MagnaStar® C-750 System
MagnaStar® C-750 System
P r o d u c t C a t a l o g TELEDYNE CONTROLS A Teledyne Technologies Company Contents SmartCabin Office ™ 1 Basic MagnaStar ® C-2000 System 3 Basic MagnaStar ® C-750 System 4 Accessories 5,6,7 Model 2 Handsets 8,9 Mach-1 Handsets 10 Cable Assemblies 11 Optional Equipment 12,13 Test Equipment 14 Teledyne Iridium Unit (TIU) 15 HSD-128 ™ 16,17 CommSer ver ™ 18 AWLU 19 GroundLink ® 20 TeleLink ® 21 SmartCabin Office™ Introduction Teledyne Controls is offering and supporting a complete voice and data communications package that meets the demanding needs of airborne executive travelers. Teledyne’s SmartCabin Office ™ provides fully digital voice and high-speed data communication worldwide. These services are enabled through the seamless integration of MagnaStar ®, the industry dominant airborne telephone system, providing travelers with uncompressed data transfer rates at speeds up to 128K bps. Optional hardware provides data networking and communication capabilities in the aircraft cabin similar to those in your business or home office. SmartCabin Office™ Configuration AMT-50 DUPLEXER DIGITAL MAGNASTAR ® HANDSETS OPTIONAL DUAL MAGNASTAR ® HSD-128™ CABIN DISTRIBUTION BUS MAGNASTAR ® ARTU CDBR CDBR ETHERNET ISDN Jack ISDN MAGNASTAR® ISDN TERMINAL ADAPTER (MITA) ANALOG MODEM COMMSERVER AWLU Page 2 Everything you need to get down to business MagnaStar ® C-2000 is a complete communication package. The system includes an Air Radio Telecommunications Unit (ARTU), an antenna, a duplexer, and a mounting tray. And, of course, you customize the system to include the necessary handsets and cradles. Upon installation, you’ll have instant direct dial capabilities. You’ll be able to make conference calls, multiple calls, seat-to-seat and cabin-to-cockpit interphone calls. You’ll be able to receive incoming calls, and you’ll be able to store frequently called numbers for easy speed dialing. With 9.6K bps data speeds you will be connecting faster than any other airborne phone available. With global coverage and automatic uninterrupted handoffs, you’ll never be out of touch again. MagnaStar ® , the digital airborne phone you can rely on. MagnaStar® is a registered trademark of Raytheon Page 3 MagnaStar ® C-2000 System The MagnaStar® C-2000 digital airborne telephone system is a complete airborne communication package designed specifically for corporate and regional aviation. Lightweight and reliable the C-2000 can be mounted in any pressurized or non-pressurized location on the aircraft. The C-2000 system can support nine (9) independent handset/fax/data calls from up to 50 handset locations, with up to two of these calls utilizing the Verizon Telecommunications Network. MagnaStar® , the full featured cabin communications management system. The basic single handset C-2000 system consists of the following: • Air Radio Telecommunications Unit (ARTU) • Mounting Tray • Duplexer • Blade Antenna • Cabin Distribution Bus Repeater (CDBR) • Call Alerting Switch (CAS) • Telephone Handset There are a number of optional system components, handset styles and colors that allow you to custom tailor your installation to fit your own specific telecommunication system requirements. Simplified C-2000 System Diagram Ant Digital SATCOM Duplexer ARTU & Tray LAN 1 CDBR-1/3 CAS Ant Inter E1 Bus Duplexer ARTU & Tray Digital Handset LAN 2 Alerter TIU or Analog Satcom or HF Radio AIU HSD SATCOM MITA Digital Handset CDBR-2 Modem or Fax EPS CHIP Basic minimum installation Optional Page 4 MagnaStar ® C-750 System The MagnaStar® C-750 Telecommunications Management Unit (TMU) interfaces with CEPT-E1 compatible and Analog SATCOM as well as other equipment such as HF Radio. Lightweight and reliable, the C-750 can be mounted in any pressurized or nonpressurized location on the aircraft. The basic single handset C-750 system consists of the following: • Telecommunications Management Unit (TMU) • Mounting Tray • Cabin Distribution Bus Repeater (CDBR) • Call Alerting Switch (CAS) • Telephone Handset Simplified C-750 System Diagram Digital SATCOM TMU & Tray Inter E1 Bus TMU & Tray LAN 1 Digital Handset CDBR-1/3 CAS Alerter TIU or Analog Satcom or HF Radio AIU IHSD SATCOM MITA Digital Handset CDBR-2 Modem or Fax EPS CHIP LAN 2 Basic minimum installation Optional Accessories Page 5 -803 