IMTA (Americas)
IMTA (Americas)
Table of Contents Welcome From The President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Conference Programme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Step into Another Time in the Czech Republic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Map of Cesky Krumlov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Workshop / Seminar Programme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 A Look Forward: IMTA (EAME) 2007 in Salzburg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 A Look Back: IMTA (EAME) 2005 in London . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Early Registrants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 About Our Sponsors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Thanks & Appreciation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Trade Show Floor Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Exhibitor List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 IMTA (EAME) Best Map Competition 2004: Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 IMTA (EAME) Best Map Competition 2005: Entries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Exhibitors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 IMTA of EAME Board of Directors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 IMTA (EAME) Membership Application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 The Châteaux Riding School, Cesky Krumlov, The Czech Republic, venue for the Trade Show. Welcome From The President Welcome to All Delegates, Exhibitors, Guests and Map Lovers. It is our great pleasure that so many of the IMTA Membership from all parts of the world are gathering in Cesky Krumlov for our Annual Conference and Trade Show. This is a perfect opportunity for all of us to meet in a relaxed atmosphere, keep good relationships going, exchange ideas, get in touch with new business partners and find new friends. This is what makes IMTA such a great association. We hope all of you will enjoy the time here and have a lot of new ideas and contacts. Our program offers many ways to communicate: There are four seminars offering the latest news about navigation and GPS. This year the seminars take place on both days before the Trade Show opens, so that everyone can attend. Many thanks to our presenters: Rob Sharpe, Colin Beatty, Nick Webb and Dan Olasin. I would also like to thank our sponsors for our various receptions and social gatherings. Don’t miss these great opportunities to meet, talk and get to know each other: IMTA (EAME) President Andreas Pachler of Stellanova On Thursday, the welcome reception, sponsored by Stellanova; on Friday the morning coffee, sponsored by Lovell Johns; on Saturday the morning coffee, sponsored by ESRI; the evening reception in the Egon Schiele Gallery, sponsored by SHOCart; and on Saturday the reception in the Prokys Hall, sponsored by Borch. And don’t forget the Annual Best Map Awards, sponsored by Cook, Hammond and Kell. We have had excellent partners here in Cesky Krumlov to assist us in the preparation of this event. The management of our conference hotel, Hotel U mesta Vidne, was a great help in arranging all the locations for our event. Thanks also to Martin Hak’s of Unios, the tourist service that helped us to prepare the programme. We are very grateful for their support. If you have any suggestions, comments or experiences you would like to share with us, please feel always free to contact me or any other member of the IMTA (EAME) Board. I would like also to introduce the three new members of our board whose photographs are below. Their appointments start this month. I would also like to thank Marc Craenen, a previous EAME President, for agreeing to serve on the board again following a resignation last year. Wishing all of us a great conference and show, Andreas Pachler New IMTA (EAME) Directors, from left: Jean-Claude Degand— France Kelechi Eke—Nigeria Robert Sharpe—UK ArcGIS 9 The Complete Geographic Information System ArcGIS ® is a framework of integrated GIS software products from ESRI for building a complete GIS. The fundamental architecture of ArcGIS enables users to deploy GIS functionality and business logic wherever it is needed in desktops, on servers, over the Web, or in the field. This architecture, coupled with the geodatabase, forms the building blocks for assembling intelligent geographic information systems. ArcGIS 9 Offers Geoprocessing: Completely new environment for geoprocessing, modeling, and scripting. Global and 3D Visualization: Revolutionary new technology for managing, visualizing, and analyzing 3D geographic data at a local or global perspective. New geoprocessing framework for modeling work flows Interoperability: Information sharing between organizations and across applications and industries, regardless of data format, schema, or database management system. 3D visualization with ArcGIS 3D Analyst™ Cartography: High-quality annotation and advanced label placement, greatly reducing map production time and enhancing cartographic quality. GIS Infrastructure: Built on IT standards for facilitating the creation of a geospatial infrastructure within any organization. Products include GIS deployed in desktop, server, and engine environments. Advanced text and label placement with Maplex for ArcGIS Develop a custom application in Visual Basic ® with ArcGIS Engine. For more information, please contact your local distributor or call ESRI–Europe at +31-10-217-7788 or ESRI headquarters at +1-909-793-2853, ext. 1-1235. E-mail: • Web page: Austria Germany Portugal Belgium and Luxembourg Greece and Cyprus Romania Hungary Russia Iceland Slovak Republic Israel Slovenia Italy Spain Malta Sweden Moldova Switzerland The Netherlands Turkey Norway Ukraine Poland UK/Ireland Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Access GIS capabilities over the Web with ArcGIS Server. Copyright © 2004 ESRI. All rights reserved. The ESRI globe logo, ESRI, ArcGIS, the ArcGIS logo, ArcMap, 3D Analyst, ArcInfo, ArcView, ArcGlobe, www., and are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of ESRI in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions. Other companies and products mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective trademark owners. Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania Finland France F.Y.R.O.M. +373-22-716106 Conference Programme Trade Show Venue: The Châteaux Riding School, Cesky Krumlov, The Czech Republic Venue for Seminars: Hotel U mesta Vidne Regular shuttle buses will operate between the venues COLLECT YOUR WELCOME PACK SPONSORED BY STELLANOVA FROM TRADE SHOW RECEPTION Thursday 23rd February “An Introduction to ArcGIS” in Prague—The ArcGIS training course will take place on Thursday 23 February in the offices of the ESRI Distributor in Prague. ARCDATA PRAHA • Hybernska 24 • 110 00 PRAHA 1 10.00 to 16.00 Tel : + 420 2 24190511 • Fax : + 420 2 24190567 • For pre-registered trainees only—COURTESY OF ESRI EUROPE 12.00 Onwards Welcome desk at Hotel U mesta Vidne 17.30 to18.30 Option of free brewery tour and tasting—assembly at Hotel U mesta Vidne 18.00 to 19.00 Executive Directors Meeting Hotel U mesta Vidne Rosenberg Room 14.00 to 18.00 Set-up for exhibitors at the Riding School in the Château Riding School 19.00 to 20:00 Welcome Reception at Hotel U mesta Vidne Wine Cellar—SPONSORED BY STELLANOVA 19.30 to 20.15 EAME Board meeting—Hotel U mesta Vidne Rosenberg Room Friday 24th February 08.30 to 9.00 GPS seminar with Colin Beatty, Managing Director, CBI Ltd (in English), for pre-booked delegates only—Hotel U mesta Vidne Latran Room 09.00 to 9.30 Ships Navigation seminar with Nick Webb, UK Hydrographic Office, (in English) for prebooked delegates only—Hotel U mesta Vidne Latran Room 10.00 to 17.00 Trade Show at the Riding School in the Châteaux Riding School 10.30 to 11:00 Coffee break—SPONSORED BY LOVELL JOHNS. Free for full delegates, exhibitors and spouses—PLEASE PRESENT YOUR PASS 11.00 to 11.30 Official opening and tour of the exhibits by the Mayor of Cesky Krumlov Judr. Frantisek Mikes 12.00 to 14.00 Lunch at the Riding School, free for full delegates, exhibitors and spouses—PLEASE PRESENT YOUR PASS 14.30 to 15.30 Government Agencies Forum: Chaired by Martin McVeigh, Ordnance Survey (NI)—Hotel U mesta Vidne Rosenberg Room Conference Programme 17.00 to 17.30 Annual Meeting for EAME members in the hall 18.00 to 18.45 President’s reception for first time delegates at Hotel U mesta Vidne—BY INVITATION ONLY —President’s Suite 19.00 to late Reception for delegates and exhibitors at Egon Schiele Gallery. Includes free access to exhibitions. Goulash, beer and gypsy band—SPONSORED BY SHOCart. Saturday 25th February 08.30 to 9.00 World Wide Web: Your Portal to Maps “Publish on Demand” seminar with Dan Olasin, President, MarketMAPS /Intelligent Direct,Past President, IMTA Americas, (in English) for prebooked delegates only—Hotel U mesta Vidne Latran Room 09.00 to 9.30 ‘Fun with GPS’ is a lighthearted look at the way GIS is being used for recreational purposes and how we as Map Makers can join in the party. From the well known games of GeoCaching through to challenging the position of National Mapping Agencies this presentation will cover many aspects of using GPS in a none commercial sense Trade Show at the Riding School in the Château—public day—CK 50 10.00 to 16.00 THIS SPECIAL TICKET PRICE GIVES ACCESS TO THE SHOW ONLY. IT DOES NOT GIVE ACCESS TO ANY OTHER EVENT. REFRESHMENTS ARE NOT INCLUDED BUT MAY BE PURCHASED. 