Beckfoot School, Pastoral Manager


Beckfoot School, Pastoral Manager
March 2016
Wagon Lane, Bingley, West Yorkshire BD16 1EE
Tel: 01274 771444
Email: /
Dear Applicant
Beckfoot School, Pastoral Manager
Thank you for the interest you have shown in the above post, it is very much appreciated.
Please find in the application pack:
Application for Employment Form
Further Particulars of the post, Person Specification and Job Description
Personal Perspective (from Headteacher)
Strategic Vision 2015-18
Information about the appointment process
Beckfoot School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. All
posts are subject to an Enhanced DBS check.
Please return all completed application forms to Louise Wade-Rayne (HR) either by post or if
you are sending it by email the address is
The closing date for all applications is Friday, 8 April 2016 (noon). Successful candidates for
interview will be contacted by telephone. It is anticipated Interviews will take place week
commencing 11 April 2016.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
David Horn
A Private Company Limited by Guarantee
Registered Office:
Wagon Lane, Bingley
Bradford BD16 1EE
Company Number: 08155088
Further Particulars of the post of
Pastoral Manager
This is an exciting post within a revised structure. Applicants will need to
demonstrate that they can make a contribution to the development of this new
team and feel comfortable addressing the issues involved.
The Importance of Consistent Personalised Support for All Learners
It is our responsibility to ensure we have the capacity to consistently support,
challenge and inspire every individual student through their school career. In
particular, it can be argued that a young person’s whole future can be shaped by the
decisions he or she makes between the ages of 11 and 16 about their approach to
learning in school. The greater demands on young people in terms of curriculum,
homework, coursework, assessment and careers arrangements means that from the
moment a student starts in Year 7, they need to have a positive mindset, be well
organised, be aware of the bigger picture and have a determination to succeed.
Proposed New 11-19 Pastoral Management Support Structure:
Learning Leaders x 5, Head of KS4 and Head of KS5
3 Pastoral Managers 11-16
1 KS4 Pastoral Administration Assistant
Parent Advice and Contact Team
The new structure is based on a desire to see the following:
All students clearly identifying with strong, passionate, well presented and highly
visible Pastoral Managers, both on corridors and in lessons, who give them
consistent messages and inspire them to achieve great things.
A pastoral team taking clear responsibility for driving forward their strategic
agenda with passion and clear purpose.
A team response to the consistency of our positive learning strategy.
A more consistent approach to the creation of a climate for learning, that
supports all young people to be the very best they can.
Teachers able to get on with the business of delivering high quality lessons every
Tutors able to provide good tutoring, academic mentoring and PSHCE.
Improved attendance.
Reduced NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) figures.
Specific Responsibilities
 To work under the leadership of the Behaviour for Learning Leader and liaise both
with her and the Learning Leaders, where necessary, on all matters relating to the
PLS and pastoral care.
 To apply the PLS consistently and fairly across school.
 To be responsible for behavioural issues including supporting staff during lessons
where appropriate.
 To be highly visible on corridors both at student social times and during lessons.
 To liaise with staff in relation to behavioural issues and work with them to affect
positive outcomes for staff and students.
 To inform relevant colleagues about social or behavioural issues or changes
affecting students where appropriate.
 To discuss behavioural incidents with students, parents and colleagues.
 To monitor students on report.
 To monitor rewards and sanctions across school, celebrating success with
individuals and through assemblies.
 To assist the PLS Manager in the preparation of summary information for
detentions, isolations and exclusion.
 To work to establish positive relationships with all students and staff.
What Do We Seek From You?
We are seeking to appoint someone who can make a difference to the lives of our
students at Beckfoot; someone who can work well as part of a team, is highly
motivated, capable of demonstrating initiative and possesses a common sense
approach. We are looking for someone with the ability to inspire learners to achieve
well beyond their potential and become well-rounded, happy individuals ready to
take their place in and contribute to society.
