MC6809–MC6809E 8-Bit Microprocessor Programming Manual
MC6809–MC6809E 8-Bit Microprocessor Programming Manual
M6809PM (AD) MC6809·MC6809E 8·BIT MICROPROCESSOR PROGRAMMING MANUAL Original Issue: March 1, 1981 Reprinted: May 1983 ©MOTOROLA INC., 1981 TABLE OF CONTENTS Paragraph No. Page No. Title SECTION 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.10.1 1.10.2 1.11 1.11.1 1.11.2 1.11.3 1.11.4 1.11.5 1.11.6 1.11.7 1.11.8 Introduction .............................................................................................................1-1 Features 1-1 Software Features ..................................................................................................1-2 Programming Model ...............................................................................................1-3 Index Registers (X, Y) . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Stack Pointer Registers (U, S) ...............................................................................1.3 Program Counter ( PC) ............................................................................................1-4 Accumulator Registers (A, B, D) ...........................................................................1-4 Direct Page Register (O P) ...................................................................................... 1-4 Condition Code Register (CC) ...............................................................................1-4 Condition Code Bits ...........................................................................................1-5 Half Carry ( H), Bit 5 .........................................................................................1-5 Negative (N), Bit 3 ...........................................................................................1-5 Zero (Z), Bit 2....................................................................................................1.5 Overflow (V), Bit 1 . . . . . .. . .. 1-5 Carry (C), Bit 0 .................................................................................................1-5 Interrupt Mask Bits and Stacking Indicator .................................................... 1-5 Fast Interrupt Request Mask (F), Bit 6 .........................................................1-5 Interrupt Request Mask (I), Bit 4 ...................................................................1-5 Entire Flag (E), Bit 7 ........................................................................................1-6 Pin Assignments and Signal Oescription ............................................................ 1-6 MC6809 Clocks ...................................................................................................1-6 Oscillator (EXTAL, XTAL)...............................................................................1-6 Enable (E)............. ,...........................................................................................1-7 Quadrature (Q) ................................................................................................1-7 MC6809E Clocks (E and Q) ................................................................................1-7 Three State Control (TSC) (MC6809E) ..............................................................1-7 Last Instruction Cycle (LIC) (MC6809E) ...........................................................1-7 Address Bus (AO·A15).........................................................................................1-7 Data Bus (00-07) .................................................................................................1-7 ReadlWrite (RIW).................................................................................................1-8 Processor State Indicators (BA, BS) ................................................................1-8 Normal .............................................................................................................1-8 Interrupt or Reset Acknowledge ...................................................................1-8 Sync Acknowledge .........................................................................................1-8 ................................................................................................................... ..... ........... .... .......... .... ...................... ......·.......... . ..................................... iii ... ..... . .......... ... . .............. .............. .. . . TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Title Paragraph No. 1.11.9 1.11.10 1.11.11 1.11.12 1.11.13 1.11.14 1.11.15 1.11.16 Page No. Halt/Bus Grant ................................................................................................1·8 Reset (RESET) .....................................................................................................1·9 Interrupts .............................................................................................................1·9 Non·Maskable Interrupt (NMI) ......................................................................1·9 Fast Interrupt Request (FIRQ).......................................................................1·9 Interrupt Request (IRQ)..................................................................................1·9 Memory Ready (MRD Y) (MC6809) .....................................................................1·9 Advanced Valid Memory Address (AVMA) (MC6809E) .................................1·10 Halt (HALT) ........................................................................................................1·10 Direct Memory Access/Bus Request (DMA/BREQ) (MC6809) .....................1·10 Busy (MC6809E) ................................................................................................1·10 Power . . . . ..... . . . . 1·11 ....... ............... ..... ... ....... ..... .................... .. ................ .................... SECTION 2 ADDRESSING MODES 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 Introduction . . . . . . . . . 2·1 Addressing Modes ..................................................................................................2·1 Inherent................................................................................................................2·1 Immediate . ... . ... . . .. 2·1 Extended . . . . . . . . . .. 2·2 Direct 2·2 Indexed . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. 2·2 Constant Offset from Register . ... . . . .. . . .. . . 2·2 Accumulator Offset from Register ...............................................................2·3 Autoincrement/Decrement from Register...................................................2·3 Indirection .......................................................................................................2·4 Extended Indirect ...........................................................................................2·4 Program Counter Relative .............................................................................2·4 Branch Relative ..................................................................................................2·4 .............. ... ... ............. .......................... ......... .. .................................. ......... ........................... .................................................. ... .... .......... ...... .. .... ....... .......... .. ...... ........ . ................... ........ ......... .. .. . .................................................................................................................... ....... .. . ................ ............ .. .. .. ... .. . ..... ..... ........... ............ . .. .. ...... ..... .... . ................... ............. ... .. .. .... SECTION 3 INTERRUPT CAPABILITIES 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Introduction .............................................................................................................3·1 Non·Maskable Interrupt (NMI) ..............................................................................3·1 Fast Maskable Interrupt Request (FIRQ).............................................................3·2 Normal Maskable Interrupt Request (IRQ) ..........................................................3·2 Software Interrupts (SWI, SWI2, SWI3) ................................................................3·2 iv TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONCLUDED) Paragraph No. Title Page No. SECTION 4 PROGRAMMING 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.2 4.2. 1 4.2.1. 1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 4.3 4.4 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 4-1 Position-Independence ...................................................................................... 4-1 Modular Programming ....................................................................................... 4-1 Local Storage .................................................................................................. 4-1 Global Storage ................................................................................................ 4-2 Reentrancy/Recursion ....................................................................................... 4-2 M6809 Capabilities ................................................................................................. 4-2 Module Construction ......................................................................................... 4-2 Parameters ...................................................................................................... 4-3 Local Storage ..................................................................................................4-3 Global Storage ................................................................................................4-3 Position-Independent Code .............................................................................. 4-4 . Reentrant Programs ........................................................................................... 4-5 Recursive Programs ...........................................................................................4-5 Loops 4-5 Stack Programming ...........................................................................................4-6 M6809 Stacking Operations ..........................................................................4-6 Subroutine Linkage ........................................................................................4-7 Software Stacks .............................................................................................4-8 Real Time Programming ....................................................................................4-8 Program Documentation 4-8 Instruction Set ........................................................................................................4-9 ................................................................................................................... .......................................•............................................... APPENDIX A INSTRUCTION SET DETAILS A.1 A.2 Introduction ............................................................................................................A-1 Notation ..................................................................................................................A-1 Instructions (listed in alphabetical order)...........................................................A-3 APPENDIX B ASSIST09 MONITOR PROGRAM 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 General Description ............................................................................................... 8-1 Implementation Requirements ............................................................................ 8-1 Interrupt Control .................................................................................................... 8-2 Initialization ............................................................................................................ 8-3 v TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Title Paragraph No. Page No. B.5 Input/Output Control ............................................................................................. B-4 B.6 B.7 Command Format ..................................................................................................B-4 Command List ........................................................................................................B-5 B.8 Commands .............................................................................................................. B-5 Breakpoint ...........................................................................................................B-6 Call .......................................................................................................................B-6 Display .................................................................................................................B-7 Encode ................................................................................................................B-7 Go B-8 ......................................................................................................................... Load ..................................................................................................................... B-8 Memory ...............................................................................................................B-9 Null ....................................................................................................................B-10 Offset ................................................................................................................. B-10 Punch B-11 Register ............................................................................................................. B-11 .....................................................•........................................................... Stlevel ................................................................................................................B-12 Trace ..................................................................................................................B-12 B.9 Verify .................................................................................................................B-13 Window .............................................................................................................B-13 Services ................................................................................................................. B-14 BKPT ..................................................................................................................B-15 INCHP................................................................................................................B-15 MONITR.............................................................................................................B-16 OUTCH ..............................................................................................................B-17 OUT2HS.............................................................................................................B-17 OUT4HS.............................................................................................................B-18 PAUSE ...............................................................................................................B-18 PCRLF ...............................................................................................................B-19 PDATA ............................................................................................................... B-19 PDATA1 .............................................................................................................B-20 SPACE ....•..........................................................................................................B-21 VTRSW ..............................................................................................................B-21 B.10 Vector Swap Service ............................................................................................B-22 .ACIA ..................................................................................................................B-23 .AVTBL...............................................................................................................B-23 .BSDTA .............................................................................................................. B-24 .BSOFF ..............................................................................................................B-24 .BSON ................................................................................................................B-25 .CIDTA ...............................................................................................................B-25 .CIOFF ...............................................................................................................B-26 .CION .................................................................................................................B-26 .CMDL1 ..............................................................................................................B-27 .CMDL2 ..............................................................................................................B-28 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Paragraph No. Page No. Title .CODTA . . . 8-28 .COOFF ............................................................................................................. 8-29 .COON ............................................................................................................... 8-29 .......................................... ........ ....................................... ...... ............ .ECHO ................................................................................................................ 8-30 .FIRQ .................................................................................................................. 8-30· .HSDATA .IRQ .NMI .PAD . . ................................................ . ...................... . ................ . ...... . 8-31 8-31 . . 8-32 8-32 ........ .. .................................................................................................................... . .......................... ....... .PAUSE .PTM .RSVD .SWI . . .. . . ..... .. ... . . . .......................... ............................... . ........ . .. ... . . ............ .. . . .... ... ............................ . . . . .... . . . ... ... . ............ . . .. .... ................... .. . ...... . .... .......... ............................. . .... .. ............ . .... . . . ....... ........ . .... .. ......... 8-33 . .. . 8-33 ..... ........... .. ..... .. .. .............. . ......................... . . ....................................... .. ......... ................ . ......... . ........................................... . . ............... .......... . ................................. ........................... ........ ........... ....... ......... ....................................... ....................... ........ .RESET . .............. .. .. .. .. . 8-34 ..... . . .. ... . ......... .. ..... ...... 8-34 8-35 .SWI2.................................................................................................................. 8-35 .SWI3.................................................................................................................. 8-36 8.11 Monitor Listing ... ... . . . .... . . .... .. . .... .. . ..... . ... .. . .... . .. .. .. .... .. ... .. .. . . .... ... . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. 8-37 ....... . . . . . APPENDIX C MACHINE CODE TO INSTRUCTION CROSS REFERENCE C.1 Introduction . .. . ..... .. .. ... . ........... .. . . . .. . ... . .... . . ...... .. .. .. ... . .. . . ..... .. .... . ....... .. . . . . .. . C-1 ..... . . . .. . .. . APPENDIX D PROGRAMMING AID 0.1 Introduction ..... . . . .. .... ... . . .. . . .. .. . .... .. . . .. .... .. � . . .. ....... ... ............. ...... ......... . 0·1 ... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . APPENDIX E ASCII CHARACTER SET E.1 E.2 E.3 E.4 Introduction ............................................................................................................E·1 Character Representation and Code Identification ..........................................E·1 Control Characters ................................................................................................E·2 Graphic Characters ...............................................................................................E·2 vii TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Paragraph No. Title Page No. APPENDIX F OPCODE MAP F.1 Introduction F.2 Opcode Map............................................................................................................ F-1 F-1 ............................................................................................................ APPENDIX G PIN ASSIGNMENTS G.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ G-1 APPENDIX H CONVERSION TABLES H.1 H.2 Introduction ............................................................................................................ H-1 Powers of 2; Powers of 16 ..................................................................................... H-1 H.3 Hexadecimal and Decimal Conversion............................................................... H-2 H.3.1 H.3.2 Converting Hexadecimal to Decimal .............................................................. H-2 . Converting Decimal to Hexadecimal .............................................................. H-2 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure No. Title Page No. 1-1 1-2 1-3 Programming Model ...............................................................................................1-3 Condition Code Register .......................................................................................1-4 Processor Pin Assignments .................................................................................. 1-6 2-1 Post byte Usage for EXGrrFR, PSH/PUllnstructions ........................................2-2 3-1 Interrupt Processing Flowchart ............................................................................3-5 4-1 Stacking Order ........................................................................................................4-7 8-1 Memory Map ........................................................................................................... 8-2 E-1 ASCII Character Set ...............................................................................................E-1 G-1 Pin Assignments .................................................................................................... G-1 viii LIST OF TABLES Title Table No. Page No. 1 -1 BAlBS Signal Encoding 2-1 Postbyte Usage for Indexed Addressing Modes ................................................2-3 3-1 Interrupt Vector Locations 4-1 4-2 8-Bit Accumulator and Memory Instructions Instruction Set ........................... . . . ................................... . .......................................... . ........................................... . ...... . ....... . . ....................... .. .. .. ....... 1 -8 3-1 .......................... .. ........ . ............................ . . ............ . ....... . ....... . ........... ....... ......... 4-9 . 4-1 1 . 4-3 16-Bit Accumulator and Memory Instructions 4-4 Index/Stack Pointer Instructions 4-5 4-6 Branch Instructions Miscellaneous Instructions A-1 Operation Notation A-2 Register Notation ...................................................................................................A-2 B-1 B-2 B-3 Command List ........................................................................................................B-5 Services B-1 4 Vector Table Entries ............................................................................................B-22 C-1 Machine Code to Instruction Cross Reference .................................................. C-2 0-1 Programming Aid ................................................................................................... 0-1 E-1 E-2 Control Characters ................................................................................................ E-2 Graphic Characters . . . .. . . . . . E-3 F-1 F-2 Opcode Map . Indexed Addressing Mode Data H-1 H-2 Powers of 2; Powers of 16 .....................................................................................H-1 . ......... . ..... . . .......................................... . ... . ....... . ....................... ...... . ... . ................... . ... . ........ . ............ . ...... 4-12 ................................... . ....... . ..... . ..................... . .............. . .... . 4-1 3 4-1 3 ................... ........................................ .............................. 4-1 2 ...... . ......................... . ....... .A-1 .......... ................................................................................................................. ... ............................ ................... .......... ............... . . ...................................................... . ... ............. . . ........... .. .. ............... ......... . .................. . ........ . ..... � .... ..... . .......... . ...... F-2 F-3 ... ............. Hexadecimal and Decimal Conversion Chart ....................................................H-2 ix/x SECTION 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION This section contains a general description of the Motorola MC6809 and MC6809E Microprocessor Units (MPU). Pin assignments and a brief description of each input/out put signal are also given. The term MPU, processor, or M6809 will be used throughout this manual to refer to both the MC6809 and MC6809E processors. When a topic relates to only one of the processors, that specific designator (MC6809 or MC6809E) will be used. . 1.2 FEATURES The MC6809 and MC6809E microprocessors are greatly enhanced, upward compatible, computationally faster extensions of the MC6800 microprocessor. Enhancements such as additional registers (a Y index register, a U stack pOinter, and a direct page register) and instructions (such as MUL) simplify software design. Improved addressing modes have also been implemented. Upward compatibility is guaranteed as MC6800 assembly language programs may be assembled using the Motorola MC6809 Macro Assembler. This code, while not as com pact as native M6809 code, is, in most cases, 100% functional. Both address and data are available from the processor earlier in an instruction cycle than from the MC6800 which simplifies hardware design. Two clock signals, E (the MC6800 <1>2) and a new quadrature clock Q (which leads E by one-quarter cycle) also simplify hardware design. A memory ready (MRDY) input is provided on the MC6809 for working with slow memories. This input stretches both the processor internal cycle and direct memory ac cess bus cycle times but allows internal operations to continue at full speed. A direct memory access request (DMAIBREQ) input is provided for immediate memory access or dynamic memory refresh operations; this input halts the internal MC6809 clocks. Because the processor's registers are dynamic, an internal counter periodically recovers the bus from direct memory access operations and performs a true processor refresh cycle to allow unlimited length direct memory access operation. An interrupt acknowledge signal is available to allow development of vectoring by interrupt device hardware or detection of operating system calls. 1-1 Three prioritized, vectored, hardware interrupt levels are available: non-maskable, fast, and normal. The highest and lowest priority interrupts, non-maskable and interrupt re quest respectively, are the normal interrupts used in the M6800 family. A new interrupt on this processor is the fast interrupt request which provides faster service to its interrupt input by only stacking the program counter and condition code register and then servic ing the interrupt. Modern programming techniques such as position-independent, system independent, and reentrant programming are readily supported by these processors. A Memory Management Unit (MMU), the MC6829, allows a M6809 based system to ad dress a two megabyte memory space. Note: An arbitrary number of tasks may be sup ported - slower - with software. This advanced family of processors is compatible with all M6800 peripheral parts. 1.3 SOFTWARE FEATURES Some of the software features of these processors are itemized in the following paragraphs. Programs developed for the MC6800 can be easily converted for use with the MC6809 or MC6809E by running the source code through a M6809 Macro Assembler or any one of the many cross assemblers that are available. The addressing modes of any microprocessor provide it with the capability to efficiently address memory to obtain data and instructions. The MC6809 and MC6809E have a ver satile set of addressing modes which allow them to function using modern programming techniques. The addressing modes and instructions of the MC6809 and MC6809E are upward com patible with the MC6800. The old addressing modes have been retained and many new ones have been added. A direct page register has been added which allows a 256 byte "direct" page anywhere in the 64K logical address space. The direct page register is used to hold the most significant byte of the address used in direct addreSSing and decrease the time required for address calculation. Branch relative addressing to anywhere in the memory map (- 32768 to + 32767) is available. Program counter relative addreSSing is also available for data access as well as branch instructions. The indexed addreSSing modes have been expanded to include: 0-, 5-, 8-, 16-bit constant offsets, 8- or 16-bit accumulator offsets, autoincrement/decrement (stack operation). 1-2 In addition, most indexed addressing modes may have an additional level of indirection added. Any or all registers may be pushed on to or pulled from either stack with a single instruc tion. A multiply instruction is included which multiplies unsigned binary numbers in ac cumulators A and B and places the unsigned result in the 16-bit accumulator D. This un signed multiply instruction also allows signed or unsigned multiple precision multiplica tion. 1.4 PROGRAMMING MODEL The programming model (Figure 1-1) for these processors contains five 16-bit and four 8-bit registers that are available to the programmer. o 15 x - I ndex Register Y - I ndex Register U - User Stack Pointer S - Hardware Stack Poi nter , I Po;",,, Rog;""" Progra m Cou nter PC A } Accumu lators B D 7 LoI 0 DP 1 ... ____ ____ 7 Direct Page Register 0 I ElF I H I I I N I z I V I C I Condition Code Register Figure 1·1. Programming Model 1.5 INDEX REG ISTERS (X, y) The index registers are used during the indexed addressing modes. The address informa tion in an index register is used in the calculation of an effective address. This address may be used to point directly to data or may be modified by an optional constant or register offset to produce the effective address. 1.6 STACK POINTER REGISTERS (U, S) Two stack pOinter registers are available in these processors. They are: a user stack pOinter register (U) controlled exclusively by the programmer, and a hardware stack pOinter register (5) which is used automatically by the processor during subroutine calls 1-3 and interrupts, but may also be used by the programmer. Both stack pOinters always point to the top of the stack. These registers have the same indexed addressing mode capabilities as the index registers, and also support push and pull instructions. All four indexable registers (X, Y, U, S) are referred to as pOinter registers. 1.7 PROGRAM COUNTER (PC) The program counter register is used by these processors to store the address of the next instruction to be executed. It may also be used as an index register in certain ad· dressing modes. 1.8 ACCUMULATOR REGISTERS (A, B, D) The accumulator registers (A, B) are general·purpose 8·bit registers used for arithmetic calculations and data manipulation. Certain instructions concatenate these registers into one 16·bit accumulator with register A positioned as the most·significant byte. When concatenated, this register is referred to as accumulator D. 1.9 DIRECT PAG E REGISTER (DP) This 8-bit register contains the most·significant byte of the address to be used in the direct addressing mode. The contents of this register are concatenated with the byte following the direct addressing mode operation code to form the 16·bit effective address. The direct page register contents appear as bits A15 through A8 of the address. This register is automatically cleared by a hardware reset to ensure M6800 compatiblity. 1.10 CONDITION CODE REGISTER (CC) The condition code register contains the condition codes and the interrupt masks as shown in Figure 1·2. Carry ....-Overflow .. ----Zero ----- Negative ....... --- - I RQ Mask ....----. H alf Carry '------ FIRQ Mask ----- Entire Flag Figure 1·2. Condition Code Register 1·4 1.10.1 CONDITION CODE BITS. Five bits in the condition code register are used to in dicate the results of instructions that manipulate data. They are: half carry (H), negative (N), zero (Z), overflow (V), and carry (C). The effect each instruction has on these bits is given in the detail information for each instruction (see Appendix A). Half Carry (H), Bit 5. This bit is used to indicate that a carry was generated from bit three in the arithmetic logiC unit as a result of an a-bit addition. This bit is undefined in all subtract-like instructions. The decimal addition adjust (OAA) instruction uses the state of this bit to perform the adjust operation. N eg ative (N), Bit 3. This bit contains the value of the most-significant bit of the result of the previous data operation. Zero (Z), Bit 2. This bit is used to indicate that the result of the previous opera tion was zero. Overflow (V), Bit 1. This bit is used to indicate that the previous operation caused a signed arithmetic overflow. Carry(C), Bit O. This bit is used to indicate that a carry or a borrow was generated from bit seven in the arithmetic logic unit as a result of an a-bit mathematical operation. 1.10.2 INTERRUPT MASK BITS AND STACKING INDICATOR. Two bits (I and F) are used as mask bits for the interrupt request and the fast interrupt request inputs. When either or both of these bits are set, their associated input will not be recognized. One bit (E) is used to indicate how many registers (all, or only the program counter and condition code) were stacked during the last interrupt. Mask (F), Bit 6. This bit is used to mask (disable) any fast Q interrupt request line (FIR ). This bit is set automatically by a hardware reset or after recognition of another interrupt. Execution of certain instructions such as SWI will also inhibit recognition of a FIRQ input. Fast Interrupt Request Ma s k (I), Bit This bit is used to mask (disable) any interrupt request input (IRQ). This bit is set automatically by a hardware reset or after recognition of another interrupt. Execution of certain instructions such as SWI will also inhibit recognition of an IRQ input.�equest 4. 1·5 Ent i re Flag (E), Bit 7. This bit is used to indicate how many registers were stack ed. When set, all the registers were stacked during the last interrupt stacking operation. When clear, only the program counter and condition code registers were stacked during the last interrupt. The state of the E bit in the stacked condition code register is used by the return from in terrupt (RTI) instruction to determine the number of registers to be unstacked. 1.11 PIN ASSIGNMENTS AND SIGNAL DESCRIPTION Figure 1-3 shows the pin assignments for the processors. The following paragraphs pro vide a short description of each of the input and output signals. MC6809E MC6809 VSS H'A'CT VSS HALT NMI XTAL NMI TSC IRQ EXTAL IRQ 37 RESET 36 AVMA 35 Q LlC FIRQ 4 RESET FIRQ BS 5 MR O Y BS BA 6 Q. VCC 7 E AO 8 OMA/BREQ Al 9 R/ W 32 A2 10 DO 31 DO A3 11 01 30 01 02 29 02 03 28 03 04 04 05 27 26 06 25 06 07 Al5 A6 A7 A8 16 VCC 34 E AO 33 BUSY R/W 05 Al0 Al5 Al0 24 23 All A14 All 22 Al4 Al2 21 A13 A9 A9 07 A12 Figure 1-3. Processor Pin Assignments 1.11.1 MC6809 CLOCKS. The MC6809 has four pins committed to developing the clock signals needed for internal and system operation. They are: the oscillator pins EXTAL and XTAL; the standard M6800 enable (E) clock; and a new, quadrature (Q) clock. Oscillator (EXTAL, XTAL). These pins are used to connect the processor's inter nal oscillator to an external, parallel-resonant crystal. These pins can also be used for in put of an external TTL timing signal by grounding the XTAL pin and applying the input to the EXTAL pin. The crystal or the external timing source is four times the resulting bus frequency. 1-6 Enable (E). The E clock is similar to the phase 2 (<p2) MC6800 bus timing clock. The leading edge indicates to memory and peripherals that the data is stable and to begin write operations. Data movement occurs after the Q clock is high and is latched on the trailing edge of E. Data is valid from the processor (during a write operation) by the rising edge of E. Quadrature (Q). The Q clock leads the E clock by approximately one half of the E clock time. Address information from the processor is valid with the leading edge of the Q clock. The Q clock is a new signal in these processors and does not have an equivalent clock within the MC6800 bus timing. 