10.00 onwards Judging of EAME Best Map Competition—SPONSORED BY COOK HAMMOND AND KELL WITH SUPPORT FROM TONY ATKINSON OF THE MAP SHOP (Upton upon Severn UK) 10.30 to 11:00 Coffee break—SPONSORED BY ESRI EUROPE—PLEASE PRESENT YOUR PASS 12.00 to 14.00 Lunch at the Riding School, free for full delegates, exhibitors and spouses—PLEASE PRESENT YOUR PASS 16.00 Break down of exhibitors’ stands 19.00 to 20.00 Reception and Best Map Awards in the Prokys Hall for full delegates, exhibitors and spouses attending the Annual Dinner. RECEPTION SPONSORED BY BORCH Welcome entertainment sponsored by the Mayor and the Town of Cesky Krumlov. PLEASE BRING YOUR DINNER TICKET Annual dinner (buffet style) with medieval entertainment at Hotel Ruze courtyard and hotel (adjacent to Prokys Hall) 20.00 to 11:30 PLEASE NOTE THAT TAXIS TO AND FROM Hotel U mesta Vidne MAY BE BOOKED BY COMPLETING A FORM AT THE IMTA WELCOME DESK AT THE Hotel U mesta Vidne. The venue is approximately 10 minutes’ walking distance from Hotel U mesta Vidne 11:45 till late Optional pay bar and disco at Hotel U mesta Vidne Wine Cellar Sunday 26th February 08.00 to 13.00 International Board Meeting at Hotel U mesta Vidne Rosenberg Room Step into Another Time in The Czech Republic Cesky Krumlov in the Czech Republic is the venue for our conference and trade show. of the 19th century to the 1990s it was a hotel and restaurant. Hotel Ruze (below) is one of the town’s leading hotels and a former 16th Century monastery. It has maintained many original features. Each of the rooms is uniquely designed to reflect its former use. Many rooms have four-poster beds and monastery chairs. The town’s name comes from the old German for “crooked meadow.” The town dates back to 1253. It is a town lost in time and is recognised by UNESCO as a World Heritage site. The town is a perfect mixture of history and culture. Where else could you find a Baroque theatre and a gallery dedicated to the famous artist Egon Schiele? Our Conference Hotels Hotel U mesta Vidne (above), a 16th century building, has been extensively renovated. The renovations from the l7th and 18th centuries are the foundation of the hotel as it is today. This hotel, with its graffito façade and vaulted ceilings in the basement, is one of the pearls of the Krumlov middle-class Renaissance architecture. The first written record of the building dates back to 1565 when the house was owned by Hans Wasserhansel. In the 16th and 17th centuries there was a bakery and traditional bakeshop, and from the end All Photos Courtesy of Cesky Krumlov The setting for our conference is the State Castle and Château. The origins of the castle date back to 1250. The castle looks down on the cobblestoned compact town centre that is almost surrounded by the River Vltava. The setting is breathtakingly stunning. Map of Cesky Krumlov Map Courtesy of Thomas Rygel, ATP Jihlava Publishing Workshop/Seminar Programme Introduction to ArcGIS Jamie Parrish Thursday 23rd Feb • 10.00–16.00 Offices of the ESRI Distributor in Prague This is a prebooked, handson workshop. Each student will receive a copy of “Getting to Know ArcGIS” on completion Jamie Parrish of the course. The course tutor is Jamie Parrish. Jamie gained her first two years of GIS experience at the College of Environmental Science and Forestry in Syracuse, New York, where she obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Forestry. She has worked for ESRI for the last five years in many different facets using various software products. Jamie currently works as ESRI’s Educational Services Instructor. GPS Seminar Colin Beatty Friday 24th Feb • 08.30–09.00 Hotel U mesta Vidne • Latran Room Colin has spent 35 years in satellite navigation, initially with the TRANSIT satellite Doppler systems in the early Colin Beatty days of satellite surveying and in marine navigation. Colin has been involved with GPS since 1973. He is currently Chairman of the Technical Committee, Royal Institute of Navigation, where he was also a Vice President. He is a member of the Location and Time Knowledge Transfer Network, Managing Director of CBi Ltd, a company specialising in GNSS applications, including the supply of Spirent GNSS simulators and Javad Navigation Systems receivers and consultation on related subjects. He has given presentations on GNSS in many parts of the world. Ships Navigation Seminar Nick Web Friday 24th Feb • 09.00–09.30 Hotel U mesta Vidne • Latran Room Nick joined the UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) in 1977 and trained as a cartographic draughtsman before becom- Nick Webb ing Product Manager for the UKHO’s first digital chart service in 1995. In 2003, Nick participated in the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race before joining the UKHO International Liaison team. In his current role as Training and Promotion Manager, Nick trains the UKHO’s worldwide network of Distributors in the promotion of Admiralty digital products. Entitled “Nautical Charts—from leadline to LIDAR,” Nick’s presentation will cover charting and surveying from 1795 to date, with a particular focus on the latest digital charts. Maps on Demand Seminar Dan Olasin Saturday 25th Feb • 08.30–09.00 Hotel U mesta Vidne • Latran Room Online services allow virtual travelers to specify maps internationally, 10 select content, design styles and publish finished maps. The media: instant downloads, emails to a colleague, map books and Dan Olasin wall maps. For 25 years, Dan has pioneered the creation of business information services. First on the mainframe, then on the PC and now over the Web, businesses of all types use their maps, software and services. His company, MarketMAPS/IDI (, is an on-demand publisher offering full printing and finishing services. Nearly 100 companies resell IDI products. Fun with GPS Seminar Rob Sharpe Saturday 25th Feb • 09.00–09.30 Hotel U mesta Vidne • Latran Room Working in the GIS industry for the past 7 years, combined with a passion for outdoor pursuits Rob has an excellent Rob Sharpe overview of the Geographic and Map production industry and the use of its products. ‘Fun with GPS’ is a lighthearted look at the way GIS is being used for recreational purposes and how we as Map Makers can join in the party. From the well known games of Geo-Caching through to challenging the position of National Mapping Agencies, this presentation will cover many aspects of using GPS in a noncommercial sense. A Look Forward: IMTA (EAME) 2007 in Salzburg An Invitation to Our Next Conference: Salzburg • 23 & 24 February 2007 Salzburg, the city where the “Sound of Music” was filmed and the birthplace of Amadeus Mozart. The modern conference centre and the Sheraton Hotel are connected to protect delegates from the winter weather. We will provide you with three grades of hotel room at very competitive prices. Conveniently situated for connection by rail and road. Austria’s most attractive shopping centre. Gastronomy for every taste and pocket. See you there! All Photos Courtesy of Congress Hall Salzburg Clockwise from top right: The venue for the 2007 Trade Show & Conference. Inside the Conference venue. View from the River Salzach. Salzburg in winter. Church towers. Mozarteum—the Large Hall. 12 A Look Back: IMTA (EAME) 2005 in London A few memories of our last conference (clockwise): The Scottish piper at the Royal Automobile Club; the conference centre; our great African band and the delegates enjoying themselves! 