Congratulations To Our Staff - North Jacksonville Baptist Church


Congratulations To Our Staff - North Jacksonville Baptist Church
Psalm 119:37
Vol. 56, No. 8
August 2008
Dr. Herb Reavis, Jr. – Senior Pastor
2 Pastor’s Pen, 3 Special Events, 4 Preschool, 4 Children, 5 Student, 5 Singles,
6 PrimeTime, 6 Ladies, 6 Music, 7 Men, 7 Administration, 8 Calendar & Schedule
in Your Ways.”
“...and revive me
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Every August we have a month of special services to stir a spirit of
revival in our church. This August is no exception.
We will kick off our Awesome August with Rev. Steve Khoury who
will preach on Sunday night, August 3rd. Steve pastors a Baptist church
in Jerusalem, Israel. Steve is an Arab Christian from Bethlehem, Israel.
His father has for many years pastored a church in Bethlehem. Steve’s
family has endured tremendous persecution and continues to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Holy Land. Steve is passionate
about Christ and will thrill your soul with bold Bible preaching. Steve
comes to us straight from Israel which is dear to Christians and so
much in the news.
The month continues with a wonderful music group “Calling Levi.”
The group met while attending Liberty University in Lynchburg,
Virginia. God is using this group to share the Good News and lead
His people in worship in a wonderful uplifting way. Their sound is
fresh and their testimonies are uplifting. They state that their desire
is to use their musical gifts to glorify God, introduce others to Jesus
and encourage people to know the Lord through a personal growing
relationship with Him. Calling Levi will be with us in both services on
August 10th.
On August 17th our own Sanctuary Choir & Orchestra will present
a Night of Testimony and Praise during the evening worship. They will
feature some of our favorite songs as well as some new ones, along with
uplifting testimonies from our church family. You do not want to miss
this night as we lift up Jesus and are reminded of God’s great salvation
and His loving, gracious care for His children.
We will close the month on August 24th with soloist John Starnes.
John is no stranger to our church and I know he will be a blessing to
all of you. He will be with us in both services on that Sunday. John is
an amazing tenor who sings “the stars down”. He has sung all over the
world and is so well known in gospel music today. It will be a great way
to close out the month of August.
I encourage you to take part in our Awesome August as we look
forward to what our mighty God is going to do. Pray for each week
that God would be glorified, souls would be saved and the church
would be encouraged.
You are loved,
Bro. Herb
Holy Land and Jordan Trip May 11-21, 2009
Including the lost city of Petra
11 Educational and Inspiring Days Hosted by Dr. Herb Reavis Call ext. 309 for more info.
Including: Roundtrip Airfare, Deluxe Motorcoaches, First Class Hotels, Entrance Fees and more!
Visiting: Jerusalem, Sea of Galilee • Capernaum • Bethlehem • Bethsaida • Masada and more!
I am still basking in the wonderful memories and how the experience has impacted my life
in a profound way. Walking the streets where Jesus walked, standing and praying on the
Mount of Olives where Jesus prayed and sailing on the Sea of Galilee where He ‘walked
on the water’ is forever etched in my memory. My baptism in the Jordan River was the
highlight of my trip. The accommodations were great, and the food was awesome!
Thank you for bringing the ‘scripture to life’ in your teachings on this tour. - Victor Burt
Traveling to the Holy Land is life changing! The places we have studied in our Bible
are alive to us now in our memories. In the Garden of Gethsemane there is a scripture,
Matthew 26:40,41 "Could you not watch with me one hour and pray that you may not enter
into temptation.” This is the last hours of our Savior’s freedom and ultimately His life, that
He willingly gave for each of us. Now each and everyday we are watching and waiting for
the return of Jesus. Don’t miss this trip. - Scott and Gail Otto
It was amazing to follow in the footsteps of the man from Galilee; to look out over the
Sea of Galilee and envision Jesus walking on water and to stand on the Mount of Olives
overlooking the eastern gate where one day our Lord and Savior will triumphantly return.
There were so many places to visit such as the garden tomb, Golgotha and the Upper
Room. Our trip was truly a life changing experience! - Arvel and Peggy McGartlin
2 - NJBC News Vol. 56, No. 8
of Men”
Sunday School
Friday, September 5
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Dinner provided
Saturday, September 6
8:00 am – 12 pm
Breakfast provided
Guest Speaker:
Dr. Michael Spradlin
President of Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary
August 4-8
9:00 am – 12 noon
Ages 4 thru finishing
6th Grade
Register online at:
Call ext 300
Vol. 56, No. 8
NJBC News – 3
by Myra Campbell,
Director of Preschool Ministries
August 17
2 year olds
thru 6th Grade
Every summer growing up I went to Vacation Bible School. Oh, such wonderful memories!!!!
Five day schools and even ten day schools a couple of years. Morning VBS and evening VBS.
Starting with the preparation day where we went through the neighborhoods with candy and
flyers asking people to come to our Vacation Bible School, all the way through to the family night
service when we shared with our parents and friends what we did each day... each day was exciting.
