April 2016 Indiana Gardens - The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc.
April 2016 Indiana Gardens - The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc.
INDIANA GARDENS April VOL. 80, Number 2, 2016 THE GARDEN CLUB OF INDIANA, INC. 1 Published by The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc. Member of National Garden Clubs, Inc. The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc. STATE PRESIDENT: Jodi Meyer 2400 Taylor Avenue Princeton, IN 47670-3216 812-677-0155 jodilume57@gmail.com Theme: Gardeners: Preserving the Past, Beautifying the Present, Preparing for the Future IN THIS ISSUE Letter from the President .……….………………..……...3 Blue Star Memorials………..…………..……………….4-5 Make a Toad Abode…………….…………………………6 Hosta Society Programs... …………………….………....7 Flower Show at Convention…….……............................8 Message from State Historian………………………… 9 2015-2017 National Garden Clubs, Inc. NATIONAL PRESIDENT: Sandra H. Robinson 960 Maple Grove Rd. London, KY 40744-8955 (h) 606-878-7281 (c) 606-231-1122 sandyr5342@gmail.com Youth Pollinator Gardens Grant………………….…..10-11 Indiana Flower & Patio Show Pictures……………...14-15 Please send articles and notices to: Editor Gloria J. Notaro 2654 Blarney Stone Dr. Valparaiso, IN 46385-7345 219-406-5925 gloagent@csinet.net Theme: Leap into Action National Garden Clubs, Inc. CENTRAL REGION DIRECTOR: Judy Newman N49 W18935 Joetta Drive Menomonee Falls, WI 53051-6433 (h) 262-781-3318 (c) 414-861-7134 newman9641@aol.com Mission Statement The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc. Promotes Interest and Education in Horticulture, Landscaping, Floral Design, and Environmental Concerns Theme: Cultivating Connections ISSUE DEADLINES Jan 1 Mar 1 May 1 July 1 Sept 1 Nov 1 2 Greetings from the President! Winter is over! Well at least according to the calendar. The TGCI Bicentennial Committee has been busy ironing out details for the Blue Star Memorial dedication. Plans seem to change when government employees get involved. I should know I am one. More details coming soon. The big event at state fairgrounds was the The Flower and Patio show from 3/12/16 through 3/20/16. Our booth looked amazing. The booth next to us gave many compliments to our members, such as being courteous and kind. Thank you to those who arranged all of the workers from setting up and tearing down and supporting the function in anyway. Thank you! thank you! I believe it was a success, many future club members registered. Judy Markham the membership Chairman is sorting them now. Final plans for the 85th Annual TGCI State Convention is entering the final hours. Laura and Edie have been working diligently with all the support of Central West club members. McCormick's Creek State park will be celebrating 100 years this year. Hope to see you there, one year since my presidency began, boy how time flies. Mark your calendar : April 12-13, 2016, TGCI Convention McCormick's Creek, Spencer, IN. May 2-6, 2016, National Garden Club Convention in Grand Rapids, Michigan, practically in our backyard. You should attend. June 5-11, 2016 is National Garden Week. Are you planning your festivities in your community? Great week to get your club name in the paper. Free brochures available at Members Services on National Garden Club website. Final thought: The price of Blue Star Memorial Markers goes up in May. Plan ahead and get yours ordered and dedicate it later. Enjoy Spring and all that nature brings, See you soon! Jodi 3 Blue Star Memorials What a joy it is to see President Jodi Meyer's Blue Star Memorial President's Project being embraced by the garden clubs in Indiana! As of this writing, 6 new Blue Star Memorial markers are in various stages of coming to fruition. Please check out the National Garden Club's website for the "2015 Blue and Gold Star Memorial Guidelines"; you will find up-to-date information and current order forms for a marker. I will have the Blue Star Memorial National Garden Club leaflets and order forms with me at McCormick's Creek, and will be glad to answer any questions concerning the Blue Star Memorials. I will be happy to visit your garden club and share information available on establishing a memorial in your town or district. Email me at kjkesler@comcast.net or call (765) 461-5017, and we'll get a meeting scheduled. If you have newspaper articles, photographs, dedication programs for your activity with your Blue Star Memorial, please bring them to the convention for me to add to TGCI, Inc.'s files. I will bring the books I have compiled for you to enjoy at the Blue Star Memorial table. The Blue Star Memorial Fund will have a raffle of a Victory Garden pillow featuring Lady Liberty. All monies will go into TGCI, Inc.'s Blue Star Memorial Fund to help establish more Blue Stars shining across Indiana. Be sure to check it out! Jayne Kesler Blue Star Memorial Chairman kjkesler@comcast.net March