13 Early Registrants Beskov Sergey ACC Andrey Novikov AGT Geocenter Chantal Kling Cartodirect GmbH Simon Butler Albatross Publishing Ltd sbutler@albatrosspublishing. com Tica Larisa Amco Press Attila Vad Cartographia Ltd Kelechi Eke Centre for Cartography and Resource Management Marina Porime Amco Press Daniel Aradu Amco Press Eric Orji Centre for Cartography and Resource Management Celestine Osemeka Centre for Cartography and Resource Management Marie Pegues Arjobex contactpolyart@polyart. com Kestin Borch Borch GMBH Uche Ufere Centre for Cartography and Resource Management Aniete Otung Centre for Cartography and Resource Management Susie Jones British Cartographic Society Amelia Zander Carto Graphics au Kerstin Oestergaard Cartodirect GmbH Torsten Oestergaard Cartodirect GmbH Paul Treadwell Cook Hammond and Kell Ltd Csilla Pataky Cartographia Ltd Hope Okolie Centre for Cartography and Resource Management Ekanem Charles Centre for Cartography and Resource Management Elizabeth Donald Collins Bartholomew Ltd elizabeth.donald@harper Isabella Ferries Cook Hammond & Kell 14 Katrien Missinne Craenen bvba Marc Craenen Craenen bvba Andy Robinson Defence Geographic Centre David Watt DGI dgc-ccregcolukic2@dgc. Vladimir Waldin Discus Media Cartographers vladimir.waldin@mapserv. com Melikov Serguei DMB Melikova Natalia DMB Melikova Angelina DMB Dominic Beddow Draughtsman Ltd Anke Preissman FiberMark Lahnstein GmbH Marjolein Mussellwhite GeoCenter International Ltd Donna Burridge GeoCenter International Ltd Gizella Bassa GiziMap Alan Smith Global Mapping Limited alansmith@globalmapping. Caeka Henryka GUGIK pl Misztalmonika GUGIK John Allen HarperCollins Publishers john.allen@harpercollins. Susan Harvey Harvey Maps Peter Davis Hema Maps au John Hammer Homeport Alison Wilson Imray Early Registrants William Wilson Imray Marilyn Mackay IMTA Asia Pacific Lan Joyce ITMB Publishing Ltd. György Buslig Map World Ltd Sanford Hill IMTA John Payne IMTA john.payne@earthinsite. com Bruce McGurty IMTA Asia Pacific brucemcgurty@hardiegrant. Noleen Zander IMTA Asia Pacific Region Brigita Turlaja Jana Seta Janis Turlajs Jana Seta Rita Szarvas Map World Ltd Adam Graham Melbourne Map Centre Linda Hill IMTA Peter Jolly IMTA/UK GeoForum Peter Dickinson Incomat Ltd peter.dickinson@incomat. Rob Sharpe IMTA (EAME) Peter Jolly IMTA (EAME) Keith Ferries IMTA (EAME) Andreas Pachler IMTA (EAME) Alan Grimwade IMTA (EAME) alan.grimwade@ Bill Hunt Map Link Jack Joyce IMTA Americas Dan Olasin IMTA Americas danolasin@intelligentdirect. com Ann Dickinson Incomat Ltd John Dickinson Incomat Ltd Anastasiya Boyko Institute of Advanced Technologies Olena Boyko Institute of Advanced Technologies Pavlo Laroshuk Institute of Advanced Technologies Oleksandr Barladin Institute of Advanced Technologies Jiri Navratil ITM–Intelligent Travel Maps Beata Beldava Jana Seta Aivars Beldavs Jana Seta Artemyev Yuri JSC “Karta” Shelley Brown Laurence Barnett laurence@laurencebarnett. Laurence Barnett Location Maps Ltd laurence@laurencebarnett. Ben Hill Lovell Johns Ltd David Stephens Lovell Johns Ltd Kerri Martin Map Land Tony Atkinson The Map Shop kennelground@btinternet. com 15 Jean-Claude Degand Moviken jean-claude.degand Guido D’hoker National Geographic Institute Eric Riback National Geographic Maps Dan Ortiz National Geographic Maps Robin Nicolson Nicolson Maps Drummond Shearer Nicolson Maps Karen McGrath Ordnance Survey karen.mcgrath Marty Mcveigh Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland uk Early Registrants Sean Quigly Outstanding UK Limited sales@outstanding.eclipse. Jennifer Pope Outstanding UK Ltd jenny@outstanding.eclipse. Zbynek Krejcik SHOCart, spol. s r.o. Corrie Thompson Outstanding UK Ltd jenny@outstanding.eclipse. Martin Dunford Rough Guides Megan.McIntyre@uk. Iryna Rudenko SSPE “Kartographia” Oksana Degtyar SSPE “Kartographia” Rudolf Kazakov Ruskarta Leonid Ivanov Ruskarta Ltd Alexander Krayukhin Ruskarta Ltd James Beale Russia Online, Inc.. Norrie Gray Scotprint Ivan Slavik SHOCart, spol. s r.o. Milada Svobodova SHOCart, spol. s r.o. L. Szarvas Szarvas Andras Cartographic Agency Jun HoJeon TheBeetleMap Karel Krsak SHOCart, spol. s r.o. Bohumil Haj SHOCart, spol. s r.o. Eun Young Kim TheBeetleMap Michelle Park TheBeetleMap Jamie Sanches Turinta Lda. Nicholas Webb UK Hydrographic Office Chernorudskiy Albert SSPE “Kartographia” Frizman Alla SSPE “Kartographia” Roland Esterbauer Verlag Esterbauer GMBH David Wilson Victoria Litho Sossa Lyudmila SSPE “Kartographia” Richard Buijsman Star Informatic Andrew Wilson Victoria Litho Jo Lloyd Victoria Litho Martin Rasek Star Informatic s.a. Ingrid Pachler Stellanova Verlag Jane Herd Victoria Litho Craig Herd Victoria Litho Franz Hofherr Stiefel Eurocart GmbH F.Hofherr@stiefel-eurocart. Andras Szarvas Szarvas Andras Cartographic Agency Timothy Rideout XYZ Digital Map Co, The 16 Mark Fairbairn XYZ Digital Map Co, The mark.fairbairn@xyzmaps. com Gerry Zierler Zierler Media Ltd 2006 Conference & Trade Show 18—20, September 2006 St. Julien Hotel & Spa Boulder, CO USA IMTA (Americas) Boulder, Colorado is nestled in the foothills where the rolling plains meet the Colorado Rocky Mountains. The city is centrally located within an hour of Denver, Denver International Airport, Eldora Ski Resort and Rocky Mountain National Park. With an average of 300 days a year of sunshine, more than 200 miles of public use trails and paths, and a roughly even ratio of bicycles to residents, Boulder deserves its reputation as a sports and outdoor recreation mecca. It wouldn't be a true Boulder experience without a hike up the Mesa Trail where Boulders' landmark Flatirons sit majestically above the city. Or toss in a line in the Boulder Creek for a chance to catch a granddaddy of a brown trout. From extreme sport junkies to those looking to take in the city's tranquil mountain settings, Boulder has it all. The St. Julien Hotel & Spa, the site of Americas 2006 Annual Conference & Trade Show, sets itself apart from other hotels by offering world-class sophistication and service with a sensibility that is wholly Boulder. It is nature and nurture, simplicity and style, offering inspired views of the Flatiron Mountains. Come and experience a casual elegance you'll find only in Colorado. When you stay at the St. Julien, your front door opens onto one of the most charming downtowns in the country. You are literally steps away from the famed outdoor shopping promenade of Pearl Street with block upon block of stores, galleries, outdoor cafes, street performers and more. You’re also within walking distance of dozens of Boulder’s best restaurants and theaters. And no trip to Boulder is complete without a stroll through the beautiful Victorian neighborhoods. St. Julien Hotel & Spa — Special Conference Rate — USD$189 Plus Taxes Organiz 200 rooms, with 11 two-room suites including three hospitality suites Luxurious bathrooms, with soaking tubs and separate glass showers Spacious guestrooms average 400 square feet 10,000-square-foot spa and fitness center Spa offers 12 treatment rooms, locker rooms, separate men's and women's sauna and steam rooms x Two-lane lap swimming pool, with whirlpool and outside terrace equipment x Business center x Signature restaurant and bar x Complimentary high-speed Internet access in all guestrooms x Complimentary Wireless Internet access in all public spaces x Three-line portable speakerphones, with voice mail and free local and 800 calls x Fully stocked Mini bar x Complimentary In-room Laptop safe Describe your location by landmark or area of town. 2006 Conference & Trade Show person: 555 555iron 5555 and ironing board xContactHair dryer, Primary Business Address Your Address Line 2 x Lavish duvets and linens on custom mattress Your Address Line 3 x High-end bath products, plush robe x In-room coffee machine w/complimentary organic coffee Your Address Line 4 x Alarm clock with CD player Phone: 555-555-5555 x Oversized television with a myriad of channels and the latest movie selections Fax: 555-555-5555 x Complimentary daily newspaper delivery Email: x Complimentary turndown service x x x x x About Our Sponsors BORCH—Borch’s map range covers cities, states, islands, countries and continents. Our superior quality patented maps are softlaminated and water-repellent, durable and recyclable. Further products include atlases, motorsports and cycle maps. Borch GmbH is also the official map supplier of the Deutschlandtour bike race. LOVELL JOHNS— Lovell Johns is celebrating its 40th year bringing cartographic services to the mapping world. We continue to offer a high-quality service backed by experience and valuable world database assets and products. Publishing services continues to be a large part of our offering, from a high-quality reference