In this Issue: 293


In this Issue: 293
The St. Louis Parrot Head Club is
a non-profit organization whose
purposes are to provide a variety
of social activities and assist in
community and environmental
concerns for people who are interested in the music and
writings of Jimmy Buffett and the
tropical lifestyle he personifies.
In this Issue:
 Future Phlockings p. 2-3
 Beach Party p. 4
 B’s of Beach Party p. 5
 Pirate Cruise p. 6
 Golden Coconut Essay pages
pages 7-8
Midwest Phlocking
Alliance p. 9
Paradise/Blast from Past p. 10
Trop Rockin—Trop Rock Music
Awards p. 11-12
Feeding Frenzy p. 13
Birthday Bites p. 14
Christmas Party Info/ New
Members p. 15
MOTM p. 16-18
Meet our Phlockers p. 19
Buffett Tour p. 20
New from the Mini Mart
p. 21
Yearly Calendar p. 22
Well Parrot Heads, fall has arrived in St.
Louis and our year of events is coming
to a close with three events left and
they are off the hook!
October brings us the Party Bus to Fast Eddies and Grafton Winery featuring PHINS Movin’ On
Tour! This will be one of the last events where the entire PHINS
Band will perform! It’s the ending of a ten year run for PHINS and the St. Louis Parrot Head
Club, a huge supporter of the original PHINS, was influential in the production of their first
CD, “Fools, Drunks & Children” which is still available for purchase. Also, Flipperstock
was derived at our Club’s Christmas Party in 2006 when Paul Roush invited retired PHINS
band members back to perform, along with a host of other trop-rock performers. The event
was dubbed Flipperstock making it the fist “unofficial” Flipperstock!
Also, October brings us our first Pirate’s Party at the request of members to have a Halloween event. In years prior this event was known as the Meeting of the Minds Kick-Off Party
but not everyone gets to go to Key West Key West and we wanted something from everyone
including a kick-off party for those leaving for Key West, thus a Pirate’s Party. We are very
excited to be bringing in the pirate of all pirates, John Reno, to perform at this event. So me
maties, get ye pirate gear out t’ trunk and let’s seize upon Soulard with ye
favorite grog in hand fer a night of merriment….Arrr!
This year is going out with a big bang with our annual Christmas/Buffett
Birthday Party on December 3rd! I personally checked out the new venue,
The Maryland Heights Center, and it is a fantastic venue and one heck of a
place to throw a parrot head party! For the first time Jim Morris and the entire Big Bamboo Band will be performing in St. Louis! Jim Morris has eighteen CDs under his belt, including his new CD, “On the Road Too
Long”! There was also mention of a Christmas CD coming out just in time
for this event! So come on out and bring your friends and family for some
great trop-rock music and PHun!!
I get a ton of emails everyday and try to respond to each and every one of
them so never hesitate to contact me via email regarding any of our parrot
head events or questions regarding the St. Louis Parrot Head Club. Also, let
us know if you have an idea for a great event. We want to know what’s on
your mind as a member of the St. Louis Parrot Head Club!
Annual dues are $25 for individuals or $40 for couples signing up
together. Dues are payable by January 31st of every year.
 New Meeting Location p. 23
**This contribution is not deductible as a charitable contribution
for Federal income tax purposes **
 Board p. 24
***Please make checks payable to St. Louis Parrot Head Club (STLPHC)***
Please mail completed membership application/renewal & dues to:
St Louis Parrot Head Club
45 Spencer Trail Ct
St Peters, MO 63376
Questions? E-mail Brenda at:
St. Louis Parrot Head Dispatch
Page 1
October-November 2011
September 26-October 16—VOTE FOR PROJECT
October 8th—Winery Bus Trip
October 22—Pirate Party
22—Project Backpack
November 3-6—Meeting of the Minds 2011 Key West
December 3—STL-PHC Christmas Party
with Jim Morris
$25 tickets for both members and non-members
February 25—Clinton County Spring Phling with Jimmy
and the Parrots
We’ve heard this event called lots of different names and there is no “purpose” to this party, it’s just simply
a social event that’s all about PHUN! Parrot Heads “Growing Older but Not Up” describes this event perfectly! Tropical attire is required for the biggest PHINS Farewell Tour Performance this side of the river!
You are allowed to bring small coolers on the buses but please do not bring any drinks into Fast Eddies or
Grafton Winery. We’ll stop at Fast Eddies from 12:00-2:00 for appetizers… your orders as soon as
you arrive! Then we’ll travel up the River Road to Grafton Winery & Brewhaus where we’ll be from 3:007:00.
Bus Company Rules: No smoking; No fighting; No throwing-up on the bus; and do not ask the bus driver to
pull over or leave his route for any additional stops. (We pay the bus per hour and we are on a timed schedule.)
Please RSVP to and let us know if you are riding on the Illinois
Busor the Missouri Bus. You must send an RSVP to reserve your seat(s) on the bus. We
will collect money just before you board the bus and pass the hat for tips on the way back!
(Continued on page 3)
St. Louis Parrot Head Dispatch
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October-November 2011
(Continued from page 2)
If paying by check, make your check
out to STLPHC for $30 per person to
cover both the bus and winery cover
charge. You will receive a wristband
for the winery.