The successful candidate will work under the supervision of the Positive Learning
Strategy Manager and will focus very much on the creation of a climate that
supports learning everyday in lessons and allows all students the opportunities to be
happy, successful learners.
Darren Cooley
David Horn
Assistant Headteacher
March 2016
Job Description
Pastoral Manager
Works within the Pastoral Team working closely with the Learning Leaders. Much of the work is
self-generating, and the post holder will be expected to work within established procedures and
guidelines and to prioritise day-to-day work, referring only exceptional or complex queries to
senior members of staff.
Work alongside the Learning Leader and behaviour manager, where necessary, on all
matters relating to the PLS and pastoral care of students,
Apply the PLS consistently and fairly across the year group,
Monitor behaviour and apply a range of intervention strategies where necessary to support
both students and teachers,
Be highly visible on corridors both at student social times and during lessons,
Effective communication with parents /carers /outside agencies to offer support and
personalised intervention strategies for students.
Liaise with staff in relation to behavioural issues and work with them to affect positive
outcomes for staff and students.
Inform relevant colleagues about social or behavioural issues or changes affecting students
where appropriate.
Discuss behavioural incidents with students, parents and colleagues and relevant external
Monitor students on report and keep accurate records using SIMS and other methods.
Monitor rewards and sanctions across school, celebrating success with individuals and
through assemblies.
Work to establish positive relationships with all students and staff.
The Pastoral Managers are accountable for supporting strategies to maximise student progress by:
 Raising the quality of learning and student aspiration,
 Attitudes to learning and
 Student aspiration, and therefore achievement, within year group areas.
Beckfoot School
Personnel Specification: Pastoral Manager
The Beckfoot Trust is an Equal Opportunities Employer and requires its employees to carry out its policies concerning racial and sex equality and the rights
of people with disabilities both in terms of equal opportunity for employment and access. Job Share applicants welcome for all full-time posts unless
otherwise stated in the advertisement
We are committed to making reasonable adjustments to the job role and working environment so that disabled people have access to job opportunities or
current employees can continue at work should they develop a disabling condition
GCSE English and Maths (A-C) or equivalent e.g. Adult Literacy/Numeracy at level 2.
NVQ3 (or equivalent) in a relevant discipline
Working with children of relevant age, assisting in their development.
Working as part of a team.
Working with students with additional needs and whose learning may have been impeded due to a range
of circumstances.
Willingness to take part in and evidence of attendance at relevant INSET.
Full working knowledge of relevant policies/codes of practice and awareness of relevant legislation.
Good communication skills including telephone skills.
Understanding of principles of child development and learning processes including barriers to learning.
Working knowledge/use of databases and other software packages e.g. Microsoft Office
(Word/Excel/Outlook etc)
Understanding a range of support services/providers.
Appropriate health and safety training.
Be willing, courteous and able to work both using your own initiative and in a team.
Behaviour management.
Must be able to take part in INSET.
Ability and willingness to work flexibly and to participate in extra-curricular activities.
Must be legally entitled to work in the UK (Asylum and Immigration Act 1996)
Must be suitable to work with children/young people/vulnerable clients/finance
Interest in the school’s wider role in the community
Positivity and loyalty to the school and all it stands for.
Hard worker with excellent professional standards.
Pastoral as well as intellectual interest in education and our learners.
Commitment to positive behaviour management.
Enthusiastic, flexible, communicative.
A team player. Collaborative, emotionally intelligent, sensitive to the needs of others.
Letter, Interview
Letter, Interview
Resolute and determined. Ability to set and maintain high standards.
Wish for professional development.
Ability to work with parents and outside agencies.
Competent organiser. Understand the importance of effective systems to monitor and maintain accurate
Good with data. Good oral and written communicator.
Problem solver. Always looking for new ideas and ways of improving practice within their role.
Must be able to cope with the requirements of the post.
Awareness of and sensitivity to other cultures and languages. Candidates should indicate an acceptance of
and a commitment to the school’s Equal Rights policies and practices.