atlas to a simple map for a brochure or guide book. Expertise in GIS and software authoring enables us to build, integrate and maintain cartographic databases. Web mapping is a growing part of our offering, and we build interactive applications for many business sectors. Our map shop is under the name Maps International. Please note that Borch’s “Berndtson&Berndtson” map range is going to be renamed “Borch Maps” over the course of 2006. Cook Hammond and Kell Group— CHK has companies based in the UK, USA and Ireland. Established in 1860, CHK is still at the forefront of mapping development. The company works in design, production and retail. Our Web division prepares Internet solutions across the globe. SHOCart—SHOCart Company was founded in 1991 and it is the largest cartographic publisher in the Czech Republic. In 2004 SHOCart bought one of the largest maps and travel guides distributor—GeoClub company. We are a member of the Cartographic Society of the Czech Republic. We produce tourist, hiking and cycling maps, road atlases, city maps and wall maps. Individually we prepare compilation of maps, as well as map editions by the customer. Additional assortment in our product offer is processing and manufacturing information panels and board maps. Our company produce the most detailed Tourist Atlas of the Czech Republic on scale of 1:50.000 and it has received several prestige prizes. All of our maps are compiled in a digital form, so an inseparable part of our publishing house is also the data sales. ESRI—Since 1969, ESRI has been giving customers around the world the power to think and plan geographically. The market leader in GIS, ESRI software is used in more than 300,000 organizations worldwide. ESRI’s ArcGIS is a scalable family of software comprising a complete geographic information system, built on industry standards, that is rich in functionality and works out of the box. ArcMap is used for all map-based tasks, including map authoring, map layout, map labeling, map symbolization, map analysis, data editing, export, and printing. We participate in a Tourist Traffic Fair Regiontour in Brno, Sport Fair in Prague, Book Fair in Prague and Book Fair in Frankfurt a. M. STELLANOVA—Manufacturer of high quality globes: swivel/tilt globes, magnetic levitating globes, illuminated globes, illustrated globes for children, 64cm (25 inch) large globes. ESRI’s traditional strengths in GIS mean that versatile symbolization capabilities are provided for thematic, statistical, and analytical presentation—vital for atlas producers as well as mapping agencies covering natural and human resources. 18 Thanks & Appreciation The President and Board of Directors of IMTA (EAME) would like express their thanks and appreciation to all who made this conference possible: The Conference Team: John Whitby, Executive Director Trish Freeman, IMTA (EAME) Accounts (below left) Vicky Harris, IMTA (EAME) Administration (below right) Nancy McKeithen, Directory Design and Production Judr Frantiskek, Cesky Krumlov Mayor Jaroslav Kepka, Hotel U mesta Vidne Martin Hak, Unios Dana Cepelakova, Hotel U mesta Vidne Zbynek Krejcik, SHOCart Tony Atkinson, The Map Shop And of course our sponsors and advertisers: Borch GmbH Cook Hammond and Kell ESRI Inc. Lovell Johns SHOCart Company Stellanova Verlag Lorienne S. A. FiberMark Lahnstein GiziMap Advertisements: FiberMark. . . . Inside Front ESRI. . . . . . . . . . . . p. 5 Borch Map. . . . . . p. 11 IMTA Asia Pacific. . . p.13 Tokyo Book Fair. . . p. 19 IMTA Americas . . . p. 17 GiziMap . . . . . . . . p.21 Frankfurt Book Fair. p. 23 Lovell Johns. . Inside Back Lorienne. . . . . . . . . Back Tokyo International Book Fair 2006 Concurrently held with TIBF INTERNATIONAL MAP TRADE ASSOCIATION Natural Sciences Book Fair Humanities & Social Sciences Book Fair Children's Book Fair Editorial Production Fair Digital Publishing Fair Educational Book & Software Fair Language Education Corner Bookstore Managment System Corner Hobby, Practical Book, Travel Publication Corner If you wish to participate on the Asia Pacific Co-operative stand please contact Noleen Zander. Ph: 61 8 8357 1777 Email: Dates: 6th to 9th July 19 Exhibitor List 35. Stellanova Verlag STAND NO. AGT GeoCenter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Arjobex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 BCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Best Map Competition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 34. GeoCenter International Ltd CartoDirect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 33. Institute of Advanced Technologies Cosmographics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 32. TheBeetleMap Borch GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 FiberMark Lahnstein GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 31. Collins Bartholomew 18. Borch GmbH 19. Verlag Esterbauer GmbH 20. FiberMark Lahnstein GmbH 21. Star Informatic 22. Jana Seta Map Shop 13. AGT GeoCenter 14. Global Mapping Ltd 15. Lovell Johns Ltd 16. Victoria Litho 17. Rough Guides EXHIBITOR 12. Nicolson Maps 5. Arjobex 4. Ruskarta 3. CartoDirect 2. Cosmographics 1.Cartographia Ltd Trade Show Floor Plan Global Mapping Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Cartographia Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Collins Bartholomew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 EAME/UK GeoForum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 ESRI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 GeoCenter International Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 GiziMap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 GUGIK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 IMTA Asia Pacific Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 IMTA Americas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Institute of Advanced Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 30. BCS Jana Seta Map Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 29. IMTA Americas Lorienne SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Lovell Johns Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 28. IMTA Asia Pacific Region Moviken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Nicolson Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Rough Guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Ruskarta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Scotprint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 SHOCart spol s.r.o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Star Informatic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Storage Booths 26. Gizimap Seating ITMB Publishing Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 27. EAME/UK GeoForum 23. Scotprint 24. Moviken 11. GUGIK 10. SHOCart spol s.r.o. 8. ITMB Seating 7. Best Map Competition 9. ITMIntelligent Travel Maps 25. Lorienne SA 6. ESRI Europe ITM—Intelligent Travel Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Stellanova Verlag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 TheBeetleMap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Verlag Esterbauer GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Victoria Litho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 20 IMTA (EAME) Best Map Competition 2004: Results CHK CUP AND BEST MAP WINNER 2004 Institute of Advanced Technologies, Ukraine Educational Atlas: Continents and Oceans ATLASES 1 2 GeoCenter International, UK Insight World Travel Atlas AGT GeoCenter, Russia Auto Atlas of St Petersburg FOLDED MAPS 1 2 Harvey Maps, UK Pennine Bridleway South Goldeneye, UK Exmoor Mountain Bike Route 1 Institute of Advanced Technologies, Ukraine Educational Atlas: Continents and Oceans FLAT MAPS 1 2 Ian and Donna of GeoCenter International (UK) show their Best Atlas Award certificate in London 2005. DIGITAL CARTOGRAPHIC PRODUCT AGT GeoCenter, Russia Moscow Region Map Stiefel Eurocart, Hungary Romania Administrative Map 2 AGT GeoCenter, Russia Geoinformation Data Set of Moscow GIZIMAP MAP DESIGN & PUBLISHING H-1279 Budapest 25 P.O.Box: 29 Phone: (361) 201-8219, (361) 326-0715 Fax/phone: (361) 326-0717 E-mail: GIZELLA BASSA Manager/Cartographer AFGHANISTAN Geographical 1:3 000 000 INDIA 1:3 000 000 Bangladesh • Bhutan • Nepal Maldives • Sri Lanka Pakistan • Tajikistan AFGHANISTAN Political Pakistan • Tajikistan ALGERIA Geographical ALGERIA Road Map BAGHDAD City Map BEOGRAD Street Map CAUCASUS Geographical Road Map IRAQ Geographical KAZAKHSTAN 1:1 000 000 Kyrgyzstan • Tajikistan Turkmenistan • Uzbekistan Armenia • Azerbaijan • Georgia CENTRAL ASIA Geographical 1:1 750 000 Kazakhstan (S) • Kyrgyzstan • Tajikistan Turkmenistan (E) • Uzbekistan CENTRAL ASIA Road Map 1:1 750 000 Kazakhstan (S) • Kyrgyzstan • Tajikistan Turkmenistan (E) • Uzbekistan CHINA Reference Map CHINA Northwest Geogr. 