Things may be done a little differently today... we just call it VBS. But children still flood through our
doors expecting a day full of fun and excitement!
Through the years, the week of Bible School has always been and continues to be the biggest
evangelistic event of the year. It is one of the most productive special events we have. Many children
come to know Jesus as their personal Savior that week. For three hours a day, five days a week,
children spend quality time hearing about the love of God and His plan for their life.
It is not just for the children though... can you believe a person would take their vacation time off
work to teach Vacation Bible School?!! I can give you a list of people who do just that each year! So
it is also a week of blessing for the teachers!!! Since January, we have been meeting and planning
and ordering for this year’s VBS. It is such a joy to see rooms full of children having fun at church...
learning about Jesus. And it just adds to the joy to see teachers having fun at church, teaching
the children.
So, we will soon begin VBS 2008. Pray for us. Pray for the teachers and the leaders and the parents
who will bring their children. If you are involved... I will see you bright and early Monday morning,
August 4. If you are not involved... WE WILL DO IT AGAIN NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!!
‘Twas the day after Bible School
Kids for Kingdom
August 27
6:00 pm
4 - NJBC News ‘Twas the day after Bible School and all over town,
with a sigh of relief, we all settled down.
Out to the golf course goes Dad in his cap,
and home in the bedroom Mom’s taking a nap.
Gone Linda, gone Brenda, gone David and Johnny,
gone Margie and Mary and Ronnie and Donnie.
Gone stories, and puppets and songs in the air,
gone paint under fingernails and paste in the hair.
Rest sweetly, dear workers, and wake with good cheer,
for Bible School won’t come again for a year.
As they drifted off, I heard them exclaim:
“It was worth all the hard work and we’d do it again!”
Vol. 56, No. 8
August 6th • Welcome night at The Site.
Welcome to new 7th graders to our Wednesday service.
August 20th • The Site Kickoff
Fun, food, games, prizes and great fellowship!
August 23rd • Senior beach day and cookout
Hannah Park at 4:00 p.m.
August 24th • New Youth/Parent luncheon and meeting
after the morning service. For new 7th graders or new members to youth
and their parents. Reservations and any needed childcare are required.
Please rsvp at ext. 320 or by August 10.
Congratulations to our Graduates
Tiffany Keen Davis
Collegiate Ministry: Attention Students!
If you’re going away to College please let us know
your new address, e-mail, etc.
University of North Florida
Bachelor of Arts – Elementary Education
Susie Keen
Florida Community College of Jacksonville
Associates in Arts – Communications
Fall Semester begins Wednesday, September 3
and continues for 13 Weeks.
GriefShare: Wednesday, 6:00-7:00pm in A-214
DivorceCare: Wednesday, 6:30pm-8:00pm in A-212
Brochures are available at the Singles Welcome Table & Celebrate Recovery Table
Vol. 56, No. 8
NJBC News – 5
Primetime Choir
Kick-off Retreat
Monday, August 25
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
with lunch served
Coffee and doughnuts at 9:30 a.m.
Monthly Meeting
August 18 • 6:00 pm
Featuring Special Guests The Memory Four
No meeting on August 11
Thank you for your generous support
of the Gateway International Operation
Child Care Boxes. Nearly 400 boxes
were sent to the precious children
of East Africa.
6 - NJBC News
Vol. 56, No. 8
Celebrate Recovery
“Stepping Out of Denial into God’s Grace”
The groups meet Tuesdays at 7:00 pm in B-Wing.
For more info call ext 334
Saturday Night Services
August 2 and 16 • 7:00 pm
A Worship Alternative
Prayer Breakfast
Saturday, August 2 • 8:00 AM • Fellowship Hall
Invite friends, neighbors & co-workers! Books available at Welcome Center “A”
TV Counseling
Baptism Schedule
August 3 (Sun)
August 10 (Sun)
August 17 (Sun)
August 24 (Sun)
August 31 (Sun)
The Family of James Benson
in his home going
August 3 (Sun) Joe & Cindy Byous
Gary & Beth Harrison
August 6 (Wed) Rusty & Barbara Hines
Paul & Joan Lyle
August 10 (Sun) Eddie McElwee
Robby & Kim Shumate
August 13 (Wed) Jason & Kate Hale
Dennis & Robin Thomas
August 17 (Sun) Alan & Patty Keith
Kyle & Melissa Stevens
August 20 (Wed) Ben & Amy Chick
Bob & Pearl Page
August 24 (Sun) Pete & Zada Morris
Harry & Karen Potter
August 27 (Wed) Miles & Nancy Bowers
George & Bonnie Schaich
August 31 (Sun) Glenn & Betty Cooksey
Shane & Jill Evans
The Family of Wanda Marshall Wilson
in her home going
Monica Marcus
Shane Evans
Arvel & Peggy McGartlin
Rick Hurst
George & Bonnie Schaich
Glenn Cooksey
Dwain Keen
Blane Greene
John Waldron
Kyle & Melissa Stevens
Kevin Godwin
Miles & Nancy Bowers
Rusty & Barbara Hines
Our Christian Sympathy to
The Family of Raymond Ricks
in his home going
Sonny Winebarger and family
in the home going of his grandmother
Sherrell Roberts and family
in the home going of his brother
Mary Smith and family
in the home going of her sister
Words of Appreciation
New Arrival
Congratulations to
Joey & Tonya Scaff
on the birth of their son
Landon Henry - June 14
The Family of Pam Connor
in her home going
The Family of Charles Chitty
in his home going
The Family of Marvin Gunter
in his home going
The Family of Peggy McElwee
in her home going
The Family of Dorothy Howard
in her home going
Justin Wollitz and family
in the home going of his grandfather
Virgil & Barbara HIll and family
in the home going of their son
Congratulations To Our Staff
Faithfully Serving
North Jacksonville Baptist Church
Buddy Francis
6th Anniversary
Associate Pastor Family Ministries
David Whipple
6th Anniversary
Minister of Senior Adults
Kelley Pekarek
4th Anniversary
Director of Children’s Ministry
Vol. 56, No. 8
NJBC News – 7
9:00 am - 4:30 pm
(904) 757-3000
ext 501
ext 508
North Jacksonville
Baptist Church Staff:
ext. 309
Dr. Herb Reavis, Jr.
