- Wetlands Alliance
- Wetlands Alliance
A COLLECTION OF SELECTED TECHNOLOGIES AND ENTERPRISES TO SUPPORT SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL COMMUNITIES WHOSE LIVELIHOODS ARE LINKED TO THE FISHERY SECTOR An exercise by WorldFish under the Wetlands Alliance 2012 TECHNOLOGIES AND ENTERPRISES TO SUPPORT SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL COMMUNITIES WHOSE LIVELIHOODS ARE LINKED TO THE FISHERY SECTOR 1. Product Name: Eel Culture Key Facts: Rice field ecosystems can supply a diverse collection of aquatic organisms which are gleaned for supplementing household food supplies. Rice field eels (Monopterus albus Zuiew 1793) are found throughout Cambodia (6 species, only in Asia) and are a popular food. How it works The culture of paddy eels consists of harvesting of juveniles from rice fields and rearing the young in hapas or cement tanks. Eels can be fed (inputs, outputs) trash fish, worms, snails, insects or other invertebrates but the build-up of high Nitrogenous wastes needs to be corrected via some form of biofiltration process. The tank needs aquatic plants and layers of mud, straw and manures for additional nutrients. The eel can tolerate low DO and water levels, which makes it a hardy species for small scale culture. Asian swamp eel (Monopterus albus) Eel culture in Kampong Thom Eel Traps Captured earthworms for eel bait. Page 1 of 61 Cement eel tank construction (Philippines) Swamp eel culture, China Suitability to Cambodian situation. How to implement Most Cambodians like to eat eels, however some are reluctant to eat them, believing that they feed on dead bodies. Eel culture can be done in the same wooden and tarpaulin tanks which are presently being used in the WA project site for catfish culture. Implementation will require an onsite evaluation of possible market linkages, selection of individual target beneficiary households, and technical and financial support. Farmer to farmer visits to existing cases in Battambang would be useful. Eel culture in wood and tarpaulin tanks and in ponds has been successfully implemented in many places in Cambodia. Implementation would require farmer-to-farmer extension approaches, with site visits by clarias farmers from the WA project area to learn from successful eel farmers elsewhere. Suitable sites for tanks are close to the house, on flood free ground, and with access to water. Financial and economic Assessment, Investment, operating costs, profits Investment costs are low. Eels can be raised in simple ponds, or in tanks as illustrated, roughly a few meters in size. The wood and plastic tarp tanks already in use by clarias farmers in the WA target area in Steung Treng are also very suitable and in use for eel culture in Battambang and elsewhere. At O Russei market in Phnom Penh, eels sell for KHR18,000/kg, or nearly US$4.50, similar to snake-head. With their tolerance for low oxygen, eels can be easily transported live to distant markets. Natural food for eels includes fish fingerlings, earthworms, golden and other snails, aquatic insects, silkworm pupae, slaughter house wastes. Silkworm pupae, if available locally, are an excellent food for eels. Live earthworms can be given directly to the fish. They can also be ground in the form of paste along with other fish and/or snails. Page 2 of 61 Environment and Social constraints and benefits Eels are an indigenous and plentiful species in Cambodia, so there is no concern re biodiversity conservation, neither from escapees nor from danger to wild populations from capture of juveniles. Rice field eels, once introduced into the rice fields, can serve as predator against golden snails which have become a pest in some Asian countries, particularly the Philippines, Vietnam and Cambodia. Earthworm can be cultured in backyards (Vermiculture) and can be used as supplementary feed for the eels. The compost produced by the worms can be used as fertilizer for vegetable gardens. The eels in rice fields also reduce the amount of insect pests thus increasing the rice production. Sources, and Other Partners Khanh, N.H. and H.T.B. Ngan. 2010. Current practices of rice field eel Monopterus albus (Zuiew, 1793) culture in Viet Nam. Aquaculture Asia Magazine. 15(3):26-29. Budidaya Belut (Eel Culture-Philippines) http://iswadi37.wordpress.com/2008/04/04/budidaya-belut-eel-culture/ IIRR-IDRC-Worldfish. Small Scale Eel Culture. in Utilizing Different Aquatic Resources for Livelihoods in Asia http://www.worldfishcenter.org/Pubs/IIRR/pdf/iirr_freshwater_terrestrial.pdf Swamp Eel Fact Sheet http://nas.er.usgs.gov/queries/FactSheet.aspx?speciesID=974 Page 3 of 61 2. Product Name: Solar Water Disinfection (SODIS) Key Facts: SODIS is a very cheap, simple, and proven effective technology for removing pathogens from drinking water. Only re-used PET plastic bottles and a piece of corrugated iron sheet are necessary, with no chemicals to buy. If used correctly it dramatically reduces incidence of diarrhea among families especially children, thus reducing women’s childcare burden. Not having to boil water also means less labor to collect firewood. As with all water and sanitation interventions, community and family education for behavior change is a key element of strategy for success. CARE International in Cambodia has an on-going program for SODIS, with trained staff and educational materials. SODIS approaches can be readily streamed into the water supply interventions already in the WA program. How it works (inputs, outputs) Over one billion people on Earth do not have access to clean drinking water. Several nonprofit and government organizations are promoting low-cost, household methods for water purification. One method that has been promulgated for many years is called solar water disinfection or SODIS. The SODIS method involves placing low turbidity, but biologically contaminated water into a clear bottle, and placing the bottle in bright sunlight for six hours. Disinfection is achieved via solar UV-A radiation penetrating the bottle and disrupting bacteria, virus, and helminth reproduction and respiration. Suitability to Cambodian situation. How to implement To benefit from SODIS, poor people do not need to invest any money other than for used plastic water bottles which are generally available, and a piece of corrugated iron sheet. In many areas, water which has been boiled is regarded as “tasting good”, and SODIS water is perceived as having the same taste. Overly turbid water will need to be filtered, for which simple technology is available. Cambodians in remote communities are often uneducated concerning basic health concepts (germ theory of disease, hand washing, maintenance and use of latrines). Reducing the impact of diarrheal disease especially in children requires education both in public health and in the use of available technologies, such as SODIS and latrines. Research experience suggests that implementation is best done by Page 4 of 61 public education meetings and selection of motivated “early adopters” to get a movement started in the community. Financial and economic Assessment Reduction of water-borne disease in households, especially among small children, reduces women’s care-giving burden and frees them for more productive work. SODIS also reduces the need for fuelwood collection. Freeing women from drudgery labor releases those energies into other tasks for family well-being and the local economy. Environment and Social constraints and benefits Health impacts of SODIS deployment in Cambodia were recently studied by the Royal College of Surgeons In Ireland, and CARE International in Cambodia. 1 The report abstract is: “Recent solar disinfection (SODIS) studies in Bolivia and S Africa have reported compliance rates below 35%, resulting in no overall statistically significant benefit associated with disease rates. In this study we report the results of a 1-year randomized controlled trial investigating the effect of SODIS of drinking water on the incidence of dysentery and non-dysentery diarrhea among children of age 6 months to 5 years living in rural communities in Cambodia. We compared 426 children in 375 households using SODIS with 502 children in 407 households with no intervention. Study compliance was greater than 90% with only 5% of children having less than 10 months of follow-up, and 2.3% having less than 6 months. Adjusted for water source type, children in the SODIS group had a reduced incidence of dysentery, with an incidence rate ratio (IRR) of 0.50 (95% CI 0.27 to 0.93, p=0.029). SODIS also had a protective effect against nondysentery diarrhea, with an IRR of 0.37, (95% CI 0.29 to 0.48, p<0.001). This study suggests strongly that SODIS is an effective and culturally acceptable point-of-use water treatment method in the culture of rural Cambodia, and may be of benefit among similar communities in neighboring South East Asian countries.” 1 “A high compliance randomized controlled field trial of solar disinfection (SODIS) of drinking water and its impact on childhood diarrhea in rural Cambodia” McGuigan, K. et al. Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, and Samaiyar, P., CARE International in Cambodia. Note: Some of the above pictures are from this source, used without permission, for review purposes only, not for publication. Page 5 of 61 Sources, and Other Partners Several organizations are promoting SODIS in Cambodia, including CARE, ADRA, and Nature Healing Nature. The European Community Humanitarian Organization (ECHO) has promoted SODIS in Cambodia in emergency situations. CARE has recently carried out a study of SODIS in Cambodia, in cooperation with the Royal College of Surgeons Dublin, and still has a team of Cambodian staff familiar with the technical and educational aspects of SODIS implementation. Khmer language extension materials are available. Contact: Bill Pennington, Assistant Country Director (Programs) CARE Cambodia, tel: +855 23 215 267 / 8 / 9, fax: +855 23 426 233, mobile: +855 12 222 660 email: bill.pennington@care-cambodia.org, web: www.carecambodia.org P.O. Box 537, House 6, Street 446, Toul Tompong Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Page 6 of 61 3. Product Name: Bat sheltering for manure Key Facts: Cambodian agricultural productivity is often limited by moisture and soil fertility. Capture of organic matter and its return to the soil is a key supplemental livelihood activity for farmers. Some Cambodian farmers collect bat guano (manure) for fertilizer, by building simple artificial roosts in the sugar palms, made from palm fronds hung from a frame. The guano is swept daily from the ground below the tree. In the Mekong delta of Vietnam there are large thatch roof structures used for the same purpose. How it works (inputs, outputs) Fresh bat manure quality depends primarily on whether the nesting bats are fruit or insect eaters. The manure of both bats is extremely rich in nutrients. Insect-eating bat manure is highly rich in nitrogen (10-3-1, NP-K, on a dry weight basis), while that of fruit-eating bats is highly phosphate-rich (2-26-0) and contains trace elements. Guano from fruit-eating bats contains twice as much nitrogen and 85 times more phosphorus than poultry manure on a dry weight basis. Poultry manure is the best on-farm animal nutrient source ahead of pigs, cattle and buffalo in descending order. Using the bat manure also allows farmers to make better use of the finite amount of fertilizer produced by livestock on the farm. Bat manure sells for US$1.25 kg-l (Riel 4,810 kg-l) in central markets of Phnom Penh. Five kg of bat manure provides the Page 7 of 61 equivalent amount of nutrients as US $2.04 (Riel 7,880) worth of urea and triple super phosphate fertilizer. Providing a nesting substrate to encourage colonies of fertilizer producing bats is innovative, environmentally friendly and economically sound. Bats provide small-holder farmers with a means of extending the area of their resource base, as the bats cover rather large feeding territories in their nightly feeding excursions. A bat raising project proposal is being submitted by O’ Ta Paong commune of Pursat for support under the Seila/Danida NREM grant to Commune Councils. The project is planning to work initially with 5 families, to generate income for villagers through selling bat guano. Bats are harvested intensively in Cambodia for food/medicine. Bat ecology research will be necessary to ensure that these important animal populations are managed sustainably. Such studies, including training of postgraduate students on bat research through the development of MSc thesis projects, is now being undertaken by the Centre for Biodiversity Conservation which is jointly managed by Fauna & Flora International and the Royal University of Phnom Penh. Suitability to Cambodian situation. How to implement. Already practiced and shown to be successful in Pursat, Kandal, Takeo, Kampot as well as the Mekong region of Vietnam. It is highly likely that the relevant species are present