2008-2009 Annual Report
2008-2009 Annual Report
DSSD_annual_concepts2009:DSSD_annual_concepts2009 5/15/09 11:27 AM Page 1 STAMFORD DOWNTOWN www. st a m fo rd - d ow n tow n .com Stamford Downtown Special Services District Five Landmark Square Suite110 Stamford, CT 06901 T: 203-348-5285 F: 203-348-6857 Editor: Annette Einhorn Illustration: Michael A. Lombardo, Creative Insight, LLC Photography: Happyhaha Studio SPECIAL SERVICES DISTRICT A N N UA L R E P O R T 2 0 0 8 - 2 0 0 9 11:27 AM Page 3 Stephen J. Hoffman Chairman Sandy Goldstein President W hile the decline of the national economy has impacted business and real estate in Stamford Downtown, the Downtown District continues to be the central driving force of the city’s corporate, retail and cultural life. Our Grand List is a compelling $1,954,455,470, nine percent of the city’s total $22 billion Grand List and once again, as has been the case for the last decade, the largest portion of the List. With the recent revaluation factored into the computation, the Downtown’s Grand List has grown by 175% during the last five years. Such strength is noteworthy, especially in these challenging economic times. However, the effect of the economic downturn on Downtown’s critical market sectors (office occupancy and development, residential development, culture, arts and retail) is significant. OFFICE Vision: The vision for Stamford Downtown is of a diverse, dynamic, people-oriented economic center; the premier urban neighborhood of the metropolitan region. Mission: The Downtown Special Services District is responsible for creating, managing and promoting a quality environment for people, which enhances the economic vitality of the Downtown. 2 stamford-downtown.com There are currently 6.1 million square feet of office in the Downtown (exclusive of RBS’ new office headquarters.) As of first quarter 2009, Class A office vacancy is at 11.5% up 2.1% from first quarter 2008. However our vacancy rate is 1.1% lower than the rate for the rest of Fairfield County. While 58,600 people work within one mile of the Downtown, the unemployment rate has risen by 1.3 percent (from 5.6% to 6.9 %), lower than the national average of 8.5%, but certainly significant for Stamford which has had an unemployment rate of 5% or below, for the last decade. Real estate sales continue to show strength. Three office buildings sold in the downtown during the last 15 months at an average price of $200 psf. The prior year, 1 Atlantic Street sold for $253 psf, up 74.5% from the building’s 2002 sale price of $145 psf. ness, Downtown restaurants participated in Restaurant Weeks, a robust marketing campaign, which resulted in significantly increased restaurant patronage during the quietest time of the year (late summer, early winter.) This popular promotion now generates over 4,000 lunches and dinners during a two week period. CULTURE This was a particularly difficult year for the region’s most significant cultural institution, the Stamford Center for the Arts (SCA). Because theatres are economic engines for the downtown (each dollar spent on a ticket generates $25 in ancillary spending), the vitality of the SCA is particularly important. In 2008, the SCA filed for protection under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code, in order to reorganize and become a stronger organization. Two critical decisions vis-à-vis the SCA were made during the last half year, both designed to strengthen the theatre. First, in order to limit the financial risk of show production, the SCA will engage promoters to produce all theatre concerts. These promoters will assume all risk of concert presentation and the SCA will earn its money through ancillary services. Second, the SCA entered into an agreement with NBC/Universal to lease the Rich Forum to produce three of its national TV shows. This eliminated the financial drain of maintaining the Rich Forum while generating rental income. In addition, the production of the shows will bring several hundred people downtown a week, create 200 well paying jobs and economically stimulate local businesses which will be used for all the goods and services needed by the shows. RESIDENTIAL SECTOR RBS’ new office headquarters is scheduled to be fully occupied