Local Daily News - East Timor Guide Post


Local Daily News - East Timor Guide Post
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Local Daily News
January 21,2015
*Xanana in military uniforms to operation field
*Radio Timor-Leste, January 21, 2015 language source: Tetun
Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao who is also the country’s minister for defense and security said he was in military uniforms to the joint military operation field in
Saelari as he was provoked by Mauk Moruk and his followers. The prime minister made the comments after meeting with the President of the Republic, Taur Matan
Ruak (TMR) yesterday. Xanana affirmed that he had explained and told the president of the republic about this situation. He said the joint operations of the Defense
Force and the National Police was ongoing and would continue chasing up Mauk Moruk and his followers who were still on the run.
*MOP and JICA talk on urbanization master plan
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, January 21, 2015 language source: Tetun
The Ministry of Public Works (MOP) and JICA [Japanese International Corporation] have talked on urbanization master plan of the country’s Capital of Dili. Minister
for MOP, Gastao Sousa said the meeting was aimed to exchange ideas on the research findings for the implementation of master plan on urbanization in the Capital
of Dili. Mr. Sousa said the result of meeting with JICA would be presented to the Council of Minister before the implementation of the plan. “It is a follow-up meeting
of the previous meetings and we are planning to present the results of the meeting to the Council of the Ministers,” he said.
*US embassy hands over fish and crab care project to Govt
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, January 21, 2015 language source: Tetun
The US Government yesterday officially handed over fish and crab care project to the Government of Timor-Leste. The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAP)
pledges to continue supporting the farmers who take care of fish and crab. Minister for MAP, Mariano “Asnami” Sabino Lopes thanked the US Government for its
commitment of supporting the country’s development. “The US embassy has been our good partner and spirit of our development process. And even in the difficult
time,” Asanami said in his speech marking the handing over ceremony at Timor Plaza. The US Ambassador to Timor-Leste said the US would continue supporting
Timor-Leste’s development.
*MS and doctor association explain about the importance of new born care
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, January 21, 2015 language source: Tetun
The Ministry of Health is in cooperation with Timor-Leste’s Doctor Association (AMTL) to explain and socialize the importance of new born care to the doctors in the
Capital of Dili. Doctor Triana Oliveira said it was good to socialize the importance of new born care in order to increase knowledge and skills of the doctors. “We explain about the essential of new born care to our fellow doctors, aiming to increase the doctors’ knowledge and skills,” she said. Ms. Oliveira affirmed that this event
financially funded by UNICEF in cooperation with AMTL.
*Farmers call on MAP to rehabilitate irrigations in Lalea and Vemasse
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, January 21, 2015 language source: Tetun
Famers in Lalea of Manatuto and Vemasse, the eastern municipal of Bauacau have called on the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAP) to rehabilitate the irrigations, watering rice fields in these two places. “This irrigation is damaged again; therefore we called the Ministry of Agriculture to rehabilitate it. The minister here now
with to see directly conditions of the irrigation,” a farmer said. In response, Minister for MAP, Mariano “Asanami” Sabino Lopes said his technical team would come to
see conditions of the referred irrigation before they worked. “The technical team will come and will consult with the farmers here to see how it can be rehabilitated,”
he said.
*Xanana calls on Mauk Moruk to hand back police’s pistols
*Independente, January 21, 2015 Language source: Tetun
Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao calls on Paulino Gama alias Mauk Moruk to turn himself in and hand back two pistols he seized from the Timorese National Police
Force (PNTL) members. “I am calling on Mauk Moruk to surrender and return the two pistols that he seized and also be responsible for his actions,” Prime Minister
Xanana Gusmao said after meeting with President of the Republic, Taur Matan Ruak at Presidential Palace yesterday. On Thursday 15, Mauk Moruk and his members disarmed PNTL officers and seized their pistols and wounded PNTL officers, as well as burnt down a PNTL’s car in Saelari Village, Laga Sub District of Baucau
*US offers project of cultivating crabs and fishes to MAP
*Independente, January 21, 2015 Language source: Tetun
The United States (US) and International Agency ACID MOCA officially handed over project of cultivating crabs and fishes of 50 groups of farmers to the Ministry for
Agriculture and Fisheries (MAP) to continue helping the groups’ cultivating activities in the future. The ceremony of transferring the project which was managed and
guided by the International Agency, ACID MOCA to MAP through the US Ambassador to Timor-Leste Klaren Stantos accompanied by ACID MOCA Director, Steven
Beard . In the Ceremony, the Ambassador Klaren Stantos said she agreed with Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao’s comments, saying the key of Timor-Leste’s development was to support people to develop their lives to reinforce the country’s economy. “We agree with Prime Minister that the key of economic development is to
support people and the U is proud because it has supported fund for the activities which can support the country’s economic growth,” she said.