The scheduled routes are as follows:
Pickup: The Illinois bus will make its
first stop at The Gridiron in Breeze, IL
at approximately 10:10 am and then
continue on to Shiloh, IL for a second
pickup at 11:00!
Return: The Illinois bus will leave Grafton winery at 7:00pm and return to Shiloh at 8:00pm and travel onto Breeze
arriving at Gridiron at 9:00pm.
Pickup: The Missouri Bus pickup will be
at West Port Plaza, in the parking lot in
front of Bread Company at 10:30 am. It
will arrive at Fast Eddie at 12:00 and
leave at 2:00 for Grafton Winery. Return: The Missouri Bus will
leave Grafton winery at 7:00 arriving at
West Port Plaza at 8:30pm.
Pirates Party - Big Daddy’s in
Soulard - October 22nd
Halloween will be in the air and
we’ve had many, many requests
by members for a Halloween Party. So by popular demand we’ve
put together a Pirates Party and
we’ve invited the pirate of all pirates, none other than, John Reno. John will be coming to St. Louis from Fairhope, Alabama to perform at Big
Daddy’s Patio in Soulard from 6:00 –
9:00! We’re given ya warnin’ to get
prepared, maties! It’s a Halloween
costume party in Soulard, the biggest
costume party place in STL!
Check out John Reno and his music
Stray Rescue's sole purpose is to rescue stray animals in need of medical attention, restore them to
health, and place them in loving adoptive homes. Virtually all of the pets we save have been abused and neglected. They've
been dumped on highways, or remote country roads. Abandoned in public parks, empty houses and dark alleys. We've even
saved dogs left chained behind buildings after their owners had moved away.
Rescued animals often make the best pets. As a no-kill organization, pets from Stray Rescue seem to understand that they have
a second lease on life. In return for a little affection and attention, these remarkable animals reward their new owners with a love and loyalty unmatched anywhere. Here is there current “wish list”:
Purina ONE adult dry dog food
Blankets & Towels (gently used)
Martingale/No Slip dog collars
(Medium & Large Size)
Cat & Dog Beds
Cat & Dog Collars
Cat & Dog Leashes
Cat & Dog Toys
St. Louis Parrot Head Dispatch
Cat & Dog Treats
Cheese Whiz
Cleaning Supplies
Dog Harnesses
(Medium & Large Size)
Dryer Sheets
Dye-Free Laundry Detergent
Financial Donations
Garbage Bags (60 Gallon)
Page 3
Litter Boxes
OdoBan, Lysol, or other Air Sanitizers
Paper Towels
Peanut Butter
Pop-Top Canned Dog Food
Surgical Gloves
Toilet Paper
Wire Dog Crates (all sizes)
October-November 2011
The STLPHC Beach Blast......well was a BLAST!! Lenny Frisch was fabulous bringing us
"back to the islands" and Tall Paul and Crawdaddy were incredible and how about that Kristy? Wow what a treat! Many have been asking how we're going to top this one....not sure we
can! Maybe a little cooler weather could be added to the mix!
We would like to thank all the members that helped out with
this event, especially the cooks, because it was HOT! Big thanks
to Dave Taylor, Ken Harris, Ron Wunsch, Cliff Ramage, Eddie
and BJ for frying up the Volcano Shrimp sent to us from Margaritaville Foods! Thanks also to Brenda Clark who kept us supplied with concoctions from her Tiki Bar which brought in $40
dollars in tips for Stray Rescue...AND a "big team drink to Tom
Heap who won the 50/50 drawing and donated his winnings
back to the club! Finally a big thanks to everyone that donated
booze for our cooler raffle, brought a dish to share and all that
helped out with setting up pavilion! Congratulations to Jim
Cormier, big winner of the Tommy Bahama Cooler!
We would also like to thank all the Board Members that put in
so much time and energy into making these great social events
Finally a big "team drink" to everyone that came out and supported Project Backpack.........Amazing job Parrot Heads! We collected more than 4000 items to donate to this
great organization! Many thanks go out to our membership for your generosity!
St. Louis Parrot Head Dispatch
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October-November 2011
St. Louis Parrot Head Dispatch
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October-November 2011
hoy, me mates! A big Thank
You to the Captain and Crew of the
Gypsy Rose Pirate Ship for a
memorable afternoon adventure on
the high seas! And also to The
Grafton Winery and Triple Play for
fun-tastic after party! And lastly
to the band of scalawag Parrot
Heads who spent an unforgettable
afternoon plundering the sea and shores of Grafton with us!
St. Louis Parrot Head Dispatch
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October-November 2011
ur club is in its prime and we’re having fun
and still growing! Yes, this club is “growing
older but not up”! We are proud of what we have
accomplished and amazed at the growth of our club
with 300 members, after a long run of less than a
hundred. The best recipe for a successful event, “one
part charity, one part trop-rock, shake it up and you’ve
got a party with a purpose”!
With a little “change in attitude” we decided to make
the most out of the phrase “party with a purpose”. This
year we took on a new primary charity, Komen Race for
the Cure! We put together our “Save The Coconuts”
team and had an amazing turnout with 30 members
participating and more than $2,200 raised for Komen
Race for the Cure!
