29th Annual North Carolina Seafood Festival October 2


29th Annual North Carolina Seafood Festival October 2
 29th Annual North Carolina Seafood Festival October 2-­‐4, 2015 Arts & Crafts, Wine Vendor Agreement HOURS OF FESTIVAL: nd
Friday, October 2 Vendor Move-­‐in 7:00 a.m – 11:00 am Festival Open: 12:00 pm – 11:00 pm Saturday, October 3rd Festival Open: 10:00 am – 11:00 pm th
Sunday, October 4 Festival Open: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm Streets reopen for move-­‐out at 6:00 pm Application: •Early bird deadline: April 2, 2015, application deadline: June 2, 2015 •Only fully completed applications with payment in full for booth rental, electrical, insurance, etc. will be accepted. •Please submit three photographs showing your display and materials sold. Photos will not be returned. If applying as a hand crafted arts/crafts vendor, submit one picutre showing you making the item. •All new vendors must submit three references including names and addresses •All vendors are required to have liability insurance. Booths: •Vendor spaces are sold in 10’ x 10’ increments. See attached information regarding guidelines and pricing for home-­‐
made arts/crafts, commercial arts/crafts, and wine vendors. •Participants are expectred to bring their own display booth, display racks, tents, sandbags/weights, and materials. •Tents must be properly secured with sandbags/weights. We are at the beach!! •Electrical services must be requested on the attached application and submitted with payment in full (see attached electrical information). Each booth will be required to have on site a 5 lb ABC dry chemical extinguisher that has been serviced or purchased within the past 12 months. Selection: •Each application will be reviewed and judged by the vendor committee in a timely manner. The committee reserves the right to limit the number of vendors qualifying for each category i.e. jewelry, photography, etc. •Vendor payments will not be deposited until acceptance is granted. Upon acceptance, email confirmation will be sent to the contact listed on the application. Unapproved vendors will have their undeposited checks mailed back. •Booth spaces will not be assigned until late August. Vendor packets will be available at the vendor meeting scheduled in early September. Vendors unable to attend will have their packets mailed. Set-­‐Up: •Vendor set-­‐up is only allowed on Friday, October 2nd from 7:00 am – 11:00 am. •One vehicle entry pass will be included in your vendor packet. No additonal passes will be given. Your move-­‐in access location will be designated within your vendor packet. • Unload and move your vehicle before you begin your booth set-­‐up. •All vehicles must be removed from the streets by 11:00 am on Friday •Vendors are not allowed to set-­‐up outside their assigned booth space. A five (5) foot fire break is allowed between each booth. This area is provided for safety, not for vendor equipment. Vendors blocking this space will be asked to leave. Restocking: •No vehicles will be allowed on the streets starting at 11:00 am on Friday until vendor move-­‐out at 6:00 pm on Sunday. •Vendors may HAND-­‐CART restocked items each day. Move-­‐Out: •The Festival will end at 5:00 pm on Sunday. •No vehicles will be allowed entry onto Festival grounds until 6:00 pm. Use this hour to start packing your supplies before bringing your vehicle to your booth. Sales: •Each vendor is responsible for collecting and paying all North Carolina Sales Tax. •Each vendor must provide on their application their NC Sales & Use Tax Number or Certificate of Registration number. •You must have your sales tax certificate with you during Festival hours. Security: •Vendors may leave their product in their tent overnight at their own risk. •Damage or loss will be the responsibility of the vendor and not the NC Seafood Festival. •The Vendor Committee will