Adult and Youth Enrichment and Recreation
Adult and Youth Enrichment and Recreation
Dexter Community Education Adult and Youth Enrichment and Recreation PLAYGROUPS...p.5 COOKING WITH KIDS...p.9 FIRST LEGO LEAGUE TEAM...p.8 MAKE IT! TAKE IT!...p.9 COMMANDO KRAV MAGA...p.15 WINTER BREAK SPORTS CAMP...p.12 FALL 2016 Registration Opens August 29th 2 Table of contents GENERAL INFORMATION Info about Youth Programming.........................................................5 Registration Information.....................................................................3 COMMUNITY INFORMATION Community Resources..........................................................................18 Dexter Senior Center & Nutrition Program...............................17 Facility Rentals.......................................................................................17 POOL INFORMATION LIFEGUARD TRAINING...........................................................................10, 14 Pool Hours and Fees ..............................................................................4 SWIM LESSONS..............................................................................................4 CHILD CARE INFORMATION After-School Care .................................................................................7 Early Childhood & Preschool ............................................................6 No-School Day Programs .....................................................................7 YOUTH ENRICHMENT AFTER SCHOOL Theater ...........................................................................7 ArTS & CRAFTS CLUB ..................................................................................9 Bricks 4 Kidz ...............................................................................................8 Child and Babysitter Safety Class ..................................................8 COOKIES & CANVAS .....................................................................................9 COOKING WITH KIDS.....................................................................................9 FIRST LEGO LEAGUE ....................................................................................8 GINGERBREAD HOUSE PARTY ....................................................................9 HOMESCHOOL ART CONNECTION...............................................................7 Mad Science ................................................................................................8 MAKE IT! TAKE IT! ..........................................................................................9 PAINT WITH RUBY TALULA STUDIO ............................................................9 SCARECROW SNOWMAN PALLET SIGN .....................................................9 YOUTH RECREATION Baton Twirling ........................................................................................12 BALLET AND JAZZ .......................................................................................12 CREATIVE DANCE .......................................................................................12 Karate ........................................................................................................10 KICKBALL .....................................................................................................12 YOUTH SPORTS BASKETBALL ................................................................................................10 Cross-Country ....................................................................................... 11 Field Hockey ............................................................................................ 11 FOOTBALL .................................................................................................... 11 GIRLS LACROSSE CLINICS.........................................................................12 SOCCER .......................................................................................................10 VOLLEYBALL ................................................................................................12 WINTER SPORTS CAMP .............................................................................12 TOT PROGRAMS FAMILY FUN PLAYGROUP..............................................................................5 PARENT-TOT SENSORY ART ........................................................................5 TODDLER TIME PLAYGROUP .......................................................................5 SPECIAL EVENTS JUNIOR CHEERLEADING CLINIC ...............................................................13 JUNIOR DANCE CLINIC ...............................................................................13 MOTHER-SON JERSEY JAM .......................................................................13 ADULT ENRICHMENT Dog Obedience (Basic & Intermediate)............................................16 HUNTER SAFETY CLASS ............................................................................16 ADULT RECREATION Basketball: Men’s & Women’s Rec.....................................................15 COMMANDO KRAV MAGA ...........................................................................15 FITNESS KICKBOXING ROCKS ..................................................................15 KAIZEN KARATE DO.....................................................................................15 RECREATIONAL VOLLEYBALL ...................................................................15 YOGA (GENTLE YOGA, YOGA FOR ANY BODY).......................................14 Yogilates...................................................................................................14 Zumba...........................................................................................................15 LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! We post schedule updates, class information, event photos, and other news on our Facebook Page. Search for “Dexter Community Education.” Dexter Community Education Director Kim Covert ext. 1401 Department Secretary Jill Breitag ext. 1410 Building Reservations & Facility Rentals ext. 1410 Business Rental Payments, Vendor Payments ext. 1410 Child Care Payments ext. 1301 Pool Scheduling ext. 1409 Pool Parties, Lifeguard Scheduling, Classes Recreational Programming Course Proposals, Instructor Assistance ext. 1302 Dexter Community Education Office 3060 Kensington, Dexter Michigan 48130 (in the Wylie Pool Lobby) Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30am - 6:00pm Phone: (734) 424-4180 Fax: (734) 426-9515 COMMUNITY ED OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED: SEPTEMBER 5, NOVEMBER 24 & 25, DECEMBER 23-JAN 2 Jenkins Early Childhood Learning Center 2801 Baker Rd. (734) 424-4180 Front Office option 5 Attendance Line option 1 School-age Care option 3 Registration information 3 PLEASE NOTE OUR NEW WEBSITE: WWW.DEXTERCOMMUNITYED.COM REGISTER ONLINE STARTING August 29th: Log In: • Click on the “Log In/Sign Up” link, follow prompts as appropriate. Find Your Course(s): • Browse all courses by using the tabs to select desired category, scroll to the bottom and click on the courses to read more. • If you already know the course number, type it in the course “search by number” box. If you don’t know the number, search by keyword. Select Course: • Course descriptions appear at the very bottom of the page. Select “add to cart” to enroll. • The program will prompt you for shirt size & notes, if applicable. • Once the course options are complete, click on either “checkout” or “continue shopping.” Pay: • Pay for courses online using Discover, Mastercard, American Express, or Visa. Enrollment is not complete without payment. REGISTER IN PERSON, BY MAIL, OR BY FAX: • Complete the registration form on the back of this catalog or pick one up in our lobby. • Pay by cash, check, or credit card. REGISTRATION DEADLINES Classes are filled on a first come, first-served basis. Unless otherwise specified, the deadline to register for class is one week before the course start date. We may accept late registrations on a space available basis, please call. INCLEMENT WEATHER If Dexter Schools are closed for the day or dismissed early due to weather, all Community Education classes and facility rentals are cancelled for the day. SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS D e x t e r C o m m u n i t y E d ucation offers students need-based scholarships for most of our programs to Dexter School District Families. We offer one per child per catalog. Generally, students who qualify for free lunch through the schools qualify for a scholarship of up to $100 for one class; students who qualify for reduced lunch may be eligible for a partial scholarship. We may also offer scholarships for families with special circumstances on a case-by-case basis. We are not able to offer scholarships for programs that are not run by Community Education, nor for classes that do not meet minimum enrollments. All scholarships require the Director’s approval. If you register for a class using a scholarship and cancel less than one week prior to start date, you will forfeit your scholarship for that semester. To apply for a Community Education scholarship, fill out the scholarship application form (available from our office and on our website) and return it to our office as soon as you know you are interested. We will confirm your eligibility, but hold registration until the class meets minimum enrollment to run. Your “place in line” for registration is reserved. When the class meets the minimum, we will register your child and send you confirmation of enrollment. REMEMBER TO VOTE Nov. 8! PHOTOS Community Education often takes photos or short video of students in our programs. We use these photos in catalogs, brochures, and other Community Education or Dexter Community Schools promotional materials. We may also post photos on our website, or social media. We never identify children with more than their first name, if we identify them at all. Enrollment in our programs constitutes acceptance of this policy, unless you inform us in writing that you would like to opt out. Contact to do so. PLEASE REGISTER EARLY. Registration closes when classes are full. Unless otherwise noted, classes without adequate enrollment will be cancelled one week prior to the start date. ACCOUNT INFORMATION: Please ensure that your account includes your correct email address and the best phone number to reach you with last-minute information. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT D e x t e r C o m m u n i t y E d ucation welcomes the participation of everyone. To help us effectively support your involvement, please identify your needs for assistance and request accommodations by calling us at 424-4180. For appropriate assistance by the start of the activity, please contact us at least one week in advance. SCHOOL SPORTS PAY-TO-PLAY Parents of middle and high school athletes may pay team fees through our website. Phone and walk-in high school registrations go through the High School Athletics Office by phone: 424-4170 or fax 424-4251. REFUNDS If a class is cancelled for lack of enrollment, we issue full refunds. Refunds for dropping a class must be requested at least one week before class begins.There is a $5.00 per class processing fee for refund requests. There is no refund, credit, or reduction of fees for any class missed by a student, including late registration. A class cancelled by Community Education because of weather, instructor illness, etc. will be rescheduled if possible. If a swim class cannot be rescheduled a swim pass will be issued as compensation. Class locations: All Community Education classes are held in Dexter school buildings unless otherwise noted. Bates Elementary, 2704 Baker Road Mill Creek Middle School, 7305 Dexter-Ann Arbor Road Cornerstone Elementary, 7480 Dan Hoey Road Dexter High School, 2200 N. Parker Road Wylie Elementary, 3060 Kensington Street Jenkins Early Childhood Learning Center 2801 Baker Road Creekside Intermediate School, 2615 Baker Road (use south entrance) 4 dexter community pool Located at 3060 Kensington Street, adjoining Wylie Elementary School •Residents: $3 person, $15 family (5+ people) •Non-Residents: $3.50 person, $18 family (5+ people) •All Seniors (55 and older): $1 per person QUARTERLY SWIMMING PASSES Fall POOL HOURS Pool Closures Sept. 3, 4, 5; Oct. 1; Nov. 5, 12, 13, 24-27 September 5-December 22 Adult Lap Swim Monday thru Friday 6am-8am Monday/Wednesday/Friday 8:30am-9:30am Senior Swim Monday/Wednesday/Friday 8:30am-9:30am Open Swim SWIMMING FEES Saturdays and Sundays 2:00pm-4:00pm Value passes may be purchased through the Dexter Community Education office. You’ll receive a key fob to indicate you’ve paid (we can look up family members). Passes are prorated once we are halfway through the quarter. Group Residents/Non-Residents Seniors$30.00/$30.00 Individual$40.00/$75.00 Family$50.00/$90.00 Pool rules • Children under age 14 must be accompanied by a responsible individual 18 years of age or older. • All swimmers must shower before entering the pool. Lockers are available, but please bring your own lock. • Food, pop and glass containers are not allowed on deck or in the locker room; plastic water bottles are permitted. Street shoes are not allowed on deck but you may bring pool shoes if you wish. • Infants or children still in diapers must wear cloth (not paper) diapers and tight fitting rubber pants or “Swim Diapers” and are encouraged to use the wading pool. SWIM LESSON INFORMATION Swim students start where they are and move up when ready. If you aren’t sure where your child should be placed, make your best guess and come early to the first lesson for a quick evaluation. Swim Classes are two-week sessions. This promotes maximum skill development and allows parents more flexible scheduling. On our website, click on the Youth Programs, then Youth Swim & Dive. Fall Swim courses start in October. We will post a message on Facebook and on our homepage when those are live for registration. BLUE GROUP (1) SKILLS TO LEARN Water Adaptation Wall Bobs Breath HoldingFront Float Glide Submersion of FaceBack Float Glide Blowing Bubbles ADVANCEMENT SKILLS 10 Bobs Front Glide Float/5 secs Back Glide Float/5 secs BLACK GROUP (3) SKILLS TO LEARN Freestyle Armstroke Sculling Side Breathing Somersaults Backstroke Arms Treading Water ADVANCEMENT SKILLS Freestyle with Side Breathing /LgPool Backstroke Width of Large Pool Tread Water for 1 Minute GOLD GROUP (2) SKILLS TO LEARN Front KickBack Kick Side Kick Dolphin Kick Roll Front to BackStreamline Bobs Roll Back to Front ADVANCEMENT SKILLS Front Streamline Kick - Small Pool Back Kick Hands at Side - Small Pool Side Kick Across Small Pool GREEN GROUP (4) SKILLS TO LEARN Breaststroke Kick Breaststroke Arms Sitting/Kneeling Dive Butterfly Arms ADVANCEMENT SKILLS 25 Yards of Freestyle Breaststroke Width of Pool RED GROUP ((5) SKILLS TO LEARN Starts off Block Flip Turn Open Turn IM Turn ADVANCEMENT SKILLS 50 Freestyle 25 Backstroke 50 Backstroke 25 Butterfly PROGRAMS FOR VERY YOUNG CHILDREN FAMILY FUN PLAYGROUP TODDLER TIME PLAYGROUP F 9/16-10/21 9:00am-9:45am F 10/28-12/16 9:00am-9:45am F 9/16-10/21 10:15am-11:00am #6002-F161 F 10/28-12/16 10:15am-11:00am #6002-F162 Ages: Newborn to 5 yrs Instructor: Jeni Naughton Playgroup offers multi-age fun for the entire family. Weekly themes, free choice playtime, art activities, sensory table, play-dough, dramatic play, blocks area, reading space, and practice of fine motor and gross motor activities. Each class ends with a circle time that will include music, movement and bubbles. Playgroup will meet in the Broad Street Room at the Jenkins Early Childhood Learning Center. Two six-week sessions. No class 11/11 & 11/25. Location: Jenkins ECLC, 2801 Baker Rd. Fee: $50/student, $25 for an additional student in the immediate family, $75 family max. #6001-F161 #6001-F162 Ages: 24-36 months Instructor: Jeni Naughton Toddler time is a new playgroup for children ages 24-36 months. The playgroup will include free play as well as teacher created activities focusing specifically on toddler development. Each class will end in a circle time with stories, movement, parachute, balls, puppets and of course, bubbles! Playgroup will meet in the Broad Street Room at the Jenkins Early Childhood Learning Center. Two six-week sessions. No class 11/11 & 11/25. Location: Jenkins ECLC, 2801 Baker Rd. Fee: $50/student, $25 for an additional student in the immediate family, $75 family max. 5 PARENT-TOT SENSORY ART Ages: 18 months - 3 years Instructor Jinelle Sherry has been teaching art for many years and enjoys working with and inspiring kids (and adults!) to create. She enjoyed teaching many of our Dexter students during the summer art camp and has taught under the children’s tent at the Dexter Plein Air Art Festival since 2013. Jinelle has also taught for Young Rembrandts of Ann Arbor. A four week session of fun-filled, messy art exploration for toddlers and a parent or caregiver. Explore texture and color with bubble art, brush free painting, pasta, rocks and more! Location: Wylie Pool Lobby. Fee: $75 W 9/14-10/5 10:30am-12:00pm #3029-F16 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUTH PROGRAMMING TRANSPORTATION TO AFTERSCHOOL CLASSES If your child is enrolled in our afterschool care program and s/he takes a class in their care building, our Class to Care option allows them to return to care following class. We do not provide transportation or escorts between buildings for afterschool classes. If your child takes an afterschool class in a different building than they attend, they may walk to the building alone as long as this does not involve crossing Baker Rd. Creekside students who attend afterschool programs at Wylie, Mill Creek, Bates, or Cornerstone will take the shuttle to the bus loop behind Wylie and walk from there. Parents of young children (K-2) may want to practice walking their child to class the first few times, or make arrangements for someone to walk them regularly. It really depends on each child’s independence and comfort level. Please inform your child’s classroom teacher of any afterschool classes they take, so the teacher can remind the child of the arrangement at dismissal. LATE PICKUPS In the event that a parent does not arrive on time to pick up a child from a Community Education class, the instructor will wait with the student for 5 minutes, then walk him or her to the Care Room if it is before 6:00pm. Our Program Coordinator will locate parents. If you know you will be late, please contact our office ASAP by calling 424-4180, ext. 1302. In the event that a child is not picked up within 60 minutes of class ending without any contact from parents, we must contact the sheriff’s department per State of MI policy. CONTACT INFORMATION Please update your family contact information every time you register for a course. Pay special attention to your primary phone number and email address. These are the main ways we contact parents with updates including cancellations, location changes, or other timely information. We do not have access to the schools’ student databases. CHANGES IN PLANS If your child will not attend a Community Education class as scheduled, please notify our office in advance by calling 424-4180. Schools do not notify us when students go home sick or are scheduled for vacation. Absence notification is especially important with afterschool classes because our staff take attendance to make sure all students arrive safely from their buildings. If a student doesn’t arrive as planned, we have to contact the buses and parents to find them. LAST-MINUTE CANCELLATIONS In the event that we must cancel a class with short notice, we notify buildings so the office can make an announcement for staff and students. We also call and email parents of children in the class. Families should have a back-up plan in place prior to this happening so the student knows whether to take the bus or go home with a friend, etc. In the event that a child is left at school after a cancellation, our office will watch them while we try to contact parents and emergency contacts. LOST AND FOUND If your child leaves an item at an afterschool class, please check with that building’s office first. If the item isn’t there, feel free to call our office to check on it. COMMUNITY EDUCATION AFTER CARE OFFICE (734) 424-4180 SCHOOL AGE CARE: option 3 JON KEITH, Program Coordinator: ext. 1302 6 EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAMS Dexter Community Education Preschool has been providing programs for young children from the Dexter Community for many years. We offer year-round, full-day programs for infants up to kindergarten aged children, and school year programs for half-day preschoolers. Our mission is to provide a warm, safe, and caring environment where children can learn and explore the world around them. We promote young children’s