1.11.2 MC6809E CLOCKS (E and Q). The MC6809E has two pins provided for the TIL clock signal inputs required for internal operation. They are the standard M6800 enable (E) clock and the quadrature (Q) clock. The Q input must lead the E input. Addresses will be valid from the processor (on address delay time after the falling edge of E) and data will be latched from the bus by the falling edge of E. The Q input is fully TIL compatible. The E input is used to drive the internal MOS circuitry directly and therefore requires input levels above the normal TIL levels. 1.11.3 THREE STATE CONTROLS (TSC) (MC6809E). This input is used to place the ad dress and data lines and the RIW line in the high-impedance state and allows the address bus to be shared with other bus masters. 1.11.4 LAST INSTRUCTION CYCLE (LIC)(MC6809E). This output goes high during the last cycle of every instruction and its high-to-Iow transition indicates that the first byte of an opcode will be latched at the end of the present bus cycl�. 1.11.5 ADDRESS BUS(AO·A15). This 16-bit, unidirectional, three-state bus is used by the processor to provide address information to the address bus. Address information is valid on the rising edge of the Q clock. All 16 outputs are in the high-impedance state when the bus available (BA) signal is high, and for one bus cycle thereafter. When the processor does not require the address bus for a data transfer, it outputs ad dress FFFF16, and read/write (RIW) high. This is a "dummy access" of the least significant byte of the reset vector which replaces the valid memory address (VMA) func tions of the MC6800. For the MC6809, the memory read signal internal circuitry inhibits stretching of the clocks during non-access cycles. 1.11.6 DATA BUS (00·07). This 8-bit, bidirectional, three-state bus is the general purpose data path. All eight outputs are in the high-impedance state when the bus available (BA) output is high. 1-7 1 .11.7 READIWRITE (RIW). This output indicates the d i rection of data transfer on the data bus. A low indicates that the processor is writi n g onto the data bus; a high indicates that the processor is read i n g data from the data bus. The signal at the R/W output is val i d at the lead i n g edge of the Q clock. The R/W output is in the h igh-i m pedance state when the bus ava i l able (BA) output is high. 1 .1 1.8 PROCESSOR STATE INDICATORS (BA, BS). The processor uses these two output l i nes to indicate the p resent processor state. These pins are val id with the leadi n g edge of the Q c lock. The bus available (BA) output is used to i ndicate that the buses (address and data) and the read/write output are in the h i g h-Im pedance state. Thi s signal can be used to i n d i cate to bus-sharing or d irect memory access systems that the buses are available. When BA goes low, an additional dead cycle will elapse before the processor regains control of the buses. The bus status (BS) output is used in conjunction With the BA output to I ndicate the pre sent state of the processor. Table 1 -1 is a listing of the BA and BS outputs and the pro cessor states that they Indicate. The fol lowing paragraphs briefly explain each processor state. Table 1-1. BAIBS Signal Encoding M U 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Pl'OC8IIOr State Normal (Running) Interrupt or Reset Acknowledge Sync Acknowledge Haiti Bus Grant Acknowledged 1 _1 1 .8.1 Normal. The processor is run n i ng and executing i nstructions. 1 .1 1 .8.2 Interrupt or Reset Acknowledge. This processor state is i nd icated d u ring both cycles of a hardware vector fetch which occurs when any of the fol l ow i n g i nterrupts have occurred: RESET, N MI, FIRQ, IRQ, SWI, SWI2, and SWI3. This output, p l us decod ing of address li nes A3 through A1 provides the user with an i ndication of which interrupt is bei ng serviced. 1 .11.8.3 Sync Acknowledge. The processor is waiting for an external synchron ization in put on an i nterrupt l i ne. See SYN C inst ruction i n Appendix A. 1 .11.8.4 Halt/Bus Grant. The processor is halted or bus control has been g ranted to some other device. 1-8 1.11 .9 RESET (RESET). This input is used to reset the processor. A low input lasting longer than one bus cycle will reset the processor. The reset vector is fetched from locations $FFFE and $FFFF when the processor enters the reset acknolwedge state as indicated by the BA output being low and the BS output being high. During initial power-on, the reset input should be held low until the clock oscillator is ful ly operational. 1.1 1 .1 0 INTERRUPT�The processor has three separate interrupt input�s: non maskable interrupt (NMI), fast interrupt request (FIRQ), and interrupt request (IRQ). These interrupt inputs are latched by the falling edge of every Q clock except during cycle steal ing operations where only the NMI input is latched. Using this pOint as a reference, a delay of at least one bus cycle will occur before the interrupt is recognized by the pro cessor. 1.1 1 .1 0.1 Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI). A negative edge on this input requests that a non-maskable interrupt sequence be generated. This input, as the name indicates, can not be masked by software and has the highest priority of the three interrupt inputs. After a reset has occurred, a NMI input will not be recognized by the processor until the first program load of the hardware stack pointer. The entire machine state is saved on the hardware stack during the processing of a non-maskable interrupt. This interrupt is inter nally blocked after a hardware reset until the stack pOinter is initialized. 1 .1 1 .1 0.2 Fast Interrupt Request (FIRQ). This input is used to initiate a fast interrupt re quest sequence. Initiation depends on the F (fast interrupt request mask) bit in the condi tion code register being clear. This bit is set during reset. During the interrupt, only the contents of the condition code register and the program counter are stacked resulting in a short amount of time required to service this Interrupt. This interrupt has a higher priori ty than the normal interrupt request (IRQ). 1.1 1 .1 0.3 Interrupt Request (IRQ). This input is used to initiate what might be considered the "normal" interrupt request sequence. Initiation depends on the I (interrupt mask) bit in the condition code register being clear. This bit is set during reset. The entire machine state is saved on the hardware stack during processing of an IRQ input. This input has the lowest priority of the three hardware interrupts. 1 .1 1 .11 MEMORY READ (MRDy) (MC6809). This input allows extension of the E and Q clocks to allow a longer data access time. A low on this input allows extension of the E and Q clocks (E high and Q low) in integral multiples of quarter bus cycles (up to 1 0 cycles) to allow interface with slow memory devices. 1-9 M emory ready does not extend the E and Q clocks d u ring non-va l id memory access cycles and therefore the processor does not slow down for "don't care" bus accesses. M emory ready may also be used to extend the E and Q clocks when an external device is using the halt and d i rect memory access/bus request i n p uts. 1.11 .1 2 ADVANCED VALID MEMORY ADDRESS(AVMA)(MC8809E). This output signal in d icates that the MC6809E wi l l use the bus In the fol lowing bus cycle. This output is low when the MC6809E Is in either a halt or sync state. 1.11 .1 3 HALT. This i n put is used to halt the processor. A low i n put halts the processor at the end of the present instruction execution cycle and the processor remains halted in defin itely without loss of data. When the processor is halted, the BA output is high to indicate that the buses are in the h i g h-im pedance state and the BS output is also high to indicate that the processor is i n t h e halt/bus g rant state. During the halt/bus grant state, the processor will not respond to external real-time re q uests such as FIRQ or IRQ. However, a d irect memory accesslbus request input wi l l be accepted . A non-maskable Interrupt or a reset i n put wi l l be l atched for processing l ater. The E and Q clocks conti n ue to run during the halt/bus grant state. 1.11.14 DIRECT MEMORY ACCESS/BUS REQUEST (DMAIBREQ) (MC8809). This input is used to suspend program execution and make the buses available for another use such as a direct memory access or a dynamic memory refresh. A low level on this i nput occurring d uring the Q clock high time suspends instruct ion ex ecution at the end of the current cycle. The processor ac �nowledges acceptance of this i n put by setti ng the BA and BS outputs high to sign ify the bus grant state. The requesting device now has up to 15 bus cycles before the processor retrieves the bus for self-refresh. !n!!...c � di rect memory access controller w i l l req uest to use the bus by setting the DMAIBREQ I nput low when E goes high. When the processor acknowledges this i n p ut by setti ng the BA and BS outputs high, that cycle will be a dead cycle used to transfer bus mastership to the direct memory access controller. False memory access d u ri ng any dead cycle should be prevented by externally developing a system DMAVMA signa·1 which Is low in any cycle when the BA output changes. When the BA output goes low, either as a result of a d irect memory access/bus request or a processor self-refresh, the d irect memory access device should be removed from the bus. Another dead cycle w i l l elapse before the processor accesses memory, to al low transfer of bus mastership without contention. 1.1 1 .1 5 BUSY (MC8809E). This output ind icates that bus re-arbitration should be deferred and provides the i ndlvisable memory operation required for a "test-and-set" pri m itive. 1-10 This output wi l l be high for the fi rst two cycles of any Read-Modify-Wrlte i n struction, h i g h d u ring t h e fi rst byte o f a double-byte access, a n d h i g h d u r i n g t h e fi rst byte of any indirect access or vector-fetch o peration. 1 .1 1 .16 POWER. Two i n puts are used to su pply power to the p rocessor: Vee i s ± 5%, wh i le VSS is g round or 0 volts. 1-1111-12 + 5.0 SECTION 2 ADDRESSIN G MODES 2.1 INTRODUCTION This section contains a description of each of the addressing modes available on these processors. 2.2 ADDRESSING MODES The addressing modes available on the MC6809 and MC6809E are: Inherent, Immediate, Extended, Direct, Indexed (with various offsets and autoincrementing/decrementing), and Branch Relative. Some of these addressing modes require an additional byte after the opcode to provide additional addressing interpretation. This byte is called a postbyte. The following paragraphs provide a description of each addressing mode. In these descriptions the term effective address is used to indicate the address in memory from which the argument for an instruction is fetched or stored, or fram which instruction pro· cessing is to proceed. 2.2.1 INHERENT. The information necessary to execute the instruction is contained in the opcode. Some operations specifying only the index registers or the accumulators, and no other arguments, are also included in this addressing mode. Example: MUL 2.2.2 IMMEDIATE. The operand is contained in one or two bytes immediately following the opcode. This addressing mode is used to provide constant data values that do not change during program execution. Both 8- bit and 16-bit operands are used depending on the size of the argument specified in the opcode. Example: LOA #CR LOB #7 LOA #$FO LOB #%1110000 LOX #$8004 Another form of immediate addressing uses a postbyte to determine the registers to be manipulated. The exchange (EXG) and transfer (TFR) instructions use the postbyte as shown in Figure 2-1(A). The push and pull instructions use the postbyte to designate the registers to be pushed or pulled as shown in Figure 2-1(8). 2-1 • b6 b7 I b4 b5 b3 SOURCE ( R l 1 b2 bl DESTINAT I O N ( R21 Code- Register Code- Register 0000 000 1 00 1 0 001 1 0 1 00 D (A:BI X Index 0101 1 000 1001 1010 101 1 Program Counter Y Index U Stack Pointer S Stack Pointer bO I A Accumulator B Accumulator Condition Code Direct Page All other combinations of bits produce undefined results. (A) Exchange ( EXG) or Transfer (TFR) Instruction Postbyte b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 I PC l s/ u I y I X I DP I b2 B I bl A bO I cc I PC = Program Counter StU = Hardware/ User Stack Pointer = Y Index Register y X = DP = U Index Register Direct Page Register B = B Accumulator A = A Accumulator CC = Condition Code Register (B) Push (PSH) or Pull ( PUll Instruction Postbyte Figure 2·1. Post byte Usage for EXGrrFR, PSH/PU L Instructions 2.2.3 EXTENDED. The effective address of the argument is contained in the two bytes fol lowing the opcode. I n structions using the extended addressing mode can reference arg uments anywhere in the 64K add ressi ng space. Extended addressi ng is generally not u sed i n position i ndependent programs because it suppl ies an absol ute add ress. Example: LOA > CAT 2.2.4 DIRECT. The effective address is developed by concaten ation of the contents of the d i rect page reg ister with the byte immediately fol lowi n g the opcode. The d i rect page reg ister contents are the most·significant byte of the address. This allows accessi n g 256 l ocations withi n any one of 256 pages. Therefore, the enti re add ressing range i s avai l able for access using a single two·byte instruct ion. Example: LOA > CAT 2.2.S INDEXED. I n these addressing modes, one of the pOi nter reg i sters (X, V, U, or S), and someti mes the program counter (PC) is u sed in the calculation of the effective add ress of the i n struct ion operand. The basic types (and their variations) of i ndexed add ressing avai lable are shown i n Table 2-1 along with the post byte conf i g u ration used . 2.2.S.1 Constant Offset from Register. The contents of the reg i ster deSignated i n the post byte are added to a twos com plement offset val ue to form the effective add ress of 2-2 the instruction operand. The contents of the designated register are not affected by this addition. The offset sizes available are: No offset designated register contains the effective address 5-bit 16 to + 15 8·bit 128 to + 127 16-bit 32768 to + 32767 Table 2·1. Postbyte Usage for Indexed Addressing Modes Variation Mode Type Constant Offset from Register (twos Complement Offset) Accumulator Offset from Register (twos Complement Offset) Auto I ncrement/ Decrement from Register Constant Offset from Program Counter Extended I ndi rect Direct Indirect No Offset l R R00 1 00 1 R R 1 0l 00 5-B it Offset ORRnnnnn Defaults to 8-bit 8- Bit Offset l RR01000 l R R l l 000 1 6-Bit Offset l R R0100l 1 R R l l 00 l A Accumulator Offset l R ROOl l 0 l R R 10l l 0 B Accumulator Offset l R R0010l 1 R R 1 0l 0l l R R l l0l l D Accumulator Offset 1 R R010l l I ncrement by 1 l R ROOOOO Not Allowed I ncrement by 2 l R ROOOO l l R R 1 000 l Decrement by 1 l R ROOO 1 0 N o t Allowed Decrement by 2 1 R ROOO l l l R R 1 00l l 8- Bit Offset l XXOl l 00 1 XX 1 1 1 00 1 6-Bit Offset l XXOl l 0 l l XX l l l 0l 1 6- Bit Address - --.........- 1 001 1 1 1 1 The 5·bit offset value is contained in the postbyte. The 8· and 16·bit offset values are con· tained in the byte or bytes immediately following the postbyte. If the Motorola assembler is used, it will automatically determine the most efficient offset; thus, the programmer need not be concerned about the offset size. Examples: LOY - 64000, U LOA ,X LOB O,Y LOA 17, PC LOX 64,000,5 LOA There, PCR Accumulator Offset from Register. The contents of the index or pOinter register designed in the postbyte are temporarily added to the twos complement offset value con· tained in an accumulator (A, B, or D) also designated in the postbyte. N either the designated register nor the accumulator contents are affected by this addition. Example: L OA A,X LOA B,Y LOA O,U Autoincrement/Decrement from Register. This addressing mode works in a postincrementing or predecrementing manner. The amount of increment or decrement, one or two positions, is designated in the postbyte. 2-3 I n the autoincrement mode, the contents of the effective address contai ned i n the pOi nter reg ister, designated in the postbyte, and then the pOinter regi ster is automatical ly incremented ; thus, the pOi nter reg ister is post incremented. In the autodecrement mode, the poi nter reg ister, designated in the postbyte, is automatical ly decremented fi rst and then the contents of the new address are used; thus, the poi nter reg i ster is predecremented. Exam ples: Autolncrement LOA LOA LOA LOA ,X + ,Y + ,5 + ,U + LOY LOX LOX LOX ,X + ,Y + ,U + ,5 + Autodecrement + + + + LOA LOA LOA LOA ,-X ,-V ,-5 ,-U LOY LOX LOX LOX ,,,,- -X -Y -U -5 Indirection. When using indirect ion, the effect ive address of the base i ndexed ad dressing mode is used to fetch two bytes which contai n the final effective address of the operand. It can be used with al l the i ndexed addressing modes and the program cou nter rel ative addressing mode. Extended Indirect. The effective address of the arg ument is located at the ad dress specified by the two bytes fol low i n g the post byte. The postbyte is used to indicate i n d i rection . Example: LOA [$FOOO] Program Counter Relative. The p rogram counter can also be used as a pOi nter with either an 8- or 1 6-bit signed constant offset. The offset val ue is added to the program cou nter to develop an effective address. Part of the post byte is used to indicate whether the offset is 8 or 16 bits. 2.2.8 BRANCH RELATIVE. This addressing mode is used when branches from the c u rrent i n struction location to some other locat ion relative to the current program counter are des i red. If the test condition of the branch instruction is true, then the effective address is calculated (program counter plus twos complement offset) and the branch is taken. If the test condition i s false, the processor proceeds to the next in-l i ne instruction. Note that the prog ram counter is always poi nting to the next instruction when the offset is ad ded . Branch relative addressing is always used i n position independent programs for all contro l transfers. For short branches, the byte fol lowi n g the branch instruction opcode is treated as an 8-bit signed offset to be used to cal c u l ate the effective add ress of the next i n struction if the branch i s taken . Th is is cal led a short relative branch and the range is l i m i ted to p l us 1 27 or m i n u s 1 28 bytes from the fol low i n g opcode. For long branches, the two bytes after the opcode are used to calculate the effective ad d ress. Th i s is cal led a long relative branch and the range is p l u s 32,767 or m i n us 32,768 2-4 bytes from the fol lowing opcode or the f u l l 64K address space of memory that the pro cessor can add ress at one t i me. Examples: Short Branch Long Branch BRA PO LE LBRA CAT 2-5/2-6 SECTION 3 I NTERRUPT CAPABI LITI ES 3.1 INTRODUCTION The M C6809 and MC6809E microprocessors have six vectored i nterrupts (th ree hardware and three software). The hardware interrupts are the non-maskable interrupt (N M I), the fast maskable interru pt req uest (FI RQ), and the normal maskable interru pt req uest (I RQ). The software I nterrupts consist of SWI , SWI2, and SWI3. When an i nterrupt request is acknowledged, all the processor registers are pushed onto the hardware stack, except i n t h e case o f F I RQ where o n l y t h e program counter and t h e condition code register is sav ed , and control is transferred to tl!!.! d dress1!!.1he interrupt vector. The p ri o rity of these i nterrupts is, h i ghest to lowest, N M I , SWI , FI RQ, I RQ, SWI2, and SWI3. Figure 3-1 is a detai l ed flowchart of i nterru pt processi n g i n these processors. The i nterrupt vector loca tions are g iven in Table 3-1 . The vector locations contai n the address for the i nterru pt routi ne. Add itional information on the SWI , SWI2, and SWI3 interrupts is g iven in Appendix A. The hardware i nterrupts, N M I , FI RQ, and I RQ are l i sted al phabetical ly at the end of Appendix A. Table 3·1. Interrupt Vector Locations Vector Location LS Byte MS Byte Interru pt Description (RESET) FFFE FFFF FFFC FFFD FFFA FFFB FFF8 FFF9 FFF6 FFF7 Software I nterrupt 2 ( SWI2) FFF4 F F F5 Software Interrupt 3 ( SW I3) FFF2 FFF3 Reserved FFFO FFFl Reset Non-Maskable I nterrupt Software Interrupt (NMi) �I l Interrupt Request ( I RQ) Fast I nterrupt Request 3.2 iFiRQ) NON-MASKABLE INTERRUPT (NMI) The non-maskable i nterrupt is edge-sensitive i n the sense that if it is sam p led low one cy cle after it has been sampled high, a non-maskable interrupt wi l l be triggered. Because the non-maskable i nterrupt cannot be masked by execution of the non-maskable i nter rupt handler routine, it is possible to accept another non-maskable interru pt before ex ecut i ng the first instruct ion of the interru pt routine. A fatal error w i l l exist if a non maskable i nterrupt is repeatedly al lowed to occur before completing the retu rn from i n terru pt (RTI) instruction of the previous non-maskable interru pt req uest, si nce the stack 3-1 w i l l eventual ly overflow. Th is i nterrupt is especial ly appl icable to gai n i n g i m med iate p ro cessor response for powerfa i l , software dynamic memory refresh , or other non-delayable events. 3.3 FAST MASKABLE INTERRUPT REQUEST (FIRQ) A low level on the F I RQ i nput with the F (fast i nterrupt req uest mask) bit i n the condit ion code reg i ster clear triggers this i nterru pt seq uence. The fast i nterru pt req uest provides fast i nterru pt response by stacking only the prog ram counter and condit ion code reg i ster. Th i s al lows fast context switching with m i n imal overhead . If any reg i sters are u sed by the i nterrupt routine then they can be saved by a single push i nstruct ion. After accepti n g a fast interru pt req uest, the processor clears the E flag, saves the pro g ram c2!:!IDer and cond ition code reg ister, and then sets both the I and F bits to mask any f u rther I RQ and F I RQ i nterrupts. After servicing the ori g i nal interru pt, the user may selec t ively clear the I and F bits to al low multi ple-level i nterrupts if so desired . 3.4 NORMAL MASKABLE INTERRUPT REQU EST (IRQ) A low level on the I RQ input with the I (i nterru pt req uest mask) bit i n the cond ition code reg i ster clear triggers this i nterru pt seq uence. The normal m askabl e i nterru pt req uest p rovides a slower hardware response to i nterru pts because it causes the ent i re m ach i ne state to be stacked . However, this means that i nterrupting software routi nes can use all p rocessor resou rces without fear of damag ing the i nterrupted routine. A normal i nterru pt request, havi n g lower priority than the fast i nterrupt request, i s prevented from i nterru p t i n g the fast i nterru pt hand ler by the automatic sett i ng of the I bit by the fast i nterrupt re q uest handler. After accepti n g a normal i nterrupt req uest, the p rocessor sets the E flag, saves the ent i re m achine state, and then sets the I bit to mask any further interrupt req uest i n puts. After servicing the ori g i nal i nterrupt, the user may clear the I bit to al low m u lt i ple-level normal i nterrupts. All interrupt hand l i ng routi nes shou ld retu rn to the formerly executing tasks u s i n g a ret u rn from i nterrupt (RiT) instruction. Th is i n st ruction recovers the saved mach ine state f rom the hardware stack and control is retu rned to the i nterru pted program . If t he recovered E bit is clear, it indicates that a fast i nterrupt req uest occurred and only the program cou nter address and condition code reg ister are to be recovered. 3.5 SOFTWARE INTERRU PTS (SWI, SWI2, SWI3) The software i nterru pts cause the processor to go through the normal i nterru pt request sequence of stacking the complete mac h i ne state even though the i nterru pt i n g sou rce i s the processor itself. These i nterru pts are com monly used for prog ram debugg i n g a n d for cal l s to an operating system. 3-2 Normal p rocessing of the SWI i n put sets the I and F bits to p revent either of these i nter ru pt req uests from affecting the com pletion of a software i nterrupt req uest. The remain ing software interru pt request inp uts (SWI2 and SWI3) do not have the priority of the SWI i n put and therefore do not mask the two hardware i nterru pt req uest i n puts (FI RQ and I RQ). 3-3 --, r- - - - - - ~C6!! ~ O-DPR I-F,I l-R/W Clrimi LogiC DlsarmNm ----r--- L ~ ___________ _ CWAI Bus SIal8 Run",n Interrupt or Reset Acknowledge ync Acknowledge Halt Acknowledge BA I BS o o NOTES: 1. Asserting RESET will result in entering the reset sequence from any point in Ihe flowchart. 2. BUSY is high during first vector fetch cycle (MC6809EI. Figure 3·1. Interrupt Processing Flowchart I 0 I 1 o SECTION 4 P ROG RAM MING 4.1 I NTRODUCTION These processors are designed to be sou rce-code com patible with the M 6800 to m ake use of the su bstantial existi n g base of M6BOO software and traini n g . However, this asset sho u l d not overshadow the capab i l ities bu i lt i nto these processors that allow more modern prog ram m i ng tec h n i q ues such as position-i ndependence, mod u lar programm i n g , and reentrancy/recu rsion to be u sed on a m icroprocessor-based system. A brief review of these methods is given in the fol l owing paragraphs. 4.1 .1 POSITION I N DEPENDENCE. A program is said to be "posit ion-independent" i f it wil l run correct ly when the same machine code is positioned arbitrarily in memory. Such a prog ram is u sef u l i n many d i fferent hardware configurations, and m ight be copied from a d isk i nto RAM when the operat i ng system first sees a req uest to use a system util ity. Pos it ion-i ndependent prog rams n ever use absol ute (extended or direct) add ressing: in stead, i nherent i m med iate, register, i ndexed and rel ative modes are used . In particu l ar, there should be no jump (absol ute) or j u m p to subroutine i nstruct ions nor sho u l d ab sol ute addresses be used. A position-i ndependent prog ram is al most always preferable to a position-d ependent program (although position-i ndependent code i s usually 5 to 1 0% slower than normal code). 4.1 .2 MO DULAR P ROG RAMM I N G . M od u lar prog ramm i ng is another indication of q ual ity code. A mod u l e is a prog ram element which can be easily discon nected from the rest of the prog ram either for re-use in a new environment or for replacement. A module is usual ly a su broutine (although a subroutine i s not necessari ly a mod u le); freq uently, the p ro g rammer isol ates reg ister changes i nternal to the module by pushing these reg isters onto the stack u pon entry, and p u l l i ng them off the stack before the return. I so l at i n g register changes i n t h e cal led mod u l e , to that mod u l e alone, allows t h e code i n the cal l i n g program to be more eas i ly analyzed since it can be assumed that al l registers (except those spec ifical l y used for parameter transfer are u nchanged by each cal led mod u le. Th i s l eaves the processor's registers free at each level for loop counts, add ress com parisons, etc. 4.1 .2.1 Local Storage. A clean m ethod for al locat i n g "local " storage is req u i red both by position-i ndependent prog rams as wel l as mod u l ar prog rams. Local or temporary storage is used to hold va l ues on ly d u ri n g execution of a mod ule (or cal l ed modu les) and is releas ed u pon ret u rn . One way to al locate local storage is to decrement the hardware stack 4-1 pOinter(s) by the nu mber of bytes needed. I n terru pts w i ll then leave th i s area intact and i t c a n b e de-allocated o n exit ing the module. A mod u l e wi ll almost always need more tem porary storage than just the M PU regi sters. Global Storage. Even in a modu lar envi ron ment there may be a n eed for "global" val ues which are accessi ble by many modu l es wit h i n a gi ven system. These provide a conven ient means for storing val u es from one i nvocat ion to another i nvocat ion of the same routi n e. Global storage may be created as local storage at some level, and a pOinter reg ister (usually U) used to pOi nt at this area. Th is register is passed u nchanged i n al l subrouti n es, and may be used to i ndex i nto the global area. 4.1.3 REENTRANCY/RECURSION. Many programs w i l l eventually i n volve execution in an i nterrupt-driven envi ronment. If the i nterrupt handlers are com plex, they m ight wel l cal l the same routine wh ich has just been interrupted. Therefore, to protect present programs against certai n obsolescence, al l programs should be written to be reentrant. A reentrant routine allocates d ifferent local variable storage u pon each entry. Th us, a later entry does not destroy the processing associated wit h an earl ier entry. The same tec h n i que wh ich was implemented to allow reentrancy also allows recursion . A recursive routine i s defined as a routine that cal l s itself. A recu rsive routine might be written to simplify the solution of certai n types of problems, especially those wh ich have a data structure whose elements may themselves be a structure. For exam ple, a paren thet ical equat ion represents a case where the expression i n parenthesis may be con sidered to be a val ue wh ich is operated on by the rest of the equation. A programmer m ight choose to write an expression evaluator passing the parenthetical expression (which m i g ht also contain parenthetical expressions) i n the call, and receive back the retu rned value of th e expression wit h i n th e parenthesis. 4.2 M8809 CAPABILITIES The followi ng paragraphs briefly explain how the MC6809 is used with the programmi ng tech n i ques mentioned earl ier. 4.2.1 MODULE CONSTRUCTION. A module can be defined as a log ically self-contained and discrete part of a larger program. A properly constructed mod u l e accepts well defi n e d inputs, carries o u t a set o f processing actions, a n d produces a specified output. The u se of parameters, local storage, and g lobal storage by a program mod u l e is g iven i n the followi ng paragraphs. Si nce reg isters wi ll be used i nside the mod u l e (essentially a form of local storage), the f i rst thing that is usually done at entry to a mod ule is to push (save) them on to the stack. This can be done with one i n struction (e.g., PSHS Y, X, B, A). After the body of the mod ule is executed, the saved registers are collected, and a subro ut i n e retu rn i s performed, at o n e time, by p u l l i ng the program counter from t h e stack (e.g., PULS A,B,X,Y,PC). 4-2 Parameters. Parameters may be passed to or from modu l es eith er i n reg i sters, if they will provi de sufficient storage for parameter passage, or on the stack. If parameters are passed on the stack, they are placed there before call ing the lower level modu l e. The called modu l e is then written to use local storage i n s i de the -stack as n eeded (e.g., ADDA offset,S). Notice that the requ i red offset consists of the n u mber of bytes pushed (upon entry), plus two from the stacked return address, plus the data offset at the t i me of the call. Th is value may be calculated, by hand, by drawing a "stack pictu re" d i ag ram representi n g module entry, and assi g n i n g conven i ent mnemonics to these offsets with the assembler. Returned parameters replace those sent to the routi ne. If more parameters are to be returned on the stack than would normal ly be sent, space for the i r return is allocated by t h e call ing rout i n e before t h e act ual call (i f four additional bytes are to be returned, the caller wou l d execute LEAS -4,S to acqu i re the additional storage). Local Storage. Local storage space is acqu i red from the stack wh i le the present rout i n e is executing and then returned to the stack prior to exit. The act of push i ng reg isters which w i l l be used in later calcu l ations essentially saves those regi sters i n tem porary local storage. Add itional local storage can easi ly be acqu i red from the stack e.g., executing LEAS -2048,S acqu i res a buffer area ru n n i ng from the O,S to 2047,S i nclusive. Any byte in this area may be accessed d i rectly by any instruction which h as an i ndexed addresing mode. At the en d of the routi ne, the area acqu ired for local storage is released (e.g., LEAS 2048,S) prior to the fi nal pull . For c l eaner prog rams, local storage should be allocated at entry to the module and released at the exit of the module. Global Storage. The area requ i red for global storage is also most effecti vely ac qu i red from the stack, probably by the h ighest level routi ne in the standard package. Although this is local storage to the highest level routine, it becomes "global" by posi tion i ng a reg ister to poi nt at this storage, (someti mes referred to as a stack mark) then establishing the convention that all modu les pass that same pOi nter val u e when cal l i ng lower level modu les. I n practice, it i s conve n ient to leave this stack mark reg i ster u n changed i n all modules, especially if g lobal accesses are common. The highest level routi n e in the standard package would execute the fol lowing sequence u pon ent ry (to i n itialize t h e g lobal area): PSHS U h i gh er level mark, i f any TFR S,U n ew stack mark LEAS -1 7,U a l locate global storage Note that the U register now defines 1 7-bytes of locally allocated (permanent) g lobals (which are -1 ,U through -17,U) as well as oth er external globals (2,U and above) which have been passed on the stack by the routi n e which called the standard package. Any global may be accessed by any modu l e usi n g exact l y the same offset value at any l evel (e.g., ROL, RAT,U; where RAT EaU -1 1 h as been defi ned). Furthermore, the values stack ed prior to i n voki ng the standard package may i nclu de pOi nters to data or I /O peri pherals. Any i n dexed operat ion may be performed i n dexed i n di rect through those pOi nters, which means, for example, that the module n eed know noth i n g about the actual hardw are con f i gu rat ion, except that (upon ent ry) the pOi nter to an I/O register has been placed at a gi ven location on the stack. 4-3 4.2.2 POSITION·INDEPENDENT CODE. Position-independent code means that the same machine lang uage code can be placed anywhere in memory and sti l l function correctly. The M6809 has a long relative (16-bit offset) branch mode along with the com mon MC6800 branches, p l u s program-counter rel at ive addressi ng. Program-counter rel ative addressing u ses the program counter l i ke an i ndexable reg ister, which allows all instruc tions that reference memory to also reference data rel ative to the program counter. The M6809 also h as load effect ive add ress (LEA) i n st ructions which al low the user to pOi nt to data in a ROM in a position-independent man ner. An i mportant rule for generat i n g position-independent code is: NEVER USE ABSOLUTE ADDRESSI NG. Program-cou nter relative addressing on the M6809 is a form of i ndexed addressing that uses the prog ram cou nter as the base reg ister for a constant-offset i ndexi ng operation. However, the M6809 assembler treats the PCR address field differently from that used in other i ndexed instructions. I n PCR addressing, the assembly t i me location val ue i s sub tracted from the (con stant) value of the PCR offset. The resulting distance to the desi red symbol is the val ue placed i nto the machine language object code. During execution, the processor adds the value of the run time PC to the d i stance to get a posit ion-independent absol ute add ress. The PCR indexed add ressing form can be used to poi nt at any locat ion relati ve to the pro g ram regard l ess of position in memory. The peR form of i ndexed addressing al lows ac cess to tables with i n the program .s pace in a position-independent manner via use of the load effective address instruction. I n a program which is completely position-i nd$pendent, some absol ute locations are usual ly requi red, particularly for I /O. If the locations of I /O devices are placed on the stack (as g lobals) by a small set u p rout ine before the standard package Is invoked, all in ternal mod ules can do their I /O through that pOi nter (e.g., STA [ACIAD, UD, al lowing the hardware to be eas i ly changed, i f desi red . Only the Single, smal l , and obvious set u p rout ine need b e rewritten for each different hardware confi g u rat ion. Global, permanent, and temporary values need to be eas i ly available in a position i ndependent manner. Use the stack for this data s i nce the stacked data is d i rectly ac cessible. Stack the absol ute address of I /O devices before cal l ing any standard software package s i nce the package can use the stacked addresses for I /O in any system. The LEA instructions al low access to tables, data, or i mmediate val ues i n the text of the program in a position-i ndependent manner as shown i n the fol lowing example: MSG1 LEAX LBSR MSG1 , PCR PDATA FCC IPRI NT THIS !I 4-4 Here we wish to pOint at a message to be pri nted from the body of the program. By writing "MSG1 , peR" we s i gnal the assembler to compute the distance between the pre sent address (the address of the LBSR) and MSG1 . Th is resu lt is inserted as a constant i nto the LEA instruction which wi l l be indexed from the program counter value at the t i me of execution. Now, no matter where the code i s located, when i t is executed the com p uter offset from the program cou nter wi ll poi nt at MSG1 . Th is code is position i n dependent. It is common to use space in the hardware stack for temporary storage. Space is made for temporary variables from O,S through TEMP-1 , S by decrement i n g the stack pOi nter equal to the len gth of requ i red storage. We could u se: LEAS -TEMP,S. Not only does this facil itate position-i ndependent code but i t is structured and helps reentrancy and recursion. A program that can be executed by several d ifferent users shari n g the same copy of it in memory is called reentrant. Th is is i mportant for i n terrupt driven systems. This method saves considerable memory space, especi a l ly with l arge i nterrupt routi nes. Stacks are requ i red for reentrant programs, and the M6809 can su pport up to four stacks by usi n g the X and Y i ndex registers as stack poi nters. 