ARTU P/N 724855-803 The C-2000 ARTU is the basic transceiver/PABX unit, and will support up to nine (9) individual handsets. Connectors are included. Weight 15.4 Ibs. Size 6 MCU. -804 ARTU P/N 724855-804 The -802 C-2000 ARTU differs from the basic -801 ARTU by incorporation of a CEPT-E1 interface (dual CEPT-E1 interface on -804). This provides direct connection to digital SATCOM systems, cabin management equipment or other digital data buses while still maintaining digital air-to-ground capabilities. Connectors and Y cable assembly are included. Weight 15.4 Ibs. Size 6 MCU. -860 TMU P/N 724855-860 The C-750 TMU interfaces to both analog and CEPT-E1 compatible SATCOM equipment and will support up to nine (9) individual handsets. Connectors are included. W12 Cable Assembly shown in picture, must be ordered separately to allow interface to CEPT-E1 SATCOM equipment. Weight 10.0 Ibs. Size 6 MCU. Accessories Page 6 Tray Assembly P/N 724868-802 The tray assembly is the mounting structure for the ARTU/TMU and provides power line conditioning, and air plenum and fan for equipment cooling during extreme temperatures. Connectors and W16 cable assembly are included. Weight 3.0 Ibs. Size 6 MCU Duplexer Not required with C-750 TMU P/N 620317-2 The Duplexer is a passive signal filter/combiner allowing transmission and reception from a single antenna. Connectors are included. Weight 2.O Ibs. Size 4.5” x 8.3” x 1.0”. Antenna Not required with C-750 TMU P/N 902131-1 (6 hole) P/N 902131-2 (4 hole) The antenna is a low drag, 1/4 wavelength element suitable for high performance aircraft. The four (4) hole version (P/N 902131-2) is a direct replacement for most Flitefone antennas. Connector is not included. Page 7 CDBR-3 P/N 724864-810 The Cabin Distribution Bus Repeater is a tap device that allows for connection of two (2) digital devices (handset or CAS) onto the cabin data bus. The CDBR-3 is a low-power tap device that supports installations with up to 50 handsets. Although only nine may be active at any one time, this significantly enhances and expands more elaborate cabin configurations. External power supply (P/N 726672-801) is required if more than nine CDBR-3s and/or other distribution devices are installed. 724855-803, -804 and -860 support 50 handset capability. Connectors are included. Weight 0.4 Ibs. Size 4.1” x 3.1” x 1.0” CAS P/N 725256-801 The Call Alerting Switch (CAS) provides ten (10) independent switched outputs to control call annunciation devices (relays, lights, sonalerts, etc.) for individual or groups of telephone handsets. One (1) CAS is used per system. Connectors are included. Weight 0.4 Ibs. Size 4.1” x 3.4” x 1.0”. Model 2 Handsets Page 8 All Model 2 handsets come with a standard RJ-11 interface. Handsets are available in off-white, pepperdust, platinum and black (see page 14 for color samples). In addition to color options, there are four (4) different mounting styles; flush mounted, customized remote cord reel mounting, curled cord, and bulkhead mounted. Refer to the following descriptions when ordering for your specific installation. Relocatable handset 74” Curled Cord P/N: 724866-804 98” Curled Cord P/N: 724866-814 Flush mount bezel & handset 58” Cord P/N: 724866-805 Page 9 Bulkhead mount bezel & handset 58” Cord P/N: 724866-806 Custom mount handset 64” Cord P/N: 724866-807 MACH-1 Handsets Page 10 All MACH-1 handsets come with a standard RJ-11 interface. Handsets are available in off-white, pepperdust and black. (See page 14 for colors). There are three (3) different mounting styles; flush mounted, customized remote cord reel mounting, and curled cord. Refer to the following descriptions when ordering. Standard flush mount with bezel 58” cord P/N: 725729-815 Handset shown out of bezel Custom mount, 58” cord P/N: 725729-807 Relocatable, 98” cord P/N: 725729-814 Cable Assemblies Page 11 lnterface and interconnect cables are available and can be ordered in varying lengths to custom configure your MagnaStar ® C-750 or C-2000 installation. To simplify installation activity, data cable assemblies are terminated at one end. Refer to the diagram below to select the specific length and part numbers. Cable Selection ARTU or TMU W1 W7 422629-801 (15’) 422629-811 (15’) 422629-802 (30’) 422629-803 (50’) CDBR-2 422629-812 (30’) 422629-813 (50’) W7 W6 422629-811 (15’) AIU 