Garden Checklist: Indoors: Prune, repot and clean houseplants as needed. Fertilize houseplants as new growth appears. Follow label directions. Sketch garden plans, including what to grow, spacing, arrangement, number of plants needed and sequence. Order seeds and plants as early as possible for best selection. Place Easter lily, florist azalea, cyclamen and other seasonal flowering plants in bright, indirect sunlight. Keep soil moist. Pot up summer flowering bulbs to be transplanted outdoors later, including tuberous begonias, caladiums and cannas. Start seeds of warm season vegetables and flowers in early March in southern Indiana. In northern and central Indiana, wait until late March or early April. Transplant outdoors when danger of frost is past, usually mid-May. See more at: http://hoosiergardener.com/ 4 Iris Elm Garden Club If you pass by the Freight Depot at the intersection of Main and Logan streets in Winamac, you may notice a new addition to the home of the Iris Elm Garden Club in the form of a large stone. In partnership with The Garden Club of Indiana’s State President Jodi Meyer, the Iris Elm Garden Club has committed to installing a Blue Star Byway Marker to honor the nation’s Armed Forces, as part of the Garden Clubs of Indiana’s 2016-2017 initiatives. The Blue Star Memorial program was named for the blue star in the service flag, which hung in windows of homes and businesses to honor service men and women during WWII. The program originated with the National Council of State Garden Clubs in 1945, and for over 65 years, the program has grown across all 50 states, honoring those who serve our nation in the past, present and future. On Friday, February 19, 2016 the Iris Elm Garden Club members met with Reese Shidler and Blake Caston of Proscapes Unlimited, LLC to set the stone for a Blue Star Memorial By-Way marker. With the stone perfectly placed, the Blue Star plaque ordered, the club members are now planning a dedication program for the installation and dedication of the Blue Star marker in August 2016. The Iris Elm Garden Club members are grateful for the philanthropy of Proscapes, who donated the stone, time, and labor for this project. Their generosity and dedication to the community are greatly appreciated! Pictured (L to R) Wanda Zahrt, Darlene Fritz, Gretchen Bleicher. Jacquie Lawson, Reese Shider and Blake Caston in the bobcat. Indiana Garden Clubs with Facebook Pages The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc. Vale of Paradise Garden Club National Garden Club Hendricks County Garden Club Iris Elm Garden Club Hobart Garden Club Pendleton Garden Club NW Indiana Garden Clubs Peru Garden Club Irvington Garden Club Duneland Garden Club 5 Make a Toad Abode A toad may be ugly I will not dispute. He's not even colorful, cuddly or cute. But his dry warty skin and his big, bulging eyes are soon overlooked by gardeners wise. For an averaged-sized toad on a nice summer day will eat many insects and keep pests away. A toad home will give him a cool shady spot to reside in your garden or vegetable plot. He'll welcome your kindness from his toad B. and B. and you'll reap the benefits ec-o-logic-ally! By Mary Ellen Wynes, Mt. Pleasant Garden Club Michigan Garden Clubs Inc Michigangardenclubs.org tid·bit corner… Did you know thatA garden with plants that will bloom from spring to fall creates a bee habitat — and makes you a conservationist. Have a tid-bit to share? Please send it to me. 6 The Indianapolis Hosta Society (IHS) Program: “Chasing the Rare and Unusual in Shade Gardens” Monday, April 11, 2016 Time: 6:30 p.m. Holliday Park Nature Center 6363 Spring Mill Road, Indianapolis, IN 46260 Free and open to the public Gene Bush, nationally known shade garden expert, garden writer, photographer and former owner of Munchkin Nursery and Gardens will be our featured speaker. Gene will talk about his quest to collect rare and unusual plants for his Southern Indiana shade garden. Pat Brummer, IHS, Publicity 317-251-6465 indianapolishostasociety.org The Indianapolis Hosta Society (IHS) Program: “Hosta 101” Monday, May 2, 2016 Time: 6:30 p.m. Holliday Park Nature Center 6363 Spring Mill Road, Indianapolis, IN 46260 Free and open to the public Randy Goodwin, hosta hybridizer and a founder of The Indianapolis Hosta Society, will present an overview of the genus hosta for the beginner as well as a review for the seasoned hosta enthusiast. Randy’s presentation will include: plant terms, hosta origins, planting ideas, purchasing sources, and cultivar family information. Pat Brummer, IHS, Publicity 317-251-6465 indianapolishostasociety.org 7 PLEASE CONSIDER ENTERING THE FLOWER SHOW IF YOU DO ENTER, YOU WILL BE IN A DRAWING FOR "The Frightened Frog" FULL SCHEDULE AND HOW TO ENTER IS ON THE GARDEN CLUB OF INDIANA, INC. website 1. You need to go into The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc. website http://www.gardenclubofindiana.org 2. Once there, go to the "Meetings" button and click on it 3. You will see the 2016 Convention button, click on that 4. At bottom of list is the "Full Flower Show Schedule" that you can view and or print out 1816-2016 The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc.. 1931-2016 1916-2016 "LET'S CELEBRATE" A Petite Standard Flower Show Sponsored by the Central West District Member of The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc. Central Region National Garden Clubs, Inc. Tuesday April 12, 2016: 11:20 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m.