4.2.3 REENTRANT PROGRAMS. Stacks are simple and convenient mechanisms for generati n g reentrant programs. Subrouti nes wh ich use stacks for pass i n g parameters and results can be easily made to be reentrant. Stack accesses use the i ndexed addressing mode for fast, efficient execu tion. Stack addressi n g is qu ick. Pure code, or code that is not self-modifying, is mandatory to produce reentrant code. No i nternal i nformation within the code Is subject to modification . Reentrant code never has i nternal tem porary storage, is sim pler to debug, can be placed i n ROM, and must be i nter ruptable. 4.2.4 RECURSIVE PROGRAMS. A recu rsive program is one that can call itself. They are quite conven ient for parsing mechanisms and certain arithmetic functions such as com puting factorials. As with reentrant programmi ng, stacks are very usef u l for this techni que. 4.2.5 LOOPS. The usual structured loops (i.e., REPEAT ... UNTIL, WHI LE ... DO, FOR ... , etc.) are avai lable In assembly language i n exactly the same way a h i gh-level language com piler cou ld translate the construct for execution on the target machine. Using a FOR...NEXT loop as an example, it is possi ble to p ush the loop count, i ncrement value, and termi nation val ue on the stack as variables local to that loop. On each pass through the loop, the worki ng register is saved, the loop count picked up, the increment added i n , a n d t h e resu lt compared to t h e termi nation value. Based o n t h i s comparison, t h e loop counter might be u pdated, the worki n g register recovered and the loop resumed, or the workin g register recovered and the loo p variables de-allocated. Reasonable macros 4-5 cou ld m ake the sou rce form for loop trivial , even i n assembly l an guage. Such m acros might red uce errors resu lt i n g from the u se of m u lt i ple i n structions sim ply to i m pl ement a standard control structure. 4.2.6 STACK PROGRAMMING. Many microprocessor applications requ i re data stored as cont i n g uous pieces of i nformation i n memory. The data may be temporary, that is, sub ject to change or it may be permanent. Tem porary data w i l l most li kely be stored in RAM. Permanent data w i ll most l i kely be stored i n ROM. It i s i m portant to al low the main program as well as su brouti nes access to this block of data, especially if arg uments are to be passed from the mai n program to the subrouti nes and vice versa. M6809 Stacking Operations. Stack pOi nters are markers which poi nt to the stack and its i nternal contents. Although a l l fou r i ndex reg i sters may be used as stack regi sters, the S (hardware stack pointer) and the U (user stack pOi nter) are generally preferred because the push and pull instructions apply to these regi sters. Both are 16-bit i ndexable registers. The processor uses the S reg i ster automatically d u ring i nterrupts and subroutine cal ls. The U register is free for any purpose needed. It i s not affected by i nterrupts or subroutine cal ls i mplemented by the hardware. Either stack poi nter can be specified as the base address in i ndexed addreSSi ng. One u se of the i n d i rect addressing mode uses stack poi nters to al low addresses of d ata to be passed to a subrouti n e on a stack as argu ments to a subrouti n e. The subroutine can now reference the data with one instruction. Hi gh-level language cal l s that pass argu ments by reference are now more efficiently coded. Also, each stack push or pull operation in a program u ses a post byte wh ich specifies any register or set of regi sters to be pushed or p u lled from either stack. With this option, the overhead associated with subroutine call s i n both assembl y a n d high-level language program s i s greatly decreased. I n fact, with the large n u m ber of i n st ructions that use autoincrement and autodecrement, the M6809 can em u l ate a true stack computer architectu re. Using the S or U stack poi nter, the order i n which the reg isters are pushed or pu l led i s shown i n Figure 4-1. Not ice that w e push "onto" the stack towards decreas i n g memory locations. The program cou nter is pushed fi rst. Then the stack poi nter is decremented and the "other" stack pOi nter is pushed onto the stack. Decrement i ng and stori ng con t i n ues u nt i l all the reg isters requested by the postbyte are pushed onto the stack. The stack pOi nter pOi nts to the top of the stack after the push ope ration. The stacki n g order i s specified by the processor. The stacki ng order is identical to the order used for all hardware and software i nterrupts. The same order is used even if a subset of the reg i sters i s p ushed. Without stacks, most modern block-structured h i gh -level languages would be c um ber some to i m plement. Subroutine l i n kage is very i m portant in h i g h-level language genera tion. Paragraph describes how to use a stack mark pOi nter for this i m portant task. 4-6 Good prog rammi ng pract ice dictates the use of the hardware stack for temporary storage. To reserve space, decrement the stack poi nter by the amount of storage re qu i red with the i n struction LEAS -TEMPS, S. Th i s instruction makes space for tem porary variables from 0,5 through TEMPS -1,5. Memory =R · Stack Pointer After Stacking ... } } } } CC A B DP - X.H - X.L - .Y .H - Y. L U . H or S .H - � U . L or S . L . - PC.H - PC. L Stack Pointer .. Before Stacking . · · } } } } Condition Code Register Contents A Accumu lator Contents B �ccumulator Contents Direct Page Register Contents X Contents Y Contents Other Stack Pointer Contents P rogram Counter Contents . Figure 4·1 . Stacking Order Subroutine Linkage. In the h ighest level routi ne, global variables are someti mes considered to be local. Therefore, global storage is al located at this poi nt, but access to these same variables requ ires different offset val ues dependi ng on s u brouti n e dept h . Because subroutine depth chan ges dynamically, the length may not b e known beforehan d . Th is problem is solved by ass i g n i ng one pOi nter (U will be u sed i n the fol low ing descri ption, but X or Y could also be used) to "mark" a location on the hardware stack by using the instruct ion TFR S,U. If the prog rammer does this i mmediately prior to allocating g lobal storage, then all variables will then be available at a constant n egat i ve offset location from this stack mark. I f the stack i s marked after the g lo bal variables are 4-7 al located, then the g lobal variables are avai lable at a constant positive offset from U . Reg ister U is then cal led the stack mark pOi nter. Recall that the hardware stack poi nter m ay be modi fied by hardware i nterrupts. For this reason, i t i s fatal to use data referred to by a negative offset with respect to the hardware stack pOi nter, S. If more than two stacks are needed, autoincrement and autodecrement mode of addressi n g can be used to gen erate addi ti onal software stack pOi n ters. Software Stacks. The X, Y, and U i n dex regi sters are qu i te useful i n loops for i ncrementi ng and decremen t i ng pu rposes. Th e pOi nter is used for searching tables and also to move data from one area of memory to another (block moves). Th is auto i ncrement and autodecremen t feature i s available i n the i ndexed addressi ng mode of the M6809 to fac i l itate such opera t ions. In autoi ncrem ent, the value contained i n the i ndex reg i st er (X or Y, U or S) is used as the effective address and then the reg ister i s i nc remen ted (post i ncremen ted). I n autodecre ment, the i n dex reg i ster is f i rst decremented and then used to obtai n the effecti ve ad d ress (predecremented). Postincremen t or predecrement is always performed in this ad d ressing mode. Th i s is equ i valent in operation to the push and p u l l from a stack. Th i s equ i valence allows the X and Y i n d ex reg i sters to be used a s software stack pOi n ters. The i ndexed addressi ng mode can a l so i mplement an extra level of post i n di rection. Thi s feature supports parameter and pOi nter operations. Real t i me programmi ng requ ires special care. Someti mes a peri pheral or task demands an i mmediate response from the processor, other t i mes it can wait. Most real t i me app l i cat ions are demanding in t erms of processor response. 4.2.7 REAL TIME PROGRAMMING. A common solution is to use the i n terru pt capab i l i ty of the processor in solvi ng real ti me p roblems. I nterru pts mean just that; they request a break i n the cu rrent sequence of events to solve an asynch ronous service request. The system designer must consider all vari at ions of the conditions to be encountered by the system i n c l u ding software i nterac t ion w i th i n terrupts. As a resu lt, probl ems d u e to software design are more common in i n terrupt i mplementation code for real t i me programmi ng than most other situations. Soft ware timeou ts, h ardware i nterrupts, and program control i n terru pts are typically used i n solving real t i m e prog ramming problems. 4.3 PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION Common sense dictates that a wel l docu mented prog ram is mandatory. Comments are needed to explai n each g roup of i nstructions si nce thei r use i s not always obvious from l ooking at the code. Program bou n daries and branch i n structions n eed full clarificatio n . Consider the fol lowing pOi nts when writi n g comments: u p-to-date, acc uracy, com pl eteness, conciseness, and u n derstandab i l ity. 4-8 Accu rate docu mentation enables you and others to maintai n and adapt programs for u p dat i n g and/or addi tional use with other programs. The follow i n g program documentation standards are suggested. A) Each su broutine should have an associated header block contain i n g at least the followi n g elements: 1 ) A full specification for th is subroutine - includi n g associated data struc tures - such that replacement code cou l d be generated from this descri ption alone. 2) All usage of memory resou rces must be defi ned, i nclu ding: a) Al l RAM needed from temorary (local) storage used duri ng exec ution of this subroutine or called subrouti nes. b) All RAM needed for permanent storage (used to transfer values from one execution of the subrout i n e to future executions). c) All RAM accessed as global storage (used to transfer values from or to h i gher-level subroutines). d) All possible exit-state conditions, if these are to be used by calli n g routines t o test occurrences i nternal to t h e subrouti ne. B) Code i nternal to each subrout ine shou l d h ave sufficient associated li ne com ments to help i n u n derstandi ng the code. C) All code must be non-self-modifying and position-i n dependent. D) Eac h su broutine which i nclu des a loop m ust be separately documented by a flowchart or pseudo h i gh-level language algorithm. E) Any modu le or su broutine should be executable start i n g at the fi rst locat ion and exit at the last location. 4.4 I N STRUCTION SET The complete i n struction set for the M6809 is gi ven in Table 4-1. Table 4·1 . Instruction Set Description Instruction ABX Add Accumulator B into Index Register X ADC Add with Carry into Register ADD Add Memory into R egister AND logical A N D Memory into Register ASl Arithmetic Shift left ASR Arithmetic Shift R ight BCC Branch on Carry Clear BCS Branch on Carry S et BEQ Branch on Equal BGE Branch on Greater Than or Equal to Zero BGT Branch on Greater BH I Branch if H igher BH S Branch if H igher or S ame BIT Bit Test BlE Branch if less than or Equal to Zero 4-9 Table 4·1. Instruction Set (Continued) Instruction Description B LO Branch on Lower B LS Branch on Lower or Same B LT Branch on Less than Zero BMI Branch on Minus BNE Branch N ot Equal BPL Branch on Plus BRA Branch Always BRN Branch Never BSR Branch t o Subroutine BVC Branch on Overflow Clear BVS B ranch on Overflow Set CLR Clear CMP Compare Memory from a Register COM Complement CWAI Clear CC bit's and Wait for Interrupt DAA Decimal Addition Adjust D EC Decrement EOR Exclusive OR EXG Exchange Registers INC I ncrement J MP J ump JSR J ump to Subroutine LD Load Register from Memory LEA Load Effective Address LSL Logical Shift Left LS R Logical S hift Right MU L Multiply N EG Negate NOP No Operation OR Inclusive OR Memory into Register PSH Push Registers PUL Pull Registers ROL Rotate Left ROR Rotate Right RTI Return from Interrupt RTS Return from Subroutine SBC S ubtract with Borrow S EX Sign Extend ST Store Register into Memory SUB Subtract Memory from Register SWI Software I nterrupt SYNC Synchronize t o External Event TFR Transfer Register to Register TST Test 4-10 The instruction set can be functional ly divi ded i n to five categories. They are: 8-Bit Accumulator and Memory Instructions 16-Bit Accumulator and Memory I nstructions I ndex Reg ister/Stack Pointer I nstructions Branch Instructions Miscellaneous I nstructions Tables 4-2 th rough 4-6 are l isti n gs of the M6809 instructions and th eir variations grouped i nto the five categories l isted. Table 4·2. 8·Bit Accum ulator and Memory Instructions Description Instruction ADCA, ADCB Add memory to accumulator with carry ADDA, A D D B Add memory t o accumulator AN DA, A N D B And memory with accumulator ASL, A S LA , A S L B Arithmetic shift of accumulator or memory left A S R , A S R A , AS R B Arithmetic shift o f accumulator o r memory right BITA, BITB Bit test memory with accumulator CLR, CLRA, C L R B Clear accumulator or memory location CMPA, CMPB Compare memory from accumulator COM, COMA, COMB Complement accumulator or memory location DAA Decimal adjust A accumulator DEC, D ECA, DECB Decrement accumulator or memory location EO R A , EO R B Exclusive o r memory with accumulator EXG R l , R 2 Exchange R l with R 2 ( R l , R2", A, B, CC, DP) I N C, I N CA, INCB I ncrement accumulator or memory location LOA, LOB Load accumulator from memory LSL, LSLA, LSLB Logical shltt lett accumulator or memory location LS R , L S R A , L S R B Logical shift right accumulator o r memory location MUL U nsigned multiply ( Ax B-D) N E G , N EG A , N EG B Negate accumulator o r memory ORA, O R B O r memory with accumulator ROL, R O LA, R O L B Rotate accumulator or memory left ROR, RORA, RORB Rotate accumulator o r memory right S BCA, S BCB Subtract memory from accumulator with borrow STA, S T B Store accumulator to memroy S U BA, S U B B S ubtract memory from accumulator TST, TSTA, TSTB Test accumulator or memory location TFR R l , R2 Transfer Rl to R2 ( R l , R2",A, B, CC, D P ) NOTE: A, B, C C , or D P may b e pushed t o (pulled from) either stack with P SH S , PS HU ( P U LS , P U LU ) instructions. 4·11 Table 4·3. 16·Bit Accumulator and Memory Instructions Description Instruction ADDD Add memory t o D accumulator CMPD Compare memory from D accumulator EXG D, R Exchange D with X, y, S, U, or PC LDD Load D accumulator from memory S EX Sign Extend B accum ulator into A accumulator STD Store D accum ulator to memory SUBD Subtract memory from D accumulator ... TFR D, R Transfer D to X, Y, S, U, or P C TFR R , D Transfer X, Y, S , U, or PC to D NOTE: D may be pushed (pulled) to either stack with PSHS, PSHU ( P U LS, P U L U ) instructions. Table 4·4. Index/Stack Pointer Instructions Instruction Description CMPS, CMPU Compare memory from stack pointer C M PX, C M P Y Compare memory from index register EXG R 1 , R2 Exchange D, x, Y, �, U or PC Wltn D, x, Y, 5, U or PC LEA S , LEAU Load effective address into staCk·pointer LEAX, LEAY Load effective address into index register LDS, LDU Load stack pointer from memory LDX, LDY Load index register from memory PSHS Push A, B, CC, DP, D, X, Y, U, or P C onto hardware stack P SH U Push A, B, CC, D P , D , X, Y , X , or PC onto user stack P U LS Pull A, B, CC, DP, D, X, Y, U, or PC from hardware stack P U LU Pull A, B, CC, DP, D, X, Y, S, or PC; from hardware stack STS, STU Store stack pointer to memory STX, STY Store index register to memory TFR R 1 , R2 Transfer D, X, Y, S, U, or PC to D, X, Y, S, U, or PC ABX Add B accumulator to X ( unsigned) 4·1 2 Table 4·5. Branch Instructions Instruction I Description SIMPLE BRANCHES B EQ, lBEQ B ranch if equal B N E, l B N E B ranch i f not equal B M I, l B M I B ranch i f minus B Pl,lBPl B ranch if plus BCS, lBCS B ranch if carry set BCC, lBCC Branch if carry clear BVS, lBVS Branch if overflow set BVC, lBVC Branch if overflow clear BGT, lBGT B ranch if greater (signed) SIGNED BRANCHES BVS, lBVS B ranch if invalid twos complement result B G E, l B G E B ranch i f greater t h a n or equal (signed) BEQ, l B EQ B ranch if equal B N E, l B N E B ranch i f n o t equal B lE, lBlE B ranch if less than or equal (Signed) BVC, lBVC B ranch if valid twos complement result B lT,l B lT B ranch if less than (Signed) B H I ,l B H I B ranch i f higher ( unsigned) B CC, lBCC B ranch if higher or same ( unsigned) B H S,lB H S B ranch i f higher or same ( unsigned) UNSIGNED BRANCHES B EQ, lBEQ B ranch if equal B N E, l B N E B ranch i f n o t equal B lS, lBlS B ranch if lower or same ( unsigned) BCS, lBCS B ranch if lower ( unsigned) B lO, lBlO Branch if lower (unsigned) B S R, lBSR B ranch to subroutine BRA,lBRA B ranch always BRN, lBRN B ranch never OTHER B RANCHES Table 4·6. Miscellaneous Instructions Instruction ANDCC Description A N D condition code register CWAI AND condition code register,then wait for interrupt NOP N o operation ORCC OR condition code register JMP Jump JSR Jump to subroutine RTI Retum from interrupt RTS Retum from subroutine SWI, SWI2, SWI3 Software interrupt (absolute indirect) SYNC Synchron ize with interrupt line 4-13/4-14 APPENDIX A INSTRUCTION SET DETAILS A.1 INTRODUCTION This appendix contains detailed information about each instruction in the MC6809 in struction set. They are arranged i n an alphabetical order with the mnemonic head ing set in larger type for easy reference. A.2 NOTATION I n the operation description for each instruction, symbols are used to indicate the opera tio n . Table A-1 l ists these symbols and their meanings. Abbreviations for the various registers, bits, and bytes are also used . Table A-2 l ists these abbreviations and their meani ngs. Table A·1. Operation Notation � Meaning Is transferred to A Boolean A N D V Boolean O R • Boolean exclusive O R (Overlinel Boolean NOT Concatenation + Arithmetic plus X Arithmetic multiply Arithmetic minus A-1 Table A·2. Register Notation Abbreviation Meaning ACCA or A Accumulator A ACCB or B Accumulator B ACCA:ACCB or 0 Double accumulator 0 ACCX Either accumulator A or B CCR or CC Condition code register D P R or DP Direct page register EA Effective add ress I FF If and only if IX or X I ndex register X I Y or Y I ndex register Y LSN Least significant nibble M Memory location MI Memory immediate MSN M ost significant nibble PC Program counter R A register before the operation R' A register after the operation TEMP Temporary storage location xxH Most signifcant byte of any 16-bit register xxL Least significant byte of any 1 6-bit register Sp or S Hardware Stack pointer Us or U User Stack pointer P A memory argument with Immediate, Di rect,Extended, and Indexed addressing modes Q A read-modify-write argument with Direct, I ndexed, and Extended addressing modes ( ) The data pointed to by the enclosed ( 1 6-bit address) dd �bit branch offset DODD 16-bit branch offset I Immediate value follows $ Hexadecimal value follows [ 1 I ndirection I ndicates indexed addressing A-2 ABX Add Accumulator B into Index Register X ABX Source Form: ABX Operation: IX' - IX + ACCB Condition Codes: Not affected . Description: Add the a·bit unsigned val ue in acc u m u l ator B i nto i ndex reg ister X. Addressing Mode: I nherent A·3 ADC Add with Carry into Register Source Forms: ADCA P; ADCB P Operation: R' - R + M + C Condition Codes: H N Z V C - - - - - Set Set Set Set Set if if if if if A DC a half-carry is generated ; cl eared otherwise. the result is negat ive; c leared ot herwise. the result i s zero; c l eared otherwise. an overflow is generated ; cleared ot herwise. a carry i s generated ; cleared otherwise. Description: Adds the contents of the C (carry) bit and the memory byte i nto an 8-bit acc u m u l ator. Addressing Modes: I mmed i ate Extended Di rect Indexed A-4 A D D (8- Bit) Add Memory into Register Source Forms: ADDA P; ADDB P Operation: R' - R + M Condition Codes: H - N - Z V C - - - Set Set Set Set Set if if if if if AD D (8- Bit) a half-carry i s generated ; c leared otherwise . the resu lt i s negative; cleared otherwise. the resu lt i s zero; cleared otherwise. an overflow is generated; c leared otherwise. a carry is generated; cleared otherwise. Description: Adds the memory byte i nto an a-bit acc u m u l ator. Addressing Modes: I m mediate Extended Di rect I ndexed A-5 A D D (16-Bit) Add Memory into Register Source Forms: ADDD P Operation: R' - R + M : M + 1 AD D (16-Bit) Condition Codes: H N Z V C - Description: Adds the 1 6·bit memory val ue into the 1 6·bit acc u m u l ator N ot affected . Set if the resu lt is negative; cl eared ot herw i se. Set if the result is zero; cl eared otherwise. Set if an overflow is generated ; cl eared otherwise. Set if a carry is generated ; cleared ot herwise. Addressing Modes: I mmed iate Extended D i rect I ndexed A·6 AN D Logical AN D Memory into Regi ster AN D Source Form s: A N DA P; AN DB P Operation: R' - RAM Condition Codes: H N Z V C - Description: Performs the logical AN D operat ion between t h e contents of an ac· c u m u l ator and the contents of memory locat ion M and the result i s stored i n t h e acc u m u l ator. N ot affected . Set if the resu lt is negat ive; cleared otherw i se. Set if the resu lt is zero; c l eared ot herwise. Always c leared . N ot affected . Addressing Modes: I m m ed i ate Extended D i rect I ndexed A·7 AN D Logical AND Immediate Memory Into Condition Code Register AN D Source Form: A N DCC #xx Operation: A' - AA MI Condition Codes: Affected accord ing to the operation. Description: Performs a logical AN D between the cond ition code reg ister and the i m med i ate byte specified in the i n struction and places the result in the condition code reg ister. Addressing Mode: I mmed i ate A-a ASL Arithmetic Shift Left Source Forms: AS L Q; AS LA; AS LB Operation: c+-I I I I I I I I 1- 0 b7 Condition Codes: Description: H - N - Z - V - C - .. AS L bO Undef ined Set if the result is neg at ive; cleared ot herwise. Set if the result is zero; c l eared otherw i se. Loaded with the res u lt of the exc l usive OR of bits s i x and seven of the ori g i nal o perand . Loaded with bit seven of the ori g inal operan d . Sh i fts a l l bits of the operand one place to the l eft. Bit zero is loaded with a zero. Bit seven is sh i fted into the C (carry) bit. Addressing Modes: I nherent Extended Di rect I ndexed A-9 AS R Source Forms: Operation: Arithmetic Shift Right AS R ASR Q; ASRA; ASRB �""""rl----r � -r- -'Ir---T'I---r-I--'1 -. c b7 - bO Condition Codes: H N Z V C U ndefi ned. Set if the result is negat ive; c leared otherwise. Set if the result is zero; c leared otherw i se. Not affected. Loaded with bit zero of the ori g i nal operand. Description: Shifts al l bits of the operand one pl ace to the right. Bit seven i s held constant. Bit zero i s shifted i nto the C (carry) bit. Addressing Modes: I nherent Extended Direct I ndexed A·1 0 Bee Branch o n Carry Clear Bee Source Forms: BCC dd; LBCC DODD Operation: TEM P - M I I F F C = 0 then PC' - PC + TEM P Condition Codes: Not affected . Description: Tests the state of the C (carry) bit and causes a branch if it is c l ear. Addressing Mode: Rel at ive Comments: Equ ivalent to B H S dd; LBHS DODD A-11 B CS Branch on Carry Set BCS DODD Source Forms: BCS dd; LBCS Operation: TEM P - M I I F F C=1 then PC' - PC + TEM P Condition Codes: Not affected . Description: Tests the state of the C (carry) bit and causes a branch if it is set. Addressing Mode: Relat ive Comments: Eq uivalent to BLO dd; LBLO A-12 DODD B EQ Branch on Equal B EQ Source Forms: B EQ dd; LBEQ DODD Operation: T EM P - M I I F F Z = 1 then PC' - PC + TEM P Condition Codes: N ot affected . Description: Tests the state of the Z (zero) bit and causes a branch if it is set . When used after a su btract or compare operation, this i n struction will branch if the com pared val ues, sig ned or unsig ned, were exact ly the same. Addressing Mode: Relat ive A·1 3 BG E Branch on G reater than or Equal to Zero BG E Source Forms: BG E dd; LBG E DODD Operation: TEM P - M I I FF [NeV1 = O then PC' - PC + TEM P Condition Codes: Not affected . Description: Causes a branch if the N (negat ive) bit and the V (overflow) bit are either both set or both clear. That is, branch if the sign of a val id twos com plement resu lt is, or woul d be, positive. When u sed after a subtract or compare operation on twos com plement val ues, t h i s in struction will branch if the reg i ster was g reater than or eq ual to the memory operand. Addressing Mode: Rel at ive A-1 4 BGT Branch on Greater BGT Source Forms: BGT dd; LBGT DODD Operation: TEM P - M I I FF Z A [N eV] = O then PC' - PC + TEM P Condition Codes: N ot affected . Description: Causes a branch if the N (negative) bit and V (ove rflow) bit are either both set or both clear and the Z (zero) bit is c lear. I n other words, branch if t he s i g n of a val id twos com p lement result is, or wou l d be, posit ive and not zero. When used after a subt ract or com pare opera tion on twos complement val ues, t h i s i nstruction wi l l branch if the reg i ster was g reater than the memory operand. Addressing Mode: Relat ive A-15 BHI Branch if Higher BHI Source Forms: B H I dd; LBH I DODD Operation: TEM P - M I I FF [C v Z] = 0 then PC' - PC + TEMP Condition Codes: Not affected . Description: Causes a branch if the previous operation caused neither a carry nor a zero result. When used after a subtract or compare operat ion on unsigned binary val ues, t h i s instruct ion w i l l branch if the reg ister was h i gher than the memory operand. Addressing Mode: Relative Comments: Generally not usef u l after I NC/DEC, LDITST, and TST/CLR/CO M i n struct ions. A-1 6 BHS Branch if Higher or Same BHS Source Forms: BHS dd ; LBHS DDDD Operation: TEM P - M I I F F C = O then PC' - PC+M I Condition Codes: Not affected . Description: Tests the state of the C (carry) bit and causes a branch if it is c l ear. When used after a subt ract or com pare on unsigned binary val ues, t h i s i n struct ion w i l l branch if the reg i ster was h i gher than or the same as the memory operand. Addressing Mode: Relat ive Comments: Th i s is a d u p l icate assembly-lang uage m nemonic for the single mach i n e i n st ruction BCC. Generally not useful after I NC/DEC, LD/ST, and TST/CLR/COM instruct ions. A-1 7 B IT Bit Test Source Form: Bit P Operation: TEM P - RAM Condition Codes: H N Z V C Description: BIT - Not affected. - Set if the resu lt is negat ive; cleared otherwise. Set if the res u lt is zero; c leared otherwise. - Always cleared . - Not affected . - Performs the log ical AN D of the contents of accu m u l ator A or B and the contents of memory location M and mod ifies the cond ition codes accord i n g ly. The contents of accu m u l ator A or B and memory locat ion M are not affected . Addressing Modes: Immed iate Extended Di rect I ndexed A·1 8 BlE Branch on Less than or Equal to Zero BlE Source Forms: BlE dd; lBlE DO D D Operation: TEM P-M I I F F Z v [N ED V] = 1 then PC'-PC + TEM P Condition Codes: Not affected . Description: Causes a branch if the exclusive OR of the N (negative) and V (overflow) bits is 1 or if the Z (zero) bit is set . That i s , branch i f the sign of a val id twos com plement result is, or wou ld be, negat ive. When used after a subtract or com pare operation on twos com p l e ment val ues, t h i s i n struct ion wi l l branch if the reg i ster was less than or equal to the memory operand . Addressing Mode: Rel at ive A-19 BlO Branch on Lower BlO Source Forms: BLO dd; LBLO DODD Operation: TEMP - MI I FF C=1 then PC'-PC+TEMP Condition Codes: Not affected. Description: Tests the state of the C (carry) bit and causes a branch if it is set. When used after a su btract or compare on unsigned bin ary val ues, this instruction wil l branch if the register was lower than the memory operand. Addressing Mode: Relative Comments: This is a du plicate assembly-language mnemon ic for the single mach ine instruction BCS. General l y not useful after INC/DEC, LD/ST, and TST/CLR/COM i n structions. A-20 BLS Branch on Lower or Same BLS Source Forms: BLS dd; LBLS DOD D Operation: TEM P - M I I FF (C v Z) = 1 then PC' - PC + TEM P Condition Codes: Not affected. Description: Causes a branch if the previous operat ion caused either a carry or a zero result. When used after a subtract or compare operat ion on u n s i gned binary val ues, t h is i n struction w i l l branch if the reg ister was lower than or the same as the memory operand. Addressing Mode: Relative Comments: Generally not useful after I N C/DEC, LD/ST, and TST/CLR/COM i n structions. A-21 Bll Branch on Less than Zero Bll Source Forms: BLT dd; LBLT DODD Operation: TEMP-MI IFF [NeV]=1 then PC'-PC+TEMP Condition Codes: Not affected. Description: Causes a branch if either, but not both, of the N (negative) or V (overflow) bits is set. That i s, branch if the s i g n of a val i d twos com plement result Is, or would be, negat ive. When used after a s ubtract or compare operation on t wos complement b inary values, t h i s i n struction wi l l branch if the reg ister was less t h a n t h e memory operand. Addressing Mode: Relative A-22 BMI Branch on Minus BMI Source Forms: BM I dd; LBM I DODD Operation: TEM P - M I I FF N =1 then PC' - PC + TEM P Condition Codes: Not affected. Description: Tests the state of the N (negative) bit and causes a branch if set. That is, branch if the sign of the tw os com plem ent result is negative. Addressing Mode: Relative Comments: When u sed after an operation on signed binary values, this i n struc tion w i l l branch if the resu lt is m i n us. It is general ly preferred to use the LBLT i nstruction after sig ned operations. A-23 BN E Branch Not Equal BNE Source Forms: B N E dd; LBN E DODD Operation: TEM P - M I I FF Z = O then PC' - PC + TEM P Condition Codes: N ot affected . Description: Tests the state of the Z (zero) bit and causes a branch if it is c lear. When used after a subtract or com pare operation on any binary val ues, this instruction w i l l branch i f the reg ister is, or would be, not equal to the memory operand. Addressing Mode: Relat ive A-24 BPL Branch o n Plus BP L Source Forms: BPL dd; LBPL DODD Operation: TEM P - M I I FF N = 0 then PC' - PC + TEM P Condition Codes: Not affected . Description: Tests the state of the N (negative) bit and causes a branch if it is clear. That is, branch if the sign of the twos com p lement result i s posit ive. Addressing Mode: Rel ative Comments: When used after an operation on sig ned binary val ues, this i nstruc tion wi l l branch if the resu lt (possibly i nval id) is positive. It is general ly preferred to use the BGE i n struction after sig ned operations. A-25 BRA Branch Always Source Forms: BRA dd; LBRA DODD Operation: TEM P - M I PC' - PC + TEM P Condition Codes: Not affected . Description: Causes an uncond itional branc h . Addressing Mode: Relat ive A·26 B RA B RN Branch Never BRN Source Forms: BRN dd; LBRN DODD Operation: TEM P - M I Condition Codes: N ot affected . Descript ion: Does not cause a branch. Th is i n struction is essent ially a no opera tion, but has a bit pattern logically rel ated to branch always. Addressing Mode: Rel at ive A-27 BSR Branch to Subroutine BSR Source Forms: BSR dd; LBSR DODD Operation: TEM P - M I S P' - SP - 1 , (SP) - PCL S P' - S P - 1 , (S P) - PC H PC' - PC + TEM P Condition Codes: N ot affected . Description: The program counter is pushed onto the stack. The prog ram counter i s then loaded with the sum of the prog ram counter and the offset . Addressing Mode: Relat ive Comments: A ret urn from subroutine (RTS) i n st ruction i s used to reverse this pro cess and m u st be the l ast i n st ruction executed in a subrouti ne. A-28 Bve Branch on Overflow Clear Bve Source Forms: BVC dd; LBVC DODD Operation: TEM P - M I I FF V=O then PC' - PC + TEM P Condition Codes: N ot affected . Description: Tests the state of the V (overflow) bit and causes a branch if it is clear. That is, branch if the twos complement result was val id. When used after an operation on twos complement b i nary val ues, t h i s i n struct ion wi l l branch if there was no overflow. Addressing Mode: Rel at ive A-29 BVS Branch on Overflow Set BVS Source Forms: BVS dd; LBVS DODD Operation: TEM P - M I I FF V = 1 then PC' - PC + TEM P Condition Codes: N ot affected . Description: Tests the state of the V (overflow) bit and causes a branch if it i s set . That is, branch if the twos complement result was i nval id. When us ed after an operation on twos .complement binary val ues, this i n struction w i l l branch if there was an overflow. Addressing Mode: Relat ive A-30 CLR Clear CLR Source Form: CLR a Operation: TEM P - M M - 00 1 6 Condition Codes: H N Z V C Description: Accu m u l ator A or B or memory location M is loaded with 00000000. Note that the EA is read during this operation . - Not affected. Always cleared. Always set. Always cleared. Always cleared. Addressing Modes: I nherent Extended Direct I ndexed A-31 CMP (8-Bit) Compare Memory from Register Source Forms: C M PA P; CM PB P Operation: TEM P - R - � Condition Codes: H N Z V C - - - - - CMP (8-Bit) U ndefi ned. Set if the result is negative; cleared otherwise. Set if the result is zero; cleared otherwise. Set if an overflow is generated ; cleared otherwise. Set if a borrow is generated; cleared otherwise. Description: Com pares the contents of memory locat ion to the contents of the specified reg i ster and sets the appropriate condition codes. N either memory location M nor the specified reg ister is modified . The carry flag represents a borrow and is set to the i nverse of the resulting bi nary carry. Addressing Modes: I mmed iate Extended Di rect I ndexed A-32 CMP (1 6- Bit) Compare Memory from Register CMP (1 6- Bit) Source Forms: C M PD P; CM PX P; CM PY P; CM PU P; CM PS P Operation: TEM P - R Condition Codes: H N Z V C Description: - M:M + 1 - Not affected. - Set if the resu lt is negative; cleared otherwise. Set if the resu lt is zero; cleared otherw i se. - Set if an overflow is generated ; cleared otherwise. - Set if a borrow is generated ; cleared otherwise. - Compares the 1 6-bit contents of the concatenated memory locations M:M + 1 to the contents of the specified reg i ster and sets the ap propriate condition codes. N either the memory locations nor the specified reg ister i s mod ified unless autoincrement or autodecre ment are used . The carry flag represents a borrow and is set to the inverse of the resulting binary carry. Addressing Modes: I m med iate Extended D irect I ndexed A-33 CO M Complement CO M Source Forms: COM Q; COMA; COM B Operation: M ' - 0 + f\f Condition Codes: H N Z V C Description: Replaces the contents of memory location M or accumulator A or B with its log ical com plement . When operat i n g on unsig ned val ues, only BEQ and BN E branches can be expected to behave properly fol lowing a COM i n st ruction . When operat i n g on twos com plement val ues, al l signed branches are avai l able. - Not affected. - Set if the resu lt is negat ive; cl eared otherwise. - Set if the res u lt is zero; cl eared otherw ise. - Atways cleared . - Always set . Addressing Modes: I n herent Extended D i rect I ndexed A·34 CWAI Clear CC bits and Wait for Interrupt CWAI IEl F I H I I I NI I VI C I Source Form: CWAI #$XX Operation: CCR - CCR A M I (Possibly clear masks) Set E (ent i re state saved) SP' - SP - 1 , (SP) - PCL S P' - SP - 1 , (S P) - PCH SP' - SP - 1 , (S P) - USL SP' - SP - 1 , (SP) - USH S P' - SP - 1 , (SP) - IYL SP' - SP - 1 , (S P) - IYH S P' - SP - 1 , (SP) - IXL SP' - SP - 1 , (S P) - IXH SP' - SP - 1 , (SP) - DPR SP' - SP - 1 , (S P) - ACCB SP' - SP - 1 , (S P) - ACCA S P' - SP - 1 , (SP) - CCR Condition Codes: Affected according to the operation . Description: Th i s i nstruction AN Ds an i m med iate byte with the condition code reg i ster which may c l ear the i nterrupt mask bits I and F, stacks the ent i re mac h i n e state on the hardware stack and then looks for an i n terrupt. When a non-masked i nterrupt occurs, no further mac h i ne state informat ion need be saved before vectori ng to the i nterrupt hand l ing routine. Th is i n struction rep l aced the M C6800 CLI WAI se q uence, but does not p l ace the buses in a h igh-impedance state. A Fi"RO' (fast interrupt req uest) may enter its i nterrupt handler