by December, 2009. Its 574,831 sf building with 1800 employees will have a significant domino effect on the economy. UBS, which is similar in size and purpose to RBS, in the past has poured approximately $20,000,000 a year into the economy to engage the services of local printers, designers, technicians, couriers, caterers, employment agencies, hotels, restaurants, car services, florists and photographers, as well as for its support of cultural and nonprofit institutions. Whatever the amount that RBS ultimately spends on these ancillary services, the stimulus to the economy will be significant. RETAIL The retail market in Stamford mirrors the weakened retail market nationwide. Yet, there are some bright spots worth noting. Restaurateurs are still actively seeking to locate in the Downtown with the 2009 addition of 6 quality restaurants (BUtterfield 8 on Bedford, Buffalo Wild Wings, Mary Ann’s and Barcelona on lower Summer, Layla’s Falafel on Main and Chavin and Esposito’s Deli on Atlantic.) Scheduled to open in June is the new boutique night club, 84 West Park Place. To stimulate busi- The new Trump Tower on Washington Blvd. and High Grove on Forest Street, both high end condominium projects totaling 272 units, are scheduled to open in 2009. The housing market has been hit the hardest nationwide and sales of units in Stamford mirror the latter trend. However, both developers are preparing an aggressive marketing campaign for summer and fall 2009 to capture the market uptick that is being forecast. The Downtown is a dynamic place which reflects and reacts to economic trajectories. On the whole, the downtown is still robust and able to take on the challenges which a national recession has thrown at it. We at the DSSD look forward to positive growth in the coming Fiscal Year as the economy begins to recover. LETTER FROM THE CHAIRMAN & THE PRESIDENT 5/15/09 DSS D A N N UA L RE P ORT 20 0 8- 20 0 9 DSSD_annual_concepts2009:DSSD_annual_concepts2009 2008-2009 DSSD ANNUAL REPORT 3 11:27 AM Page 5 RETAIL RECRUITMENT RETENTION Goal: To foster Stamford Downtown’s economic growth through a strong retail retention and recruitment program. 2008/2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The creation of a vibrant retail environment is at the core of DSSD’s mission. Retention took “center stage” in 2008/09 with a major push focused on supporting existing retailers. Three major programs were embraced: THE I-SHOP STAMFORD DOWNTOWN program attracted 62 Downtown businesses which are currently participating in the seven month promotion designed to get people to. . . “Think locally” when deciding where to make their purchases “Buy locally” more often “Act locally” by supporting our Stamford Downtown retail community A total of 40,000 FREE I-Shop Stamford Downtown cards were distributed to 10,000 Stamford residents, more than half of those residing in Stamford Downtown, 5,000 people who work in Downtown, as well as DSSD’s newsletter recipients. For further details on the I-Shop program log onto www.stamford-downtown.com. WOR 710AM RADIO produced a live broadcast from Stamford Downtown Broadway Kitchens & Baths of CT, spotlighting 3 of our Downtown restaurants, napa & co., Market and Columbus Park Trattoria, which each assembled a fabulous food & wine pairing during the event for the live audience of 75 people. The show hosted by famous Chef Michael Colameki, aired to an audience of 500,000 people in the NY, NJ, RI and Philadelphia metro areas. Avon Theatre, photo by Don Hamerman A RETAIL WINDOW SIGNAGE CLEANUP CAMPAIGN was initiated in 2008, which encouraged Stamford Downtown merchants to keep their windows clean and clear of promotional signage. Forty five storefronts were targeted and improved during the campaign. STAMFORD TABLES – Downtown’s restaurant association continued to grow with the addition of 8 new restaurants including Aria, Capital Grille, Kona Grill, Mitchell’s Fish Market, California Pizza, P.F. Chang’s, Twenty of Stamford and Market Restaurant. In November 2008, DSSD held a Legislative Breakfast with Stamford Tables members and our State Legislative Delegation, to discuss bills slated to be heard in the upcoming legislative session pertaining to the restaurant industry. napa & co. 4 stamford-downtown.com STAMFORD TABLES RESTAURANT WEEKS were held during the last two weeks of August, and during the last week in February through mid-March. Twenty- one Stamford Tables restaurants participated in Summer Restaurant Weeks and sixteen Stamford Tables restaurants participated in Winter Restaurant Weeks culminating in a total of 9,000 lunches and dinners served as a result of this event. New partnerships were formed with Stamford Hospital and The Avon Theatre adding an educational and entertainment component to this marketing campaign. 