1:6 500 000 1:2 000 000 XINJIANG UYGUR Aut. R. DALMATIA • ISTRIA 1:250 000 Geogr. Coast and Islands of CROATIA • MONTENEGRO • SLOVENIA DALMATIA • ISTRIA Road Map 1:250 000 Coast and Islands of CROATIA • MONTENEGRO • SLOVENIA ESTONIA Road Map INDIA Geographical Bangladesh • Bhutan • Nepal Maldives • Sri Lanka 1:3 000 000 Political Bangladesh • Bhutan • Nepal Maldives • Sri Lanka 1:2 500 000 1:2 500 000 1:25 000 1:20 000 1:1 000 000 Armenia • Azerbaijan • Georgia CAUCASUS INDIA 1:3 000 000 Road Map 1:400 000 1:3 000 000 Geographical 1:1 750 000 1:3 000 000 Kyrgyzstan • Tajikistan Turkmenistan • Uzbekistan KAZAKHSTAN Political 1:3 000 000 KOSOVO 1:250 000 1:400 000 LATVIA Road Map 1:1 750 000 LIBYA Geographical 1:1 750 000 LIBYA Road Map MACEDONIA Road Map 1:250 000 MONGOLIA Geographical 1:2 000 000 MONGOLIA Road Map 1:2 000 000 1:250 000 MONTENEGRO / CRNA GORA SERBIA & MONTENEGRO Road Map 1:500 000 SILK ROAD COUNTRIES Geographical 1:3 000 000 1:3 000 000 SILK ROAD COUNTRIES Political TIBET / XIZANG Aut. R. Geographical 1:2 000 000 TIBET / XIZANG Aut. R. Road Map 1:2 000 000 TRANSYLVANIA South-Eastern 1:200 000 1:1 200 000 UKRAINE • MOLDOVA Road Map ZÜRICH Street Map 1:12 500 21 IMTA (EAME) Best Map Competition 2005: Entries BEST FOLDED MAP Kartographie Huber Germany Karawanken map May 2005 Macmillan Education Ltd United Kingdom Gambia Travellers Map December 2005 Cordee United Kingdom British Mountain Map Lake District 1/40000 November 2005 Jana Seta Map Publishers Latvia Moscow City Plan November 2005 Gita Shenasi Iran Map of Tehran 2005 Borsch Publishing - B & B Germany Chile Map November 2005 AGT GeoCenter Russia Moscow City Map December 2005 Harper Collins United Kingdom Clans & Tartans Map of Scotland February 2005 Discus Media Cartographers Russia The Baltic States Road Map 1/650000 August 2005 Pocket Pilot GmbH Germany Paris Pocket Pilot Map 2005 XYZ Digital Map Co. United Kingdom British Isles Physical Map December 2005 Cartographia Ltd Hungary Cuba & Antilles 2005 Global Mapping Ltd. United Kingdom Ireland Wall Map July 2005 Szarvas Andras Hungary Valence Lake & Hills 1/25000 March 2005 Clifford Press United Kingdom World Map September 2005 Institute of Advanced Technologies Ukraine Kyiv City Centre - View from Space July 2005 Jana Seta Map Publishers Latvia World Political Wall Map February 2005 Gecko Maps Lhasa Map Spring 2005 Gita Shenasi Iran Map of Greater Tehran 2005 Cosmographics United Kingdom Visit Britain - London Map December 2005 N.G.I. Belgium Berlare Map October 2005 Rough Guides United Kingdom Costa Rica & Panama Map March 2005 BEST FLAT/WALL MAP SHOCart Czech Republicc Relief Map of Sumava Mountains 2005 Associated Cartographic Centre Russia Map of Moscow August 2005 22 AGT GeoCenter Russia Great Moscow Map September 2005 Harper Collins United Kingdom Collins World Wall Map August 2005 Institute of Advanced Technologies Ukraine Beginning of World War 2 in Europe December 2005 Gecko Maps Himalaya - Tibet Map Spring 2005 Cosmographics United Kingdom European Union October 2005 IMTA (EAME) Best Map Competition 2005: Entries N.G.I. Belgium Tellin Map September 2005 Cartographia Ltd Hungary Tisza-to Atlas 2005 Jana Seta Map Publishers Latvia Intercative Map System JS Latvia 3 May 2005 BEST ATLAS Szarvas Andras Hungary Romania Road Atlas 1/250000 November 2005 Institute of Advanced Technologies Ukraine Ukraine & Its Regions Educ’n Course September 2005 Institute of Advanced Technologies Ukraine Kyiv & Outskirts Automobile Atlas October 2005 N.G.I. Belgium Wallonie & Bruxelles Cartes Topographiques December 2005 SHOCart Czech Republic Rivers Guide - Czechia 2005 Associated Cartographic Centre Russia Illustrated Atlas of Russia September 2005 Macmillan Education Ltd United Kingdom School Atlas of Cameroon December 2005 Jana Seta Map Publishers Latvia Great World Atlas - Suur Maailma Atlas November 2005 BEST DIGITAL CARTOGRAPHIC PRODUCT Rough Guides United Kingdom London Digital Map July 2005 Kartographie Huber Germany ADAC Camping Fuhrer December 2005 Gita Shenasi Iran World Atlas 2005 AGT GeoCenter Russia Auto Atlas of Russia November 2005 Harper Collins United Kingdom Collins Complete World Atlas October 2005 Discus Media Cartographers Russia Leningrad Oblast & St. Petersburg Atlas September 2005 All IMTA members are invited to apply to become an exhibitor on the IMTA Corporate Stand at the World’s Largest Book Fair. We provide a fully serviced stand with hosting facilities at attractive rates. Contact the EAME office for further information. 23 Exhibitors AGT GeoCenter Stand 13 Stand Manager: Edvard Shavants 41a Hersonskaya str, 117246 Moscow, RUSSIA Tel : 7095 1055014, Fax: 7095 3326891 BRITISH CARTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY Stand 30 Stand Manager: Susie Jones Hon. Secretary, British Cartographic Society 12 Elworthy Drive, Wellington, Somerset TA21 9AT, GREAT BRITAIN Tel :44 01823 665 775, Fax : 44 01823 665 775 AGT GeoCenter, since the company was established in 1991, have been serving as an example to Russian cartography with the quality and non-ordinary point of view on the way how modern maps may look. From day to day, our team is working on perfection and usability of our products, to give them the best reputation as dependable and reliable source of information. Our efforts have been rewarded with appreciation, respect and constantly rising sales from our grateful customers. Founded in 1963 the British Cartographic Society (BCS) offers a unique forum for the exchange of ideas and the sharing of knowledge on all aspects of maps and mapping. The BCS is the leading institution representing cartography in the UK and the interests of British cartographers. It is one of the world’s leading cartographic societies and represents the interests of British cartography through the International Cartographic Association. The Society aims to promote all aspects of this diverse and fascinating subject, and its structure and membership reflect maps in all their forms and the art and science of cartography as a whole. AGT GeoCenter is the leading publisher of a comprehensive range of road and city maps, atlases on the Russian market. Supplier of digital maps, GIS data and custom mapping. ARJOBEX / POLYART Stand 5 Stand Managers: Stéphane LeClercq, Thomas Tribou 15 rue Danielle Casanova Paris 75001 FRANCE Tel : + 33 1 47 03 62 80, Fax : +33 1 47 03 62 89 BORCH GmbH Stand 18 Stand Manager: Ferdinand Fuchsschwanz Am Anger 3, 82237 Wörthsee GERMANY Tel : +49 (0)8153 88109-77, Fax : +49 (0)8153 88109-10 Arjobex is the manufacturer of Polyart® Synthetic Paper, the right substrate for a new generation of maps. When you need a map which resists hostile environments, repeated folding and tearing Polyart® is the answer. ‰Polyart® is a unique HDPE coated film which gives the same superb print finish as coated paper and the durability of a plastic. ‰Polyart® is extremely resistant to water, grease, tearing. ‰Polyart® looks and feels like paper, prints and converts easily. ‰Is available from 75 g/m to 240 g/m in format up to 120 x 160 cm. With Polyart® maps, atlases, plans will survive in the worst conditions Borch’s map range covers cities, states, islands, countries and continents. Our superior quality patented maps are softlaminated and water-repellent, durable and recyclable. Further products include atlases, motorsports and cycle maps. Borch GmbH is also the official map supplier of the Deutschlandtour bike race. Please note that Borch’s “Berndtson&Berndtson” map range is going to be renamed “Borch Maps” over the course of 2006. 