422629-812 (30’) 422629-813 (50’) 4226613-802 (8’) CDBR-1/3 To Relocatable Handset 4226613-801 (8’) To Cord Reel Handset 422657-801 (12’) 422635-801 (12’) W12 W10 CEPT E1 Equipment CAS CEPT E1 Equipment ARTU 724855-804 422657-802 W28 ARTU 724855-804 CDBR-1/3 422657-002 W28 Optional Equipment Page 12 The following is a list of optional equipment that can be added to the basic MagnaStar ® C-750/C-2000 system. lnterfacing to various SATCOM systems as well as a remote operator/switchboard position for larger VIP configured aircraft is available. AIU P/N 724986-802 The Analog lnterface Unit (AIU) provides for the connection of analog equipment such as SATCOM, HF radio and PA systems to the MagnaStar ® C-750/C-2000 system. Connectors are included. Weight 0.8 Ibs. Size 6.5” x 3.1” x 1.0”. CDBR-2 P/N 902205-803 The Cabin Distribution Bus Repeater, Model 2 (CDBR-2) is recommended for direct analog FAX and Data connections. The CDBR-2 provides handsfree fax machines and modem data operation and supports 2 wire or 4 wire interface for use connecting analog handsets such as the WH-10 to the system. The CDBR-2 also retains one standard connection for a MagnaStar ® digital handset or Call Alerting Switch (CAS). Weight 2.0 Ibs. Size is 5.0” x 8.5” x 1.8” Page 13 CHIP P/N 726029-802 The Cockpit Headset lnterface Panel (CHIP) is a dzus-rail mounted device which interfaces the MagnaStar ® C-2000 and C-750 to the aircraft cockpit headset audio system. The CHlP provides remote dialing capability to the MagnaStar ® via the CDBR-2. This direct analog interface allows the cockpit crew to maintain full headset utilization for both MagnaStar ® calls or normal headset operation at the touch of a button. The CHIP’s dimensions are identical to the C-118 FLITEFONE ®, Cockpit Controller thus providing ease of installation. The CHlP features back lighting, off-hook indicator, flash-hook switch and call alerter output switching. The call alerter output is a 12 volt DC signal which can be used to drive a signaling device such as a Sonalert or light annunciator. The CHlP requires connections to an available CDBR-2 analog port which should be configured for 4-wire audio. Weight 0. 7 Ibs. Te s t E q u i p m e n t & Handset Colors Page 14 Test Set Customer Version includes MMT Software and Cable P/N 725481-802 The field test set was designed to assist with final system test and commissioning of the MagnaStar ® system. The set gives the installing technician the ability to upgrade ARTU/TMU software while the unit remains installed on the aircraft. Handset Colors Black Pepperdust Platinum Off-White Optional Equipment Page 15 Teledyne Iridium Unit (TIU) P/N 2244417-1 (single channel) P/N 2244417-2 (dual channel) Dimensions Weight 15.68"L x 2.25"W x 7.6"H -1 Transceiver Unit 6 lbs. -2 Transceiver Unit 8.55 lbs. Tray 2 MCU 2.0 lbs. Power Requirements 28 Vdc Operating Frequency Range Satellite Mode 1616-1626.5 MHz Transmit Power Satellite Mode 7W max The Teledyne Iridium Unit (TIU) expands and enhances the communications capabilities of the MagnaStar ® family products. By providing access to the Iridium satellite communications services, the TIU allows cabin passengers and flight crews to make airborne or ground calls from and to anywhere in the world. Ideal to supplement Verizon Airfone's air-to-ground network service, the TIU provides an alternative to traditionally expensive SATCOM calls, a source for extra simultaneous channels, or an added communications network for increased availability and redundancy. The TIU is available in single or dual channel units that interface through the MagnaStar ® on-board telephone network, or Private Branch Exchange (PBX), making global calling capability accessible from any MagnaStar ® handset in the cabin or cockpit. Beyond just voice services, the TIU supports RS 232 data functions, providing the ability to make an Internet dial-up connection to access e-mail, websites, private networks, as well as to receive weather information. The TIU MagnaStar ® upgrade is available from aircraft OEMs and their associated completion centers for new aircraft installations and through the MagnaStar ® dealer network for post-delivery and after-market aircraft installs. A i r b o r n e D i g i t a l S AT C O M Te r m i n a l Page 16 High Speed Data SATCOM HSD-128™ Dual Channel Data Terminal