2009/2010 GOALS: STAMFORD TABLES RESTAURANT WEEKS Continue the vitality of the Downtown restaurant association by growing the membership and hosting popular events such as Winter and Summer Restaurant Weeks. A BUSINESS TO BUSINESS MARKETING PROGRAM is currently being explored by DSSD in conjunction with the Downtown merchants. The feasibility of sponsoring a well advertised “Weekend Getaway” in the Fall is being researched. The program would possibly feature cooking & art classes, an entertainment or performing arts component, all benefitting Stamford Downtown businesses. Goal: To ensure the appropriate economic development of Stamford Downtown through comprehensive planning and advocacy. The DSSD is the watchdog for appropriate Downtown development, balancing the challenge of intensity with environmental and quality of life objectives. Using Stamford’s Master Plan as a guide, the District has helped to foster a full array of retail, office, cultural, recreation and residential uses in the Downtown. Through a strong program of advocacy for appropriate land-use planning and development, the Downtown will continue to grow and thrive as a regional retail, office, housing and cultural destination. Stamford Town Center 2008/2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: NEW DEVELOPMENT OVERSIGHT – This past year DSSD’s Economic Development Committee reviewed and analyzed several development proposals including: Harbor Point, Archstone Washington Boulevard, Lord & Taylor, 760 Summer Street, Atlantic Hotel, Columbus Park West and the renovation of the YMCA. DSSD positions were developed for each of these projects and publicly articulated to appropriate city boards and committees. With each, we strove to ensure that Downtown remains the center of destination retail and major hotel development, as clearly articulated in Stamford’s Master Plan. OLD TOWN HALL – The exterior “façade-lift” of Old Town Hall in the heart of the Downtown was completed, work began on a full interior renovation and construction commenced on an architecturally compelling exterior feature. The DSSD is a designated member of the Old Town Hall Redevelopment Agency which is spearheading the drive to renovate, build and activate the building. BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS – DSSD staff sits on the Boards of numerous, significant public agencies and corporations including: Stamford Center for the Arts, Mill River Collaborative, Keep Stamford Beautiful, Ferguson Library, Stamford Chamber of Commerce, Stamford Partnership, Stamford EMS, Tully Center and Stamford Police Foundation. 2009/2010 GOALS: Trump Parc Stamford Rendering DOWNTOWN MASTER PLAN & COMPREHENSIVE REZONING Stamford has not had comprehensive rezoning since the mid 1950’s. A new citywide Master Plan was developed in 1999 but the downtown area was not covered in enough depth to serve as the basis for rezoning. The DSSD in partnership with the Stamford Urban Redevelopment Commission has initiated a community-inclusive process to produce a Downtown Master Plan, followed by comprehensive rezoning to ensure appropriate future development. NEW DEVELOPMENT OVERSIGHT – Monitor new development downtown and in the adjacent community through review and analysis of prospective projects. The DSSD will remain actively involved in reviewing proposed new developments and monitoring changes in already proposed but not yet constructed projects. 2008-2009 DSSD ANNUAL REPORT 5 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 5/15/09 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DSS D A N N UA L RE P ORT 20 0 8- 20 0 9 DSSD_annual_concepts2009:DSSD_annual_concepts2009 DSS D A N N UA L REPORT 20 0 8- 20 0 9 DSSD_annual_concepts2009:DSSD_annual_concepts2009 5/15/09 11:28 AM Page 7 Boyz II Men at 2008 Alive @ Five The DSSD has a strong and focused calendar of events featuring the following: an outdoor sculpture exhibit, outdoor summer concerts, a farmers’ market, an arts & crafts show, the second largest helium balloon parade in the country as well as Heights & Lights featuring Santa rapelling down Landmark Tower coupled with a major Christmas tree lighting. The events draw renowned artists, musicians and sponsors, successfully attracting hundreds of thousands of spectators annually who ultimately shop, dine and enjoy all the Downtown has to offer. Goal: To attract people to the Downtown through comprehensive signature events and marketing programs. Harrison High School Marching Band at 2008 UBS Parade Spectacular EVENTS MARKETING 2009/2010 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 2008/2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: DOWNTOWN EVENTS – To continue to enhance the district’s program of signature events while insuring that each event leverages economic benefits for Downtown businesses. ENCORE! THE SCULPTURE OF J. SEWARD JOHNSON – During summer 2008, 53 sculptures by J. Seward Johnson were placed in the Downtown and the gallery at UConn. ART IN PUBLIC PLACES, ROAM AROUND, SCULPTURE EXHIBIT – To produce a compelling exhibit featuring large animal sculptures from eighteen national and regional artists. ALIVE @ FIVE – Successfully produced seven concerts featuring Blues Traveler, Blind Melon, Southside Johnny, and Boyz II Men to record crowds. UBS Parade Spectacular ALIVE @ FIVE – To produce an exciting and entertaining concert series while ensuring a more secure environment. To the latter end several new rules will be implemented: age requirement of 21 and over after 6:30pm; $5 admission charge and one main gate with many portals. POPS IN THE PARK – Produced Pops in the Park featuring the Stamford Symphony with conductor Eckart Preu, Barbara Cook and Bowzer’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Party featuring soloist Lynn DiMenna. This Wednesday evening event attracted significant audiences. ARTS, CRAFTS & BLUES ON BEDFORD – Implemented fourth annual Arts, Crafts & Blues show on Bedford Street which has become one of the most successful shows in the region. UBS PARADE SPECTACULAR – Brought in new floats with entertainment themes including DOWNTOWN STREET BEAT – To develop a new street musician event on two Wednesdays in July creating a sense of place throughout the downtown. Teen Star Tiffany Giardina and the ZOOperstars! INTERACTIVE WEB OUTREACH – To further expand Stamford Downtown’s presence on MySpace, YouTube and Stamford Downtown’s blog and to increase our email mailing list. STREET BANNER PROGRAM – Assembled a committee of marketing executives to review design submissions for new banner campaign. Saw project to completion through design, production and installation in Stamford Downtown. 6 stamford-downtown.com Forever Marilyn by J. Seward Johnson 2008-2009 DSSD ANNUAL REPORT 7 DSS D A N N UA L RE P ORT 20 0 8- 20 0 9 DSSD_annual_concepts2009:DSSD_annual_concepts2009 5/15/09 11:30 AM Page 9 2008/2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Goal: STAMFORD DOWNTOWN DIRECTORY – In-house publication and distribution of 35,000, 78-page annual Downtown Directories containing paid advertising, detailed free listings for 225 downtown businesses and 16 pages of valuable editorial information. To plan, initiate and manage enhanced operational services, which improve Downtown’s physical environment. The District operates five major programs to address the Downtown’s outdoor experience: a Clean Team to control sidewalk, park and curbside litter 7-days a week; Downtown Ambassadors to provide a secure environment 200 patrol-hours, 6-days a week; a Green Team to enrich the streets with seasonal plantings; Streetscape Operations to interface with city operations and property owners on all downtown maintenance issues; and the Sidewalk Snow Removal program to enhance the pedestrian experience in the winter. All mesh together to ensure well-maintained public spaces and parks, resulting in an environment that attracts people, fosters retail development, increases property values, and creates a sense of place. STAMFORD DOWNTOWN DINING GUIDE – Produced a sponsor funded dining guide to supplement Directory distribution. 