. AusAID
For the benefits of a focused approach to governance reform, see Grindle (2004).
Asian Journal of Public Affairs
should consult with hosting families in relation to their needs and potentially
adjust existing funded programs to better support service delivery to rural areas.
In designing and implementing this proposal, AusAID can draw lessons from its
own successful experience with the Community Peace and Restoration Fund in
the Solomon Islands. This US$11m fund that operated between 2000 and 2003
provided assistance in all of the Solomon Islands’ provinces, including remote
areas that had previously not received help. It supported approximately 500
small-scale community projects in a variety of fields including health, education,
community facilities, training, roads, women, youth, and agriculture.
In addition to consultation with rural communities, AusAID should coordinate
with the World Bank, who has led rural development under a series of three
agriculture rehabilitation projects. AusAID could also rely on its connections
with USAID and the Timorese government to outline the possible linkages with
the proposed rural infrastructure activities under the Millennium Challenge
AusAID’s growing aid program has the potential to make Australia the largest
bilateral donor in Timor-Leste. Given recent events, it is appropriate that a
significant portion of the increased aid expenditures address outstanding causes
of the conflict. While there is no easy solution to current tensions, the options
outlined above could combine with existing efforts to suppress incidents of
violence and maximise peace-building opportunities. Each of the five capacitybuilding proposals outlined above can contribute to efforts in addressing conflict
and building peace in a feasible, effective, and sustainable manner. These
proposals, coordinated with existing donor strategies, would strengthen the
fabric of peace, support the work of the ISF, and alleviate threats to Timorese
people. These proposals therefore are important not just for Timor-Leste’s
prosperity, but also for Australia’s regional stability. They have the potential to
save billions of dollars in the deployment of peacekeeping forces. AusAID
should consider the merits of all five proposals during the revision of its
programs in Timor-Leste.
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