Local Daily News - East Timor Guide Post


Local Daily News - East Timor Guide Post
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Local Daily News
February 24,2015
*Court sets date for ex-minister for finance’s trial
*Radio Timor-Leste, February 24, 2015 language source: Tetun
The Dili District Court has set 21st of March as the day for the first hearings of the ex-Minister for Finance, Emilia Pires’ case. Judge Administrator for the Dili District
Court, Duarte Tilman affirmed that the court set date for the trial of Ms. Pires. Mr. Tilman affirmed that he had received a letter from Ms. Pires, saying she will appear
in the court for her first trial. He also said the court only gave the accused Pires to carry out the State’s work for 20 days.
*Court to continue asking for police to seize Pires’ passport
*Radio Timor-Leste, February 24, 2015 language source: Tetun
The Court to continue giving instructions to the National Police Force (PNTL) to seize the ex-Minister for Finance, Emilia Pires’ passport after she returns from attending G7+ meeting in Africa. Judge Administrator, Duarte Tilman made the comments regarding Ms. Pires’ activities in Congo, Africa. Tilman affirmed that the court
allowed Pires as she went with the ex-Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao to take part in G7+ meeting in Africa. “The police’s recent appearance at Pires house was to
give her notification letter about her case’s trial,” he said.
*Ex-minister for finance heads to abroad as allowed by court
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, February 24, 2015 language source: Tetun
The ex-Minister for Finance, Emilia Pires is heading to Africa to take part in G7+ meeting with the ex-Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao as she was allowed by the Dili
District Court. The ex PM Xanana Gusmao who is also the current minister for development plan and strategic investment said Ms. Pires would take part in the G7+
meeting and millennium development goals meeting. “She goes with me to the G7+ meeting. She will be back on the 8th of March as she will go to Myanmar and will
be back on the 3rd of March,” Xanana said at Dili’s Nicolao Lobato airport. Judge Administrator, Duarte Tilman said the court received a letter from the Government,
asking the court to permit Ms. Pires to take part in the G7+ meeting; therefore the court allowed her. “The accused said she would not escape and is ready to appear
in the court for trial. She is representing the state to take part in the G7+ meeting,” he said.
*President of the republic calls on Govt members not to enrich themselves
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, February 24, 2015 language source: Tetun
President of the Republic, Taur Matan Ruak (TMR) has called on the Government members and other state officials not to enrich themselves with the people’s money.
TMR said it was time of the country’s new generations to lead Timor-Leste, but they had to work hard for the welfare of all the Timorese people. The president of the
republic made the comments during his speech marking the commemoration day of Manufahi’s veterans and the ex-combatants in Same. “It is time for the young
generation to make preparations to lead the country, but they must not take the people’s money for their personal interest,” he said.
*Mother tongue important to facilitate children at schools: UNESCO TL
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, February 24, 2015 language source: Tetun
Secretary-General of UNESCO Timor-Leste, Maria Angelina Sarmento said the use of mother tongue in the learning process at school was very important to help
facilitate the children to easily understand school materials. Ms. Sarmento made the comments during her speech marking ceremony of the commemoration day of
mother tongue yesterday. “Mother tongue is very important for the children in the learning process as it can help them to understand the school materials,” she said.
The policy of using mother tongue has been implemented in three municipals, namely Lautem, Manatuto and Ambeno-Oecusse.
*AJAR considers Xanana commits acts of crime
*Diario Nacional, February 24, 2015 language source: Tetun
Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR) considers the ex-Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao committs acts of crime as he banned Deputy Minister for State Administration and
Territorial Management (ESTATAL), Thomas Cabral from appearing in courts and Anti-Corruption Commission (KAK). The ex-PM did not permit Mr. Cabral to respond
to the court and KAK regarding the state budget allocated to Guinea Bissau, but it was miss-transferred. Director for AJAR, Jose Luis Oliveira said in the aspect of
law Xanana committed acts of crime as the law said anyone who impeded anyone not to take part in justice process was acts of crime. Oliveira added that Xanana
had no commitment to combat acts of corruption in the country, but protected the corruptors.
*PM Araujo orients Govt members to declare their assets
*Independente, February 24, 2015 Language source: Tetun
Prime Minister Rui Maria de Araujo has made a dispatch to all Government members to declare their assets to the country’s judicial institutions. “We have had law
and according to the law that being applied, the Government members should declare their assets,” PM Araujo said at the Governmental Palace yesterday. He said
that the deadline for the Government members to declare their assets started on February 16 until April 16 this year.