2009/2010 GOALS: PARKING MASTER PLAN– Orchestrate the completion of a 4th Downtown Parking Master Plan and submit to city boards for approval subsequent execution. VETERAN’S PARK IMPROVEMENTS – Enhance the CONTRACT NEGOTIATION – Negotiated favorable labor contracts for Downtown Ambassador and Sidewalk Cleaning staffs. DSSD AMBASSADORS AMBASSADOR PROGRAM MONITORING – An electronic route verification system is carefully monitored to ensure consistent, reliable and efficient Downtown Ambassador patrols. Left to right: Giovanni Rojas, Agazio DiMasi, Mitchell Murphy, Michael Stripling, Gary Walker, Wesner Bernadel GRAFFITI DOCUMENTATION & REMOVAL – Monitored all incidences Agazio DiMasi, Account Manager Veteran’s Park experience for those who live, work or visit downtown by fostering installation of a background music system and a ban on skateboard use. HOLIDAY LIGHT POLE DECOR – Replace hanging holiday basket program with a more prominent holiday display. of downtown graffiti and followed up with photo documentation, police reporting and immediate removal. COST SAVINGS – Reduce cost of security, cleaning DESIGN REVIEW –Worked with Zoning Enforcement to ensure enforcement 2009/2010 DIRECTORY – In-house publication and distribution of 35,000 Downtown Directories on a positive cash flow basis. and adherence to newly adopted Design Guidelines. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RETREAT – Arranged and facilitated details of a professionally moderated Board of Commissioners Strategic Planning Retreat. CLEAN, SAFE & GREEN and landscaping with no reduction of services. DESIGN REVIEW – Work with Zoning Enforcement to ensure enforcement and adherence to Design Guidelines. PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT – Establish a route verification system for the Downtown Clean Team to ensure optimum performance and effectiveness. BANNER PROGRAM – Handled RFP process, vendor selection, production THE CLEAN TEAM Left to right: Vincente Santos, Edgar Melgar, Hugo Enriquez and installation of 400 new downtown banners. TAX & ASSESSMENT DATA – Generated and maintained Grand List analysis, evaluations and forecasts. CITY FUNDING REQUESTS – Produced detailed reports for Mayor, Board of Finance and Board of Representatives for city funding requests. WEBSITE ADVERTISING – Designed, launched and successfully marketed an advertising component to the DSSD website. SPRING STREET – Following years of lobbying and collaboration, Spring Street was changed to two-way operation. 8 stamford-downtown.com 2008-2009 DSSD ANNUAL REPORT 9 FUNDING THE DISTRICT DSS D A N N UA L RE P ORT 20 0 8- 20 0 9 DSSD_annual_concepts2009:DSSD_annual_concepts2009 5/15/09 11:30 AM Page 11 The DSSD is funded primarily by 126 property owners who pay an annual fee to the District based on their property assessments. The formula was adopted in 1992 when the District was incorporated and subsequently amended in 1998 to reflect the impact of re-evaluation. In addition to assessments, a significant portion of the DSSD’s program income is derived through sponsorships. 54.3% Who pays what: 5 property owners pay 55% of total program cost averaging $175,976 each (4% of taxpayers pay 55% of taxes) 3.9% Assessments • Top 10 Grants Where the money goes: 24.7% Operations, Clean, Safe & Green 76% • Top property owners pay of total program cost averaging each (8% of taxpayers pay 76% of taxes) Retail & Economic Development $121,263 20 7.3% 88% • Top property owners pay of total program cost averaging each (16% of taxpayers pay 88% of taxes) $70,676 • Smallest annual assessment is $183 • Highest annual assessment is • Average Atlantic Street assessment is $233,253 $3,921 • Average Bank Street assessment is • Average Broad Street assessment is $1,705 $19,404 • Average Bedford Street assessment is • Average Main Street assessment is $1,293 $1,897 • Average Summer Street assessment is $3,408 0.3% Interest 41.5% Sponsorship Where the money comes from: 47.0% 21.0% General Administration Marketing & Event Promotion 2008-2009 DSSD ANNUAL REPORT 11 