Our club also hosted a “Meet and Greet with the Coral
Reefers” and put together a Buffett Concert Tailgate
Party with more than one purpose!
cheeseburgers were served and sold along with shots
from our “ice luge” which overloaded our tip bucket for
“Booze for Boobies” - Komen Race for the Cure. Local
musicians donated time for some acoustic trop-rock
entertainment and local Parrot Head Clubs came
together for our “Parrot Head Super Bowl”, the Jimmy
Buffett Concert!
The event also gave us the
opportunity to snag quite a few new members. To add
to our previous effort, $1,500 was raised in the parking
lot of a concert venue giving us a total upward of $3,700
for Komen Race for the Cure!
Our largest event by far is our Annual Christmas/Buffett
Birthday Party. Last year Buffett’s Birthday Party
brought in hundreds of toys for our Toys for Tots
campaign valued at $3000. For many years our club has
supported a local program for abused children. The sole
mission of this program is to help children in our area
who are forgotten and silent victims of domestic
violence. The organization provides backpacks to area
police departments, social service agencies, domestic
violence shelters and family services. The backpacks are
St. Louis Parrot Head Dispatch
filled with necessities and comfort items and are
delivered to children on-the-scene and at the moment
they are needed. The backpacks make a huge difference
for children who are removed from their homes, usually
with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Throughout
the year our “sweat equity” consists of meeting on a
Saturday morning, turning up the Buffett music, and
filling these backpacks with necessary items such as
sleep tees; socks; toiletries; school supplies; games;
books; and toys donated by various entities. Our silent
auction last year brought in $1154 and of that amount
$654 was donated to this program for supplies to fill
these backpacks.
This year our annual “Where’s the Beach Party” also
supported the local program for abused children. Since
school supplies are on sale during the late summer
months, instead of bringing baskets for auction, we
asked everyone attending to fill a backpack full of school
supplies to be donated to this program. We sent out a
shopping list and in return, 51 backpacks filled with
4354 items were loaded up for delivery. We all enjoyed
a pot-luck style barbeque in a local park and great
entertainment by both local and out-of-town trop-rock
Along with these annual events we throw parties
throughout the year to help other special charities.
In May we invited club members out for a Night at the
Races which included a Derby Hat Contest, Tropical
Style! We collected hundreds of personal items that
filled the back of an SUV which were contributed to our
troops in honor of Armed Forces Day.
We also get together for a summertime phlocking at a
minor league baseball game. In coordination with the
minor league team, we have a tailgate wiener roast, a
local trop-rock band, and watch the game from a
pavilion with a hot tub (or “portable beach”)! The minor
league team wear tropical baseball shirts that are
auctioned “right off their backs” for charity.
Page 7
(Continued on page 8)
October-November 2011
(Continued from page 7)
collected hundreds of canned goods at this event which were contributed to our local food pantry during a time of
year when food pantries are running low and supplies are much needed. Each year we’ve supplied enough nonperishable items to over-stock the food pantry.
Another long-time favorite charity with our club is a no-kill animal shelter whose sole purpose is to rescue stray
animals in need of medical attention, restore them to health, and place them in loving adoptive homes. Virtually all of the
pets saved have been abused and neglected. For members that are animal lovers, there is the opportunity to help out at the
shelter by spending a Saturday morning caring for the dogs and giving them a little love and affection! A portion of our
Christmas Party silent auction proceeds were contributed to support this shelter. Early this year, members from our club were
also invited to appear as special guests in the shelter’s “tropical” play, produced and presented to benefit the shelter!
Costumes consisted of tropical apparel in a scene which included a tiki bar! It was too much fun to be considered “sweat
Unfortunately this year has been a year of many natural disasters and it was automatic for us to get busy helping
those in need. Proceeds from a 50/50 Raffle went to Red Cross and we met the challenge to match the $100
donation from other clubs for Japan Tsunami relief. Our main goal was to do what we could to help those areas
devastated by tornados and then…… the destruction hit home. Within a day after tornados hit our area, we had a
semi donated from a local trucking company and held a one- day charity drive with more than 50 man hours spent
on the project and filled the 1300 cubic foot truck! A total of $554 in cash and gift cards was also received. There
were many heavy hearts felt throughout the club that day and there was no need to be fulfilled with a party. It
was definitely an achievement that warmed our Caribbean souls!
There is a little bit of something for everyone in our club! Whether you’re an animal lover, have a love for children
or a cause that’s close to your heart because you or someone dear to you has been affected.
We believe in the importance of supporting our community as well as bringing our local Parrot Head Clubs together
for events with local and out-of-town trop-rock musicians. We get our news and events out to everyone with a
newly developed website that details all club events along with other local events where “you might run into Parrot
Heads”! We also keep our members informed with weekly
e-mails and “island time” reminders. Our board members take the time to acknowledge new members and
encourage them to stop by Happy Hour before each meeting and Meet & Greet the Board Members!
We are breaking records for member participation at our events and we are still growing because “just because we
have a lot of fun and throw a great party”! Amazingly you wake up the next day after an event, way past noon,
wishing you were on a beach with a Bloody Mary in hand, dazed at the amount raised for a charity when most of
what you can remember was the fun! This club is a great group of people wearing grass skirts, tropical shirts, and
crazy hats! We are fun-loving, trop-rockin, generous fruitcakes, who can throw one heck of a party……… with a
We are Parrot Heads!