*FBI to investigate suspected grenade explosion at U.S. Embassy Housing Compound
*Independente, January 21, 2015 Language source: Tetun
The American Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI) will cooperate with the Timorese National Police Force (PNTL) to investigate a suspected grenade explosion at U.S.
Embassy Housing Compound on January 18, 2015. PNTL Operation Commander, Armandio Monteiro said in regard to the suspected grenade which was thrown by
unknown people into U.S. Embassy Housing Compound damaged a car and house windows. Monteiro affirmed FBI which was based in Indonesia would come to
cooperate with PNTL Criminal Investigation Service Unit to investigate the case. “They will come, but they also need information from us because it happened in our
country,” Monteiro said at PNTL Headquarter in Dili of Timor-Leste yesterday. FBI officers were scheduled to come to the country on (01/20) to cooperate with PNTL
Criminal Investigation Service Unit.
*MNEK Jose Luis Guterres meets with Indonesian DPR President
*Independente, January 21, 2015 Language source: Tetun
Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MNEK) Jose Luis Guterres met with Indonesian People’s Representatives Council (DPR) President, Setya Novanto on
Tuesday 13, 2015. The meeting was aimed to tighten the friendship lace and cooperation ties of the two countries and share information on Timor-Leste’s economic
and political development progresses. “In the meeting, we talked about some issues and I explained about Timor-Leste’s economic and political development progresses to Indonesian DPR President, Setya Novanto,” Jose Luis said in a press release yesterday.
January 20,2015
*US diplomat residence attacked in Dili
*Radio Timor-Leste, January 20, 2015 language source: Tetun
Leader of Revolutionary Maubere Council (CRM), Paulino Gama known as Mauk Moruk’s followers are suspected to have engaged in throwing a bomb into the US’
diplomat residence in Dili, the Capital of Timor-Leste last Sunday night. The National Police (PNTL) Commander, Longuinhos Monteiro affirmed that the police had
accessed information that Mauk Moruk’s followers made plans to create instability in the Cpital of Dili. Commander Monteiro said PNTL and the US’s FBI were doing
investigation into the last weekend’s attacks in the country’s capital. He added that the police continued strengthening the security in Dili to ensure peace and stability
in the country.
*Communities call for permanent security posts in Saelari
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, January 20, 2015 language source: Tetun
Communities in Saelari, Laga, the eastern Municipal of Baucau have called on the country’s security authorities to set up permanent security posts to strengthen
security and stability in the area. Representative of the communities made the call during a press conference which was held in Saelari village yesterday. The communities also called the Government to seek for an appropriate solution to the recent problem, engaging the Leader of Revolutionary Maubere Council (CRM), Mauk
Moruk and his followers, so that the local residents could remain calm. They also strongly condemned Mauk Moruk and his followers who had committed acts violence in the area as it impacted the lives of the communities. “We strongly condemned Mauk Moruk and his followers who have committed an aggravated problem
here in the area,” the spokesperson said.
*Children stop going to school because of security situation in Laga
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, January 20, 2015 language source: Tetun
Children in Saelari, Laga, the eastern Municipal of Baucau are reported to have stopped going to school following the recent acts of violence, engaging Leader of
Revolutionary Maubere Council (CRM), Mauk Moruk and his followers. Saelari chief of village said the teaching and learning was halted after the incident here as
most of the school children lived far away from the school. He affirmed that many of the children were still traumatized due to the recent acts of violence; therefore
the learning process was halted provisionally.
*Timor-Leste, Indonesia and Indonesia talk on trilateral cooperation
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, January 20, 2015 language source: Tetun
Timor-Leste, Indonesia and Australia have talked on possibilities of trilateral cooperation in the fields of infrastructure, education and economy in the future. Representative of Timor-Leste, Joao Gonsalves made the comments after taking part in the trilateral meeting in Jakarta recently. Mr. Gonsalves said the trilateral meeting
of the three countries was important to strengthen Timor-Leste’s development in various sectors. He affirmed that during the trilateral meeting they discussed about
cooperation in the fields of infrastructure, education, health and economy. “So we met with the relevant ministers to talk about the trilateral cooperation and the three
countries’ integrated development plan in the region,” he said.