in the WA project area in NE Cambodia, but it would require field work to confirm. Researchers at Royal University of Phnom Penh are working on bat ecology and husbandry (see below, Dr Furey). This group would be very interested to cooperate with the project to implement a bat husbandry program. Implementation is best done by the selection and survey of suitable sites. Once these have been decided then the use of microfinance loans to initiate start ups could be considered. Financial and economic Assessment, Investment, operating costs, profits Based on economic analysis in one commune in Pursat, bat-raising does not only generate income for individual farmers, but also others through reducing abatement cost of insects. It is not clearly known that what kind of insects the bats eat and what amount of insects each bat eats. And it is not clearly known how much each farmer spends on pesticide to kill insects destroying their crops each year. In addition, batraising contributes to the benefits of the species conservation, through which bats play a role as an ecosystem regulator. Based on interviews in Pursat in 2005, the cost of one bat shelter is about KHR180,000,or US$40.. The net financial benefit from this nest is $400 per year. Like other commodities produced and sold in the province, bat manure is sold to middlemen who transport them to Phnom Penh. The market asymmetric information may make middlemen reap more profits from farmers. For instance, those, who live far away from the main road, sell manures at a lower price than those live along with better information of the market and better knowledge of keeping manure. Environment The main constraints to establishing successful artificial bat roosts apart and Social from motivated individuals, are the presence of the right bat species and constraints suitable habitats. The benefits are home based income generation that is easily tied in with other work, needs few work hours once set up, the Page 8 of 61 and benefits production of an organic based fertilizer, natural pest control and the conservation of bats. There are some public health concerns in the literature concerning viral infections carried by bats (lissavirus). Locally based international bat specialists consulted were re-assuring on this subject, as the virus is apparently not carried by the species of interest for this work. Sources, and Other Partners Mr. Benjamin Hayes, Biodiversity (Bat) Survey and Community Development Specialist. Freelance. Email: ben9hayes@yahoo.co.uk Dr Neil Furey, Bat Specialist and Head of Academic Development, Fauna & Flora International Cambodia Programme. Email: neil.furey.ffi@gmail.com Page 9 of 61 4. Product Name: Wild Honey and Beekeeping. Key Facts: Cambodia has extensive resources of wild honey-bee populations, which are exploited in a traditional and unsustainable manner. Cambodian and export markets for wild forest honey are growing rapidly. Honeybees are a keystone element of sustainable forest management because they are the pollinators of about 30% of forest tree species – “no bees, no forests”. In the wet season, the main species migrate to wetland areas. Inexpensive improved traditional technologies are available for husbandry of the main Cambodian species of honeybee. With support from NGOs and some development partners, community groups in Cambodia are beginning to manage the exploitation of bee resources, especially in community forests, and incomes of honey hunters are improving. CEPA and Oxfam GB have done some work on wild honey in O’Svay commune in the project area, but progress has been slow due to lack of capacity and resources. How it works In Cambodia, honeybees play a role in rural livelihoods from the sale of (inputs, honey, wax, and brood (bee larvae, an expensive delicacy). Because of outputs) the seasonal nature of honey hunting and the informality of the supply chain, it is usually overlooked in surveys. In some locations the bee colonies are harvested under some form of traditional management, in others the colonies are taken by anyone who finds them, and often destroyed in the harvesting procedure. Wild honey is an important cash source for many people in biodiversity rich forest areas in Cambodia, especially the wetlands and upland areas. Forests and Community Fisheries offer the best strategy for organizing and managing the honey harvest, because the community-based social capital is already in place. Honey hunting is practiced by many rural residents in Cambodia in areas where there are still sufficient tall trees and adequate bee forage to attract migratory swarms of bees. Most of the wild honey consumed in Cambodia comes from the efforts of honey hunters working in primary and second-growth forests, who either opportunistically harvest nests upon discovery while doing other work in the forest, or actively search out nests as a part-time profession. Few (if any) people derive their sole income from honey hunting. Most honey hunting is done in a non-sustainable fashion by either Page 10 of 61 professionals or opportunists. The professionals appear to have a greater appreciation for the value of the bees and may be potential candidates for learning sustainable harvest techniques. The opportunists are a less likely target, and may be a constraint on sustainable management. Artificial nesting sites (“rafters”) are sometimes used to attract and make accessible the migrant wild honeybee populations (Apis dorsata). Another species (Apis cerana, Khmer: pruit) is amenable to keeping in simple “top bar” box hives. This technology is well developed in Cambodia. The stingless bees (Trigona sp.) are present in the Cambodian environment but are not much exploited. Honey from stingless bees can be sold at high prices for Chinese medicinal purposes. Stingless bees can be kept in coconut shell hives near the house, and managed safely by children. There are local experts in the culture of stingless bees in Banteay Srei, Siem Reap province. Page 11 of 61 Suitability to Cambodian situation. How to implement. Honey projects are being successfully implemented in many parts of Cambodia. Implementation of a honey program in the target area will require: 1. Resource assessment, done by interview of honey hunters and field survey 2. Organization and training of community groups to manage sustainable harvesting. 3. Development of marketing arrangements with suitable buyers These processes are best implemented by organizations with experience, and through exchange visits with successful projects in other parts of the country. The social enterprise Nature Wild is coordinating much of this activity in Cambodia, and could be called upon to assist. Financial and economic Assessment, Investment, operating costs, profits In 2009, a typical “farm-gate” price paid to honey hunters in Cambodia averaged US$4.95 per kg). At the supermarket level prices for processed and bottled Cambodian honey was about US$12 per kg Implementation costs will be very site and species specific. Practical advice relevant to any specific location can be obtained from the sources given below. Page 12 of 61 Environment and Social constraints and benefits Honeybees have been co-evolving with the flowering plants for six to ten million years. Many plant species in the tropical forests are totally dependent on honeybees for their pollination and therefore for the survival of their populations. This places honeybees in the role of keystone species in those forests, i.e. those species that perform a role critical to the maintenance, sustainability and biodiversity of habitats. Their removal can have severe impacts on the viability of other species (no bees – eventually no forest). Therefore investment in sustainable manage of bee resources by local residents will contribute to maintenance of forests . Sources, and Other Partners NatureWild is an enterprise and marketing support service provider initiated by the Cambodia programme of NTFP-EP for South and Southeast Asia in late 2008 Naturewild directly assists its local network partners particularly community based NTFP enterprises and NGO/social enterprise initiatives. It has since been moving towards more specialized and focused support services, including product research, technical assistance and training, and market development and branding Nature Wild is working with The Cambodian Federation for Bee Conservation and Community Based Wild Honey Enterprises, to develop product standards and organized marketing arrangements. Contact Ms Uch Sophay, Marketing Officer E-mail: uchsophay@yahoo.com Mobile: +855 92 286 306 www.naturewildcambodia.com Page 13 of 61 5. Product Name: Reservoir Fishery: Culture-based Capture Key Facts: Cambodia, especially Stung Treng and Kratie provinces, have irrigation reservoirs that could be used for multiple benefits including diversifying local fisheries livelihoods and supporting Community Fishery (CFi) management. There is a high demand for local species, and many water bodies are already supporting artisanal fisheries for household consumption or into the local market. Dispersed Small scale hatcheries could be coordinated to provide fry/fingerlings to develop culture-based capture fisheries from some of these water bodies. How it works Reservoirs are a potential new or expanding fishery resource. Cambodia (inputs, has an abundant supply of reservoirs which must be used more outputs) sustainable multi-use roles. The use of reservoirs for capture-based culture fishery is a growing and successful way to extract additional livelihoods and food benefits from these water bodies. Reservoirs are managed like large ponds. Hatchery reared fingerlings, or rice field raised fry-fingerlings are released into the reservoir and a no-feeding management is usually followed. In many cases shoreline compost/manure piles are used and nutrients will seep into the reservoir providing additional nutrients for algal-plankton web development. A polyculture of species comprised of herbivorous, phyto/zooplankton feeders and benthic foragers can be established, provided the water body has sufficient dry season depth. Depending on the size and economic conditions supplemental feed can be added as well (semi-intensive). Culture-based Capture fisheries, Lao PDR (NACA), Reservoir– based cages Suitability to Cambodian situation. How to implement This management practice is widespread in Asian reservoirs. Using local species or those species that thrive in lake/reservoir environments would be an excellent strategy for making better use of irrigation reservoirs and diversifying Cambodian rural livelihoods. There are many suitable species available in Cambodia for stocking in reservoirs also those species of Tilapia, Indian Major and Chinese carps could also be used depending on market suitability. Financial and economic This is essentially lake stocking so the amount of yield will be primarily based on water productivity, species choice plus any additional fertilizer inputs. In well managed reservoirs (China) 60% of stocked fish are Page 14 of 61 Assessment, Investment, operating costs, profits recovered (Beveridge and Phillips, 1987). There will need to be investments in hatchery development and the coordination of those specific hatcheries providing fry/fingerlings for stocking. There should be good market and food value acceptance of selected species. Environment and Social constraints and benefits Governance and co-management institutions would need to be developed along with the community ideas and concerns. These fisheries would need a management regime, ideally centered in a Community Fishery, or a joint Water Management-Fishery Committee. It would require a multi-stakeholder commitment to co-management arrangements including Provincial Water Management Department and FiA cantonment to avoid conflicts and impacts of irrigation water drawdown, and to develop equitable costs and benefits sharing regimes. If the reservoir is also used for drinking water and is fertilized then there will be concerns over water quality standards. This can be an overlap between fisheries and aquaculture so the resource rights must be clear and decisive. Escapees for any adjacent cage, pen or pond cultures could end up in the reservoir capture fishery. Key benefits including additional fish resources, employment and more sustainable water use regimes. Sources, and Other Partners FiA, Provincial Fisheries Cantonment, Local NGOs, Community Fisheries/Fishers Associations. Beveridge, M. and M.J. Phillips in De Silva, S. (ed). 1987. Reservoir Fishery Management and Development in Asia. IDRC-264e. IDRC: Ottawa De Silva, S. S., 2003. Culture-based fisheries: an underutilized opportunity in aquaculture. Aquaculture 221: 221-243. 