DSSD_annual_concepts2009:DSSD_annual_concepts2009 5/15/09 11:30 AM Page 13 DSS D A N N UA L RE PORT 20 0 8- 20 0 9 FUNDING & SUPPORT Many District property owners voluntarily supported our 2008-2009 initiatives through donations and in-kind sponsorships, which are in addition to their tax assessment: Avalon Communities Avon Theatre Film Center Bildner Capital Corp. Emmett & Glander, Attorneys at Law First County Bank Gibraltar Management Co., Inc. Heyman Properties Hoffman Investment Partners People’s United Bank Purdue Pharma L.P. RBS Reckson, A Division of SL Green RFR Realty, LLC Seaboard Properties, Inc. Silver Golub & Teitell, LLP Stamford Town Center UBS United Realty of Connecticut, Inc. Valeur Realty The following non-profit organizations support District initiatives through monetary or in-kind partnerships: Boys & Girls Club of Stamford CTE’s Lathon Wider Community Center Curtain Call Diocese of Bridgeport, Catholic School System The Ferguson Library Keep Stamford Beautiful Mill River Collaborative Saint John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church Shippan Point Garden Club Stamford Big 5 Volunteer Fire Department Stamford Center for the Arts Stamford Chamber of Commerce Stamford Emergency Medical Services Stamford Garden Club Stamford Hospital Stamford Museum & Nature Center Stamford Partnership Stamford Symphony Orchestra Stamford Youth Foundation Unitarian Universalist Society University of Connecticut Visiting Nurse & Hospice Care Many thanks to the generosity of our Downtown restaurants and nightclubs whose donations, participation & gift certificates make numerous patrons very happy: 122 Pizza Bistro Aria Restaurant Bank Street Events Bennett’s Steak & Fish House Black Bear Saloon Bobby Valentine’s Sports Gallery Café Bradford’s Grill & Tavern Buffalo Wild Wings The Brick House Bar & Grill BUtterfield 8 California Pizza Kitchen The Capital Grille Capriccio Café Chez Jean-Pierre Bistro & Wine Bar Columbus Park Trattoria 12 stamford-downtown.com Curley’s Diner Duo Egané Emme of Capri EOS Greek Cuisine Ferrante Fin II g/r/a/n/d Hula Hank’s Island Grille & Bar Il Falco Ristorante Jenna Marie’s Deli Kona Grill Kujaku Japanese Restaurant Lucky’s Classic Burger & Malt Shop Market Restaurant Mitchell’s Fish Market Mona Lisa Ristorante Morton’s, The Steakhouse napa & co. The Palms P.F. Chang's China Bistro Rack ‘N’ Roll Cafe Remo’s Brick Oven Pizza Company Republic Grill Asian Bistro SBC Downtown Restaurant & Brewery Sundance Café & Wine Bar Telluride Tiernan's Bar & Restaurant Tigin Irish Pub Twenty of Stamford The District thanks a dedicated and talented group of volunteers led by Marion Glowka, for their invaluable assistance in designing, planting and maintaining our beautiful downtown gardens: Alice Ballin Gloria Battinelli Pasquale Battinelli Jo Ann Benson Mary Bohen Wanda Brennan Alma Burdock Penney Burnett Maureen Carson Lynn Cerran Rosemary Cox Elaine Daley Wilma Deicas Carole Dell’Aquila Ulli Delmar Cathy Cole Suzanne deMilt Lenore DiPalma Clare Duffy Paula Eytel Joe Ezzo Libby Fatum Jeanne Hersh Tim Huff Diana Hughes Terry Kelly Emily Kreis Pat Langley Beazie Larned Carol Matteson Barbara Miller Ricki Miller Georgia Norstrand Pat Pemberton Betty Roberts Susan Romanowski Ed Selig Barbara H. Smith Mary Starke-Wilson Re Telep Jane Waugh Diane White Charlotte Wolter The District thanks a dedicated group of volunteers, the Friends of Downtown, who annually raise money for art in public spaces: Joan Fields, Chairperson Karen Denker Lynne Fife Ginny Fox Rose Marie Grosso Eileen Heckerling Steve Heikin, Icon Architecture Elayne Jassey Phyllis Kapiloff Nancy Kucera Betsy Levinson Alice Lyons Gail Malloy Pamela Mullender Ellen O’Neill Shae Rosenthal Maddy Shapiro Camille Tomasello Special thanks to Mayor Dannel P. Malloy whose vision of a strong and vital Downtown has been instrumental in the success of the DSSD’s initiatives. Much appreciation is also extended to the Mayor’s team of outstanding city employees who contribute their time, energy and ideas toward making the Downtown the city’s neighborhood. Numerous corporations and individuals both inside and outside the District support our work through generous annual donations to programs and events. Included as well is the