*Minister Asanami calls on farmers to grow rice
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, January 20, 2015 language source: Tetun
Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries (MAP), Mariano “Asanami” Sabino Lopes has called on the farmers in Luro, the eastern Municipal of Lautem to grow rice in
their fields for increasing rice productions in the country. The minister made the call during his short notice visit in Luro of Lautem to take a look closer at the farmers’ activities in the area. “I am calling on all the local residents, especially the farmers to grow rice here in the fields and should not leave them,” he said. Asanami
affirmed that they had also visited Manatuto and Baucau to see some of the irrigations which were being rehabilitated.
*Lasama calls on Mauk Moruk to turn himself in
*Radio Timor-Leste, January 20, 2015 language source: Tetun
Deputy Prime Minister Fernando Lasama de Araujo has called on Mauk Moruk and his followers to turn themselves into the country’s security forces. Lasama said
the recent acts of violence which was committed by Mauk Moruk and his followers in Saelari was intolerable and was considered to be terrorist and rebel against the
state. “The operation is ongoing, it is rebel and terrorist and that is something which is intolerable and he must be captured. It is better for them to turn themselves
in,” he said. He called on all the communities to find out Mauk Moruk and his followers’ hideout, so that he could be caught to be legally processed.
*Explosion at U.S Embassy Housing compound in Dili
*Independente, January 20, 2015
A suspected grenade was thrown over the perimeter wall of a U.S. Embassy residential Property in Dili on January 18, 2015 and exploded in front of a house, damaging windows and a car. No one was harmed in the incident and all residents of the compound are safe and accounted for. “We are working closely with host nation
security officials who responded immediately with increased security around U.S facilities,” press release from U.S Embassy revealed. An investigation is underway.
*Mauk Moruk’s hideout found
*Independente, January 20, 2015 language source: Tetun
Joint Operation Team which composed of the Timorese National Police Force (PNTL) and the Timorese Defense Force (F-FDTL) has identified Mauk Moruk’s hideout and shortly it will capture the former Maubere Revolutionary Council Commander. Baucau District PNTL Commander, Jose Neto Mok said the Join Operation
Team had known Mauk Moruk’s hideout and there would be an operation to capture him. “During the operation, the Joint Operation has captured some of Mauk
Moruk’s men and are being inquired,” Jose Neto Mok said during a telephone interview.
*There is no evidence, Stacey waits Court to hand back her passport
*Independente, January 20, 2015
The suspect of drug smuggling, Addison Stacey’s Lawyer, Paulo Remedios calls on Dili District Court (TDD) to hand back his client’s passport so that Stacy could
return to her country, United States of America (USA). An American citizen, Addison Stacey was captured by security authorities because suspecting of engaging in
drug smuggling and TDD has freed her temporarily to wait for investigation process. “Currently, my client, Stacey has been freed to wait from dispatch from TDD and
I have made a request to TDD if Public Prosecution could not make an accusation, TDD can hand back my client’s passport, so that she can return to her country,”
Paulo Remedios said at his office in Metiaut of Dili yesterday. He added that the witnesses who engaged in the drug smuggling had declared that they did not know
his client and there was no evidence to testify that his client engaged in the drug smuggling.
*Portugal continues supporting Timor-Leste’s development
*Suara Timor Lorosae, January 20, 2015 Language source: Tetun
Portugal continues supporting Timor-Leste’s development in many areas such as Portuguese language and other projects including the support of the two countries’
bilateral cooperation. State Secretary for Portuguese Language Speaking-Countries (CPLP), Jose Cesario made the comment after meeting with President of the
Republic, Taur Matan Ruak at Presidential Palace Yesterday. “We met with President Taur as friend and in the meeting we reaffirmed Portugal’s commitment to
continue supporting Timor-Leste’s development and tightening the two countries’ people’s relationship,” Jose Cesario told journalists.
*Bobby Boye’s case, Timor-Leste has right to present evidences
*Suara Timor Lorosae, January 20, 2015 Language source: Tetun
Timor-Leste continue accompanying Bobby Boye’s case process and Timor-Leste has its rights to present evidences because Bobby Boye engaged in fraud case
against Timor-Leste with US $3,5 million amount of money. “Bobby Boye’s case, Timor-Leste accompanies because the case is being tried abroad, but we should
accompany the case as we have rights to do so.” “And at any time if they need us to present evidences, Timor-Leste is ready and we should present it,” Deputy Prime
Minister Fernando Lasama de Araujo said the Governmental Palace yesterday. FBI through the social media, saying that the ex-advisor for Minister for Finance,
Bobby Boye has been captured on Thursday in New Jersey with fraud accusation which makes the country loses US $3,5 million.
