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Local Daily News
November, 21,2014
*Dili District Court hands over documents from PM Xanana to MP
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, November 21, 2014 language source: Tetun
The Dili District Court has handed over the documents which were handed over by Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao to the Public Prosecution Office to be learnt as
some of them are related to the cases which are still in the process of inquiry. The Dili District Court Judge Administrator, Duarte Tilman said the documents were sent
to the Public Prosecution Offices as legal bases to be used for processing some cases which were being inquired. Mr. Tilman affirmed that if these documents were
irrelevant to the referred cases and that would be returned to the Dili District Court. The recent appearance of PM Xanana at the Dili District court has appeared pro
and contra of ideas, saying it may motivate the legal practitioners to work independently, but on the other hands it is a political interference in the country’s judicial
sector’s work.
*Govt and Thai embassy launch school feeding program garden
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, November 21, 2014 language source: Tetun
The Ministry of Agriculture (MAP), the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education are in cooperation with Thai embassy yesterday launched school feeding program garden at Hera primary school. This School garden program is aimed to help increase quality of nutrition for the school children throughout the country. “After
the launch of the zero famine by Thai Prince Maha Cakri and we sent our representatives from here to Thailand to take a look closer at how the process of school
garden in that country,” Deputy Minister of Education for basic schools, Dulce de Jesus Soares said. Deputy Minister for Health, Maria do Ceo said it was good to
implement this program as it would provide more qualities of nutrition to the country’s school children.
*SED calls on F-FDTL soldiers to use their mechanical skills properly
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, November 21, 2014 language source: Tetun
State Secretary for Defense, Julio Thomas Pinto has called on the Timorese Defense Force (F-FDTL) to use properly their mechanical skills which they got during
three-month training. Pinto made the comments during a closing ceremony of the mechanical training at Metinaro Military Training center by the Japanese Military
Force engineers. He said F-FDTL soldiers who took part in the training had to implement the skills which they had now within the country’s defense force. “I am calling
on you who have been trained to use the skills which you have now in your daily activities within the institution,” he said.
*Govt and WHO discuss about clean water supply for communities
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, November 21, 2014 language source: Tetun
Both National and local authorities and WHO yesterday met to talk about clean water supply to be provided for all communities throughout the country. A representative of the national authority said the meeting was aimed at discussing about the clean water supply for the communities in Timor-Leste. “So we are here to share
ideas on how to provide clean water for our communities throughout the country,” he said.
*Martial arts clubs members must be sanctioned: Police
*Radio Timor-Leste, November 21, 2014 language source: Tetun
The National Police Force (PNTL) Operational Commander, Mateus Fernandes said martial arts members who tried to illegally cross the border of the country to
go into Indonesia’s area were illegal; therefore they had to be sanctioned. Commander Fernandes said the martial arts members who were captured by the Border
Police Unit (UPF) had to be processed legally as they had breached the Resolution of the Government. “So those who held martial arts exercises are illegal, the
police are continuing to respond to it by doing investigation into the case,” he said. The Government has issued its resolution to close down three martial arts in the
country, namely PSHT, KORK and Kera Sakti martial arts.
*2014, TL-RI to resolve maritime boundaries
*Suara Timor Lorosae, November 21, 2014 Language source: Tetun
Timor-Leste (TL) and Republic of Indonesia (RI) have been scheduled to resolve maritime boundaries between the two countries this year. Indonesian Delegations
Chief, Tuojo Pramono said that seeking for solutions to the maritime boundaries had been scheduled for year. “It has been scheduled to be resolved in 2014 and now
it has been almost in the end of the year, therefore, we should resolve two more maritime boundaries such as maritime boundaries of Atauro island of Timor-Leste
and Liran island of Indonesia and Atauro and Alor Island of Indonesia,” Tuojo told journalists after socialization about the issue in Atauro of Dili on Wednesday 19.
*Timor Gap and Woodside discuss about GS Pipeline
*Timor Post, November 21, 2014 Language source: Tetun
Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resource (MPRN), Alfredo Pires says currently Timor Gap and Australian oil and gas company, Woodside is discussing about
technical issues regarding how to build oil and gas and oil fields of the Greater Sunrise (GS) Pipelines to Timor-Leste. “Recently Timor Gap and Woodside have met
four times, talking about building Pipeline to Timor-Leste and they will continue the meeting to talk about the possibility of canalizing oil and gas from GS to TimorLeste,” Alfredo Pires said at his office yesterday. He added the Government’s policy was clear that oil and gas of GS should be canalized to Timor-Leste. In relation
this policy, the National Parliament had issued a resolution to set up Maritime Boundaries Delimitation Council to negotiate the permanent maritime boundaries
between Timor-Leste and Australia within six months.