St. Louis Parrot Head Dispatch
Page 8
October-November 2011
The M.P.A. is an agreement between the St. Louis Parrot
Head Club, Clinton County Parrot Head Club and the newly
formed Parrot Heads of the Riverbend Parrot Head Club in
Brighton, Illionois. Any member of one of these clubs can
join each of the other two clubs for $15 each. Many of the
Clinton County activities are around Carlyle and Breese,
while the Riverbend activities are near Grafton and Brighton.
So keep up with all the Parrot Head activities around St. Louis
and Beyond and meet new and exciting phriends to boot by
taking advantage of the Midwest Phlocking Alliance.
Parrot Heads of the Riverbend
Clinton County Parrothead Club
Established November 24, 2010
Established October 19, 2007
Debbie DeLassus “Lei-D”
Phounder and President
Todd Peppenhorst
President and Founder
St. Louis Parrot Head Dispatch
Page 9
October-November 2011
Thanks for all who participated this month!!
Send your “PHIP” to Mo_landshark@charterlnet
St. Louis Parrot Head Dispatch
Page 10
October-November 2011
Meet the Nominees of this year's
The Trop Rock Music Awards formally recognizes singer-songwriters, musicians and professionals
in the Trop Rock Music industry.
Congratulations to This Year's Nominees:
Male Vocalist
Howard Livingston
James "Sunny Jim" White
John Frinzi
Kelly McGuire
Rob Mehl
Boat Drunks -- "Long Time, No Sea"
Howard Livingston & MM 24 Band -- "Tunes in a Tropical Key"
James "Sunny Jim" White" -- "KISS"
Jimmy Parrish & the Ocean Waves Band "Act of Piracy"
Rob Mehl -- "Neat With a Twist"
Female Vocalist
Cindy Walsh
Heather Sneeringer of Tropical Soul
Lenore Troia
Michelle Becker of Latitude
Sue Kittredge of Coconut Radio
Boat Drunks -- "Long Time No Sea"
Capt Josh -- "Parrotheads in Paradise"
James "Sunny Jim" White -- "SW Florida Pearl"
Jim Morris -- "Storm Rising"
Rob Mehl -- "Waiting For Jimmy"
Hana & Satchwell
Parrot Island
Tropical Soul
Capt Josh
Dennis Davis
Jimi Pappas
John Friday
Young Rebel Goombas
Boat Drunks
Howard Livingston & Mile Marker 24
Jerry Diaz & Hanna's Reef
Jim Morris & the Big Bamboo Band
Jimmy &Parrish & the Ocean Waves Band
Brent Burns
Howard Livingston & Mile Marker 24
James "Sunny Jim" White
Jim Morris & the Big Bamboo Band
Jimmy & the Parrots
Dusty Barber (lead guitar) / Jimmy Parrish & Ocean Waves
James "Sunny Jim" White (lead guitar/steel pan)
Jimi Pappas (Drums/Guitar) -- Jim Morris & the Big Bamboo
Band / Solo
John Patti (steel pan) / Jim Morris & the Big Bamboo Band
Kelly McGuire (acoustic guitar)
Radio Station -- Mid Size (there are only 3 nominees in this
Beachfront Radio -- internet
Conch Republic Radio -- internet
Trop Rock 1290 -- Panama City Beach, fl /Internet
Brent Burns
Jack Mosley
James "Sunny Jim" White
Jim Morris
Kelly McGuire
St. Louis Parrot Head Dispatch
(Continued on page 12)
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October-November 2011
(Continued from page 11)
Radio Station -- Small
Island Dreamz (formerly Radio Jimmy Dreamz) -- internet
Latitudes & Attitudes Seafaring Radio -- internet
Permanent Vacation Radio -- internet
Southernmost Radio -- internet
Trop Rock Radio -- internet
Radio Show
Amish Beach Party - DJ Jeff Allen
Big Burritto Radio - Mad Marty/Johnny Russler
Island Time Radio Show - DK the DK
The Bob Karwin Report -- Bob Karwin
Nav-a-Gator happy Hour -- Mad Marty/Sure Shot Shelly
4th Annual Trop Rock Music
Friday, November 4th, 7pm
Casa Marina Resort, Key West, FL
Hosted by PHiP
Live Music Venue
Check out the Margarita M.A.F.I.A. at
Big Owl Tiki Bar -- Grasonville, MD
Hogs Breath - Key West, FL
Lulu's Homeport Marina - Gulf Shores, AL
Nav-a-Gator - Lake Suzy, FL
Tropical Isle/Top of the Trop - New Orleans, LA
House Concert Venue
Fred & Sara Guerrero / Isla Bella -- Floresville, TX
Mark & Sharon Leverett / The Yard - Tampa, FL
Tami Tower -- Port Charlotte, FL
Terry & Marianne Higgins -- Parrish, FL
Tom & Jill Melendez / The Batcave -- Shiloh, IL
Event of the Year
Flipperstock - St. Louis, MO
Parrothead Rendezvous - Panama City Beach, FL
Pardi Gras - New Orleans, LA
Phins to the West - Laughlin, NV
Stars Fell on Alabama - Gulf Shores, AL
Fan of the Year
To Be Announced at the Trop Rock Music Awards on November 5th
"I Can" Award , Formerly the Wave Award (Artist Community Service)
To Be Announced at the Trop Rock Music Awards on November 5th
St. Louis Parrot Head Dispatch
Page 12
October-November 2011
Tropical Chili
4 15 oz cans tomato sauce
2 cans of black beans (or kidney beans)
1 can pineapple tidbits
1 jar sliced papaya (diced) (mango also works)
1 apple (diced)
1/4 red onion (chopped)
2 cloves of garlic (minced) (optional)
2 lbs ground chicken (pork also works, but I prefer chicken)
4 tbsp white sugar
chili powder (to taste)
Key Lime Pie Martini recipe
1 1/2 oz Ke Ke Beach® key lime liqueur
1 1/2 oz Absolut® Vanilia vodka
1/3 oz Rose's® lime juice
1/3 ozfreshly squeezed lime juice
1 1/2 oz half-and-half
1. Pour tomato sauce and beans into stock pot. Dice papaya and apple. Put
Coat the rim of chilled cocktail glass
juice from papaya aside
with lime and dip rim in a mixture of 2
2. Drain pineapple and put with papaya and apple. If desired, put pineapple
juice aside.