*KOK captures 24 CRM members
*Diario, January 20, 2015 Language Source: Tetun
The Commands of the joint operation (KOK) which is currently doing military operations in Saelari, Laga of Baucau has captured 24 of Mauk Moruk’s followers. Thirteen of CRM members were captured in Saelari, on Monday (19/01), one was arrested in Lospalos on Friday (15/01) and the ten of those were captured in Saelari
village on Thursday (14/01). Baucau Police Commander Jose M, Neto Mok affirmed that these 13 CRM members were captured by the joint operation force and
these people consisted of ten men and three women.
*Timor-Leste- Portugal talk on cooperation in justice sector
*Diario, January 20, 2015 Language Source: Tetun
The State Secretary of Portuguese community, Jose Cesario has met with Minister of Justice Dionisio Soares Babo, talking about bilateral cooperation in the field of
justice. During his visit the state secretary was accompanied by the ambassador of Portugal to Timor-Leste, Manual de Jesus. “This state secretary’s visit is to know
more about the activities of the country’s justice sector,” Mr. Babo said.
January 19,2015
*US and Timor-Leste strengthen bilateral ties: New US ambassador
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, January 19, 2015 language source: Tetun
New US Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Karen Clark Stanton said the US handed over its letter of credential to strengthen bilateral ties with Timor-Leste. The ambassador made the comments during a speech marking ceremony of handing over letter of credential to the President of the Republic Taur Matan Ruak at the Palace
of the President. Ms. Stanton affirmed that so far the US and Timor-Leste had cooperated in the fields of health, education, politics and others She added that the
cooperation would strengthen peace, stability and prosperity of the people of Timor-Leste.
*Parliament condemns Mauk Maruk and his followers’ attitudes
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, January 19, 2015 language source: Tetun
The National Parliament’s members have strongly condemned Leader of Maubere Revolutionary Council (CRM), Mauk Moruk and his followers’ attitude as they
do not respect and against the State. MPs were referring to the recent acts of violence committed by CRM’s members, detaining two police officers and wounding
others in Saelari, Laga of Baucau. MP Pedro Martires said he was very concerned about the incident and said it was against the Parliament’s issued resolution and
had not respected the State. “His followers burnt down the police’s vehicle and wound some of the police officers, it means they do not respect the state,” he said.
MP Francisco Branco said he was concerned about the situation and said the Government and the State should not tolerate it. “I am concerned about the situation
and is intolerable as they have detained members of the police who were on duty,” he said.
*Parliament call for the arrest of Mauk Moruk and his followers
*Radio Timor-Leste, January 19, 2015 language source: Tetun
MP Arao Noe from the Parliamentary Committee A has called on the Public Prosecution Office to re-arrest Leader of Maubere Revolutionary Council (CRM), Mauk
Moruk and his followers as they continued appearing instability in Baucau, the country’s east. Mr. Noe said the Public Prosecution Office had to issue a warrant of
arrest for Mauk Moruk and his followers as they destabilized the country. He affirmed that Mauk Moruk was not free totally, but he was freed conditionally; therefore
the Public Prosecution Office could issue an arrest warrant to re-arrest him for legal proceedings. “If the situation in Baucar is serious then the State can apply the
state of siege, so that the defense force can do operations by the help of the National Police. We have laws to be used for applying this,” he said.
*Govt and World Vision sign agreement to support forestry program
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, January 19, 2015 language source: Tetun
The Government through the State Secretariat of Forestry and International NGO, World Vision has signed agreement to help support the country’s forestry program.
National Director for Forestry, Manuel Mendes said this agreement of cooperation was aimed to make regeneration and reforestation of degradation area throughout
the country which would get start in Aileu and Bobonaro districts. Mr. Mendes affirmed that it was very important to cooperate with the communities, especially the
farmers in order to improve the country’s forestry. “It is very important on how to cooperate with the communities, especially the farmers to help improve our forestry,”
he said. Representative of World Vision, Jose da Costa said the referred cooperation was to better facilitate the Directorate of the Forestry’s programs for two years.