*Next Month, TDD to do hearing on Emilia Pires’ case
*Independente, February 24, 2015 Language source: Tetun
Dili District Court (TDD) has scheduled the first hearing of former Minister for Finance, Emilia Pires’ case on March 21, 2015. TDD Judge Administrator, Duarte Tilman said TDD had scheduled the hearing of the suspect Emilia Pires who had been accused of participating in economy and business crime next month. “TDD has
scheduled the hearing on March 21, 2015,” Duarte Tilman said at his office yesterday. He added to guarantee that the suspect could participate in the hearing; judge
had processed an order to confiscate her passport in order to guarantee that the suspect could not go out of the country before the hearing.
*PN proposes Govt to buy TT’s share
*Suara Timor Lorosae, February 24, 2015 Language source: Tetun
People’s Representatives at the National Parliament (PN) proposes to the Government to buy Timor Telecom (TT) Company’s share because the State has also
invested in this Telecommunication Company. PN Deputy President, Adriano do Nascimento said in plenary session yesterday that Timor Telecom Company was
facing financial problem, therefore, it wanted to sell its share and this was good opportunity for the State to buy it, so that when its contract ended, it could hand over
to the State as State’s revenue source in the future. “I think the State should find a way to buy TT’s share, so that when TT’s contract ends, it could be handed over
to the State as the State’s revenue source in the future,” Adriano do Nascimento said. PN member from FRETILIN Bench, Osorio Florindo said that Government had
said that it wanted to buy TT’s share and if it happened, it would be good for the State because the State also had invested in TT before and this share would also
be a revenue source for the State in the future.
*Leader threatens media could kill press freedom
*Diario, February 24, 2015 Language source: Tetun
Former Prime Minister and current Minister for Development Planning and Strategic Investment, Xanana Gusmao has threatened to close down Timor-Leste’s public
television (TVTL) and some newspapers because these media outlets stories, saying former Minister for Finance, Emilia Pires has escaped to abroad. According to
civil society organizations which are monitoring justice system, such threat could kill freedom of the press in the country. “I think everyone has right to ask for media’s
responsibility if media publishes some news that according to a person do not be based on facts, but if we want to close down and take it to Court, I think it will kill
the press freedom,” Judicial System Monitoring Program (JSMP) Director, Luis Sampaio said at his office on Monday 23.
February 23,2015
*PM Araujo declares his assets to KAK
*Radio Timor-Leste, February 23, 2015 language source: Tetun
Newly-appointed Prime Minister Rui Maria de Araujo last Friday appeared at the Anti-Corruption Commission (KAK) office to declare his assets. The prime minister
said all the Government members were obliged to declare their assets in accordance with the existing law in the country. “According to the law, all the Government
members are given 60 days to declare their assets. And the process is now being prepared and later to be submitted to the Court of Appeal,” he said.
*Police seizes ex-minister for finance’s passport
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, February 23, 2015 language source: Tetun
The National Police Force (PNTL) Criminal Investigation (SIK) officers last Friday seized passport belonged to the ex-Minister for Finance, Emilia Pires at Dili’s
International Nicolao Lobato airport. The police seized Ms. Pires’ passport based on the notification letter from the Dili District Court regarding her engagement in
corruption case. The Public Prosecution Office made accusation against the ex-minister as she is suspected of being engaged in offering project to her spouse to
supply medical equipments to the National Hospital of Guido Valadares (HNGV). The ex-Deputy Minister for Health, Madalena Hanjan is also accused of facilitating
the tender process of the project, so both are in court custody.
*US ambassador visits farmers in Railaco
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, February 23, 2015 language source: Tetun
The US Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Karen Stanton has made an official visit to Railaco of Ermera to take a look closer at the activities of the farmers which the US
has supported so far. Speaking to journalists, Ms. Stanton said the US’ supports would help increase the farmers’ economic growths and create markets for them.
“It is to increase economic diversities in Timor-Leste and we try to help the farmers to develop their markets,” she said. A farmer said he was pleased with the US’
supports as it could help improve their economic growths.
*Korean students hand over three containers of chairs to office of presidency
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, February 23, 2015 language source: Tetun
Korean students have handed over three containers of chairs to the office of the presidency to be distributed to schools in the country. Those chairs were handed
over by the State Secretariat of Professional Training and Employment Policy (SEFOPE). The Korean students also offered numbers of school materials, such as
books and sport facility, such as balls. A Korean Organization named “Future” is also planning to give 200 computers to the Timorese students.