- 5:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Flower Show Perspectives Talk Wednesday April 13, 2016: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Canyon Inn 250 McCormick's Creek Park Road Spencer, Indiana 47460 Open to the public & attendees of: The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc. State Convention Free Admission Purpose of a Standard Flower Show To educate club members and the viewing public To stimulate interest in horticulture and floral design To provide an outlet for creative expression To convey NGC objectives to the community 8 As State Historian for the term of 2015-2017, I will be creating a printed scrapbook and a digital scrapbook. These scrapbooks will document President Jodi Meyer’s 2 year term of office (2015 -2017) and highlight the events from the 7 districts and the 73 local chapters throughout the state. Using The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc. website, click the Member Info tab on the left, and then under the Awards Manual heading, find the Scrapbook heading. This section includes all the instructions for local scrapbook entries. Since not all local chapters create their own chapter scrapbook every year, the State Scrapbook can provide a way for all local chapters to be included in the history of The Garden Club of Indiana. If your chapter creates a local scrapbook, please assist me in my collection of items to include in the two forms of the State Scrapbook 2015-2017. I am using the Awards Manual scrapbook guidelines as I develop the plans for the State Scrapbooks, printed and digital. The Scrapbook Contents Section indicates that the contents may include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Photographs of members and their gardens and activities Publicity clippings about club activities/members Schedules/photographs of flower shows Correspondence pertaining to some specific activity Awards/ribbons earned by the club or special recognition shown to members A copy of the history of the year (by club president) copies of the annual reports by various committee chairmen 7. Obituaries, memorials NOTE: Photo must have names, date and description of event. Printed publication clippings must have name of publication and date, preferably cut from publication. I will not be attending the State Convention at McCormick’s Creek, April 11-13, but if you would like to bring items for the scrapbook, Wanda Zahrt, State Corresponding Secretary, will be available to bring contributions back to me. Thank you for all you can provide. Raye Anne Absher, State Historian 2015-2017 raabsher@gmail.com 9 Youth Pollinator Gardens Grant National Garden Clubs, Inc. is excited to announce a new grant opportunity for Garden Clubs working with youth clubs or groups planning and planting Pollinator Gardens. Grants, up to $200, are available for projects that include educational materials on the vital role pollinators play in nature and youth involvement in planning and planting gardens providing nesting and food sources for pollinators. Youth will learn the importance of providing appropriate food sources, nesting areas, shelter, and practicing sustainable gardening practices for pollinators by planning, planting, and maintaining these pollinator gardens. To apply for a grant, complete an NGC Grant Application, provide detailed information about the project, and submit your request to the NGC Youth Committee Chairman for approval. APPLICATION IS ON THE NEXT PAGE 10 NGC Grant Application for Youth Pollinator Gardens Number of Members in Club or Council: Date: Name of Garden Club: District: State: Club Member Contact Name: Address: E-mail: Phone: State Awards Chairman: Phone: E-mail: Please complete the following. If additional room is needed, you may attach pages referencing these item numbers: 1. Project Name: 2. Project Begin Date: Completion (or Expected) Date: 3. Brief summary and objectives of project: 4. Involvement of club members, other organizations, etc.: 5. Project expenses: 6. Continuing involvement, follow-up, maintenance plan: 7. Attach or insert photos, digital photos, and/or landscape plan (does not need to be professionally drawn). Please send to NGC Youth Chairman: Lynne Ehnert ~ W143 N6828 Aspen Drive ~ Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 or lehnert@wi.rr.com ~ 414-630-1959. Grant