6. Product Name: Solar Lighting (Kamworks Moonlight) Key Facts: Rural people need a portable lamp. Different rooms need to be lit during the evening hours, and most consumers cannot afford more than one lamp. Furthermore, a dimmed light during the entire night is needed, to orientate in the dark and to feel safe at night. The rural households selected the final design of the Kamworks Moon Light from 4 concepts. The Moonlight is a $25 solar lamp and charging system, replacing kerosene lamps in rural homes. At low power it gives a night light for women’s security and child-care, without fumes, fire hazard, or fuel costs. On high power it can be used for study and fine work. Page 15 of 61 How it works (inputs, outputs) The Moonlight (ML) is a solar lantern developed by Kamworks, a social enterprise in Cambodia. Pico Sol Cambodia is an NGO that supports solar energy in rural Cambodia. Pico Sol Cambodia is implementing a project to support Kamworks to identify and train village entrepreneurs (VEs) and further develop the business model. The project is funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Energy For All Partnership Initiative. The ML was developed to replace kerosene lighting used by rural households in Cambodia that have no access to grid electricity and not enough capital to purchase and charge car batteries. About 800,000 rural families use kerosene as their main source of lighting (NIS 2008). Households that mainly use kerosene for lighting consume about 2 liters per month (UNDP2008), which is about $2 compared to the current price of kerosene (August 2011). The idea is to provide a better light for a similar price, avoiding the harmful fumes from kerosene lamps and the risk of fire to the typical wooden or thatch houses. The Moonlight costs $25 dollars and families that rely on kerosene for lighting are usually not able to come up with this high up-front cost. Regular payments can reduce the up-front cost and make the ML affordable for poor households. Families that use kerosene are living in villages several kilometers away from the district towns. Offering the ML for sale in district towns is not sufficient to reach these target villages. Therefore, the only option is for someone to personally visit these remote villages to present the ML and explain the benefits. Promotion campaigns can also help but will not lead to high sales if the ML is not available in the villages. Page 16 of 61 Kamworks will recruit VEs mainly in areas without grid electricity. Advertisements for VEs will be placed in public places in villages and interested candidates can contact Kamworks for more information. A quick initial assessment is made during the first phone call and potential candidates that can read, write and calculate will have to undertake a more in-depth test/questionnaire. The highest scoring candidates on this test will be invited to participate in intensive business training. The training will include basic entrepreneurial skills like accounting, customer identification, entrepreneurial etiquette, social skills and customer service. The training also includes an introduction to solar energy and products as well as detailed information about pricing, payment schemes, warrantee and repair services How to implement. The WA program can negotiate with Kamworks and Pico Solar for a collaboration to introduce its Village Entrepreneur program into its target villages. Financial and economic Assessment, This is a robust, green economy alternative to kerosene lighting for remote villages. Note also that Moonlight units can be used to attract insects to fish ponds and to bat manure production installations (see other sheets in this series). Environment and Social constraints and benefits Safe, clean and fully renewable. The $25 capital cost represents a barrier to access for many families. Kamworks provides a payment plan in which a family can buy on installments equivalent to their monthly savings on kerosene. Sources, and Other Partners The mission of Kamworks is to provide Sustainable solar solutions for off-grid communities. Knowing that about 80% of the Cambodian population are living in the rural areas and have no access to an electricity grid, solar electricity could be an economical and clean solution for these people. Steve Gosselin, Kamworks CSO Cambodia +855 17 857 458, +855 23 351 454 www.kamworks.com Page 17 of 61 7. Product Name: Ornamental Fish Key Facts: Local markets for ornamental fish in Cambodia are substantial, including in provincial towns such as Stung Treng and Kratie. In Kratie Town there are itinerant vendors with hand-carts, selling goldfish, betas and other popular species in oxygenated bags, to households. Likely these items are coming in from Vietnam, but culture technology is simple and production could be done using the same concrete ring tank technology already in use for catfish in the project area. One supplier in Vietnam produces three Mekong fishes—the clown featherback (Chitala ornata), the Chinese algae eater (Gyrinocheilus aymonieri) and the giant gourami (Osphronemus gouramy). Less frequently traded Mekong species include the three-spot gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus) and the moonlight gourami (Trichogaster microlepis). How it works Ornamental fish keeping is one of the most popular hobbies in the world (inputs, today. The growing interest in aquarium fishes has resulted in steady outputs) increase in aquarium fish trade globally. The trade with a turnover of US $ 5 Billion and an annual growth rate of 8 percent offers a lot of scope for development. There is a large number of tropical aquarium fishes known to aquarists. While many of the fish are easy to breed, some are rare, difficult to breed and expensive. Most of the exotic species can be bred and reared easily since the technology is simple and well developed, as for example: discus (Symphysodon spp), guppy (Poecilia reticulata),, koi (Cyprinus carpio), glass catfish (Kryptopterus bicirrhis), green pufferfish (Tetraodon fluviatilis), black tetra (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) and swordtail, (Xiphophorus hellerii) plus the indigenous Mekong species( noted above The culture/rearing of many ornamental fishes can be done in cement tanks, including the concrete ring tanks already being used for catfish culture, or in hapa-lined ponds. . Page 18 of 61 Ornamental fishes may require live foods at some life stages. Small scale culture technologies exist for daphnia, tubifex worms, insects, etc. 2 Suitability to Cambodian situation. How to implement In peri-urban areas with access to electric power and roads, culture of ornamental fish is no more demanding than the hatchery operations already in place. Implementation in the project area will require identification of which are the most suitable species to start, in terms of simplicity of technology and of demand in accessible markets (i.e. a value chain assessment which would require some basic field work). Financial and economic Assessment, Investment, operating costs, profits A visit to a market in Phnom Penh showed several species of common ornamental fish (goldfish, bettas, etc) retailing for KHR1,000 to 3,000 per individual (US$0.25 to 0.75). While this is much higher on a per kilogram basis that most fish intended for consumption, the value chain requirements of keeping the fish alive and healthy to the point of sale are costly. There are of course important ornamentals such as koi and arawan that sell for thousands of dollars per individual. Environment and Social constraints and benefits Ornamental fish culture requires a degree of entrepreneurial ability, which will be present only among some of the beneficiaries in the target area. Many efforts to implement enterprises of even modest complexity fail for reason linked to management capacity. Business development services should be incorporated into the support program. Cambodian organizations such as BDLink are experienced in such matters (www.bdlink.com.kh.amental fish culture can be intensive and may require disease control measures using antibiotics and other problematic chemical approaches. One criterion of the assessment of suitable species should be hardiness in culture, goldfish for example. Sources, and Other Partners The website of one Cambodian ornamental fish producer and trader shows 122 different species and varieties of ornamental fish available. When contacted, Mr. Kimsan expressed a willingness to discuss and provide more information in January 2012, when he expects to have completed the expansion of his shop. It is likely that setup costs for species that can be grown in natural water in hapas are small. Production of other species requiring aeration and water purification will require higher investment and greater management skills. Field work will be necessary to identify which species are optimal for the market and for the financial and managerial capacity of the target groups. “Mr. Arowana Pets Shop” #61Eo, St.592, S/K Phnom Penh Thmey, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tel : 089 666 089 , 023 678 9168 E-mail : mr.arowana@kimsanbrother.com Website : www.iknow.com.kh/mr.arowana 2 Photos from various internet sites. Not for publication without attribution Page 19 of 61 8. Product Name: Efficient Palm Sugar Stoves Key Facts: Palm sugar is a traditional Cambodian product, made by boiling down the juice collected from cut blossom stems of the sugar palm tree (similar in concept to Canadian maple sugar production). Traditional stoves used for this purpose are fuel inefficient and hazardous to health (smoke inhalation). New efficient stoves with chimneys have been designed to reduce fuel use and enable production of higher value product forms (granulated palm sugar). The NGO GERES Cambodia is implementing a program to support palm sugar producers in the acquisition and adoption of this new technology. How it works In Southeast Asia, palm sugar is a cultural tradition. It has also been (inputs, shown to be a healthier, more environmentally friendly alternative to outputs) cane sugar; the UN FAO has called palm sugars the most sustainable sweeteners in the world. In Cambodia alone, it is estimated that 20,000 families are involved in palm sugar production, mostly in rural areas. Palm sugar is used in many Asian dishes, and has therefore an international market. Current wholesale prices in Cambodia for granulated palm sugar are about US$1,100 per ton. Granulated palm sugar (as distinct from the traditional paste and cake) is a product recently developed by a local NGO “DATe”. This product has a very high potential in local and international markets. It is already popular and sold in local supermarkets, and high end hotels and restaurants provide granulated palm sugar sachets. However, inefficient cooking technology means that palm sugar production is dangerous, costly and time consuming. Traditional palm sugar production consumes around 144,000 tons of fuelwood annually the second highest usage after domestic cooking. 100% of the wood consumed for this type of production comes from illegal harvesting of natural forests. Constant exposure to smoke causes health problems for producers, who are primarily women, and reduces the quality of the palm sugar itself. These practices have severe environmental and socioeconomic consequences which exacerbate the development challenges in the country. In 2005 GERES Cambodia, in collaboration with Planète Bois, developed the Vattanak stove, a post-combustion stove designed specifically for palm sugar producers. This stove is 30% more fuel efficient than a traditional palm sugar stove, saving each family over 2.4 tons of fuelwood every year. This results in money savings for the palm sugar producer, a cleaner environment, and a significant reduction in CO2 emissions. Last but not least, it improves the quality of palm sugar, allowing it to be sold at a higher price both domestically and internationally. Since 2007, GERES has disseminated 200 Vattanak stoves, and is committed to distributing a total of 5,000 Vattanak stoves by 2014. Page 20 of 61 Vattanac Stove in use Internal Compound burner Suitability to Cambodian situation. How to implement. As noted, palm sugar production is a traditional and ubiquitous household enterprise in Cambodia. GERES Cambodia would likely be very willing to collaborate with WA to introduce improved palm sugar stoves among producers in the project area. Financial and economic Assessment, Investment, operating costs, profits Vattanac stoves are more expensive than traditional stoves. However the fuelwood savings will pay back the additional cost in a short time. Vattanac stoves make it easier to produce a higher grade product, in the form of granulated palm sugar, which in many areas commands a higher price in the market. Palm Sugar Revenues (farm gate) US$/kg Environment • and Social constraints • and benefits • • • Traditional paste 0.49 Granulated 0.61 Difference 0.12 Seasonal Production per household 750 kg Net revenue gain from new technology per year (more than additional cost of Vattanac Stove). 40% saving on fuel wood costs is additional benefit US$90 Burning less fuelwood reduces greenhouse gas emissions and limits pressure on Cambodian natural forests. 