*Three Indonesian Companies hold ZEEMS projects
*Independente, November 21, 2014 Language source: Tetun
Roads and bridges constructions in Social Market and Economic Especial Zone (ZEESM) of Oecusse District will be held by three Indonesian companies and the
budget for the projects is US $90 million. The three Indonesian companies that win the tender for these basic infrastructures are Adi Karya, Waskita Karya, and
Utamatorya and it is scheduled that on Friday 21 (today, red) the contracts of the projects will be signed to begin the construction of the roads and bridges as soon as
possible. “The constructions of these projects will be divided into three packets, first packet is road construction from Sakato to Lifau, second, Tono Bridge that links
Lifau and Citrana, third packet, the road construction from Tono to downtown,” Minister for Public Work, Gastao Sousa said at his office in Mandarin of Dili yesterday.
*Investigation into PSHT members based on acts of crime
*Independente, November 21, 2014 Language source: Tetun
Investigation into martial arts club known as PSHT’s members will be based on the acts of crime which commit, acting National Police Force(PNTL) Operational
Commander, Mateus Fernandes says. The investigation process into the case is based on the acts of crime which they have committed, but it is the Public Prosecution Office’s competence, he says. “It is Public Prosecutors’ competence to see how to investigate the case,” Mateus Fernandes said in Komoro of DIli yesterday.
November, 20,2014
*MOP discusses about gender sensitive budget
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, November 20, 2014 language source: Tetun
The Ministry of Public Works (MOP) yesterday held a workshop, discussing about gender sensitive budget, the Law of Domestic Violence and other related issues
of the referred ministry. National Director for the State Secretariat of Gender Equality Promotion (SEPI), Maria Sanches said this workshop was important to each
state institution to know about women’s role within the state institutions. After taking part in the seminar, Minister for MOP, Gastao de Sousa said this workshop could
help motivate the women to better carry out their works in the country’s state instiutions. “This workshop can help the women to better carry out their works within
the country’s state institutions,” he said.
*ICRC and Govt hold a seminar to discuss about humanitarian law
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, November 20, 2014 language source: Tetun
The Ministry of Justice is in cooperation with the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) has held one-day seminar to discuss about the implementation of
Humanitarian Law in the country. Representative of the Ministry of Justice said the seminar was held to help explain about the Humanitarian Law, relating to human
rights. “ICRC’s speakers presented some materials about humanitarian aid which is about human rights and also share their experiences,” he said. The ICRC representative said during the seminar they explained about the law which the armed force use to protect the civilians.
*Dili Health Center provides medicines for Maloa Health Post
*Radio Timor-Leste, November 20, 2014 language source: Tetun
Man in Charge of Maloa Health Post, Luisa da Costa said Dili Health Center had provided medicines for Maloa Healh Post to be used for medical treatment for the
patients. Ms. Da Costa was responding to the members of the Parliament who had recently questioned about medicine shortcomings at Maloa Health Post. She
affirmed that the medicines were distributed by Dili Health Center to Maloa Health Post on Tuesday (18/11) following the demand of the Parliament members. Da
Costa added that she had submitted a proposal to the Pharmacy Center (SAMES), asking for medicines, but it was still in the process.
*Community police officers depart to Indonesia for comparative studies
*Radio Timor-Leste, November 20, 2014 language source: Tetun
Thirty of the National Police Force (PNTL)’s community police officers yesterday headed to Indonesia to take part in a comparative study with Indonesia’s police
(POLRI) on the development of police. Community Police Commander, Boavida Ribeiro said this comparative study was held following the ongoing bilateral cooperation with POLRI. “It is been twice, last year we sent 30 of our police officers and also this year in which it is based on the cooperation with the Japanese National
Police through JICA in Timor-Leste,” he said.