*MS provides water containers and filters to schools in Venilale
*Televizaun Timor-Leste, January 19, 2015 language source: Tetun
The Ministry of Health (MS) last Friday officially handed over water containers and filters to schools and the local residents in Venilale, so that the school students
and the communities can get access to the clean water. Representative of MS said these water facilities were donated by a lottery club from Austalia in order to help
support the country’s school feeding program. “These were provided and donated by a lottery club from Australia to help facilitate the school feeding program,” he
said. Bahamori chief of village said these water containers would be very useful for the students and also for the health post in the area.
*FRETILIN, Horta, and PN consider Mauk Moruk’s Group as rebels
*Independente, January 19, 2015 Language source: Tetun
The National Parliament (PN), FRETELIN, and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Jose Ramos Horta strongly condemn Mauk Moruk and his followers acts of disarming
and wounding the Timorese National Police (PNTL) officers and burning and consider such as actions to be attitudes of rebels. PN Committee B Deputy President
Duarte Nunes considers Mauk Moruk and followers’ actions of kidnapping two PNTL Officers and disarming them, including burning down a PNTL car is considered
to be acts of rebels against the State. “If a group takes the state weapons and against the State, we consider it as rebel and it is written clearly in our law and the
Government needs to find and capture this group of people to calm the situation down,” Duarte Nunes said. Former President of the Republic, Jose Ramos Horta
and FRETILIN Party President, Fransisco Guterres Lu-Olo said the recent attacks on the police by Mauk Moruk and his followers considered to be acts of crime.
*F-FDTL and PNTL chase up Mauk Moruk and his followers
*Independente, January 19, 2015 Language source: Tetun
There are 400 members of the Timorese Defense Force (F-FDTL) and the Timorese National Police (PNTL), chasing up Mauk Moruk and his members. Mauk Moruk
flees away after attacking and wounding PNTL officers as well as burning down a PNTL’s car last Thursday afternoon in Saelari of Laga of Baucau which made
Prime Minister who also assumes the post as Minister for Defense and Security, Xanana Gusmao and F-FDTL Commander, Lere Anan Timur directly went to the
crime scene. Baucau District PNTL Commander, Jose Neto Mok, said, “the Situation in Saelari of Laga is under control, but PNTL and F-FDTL members continue
controlling the area and chasing after Mauk Moruk and his followers.”
*New US ambassador to Timor-Leste hands over credential letter to TMR
*Independente, January 19, 2015 Language source: Tetun
The United States of America (USA) sends its new diplomat, Klaren Stantos to assume the post as American ambassador to Timor-Leste to replace the old ambassador Judith R. Fergin who ended mission few months ago. On Friday 16, the New Ambassador, Klaren Stantos handed over credential letter to President of the
Republic Taur Matan Ruak (TMR) at the Presidential Palace in Aitarak laran of Dili. Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Constancio Pinto said the
New American Ambassador, Klaren Stantos’ presence could better tighten Timor-Leste and the US’s relationship. “Hopefully, with this New Ambassador’s presence
in Timor-Leste, we could tighten our relationship with the US,” Constancio Pinto said.
*Japan consults security situation with FONGTIL
*Independente, January 19, 2015 Language source: Tetun
The Japanese Embassy Representative in Timor-Leste met with Forum of Non Governmental Organizations (FONGTIL), talking about security situation in TimorLeste. Japan Embassy’s Representative discusses the security situation with FONGTIL because there are many Japanese people in Timor-Leste and also to know
about the current security situation in the country. “They are here to discuss about the current security situation because of the incident in Saelari of Laga of Baucau
so that they can warn the Japanese people here in Timor-Leste to get protection,” FONGTIL Executive Director, Arsenio Pereira da Silva said at Governmental Palace
on Friday 16.
*Xanana frees two PNTL Officers from Mauk Mrouk and his followers
*Diario, January 19, 2015 Language source: Tetun
Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao last Friday at Five o’clock of Timor-Leste’s in the early dawn with the Timorese National Police (PNTL) Personal Security Unit (CSP)
surrounded Paulino Gama alias Mauk Moruk’s hideout in Saelari of Laga to free two PNTL Officers whom Mauk Moruk detained. This morning Prime Minister Xanana
Gusmao and CSP went to Mauk Moruk’s place in Saelari, but when they arrived, Mauk Moruk and his members have run away, but they could free two PNTL officers
that Mauk Moruk detained,” an unnamed source said at the Palace of the Government. The source added that the pistol which Mauk Moruk and his members seized
from PNTL also had been returned to the police at the place Mauk Moruk and his members based.