visit all booths and retain the right to remove undesirable items that were not included on your application. Vendor Parking: •Free parking is offered at the State Port on Saturday and Sunday only. •Private parking lots may consider renting vendor spaces throughout the weekend. We will forward contact information for these lots around the end of August. • Make sure that you do not park illegally. You will be towed at your expense. •Keep your vehicle entry pass within sight in your vehicle during the Festival Insurance: •The NC Seafood Festival requires all vendors to carry liability insurance. •Arts/Crafts Vendors can choose to either arrange for their individual insurance coverage or go through the NC Seafood Festival for approval for the following coverage: $1,000,000 Occurrence limit for Premises and Operations & Product and Completed Operations $5,000,000 Products Aggregate Limit •Vendors indicating that they would like to be included for approval for this coverage will be charged as follows: $75.00 for the 1st 10’ x 10’ booth $33.00 for each additional 10’ x 10’ booth Arts/Crafts Vendors opting to obtaining insurance coverage through the NC Seafood Festival should indicate purchase request on the attached application and submit payment for this service along with the vendor application. Not all vendors may qualify for this program such as Liquor Stands, Mechanical Rides, Amusements Devices, etc. National Casualty Company will approve each vendor prior to the event. Vendor Fees: Hand-­‐Made Arts/Crafts •Only arts/crafts that are made by the artist only will be consider hand-­‐made. •The Festival reserves the right to determine if a product should be listed as hand crafted or commercial. Vendors should submit photos crafting the item. Booth Fee: $315.00 for 10’ x 10’ booth Commercial Arts/Crafts •Items that are commercial in nature or mass produced Booth Fee: $560.00 for 10’ x 10’ booth Wine Vendor •Only wine produced from your winery may be sold. • No slushies may be served. •Proof of insurance must be submitted with your application along with a copy of your ABC permit. •Wine may be sold by the bottle. No glasses of wine can be sold. 2 oz tastings are permitted. Booth Fee: $415.00 for 10’ x10’ booth Electrical Services
The Festival has a limited amount of electrical capacity.
2. Please list the types of electrical items you will be using on the application (oven, refrigerator, grill, etc.)
3. Look at the name plate rating located on each piece of equipment to determine the amperage needed
for that item
4. If you have a trailer that comes with a cord, select from the list below. It must be a ground faulted
connection with a 120 volt outlet.
5. Based on OSHA regulations, you must have 100 consecutive feet of grounded #12 wire
extension cord with three conductors. Due to the limited quantity of these cords in the Carteret
County area, you need to obtain these cords in advance.
120 Volt - $70.00
Each additional 120 volt circuit - $35.00
220 volt circuits – 30 amp service - $150.00
220 volt circuits – 50 amp service - $175.00
3 or 4 wire direct wire service - $175.00
NOTE: Because power must be shared with other participants and temporary power loss at such events is not
uncommon, participants should be prepared for occasional power issues such as surges, outages, etc. Proper
action should be taken by the vendor to protect any sensitive equipment with surge protectors, etc. No
electrical cords or lights will be provided by the NC Seafood Festival.
Vendors will be given in their packets electrical tags based on your electrical request and payments. These
tags will be required to be placed at the point of connection. Outlets will be checked throughout the Festival.
Electrical connections not bearing a tag will be unplugged and the vendor will risk being asked to leave the
grounds. No power strips will be allowed within the booth area.
