T1-P28 Observations of atmospheric radionuclide cycles The
T1-P28 Observations of atmospheric radionuclide cycles The
Observations of atmospheric radionuclide cycles: The benefit for global Observations off atmospheric ph i radionuclide y l The gl b l Ob ti t di lid cycles: Th benefit b fit for f global st dies paleoclimate studies paleoclimate studies Christoph Elsässer (1), Christoph Elsässer (1), Dietmar Wagenbach (1), Rebecca Bremen (1), Ingeborg Levin (1), Rolf Weller (2), Clemens Schlosser (3) (1) Dietmar Wagenbach (1), (1) Rebecca Bremen (1), (1) Ingeborg Levin (1), (1) Rolf Weller (2), (2) Clemens Schlosser (3) and Matthias Auer (4) and Matthias Auer (4) (1) Institut für Umweltphysik, University of Heidelberg, Germany (christoph.elsaesser@iup.uni heidelberg.de), (2) Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany, (3) Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, Freiburg, Germany, (1) Institut für Umweltphysik, University of Heidelberg, Germany (christoph.elsaesser@iup.uni‐heidelberg.de), (2) Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany, (3) (4) CTBTO P (4) CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Vienna International Center, Vienna, Austria t C i i Vi I t ti l C t Vi A ti 210Pb The IUP Heidelberg Th H id lb g q quasi‐continuously i ti ly measures and d since i 27 years at Neumayer Station in coastal Antarctica (see Elsässer et al. al (2011)). (2011)) Photo: O. Eisen IUP/AWI Why measure 14C 10 1.4 Be 12 1.2 1.0 0.6 24 2.4 2.2 20 2.0 210 Be/ Pb 18 1.8 10 7 B / Be Be/ B 1.6 14 1.4 7 7 08 0.8 Be / B B Be ato om m ra atio 1.6 1.4 12 1.2 10 1.0 08 0.8 0.6 10 Pb b [a activvityy ra atio o] 210 0 Be / B 200 175 5 150 125 100 75 Be B Be rellative un nits Be rellative un nits relatiive un nits 7 1.2 J F M A MJ J A S O N D J F M A M 1984 1988 1992 0.5 1996 2000 2004 2008 Fig. 3: Records of 7Be and 10Be in boundary Fig layer air at Neumayer station compared to neutron monitor count rate reflecting the production d ti signal i l (solar ( l cycle). l ) Fig. 4: Mean sesonal cycles of 7Be, 210Pb and d 10Be B att Neumayer N and d their th i respective ti ratios (for details see Elsässer et al. al (2011)). (2011)) J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M Last Glacial Maximum Fig. 1: Simulated atmospheric Δ14C modified after Köhler Fig et al.l [[2006]. [2006]] -44 low 18 δ O -42 42 GISP ice core -40 temperature p & accumulation -34 34 SSeparating the production signal from p ti g th p d ti ig l f climate climate modulations li t modulations d l ti -32 10Be -38 38 -36 high 25000 20000 15000 age [BP] 10000 5000 0 data from Finkel and Nishiizumi, 1997; Grootes et al., 1993 Fig. Fi g 2: 2 10Be B concentration t ti in i the th GISP ice i core contrasted t t d to t the respective δ18O record which basically indicates variations in temperature and associated accumulation rate changes. is sensitive to aerosol transport and deposition. Fig. 2 clearly l ly illustrates ill the h climate li modulation d l i off a 10Be B ice i core signal The challenge to disentagle the production signal signal. from climate modulations is not sufficiently solved, solved yet. yet Understanding 10Be transport and deposition processes i indispensable is i di p bl for f its i application ppli i as a p paleo l p proxy! y! (1) Bartol Research Institute, 2010. http://neutronm.bartol.udel.edu/~pyle/bri_table.html (2) ( ) BMU, 2011. Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, d f l h d k h h U lt di kti ität d St hl b l t J h b i ht 2001 2008 Umweltradioaktivität und Strahlenbelastung: Jahresberichte 2001‐2008. (3) El ä (3) Elsässer, C. et al. , 2011. Continuous 25‐years aerosol records at coastal Antarctica: Part C l 2011 C i 25 l d lA i P 2 V i bilit f th 2. Variability of the radionuclides 7Be, 10Be and 210Pb. di lid 7B 10B d 210Pb Tellus 63B (in press). T ll 63B (i ) (4) Fi k l d Ni hii (4) Finkel and Nishiizumi, 1997. Beryllium 10 concentrations in the Greenland Ice Sheet i 1997 B lli 10 t ti i th G l d I Sh t Project 2 ice core from 3 40 ka Journ Geophys Res 102(C12) Project 2 ice core from 3‐40 ka. Journ. Geophys. Res., 102(C12). (5) Grootes et al., 1993. Comparison of oxygen isotope records from the GISP2 and GRIP Greenland ice cores. Nature, 366, 552‐554. l d (6) Köhl t l 2006 A d l b di t t ti fl f h i th b (6) Köhler et al. 2006. A model‐based interpretation of low‐frequency changes in the carbon cycle during the last 120000 years and ist implications for the reconstruction of l d i h l 120000 d i i li i f h i f 14 atmospheric Δ t h i Δ C . Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 7(11). C G h G h G t 7(11) Neutron monitors of the Bartol Research Institute are supported by NSF grant ATM‐ N t it f th B t l R h I tit t t d b NSF t ATM 0527878 0527878. -4 4 1.6 model result (2001 (2001-2008) 2008) 1.4 PTB ((2)) 22Na/ Fig. 5: Fi 5 N /7Be B measured at PTB Braunschweig (BMU, 2011)) and d Vienna Vi (IUP Heidelberg) compared to preliminary p li i y model d l results results. (2001 2008) (2001-2008) 1.2 1.0 08 0.8 06 0.6 7 20 IUP Heidelberg (2009/2010) Na / Be N e [10 acctivvity y ra atio o] Holocene 30 A Al pin nee iccee cco orree ffrro om m Mo Montee R Ro osa rreegio on n 40 Radionuclide ratios are ideal tools to study transport processes Primarily, processes. Primarily ratios of radionuclides which originate from the same production process reduce meteorological noise. i In I this thi cases, transport t t processes such h as Stratosphere‐ St t h Troposphere Exchange may be sensitively quantified. Troposphere‐Exchange quantified Here, Here measurements of 22Na (cosmogenic; radioact. lifetime: 3.8 yyears)) might ight substitute b tit t expensive p i 10Be B measurements. t 1.8 04 0.4 22 What may be learned from What may be learned from radionuclide radionuclide ratios? d l d ratios?? 50 [pe er mill] 10 3 Be [10 B 0 at//g] 60 References: References 10 1.0 • Stratosphere Stratosphere‐Troposphere‐Exchange Troposphere Exchange (STE) causes a remarkable seasonal cycle. cycle Hence, Hence the yearly average snow concentration of 10Be is sensitive to the seasonality of accumulation rate. rate • The production signal is clearly seen in air measurements but embedded in considerable meteorological noise. 7Be • Differences Diff b t between B and d 10Be B callll for f 10Be B measurements t on a global l b l scale l for f validation lid ti and d use off global l b l circulation i l ti models. d l Be ice concentration GISP ice core 30000 1.5 16 1.6 fails on the millennial 10 35000 Neumayer Station (Antarctica) Major findings concerning 10Be 70 40000 1.6 1 6 1.4 1.2 10 1.0 08 0.8 0.6 Pb IIndeed, d d, 14C‐ C and d 10Be‐based B b d reconstructions i off p past cosmogenic g i production rates agree fairly well on the centennial timescale (not shown) – but they systematically deviate on the millennial timescale. timescale This h mismatch h is p pointed d out by by Köhler hl et al.l ((2006)) who h simulated l d atmospheric 14C based on production rates obtained from 10Be (see Fig 1) Even though Köhler et al. Fig.1). al (2006) applied a carbon‐cycle model accounting for glacial glacial‐interglacial interglacial changes, they could not reproduce th atmospheric the t h i 14C variations. i ti 10 0.8 7 210 7 and (1) 10 10 D we understand Do Do we understand the d d the h Be ice core signal sufficiently well? B ice Be i core signal ig l sufficiently ffi i ly well? ll? 10Be and 10Be? neutron count rate Although Alth h 10Be B and d the th short h t lived li d 7Be B underly d l almost l t identical id ti l production d ti processes their atmospheric behavior differs due to their different radioactive processes, lifetimes (10Be: 2x106 years; 7Be: 77days). Cosmogenic radionuclides in climate archives basically allow reconstructing past production rates and related solar and geomagnetic ti activity. ti it However, H one has h to t understand d t d the th climate driven hand‐over climate‐driven hand over of the atmospheric production signal into the particular archives, modified by the respective p ti ggeochemical h i l cycles. y l Si Since th these cycles y l are completely different for 10Be and 14C, C an approach combining timeseries of both radionuclides seems promising. p ii g Consistency of timescale 7Be 0.9 02 0.2 00 0.0 O N D J F M A M J J A S IImproving our understanding of the past with measurements Improving p i g our understanding d t di g off the th p pastt with ith measurements t of present‐day of present present day cosmogenic radionuclides day cosmogenic radionuclides Atmospheric monitoring as well as modelling attempts help to study the sensitivtiy of ice core 10Be to climate modulations (i.e. changes h g in i transport t p t and d deposition). d p iti ) However, H models d l have h t be to b tied ti d to t measurements. t Yet, Y t there th are only ly a few f measurements t off 10Be deposition and air‐concentration air concentration available which are mainly restricted to polar areas. areas A global aerosol sampling network might help to answer the following questions with respect to the global 10Be cycle: Is there a latitudinal dependence of atmospheric Is there a latitudinal dependence of atmospheric 10Be concentration and of the Be concentration and of the 10Be/7Be ratio on the global scale? Be ratio on the global scale? What is the shape of the expected seasonal cycle of atmospheric 10Be (or 22Na) in mid‐latitudes or tropics? What is the shape of the expected seasonal cycle of atmospheric Be (or Na) in mid latitudes or tropics? h h gl b l d b f 10Be deposition? d p ? What is the global distribution of 10 7Be, B 10Be B 1.0 0 Be, B B Be co onccentra ation [normalizzed d] The IUP Heidelberg time series 1.1 7 Radionuclides in climate archives: R Radionuclides di lid in i climate li archives: hi A tool for reconstructing A tool for reconstructing the past re onstr tin the past neu n utro on co ount ra ate e [norm ma alize ed]] The benefit from atmospheric monitoring: Findings from The h b benefit fi ffrom atmospheric ph i monitoring: i i g Findings i di g from f N Neumayer Neumayer Station (Antarctica) y Station St ti (Antarctica) (A ( t ti )