2.4 tons of wood saved per stove annually, 46,732 tons of CO2 equivalent: total estimated emissions reductions by 2015. Vattanak stoves also produce less smoke, and the use of a chimney means that smoke is kept out of the local surroundings, improving palm sugar producers’ working conditions. Each stove provides 60% more thermal efficiency than the traditional stove. Page 21 of 61 • Sources, and Other Partners The use of less fuelwood also means that producers spend less time collecting wood, reducing drudgery and allowing them to spend time with their family and in other pursuits such as education, craftwork, etc www.geres-cambodia.org Page 22 of 61 9. Product Name: Lucky Iron Fish Key Facts: Iron-deficiency anemia (IDA) is a severe public health problem in Cambodia – over 63% of the population suffers from this ailment, which is particularly debilitating for many women. Addition of a piece of metallic iron to the cooking pot can add significant dietary iron to the food, but getting rural women to do this required some clever socio/cultural design. The piece of iron is distributed as a small cast iron “lucky fish” which is very acceptable and is now being promoted by Cambodian organizations. For a program concerned with wellbeing in communities where fish are an important livelihood component, such an intervention could have iconic benefit if properly promoted. How it works (inputs, outputs) Anemia is the condition in which there is a lack of red blood cells in the body; in the case of IDA, this is due to a lack of dietary iron. As iron acts as the “vehicle” to carry oxygen around the body, iron-deficiency symptoms are manifested as persistent fatigue, muscle weakness, impaired concentration, and malaise/depression amongst other symptoms. Anemia affects all aspects of life, including one’s ability to go to school or work. Malnutrition, a combination of the lack of quantity of food and poor quality of diet, is a leading cause of iron-deficiency anemia. In most cases, it is a reversible condition that can be treated with adequate intake of iron (e.g., iron supplements). The usage of iron pots can lead to the leaching of iron into food, which can then be eaten as a source of iron supplementation. But in Cambodia, where aluminum pots are much more prevalent, there is no adventitious source of iron. Is there a low-cost, sustainable solution to this public health program? Christopher Charles, a PhD Candidate in Biomedical Science/Population Medicine at the University of Guelph, developed the “sok sabay try”, an iron ingot in the shape of a “lucky” fish in Cambodian culture. Resembling an iron paper weight no larger than the size of a child’s fist, it can Page 23 of 61 be placed in a boiling pot of liquid, such as in soup or water, while a meal is being cooked. The ingot releases iron into the liquid (without altering the taste) which can be readily consumed. Moreover, vitamin C and iron ingestion have a mutuallyenhancing absorption effect into the body. Cambodians often consume soup soured with ascorbic acid from tamarind or lime juice, on a daily basis. So when this soup is prepared with the iron ingot in the pot, the consumers will benefit from better absorption of both iron and vitamin C. Suitability to Cambodian situation. How to implement. Research on promotion and impact of the lucky iron fish is being carried out by the Helen Keller Institute and Resource Development International in Cambodia. Implementation could be bundled with other public health interventions such as the SODIS water purification and the pod latrines. Financial and economic Assessment, Investment, operating costs, profits Lucky Iron Fish programs will be very low cost interventions, much cheaper than iron supplements. Cost per unit of the hardware will likely be less than US$1.00, as it is just a simple piece of cast iron from scrap. Environment and Social constraints and benefits No environmental constraints. Social marketing required. WorldFish could consider “adopting” the lucky iron fish as part of its corporate branding in Cambodia. Sources, and Other Partners Resource Development International is continuing to work with the villages involved in the original study, while awaiting the analysis of Christopher Charles’s research results. RDI is also producing cast iron “lucky iron fish” for low cost distribution. Contact Ann Hall, ann@rdic.org , or +855 (0)17 33 76 82. The original research was carried out with funding from the University of Guelph, the International Development Research Centre of Canada, and a doctoral research award from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Page 24 of 61 10. Product Name: Wood gasifier, Renewable Energy Key Facts: Wood and other plant materials can be heated to yield “producer gas”, which can be fed directly into a diesel engine, replacing all or most of the petroleum fossil fuel normally used. In Cambodia, most of the electricity available to poor households in rural areas is produced by small diesel engines powering generators used to charge automotive batteries. These batteries are then taken home by householders to run lights, fans, and television. In larger communities in the project area, where there are established “Rural Electrical Enterprises” (REEs), wood gasifier systems can be introduced. Fuel for such systems can come from smallholder farms producing fastgrowing leguminous trees, providing cash incomes for local fuel growers, plus animal feed from the leaves. Wood gasifier systems of appropriate scale, made in India, are already in operation in Cambodia marketed and serviced by a Cambodian company. How it works (inputs, outputs) Wood Gasifier (14KVA electric generator) Battambang Batteries for home lights Leucena plantation for gasifier fuel Orange grove prepared for inter-cropping with Leucena (fast growing leguminous tree, good for animal feed) Page 25 of 61 SME Renewables Ltd. offers turnkey projects, including system design, project feasibility studies, project planning and project financing, to rural electricity producers, agro-business processing enterprises and manufacturers requiring stand alone electrical energy solutions. Primary markets include rice mills, cashew processing plants, ice factories, noodle factories and rural electricity enterprises. Equipment offered currently includes biomass gasification equipment from 10 kW to 800 kW in capacity. These units utilize both wood and/or fine grain agriculture wastes such as rice husks or maize cobs for fuel. Electricity generation and distribution systems and captive power systems are custom designed to fit individual customer requirements. In addition to its technical engineering capacity to design and install biomass gasification systems, SME Renewables has staff with experience in the establishment of tropical short cycle rotation (SCR) tree crops (such as Leucaena, Gliricidia and Acacia) that are suitable to supply biomass for the gasification process. Advisory services to farmers and energy plantation development services are available to customers and investors interested in developing commercial biomass plantations and tree farms. Suitability to Cambodian situation. How to implement. These systems are already operational in Cambodia. A reconnaissance of the project area will identify any existing REEs who may be interested to convert from fossil fuel-based systems to wood gasifier based ones. If so, then SME-Renewables should be asked to do an assessment and to quote for an installation Financial and economic Assessment, Investment, operating costs, profits Wood gasifier systems complete with gen-sets and all peripherals cost about $30,000 for an installation suitable to power a village. Electricity can be available for the community at around half of the cost of fossil fuel systems, depending on the comparable transport cost of fuel. The production of the biomass for gasification means that the community is getting an import substitution, putting the revenue from the fuel production in local hands. Environment and Social constraints and benefits Reduction of fossil fuel use. Possible carbon credits for the fuelwood production. Revenue to the community. Cheaper power. These systems are not complicated, but a certain level of technical and managerial competence is required. Sources, and Other Partners www.smerenewables.com ` Page 26 of 61 11. Product Name: FROG REARING Key Facts: Frogs are commonly consumed by Cambodians, and many communities depend on collecting wild frogs for supplementing their limited protein intake and to generate additional income. However, there are limited numbers of farmers practicing frog farming in Cambodia, due to lack of extension services. Froglet production is done in Cambodia in commercial hatcheries. Adult frogs are artificially induced to spawn, eggs incubated and larvae reared in the hatchery. Metamorphosed froglets are sold to out-grower farmers for rearing. Frog rearing can be done with simple technology in hapas or in tanks. How it works The knowledge and skills base or producing froglets and raising frogs (inputs, includes: outputs) 1- Technical knowhow through capacity development on: Frog farm construction, management, food and feeding methods, disease control, prevention of cannibalism through size grading, harvesting and marketing. 2- Construction - Plastic screen will be use for hapa construction 8mx2.4m 3- Caring - Regular monitoring - Proper feeding with available feed like; Termites, earthworms, low value fish and insects from light traps, or diversify with farmed earthworms or crickets (see other sheets in this series), and commercial artificial feed Page 27 of 61 Suitability to Cambodian situation. How to implement Frog rearing is technically not much more sophisticated than other forms of pond or hapa aquaculture of carnivorous species. There are two important differences: the general preference for live feed, which has been largely overcome in the selected strains now common in Cambodia; and the related need to size grade the animals in production, to avoid predation by larger frogs on the smaller ones. Implementation of a frog rearing program would involve the usual selection of appropriate early-adopter farmers, exchange visits, and extension support. Financial and economic Assessment, Investment, operating costs, profits Farmer can raise frogs in enclosures (hapas) or ponds Construction (2mx6mx3) pond : US$300.00 (15years depreciation) implies 1year cost US$20 Operating cost: Buy 1500 frog lets Feed per cycle Water changing Pond depreciation 15years : Total Operating cost : US$100.00 : US$200.00 : US$20.00 US$20.00 US$340.00 Revenue Output adult frogs: 300kg Price US$3/kg Revenue : US$900.00 Net operating Profit (per cycle 4-5months) : US$560.00 Environment Frog farming can make use of low cost and otherwise under used and Social protein sources, such as termites, earthworms, crickets, and other constraints insects from light traps, converting them to high quality food sources for and benefits humans Sources, and Other Partners Froglet producers and frog production operators can be found in many parts of in Cambodia, Some key information resources are: RUA: SEAK Soly (Consultant and author on frog breeding and techniques of frog raising,Email:solymdm@yahoo.com, Tel: 012 333 534 FiA Siem Reap: Mr. Thy Ratha, FiA Officer/ Siem Reap province, Frog raising business consultant; froglet producer/supplier, Contact phone # 012 356 090; FiA: Kampong Thom: Mr. Nhim Theang, Fishery Administration cantonment (FiA) officer, Contact phone # 012 233 854 Page 28 of 61 12. Product Name: Fruit tree Micro-Nurseries Key Facts: Fruit tree seedlings can be produced in micro-nurseries at household or self-help group level and sold locally. Khmer tradition is that every married couple should plant four or five fruit trees soon after the marriage, so that a few years later the fruit will feed their children and bring in household income to cover school and medical expenses. Fruit tree seedling production requires modest financial and material resources for nursery construction, plastic bags, rice hulls and compost for potting soil, and management of the nursery. How it works Technical requirements are simple: (inputs, 4- Technical Training on: outputs) Fruit tree nursery construction, soil mixing and seed selection techniques, seedling management, pest and weed control, watering, handling and transportation. 