HSD-128 P/N 1110 -A- 0001(28 VDC) 1110 -A- 0060 (115 VAC) Frequency Channel Speed Power Size Weight Environmental 1530 to 1660.5 MHz 64K bps 375w @ 28VDC or 115VAC 8 MCU package 10kg (22 lbs) DO-160D (-40 to +55; SL-55000ft) DO-178B (HSD channel cards - level E; Control Processor and HPA - level C) The Teledyne Controls/ EMS Technologies HSD-128 ™ High Speed /Data (HSD) SATCOM is here. HSD-128 ™ is the first dual channel global high speed data solution using the new Inmarsat Swift64 Mobile Network. You need to be in touch - Time spent in the corporate aircraft needs to be productive. With bi-directional data throughput fifty (50) times faster than existing aeronautical analog SATCOM systems, sending and receiving E-mail, surfing the web, or even video conferencing is a reality. You can continue to work no matter where your aircraft is in the world. Designed and manufactured by EMS Technologies, a world leader in satellite communications, Teledyne Controls offers the HSD-128 ™, a dual channel high speed data terminal that provides global data connectivity at uncompressed data rates up to 128K bps. In addition, the HSD-128 ™ provides global 64K ISDN (broadcast) and Mini-M Aero (compressed) voice services. The HSD-128 ™ is compatible with any ARINC 741 Aero-H/H+ SATCOM antenna and is well matched with the EMS Technologies' AMT-50 antenna. The HSD-128 ™ uses existing industry standard networking protocols so that it can be easily interfaced and integrated into the aircraft LAN, providing a fast and global link for multiple users. SATCOM Page 17 AMT-50 High Gain Antenna P/N 0476-A-00377 Frequency Coverage Gain High Gain Antenna Antenna Driver Assembly Diplexer/LNA 1525 MHz to 1660.5 MHz Seamless Hemispherical>95% 12 dBIC 16.2”L x 13”H x 9” W 4.9 lbs 14”L x 2.5”H x 7.8” W 7 lbs 11”L x 2”H x 7.8”W 6 lbs Features ■ Multi-channel capability ■ Lightweight: 17.9 lbs/8.1 kg total ■ No beam switching ■ Compatible with ARINC 741 avionics ■ 28 VDC power MagnaStar ® ISDN Terminal Adapter (MITA): P/N 902205-804 Provides an interface between the MagnaStar ® Airborne Telephone System and the High Speed Data (HSD-128™) SATCOM system, enabling global Inmarsat 64K ISDN (broadcast quality) and Mini-M Aero (compressed) voice services via the MagnaStar’s user interfaces (handsets, data jacks, etc.) Weight 2.0 Ibs. Size 5.0” x 8.5” x 1.8”. Cisco 803 Router Pre-configured by Teledyne to network multiple LAN user devices (PC’s) via Ethernet to each other, as well as to the Euro-ISDN based HSD-128™ and the GroundLink® high-speed communication links. Dynamically assigns IP addresses to computers attached to the LAN and provides Network Address Translation (NAT), Connetction on Demand and Bandwidth on Demand services. SATCOM Page 18 CommServer ™ P/N 8868-0007-0001 Size: Power Consumption: Power Input: Qualifications: Rear Connector: Weight: 4 MCU form factor 100 watts max 28 VDC standard, 115 VAC, 400 Hz optional RTCA DO-160D ARINC 600 Size 2 13 lbs DESIGNED FOR AIRCRAFT CABIN COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS The Teledyne Controls CommServer ™ is a cabin LAN solution designed and fully qualified for operation in the demanding airborne environment. The CommServer™ provides the aircraft cabin with the key capabilities of networking / integrating multiple user PC’s with each other, while managing optimal interfaces with your SmartCabin™ data communication links, including the High-Speed Data SATCOM (HSD-128™), the SmartCabin™ GroundLink® and the MagnaStar ® Airborne Telephone. Standard services include: ■ Network Address Translation (NAT) ■ Packet Filtering (firewall) ■ Least cost routing over HSD-128, MagnaStar ® and GroundLink ® ■ Connection on demand ■ Bandwidth on demand ■ Persistent Domain Name Server (DNS) ■ Caching proxy server ■ Windows compatible file and printer sharing AWLU Page 19 The AWLU enables high speed, secure, wireless network connectivity on and off your airplane P/N 16029-002 Dimensions Weight Power Power Consumption 11.5” H x 6.97” W x 2.0” D 3.15 lb / 1.48 kg 115VAC/400Hz or 28VDC Less than 20 Watts Compliant with RTCA DO-160D Compliant with ARINC 763 The Aircraft Wireless LAN Unit (AWLU) provides wireless LAN network connectivity, both onboard an aircraft, and between the aircraft and the corporate network. The AWLU is ARINC 763 (Network Server