generosity of City and State Boards, Commissions and Agencies who through their funding recognize the importance of a revitalized downtown. Mayor Dannel P. Malloy, City of Stamford 785 Records A. Vitti Construction Danielle Abdelnour Bill Ackley The Advocate/Greenwich Time AFB Agabhumi, The Best of Bali Agora Spa at the Stamford Marriott Pamela Akgun Mary Alipranti Allied-Barton Security Services Sharon Anderson Apollo Real Estate Advisors Archstone Sarah Arnold The Ashforth Company Ashforth Management Services Angela Aulenti Captain Roman Balzar Bank of America Barbara Boutant Ben Barnes Bartlett Tree Experts Mike Berkoff Best Friends Pet Care BevMax Board of Finance, City of Stamford Board of Representatives, City of Stamford Bobby Valentine’s Sports Academy Nick Bochicchio Bridgeport Downtown Cabaret Theatre Building and Land Technology Bull’s Head Pet Hospital Cacace, Tusch & Santagata Chief Barry Callahan Bob Callahan Design Camp Bow Wow Krissy Carboni Tom Cassone Ceebraid-Signal Tom Chukas City Carting City of Stamford Health Department City of Stamford Operations Department Clipper Les Cohn Kathyrne Colatrella Dan Colleluori Conair Corporation Connecticut Light & Power Company County TV and Appliance of Stamford Cox Radio, Inc. Crystal Rock CT Cigar Company CT Commission on Culture and Tourism CT Transit Cytec Industries Inc. Jeff Dean Denise DeFrancisco Dr. Bruce Lee Denker DDS Kathleen Devanney Sgt. Ryan Devanney Monsignour DiGiovanni Dichello Distributors Mickey Docimo Downtown Golf E. Gaynor Brennan Golf Course Wendy Epstein Fairfield County Weekly Robin Faller Frank Fedele Fidelity Investments Flowerworks, Inc. William Forker Frank Mercede & Sons Alexander Frenkel Karen Fusaro GB Parking GE GEICO Ed Gentile Bill Gerardi Glaceau Bob Goldstein Grade A ShopRite Louisa Greene Marie Gregg Peter Griffith Hampton Inn & Suites Seth Weinstein, Hannah Real Estate Investors, LLC Happyhaha Studio Photography Eileen Heckerling Steve Heiken, Icon Architecture Heineken USA Incorporated Hilton Stamford Larry Hoff, WB 11 Morning News Doug Hoyt HSBC Jim Hummerstone The Insurance Exchange Michael Jacopino Lavrel Johnson Juner Properties Alan Kalter King Features Syndicate Steven Kisendall Jimmy Koplik Jenny Lake Patricia Lamouthe The Lane Childs Company, Inc. Marc Lanzarotto Chief Brent Larrabee Dr. Johnnie Lee Kerry Leonard Betsy Levinson & Family Rich Levitt John Leydon Lindt Master Chocolatier Jon Lipshutz Lisa Lockwood Bobby Longo Lord & Taylor LoveSac Tim Lynch Maiden Lane Company Martha Mahoney Mann, Fowler and Hoffman Families Ron Markey Chief John McCabe Suzanne McCloskey Kevin McKloskey Laurie Guzda McEvoy Chief Robert McGrath Brad Meling Ryan Meserole Michele’s Pies, LLC John Michelson Ruth Miner Lt. Nick Montagnese Bruce Moore Bruce Moore Jr. Cheryl Moore Denise Morgan Captain Bill Mullins Murtha Cullina, LLP Mark Muscarella My Gym Children’s Fitness Center Myrna’s Mediterranean Bistro Nagi Jewelers National Realty & Development Corp. Nestlé Waters North America Joan Nizolek Asst. Chief Bob Nivakoff Noble Hair Salon Nobu Florist and Events Noelle Spa NY Metro-Smart Water Joe Nunn Tony Olive Optimum Ernie Orgera P&G Beauty Perren Page Parade Volunteers & Balloon Handlers Ralph Pastore Patriot National Bank Pedigree Ski Shop Michael Pelazza Elissa Piazzaroli James Polisky Marie Poolah Post Road Entertainment Bill Price Printech George Proakis, City of Lowell, MA Mike Putrino Pyramid Real Estate Group Tami Raymer Red Bull North America Inc. Debi Reinecke Riccio Sports Zamendin Riyasat Robustelli World Travel Hannah Rosenberger Sherri & Allen Rosenthal June & Rolf Rosenthal Gary Rowland Royal Restrooms Anita Sabato Elizabeth Sabia Jim Sabia Michele Sabia SAC Capital Advisors, LP Saks Fifth Avenue Ron Sala Salon Shahin Roy Schiffer Steve Schneider Heather L. Scott Jim Serafino Serpe Brothers Jami Sherwood Sheryl Blais Studios Shock Electric William and Sylvia Silberstein Foundation Simply Signs Robert Sitkowski, Robinson & Cole Jason Soto Soundwaters Steve Soyland Splash Car Wash Stamford Golf Authority Stamford Marriott Hotel & Spa Stamford Parks & Recreation Commission Stamford Planning & Zoning Boards Stamford Police Department Stamford Professional Firefighters Local 786 Stamford Public