24 Exhibitors CartoDirect Stand 3 Stand Manager: Torsten Oestergaard PO Box 1262, D-72503 Krauchenwies GERMANY Tel :49 (0) 7576 901477 Fax :49 (0) 7576 901479 COLLINS BARTHOLOMEW Stand 31 Stand Manager: Sheena Barclay Westerhill Road, Bishopbriggs, Glasgow G64 2QT UNITED KINGDOM Tel : +44 (0) 141 306 3209, Tel : +44 (0)141 772 3200 Fax : +44 (0)141 306 3130 Geographical distribution from the manufacturer direct to the retailer. European distribution of high-quality National Geographic wall maps and folded maps, National Geographic globes, Columbus globes, Art Line globes, Klett-Perthes wall maps, Planet Observer satellite maps and Rand McNally folded maps and atlases. For over 175 years, Collins Bartholomew has led the way in meeting the needs of users of geographic information. Throughout this time we have maintained the standards of data which produce the world’s leading reference atlas, The Times Comprehensive Atlas of the World, Collins Road Atlas of Britain and London Street Atlases, plus over 200 other authoritative Times and Collins mapping products. Today we offer Digital Maps for World, European, London, GB and Ireland data, customised mapping from an entire atlas through to a series of maps for inclusion in books, diaries, guides, adverts and leaflets as well as a range of Business Gifts. CARTOGRAPHIA LTD. Stand 1 Stand Manager: Csilla Pataky Bosnyak ter 5. Budapest, H-2040 HUNGARY Tel : + 36 1 222 6726, +36 1 363 3639/123 Cell :+ 36 20 583 6094, Fax : + 36 1 363 4639 COSMOGRAPHICS Stand 2 Stand Manager: Alan Grimwade 1 Mowat Industrial Estate, Sandown Road, Watford Hertfordshire, WD24 7UY ENGLAND Tel : +44 (0) 1923 210909, Fax : +44 (0) 1923 211657 50-year-old cartographical company, market leader in Hungary. We are publisher, distributor, retailer and make also cartographic service for digital map production. Our publications are road maps, travel maps, city maps and tourist maps, road atlases, world atlases and also travel guides. We have a wide selection of international titles as well. Our maps contain all the essential travel information, points of interest, transport, curiosities, places to visit in several languages. Our maps are sold worldwide. An award-winning provider of cartographic services to European and Global markets. Our expert knowledge of traditional cartographic techniques and reprographics, combined with our experience in map editorial and map design skills and continual re-investment in computerised production, means that we deliver the highest quality cartography. We also have an expanding range of world, continental, country and city maps that are available to licence. Visit Our WebSite Winner of IMTA (EAME) Best Published Map and Best Atlas 2001 and Best Folded Map 2003, British Cartographic Society Design Award 2002 and 2003. 25 Exhibitors ESRI INC Stand 6 Stand Manager: Peter Jolly 5 Bishop Kirk Place, Oxford OX2 7HJ UK Tel : 00-44-1865-516190, Fax : 00-44-1865-514883 FiberMark LAHNSTEIN Stand 20 Stand Manager: Rodney N. Bailey Auf Bruehl 15 - 27, 56112 Lahnstein GERMANY Tel : +44-1438-716983, Fax : +44-1438-840468 Since 1969, ESRI has been giving customers around the world the power to think and plan geographically. The market leader in GIS, ESRI software is used in more than 300,000 organizations worldwide. For over 40 years, FiberMark Lahnstein has been developing and producing impregnated special papers, synthetic fibre papers and wetlaid nonwovens for printing and technical applications. ESRI’s ArcGIS is a scalable family of software comprising a complete geographic information system, built on industry standards, that is rich in functionality and works out of the box. ArcMap is used for all map-based tasks including map authoring, map layout, map labeling, map symbolization, map analysis, data editing, export, and printing. pretex®—our established impregnated special paper— is being used for walking, cycling, nautical, river and road maps as well as for atlases and wallcharts, geological and other maps for professional use. The advantages of using pretex are: more durable than normal paper, water resistant, can be printed offset litho using standard inks, can be easily folded (up to 8 parallel), environmentally friendly, lamination not required. ESRI’s traditional strengths in GIS mean that versatile symbolization capabilities are provided for thematic, statistical, and analytical presentation—vital for atlas producers as well as mapping agencies covering natural and human resources. GeoCenter Stand 34 Stand Manager: Marjolein Musselwhite Viables Centre, Harrow Way, Basingstoke, Hants RG22 4BJ, GREAT BRITAIN Tel :44 1256 817987, Fax : 44 1256 817988 Visit Our WebSite GeoCenter are the distributors for the market leading brands of Insight Guides and Berlitz, as well as GeoCenter Maps. GeoCenter will be displaying the range of Insight Travel Maps, Insight Flexi Maps, GeoCenter Maps, Berlitz Holiday Maps, and the new series of Berlitz Pocket Maps which they are launching this year to a worldwide audience. The Pocket Maps include two pop-up maps and three additional panels, including Top 10 sights, phrase book information and bars and restaurants. GeoCenter will also be displaying their range of Insight World Atlases and globes. 26 Exhibitors GiziMap Stand 26 Stand Manager: Gizella Bassa Bogár u. 6. Budapest 1022 HUNGARY Tel : (36)1 326 0717, (36)1 2018219 Fax :(36)1 326 0717 GLOBAL MAPPING LIMITED Stand 14 Stand Manager: Alan Smith Manor Road, Brackley, Northamptonshire NN13 6EE UNITED KINGDOM Tel : +44 (0)1280 840770, Fax : +44 (0)1280 840816 Production and publishing of international road and city maps. Main topics: China, Tibet, India, Silk Road Countries, Iraq, Baghdad, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Caucasus, Mongolia, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Dalmatia, Macedonia, Transylvania (Romania), Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Libya, Algeria. The particular speciality are maps with elevation tints background. Global Mapping, along with their partners, XYZ Maps and Outstanding UK, offer skills and expertise in all aspects of cartography, including GIS, aerial photography, satellite imagery, data capture, bespoke mapping, desktop publishing, printing, finishing and distribution. Global Mapping can undertake projects ranging from small location maps to large world atlases and also have their own range of publications. Latest published releases include five maps featuring the British Isles, with more titles planned for later this year. They join the popular World Map series which includes the Pinboard World and Europe framed maps which have now had over 100,000 produced! Most of the maps are bilingual (Arabic, Chinese, Tibetan, Mongolian, etc.). Maps are available folded and in flat sheets as well. We are undertaken a range of contract work on the maps (Yemen, Jordan, etc.) and traditional handmade and digital hillshading of different part of the World. GiziMap has the skills and commercial flexibility to suit your professional and business needs. IMTA (Americas) CONFERENCE & TRADE SHOW IMTA INTERNATIONAL GLOBAL CONFERENCE BOULDER SINGAPORE September 17–20, 2006 14–17 November 2006 See page 17 27 Exhibitors HEAD OFFICE OF GEODESY AND CARTOGRAPHY Stand 11 Stand Manager: Henryka Calka Ul. Wpólna 2, 00-926 Warszawa POLAND Tel : (+ 48) 022 661 82 75, Fax : (+48) 022 629 38 72 INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES Stand 33 Stand Manager: Olena Boyko 02660, 54, Popudrenka str., Kyiv, Ukraine Tel : +38 044 5685332, Fax : +38 044 5522027 Institute of Advanced Technologies is the leading developer and producer of cartographic production in Ukraine. Our activities are map publishing (maps of the World, Europe, continents, Ukraine, cities, road maps, tour guides etc.), development of GIS systems, remote sensing data processing, electronic informational-cartographic systems on CDs, securities producing and other polygraphic services. IAT uses contemporary computer technologies and new scientific developments. Institute produces globes of different design and theme, including souvenir editions. We developed a method of digital cartographic bases preparation for globes, which provides minimum distortions. Institute has been repeatedly awarded with high IMTA Awards for its production. Under the auspices of the General Surveyor of Poland following products are published: topographic maps of Poland in a scale of 1:10 000 and 1:50 000, VMap Level 2 in the NATO standard in a scale of 1:50 000, thematic maps: hydrographic and environmental map in a scale of 1:50 000, administrative division map and a range of maps and atlases for the blind and visually handicapped. Following electronic databases are developed: topographical Database–TBD, General Geographic Database of Poland–BDO, Digital Colour Orthophotomaps and Digital black & white Ortophotomaps based on Photogrammetric photographs, Digital Orthophotomaps based on satellite imagery. IMTA ASIA PACIFIC REGION Stand 28 Stand Manager: Noleen Zander 147 Unley Road, Unley, South Australia 5061 AUSTRALIA Tel :61 8 8357 1777, Fax : 61 8 8357 3001 ITM—INTELLIGENT TRAVEL MAPS Stand 9 Stand Manager: Jiri Navratil 1 Podebradska, 2 Praha 9, 19000 CZECH REPUBLIC ITM CZECH REPUBLIC Stand X ITM Czech Republic was established in 1994 primarily as a distributor for ITMB Canada. More European and overseas publishers were added soon. IMTA AMERICAS REGION Stand 29 Stand Manager: Linda Hill 2629 Manhattan Avenue, PMB 281, Hermosa Beach, California 92054-2447 USA Tel :310/376-7731, Fax : 310/376-7287 ITM is focussed on distributing maps and guides from foreign publishers in the Czech and Slovak markets. Exporting Czech and Slovak maps is also developing. It has teamed up with SHOCart / GeoClub, a leading publisher-distributor of domestic titles. That includes sharing warehousing facilities, distribution channels, exhibition stands, catalogues, etc. That enabled ITM to participate in with the largest map and guide book distributing network in the country. 