System) compliant, and is an IEEE 802.11b, or WiFi TM access point, providing a wireless Ethernet LAN connection for PC's and PDA's onboard the aircraft. The AWLU eliminates a large portion of the installation cost of wiring the aircraft for Ethernet, and allows flexible wireless high-speed access to the LAN, and therefore to the communication links, from anywhere on the aircraft. The AWLU is also capable of moving large amounts of digital data on/off an aircraft, by connecting your aircraft to the corporate network via high bandwidth data transfer capability, at a fraction of the costs of other traditional aircraft communication links. KEY BENEFITS High speed transfer rate up to 11M bits per second Firewall security at access point available Works with any Wi-FiTM, 802.11b compliant device Reduced weight - no need for wired LAN Reduced installation costs - no wired LAN cables or user interface connection lmproved reliability of cabin communications No maintenance required Wireless connection between aircraft and flight or maintenance crew Seamless communication while passengers move about cabin No active cooling required Page 20 GroundLink ® Form Factor: 4MCU Connector: ARINC 600 or ARINC 404 Input Power: 115VAC, 400Hz or 28 VDC Solid State QAR Replacement -Media up to 440MB Weight: 10-15.8 lbs/4.5-7.2kg CAPABILITIES The Teledyne SmartCabin ™ GroundLink ® is a high bandwidth terrestrial data connectivity solution designed to operate in the demanding corporate aircraft environment. The GroundLink ® enables corporate aircraft travelers to access e-mail accounts, browse the web, transfer data files, or access Virtual Private Networks (VPN) over a live high-speed IP connection while the aircraft is on the ground. Travelers can use this live connection on their corporate aircraft as a remote office link while parked, store large files in flight for post-flight forwarding, uplink large data files and refresh on-board server content all at service rates well below that offered from satellite based systems designed for airborne operation. ■ Simultaneous use of up to 8 full duplex radios ■ Support for multiple cellular/PCS standards and frequencies – CDMAOne/CDMA2000 at 900 or 1900 MHz – GSM/GPRS at 800, 1800 or 1900 MHz – Other emerging standards ■ Multiple standards can be supported in same unit ■ Ethernet interface to cabin LAN to support multiple user PC’s ■ Front panel mounted antennas (remote mount optional) eliminating external fuselage installation concerns ■ RF interlock prevents airborne transmission ■ No investment in infrastructure – uses existing network provided by service providers ■ Data encryption and compression supported Page 21 TeleLink ® TL-608 Form Factor: 1MCU per ARINC 600 Input Power: 28 V DC Qualification: RTCA DO-160C Weight: 2.2 kg or 4.63 lbs TeleLink®, is a datalink system for digital messaging between aircraft and ground networks. Teledyne Controls' TeleLink® meets the unique communications needs of the corporate or regional airline pilot by providing a variety of features and versatile connectivity options in a small, low-cost, lightweight package. The TeleLink® datalink system exceeds current datalink requirements providing VHF ACARS, SATCOM & Airborne phone links. TeleLink® has been designed to comply with the ADS (Automatic Dependent Surveillance) functions of the communications, Navigation and Surveillance/Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) programs of the Future Air Navigation System (FANS). Teledyne Controls pioneered ACARS for the commercial aircraft industry. Now, operators of business or commuter aircraft can realize the benefits of digital datalink and CNS/ATM with TeleLink. TeleLink TL-608 digital data communications controller applies years of ACARS experience to the most up-to-date hardware technology available. This combination means that a whole new group of aircraft operators can now realize the benefits of ACARS at an affordable price. Benefits such as two-way messaging, predeparture clearances, digital ATIS, flight planning and following, textual and graphical weather, and more. TELEDYNE CONTROLS A Teledyne Technologies Company 12333 West Olympic Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90064 USA Tel: 1-888-246-STAR (7827) Our SmartCabin Office™ Partners:
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