St. Patrick Parish, Weaverville, CA
St. Patrick Parish, Weaverville, CA
St. Patrick Parish, Weaverville, CA Holy Trinity Mission, Hayfork + St. Gilbert, Lewiston + Trinity Center Fr. Derek R.P. LaBranch, Parochial Administrator † Fr. Keith Canterbury, Pastor Emeritus Parish Office: 102 Church Street, Weaverville Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1219, Weaverville, CA 96093 Phone: (530) 623-4383 e-mail: Website: Parish Liturgical Schedule Confessions: Saturday 2:00-3:00 Weaverville Anytime by appointment Sunday Mass Schedule: Vigil 4:00 PM Lewiston Sunday 9:00 AM Weaverville 11:45 AM Hayfork Daily Mass: Tuesday 5:00 PM Weaverville Wed.-Fri. 9:00 AM Weaverville Trinity Center: 2nd Saturday of the Month 12:00 noon This Mass fulfills the Sunday obligation Nursing Home Mass: 1st Thursday of the month at 11:00am. All are welcome! Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: First Fridays 9:30- 11:00 Benediction Mass Intentions for the Week of 1/21-22, 2012 Sat Sun 1/21 4:00 Tim Keavy 1/22 9:30am Donna Haskell (I) 11:45am Parishioners Tues 1/24 9:00am Melissa Block (I) Wed 1/25 9:00am Alejandro Macias (I) Thurs 1/26 9:00am Fr. Mark Richards (I) Fri 1/27 9:00am Tom Hutchinson (I) Legend: I= Intentions R= Repose of the Soul COLLECTION INFORMATION Jan 14-15, 2012 Collection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1582.00 Debt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1484.00 Advertisement Income. . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 250.00 Missal . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 75.00 Balloon Raffle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 32.00 Stipend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 30.00 KEEPING YOU INFORMED Past Due Debt to the Diocese as of Jan. 22, 2012 Priest Pension Plan $ 0.00 Priest Health Insurance $24,239.82 Parish Self-Insurance $ 0.00 *Parish Assessment *Down from $11,433.50 Tithe Scripture $ 7,760.50 (6)Surely I, the Lord, do not change? Nor do you cease to be sons of Jacob. (10)Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, and try me in this, says the Lord of hosts: Shall I not open for you the floodgates of heaven to pour down blessing upon you without measure? (12)Then all nations will call you blessed, for you will be a delightful land, says the Lord of hosts. Malachi 3: 6, 10, 12 Administrator’s Accounting As we begin January 2012 I have been thinking about gratitude. Msgr. Andy Coffey, of happy memory, used to say we all needed to have an attitude of gratitude. I want to give thanks for all the support we have from our parishioners: To Father Keith who so graciously gives us his time to cover for me. To Diane Nilsson who so graciously volunteers in our office. To Donna and Dave Shuman who give of their time for our weekly bulletin. To John Knight who coordinated our campus clean up with Fire Pro. To Tammy Taylor who cleans the Church in Weaverville each week. To Tammy who also volunteered to be our Lazarus Ministry Coordinator. To Ralph McCombs, Juana Moreno, Mrs. Schwartz who set up for Masses. To all our members of our parish finance committee. To Carol Arthur who coordinates our feeding of the hungry in the soup kitchen To all our parish council members. To Nelva Hall, Millie Wolf, Elaine Bauman, Joyce , Lynn and Mary who take care of the altar linen. To Willa Sartin, Cynthia Angell and Diane Nilsson for teaching CCD classes. To Anne Lagorio, Lis Cahill, Vicki Riley and Bert for their music ministry. To Betty Bauman and her husband who decorate our church for each liturgical season. To all our Altar Servers. To all our Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers who serve faithfully the people of God. To Barbara Bagnod and Irene Love for coordinating our Sees' Candy Sale. To the members of our Fundraising committee. To those who clean the hall after our events. Please Support our Advertisers TRINITY LUMBER the friendly ones…… Quality building materials since 1955 130 Washington St. 623-4261 for all your needs Farm, Feed, Ranch and Pet Welding supplies and Hydraulic hoses Post Office Square, Hayfork Voice: 530-628-5335 Fax: 530-628-5355 Email: Kevin Cahill, CPCU, Agent Highway 3 @ North St., Weaverville 7 Days 623-4000 24 Hours “Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.” e-mail: Web site: Collection Envelopes St. Joseph’s School & Northern Valley Catholic Social Services present….. “Un Gusto de Vino” (A Taste of Wine) Just a reminder that the Parish Finance Council wants each parishioner to utilize the envelopes that you picked up at the back of the Church. Please note that your previous Be sure to save the date…. registration number may have changed! We Saturday February 18, 2012. ask that you use these envelopes even if usFor those who aren’t familiar with ing cash so that we can record them. Please this event, it is a wonderful night of also write the amount of donation on the en- wine tasting, food, live music and a chance to win velope this will expedite the process for the prizes! Plan to join us at the beautiful surroundings of the Turtle Bay Exploration Park Museum! counters. Parish Town Hall Meeting Fathers Jonathan Molina and Phil Wells will be hosting a Town Hall Meeting Here, in the Hall, at the request of the Priest Personnel Board, on Monday, Feb. 6th @ 6:00pm Attention: Schedule Changes There will be Mass on Monday Jan. 23rd @ 9:00 AM Tuesdays Mass will remain in the evening. Friday's Biblical Guide