monies for approved projects will be sent upon the project’s completion. Grant recipients agree to provide receipts for the reimbursable expenses (not to include cost of labor for member or youth), as well as pictures of the completed project. By submission of this request, the Club grants NGC permission to publish 11 Blue and Yellow Indiana Native Plants* If you’re planning a Blue and Yellow Bicentennial Garden and prefer native plants in order to benefit our Indiana pollinators, here are a few suggestions. Summer bloom times are noted. BLUE Aster Bellflower Bluebell Blue Indigo Gayfeather Ironweed Larkspur Lobelia Phlox Symphyotrichum patens late Symphyotrichum novae-angliae late Campanulastrum americanum mid Campanula rotundafolia mid-late Mertensia virginica early Baptisia australis early-mid Liatris spicata mid-late Liatris aspera late Vernonia gigantea late Delphinium tricorne early Lobelia puberula late Lobelia siphilitica late Phlox subulata early-mid Lobelia Aster Liatris Oxeye Sunflower Greenhead Coneflower Lanceleaf Coreopsis YELLOW Blackeyed Susan False Sunflower/ Autumn Sneezeweed Goldenrod Grayhead Coneflower Greenhead Coneflower Lanceleaf Coreopsis Narrow-leaf Sunflower Oxeye Sunflower Tall Tickseed Yellow Sneezeweed Susan Adler Native Heritage Plants Chairman Rudbeckia hirta Helenium autumnalel late Solidago altisssima late Solidago speciosa late Ratibida pinnata mid-late Rudbeckia laciniata mid-late Coreopsis lanceolata mid Helianthus angustifolius late Heliopsis helianthoides Coreopsis tripteris mid-late Helenium amarum *not inclusive 12 Native Heritage Plants Aquilegia Canadensis - Columbine, Granny’s Bonnets The flowering period of Indiana’s native Aquilegia Canadensis coincides perfectly with the Rubythroated Hummingbird’s spring migration. Botanists have found that its nectar has an unusually high nutrition content. Per nature’s plan, aquilegia’s red tubular flowers attract migrating hummingbirds and its nectar provides them the ‘high-octane’ fuel they require. Butterflies also depend on Aquilegia for early-season nutrition and it serves as the larval host plant for Indiana’s Columbine Duskywing Butterfly. The flowers attract many pollinators, and the seeds are consumed by birds. A member of the Ranunculaceae (buttercup) family, Aquilegia blooms for an extended period in late spring and early summer. Growing 1-2 feet tall, native Aquilegia has airy bell-like 1-2 inch red and yellow flowers held on long stems. It prefers dappled sun. Aquilegia readily self-seeds, or simply scatter the dried seed pods where you want more plants. The genus name “Aquila” is the Latin word for “eagle” as spurs on the blooms resemble talons. The common name “Columbine”, from the Latin Columba, means “dove” as the five tubular flower petals are said to resemble a gathering of doves. Aquilegia was enjoyed in early-American cottage gardens as early as the mid-1600s. Native Americans used infusions from the plant for a poison-ivy wash. And, as a love potion, Native American men rubbed the crushed seeds on their hands because the aroma was reputed to attract female attention! “Have you ever observed a humming-bird moving about in an aerial dance among the flowers— a living prismatic gem. … it is a creature of such fairy-like loveliness as to mock all description. “ ~ W. H. Hudson, Green Mansions Susan Adler Native Heritage Plants Chairman susanadler9@gmail.com The Syracuse-Wawasee Garden Club will be hosting a Garden Walk June 25, 2016 from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm. We invite you to come and view 6 fabulous gardens located around Syracuse and Lake Wawasee. For ticket information please email pamschumm@gmail.com. Pam Schumm Syracuse-Wawasee Garden Club 13 Indiana Flower and Patio Show, State Fairgrounds, March 12 –20, 2016 The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc. Booth promoting “Blue & Gold Floral Tribute to Indiana’s Flag” Garden club members planting blue and gold flowers in containers for lobbies Blue and gold flowers used by exhibitors in their gardens and displays Master Gardeners’ booth promoting blue & gold flowers 14 Vendors selling blue & gold flowers Perry Hammock, Executive Director of the 2016 Indiana Bicentennial Commission, visited TGCI booth at Indiana Flower and Patio Show. BICENTENNIAL PROJECT “Blue and Gold Floral Tribute to Indiana’s Flag” Included in this issue is a certificate you may take to those businesses that have agreed to support our special bicentennial project. In the lower right corner is space for them to add their company name and/or logo. It won’t be long until the blue and gold bulbs planted last fall will burst forth in our bicentennial colors. Please send pictures and published articles so we may share them with the Indiana 2016 Bicentennial Commission. You may scan and email to Gerry St. Peters at stpsales@aol.com The certificate is located on the next page. 15 16