with its ent i re mac h i ne state saved. The RTI (return from i nterrupt) i nst ruc tion w i l l automat ical ly ret urn the ent i re machine state after test i n g the E (ent i re) b i t o f t h e recovered cond it ion code reg i ster. Addressing Mode: I m med iate Comments: The fol lowi n g i m med iate values w i l l have the fol low i ng results: F F = enable neither E F = enable 'iRa B F = enable FI RQ AF = enable both z A-35 DAA Decimal Addition Adjust DAA Source Form: DAA Operation: ACCA' - ACCA + CF (M SN):CF(LSN) where CF is a Correct ion Factor, as fol lows: the CF for each n i bble (BCD) d ig it is determ i ned separately, and is either 6 or o . Least Significant N ibble C F(LSN) = 6 I FF 1) C = 1 or 2) LSN > 9 Most Significant N i bble C F(MSN) = 6 I FF 1) C = 1 or 2) M SN > 9 or 3) M SN > 8 and LSN > 9 Condition Codes: H N Z V C Description: The seq uence of a single-byte add i nstruction on acc u m u l ator A (e ither ADDA or ADCA) and a fol lowi ng dec i m a l add ition adj u st i n struction resu lts i n a BCD add ition with an appropriate carry bit. Both val ues to be added m u st be i n proper BCD form (each n i bble such that: Os n i bble s 9). M u lt i p l e-precision add ition m ust add the carry generated by this decimal add ition adj u st i nto the next h i g her d i g it d u ring the add operation (A DCA) immed i ately prior to the next dec i m al add it ion adj ust. Addressing Mode: I nherent - N ot affected . Set if the result is negative; cl eared otherwise. Set if the result is zero; c leared otherwise. U ndefi ned . Set i f a carry is generated or if the carry bit was set before the operation; cleared otherwise. A-36 D EC Decrement DEC Source Forms: DEC Q; DECA; DECB Operation: M' - M - 1 Condition Codes: H N Z V C Description: Subtract one from the operand. The carry bit is not affected, thus allowing t h i s instruct ion to be used as a loop counter i n m u lt i ple prec ision com putations. When operat i n g on unsig ned val ues, on ly BEQ and B N E branches can be expected to behave consistently. When operat i ng on twos com plement val ues, al l sig ned branches are available. - N ot affected . Set if the resu lt is negat ive; cleared ot herwise. Set if the result is zero; c leared ot herwise. Set i f the original operand was 1 0000000; c leared ot herwise. N ot affected . Addressing Modes: I n herent Extended Di rect I ndexed A-37 EO R Excl usive O R EO R Source Forms: EO RA P; EO RB P Operation: R' - R ED M Condition Codes: H N Z V C Description: The contents of memory l oc ation M is exc l usive O Red i nto an 8-bit reg i ster. - N ot affected . Set if the result is negative; cleared otherwise. Set if the result is zero; c leared otherw i se. A lways cleared . N ot affected . Addressing Modes: I m med iate Extended D i rect I ndexed A-38 EXG EXG Exchange Registers Source Form: EXG R1 , R2 Operation: R1 - R2 Condition Codes: N ot affected (u n l ess one of the reg i sters is the condition code reg i ster). Description: Exchanges data between two designated reg i sters. Bits 3-0 of the post byte defi ne one reg ister, wh i l e bits 7-4 d efine the other, as fo l lows: OOOO = A:B 0001 = X 001 0 = Y 001 1 = US 01 00 = S P 01 01 = PC 01 1 0 = Undefi ned 01 1 1 = Undefi ned 1 000 = A 1 001 = B 1 0 1 0 = CCR 1 01 1 = DPR 1 1 00 = U ndefi ned 1 1 01 = Undefi ned 1 1 1 0 = Undefi ned 1 1 1 1 = Undefi ned Only l i ke size reg i sters may be exchanged. (8-bit with 8-bit or 1 6-bit with 1 6-bit .) Addressing Mode: I m med iate A-39 INC Increment I NC Source Forms: I N C Q; I N CA; I N CB Operation: M'- M + 1 Condition Codes: H N Z V C Description: Adds to the operand. The carry bit is not affected , thus al low i n g t h i s i n struction to b e used a s a loop counter in m u lt i ple-precision com putat ions. When operating on unsigned val ues, only the BEQ and BN E branches can be expected to behave consistently. When operat i ng on twos com plement val ues, al l sig ned branches are cor rectly avai lable. - N ot affected . Set if the result is negat ive; cleared otherwise. Set if the result is zero; c leared otherwise . Set if the origi nal operand was 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; cl eared otherw i se. N ot affected . Addressing Modes: I nherent Extended Direct I n dexed A-40 JMP J ump Source Form: J M P EA Operation: PC' - EA Condition Codes: N ot affected . Description: Prog ram contro l is transferred to the effect ive address. Addressing Modes: Extended Di rect I ndexed A-41 JMP JSR J ump to Subro utine JSR Source Form: JSR EA Operation: SP' - SP - 1 , (S P) - PC L SP' - SP - 1 , (S P) - PC H PC' - EA Condition Codes: Not affected. Description: Prog ram control is transferred to the effective add ress after stori ng the retu rn address on the hardware stack. A RTS i n st ruction sho u l d b e t h e last executed inst ruct ion o f t h e su brout ine. Addressing Modes: Extended Di rect I ndexed A·42 L D (8- Bit) Load Register from M emory L D (8- Bit) Source Forms: LOA P; LOB P Operation: R' Condition Codes: H N ot affected . N - Set if the l oaded data i s negative; cleared ot herwise. Z Set if the l oaded data is zero; cl eared otherwise. V Always cl eared . C N ot affected . - M - - - - Description: Loads the contents of memory location M i nto the desig nated reg i ster. Addressing Modes: I mmed iate Extended Di rect Indexed A-43 L D (1 6- Bit) Load Register from Memory Source Forms: LOO P; LOX P: LOY P; LOS P; LOU P Operation: R' - M : M + 1 Condition Codes: H N Z V C Description: L D (1 6-Bit) N ot affected . Set if the loaded data is negat ive; c leared otheriwse. - Set if the loaded data is zero; cl eared otherwise. - Always cleared . - N ot affected . - Load the contents of the memory locat ion M : M + 1 i nto the desi gnated 1 6-bit reg i ster. Addressing Modes: I m med iate Extended Di rect I ndexed A-44 LEA L EA Load Effective Address Source Forms: LEAX, LEAY, LEAS, LEAU Operation: R' - EA Condition Codes: H - N ot affected . N - N ot affected . Z - LEAX, LEAY: Set if the resu lt is zero; cl eared otherwise. LEAS, LEAU: Not affected. V - N ot affected . C - N ot affected . Description: Cal c u l ates the effect ive add ress f rom the i ndexed addressi ng mode and pl aces the add ress in an i ndexable reg ister. LEAX and LEAY affect the Z (zero) bit to al low u se of these reg isters as counters and for M C6800 I N XIDEX compat i b i l ity. LEAU and LEAS do not affect the Z bit to al low clean i ng up the stack w h i l e ret u rn i n g the Z bit as a parameter to a cal l i ng routi ne, and also for M C6800 I N SID ES com pat i b i l ity. Addressing Mode: I ndexed Comments: Due to the order i n which effective add resses are calcu lated i nter nal ly, the LEAX, X + + and LEAX, X + do not add 2 and 1 (respective ly) to the X reg ister; but i n stead leave the X reg ister unchanged . Th is also appl ies to the Y, U , and S reg isters. For the expected resu lts, use the faster i nst ruction LEAX 2, X and LEAX 1 , X. Some exam ples of LEA i nstruction uses are g iven in the fol lowi ng table. Instruct ion LEAX LEAX LEAY LEAY LEAU LEAS LEAS LEAX 1 0, X 500, X A, Y 0, Y - 1 0, U - 1 0, S 1 0, S 5, S Operation X + 10 - X X + 500 - X Y+A-Y Y+D-Y U - 10 - U - S - 10 - S S + 10 - S S+5-X A-45 Comment Adds 5-bit constant 1 0 to X Adds 1 6-bit constant 500 to X Add s 8-bit acc u m u l ator to Y Adds 1 6-bit 0 accumulator to Y Subt racts 1 0 from U Used to reserve area on stack Used to 'clean up' stack Transfers as wel l as adds LSL Source Forms: Operation: Logical Shift Left LSL Q; LSLA; LS LB c- I I I I I I I I 1- 0 b7 Condition Codes: H N Z V C Description: LSL - - - - - bO U ndefi ned . Set if the res u lt is negative; cleared otherwise. Set if the res u lt is zero; cl eared otherwise. Loaded with the resu lt of the exc l usive O R of bits six and seven of the original operand. Loaded with bit seven of the origi nal operand . Sh ifts al l bits of accu m u l ator A or B or memory locat ion M one place to the left . Bit zero is loaded with a zero. Bit seven of acc u m u l ator A or B or memory locat ion M is shifted i nto the C (carry) bit. Add ressing Modes: I n herent Extended D i rect I ndexed Comments: Thi s is a d u p l icate assem bly-language mnemonic for the s i n g l e mach ine i n struction ASL. A-46 LS R Source Forms: Operation: Logical Shift Right LS R LS R Q; LS RA; LSRB 0-+1 I I I I I I I 1- c b7 bO Condition Codes: H - N ot affected . N - Always cleared . Z - Set if the result is zero; c leared ot herw i se. V - N ot affected. C - Loaded with bit zero of the orig i nal operand . Description: Performs a logical shift right on the operand . Sh ifts a zero i nto bit seven and bit zero i nto the C (carry) bit. Addressing Modes: I n herent Extended D i rect I ndexed A·47 MUL M ultiply MUL Source Form: MUL Operation: ACCA':ACCB' - ACCA x ACCB Condition Codes: H - N ot N - N ot Z - Set V - N ot C - Set Description: M u lt i p ly the unsigned b i nary n u m bers in the accum u l ators and place the resu lt in both acc u m u l ators (ACCA contai ns the most significant byte of the resu lt). Unsig ned m u lt i ply a l lows m u lt i p l e precision operations. Addressing Mode: I nherent Comments: The C (carry) bit allows rou nding the most-sig nif icant byte t h rough the seq uence: M U L, ADCA #0. affected . affected . if the res u lt is zero; cleared ot herwise. affected . if ACCB bit 7 of resu lt is set; cleared otherwise. A-48 N EG Negate N EG Source Forms: N EG Q; N EGA; N EG B Operation: M'-0 - M Condition Codes: H - U ndefined. N - Set if the result is negat ive; cleared otherw i se. Z - Set if the result is zero; c leared otherwise. V - Set if the orig i nal operand was 1 0000000. C - Set if a borrow is generated ; cleared ot herwise. Description: Rep laces the operand with its twos com plement. The C (carry) bit represents a borrow and is set to the i nverse of the resulting bin ary carry. N ote that 80 1 6 i s replaced by itself and only i n this case i s the V (overflow) bit set . The val ue 00 1 6 is also rep laced by itself, and only i n t h i s case is the C (carry) bit cleared . Addressing Modes: I nherent Extended Di rect A-49 NOP No Operation NOP Source Form: NOP Operation: N ot affected . Condition Codes: This i nstruct ion causes only the prog ram cou nter to be incremented . No ot her reg i sters or memory locations are affected . Addressing Mode: I nherent A-50 OR Inclusive O R Memory into Register Source Forms: O RA P; ORB P Operation: R' Condition Codes: H - N ot affected . N - Set if the resu lt is negat ive; cleared otherwise. Z - Set if the result is zero; cl eared otherw ise. V Always cleared . C - N ot affected . - OR Rv M - Description: Performs an i n c l u sive OR operation between the contents of ac c u m u l ator A or B and the contents of memory locat ion M and the resu lt i s stored in accumulator A or B. Addressing Modes: I mme d iate Extended Di rect I ndexed A-51 OR I nclusive OR Memory Immediate i nto Condition Code Register OR Source Form: ORee #XX Operation: R' - R v M I Condition Codes: Affected according to the operation. Description: Performs an inclusive OR operation between the contents of the cond ition code reg isters and the immed i ate value, and the result is placed in the cond ition code reg ister. This i n struct ion may be used to set i nterrupt masks (d i sable i nterrupts) or an y other bit(s). Addressing Mode: Immed i ate A-52 PS·H S Push Registers on the Hardware Stack Source Form: PSH S PSH S reg ister l i st PSH S # LABEL Post byte: b7 Ipc Operation: b6 IU b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 I Y I X l op I B I A push order- - - - . bO I cc i I FF b7 of post byte set, then: SP' - SP - 1 , SP' - S P - 1 , I FF b6 of postbyte set , then: SP' - SP - 1 , SP' - SP - 1 , I FF b5 of post byte set , then: SP' - SP - 1 , SP' - S P - 1 , I F F b4 of postbyte set , then: SP' - SP - 1 , SP'- SP - 1 , I FF b3 of postbyte set, then: SP' - SP - 1 , I FF b2 of postbyte set, then: SP' - SP - 1 , I FF b 1 of postbyte set, then: SP' - SP - 1 , I F F bO of post byte set, then: SP' - SP - 1 , (SP) - PCL (SP) - PCH (SP) - USL (SP) - USH (SP) - IYL (SP) - IYH (SP) - I X L (SP) - I XH (SP) - DPR (SP) - ACCB (SP) - ACCA (SP) - CCR Condition Codes: Not affected . Description: Al l , some, or none of the p rocessor reg isters are pushed onto the hardware stack (with the exception of the hardware stack pOi nter itself). Addressing Mode: I m med iate Comments: A single reg i ster may be pl aced on the stack with the cond ition codes set by doing an autodecrement store onto the stack (example: STX , - - S). A·53 PSH U Source Form: Push Registers on the User Stack PSH U reg i ster l i st PSH U # LABEL Postbyte: b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 I PC I U I Y I X I D P I B I A push order- - - - -� Operation: PS H U bO I cc I I FF b7 of postbyte set , then: US' - US - 1 , US' - US - 1 , I FF b6 of postbyte set , then: US' - US - 1 , US' - US - 1 , I FF b5 of postbyte set , then: US' - US - 1 , US' - US - 1 , I FF b4 of post byte set , then: US' - US - 1 , US' - US - 1 , I FF b3 of postbyte set , then: US' - US - 1 , I FF b2 of post byte set, then: US' - US - 1 , I FF b1 of postbyte set , then: US' - US - 1 , I FF bO of postbyte set , then: US' - US - 1 , (US) - PCL (US) - PCH (US) - SPL (US)- SPH (US) - IYL (US) - IYH (US) - IXL (US) - IXH (US) - DPR (US) - ACCB (US) - ACCA (US) - CCR Condition Codes: N ot affected . Description: Al l , some, or none of the p rocessor reg isters are pushed onto the user stack (with the except ion of the user stack poi nter itself). Addressing Mode: I m med iate Comments: A s i n gl e reg ister may be p laced on the stack with the condition codes set by doing an autodecrement store onto the stack (exam ple: STX , - - U). A·54 P U LS Source Form : P U LS Pull Registers from the H a rdware Stack PU lS reg ister l i st P U lS #lABEl Postbyte: b7 be b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 bO I pc I U I Y I x l op I B I A I cci ... - - - - - - pu l l order Operation: then: CCR' - (S P), then: ACCA' - (S P), then: ACCB' - (S P), then: OPR' - (SP), then: I X H ' - (S P), I Xl' - (S P), I FF b5 of postbyte set , then: IYH ' - (S P), IYl' - (SP), I FF b6 of post byte set , then: USH' - (SP), USl' - (SP), I F F b7 of post byte set , then: PCH ' - (S P), PCl' - (S P), I FF I FF I FF I FF I FF bO b1 b2 b3 b4 of of of of of post byte postbyte postbyte post byte post byte set , set , set , set , set , SP' - S P + 1 SP' - SP + 1 SP' - SP + 1 SP' - SP + 1 S P ' - SP + 1 SP' - SP + 1 S P' - SP + 1 SP' - SP + 1 S P' - SP + 1 S P' - SP + 1 SP' - SP + 1 SP' - SP + 1 Condition Codes: M ay be p u l led from stack; not affected otherwise. Description: Al l , some, or none of the processor registers are p ulled from the h ardware stack (w ith the exception of the h ardware stack poi nter itself). Addressing Mode: I m med i ate Comments: A single reg i ster may be p u l l ed from the stack with cond ition codes set by doing an auto i ncrement load from the stack (exa m ple: lOX ,S + + ). A-55 PU LU Source Form: Operation: Pull Registers from the User Stack PU lU reg ister l i st PU lU #lASEl Post byte: b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 I PC I U I Y I X I OP I S I A . - - - - - - pu l l order I FF I FF I FF I FF I FF bO b1 b2 b3 b4 of of of of of postbyte postbyte post byte postbyte postbyte P U LU bO I cci set , set , set , set, set , then: CCR' - (US), US' - US + 1 then: ACCA' - (US), US' - US + 1 then: ACCS' - (US), US' - US + 1 then: OPR' - (US), US' - US + 1 then: I XH ' - (US), US' - US + 1 I Xl' - (US), US' - US + 1 I F F b5 of postbyte set , then: IYH' - (US), US' - US + 1 IYl' - (US), US' - US + 1 I FF b6 of postbyte set , then: SPH' - (US), US' - US + 1 SPl' - (US), US' - US + 1 I FF b7 of postbyte set, then: PCH - (US), US' - US + 1 PCl' - (US), US' - US + 1 Condition Codes: May be pul led from stack; not affected otherwise. Description: Al l , some, or none of the processor reg i sters are p u l l ed from the u ser stack (with the exception of the user stack pOi nter itself). Addressing Mode: I mmediate Comments: A single reg i ster may be p u l l ed from the stack with condition codes set by doing an auto i n c rement load from the stack (exam ple: lOX ,U + + ). A-56 RO L Source Forms: Operation: Rotate Left RO L Q; ROLA; RO LB """--"' �....,..-j=r""I ,. �� b7 Condition Codes: RO L 'II(�----.... bO H - N ot affected . N - Set if the result is negat ive; cleared ot herwise. Z - Set if the resu lt is zero; cleared otherwise. V - Loaded with the result of the excl usive O R of bits six and seven of the orig i nal operand. C Loaded with bit seven of the orig i nal operand . - Description: Rotates a l l bits of the operand one place l eft through the C (carry) bit. Th is is a 9-bit rotation. Addressing Mode: I n herent Extended Di rect I ndexed A-57 RO R Rotate Right Source Forms: ROR Q; RO RA; RORB Operation: - I -Y"--'---I�_c_ I � I -b7 -----�. RO R bO Condition Codes: H - Not affected . N - Set i f the result is negat ive; c leared ot herwise. Z - Set i f the result is zero; c l eared ot herw i se. V - Not affected . C - Loaded with bit zero of the previous operand . Description: Rotates al l bits of the operand one place right through the C (carry) bit. Th i s is a 9·bit rotation. Addressing Modes: I n herent Extended Di rect I ndexed A·58 RTI RTI Return from Interrupt Source Form: RTI Operation: CCR' - (S P), SP' - SP + 1 , then I F F CCR bit E is set , then: ACCA' - (S P), ACCS' - (SP), OPR' - (S P), IXH ' - (S P), - (SP), IXL' IYH ' - (SP), IYL' - (S P), USH' - (S P), USL' - (S P), PCH ' - (SP), PCL' - (S P), SP' - SP + 1 SP' - S P + 1 SP' - SP + 1 SP' - SP + 1 SP' - SP + 1 SP' - SP + 1 SP' - SP + 1 SP' - SP + 1 SP' - SP + 1 SP' - SP + 1 SP' - SP + 1 I F F CCR bit E i s c lear, then: PCH ' - (SP), SP' - SP + 1 PCL' - (SP), SP' - SP + 1 Cond ition Codes: Recovered from the stack. Description: The saved mach ine state is recovered from the hardware stack and contro l i s returned to the i nterru pted prog ram . I f the recovered E (en t i re) bit is clear, it i n d icates that only a subset of the machine state was saved (retu rn address and cond ition co des) and only that subset is recovered . Addressing Mode: I n herent A-59 RTS Return from Subroutine RTS Source Form: RTS Operation: PCH ' - (SP), SP' - SP + 1 PCl' - (SP), SP' - SP + 1 Condition Codes: N ot affected . Description: Program control is retu rned from the subrout i ne to the cal l i ng pro g ram. The return address is pul l ed from the stack. Add ressing Mode: I nherent A-60 SBe Subtract with Borrow SBe Source Forms: SBCA P; SBCB P Operation: R' - R Condition Codes: H N Z V C Description: Subtracts the contents of memory locat ion M and the borrow (in the C (carry) bit) from the contents of the designated a·bit register, and places the res u lt i n that reg i ster. The C bit represents a borrow and i s set to the i nverse of the resulting bin ary carry. - - M - C Undefi ned . Set if t h e resu lt is negative; c l eared otherwise. Set if the resu lt is zero; c l eared ot herwise. Set if an overflow is generated; cleared otherwise. Set if a borrow i s generated ; cl eared oth erwi se . Addressing Modes: I mm ed i ate Extended Di rect I ndexed A·61 S EX Sign Extended Sou rce Form: S EX Operation: If bit seven of ACCe is set then ACCA' - F F 1 6 e l se ACCA' - 00 1 6 Condition Codes: H N Z V C SEX - Not affected . - Set if the result is negat ive; cleared otherwise. - Set if the resu lt is zero; cleared otherwise. N ot affected . - N ot affected . - Description: This i nstruction transforms a twos complement 8-bit value i n ac cumulator e i nto a twos com plement 1 6-bit val ue in the 0 ac cumulator. Addressing Mode: I nherent A -62 ST (8-Bit) Store Register· into Memory ST (8-Bit) Source Forms: STA P; STe P Operation: M' - R Condition Codes: H - Not affected . N - Set if the resu lt is negat ive; c leared ot herwise. Z - Set if the result is zero; c leared otherwise. V - Always cl eared . C - Not affected . Description: Writes the contents of an 8·bit reg ister i nto a memory location . Addressing Modes: Extended Di rect I ndexed A-63 8T (1 6-Bit) Store Register Into Memory 8T (1 6-Bi·t ) Source Forms: STD P; STX P; STY P; STS P; STU P Operation: M ':M + 1 ' - R Condition Codes: H N Z V C Description: Writes the contents of a 1 6·bit reg ister i nto two consecutive memory locations. - Not affected . - Set if the result is negative; cleared otherwise. - Set if the resu lt is zero; c leared otherwise. - Always c l eared . - Not affected . Addressing Modes: Extended Di rect I ndexed A-64 SU B (8- Bit) Su btract Memory from Register Source Forms: S U BA P; SUBB P Operation: R' - R Condition Codes: H N Z V C Description: - - - - - - SU B (8- Bit) M U ndefined . Set if the resu lt is negative; c leared otherwise. Set if the result is zero; c leared otherwise. Set if the overflow is generated; c leared otherwise. Set if a borrow is generated; c leared otherwise. Subtracts the value i n memory location M from the contents of a designated 8-bit register. The C (carry) bit represents a borrow and is set to the inverse of the resu lting b i nary carry. Addressing Modes: I m m ed iate Extended Direct I ndexed A-65 S U B (1 6- Bit) Subtract Memory from Register S U B (1 6- Bit) Source Forms: SUBD P Operation: R' - R Condition Codes: H - N ot affected . N - Set if the resu lt is negat ive; cleared otherwise. Z - Set if the resu lt is zero; cleared otherwise. V - Set if the overflow is generated ; cleared otherwise. C - Set if a borrow is generated ; cleared otherw ise. Description: Subtracts the val ue in memory location M :M + 1 from the contents of a designated 1 6-bit reg i ster. The C (carry) bit represents a borrow and is set to the inverse of the resulting binary carry. - M:M + 1 Addressing M odes: I mmed iate Extended Di rect I ndexed A-66 SWI Software Interrupt SWI Source Form: SWI Operation: Set E (enti re state wi l l be saved) SP' - SP - 1 , (S P) - PCL S P' - SP - 1 , (S P) - PCH S P' - SP - 1 , (SP) - USL SP' - SP - 1 , (S P) - USH SP' - S P - 1 , (SP) - IYL SP' - SP - 1 , (SP) - IYH SP' - S P .- 1 , (SP) - IXL SP' - SP - 1 , (SP) - IXH SP' - SP - 1 , (S P) - D P R S P' - SP - 1 , (SP) - ACCB S P' - S P - 1 , (SP) - ACCA S P' - SP - 1 , (SP) - CCR Set I, F (mask i nterru pts) PC' - (FFFA):(FFFB) Condition Codes: N ot affected . Description: Al l of the processor reg i sters are pushed onto the hardware stack (with the exception of the h ardware stack poi nter itsel f), and control is transferred through the software i nterrupt vector. Both the normal and fast i nterrupts are masked (di sabled). Addressing Mode: I nherent A-67 SWI2 Software Interrupt 2 SWI2 Source Form: SWI 2 Operation: Set E (ent i re state saved) S P' - SP - 1 , (SP) - PCL S P' - SP - 1 , (S P) - PCH S P' - S P - 1 , (S P) - USL S P' - SP - 1 , (S P) - USH S P' - SP - 1 , (SP( - IYL S P' - S P - 1 , (SP) - IYH S P' - SP - 1 , (S P) - IXL S P' - SP - 1 , (SP) - IXH S P' - SP - 1 , (SP) - D P R S P' - S P - 1 , (SP) - ACCB S P' - SP - 1 , (SP) - ACCA S P' - SP - 1 , (S P) - CCR PC' - (FFF4):(FFF5) Condition Codes: N ot affected . Description: A l l of the processor reg i sters are pushed onto the hardware stack (with the except ion of the hardware stack pOi n t er itself), and control i s transferred through the software i nterrupt 2 vector. Th i s i nterrupt i s avai l able to the end user and must not be u sed i n packaged soft ware. Th is interru pt does not mask (d isable) the normal and fast in terrupts. Addressing Mode: I n herent A-6 8 SWI 3 Software Interrupt 3 SWI 3 Source Form: SW I 3 Operation: Set E (ent i re state wi l l be saved) SP' - SP - 1 , (SP) - PCl SP' - SP - 1 , (SP) - PCH S P' - SP - 1 , (SP) - USl SP' - SP - 1 , (S P) - USH S P' - SP - 1 , (SP) - IYl S P' - SP - 1 , (S P) - IYH SP' - SP - 1 , (S P) - IXl S P' - SP - 1 , (S P) - IXH SP' - S P - 1 , (S P) - DPR S P' - SP - 1 , (SP) - ACCB S P' - S P - 1 , (SP) - ACCA SP' - SP - 1 , (SP) - CCR PC' - (FFF2):(FFF3) Condition Codes: N ot affected . Description: Al l of the processor reg i sters are pushed onto the hardware stack (with the except ion of the hardware stack poi nter itself), and control i s transferred t h rough the software i nterru pt 3 vector. This i nterru pt does not mask (d i sable) the normal and fast i nterru pts. Addressing Mode: I n h erent A-69 SYN C Synchronize to External Event SYN C Source Form: SYNC Operat ion: Stop processi ng i n structions Condition Codes: N ot affected . Descri ption: When a SYNC i nstruct ion is excuted , the processor enters a syn chron izi ng state, stops processing instructions, and waits for an in terrupt . When an interrupt occ u rs, the synchron izi ng state i s c leared and processing cont i n ues. If the i nterrupt is enabled , and it l asts t h ree cyc les or more, the processor w i l l perform the i nterru pt routine. i f the i nterrupt is masked or i s shorter t h an three cycles, the processor s i mply cont i n ues to the next i nstruct ion. Wh i l e in the syn chronizing state, the add ress and data buses are in the hig h i m pedance state. This i n struction provides software synchronization with a hardware process. Consider the fol lowing exam ple for h i g h-speed acq u i s ition of data: FAST SYNC I nterru pt I LDA STA DECB BNE WAIT F O R DATA DISC ,X + FAST DATA FROM DISC A N D CLEAR I NTERRUPT PUT IN BU FFER COUNT IT, DON E? GO AGA I N I F NOT. The synchron izing state is cleared by any i nterrupt . Of cou rse, enabl ed interrupts at this pOint may destroy the d ata transfer and, as such, shou ld represent only emergency condit ions. The same con nect ion used for i nterrupt-driven I/O service m ay also be used for high-speed data transfers by sett i n g the i nterrupt mask a n d u s i n g the SY N C i n st ruct i o n as t h e above e xa m p l e demonstrates. Add ressing Mode: I n herent A-70 TFR Transfer Register to Register TFR Source Form: TFR R1 , R2 Operation: R1 - R2 Condition Code: N ot affected unless R2 is the cond ition code reg i ster. Descri ption: Transfers data between two designated registers. Bits 7-4 of the postbyte define the sou rce reg i ster, wh i l e bits 3-0 define the dest i na tion reg i ster, as fol lows: OOOO = A:B 0001 = X 001 0 = Y 001 1 = US 01 00 = S P 01 01 = PC 01 1 0 = U ndefi n ed 01 1 1 = U ndefined 1 000 = A 1 00 1 = B 1 01 0 = CCR 1 01 1 = CPR 1 1 00 = U ndefined 1 1 01 = U ndefined 1 1 1 0 = U n defined 1 1 1 1 = U n defined O n ly l i ke size reg isters may be t ransferred . (8-bit to 8-bit, or 1 6-bit to 1 6-bit.) Addressing Mode: I m med i ate A-71 TST Test TST Source Forms: TST Q; TSTA; TSTB Operation: TEM P - M Condition Codes: H N Z V C Description: Set the N (negat ive) and Z (zero) bits accordi ng to the contents of memory location M , and c lear the V (overflow) bit. The TST i n st ruc t ion provides only m i n i m u m i n formation when testing u n s i g ned val ues; si nce no unsigned val ue is less than zero, BlO and B lS have no uti l ity. Wh ile B H I cou l d be used after TST, it provides exactly the same control as BN E, wh i c h i s preferred. The signed branches are avai lable. - - 0 N ot affected . Set if the resu lt is n eg ative; cleared otherw i se. Set if the resu lt is zero; c l eared ot herwise . Always cleared. Not affected . Addressing Modes: I n herent Extended Di rect I ndexed Comments: The M C6BOO processor clears the C (carry) bit. A-72 FI RQ Fast Interrupt Request (Hardware Interrupt) FI RQ Operation: I F F F bit clear, then: S P' - S P - 1 , (S P) - PCL S P' - S P - 1 , (S P) - PCH Clear E (subset state is saved) S P' - S P - 1 , (S P) - CCR Set F, I (mask f u rther i nterru pts) PC' - (FFF6):(FF F7) Condition Codes: Not affected . Description: A F I RQ (fast i nterru pt req uest) with t h e F (fast i nterru pt req uest mask) bit clear causes t h i s i nterru pt sequence to occur at the end of the c u rrent i nstruction. The prog ram cou nter and condit ion code reg i ster are pushed onto the hardware stack. Program control is transferred through the fast i nterrupt req uest vector. An RTI (retu rn from i nterrupt) i n st ruction ret u rns the p rocessor to the ori g i nal task. It is poss i bl e to enter the fast i nterru pt req uest rout ine with the en t i re mach ine state saved if the fast i nterru pt req uest occurs after a c l ear and wait for i nterru pt i nstruction. A normal i nterru pt req uest has lower priority than the fast i nterrupt req uest and is prevented from i nterrupt i ng the fast i nterrupt req uest routi n e by automat ic set t i n g of the I (interrupt req uest mask) bit. Th i s m ask bit could then be reset d u ri n g the i nterrupt rout i ne if priority was not desired. The fast i nterrupt request al lows o perations on m emory, TST, I N C, DEC, etc. i n st ruct ions without the overhead of sav i n g the e nt i re mach ine state on the stack. Addressing Mode: I n herent A-73 I RQ Interrupt Request (Hardware Interrupt) I RQ SP' - S P - 1 , (S P) - PCL SP' - S P - 1 , (S P) - PCH SP' - SP - 1 , (S P) - USL SP' - S P - 1 , (S P) - USH SP' - SP - 1 , (S P) - IYL SP' - S P - 1 , (S P) - IYH SP' - SP - 1 , (S P) - IXL SP' - S P - 1 , (S P) - IXH SP' - SP - 1 , (S P) - DPR SP' - S P - 1 , (S P) - ACCB SP' - SP - 1 , (SP) - ACCA Set E (ent ire state saved) SP' - SP - 1 , (SP) - CCR Set I (mask further I RQ i nterru pts) PC' - (FFF8):(F FF9) Operation: I FF I bit clear, then: Condition Codes: N ot affected . Description: If the I (i nterrupt req uest m ask) bit is clear, a low level on the I RQ i n pu t causes this i nterru pt seq uence to occur at the end of the c urrent i n struction. Control is ret u rned to the i nterru pted prog ram using a RTI (ret urn from i nterrupt) i n st ruction . A FI RQ (fast i nterrupt req uest) may i nterru pt a normal I RQ (interrupt req uest) routi n e and be recogn ized anyt i me after the interru pt vector is take n. Addressing Mode: I n herent A-74 NMI Non·M askable Interrupt (Hardware Interrupt) NMI Ope ration: SP' - SP - 1 , (S P) - PCl S P' - S P - 1 , (S P) - PCH S P' - S P - 1 , (SP) - USl S P' - S P - 1 , (S P) - USH SP' - SP - 1 , (SP) - IYl S P' - S P - 1 , (S P) - IYH S P' - SP - 1 , (SP) - IXl S P' - S P - 1 , (S P) - IXH S P' - S P - 1 , (S P) - OPR S P' - S P - 1 , (SP) - ACCB S P' - SP - 1 , (SP) - ACCA Set E (enti re state save) S P' - SP - 1 , (SP) - CCR Set I, F (mask i nterrupts) PC' - (FF FC):(FFFO) Condition Codes: N ot affected . Description: A negat ive edge on the N M I (non-maskable i nterru pt) i n put causes al l of the processor's reg isters (except the hardware stack poi nter) to be pushed onto the hardware stack, start i n g at the end of the cur rent i n struction. Program control is transferred t h rough the N M I vec tor. Successive negat ive edges on the N M I i n put wi l l cause s u c cessive N M I operations. Non-maskable i nterru pt operat ion can be i nternal ly blocked by a RESET operation and any non-maskabl e i n terrupt that occ urs wi l l b e latched . If t h i s happens, the non maskable i nterru pt operat ion w i l l occu r after the f i rst load i nto the stack poi nter (lOS; TFR r,s; EXG r,s; etc.) after R ESET. Add ressing Mode: I nherent A- 75 R ESTART Restart (H ardware Interrupt) R ESTART Operation: CCR' - X1 X1 XXXX D PR' - 00 1 6 PC' - ( F F F E):(F F F F) Condition Codes: Not affected . Description: The processor is i n itial ized (req u i red after power-on) to start pro g ram exec ution. The start i ng add ress is fetched from the restart vec tor. Addressing Mode: Extended I n d i rect A-76 APPEN DIX B ASSIST09 MON ITOR P ROG RAM B.1 G ENERAL D ESCR I PTION The M6809 i s a h igh-performance microprocessor which supports modern programm i ng techn iques such as position-i ndependent, reentrancy, and mod u l ar programming. For a software mon itor to take advantage of such capabi l ities demands a more refi ned and sophist icated user i nterface than that provided by previous mon itors. ASSIST09 is a monitor which su pports the advanced features that the M 6809 makes possi ble. ASSI ST09 feat ures i n c l ude the fol lowing: • Coded i n a position (address) i ndependent man ner. Wi l l execute anywhere i n the 64K address space. • M u ltiple means avai l able for instal l i n g user modificat ions and extensions. • F u l l com p l ement of commands for prog ram development i nc l uding breakpoi nt and trace. • Sop h i st icated mon itor cal l s for completely address-i ndependent user prog ram ser vices. • RAM work area is located relative to the ASSIST09 ROM , not at a fixed address as with other monitors. • Eas i l y adapted to real-time envi ronments. • Hooks for user command tables, 110 handlers, and default s pecifications. • A com plete user i nterface with services normal ly only seen in f u l l disk operat i n g systems . The concise i n st ruction set o f the M6809 al lows al l o f these functions and more t o be contai ned in only 2048 bytes. The ASSIST09 monitor is easi ly adapted to run u nder control of a real-time operat ing system . A s pecial f unction i s avai lable which a l l ows vol untary t i me-slicing, as wel l a s forced time-sl icing u pon t h e use of several service rout ines b y a user program . B.2 I M PLEM E NTATION REQ U I REM ENTS Since ASSIST09 was coded i n an add ress-i ndependent manner, it wi l l properly execute anywhere in the 64K add ress space of the M 6809. However, an assu m ption must be m ade reg ard i n g the location of a work area needed to hold miscel l aneous variables and the default stack location. Th i s work area is cal l ed the page work area and it is addressed wit h i n ASSIST09 by use of the di rect page reg ister. It is located rel at ive to the start of the B-1 ASSI ST09 ROM by an offset of - 1 900 hexadec i m a l . Assuming ASSI ST09 resides at the top of the memory address space for d i rect contro l of the hardware i nterru pt vectors, the memory map wo u l d appear as shown i n Fig u re B-1 . FFFF A S S I S T09 Base R O M FSOO A S S I S T09 at Top of Memory Map Extension ROM or Other Use User Extension R O M FOOO Un used 2K ( U n used) ESOO PTM / A C I A EOOO Work Pagel S tack Default PTM and ACIA Locations Work Page and Default Stack I DF F F and Down) Figure B-1 . M emory Map If F800 i s not the start of the mon itor RO M the add resses wou l d change, but the rel ative locations would remain the same except for the prog rammable t i mer mod u l e (PTM) and asynchronous com m u n i cat ions i nterface adapter (ACI A) default addresses which are fix ed . The defau lt con sole i n put/output hand lers access an ACIA located at EOO8. For t race commands, a PTM with default add ress EOOO is used to force an N M I so that s i n g l e in structions may be executed . These default add resses may eas i ly be changed using one of several methods. The conso l e I/O handlers m ay also be rep laced by user rout i nes. The PTM is i n it ial ized d uring the M O N ITR service cal l (see Paragraph B.9 SERVICES) to f i reup the monitor un less its default address has been changed to zero, i n which case no PTM references w i l l occu r. B.3 INTE R R U PT CONTROL U pon reset , a vector table i s created which contai ns, among other things, default i nter rupt vector handler appendage add resses. These routi nes may easily be rep l aced by user appendages with the vector swap service descri bed later. The defau lt act ions taken by the appendages are as fol lows: RESET - B u i l d the ASSI ST09 vector tabl e and set up mon itor defaults, then i nvoke the mon itor start u p rout ine. SWI - Req uest a service from ASS IST09. FI RQ - An i mmed i ate RTI is done. SWI2, SWI3, I RQ, Reserved , N M I - Force a breakpo i nt and enter the command processor. B-2 The use of I RQ is recom mended as an abort fu nct ion d u ring prog ram debug g i ng ses sions, as breakpoi nts and ot her ASSI ST09 defaults are rei n itial ized u pon RESET. On ly the primary software i nterru pt i n struct ion (SWI) is used , not the SWI2 or SWI3. Th i s avoids page fau l t problems which wou l d otherw i se occur with a memory management u n it as the SWI2 and SWI3 i n st ruct ions do not d i sable i nterru pts. Cou nter n u m ber one of the PTM is used to cause an N M I i nterru pt for the trace and break pOint com m ands. At R ES ET the control reg i ster for t i mer one is i n itial ized for trac i n g pur poses. If no trac i n g or breakpointing i s done then the ent i re PTM is available to the user. Otherwise, only counters two and th ree are avai lable. Although control reg ister two m ust be used to i n itial ize control reg ister one, ASS I ST09 ret urns contro l reg ister two to the same val ue i t has after a R ES ET occurs. Therefore, the on ly condition i m posed on a u ser program is that if the "operate/preset " b it in contro l reg i ster one m ust be tu rned on , $A7 sho u l d be stored, $A6 shou l d be stored if it m ust be t u rned off. B.4 I NITIALIZAT I O N During ASSI ST09 exec ution , a vector tabl e i s used to add ress certain service routi nes and default val ues. Th is table is generated to provide easily changed control information for user mod ifications. The f i rst byte of t he ASSI ST09 ROM contai ns the start of a subrout i n e which i n it i al izes the vector table along with sett i ng u p certai n default val u es before ret u rn i n g to the cal ler. If the ASSI ST09 RESET vector receives contro l , it does three t h i ngs: 1 . Ass i g n s a default stack i n the work space, 2. Cal ls the aforement ioned su brout ine to i n itial ize the vector table, and 3. Fires up the ASSI ST09 mon itor proper w ith a M O N ITR SWI service req uest . However, a u ser rout i n e can perform the same fu nctions with a bon us. After cal l i n g the vector i nt i t i al izat ion subroutine, it may exa m i n e or alter any of the vector table val ues before start i n g normal ASSIST09 processi ng . Th us, a user routi n e may "bootstrap" ASSIST09 and alter the defau lt standard val ues. Another method of i n sert i n g user mod ifications i s to have a user routine reside at an ex tension RO M l ocation 2K bel ow the start of the ASSI ST09 ROM . The vector table i n itial izat ion routine ment ioned above, looks for a " B RA * " f l ag ($20F E) at this add ress, and if found cal ls the location fol lowing the flag as a subrout i n e with the U reg i ster poi nting to the vector table. S i n ce this is done after vector table i n itial ization , any or al l defau lts may be altered at t h i s t i me. A big advantage to u s i n g t h i s method i s that the mod ifica t ions are "automat i c" i n that upon a RESET con�ition t h e changes are made without overt act ion req u i red such as the execution of a memory change command. N o special stack is u sed during ASSI ST09 processi n g . Th i s means that the stack pOi nter m u st be val id at al l i nterru ptable t i mes and sho u l d contai n enough room for the stacki ng of at least 21 bytes of i nformat ion . The stack i n use d u ring the i n itial M O N ITR service cal l to start u p ASS I ST09 processing becomes the "official " stack. If any l ater stack val idity checks occu r, t h i s same stack w i l l be re-based before enteri ng the command han d l er. B-3 ASS IST09 u ses a work area which is addressed at an offset from the start of the ASSI ST09 ROM . The offset val ue is - 1 900 hexadecimal . Th is poi nts to the base page us· ed d u ri n g mon itor execution and contains the vector table as wel l as the start of the default stack. If the default stack is used and it excee d s 81 bytes i n size, then cont ig uous RAM m u st exist below this base work page for proper extension of the stack. 