28 Exhibitors ITMB PUBLISHING LTD. Stand 8 Stand Manager: Jack Joyce 530 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1E9 CANADA Tel :604 879 3621, Fax : 604 879 4521 Lorienne S. A. Stand 25 Cap Beaune, 14, rue de la Beaune, Montreuil Cedex 93181, FRANCE Tel :33 (0)1 48 51 12 12, Fax : 33 (0)1 48 59 58 49 ITMB Publishing Ltd. prepares detailed travel maps and guides of countries and regions around the world, specializing in Africa, Asia, Canada, the Caribbean, Europe, the Middle East, and Latin America. ITMB has released more than 225 titles to date and is adding 40 new titles each year. We also distribute 23,000 titles by publishers such as the Canada Map Office (topographic maps of Canada), Michelin, Ordnance Survey, and Rand McNally. We also have a retail store in Vancouver, at 530 West Broadway. The location carries an extensive range of travel guides, travel and travel-related gifts, books and maps from a wide range of international sources. We also market more than 200 globes, manufactured by Replogle, Cram, Scanart, Michelin, Spherical Concepts, and National Geographic. Lorienne S.A., established in 1991, is expert in object technologies. The company is dedicated to the conception of graphics software applications in, and interactive user-interface design for, cross-platform environments. Lorienne successfully developed its expertise for the geomatic and cartography industry with the creation of professional software applications for digital map design. For this purpose, the LorikSoftware range of products has been designed to produce professional quality maps for national and international geography agencies, service bureaus and map editors. The software provide all necessary features to import existing traditional patrimony, create digital cartography databases with no limit of size from model of any origins, update the designs accordingly to user-defined graphics templates and typographic symbols libraries, import GIS database information to automate the designs and recompose all printing formats from a single database. The recognition of Lorienne’s quality software has been confirmed by the adoption of the software by most of the main actors of the cartographic field in many countries covering. JANA SETA MAP SHOP Stand 22 Stand Manager: Aivars Beldavs 83/85 Elizabetes Str, block 2, Riga LV 1050, LATVIA Tel :371 724 0892, Fax : 371 782 8039 IMTA (EAME) Conference & trade show Distributor / Retailer / Publishers representative Publisher—Jana Seta Map Publishers representative. Salzburg Distributor—official distributor of Jana Seta Map Publishers cartography products 23–24 February 2007 Retailer—biggest specialized map and travel bookshop in the Baltic States with best map selection for Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Russia, Belorussia and Ukraine. See page 12 29 Exhibitors LOVELL JOHNS Stand 15 Stand Manager: Ben Hill 10, Hanborough Business Park, Long Hanborough Witney, Oxfordshire OX29 8RU, UNITED KINGDOM Tel : +44 1993 883161, Fax : +44 1993 883096 NICOLSON MAPS Stand 12 Stand Manager: Robin Nicolson 3 Frazer Street, Largs, Ayrshire KA30 9HP SCOTLAND Tel : 01475 689242, Fax : 01475 689242 Nicolson Maps, Scotland’s leading map publisher and distributor, is an independent, family-run business with over 25 years of experience in the map trade. Scotland’s one-stop map shop publishes its own distinctive brand of street mapping. Customised mapping solutions are available. Nicolson Maps is also the wholesaler of all major cartographic publishers. Lovell Johns is celebrating its 40th year bringing cartographic services to the mapping world. We continue to offer a highquality service backed by experience and valuable world database assets and products. Publishing services continues to be a large part of our offering, from a high-quality reference atlas to a simple map for a brochure or guide book. Expertise in GIS and software authoring enables us to build, integrate and maintain cartographic databases. Web mapping is a growing part of our offering and we build interactive applications for many business sectors. Our map shop is under the name Maps International. IMTA INTERNATIONAL GLOBAL CONFERENCE MOVIKEN Stand 24 Stand Manager: Jean-Claude Degand 285 quarter, Avenue Victor Hugo, Montreuil 93100, FRANCE Tel : +33 1 48129601, Fax : +33 2 48129609 SINGAPORE 14–17 November 2006 See page 13 Moviken is a territories engineering and digital cartography company. With its powerful tools, Moviken is regularly innovating in the map production and conception field. 30 Exhibitors ROUGH GUIDES Stand 17 Stand Manager: Siobhan Donoghue 5th floor, 80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL UNITED KINGDOM Tel : +44 (0) 20 7010 3000 (General) Tel : +44 (0) 20 7010 3718 (Direct) Tel : +44 (0) 20 7010 3710 (Martin Dunford, Publishing Director) Fax : +44 (0) 20 7010 6767 SCOTPRINT Stand 23 Stand Manager: Norrie Gray Gateshead Commerce Park, Haddington, East Lothian, EH41 3ST, GREAT BRITAIN Tel:44 1620 828800, Fax: 44 1620 828801 Scotprint is one of Europe’s leading cartographic printers. Our company, through its incorporation of Edinburgh Press, can trace its map-printing heritage back to 1826. Scotprint can undertake every element of the production process, from creative design through to finished product, within its group facilities. Four large-format 7B presses, a 10-colour B1 perfector with CutStar reel-to-sheet technology, and four smaller press formats, enables Scotprint to offer an unparalleled range of print solutions. A full compliment of map-covering, cased, sewn, slotted, wire-o and wire-stitched binding is also provided in-house, ensuring total control over quality and service. Scotprint is accredited to ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001 Environmental Management System. Rough Guides publishes two series of maps, printed on ripproof, waterproof Polyart™ paper with removable cardboard covers. Tough, practical and great-value, Rough Guide City Maps forge a new standard in urban cartography. Every street has been checked by our researchers to provide travel resources of total reliability and user-friendliness. Rough Guide Country & Regional Maps, published in association with the World Mapping Project are, equally, designed and printed to the highest specifications. IMTA (Americas) CONFERENCE & TRADE SHOW In addition to maps, Rough Guides publishes over 270 travel guides, covering 130 countries, 21 phrasebooks and more than 50 reference titles. We have also recently launched an online picture library, making our images commercially available. BOULDER RUSKARTA Stand 4 Stand Manager: Rudolf Kazakov 45 Volgogradskij pr. Moscow, 109316, Russia Tel : 7-495-1778013, Fax : 7-495-7715201, ruskarta@sk.rmt September 17–20, 2006 See page 17 The Ruskarta Ltd is the official representative of the enterprises of Federal Agency of the Geodesy and Cartography of Russia as well as private cartographical firms in the international market. The distributor of atlases, general geographic maps of Russia and military topographic maps (paper and digital) of all over the world. The producer of digital maps, DEM, 3D-cities. 