tablespoons crushed grahm crackers
3. Chop onion and mince garlic. Caramelize the onion and garlic.
and 1 tablespoon powdered sugar(on a
4. Cook chicken until all pink is gone, occasionally seasoning with chili powder
flat plate). Set glass aside. Mix Vodka,
and white sugar. I added some of the fruit juice to the meat while it was cookKe Ke Beach Liqueur, Rose's
ing to add extra flavor and keep it moist.
5. Add onion/garlic and meat to stock pot. cook on medium heat. Season fur- and fresh lime juice, and half and half
ther with chili powder and white sugar.
in a cocktail shaker filled with ice cubes. Shake vigorously and pour into
the set aside chilled martini cocktail
glass. Serve.
Key Lime Cupcakes
1 cup all purpose flour
3/4 cup self-rising flour
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
1 1/4 cup sugar
2 large eggs
2 1/2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
1 tablespoon finely grated lime peel
1/4 teaspoon neon-green food coloring
3/4 cup buttermilk
1 8-ounce package cream cheese, room temperature
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
1 tablespoon finely grated lime peel
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
St. Louis Parrot Head Dispatch
Preheat oven to 350°F. Line standard muffin pan with 12 paper
liners. Whisk both flours in medium bowl. Beat butter in large
bowl until smooth. Add sugar; beat to blend. Beat in eggs 1 at a
time, then next 3 ingredients (batter may look curdled). Beat in
flour mixture in 3 additions alternately with buttermilk in 2 additions. Spoon scant 1/3 cup batter into each liner.
Bake cupcakes until tester inserted into center comes out clean,
20 to 25 minutes. Cool 10 minutes. Remove from pan; cool.
Beat all ingredients in medium bowl until smooth. Spread over
Read More
Page 13
October-November 2011
2-Oct Nancy Mitchell
4-Oct Judy Kram
4-Oct Brenda Jones
6-Oct Jim Jones
7-Oct Jean Schutt
7-Oct Pat Grimes
8-Oct Ryan Strong
10-Oct Tom Melendez
11-Oct Dave Daily
12-Oct Todd
14-Oct Barb Hammett
17-Oct Larry Miller
20-Oct Greg Andert
23-Oct Bryan Winchell
28-Oct Dave Disbrow
2-Nov Jan Peters
3-Nov Vicky Hischke
4-Nov Laura Carver
5-Nov Deborah Dean
7-Nov Mark Karr
7-Nov Billy Ray Smith
7-Nov Debbie Delassus
8-Nov Marcie Burkemper
St. Louis Parrot Head Dispatch
8-Nov Matt Wise
9-Nov Tom White
9-Nov Aaron Hible
10-Nov Jeff Stehman
11-Nov Dave Redman
13-Nov Reba Green
14-Nov Brenda Clark
15-Nov Sherry Sitzes
16-Nov Susan Lindsay
17-Nov Steve Reiner
19-Nov Irene Counts
22-Nov Todd Gruenewald
22-Nov Trevor
24-Nov Marty Hammond
24-Nov Phil Parmeter
24-Nov Paul Rutherford
25-Nov Roland Baird
30-Nov Kevin Stafford
30-Nov Chris Schutt
Page 14
October-November 2011
When you see someone
wearing a white lei for a
lanyard—Be sure to give
them a BIG STL-PHC
Rick McKinley
Ann Wilson
Sandra Velde
Brandon Velde
James Counts
Ed Napier
John Stauss
Mary Jo Fisher
Eric Byron
Laura Carver
Eric Carver
Jeff Conway
Sherri Conway
Angie Faught
Ask about brunch with John Patti and Jimmy Pappas
St. Louis Parrot Head Dispatch
Page 15
October-November 2011
20th Annual Meeting of the Minds 2011
Don't Stop the Carnival
November 3 - November 6, 2011 (Key West, Florida)
Here’s to having a GREAT
time in Key West
St. Louis Parrot Head Dispatch
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October-November 2011
20th Annual Meeting of the Minds 2011
Don't Stop the Carnival
November 3 - November 6, 2011 (Key West, Florida)
Billie's Bar and Restaurant
407 Front Street
Key West, FL 33040-6616
Phone: (305) 294-9292
Club Epoch
623 Duval Street
Key West, FL 33040-6554
Phone: (305) 296-8521
Conch Flyer Restaurant & Lounge
Key West Intnl Airpo
Key West, FL 33040
Phone: (305) 296-6333
Bogarts Key West
900 Duval Street
Key West, FL 33040-7408
Phone: (305) 296-0637
B.O.’s Fish Wagon
801 Caroline St
Smokin Tuna
Charles St
801 Bourbon
801 Duval Street
Key West, FL 33040-7405
Phone: (305) 294-4737
Aero Marine Pam Am Museum
303 Whitehead Street
Key West, FL 33040-6542