85. I NP UT/O UTPUT CONT RO L O utput generated by use o f t h e ASSIST09 services may b e halted b y pressing a n y key, causing a ' FREEZE' mode to be entered . The next keyboard entry w i l l release this condi· tion al low i n g normal output to cont i n ue. Com m ands which generate l arge amou nts of output m ay be aborted by entering CAN CEL (CONTRO L·X). User programs m ay also mon itor for CAN CEL along with the ' F REEZE' condition even when not perform i n g con· sole I/O (PAUSE service). 8.6 CO M M AND FORMAT There are th ree possible formats for a com m and: < Com m and > CR < Command > < Expression 1 > CR < Comm and > < Expression 1 > < Expression2> CR The space c h aracter is used as the del i m iter between the command and al l arg u ments. Two spec ial q u ick commands need no carriage return, "." and "/" . To re-enter a com mand once a m i stake is made, type the CANCEL (CONTROL·X) key. Each "expression" above consists of one or more val ues separated by an operator. Val ues can be hex stri ngs, the l etters " P" , " M " , and "W", or the result of a function. Each hexadeci m a l st ring is converted i nternally to a 1 6·bit binary n u m ber. The l etter " P" stands for the current prog ram counter, " M " for the last memory examine/change ad· d ress, and "W" for the w i ndow value. The w i ndow val ue is set by using the W I N DOW command. One function exists and it i s the I N DI RECT fu nction. The character " @ " fol lowi n g a val ue rep laces that val ue with the 1 6·bit n u m be r o btai ned by using that val ue as an address. Two operators are al l owed, " + " and " - " which cause add ition and subtract ion. Val ues are operated on in a left·to·rig ht order. Exam ples: 480 - h exadecimal 480 W + 3 - val ue of wi ndow p l u s three P·200 - cu rrent program cou nter m i n u s 200 hexadec i mal M - W - cu rrent memory pointer m i n u s w i ndow val ue 1 00 @ - value of word addressed by the two bytes at 1 00 hexadeci m al P + 1 @ - val ue add ressed by the word located one byte u p from the cu rrent prog ram counter 8·4 B.7 COMMAND LIST Table B·1 l i sts the commands avai l able i n the ASSI ST09 mon itor. Table B·1 . Command List Command Name Description Command Entry B reakpoint Set,clear,display, or delete breakpoints B Call Cal l program as subroutine C D D isplay Display memory block in hex and A S C I I Encode Return indexed postbyte value E Go Start or resume program execution G Load Load memory from tape Memory Examine or alter memory Memory change or examine last referenced Memory change or examine N ull Set new character and new line padding N Offset Compute branch offsets 0 L M / hex/ P u nch Punch memory on tape P Registers Display or alter registers R Stlevel Alter stack trace level value S Trace Trace number of instructions Trace one instruction T Verify Verify tape to memory load V Window Set a window value W B.8 CO M M ANDS Each of the com mands are explai ned on the fo l lowi ng pages. They are arrang ed i n al phabetical order b y t h e command name used i n t h e command l ist . The command name appears at each marg i n and i n S l i g htly larger type for easy reference. B·5 • B REAKPO I NT Format: B R EAKPO I NT Breakpoi nt Breakpoint Breakpoint < Add ress > Breakpoint - < Address > Operation: Set or change the breakpoint table. The f i rst format d i s p l ays a l l breakpoi nts. The second c lears the breakpoi nt table. The t h i rd enters an address i nto the table. The fou rth deletes an address from the table. At reset, all breakpo i nts are deleted. Only i n structions in RAM m ay be breakpoi nted . CALL Format: CALL Cal l Cal l < Address > Operation: Cal l and execute a user routine as a subrout i ne. The c urrent p rogram cou nter w i l l be used u n l ess the add ress is specified. The user routi n e shou l d eventual ly term inate with a " RTS" i nstruct ion. When this occurs, a breakpoi nt w i l l en sue and the prog ram counter wi l l point i nto the mon itor. B-6 D I S P LAY DISP LAY Format: Display < From > Display < From > < Length > Display < From > < To > Operation: Display contents of memory i n hexadeci mal and ASC I I characters. The se cond arg ument, when entered, is taken to be a length if it is less than the f i rst, otherwise it is the ending address. A default length of 1 6 decimal is assu med for the fi rst format. The add resses are adj usted to i n c l ude all bytes with i n the s u rround i n g mod u lo 16 address byte bou ndary. The CANCEL (CO NTROL-X) key may be entered to abort the d isplay. Care m ust be exercised when the l ast 1 5 bytes of memory are to be d isplayed . The < Length > o pt ion shou ld always be used in t h i s case to assure proper term i nat ion: D FFEO 40 Exam ples: D M D EOOO 10 - Display 1 6 bytes s urrou nding the l ast memory location exam i ned. FOOO - Display memory from EOOO to FOOO hex. E N CO D E EN CO D E Format: Encode < I ndexed operand > Operation: The encode command w i l l return the i ndex i n g i nstruct ion mode postbyte val ue from the entered assembler-l i ke syntax operand. This is useful when hand cod i n g i n struct ions. The letter " H " i s i n d icate the n u m ber of hex d i g its n eeded i n the expression as shown i n the fol lowi n g exam ples: E ,V - Ret urn zero offset to V reg i ster postbyte. E [H H H H , PCR] - Ret urn two byte peR offset using i n d i rection. E [,S + + 1 - Ret urn autoi ncrement S by two i n d i rect. E H ,X - Return 5-bit offset from X. Note that one " H " specifies a 5-bit offset , and that the result g iven w i l l h ave zeros in the offset val ue position. Th is comand does not detect all i ncorrect ly s pec ified syntax or i l l egal i ndex i n g modes. 8-7 GO GO Format: Go Go < Add ress > Operation: Execute start i n g from the add ress g iven . The fi rst format w i l l cont i n ue from the current program cou nter sett i n g . If it is a breakpo i nt no break w i l l be taken . This al l ows cont i n u ation from a breakpoint. The secon d format wi l l breakpoint i f the add ress specified i s i n the breakpoi nt l i st. LOAD LOAD Format: Load Load < Offset > Operation: Load a tape f i l e created using the 51 -59 format. The offset option, i f u sed , i s added to t h e address on t h e tape t o specify t h e act ual load address. Al l off sets are positive , but wrap around memory mod u lo 64K. Depend ing on the eq u i p m ent i nvolved , after the l oad i s complete a few spurious c haracters m ay sti l l be sent by the i n put device and i nterpreted as com mand characters. If t h i s happens, a CANCEL (CONTRO L-X) shoul d be entered to cause such characters to be ig nored . If the load was not successfu l a " 7 " is d isplayed . 8-8 M EM O RY M EM O RY Format: M EM O RY < Add ress > / < Ad d ress > / I Operation: I n it i ate the memory exami ne/change fu nct ion. The second format w i l l not ac cept an expression for the add ress, only a hex stri ng. The t h i rd format defau lts to the address d isplayed during the l ast memory change/exam i ne fu nction. (The same val u e is obtai ned i n expressions by use of the letter " M ".) After act ivation, the fol lowing actions may be taken unt i l a carriage ret u rn is entered: < Exp r > Replaces the byte w i t h t h e specified val ue . The value m ay be an expression. S PACE Go to next address and print the byte val ue. (Comma) Go to next add ress without printing the byte val ue. LF (Li ne feed) Go to next address and print it along with the byte value on the next l i ne. (Circumflex or Up arrow) Go the previous address and pri nt it along with the byte val ue on the next l i ne. / Print the current add ress with the byte val u e on the next l i ne. CR (Carriage retu rn) Term inate the com mand. ' < Text > ' Replace succeed i n g bytes with ASCI I characters u nt i l the second apostrophe i s entered. I f a change attem pt fai l s (i .e., the locat ion is not vali d RAM) then a q uestion mark wi l l appear and the next location d i splayed . 8-9 N U LL N U LL Format: N u l l < Specification > Operation: Set the new l i ne and character pad d i ng count val ues. The expression value i s treated a s two val ues. The u p per two hex represent t h e character pad count, and the lower two the new l i ne pad count (triggered by a carriage retu rn). An expression of less than three hex d i g its wi l l set the character pad count to zero. The val ues m ust range from zero to 7F hexadec i mal (1 27 deci m al). Exam ple: N N 3 - Set the character cou nt to zero and new l i ne count to t h ree. 207 - Set character padding cou nt to two and new l i ne cou nt to seven. Sett ings for TI Silent 700 term i na l s are: Baud Setting 1 00 300 1 200 2400 0 4 31 7 72F O F FS ET Format: O F FS ET Offset < Offset add r > < To i n st ruct ion > Operation: Print the one and two byte offsets needed to perform a branch from the f i rst expression to the i n struction. Th us, offsets for branches as wel l as i ndexed mode i n struct ions wh ich use offsets may be obtained. If only a fou r byte val ue is pri nted , then a short branch count can not be done between th.e two add resses. Example: o P + 2 AOOO - Com pute offsets needed from the c u rrent prog ram cou nter plus two to AOOO. 8-1 0 PUNCH Format: PUNCH Punch < From > < To > Operation: Punch or record formatted binary object tape i n 51 -59 (M I KBUG ) form at. REG IST E R R EG IST E R Format: Reg ister Operation: Print the reg ister set and prom pt for a change. At each prom pt the fol lowi ng m ay be entered . SPACE Ski p to the next reg ister pro mpt < Expr > S PACE Repl ace with the specified val ue and pro m pt for the next reg i ster. < Expr > CR (carriage retu rn) Replace with the specified val ue and ter m i n ate the command. CR Term i n ate the com mand. M I KBUG i s a trademark o f Motorola I nc. B-1 1 ST LEVEL Format: STL EVEL St l evel St l evel < Ad dress > Operation: Set the stack trace l evel for i n h i biting tracing information . As long as the stack is at or above the stack level address, the trace display wi l l cont i n ue. H owever, when lower than the address it is i n h i bited . This a l l ows trac i n g of a routi ne without including al l subrout i ne and lower level cal l s i n the trace i n formation. N ote that tracing t h rough a ASSIST09 "SW I " service req uest m ay also temporarily supress t race output as explai ned i n the descri pt ion of the t race com mand. The fi rst form at sets the stack trace level to the cu rrent p ro g ram stack value. T RAC E Format: T RAC E Trace < Cou nt > . (period) Operation: Trace the specified n u m ber of i nstruct ions. At each trace, the opcode j u st ex ecuted w i l l be shown along with the reg ister set. The program counter i n the reg i ster d i s p l ay pOi nts to the N EXT i n struct ion to be executed. A CAN C E L (CONTRO L-X) w i l l premat u re l y h a l t t racing. The second format (period) w i l l cause a s i n g l e trace t o occu r. Breakpoi nts have n o effect d u ring t h e trace. Selected port ions of a trace m ay be d i sabled using the STLEVEL command. I nstructions i n ROM and RAM may be traced, whereas breakpoints m ay be done only in RAM . When tracing t h rough a ASSI ST09 service request, the t race d isplay wi l l be supressed start i n g two i n structions i nto the mon itor u nt i l shortly before contro l is retu rned to t h e user program. This is done t o avo id a n i nord i nate amount o f d isplay i ng because ASSIST09, at t i m es, performs a sizeable amount of processi n g to provide the req uested services. B-1 2 V E RI FY Format: VERI FY Verify Verify < Offset > Operation: Verify or com pare the contents of memory to the tape f i le. Th is com mand h as the same format and operation as a LOAD command except the f i l e i s com pared to memory. If the verify fai ls for any reason a "?" is d isplayed . WI N DOW Format: WI N DOW Wi ndow < Value > Operation: Set t h e w i ndow t o a val ue. Thi s val ue may b e referred to when entering ex pressions by use of the l etter "W". The wi ndow may be set to any 1 6-bit val ue. 8-1 3 B.9 SERVICES The fol lowi ng descri bes services provided by the ASSIST09 mon itor. These servi ces are i n vo ked by u s i n g the "SWI" instruction fol lowed by a one byte fu nct ion code. Al l services are designed to al low complete address i ndependence both in i nvocation and operation. U n l ess spec ified otherwise, a l l reg isters are transparent over the "SW I " cal l . I n the fol lowing descriptions, the terms " i n put hand ler" and "output hand ler" are used to refer to appendage rout i nes which may be repl aced by the user. The default rout i nes perform standard 1/0 through an ACIA for console operations to a term inal . The ASC I I CAN C E L c o d e can b e entered on most term i nals b y depressing t h e CONTROL and X keys s i m u ltaneously. A l ist of services is g iven in Table 8-2. Table B·2. Services Service Obtain input character Description Entry Code INCHP 0 Obtain the input character in reg ister A from the input handler O utput a character O UTCH 1 Send the character in the re g ister A to the output handler Send stri n g PDATA1 2 Send a strin g of characters to the output handler Send new line and strin g P DATA 3 Send a carria g e return . line feed . and strin g of characters to the output handler Convert byte to hex OUT2 H S 4 Display the byte poi nted to by the X reg ister in hex Convert word to hex OUT4H S 5 Display the word pointed to by the X reg ister in hex Output to next line P C R LF 6 Send a carria g e return and line feed to the output handler Send space S PACE 7 Send a blank to the output handler Fireup A S S I S T09 MONITR 8 Enter the A S S I ST09 monitor Vector swap VCTRSW 9 Examine or exchan g e a vector table entry U ser breakpoint B R K PT 10 Display reg isters a n d enter the command handler Prog ram b reak and check PAU S E 11 Stop p rocessin g and check for a freeze or cancel condition 8-1 4 B R KPT User Breakpoint B R KPT Code: 10 Arguments: N one Result: A d i sabled breakpoint is taken. The reg isters are d i s p l ayed and the com m and handler of ASSI ST09 is entered . Description: Establ i shes u ser breakpoints. Both SWI2 and SWI3 default appendages cause a breakpoint as wel l , but do not set the I and F m ask bits. However, s i nce they may both be repl aced by user routi nes the breakpoi nt service always ensures breakpoint avai labi l ity. These user breakpoi nts h ave noth ing to do with system breakpoi nts which are hand led differently by the ASSIST09 mon itor. Example: B R KPT I NCH P EaU 10 I N PUT COD E FOR B RKPT SWI FCB BRKPT REaU EST SERV ICE FU NCTION CODE BYTE Obtain Input Character I NCH P Code: 0 Arguments: None Result: Reg ister A contains a character obtai ned from the i n put handler. Description: Control is not ret urned unt i l a val i d i n put character is received f ro m the in p ut hand ler. The i n put character wil l have its parity bit (bit 7) stri pped and forced to a zero. Al l N U LL ($00) and RU BOUT ($ 7 F) characters are i g nored and not returned to the cal ler. The ECH O flag, which m ay be changed by the vector SWAP service, determ i nes whether or not the i n put character is echoed to the output hand ler (f u l l d uplex operation). The defau lt at reset is to echo i n put. When a carriage retu rn ($00) i s received , l i ne feed ($AO) is automat i cally sent back to the output hand ler. Example: I N CH N P SWI FCB Eau o I N PUT COD E F O R I N CH P I NCHNP PERFORM SERV I C E CALL FU NCTION FOR I N CH N P A R EG I STER N OW CO NTAI N S N EXT CHARACTER B-1 5 MO N IT R Startup ASSISl09 M O N IT R Code: 8 Arguments: S - Stack to become the "official " stack D P - Di rect page defau lt for executed user programs A = 0 Cal l i nput and output conso l e i n itial ization handlers and g ive the "ASSI ST09" start u p message A##O Go d i rectly to the com m and handler Result: ASSIST09 is entered and the com and handler g iven control Description: The pu rpose for this function is to e nter ASSI ST09, either after a system reset, or when a user program des i res to term inate. Contro l is not ret urned u n l ess a "GO" or "CALL" com m and is done without altering the p rogram counter. ASSI ST09 runs on the passed stack, and if a stack error i s detected during user program exec ution this is t h e stack that is rebased . The di rect page reg i ster val ue i n use remains the d efault for user program execution. The ASSIST09 restart vector routine uses this funct ion to start u p mon itor processing after cal l i ng the vector build su brout ine as explai n ed in I N· ITI ALIZATIO N . I f i n dicated by the A reg ister, the i n put and output i n itial ization handlers are cal l ed fol lowed by the send i n g of the string "ASSIST09" to the output handler. The programm able t i mer (PTM) is i n itial ized, if its address i s not zero, such that reg i ster 1 can be used for causing an N M I d uring t race com· mands. The command handler is then entered to perform the com m and re· qu est prompt. Example: M O N ITR EQU LOO P CLRA I N PUT CO D E FO R M O N ITR 8 * TFR LEAS SWI FCB BRA A, D P STACK, PCR M O N ITR LOO P B-1 6 PREPARE ZERO PAGE REG ISTER AN D I N ITIALIZATIO N PARAM ETER S ET DEFAU LT PAG E VALUE S ETUP DEFAULT STACK VALU E REQ U EST SERVICE F U N CTION COD E BYTE REENTER I F FALLOUT OCCU RS O UTC H Output a Character Code: 1 Arguments: Reg ister A contains the byte to transmit. Result: The character is sent to the output handler O UTC H The character is set as fol lows O N LY if a Ll N E FEED was the character to transmit: CC = 0 if normal output occu rred. CC = 1 if CAN CEL was entered d u ring output. Description: If a FREEZE Occu rs (any i n put character is received) then control i s not retu rned to the user routi n e u nt i l the condition is released. The F REEZE cond ition i s checked for only when a l i n efeed is being sent. Padd i n g n u l l characters (SOO) may be sent fol lowi n g the outputted character depend i ng on the cu rrent sett ing of the N U LLS command. For DLE (Data Link Escape), character n u l l s are never sent. Otherwise, carriage retu rns (SOO) receive the n ew l i ne cou nt of n u l ls, all other characters the character count of n u l ls. Example: OUTCH EQU 1 I N PUT COD E FOR OUTC H LDA SWI FCB #'0 LOAD CHARACTER "0" SEN D OUT WITH M O N ITOR COD E SERVICE CO D E BYTE O UT2H S OUTCH Convert Byte to Hex O UT2H S Code: 4 Arguments: Reg ister X points to a byte to d i s p l ay i n hex. Result: The byte is converted to two hex d i g its and sent to the output handler fol lowed by a blank. Example: OUT2HS EQU 4 I N PUT COD E FOR OUT2HS LEAX DATA, PCR SWI FCB OUT2HS PO I NT TO ' DATA' TO DECODE REQU EST S ERV ICE SERVICE COD E BYTE B-1 7 O UT4H S Convert Word to Hex O UT4H S Code: 5 Arguments: Reg ister X pOi nts to a word (two bytes) to d i splay i n hex. Result: The word i s converted to four hex d i g its and sent to the output handler fol lowed by a blan k. Example: O UT4HS PAU S E EQU 5 I N PUT COD E FOR OUT4HS LEAX DATA, PCR SWI FCB OUT4HS LOAD ' DATA' ADDRESS TO DECODE REQU EST ASSIST09 SERVICE SERVICE COD E BYTE Program Break and Check Code: 11 Arguments: None Result: CC = 0 For a normal return. CC = 1 If a CAN C E L was entered during the i nterim . PAUS E Description: The PAUSE service should b e used whenever a s i g n ificant amount o f pro cessing i s done by a program without any external i nteraction (such as con sole 110). Another use of the PAUS E service is for the monitori ng of FREEZE or CAN C E L requests from the i nput hand ler. Th i s al lows m ult i-taski n g operat i n g systems t o receive control and possi bly re-d i spatch ot her pro g rams in a ti mesl i ce-l i ke fash ion. Testing for FREEZE and CAN CEL condi tions is performed before return. Return may be after other tasks h ave h ad a chance to execute, or after a F R E EZE condition is l i fted . I n a one task system , ret u rn is always i mmed i ate u n l ess a FREEZE occu rs. B·1 8 PC R L F Output t o N ext Line PC R L F Code: 6 Arguments: None Result: A carriage retu rn and l i ne feed are sent to the output hand ler. C = 1 if normal output occurred. C = 1 i f CONTROL-X was entered d u ring output. Description: If a FR E EZE occurs (any i nput character is received), then control is not ret u rned to the user routi ne u nt i l the cond ition is released . The string is com pletely sent regard less o f any FREEZE or CAN CEL events occ u rri n g . Pad d i n g characters may b e sent a s descri bed under t h e OUTCH service. Example: PCRLF P DATA EQU 6 I N PUT CO D E PCRLF SWI FCB PCRLF REQ U EST SERVICE SERVICE CO DE BYTE Send New Line and String P DATA Code: 3 Arguments: Reg i ster X poi nts to an output stri ng term i n ated with an ASC I I EOT ($04). Result: The string is sent to the output handler fol lowi ng a carriage retu rn and l i ne feed . CC = 0 if normal output occu rred. CC = 1 if CONTRO L-X was entered d u ring output. Description: The output string may contai n em bedded carriage ret urns and l i ne feeds thus al low i n g several l i nes of d ata to be sent with one function cal l . If a FR E EZE occurs (any i n put character is received), then control is not ret u rn ed to the user routine until the cond ition is released . The stri ng is com p l ete ly sent regard less of any FREEZE or CAN CEL events occurri ng. Pad d i n g ch aracters may b e sent a s descri bed b y the OUTCH fu nction. B-1 9 Send New Line and String (Contin ued) P DATA Example: P DATA PDATA EQU 3 MSGOUT FCC FCB FCC FCB 'TH IS IS A M U LTI PLE LI N E M ESSAG E: $OA, $00 LI N E FEED, CARRIAG E RETU RN 'TH IS IS TH E S ECO N D LI N E.' STR I N G TERM I N ATO R $04 I N PUT CODE FO R PDATA LEAX M SGOUT, PCR LOAD M ESSAG E ADDRESS REQU EST A SERV I C E SWI F C B P DATA SERVICE CODE BYTE P DATA1 Send Stri ng P DATA1 Code: 2 Arguments: Reg i ster X poi nts to an output string term i n ated with an ASC I I EOT ($04). Result: The st ring i s sent to the output hand ler. CC = 0 if normal output occ urred. CC = 1 if CONTRO L-X was entered during out put . Description: The output st ring m ay contai n e m bedded carriage returns and l i ne feeds thus al lowi ng several l i nes of data to be sent with one function cal l . If a FREEZE occu rs (any i n put character i s received), then control is not retu rn ed to the user routi n e unt i l the condition is released . The stri ng i s com p l ete ly sent regard less of any FREEZE or CAN CEL events occurri n g . Pad d i n g characters may b e sent as described b y t h e OUTCH function. Example: I N PUT COD E FOR P DATA1 PDATA EQU 2 MSG FCC FCB 'TH IS IS AN OUTPUT STR I N G ' STR I N G TERM I N ATO R $04 LEAX M SG , PCR SWI FCB PDATA1 B-20 LOAD ' M SG ' STR I N G ADDRESS REQU EST A SERV I C E SERVICE COD E BYTE SPAC E Single Space O utp ut Code: 7 Arguments: N one Result: A space is sent to the output hand l er. SPAC E Descript ion: Padd ing characters may be sent as descri bed under the OUTCH service. Example: SPACE EQU SWI FCB I N PUT CO DE SPACE REQU EST ASS IST09 SERV ICE SERVICE COD E BYTE 7 SPACE VCT RSW Vector Swap Code: 9 Arguments: Reg ister A contai ns the vector swap i n put code. Reg i ster X contains zero or a rep l acement val ue. Result: Reg ister X contai ns the previous val ue for the vector. VCT RSW Description: The vector swap service exam i nes/alters a word entry in the ASSI ST09 vec tor table. Th is tabl e contai n s pOi nters and default val ues used d u ri n g mon itor processing. The entry is repl aced w i t h the value contained i n the X reg i ster un less it i s zero. The codes ava i l able are l i sted i n Tab l e B·3. Example: VCTRSW . I RQ EQU EQU I N PUT CODE VCTRSW I RQ APPEN DAG E SWAP FU N CT I O N CO DE 9 12 LEAX MYIRQ H , PC R LOAD N EW I RQ HAN DLER A D D R ESS LOAD SU BCOD E FOR V ECTOR SWAP LOA I. I RQ SWI R EQU EST SERVICE FCB VCTRSW S ERVICE CO DE BYTE X N OW HAS TH E PREVIOUS APPEN DAG E ADDRESS B·21 B.1 0 V ECTO R SWAP SERV I C E The vector swap service al lows u ser modifications of the vector table to be easily i nstal l ed. Each vector hand ler, i n c l u d i n g the one for SWI , perform s a val i d ity check on the stack before any other processi n g . If the stack is not pOinting to val i d RAM , it is reset to the in itial val ue passed to the M O N ITR request which f i red-up ASSIST09 after RESET. Al so, the cu rrent reg i ster set i s pri nted fol low ing a "?" (q uestion m ark) and then the command hand l er is entered . A l i st of each entry i n the vector tabl e i s g iven in Table 8-3. Table B·3. Vector Table Entries Entry . AVTB L Code Description 0 Returns address of vector table . C M D Ll 2 Primary command list . R SVD 4 Reserved M C6809 interru pt vector a ppendage . SWI3 6 Software interrupt 3 interrupt vector appendage . SWI2 8 Software interrupt 2 interrupt vector appendage . FI R O 10 Fast interrupt request vector appendage . I RO 12 Interrupt request vector appendage . SWI 14 Software interrupt vector appendage Non-maskable interrupt vector appendage .NMI 16 . R ES ET 18 Reset interrupt vector a ppendage . CION 20 I nput console intiialization routine . C I DTA 22 I nput data byte from console routine . CIOFF 24 I nput console shutdown routine . COON 26 Output console initialization routine . CO DTA 28 Output/ data byte to console routine . COOFF 30 Output console shutdown routine . H S DTA 32 High speed display handler routine . B SON 34 Punch/ load initialization routine . B S DTA 36 Punch / l oad handler routine . B SOFF 38 Punch / l oad shutdown routine . PAU S E 40 Processing pause routine . C M D L2 44 S econdary command list . ACIA 46 Address of ACIA . PAD 48 Character and new line pad counts . ECHO 50 Echo flag . PTM 52 Programmable timer module address The follow i n g pages describe the p urpose of each entry and the req u i rements which m u st be met for a user replaceable val ue or routi n e to be successf u l ly substituted . 8-22 .ACIA Code: ACIA Address .ACIA 46 Description: This entry contains the add ress of the ACIA used by the defau lt console in put and output device handlers. Standard ASSI ST09 i n itial ization sets this val ue to hexadec imal E008. If this m ust be altered , then it m ust be done before the M O N ITR start u p service i s i nvoked , si nce that service cal l s the .COO N and .CO I N i nput and output device i n itial ization routi nes which i n itial ize the ACIA pOi nted to by this vector slot. .AVT B L Code: Return Address of Vector Table .AVT B L 0 Description: The add ress of the vector table is ret u rned with this code. Th is al lows m ass changes to the table without i n d ividual cal l s to the vector swap service. The code val ues are i dentical to the offsets i n the vector table. Th is entry shou l d n ever be changed , only exam i ned. 8-23 . BS OTA Code: P unch/Load H andler Routine . BS OTA 36 Description: Th i s entry contains the address of a routine which performs p u n c h , load , a n d verify operat ions. The . BSON routine is always executed before the rout i n e is g iven contro l . Th is routine is g iven the same parameter l i st documented for . BSO N . The default hand ler uses the .CO OTA ro ut i n e to punch or the .CI OTA rout ine to read data i n S1 /S9 (M I KBUG) format. The function code byte must be exami ned to determ ine the type req uest bei n g hand led . A ret u rn code m ust be given which reflects the f inal processing d i s position : Z= or 1 Successfu l com plet ion Z=0 Unsuccessful com plet ion . The . BSOFF rout i n e w i l l be cal l ed after this rout ine i s completed . . BSO F F Code: Punch/Load Sh utdown Routine . BSO F F 38 Description: This entry points to a su broutine which i s des i g n ated to term i n ate d evice processing for the punch, load , and verify handler . BS OTA. The stack con tains a parameter l i st as documented for the . BSO N entry. The d efault ASSIST09 routine issues OC4 ($1 4 or stop) and OC3 ($1 3 or x-off) fol lowed by a one second delay to g ive the reader/punch t i m e to stop. Also, an i nter nally used fl ag by the I N CH P service rout ine is c leared to reverse the ef fect caused by its sett ing in the . BSON handler. See that descri ption for an exp l anation of the proper use of this f l ag . B-24 . BSO N Code: Punch/Load Initialization Routine . BSO N 34 Description: T h i s entry poi nts to a su brout ine with the assig ned task of turning on the device used for punch, load, and verify processi n g . The stack contai ns a parameter l i st descri bing which funct ion is req uested. The defau lt rout i ne sends an ASC I I "reader on" or "punch on" code of DC1 ($1 1 ) or DC2 ($1 2) respectively to the output handler ( .CODTA) . A flag is a lso set which d i sables test for FREEZE conditions d uri ng I N CH N P processi n g . Th is is done so characters are not lost by be i n g i nterpreted as FREEZE mode in d i c ators. If a user replacement rout i n e a lso uses the I N CH N P service, then it a l so should set this same byte non-zero and clear it i n the . BSO F F routi ne. The ASSIST09 source l i sting should b e consu lted for t h e location of this byte. The stack is setup as fol l ows: S + 6 = Code byte, VERI FY ( - 1 ), PU NCH (0) , LOAD (1 ) S + 4 = Start address for punch o n ly S + 2 = End address for punch, or offset for READ/LOAD S + 0 = Return address .CI OTA Code: Input Data Byte from Console Routine .CI OTA 22 Description: This entry determ i nes the console i n put handler appendage. The respon s i b i l ity of this routine i s to furnish the req uested next i n put character in the A reg ister, if avai lable, and ret urn with a cond ition code. The I N CH P ser vice routine cal l s this appendage to supply the next ch aracter. Also, a " F R E EZE" mode routine cal ls at various ti mes to test for a FREEZE condi tion or determ ine if the CAN CEL key has been entered . Processi n g for t h i s appendage m ust abide by t h e follow i n g conventions: Input: PC - ASSIST09 work page S- Return add ress C = 0, A = i n put character Output: C = 1 if no i n put character is yet avai l able Vol atile Registers: U , B The hand ler shou ld always pass contro l back i m med i ately even if no character i s yet available. Th is enables other tasks to do product ive work w h i l e i n put is unavai lable. The defau lt rout ine reads an ACI A as explai ned in Parag raph B.2 Implementation Req u i rements. B-25 .CI O F F Code: Input Console Shutdown Routine .CIO FF 24 Description: Th is entry points to a rout i n e which is cal led to term i nate i n put processing. It is not cal l ed by ASS IST09 at any time, but is incl uded for consistency. The defau lt routine merely does an " RTS". The environment is as fol l ows: Input: Output: Volatile Registers: .CI O N Code: None I n put device term i nated None Input Console I nitialization Routine .CI O N 20 Description: Th i s entry i s cal led to i n itiate the in put device. It is cal led once d u ring the M O N ITR service which i n itial izes the monitor so the . command processor m ay obtain commands to p rocess. The defau lt hand ler resets the ACIA used for standard i nput and output and sets up the fol lowing default condi· tions: 8-bit word length, no parity checki ng, 2 stop bits, divide·by·1 6 counter ratio. The effect of an 8·bit word with no parity checking is to accept 7·bit ASCI I and i g nore the parity bit. Input: Output: Volatile Registers: .ACIA Memory address of the ACIA The output device is i n itial ized A, X 8·26 .CM D L 1 Code: Primary Comm a nd List .C M D L 1 2 Description: User suppl ied com mand tables m ay either subst itute or re place the ASSI ST09 standard tables. The co mmand hand ler scans two l i sts, the primary table f i rst fo l lowed by the secondary table. The primary table is poi nted to by this entry and contains, as a defau lt, the ASSIST09 com m and table. The secondary table defaults to a n u l l l i st . A user may insert their own table i nto either position. If a user l i st is i nstal led i n the secondary table position, then the ASSI ST09 l i st wi l l be searched f i rst . The default ASS I ST09 l i st contains all one character com m and names. Th us, a user com mand " PRI NT" would be matched if the l etters " PR" are typed , but not j ust a " P" si nce the system command l ist wou l d match first . A user m ay rep l ace the primary system l i st if des i red . A command is chosen on a f i rst match basis com pari ng only the character(s) entered . Th is means that two or more commands may have the same i n itial characters and that if only that much i s entered then the fi rst one i n the l i st(s) i s chosen. Each entry i n the users com mand l i st m ust have the fo l l owing form at : +0 FCB +1 FCC +N FOB L Where " L" is the s ize of the entry i n c l ud i n g t h i s byte ' < stri ng > ' Where " < stri ng > " is the com m and name EP - * Where " EP" represents the sym bo l de f i n i ng the start of the command rou t i ne The f i rst byte is an entry length byte and is always three more than the lengt h of the command stri ng (one for the length itself plus two for the routi ne offset). The command st ri ng m ust contai n only ASC I I al phan u meric characters, no spec ial characters. An offset to the start of the com mand routine i s used i n stead of an absol ute add ress so that position i ndependent prog rams may contain command tables. The end of the com mand table is a one byte flag . A - 1 ($F F) spec ifies that the secondary table i s to be searched , or a -2 ($FE) that command l i st search ing is to be ter m i n ated. The table represented as the secondary command l i st m u st end with - 2. The f i rst l i st m ust end with a - 1 if both l i sts are to be searched , or a - 2 i f o n ly one l i st i s to be used . A com mand rout ine i s entered with t h e fol l ow i n g reg isters set: DPR- ASS IST09 page work area. S- A ret urn address to t h e command processor. Z= 1 Z=0 A carriage return term i nated the command name. A space del i m iter fol lowed the com m and name. B-27 .CM D L 1 Primary Command List (Continued) .CM D L 1 A com m and ro utine is entered after the del i m iter fol low ing the command name is typed i n . Th is means that a carriage ret u rn m ay be the d e l i m iter entered with the i n put device rest i n g on the next l i ne. For this reason the Z bit i n the condition code is set so the command routi n e m ay determ i ne the c u rrent position of the i n put device. The com mand routine sho uld ensure that the console device is left on a new l i ne before returning to the com m and h andler. .CM D L2 Code: Secondary Command List .C M D L2 44 Description: T h i s entry poi nts to the second l i st table. The defau lt is a n u l l l i st fol lowed by a byte of 2. A com plete expl an ation of the use for t h i s entry is provided under the description of the .CM D L 1 entry. - .CO DTA Code: Output Data Byte to Console Routine .CO DTA 28 Description: The responsib i l ity of this handler i s to send the character i n the A reg i ster to the output device. The default rout ine al so fol lows with paddi ng characters as explai ned i n the description of the O UTCH service. If the out put device is not ready to accept a character, then the " pause" subroutine should be cal led repeated ly wh i l e this cond ition l asts. The address of the pause routine i s obtained from the . PAUSE entry i n the vector table. The character counts for padding are o btai ned from the . PAD entry i n the table. Al l ASSI ST09 output is done with a cal l to this appendage. Th is incl udes punch p rocessi n g as wel l . The default routine sends the character to an ACI A as explai ned i n Paragraph 8.2 I m plementation Req u i rements. The operat i n g environment i s as fol lows: A = Character to send DP = ASSI ST09 work page . PAD = Character and new l i n e padd ing cou nts (i n vector table) . PAUSE = Pause routine (i n vector table) Character sent to the output d evice O ut put: Volatile Registers: None. Al l work reg isters m ust be restored Input: 8-28 .COO F F Code: Output Console Sh utdown Routine . COO F F 30 Descript ion: This entry addresses the rout ine to term i n ate output device processi n g . ASSIST09 does not cal l t h i s rout ine. It is incl u ded for com pleteness. The defau lt routine is an " RTS". Input: Output: Vol at i l e Registers: .COO N Code: D P - ASSI ST09 work page The output device is term i n ated None Output Console Initial ization Routine .COO N 26 Description: This entry points to a routine to i n itial ize the standard output device. The defau lt ro ut i ne i n it i a l izes an ACIA and is the very same one descri bed u nder the .CI O N vector swap def i n ition. Input: O utput: Vol atile Registers: .ACIA vector entry for the ACIA add ress The output device is i n it i al ized A, X 8·29 . EC H O Code: Echo Flag . EC H O 50 Description: The fi rst byte of this word is used as a flag for the I N CH P service rout ine to determ i ne the requ i rement of echoing i n p ut received from the i n put hand ler. A non-zero value means to echo the i n p ut; zero not to echo. The ec hoing w i l l take place even if user handlers are substituted for the defau lt .CI DTA handler as the I N C H P service routine performs the echo . . FI RQ Code: Fast Interrupt Request Vector Appendage . FI RQ 10 Description: The fast i nterru pt request rout i n e is located via this poi nter. The M C6809 add resses hexadecimal FFF6 to l ocate the hand le r when p rocessi ng a F I RQ. The stack and mach ine status is as defi ned for the F I RQ i nterrupt u pon entry to this appendage. It should be noted that t h i s rout i ne is "j u m ped " to with an i n d i rect jump i n struction which adds eleven cycles to the i nterru pt time before the handler actual ly receives contro l . The default handler does an i m med i ate " RT I " which, i n essence, i g nores the i nterrupt. 