5- Fruit tree nursery establishment A nursery 10x6 meters can be constructed using wooden poles and available plastic shade-cloth. The site should be near a water source for easy irrigation of the seedlings. The most popular fruit tree species should be selected for the nursery, for example mango, lime, jackfruit, longan, guava, and custard apple. Or other species for which a market has been identified. Mix fertile potting soil Put soil into plastic bags Put fruit tree seed into plastic bags Watering Weed control Grow to seedling Stage Ready to sell Planting in suitable location 6- Marketing The best time to sell fruit tree seedlings is at early wet season (May/June). The price of seedlings ranges from US$0.50US$3/seedling, depending on the type and size. Markets will be available inside and outside of the community. Page 29 of 61 Suitability to Cambodian situation. How to implement Fruit trees are an integral part of Cambodian agriculture, and are well appreciated. Simple farmer to farmer approaches will be sufficient to promote implementation of micro-nurseries. Financial and economic Assessment, Investment, operating costs, profits A fruit tree nursery size 10mx6m will require US$150 investment to construct and equip with plastic bags, watering cans and small tools. Farmers can product around 1000 fruit tree seedlings per cycle in such a facility. Fruit tree seedling can be sold at an average price of US$0.70/ seedling. Average income is therefore US$700 per production cycle and higher than this when seedling bigger than normal size sell. Construction tree nursery (10mx6mx3m) : US$150.00 (for 5years depreciation / 1year cost US$30.00) Operating cost: Material input (watering can, plastic bag, soil…): US$200.00 Labor for mixing soil filling soil in bag, caring : US$100.00 Fruit tree seed collection : US$50.00 Nursery depreciation (5years) each year cost : US$30.00 Total Operating cost US$380.00 Revenue From 1000fruit tree seedlings @ US$0.70: US$700.00 Net operating Profit (per cycle 4-5month) : US$320.00 Environment and Social constraints and benefits Fruit tree seedling production and tree planting promotes sustainable agriculture and climate change resilience. Cambodian smallholder farmers and commercial farmers should be encouraged to cultivate fruit trees and other tree crops as much as possible to promote food security. Sources, and Other Partners - Technical support can be obtained from Agriculture Extension workers (MAFF Provincial Departments), and from NGOs in Cambodia such as CEDAC. - Retail nursery shops in Phnom Penh and provincial towns are usually helpful to small producers, in order ensure their own supply for onsale. Page 30 of 61 13. Product Name: Steam Straw Mushroom Production and Marketing Key Facts: Mushrooms are very nutritious products, rich in crude fiber and protein, low fat, low calories and high in vitamins. They can be produced from lignocellulosic waste materials, for example, paddy straw, cotton wastes, coffee waste, water hyacinth, saw dust, bean husk, sugar cane bagasse, wild grasses and other materials. In Cambodia, many mushroom cultivation methods are used, for example growing on paddy straw laid out in rows on the soil, growing on raised bamboo beds, and in plastic bags hanging in closed shelters. Steam mushroom production techniques have been introduced because they give more reliable uniform cultures, are easily adopted by farmers, and workable in both dry and wet seasons. These techniques provide high yields and high profits. How it works Straw mushroom production uses available rice straw resources from (inputs, paddy fields after harvest using, and other low-value materials outputs) Method (see photographs above): Construction: Plastic screen, bamboo poles and string are used for construction of a simple thatched shelter 6mx3mx1.5m, Steamer: A low-pressure steamer is constructed of a standard 200 liter drum, in order to sterilize the raw material before inoculation with spores Raw material: rice straw, water hyacinth, paddy straw, cotton wastes, saw dust, bean shell, sugar cane bagasse and mushroom spore (spawn); Cultivation techniques: soak the rice straw until wet and soft, Page 31 of 61 mix with other material, and make straw balls (30 to 40 cm in diameter). Steam the ball around 3 hours, allow to cool, and then put in mushroom spores. Keep in the production shelter. Harvesting stage begins in about 10days. The best temperature for mushroom growing is 35-38oC. Monitor and harvest for about 40days, when the mushroom culture will have consumed the raw material Mushroom spore input supply can be had from local and external mushroom spore producer/suppliers in many parts of Cambodia, to ensure high quality mushroom spores; Regular monitoring of mushroom farm: Monitor the growing situation, especially temperature and moisture. Suitability to Cambodian situation. How to implement This technique has been extensively applied among Cambodian farmers to generate income and promote better livelihoods. Farmers can use resources available locally to generate incomes from straw mushroom production. The technique can be implemented through farmer capacity development and practical training on cultivation methods. Producers must be linked to market, via local collectors or directly to wholesaler/ retailers at local level. At the outset, spawn can be purchased from specialized producers elsewhere in Cambodia. In the near term, one farmer in each community should be trained to become a mushroom spore producer, to supply good quality spawn to producer groups. Financial and economic Assessment, Investment, operating costs, profits Mushroom production has low investment costs, using locally available material. Fix assets (steam boiler, shelter construction,) cost about US$65.00 One cycle of steam mushroom production of 100 mushroom balls has the following costs and returns. Operating cost: Material input for mushroom production US$110.00 Labor for mixing soil and filling bag, etc. : US$20.00 One year fix asset depreciation is US$10.00 Total Operating cost US$140.00 Revenue Average yield/bag is 0.60kg (0.60kgx100bg Revenue (US$3.00 x60kg) Net operating Profit (per cycle) 60kg US$180.00 US$40.00 Page 32 of 61 Environment and Social constraints and benefits Straw mushroom production is environmentally friendly, without any harm other than the use of fuel wood for the steam boiler. Spent substrate can be used for compost directly, or for worm production before final use as a soil amendment. Worm production for aquaculture and other livestock feed is discussed in another item in this series. Sources, and Technical support documents and resource people can be found in Other MAFF, or Contact Mr. Sam Samnang at Tel 092 768 708 Partners Provincial Departments of Agriculture in Kampong Cham, Siem Reap and Banteay Meanchey Provinces; and Provincial Department of agriculture- Kampong Thom (Focal person: Men Ra,Tel: 092 902 186 Commercial and practitioner farmer (Mr. Ouk Bunce), O’ngo village, Beung Pring Commune, Thmolkol district, Battambang, Tel: 012 431 669 Page 33 of 61 14. Product Name: Earthworm culture Key Facts: Earthworms are a source of protein for raising catfish, eels, chickens, ducks, crocodiles, turtles, and other aquaculture and livestock species among rural Cambodian communities. Some farmers collect earthworms from paddy fields for sale to fish farms. Raising earthworms is still not popular among Cambodia farmers, due to lack of training. However, with support from development organizations in the last decade, many farmers have begun to farm earthworms on a small scale, in the home compound, to feed their livestock, especially catfish, chickens and ducks. Earthworms are a rich source of protein and fat which promotes fast growth and health of livestock, if properly fed. How it works Earthworm farming is not highly technical, and is easily applied by (inputs, farmers after some simple training: outputs) 7- Training should include: Understanding the basic concepts of earthworm raising techniques, earthworm farm construction, how to mix soil for raising earthworms, maintenance, food and feeding methods, protection from predators, and harvesting. 8- Earthworm farm construction and stocking Plastic sheets, culverts, or concrete tanks can be used for earthworm farms. Scale of earthworm farm construction depends on farmer capacity. Culverts (ring tiles) can be used, or raised beds on the ground using plastic sheet, for example 2m x 10m x 0.5m., The soil mix should be 3 parts cow manure, 1 part rice bran and 1part fertile soil. About 10,000 to 20,000 adult earthworms per M2 are required to start. 9- Caring for earthworms - Cover the earthworm farm with kitchen waste, vegetable material and cow manure. Protect from direct sunlight and rainfall; - Water regularly as damp soil makes earthworms more mobile for feeding. Cover the farm with palm leaves allowing air circulation. Page 34 of 61 Earthworms can be used to feed catfish, eels, frogs, and poultry Suitability to Cambodian situation. How to implement - Earthworm farming is easily adopted by Cambodian farmers, and integrated into the feed supply for other livestock, reducing the need for purchased feeds, or for sale to other producers. - Expertly supervised farmer to farmer extension services should be sufficient to encourage adoption of this technology Financial - An earthworm farm of 1.2 x 4 x 0.5 meters would cost about US$30 to and buy plastic sheet and US$10 for a starter worm population. Total economic investment cost is around US$40 Assessment, Investment, operating costs, profits Environment and Social constraints and benefits Earthworm farming is environment friendly, using wastes and producing very high quality animal protein for livestock feed. Start-up capital requirement is small and technical skills basic. The system supports independence from external suppliers. Sources, and Other Partners Earthworm production is present in many parts of Cambodia, Some resource persons for earthworm production are: Phnom Penh/ Royal University of Agriculture (RUA): Mr. SEAK Soly (author on earthworm culture and trainer, Email:solymdm@yahoo.com, Tel: 012 333 534, Other - ADDA organization based in Siem Reap and - CEDAC organization; Page 35 of 61 15. Product Name: Naim (pickled fish snack) processing and Marketing Key Facts: Naim is a local product, well known among Cambodians, made from fermented fresh fish. It is nutritionally rich, produced from fresh fish meat mixed with locally available ingredients (garlic, salt, chili, galangal, and sugar). It is often used as snack food. Naim is very popular, especially in Steung Treng Kratie, and Battambang. Many people have experience in making naim and marketing it locally with good profits. People can make naim from fish available in the area, using family labor and generating income to the household. How it works Naim processing operators can produce for the market all year round, (inputs, depending on availability of raw material, and labor. The processing outputs) requires certain skills. There are several steps in the process: Processing site and machinery - A suitable location/processing site is required, with proper hygiene and sanitation. Electricity and clean water are required; - Equipment includes simple meat-grinding machinery (can be hand cranked), and equipment for stirring, knives, trays, baskets etc. Separate areas for preparation of fish meat, and storage of product are required. Processing technique - Fresh fish is the raw material, - Fish are cleaned, de-boned and fish meet collected and washed - Mix fish meat and ingredient then pass through chopping and mixing machines. Packaging, fermentation, and Storage - The output is packed into small plastic bags 2-5 grams), sealed and labeled for storage; - The product is stored for 2-3days in a cool location to allow fermentation to take place, before marketing to consumer. Marketing - In general, naim producers supply directly to retail stores, restaurants, drinking shops and wedding party caterers in the province, and to outside markets depending on contracts. There are good market for naim. Page 36 of 61 Suitability to Cambodian situation. How to implement Specialty fermented fish products like naim are very popular and in high demand in Cambodia and can be the basis of successful small businesses, creating job opportunities, and using available raw material. Some naim and similar products are imported from neighboring countries, so there is an opportunity for import substitution. Implementation of naim processing should consider the following: - Identify and select committed women interested to do small business; - Form processing groups; - Build capacity on technical processing/packaging/hygiene, sanitation, basic marketing concepts and marketing linkages… - Teach clear business planning (cost profit analysis) and processing planning; Financial Naim production and marketing can show good profits and fast rate of and return on investment, with less than a week per cycle. Information from economic existing naim producers suggests a net-profit of US$12.50 for one Assessment, business cycle. Investment, operating Equipment $700.00 costs, Operating cost: profits 10kg fresh fish (without head) get 8.50 of fish meat : US$20.00 Mixed with ingredient get 9kg (fish meat and ingredients) : US$5.00 Packaging material use : US$4.00 Water and Electricity used : US$3.00 Labor :US$5.00 Total Operating cost US$37.50 Revenue 9kg of naim can pack 45 packs (10piece/pack) Revenue from naim sold 45pack x 4500r/pack= : US$50.00 