physical, social, and emotional growth through developmentally appropriate, child-directed activities and routines. Dexter Preschool Teachers are Michigan Certified Elementary Teachers. Full Day Early Childhood Programs We offer full-day care for children ages 6 weeks through five years old. Parents may choose between two, three, and five days of care per week. A full day is up to ten hours between 7am and 6pm; schedules must be determined in advance. No drop-in care or switching days. All our programs follow the HighScope curriculum. For more information about care for a particular age group, as well as policies, fees, and calendar info, visit Full-day programs open August 29th for the 2016-2017 school year. Age Groups: Infants (0-1) Older Infants Preschool 3 Preschool 4 Jenkins ECLC 2016-17 Calendar Full Day Program: August 29th, 2016- August 18th, 2017 Closed 9/5, 11/24-25, 12/23-1/2, 5/29, 7/3-7/7 Full Day Programs are open on days Dexter Schools are closed. Half Day Program: September 6th, 2016-May 26th, 2017 Closed as above, plus any days that Dexter Community Schools are scheduled to be closed, as well as any days that Dexter Schools are closed for weather. The DCS 2016-2017 calendar is available at Toddlers Full-day programs run all year. We enroll children in our full-day early childhood programs on a rolling basis as space allows. Currently enrolled families and district employees receive first priority for available spots. Half-Day Preschool Programs Our half-day programs for three- and four-year-olds include part-time and full-time (five half days) as well as morning or afternoon options. Our school-year programs follow the Dexter Community Schools calendar and close whenever the schools are closed for weather. GSRP Preschool The Great Start Readiness Program is a State of Michigan grant funded preschool program for at-risk four-year-old students which may be tuition-free for qualifying families. The program requires children to be age four by September 1. Risk factors include low income, diagnosed disability or developmental delay, severe or challenging behavior, nonEnglish speaking household, low parental education, child abuse or neglect, and environmental risks. Dexter’s GSRP classrooms are part of our Half Day Preschool Program. For more information about GSRP, please visit Fees Our fees are published on our website. Payment is due by the 15th day of the month before care is to occur. Jenkins ECLC offers current Dexter Community Schools staff a discount on regular tuition rates. Please inquire at our office for those rates if you are a DCS staff member. How to Enroll in Jenkins ECLC We enroll children in our year-round programs on a rolling basis as space becomes available. If you are expecting an infant or will be moving to the area, we recommend that you contact us as soon as possible in order to determine whether we will have space for your child(ren). Enrollment Priority for all our programs is as follows: currently enrolled families, then Dexter Community Schools staff, then the general public. Currently enrolled school-year families’ spots are not guaranteed outside of the enrollment period. All openings are filled on a first come, first served basis within the priority list. Jenkins Early Childhood Learning Center 2801 Baker Rd. (734) 424-4180 MAIN OFFICE: option 5 ATTENDANCE: option 1 7 SCHOOL-AGE CHILD CARE Dexter Community Education Child Care is a support service provided for working families which includes after school care, non-school day special programs, and spring break. We specialize in “out-of school time” enrichment and recreation programs for Young Fives to Grade 6. Our child care services are licensed by the state and we employ qualified, experienced, caring staff to offer fun activities specifically designed for each grade level. Children participate in age-appropriate activities, games, projects, and indoor & outdoor play. They will have time for reading and homework by choice, as well as free time to build social skills, and share interests and talents. We follow DIstrict policies and procedures. We maintain a safe, nurturing, warm and welcoming environment in all centers. For complete information on our Child Care programs, policies, and fees, go to, then Departments and select Community Education. After School Child Care Daily Fees: afternoon fee: $15 class-to-care fee: $7 After School Program: Programs are offered Monday thru Friday at Bates, Cornerstone, Wylie (for Creekside students, too). Centers open at school dismissal and stay open until 6:00pm. Parents may choose from 2-5 days of care per week. Class to Care Program: If class doesn’t begin immediately after school, Class to Care allows students to stay in their own building with peers in a safe, fun environment until the class begins for a nominal fee of $7 per day. Our staff will escort your child to/from their Community Education class in the same building. Care is available after classes as well, until Care ends at 6 p.m. Parents sign up for Class to Care only on those days you actually need it. To participate in After School or Class-to-Care, please contact Community Education Specialist Cassiana Castilho-Lima at 734-424-4180, extension 1301. All registration forms must be on file prior to start date. NO-SCHOOL DAY PROGRAMS Community Education offers child care on the district’s scheduled no school days. When school is not in session for either a half or full day, child care is available for Young Fives through the sixth grade. Age appropriate activities are planned including: indoor or outdoor group games, off-site field trips, in-house presentations, craft projects, movies and lots of other fun! The program is located at Wylie School. Half day participants from Bates and Cornerstone will be escorted to Wylie by Care Staff. Creekside students ride the bus to the hub and walk around to the Wylie entrance. On full days, all students should be dropped off at Wylie. If your student is not already enrolled in After Care, or has not already enrolled in one of the no school day programs since this school year began, go to the homepage, click on Download CARE forms and complete/return pages 6-8. Please submit forms for each child. Space is limited. We recommend early registration. REGISTRATION: Go to our Registration page, and click on the Child Care tab to select program dates. Additional forms are required (Child Info Record & Health Form) if your child is not currently registered with our Child Care Program. If a trip is planned a Student Trip Permission Form is also required. All forms can be found on our website (www. under Departments/Community Education. Fill out one form for each child. REGISTRATION DEADLINES: Registration forms & applicable paperwork must be received one week prior to date of program. Late registrations accepted on a space available basis. Location: Wylie Classroom 216. Fee: $30/half day, $60/full day • • • • M 10/31 W 11/9 Th 11/10 F 11/11 half day half day half day full day YOUTH ENRICHMENT After School Theater Grades. 3-6 Director: Jenn Bachman Do you see yourself on the stage? Have you always wanted to learn what goes into putting on a play? Come and join us for Theater Class! We will be learning all aspects of putting on a show, from costumes and scenery, to learning lines and blocking. We will also learn several improv games and exercises. Join us for a hands on experience in the theater. The last class will include a show for parents! Eight weeks. Location: Wylie Room 503. Fee: $65 F 9/16-11/4 3:15pm-4:30pm #3027-F16 Homeschool art connection Ages 8-12 and 13+ Instructor: Jinelle Sherry (see bio on p. 9) Explore the great artists and new techniques and mediums in this foundational art class. A short history of artists and styles are presented in a fun, easy to understand format, and includes a guided project to take home. Four-week class. No class 11/11. Location: Wylie Pool Lobby. Fee: $100 Ages 8-12 F 9/23-10/14 10:00am-11:30am #3030-F161 Ages 13+ F 10/21-11/18 10:00am-11:30am #3030-F162 12:00pm-6:00pm 12:00pm-6:00pm 12:00pm-6:00pm 8:00am-6:00pm #SPD-Oct31 #SPD-Nov9 #SPD-Nov10 #SPD-Nov11 8 YOUTH ENRICHMENT BRICKS 4 KIDZ Grades K-2 Architecture 101 If you’ve ever gazed up at a sky scraper and wondered how those towering structures stay upright, or driven across a bridge and marveled at the engineering required to hold the weight of so many vehicles, or asked yourself “why does the Leaning Tower of Pisa lean?” then you will love this unit. We’ll explore the architecture and engineering fundamentals behind some well-known structures such as Dubai’s Burj Khalifa tower and San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge. Participants will put their building skills to test as we transform common LEGO Bricks into architectural wonders. Maybe they will be inspired to design their own amazing buildings someday! Five-week class. Fee: $70 Tuesdays at Cornerstone, Room 19 9/20-10/18 3:15pm-4:15pm #3009-F161 Thursdays at Bates, Room 213 9/22-10/20 3:15pm-4:15pm #3009-F163 IMPORTANT REGISTRATION INFO: Grades K-2 and Grades 3-4 Instructor: Mad Science Join Mad Science of Detroit in some Dynamic Discoveries this fall! Fun, hands-on experiments and exciting take-homes will introduce your child to a world of icy experiments, super security systems, out of this world space travel and more! This fall’s BRICKS 4 KIDZ topics include: Watts Up, Magnetic Magic, Science of Grades 3-5 Security, Dry Ice Capades, Glow Show and Planets Remote Control and LEGOs Participants will learn to build things that move using & Moons. Six Weeks. Fee: $100 LEGO wireless remote controls. Each class will build fascinating and challenging LEGO vehicles, Bates (K-2) Room 211 #3004-F161 inventions, and machines. This learning will translate Tu 9/27-11/1 3:15pm-4:15pm into understanding how these basic engineering Cornerstone (K-2) Room 20 #3004-F162 principles work in our everyday life. Five-week W 9/28-11/2 3:15pm-4:15pm Wylie (3-4) Room 501 class. Fee: $70 Th 9/29-11/3 3:15pm-4:15pm #3004-F163 Please register early. Classes fill on a first come, first served basis. Wednesdays at Wylie, Room 407 9/21-10/19 3:15pm-4:15pm #3009-F162 USA Landmarks Pack your LEGO® bags for a virtual vacation to some of our nation’s famous buildings. This fiveweek tour will take us from Washington, D.C. to the lighthouses that dot our coastlines, from New York City to the Kennedy Space Center. We’ll build some familiar landmarks using common 2x2 and 2x4 bricks and discover some not-so familiar facts about what makes each site special. No class 11/23. Five-week class. Fee: $70 Amazing Animals of the World We share the world with animals. If you want to learn about the weird but true, wild and wacky, gross and yucky, then this LEGO class is for you! We will discover the zany biology of our animal friends. Each class we’ll explore fascinating facts about the animal kingdom, focusing on a “creature of the day”. Build a different animal model each class and fill your very own “Animal Grossology” booklet with crazy and cool facts you learn, complete with a picture of each model, to become a certified Bricks 4 Kidz Grossologist! Five-week class. No class 11/24. Fee: $70 Tuesdays at Bates, Room 215 11/15-12/13 3:15pm-4:15pm #3009-F164 Wednesdays at Cornerstone, Room 21 11/16-12/21 3:15pm-4:15pm #3009-F165 Thursdays at Wylie, Room 409 11/17-12/22 3:15pm-4:15pm #3009-F166 Did you know THAT community Education offerS NEED-BASED STUDENT scholarships? Details on p. 3 of this catalog. Application IS online MAD SCIENCE child and BABYSITTER safety CLASS - CABS Age: 11 and older (boys and girls) Instructor: Amy Ticknor Get ready to babysit! Students will develop skills in leadership, safety, basic care, first aid, and professionalism.To enroll, students must be at least 11 years old by class start date. Must attend both days for certification. Students may bring snack to class. 