31 Exhibitors SHOCart COMPANY Stand 10 Stand Manager: Zbynek Krejcik Zdveice 48, 76312 Vizovice CZECH REPUBLIC Tel : +420 577 687 204, Fax : +420 577 687 360 STAR INFORMATIC S.A. Stand 21 Stand Manager: Richard Buijsman Bijenstraat 29, 9051 Gent BELGIUM Tel : +32 – 9 – 240 99 80, Tel : +32 – 9 – 240 99 88 Star Informatic provides a wide and complete GIS software product line able to tackle the requirements of all categories of GIS application users in all network environments. Our products range from professional GIS platforms over internet-based GIS modules to professional cartographic publishing solutions. SHOCart Company was founded in 1991 and it is the largest cartographic publisher in the Czech Republic. In 2004 SHOCart bought one of the largest maps and travel guides distributor—GeoClub company. We are a member of the Cartographic Society of the Czech Republic. We produce tourist, hiking and cycling maps, road atlases, city maps and wall maps. Individually we prepare compilation of maps, as well as map editions by the customer. Additional assortment in our product offer is processing and manufacturing information panels and board maps. In 2003, our company took over the cartographic publishing activity of the prepress vendor Esko (formerly Barco Graphics), with the Mercator software suite as flagship product. Since then Star Informatic has honoured its commitment to further enhance Mercator in order to best serve both existing and new users. Our company produce the most detailed Tourist Atlas of the Czech Republic on scale of 1:50.000 and it has received several prestige prizes. At the IMTA Trade Show, we will gladly discuss all your map publishing needs and show you the newest features of Mercator—the ideal publishing complement for any GIS or CAD software. In addition, we will proudly present examples of the various CD-ROM mapping products that we have created for a steadily growing number of customers. You are also welcome to ask about our GIS-specific products. All of our maps are compiled in a digital form, so an inseparable part of our publishing house is also the data sales. We participate in a Tourist Traffic Fair Regiontour in Brno, Sport Fair in Prague, Book Fair in Prague and Book Fair in Frankfurt a. M. Just look at what you will see in Salzburg! 32 Exhibitors STELLANOVA VERLAG Stand 35 Stand Manager: Andreas Pachler Karwendelstr. 7, Berg-Aufkirchen 82335 GERMANY Tel : +49 8151 555 15 60, Fax : +49 8151 555 15 66 VICTORIA LITHO LTD Stand 16 Stand Manager: David Wilson Stanford House, 9 Nestles Ave, Hayes, Middx UB3 4SA, GREAT BRITAIN Tel :44 20 8581 5151, Fax : 44 20 8581 5161 Manufacturer of high quality globes: swivel / tilt globes, magnetic levitating globes, illuminated globes, illustrated globes for children, 64cm (25-inch) large globes. Multi-colour large sheetfed printing company specialising in printing maps. Our client base is made up of all major cartographic companies in the UK and many more overseas. We offer a complete printing service from receipt of your disc or artwork to the completed maps. We have an extensive in-house computer to plate system which compliments our five and six colour presses. THE BEETLE MAP Stand 32 Stand Manager: Michelle Park 17-7 Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-100 Korea Tel : 82-2-3443-9745, Fax : 82-2-3443-9724 TheBeetleMap represents all related products of 3D drawing maps, map books, and magazines in 3 languages. Also TheBeetleMap has been making an effort to develop new map-related-products such as scarf, puzzle and calendar. Because of those efforts TheBeetleMap was awarded two prizes at The IMTA Asia Pacific annual Awards in 2005. TheBeetleMap draws the maps not only in Korea but also in the world. The first overseas project was Israel and Egypt will be second. By 2010 this pilgrimage series will be completed. All maps of TheBeetleMap are handmade and based on the watercolor printing. TheBeetleMap is looking for distributors abroad and willing to be the Korean Agency of the foreign companies. IMTA (EAME) Conference & trade show Salzburg 23–24 February 2007 See page 12 Visit Our WebSite 33 IMTA of EAME Board of Directors President: Andreas Pachler Stellanova Verlag Karwendelstr. 7, 82335 Berg-Aufkirchen GERMANY Tel : +49 (81) 51-5 55 15-60 Fax :+49 (81) 51-5 55 15-66 Marc Craenen Ijzerenberglaan, 24, Herent, Vlaams Brabany 3020 BELGIUM Tel : + 32 Fax :+ 32 1623 9711 Vice President: Keith Ferries Cook, Hammond and Kell Southerton House, Boundary Business Court Church Road, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 3TD UK Tel : (020) 8648 9262 Fax :+44 20 8640 6616 Kelechi Eke Centre for Cartography and Resource Management 5 Kujore Street, Ilupejtu, Lagos 234 NIGERIA Tel : +2348029750105 Fax :+23417948359 Executive member: Alan Grimwade Cosmographics 1 Mowat Industrial Estate, Watford, Herts WD24 7UY UK Tel : +44 01923210909 Fax :+44 01923211657 Robert Sharpe ESRI Inc Alberta Villa, Mordaunt Road, Southampton, Hampshire SO14 6GP UNITED KINGDOM Tel : +44 07901904319 Director at Large: Peter Jolly ESRI Inc 5 Bishop Kirk Place, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX2 7HJ UK Tel : +44 01865516190 Fax :+44 01865514883 Jean-Claude Degand Itinéraires & Territoires 285 quater, Avenue Victor Hugo, Montreuil 93100 FRANCE Tel : +33160330303 John Whitby, Executive Director, IMTA (EAME) 4 The Old forge Kingsbridge Devon TQ7 1DE United Kingdom Tel : 01548 857310 Fax :01548 854463 International Code +44 1548 34 IMTA (EAME) Membership Application International Map Trade Association (Europe, Africa and the Middle East) 4 The Old Forge, Kingsbridge, Devon, TQ7 1DE, United Kingdom Telephone: 01548 857310 Fax: 01548 854463 International code: +44 1548 APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Please PRINT your details Company ____________________________________________________________________ Number of Employees (See Annual Membership Fees) ______________________________ Address______________________________________________________________________ Post Code ________________________ Country ____________________________________ Phone _______________________________ Fax ____________________________________ Email ________________________________________________________________________ Web Address_________________________________________________________________ Contact Name ____________________ Position ____________________________________ Contact’s Email ___________________ Recommended by ___________________________ Type of Business ______________________________________________________________ Please also complete the membership classification and business category list. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEES Level One Level Two Level Three Associate Member Company/Organisation with 1–9 employees Company/Organisation with 10–24 employees Company/Organisation with 25 or more employees Non-commercial interest (See Below) £117 (plus VAT) £234 (plus VAT) £351 (plus VAT) £72.34 (plus VAT) Associate Membership is open only to individuals with a non-commercial interest (e.g. map collectors, students of cartography, map librarians, etc.). If applying for Associate Membership, please state your interest. Please return completed form and payment to the address above. Membership applications are not accepted without payment. See PAYMENT ADVICE35 FORM for payment options. IMTA (EAME) Membership Application International Map Trade Association (Europe, Africa and the Middle East) 4 The Old Forge, Kingsbridge, Devon, TQ7 1DE, United Kingdom Telephone: 01548 857310 Fax: 01548 854463 International code +44 1548 Email: Payments are accepted by credit card, cheque or bank transfer. Cheque payments are accepted in GBP (£) or Euro (ȯ) Fax or return this form if paying by credit card MasterCard or Visa (We do not accept American Express) Card Number Expiry Date: / Tick box to have your credit card charged on the renewal date each year Charge my credit card the amount of British Pounds _________ We cannot charge Euros to your credit card Name on credit card please print ________________________ Your company ______________________________________ Billing address of Credit Card holder _____________________ __________________________________________________ Bank Transfer for payments into our GBP account You are required to pay all costs involved in the money transfer. If you do not pay all the costs your documents or membership will not be issued until full payment has been received. Please forward the full GBP invoiced amount to: Bank: HSBC Bank Bank Address: 87 Station Road, New Milton, Hants, BH25 6JE. UK Account Name: International Map Trade Association Account Number: 11140434 Sort Code: 40 34 25 Swift Code:MIDLGB22 IBAN: GB43MIDLGB40342511140434 Bank Transfer for payments into our Euro account You are required to pay all costs involved in the money transfer. If you do not pay all the costs your documents or membership will not be issued until full payment has been received. Please forward the full EURO invoiced amount to: Bank: HSBC Bank Bank Address: 87 Station Road, New Milton, Hants, BH25 6JE. UK Account Name: International Map Trade Association Account Number: 59189807 Sort Code: 40 05 15 Swift Code MIDLGB22 IBAN:GB68MIDL40051559189807 36 Notes 37 Notes 38
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