Net operating Profit (per cycle – 1 day) : US$12.50 Environment Naim processing is environmentally friendly, adding nutritional and and Social storage life value to the raw fish resource This business can create job constraints opportunities generating household income for the members. and benefits Sources, and Other Partners Royal University of Agriculture: Faculty of Food Science Mr. SEAK Soly: lecturer on thermal food processing, and technical resource person for fish processing (naim), Contact: 012 333 535; Email: solymdm@yahoo.com Resource person: Mrs. Rorn Sareth, Naim processor/trainer; Prey Khpob village, Battambang , Tel: 088 911 7813 Page 37 of 61 16. Product Name: Dried Shrimp Key Facts: Dry shrimp is local product well know among Cambodians, produced from fresh water shrimp collected from rivers lakes and reservoirs. It is nutritionally rich and used in Khmer local and Chinese dishes. Fresh water shrimp are boiled, dried and the shell removed, then packed for market. The processed product has a reasonably long shelf life. How it works (inputs, outputs) Shrimp for processing is available year round. The processing requires skill semi-skilled personnel: Infrastructure Solar dryer built from clear plastic sheet and wooden frames, 3m wide x1.5m long x2m high. Stainless steel trays are required, about 6 per drier. A suitable location out of reach of animals and other disturbances is required. For processing and packing a clean room and facilities for washing equipment are required Processing Steps Fresh raw shrimp should washed thoroughly in clean water ; Boil the shrimp in a stainless steel cooking pot ; Allow to cool for 2-3hours on the dryer trays, then place into solar dryer for 2-3 days until well dried, stirring regularly to ensure even drying Remove the shell by pounding in a cloth bag with a hardwood stick. Packaging and Storage Packaging material ( plastic jar, plastic bags), scale, sealing machine, and labeling; Packaging in plastic bags is suitable for small shrimp processing enterprise for local markets; A larger enterprise can package dry shrimp in the plastic bottles or plastic bags in the sizes of 100 grams to 1 kilogram, depending on the market demand and orders; Once packed, the product should be kept in a cool dry place prior to transporting to market Hygiene and sanitation of packaged shrimp is the main concern in a processing enterprise; Marketing In general, producers supply shrimp directly to retail stores in provinces. Other markets depend on contracts with wholesale buyers. Hygienically processed shrimp find acceptance in supermarkets in Cambodia, where consumer preference justifies the somewhat higher price. Page 38 of 61 Suitability to Cambodian situation. How to implement The dry processed shrimp is best as a medium scale business, suitable for communities living in wetland and riverine areas. This business create job opportunities using available raw material An approach to implementation will include: Identify and select committed women and interested people group/ or individual; Form processing group among committed and interested people; Build capacity on technical processing/packaging/hygiene, sanitation, basic marketing concept and marketing linkages Develop clear business plans Page 39 of 61 Ensure process and product hygiene. Financial and economic Assessment, Investment, operating costs, profits Shrimp processing and marketing can show good profits and fast return on investment For example:. Dried shrimp processing and marketing shows good profits and fast investment rate of return for each cycle. Operation cost: Buy 100kg fresh shrimp invested : US$80.00 Ingredient use (salt) : US$05.00 Boiling (water, firewood) : US$05.00 Packaging material use : US$21.00 Labor use for the whole production : US$30.00 Total operation cost US$141.00 Revenue From 100kg of fresh shrimp received only 18kg of dry shrimp Cost of shrimp sold 18kg x US$13 : US$234.00 Net operating profit per cycle 4days : US$93.00 Environment and Social constraints and benefits Shrimp processing is environmental friendly, adds value to the available shrimp resource, and will contribute to more stable access to food. The enterprises create employment in the communities. Sources, and Other Partners Royal University of Agriculture : Faculty of food Science Mr. Kong Thong: lecturer of food processing and as technical resource person for shrimp processing, Contact: 011 712 292; Mr. SEAK Soly Food processing Specialist Tel:012 333 534, Email:solymdm@yahoo.com Fishery Administration Cantonment/ Phnom Penh and Siem Reap Province Page 40 of 61 17. Product Name: Cricket Culture Key Facts: Among other insect foods, crickets are a popular delicacy in Cambodia. Most of the supply is from the wild, caught at night in light-traps. The wild supply is declining due to overharvesting and to flood events, and cricket culture has started in order to keep pace with rising demand in Cambodia and Thailand. Entry costs are relatively low and the technology simple. Existing Cambodian cricket farmers are willing to train others. Crickets sell for about KHR10,000/kg at roadside for wild caught. How it works (inputs, outputs) ) Light Traps, Kampong Thom Ready to eat Insect Market in Thailand Crickets can be cultured in the same concrete ring tanks used for catfish in the project area, or in larger wooden or cement cages. Natural food such as rice bran, sugar cane juice, and vegetable matter is used, or prepared feeds can be purchased from Thailand. Brood-stock is Page 41 of 61 captured from the wild and simple separate enclosures used for egglaying. Management is not difficult. Suitability to Cambodian situation. How to implement. There are a number of cricket farms already in Cambodia. Simple farmer to farmer extension via site visits, or some apprenticeships of selected villagers to existing farms, should be enough to get it started in the project area. Some microfinance may be needed, and links to the traders facilitated. Financial and economic Assessment, Investment, operating costs, profits One farm in Poipet has 24 cement cages measuring 1.2x1.2 meters each. One culture cycle is about 50 days, producing up to 50kg of adult crickets per cage per cycle, or annually about 8,400 kg of crickets for the whole operation. Sales are to traders at about US$2.5 per kg at farm gate, or about US$21,000 annually. Costs for feed are about $2,100, and for labor $2,400, for a gross operating margin of $16,500, (if our informant is to be believed). Environment and Social constraints and benefits Crickets are an appreciated delicacy and highly nutritious. Wild capture has a positive impact on losses of rice production due to cricket infestation. The culture is however replacing the declining wild supply in the market. Cricket culture is a low risk and substantially profitable enterprise. Sources, and Other Partners Poipet Farm. Mr. Sokha. Phone 017 330 799 Markets are local, in major Cambodian towns, and to Vietnam and Thailand. Page 42 of 61 18. Product Name: Easy Latrine Key Facts: For 2.5 billion people globally and 84 % of rural Cambodia, access to affordable sanitation is a major problem. Lack of adequate sanitation causes more deaths than HIV, malaria and tuberculosis combined, yet sanitation purchases are generally seen as status-based rather than health-based investments. A simple design solution is changing the field, dropping the costs of an age-old product and mobilizing an industry to impact the well-being of millions of households. The Easy Latrine is the first affordable and sustainable latrine design that consists of a squat pan, slab, catchment box, pipe and offset storage rings, making household sanitation decisions easy. How it works Easy Latrine’s pioneering design uses affordable, locally-sourced materials. More than 4,000 Easy Latrines have been sold through private-sector channels since January 2010. These latrines provide improved sanitation for low-income families, while promoting water & sanitation enterprise development throughout rural Cambodia. Village masons can build ‘Easy Latrines’ themselves from locally available parts. It consists of a pan, a bucket of water with a ladle, and pipes to connect a hut to a latrine buried in the ground. The latrine itself has three receptacles made of rings of concrete bound by the ash of rice husks — material that’s readily at hand and much cheaper than cement. Once a receptacle is full, it can be capped, and after two years, the sediment can be used as compost. Suitability to Cambodian situation. How to Sanitation marketing uses the power of the market to increase sustainable access to sanitation at scale. WaterSHED’s sanitation marketing program takes a “Hands-Off” approach to sanitation marketing. Pioneered in Cambodia, the Hands-Off approach recognizes Page 43 of 61 implement. that with creative social marketing, targeted support to local enterprises and the brokering of effective public-private partnerships, sanitation markets can grow without on-going external intervention. The Hands-Off program plays the role of catalyzing facilitator, using in-depth research into demand and supply to inform simple but effective strategies aimed at linking consumers to suppliers, and then staying out of their way. Financial and economic Assessment, Investment, operating costs, profits One latrine costs about $25. The aim is to install 10,000 latrines by April 2011, all without subsidy as prescribed by the Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS). Environment and Social constraints and benefits Most rural Cambodians practice “open defecation”, using the nearest field or bushy area, being constrained by poverty and lack of education from doing otherwise. This is a major environmental public health problem. Affordable latrines, and the business development and social marketing programs which go with them, are making a tremendous difference in Cambodia. Sources, and Other Partners Funding from USAID-Cambodia’s MSME Project and the World Bank’s Water and Sanitation Program fueled Easy Latrine’s development and distribution in Cambodia. International Development Enterprises, Cambodia, is the main contact: Local producers are receiving training in sanitation and hygiene education, latrine production, and basic business and sales management. They are asked to invest a minimum of US$500 and produce three latrines per day. A local mason—having seen his monthly income jump from US$50 to nearly US$400 in a matter of weeks— decided to invest more by purchasing another trailer for his motorbike in order to deliver more latrines to villages. He has also begun to sell his latrines to supply shops in the region as a secondary means of distribution. One supply shop is even selling the latrine core without making a profit, as they expect to earn their profits from the aboveground components that they will sell in conjunction with the core. info@ide-cambodia.org PO Box 1577 House 126, Street Ta Phon, Sansom Kosal 1, Boeung Tumpun Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tel. (855) 23 223 541 http://www.ide-cambodia.org/ Other Sources: http://sanitationupdates.wordpress.com/2010/06/27/cambodian-easylatrine-wins-international-design-award/; http://www.fastcodesign.com/idea-2010/easy-latrine. http://www.watershedasia.org/what-is-sanitation-marketing/ Page 44 of 61 19. Product Name: Reservoir Fishery: Cage Culture. Key Facts: Abundant water resources held in irrigation reservoirs in Stung Treng Province which need to be managed for multiple uses. Cage aquaculture is well established in Asian reservoirs with species and techniques widely available from many case studies in an extensive literature on cage aquaculture in Asian reservoirs. How it works (inputs, outputs) (Summary 300 words) Floating fish cages are constructed (from low cost local materials) and anchored in the reservoir. These cages are stocked with either fingerlings for grow out markets or are stocked with fry to be raised for fingerlings (cage-based hatcheries) for the pond grow out market. For example, fish are stocked at 10-15/m3 in (5x5x2m) cages for extensive grow out (Gurung in De Silva and Davy, 2010). This technology depends on the size and depth of the reservoir. The dry season depth will be crucial for long term viability of these culture regimes. Cage Culture Thailand Tilapia Cage Culture Suitability to Cambodian situation. How to implement With increased emphasis on rice production more reservoirs will be either rehabilitated or constructed, so there will be more opportunities to use these for diverse functions. If these reservoirs have suitable dry season depths than local cyprinid species, Silver barb (Barbonymus gonionotus) or Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), Climbing Perch (Anabas testudineus) or Chinese carps can be cultured in cages. It should be noted that cage aquaculture can also be capture-based aquaculture in which wild juveniles are captured and raised in cages. This can alleviate some of