*JAPE Company makes complaints to Police
*Radio Timor-Leste, November 20, 2014 language source: Tetun
JAPE Company has made its complaints to the National Police Force (PNTL) regarding the acts of violence committed by the State Secretary for Commerce, Ricardo
Nheo and his staff members. Director for JAPE, Jape Kung Su said he reported the case to the police as he was not satisfied with the violent actions of Mr. Nheu
and his staffs who had demolished the fence of his pacific tourism resort building in Hera. Mr’ Kung Su affirmed that he also had reported the case to the Public
Prosecution with a number of evidences to be used in the legal process. Nheo has recently said that the space used by Mr. Kung Su was his property and it did not
belong to the State from which Kong Su bought.
*Minister Babo meets with important leaders in Portugal to talk resolutions
*Independente, November 20, 2014 Language source: Tetun
Minister for Justice, Dionisio Babo has met with the Portuguese Ministers and other Portuguese Government representatives to explain about the Timorese National
Parliament (PN)’s resolution which was about termination of the international judges and prosecutors’ contracts. On Monday 17, Minister Babo met with his colleague,
Portugal’s Minister for Justice, Paulo Texeira and on Tuesday 18, he met with Portuguese Prosecutor-General and Magistrate Superior Council. The meetings are
aimed to discuss about PN’s resolutions which has appeared concerns from the Portuguese people. The Timorese Government spokesperson, Agio Pereira said
Timor-Leste really appreciated the chances given to the Timorese Minister for Justice to explain about the incidents, happening as caused by the PN’s resolution.
*Implementing Tibar-Ermera road Project, Govt borrows US $20 million from ADB
*Suara Timor Lorosae, November 20, 2014 Language source: Tetun
The fund for road construction project from Tibar until Ermera is borrowed from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the construction of the 20 km road starts
this year and will be completed next year. Minister for Public Work, Gastao de Sousa said Tibar until Ermera road construction was constructed by an international
company and the budget for the project was a loan that given by ADB, totaling US $20 million. “I think we should not talk about it when the project will end, but the
quality is more important because if the company construct it in hurry, we could not guarantee its quality, therefore, even though it is done slowly, but the quality is
guaranteed because the fund for the project is borrowed from ADB,” Minister Gastao said on Wednesday 19 in Fatuhada of Dili.
*President TMR calls on people at border to create peace
*Diario, November 20, 2014 Language source: Tetun
President of the Republic (PR) Taur Matan Ruak has called on the Timorese people living at the border zone to create peace with neighboring country’s citizens. TMR
made the comments during a dialog with the communities of Fatumea, Sub District, the southern district of Covalima on Wednesday 19. “I want you who live near
the border area to create peace, friendship and see each other like brothers and sisters because we all know that although we have fought against Indonesia in the
past, but after independence we can build good relationship with Indonesia,” TMR said proudly about the Indonesia and Timor-Leste’s bilateral ties.
November, 19,2014
*PM Xanana pushes courts to work hard
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, November 19, 2014 language source: Tetun
Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao yesterday appeared in Dili district courts to encourage Timor-Leste’ judicial practitioners to continue carrying out their works after the
international judges left Timor-Leste. The Dili District Court Judge Administrator, Duarte Tilman made the comments after having a meeting with Xanana at the Dili
Dsitrict court. Mr. Tilman affirmed that PM Xanana had submitted a number of documents, relating to some cases which were being legally processed in the courts
and said he would hand over these documents to the Public Prosecution to learn them. “This process has not yet been in the court, but the courts will send them to
the competent organs to continue the ongoing investigation and these documents can become proofs.” “Encouraging the courts and trusting in the courts to seek for
solutions based on the laws,” he said.
*MOP holds seminar to discuss about rural roads construction
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, November 19, 2014 language source: Tetun
The Ministry of Public Works (MOP) and the country’s international development partners yesterday held one-day workshop, discussing about the country’s rural
roads rehabilitatation. Minister for MOP, Gastao de Sousa said the workshop was held to share ideas by presenting plans on the rehabilitation of the rural roads
throughout the country. “We discussed about the master plan for rural roads and what strategies that we need to use for rehabilitating those roads.” “So from this
workshop we can get thoughts from the development partners and the Government members,” he said.
*Marine Police seizes 100 boxes of wine at the border
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, November 19, 2014 language source: Tetun
The National Police Force (F-FDTL)’s Marine Unit (UPM) members have seized 100 boxes of wine at the border after a group of people illegally smuggled them into
the territory of Timor-Leste. A UPM officer revealed that they seized those boxes of wine in the sea of the border when a group of people tried to smuggle them and
said there were no proper documents found at the scene. “We were able to capture the people who involved in illegal transactions during our patrol in the maritime
area. The boxes of wines were from Atambua, Indonesia,” he said.