*Japan offers six cars to TL’s fire brigade
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, February 23, 2015 language source: Tetun
The Government of Japan last Friday officially handed over six cars to Timor-Leste’s fire brigade in Dili. Coordinator for Timor-Leste’s Fire Brigade said Japan offered these cars to help facilitate the fire brigade in doing its operations. “Japan offered these cars with big capacity and that is good for the Fire Brigade to use
them in carrying out its work,” he said. The ex-Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Iwao Kitahara said the Japanese and the Timorese Fire Brigades were in cooperation to
strengthen the two countries’ bilateral cooperation. “The Government of Japan is pleased to help Timor-Leste’s Fire Brigade. The Japanese and the Timorese Fire
Brigade are together,” he said.
*Araujo trusts in KAK
*Timor Post, February 23, 2015 language source: Tetun
Prime Minister Rui Maria de Araujo has manifested his promise by giving confidence in the country’s Anti-Corruption Commission (KAK) to continue carrying out
its tasks in accordance with laws and try to educate the Timorese to stay away from acts of corruption. “Once again I manifest my promise and express my appeal
to the Anti-Corruption Commission to hold educational campaigns, so that all the Timorese can stay away from corruption. Hopefully, judicial system in our country
goes well,” Mr. Araujo said. Araujo also praised KAK as it has made efforts to fight against acts of corruption in the country, although it faced difficulties. He added
that anyone who had been familiar with corruption was now risking himself/herself, although he or she had not yet been captured.
*Xanana does not permit Govt members to be heard in courts
*Timor Post, February 23, 2015 language source: Tetun
The ex-Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao said he would be responsible for the case of transferring the State’s money to Guinea Bissau and did not permit any Government members to respond to the court and the Anti-corruption commission. In 2013, the Government of Timor-Leste set up the country’s international cooperation
agency and delegated Mr. Thomas Cabral to lead electoral mission in Guinea Bissau for its legislative and presidential elections. Mr. Cabral was suspected of transferring money, totaling US $ 6 million through his personal bank accounts to be spent for salaries of the Public Civil Servants in Guinea Bissau. In response, Cabral
said he had been in Timor-Leste when the money was transferred to Guinea Bissau and that was unknown to him.
*Xanana continues defending Emilia Pires, PM Araujo no comment
*Independente, February 23, 2015 Language source: Tetun
Former Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao made comments against the national media by defending former Minister for Finance, Emilia Pires. Xanana criticized the
national media’s publication which said that the Timorese National Police had seized former Minister for Finance and current Timor-Leste’s Special Envoy to G7+,
Emilia Pires’ passport because she was suspected of escaping to abroad in relation to her case of economic and business participation crime which is being is filled
in courts. “I watched TVTL news and read some news from internet and Timor Post which said that Emilia Pires wanted to escape to abroad, we should respect one
another and she went to Washington recently to do some works regarding Timor-Leste’s problem with big country like Australia.I know you receive fund from the
government and I am a counselor in the Ministers Council if I say stop the fund, you will die,” Xanana said to defend Emilia Pires in a press conference at Nicolau
Lobato Air Port on Saturday 21. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Rui Araujo who accompanied the former Prime Minister and current Minister for Planning and strategic
Investment, Xanana Gusmao did not want to make comments on Emilia Pires’ case.
*TR calls on TDD to hold hearings on Calistro Gonzaga’s case shortly
*Independente, February 23, 2015 Language source: Tetun
Appellate Court (TR) calls on Dili District Court (TDD) to re-hear former Timorese National Police Criminal Investigation Service (SIK) commander Calistro Gonzaga’s
case. TR President Guilhermino da Silva said TR had decided to hand back Calistro Gonzaga’s case to TDD to re-hear the case because the first hearing was not
balanced. “TR decided to hand back the case to TDD to repeat the hearing to complete the things that have not yet been completed in the first hearing,” Guilhermino
said when participating in Anti-Corruption Commission (KAK) Anniversary Commemoration on Friday 20.
*Timor-Leste PM rejects Woodside’s FLNG Plan
*Independente, February 23, 2015
Timor-Leste’s News Prime Minister has rejected Woodside petroleum’s plan to process gas offshore, leaving the USD $ 17 billion Sunrise project dead in the water. Rui Maria de Araujo, who was sworn in to the fledgling nation’s top job on last Monday, has also outlined his unity government’s priority to draw new maritime
boundaries with Australia. The energy giant’s move has put pressure on East Timor to consider using floating LNG technology or run the risk the project will not be
built, but Mr. De Araujo has reiterated his predecessor Xanana Gusmao’s demands that the gas be processed on East Timor’s south coast and said his country will
not consider a floating LNG option. “The Pipeline to Timor-Leste’s has been proven to be economically and technically viable and will be used when Greater Sunrise
is developed,” a Spokesman for Mr. de Araujo said in a statement to AAP.