the hatchery bottlenecks seen in start-up aquaculture enterprises. Joffre et al 2010, discuss the different pro-poor aquaculture Page 45 of 61 options suitable for rural Cambodia. This fact sheet includes information on cage culture designs (from Tonle Sap) and feeding options which could be adapted to social-economic and environmental conditions found in the project target areas (Stung Treng/Kratie). Financial and economic Assessment, Investment, operating costs, profits Cage culture will require innovative forms of access to credit in order to start these businesses and to develop markets and any value-added products. Local micro-finance organizations and their NGO partners should see cage aquaculture as a potentially viable investment for rural livelihoods diversification. The development of “better management practices” for cage culture will be needed so would involve participation by local stakeholders and FiA staff, requiring time and money. The local availability and thus the cost of fry/fingerlings will influence cage culture development. The development of local, low cost small scale shoreline-based hatchery systems should be investigated to provide seed. The cost, availability and quality of feed inputs, as well as the local availability of potential inputs for pond water fertilization are primary considerations. It is necessary to review the costs of farm-made feeds in Stung Treng, including what material are available and the costs of producing local products (see Feeds Product Sheet). A review of trade off for fertilizer use is also necessary. With the development of low cost solar lighting by companies such as Kamworks in Cambodia, these lighting systems could be installed along with cages to attract fish autochthonous feeds from the reservoir or flying insects. Farm escapes are a financial lost to cage culture business, adding to benefits from any wild fishery in the reservoir. As well, over time, escaped fish could build up the wild fishery. Environment and Social constraints and benefits Small-scale reservoir cage culture can contribute to local rural livelihoods diversification through the sustainable production of a valuable fish crop. Cage business could also support other supporting and fish processing/marketing enterprises such as fish sauce and prahoc making. The deliberative resolution of water tenure, user conflicts and the establishment of effective co-management community-based cage culture or private sector leasing regimes will be crucial. Reservoirs have many users and are often subjected to single-use top-down control by a dominate Ministry, so multi-stakeholder platforms or dialogues must be established in this area in order to develop inclusive co-management decision-making. Water quality analysis and a hydrological regime will need to be done, with a focus on dry season DO regimes and the impacts of Water Dept scheduled draw downs. Hatchery production of locally available fingerlings and local feeds supplies will continue to be limiting factors for more intensive forms of Page 46 of 61 cage culture. With capture-based aquaculture, the “fattening” of local (indigenous) species such as trey chador (Channa sp.) could be a very good initial start up, eliminating the need for hatcheries and are very popular. These local species will have local market acceptance and preferences. Escaped fish can contribute to the local capture fisheries and supplement wild stocks. Providing additional fish for any subsistence fishery. In time, cage aquaculture could provide employment for returning family members or other laborers. Sources, and Other Partners ST Fisheries Cantonment and FiA would be necessary partners in this. IFReDI would need to do water productivity analysis. The FiA DAD (dept. of Aquaculture Development), in conjunction with CEPA or other groups could carry out a local aquaculture suitability and sustainability assessment and participate in the development of “better management practices/guidelines”. Micro-finance/credit mechanisms and their NGO supporters granting small loans ($2-3000) to establish social-enterprises based on cage culture including local financial support for construction, nets and other and goods and services. Kamworks or other solar lighting companies have rechargeable lights for overhead or water column live feeds attraction. REFS: Das, A.K., Vass, K.K., Shrivastava, N.P. and P.K. Katiha. 2009. Cage Culture in Reservoirs in India. (A Handbook) WorldFish Center Technical Manual 1948. The WorldFish Center, Penang, Malaysia. 24 pp. Gurung, T.B et al. in DeSilva, S. and B. Davy (eds). 2010. Success Stories in Asian Aquaculture. IDRC: Ottawa. Joffre, O., et al. 2010. AQUACULTURE FOR THE POOR IN CAMBODIA – LESSONS LEARNED. The WorldFish Center, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. De Silva, S. (ed). 1987. Reservoir Fishery Management and Development in Asia. IDRC-264e. IDRC: Ottawa Page 47 of 61 20. Product Name: Rice-Fish Farming Key Facts: Integrated rice-fish farming systems are ancient and widespread in Asia. Combining rice and fish, the two staple foods of the region, creates a more environmentally sound and sustainable agro-fish ecosystem providing a wider range of food and market items for the household. There are many synergisms with rice and fish, including ecological pest control, soil nutrient and aeration enhancement, more efficient water use for rice agriculture. Stung Treng and Kratie both have irrigated rice that can be modified for integrating a fish crop. How it works (inputs, outputs) (Summary 300 words) The rice field is modified to either have a fish crop in sequence or concurrently with the rice. Field modifications include higher bunds and pond refuge or channels. Wild fish are trapped and grown in the rice fields or species such as barbs (Puntius sp.),Tilapia, common carp are stocked in the paddy field. Rice-fish, Bangladesh Rice fish systems are also used as a hatchery environment for fry to fingerling production. Rice field raised fingerlings are generally stronger and as they have fed on wild feeds from more extensive systems. So this type of decentralized “seed system” can introduce a new livelihood enterprise for rice field owners. With the use of small-scale fish hatchery technology, the production of fry and fingerlings for the local pond or rice field aquaculture is thus a new enterprise. Fish, combinations of Tilapia and cyprinids, are stocked 2000-4000 fingerlings/ha (5-15g). Supplemental feeds such as rice bran may be needed if field fertility is low and lack endogenous feeds (see Feeds Product sheet). The use of cement (pre-cast or formed) ring-tanks could be used to create pond refuges in the rice field creating additional Page 48 of 61 employment opportunities. The use of these refuges could off-set the costs of maintain higher water levels. The stocking of tilapia may also be beneficial for the increasing the biomass of more preferred wild fish, as carnivorous species “crop” the biomass of the prolific cichlids. Suitability to Cambodian situation. How to implement The FiA has made a commitment for boosting rice field fisheries (extensive) production so this could also include rice-fish aquaculture components. There is generally still low intensity rice so pesticides may not be a problem in many areas, but this is changing so an assessment of rice-fish culture needs to be done per area considered. Financial and economic Assessment, Investment, operating costs, profits Rice fish systems are highly profitable in many situations, depending on water quality, presence of pesticides, management skills, etc. Useful economic assessments for project purposes will be site specific. Ricefish economics depends directly on the economic/investment regimes of the participating farmers. Total farm cash and net returns offer do not differ significantly from rice monoculture, but with less pesticide use there are reduced costs and environmental benefits. Some studies (Preen and Day 2001) have shown an increase profitability of $300400/ha/yr or a 30-40% over rice-monoculture ($1000/ha/yr). Having government provide free fingerlings can be the most significant cost savings for start-up rice fish. However it is important to place rice-fish benefits in terms of livelihoods diversification and not to focus only on changes in income. Rice-fish can allow farmers to supply fish to the domestic market in times of low wild fish availability and capture high prices. Environment and Social constraints and benefits Rural fisheries must be integrated into the broader rural livelihoods, with fish linked to agriculture via rice-fish, IPM or through aquaculture from irrigation systems (IIA). With respect to wider wetlands/marginal water bodies, the erosion of systems resilience driven by human interventions, direct land use planning and water management must be acknowledge when planning for increased aquatic production from human dominated systems. Rice field fisheries can be part of as broader move towards promoting FMAS (farmer managed aquatic systems), leading to increased local food security. Cambodia is still primarily low intensity rice production, as the use of pesticides and herbicides is incompatible with rice-fish systems as well as an adequate level of water for rice + fish must be available. Rice-fish requires access to land and sufficient water availability for paddies plus a supply of fish. It requires the farmer to be able secure his fish crop against and predators. Sources, and Other Partners FiA and Provincial fisheries Depts, FWUC, local farmer associations and NGO supporters such CEPA, My Village Organization (MVI)-alternative livelihoods. De la Cruz, C.R (ed.) 1994. Role of Fish in Enhancing Rice Field Ecology in Integrated Pest management. ICLARM Conf. Proceedings 43. Google Books. Mackay, K.T. (ed). 1995. Rice Fish Culture in China. IDRC Books Page 49 of 61 Prein, M and Dey, M (2001). Rice and Fish Culture in Seasonally Flooded Ecosystems, in IIRI, IDRC, FAO, NACA & ICLARM Utilizing Different Aquatic Resources for Livelihoods in Asia: A Resource Book, International Institute of Rural Reconstruction, Philippines. pp. 207–214. Rich diversity of self-recruiting aquatic animals awaits Mekong rice farmers. Catch and Culture 16(1). 2010. Page 50 of 61 21. Product Name: Fish Feeds Key Facts: Fish culture is poised to become a much larger contributor to the fisheries and agricultural sectors in Cambodia. With the rapidly expanding hydro-electric industry in the Mekong region, coupled with other forces, capture fisheries will continue to decline. Fish supply would need to be made up by expanding aquaculture. Cambodians eat a diverse range of species which feed low on the food chain so the feeding of these species will be less expensive and more amenable to local feed inputs and processes. How it works (inputs, outputs) (Summary 300 words) 3 All cultured fish need to be fed. External feeds can be made up from a variety of material via a diverse set of milling processes. Feed material can include on-farm materials such as rice bran, green and fresh manures, compost, worms and insects. Ponds can generate their own feeds via fertilizing the pond waters with external nutrients3. st 1 Picture credit: Cambodia MSME http://www.cambodiamsme.org/index.php Page 51 of 61 Suitability to Cambodian situation. How to implement There is a great need to develop a national aquaculture feeds sector as most ingredients and finished feeds are imported. There are potentially many local feed ingredients that could be incorporated into feeds. Feed milling can be done by local entrepreneurs who already operate micromills for rice. Implementation is a matter of working with them to identify market demand and ingredient sources, and to develop business plans and business skills. The USAID funded MSME project has been working in this sub-sector for several years now. That project is near completion so there will be many experienced extension personnel, and feed millers able to do farmer to farmer extension. Financial and economic Assessment, Investment, operating costs, profits Start-up capital is needed begin feed making. Local or imported feed milling, pellets/extrusion are required. As Cambodia has little animal feed development, the development of processed aqua-feeds lags further behind. Environment and Social constraints and benefits Eventually any feed process will require a dietary analysis of local fish nutrition needs, which will require research, testing and application. The use of any wild fish for as a feed input would require a sustainability analysis, but may reduce the current wild fish as feed situation. Using Azolla (Azolla imbricata) and Lemna sp. as a pond-generated fish feed is another option to keep feed costs down. There are integrated FishAzolla-Banana-Vegetable systems that could be adapted to Cambodia Aquaculture will become increasingly more important to make up for the declining supply from Mekong capture fisheries. As well, developing poultry and cattle industries, may be critical for developing fish feed manufacturing Feed ingredient quality will need to be assessed for nutritional efficacy, but would be able to highlight local feed innovation. Sources, and Other Partners Cambodia MSME Project Tel: (855) 23 222 496 / (855) 23 997 101 M-Tel: (855) 89 222 337 / (855) 89 222 338 Fax: (855) 23 222 495 Email: CambodiaMSME@dai.com www.cambodiamsme.org De Silva, S.S. and Hasan, M.R. 2007. Feeds and fertilizers: the key to long-term sustainability of Asian aquaculture. In M.R. Hasan, T. Hecht, S.S. De Silva and A.G.J.Tacon (eds). Study and analysis of feeds and fertilizers for sustainable aquaculture development. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 497. Rome, FAO. pp. 19–47. Wilson, R.P. and K.L. Wee (eds). Fish Nutrition and Feeding Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Feeding and Nutrition in Fish, Hobart, Australia. Aquaculture 151 (1/4):1-414. 1997. Page 52 of 61 22. Product Name: Mat weaving. Key Facts: Mats woven from a variety of natural fibers, kok chroung and kok moul (water reeds), rumcheik (Pandanus sp.) and palm leaf are traditional products in rural Cambodia. Some are basic utilitarian, as for rice drying mats, others are of very fine quality and highly ornate, for home and ceremonial use. Many enterprises use traditional mats as raw material for production of hand-bags and other products for sale to the tourism market and for export. Thai importers of Cambodian mats add value by printing and dyeing, a practice which could be added on the Cambodian side. Many of the natural fiber plants are present in the WA project area, and there is already some mat-weaving practiced. A field assessment of the value chain is needed in order to identify opportunities and constraints. How it works Suitability to Cambodian situation. How to implement. Access to markets, product improvement in response to market requirements, and environmental management of the raw material resource, are among several aspects needing attention. Implementation efforts will include: • Identify and engage resource persons for handicraft technical assistance, to work with women’s groups on marketing, design, and Page 53 of 61 technology improvement. • Assess available markets and identify appropriate responses by the groups • Provide business and technical skills development assistance to group members. Financial Although grass mat production takes time and is laborious, it does and generate supplementary income for villagers, especially when no other economic cash earning options are available to them. Based on the preliminary Assessment, economic analysis from Kampong Chhnang in 2005, the round grass Investment, mat the Kok Chroung grass mat appears not profitable. Nonetheless, operating employment is scarce in the area, especially for women. Therefore, if costs, family labour is assumed to have zero opportunity cost (as is sometimes profits the case), then grass mat production adds additional income. Mat weaving is compatible with other household responsibilities. Two persons can make 5 mats (size = 1.5 m x 1.9 m) per day. The production varies depending upon the availability of grass. On average, two laborers can make 60 mats per season (Late May to July). The farm gate price of a mat varies from 900 – 1200 Riel depending on the demand and the quality. Many grass mats are in fact exported by traders to Thailand, via the informal route through Poipet. Thai buyers add value by printing colorful designs on the mats, and then on-sell to the Thai market. It was stated by the weavers that the traders have said that Thai consumers actually prefer the natural grass mats, over the cheaper plastic alternatives which are readily available. The existence of his value chain suggests an opportunity for capturing the value-addition within Cambodia, thus increasing the net returns to the village women who make the mats. Further field work is necessary to determine the status of this possibility. Environment and Social constraints and benefits Traditional mat weaving in Cambodia uses a number of different plant fibers as raw materials, some collected from the wild and some cultivated. Increased production of particular types in response to market demand will have environmental implications, through over-harvesting and through possible unsustainable farming practices (pesticides etc.). Villagers in Kampong Chhnang reported that there are resources of water reeds available but they are declining. Some villagers cultivate the same variety of reed, so there is an opportunity to develop this resource. The Pandanus fiber romcheik is in plentiful supply and grows easily in village hedgerows. Waste-water from use of chemical dyes will have pollution effects. These impacts on the natural capital of villages will require attention from the villagers and the personnel who provide technical assistance to any initiative, and mitigation measures developed as part of any “technical package”. Sources, and Other Partners There are many mat weaving groups in Pursat Province. In Siem Reap, the company “Baskets of Cambodia” works with villagers to produce woven mats and value-added products like hand bags. WWW.basketsofcambodia .com Page 54 of 61 23. Product Name: Brooms Key Facts: Brooms made from various marsh and other grasses, and brush, are commonly used in Cambodian households. Many are imported from Vietnam. Manufacture is very simple, and can be done by women and seniors at home. Suitable raw materials are available in the WA project area. How it works (inputs, outputs) Broom making in Khammouane, Lao PDR In Cambodia Page 55 of 61 Suitability to Cambodian situation. How to implement. Implementation of broom-making enterprises could best be done through women’s self-help groups. Skills training can be done by study visits to producers elsewhere in Cambodia. Some market research should be done to see if there is a higher end niche market for brooms of a particular material, quality or style. The Lao brooms pictured above in the hands of the women entrepreneurs who manage the production are of particularly fine quality and fetch a premium price. Financial and economic Assessment, Investment, operating costs, profits Ordinary brooms in Phnom Penh are sold for from KHR 2,100 to KHR 8,000 (US$2) depending on quality. One financial constraint is that the grass harvests are seasonal, and enough raw material must be purchased in season for the whole year (or at least the broom-making months). Micro-credit services and/or group savings can be used to bridge this gap. Environment As for mat weaving, attention needs to be paid to the sustainability of the and Social natural grass resources. As these are mostly aquatic, such management constraints can be done through the Community Fishery associations. and benefits Sources, and Other Partners Company Name: Brooms Cambodia ent. 191, Tonle Sap Rd. , Village 1, Sangkat Chroy Changva Phnom Penh Telephone: 855-0128-68321 Page 56 of 61 24. Product Name: Roof Thatch Key Facts: Roof thatch production is a secondary livelihood alternative for farm families in places where the reed material can be collected from the river-banks and forest. The product is simple and is already made by poor people using traditional knowledge. It is easy to sell at a good price. The product can be used to make roofs and walls of houses and kchos (relaxation huts) and for other purposes. This activity can contribute to livelihood diversification among women in the poorest landless families, using available resources from the area surrounding their homes, making products with demand both inside and outside the community How it works Roof thatch production is not high technology, but it needs introduction of (inputs, the required skills The following are requirements for this activity: outputs) Mature reeds are cut at the base and then dried in the sun. Bamboo splits are used as the main backbone part of the product with reeds wrapped around and sewn to make the roof thatch. The product is about 25cm wide and a meter long, depending on user requirement. Well made thatching is tightly sewn and thick, giving a water-tight and long-lasting product. A skilled producer can make about 20 pieces a day. Suitability to Cambodian situation. How to implement 10Marketing The product can be sold to the local community or to nearby shops that sell wooden poles and bamboo. Some collectors buy for provincial markets and to areas with scarcity of resources for thatch production. Thatch is the most commonly used roofing material among Cambodia’s poor, being much cheaper than metal sheets and ceramic tiles. The required skills are basic and present in most communities. Women are the key players in the production and marketing. The approach to implementation should be through women’s entrepreneur groups to harvest the reed (sbov) in season, dry and store Page 57 of 61 for processing at off peak labor seasons. Some operating capital will be required, to pay for seasonal labor. This can be addressed through savings groups and micro-credit. Financial A skilled worker with materials at hand can make about 20 pieces of and thatch per day. About half a day is required to collect and prepare (dry economic and size) the raw material. So in effect a skilled worker can produce Assessment, thirteen pieces per day including collection and preparation. Usual selling Investment, price is KHR1,000 per piece, or KHR13,000 per day, a bit over US$3.00. operating This is a good net return for a woman working at home. This kind of costs, enterprise is best done by mutual support groups which enable profits specialization, access to capital, and better market power. Environment Thatch materials can be over-harvested like any wild population. and Social Community based natural resource management should be in place. constraints and benefits Sources, and Other Partners www.teangtnaut.org www.ntfp.org FAO-UNDP-ILO- UNESCO Joint Project on Creative Industry Support Program (CISP) (http://www.un.org.kh/undp/what-wedo/projects/creative-industries-support-programme) Page 58 of 61 25. Product Name: Bamboo Pre-processing Key Facts: In the target area, bamboo is used extensively for basketry, mostly by women working at home. The value chain extends into markets in Thailand and has been well studied. The natural supply of bamboo is declining. Management and cultivation are readily feasible. Simple hand-powered mechanization of raw material preparation (splitting and trimming bamboo stems) could make these women’s labor much more profitable for their households. This mechanization could be done by local micro-enterprises based on selfhelp groups. How it works (inputs, outputs) (Summary 300 words) Cambodia has extensive resources of both wild and domesticated bamboos. The status and trends of the bamboo resources in the country have been poorly described as to species composition, extent, condition and utilization patterns, but evidence is that the resources are in decline. As elsewhere in Asia, bamboos are important materials for rural livelihoods, for house construction, a wide range of baskets and other tools, and as human food (bamboo shoots). There is significant export of unprocessed bamboo to Vietnam and Thailand. Large numbers of utilitarian bamboo baskets are exported to Thailand and some to Vietnam, through informal border trade. UTILITARIAN BASKETS Niche market bamboo handicraft Page 59 of 61 Hand Splitting Strips for Weaving Coarse Splitter (manual) Suitability to Cambodian situation. How to implement. Weaving a Rice Basket Fine splitter Appropriate machinery as pictured above (and other items) may be too expensive for an individual household, but not for a group. The WA project communities already have some bamboo basketry and other handicraft. These products already have markets and developed value chains. The suggested intervention is to enable a women’s group to specialize in the pre-processing of bamboo stems through simple mechanization in a community based pre-processing center. This will make women’s household handicraft labor (basket weaving and the like) far more efficient, increasing incomes and sparing women’s labor for higher value tasks. Page 60 of 61 Financial Equipment for a bamboo pre-processing center would cost less than and $500. A simple thatched shelter with packed earth floor would be economic sufficient infrastructure. Assessment, Investment, operating costs, profits Environment The main social benefit will be increased net incomes to bamboo basket and Social weavers (mostly women) through mechanization of the presently constraints laborious material preparation steps. and benefits Sources, and Other Partners USAID HARVEST project now embarking on a new Cambodian bamboo assessment in four northern Tonle Sap provinces. “Mekong Bamboo Sector Feasibility Study”. Enterprise Opportunities Ltd. IFC/MPDF and Oxfam Hong Kong. www.INBAR.int Page 61 of 61
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