Phone: (305) 293-8484
Alonzo's Oyster House
700 Front Street Suite 101
Key West, FL 33040-6689
Phone: (305) 294-5880
711 Duval Street
Key West, FL 33040-7403
Phone: (305) 294-0555
Bohemia Restaurant & Bar
3100 Flagler Avenue
Key West, FL 33040-4602
Phone: (305) 295-3773
Bottle Cap Bar & Liquor Store
1128 Simonton Street Apartment
Key West, FL 33040-3110
Phone: (305) 296-2807
Clubs & Bars
Bourbon Street Pub
724 Duval Street
Key West, FL 33040-7463
Phone: (305) 296-1992
Copa the
623 Duval Street
Key West, FL 33040-6554
Phone: (305) 296-8521
Donnie's Club International
900 Simonton Street
Key West, FL 33040-7448
Phone: (305) 294-2655
Down Under-Sports Bar
90 Key Haven Road
Key West, FL 33040-6241
Phone: (305) 294-1970
Downunder Sports Bar
Key West, FL 33040
Phone: (305) 294-1970
Bull & Whistle Bar
224 Duval Street
Key West, FL 33040-6569
Phone: (305) 296-4565
Ecurie Vitesse Sports Car Club
Key West, FL 33040
Phone: (305) 294-1545
Cafe Largo Italian Restaurant
Mm 99 5 Overseas Highway
Key West, FL 33040
Phone: (305) 451-4885
Fat Tuesday
305 Duval Street
Key West, FL 33040-6509
Phone: (305) 296-9373
Bare Assets
1029 Truman Avenue
Key West, FL 33040-3372
Phone: (305) 296-3979
Captain Bob's Grill-Steak & Seafood
2200 North Roosevelt Boulevard
Key West, FL 33040-3834
Phone: (305) 294-6433
Berlin's Cigar & Cocktail
700 Front Street Suite 101
Key West, FL 33040-6689
Phone: (305) 294-5880
Captain Tony's Saloon
428 Greene Street
Key West, FL 33040-6567
Phone: (305) 294-1838
St. Louis Parrot Head Dispatch
Forbidden Fruit Bar
4 Charles Street
Key West, FL 33040-6561
Phone: (305) 296-4565
Green Parrot Bar
601 Whitehead Street
Key West, FL 33040-6548
Phone: (305) 294-6133
99 Golf Club Drive
Key West, FL 33040-7917
Phone: (305) 294-8280
Habibi Corporation
Key West, FL 33040
Phone: (305) 296-4565
Hog's Breath Saloon, Office
400 Front Street # C
Key West, FL 33040-6617
Phone: (305) 296-4222
Irish Kevin's
211 Duval Street Suite C
Key West, FL 33040-6583
Phone: (305) 292-1262
Islamorada Yacht Basin Lorelei
Mm 82 US Highway 1 Baysi
Key West, FL 33040
Phone: (305) 664-4338
Finnegan's Wake-Irish
Pub & Eatery
320 Grinnell Street
Key West, FL 33040-6932
Phone: (305) 293-0222
Kelly's Caribbean Bar & Brewery
303 Whitehead Street
Key West, FL 33040-6542
Phone: (305) 293-8484
Florida Keys Discovery
1425 Laird Street
Key West, FL 33040-5023
Phone: (305) 294-5566
Key West Bar & Grill
90 Key Haven Road
Key West, FL 33040-6241
Phone: (305) 294-1970
Page 17
October-November 2011
20th Annual Meeting of the Minds 2011
Don't Stop the Carnival
November 3 - November 6, 2011 (Key West, Florida)
Key West Garden Club
West Martello Towers
Key West, FL 33040
Phone: (305) 294-3210
Overseas Lounge & Liquor Store
3568 Overseas Highway
Key West, FL 33040
Phone: (305) 743-5311
Schooner Wharf Bar
202 William Street
Key West, FL 33040-6645
Phone: (305) 292-9520
The Hideaway
218 Duval Street
Key West, FL 33040-6569
Phone: (305) 296-2484
Key West Sail & Power Squadron
5205 College Road
Key West, FL 33040-4301
Phone: (305) 294-0096
Pt's Late Night Bar & Grill
920 Caroline Street
Key West, FL 33040-6637
Phone: (305) 296-4245
Scrub Club
1221 Duval Street
Key West, FL 33040-3149
Phone: (305) 294-3824
Two Friends Patio Restaurant
512 Front Street
Key West, FL 33040-6619
Phone: (305) 296-9212
Key West Seaport
201 William Street
Key West, FL 33040-6679
Phone: (305) 292-1727
R & J Bohemia
3100 Flagler Avenue
Key West, FL 33040-4602
Phone: (305) 295-3773
Sloppy Joe's Bar
201 Duval Street
Key West, FL 33040-6507
Phone: (305) 294-5717
Veterans of Foreign Wars Southernmost Post 3911
225 Elizabeth Street
Key West, FL 33040-6612
Phone: (305) 294-9968
705 Duval Street
Key West, FL 33040-7403
Phone: (305) 292-8500
Lorelei Cabana Bar
Mm 82 US Highway 1 Baysi
Key West, FL 33040
Phone: (305) 664-4338
Sombrero Country Club, Tennis
Key West, FL 33040
Phone: (305) 743-5403
Red Garter Saloon
208 Duval Street
Key West, FL 33040-6508
Phone: (305) 296-4964
Southernmost Brewery
303 Whitehead Street
Key West, FL 33040-6542
Phone: (305) 293-8484
Rick's Bar
208 Duval Street
Key West, FL 33040-6508
Phone: (305) 296-4890
Rob's Island Grill Great Food &
Key West, FL 33040
Phone: (305) 872-3022
Louie's Backyard
700 Waddell Avenue
Key West, FL 33040-4729
Phone: (305) 294-1061
Meteor Smokehouse
601 Whitehead Street
Key West, FL 33040-6548
Phone: (305) 294-6133
St. Louis Parrot Head Dispatch
Rooftop Cafe
310 Front Street
Key West, FL 33040-6615
Phone: (305) 294-2042
S & S Amusements
Key Plaza Shp Center
Key West, FL 33040
Phone: (305) 296-3352
Sports Rock Cafe
Key Plaza Shp Center
Key West, FL 33040
Phone: (305) 296-3352
524 Duval Street
Key West, FL 33040-6553
Phone: (305) 296-8118
422 Applerouth Lane
Key West, FL 33040-6535
Phone: (305) 296-6667
Whale Harbor Inn, Breakfast
Key West, FL 33040
Phone: (305) 664-9888
Stick and Stein Sports Rock Cafe
1126 North Roosevelt Boulevard Whale Harbor Inn, Raw Bar
Key West, FL 33040
Key West, FL 33040
Phone: (305) 296-3352
Phone: (305) 664-9888
Teasers of Key West
1029 Truman Avenue
Key West, FL 33040-3372
Phone: (305) 293-0850
Page 18
Woman's Club of Key West
319 Duval Street
Key West, FL 33040-6565
Phone: (305) 294-2039
October-November 2011
1. How long have you been a member of the STLPHC?
 K- I joined shortly after moving to St. Louis in 1995. I did not
know a soul here, and attended a Margarita fest at the old Keys
in Westport, saw the STLPHC flyer on the table and joined. My
fellow STLPHC members were my first group of friends here.
 J- I joined in 2003 after I met Karen. Our first function together
was the STL-PHC Beach Party.
2. Do you belong to any other clubs?
 K-Have not joined any other clubs.
 J-No other club memberships
3. What is your Favorite Jimmy Buffett Song?
 K- I have two: Come Monday and Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season
 J-Come Monday is one of the top songs, also like Creola, In the Shelter, Barefoot Children in the Rain and Conky Tonkin
4. What concert venues have you attended?
 K-I became a Buffett fan later in life. A good friend suggested that attending a Buffett concert was the best medicine to cope
with an ugly divorce. Kerry instructed me to purchase the cassette tape, "Songs You Know By Heart", and learn the words which I dutifully did. My first concert experience began with a house party complete with cheesburgers, shrimp and of
course, margaritas and Coronas and then the crazy ride to Poplar Creek, an outdoor venue in Elgin, IL (no longer there). Since
that first concert in 1992 - I was hooked, and have seen Jimmy perform 26 times in Chicago, Indianapolis, Hartford CT, Alpine
Valley, St. Louis, MOTM and Sag Harbor, NY.
 J-First Buffett concert was in 2004 (Chicago), since then have done Chicago, St. Louis (3 times) and Alpine Valley
5. What is your favorite concert memory?
 K-Jimmy's concert to benefit the Sag Harbor Montessori School in 1999. The venue was a small theater that held a couple of
hundred people. It was just Jimmy and his guitar. I imagine that's what his performances were like in the early days... Two
other concerts were memorable in different ways. Jimmy's concert in Indianapolis in September 2001 that was rescheduled
because of 9/11 was a very moving evening of American spirit. And, Jim's and my second date (the first being the STLPHC
Beach Party) was to attend Jimmy's concert in Tinley Park in 2003 where he also met my family and "northern" friends.
 J-Best memory is when Buffett showed up at Meeting of the Minds and gave a 2-hour free concert at the Casa.
6. What STL-PHC/PHIP events have you attended?
 K-The Annual Beach Party was an event that I began in Lake Saint Louis (~ 1996 or 1997) and has continued since. The band
Phins found its beginning at a Beach Party when Paul Rousch, Charlie Tuna Donnell and Flipper jammed together for the first
time. I've attended only 7 MOTM meetings in Key West - would love to go every year. I served as Treasurer of the STLPHC
from 1999 - 2002.