2-class course. Fee: $95 Location: Creekside Room 211 W 10/5 & 10/12 3:15pm-6:00pm #3006-F161 FIRST LEGO League Team Grades 4-8, Ages 9-14 Imaginative thinking and teamwork build tomorrow’s innovators! With adult coaches to guide them, FIRST® LEGO® League teams (up to 10 members) apply imaginative science, engineering, and math concepts, to develop solutions to real-world challenges. They also design, build, and program LEGO MINDSTORMS®-based robots to perform autonomous “missions” on a playing field. Along the way, they develop critical thinking, team-building, and presentation skills. Get ready. Get set. Roar! In the 2016 FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge, more than 28,000 teams of students age 9 to 14 will look into the eyes of our ANIMAL ALLIES. What might become possible when we learn to help each other? Open House: Organizers are trying to schedule a meeting for potential participants and their parents before school begins. Date/time of the meeting will be posted when scheduled. Location: Creekside Room 101. Fee: $115, Includes t-shirt. W 9/14-3/29/17 3:15pm-4:45pm Check online for most up-to-date info! #3034-F16 9 YOUTH ENRICHMENT ARTS & CRAFTS CLUB Grades: K-3, 3-4, 5-6 Instructor Jinelle Sherry has been teaching art for many years and enjoys working with and inspiring kids (and adults!) to create. She enjoyed teaching many of our Dexter students during the summer art camp and has taught under the children’s tent at the Dexter Plein Air Art Festival since 2013. Jinelle has also taught for Young Rembrandts of Ann Arbor. Explore new art techniques and new mediums in this fun-filled, after school art club! We’ll enjoy a different mixed media art/craft project each week. Students may bring a snack and water bottle. Fourweek session. Fee: $80 K-3 at Cornerstone Art Room M 9/19-10/10 3:15pm-4:45pm Gr. 3-4 at Wylie Pool Lobby W 9/21-10/12 3:15pm-4:45pm Gr. 5-6 at Wylie Pool Lobby F 9/23-10/14 3:15pm-4:45pm #3031-F161 #3031-F162 #3031-F163 SCARECROW SNOWMAN PALLET SIGN CRAFT Ages 13 and up Instructor: Jinelle Sherry (see bio above) Make and take home a reversible Scarecrow Snowman pallet sign for your entryway or porch. Sign up with a friend for a fun “crafternoon”! All supplies, instruction and a special treat from the Dexter Bakery are included. Location: Wylie Pool Lobby. Fee: $65 Sa 10/1 3:00pm-5:30pm Instructor: Gina Benson Students will learn basic kitchen skills while trying out simple new recipes. This is a hands on cooking class. We will be making snacks like banana bread muffins and simple meals like spaghetti pizza casserole. All ingredients are included. Students will bring home a sample and recipe each week. Four-week class. Please indicate any food allergies at time of registration. Location: Wylie Room 515. Fee: $75 9/21-10/12 3:15pm-4:30pm Ages 7-12 Instructor: Hope Vestergaard After school art workshops for students The fee includes materials. Students may bring a snack and water bottle. Each workshop priced separately. Location: Wylie Pool Lobby. Fee for each: $20 Journal Workshop: customize your very own writing or art journal with artwork, tabs, and prompts! Th 9/22 3:15pm-5:00pm #3024-F161 Fairy Door Workshop: Decorate your own Fairy Door with paint, trinkets, and other items! Tu 10/25 3:15pm-5:00pm #3024-F162 Decorative Birdhouse Workshop: Paint, decoupage, trim, and decorate a small wooden birdhouse for display! W 11/16 3:15pm-5:00pm #3024-F163 Please see p. 13 for the MOther-Son Jersey Jam! --------MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THE 2017 DAddy-Daughter DAnce: February 25, 2017! #3032-F16 Cooking with kids W Make it! Take it! #3025-F161 Cooking with kids - holiday treats Grades. 3-8 Instructor: Gina Benson This “one and done” class will get your child ready for filling cookie trays. We will be making fudge, frosted sugar cookies, corn flake wreaths and sandwich cookie truffles. All materials included. Students will take home recipes and a sampling plate of treats. Please indicate any food allergies at time of registration. Location: Creekside Room 211. Fee: $30 Sa 12/3 9:00am-12:00pm #3026-F16 paint with ruby talula studio Grades 7-12 Instructor: Jinelle Sherry (see bio at top left) Explore acrylic, watercolor and oil paints on canvas and watercolor paper. A new painting each week! A set of paints and brushes included in cost. Six sessions. Location: DHS Commons. Fee: $100 Sa 10/1-11/5 12pm-2:00pm #3033-F16 COOKIES & CANVAS Ages 5-15 The Cookies and Canvas franchise offers guided painting classes that help participants learn techniques and gain confidence while producing a finished 11 x 14 canvas painting that is ready to display. You can follow their suggestions exactly, or use them merely as guides and create your very own, unique masterpiece. Original paintings are a great way to decorate your home and make delightful gifts for family and friends. A blank canvas can be intimidating -- but this fun, social approach brings out the artist in everyone. Two sessions: one for kids only, and another for kids with their favorite adult. Each event will include a different painting subject. We provide all painting supplies as well as a small treat. Please wear clothes that can get messy! Fee for kids-only: $35 per participant. Fee: $65 for parent-child, $25 for additional children w/same parent. Kids Only (Afterschool) F 10/7 3:15pm-5:15pm #4015-F161 Location: Wylie Cafeteria Parent-Child Night Out F 12/2 6:30pm-8:30pm #4015-F162 Location: Cornerstone Cafeteria Gingerbread house party Grades. 3-6 Instructor: Jinelle Sherry (see bio at top left) Make your own gingerbread house at our Gingerbread House Party! We’ll use grahams, gumdrops, candy canes, licorice, marshmallows, cotton candy and lots of other sweet treats to build, then decorate our candy houses. A fresh veggie and real gingerbread cookie snack will be provided. Location: Wylie Pool Lobby. Fee: $35 M 11/28 3:15pm-4:45pm $35 #3028-F16 10 YOUTH SPORTS & RECREATION kaizen karate Ages: 6-12+ Instructor: Master Lockman Black Belt Academy Educational and entertaining! Martial arts skills are paired with life skills to enhance development and confidence. Skills include discipline, fitness, memory, balance, control, coordination, and teamwork. Our academy has partnered with Dr. Robyn Silverman to offer top-notch character development training in each class. This character development has been featured on a number of media broadcasts such as Good Morning America and The Today Show, due to her expertise in child and women’s psychology. 45-minute class. Two seven-week sessions. Pick Tues or Thurs (indicate day in registration notes). No class 11/15 & 11/17. Fee: $77 Location: 8110 Main St. Dexter, 48130 Tu or Th 9/6-10/20 5:45pm-6:30pm #4009-F161 Tu or Th 10/25-12/15 5:45pm-6:30pm #4009-F162 Location: 8110 Main St. Dexter, 48130 basketball LIFEGUARD TRAINING Ages 15 and up This class will cover the duties and responsibilities of a professional lifeguard. Lifeguards keep patrons safe and strive to prevent emergencies. Upon successful completion of this course (including testing), students will be eligible to work as certified lifeguards. Prerequisites must be completed successfully on the first day of class in order to proceed: • Minimum of 15 years old on 1/2/2017 • Swim 300 yards continuously. Demonstrate breath control and rhythmic breathing. • Tread water for two minutes using only legs. • Complete a deep water retrieval exercise in 13 feet of water within 1 minute and 40 seconds. New Certification: $215 (includes mask) M-Th 1/2--5 9:30am-4:30pm #8007-LG05 Recertification: $75 Th 1/5 9:30am-4:30pm Location: Dexter Community Pool Boys and Girls Grades 1-6 The Community Ed basketball program is a developmental activity designed to teach basic basketball skills to boys and girls in grades 1-6. The program is coordinated by Mike Bavineau, DHS Women’s Varsity Basketball Coach and the games are officiated by DHS varsity basketball players. The 8-week program is offered midJanuary through early March. The registration fee includes a t-shirt and ticket to a DHS basketball game. Volunteer parent coaches are an important part of the program. If you’re interested in coaching, please include your contact info in the registration notes. The Coordinator will contact you if you’re needed. A coaches meeting will be scheduled in November, date TBA. Fee: $100-$125. SKILLS CLINIC & EVALUATION: Saturday December 10 y Bird $100 Earl Fee Girls at Mill Creek Boys at DHS istration Grades 5-6: 8am-9:15am Grades 5-6: 8am-9:15am Reg v 30. ends No Grades 3-4: 9:30am-10:45am Grades 3-4: 9:30am-10:45am ular $125 Reg Grades 1-2: 11am-12pm Grades 1-2: 11am-12pm ation PRACTICES: one evening per week M, T, W, Th (determined by team) at Wylie Gym GAMES: Saturdays at Creekside and Mill Creek; 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/25, 3/4 REGISTRATION DEADLINE: December 15 registr 1 - 15. o fr m Dec BASKETBALL CLASS CODES Boys grades 1-2 code: #7011-F16 Boys grades 3-4 code: #7013-F16 Boys grades 5-6 code: #7015-F16 Girls grades 1-2 code: #7012-F16 Girls grades 3-4 code: #7014-F16 Girls grades 5-6: code: #7016-F16 KARATE-little ninjaS Ages: 3-5 Master Lockman Black Belt Academy Preschool girls and boys will learn about karate and social skills in a fun-filled environment: discipline, fitness, memory, balance, control, coordination, and teamwork. 