Rev. Josh Reavis
Penny Bryan
ext. 330
Rev. Buddy Francis
Debbie Pierce
ext. 315
Joe Byous
ext. 316
North Jacksonville Baptist Church (USPS# 628860) Published Monthly in the
interest of the Lord’s work by North Jacksonville Baptist Church, 8531 N. Main
Street, Jacksonville, FL 32218. Telephone: 757-3000. Periodicals Postage paid at
Jacksonville, Florida.
North Jacksonville Baptist Church
8531 N. Main Street
Jacksonville, FL 32218
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to North Jacksonville Baptist Church
8531 N. Main Street, Jacksonville, FL 32218.
Channel 17
Sunday 7:00 am
ext. 328
Frank Douglas
Comcast Cable
Channel 7
Sunday 10:00 pm
ext. 314
Rev. Chris Coram
Wanda Guthrie
ext. 320
Info Line: ext 504
Rev. Andy Jackson
Cammie Nelson
Skyangel .com
Sunday 10:00 pm
ext. 322
Rev. Tim Rigdon
Sheron Taylor
ext. 300
Info Line: ext 503
Kelley Pekarek
ext. 300
Info Line : ext 506
Rev. David Whipple
Barbara Nessler
ext. 329
Info Line: ext 502
Myra Campbell
Barbara Nessler
ext. 334
Info Line: 505
Rev. Bob Calhoun
Debbie Tackett
ext. 302
WROS 1050 AM
Monday-Friday 5:00 pm
Saturday 5:30 pm
Sunday 1:30 & 6:00 pm
Sunday 11:00 am
Church Bookstore Hours:
Tuesday - Friday: 12:00 - 4:00 pm
Wednesday: 5:45 - 6:30 pm and 8:00 - 8:30 pm
Closed Mondays
2 Saturday
3 Sunday
4 Monday
5 Tuesday
6 Wednesday
7 Thursday
8 Friday
10 Sunday
12 Tuesday
16 Saturday
17 Sunday
18 Monday
19 Tuesday
20 Wednesday
24 Sunday
25 Monday
26 Tuesday
27 Wednesday
TUESDAYS (continued)
9:30 am
10:45 am
4:45 pm
6:00 pm
6:00 pm Visitation (childcare provided)
7:30 pm Choir & Orchestra Rehearsal
(childcare provided)
Bible Study all ages
Morning Worship
Children’s Worship 1st-2nd grade
Life Groups (when in session)
Evening Worship
TUESDAYS 9:30 am Visitation (childcare provided)
5:15 pm Visitation Supper ($2 per person) WEDNESDAYS
5:15 pm
6:45 pm
7:00 pm
Family Dinner, ($3.00/person,
max $10.00 per immediate family)
Student Worship
Midweek Worship
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
8:00 AM
MORE 2 Life
7:00 PM
Awesome August with Steve Khoury
VBS Begins
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
Operation Blessing Outreach
6:00 PM
Celebrate Recovery
7:00 PM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
VBS Family Night
7:00 PM
Awesome August with Calling Levi
Operation Blessing Outreach
6:00 PM
Celebrate Recovery
7:00 PM
MORE 2 Life
7:00 PM
Awesome August with NJBC Music Ministry
PrimeTime Night Meeting
6:00 PM
Operation Blessing Outreach
6:00 PM
Celebrate Recovery
7:00 PM
The Site Kickoff
6:45 PM
Awesome August with John Starnes
PrimeTime Singers Kickoff Retreat
10:00 AM
Operation Blessing Outreach
6:00 PM
Celebrate Recovery
7:00 PM
Kids for the Kingdom Kickoff
6:00 PM
Kids for the Kingdom Choir Kickoff
7:00 PM
Newsletter Design:
Office Hours: Monday-Friday Church Telephone Directory:
Church-Wide News: Wednesday Dinner Menu: