2016 WMMB Spring Dairy Update Newsletter
2016 WMMB Spring Dairy Update Newsletter
Spring, 2016 DAIRY UPDATE Roxy Dane Holsteins, Sauk City, Wisconsin. A report from your dairy promotion organization County Dairy Leaders’ Big Dairy Impact Across Wisconsin, 63 County Dairy Leader Groups (CDLGs) play an essential role in showcasing dairy products and connecting non-farm residents to the dairy industry in Wisconsin. These local dairy promotion groups receive financial support and educational materials from the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board to help them promote our growing dairy industry within their communities. No other state is home to such an extensive organized and connected grassroots dairy promotion network. The CDLGs are volunteer-led grassroots organizations that believe in the dairy industry, and want to see America’s Dairyland thrive and share the products produced from Wisconsin milk. Their year-round efforts help spread positive dairy messages through local dairy promotions, farm tours, county fair activities and dairy education programs in our schools. With an army of volunteer help, CDLGs conduct more than 80 dairy breakfast events and promotions statewide during June Dairy Month. Held primarily on dairy farms, the breakfast events bring up to 7,000 people for not only a farm-fresh meal, but also the chance to get up close and personal with dairy cows and calves and learn about dairy at the same time. Help coordinate local dairy promotions in your area by joining your county’s promotion group – any dairy producer or individual is welcome. To find out how to get involved with a County Dairy Leader Group, please contact Becky Kronberg at 608-203-7284 or email bkronberg@wmmb.org. Dairy Impact Initiative Takes Flight Started 14 years ago, the Wisconsin Dairy Impact initiative was built as, and continues to be, a statewide campaign designed to show the impact and reach of dairy to a wide audience. That is, until now. WMMB has now partnered with United Airlines to launch Wisconsin’s Dairy Impact information to all corners of the globe. United Airlines distributes more than 12 million copies of their seat-back magazine, Hemispheres. Within Hemispheres is a monthly feature magazine called, Dossier. WMMB.com The January 2016 edition of Dossier features leaders within the state, discussions about the diverse economy and, of course, dairy. WMMB met with the editors of Dossier to discuss the power of the dairy industry in Wisconsin and various dairy facts and comments from WMMB CEO James Robson – along with an informational ad on Wisconsin’s powerful dairy industry – can be found in a digital copy of Dossier through this link: http:// ink-live.com/emagazines/ hemispheres-dossier/2339/ january-2016/#1. EatWisconsinCheese.com Promotions Holiday Promotions are a Dairy Big Deal It’s no surprise that dairy and cheese are the focal point of many holiday celebrations. WMMB started the holidays by creating promotional materials for retailers and grocers to influence shoppers to buy Wisconsin products. Nearly 2,300 holiday dairy promotions featuring Wisconsin cheese and dairy took place throughout the nation this holiday season. Shoppers aren’t only influenced in the physical marketplace but also in the cyber marketplace. Having an online presence showcasing cheesy dishes, buttery breads or dairy-rich desserts can influence viewers into purchasing those products to experience their own flavorful delight. WMMB created three new short videos for social media capitalizing on the idea that “The Holidays are Short, Eat Dessert First.” Visit RealDairyDesserts.com and watch all three. What’s your favorite? Does one in particular remind you of anyone included in your own holiday celebrations? The campaign generated an estimated 2.7 million impressions in November and December through YouTube and mobile advertising. The three videos were also shared on the Wisconsin Dairy Facebook and Instagram channels reaching more than 7,000 consumers and was viewed more than 2,500 times through those social media channels. WMMB Hosts Social Media Boot Camp Wisconsin Cheese and Dairy Companies Are Getting Social Just like Wisconsin cheeses take months or years to age to perfection, a company’s social media presence takes time to perfect, too. WMMB hosted a Social Media Boot Camp in late October for Wisconsin cheese and dairy companies to learn more about using it to tell about their company’s story, products and people. At this one-day mini conference, experts led the discussion from setting up a company’s social media presence, why it is important to have one and how to post, tweet and make friends – lots of them! Valuable information was shared with the people in attendance on strategies to implement, popular times to post/tweet and how to add photos or video to make the content even more appealing. More than 60 individuals from 42 companies attended. In a post-event survey 100 percent of those who filled out the survey said they would be implementing WMMB.com their newly acquired knowledge on their company’s social media platforms. “The first post I posted on Facebook using the knowledge I gained got four times the usual organic reach,” writes Michelle from Lamers Dairy. “Same thing for the next post. I went from around 160 to 800! I can relate this directly to putting in practice what I learned from the WMMB Social Media Boot Camp! Thank you so much for doing this for us.” EatWisconsinCheese.com In the News Douglas New Lessons for Younger Classrooms Washburn Burnett Polk St. Croix Pierce 4 Bayfield Iron 1 Ashland Florence Price Barron 5 Dunn 3 Rusk Taylor Chippewa Pepin Meet your Director Vilas Sawyer 6 Buffalo Lincoln Langlade Wood Jackson 12 Trempealeau Adams La Crosse 15 Monroe 2 Menominee 9 Marathon Clark 13 14 Forest 8 7 Eau Claire Oneida Waushara Oconto Door Shawano Waupaca Portage Jeff Strassburg Marinette Outagamie 11 16 19 10 17 Kewaunee Brown Winnebago Calumet District 9: Menominee, Shawano, Waupaca Manitowoc Jeff Strassburg, wife Jeni and children Jacob and Alyssa 18 24 22 23 dairy near Wittenberg. 25 Strassburg began farming with his parents right out of high school and since, has grown the farm to 850 cows and 3,200 acres. He is very involved in the ag community as a member of the Bowler FFA Alumni, Dairy Business Association, Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin, Shawano County Dairy Promotions, is a unit delegate for Land O’ Lakes and is the director for District 9 for the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board. Strassburg is the current Policy and Bylaw chair and a member of the executive team at WMMB. Strassburg is a longtime believer in the power and need of dairy promotion and continues to reinforce the activities of WMMB. “I believe that dairy promotion is very important because we need to find and strengthen demand for dairy but also continue to strengthen our image in today’s world. The future of Dairy promotion will continue to move to more social media as we see more and more people getting their information on electronic devices. This is one of the many reasons why we need to continue to support the marketing professionals we hire with today’s promotion dollars,” says Strassburg. To reach Strassburg, please contact him at jkstrass@gmail.com. 21 Marquette Green Lake Juneau Vernon Richland Crawford Grant Sauk 20 Iowa Columbia Fond du Lac Sheboygan Ozaukee Washington Dodge Waukesha Dane Milwaukee Jefferson Lafayette Wisconsin Dairy Council staff have developed two all new lessons to use in classrooms. Green Walworth Rock Racine Kenosha My Field Trip to a Wisconsin Dairy Mapping a Healthy Wisconsin Farm features a virtual tour of a farm field trip for first graders to learn and discuss what happens as farmers raise livestock and grow crops. Curd Science demonstrates the steps in the cheese making process as part of a science lesson for the 2nd grade classroom. Limited quantities of materials are available for CDLG Ambassadors to use in schools. For more information, contact Laura Wilford at Alice in Dairyland, Teyanna Rock, Sauk, Calumet, Kewaunee, lwilford@wmmb.org. Loether, along with the Wisconsin Dodge, Outagamie, La Crosse, Dairy Council staff are once Jefferson and Portage counties. again teaching 4th grade You can follow Alice in Share Your Dairy Story students around the state Dairyland on her Facebook page We’re interested in about the impact of the to see more about how she hearing great new Wisconsin Dairy Industry and promotes Wisconsin Dairy. You stories from around healthy foods grown in Wisconsin. can also learn more about the Wisconsin. Our social studies lesson will Wisconsin Dairy Council through reach nearly 25,000 students their Facebook page, and teachers this school year and Facebook.com/WisconsinFUTP60 will be presented in classrooms or through their website in: Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha, WisconsinDairyCouncil.com. WMMB.com EatWisconsinCheese.com Wisconsin Dairy Update 8418 Excelsior Dr. Madison, WI 53717 Contact us: info@eatwisconsincheese.com Toll Free: 800-373-9662 Phone: 608-836-8820 In this issue: Find the hidden cow eraser in this issue and tell us where it is by March 1st to earn a chance to win a pewter cheese wedge keychain! 15 winners will be randomly drawn. Reply to: producer@wmmb.org. WMMB Mission To help grow demand for Wisconsin milk by providing programs that enhance the competitiveness of the Wisconsin Dairy Industry. County Dairy Leader Group Conferences More than 170 people attended the annual CDLG educational conferences during November. Conferences were held in DeForest, Green Bay and Eau Claire. Attendees heard from various WMMB speakers who covered topics on social media, advertising and promotion and Dairy Council/ Fuel Up to Play 60. In addition, breakout sessions were held to dive deeper into social media for CDLGs. Nearly $17,000 was presented to winning CDLGs in the annual Award Recognition Program for outstanding dairy promotion efforts. WMMB.com EatWisconsinCheese.com