45-minute class. Seven weeks. Pick Tues or Thurs (indicate day in registration notes). Fee: $77 Location: 8110 Main St. Dexter, 48130 Tu -or- Th 9/6-10/20 5:00pm-5:45pm #4010-F161 Tu -or- Th 10/25-12/15 5:00pm-5:45pm #4010-F162 FALL soccer Ages: 3-11 Instructor: Dexter Soccer Club These six-week programs give players the opportunity to work with excellent coaches to learn soccer, practice, and play games in a recreational manner. Programs emphasize fun, developmental approach. Kangaroo Kickers is for ages 3-5. The program aims to develop soccer-specific skills such as basic motor skills, balance, coordination, foot-eye coordination and ball skills. Kangaroo Kickers builds strong fundamental foundations for physical skills, teamwork and inspires confidence at a young age in a successful atmosphere where learning is fun. Dexter Academy is for ages 5-10. Training will focus on developing technical skills like First Touch, Dribbling, Passing and Receiving, Shooting and Attacking Skill Moves. The Dexter Academy program places a strong emphasis on fun, teamwork, sportsmanship and skills that are vital components of soccer. Five year olds may choose either Kangaroo Kickers or Academy. Dress for the weather. Bring shinguards, size 3 soccer ball, soccer shoes or sneakers, and a water bottle. All Fall Soccer is at Dexter High School Varsity practice field west. Kangaroo Kickers (Sat only) $60 Sat 9/17-10/22 9:00-9:45am #7001-F16 Dexter Academy Players practice Monday or Wednesday 5-6pm plus have games on Saturdays at 10am or 11am. Six weeks. Dexter Academy (M or W plus Sat games) $125 M 9/12-10/17 5:00pm-6:00pm #7002-F161 W 9/14-10/19 5:00pm-6:00pm #7002-F162 YOUTH SPORTS & RECREATION cross country GRADES 3-6 Instructor: Sandra Sloan This program provides an opportunity for your child to stay active and fit. Students will learn the basics of running for fitness and working toward distance, and will advance according to their ability. Each class will begin with stretching, then walking, jogging, and running. The program will improve stamina, physical fitness, and self-esteem. Studies have shown that physical activity helps the brain function. Students should bring water bottle and snack. FIELD HOCKEY Girls Grades 3-4 Coordinator: Keely Tamer Dexter Community Education offers field hockey for girls in 3rd & 4th grade in the fall and spring. Learn skills: dribbling, passing, receiving and team concepts. Teamwork is emphasized. Parents are responsible for providing a stick, shin guards, mouth guard for practice and games. Field hockey sticks and shin guards available to borrow on a short-term basis. We play in light rain. Practice once a week tentatively scheduled for Tuesdays 5:00-6:15p. Games are scheduled on Saturdays at the Cornerstone Field Hockey Field, starting at 9am or later. Players must wear a sleeveless reversible maroon and white jersey. Fee options include with jersey or without. If you’re ordering a jersey, please order one large enough to wear over warm clothing when necessary. Fee: $75 w/jersey, $60 w/out jersey Location: Cornerstone Elementary Fields T 9/6-10/25 5:00pm-6:15pm #7017-F16 For more information on the Dexter Field Hockey program, visit dextercomedfh/ Did you know THAT community Education offerS NEED-BASED STUDENT scholarships? Details on p. 3 of this catalog. Application IS online Creekside students will take the shuttle over to the bus hub at Wylie. If class is canceled due to weather, students will be sent home. Please be sure your child knows what to do if/when class is cancelled due to weather. Class cancellation decisions are made by 2:30 and announced at school and by email. After class pick up will be behind Wylie in the bus hub off Dan Hoey. A race is included in your fee this fall: The Super Hero 5K will be held at Hudson Mills Metro Park, on October 23th, at 2pm. A Super Hero shirt will be provided at the race. Location: Wylie Room 516. Fee: $65 M 9/19-10/24 3:15pm-4:30pm #4005-F16 DEXTER YOUTH Football League flag football Grades 1-6 Instructor:DYFL coaches and DCS football staff Learn the basics of offense and defense in a fun, active setting. Flag Football games will be held on Saturdays, beginning September 17, 2016. Exact dates and times to be announced. Location: Creekside. Fee: $125 Sa 9/17-10/29 9:00am-12:00pm #7041-F16 11 TRAVEL FIELD HOCKEY Grades 5-6, 7-8 Coordinator: Keely Tamer Field Hockey for girls in grades 5 and 6 will be a travel team competing primarily in the Ann Arbor Rec League. Practices are guaranteed to be one time per week but will have extra practices during the season. Practices will be held on the Cornerstone Field Hockey Field. Games will be on weekends and held in Ann Arbor. Parents must provide stick, mouth guard, shin guards, cleats and transportation. For new players sticks and shin guards can be borrowed on a short term basis. Practice Schedule: Weekly practice tentatively scheduled for 5:00-6:30p on Mondays with the extra practice to be 5:00-6:30p on Wednesdays. Practice begins Wed Sept 7 at 5:00p. Fee: $190 Location: Cornerstone Elementary Fields Gr. 5-6 Th 9/7-10/26 5:00pm-6:30pm #7021-F16 Field Hockey for the Fall season for girls in Middle School grades 7 and 8 is a travel sport. Practices are scheduled 3:30-5:30p, Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, at the Cornerstone Field Hockey Field. Practice begins the week of Aug 22. Games are scheduled in September and October, with the schedule posted by August 1 on the DCE field hockey website: https://www.sites. Most games are within Washtenaw County with a few exceptions. Equipment: Parents are responsible for stick, mouth guard, solid black skirt, shin guards and cleats. Parents are also responsible for transportation to and from games. Carpooling has been a common practice in the past. For new players, sticks and shin guards are available to borrow on a short-term basis. Registration fee includes jersey, which will be distributed before the first game. Fee: $190 Location: Cornerstone Elementary Fields Gr. 7-8 8/24-10/20 3:30pm-5:30pm #7022-F16 INFO FOR ALL TRAVEL FIELD HOCKEY Registration deadline is August 15. Late registrations may be accepted if space allows, but the fee will not be discounted. Further details at dextercomedfh/ For more information, please contact Field Hockey Coordinator, Keely Tamer at 12 youth RECREATION & SPORTS BALLET FOR SPORTS Age: 8+ Instructor: Rhonda Kendzicky, Member National Cecchetti Council of America Skaters, gymnasts, and athletes of all kinds will benefit from this basic ballet class. Improve strength, coordination, muscle control, balance, flexibility, musicality, and quality of movement through ballet barre, stretching and conditioning exercises, and stationary and traveling movements. No experience necessary. Two semesters offered. On the last day of the first semester, students will present a mini holiday performance. There is an optional recital at the end of the second semester each year. A costume fee for the recital is extra. No experience necessary. Thirty-minute class. Twelve weeks. No class 11/22. Location: Bates Gym. Fee: $140 Tu 9/20-12/13 4:15pm-4:45pm #4003-F161 Creative DANCE Age: 3-4 Instructor: Rhonda Kendzicky, Member National Cecchetti Council of America Preschool girls and boys will learn about dance and movement through play. Run, jump, turn, gallop and have fun while enjoying music, improving coordination, and developing social skills. Two semesters offered. On the last day of the first semester, students will present a mini holiday performance. There is an optional recital at the end of the second semester each year. A costume fee for the recital is extra. Thirty-minute class. Twelve weeks. No class 11/22. Location: Bates Gym. Fee: $140 Tu 9/20-12/13 3:45pm-4:15pm #4002-F161 ballet & JAZZ Ages: 5-8 Instructor: Rhonda Kendzicky, Member National Cecchetti Council of America This class is for new and returning students. Learn and improve basic ballet positions and movements with center “barre” and explore some quicker jazz steps such as pivots, jumps, and turns with more upbeat music. Dance is a great way to improve strength, balance and coordination for all sports. Two semesters offered. On the last day of the first semester, students will present a mini holiday performance. There is an optional recital at the end of the second semester each year. A costume fee for the recital is extra. Twelve weeks. Thirty -minute class. No class 11/22. Location: Bates Gym. Fee: $140 Tu 9/20-12/13 3:15pm-3:45pm #4001-F161 VOLLEYBALL Baton twirling Instructor: Jenney Gordon Ages: 5 and up Learn and practice baton twirling skills and routines set to fun music. Improve hand-eye coordination, improved flexibility and learn to twirl as a team. Note: Requires baton which may be purchased ($12-$27) at first class. Two sessions. Location: Wylie Gym. Session 1 - Six weeks - $50 Tu 9/20-10/25 3:15pm-4:15pm Session 2 - Seven weeks - $58 Tu 11/1-12/13 3:15pm-4:15pm #4004-F161 #4004-F162 Grades: 3-6 Instructor: Angie Scott, DHS Coach Suitable for new or returning players and is a great opportunity to begin playing volleyball or improve your passing, setting and serving skills. Students will be evaluated and grouped according to skill level. Each week will include drills and games in a fun, relaxed atmosphere. Participants should wear court shoes and comfortable clothing. Creekside students should ride the bus to the bus hub and walk to the Wylie front entrance. Location: Wylie Gym. Fee: $75 Th 9/22-10/27 3:15pm-4:45pm #7037-F16 New! winter sports camp Grades: K-6 Instructors: DHS Varsity Sports Coaches and Players Join us during the 2nd week of the holiday break for a new camp led by the DHS varsity sports teams and their coaches, including basketball, field hockey, soccer, volleyball and more. Each team will teach the basic skills required to play their sport and organize games for the participants. This will be sold as a four-day camp only. Hours of operation will be 9am-3pm, Tuesday - Friday. Before and/or after camp care will be sold separately. Camp fee includes a t-shirt. Lunch provided on Friday. Campers should pack a lunch Tuesday-Thursday and bring a water bottle and snack each day. Space is limited. Location: Wylie Gym Course # 4038-F16 Tu-F 1/3-1/6/2017 Camp: 9:am-3pm, $175; Before Camp: 7:30-9am, $15; After Camp: 3pm-6pm, $30 GIRLS LACROSSE CLINICS Instructor: DHS Varsity Players and Coaches Grades: 5-6, 7-8 Preseason clinics for new or experienced players to learn the game, improve skills and get in shape for the playing season. Participants will practice cradling, passing, catching and shooting and play some games. Girls will be grouped by age and ability. Equipment needed: stick and goggles. Mouth guards are recommended. Some equipment available to loan. Three separate dates offered. You may register for any or all of them. Location: Al Ritt Field . Fee: $20 Sunday Sept. 11 Grades 5-6 7:00pm-8:30pm Grades 7-8 7:00pm-8:30pm #7047-F161 #7047-F162 Sunday Sept. 25 Grades 5-6 7:00pm-8:30pm Grades 7-8 7:00pm-8:30pm #7047-F163 #7047-F164 Sunday Oct.9 Grades 5-6 7:00pm-8:30pm Grades 7-8 7:00pm-8:30pm #7047-F165 #7047-F166 afterschool kickball Grades: K-2, 3-4 Instructor: Community Education Staff Afterschool kickball. Come and play! Stay fit, develop coordination, and learn social skills. Our instructor walks students from their building to the Field of Champions (by bus loop). Parents pick up at the field— feel free to join us! Students should bring water bottle and a light snack. Four-week program. Location: Field of Champions behind Wylie. Parents may park at bus hub after buses have left; enter drive off of Dan Hoey Rd. Fee: $35 Wylie (3-4) Tu 9/20-10/11 3:15pm-4:30pm Bates (K-2) W 9/21-10/12 3:15pm-4:30pm Cornerstone (K-2) W 9/22-10/13 3:15pm-4:30pm #4013-F161 #4013-F162 #4013-F163 SPECIAL EVENTS 13 JUNIOR CHEERLEADING CLINIC JUNIOR DANCE CLINIC Boys and Girls Grades K-6 Instructor: DHS Varsity Cheer Team Students will work with the Dexter High School Varsity Cheerleaders to learn a dance, cheer, and many chants, and will perform at a DHS home football game. Performance will be during the first quarter of the game with the varsity cheerleaders. Junior Cheerleaders should wear the junior cheer t-shirts, which will get them free admission to the game. Other family members will be charged usual admission.Two practices, one performance. Registration includes a t-shirt. Fee: $50. Course code: #4016-F16 Boys and Girls Grades K-6 Instructor: DHS Varsity Dance/Pom Team Learn basic dance/pom techniques (leaps, turns, and kicks) and a short routine taught by the DHS Varsity Dance/Pom Team under the supervision of the Team Coach. Participants will perform during halftime at a DHS home game. Participants should wear their junior dance t-shirts, which will get them free admission to the game. Family members pay regular admission. Two practices, one performance. Registration includes a t-shirt. Fee: $50. Course code: #4017-F16 Practices Tuesday 10/11 & Thursday 10/13 6:00pm-8:00pm at Dexter High School Cafeteria Performance Friday 10/14 during first quarter (game starts at 7:00pm) at Al Ritt Field Practices Tuesday 9/13 & Thursday 9/15 6:30pm-8:00pm at Mill Creek Cafeteria Performance Friday 9/16 at halftime (game starts at 7:00pm) at Al Ritt Field MOTHER-SON JERSEY JAM Saturday, November 19, 2016 6:00-8:30pm Creekside School OurThird Annual Mother-Son Dance will happen on Saturday November 19, 2015, in the Creekside cafeteria and gym. This was a popular event last year, so PLEASE register early. Registration for this event will close when maximum capacity has been reached, or November 11th, whichever comes first. Mothers and sons will wear their favorite sports team jersey or sports team gear. Aaron Helber, our fantastic DJ will play your favorite jams to dance to and we’ll provide several sportsrelated activities, refreshments and more. Professional photographers from Ideal Photo will be on-site to take Mother Son pictures for an additional fee. The doors will open at 5:45p. The event is offered 6 - 8:30pm. Please wear rubber soled, non-marking shoes. ADVANCED REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED! Son & Mom/Escort $30 Additional Son $5 #4014-F16 14 ADULT RECREATION YOGA CLASSES Instructor: Kimberly Purnell Anusara-Inspired E-RYT, 200, RYT, 500 GENTLE YOGA LIFEGUARD TRAINING Ages 15 and up This class will cover the duties and responsibilities of a professional lifeguard. Lifeguards keep patrons safe and strive to prevent emergencies. Upon successful completion of this course (including testing), students will be eligible to work as certified lifeguards. Prerequisites must be completed successfully on the first day of class in order to proceed: • Minimum of 15 years old on 1/2/2017 • Swim 300 yards continuously. Demonstrate breath control and rhythmic breathing. • Tread water for two minutes using only legs. • Complete a deep water retrieval exercise in 13 feet of water within 1 minute and 40 seconds. New Certification: $215 (includes mask) M-Th 1/2--5 9:30am-4:30pm #8007-LG05 Recertification: $75 Th 1/5 9:30am-4:30pm Location: Dexter Community Pool Excellent for beginning students, or those looking for a very mellow class. Slow-paced and instructive. Relax and renew with steady and conscious transitions. The use of chairs and props make this class accessible to most students. Bring mat to class, other props provided by instructor. No class 11/22. Location: Cornerstone Gym Session 1 - 8 weeks - Fee: $100 Tu 9/6-10/25 6:45pm-7:45pm Session 2 - 7 weeks - Fee: $88 Tu 11/1-12/20 6:45pm-7:45pm #2001-F161 #2001-F162 YOGA for any “body” LEVEL Experience the profoundly therapeutic and deeply strengthening Universal Principles of Alignment of Anusara Yoga. Level I is for all new students. Level II is for those who have yoga experience and who are looking to refine or go deeper into their practice. Bring mat to class. Two sessions and multiple levels available. No class 11/22 & 11/24. Location: Cornerstone Gym. Fees below. Session 1: Fee $100 (8 weeks) @Cornerstone Tu (level II) 9/6-10/25 5:45pm-6:45pm #2002-F161 Th (level I) 9/8-10/27 6:00pm-7:00pm #2002-F162 Session 2: Fee $88 (7 weeks) @Cornerstone Tu (level II) 11/1-12/20 5:45pm-6:45pm #2002-F163 Th (level I) 11/3-12/22 6:00pm-7:00pm #2002-F164 POOL RENTALS AND PARTIES: See P. 17 FOR DETAILS! yogilates Instructor: Kathy Metta This class is a blend of yoga, Pilates, and fitness conditioning that develops strength, balance, and flexibility. Participants also increase stamina, mental focus, and overall body tone. Busy people love this class as they can enjoy the benefits of both yoga and Pilates. All fitness levels are welcome. Please bring a yoga mat to class. Two sessions available. No class 11/23. Location: Bates Gym. Fees below. Session 1 - 8 weeks - Fee $80 W 9/7-10/26 7:45pm-8:45pm Session 2 - 7 weeks - Fee $70 W 11/2-12/21 7:45pm-8:45pm #2004-F161 #2004-F162 LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! We post schedule updates, class information, event photos, and other news on our Facebook Page. Search for “Dexter Community Education.” Check online for most up-to-date info! ADULT RECREATION zumba Instructor: Karin Rapp Zumba eliminates the “work” from working out by combining amazing irresistible Latin and international music with dynamic yet simple exercise moves using their unique intermittent training format. The secret behind Zumba is how the engaging moves motivate the body to efficiently burn calories, effectively tone muscle groups, incorporate full range of motion, and improve cardiovascular system. Once or twice weekly options: indicate which day during registration. No class 11/22 and 11/24. Session 1: Fee: $70/twice or $40/once weekly Tu,Th 9/13-10/27 6:30pm-7:30pm #2005-F161 Location: Cornerstone Cafeteria Session 2: Fee $70/twice or $40/once weekly Tu,Th 11/1-12/22 6:30pm-7:30pm #2005-F162 Location: Cornerstone Cafeteria MEN’S REC BASKETBALL Coordinator: Nate East Grab your shoes and come to the gym for pick-up games organized each week with no referees. A great way to keep active and fit. Must pre-register, no drop-ins allowed. Bring a white shirt and a dark shirt each week. Two seven-week sessions. No class 11/23. Fee: $49 Session 1 W 9/14-10/26 8:00pm-9:30pm Location: Creekside Gym Session 2 W 11/2-12/21 8:00pm-9:30pm Location: Mill Creek Gym #2008-F161 15 ADULT kaizen karate-DO FITNESS KICKBOXING ROCKS Our system provides the most effective martial arts system for today’s modern society that is easy to learn - yet provides a complete health system for both body and mind. 1-hour class. Choose Tues OR Thurs. Nine weeks. No class 11/15 & 11/17. Fee: $77 Develop muscle tone while punching and kicking the bags for some resistance training. Participants will also benefit from a few strengthening exercises toward the end of each class. Finally, the class will finish with a yoga-style cool down stretch that will decrease soreness, increase flexibility, and tone muscles. Two seven-week sessions. No class 11/15 & 11/17. Fee: $70 Instructor: Master Lockman Black Belt Academy Our Adult classes are based on our instructors certifications and experience in several martial arts including Choi Kwang-Do, Tae Kwon Do and Brazilian Jui-Jitsu. Our style of teaching is an exciting and innovative approach to martial arts that combines all of the positive aspects of traditional martial arts such as character development and positive mental attitude - with a training system that is pure innovation! T or Th 9/6-10/20 6:30pm-7:30pm #2009-F161 T or Th 10/25-12/15 6:30pm-7:30pm #2009-F162 Location: 8110 Main St. Dexter, 48130 Instructor: Master Lockman This aerobic style kickboxing is an absolute must for anyone looking to mix up his or her workout routine. All of the punches, kicks, and strikes that you will receive personal instruction for, will be utilized to get a total-body workout. Use full range of your entire body while performing the different techniques and routines in this heart-pumping workout. T, Th 9/6-10/20 7:15pm-8:15pm T, Th 10/25-12/15 7:15pm-8:15pm #2015-F161 #2015-F162 Location: Master Lockman’s Black Belt Academy, 8110 Main Street Dexter MI 48130 PLEASE REGISTER EARLY. Registration closes when class is full or one week prior to start date. #2008-F162 ADULT REC VOLLEYBALL Looking to play some volleyball on the weekend? Come to the gym for a couple of hours of pickup volleyball and great exercise to start off your Saturday. For intermediate level players and above. Must register in advance. No drop-ins allowed. No class 11/26. First Session: seven weeks. Fee: $56 Second Session: six weeks. Fee $48 Session 1 Sa 9/10-10/22 10:00am-12:30pm #2017-F161 Location: Wylie Gym Session 2 Sa 11/5-12/17 10:00am-12:30pm #2017-F162 Location: Wylie Gym WoMEN’S REC BASKETBALL Coordinator: Alison Bishop Make a standing date to come to the gym for loosely organized, no referee pick-up games. Must pre-register, no drop-ins allowed. First Session: six weeks. Fee: $42 Second Session: seven weeks. Fee $49 Session 1 M 9/19-10/24 8:00pm-9:30pm #2007-F161 Location: Creekside Gym Session 2 M 11/7-12/19 8:00pm-9:30pm #2007-F162 Location: Mill Creek Gym COMMANDO KRAV MAGA Instructor: Art Joslin Commando Krav Maga (CKM) prepares you for the unexpected with self defense techniques that can be utilized effectively under pressure, including weapon disarming, knife defense, ground survival, striking and more! CKM is not a traditional or sports based mixed martial art. CKM is designed primarily for self defense street survival where there are no competition rules or regulations. This program is coed and open to ages 14 and up. Two seven-week sessions available. Fee: $70 Location: Cornerstone Elementary School Gym Session 1 M 9/12-10/24 7:00pm-8:30pm Session 2 M 11/7-12/19 7:00pm-8:30pm #2016-F161 #2016-F162 16 adult enrichment DOG OBEDIENCE BASIC PLEASE REGISTER EARLY. Registration closes HUNTER SAFETY CLASS when class is full A hunter safety week certificateprior is required or one toif you were born after January 1, 1960 and start date. want to purchase a Michigan hunting license, are planning an out-of-state hunting trip or interested in joining the DHS Clay Target League. The online portion of the course is available on the DNR website Study the course material and pay $24.50 once you’ve passed. Print a copy of your certificate and bring it with you on Field Day. After that, register and pay $10 to Community Ed for the field day instruction. Pick up instructional material at the Community Ed office, 3060 Kensington. Firearms are provided on field day. Do not bring your gun to the class. Bring a sack lunch and beverage or purchase lunch on your own. Field Day Schedule Morning session at Creekside School cafeteria: 2615 Baker Road in Dexter. Afternoon session at Ann Arbor Moose Sportsman’s League, 10101 N. Territorial Road in Dexter. Breaks every hour: 8:30 - 11:30 instruction and review 11:30-12:30 test 12:30-1:30 lunch on your own 1:30-4:30 or 5:00 at the range Instructor: Jeremy Montange Discover proven methods to deal with issues such as separation anxiety, aggression, fear and defiance. Class focuses on basic obedience and socialization. Caters to dogs 12 weeks to 12 years old. Upon completion, your dog will walk beside you, sit when you stop walking, complete two-minute sit-stay, lie down on own and stay for three minutes, and come when called. Include in notes at registration checkout dog’s breed, age, and name. Bring correctly fitting training collar to class (depends on dog, will be discussed at first class). Dog owner should be 14 years or older. Kennel cough and bordatella vaccines recommended. Fee: $100 Location: Creekside Room 310 Session 1: Six classes M 9/12-10/17 6:00pm-7:00pm Session 2: Six classes M 11/7-12/12 6:00pm-7:00pm #1010-F161 #1010-F162 DOG OBEDIENCE INTERMEDIATE Instructor: Jeremy Montange For dogs who have passed Basic Obedience. Gain your dog’s respect and control him/her in social settings. Review the basics and learn new commands: down from the side, down in motion, sit from a down place, and time permitting, some off-lead training. Please include in notes at registration checkout dog’s breed, age and name. Bring correctly fitting training collar to class (depends on dog). Dog owner should be 14 years or older. Kennel cough and bordatella vaccines recommended. Bring correctly fitting training collar to class. Fee: $100 Location: Creekside Room 310 Session 1: Six classes M 9/12-10/17 7:15pm-8:15pm Session 2: Six classes M 11/7-12/12 7:15pm-8:15pm #1011-F161 TEACH A CLASS FOR COMMUNITY ED! We ARE ALWAYS LOOKING FOR NEW COURSE CONTENT, AS WELL AS EXPERIENCED SWIM INSTRUCTORS. PROPOSE AN AFTERSCHOOL CLASS FOR STUDENTS OR AN EVENING/WEEKEND CLASS FOR ADULTS. PROPOSAL FORM IS ON OUR WEBSITE. HAVE FURTHER QUESTIONS? CONTACT JON KEITH, PROGRAM COORDINATOR 424-4180 ext. 1302 #1011-F162 Sunday, 9/18 8:30am-5:00pm Course code: #3005-F16 Check online for most up-to-date info! FACILITY RENTALS 17 RENTING DCS FACILITIES THEATER RENTALS Outside of regular school hours, DCS school buildings and grounds facilities are available for public use. The Community Education Office handles all facility reservations: classerooms, gyms, cafeterias, media centers, sport fields, playgrounds, pools, and parking outside of school hours. Centralized booking enables us to ensure all programs have the space/support they need and allows us to maximize facility usage. Dexter Community Schools has an outstanding theater available for rent when not in use by school groups: • The Dexter Center for the Performing Arts (CPA)* at DHS is appropriate for conventions, conferences, concerts, theatrical productions, and large meetings. Seats 826 • The CPA is generally available from Sept-Mid-June M-F from 3pm-10pm; Sat/Sun 7am-10pm; summer 7am-10pm daily. How do I reserve a facility for my activity? On our home page, click the Facility Use Forms and Guidelines link in the left side menu. Use the Facility Calendar tab at the top of the page to first check to see if the space you need is available. (Filter by building or type of space for easier browsing). Fill out the appropriate Facility Use Form and send it in via mail, email, fax (734-426-9515), or bring it to our office. Requests must be turned in at least 15 days before the date requested: life guard and custodian/grounds crew schedules are assigned a week in advance. How much will my rental cost? Cost depends on the location, duration of the event, and whether any special services are required. Our fee schedule is posted on our website. Who has priority in making reservations? School district facilities will be reserved on a space available basis according to the following priority: 1. DCS Academic programs 2. DCS Athletic Department events 3. Community Education programs and events 4. Public Rentals: Dexter community organizations, clubs, and residents, then non-local organizations, clubs, and non-residents. • Further info and facility request forms are on our website. Effective fall, 2016: Copeland Theter is no longer available for performances. POOL PARTIES and RENTALS The Dexter Community Pool may be rented for private events for groups or individuals when not in use by school groups or Community Education. Group rental fees depend on the size of the group and space needed, contact us for more information. Open Swim Parties: $100 during existing open swim hours. Includes two hours of swimming and the use of our hospitality room. Private Parties: $180 for private parties. Includes lifeguards, two hours of swimming, and the use of our hospitality room. To request a pool party, please first check the Facility Calendar on our website for availability. Click on the Pool Information Tab and scroll to the bottom for the Pool Request Form. Submit requests no later than 2 weeks in advance to ensure that we can provide adequate staffing. SENIOR CITIZEN INFORMATION Dexter Community Education Office Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30am - 6:00pm 3060 Kensington, Dexter Michigan 48130 (in the Wylie Pool Lobby) The Dexter Senior Citizens Center is a community resource open to all seniors 55 WEEKLY SCHEDULE Phone: (734) 424-4180 Website: Fax: (734) 426-9515 years of age and older in Dexter and the surrounding areas. The Center is located Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:30am Water Workout* 9:00am Yoga 10:30am Exercise 12:00pm Beginner Dulcimer 12:30pm Pinochle 9:00am Strength Training 11:00am Conversational French 12:30pm Seated Fitness -AND- Pinochle 1:00pm Computer Club (1st & 3rd Tues.) 8:30am Water Workout* 10:30am Chair Yoga 12:00pm Monthly Birthday Party 3rd Wed. 12:30pm Board Games -AND- Pinochle 1:30pmBridge 9:00am Strength Training 9:30am Euchre 10:00am Dulcimer Group 12:30pm Scrabble - AND- Pinochle 12:30pm Needle Arts Group 1:00pm Mah Jongg 8:30am Water Workout* 10:30am Exercise 12:30pm Cards at 7720 Ann Arbor St. in the old Copeland School. Annual membership fee is $20 or you may pay a $3 daily drop-in fee. The Center is open Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 3:00 pm. The Center hosts a variety of regular activities and special programs in order to meet the needs of our seniors.Visit our website at or call 734-426-7737 for our full calendar of activities and programs. *Water Workout is held M-W-F from 8:30-9:30 a.m. at the Dexter Community Pool. Purchase a pass for Water Workout at the Community Education office located in the lobby of the Pool. Senior Nutrition Program (Ages 60 & Older) Lunch is served Monday through Friday at the Dexter Senior Center. Menus are available one month in advance and can be picked up at the center or clipped from the Dexter Senior Newsletter. The meal includes a meat or fish, vegetables or fruit, bread, potatoes, and dessert. A reservation is required one day in advance. The recommended donation for the meal is $3.00 for ages 60 and older or $5.50 for ages 55-60. This is a great opportunity to get together with friends to enjoy an inexpensive meal in a congenial atmosphere. If you or a friend or family member are currently homebound, delivered meals are also available. Community volunteers support this program with their time and kindness. For info on meals or to volunteer as a meal driver, call Wendy Smith at 734-426-7737. 