through the Mass will be changed to Monday, Jan. 23rd 10:00am. Fr. Derek will be changing his day off next week and combining with the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday and will be off next W e d ne s da y , T h u rs da y a n d F r i da y . There will be no confessions on Next Saturday (Jan. 28th) There will be two options Tuesday Morning or Sunday before the 9:00 AM Mass Due to the potential for snow Saturday’s Vigil Mass will begin at 4:15pm instead of 4:00pm. Local vineyards will be featured, along with hors d’oeuvres, live and silent auction. Tickets are available at St. Joseph School’s office; $35 in advance, $40 at the door. Proceeds from the event will benefit the educational and charitable programs of both organizations. For more information, please call St. Joseph School at 243-2302. MERCY HIGH SCHOOL 300 CLUB Mercy High School is continuing its sales of 300 Club tickets for their February 4th drawing. Only 300 tickets are being sold for $100 each. 1stPrize is $5,000 cash, 2nd prize is $2,500 cash, and 3rd prize is an Apple iPad2. AS AN ADDED BONUS, IF ALL 300 TICKETS ARE SOLD THE 1ST PRIZE WILL DOUBLE TO $10,000! Please call Julia Misslin @ 221-5550 or Maggie Keller @ 241-8432 for tickets. Thank you for your continued support of Mercy High School. Tend your sick ones, O Lord Christ. Rest your weary ones. Bless your dying ones. Soothe your suffering ones. Pity your afflicted ones. Shield your joyous ones. And for all your love’s sake. Amen VOCATIONS ANNUAL CELEBRATION The Office of Priestly and Religious Vocations invites community members to visit our seminarian website If you would like to contact the Office of Priestly & Religious Vocations, you may call 916733-0258 or e-mail Vocations Annual Celebration Dates: World Day for Consecrated Life—February 5, 2012 World Day of Prayer—April 29, 2012 The Diocesan Respect Life Office The January and February 2012 Word of Life issues are now available for download from the USCCB's Pro-Life Activities website (see link below). Word of Life is a monthly series in both English and Spanish that provides quotations for use in parish bulletins, intercessions related to weekly readings and quarterly homily outlines touching on pro-life themes. If you have any questions about the publication call or write Steve Patton, Associate Director for Family and Respect Life Ministries at 916-733-0133, Celebrate New Deaf Chaplain with Bishop Jaime Soto – January 29th The Deaf Community in the Diocese of Sacramento is invited to a mass in ASL and reception with Bishop Jaime Soto on Sunday, January 29th at 10:30am at the Newman Catholic Community, 5900 Newman Ct. in Sacramento to celebrate Fr. Paul Zirimenya being named as the Diocese of Sacramento’s first-ever Chaplain for the Deaf. For more information, contact Stanley Simonet at 916668-6609 or Healing After Abortion Retreat March 2-4, 2012 Is someone you know suffering after an abortion, perhaps years after the choice? Please consider the Rachel's Vineyard Retreat weekend, March 2-4, in Auburn, sponsored by the Diocese of Sacramento. This unique and effective experience presents the mercy and compassion of God. The retreat is extremely helpful for those who struggle with feelings of shame, anger or grief and for those who have not forgiven themselves or others. Open to women, men, couples, and family members touched by abortion. The cost is $175 per person. Financial assistance is available. For a registration packet or more information, contact Annette at (916) 733-0161 or write Inquiries and participation are strictly confidential. Word of Life Bulletin Brief Jan. 22, 2012 The potential benefits of adult stem cell research are very considerable, since it opens up possibilities for healing chronic degenerative illnesses by repairing damaged tissue and restoring its capacity for regeneration. The improvement that such therapies promise would constitute a significant step forward in medical science, bringing fresh hope to sufferers and their families alike. For this reason, the Church naturally offers her encouragement to those who are engaged in conducting and supporting research of this kind, always with the provision that it be carried out with due regard for the integral good of the human person and the common good of society. ~Pope Benedict XVI, Address to the Participants in the “International Conference on Adult Stem Cells: Science and the Future of Man and Culture,” November 12, 2011 Church Debt Reduction Fund If you have well-cared-for, quality items you would like to donate to be sold to help reduce our church’s debt please consider bringing your quality, well-cared-for items to : JUST CAUSES Consignments Serving the Community 1300 Nugget Lane, WVL. 530.623.2255 JUST CAUSES will issue you a donation letter from St. Patrick’s for your tax records as well as forwarding a copy back to our parish. JUST CAUSES sells items for the benefit of individuals, non-profits and other just causes. Please, make sure the items are worthy of the offering. Just Causes will not accept damaged, unclean & smelly items. These donations must be pre-approved by JUST CAUSES and accepted by appointment only. Please do not leave items outside their facility or St. Patrick’s. Call Just Causes 530.623.2255 for more information. Consign Your Quality: Furniture * Housewares Toys * Tools Jewelry * Clothing Antiques * Collectables Arts/Crafts * Sport Items Décor Items * And More Thank you for your support.