 J- Attend Beach Party and Christmas Party regularly. Have done Mardi Gras
7. What is your favorite “purpose”?
 K-Alzheimer's Association - I like participating in the annual walk.
 J-Haven't focused on one charity. I like supporting special causes and the lesser known charities who really appreciate any
help that comes their way.
St. Louis Parrot Head Dispatch
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October-November 2011
(Continued from page 19)
8. What is your favorite vacation spot?
 K-Key West - including the 7 MOTM event weekends I attended there, I've gone to Key
West 14 times since my first visit there in 1998. To attend the 2009 MOTM, Jim and I
drove our convertible there and back - took three weeks, and literally drove the entire
coast of Florida in that trip!
 J- Maui with Key West as a close second. Maui was Karen's and my first vacation together in 2004(sealed the deal!)- I've been there 4 times and can't wait to get back someday.
Conky Tonkin' the Keys and relaxing in Key West is our favorite continental destination.
9. What other Trop Rock events/artist/etc. would you like to share?
 K-Jim and I are going to our first Stars in 2012 and we can't wait! Since being introduced to the trop rock world of music and
other artists tied to Jimmy, my favorites include: Peter Mayer, Sauce Boss, Jim Hoehn, Sunny Jim, Jimmy and the Parrots.
 J-Meeting of the Minds and Flipperstock. Especially like the Songwriter's Fest at Blue Heaven at MOTM. Headed to our first
Stars in 2012. On the Artist side, Peter Mayer, Jack Mosely, Sunny Jim, and Sauce Boss top the list.
Jim and Karen have served as the STL-PHC Election Officers since 2006.
Thanks for sharing Jim and Karen!!
Thanks to BuffettWorld for the information below!
2011 Coral Reefer Band:
Jimmy Buffett – Vocals, Guitar
Michael Utley – Keyboards
Robert Greenidge – Steel Drums
Peter Mayer – Guitar
Jim Mayer – Bass
Roger Guth – Drums
The 2011 Welcome to Fin Land Tour, named for the song “Fins” and the country
“Finland,” will see Jimmy and the band make a number of stops all across the
country. January brought Jimmy back to Australia for the first time since 1988.
Among the usual stops of the “Welcome to Fin Land” tour there will be returns
to West Palm Beach, FL for the first time since November 14, 2006 and Kansas
City, Missouri for the first time since May 3, 1997. Stay tuned to this page as all
set lists will be added minutes after the show!
Ralph MacDonald – Percussion
Mac McAnally – Guitar, Background Vocals
John Lovell – Trumpet
Nadirah Shakoor – Vocals
Tina Gullickson – Vocals
October 2011
10.15.2011 – MGM Grand Garden Arena – Las Vegas
10.18.2011 – Pepsi Center in Denver, CO
10.22.2011 – MGM Grand Garden Arena – Las Vegas
November 2011
St. Louis Parrot Head Dispatch
MOTM ????
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October-November 2011
logo EMBOSSED on the back!
Just in time for this winter!
The STLPHC Mini Mart is now accepting
orders for these new, totally unique denim
Please contact for
BEFORE ordering!
Shipping available on these items. Please inquire prior to ordering.
St. Louis Parrot Head Dispatch
Page 21
New Sweatshirts
with the Club
These sweatshirts are available to in three styles
and two different colors. They all have the large
full color Club logo printed on the back of the
sweatshirt and the smaller version of the logo
printed on the front left chest. They are available in a Crewneck Pullover, a Hooded Pullover
and a Hooded sweatshirt with a full front zipper.The Crewneck Pullover and the Hooded Pullover are available in White or Safety Green. The
sweatshirt with the full front zipper is only available in White. All of these sweatshirts are 9oz
50/50 cotton/poly fleece and have set-in
sleeves. The hooded sweatshirts have a 2-ply
hood with same color dyed drawstring and front
pouch pockets. All of these sweatshirts are available in men’s sizes Small – 4XL.
October-November 2011
8th - Wine Bus to Fast Eddie’s & Grafton Winery
Buses leaving from MO & IL
13th - “Bored” Meeting @ Lafayette Fire Co.
22nd - Charity Day (10 am-noon) Project Backpack
22nd - Pirates Ball (costume) @ Big Daddy’s Soulard
10th - “Bored” Meeting @ Lafayette Fire Company
19th - Volunteer @ a local soup kitchen, Happy Hour at a
local bar following
3rd - Christmas Party & Jimmy Buffett Birthday Bash
Jim Morris & the Big Bamboo Band @ Maryland Heights Community
Bring a new, unwrapped gift for Toys for Tots
Silent Auction, Raffle, & 50/50
17th - Gift Wrapping @ Ladue Barnes & Noble to benefit
Project Backpack - volunteers needed to fill 10 am-10 pm
January 2012
28th - Closed Board Meeting for Planning of 2012 events
St. Louis Parrot Head Dispatch
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October-November 2011
St. Louis Parrot Head Dispatch
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October-November 2011
Board Position
E-mail address:
John Meile
Laurie Patch
Vice President
Paula Shimmel
Tom Melendez
Mary Meile
Social Director
Barb Hammett
Charity Director
Steve Reiner
Ways & Means
Brenda Clark
Membership Director
Sandee Adams
Dave Redman
Newsletter Editor
St. Louis Parrot Head Dispatch
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October-November 2011