Schools Stamford Sports and Spine Stamford Wine & Liquor State Farm Agency–George Boyce Ste. Michelle Wine Estates Sterling Farms Golf Course Steven Wise Associates, LLC Strada 18 Maria L. Sturges Jen Swarts Sharon Tappe Teddy’s Limousine Terry Connors Ice Rink The Insurance Exchange The Switch Richard Tibbitts Tully Health Center Turning 70 Brian VanOrsdel Dolly Veit Vinnie Vetrini W&M Properties Mort Walker Phil Wesson Jim West Jon Westberg Woodloch Pines Resorts Yankee Gas Jim Zielinski 2008-2009 DSSD ANNUAL REPORT 13 DSS D A N N UA L RE P ORT 20 0 8- 20 0 9 DSSD_annual_concepts2009:DSSD_annual_concepts2009 5/15/09 11:30 AM Page 15 DSSD BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Front from left to right: Carl Bildner, Greg Caggainello, Michael Marchetti, Marjan Murray, Stephen J. Hoffman, Sandy Goldstein, Kathryn Emmett, Norman Lotstein, Robin Stein, Kathleen E. Walsh Back from left to right: Christopher L. Bergstrom, Courtney A. Nelthropp, Lynn McGee, Steven Wise, Robert H. Kahn, Michael J. McAndrews, Michael Freimuth, John J. DiMenna Jr., Rocco Veltri, Todd M. Kosakowski, Richard E. Taber, Robert Karp, David R. Martin, Michael M. Ego, Jack Condlin, Merle Spiegel, Mary Schaffer, Werner Valeur-Jensen Missing from photograph: Neil M M Grassie, Gregory Lodato, Dannel P. Malloy, Mayor BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS & STAFF CHAIRMAN Stephen J. Hoffman, Managing Partner Hoffman Investment Partners, LLC VICE CHAIRMAN Marjan Murray, Vice President, Regional Manager People's United Bank TREASURER Kathryn Emmett, Esq. Emmett & Glander SECRETARY Michael Marchetti Columbus Park Trattoria IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIRMAN Richard E. Taber, Chairman & CEO First County Bank Christopher L. Bergstrom, Executive Director Urban Redevelopment Commission Carl Bildner, President Bildner Capital Corp. Greg Caggainello, Sr. Vice President Reckson, a Division of SL Green Jack Condlin, President & CEO Stamford Chamber of Commerce John J. DiMenna Jr., President Seaboard Properties, Inc. Michael M. Ego, Associate Vice Provost University of Connecticut, Stamford Michael Freimuth, Director Office of Economic Development City of Stamford Neil M M Grassie, Head of Property RBS Americas Robert H. Kahn, President United Realty of CT, Inc. Robert Karp Representative of The Lane Childs Company Todd M. Kosakowski, Managing Partner Post Road Entertainment Gregory Lodato, President MarLo Associates, Inc. DSSD STAFF Sandy Goldstein President John Ruotolo Vice President of Operations Norman Lotstein, Vice President Pyramid Real Estate Group Lynne Colatrella Vice President, Events & Marketing Dannel P. Malloy, Mayor City of Stamford Annette Einhorn Director, Events & Marketing David R. Martin, President & Deputy Mayor Stamford Board of Representatives Jacqueline R. Wetenhall Director of Retail Development Michael J. McAndrews, General Manager Stamford Town Center Marion Glowka Streetscape Coordinator Lynn McGee, Owner The Bridal Suite Maryann Rockwood Office Manager Courtney A. Nelthropp, Owner Sir Speedy Cheryl Vukelic Operations Project Coordinator Mary Schaffer napa & co. David Klein Coordinator, Events & Marketing DSSD STAFF Front left to right: Lynne Colatrella, Sandy Goldstein, John Ruotolo, Jacqueline Wetenhall Back left to right: David Klein, Marion Glowka, Annette Einhorn, Cheryl Vukelic, Maryann Rockwood Merle Spiegel, Senior Director of Corporate Communications Purdue Pharma L.P. Robin Stein, Land Use Bureau Chief City of Stamford Stamford Downtown outdoor pole banners designed and illustrated by Creative Insight, LLC. www.creative-insight.com Werner Valeur-Jensen, Owner Valeur Realty Holding Co. Rocco Veltri, Regional Head of Security, Americas UBS Investment Bank Kathleen E. Walsh, President & CEO Stamford Partnership, Inc. Steven Wise Steven Wise Associates FRIENDS OF STAMFORD DOWNTOWN Left to right: Alice Lyons, Maddy Shapiro, Eileen Heckerling, Joan Fields, Sandy Goldstein, Camille Tomasello, Lynne Fife, Ellen O’Neill, Phyllis Kapiloff, Karen Denker. Missing from photograph: Ginny Fox, Rose Marie Grosso, Elayne Jassey, Nancy Kucera, Betsy Levinson, Gail Malloy, Pamela Mullender, Shae Rosenthal.
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