8-30 . H S DTA Code: High Speed Display Handler Routine . H S DTA 32 Description: This entry is i nvoked as a su broutine by the D ISPLAY command and passed a parameter l i st contai n i ng the "TO" and " FROM " add resses. The from val u e is rou nded down to a 1 6 byte add ress boundary. The defau lt routine displays memory i n both hexadecimal and ASC I I rep resentations, with a t itle produced on every 1 28 byte boundary. The p urpose for this vector table entry i s for easy i m plementation of a user rout ine for spec ial pu rpose hand l i n g of a block of data. (The data cou l d , for exam ple, be sent to a high speed pri nter for l ater analysis.) The parameters are a l l passed on the stack. The envi ronment is as fol lows: Input: Output: Volatile Registers: .I RQ Code: S + 4 = Start add ress S + 2 = Stop address S + 0 = Return Add ress D P - ASSIST09 work page Any p urpose desi red X, 0 Interrupt Request Vector Appendage . I RQ 12 Description: A l l i nterrupt req uests are passed to the rout i n e poi nted to by this vector. H exadeci m a l FFF8 is the M C6809 location w here t h i s i nterrupt vector i s fetched. The stack a n d processor status i s that defined f o r t h e I RQ i nter rupt upon entry to the hand ler. Since the routi ne's address is in the vector table, an i n d i rect j u m p must be done to i nvoke it. Th is adds eleven cycles to the i nterrupt ti me before the I RQ handler receives contro l . The default I RQ handler pri nts the reg isters and enters the ASSIST09 command handler. 8·31 .N M I Code: Non·M askable Interrupt Vector Appendage .N MI 16 Description: Th is entry pOints to the non-maskable interrupt handler to receive control whenever the processor branches to the address at hexadeci m a l FF FC. S i nce ASSIST09 uses the N M I i nterru pt d u ring trace and breakpoi nt pro cess i n g , such commands sho u l d not be used if a user handler is in control . Th is is true u n less the user handler has the i ntel l i gence to forward control to the default handler if the NMl i nterrupt has not been generated d u e to u ser fac i l ities. The NMT handler g iven control wi l l have an e l even cycle overhead as its address m u st be fetched from the vector table . . PA D Code: Character and New Line Pad Count . PAD 48 Description: Th is entry contains the pad count for characters and new l i nes. The f i rst of the two bytes is the count of n u l l s for other characters, and the second is the n u m ber of n u l ls (SOO) to send out after any l i ne feed is transmitted . The ASCI I Escape character (S1 0) never has n u l l s sent fol lowing it. The d efault .CODTA handler is responsible for transm itting these n u l ls. A user handler m ay or may not use these counts as req u i red . The " N U LLS" com mand a lso sets these two bytes with user specified values. 8-32 . PAUS E Code: Processing Pause Routine . PAU S E 40 Description: I n o rder to support real-t i m e (also known as mult i-taski ng) envi ronments ASSI ST09 cal ls a dead-time ro ut i ne whenever processing must wait for some external change of state. An exa mple would be when the OUTCH ser vice routine attem pts the sendi n g of a character to the ACIA through the default .CODTA hand ler and the ACI A status reg isters shows that it can not yet be accepted. The defau lt dead-t i m e rout ine resides in a reserved fou r byte area which contains t h e s i n g l e i n struction, " RTS". The . PAUSE vector entry poi nts to this routine after standard i n itial ization. This poi nter m ay be changed to point to a user routine w hich d ispatches ot her prog rams so that the M C6809 may be ut i l ized more efficiently. Another exam ple of use wo u l d be t o i n c rement a cou nter s o that dead-t i m e cycle counts may be ac c u m u l ated for stat i st ical or debug g i ng p urposes. The reason for the fou r byte reserved area (wh i ch exists i n the ASSI ST09 work page) is so other code may be overlayed without the need for another space i n the address map to be assigned. For example, a master mon itor may be usi ng a memory management unit to assign a com plete 64 K block of memory to ASSI ST09 and the prog rams bei n g executed/tested under ASS I ST09 contro l . The master mon itor wishes, or course, to be reentered when any "dead t i m e " occ u rs, s o it overlays the default rou t i n e (" RTS") w i t h i t s o w n "SW I " . S i nce the m aster mon itor wou l d be "front e nd ing" al l "SWI 's" anyway, it knows when a "pause" call is being pe rformed and can red i spatch ot her systems on a t i me-sl ice basis. Al l reg i sters m ust be transparent across the pause hand l er. Along w ith selected poi nts i n ASSIST09 user service processi n g , there i s a special ser vice cal l specifical ly for user program s to i nvoke the pause rout ine. It m ay be suggested that i f no servi ces are bei ng req uested for a g iven time period (say 10 ms) user programs should cal l the . PAUSE service rout ine so that fai r-task d ispatch i n g can be g uaranteed . . PTM Code: Programm able Timer Module Address . PT M 53 Description: Th i s entry contains the add ress of the M C6840 program mable timer mod u le (PT M ). Alterat ion of t h i s slot shoul d occur before the M O N ITR start u p ser vice i s cal led as explai ned i n Parag raph 8.4 I n itial izat ion. If no PTM i s ava i lable, then t h e address s h o u l d b e changed t o a zero s o that no i n it ial izat ion attem pt w i l l take p l ace. N ote that i f a zero i s suppl ied, ASSI ST09 B reakpo i nt and Trace com mands should not be issued. 8-33 . RESET Code: Reset Interrupt Vector Appendage . R ESET 18 Description: T h i s entry returns the add ress of the RES ET rout i ne which i nitial izes ASS IST09. Chang i n g it has no effect , but it is i nc l uded in the vector table i n c ase a user program w ishes to determi ne where t h e ASS I ST09 restart code resides. For exam ple, if ASSIST09 resides in the memory map such that it does not control the MC6809 hardware vectors, a user routine m ay wish to start it up and thus need to obtai n the standard R ESET vector code ad d ress. The ASSI ST09 reset code assigns the default in the work page, cal l s the vector b u i l d subrout ine, and then starts ASSI ST09 proper w i t h the M O N ITR service cal l . . RSV D Code: Reserved M C6809 Interrupt Vector Appendage . RSV D 4 Description: Th i s i s a poi nter to the reserved i nterrupt vector rout ine addressed at hex adec imal F F FO. Th is M C6809 hardware vector is not defi ned as yet. The default rout i n e setup by ASSIST09 w i l l cause a reg ister d i sp l ay and en trance to the com m and handler. .SWI .SWI Softare Interrupt Vector Appendage Code: 14 Description: This vector entry contains the address of the Software I nterru pt routine. N ormal ly, ASSIST09 hand les these i nterrupts to provide services for user p rog rams . If a user handler is i n place, however, these fac i l ities cannot be u sed u n l ess the user routi n e "passes on" such requests to the ASS IST09 default handler. Th is is easy to do, si nce the vector swap fu nct ion passes back the address of the default handler when the switch is m ade by the u ser. Th i s "front ending" allows a user routine to exam ine all serivce cal l s , or alter/replace/extend them to his requ i rements. Of cou rse, the reg i sters m u st be t ransparent across the transfer of control from the user to the standard handler. A "J M P" i n struction branches d i rect ly to the routi ne poi nted to by this vector entry when a SWI occurs. Therefore, the envi ron ment is that as defined for the "SWI " i nterrupt. .SWI2 Code: Software Interrupt 2 Vector Appendage .SWI2 8 Description: Th i s entry contains a poi nter to the SWI2 hand ler entered whenever that in struction i s executed . The status of the stack and machine are those defi n ed for the SWI2 i nterrupt which has its i nterrupt vector add ress at F F F4 h exadec i m a l . The default handler pri nts the regi sters and enters the ASSIST09 command handler. B-35 .SWI3 Code: Software Interrupt 3 Vector Appendage .SWI 3 6 Description: Th is entry contai ns a poi nter to the SWI3 handler entered whenever that i n struction is executed . The status of the stack and m ach ine are those defin ed for the SWI3 i nterurpt which h as its i nterru pt vector add ress located at hexadecimal F F F2. The default handler prints the reg isters and enters the ASSIST09 co mmand handler. 8-36 8.1 1 MON ITO R LIST I N G T h e follow i n g pages contai n a l i st i n g of the ASSI ST09 mon itor. PAG E 001 AS S I ST0 9 . S A : 0 ASS I S T0 9 - M C 6 8 0 9 MON I TOR TTL OPT 00001 00002 AS S I ST 0 9 - M C 6 8 0 9 MON I TOR ABS , L LE= 8 5 , S , C RE 00004 00005 00006 ************************************* * COPY RIGHT ( C ) M OTO ROLA , I N C . 1 9 7 9 * ***** ******************************** 0 00 0 8 0 00 0 9 00010 00011 00012 00013 00014 00015 *** * * * * * * ******************* ********* * TH I S IS THE BAS E AS S I ST 0 9 ROM . * IT MAY RUN W I T H OR WITHOUT TH E * EXTENS I ON ROM WH I CH * WHEN PRE S ENT W I L L BE AUTOMAT I CALLY * INCORPORAT E D BY THE BLDVTR * SUBROUT I N E . ************************************* 00017 0 00 1 8 00019 0 00 2 0 00021 00022 00023 00024 00025 00026 00027 0 00 2 8 00029 0 00 3 0 ********************************************* * G LOBAL MODU LE EQUAT E S ******************************************** ROMBEG E Q U $F800 ROM START ASS EMBLY ADDRE S S RAMOFS EQU -$ 1 9 0 0 ROM OF F S ET TO RAM WORK PAGE 20 4 8 ROM S I Z E QU ROM S I Z E ROM 20F E QU ROMBEG- ROMS I Z START OF EXTENS ION ROM $E0 0 8 EQU AC I A DEFAULT AC I A ADDRES S PTM EQU $EO OO DEFAULT PTM ADDRE S S 0 DFTC H P EQ U DE FAULT CHARACTER PAD COUNT 5 DFTN LP EQU DE F AU LT NEW L I N E PAD COUNT ,> PROMPT EQU P ROMPT CHARACTER 8 NUMBKP EQU NUMB E R OF BREAK PO I NTS ********************************************* 0 00 3 2 00033 0 00 3 4 0 00 3 5 00036 00037 00038 0 00 3 9 00040 00041 00042 00043 0 00 4 4 0 00 4 5 0 00 4 6 00047 00049 00051 00052 F800 E7 0 0 0800 FOOO E0 0 8 EO O O 0000 0005 003E OQ 0 8 A A A A A A A A A A ********************************************* * M I SC E LANEOUS EQU AT E S ************** ************* ****************** $04 EQU E N D O F TRANSM I S S I ON EOT EQU BE L L CHARACTER BELL $07 $OA LF LINE FEED EQU $00 CR EQU CARR I AGE RETU RN $10 DLE DATA L I N K ESCAPE EQU $18 CAN C E L ( CTL- X ) EQU CAN * p'rM ACC E S S DEF I N I T IONS PTM+ l RE AD STATUS REG I STER PT M ST A EQU PTM CONTROL REG I STERS 1 AN D 3 PTMC 1 3 EQU PTM+ l CONT ROL REG ISTER 2 PTMC 2 EQU PTM + 2 P T M T M l BQU LATCH 1 LATCH 2 PTMTM2 EQU PTM+ 4 PTM+6 PTMTM3 EQU LATCH 3 0004 0007 OOOA 0000 0010 0018 A A A A A A EO O l EO O O EO O l E0 0 2 E0 0 4 E0 0 6 A A A A 008C A SKIP2 1\ A EQU $8C " CM P X # n O PCODE - SK I P S TWO BYTES ******************************************* AS S I ST0 9 MON ITOR SW I F U N C T I O N S * 8-37 PAG E 0 00 5 3 00054 00055 00056 0 00 5 7 00058 0 00 5 9 00060 00061 00062 0 00 6 3 0 00 6 4 00065 00066 00067 0 00 6 8 00069 0007 0 00071 00072 0 00 7 3 00074 00075 0 00 7 6 0 00 7 7 00078 0 00 7 9 00080 00081 0 0082 0 00 8 3 00084 00085 0 00 8 6 0 0087 0 00 8 8 00089 0 00 9 0 00091 00092 0 00 9 3 0 00 9 4 00095 00096 00097 0 00 9 8 0 00 9 9 0 0100 00 2 ASS I ST0 9 . SA : 0 AS S I S T0 9 - MC6 8 0 9 MON I TOR 0000 0001 00 0 2 0003 0004 000 5 0006 0007 0008 0009 OOOA OOOB OOOB A A A A A A A A A A A A A 0000 000 2 0004 0006 0008 OOOA OOOC OOOE 0010 0012 0014 0016 0018 001A 001C 001E 0020 0022 00 24 0026 0028 0 0 2A 0 0 2C 002E 00 3 0 0032 0034 001B 0034 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A * THE FOLLOW I NG EQUA'fES DE F I NE F U NC'nONS PROV I D E D * B Y THE ASS I S'r0 9 MON ITOR V I A THE SWI INSTRUCT ION . ****************************************** 0 I N CHNP EQU I NPUT CHAR IN A REG - NO PAR I TY 1 OUT PUT CHAR FROM A REG OUTCH EQU 2 PDATAl EQU OUTPUT STRI NG OUTPUT CR/LF THEN STRI NG PDATA EQU 3 4 OUT 2 H S EQU OUTPUT TWO HEX AN D S PAC E OUT4 HS EQU OUTPUT FOU R HEX AN D S PAC E 5 PCRLF 6 OUT PUT CR/LF EQU EQU 7 SPACE OUTPUT A S PACE 8 MON ITR EQU ENT E R AS S I ST0 9 MON I TOR 9 VECTOR EXAM I NE/SWITCH VCTRSW EQU 10 SRKPT E QU USER PROGRAM BREAK PO I NT 11 TAS K PAU S E F UNCT ION PAUS E EQU 11 NUMFUN EQU NU MBER O F AVA I LAB LE FUNCTIONS * N EXT S U B-CODES FOR ACC E S S I NG THE VECTOR TAB LE . * THEY ARE EQU IVALENT To O F F S ETS I N THE TAB LE . * RE LAT IVE POS l 'r I ON I NG MUST BE MA I NTAI N F; D . 0 ADDRE S S OF VECTOR TABLE . AVTBL EQU F I RST COMMAND L I ST 2 . C M DLl EQU 4 RE S E RVED HARDWARE VECTOR . RSVD EQU 5W I 3 ROUT I NE 6 . SW I 3 EQU 8 . SW I 2 SWI 2 ROUT I NE EQU 10 . F I RQ EQU F I RQ ROUT I NE 12 EQU I RQ ROUT I N E . I RQ 14 . SWI EQU SW I ROUT I N E 16 NM I ROUT I N E .NMI EQU 18 RE S ET ROUT I NE . RE S ET EQU 20 EQU CONSOLE ON . C ION 22 . C I DTA EQU CONSOLE INPUT DATA 24 . C IOFF EQU CONSOLE I N PUT OFF 26 E QU . COON CONSOLE OUTPUT O N 28 . C O DTA EQU CON SOLE OUTPUT DATA 30 CONSOLE OUTPUT O F F . COOF F EQU 32 H I GH S P E E D PRI NTDATA . H SDTA EQU 34 EQU . SSON PUNCH/LOAD ON 36 . SS DTA EQU PUNCH/LOAD DATA 38 PUNCH/LOAD OF F . SSOFF EQU 40 TAS K PAUSE ROUT I N E . PAUSE EQU 42 EXP RE S S ION ANALY Z E R . EX PAN EQU 44 SECOND COMMAND LI ST . CM DL2 EQU 46 AC I A ADDRE S S . AC I A EQU CHARACTER PAD AND NEW L I N E PAD 48 EQU . PAD 50 ECHO/LOAD AN D NULL BKPT F LAG . ECHO E QU 52 PTM ADDRE S S EQU . PTM N U M B E R OF VECTORS 52/2+1 NUMVTR EQU H I G H EST VECTOR O F F S E T 52 H I VTR EQU 8-38 PAG E 003 AS S I ST0 9 . S A : 0 0010 2 00103 00104 0010 5 0 0106 00107 0 010S 00109 00110 0 0111 00112 0 0 1 l 3 A EO O O 0 0114 00115 0 0 1 l 6A DFFC 00117 O O l l S A DFFB 00119 0 0 1 2 0 A DFFA 00121 0 0 1 2 2A DF F S 00123 0 0 1 2 4 A DFC 2 00125 0 0 1 2 6 A DF B 2 00127 0 0 1 2 S A DFA2 00129 0 0 l 3 0 A DFAO 00131 0 0 1 3 2A DF 9 E 00133 0 0 1 3 4A D F 9 D 00135 0 0 1 3 6 A DF 9 B 00137 0 0 1 3 SA DF99 00139 0 0 1 4 0 A DF 9 7 00141 0 0 1 4 2A DF 9 5 00143 0 0 1 4 4 A DF 9 3 00145 0 0 1 4 6 A DF 9 1 00147 0 0 1 4 S A DF 9 0 00149 0 0 1 5 0 A DF S F 00151 0 0 1 5 2A DF S E 00153 0 0 1 5 4 A DF 6 6 00155 0 0 1 5 6 A DF 5 1 00157 0015S DFO O O O DF DFFC DF F B DFFA DF F S DFC 2 DF B 2 DFA2 DFAO DF9E DF 9 D DF 9 B DF 9 9 DF 9 7 DF 9 5 DF 9 3 DF 9 1 DF 9 0 DF S F DF S E DF 6 6 DF 5 1 DF 5 1 AS S I ST0 9 - M C 6 S 0 9 MON ITOR ****************************************** WORK AREA * * TH I S WORK AREA IS AS S I G N E D TO THE PAGE ADDRE S S E D BY * -S l S 0 0 , PCR FROM THE BAS E ADDRE S S OF THE AS S I S T 0 9 * ROM . THE D I RE CT PAGE RE G I ST E R DURI NG MOST ROUT I NE * OPERAT I ONS WI LL PO I NT TO TH I S WORK AREA . THE STACK * I N I T I ALLY STARTS U N D E R THE RE S E RV E D WORK AREAS AS * DEF I N E D HERE I N . ****************************************** A WORKPG EQU ROMB E G + RAMO F S S ETU P D I RECT PAG E ADDRE S S A SETDP WORK PG ! > S NOT I F Y AS S E MB LER ORG WORKPG+ 2 5 6 READY PAG E DEF I N I T I ONS * THE FO LLOW I NG THRU BK PTOP MUST RE S I DE I N TH I S ORDE R * FOR PROPER I N I T I AL I Z AT I ON *-4 ORG * PAUS E ROUT I N E A PAU S E R EQU *-1 ORG BYPASS SWI AS BREAK PO I NT F LAG * A SW I B F L EQU *-1 ORG BREAK PO I NT COUNT * A BK PTCT EQU *-2 ORG * STACK TRAC E LEVEL A SLEVEL EQU *-NUMVTR* 2 ORG * VECTOR TAB LE A VECTAB EQU * - 2 * NU M B K P ORG * A BK PTBL EQU BREAKPO I NT TABLE *-2* NUMBKP ORG * BREAK PO I NT OPCODE TAB LE A BK PTOP EQU *- 2 ORG W I N DOW * A WI NDOW EQU *-2 ORG * ADDRES S PO I NT E R VALUE EQU A ADDR *-1 ORG BAS E PAG E VALU E * A BAS E PG EQU *- 2 ORG B INARY BU I LD AREA * A NUMBE R EQU *-2 ORG LAST OPCODE TRACE D * A LASTOP EQU *-2 ORG RE S ET STAC K PO I NT E R * A RSTACK EQU *-2 ORG COMMAN D RECOVE RY STACK * A PSTACK EQU *-2 ORG LAST PROG RAM COUNTER * A PCNTER EQU *-2 ORG * TRAC E COUNT A TRAC E C EQU *-1 ORG * TRACE " SW I " N E ST LEVE L COU NT A SW I C NT EQU ( M I S F LG MUST FOLLOW SW I CN T ) *-1 ORG LOAD CMD/T H RU BREAK PO I NT F LAG * A M I S F LG EQU *-1 ORG EXPRESS I ON DE L I M IT E R/WORK BYTE * A DEL I M EQU *-40 ORG EXTE NS ION ROM RE S E RVED AREA * A RO M2WK EQU *-21 ORG TEMPORARY STACK HOLD A TSTACK EQU * START OF I N IT I A L STACK A STACK EQU * 8-39 P AG E 004 AS S I ST0 9 . SA : 0 ASS I ST0 9 - MC6 8 0 9 MON I TOR 00160 0 0161 00162 00163 00164 00165 0 0166 0 01 67A F 8 0 0 ****************************************** * DEFAULT THE ROM BEG I N N I NG ADDRES S TO ' ROMBEG ' * AS S I ST0 9 IS POS I T I ON ADDRE S S I N DE P E N DENT , HOWEVE R * WE AS S EM B LE AS S UM I NG CONTROL OF TH E HARDWARE VECTORS . * NOTE THAT THE WORK RAM PAG E MUST BE ' RAMOFS ' * F ROM THE ROM BEG I N N I NG ADDRE S S . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 0 0169 00170 00171 0 01 7 2 00173 0 01 7 4 00175 00176 00177 0 0178 0 0 1 79 0 0 1 80 00181 ************* **************************************** BLDVTR - BU I L D AS S I ST0 9 VECTOR TAB LE * * HARDWARE RE SET CALLS TH I S SUBROUT I N E TO BU I LD TH E * AS S I ST0 9 VECTOR TABLE . TH I S S U B ROU T I N E RE S I DE S AT * THE F I RST BYTE OF THE AS S I ST0 9 ROM , AN D CAN BE * CALLED V I A EXT E RNAL CONTROL CODE FOR RE MOTE * A S S I ST0 9 EXECUT I ON . * I NPUT : S- > VAL I D STACK RAM * OUTPUT : U- >VECTOR TABLE ADDRE S S DPR- > AS S I ST0 9 WORK AREA PAGE * THE VECTOR TAB LE AND DEFAULT S ARE I N I 'r I AL I Z E D * * ALL REG I ST E RS VOLAT I LE ************************************************* 0 0 1 8 3A 0 0 1 8 4A 0 0 1 8 5A 0 0 1 86A 0 0 1 87A 0 0 1 88A 0 0 1 89A 0 0 l 90A 0 0 1 9 1A 0 0 1 9 2A 0 0 1 9 3A 0 0 1 94A 0 0 1 9 5A 0 0 1 96A 0 0 1 9 7A 0 0 1 98A 0 0 1 9 9A 0 0200A 0 0 2 0 1A 0 0 2 0 2A 0 0 2 0 3A 0 0 20 4A 0 0 20 5A 0 02 0 6A 0 0 207A 0 0209 0 0210 0 0211 00212 0 0213 F800 F804 Fa06 F808 F aOA F 80C F80F Fall F813 F815 F817 F819 F81B F81D F81F F821 F823 F825 F826 F828 F 8 2C F82F F83l F833 F835 ROMBEG ORG 30 IF IF 97 33 3l EF C6 34 IF E3 ED 6A 26 C6 A6 A7 SA 26 31 8E AC 26 AD 35 BLDVTR LEAX 8 0 E7 BE 10 TFR A TF R 8B A STA A 90 A LEAU 84 LEAY 8C 3 5 A STU 81 A LOB 16 A PSHS 04 A BLD2 TF R 20 A ADDD Al STD 81 � DEC A E4 BNE F815 F6 00 LOB A A BLD3 LOA AO A STA 80 DE C B BNE F821 F9 LEAY 8 0 F 7 D4 A LDX 20FE A CMPX Al F835 BNE 02 JSR A A4 A B LORTN P U LS 84 ROM ASS EM B LY/DEFAULT ADDRE S S VECTAB , PCR ADDRE S S VECTOR TABLE X,D OBTA I N BAS E PAGE ADDRE S S A , DP SETU P DP R BAS E PG STORE FOR QU I C K RE F E RENCE RETURN TABLE TO CALLER ,X < I N I TVT , PC R LOAD F ROM ADDR , X++ I N I T VEc'rOR TABLE ADDRE S S # NU MVTR- 5 NUMB E R RE LOCATABLE VECTORS STO RE INDEX ON STACK B Y,D PRE PARE ADDRES S RE SOLVE TO ABSOLUTE ADDRE S S , Y+ + I NTO VECTOR TABLE , X++ ,S COUNT DOWN BLD2 BRANCH I F MO RE TO I N S E RT # I NTVE- I NTVS STAT I C VALUE I N I T LE NGTH , Y+ LOAD NEXT BYTE STORE I NTO POS I T ION , X+ COUNT DOWN LOOP UNT I L DONE BLD3 ROM 2 0 F , PCR TEs'r POS S I B L E EXTENS I ON ROM LOAD " B RA * - F LAG PATTE RN # $ 20FE , Y+ + ? EXTEN D E D ROM HE RE BLDRTN BRAN CH NOT OU R ROM TO RETU RN CALL EXTENDED ROM I N I T I AL I Z E ,Y RETURN TO I N I T I AL I Z E R PC , B ***************************************************** RE S ET ENTRY PO I NT * * HARDWARE RE SET ENTE RS H E RE I F AS S I ST0 9 IS ENAB L E D * T O REC E I V E TH E MC 6 8 0 9 HARDWARE VECTORS . WE CALL * THE BLDVTR SUBROUT I N E TO I N I T I AL I Z E THE VECTOR 8-40 PAG E 00 5 00214 00215 00216 0 0 2 1 7A 0 0 2 1 8A 0 0 2 1 9A 0 0220A 0 0 2 2 1A 0 0 2 2 2A 00223A 00225 0 0226 0 0 227 00228 00229 0 0230 00231 00232 0 0 2 3 3A 00234A 0 0 2 3 5A 00236A 0 0237A 0 0238A 00239A 0 02 4 0A 0 0 2 4 1A 0 0 2 4 2A 0 0 2 4 3A 00244A 00245A 0 0246A 0 0 2 4 7A 0 0 2 4 8A 0 0249A 0 0 2 5 0A 0 0 2 5 1A 0 0 2 5 2A 0 0 2 5 3A 00254A 00255 002 56A 00257A 0 0 2 5 8 1\ 0 0259A 0 0 2 6 0A 0 0 2 6 1A 0 0 2 6 2A 0 0 2 6 3A 00264 00265 00267 AS S I ST0 9 - M C 6 8 0 9 MON I TOR AS S I ST0 9 . SA : 0 F837 F83B F83D F83E F840 F841 F842 32 80 4F IF 3F 20 * TA B L E , S TAC K , AN D TH E N F I RE U P TH E MON I TOR V I A S W I * CALL . ******************************************************* 8 0 E7 1 6 RE S ET F800 C3 RESET2 A 8B 08 F9 F844 F846 F848 F84A F84C F84E F850 F852 F854 F856 F858 F85A F85C F85E F860 F862 F864 F866 F868 F86A F86C F86E 0158 0292 0290 028E 0 27 0 028A 0045 022B FFE3 0290 0284 0296 0 28A 0293 0290 039A 02B7 0 2 02 02BF E7 9 2 0470 012 D F870 F87 2 F874 F876 F878 F87A F87B F87C E0 0 8 00 0000 EO O O 0000 00 00 39 F8 7D A F8 3 D A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A LEAS BSR C L RA TFR SW I FC B BRA STACK , PCR S ET U P I N I T I AL STA C K B LDV T R B U I L D V E CTO R TABL E I S S U E STARTU P MESSAGE A , DP DE F AU L'r TO PAGE Z E RO P ERFO RM MON ITOR F I RE U P MON I T R T O E N T E R CO MMAN D P RO C E S S I N G RE S E T 2 RE ENTER MON ITOR I F ' CONT I NU E ' ****************************************************** * I N I TVT - I N I T I AL VECTOR TABLE * TH I S TABLE IS RE LOCAT E D TO RAM AN D RE P RE S E NTS TH E * I lH T I AL STAT E OF THE VECTOR TABLE . ALL ADDRE S S E S * ARE CONVE R'£E D TO ABSOLU T E FORM . TH I S TABLE STARTS * W I TH TH E SECON D ENTRY , E N DS WITH STAT I C CON STANT * I N I T I A L I Z AT I ON DATA WH I C H CARRI E S BEYOND TH E TAB LE . ************************************************ I N I TVT F OB CM DT B L - * DEF AU LT F I RST COMMAND TAB LE F OB RS RVDR- * DEF AULT UNDEF I N E D HARDWARE VECTOR S W I 3 R- * DE FAULT SW I 3 F DB S W I 2 R- * F OB DEF AULT SW I 2 F I RQ R- * F DB DEFAU LT F I RQ FDB I RQ R- * D E F AUL 'r I RQ ROUT I N E S W I R- * FDB DE F AU LT SWI ROU T I N E F DB NM I R- * DEFAULT NMI ROUT I N E RE S ET- * RESTART VECTOR F OB C I ON- * C I D'£A- * C IOF F- * COON- * CODTA- * COOFF- * H S DTA- * B S ON- * B S D TA- * BSO F F - * P A U S E R- * EX P1 - * C M DT B 2 - * F DB FCB FOB FOB F OB FCB FCB FCB EQU AC I A DE FAU L'£ AC IA DFTCH P , DFTNLP D E F A U LT NU LL PADDS 0 DE FAULT ECHO PTM DEFAU LT PTM 0 I N I T I AL STACK TRAC E LEVEL I N I T IAL BREAK PO I NT COUNT 0 0 SWI BREAK PO I NT L E V E L DE FAU LT PAU S E ROUT I NE ( RTS ) $39 * CONSTANTS A I NTVS A A A A A A A A I N TV E *B DE F A U LT DE F A U LT DE F A U LT DE FAU LT DE F A U LT DE F AU LT DE F A U LT DE F AU LT DE F AULT D E F AULT DEFAU LT DE F AULT DEFAULT F OB F DB F OB F OB F OB FOB F OB F OB F OB F OB FOB F OB F OB C I ON C I DTA C IOFF COON CODTA COOF F HS DTA BSON B S DTA B SOF F PAUSE ROU T I N E EXPRE S S ION ANALY Z E R S E COND COMMAN D TABL E * *********************************************** B-41 PAGE 006 AS S I S'r0 9 . SA : 0 ASS I ST 0 9 - MC 6 8 0 9 MON I 'fOR * AS S I ST0 9 SW I HANDLER * TH E SWI HAN DLER PROV I DE S AL L I NTE RFAC I NG N E C E S SARY * FOR A USE R PROG RAM . A FU NCT ION BYTE IS AS S U M E D TO * FOLLOW TH E SWI I N STRUCT ION . IT IS BOUND CHECK ED * AN D TH E P RO P E R ROUT I N E I S G I VEN CONTROL . TH I S * I N VOCAT I O N MAY ALSO BE A BREAK PO I NT I NTE RRU PT . * I F SO , TH E BREAK PO I NT HAN DLER I S ENTERE D . * I NPUT : MAC H I NE STA'rE DEF I N E D FOR SWI * OUTPUT : VAR I E S ACCORD I NG TO FUNCT ION CALLE D . PC ON CALLERS STACK I NCREMENTED BY ON E I F VAL I D CALL . * * VOLAT I LE REG I ST E RS : SE E F UNCT IONS CALLE D * S TATE : RUNS D I SAB LED UNLESS FUNCT ION CLEARS I F LAG . ************************************************ 00268 0 0269 0 0270 00271 00272 00273 0 0274 0 0275 0 0276 00277 0 02 7 8 0 0279 00280 * SWI F U N CT I ON VECTOR TABLE Z I NCH-SW IVTB I NCHNP A SW I VTB F DB ZOTC H 1 -SWIVTB OUTCH A F DB Z P D'fAl - SW I VTB PDA'fAl A F DB Z P DATA-SWIVTB PDATA A F OB A Z OT 2 H S- SWIVTB OUT2 H S F DB Z OT 4 H S -SWIVTB OUT4 HS A F DB Z PCRLF-SWIVT B PCRLF A F DB Z S PAC E - SWIVTB S PACE A FDB ZMON T R-SWIVTB MON ITR A F DB ZVSWTH-SWIVTB VCTRSW A F DB Z BK PNT- SWI VTB BREAK PO I NT F DB A Z PAUSE-SWIVTB TASK PAUSE F OB A 0 0282 0 0 2 8 3A 0 0 2 8 4A 0 0 2 8 5A 0 0 286A 0 0 2 87A 0 0 2 8 8A 0 0 2 8 9A 0 0 2 9 0A 0 0 2 9 1A 0 0 2 9 2A 0 0 2 9 3A 0 0 2 9 4A F87D F87F F88 1 F88 3 F88S F887 F889 F88B F88D F88F F891 F89 3 0 0 2 9 6A 0 0 2 97A 0 029B 0 0 2 99A 0 0300A 0 0 3 0 1A 0 0 3 0 2A 0 0 3 0 3A 0 0 3 0 4A 0 0 3 0 SA 0 0 3 0 6A 00307A 0 0 3 0 BA 0 0 3 0 9A 00310A 0 0 3 l lA 0 0 3 1 2A 0 0 3 1 3A 0 0 3 1 4A 0 0 3 1 SA 0 0 3 16A 0 0 3 1 7A 0 0 3 l 8A 0 0 3 1 9A SWI CNT , PCR U P " SWI " LEVEL FOR TRACE DEC SW I R 8 D E6 F 7 SETUP PAGE AND VER I FY STAC K LDDP LBSR 0 2 2 5 FACl * C H E C K FOR BREAK PO I N'f TRAP LDU A 10 , S LOAD PROGRAM COUNTER F89C EE 6A BACK TO SWI ADDRESS -l , U LEAU A F89E 33 SF ? TH I S · SW I " BREAK PO I NT TST SWI B F L A F BAO O D FB SW I DNE BRANCH IF SO TO LET TH ROUGH BNE FBBS F 8 A2 2 6 11 OBTA I N BREAK PO I NT PO I N T E RS LBSR C B K LDR 069B FF42 F 8 A4 1 7 OBTA I N POS I T I VE CO UNT NEGB F BA7 5 0 COU NT DOWN DEC B SWI LP F B A B SA BM I SW I DN E BRANCH WHEN DONE F8BS F 8 A9 2B OA CMPU ? WAS TH I S A BREAK PO I NT A , Y+ + F B AB l l A 3 Al SW I LP BRANCH I F NOT BNE F8 F B AB F BAE 2 6 SET PROGRAM COU NTER BACK STU 10 , 5 A 6A F B BO E F GO DO BREAK PO I NT LBRA Z B K PNT F 8 B2 1 6 0 2 1 E FAD3 SWI B F L C LE AR I N CAS E SET FBBS O F A SW I DN E C L R FB 0 PU LU OBTA I N F UNCT ION BYTE , U P PC A F 8 B7 37 06 CMP B # NUMFUN ? TOO H I GH A FBB9 Cl OB ERROR YES , DO BREAK PO I NT F B BB 1 0 2 2 0 2 0 F FAC E LBH I 10 , 5 BUMP PROGRAM COUNTER PAST SWI F B BF E F STU A 6A F UNCTION C O D E T I M ES TWO AS L B FBCl SB LEAU SWI VTB , PCR OBTAIN VECTOR BRANCH ADDRE S S F8C2 33 BC B8 B,U LOA D OF F S ET LDO A F 8 C S EC CS D,U JUMP TO ROUT I N E F 8 C7 6E A JMP CB 0 0321 00322 00323 0 0 3 24 0194 OlBl OlCB 01C3 0175 017 3 OlCO 0179 0055 017D 0256 O l Dl F89S 6A F899 17 ********************************************** * REG I ST E RS TO FUNCT ION ROUT I NES : * DP- ) WORK AREA PAG E X=AS CALLED FROM US E R D , Y , U = U N RE L I ABLE * 8-42 PAGE 007 AS S I s 'r0 9 . S � : 0 �S S I s' r 0 9 - MC 6 8 0 9 MON I 'rOR 00325 0 0326 * S=hS F RO M SWI I N'r r; R RU P'r ************************************ ********* 00328 0 0329 00330 0 0331 0 0332 0 0333 00334 00335 00336 00337 00338 0 0339 0 0 340 ************************************************** [ S ri I P U N C T I U N 8 ) * M O N I 'rU i{ E N 'r RY * * F I R E U P 'ru E AS S I ST0 9 MON I 'rU R . * THE S T A C K WITH I'rs VA L ll E S P O R TI I l� l > I jU� CT PAm: * REG I S T E l{ AN D CO N D I 'r I O N CO D E F L AG S A R E U l:> t:: l) AS I ::i . * 1 ) I N I T I A L I Z 8 CO N l:> U L E I /O * 2 ) O P T I U N A L L Y P R I N T S I G NON * 3 ) I N I T I A L I Z E PTM P O R S I NG L � ST � P P I N G * 4 ) E N T E R COMMAND P ROC E � S O R * I N P U T : A= O I N l 'r CON S O L E A N D P IU N 'r STAH'ru p �I E S S A G E A # O OM I 'r CO N SO L E m I 'l' AN D STA RTU P �If'; S S AG E * *** ************ ******************************** ** 0 0 3 4 2A F 8 C 9 0 0 3 4 3A F8D1 0 0 3 4 5A 0 0 3 4 6A 0 0 3 47A 00348A 0 0349A 0 0350A 0 0 3 5 1A 0 0 3 5 2A 0 0 3 5 3A 0 0 3 54A 0 0 3 5 5A 003 56A 00357A 0 0 3 58A 00359A 0 0360 0 0 3 6 1A 0 0362 00364 0 03 6 5 00366 00367 0 0368 0 0369 0 0370 00371 00372 00373 00374 00375 00376 0 0377 0 0378 F8D2 F8D5 F 8 D7 F 8 D9 F8DD F8E1 F8E4 F8E5 F8E6 F8E8 F 8 EA F8EC F 8EE F8F1 F8F3 41 04 1 0 DF 60 26 AD AD 30 3F 9E 27 6F 6F CC A7 E7 F8F5 6F A S I G NO N A FCC /ASS I S'l'0 9/S I G NUN FCB Eo'r EY \:: - C A'rC H E R RSTACK SAVE FOR BAO s'rACK RECOVERY A ZMONTR STS 97 1,S ? I N IT CONSOLE AN D S E N D MSG TST A 61 Z MONT2 BRANCH IF NOT BNE F8E6 00 [ V ECT A B+ . C I O N , PCR] READY CO N SO L E I N P UT JS R 9 0 E6 F 9 JSR [ VECTAB+ . COON , PC R ] READY CO NSOL E OUTPUT 90 E6FB L F. AX S I GNON , PCR READY S IGNON EYE- CATCH E R 8C E5 PERFORM SWI P RI NT S T R I NG FCB PDATA A 03 A ZMONT2 L O X VECTAB+ . PTM LOAD PTM ADDRE SS F6 CMD BRANCH I F NOT TO U S E A PTM BEQ F8F7 00 C LR A PTMTMI- PTM , X SET LATCH TO CLEAR RE S ET 02 CLR PTMTM 1 + 1-PTM , X AN D SET GATE H IG H A 03 # $ 0 1A6 S E T U P T I M ER 1 MODE LDO A 0 1A 6 STA PTMC 2 -PTM , X S ETUP FOR CONTROL REG I ST E Rl A 01 PTMC 1 3 - PTM , X SET OUTPUT ENABLE D/ STB A 84 * S I NGLE SH O T/ DUAL 8 B I T/ I NTERNAL MODE/OP E RATE C LR PTMC 2 -PTM , X SET CR2 RACK TO RE S E T FORM A 01 * FALL I NTO COMMAN D PROC E S S O R *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * ************* ******************* *** COMMAN D HAN DLER * BREAK PO I NTS ARE REMOVED AT TH I S T I ME . * * P ROMPT FOR A COM MAN D , AN D STORE ALL CHARA C T E RS U N T I L A S E PARATOR ON TH E STACK . * S EARCH FOR F I RST MATCH I NG COMMAN D SUBSET , * CALL IT OR G IV E 1 1 1 RES PON SE . * DU RING COMMAN D SEARC H : * B=O F F S ET TO NEXT ENTRY ON X * U =SAV E D S * U- l = E NTRY S I Z E + 2 * * U- 2 =VAL I D NUMBER FLAG ( > = 0 VAL I O ) /COMPARE CNT U- 3 =CARRIAG E RE 'r U RN F LAG ( O =C R HAS B E E N OON E ) * U-4=START OF COMMAN D s'rO RE * S+O = E N D OF COMMAN D STORE * 8-43 PAG E 008 AS S I ST 0 9 ASS I S'ro 9 . S A : 0 *********************************************** 00379 0 0 3 8 0A 1>1 0 N I 'l'O R - M C 6 13 0 9 F8F7 0 0 3 8 1A F 8 F 8 0 0 38 2 TU NEW L I N E F UN C T I O N PCRLF * D I SARM TiU': B H C A K PO I 1'�'l' S C B K I. D R OBTA I N B R E A K PO Hl 'r PO I NT E RS F F 4 2 C M D tJ t:: P L B S R B RAN CH I F' NO'I' ARM E D OR N O N E C !'t DNOL BP L F90A C 1>1 D 3F 06 0 0 383A F8F9 17 U646 0 0 3 8 4A 0 0385A F 8 FC F 8 FE 2A OC 0 0 3 8 6A F 8 F £o' 50 D7 FA 0 0 3 8 7A 0 0 3 88A F901 F902 F904 S I'l I A FeB A ST� MAK E POS I 'r I V t:: NEGB CM D D D L D E C B 5 11. 2B 06 A6 30 13K P'rCT F LAG ? AS D I S A RM E D F ! N I S H E: D H� SO LOA D O P CODE S T O RE D STO RE BACK OV E R II S W I [ , Y+ + ) 0 0 3 9 0 A F 9 0 6 A7 B1 C M D DD L LOOP UNT I L DON E F901 F7 0 0 3 9 1A 1" 9 0 8 2 0 LOAD U S E RS PROG RAM COUNT E R 10 , S A CMD N O L LOX 6A 0 0 3 9 2A 1" 9 0 A AE SAVE FOR EXPRE S S ION ANALY Z E R PCNT E R STX A 93 0 0 3 9 3A F 9 0 C 9 F # P ROM P T LOAD PROMPT CHARACTER LOA 3E A 0 0 3 9 4A F 9 0 E 8 6 SEND TO OUTPUT HANDLER SWI 0 0 3 9 5A F 9 1 0 3 F DUTCH F UNCT ION FCB 01 A 0 0 3 9 6A F 9 1 1 A ,S REMEMBER STACK RESTORE ADDRES S LEAU E4 0 0 3 97A F912 3 3 REMEMBER STACK FOR ERROR USE PSTACK STU 95 A 0 0 3 9 8 A F 9 1 4 OF PRE PARE Z E RO CLRA 0 0 3 9 9A F 9 1 6 4 F PRE PARE Z ERO CLRB 0 0 4 0 0A F 9 1 7 S F C LEAR NUMBE R BU I LD AREA NUM B E R STD A 9B 0 0 4 0 1A F 9 1 8 DO CLEAR M I S CE L . AND SW I CNT F LAGS M I S F LG STD A 8F 0 0 4 0 2A F 9 1 A DO CLEAR TRACE COUNT TRAC E C STD A 91 0 0 4 0 3 A F 9 1C DO SET 0 TO TWO #2 LO AS A 02 0 0 4 0 4A F 9 1 E C6 P LACE DEFAULTS ONTO STACK D , CC PSIi S 07 A 0 0 4 0 5A F 9 20 34 * C H E C K FOR " QU I C K " COMM A N DS . 00406 OBTA I N F I RS T CHARACTER READ LBS R 0 4 5 4 F D7 9 0 0407A F922 17 C DOT+ 2 , PCR PRE S ET FOR S I NGLE TRACE LEAX 0 04 0 8 A F925 30 80 0581 ? QU I C K TRACE CMPA A 0 04 0 9A F929 81 2E iI BRANCH EQUAL FOR TRACE ONE CMDXQT BEQ 5A F987 0 04 1 0 A F 9 2B 27 CMPADP+ 2 , PCR READY MEMORY ENTRY POI NT LEAX 80 04E9 0 0 4 1 1A F 9 2 D 30 ? OPEN LAST USED MEMORY CMPA A 0 0 4 1 2A F 9 3 1 8 1 2F i'l BRANCH TO DO IT I F SO CM D XQT BEQ F987 52 0 0 4 1 3 A F 9 3 3 27 * P ROCE S S NEXT CHARACT ER 0 04 1 4 ? B LANK OR DEL I M ITER CMPA A CMD2 t' 0 04 1 5A F 9 3 5 8 1 20 BRANCH YES , WE HAVE IT CMDGOT BLS F94D 14 0 0 4 1 6A F 9 3 7 2 3 BU I LD ONTO STACK A PSHS A 0 0 4 1 7A F 9 3 9 34 02 COUNT TH I S CHARACT E R -l , U INC A 0 0 4 1 8A F93B 6C SF ? MEMORY COMMAN D CMPA A til 0 0 4 1 9A F 9 3 D 8 1 2F CMDMEM BRANCH I F SO BEQ F990 0 04 20A F93F 27 4F TREAT AS H E X VALU E B L D HXC LBS R 0 04 21A F941 17 0 4 0 B F D4 F CMD 3 BRANCH I F ST I LL VAL I D NUMBER BEQ F948 02 0 0 4 2 2 A F 9 4 4 27 F LAG AS I NVA L I D NUM B E R -2 , U DEC A 0 04 23A F946 6A 5E OBTA I N NEXT CH ARACTER READ LBS R 0 04 2 4A F 9 4 8 17 0 4 2 E F D7 9 C M D 3 TEST NEXT CHARACTE R CMD 2 BRA F935 0 0 4 25A F94B 20 E8 * G O T COMMAN D , NOW S EARC H TABLES 0 04 2 6 SET Z E RO I F CARRI AG E RETU RN I CR A CM DGOT SUBA 00 0 0427A F94D 80 SE'fUP F LAG -3 , u STA A 50 0 0 4 2 8A F 9 4 F A7 VECTAB+ . CMDL1 START W I TH F I RST CMD L I ST LOX A C4 0 04 2 9A F 95 1 9 E LOAD ENTRY LENGTH ,X+ A CMDSCH LOB 80 0 0 430A F953 E6 BRANCH IF NOT L I ST END CM DS M E BP L F967 10 0 0 4 3 1A F 9 5 5 211. VECTAB+ . C MDL2 NOW TO SECOND CMD L I ST LOX A EE 0 0 4 3 2A F 9 5 7 9 E ? TO CONT I NU E TO DE FAULT L I ST I NC B 0 04 3 3A F 9 5 9 5 C BRANCH I F SO CMDseH BEQ F9 5 3 F7 0 0 4 3 4 A F 9 5A 27 PSTACK RESTORE STACK A CM DB A D LOS 0 0 4 3 5 A F 9 5 C l O DE 9 5 L E AX E RRMSG , PCR PO I NT TO E RROR STRING 80 015A 0 04 3 6 A F95F 30 00389A F 9 0 /\ 8M I C�DNOL A 1\ I.J)A STA B RA -NUMBK P * 2 , Y BRAN C H It • 8·44 P AG E 009 0 0437A 00438A 0 0 4 3 9A 0 0440 0 0 4 4 1A 0 04 4 2A 0 04 4 3A 0 0 4 4 4A 0 0 4 4 5A 0 0 4 4 6A 0 0447A 0 0448A 0 04 4 9A 0 0450A 0 0 451A 0 0 4 5 2A 0 04 5 3A 0 04 5 4A 0 0 4 5 5A 0 0 4 5 6A 0 0457A 0 0 4 5 8A 0 0 4 5 9A 0 0 4 6 0A 0 0 4 6 1A 0 0 4 6 2A 0 0 4 6 3A 0 0 4 6 4A 0 0 4 6 5A 0 0 4 6 6A 0 0467A AS S I ST0 9 . SA : 0 F963 3F F964 F965 20 F967 F968 F96A F96C F96D F96F F971 F973 F97 5 F977 F978 F97A F97C F97E F980 F98 2 F983 F985 F987 F989 F98B F98D F990 F99 2 F994 F997 F999 5A El 24 3 .11. 20 31 A6 80 A7 5A A6 Al 26 6A 26 3A EC 30 60 32 AD 16 60 2B 30 DC 20 ASS I S T 0 9 - M C 6 8 0 9 MON I TOR 02 90 A F8F7 5F 03 A F96F E4 5D 5F 02 5E F953 A 80 A2 EE 5E F5 A A F96C A F977 A A A A 1E A 8B 50 A A C4 A IE FF7A F90A A 5E C8 F9 5C A 8 8 AE A 9B F987 EC SWI FCB BRA * S E ARCH NEXT CM DSME DECR CMPB BHS CMDFLS ABX B RA CMDS I Z LEAY LOA SUBA STA CMDCMP DEC B LOA CMPA SNE DEC BNE ABX LDD LEAX CMDXQT TST LEAS JSR LBRA CMDMEM TST BM I LEAX LCD B RA PDATAI CMD ENTRY S E N D OUT TO CONSOLE AN D T R Y AGA I N TAK E ACCOU NT OF LE NGTH BYTE ? E N T E R E D LON G E R THAN ENTRY BRANC H I F NOT TOO LO NG SK I P 'ro NEXT ENTRY CMDSCH AN D 'fRY NEXT -3 , U PRE PARE TO COMPARE -l , U LOA D S I Z E + 2 #2 TO ACTUAL S I Z E E N T E R E D SAVE S I Z E FOR COUNTDOWN -2 , U DOWN ONE BYTE , X+ NEXT COMMAN D CH ARA C T E R , -Y ? S AME AS T H AT E N T E R E D I F NOT CMDF LS B RANCH TO F LU S H COU NT DOWN LENGTH OF ENTRY -2 , U CMDCMP 8RAN CH IF MORE TO T E ST TO NEXT EN'f RY LOAD O F F S E T -2 , X COMPUTE ROUT I N E A DD RES S + 2 D,X SET CC FOR CARR I AG E RETURN TEST -3 , U DELETE STACK WORK AREA ,U -2 , X C AL L C O MMAN D C M DN O L GO GET NEXT COMMAND ? VAL I D HEX NUMB E R ENTERED -2 , U C M D BA D BRANCH ERRO R I F NOT <CMEMN-CMPADP , X TO DI F F E RENT ENTRY N UM B E R LOAn NUMBE R ENTERE D CM DXQT AN D ENT ER MEMORY COMMAN D -l , U C M DS I Z 0 0469 0 0470 00471 0 047 2 00473 0 0474 00475 * * COMMAN DS ARE E NT E RE D A S A SUBROUT I N E W I 'fH : ** DP R- > ASS I ST0 9 DI RECT PAGE �ORK ARE A ** Z = l CARRI AGE RE'fURN ENTE RED Z = O NON CARR I AG E RETU RN DE L I M ITER ** S-NORMAL R ET U RN ADDRE S S ** * * THE LAB E L n CMDBA D n MAY BE ENTERED TO I S S U E AN * * A N ERROR F LAG ( * ) . 00477 0 0478 0 0479 00480 00481 0 04 8 2 00483 0 04 8 4 00485 00486 00487 0 0488 0 0489 00490 0 04 9 1 00492 **** ********************************************** ASS I ST0 9 COMMAN D 'fABLES * EXTERNAL * TH E S E ARE THE D E F .e.1J [,1' CO M MA N D TABLE S . 'fAB L E S OF THE SAME FORMAT MAY EXTE N D/ RE PLACE * * TH E S E BY US I NG THE VECTOR SWAP FUNCT I ON . * * E NTRY FORMAT : * +O TOTAL S I Z E OF E NT RY ( I NC L U D I NG TH I S BYT E ) * +l COMM A N D STR I NG +N TWO BYTE OF F SE'r TO COM M A N D ( E N T RYA D DR- * ) * * * THE 'fAB LES TE RM I NATE WITH A ON E B YT E - l OR - 2 . * 'l'H E - 1 CONT I N U E S TH E COMMA N D SEARC H W I T H TH E SECO N D CO MM A N D TAB LE . * * THE -2 TERM I NA'r E S COMMA N D S EARCH E::> . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *� * * * * * * * * * * * * * • • • • • • • • • B-4 5 PAG E 010 0 0494 0 04 9 5 0 0 4 9 6A F998 FE 0 0498 00499 00500 0 0 5 0 1A 0 0 5 0 2A 0 0 5 0 3A 0 0 5 0 4A F99C F99D F99E F 9AO F99C 04 42 0540 04 0 0 5 0 5A 00506A 0 0 5 0 7A 0 0 5 0 8A 00509A 0 0 5 10A O O S l lA O O S loil A 0 0 S 1 3A 0 0 S 14A 0 0 S 1 5A 0 0 S 1 6A F 9A1 F 9 A2 F 9 A4 F 9 A5 F 9 A6 F 9 A8 F9A9 F 9 AA F 9 AC F 9 AD F 9 AE F 9 BO 43 0417 04 44 0490 04 45 OS9F 04 47 0 3 02 04 00548 00549 * T H I S I S THE DE FAU LT LIST (O'OR THE SECOND COMMAN D * L I ST ENTHY . STOP COMMAN D SEARCHES -2 A CM DT82 FCB I S 'fH E DE FAULT L I ST FOR THE F I RST COMMAN D ENTRY . MON I'fOR COMMAND TABLE * A CMDTBL EQU 4 FCB A ' BREAK PO I NT ' COMMAN D FCC A I BI * TH I S * 0 0 S 1 7 A F 9 Bl 0 0 S 1 8A 0 0 S 1 9A 0 0520A 0 0 5 2 1A 0 0 5 2 2A 0 0 5 2 3A 0 0 5 2 4A 0 0525A 0 0526A 0 0527A 0 0 5 2 8A 0 0 5 29A 0 0 5 3 0A 0 0 5 3 1A 0 0 5 3 2A 0 0 5 3 3A 0 05 3 4A 00535A 0 0 5 36A 0 0 5 37A 0 0 538A 0 0539A 00540A 0 0 5 4 1A 0 0 5 4 2A 0 0 5 4 3A 0 0 5 4 4A 0 0 5 4 5A 0 0 5 4 6A AS S I ST 0 9 - MC6 8 0 9 MON I'fOR AS s I ST0 9 . sA : 0 F 9 B2 F 9 B4 F 9 &S F 9 B6 F9B8 F9B9 F 9 BA F 9 BC F9BD F 9 BE F9CO F 9C1 F9C2 F9C4 F9C5 F9C6 F9C8 F9C9 F 9 CA F 9 CC F9CD F9CE F 9DO F9Dl F9D2 F 9 D4 F 9 D5 F 9 D6 F 9 D8 4C 0 4 00 04 40 040 0 04 4E 04FD 04 4F 050A 04 50 0 4 AF 04 52 0284 04 53 04F2 04 54 0 4 06 04 56 04CF 04 57 0468 FF A A A A A A A A A L I ST F OB FCB CSK PT- * FCC FOB IC I CC A L L - * 4 1 01 FCB FCC F OB FC B FCC A A A A A F OB A FC C F OB FCB FCC F OB FCB FCC F OB FC B FCC F OB FCB FCC F OB FCB FCC FOB FCB FCC FOB FCB FCC F OB FCB FCC FOB FCB FC C FOB FCB A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 4 ' D I S P LAY ' COMMAN D C D I S P- * 4 lE I C E NC DE- * FCB 4 FC C F DB IGI FCB ' CALL ' COMMAN D ' E N C ODE ' C OMM AN D ' GO ' COMMAN D CGO- * 4 ILl ' LOAD ' COMMAND C LOAD- * 4 IMI ' MEMORY ' COMMAN D INI ' NU LLS ' COMMAN D 101 ' OF F S ET ' COMMAN D IPI ' PUNCH ' COMMAND IRI ' REG I ST E RS ' COMMAN D lSI ' STLEVEL ' COMMAND IT I ' TRACE ' COMMAND IVI ' VERI FY ' COMMAND CMEM- * 4 CNU LLs- * 4 COF F S- * 4 CPUNCH - * 4 C REG- * 4 CSTLEV-* 4 CTRAC E - * 4 CVE R- * 4 IWI ' W I NDOW ' COMMAND CW I N DO- * EN D , CONT I NU E WITH THE S ECOND -1 ************************************************* [ SW I F U NCT I ONS 4 AN D 5 ) * 8-46 P AG E 011 ASS I ST0 9 - MC 6 8 0 9 MON I TOR ASS I ST 0 9 . SA : 0 4 - OUT 2HS - De CODE BYTE TO HEX AN D ADD S PACE * 5 - OUT 4 H S - DE CODE riORD TO HEX ru� D ADD S P AC E * * I NPUT : X-> BYTE O R WORD TO DECODE * OUTPUT : CHARACT E RS S E NT TO OUTPUT HAN DLER X - > NEXT BYTE OR WORD * ************************************************** 0 0550 0 0551 0 0552 0 0553 0 0554 00555 0 0557A 0 0 5 5 8A 0 0 5 59A 0 0 5 6 0A 0 0 5 6 1A 0 0 5 6 2A Ot0 5 6 3A 0 0 5 6 4A 0 0 5 6 5A 0 0 5 6 6A 0 0567A 0 0568A F9D9 F 9 DB F9DD F 9 DF F9EO F9E2 F9E4 F9E6 F9E8 F9E9 F9EB F9EC A6 34 C6 3D 80 35 84 8B 19 89 19 6E 80 06 10 0 0 5 7 0A F 9 F O 8 0 0 0 5 7 1A F 9 F 2 8 0 0 0 5 7 2A F 9 F 4 AF 0 0573 E7 E5 64 00575 0 0576 0 0577 00578 0 0 57 9 00580 0 0 5 8 1A F 9 F 6 8 6 0 0 5 8 2A F 9 F 8 2 0 0 0584 0 0585 00586 0 0587 00588 0 0589 00590 0 0 5 9 1A 0 0 5 9 2A 0 0 5 9 3A 0 0 5 9 4A 0 0 5 9 5A 0 05 9 6A 0 05 9 7 A 0 05 9 8A 0 0599A 0 0 6 0 0A 00601 F 9 FA F 9 FC F9FE FAO O FA0 3 FA0 5 FA0 7 FA0 9 FAO B FAO D A6 81 22 10 9 E EE EF AF 27 AF 20 04 06 OF 90 40 90 20 3D 61 34 39 C2 A6 64 7E 2E A6 2A A ZOUT 2 H LOA A PSHS A LOB MUL F9E6 BS R A PULS A ANDA A ZOUTHX ADDA OM -A ADCA OM SEND JMP E5EE F 9 D9 Z OT4 H S F 9 D9 ZOT2HS A * F ALL ,X+ LOAD NEXT BYTE SAVE - DO NOT REREAD #16 SH I FT BY 4 B I TS WITH MULT I P LY ZOUTIiX S E N D OUT AS HEX o RE STORE BYT E S #$OF I SOLATE R I G H T HEX #$90 PRE PARE A-F ADJ UST ADJ UST PRE PARE CHARACTE R B I TS # $40 ADJ UST [ VECTAB+ . CODTA , PC R ) S E N D T O OUT HAN D LE R - o BSR ZOUT 2 H CONVERT F I RS T BYTE ZOUT 2 H CONVE RT BYTE T O HEX 4,S UPDATE USERS X REG I �TER STX I NTO SPACE ROUT I N E B S H. ************************************************* * [ SW I F U NC T I ON 7 ) * S PAC E - S E N D BLANK TO OUTPUT HANDLER * I NPUT : NONE * OUT P UT : BLANK SE N D '::0 CONSOLt� lIAN DLER ***************** ******************************** A Z S PACE LOA LOAD BLANK #' FA3 7 BRA ZOTC H 2 S E N D AN D RETU RN A A FA3 9 A A A A FA3 9 A FA3 9 *********************************************** * [ Sri I FUNCT ION 9 ) SWAP VECTOR TABLE ENTRY * * I NPUT : A-VECTOR TABLE CODE ( OF F S ET ) * X=O OR REP LACEMENT VALUE * OUTPUT : X = P REVIOUS VALUE *********************************************** ZVS WTH LOA 1,S LOAD REQUESTERS A CMPA ? S U B-CODE TOO H IGH # H IVTR BH I ZOTCH3 IGNORE CALL I F SO LDY VECTAB+ . AVTBL LOAD VECTOR TABLE ADDRE S S LOU A,Y U=OLD ENTRY STU RETU RN OLD VALUE TO CALLERS X 4 ,S STX -2 , S ? X= O ZOTCH3 BEQ YES , DO NOT CHANGE ENTRY STX A, Y RE PLAC E ENTRY RETURN FROM SW I BRA ZOTCH 3 *0 8-47 PAG E 012 0 06 0 3 00604 00605 00606 0 0607 00608 0 06 0 9 0 06 1 0 0 0 6 1 1A 0 0 6 1 2A 0 06 1 3A 0 0 6 1 4A 0 0 6 1 5A 0 0 6 1 6A 0 0 6 1 7A 0 0 6 1 8A 0 0 6 1 9A 0 0620A 0 0 6 2 1A 0 0 6 2 2A 0 0 623A 0 06 24A 0 0 6 2 5A 00626A 0 0 6 27 00629 00630 00631 00632 00633 0 06 3 4 00635 00636A 0 0 6 3 7A 0 06 3 8 A 0 0639A 0 0 640A 0 0 6 4 1A 0 0 6 4 2A AS S I ST 0 9 . SA : 0 FAO F FAl l FA1 3 FA1 5 FA1 6 FA1 8 FA1A FA1 C FA1 E FA2 0 FA2 2 FA2 4 FA2 6 FA2 8 FA2A FA2C FA2E FA3 0 FA3 3 FA3 5 FA3 7 FA3 9 FA3B 80 80 24 40 27 81 27 A7 00 26 81 26 86 80 00 26 A6 30 81 27 80 OC 3B 50 SF FA F9 7F F5 61 8F 17 00 04 OA C2 F4 OB ASS I ST 0 9 - M C 6 8 0 9 MON I TOR FA6 E FAn FAO F FAl l A FAl l A A FA3 9 A FA2A A F9EC A FA3 9 A 61 8C 09 A OA OF FA4 6 F9EC B3 A 90 00644 00645 0 0646 00647 00648 00649 00650 ************************************************ * [ SW I FUNCT ION 0 ] * INCHNP - OBTA I N I N P UT CHAR I N A ( NO PARI TY ) * NULLS AN D RU BOUTS ARE IGNORE D . * AUTOMAT I C L I N E F E E D I S S E N T U PON HEC I EV I NG A CARRI AG E RE'l'URN . * * UNLESS �E ARE LOAD I NG F ROM TAPE . ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * HE LEAS E PROC E S S O R XQPAUS Z I NCHP BSR XQC I DT CALL I N PUT DATA APP E N DAGE Z I NCH aSR Z I NCHP LOOP I F NONE AVA I LABLE BCC TSTA ? T E ST FOR NU L L IGNORE NULL Z I NCH BEQ ? RU BOUT # $7F CMPA BRANCH YES TO I G NORE Z I NCH BEQ 1,S STORE I NTO CALL E RS A STA M I S F LG ? LOAD IN PROG RE S S TST ZOTCH3 BRANCH I F SO TO NOT ECHO BNE CMPA #CR ? CARR I AG E RETURN BNE Z I N2 NO , TES'l' ECHO BYTE LOA # LF LOAD L I NE F E E D BSR SEND ALWAYS ECHO L I N E F E E D VEC'l'AB+ . E CHO ? ECHO DES I RE D TST Z IN 2 Z OTC H 3 BNE NO , RETURN * F AL L TH ROUGH T O OUTCH ************************************************ * [ S W I FUNCTION 1 ] * OUTCH - OUTPUT CHARACT ER F ROM A * I N PUT : NONE * OUTPUT : I F L I N E F E E D I S TH E OUTPUT CHARACTE R TH E N C = O NO CTL-X REC I EVED , C= l CTL- X REC I EVED * *************** ********************************* ZOTCH 1 LOA 1,S LOAD CHARACTE R TO S E N D < Z PCRLS , PC R DEFAU LT FOR L I NE F E E D LEAX #LF ? L I NE FEED CMPA BEQ Z P DTLP B RANCH TO CHECK PAU S E IF SO SEND S E N D TO OUTPUT ROUT I N E ZOTCH 2 BS R BUMP UP A SWI n T RACE NEST LEVEL ZOTCH3 I N C SWICNT RETURN F ROM n SW I n F UNCT I O N RT I ************************************************** [ SW I FUNCTION 6 ] * PCRLF - S E N D CR/LF TO CONSOLE HANDLER * * INPUT : NONE * OUT PUT : C N. AN D LF S E NT TO HANDLER C = O NO CTL- X , C= l CT L-X REC I EV E D * ************************************************** 0 0 6 5 2 A FA3C 04 0 0 6 5 4 A FA3 D 3 0 00655 8C FC A Z P C RLS F C B EOT NU L L STRING Z PCRLF LEAX Z PC RL S , PC R READY C R , L F ST R I NG * FALL I NTO CR/LF COD E 8-48 PAG E 013 ASS I �T0 9 . S A : 0 0 0657 0 0658 0 06 59 00660 00661 0 0662 00663 0 0664 0 0665 00666 0 0 6 6 7 A r�A 4 0 8 6 0 0 6 6 8 A FA4 2 8 0 0 0 6 6 9 A FA4 4 8 6 0 0670 ASS I � T0 9 - M C 6 8 0 9 MON I T O R ** * * * * * * * *** *** * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * ** * ** * * * ** * * ****** * [ S W I F U N C T I ON 3 J on A8 OA * PDATA - OUT P U 'f CR/I. F AND S T � I NG * I N P UT : X- > S T � I � G * OUT P U 'l' : C R/ LF AN D ST R I NG � E N 'l' 're O UT P U T CO NSOLE * liAlW L E H . * C - O NO CT L -X , C - l CT L - X Hi:: C n: V Ell * NOT E : LINe 1�' E t: D M U S T r'O L f.OW CA!{IU l\G F.: HE T U RN F O R * P RO p e l{ P U NCH l)ATA . *** * * * * * * * * ** * *** *** * * ******** * ** * * * *** * * * ******** A Z P DA'rA LDA LOA D CAR R I AG E R E 'l' U RN #CR BS H �END IT F9EC SEND LO A n L I N E �' E i': J) I. nil # LF l\ * F A L r. L N'l'O P D AT A l 00672 00673 ** ** * *** * ** * * * * * * * * ** * *** * * * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * ** * * * * * * [ S W I F U N CT I O N 2 J 00674 00675 00676 0 0677 00678 0 0679 00680 00681 0 0 6 8 2A FA 4 6 8 0 0 0 6 8 3 A FA 4 8 A6 * PDATAl - OUTPUT �T R I NG T I L L EOT ( $ 0 4 ) * TK I S ROUT I NE PAUSES IF AN I N PUT BYTE BECOM E S AVA I LABLE DURI NG OUTPUT TRANSM I S S ION U N T I L A * * SECOND IS REC I EVED . * I N PUT : X- ) ST R I NG * OUTPUT : S T R I N G S E NT 're OUTPUT CONSOLE DRI V E R * C - O NO CTL- X , C- l CTL- X RE C I EVED ******************* ***************** ******** * * * * * SEND S E N D CHARACTE R T O DRI V E R Z P DTLP S S R , X+ LOAD NEXT CHA RA C T E R Z P DTAl LOA C MP A # EOT ? EOT Z P DTLP LOOP I F NOT BNE * FALL I NTO PAU S E CHECK FUNCT ION 0 0 6 8 4 A FA4A 8 1 0 0 6 8 5 A FA 4 C 2 6 00686 00688 0 06 8 9 00690 0 06 9 1 0 0692 0 0693 00694 0 0695 0 06 9 6 0 06 9 7 0 06 9 8 00699 0 0 7 0 0A 0 0 7 0 IA 0 0 7 0 2A 0 07 0 3A 007 04A FA4 E FA50 FA 5 2 FA54 FAS6 80 80 IF E7 20 0 07 0 6 0 0707 0 07 0 8 0 0 7 0 9 A FA S a 8 0 0 0 7 1 0 A FA 5A 2 4 A4 80 04 F8 lE 06 A9 E4 E1 18 05 F9EC A A FA4 6 ****************** ******** ****************** * [ SW I F UN C T I O N 1 2 J * PAUSE - RETU RN TO TAS K D I S PATCH I NG AN D CHECK * FO R F RE E Z E CON D I T ION OR CTL-X BREAK * TH I � FUNCT I ON ENT E RS TH E TAS K PAUSE HANDLER SO * OPT I O NALLY OTH E R 6 8 0 9 PROCE S S E S MAY GA I N CONTROL . * U PON RETURN , CHECK FOR A ' F REE Z E ' CON D I T I ON * W I TH A RE S U LT I NG WA IT LOOP , DR CON D I T I ON CODE * RETU RN IF A CONTROL-X IS ENTERED F ROM THE I NPUT * HAN D L E R . * OUTPUT : C= 1 IF CTL-X HAS ENTERE D , C= O OT H E RW I S E *****•••••••••••••••••••••*•••••••* .**•••* RE LEASE CONTROL AT EVERY L I N E XQPAUS FA6 E ZPAUSE BSR CKECK F O R FRE E Z E OR ABORT CHKABT BSR FAS 8 A A FA3 9 TF R STB B RA CC , B ,5 ZOTCH3 PRE PARE TO REPLACE CC OVE RLAY OLD ONE O N ST ACK RETU RN F ROM " SW I " • CHKABT - SCAN FOR INPUT PAU S E/ A B O RT DU RI NG OUTPUT * OUTPUT : C= O OK , C= 1 ABORT ( CTL-X I S S U E D ) • VOLAT I L E : U , X , D XQC I DT ATT EMPT I N PUT FA7 2 CHKABT BSR FA6 1 BCC CHKRTN 8-49 BRAN CH NO TO RETU RN PAG E 014 AS S I ST 0 9 . SA : 0 0 0 7 11A 0 0 7 l 2A 0 0 7 l 3A 0 0 7 l4A 0 0 7 l SA 0 0 7 l 6A 007 l7A 0 0 7 l 8A 0 0 7 l 9A 0 0 7 20A 0 07 21A FASC FA S E FA 6 0 FA6 1 FA6 2 FA6 4 FA6 6 FA6 8 FA6A FA6C FA6 D 81 26 53 39 80 80 24 81 27 4F 39 0 07 23 0 0 7 2 4A 0 072SA 0 07 26A 0 0 7 27A FA6E FA7 2 FA7 6 FA78 6E AD 84 39 AS S I ST0 9 - MC 6 8 0 9 MON ITOR 18 02 A FA6 2 OA OC FA 18 F4 FA6 E FA7 2 FA6 2 A FA6 0 # CAN CHKWT XQPAUS XQC I DT CH KWT # CAN CHK S E C ? C T L - X F O R ABORT BRANCH NO TO PAU S E S E'f CARRY RETURN TO CALLER WI TH CC SET PAUS E FOR A MOMENT ? K EY FOR START LOOP UNT I L REC I EVEO ? ABORT S I GNALE D F ROM WA I T BRANCH YES SET C = O FOR NO ABORT AN D RETURN * SAVE ME MORY WITH JUMP S XQPAUS JMP [ VE CTAB+ . PAUS E , PC R ) TO PAU S E ROU T I N E 90 E S 7 8 XQC I DT J S R [ V.ECTAB+ . C I DTA , PC R ) T O I NPUT ROUT I NE 90 ES62 A STR I P PAR ITY 7F AN DA #$7F " RTS RETURN TO CALL E R ******************************************** * NM I DE FAULT IN'fE RRUPT HANDLER 00729 00730 00731 00732 0 07 3 3 00734 0 07 3 5 00736 * THE NMI HAN DLER I S US E D FOR TRAC I NG I N STRUCT IONS . * TRAC E PRI NTOUTS OCCUR ONLY AS LONG AS THE STACK * THACE LEV E L I� NOT B R E AC H E D BY FALL I NG BE LOW IT . * TRAC I NG CONT I NU E S UNT I L TH E COUNT TU RNS Z E RO O R * A CTL-X I S E NTERED F ROM THE I N PUT CONSOLE DEV I C E . ********************************************* FA 7 D FA7 F FA 8 1 FA8 3 FA 8 S FA87 FA8 9 FA 8 B FA8D FA9 0 FA9 1 FA9 2 FA 9 4 �'A 9 8 FA99 FA9A FA9C FA 9 E FAAO FAA 2 FAM FAA 6 FAA 8 FAAA FAAC FAAE A MSHOWP F C B 4F 0 0 7 3 8 A FA7 9 0 07 4 0A 0 0 7 4 1A 0 0 7 4 2A 0 0 7 4 3A 0 0 7 4 4A 0 074SA 0 0 7 4 6A 00747A 0 0 7 4 8A 0 0 7 4 9A 007 50A 0 0 7 S 1A 007 S2A 007 S3A 0 07 S4A 0 0 7 S SA 0 07S6A 00757A 0 0 7 S8A 0 0 7 S9A 00760A 0 0 7 6 1A 0 0 7 6 2A 0 07 6 3A 0 0 7 6 4A 0 07 6 SA CMPA BNE C H K S EC COMB CHKRTN RTS CH KWT BSR BSR BCC CMPA BEQ CLRA RTS 80 00 26 00 2B 30 9C 25 30 3F 42 FAC 1 NM I R A 8F FAB7 34 A 90 29 FABO A 6C A F8 FABO 23 8C £9 02 A 8E A 09 30 3F 80 ESOI 80 25 06 25 9E 27 30 9F 27 05 17 37 8E 33 91 2F IF 91 29 AA 25 80 25 A FAB 3 FADS A FAD S A FADS A A FADS FAS 8 FAD S BSR TST BNE TST BM I LEAX CMPX B LO LEAX SWI ' O , ' P , ' - , EOT OPCODE PREP LOOP M I S F LG N M I CON SW I CNT NM I T RC 12 , S SLEVEL N M I T RC LOAD PAGE AND VERI F Y STACK ? T H RU A B R E AK PO I NT B RANCH I F S O TO CONT I NUE BCS LDX ? I N H I B I T " SW I " DU R I NG TRAC E BRANC H Y E S OBTA I N US E RS STACK PO I NT E R ? T O TRAC E H E RE BRAN CH I F 'roo LOW TO D I S PLAY MSUOWP , PCR LOAD OP PRE P S E N D TO CON SO L E P DAT AI FUNCTION DE L I M SAV E CA R RY I H 'r LASTOP , PC R PO I NT TO LAST OP S E N D OUT AS H E X OUT 4 H S FUNCTION REG P RS FOLLOW ME MORY W I T H REG I ST E RS BRAN C H I F " CANC E L " Z BKCMD DE L I M RE STORE CARRY B I T Z BKCMD BRANCH I F " CANCE L " TRACEC LOAD TRAC E COUNT BEQ LEAX STX BEQ BSR BCS ZBKCMD -1 , X TRAC EC ZBKCMD CH KABT Z B KCMD FCB ROL LEAX SW I FC B BSR BCS ROR B·50 IF Z E RO TO COMMAN D HAN D L E R M I N U S ON E RE I-' RESH STOP TRAC E WH EN Z E RO ? A BORT THE TRACE BRANCH YES TO COMMAND HAN DLER PAG E 015 AS S I ST0 9 . SA : 0 AS S I ST0 9 - M C 6 8 0 9 MON I TOR 0 0 7 6 6 A FAB O 1 6 0 3 F 7 F EAA NMI TRC LBRA CTRC E 3 NO , TRAC E ANOTH E R I N ST RUCT ION 0 0 7 6 8 A FAB 3 1 7 0 0 7 6 9 A FAB 6 3 9 0 1 B 9 FC6F HEGPRS LBSR RTS REG P RT PRI NT REG I S T E RS AS F ROM COMMAN D RET U RN TO CAL L E R 00771 0 0 7 7 2A FAB 7 O F 0 0 7 7 3 A FAB 9 1 7 0 0 7 7 4 A FABC 3B * J U ST A NMI CON 8F 0 2 E B F DA7 RT I * 00776 0 0777 0 0778 00779 0 0780 FAC I FAC 5 FAC 7 FAC 9 FACB FACE FADI FAD2 3F E6 IF Al 27 l O DE 30 3F 00794 0 07 9 5 00796 0 0797 0 0798 0 07 9 9 A FAD3 8D 0 0 8 0 0 A FADS 1 6 00802 0 08 0 3 00804 0 0805 0 0806 0 0807 00808 0 0 8 0 9 A FADS 8 D 0 0 8 l 0 A FADA 2 0 00812 0 08 1 3 00814 00815 0 08 1 6 LDDP - SETUP D I RECT PAGE REG I STE R , V E R I FY STACK . * AN I NVAI. I D STACK CAU S E S A RETURN TO T H E COMMAN D * HAN D LE R . * I NPUT : FU LLY STAC K E D REG I ST E RS FROM AN I NTE RRU PT * OUTPUT : DPR LOADED TO WORK PAGE 0 0 7 8 2A PAB D 0 07 8 4A 0 0 7 8 5A 0 07 8 6A 0 07 8 7A 0 0788A 0 0789A 0 0 7 9 0A 0 0 7 9 1A 00792 E X E C UTE D 'fH RU A BRKPNT . NOW CONT I NU E NO RMALLY M I S F LG C LEAR THHU F LAG CLR LBSR ARM BREAK PO I NTS A RM B K 2 RT I AND CONT I NU E U S E RS P ROGRAM A ERRM SG F C B ' ? , B E LL , $ 2 0 , EOT ERROR RE S PONSE LOOP 8 D E 4 D8 A 9B A 63 25 FAF O A 97 E RROR SC EC 03 LOB BAS E PG , PCR LOAD D I RECT PAGE H I GH BYTE B , DP S ETU P DI RECT PAGE REG I ST E R TFR CMPA 3,S ? I S STACK VAL I D YES , RETU RN BEQ RTS RSTACK LDS RESET TO I N I T I AL STACK PO I N T E R LEAX ERRMSG , PC R LOAD ERROR RE PORT SWI S E N D OUT BEFORE REG I STERS ON NEXT L I N E FCB A PDATA * FALL I N T O BREAK PO I NT HAN DLER ********** ************* ************* *** *** * *** * [ SW I FUNCT I ON 1 0 ] * BREAK PO I N T PROGRAM FUNCT ION * PRI NT REG I ST ERS AN D GO TO COMMAND HAN L E R ******************* ******************** ******t* DE FAS 3 Z B K PNT BSR F E 2 1 F8F9 Z SKCMD LBRA REG PRS CMDN E P PRI NT OUT REG I ST E RS NOW ENTER COM M AND HAN D L E R **** **************** **************** *** **** * * I RQ , RE S E RVED , SW I 2 AN D SWI 3 INTE RRU PT HANDLERS * THE DEF AULT HAN DL I NG I S TO CAUS E A B REAK PO I NT . ******* * * * * * * ** ** * * ** * * * * * * ****** ** ** * ** ** * * * SWI 2 ENTRY A SWI 2 R EQU * SWI J ENTRY A SW I J R EQU * A I RQR EQU I RQ ENTRY FADS FAD8 FADS E7 FAC I RSRVDR B S R FAD3 F7 BRA LDDP Z B K PNT SET BASE PAGE , VAL I DATE STACK FORCE A BREAK PO I NT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * F I RQ HAN DLER JUST RETU RN FOR TH E F I RQ INTE RRU PT ********* * **************************** * * ** FABC A F I RQR EQU RT I 8·51 I MME D I ATE RETURN PAGE 016 AS S I S T0 9 S A : 0 ASS I ST0 9 - MC 6 8 0 9 MON ITOR . 00818 00819 0 0 8 20 ************************************************** * DEF AUL'r I /O DRIVERS ************************************************** 0 08 2 2 00823 0 0 8 24 0 0 8 25A 0 08 26A 0 0 8 27A 0 08 28A 0 0 8 29A 0 08 30A * C I DTA - RETURN CONSOLE I NPUT CHARACT ER * OUTPUT : C=O I F NO DATA READY , C = l A=CH ARACTER * U VOLAT I LE C I D rA LDU VECTAB+ . A C I A LOAD AC I A ADDRE S S ,U LOAD STATUS REG I S T E R L OA TEST REC I EVER REG I STER F LAG LS RA C I RT N RE T U RN I F NOTH I NG BCC 1 ,U LOAD DATA BYTE L OA RET U RN TO CALLER C I RTN RTS 00832 00833 0 08 3 4 00835 0 0 8 3 6A 00837A 0 08 38A 0 08 3 9A 0 0840A 0 08 4 1A F A DC FA DE FAEO FAE1 FAE 3 FAE 5 FAE 6 FAE8 FAEA FAEC FAE E FAF O DE A6 44 24 A6 39 86 9E A7 86 A7 39 00843 00844 FO C4 A A 02 41 FAE 5 FAE 6 03 FO 84 51 84 FAF O F AF O 00845 * C ION * COON * A ,X A C I ON A COON A A A A RTS - INPUT C O N SO LE I N I T I AL I Z AT ION - OUTPUT CONSOLE I N I T I A L I ZAT ION VOLAT I LE * EOU LOA #3 RES E T AC I A CODE VECTAB+ . A C I A LOAD AC I A ADDRES S LOX STORE INTO STATUS REG I S T E R STA ,X SET CONTROL LDA #$51 STA ,X REG I STER UP RTS RETURN TO CALLER * THE FOLLOW I NG HAVE NO DUT I ES TO P E RFORM CONSOLE I N PUT OF F E OU RTS A C IOF F E OU CO N SO L E OUTPUT OF F RTS A CO O F F * CODTA - OUTPUT CHARACTE R TO CONSOLE DEV I C E * I NPUT : A-CHARACT E R TO S E N D * O UTPUT : CHAR S E N T TO TERM I NAL ri I T H PROPER PADD I NG * A LL REG I ST E RS TRAN S PARENT 0 08 4 7 0 08 4 8 00849 0 0850 0 0 8 S 2A 0 08 S 3A 0 0 8 S 4A 0 0 8 S SA 0 0 8 S6A 0 08 S7A 0 0 8 S8A 0 0S S 9A 0 0 8 60A 0 0 8 61A 0 0 8 6 2A 0 0 8 6 3A 0 08 6 4A 0 0 8 6 SA 0 08 6 6A 0 0867A A ' FAF 1 FAF 3 FAF S FAF 7 FAF 9 FAF B FAF D FAF F FB O l FB0 3 FB04 FB06 FB07 FB09 FaOB FBOD 34 DE 8D 81 27 06 81 26 06 4F E7 80 6A 2A 35 0 0869A FBOF 17 0 0 8 7 0 A F B 1 2 £6 0 08 7 1A FBl4 CS 47 FO IB 10 12 F2 00 02 F3 E4 8C 09 E4 FA C7 A C O DT A A Fa1 2 A FBO D A A FB0 3 A C O DTP D A PSH S LDU BSR CMPA BEO LDB CMPA BNE LOB CLM STB FCB A F B 1 2 CODTLP BSH DEC A BPL FB0 7 A COD'rRT PULS F F S C FA6 E CODTAD LBS R A CO DTAO L O B B IT B A 02 C4 SAVE REG I S 'rERS , WORl( BYTE U , D , CC VECTAB+ . AC I A ADDRES S AC I A CALL OUTPUT CHAR SUBROT I N E CO DTAO ? DATA L I N E ESCAP E tDLE CODTRT YES , RETU RN VECTAB+ . PAD DE FAULT TO CHAR PAD COUNT ? CR #CR BRANCH NO CO DTP D VECTAB+ . P AD+ 1 LOAD NEW L I N E PAD CO UNT CREAT E NULL SAVE COUNT ,S ENT E R LOOP SKIP2 S E N D NU LL CO DTAO ? F I N I S ti E D ,S NO , CONT I NU E WITH MORE CO DTLP PC , U , D , CC RE STORE REG I ST E RS AN D RET U RN XQPAUS ,U 1$02 8·52 TEMPORARY G I V E UP CONTRO L LOAD AC I A CONTROL REG I ST E R ? TX REG I ST E R CLEAR PAG E 017 AS S I ST 0 9 - MC 6 8 0 9 MON I TOR ASS I ST0 9 . SA : 0 0 0 8 7 2 A F B 1 6 27 0 0 8 7 3 A FB 1 8 A7 0 0 8 7 4A FBIA 39 00875 F7 41 00889 00890 0 0 8 9 1A 0 0 8 9 2A 0 0 8 9 3A 0 0 8 9 4A Q 0 8 9 sA 0 0 8 9 6A 0 08 9 7A 0 0 89 8A 0 0899A 00900A 0 0901A CO DTAD 1 ,U RE LE AS E CONTROL IF NOT STORE I NTO DATA REG I S T E R RETU RN T O CALLE R *E * BSON - TURN ON RE AD/VE R I FY/PUNCH MECHAN I S M * A IS VOLAT I LE 00877 00878 0 08 8 0A 0 0 8 8 1A 0 0 8 8 2A 0 0 8 8 3A 0 08 8 4A 0 0 8 8 sA 0 0 8 8 6A 0 0887A BEQ STA RTS FBO F A FB I B FB I D FBIF FB21 FB22 FB 2 3 FB 2 4 FB 2 6 86 6D 26 4C 3F OC 39 11 66 01 A BSON A FB22 B S ON 2 01 8F A A LD A TST BNE I NCA SWI FCB INC RTS #$11 6,S BSON 2 OUTC H M I S F LG SET RE A D CO DE ? READ OR VE R I F Y BRAN CH YES SET TO WRITE PERFORM OUT PUT F UNCT ION SET LOAD IN PROG RE S S F L A G RETU RN TO CALLE R B S OF F - T U RN OF F READ/VERI FY/PUNCH ME CHAN I SM * A , X VOLAT I LE TO DC4 - ST OP LDA # $ 14 BSO F F S E N D OUT SW I F U NC T I O N OUTCH FC B CHANGE TO DC 3 ( X-OF F ) DECA S E N D OUT SW I F U N CT I ON OUTCH FCB C L E AR LOAD I N PROGRE SS F LAG M I S F LG DEC DE LAY 1 SECOND ( 2 M H Z C LOC K ) LDX #25000 COUNT DOWN -l , X BSO F LP LE AX LOOP T I LL DONE B SO F LP B NE RETURN TO CALLE R RTS * FB27 FB29 F B 2A FB2B FB 2C FB2 D FB2E FB 3 0 FB 3 3 FB 3 s FB 37 86 3F 14 A 01 A 4A 3F OA 8E 30 26 39 A 01 A 8F A 61A8 A IF FB3 3 FC * 00903 0 0904 00905 0 0906 00907 0090B 00909 * * * * * * 0 0 9 1 1A FB 3 8 B E 0 0 9 1 2A FB3A 6 0 0 0 9 1 3 1\ F B 3 C 2 7 00914 00915 62 66 54 FB9 2 * LDU TST 2,S 6 ,S BS D P U N BEQ DU R I NG READ/VER I F Y I A BS DTA A * * OO!H6 00917 009 1BA PB3E 0 0 9 l 9A PB4 0 0 0 9 20 A P B 4 l 0 0 9 2 1A FB4 2 0 0 9 2 2 A E' B 4 4 0 0 9 2 3 ,\ E' B 4 & B S DT A - READ/VER I FY/PUNCH HAN DLER I N PUT : S + 6 =CODE BYTE , VERI F Y ( - l ) , PUNCH ( O ) , LOAD ( l ) S + 4 = START ADDRE S S S+ 2 = STOP ADDRE S S S+O - RETURN ADDRE S S OUTPUT : Z - 1 NORMAL COMP LET I ON , Z - O I NVAL I D LOAD/VE R REG I �T E RS A R E VOLAT I L E * 32 3F 81 26 3F 70 A IJ� DLL')l 00 53 FA LEAS SW I FCU A A aSDLD2 CMPA 8NE F B4 0 -3 , S INCHNP tIS BS DLOl SWI 8-53 U-TO ADDRE S S OR OF F S ET ? PUNCH B RAN CH Y E S S + 2 -Msn ADDRE S S SAVE BYTE S + l - SYTE COU NT E R S+O -CHECKSUM U HOLDS O F F S ET ROOM FOR WORK /COU NTER/C H E C K SUM GET NEXT CH ARACT E R FUNCT I O N ? START OF S l / S 9 DRAN CH NOT GE'r N E X T CH ARACT E K P AG E 018 0 09 24A 0 09 25A 0 0 9 26A 0 0 9 27A 009 28A 0 0 9 29A 009 30A 0 0 9 31A 00932 0 0 9 33A 0 0 9 34A 0 0 9 3 5A 0 0 9 36A 009 37A 00938 0 0 9 39A 00940A 0 0 9 4 1A 0 0 9 4 2A 0 0 9 43A 0 0 9 4 4A 0 0 9 4 5A 0 09 4 6A ASS I ST0 9 . S A : 0 AS S I ST0 9 - M C 6 8 0 9 MON ITOR FB47 FB48 FB4A FB4C FB4E FBSO FBS2 FBS4 81 27 81 26 6F 80 E7 00 39 22 31 F2 E4 21 61 A A FB6E A FB42 A FB7S A FBS6 FBS8 F B SA FB SC FBSE 80 E7 80 A6 31 10 62 19 62 CB FB7 S A FB7 S A A FB60 FB62 FB64 1o� B 6 6 FB6S Fa6A FB6C FB6E 80 27 60 2B E7 El 27 35 13 OC 69 02 A4 AO F2 92 0 0 9 4 8 A FB70 0 0 9 4 9 A FB7l 0 09 S 0 A FB73 4C 27 20 F UNCT I ON ? HAVE S9 YES , RETURN GOOD CODE ? HAVE NEW RE CORD BRANCH IF NOT C LEAR CH E C K S UM OBTA I N BY TE COU NT SAVE FOR DECRE M E N T F87 S FB70 A FB6A A A FB60 A FCB INCHNP CMPA i' 9 BSDSRT BEQ CMPA i'l BSDLD2 BNE ,S CLR BS R BYTE STB 1 ,S * READ ADDRE S S BYTE BS R STB 2,S BS R BYTE 2,S LOA LEAY D,U * STORE TEXT BYTE BS DNXT B S R BSDEOL BEQ 9,S TST BS DCMP BM I ,Y STB BSDCMP CMPB , Y+ BS DNXT BEQ BS DSRT P U LS PC , X , A CD F9 FB4 0 FB6E BS DEOL INCA BEQ BRA ? VA L I D C H E C K S U M BRANCH Y E S RETURN Z = O I NVAL I D 12 10 F B 8 9 BYTE A BYTH E X #16 00 04 EO 89 62 62 63 FB89 A A A A A A BSR LOB MU L BS R PSHS ADDA TFR ADDA STA DEC BYTRTS RTS BYTHEX B , S+ A,B 2,S 2 ,S 3 ,S BYTH EX SW I FCB LBSR BEQ PULS GET NEXT HEX I N CH N P CHARACT E R CONVERT TO HEX CNVHEX BYTRTS RETURN IF VAL I D H E X PC , U , Y , X , A RET U RN TO CAL L E R WITH Z = O 00952 NEXT BYTE BRANC H IF CHECKSUM ? VE R I F Y ON LY Y E S , ONLY COMPARE STORE I NTO ME MORY ? VAL I D RAM Y E S , CONT I NU E RE A D I NG RETURN W I T H Z SET PRO P E R * BYTE BU I LDS 8 B IT VALUE F ROM TWO HEX D I G ITS 0 09 S 3A 009S4A 0 09 S SA 00956A 0 0 9 5 7A 009 S8A 0 09 59A 0 0960A 0 0 961A 0 0 9 6 2A 0 0 9 6 3A FB 7 S FB77 FB79 FB7A FB7C FB7E FB80 FB82 FB84 FB86 FB88 80 C6 3D 80 34 AS IF AB A7 6A 39 0 0 9 6 5A 0 09 6 6A 0 09 6 7 A 0 0968A 00969A FB89 FB8A FB8B FB 8 E FB90 3F 00971 0 09 7 2 00973 00974 00975 00976 0 0977A 0 0978A 0 0979A 00980A BSDLDI BS DSRT OBTA I N H I G H VA LUE SAVE IT OBTA I N LOW VA LUE MAK E D=VALUE Y=ADDRES S+OF F S E'!, 17 27 35 A 00 0 1 04 F D 6 2 F8 FBS8 A F2 * PUNCH STACK US E : * * * * * F B 9 2 DE F B 9 4 AE FB96 34 FB98 CC F2 64 56 0018 A BS D P U N A A A LOU LOX PSUS LDD S + 8 =TO ADDRE S S S+ 6 = RE T U RN ADDRE SS S + 4 = S AV E D PAD D I NG VAL U E S S + 2 F RO M ADDRE S S S+ I = F RAME COU NT / C H E C K S U M S + O = BYTE COUNT VECTAB+ . PAD LOAD PAD D I NG VAL U E S X= F ROM ADDRE S S 4,S U,X,D CREATE STAC K WORK AREA SET A= O , B = 2 4 i24 8-54 IN OBTA I N F I RST H E X PRE P ARE S H I FT OVE R TO A OBTA I N S E CO N D HEX SAVE H I GH HEX COMB I N E BOTH S I DE S S E N D BACK I N B COMP UTE N E W CH E C K S U M STORE BACK DECREMENT BYTE COUNT RET URN TO CALLER PAGE 019 0 0 9 8 1A 0 0 9 8 2A 0 0 9 8 3A 0 0 9 8 4A 0 0 9 8 5A 0 0986 0 0 9 8 7A 0 0988A 0 0 9 8 9A 0 0 9 9 0A 0 0 9 9 1A 0 0 9 9 2A 0 0 9 9 3A 0 0 9 9 4A 0 0 9 9 5A 0 0996 0 0997A 0 0998A 0 0999A 01000 O lO O lA 0 1 0 0 2A 0 10 0 3A 01004 0 1 0 0 5A 0 1006A 0 10 0 7 0 10 0 8A 0 10 0 9 A O lO l OA O lO l lA 0 10 1 2A 0 10 1 3 01014A 0 1 0 1 5A 0 10 1 6A 0 1 0 1 7A 0 1 0 1 8A 0 10 1 9A 0 1020A 0 1 0 21A O l0 22A 0 10 2 3A 0 1024A 0 10 2 5A 0 10 26 A 0 10 27A AS S I ST 0 9 - M C 6 8 0 9 MON I TOR AS S I ST0 9 . SA : 0 07 3F F2 A 01 04 F2 A A A FB 9 B FB 9 D FB9E FB9F FBAl C6 DD FBA3 F BA 5 FBA7 FBAB FBAD FBAF FBB O FBB2 FBB 4 68 EC 62 A3 1083 0018 02 25 17 C6 5C E4 E7 03 CB 61 E7 FBB 6 3 0 FBB 9 3 F FBBA A A A FBAF A A A A 8C 33 03 A FBBB S F FBBC 30 FBBE 80 61 27 A FBE7 FBC O 8 0 FBC 2 8 0 25 23 FBE 7 FBE7 FBC 4 FBC 6 FBC 8 FBCA F acc AE 80 6A 26 AF 62 lF E4 FA 62 A FBE 7 A FBC6 A FBCE FBCF FBDl FBD3 FBD5 F B D7 F B D9 F B DB F B DE F B DF FBEO FBE2 FBE4 FBE 5 53 E7 30 8D AE AC 24 30 3F A 61 A 61 FBE9 14 A 68 A 62 F BA3 C8 BC 1 1 EC DD 4F 35 03 64 F2 A A A 06 A VECTAB+ . PAD SETUP 24 CH ARACTER PADS ST8 S E N D NU LLS OUT SWI FUNCT ION OUTC H FCB SETU P NEW L I N E PAD TO 4 LDB t4 VECTAB+ . P AD SETUP PUNCH PADD I NG STD * CALCULAT E S I Z E LOAD TO 8 ,S LDD BS PGO M I N U S F ROM= LENGTH 2 ,s SUBD ? MORE TH AN 2 3 # 24 CMP D NO , OK BS POK B LO FORCE TO 2 3 MAX #23 LDB P RE PARE CO U NT E R I NC B BS POK ,S STORE BYTE COU NT STB ADJ UST TO F RAME CO U NT #3 ADDB SAVE l ,s STB * PUNCH C R , L F , NU LS , S , l < B S PSTR , PCR LOAD START RE CORD HEADER LEAX SEND OUT SWI PDATA F UN C T I O N FCB * S E N D F RAME COUNT I N I T I AL I Z E C H E C K S U M C LRB PO I NT TO F R�E COUNT AN D ADDR LEAX l,s S E N D F RA M E CO U NT BS P U N 2 BSR * DATA ADDRE S S S E N D ADDRE S S H I BS PU N 2 BSR S E N D ADDRE S S LOW BS P U N 2 BS R * PUNCH DATA LOAD START DATA ADDRE S S 2,s LDX S E N D OUT N E X T BYTE BS P U N 2 BS PMRE B S R ? F I NAL BYTE ,s DE C LOOP I F NO'l' DONE BS PMRE BNE U P DATE F ROM ADDRE S S VALU E 2,s STX * PUNCH CH E C K S U M COMPLEMENT COMB STORE FOR S E N DOUT l ,s STB PO I NT TO I T l ,s LEAX S E N D OUT AS H E X BSPUNC BS R LOAD TO P ADDRES S 8,s LDX ? DON E 2,s CMPX BRANCH NOT BS PGO BH S < B S PEO F , PCR PRE PARE E N D OF F I LE LEAX S E N D OUT STR I NG SW I P DATA FUNCT ION FCB RE COVER PAD COUNTS LDD 4,s STD VECTAB+ . P AD RESTORE SET Z = l FOR OK RET U RN CLRA PC , U , X , O RETU RN W I T H OK CO DE PULS 0 1 0 2 9 A F B E 7 EB 0 1 0 30A FBE9 16 A BS PUN 2 ADDB 84 F D E D F 9 D9 BSPUNC LBRA 0 1 0 3 2A FBEC 0 10 3 3A FBEF 0 10 3 4 A FBF 9 53 53 00 01036 A BS PSTR FCB A BS PEOF FCC FC B A ,X ZOUT 2 H ADD TO C H E C K S U M S E N D OUT A S H E X AN D RETU RN ' S , ' l , EOT CR , LF , N U L L S , S , l /S 9.0 3 0 0 0 0 FC/EOF STRI N G C R , L F , EOT * H S DTA - H I G H S P E E D P R I NT ME MORY 8-55 P AG E 020 AS S I ST 0 9 . SA : 0 ASS I S T0 9 - M C 6 8 0 9 MON I TOR * 0 10 37 0 10 3 8 01039 0 10 4 0 01042 0 10 4 3A 0 10 4 4 A 0 1 0 4 SA 0 10 4 6A 0 10 4 7 A 0 10 48A 0 1 0 49A O lO SOA O l O S lA 0 1 0 S 2A 0 10 S 3A 0 1 0 S4A O lO S SA 0 10 S6A 0 10 S7A 0 10 S8 A 0 10 S9A 0 10 6 0 A 0 10 6 1A 0 1 0 6 2A 0 10 6 3A 0 10 6 4A 0 10 6 SA 0 10 6 6A 0 10 6 7A 0 10 6 8A 0 1069A 0 1 0 7 0A O l O 7 lA O l o nA 0 10 7 3A 0 1 0 7 4A 0 1 0 7 SA 0 10 7 6A O l 0 77A 0 1078A 0 10 7 9 A 0 10 8 0A 0 1 0 8 1A 0 1 0 8 2A 0 10 8 3A 0 10 84A 0 1 0 8 SA 0. 1 0 8 6 A 0 1087A 0 10 8 8 A 0 1089A 0 1 0 9 0A 0 1 0 9 1A 0 1 0 9 2A 0 10 9 lA 0 1 0 9 4A * * * FBFC FBF D FBF E FC O O FC O l FC 0 2 FC 0 3 FC O S FC 0 6 FC 0 8 FCO B FC O C FC O D FCOE FC O F FC 1 0 FC1 2 FC 1 4 FC 1 5 FC 1 6 FC 1 8 FC1A FC I B FCIC FC I E FC 2 0 FC 2 1 FC 2 2 FC 2 3 FC 2 S FC 2 6 FC 2 7 FC29 FC2B FC 2 D FC 2 F FC 3 l FC l 3 FC 3 S FC 3 6 FC 3 7 FC 3 8 FC3A FClC FC 3 E FC40 FC4 2 FC 4 3 FC 4 5 FC 4 7 FC 4 8 FC49 3F C6 3F SA 26 SF lF 17 3F 3F SC Cl 25 IF 25 30 3F AE C6 3F SA 26 IF AE C6 A6 2B 81 24 86 3F SA 26 AC 24 AF A6 48 26 20 IF 19 S + 4 = START ADDRE SS S + 2 = STOP ADDRE S S S+O = RE T U RN ADDRE S S X , D V<? L AT I LE I N PUT : * S E N D T I T LE SW I H S DT A PCRLF A FCB 06 #6 LOB A 06 H S B LN K SW I S PAC E FCB 07 A DE C B HS B LNK BNE FCO O FB C LR B B ,A A HSHTTL TFR 98 ZOUTHX LBS R F DDB F 9 E 6 SW I A S PAC E FCB 07 SWI FCB S PACE A 07 10 F2 A FC0 6 06 2F 64 A FC47 A 05 64 10 A A A 04 A FB FC20 INCB CMPB B LO H S U L N E SW I FCB BC S LEAX # $10 HS HTTL PCRLF H S D RTN 4 ,S SW I FeB OUT 4 H S LDX 4,S #16 LDB H S H NXT SWI 07 64 10 80 04 20 02 2E 01 Fl 62 09 64 65 CF B5 06 A A A FCB DE C B OUT 2 H S BNE H S H NXT SW I FCB S PACE LOX LOB A H S H C H R LDA BM I FCl l A CMPA BH S FC3 S A H S H DOT L DA HSUCOK SWI FCB A DE C B BNE FC2 B A C PX FC4 7 A A BHS STX FC 1 4 8NE FBFC LOA AS LA BRA H S DRT N SW I A FCB RTS 4 ,S #16 , X+ HSH DOT #' HSHCOK #' • OUTC H SEND NEW L I N E FUN C T I ON PRE PARE 6 SPAC E S S E N D BLAN K FUNCT ION COUNT DOWN LOOP IF MO RE SETU P BYTE COUNT PRE PARE FOR CONVERT CONVE RT TO A HEX DIG IT SEND BLANK FUNCT ION SEND ANOT H E R B LANK UP ANOTH E R ? PAST 'F' LOOP U NT I L SO TO NEXT L I N E F UNCT ION RE'rURN I F U S E R ENTERED CTL- X PO I NT AT ADDRESS TO CONVERT PRI NT OUT ADDRE S S F UNCT ION LOAD ADDRE S S P RO P E R NEXT S I XT E E N CONVERT BYTE TO HEX AN D S E N D F U N CT I ON COUNT DOWN LOOP I F NOT S I XTEENTH SEND BLANK F UNCT ION RE LO AD F RO M ADDRE S S COU NT NEXT BYTE TOO LARG E , TO A DOT ? LOWER TH AN A BLANK NO , BRANCH OK CONVERT I NVAL I D TO A BLANK S E N D CHARACT E R FUNCT ION ? DON E HSHCHR 2,S H S DRTN 4 ,S 5,S HSHLNE H S DTA PCRLF 8-56 BRANC H NO ? PAST LAST ADDRE S S QU I T IF SO U P DAT E F ROM AD DRE S S LOAD LOW BYTE ADD RE S S ? TO SECT I O N BOU N DRY BRANCH I F NOT BRAN CH IF SO S E N D NEW L I N E FUNCT ION RETURN TO CALLER PAG E 021 ASS I ST0 9 . S A : 0 AS S I ST0 9 - MC 6 8 0 9 MON I TOR 01095 *F 01097 0 10 9 8 0 10 9 9 *********************************************** A S S I S T 0 9 C O M M A N D S * *********************************************** 0 1101 0 1 1 0 2 A FC 4 A 8 D 23 0 1 1 0 3 A FC 4 C 4 C 0 1 1 0 4A FC 4 D 8 D 0 1 1 0 5 A FC 4 F 3 9 21 * * * * * * * * * * * * * REG I ST E RS BSR FC 6 F CREG REG P RT I NCA BSR FC7 0 REGCHG RTS 0 1107 0 1 10 8 0 1109 0 11 1 0 0 1111 01112 0 1113 0 1114 01115 0 1116 0 1117 0 1118 0 1119 01120 0 1121 0 1122 0 1 1 2 3A 0 11 24A 0 1 1 2 5A 0 1126A 0 1127A 0 1128A 0 1129A 0 1130A 0 1 1 3 1A 0 1 1 3 2A FC 5 0 FC 5 4 FC57 FC5A FC S D FC6 0 FC 6 3 FC 6 6 FC6A FC 6 E 0 1 1 3 4A 0 1 1 3 SA 0 1 l 3 6A 01l37A 01l38A 0 1 1 3 9A O 1l40A 0 11 4 1A 0 1 l 4 2A O 1 l 4 3A O 1 l 4 4A O 1 l4 SA O 1l46A 0 1l47A 01l48A FC 7 0 FC 7 3 FC 7 S FC 7 8 FC7A FC 7 B FC 7 D FC 7 E FC 7 F FC 8 1 FC 8 3 FC 8 4 FC 8 S FC 8 7 FC 6 F 4 F 30 34 31 EC 40 2F 3F 20 86 3F 30 60 50 41 42 58 59 A 55 53 43 44 00 A A A A A A A A A ******************************************** * REG PRT - PRI NT/CHANGE REG I S T E RS SUBROUT I N E * WI L L ABORT TO ' C MDBAD ' I F OVERF LOW DETECT E D DUR I NG * A CHANGE OPERAT I O N . CHANGE D I S P LAYS REG I STERS WHE N * DONE . * REG I ST E R MASK L I ST CON S I STS OF : * A ) C HARACTE RS DENOT I NG REG ISTER B ) Z E RO FOR ONE BYTE , - 1 FOR TWO * C ) O F F S ET ON STACK TO REG I S'r E R POS I T I ON * * I N P UT : S P + 4 = STACK E D REG I STERS A= O PRI NT , At O PRI NT AND CHANGE * * OUT PUT : ( ON LY POR REG I STER D I S P LAY ) C = l CONTROL-X EN'rERE D , C = O OTH E RW I S E * * VOLAT I LE : D , X ( CHANGE ) * B , X ( D I S P LAY ) ******************************************* ' P , ' C , - 1 , 1 9 PC REG REGMS K F C B A REG FCB ' A , 0 , 10 B REG ' B,0 ,11 FCB ' X , - 1 , 1 3 X REG FCB FCB ' Y , - 1 , 1 5 Y R� G FCB ' U , - 1 , 1 7 U RE G FC B ' 5 , -1 , 1 S REG FCB ' c , ' C , 0 , 9 C C RE G ' D , ' P , 0 , 1 2 DP REG FC B 0 FC B E N D OF L I ST REG P RT E8 32 8C AO 10 A A A REG P 1 FC 8 1 01 F7 20 FC 7 S 01 E5 E4 A A RE G P 2 A A A CLRA RE G C HG L EAX 08 04 - D I S PLAY AN D CHANGE REG I ST E RS PRINT REG I STERS S E T FO R CHANGE FUNCT ION GO CHANGE , D I S P LAY REG I S'r E RS RETURN TO COMMAND PROCESSOR PSHS LEAY LD D TSTA BLE SW I FC B B RA LOA SW I FCB LEAX TST SETUP P R I NT ONLY F LAG READY STACK VALUE SAV E ON STACK WITH OPT I O N y , X ,A REGM S K , PC R LOAD REG I S T E R MAS K LOAD NEXT CHAR OR < - 0 , Y+ ? END OF CH ARACTE RS BRANCH NOT CH ARAC T E R RE G P 2 S E N D TO CONSOLE F U N C T I O N B Y TE OUTCH C H E C K NEXT RE G P 1 READY ' - ' #'S E N D OUT W I T H OUTCH OUTCH X- > REG I ST E R TO P R I NT B,S ,S ? C H ANGE OPT I O N 4+12 , S 8·57 PAG E 022 AS S l I:iT0 9 . SA : 0 0 1 l 4 9A 0 1 l 50A 0 1 l 5 1A 0 1 l 5 2A O 1 l 5 3A 0 1 l 54A O 1 l55A 0 1 l 56A 0 1l 5 7A 0 1 l 5SA 0 1 l 59A O 1 l 60A O l l 6 lA O 1 l 6 2A FC S 9 FC S B FC S O FC S F FC90 FC 9 l FC 9 2 FC 9 3 FC 9 4 FC 9 6 FC 9 7 FC 9 9 FC 9 A FC 9 B 26 60 27 3F O 1 l 64A 0 1 l65A O1l66A O 1l67A O1l6SA 0 1l69A 0 1l 70A O l l 7 1A O l l 7 2A O 1 l 73A 0 1l 7 4A 0 1 l 7 5A 0 1 l 76A O ll 77A 01178 0 1 l79A O l l SOA O ll SlA 0 1 l 8 2A 0 1 l 8 3A 0 1 1 S 4A 0 11 8SA FC 9 0 FC 9 F FCAl FCA3 FCA 5 FCA7 FCAS FCA 9 FCAA FCAB FCAC FCAD FCAF FCBl SO 27 Sl 27 E6 SA 50 5S 3F 3F EC SO 26 3F 35 12 3F 03 FC 9 0 A FC 9 2 05 SC A A 04 AO A A OF FC7S 06 B2 A A 40 10 00 lE 3F 07 SA 26 20 A7 FC B 3 FC B S F CB 7 F CB 9 FCB B FCB D FCBF DC 60 26 A6 ED A6 81 0 1 1 8 6 A FCC l 26 ASS I ST0 9 - M C 6 8 0 9 MON I TOR FB E3 E4 9B 3F 02 82 84 E4 00 01 FCOF REGCNG BS R BEQ FCBl A C M PA FCC 3 BEQ A L OB OE CB NEGB AS L B R E G S K P SWI A FCB DECB BN E F C AA B RA FC9 4 A RE G N XC ST A 0 1203 0 1204 01205 FC C 3 FCC 7 FCC 9 FCCB FCC D FCCE F C DO F C D4 F C D6 FC D8 FC DA F C DB FC DD 30 C6 35 A7 SA 26 10EE C6 A6 34 SA 26 20 A A FCBB A A A A FC 9 4 80 E28A 15 A A 02 80 A F9 FCC9 8 8 EC A 15 A 82 A A 02 F9 BC REGC NG -l , Y REG P 3 BRANCH YE S ? O N E OR TWO BYT E S BRAN C H Z E RO M E A N S ON E P E RF O RM WORD HEX OUT4 H S FU N CT I O N SK I P BYTl-� P R I NT SKI P2 P E RFORM BYTE HEX FUNCT ION OUT2ffS TO FRONT OF N E X T ENTRY , Y+ ? E N D OF ENT R I E S LOO P I F MORE RE G P l FORC E NEW L I N E F UNCT ION PCRLF PC , y , X , A RESTORE STACK AN D RE TU RN BLDNNB REGNXC t CR RE GAG N -l , Y S PAC E REG S K P REG 4 ,S FCD6 FC9 B I N PUT B I NARY NUMBER I F CHANGE TH E N JUMP ? NO MORE DE S I RE D BRANCH NOP E LOAD S I Z E F LAG M I N U S ONE MA K E PO S I T I V E T I ME S TWO ( = 2 OR = 4 ) PERFORM S PAC E S F U NCT I O N LOOP I F MO R E CONT I NUE W I T H NEXT REG I ST E R SAV E DE L I M IT E R I N OPT I O N ( ALWAYS > * 0 1187 0 1188 0 11 89A 0 11 90A 0 1 1 9 lA 0 1 l 9 2A 0 1 1 93A 0 11 94A 0 1 l 9SA 0 11 96A 0 1 1 97A 0 1 1 98A 0 1 1 99A 0 1 200A 0 1 2 0 1A BU E TST BEQ SWI FCB FCB REGP 3 SW I FCB REG 4 LOO TSTB BNE SW I FCB REGRTN P U LS 0) LDD OBTA I N B I NARY RE S U LT N UMB E R TST ? TWO BYT E S WORTH -l , Y B NE RE G TWO BRAN CH YES L OA SETUP FOR TWO , -X STORE I N NEW VALUE REGTWO STD ,X LOA RECOV E R D E L I M IT E R ,S ? E N D O F CHANGES CM PA tCR BNE NO , K E E P O N TRUCK ' N RE G 4 * MOVE STAC K E D DATA TO NEW STACK I N CASE STACK * PO I NTER HAS CHAN G E D TSTAC K , PCR LOA D TEMP AREA REGAGN LEAX LOB LOAD COU NT # 21 NEXT B Y TE REGTF l PULS A STA STORE I NT O T E M P , X+ DECB COU NT DOWN BNE LOO P I F MORE RE GT F l LOS LOAD NEW STACK PO I NTER ... 