*Japanese Fire Fighters provide training to Timorese
*Independente, February 23, 2015
The Government of Japan has decided to provide six Bombeiros ( Fire Engines ) under the scheme called “Grant Assistance for Grass-roots Human Security Projects
(GGP)” to enhance emergency response of National Fire Department of Timor-Leste. Since this is the first time to obtain Japanese fire engines in Timor-Leste, two
Japanese fire fighters from Shiga Prefecture (West Part of Japan) visited Dili to give 5-day training courses from 18th – 23rd February to explain its usage, operations, and maintenance to Timorese fire fighters. Ambassador Eiji Yamamoto believes that this project will enhance safety of Timorese people, which is the most
essential element, and also is proud to see those engines in Timor-Leste.
February 20,2015
*Anyone who commits acts of crime must face justice, says PM Araujo
*Diario Nacional, February 20, 2015 language source: Tetun
Prime Minister Rui Maria de Araujo said he had no intention to protect any government members from justice and said any government member who committed acts
of crime had to take responsibility. “When there is decision from the court, saying he or she is found guilty, must assume responsibility,” he said. Mr. Araujo added
that everyone ought to respect the principle of presumption of innocent that if the court had not yet decided that he/she was guilty. “We do respect the principle of
presumption of innocent, if there has been no decision yet from the court, we cannot say that he/she is guilty,” he told the media.
*President TMR and Guinea equatorial ambassador talk on bilateral ties
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, February 20, 2015 language source: Tetun
President of the Republic, Taur Matan Ruak (TMR) and Guinea Ambassador to Timor-Leste and Portugal, Jose Dogan Cumbo yesterday talked about platform on
the two countries’ bilateral ties. Speaking to journalists, the ambassador said his Government really wanted to cooperate with Timor-Leste in some important sectors.
“I met with the president of the republic today, we talked about bilateral ties of the two countries in the future,” he said. He also thanked Timor-Leste for its support
for Guinea Equatorial to join the Portuguese Language Speaking Community (CPLP) last year.
*CEPAD holds workshop to strengthen peace and stability
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, February 20, 2015 language source: Tetun
Non-Governmental Organization, CEPAD has held one-day workshop to strengthen peace and stability in Timor-Leste. CEPAD involved the participants who have
contacted the communities and the country’s leaders to identify the elements of resilience for the peace and stability in the country. “We held this workshop to
strengthen the Timorese people’s mind set to strengthen peace and stability in the country using cultural force and the opportunity which we have and the leaders
which we have,” CEPAD Director, Joao Boavida said.
*KAK identifies public civil servants misuse state-own fuel
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, February 20, 2015 language source: Tetun
Investigators of the Anti-Corruption Commission (KAK) yesterday found some public civil servants used refueling coupons to refuel their private cars at Aitula Fuel
station yesterday. KAK Investigator, Abrao Freitas said KAK would hold investigation into the case for legal proceedings. “Aitula Fuel Station is our target, so here
we found some public civil servants used the state-own fuel to refuel their private car. We will investigate these people,” he said. The ex-President of Timor-Leste’s
Youth Council (CNJTL), Levogild Hornai called on the Government members and the public civil servants to be honest and should not commit such act of crime.
*Guinea Equatorial and TL to cooperate in fields of oil and fisheries
*Radio Timor-Leste, February 20, 2015 language source: Tetun
Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Hernanio Coelho and Guinea Equatorial Ambassador to Timor-Leste talked on future bilateral cooperation in the fields
of petroleum, fisheries, environment and other sectors. “Guinea Equatorial joined CPLP last year; therefore now they are doing identification of its activities to include
its programs for cooperation with Timor-Leste,” Mr. Coelho said. Mr. Coelho affirmed that the team of the two countries would discuss deeply about the cooperation
which would benefit both countries’ people in the future.
*Borlaco is not a govt member, says PM Araujo
*Indepedente, February 20, 2015 language source: Tetun
Prime Minister Rui Maria de Araujo affirmed that State Secretary for Institutional Empowerment (SEFI), Francisco Borlaco had not been a government member
anymore as he was not inducted by the President of the Republic. “I would like to inform that Borlaco has not been a government member anymore. Only those who
were sworn-in as the government members,” PM Araujo told the media after meeting with the President of the Republic yesterday. Although he is not government
member, but the new Government still needs him to do some works in the areas which he knows, Arajo says. Mr. Araujo added that no one would replace him as this
post has been eradicated in the new cabinet.