*National Combatants call for investigation into students’ protest against Xanana
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, November 19, 2014 language source: Tetun
The National Resistance Combatants Organization has called the National Police Force (PNTL) to hold investigation into the student movement members and a
group of young man who has alleged the country’s Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao of being corrupt. “We are insisting the competent institutions to investigate those
who have backed the students’ movement to hold rally during the commemoration of Santa Cruz Massacre Day,” Spokesperson for the Resistance Organization
said. This organization also condemned the students’ attitude as they had showed irresponsible and immoral actions against Timor-Leste’s national leader who had
fought for the country‘s independence. “We strongly condemn the attitudes of the students’ movement members that have alleged our resistance leaders Xanana
Gusmao of committing acts of corruption. And it is immoral attitude against the country’s national resistance,” he said
*MP suspects martial arts’ leaders of backing their members
*Radio Timor-Leste, November 19, 2014 language source: Tetun
The National Parliament Member, Cesar Valente said he suspected some of martial arts leaders continue backing their members to hold exercises and trainings in
the country. Mr. Valente was referring to the 50 members of martial arts who were captured at the border zone after trying to illegally cross the border to go into the
territory of Indonesia. He added that three of martial arts’ activities had been halted after the Government issued its resolution to close down the three martial arts
which always involved acts of violence in the country, but they still existed. “Some of the martial arts members are working for the Government. I have never seen
that they publically state, saying they have stopped joining their organizations,” he said.
*TDD to send PM Xanana’s documents to MP
*Independente, November 19, 2014 Language source: Tetun
Dili District Court (TDD) will send documents that Prime Minister (PM) Xanana Gusmao presented to it yesterday to the Public Prosecutors (MP) because the documents are explaining about the cases that are still in the process of inquiry. TDD’s Administrator, Judge Duarte Tilman said he would send all the documents to the
Public Prosecution Office after being scanned. “PM Xanana presented the documents to TDD because TDD ordered him to do so as it is based on the Public Prosecution’ request,” Duarte Tilman said after PM Xanana submitted the documents as evidences for the case of Timor-Leste’s supports for Guinea Bissau’s electoral
registration process. The documents were handed over directly by PM Xanana to TDD’s Administrator, Judge Duarte Tilman yesterday at TDD.
*USAID launches project for Ermera District
*Independente, November 19, 2014 Language source: Tetun
The United States Agency International Development (USAID) launched a project for Ermera District in Gleno of Ermera yesterday. USAID works together with the
Ministry of State Administration (MAE) and the Ministry of Justice to implement the project which is aimed at providing capacity building training to local leaders to
prepare for municipality. The US Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Catherine Dueholme said this project named ‘Projetu Ba Distritu’ (Project for District) which would be
implemented for four years begun from 2013 until 2017. The fund for the project is six million dollars of America, including supports for vulnerable people. “We hope
that “Projetu Ba Distritu” will improve Village Councils’ capacities to strengthen coordination, communication, and active participation in the development process of
Ermera’s municipalities,” Dueholme said.
*TL gathers supports for Guinea Bissau
*Independente, November 19, 2014 Language source: Tetun
Timor-Leste through its Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MNEK) is gathering supports from international communities to support Guinea Bissau. To
gather the supports, Minister for MNEK, Jose Luis Guterres departed to New York of America to meet with the International Contact Group for Guinea Bissau and
participate in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) meeting which is scheduled to be held on November 18, 2014. “As Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP)
presidency, Timor-Leste participates in UNSC meeting on behalf of CPLP and there is also a meeting with the International Contact Group for Guinea Bissau which
will be attended by many countries to call international communities to support Guinea Bissau,” Minister Jose Luis said.
*PM Xanana meets with TDD’s administrator to hand over documents
*Diario, November 19, 2014 Language source: Tetun
Prime Minister (PM) Xanana Gusmao really appeared in Dili District Court (TDD) yesterday to hand over documents to TDD’s Administrator, Duarte Tilman and these
documents are related to some cases that are still in inquiry. “PM Xanana came here to hand over some documents regarding several cases that are still in inquiries,”
Duarte Tilman said after receiving the documents from PM Xanana. Tilman also said that PM Xanana’s presence at TDD was also as an encouragement for TDD to
work independently.