North Carolina Seafood Festival 2015 Arts/Crafts/Wine Vendor Application Early Bird Deadline -­‐ $25.00 discount per organization if received by April 2, 2015 Application Deadline – June 2, 2014 – Booth spaces may sell out before the deadline – Do not delay! Please complete the following 4 pages and return this document along with your payment to the following: NC Seafood Festival P. O. Box 1812 Morehead City, NC 28557 Email: fun@ncseafoodfestival.org Fax: 252-­‐726-­‐0318 Phone: 252-­‐726-­‐6273 Vendor Contact Information:
Booth Name (Give name that you would like to have listed in advertising): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Contact: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________ Cell:________________________________ Fax:_______________________ Email: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ North Carolina Sales & Use Tax or Certificate of Registration Number ______________________________________________ For more information: www.dornc.com/electronic/registration/index.html. A copy of your certificate should be submitted with your application. NO APPLICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT THE REQUIRED TAX NUMBER!!! During normal hours of operation, the Festival’s main source of contact is either email or cell phone. Please make sure that the Festival’s email address is allowed by your computer’s security screens. Emergency Contact During Festival
Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________________ Email: ________________________________________________________ Location (if known) where you will be staying during Festival: ______________________________________________________ Additonal contact and phone number if you are unreachable: ______________________________________________________ Should your emergency contact change before the Festival, please call our office with the correct information. This information will be given to our overnight security for contact in the event of an emergency! Application Page 1 Vendor Space Requested Number Requested ________________ # of 10’x10’ Hand-­‐Crafted Booths at $315.00 each Total Booth Rental Paid ___________________________ ___________________ # of 10’x10’ Commercial Art/Craft Booths at $560.00 each _________________________________ ___________________ # of 10’x10’ Wine Vendor Booths @ $415.00 each _________________________________ Have you been a vendor at the Seafood Festival: Yes __ No __ What years: __________________________________________ Would you like for the Festival to attempt to keep your booth assignment within the same general location as in previous years (Space is not guaranteed) Yes__ No__ Please specify: ____________________________________________________________ Describe structure you will be using such as a tent or trailer: ________________________________________________________ List all items you plan to sell within your booth. Items may not be changed unless agreed to by the NCSF. Be specific: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Electrical Needs Do you require electrical Yes ____ No ____ (Refer to electrical information before requesting) Number Requested Total Electrical Paid ___________________ # of 120 volt service -­‐ $70.00 _________________________________ ___________________ # of each additonal 120 volt outlets -­‐ $35.00 each _________________________________ ___________________ # of 220 volt circuits – 30 amp service -­‐ $150.00 each _________________________________ ___________________ # of 220 volt circuits – 50 amp service -­‐ $175.00 each _________________________________ ___________________ # of 3 or 4 wire (direct wire) service -­‐ $175.00 each _________________________________ Give full description of the equipment which will require power: _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Vendor Insurance Coverage Through National Casualty Company Do you wish to purchase insurance coverage as listed on Page ___ (Arts/Crafts Vendors Only) Yes_______ No_________ Number of Booths Requested Under Coverage:_____________ 1st 10’x10’ booth is $75.00, all additonal booths are $33.00 each. Total Amount of Insurance Paid: ___________________________ Total amount paid including booth fees, electrical fees and insurance coverage: _______________________________ ****** There is a $35.00 fee for returned checks. ***** COMPLETE & RETURN TO: NCSF, P. O. Box 1812, Morehead City, NC 28557 ~ 252-­‐726-­‐6273 Vendors will not hold the Festival participants, directors, volunteers, employees, Town of Morehead City, or Festival sponsors responsible for
claims, losses, fees, damages or expense. The Festival will not refund fees due to inclement weather, government action, strikes, terrorism
acts, or other matters beyond its control.
Each application is juried by the NC Seafood Festival Vendor Committee. All vendors will be notified of their acceptance/rejection in a timely manner.
Notification will be provided in writing either by email. Checks will not be cashed until acceptance is determined.
Vendor Signature
NC Seafood Festival Representative
Date Received: _____________________________ ----Office Use Only--- Approved________________ Denied______________ Date_____________________ Payment Received: __________________________ Application Page 2 Festival Policies & Regulations
1) All vendors must move in on Friday morning from 7:00 am – 11:00 am. NO EXCEPTIONS! You will be given a map
showing the entry point into the Festival within the vendor packet. Board members will be stationed at each block to assist with proper
location set-up. All vehicles must be off the streets by 11:00 am. Vehicles not off the streets by 11:00 am will be towed at the vendor’s
expense. Vendors who attempt to move in earlier than the designated time will be escorted off Festival grounds and not
allowed to return. All vendor booth fees paid will be forfeited.
2) Vendors are encouraged to bring hand carts to transport additional product to their booth during the weekend.
3) Booth spaces are 10’ x 10’. No booth shall exceed 12 feet in height – including signage. Vendors are not allowed to set
anything up in front, behind, or beside the allocated space. Vendors cannot solicit sales outside their booth space. At no time will the
vendor be allowed to impede the flow of traffic. Should your booth require additional space, a second booth must be purchased.