*US ambassador visits Gleno Maternity clinic
*Independente, February 20, 2015 language source: Tetun
The US Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Karen Stanton has made an official visit to Gleno maternity clinic to take a look closer at conditions of the referred clinic. Ms.
Stanton said the US Government wanted to cooperate with the Government of Timor-Leste in the field of health to better provide proper health services for the country’s people. She affirmed that each year the US offered US $ 3 million of its funding supports for Timor-Leste’s health sector. “We focus on mothers and new-born
babies in order to strengthen health system for the children,” she said.
*Timor-Leste’s new leader Ru Araujo does not want Australian ‘charity’
*Independente, February 20, 2015
Timor-Leste’s new Prime Minister has signaled he will negotiate in an honest and friendly way with Australia over shared ocean oil and gas fields, declaring his
country does not want charity, but only to protect its rights. Rui Araujo told Fairfax media the present six-month suspension of Timor-Leste’s international legal action
over a bitter spy row with Australia was a chance to resolve the long-standing dispute over maritime boundaries. “We respect Australia as a good neighbor, a very
open and friendly neighbor, who has helped us in the past and understood our claims about our sovereignty,” he said. “We do not expect that Australia will have to
be charitable with Timor-Leste, we only expect that Australia will respect our rights.”
*Vicente Guterres’ political immunity removal processed in PN
*Suara Timor Lorosae, February 20, 2015 Language source: Tetun
A notification letter of removing the current National Parliament (PN) President Vicente Guterres’ political immunity is being processed in PN because it waits a
decision from parties’ benches’ leaders in PN. PN Deputy President, Aderito Hugo said a first notification letter was not able to be processed because there was no
plenary session to remove PN President Vicente Guterres’ political immunity, but this miscommunication between PN and Dili District Court (TDD) had been fixed,
and the second notification letter from TDD was in the process in PN. “It depends on a decision from a conference between the parties’ benches leaders. If in the
conference everyone agrees to put it in the agenda to be discussed in plenary, we will put it in agenda to be discussed,” Aderito Hugo said at PN on Thursday 19.
*After returning from abroad, Pires approached by PNTL
*Suara Timor Lorosae, February 20, 2015 Language source: Tetun
According to rumors mongering that former Minister for Finance Emilia Pires has escaped to abroad, but finally get the answer, she returned to Timor-Leste yesterday
from visiting the United States of America as special envoy of G7+. After Emilia Pires arrived at her residence, the Timorese National Police (PNTL) Criminal Investigation Service (SIK) Unit approached her regarding her engagement in a corruption case which is being simmered in Dili District Court. According to SIK Commander,
Ludgerio Lay, SIK just executes the order to approach the former Minister for Finance Emilia Pires, but not to capture her. “We are not going to capture her, we just
execute an order that what we are doing,” Ludgerio said at his office yesterday.
*Araujo calls on CNRT Party not to always say yes
*Diario, February 20, 2015 Language source: Tetun
Prime Minister Rui Araujo calls on the National Parliament (PN) members from CNRT Party not to always vote in favor of the Government programs presented,
but they have to vote against it if the Government’s programs are not good to be implemented. According to PM Rui’s observation by this time, most CNRT Party
members in PN always vote in favor of everything even the program is bad. “If administration issue is not done properly, we should criticize it because we sit in PN to
represent people, therefore, CNRT Party members should not just say yes or vote in favor of all the time, but they should also criticize even CNRT Party is the party
that formed the Government,” Rui Araujo said when meeting with 13 districts administrators on Wednesday 18.
*The accused Govt members wait Court decision
*Diario, February 20, 2015 Language source: Tetun
Prime Minister (PM) Rui Maria de Araujo said the active Government members who were suspected of being engaged in corruption should be responsible for their
actions if there were evidences to prove. “We respect the principle of presumption of innocent before court makes final decision that this person is guilty, but we
also respect the court’s process,” Rui Araujo said at Governmental Palace on Thursday 19. He said that if the Court decided that he or she committed crime, he or
she should be responsible for it, but as PM, he called on the Government members who had corruption case being simmered in the court to continue working while
waiting for the Court’s Final decision
*Ivo agrees to reform justice sector
*Diario, February 20, 2015 Language source: Tetun
Minister for Justice, Ivo Valente agrees with President of the Republic Taur Matan Ruak’s idea of making chance to the country’s justice sector. “As Minister for Justice
of the Sixth Government, I agree with President TMR’s idea of reforming justice sector,” Ivo Valente told journalists at Judiciary Training Center in Kaikoli Thursday 19.
According to Ivo, there are a lot of rules and laws; therefore, it needs to be amended to prevent the laws which in contradiction with each other in the implementation.