18 COMMUNITY RESOURCES Athletic Booster Club of Dexter (ABCD) A community organization that supports DCS athletic teams with fundraising and community projects. Public welcome; each HS team has at least one representative on the Board. Meetings are the 3rd Wed. of every month (except July) at 7:00pm in the DHS Media Center. For more information, contact Regina Bell at DEXTER FAMILY SERVICES Provides temporary help for persons in need in the Dexter School District. Questions, call Susan Walsh at 734-426-2464. DEXTER FARM TO SCHOOL BOY SCOUTS Dexter Farm to School is a non-profit organization dedicated to connecting students to local farmers and locally produced food. DEXTER AMERICAN LEGION POST 557 Discuss Community issues; hosted by former State Rep. John Hansen and retired Circuit Court Judge Karl Fink. 1st and 3rd Sat. of each month, 8:30am at Dexter Wellness Center. For more info call John Hansen: 734- 426-3337. The Dexter Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts meet at various times and places in the Dexter area. For information call: The Boy Scouts of America, Great Sauk Trail Council at 734-971-7100. Meets at 8225 Dexter-Chelsea Road at 7:30 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month. Sons of the American Legion meets 2nd Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Contact: Larry Stalker at 734-426-8499. Auxiliary meets at 7:00 p.m. on 3rd Wednesdays of each month, except August & January. DEXTER AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE An association of area businesses whose mission is to promote business activity, improve our community and sponsor events. Office: 3074 Baker Rd, Dexter. Call 734-426-0887 or email DEXTER AREA HISTORICAL Society The Board of Directors meets monthly at the Dexter Area Museum at 3443 Inverness St. Membership Meetings are held in the spring and other times as arranged. Visit www. for calendar of events and meetings. DEXTER COMMUNITY AQUATIC CLUB (DCAC) Competitive swimming for ages up to and through high school. For information, visit or email DEXTER COMMUNITY BAND The Dexter Community Band meets Thursday nights, For questions call Karla Linkner at 734-426-2734 or email DEXTER COMMUNITY ORCHESTRA Amateur symphony orchestra performs three concerts each year. Rehearses Wednesdays from 7-9 pm at Dexter High School. For more info, call 734-726-0070 or visit DEXTER COMMUNITY PLAYERS Performing Arts group of local residents who enjoy theater. Winter and Summer productions. For more info, 734-726-0355 or visit DEXTER CO-OP NURSERY A non-profit nursery school for 3 to 5 yr. olds offering developmentally appropriate-activities and interactive play. Parents choose a level of participation that is appropriate for them or their child. 734-426-2491. DEXTER DISTRICT LIBRARY The library provides books, magazines, movies, music, internet access, meeting space, and enrichment programs for all ages. Open 7 days a week, the library is a central hub for life-long learning and reading appreciation. 734-426-4477 DEXTER FORUM FAITH IN ACTION Faith in Action is a faith-based community resource for emergency help with utilities, food, eviction prevention, clothing, and medical equipment. Call Doug or Nancy 734-426-7002 or email 7931 Grand St. Wed. 12-7 pm. FRIENDS OF DEXter DISTRICT LIBRARY Providing support to the Dexter Library. Looking for volunteers, advocacy and donations. Please contact 734-426-4477 for further information. GIRL SCOUTS DEXTER GARDEN CLUB Girl Scout troops meet at various times and places in the Dexter area. Open to any girl in grades K-12. For more info call 1-800-49-SCOUT or email DEXTER Heritage Guild A support and education group for Grandparents raising grandchildren. For more info call Christine Rockwood, 734-712-3774. Meets 2nd Tuesday of the month 7:00 p.m. at Dexter Senior Center. Find us on Facebook: search for Dexter Garden Club. For more information call 734-424-2580. GRANDPARENTS/RELATIVES AS PARENTS Meets at the Dexter Area Museum, 3443 Inverness, the 3rd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 9am to make items for the Christmas Bazaar (first Saturday of December). Profits support the Dexter Museum. New members and volunteers are welcome. 734-426-0973. LIONS CLUB DEXTER High school alumni association MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) The Association represents all Dexter graduates through activities including the annual Alumni Banquet in June. Provides assistance to Class Reunion Committees and each spring selects members of the Senior Class to receive Alumni scholarships. For more information, visit or call Jim Smith 734-426-8885. dexter Lacrosse club Programs available fall and spring. For more information call 734-426-7057 or visit DEXTER SOCCER CLUB Programs available fall, and spring for U6-HS. For more information visit DEXTER YOUTH FOOTBALL (Grades 3-8) For information call Matt Parachek, 734-426-7055 or visit DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SUPPORT GROUPS Support groups for women who are or have been in an abusive relationship. Advocacy and counseling for survivors of domestic violence. Safe House Center for domestic violence and sexual assault survivors. Online: EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION OF DEXTER Non-profit group organized in 1984 for the enrichment and benefit of students enrolled in Dexter Community Schools. Its goal is to provide financial support for innovative and creative educational projects that cannot be funded by the school district. EXCELLENCE FOR DEXTER STUDENTS Dedicated to raising sustaining support for DCS educational programs, E4DS meets the 3rd Tues of the month, 7:00 p.m. at Copeland Board Room. They’re on Facebook: E4DS Founation. Email: Fellowship and community service with an emphasis on sight conservation activities. Meets at Dapco Products cafeteria at 6:45 p.m. on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month. Email A support community for moms. Meets every other Thursday at Dexter United Methodist Church from September thru may. Child care provided. For more info call Crystal 734-353-8194 or email REBEKKAHS Meets first and third Monday of each month. Call Barbara Wing 734-662-0994 for more information. ROTARY CLUB Meets at Terry B’s, 7954 Ann Arbor St., Dexter at 7:30 a.m. every Thursday. For membership questions call John Hansen 734- 426-3337 or visit SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR Meets at the VFW Hall, 3230 S. Wagner Rd., 7:00 pm 4th Monday of the odd numbered months and May 30. For more info contact: William R. Hart at 734-662-0494 ST. ANDREWS quilting group Quilters and non-quilters who make quilts for Mott Children’s Hospital. Meets Thursdays, 9am-11am at St. Andrews United Church of Christ in the Sunday School rooms, 7610 Ann Arbor Road. Questions? Call Elaine Owsley at 734-426-4980 or email TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) Lose weight, have fun, find friends! Please come for a visit and bring a friend. Meets Wednesdays at 7 pm at the Dexter Senior Center, 7720 Ann Arbor Street. Webster Township NeiGHBORHOOD WATCH Email Ready for a SRSLY Fun Fall? Upcoming Events -Youth Meetings every other Thursday at Mill Creek Middle School -Monthly Coalition Meetings 2nd Thursday of the Month -SRSLY Kickoff Rally at DHS vs Ypsilanti Football Game- September 16 -SRSLY Week- September 26-30 -Town Hall Meeting- September 29 -What's your Anti-Drug Contest? October 2016 Check out our website for locations and dates: A community coalition established to prevent destructive behavior in Dexter youth, with support from St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea, the 5 Healthy Towns Foundation and the Drug Free Communities Support Program. Non-Profit Org. U. S. Postage PAID Permit No. 1 Dexter, MI Dexter Community Schools 7714 Ann Arbor St. Dexter, Michigan 48130 FALL 2016 REGISTRATION How to register for a class: Online: Mail: If you have taken Community Education classes before and know your password, you can register online. Log in using your email and password at: If you can’t remember or retrieve your password, call us for help. Online registrations are charged by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express. If you are new to our classes, you can set up your account online. Go to and click on “Log In/Set Up Account.” If you have questions, don’t hesitate to call us for assistance. NOTE: Registration closes when class is full or one week before class start date unless otherwise noted. After that, please call 734-424-4180 for class availability. Classes that don’t meet minimum enrollment are canceled. Complete this form and send with completed charge information, check or money order payable to Dexter Community Education to: Fax (charge only): In Person: Dexter Community Education, 3060 Kensington St., Dexter, MI 48130. Complete this form and fax to 734-426-9515; include American Express, Discover, Visa, or MasterCard information and signature. Bring this completed page to the Community Education office, located at 3060 Kensington, Dexter, in the lobby of Dexter Community Pool. Payment is required at time of registration. Phone 734-424-4180 Fax 734-426-9515 Notification: Plan to attend your first class session as scheduled in this brochure. No further notification will be given unless the class is canceled or full. Student’s Full Name (please print) Birthdate M/F Class Name Class Code Fee ____________________________ _____/______/_____ _______ _______________________________ __________ _________ ____________________________ _____/______/_____ _______ _______________________________ __________ _________ ____________________________ _____/______/_____ _______ _______________________________ __________ _________ Circle Jersey /T-shirt size (if needed) YS, YM, YL, AS, AM, AL, AXL TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:_________ Parent’s Full Name (if student above is a child) _____________________________________ Birthdate _____/_______/_____ M /F______ Additional Family Member _____________________________________ Birthdate _____/_______/_____ M /F______ Additional Family Member _____________________________________ Birthdate _____/_______/_____ M /F______ Street Address ______________________________________________ City______________________________ Zip________________ Home Phone _________________________ Work/Cell Phone_________________________ Email__________________________________ Pictures are sometimes taken in our programs and may be used in the Dexter Community Education’s promotional material ( brochures, flyers, website, etc.) Children are never identified by name. Contact our office if you would prefer your child not be photographed. I certify that I am aware of the inherent risks in the above activity, that I am/my child is physically capable of performing the normal activities related to the activity and that I assume full responsibility for accidents arising out of circumstances not under control of Dexter Community Schools and/or its agents. Participant’s signature or Parent’s signature: Date Card Expires Print Cardholder’s Name CVV number (back of card) Visa MasterCard AMEX Discover Cardholder’s Signature Dexter Community Schools guarantees access to all classes, programs, activities and services without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, marital status, handicap, origin or ancestry. Dexter Community Schools is an equal opportunity employer.