Vendor must take into consideration the tongue length of their vehicle. Failure to not advise the Festival of the correct length of a
canteen including tongue length may result in reassigning a vendor to an alternate location.
4) The NC Seafood Festival will notify the vendor of their tentative booth location at the Vendor Meeting. The NC Seafood
Festival reserves the right to reassign vendor spaces throughout Festival weekend.
5) Booths may not be moved without permission from the Festival Vendor Committee.
6) Vendors are required to have their booths open until dusk on Friday and Saturday. We welcome you to stay open until
closing at 11:00 pm, but you will need to bring your lighting and purchase electrical outlets from the Festival.
7) The Festival goes on rain, shine and wind. We are at the Beach – be prepared for wind. You must bring adequate
bucket anchors for your tent. No stakes can be driven into the pavement or ground. We suggest that you lower your tent at night to
lessen the chance of wind damage overnight.
8) Vendors must bring their own tables, tents/tarps, chairs, electrical cords, and any other items needed including materials to
protect your product from inclement weather.
9) Vendors are responsible for collecting and reporting their own taxes.
10) In the event of inclement weather, you will not be allowed to remove your booth until an official decision is made to close
the Festival by the Executive Director and the Board of Directors’ Chairperson. However, you may choose to leave your booth until that
11) Only one (1) waterfront vehicle pass will be given per exhibitor – NO Exceptions
12) Power must be paid in advance. You should bring a minimum of 100 ft consecutive # 12 wire with 3 conductors for each
outlet requested. Cords need to be 3 wire and in good condition. Cords that have worn places, splices, and plugs replaced are not
13) All vendors shall have a five (5) lb. ABC dry chemical extinguisher on hand that is full and has been serviced in the last
twelve (12) months with tag of the Service Company or indicate date of purchase within the past 12 months.
14) No pets, skateboards, bikes, or scooters are allowed within your booth area.
15) Vendor has private liability coverage for their booth or will purchase coverage through K&K Insurance Company offered by
the NC Seafood Festival. Wine vendors will need to secure private liability coverage.
•No T-­‐shirts, bottled water, or carbonated drinks may be sold. •No s ound amplification may be used unless agreed to in writing with the NCSF not later than 14 days prior to the Festival. •No generators will be allowed. This includes both gas and propane. Only power source allowed will be from services contracted through the Seafood office. Festival •No raffles will be allowed on the Seafood Festival grounds. No coupons may be given out from your booth for any business not directly affiliated with your booth. •No balloons, silly strings or pop rocks are allowed •Vendors cannot sublet, assign, donate or trade your space. •Vendors will be responsible for proper disposal of water/grease at designated drop off points. Any vendor dumping inappropriate materials will be fined and immediately removed from the Festival. Vendors will be notified of drop off locations prior to the Festival. •The North Carolina Seafood Festival, it’s Board, employees, and volunteers and sponsors will not be held responsible for loss or damage before, during, or after the Festival. REFUNDS: FORCE MAJEURE: Vendor acknowledges and agrees the NC Seafood Festival shall not be obliged to issue refunds under any circumstances on vendor space rental. The NC Seafood Festival is not liable or responsible for delays, cancellation, or postponements of the Festival or events within the By signing below, you are confirming that you have thoroughly reviewed the Festival’s Policies and Regulations and have agreed to Festival due to inclement weather, war, government action, strikes or other matters beyond its control. the ntot erms set forth in gthis document. application will not nbo e considered this dtocument s signed. Vendors following these uidelines will be Ycour losed immediately with refund and no uantil dmission o future Sieafood Festivals! . By signing this application, you are confirming that you have read and fully understand and agree to the terms within the vendor
application, will abide by the rules or risk being removed from the Festival grounds, and that you have appropriate insurance.
___________________________________ __________________________________ _______________________ Booth Name Applicant Name Date Application Page 3 Application Page 4