2 0 , X LOB LOAD COUNT AG A I N #21 REGT F 2 LOA NEXT T O STO RE , -X BACK ONTO N E W S T A C K PSRS A COUNT DOWN DECB RE G T F 2 LOO P IF MORE BNE GO RE START COMMA N D RE G RTN BRA ********************************************* BLDNUM - B U I LDS B I NARY VAL U E F RO M I N P UT H E X * TH E ACT IVE E X P RE S S ION HAN DLER I S U S E D . * B·58 PAGE 023 AS S I ST 0 9 . S A : 0 * I NPUT : S=RE T U RN ADDRES S * OUTPUT : A= DE L I M IT E R WH I CH TE RM I NAT E D VALUE ( I F DELM NOT Z E RO ) * n NU MB E R " =WORD B INARY RE S U LT * Z = 1 I F I N P UT RE C I EVED , Z = O I F NO HEX REC I E VED * REG I STERS ARE TRAN S PARENT * ********************************************** 0 1206 0 1207 01208 0 1209 0 1210 01211 0 1212 01214 0 1215 01216 0 1217 0 1218 0 12 1 9A 0 1220A Q 1221 0 1 2 2 2A 0 1223A 0 1224A 0 12 2 6 0 1227 01228 0 1229 0 1230 0 1231 0 1 2 3 2A 0 12 3 3A 0 1234A 01235 0 1236A 0 1237A 0 12 3 8 01239A 01240A 0 1 2 4 1A 0 1 2 4 2A 0 1 2 4 3A 0 1244A 0 1245A 0 1246A 0 1247A 0 1248A 0 1249 0 1250A 0 1 2 5 1A 0 1 2 5 2A 01253 0 12 5 4A 0 1 2 5 5A 0 1 2 5 .6 A 0 1257A 0 1258A 01259 0 1 2 6 0A 0 1 2 6 1A 0 1 2 6 2A 0 1 2 6 3A AS S I ST0 9 - M C 6 8 0 9 MON ITOR FC DF 4 F FCEO 8C FCE1 8 6 FCE 3 9 7 FCE 5 6 E 20 8E 9D * EXE CUTE S I NGLE O R EXTEN D E D ROM EXPRE S S I O N HAN DLER * * THE F LAG " DE L I M n I S US E D AS FOLLOWS : * DE L I M = O N O LEAD I N G B LANK S , N O F O RC E D 'rE RM I N A'rOR * DE L I M =CHR ACC EPT LEAD I NG ' CH R ' S , FORC E D TERM I NATOR NO DYNAM I C DE L I M I T E R BLDNNB CLRA A SKIP2 S K I P NEXT I NSTRUC'r r ClII FCB * B U I L D WITH LEAD I NG B LANK S #' ALLOW LEAD I N G B LANK S A BLDNUM LDA STORE A S DEL I M IT E R DE L I M STA A [ V ECTAB+ . E XPAN , PC R ] TO EXP ANALY Z E R JMP E3 0 3 FC E 9 3 4 FCEB 8 0 FCED 2 7 14 5C 18 A FD49 F D0 7 FCEF 9 1 FCF 1 2 7 8E F8 A FCEB FCF 3 FCF 5 FCF 7 FC F 9 FC F B FCF D FCFF F OO l F D0 3 F D0 5 9E 81 27 9E 81 27 9E 81 27 35 9E 40 16 93 50 10 AO 57 OA 94 A A FDOF A A FDOF A A FDOF A FD07 8D FD09 27 F DO B 2 0 44 FC OA FD4 D FD07 F D1 7 FDO D F DO F FDll FD13 FD15 AE 9F OD 27 8D 84 9B 8E FO 62 A A A F D0 5 F D7 9 FD17 F D1 9 F OIB F D1 D 9E 81 26 8D 9B 2B OE 23 A A FD2B F 04 2 * TH I S I S 'rH E DEFAU L'f S I NG L E ROM ANALY Z E R . WE ACC E PT : 1 ) HEX I NP UT * 2 ) ' M ' F O R LAS 'r MEMORY EXAM I N E ADDRE S S * 3 ) ' P ' F O R PROG RAM COU NTER ADDRE S S * 4 ) ' w ' F O R W I N DOW VAL U E * 5 ) ' @ ' FOR I N D I RECT VALU E * X,B S AVE REG I STERS PSHS EXPl C L E AR NUMBE R , CHECK F I RST CHAR BLDHX I EXPDLM B S R IF HEX DIG IT CONT I NU E BU I L D I NG EX P2 BEQ * SK I P B LANK S I F DE S I KE D DE L I M ? C ORRECT DE L I M IT E R CMPA Y E S , I GNORE rr EXP DLM BEQ * TEST FOR M OR P DEF AU LT FOR ' M ' ADDR LOX ? r-I E MO RY EXAM I N E ADDR WANTE D #'M CMPA BRANCH I F SO EXPTDL BEQ PCNT E R DE F AU LT F O R ' P ' LOX #'P ? LAST PROGRAM COUNT E R WAN T E D CMPA BRANCH I F SO EXPTDL BEQ D E F AU LT TO W I N DOW W I N DOW LOX #'W ? W I N DOW WANTEU CMPA EXPTDL BEQ PC , X , B RETU RN AN D RESTORE REG I ST E RS EXPRTN P U LS * GOT HEX , NOW CONT I N U E BU I L D I NG COMPUTE NEXT D I G I T BLDHEX EXP2 BSR CONT I NU E I F MORE EXP2 BEQ S EARCH FOR +/E X P C DL BRA * STORE VALUE AN D CHECK I F N E E D DEL I M I T E R IN D I RECT ION DE S I RE D ,X EXPT D I LDX STORE RE S U LT NUMBER EXPTDL STX DE L I M ? T O FORC E A DE L I M IT E R TST RETU RN I F NOT WITH VALUE E X P RTN BEQ OBTA I N NEXT CHARACTE R READ BS R * TEST FOR + OR EX PCDL LOX NUM B E R LOAD LAST VALUE #'+ ? ADD OPERATOR CMPA EX PCHM BNE B RANC H NOT EXPTRM BSR COMPUTE NEXT T E RM 8-59 PAGE 024 0 1 2 6 4A 0 1 2 6 5A 0 1 2 6 6A 0 1 267A 0 1268A 0 1269A 0 1 2 7 0A 0 1 2 7 1A 0 1 2 7 2A 0 1 2 7 3A 0 1 2 7 4A 0 1 2 7 5A 01276A 0 1277A 0 1278A 0 1279A 0 1 2 80A 0 1 2 8 1A 0 1 2 8 2A 0 1283 0 1284 01285 0 12 86A 0 1 2 87A 0 1 288A 0 1290 0 1291 0 1292 0 12 9 3 0 1 2 94 0 1295 0 1296 01297 0 1298 0 1 2 99A 0 1300A 0 13 0 1A 0 1 3 0 2A 0 1 3 0 3A 0 1 3 0 4A 0 13 0 5A 0 1 3 0 6A 0 1307A 0 1 3 0 8A 0 1309A 0 1 3 10A 0 1 3 1 1A 0 1 3 1 2A 01314 0 13 1 5 01316 0 1317 01318 0 1319 ASS I ST0 9 . SA : 0 F DI F FD21 FD23 FD25 F D2 7 F D29 FD2B FD2 D FD2F FD31 FD33 FD34 F D3 6 FD38 F D3A F D3 C FD3D F D 3E FD40 34 DC 30 9F 35 20 81 27 81 27 SF 20 80 34 DC 40 50 82 20 F D4 2 8 0 F D 4 4 27 F D4 6 1 6 FD49 F D4 B F D4 D F D4 F FD51 F D5 3 FOSS F DS 6 F D5 8 FDS9 F DS B FDSD F DS E F D6 0 OF OF 80 80 26 C6 3D 86 58 09 09 4A 26 20 AS S I ST0 9 - M C 6 8 0 9 MON I TOR 02 9B 8B 9B 02 EC 20 07 40 DA A A A EX PADD A A F01 7 A EXPCHM FD36 A FOO D CF OA 02 9B F DO S F D4 2 A A 00 El A FD23 FCEl 90 F D7 8 32 FC1 3 F 9 5 C A 9B 9C 2A 11 25 10 A FD7 9 F D6 2 FD7 8 A 04 A 9C 9B A A F8 14 FD58 F D7 6 A SAVE DE L I M I T E R PSHS LDD NUMBE R LOAD N E W T E RM LEAX D,X ADD TO X NUMB E R STORE AS NEW RE S U LT STX A RE STO RE DE L I M I 'r E R PULS BRA E X P C DL NOW T E S T IT C M PA #'? S U BTRACT O P E RATOR BEQ EXPSUB BRANC H I F SO ? I N D I RE C T I O N DE S I RE D CMPA #'@ BEQ E X PT D I BRANC H I F SO SET DE L I M IT E R RETURN C LRB EXPRTN AN D RET U RN TO CALLE R BRA EXPTRM OBTA I N NEXT T E RM EXPSUB BSR A SAV E DE L I M I T E R PSHS NUMB E R LOAD UP NEXT TERM LDD NEGATE A NEGA NEGATE B NEGB SBCA #0 CORRECT FO R A EX PADD GO ADD TO E X P RE S ION B RA * COMPUTE NEXT EX PRES S I ON T E RM * OUTPUT : X=OLD VALU E * ' N UMB E R ' =NEXT TE RM EX PTRM a S R B LDNUM OBTAI N N E X T VAL U E CNVRTS RETU RN I F VAL I D NUMBER BEQ BLDBAD LBRA CMD�AD ABO RT COMMAN D I F I NVAL I D ********************************************* * BU I L D B I NARY VALU E U S I NG I N PUT CHARACT E RS . * I N PUT : A=AS C I I HEX VALUE OR DE L I M IT E R S P + O = RETURN ADDRES S * S P+ 2 = 1 6 B I T RE S U LT AREA * * OUTPUT : Z = l A= B I NARY VALUE Z = O I F I NVAL I D H E X CHARAC T E R ( A UNCHANG ED ) * * VOLAT I LE : 0 **************************************** CLEAR NUMB E R B L DH X I C LR NUI-t B E R NUMBER+ ! CLEAR NU M B E R CLR GE'l' I l� P UT CHARACT E R RE AD B LDHEX BSR CO NVERT AN D T E S T CHARACTER CNVHEX B L DHXC B S R RE T U RN IF NOT A NUMBER CNVRTS BNE PRE PARE S H I F'!, LOB #16 BY FOUR P LAC E S MUL LOA ROTATE B I NARY I NTO VALU E #4 BLDS H F AS L B OBTAI N N E X T � I T NUM B E R+ l I NTO LOW BYTE ROL NUMBER I NTO H I BYTE ROL DECA COUNT DOW� BLDSHF BRANC H I F MORE TO DO BNE SET GOOD RET U RN CO DE CNVOK B RA **************************************** * CONVERT ASC I I CHARACT ER TO B I NARY BYTE * I NP UT : A=AS C I I * O UTPUT : Z = l A=B I NARY VALUE Z = O I F I NVAL I D * * ALL REG I ST E RS TRAN S PARENT 8-60 PAG E 025 0 1320 0 1321 0 1 3 2 2A 0 1323A 0 1 3 2 4A 0 1 3 2 5A 0 1 3 2 6A 01327A 01328A 0 1 3 2 9A 0 1 3 3 0A 0 1 3 3 1A 0 1 3 3 2A 0 13 3 3A 01335 0 1 3 3 6A 0 1337A 0 1 3 3 8A 0 1 3 3 9A 01340A 01341 AS S I ST0 9 . SA : 0 F D6 2 FD64 F D6 6 F D6 8 F D 6A FD6C FD6E F D7 0 F D7 2 F D7 4 F 07 6 F D7 8 81 25 81 2F 81 25 81 22 80 84 lA 39 F D7 9 F D7 A F 07 B F D7 D F D7 F 3F 81 27 39 01343 0 1 3 4 4 A F D8 0 8 0 0 1 3 4 5 A F 08 2 3 8 01347 0 13 4 8 01349A 0 13 5 0A 0 1 3 5 1A 01352 0 13 5 3 0 1 3 5 4A 0 1 3 5 5A 0 13 5 6 A 01357A 01358A 0 13 5 9A 0 1360A 0 1 3 6 1A 0 1 3 6 2A 0 1 3 6 3A 0 1 3 6 4A 0 1 3 6 5A 01366 013 6 7A 0 1368A 01369A 0 1 3 7 0A 30 12 39 OA AS S I ST0 9 - M C 6 8 0 9 MON I TOR A FD78 A F D7 4 41 A 46 06 07 OF 04 FD7 8 A FD7 8 A A A OA 00 18 C7 * GET I N P U T CHAR , ABORT COMMAN D I F CONTROL-X ( C AN C E L ) SW I READ GET NEXT CHARAC TER I NCH N P A F U NCT I O N FCB ? ABORT CO M M A N D A I C AN CM PA B LDBAD F046 BRANCH TO AB O RT I F SO BEQ RETURN TO CALLER RTS *0 01 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GO - START PROGRAM EXECUTION F D8 3 CGO GOADDR BU I L D ADDRE S S IF NEEDED BSR START EX E C UT I N G R',I' I A F D8 3 3 5 F 08 5 3 4 F D8 7 2 6 30 10 19 F 08 9 F D8 C F D8 E F D8 F F D9 1 F D9 3 F 09 5 F 09 7 F 09 9 F D9 B 0186 FF42 A 6C 17 AE SA 2B A6 AC 26 81 26 97 16 30 Al F7 3F 02 A F DA2 F DA 7 A A F 08 E A F D9 0 A F D9 D O C FB 8F F D9 F 1 6 0 1 0 6 F EA 8 F DA2 1 7 F OA5 E D F OA7 1 7 O O BB FE60 C9 F 07 8 84 30 A F OAA 0 0 O 1 3 7 1A F OAC SA 0 1 3 7 2A F OAD 2B 0 1 3 7 3 A F OAF A6 0 1 3 7 4 A F DB l A7 * ( A UNALTERED I F I NVA L I D HEX ) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ? LOW E R THAN A Z E RO CNVHE X CMPA 1'0 BRANCH NOT VALUE CNVRT S BLO #'9 ? POS S I B LE A-F CMPA CNVGOT BRANCH NO TO ACCEPT BLE # 'A ? LESS TH EN TEN CMPA CNVRTS RETURN I F . M I NUS ( I NVAL I D ) BLO I'F ? NOT TOO LARGE CM P A CNVRTS NO , RETURN TOO LARG E BH I DOWN TO B I NARY S U BA #7 I$OF C LEAR H IGH H E X CN VGOT AN DA CNVOK ORCC FORC E Z E RO ON FOR VAL I D H E X 14 RETURN TO CALLER CNVRTS RTS A A 6C 019 8 FF4 2 A FA A * F I N D OPT I ONAL N E W PROGRAM COUNTE R . ALSO A�� TH E * B REAKPO I NTS . GOA D DR PULS RECOVER RET U RN ADDRE S S Y,X STORE RETURN BAC K PSHS X I F N O CA RR I AG E RETURN TH E N NEW P C BNE GON DF T * DEFAULT PROGRAM COUNTE R , SO FALL T H RO UG H I F * I MM E D I ATE BREAKPO I NT . L BS H C B K L DR SEARC H B RE AK PO I N T S LOAD PROGRAM COUNTER LOX 12 , S COUNT DOWN ARMBLP D E C a ARM B K 2 BMI DON E , NON E T O S I NGLE TRACE L DA - NU M BK P * 2 , Y P RE - F E T C H OPCODE CMPX , Y+ + ? I S TH I S A BREAK PO I NT AR.'1BLP BN E LOOP I F NOT ? SWI 8REAKPO I NT E O CM P A t $ 3F ARMN SW BNE NO , S K I P SETT I NG OF PAS S F LAG SW I BF L SHOW UP C OMM I NG SWI NOT BRKPNT S TA M I S F LG F LAG TH RU A BREAK PO I NT ARMNSW INC DO S I NGL E TRAC E WIO BREAK P O I NTS LBRA C DOT * O BT A I N NEW PROG RAM COUNT E R OBTA I N NEW PROGRAM CO U NT E R C D NU M GO N D F T LBS R STORE I NTO STACK 12 ,S STO C8K LDR OBTA I N TAB LE A RM B K 2 LB S R BK P',I'CT COMPLEMENT TO SHOW ARM E D NEG ARM LOP DE C B ? DON E CN V RT S BM I RE'rU RN WH E N DONE LDA LOAD OPCOOE [ ,Y] STA -NUMBK P * 2 , Y STORE I NTO OPCODE TA B LE 8·61 PAGE 026 AS S I ST0 9 . SA : 0 · 0 1 3 7 5A F DB3 8 6 0 1 3 7 6 A F D B 5 A7 0 1 3 7 7 A F DB 7 2 0 3F Bl F3 0 1379 0 1 3 8 0A 0 1 3 8 1A 0 1 3 8 2A 0 1 3 8 3A 0 1 3 8 4A 0 1 3 8 5A F D8 9 F DB B F DB D F DB F F OC O FOCl 8D 35 AD 3F 20 C8 7F Fl OA FC AS S I ST0 9 - MC 6 8 0 9 MON I TOR A A F DAC F DC 3 F DC 6 F DC 8 F DCA FDCD F DCF F ODO F DDl F DD4 17 DO 9E 17 F DD6 F DD 8 0 1 4 0 2 A F DDA 0 1 4 0 3A F DDC 0 1 4 0 4 A F DOE 0 1 4 0 5 A F OE O 0 1 4 0 6 A F DE 2 0 1 4 0 7 A F DE 4 0 1 4 0 8 A F DE 6 81 0 1 4 0 1A 86 3F 17 27 0 0 9A F E 6 0 9E A 9E A F C O C F 9 D9 A 20 A 01 F F O B F C DF F DE O OA 26 2C OE 9F 9E 30 20 01 #$ 3F [ , Y++ ) ARMLOI? READY " SW I " O PCODE STORE AN D MOVE UP TAB LE AN D CONT I NU E * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CALL - CALL ADDRE S S AS SU B ROUT I N E F D8 3 CCALL BS R GOADDR FETCH ADDRE S S IF N E E D E D A P U LS U , Y , X , DP , D , CC RE S TORE U S E RS REG I ST E RS A JS R [ , S++ ) CALL US E R S U BROUT I N E CGOBRK SWI PE RFORM BREAK PO I NT A FCB BRKPT FUNCT ION BRA F DB F CGOB RK LOOP UNT I L U S E R CHANGES PC 0 1387 0 1388 0 1389 0 1 3 9 0A 0 1 3 9 1A 0 1 3 9 2A 0 1 3 9 3A 0 1 3 9 4A 0 1 3 9 5A 0 1 3 9 6A 0 13 97A 0 1 3 9 8A 0 1399 0 1400A LDA STA BRA A FDE8 A A F OOl A F E 2B * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *MEMORY - D I S PLAY/CHANGE MEMORY * CMEMN AND CMPADP ARE D I RECT ENTRY PO I NTS F ROM * THE COMMAN D HAN D L ER FOR QU I C K COMMAN DS LBSR CMEM C DN U M OBTA I N ADDRE S S CMEMN STD ADDR STORE DE FAULT LOX CM EM2 AD DR LOAD PO I NT E R LBS R ZOUT 2 H S E N D OUT H E X VALUE OF BYTE LDA LOAD DE L I M I T E R #'SW I S E N D OUT FCB OUTC H FUNCT I O N LBS R OBTAI N NEW BYTE VALUE CMEM4 BLDNNB BEQ CME N U M BRANCH I F NUMBE R * COMA - S K I P BYTE ClI'lPA ? COMMA ii , BNE CMNOTC BRANCH NOT STX U P DATE PO I NTER AD D R L E AX TO NEXT BYT E 1 ,X B RA CMEM 4 AND IUPUT I T NUMBE R+ l LOAD LOW BYTE VALUE CMENUM L O B BSR MUP DAT GO OVERLAY MEMORY B YT E CMPA ? CONT I NU E W I T H NO D I S P LAY ii , CM E M 4 BRANCH Y E S BEQ * Q UOT E D ST R I NG I" CMNOTC C(l:i PA ? QUOT E D ST R I N G BN E BRANC H NO CMNO T Q D6 Fl 9C 80 81 2C A 27 E9 F OO l 0 1 4 1 0 A F DE 8 8 1 27 OC A FDF8 8B 27 OC OBT A I N N E X T CHARACT E R RE A D C M E S T R BS R II I ClI'l PA ? END OF QUOT E D STRING YES , QU I T S T R I NG MODE F DF E BEQ CM S P C E A TO B FOR SU B ROUT I N E TF R A,B BS R FE2 B GO UPDAT E BYTE MUP DAT G E T N E X T CH ARACT E R F DEC BRA CM E S T R * B L AN K - NEXT BYTE ? B LANK FOR NEX T BYTE A CMNOTQ CMPA # $ 20 B RANCH NOT FE0 2 C M NO T B BNE U P DAT E PO I NT E R A ST X AD D R G I VE S P AC E CMS P C E SW l F U N CT I O N A S P AC E FC B B RA CM E M 2 NOW PROMPT FOR NEXT F OC S * L I N E F E E D - NEXT BYTE W I T H ADDRE S S ? L I N E F E E D FOR NEXT BYTE A CMNOT B CMPA I LF BNE CMNOTL BRANCH NO FEO t LDA A G I V E CARR I AG E RETU RN tCR 47 0 14 0 9 0 1 4 1 1 A F DEA 2 6 0 1 4 1 2 A F DE C 8 0 0 1 4 1 3 A F OE E 8 1 0 1 4 1 4A 0 14 1 5A 0 1416A 0 1 4 1 7A 01418 0 1 4 1 9A 0 14 20A 0 1 4 2 1A 0 1 4 2 2A 0 1 4 2 3A 0 1 4 2 4A 0 1425 F DF O 27 F DF 2 1 F 80 20 89 35 F4 FOF8 8 1 F D FA 2 6 F UFC 9 10" 20 06 9E F OF E F UF F FEOO 3F 20 C6 0 1 4 2 6A FE0 2 0 1 4 2 7 1\ F E 0 4 0 1 4 2 8 1\ F E 0 6 81 26 86 01\ 08 00 F DF 4 FDF6 07 FD79 A 8·62 PAGE 0 1 4 2 9A 0 14 3 0A 0 1 4 3 1A 0 1 4 3 2A 0 14 3 3 0 1 4 34A 0 14 3 5A 0 1 4 3 6A 0 1437A 0 14 3 8A 0 14 3 9A 0 1440A 0 1 4 4 lA 0 14 4 2 0 1443A 0 1 4 4 4A 0 1 4 4 5A 027 AS S I ST0 9 . SA : 0 FE0 8 3 F FE0 9 FEOA 9 F FEO C 2 0 ASS I ST0 9 - M C 6 8 0 9 MON I TOR 01 9E OA A FE18 5E OA lE 9E A FEIC A A 06 07 AC A FE21 F DC 8 FEIC 8 1 FEIE 27 FE2 0 3 9 2F F6 A FE1 6 0 1447 0 14 4 8A 0 14 4 9A 0 1 4 5 0A 0 1451A 0 1 4 5 2A 0 1453A FE 2 1 FE2 3 FE2 5 FE 2 7 FE2 8 FE29 9E 34 30 3F 9E 10 E4 A A 05 90 A A 01455 01456A 0 1457A 0 1458A 0 1 4 59A 01460A 0 1 4 6 1A 0 1 4 6 2A 0 1 4 6 3A 0 1 4 6 4A 0 1 4 6 SA 0 14 6 6A FE2 B FE 2 D FE2 F FE 3 1 FE 3 3 FE 3 5 FE3 6 FE38 FE3A FE 3 B FE3C 9E E7 El 26 9F 39 34 86 3F FE O E FEI O FE1 2 FEl 4 FE1 6 FE1 7 FE1 8 FE1A 81 26 30 9F 3F 80 20 35 35 0 1468 0 1 4 6 9 A FE 3 E 8 0 0 1 4 7 0 A FE4 0 DO 0 1 4 7 1A FE4 2 3 9 01473 0 14 7 4A 0 1 4 7 SA 0 1476A 0 1477A 0 1478A 0 14 7 9A 0 1480A 0 1 4 8 1A 0 1 4 8 2A FE4 3 FE 4 5 FE4 7 FE 4 9 FE4 B FE4 D FE4F FE S 1 FE 5 3 80 C4 IF 30 25 80 30 34 l0A3 9E 80 IF 03 9E 02 3F 01 82 20 AO IB FO 02 2F 04 11 AB 30 62 A SWI TO CONSOLE FCB OUTCH HANDLER STORE NEXT ADDRESS STX ADDR B RA BRAN CH TO SHOW CMPADP * U P ARROW - PREVIOUS BYTE AN D ADDRE S S CMNOT L CMPA # '@ ? U P ARROW FOR PREV IOUS B YT E BRAN CH NOT CMNOTU BNE DOWN TO PRE V I O U S BYTE LEAX -2 , X STO RE NEW PO I NT E R STX ADDR CMPADS SW I FORCE NEW L I N E FCB PCRLF FUNCT ION CMPP. DP BSR PRTADR GO P R I NT I 1'S VALUE BRA THEN PROMPT FOR I N PUT CMEM2 * S LASH - NEXT BYTE W I TH ADDRE S S CMNOTU CMPA i'/ ? S LAS H FOR CURRENT D I S PLAY Y E S , S E N D ADDRE S S BEQ CMPADS RE'rURN FROM COMfotAN D RTS * P R I NT CURRENT ADDRE S S ADDR LOAD PO I NT E R VALU E SAVE X · ON STACK X PSHS PO I NT TO I T FOR D I S PLAY ,S LEAX D I S PLAY PO I NTER I N HEX SWI F UNCT ION OUT 4 H S FCB Pc , x PU LS RECOVER PO I NT E R AN D RET U RN A PRTADR LOX * U P DAT E BYTe A MU P DAT LOX A STB A CMPB BNE FE36 A STX RTS A MU P BAD PSHS A LOA SWI A FCB A PULS ADDR , X+ -l , X MUPBA O ADDR A Ii? OUTCH PC , A LOAD NEXT BYTE PO mTER STO RE AN D I NCRE M E N T X ? S U C C E S F UL L STORE BRAN C H FOR I ? ' I F NOT STORE NEW PO I NT E R VALUE BACK TO CALLE R SAVE A REG I STER SHOW I NVAL I D S E N D OUT F UNCT ION RETURN TO CALLER * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * W I N DOW - SET W I N DOW VALUE C DN U M FE 6 0 CW I N DO BSR OBTA I N w I N DOW VALUE W I N DOW A STD STORE IT I N RTS END COMMAND * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * D I S P LAY - H I GH S P E E D D I S P LAY ME M ORY CDNUM F E'rC H ADDRES S BS H F E 6 0 CDI S P #$FO FORC E '1'0 1 6 BOUN DRY A AN DB D,Y SAVE I N Y TF R A 15 ,y DE FAULT LENGTH A LE AX C D I S PS BRANC H I F E N D OF I NPUT BCS FE51 C DNU M OBTA I N COUNT BSR FE60 D,Y LEAX A AS S U M E COUNT , COMPUTE E N D ADDR Y,X SETUP PARAME T E RS FOR H S DATA A C D I S PS PSHS 2,s ? WAS IT COU NT CMPD A B-63 PAGE 028 0 1 4 8 3A 0 14 8 4A 0 14 8 SA 0 1486A AS S I ST0 9 . SA : 0 FES6 FES8 FESA FESE 23 ED AD 35 0 1488 0 1489 0 1490 01491 0 1 4 9 2A 0 1 4 9 3A 0 1 4 9 4A 0 14 9 SA 0 14 9 6A 0 1 4 9 7A 0 1498A 0 1499A FE60 FE6 3 FE 6 S FE 6 7 FE69 FE6B FE6D FE6E 17 26 81 22 81 DC 39 16 0 1501 0 1 S 0 2A 0 1 S 0 3A 0 1 S 0 4A 0 1 S 0 SA 0 1S06A 0 1 S 0 7A 0 1S08A 0 1S 0 9A 0 1S10A 0 1SHA 0 1 S 1 2A 0 I S 1 3A FEn FE73 FE7 S FEn FE 7 9 FE7B FE7F FE83 FE 8 S FE89 FE8B FE80 80 IF 80 6F 34 AD AD 34 AD 35 26 35 0 1515 0 1 S16A FE8F 80 0 1 S 17A FE91 AS S I ST0 9 - MC 6 8 0 9 MON ITOR FESA 02 A E4 CDCNT 90 E184 A EO F E 7 E FC E I FE6E 09 A 2F FE6 E 05 A OE A 9B FAE B F 9 S C B LS STD JSR PULS C DCNT BRAN CH Y E S ,S STORE H I G H ADDRE S S [ VECTAB+ . H S DTA , PC R ] CALL PRI NT RO UT I NE PC , U , Y CLEAN STACK AN D E N D COMMAND * OBTA I N NUMBER - ABORT I F NON E * O N LY DEL I M I T E RS OF C R , BLANK , OR ' I ' ARE AC C E PT E D * OUTPUT : D=VALU E , C=l IF CARRIAGE RETURN DE LM I T E R , * E L S E C= O CDNUM BLDNUM LBS R OBT A I N NUM B E R C DBADN BNi:'! BRANCH I F I NVAL I D ? VAL l O DE L I M I T E R CMPA i'l BRANCH I F NOT F O R ERROR C DBADN BHI LEAVE COMPARE FOR CARR I AGE RET # C R+ l CMPA LOAD NUM B E R NUM B E R LDD RETURN W I T H COMPARE RTS RETURN TO E RROR MECHAN I SM CMDBAD C D BADN LBRA * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * P U NCH - PUNCH MEMORY I N S 1 - S 9 FORMAT F E 6 0 C PUNCH BSR ED CDNUM OBTA I N START ADDRE S S A TFR D,Y SAVE I N Y 02 FE60 BSH CDNU M OBTA I N E N D ADDRES S E9 A , -S SETU P PU N C H F UNCT ION CO DE CLR E2 PSHS Y,D A STORE VAL U E S ON STACK 26 CCALBS J S R [ VE CTAB+ . B SON , PC R ] I N I T I AL I Z E HANDLER 9 0 E1 6 5 JSR [ VECTAB+ . BS DTA , PC R ] P E RFORM FUNCT I ON 90 E163 A PSIIS CC SAVE RETURN CODE 01 [ VECTAB+ . B SOFF , PC R ] T U RN O F F HANDLER JSR 9D E15F A P U LS CC OBTA I N CON D I T ION CODE SAVED 01 FE6E BNE C D BADN BRANCH IF ERROR El A P U LS B2 PC , y , X , A RETURN F ROM COMMAND 01 01 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * LOAD - LOAD MEMORY F ROM S 1 - S 9 FORMAT F E 9 2 C LOAD BS R C LVOF S CALL SET U P AN D PAS S CO DE A 1 FCB LOAD FUNCT I ON CO DE FOR PAC K ET Fl 04 03 C6 8C 4F SF 34 20 A CLVO F S A FE 9 B FE60 A C LVDFT 4E DA A FE7B 0 1529 0 1 S 3 0 A FEAl 8 0 0 1 S 3 1 A FEA3 EF FF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * V ER I F Y - COMPARE MEMORY WITH F I LE S C LVO F S COMPUTE O F F S ET IF ANY FE9 2 CVER BSR A -1 FCB VERI F Y FNCTN CO DE FOR PACK ET 0 1 S 1 9A 0 1 S20A 0 1 S 2 1A 0 1 S 2 2A 0 1S 23A 0 1S24A 0 1S 2 SA 0 1 S26A 0 1.S 2 7 A FE 9 2 FE94 FE9 6 FE9S FE9A FE 9 B FE9C FE9D FE9F 33 33 27 80 LEAU LEAU BEQ BSR FCB CLRA CLRB PSHS BRA [ , S++ ] [ ,U] C LVDFT CDNUM SKIP2 U , DP , D CCALBS 8-64 LOAD CO D E IN HIGH BYTE OF U NOT CHAN G I NG CC AND RESTORE S BRANCH I F CARR I AG E RETURN N E XT OBTA I N OF F S ET S K I P DE FAULT OF F S ET CREATE Z E RO OF F S ET AS DEFAUL'f S E'fUP COD E , N U L L ·wORD , OF F S ET ENTER CALL TO BS ROUT I NES PAGE 029 0 1533 0 1534 0 1 5 3 5A 0 1536A 0 1537A 0 1 5 3 8A 0 1 539A 0 1 540A 0 1 541A 0 1 54 2A 0 1 5 4 3A 0 1559 0 15 6 0 0 1 5 6 1A 0 1 5 6 2A 0 1 5 6 3A 0 1564 0 1565A 0 1566A 0 1567A 0 1568A 0 1 569A 0 1570A 0 1 5 7 1A 0 1 5 7 2A 0 1 s 7 3A 0 1 s7 4A 0 1 s 7 sA 01576A 0 1577A 0 1 s7 8 A 0 1 s7 9 A 0 1s80A 0 1 s8 1A 0 1 s 8 2A 0 1583 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TRAC E - TRAC E I NSTRU CT IONS ******************* - S I NGLE ST E P TRAC E CTRAC E BSR CDNUM OBTA I N TRACE COU NT STORE CO UNT TRAC EC STD LEAS 2,S RI D COMMAN D RET U �� FROM STACK COOT CT RC E 3 LOU [lO ,S) LOAD OPCODE TO EX E C UTE STU LASTOP STORE FOR TRAC E INTE RRU PT LDU VECTAB+ . PTM LOAD PTM ADDRE S S LDD #7 ! <8+1 CYCLES ooWN + C Y C L E S U P STD PTMTMI - PTM , U START NM I T I MEOUT RT I RETURN FOR ONE I N S T RU CT ION • FEA4 FEA6 FEA8 FEAA FEAD FEAF FEBl FEB4 FEB6 80 DO 32 EE OF DE CC ED 3B 0 1545 0 1 5 4 6 A FEB7 8 0 0 1 5 4 7 A F E B 9 DO 0 1 5 4 8 A FEBB 3 9 01550 0 1 5 5 1A 0 1 5 5 2A 0 1 5 5 3A 0 15 54A 0 1555A 0 1556A 0 1557A AS S I ST0 9 - M C 6 8 0 9 MON I TOR AS S I ST0 9 . SA : 0 F E BC FEBE FECO FEC2 FEC 3 FEC 5 FEC7 27 80 DO 39 30 9F 39 FE60 BA 91 A A 62 A Fa OA 99 A A F6 A 0701 A 42 A7 F2 OS AO Fa 6E F8 SET NEW L I N E AN D CHAR PADD I NG * * * * * * * * * * * * * N U L LS F E 6 0 CNU LLS BSR CDN U M OBTA I N NEW L I N E PAD A STD VECTAB+ . PAO RE SET VAL U E S RTS END COMMAND * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * STLEVEL - SET STACK TRAC E LEVEL FEC3 CST LEV BEQ STLDFT TAK E DE F AULT BSR CDN U M OBTA I N NEW STACK LEVEL FE6 0 A STD SLEVEL STORE NEW E NT RY RTS TO COMMAND HAN D L E R A STLOFT LEAX 14 , S COMPUTE NMI COMPARE STX SLEVEL AN D STORE I T A RTS END COMMAN D FEC S 8 0 FECA I F FECC 8 0 96 01 92 FE60 A FE60 FECE F E DO FED2 F E D4 F E D6 F E DS F E D9 FE DB FEDD F E DE F E DF FEEl FEE3 FEES FEE6 FEE7 FEES FEE9 01 30 E4 E4 A A 30 34 A3 ED 30 10 Al 26 3F EE 33 EF 3F 3F 35 A 61 A A E4 02 FEOF A 04 E4 SF 84 A A A OS A 06 96 A A A * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * OF F S ET - COMPUTE SHORT AND LONG ** **************** B RANC H O F F S ETS COF F S BSR CDNUM OBTA I N I NSTRUCT I O N ADDRE SS TF R D,X U S E AS F ROM ADDRE S S BS R CDNUM OBTA I N TO ADDRE S S * D=TO I N STRUCT I O N , X = F RO M I NSTRU CT I O N OF F SET BYT E ( S ) LEAX 1,X ADJ U S T FOR * + 2 SHORT BRANCH PSHS Y,X STORE WORK WORD AN D VALUE ON S SUBD ,S F I N D OF F S ET STD ,S SAVE O V ER STACK LEAX 1 ,5 PO I NT FOR ONE BYTE D I S P LAY SEX S I G N EXT E N D LOW BYTE CMPA ,S ? VAL I D ONE BYTE OF F S E T BNE COFNOl BRANCH I F NOT SW I SHOW ONE BYTE O P F S ET OUT 2 HS F U NCT ION FCB COF NO l LOU ,S RE LOAD OF F S E T LEAU -l , U CONVERor TO LONG B RANCH OF F S E T ,x STU STORE BACK WHE RE X PO I NTS NOW SW I SHOW T'1l0 BYTE OF F S ET OUT 4 H S FCB FUNCT ION SWI FORCE NEW L I N E FUNCT ION PCRLF FCB PULS PC , X , D RE STORE STACK AN D E N D COMMAN D *H 8-65 PAGE 030 AS S I ST0 9 . SA : 0 01585 01586 0 1 5 8 7A FEEB 0 1 5 8 8 A FEE D 0 1 5 8 9A FEFO 0 1 5 9 0A F E F 2 0 1 5 9 1A FEN 0 1 5 9 2A FEF 6 0 1 5 9 3A FEF 9 0 1 5 9 4A FEFB 0 1 5 9 5A F E F O 01596 0 1 59 7 A FEFE 0 1 5 9 8A F F O O 0 1 59 9 A FFOl 0 1 6 0 0 A FF 0 3 0 1 6 0 1A F F 0 5 01602 0 16 0 3A F F 0 7 0 1 6 0 4 A FF 0 9 0 1 6 0 5A FFOB 0 1 6 0 6 A FF O C 0 16 0 7 A F F O E 0 1 608A FF10 0 16 0 9 A FF 1 2 0 1 6 1 0 A FF1 4 0 1 6 1 1A F F 1 6 0 1 6 1 2A FF 1 7 0 1 6 1 3A FF1 8 0 1 6 1 4A FF 1 9 0 1 6 1 5 A FF 1 B 0 16 1 6 A FF1C 0 1 6 1 7 A FF 1 D 01618 0 1 6 1 9A F F 1 E 0 1 620A FF20 0 1 6 2 1 A FF 2 2 0 1 6 2 2 A FF 2 4 0 1 6 2 3 A FF 2 6 0 1 6 2 4 A FF 2 8 0 1 6 2 5 A F F 2A 0 1 6 26A FF2C 0 1 6 27A FF 2E 0 1 6 2 8A FF 2 F 0 1 6 2 9A FF 3 1 0 1 6 3 0A FF 3 3 0 1 6 3 1 A FF 3 5 0 1 6 32A FF 3 8 0 1 6 33A FF3A 0 1 6 3 4A F F 3 C 0 1 6 3 5 A FF 3 E 01636 0 1 6 37A FF40 0 1 6 3 8A FF 4 2 0 1 6 3 9A F F 4 6 0 1 6 4 0 A FF 4 8 27 17 27 81 26 17 27 OF 39 80 SA 2B AC 26 AE AF SA 2A OA 8D 27 30 3F SA 26 3F 39 80 Cl 27 A6 E7 El 26 A7 SA 2B AC 26 16 AF 6F OC 20 9E 31 D6 39 AS S I ST0 9 - M C 6 8 0 9 MON I TOR * * * * * * * * * * * * * BREAKPO I NT - D I S PLAY/E N T E �/DE LETE/CLEAR ************* BREAKPO I NTS F F 1 0 C B K PT BEQ 23 BRANCH D I S P LAY OF J UST ' s ' CBK DS P ATT EMPT VALUE ENTRY FDFl F C E l BLDNUM LBS R BRANCH TO ADD I F SO CBKADD 2C FF1 E BEQ ? CORRECT DE L I M ITER 2D CMPA #'A NO , BRANCH FOR ERROR CBKERR 3F FF3 5 BNE ATTEMPT DE LETE VALUE BLDNUM FDE8 FCE l LB S R GOT ONE , GO DELETE IT CBK OLE 03 BEQ FEFE WAS ' B - ' , SO Z E RO COUNT BK PTCT A FA CLR E N D COMMAN D CBKRTS RTS * DELETE THE ENTRY SETU P REG I S 'r E �S AN D VAL U E CBKSE'r 40 F F 4 0 CBK OLE BSR ? ANY ENTR I E S I N TAB LE CBKOLP DECB BRAN CH NO , E RROR BM I C B K E RR 32 FF 3 5 ? I S TH I S TH E ENTRY A Al CMPX , Y++ NO , TRY NEXT CBK DLP BNE F9 FFO O * F OU N D , NOW MOVE OTH E RS UP IN ITS PLACE A C B K DLM LOX LOAD NEXT ONE U P Al , Y++ A -4 , Y STX MOVE DOWN B Y ONE 3C ? DONE DE C B BPL F9 CBKDLM NO , CONT I NU E MOVE FF07 DE CREMENT B REAK PO I NT COUNT A BK PTC'l' DEC FA SETUP REG I S T E �S AN D LOAD VALUE CBKSET 2E FNO CBK OS P B S R RETURN IF NONE T O D I S PLY CBKRT S FEFD BEQ E9 PO I NT TO N E XT ENTRY A C B K DSL LEAX Al , Y++ SW I D I S PLAY I N HEX A F U NCT ION OUT4 H S FCB 05 COUNT DOWN DEC B LOOP I F MORE TO DO BNE CBKDSL FF14 F9 SK I P TO NEW L I N E SW I FUNCT ION PCRLF A FCB 06 RT S RETU RN TO END COMMAN D * ADD NEW ENTRY SETUP REG I ST E RS CBKSET F F 4 0 CBKADD BSR 20 ? A LREADY FULL A CMPB #NUMBKP 08 BRAN CH ERRO R I F SO C B K E RR BEQ FF3 5 11 LOAD BYTE TO TRAP LDA ,X A 84 TRY TO CHANGE ,X ST B A 84 ? C HANGAB LE RAM CMPB ,X A 84 BRANCH EORROR IF NOT CBK ERR BNE 09 FF 3 5 RE STORE BYTE STA ,X A 84 COUNT DOWN CBKADL DE C B BRANCH IF DON E 'ra ADD IT CBKADT BM I 07 FF38 ? ENTRY ALREADY HERE CMPX A , Y+ + Al LOOP I F NOT C BKADL BNE F9 FF2E RETURN TO ERROR PRODUCE CM OBAD F A 2 4 F 9 5 C CBKERR LBRA ADD TH I S ENTRY ,Y A CBKADT STX A4 -NUMBK P * 2 + 1 , Y C LEAR OPT I ONAL BYTE C LR A 31 ADD ONE TO COU NT BK PTCT FA INC A CBKDSP AND NOW D i S PL�Y ALL OF ' EM BRA DO FF10 * SETUP REG I ST E RS FOR SCAN LOA D VALUE DE S I �E D NU M B E R A CBKSET LDX 9B BK PTBL , PCR LOAD START OF TAB LE 8 D E0 6 C C B K LDR LEAY A FA BK PTCT LDB LOAD ENTRY COUNT RTS RETURN 8-66 PAGE 031 01642 0 16 4 3A 0 1 6 4 4A 0 16 4 SA 0 1646A 0 1 6 4 7A 0 1 6 48A 0 1 6 4 9A 0 1 6 S0A 0 16S1A 0 1 6 S2A 016S3A 0 1 6 S4A 0 1 6 S SA 0 1 6 S6A 0 1 6 S7A 0 1 6 S8 A 0 16 S9A 0 1 6 60A 0 1 6 6 1A 0 1 6 6 2A 0 1663A 0 1 6 6 4A 0 1 6 6 SA 0 1 6 6 6A 0 1667A 0 1668A 0 1669A 0 1 670A 0 1 6 7 1A 0 1 6 7 2A 0 1 6 7 3A 0 1 674A 0 1 675A 0 1 67 6A 0 1677A 0 1678A 0 1679A 0 1680A AS S I ST 0 9 . SA : 0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ENCODE FF49 FF4B FF4C FF 4 F FFSO FF S l FF S 3 FF S S FF S7 FF S !:! FF SA FFSB FF S D FFSF FF61 FF63 FF6S FF67 FF 6 9 �' F 6 B FF6E FF70 FF72 FF74 FF 7 6 FF 7 8 FF 7A FF7C FF7E FF80 FF 8 2 FF84 FF86 FF 8 8 FF89 FF8A FF8B FF8C 6F SF 30 3F 81 26 86 A7 3F 81 27 60 2B Al 26 EB 20 30 IF 84 AA A7 C4 60 27 El 26 E6 EA E7 30 3F E2 00 SB 06 10 E4 00 00 OC 84 02 81 F8 IF 98 60 E4 E4 9F 84 B9 81 F8 IF E4 E4 E4 LE AX 35 STA C E NG E T SW I A FC B A CEN 2 C M PA FF6B BEQ A C E N L P l TS'f FF 3 S BM I A CMPA BNE FFSF A A A A A CE N Dl A A CENLP2 FF 3 5 A FF78 A A A A A 06 84 A A 1084 1288 1486 168B 1881 lAS 3 8380 00 BNE LOA A 04 FFB 7 FFBB SW I FC B CM P A A A FFSB A 3F 41 48 20 55 50 FF FFC 3 FFC? FFCB FFCF FFD3 CLRB F F S !:! EE 8C 4 9 FF8E FF 9 6 FF 9 E FFA6 FFAE FFB6 FFBF A CENCDE CLR 8C 3 F 01682 0 1683A 0 1 6 8 4A 0 1 685A 0 1686A 0 1687A 0 1 6 8 8A 0 1689 0 1690 0 1 6 9 1A 0 1 6 9 2A 0 1 6 9 3A 0 1694A 0 1 6 9 5A 0 1696A 0 1697A 0 1698A ASS I ST0 9 - MC 6 8 0 9 MON I 'fOR ADDB BRA LEAX TFH ANDA ORA STA AN DB TST BEQ CM P B BNE LOB ORB STB LEAX SW I FCB SW I FC B PULS * TABLE ONE A CONVl FCB A A A A A A A A A A A A A , -5 ENCODE A POSTBYTE DE FAULT TO NOT I N D I RECT Z E RO PO STBYTE VA L U E < C O N V1 , P C R START TAB L E S E ARC H OBTA I N I NCHNP #' I CEN2 #$10 ,s I N CH N P #CR C E N Dl F I RS T C H ARACT E R FUNCT ION ? I N D I RE C 'r H E HE BRANCH I F" No'r SET I N D I R E C T B I T ON SAVE FOR LAT F H O BTA I N N E X T C H A RA C T E R F U N CT I O N ? END O F E N T RY BRANCH YES ,X ? E N D OF TAB LE C B K E RR BRANCH ERROR I F SO , X ++ CE N L P l -l , X C E N GE 'f ? TH I S TH E CH ARACT E H BRANCH I F NOT ADD 'flU S VALUE GET N E XT I N P U T < CONV2 , PC R PO I NT AT T AB L E 2 SAVE COpy I N A B ,A I SO LATE HEG I ST E R MAS K #$60 ADD I N I N D I RE CT ION B IT ,S ,S SAVE BACK AS POSTBYTE SKELETON CLEAR REG I ST E R B ITS #$9F ? E N D OF TAB LE ,X CBKERR BHANCH E RROR I F SO ? S AME VALUE , X ++ CENLP2 LOOP I F NOT -l , X LOAD RE S U LT VAL U E ADD TO BAS E S K E L ETON ,S SAVE POSTBYT E O N STACK ,S PO I NT TO I T ,S S E N D OUT AS HEX F U N C T I ON OUT 2HS TO NEXT L I NE PC R L F F UNCT ION PC , B END OF COMMAN D DE F I N E S VAL I D I N PUT I N SEQUENCE ' A, $04 , ' B , $05 , ' D, $ 06 , ' H , $01 FCB ' H , $Ol , ' H , $Ol , ' H , $OO , ' , , $OO ' - , $0 9 , ' - , $01 , ' 5 , $7 0 , ' Y , $ 30 FCB ' U , $ 50 , ' X , $10 , ' + , $0 7 , ' + , $01 FCB ' P , $8 0 , ' C , $OO , ' R , $DO , ' ) , $0 0 FCB $FF E N D O F TABLE FCB *CO N V2 U S E S ABOVE CO NVERS ION TO SET POSTBYTE B I T S K E L ETON . * H ,R $1084 , $1100 R, F OB CONV 2 HHHH , R $ 1 2 8 8 , $ 1 3 8 9 HH , R F OB B,R $1486 , $1585 A,R F DB , R+ $1688 , $ 17 80 O, R F OB , -R $ 1 8 8 1 , $ 1 9 8 2 , R++ F OB $ 1A 8 3 , $ 8 2 8 C , --R HH , P C R F OB [ H HH H ) $ 8 3 8 D , $ 0 3 9 F HHHH , PCR F OB E N D OF TABLE 0 FCB B-67 PAGE 032 0 1700 0 1701 0 1702 0 1 703A 0 1704A 0 1 705A 0 1706A 0 1 7 0 7A 0 1708A 0 1 7 0 9A 01711 0 1712 0 1713 01714 0 1715 0 1 7 1 6A 0 1 7 1 7A 0 1 7 1 8A 0 1 7 1 9A 0 17 20A 0 1 7 2 1A 0 1 7 2 2A 0 1 7 23A 0 1 7 2 4A AS S I ST 0 9 . SA : 0 F F D4 F F D8 F F DC FFEO FFE4 FFE8 FFEC 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E FFF O FFF O FFF 2 FFF 4 FFF 6 FF F 8 FFFA FFFC FFFE 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 AS S I ST0 9 - MC 6 8 0 9 MON I TOR **************************************************** DE FAULT I NTERRUPT TRANS F E RS * * **************************************************** [VECTAB+ . RSVD , PC R ) RE S E RVED VECTOR RSRVD JMP [ VECTAB+ . SW I 3 , PC R ) SWI 3 VECTOR JMP SW I 3 [ VECTAB+ . SW I 2 , PCR) SWI 2 VECTOR JMP SW I 2 [ V ECTAB+ . F I RQ , PCR) F I RQ VECTOR JMP F I RQ [ V ECTAB+ . I RQ , PCR) I RQ VECTOR JMP I RQ [ VECTAB+ . SW I , PCR] S W I VECTOR JMP Sill I [ VECTAB+ . NM I , PCR ] NM I VECTOR JMP NMI DF EE DFEC DFEA DF E S DF E 6 DF E4 DFE2 F F D4 F F DS F F DC FFEO FFE4 FFES FFEC FS37 A A A A A A A A 01726 A FS37 TOTAL ERRORS 0 0 0 0 0 - - 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL WARN I N G S 0 0 0 0 0 --0 0 0 0 0 002E 0 000 0024 0 0 26 0022 0016 001S 0014 0002 0 0 2C 001C 0 0 lE: 001A 0032 002A 0 0 0 1\ 0020 O OOC 0010 0 030 002S 0034 . AC I A AVTBL BS DTA . BSO F F . S SON . C I l)'f1\ . C IOFF . C ION • • . CM D L 1 . CMDL2 . C O DTA . COO F F . COOt� . EC H O . E X P AN . F l �o. . lt S DTA . UQ .NMI . P AD . P AU S E • P'l'M * * * *************************************************** ASS I S'f0 9 HA�DWARE VECTOR TABLE * * TH I S TABLE I S U S E D IF TH E AS S I ST 0 9 ROM ADDRE S S E S * T H E MC 6 S 0 9 HARDWARE VECTORS . *** *************************************************** ROMBEG+ROMS I Z - 1 6 SETU P HARDWARE VECTORS ORG RS RVD RES E RVED S LOT F OB F OB SW I 3 SOFTWARE I NT E RRUPT 3 F OB SWI 2 SOFTWARE I NT E RRUPT 2 F OB F I RQ FAST I NT E RRU PT REQUEST INTE RRUPT REQUEST I RQ F OB F OB Sill I SOFTWARE I NT E RRU PT NON-MAS KAB LE I NTERRUPT NMI FOB RESET RE START F OB END RE SET 00095*00S25 00837 00S53 00072*00594 00090*01508 00091*01510 000S9*01507 00083*00725 00084* 00082*00348 00073*00429 000 9 4 * 0 0 4 3 2 0 0 0 S G * 0 0 5 6 t1 00087* 000S5*00349 00097*00625 00093*01224 00077*01706 0 00 8 8 * 0 1 4 8 5 0 0 0 7 1:1 * 0 1 7 0 7 000SO*01709 00096* 00S57 00860 00977 00981 009a5 01025 01547 000 9 2* 0 0 7 2 4 00098*00353 01540 B·68 PAGE 033 AS S I ST 0 9 . SA : 0 0 0 1 2 . RESET 0 0 0 4 . RSVD O O O E . SW I 0 0 0 8 . SW I 2 0 0 0 6 . SW I 3 E 0 0 8 AC IA DF9E ADDR F DA7 ARMBK 2 F D8 E F OAC F 09 0 OF90 0007 OFB2 OFFA O FA 2 F81s F821 ARM B L P ARM LOP ARMNSW BAS E PG BELL BK PTBL BK PTCT BK P'rO p BL02 BL03 B LOBAD B LOH E X BLOHXC B LOH X I BLON N B F 04 6 F 04 D F D4 F F 04 9 F C Olo' F C E I BLONUM F83s F Os 8 F800 O OOA FB6A FB70 FB40 FB42 FB60 FB92 FB6E FB38 FB27 FB33 FBIB FB22 F BE F F BA 3 F BC 6 F BAF F BE C FBE7 FBE9 FB75 FB89 F B8 8 0018 FFlE FF2E FF38 F E F !:: FF07 FFOO F Fl 4 BLORTN BLDSHF BLDVTR BRKPT BS OCMP BS OEOL BS DLD I BS DLD 2 BS DNXT BSDPUN BSDSRT B S DTA B SO F F BSO F LP BSON BSON 2 BS PEOF BS PGO BS PMRE BS POK BS PSTR BS PUN 2 BS PUN C BYTE BYTH E X BYTRT S CAN CBKADD CBKA.DL CBK A DT CBKDLE CBK DLM CBKDLP CBKDSL ASS I ST0 9 - MC 6 8 0 9 MON ITOR 00081* 00074*01703 00079*01708 00076*01705 00075*01704 00024*00256 00133*01239 01391 01392 00773 01357 01369* 01356*01360 01371 *01 377 01362 01364* 00 1 3 5 * 0 0 1 8 6 0 0 7 8 4 00 0 3 6 * 0 0 7 8 2 00127*01638 00121*00386 01370 01594 00129* 001 9 2 * 0 0 1 9 6 00198*00201 012 8 8 * 0 1 3 3 9 01250 01301* 00421 0 1 3 0 2* 01233 01299* 01164 01219*01397 01222*01286 01492 01588 00205 00207* 01307*01311 00183*00 218 00066*0 1384 00942 00944* 00940 00948* 00919*00922 00949 00921*00928 00939*00945 00913 00977* 00926 00946*00950 00250 00911* 00251 00891* 00899 *00900 00249 00880* 00882 00884* 01021 01033* 00987*01020 01009*01011 00990 00992* 0 0 9 9 7 0 1 0 3 2* 01003 01005 01006 01009 01017 01030* 00930 00933 00935 00939 00953 00956 00965* 009 6 3 * 0 0 9 6 8 00040 * 0 0 7 1 1 0 0 7 1 8 01338 01589 01619* 01627*01630 01628 01632* 01593 01597* 01603*01606 01598*01601 01610*01614 01402 01421 01431 01437 01448 01456 01460 01607 01634 01639 01 592 0 1 0 29 * 00953* 8-69 PAGE 034 ASS I ST0 9 . SA : 0 FFI0 FF35 FF42 F EEB F EF D FF40 FE7B F DB 9 F E6 E F E5A FE4 3 FE51 FE60 CBKDSP CBK E RR CBKLDR CBKPT CBK RTS CBK S ET CCA LBS CCALL C DBADN C DCNT C DI S P C OI S PS C DN U M F EA8 F F 5B FF49 F F 6B F F 59 FF5F FF78 F D8 0 F DBF FA58 FA61 FA60 FA62 F A De F AF O F AE 6 F AE 5 FE8F F E9 B FE92 F8F7 F935 F948 F 95C F 977 F901 F 96C F94D F 990 F8F9 F 9 0A F953 F96F F 96 7 F99B F 99C F987 F DC3 F DC 8 F DO l F DC6 F DEO F DEC FE02 C OOT CEN 2 C E N C DE CEN D l e ENG ET CEN L P l CENLP2 CGO CGO BRK CHKABT CHKRTN CHKSEC CH KWT C I DTA C IO F F C ION C I RTN C LOAD C LVDFT C LVOF S CMD CM D 2 CMD3 CMOBAD CMDCMP CMDDDL CMD F LS CMDGOT CMDMEM CMDN E P CM DNOL CM DSC H CM DS I Z CMOSME CMDT B 2 CMOT B L CMDXQT CMEM CMEM2 CMEM4 CMEMN CMENUM CM E ST R CMNOTB ASS I ST0 9 - M C 6 8 0 9 MON I TOR 01587 01608*01635 01591 01599 01621 01625 01631*01657 01669 00303 00383 01354 01369 01638* 0 0 50 3 0 1 5 8 7 * 01595*01609 01597 01608 0 1 6 19 01637* 01507*01527 00506 01380* 01493 01495 01499*01512 01483 01485* 00509 01474* 01478 01481* 01367 01390 01469 01474 01479 01492*01502 01504 01522 01535 01546 01552 01561 01563 00408 0136 5 01537* 01649 01654* 00512 016 4 3 * 0 1 6 5 5 016 6 2* 01652*01661 01656*01659 01668*01671 00515 01344* 01383*01385 007 0 1 0070 9 * 0 0 7 6 4 00710 00714* 00713*00719 007 1 2 00715*00717 00243 00825* 00244 00844* 0024 2 00835* 00828 00830* 00518 01516* 01 5 2 1 0 1 5 2 4 * 01516 01519*01530 00 3 5 4 0 0 3 8 0 * 0 0 4 39 00415*00425 00422 00424* 0 0 4 3 5 * 0 0 4 6 4 0 1 28 8 0 1 4 9 9 0 1 6 3 1 00450 * 0 0 4 5 5 00387*00391 00444*00453 00416 00427* 00420 00463* 00383*00800 00384 00388 00392*00462 00430*00434 00445 00443 00446* 00431 00441* 00254 00 4 9 6 * 00233 00500* 00410 00413 00459*00467 00521 01390* 01392*01424 01441 0139 7 * 0 1 4 0 4 0 1 4 0 8 00465 01391* 01398 01405* 014 1 2 * 0 1 4 1 7 01420 01426* B·70 PAGE 035 F OE 8 FEOE F OF 8 FE1C F E1 8 F E1 6 F OFE F EB 7 F 07 4 F 06 2 F 07 6 F 07 8 F AF I FBOF F B1 2 F B07 FB03 FBOO F EC 8 F E OF FF8E FFB7 F AF O F AE 6 FE71 0000 F C 4A F EBC F EA4 F EAA F EAl FE3E DF8E 0 00 0 0005 0010 0004 F AB D F AC E F CE 9 F D0 7 FD23 F 01 7 F D2 B F CE S F D0 5 F 03 6 F OO D F OO F F D4 2 FFEO F ABC F 08 3 F DA2 0034 FCOO FC47 F BFC ASS I ST 0 9 . SA : 0 ASS I ST0 9 - M C 6 8 0 9 MON I TOR CMNOTC 0 1 4 0 1 0 1 4 1 0 * CMNOTL 0 1 4 2 7 0 1 4 3 4 * CMNOTQ 0 1 4 1 1 0 1 4 1 9 * CMNOTU 0 1 4 3 5 0 1 4 4 3 * CMPAOP 0 0 4 1 1 0 0 4 6 5 0 1 4 3 2 0 1 4 4 0 * CMPADS 0 1 4 3 8 * 0 1 4 4 4 CM SPCE 0 1 4 1 4 0 1 4 2 2 * CNULLS 0 0 5 2 4 0 1 5 4 6 * CNVGOT 0 1 3 2 5 0 1 3 3 1 * CNVHEX 0 0 9 6 7 0 1 3 0 2 0 1 3 2 2 * 0 1 3 1 2 0 1 3 3 2* C NVOK C NVRTS 0 1 2 8 7 0 1 3 0 3 0 1 3 2 3 0 1 3 2 7 0 1 3 2 9 COOTA 0 0 2 4 6 0 0 8 5 2 * COOTAO 0 0 8 6 9 * 0 0 8 7 2 COOTAO 0 0 8 5 4 0 0 8 6 4 0 0 8 7 0 * COOTLP 0 0 8 6 4 * 0 0 8 6 6 COOT P O 0 0 8 5 9 0 0 8 6 1 * COOTRT 0 0 8 5 6 0 0 8 6 7 * 00527 01561* COFFS COFNOI 0 1 5 7 2 0 1 5 7 5 * 01645 01683* CONVI 01662 01691* CONV2 00247 008 45* COO F F 00 2 4 5 0 0 8 3 6 * COON CPUNCH 0 0 5 3 0 0 1 5 0 2 * 00038*00427 00621 00667 00858 CR 00533 01102* CRE G CSTLEV 0 0 5 3 6 0 1 5 5 1 * CTRACE 0 0 5 3 9 0 1 5 3 5 * CTRC E 3 0 0 7 6 6 0 1 5 3 8 * 00 5 4 2 0 1 5 3 0 * CVE R CWI N OO 0 0 5 4 5 0 1 4 6 9 * 00153*00751 00757 01223 01236 DE L I M DFTCH P 0 0 0 2 6 * 0 0 2 5 7 OFTNLP 0 0 0 2 7 * 0 0 2 5 7 00039*00855 OLE EOT 000 3 5 * 0 0 3 4 3 00652 00684 00738 ERRMSG 0 0 4 3 6 0 0 7 8 2 * 0 0 7 8 9 ERROR 0 0 3 1 4 0 0 7 8 9 * EXPI 00253 01232* 01234 01250*01251 EX P 2 EX PADO 0 1 2 6 6 * 0 1 2 8 2 EX P C DL 0 1 2 5 2 0 1 2 6 0 * 0 1 2 6 9 EXPCHM 0 1 2 6 2 0 1 2 7 0 * EXPDL� 0 1 2 3 3 * 0 1 2 3 7 EXP RTN 0 1 2 4 8 * 0 1 2 5 7 0 1 2 7 5 EXPSUS 0 1 2 7 1 0 1 2 7 6 * EXPTOI 0 1 2 5 4 * 0 1 2 7 3 EXPTDL 0 1 2 4 1 0 1 2 4 4 0 1 2 4 7 0 1 2 5 5 * EXPTRM 0 1 2 6 3 0 1 2 7 6 0 1 2 8 6 * F I RQ 01706 *01720 F I RQR 0 0 2 3 7 0 0 8 1 6 * GOADDR 0 1 3 4 4 0 1 3 4 9 * 0 1 3 8 0 GONDFT 0 1 3 5 1 0 1 3 6 7 * H I VT R 0 0 1 0 0 * 0 0 5 9 2 HSSLN K 0 1 0 4 6 * 0 1 0 4 9 HSDRTN 0 1 0 6 2 0 1 0 8 6 0 1 0 9 2 * HS OTA 0 0 2 4 8 0 1 0 4 3 * 0 1 0 9 1 8-71 01333*01372 01034 01166 01185 01428 01496 01654 01256 00782 01032 01034 PAGE 036 PC2 a FC3 5 FC3 3 rC1 4 tC20 FC0 6 0000 r844 r870 F870 FFE4 AS S I S T 0 9 . S A a O AS S I ST0 9 - HS H C H R HSH COK HSU ooT HSH �NE 01076*01084 01079 0108 1 * 01077 Ol0 8 0 * 01060*01090 HSH NXT 0 1 0 6 8 * 0 1 0 7 1 HS HTT� 0 1 0 5 1 * 0 1 0 5 9 INCHN P 0 0 0 5 6 * 0 0 9 2 0 0 0 9 2 4 I N ITVT 0 0 1 8 8 0 0 2 3 3 * 00197 00264* INTVE I NTVS 0 0 1 9 7 0 0 2 5 6 * 01707*0172l I RQ 00966 Ol 337 00238 00808* 001 39*00752 0 1 5 39 00297 00740 00784*00809 000 3 7 * 0 0 6 2 3 00638 00669 0 1 0 3 4 00151 * 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 6 1 9 0074l 00 7 7 2 000 6 4 * 0 0 2 2 2 007 3 8 * 0 0 7 4 8 01459 014 6 2* MU P DAT 0 1 4 0 6 0 1 4 1 6 0 1 4 5 6 * 01709*01723 NM I FAB 7 NM I CON 0 0 7 4 2 0 0 7 7 2 * 00240 00740* F A7 0 NM I R F A D8 OF99 FAC 1 O OOA OF8F 0 00 8 FA79 F E3 6 FE2B F F EC M C 6 8 0 9 MON ITUR I RQR �ASTOP �OOP �F MISF� MON I T R M S HOWP MUPBAO F AB O NM I 'rRC 0 0 7 4 4 0 0 7 4 7 0 0 7 6 6 * DF 9 B NUMB E R 0 0 1 3 7 * 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 4 6 6 0 1 1 7 9 01308 01309 01405 01497 0 0 0 8 NUMBKP 0 0 0 2 9 * 0 0 1 2 6 0 0 1 2 8 0 0 3 8 9 O O O B NUMF UN 0 0 0 6 8 * 0 0 3 1 3 0 0 1 B NUMVTR 0 0 0 9 9 * 0 0 1 2 4 0 0 1 9 0 0 0 0 4 OUT2 HS 0 0 0 6 0 * 0 1 0 6 9 0 1 1 5 6 0 1 5 7 4 0 0 0 5 OUT 4 H S 0 0 0 6 1 * 0 0 7 5 4 0 1 0 6 5 0 1 1 5 3 0 0 0 1 OUTCH 00057* 0 0 3 9 6 00885 00893 01465 O O O B PAU S E 00 0 6 7 * OFFC PAU S E R 00 1 1 7 * 0 0 2 5 2 O F 9 3 PCNTER 0 0 1 4 5 * 0 0 3 9 3 0 1 2 4 2 00062*00381 01044 01061 0 0 0 6 PCRLF 00 0 5 9 * 0 0 3 5 2 0 0 7 9 1 0 0 9 9 9 0 0 0 3 POATA 0 0 0 2 POATA1 0 0 0 5 8 * 0 0 4 3 8 0 0 7 5 0 0 0 3 E PROMPT 00 0 2 8 * 0 0 3 9 4 F E 2 1 P RTA DR 0 1 4 4 0 0 1 4 4 8 * OF 9 5 PSTACK 0 0 1 4 3 * 0 0 3 9 8 0 0 4 3 5 000 2 5 * 0 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 4 3 0 0 0 4 4 E O O O PTM 00359 00 3 6 1 0 1 5 4 2 E O O O PTMC 1 3 0 0 0 4 3 * 0 0 3 5 9 E 0 0 1 PTMC2 00044 * 0 0 3 5 8 00361 E 0 0 1 PTMSTA 0 0 0 4 2 * E 0 0 2 PTMTM l 0 0 0 4 5 * 0 0 3 5 5 0 0 3 5 6 0 1 5 4 2 E 0 0 4 PTMTM 2 0 0 0 4 6 * E 0 0 6 PTMTM 3 0 0 0 4 7 * E 7 0 0 RAMOFS 0 0 0 2 1 * 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 4 0 7 004 2 4 01258 0 1 3 0 1 F 07 9 REA D 01157 *01176 01186 F C 9 4 RE G 4 F CC 3 REGAGN 0 1 1 6 7 0 1 1 8 9 * F C 7 0 RE(:C H 3 01 1 0 4 0 1 1 3 5 * F C 9 0 REGCNG 0 1 1 4 9 0 1 1 6 4 * F C 5 0 RE GMSK 0 1 1 2 3 * 0 1 1 3 7 F C B l REGNXC 0 1 1 6 5 0 1 1 7 7 * 01647 01653 01426 00886 00897 01364 01255 01260 01265 01267 01278 01299 01300 01637 01358 01374 01620 01633 01677 01452 01579 01612 00896 00983 01082 01142 01146 01396 01430 01093 01161 01439 01581 01616 01679 01023 00045 00046 00047 00259 00355 00356 00358 01336*01412 8-72 PAG E 037 ASS I ST 0 9 . SA : 0 FC78 FC81 FC92 FAS 3 FC6F FC9S F CAA F CC 9 F C D6 F CS B F837 F83D FOOO DF6 6 F800 0 80 0 F F D4 F A DS DF 9 7 FABC FAF O F 9EC F8C9 008C DFF 8 0007 DF 5 1 FEC3 FFE8 F F DC F AD8 F F D8 F AD8 DFFB DF90 F8B5 F 8A 8 F895 F87D REGP l REGP2 REGP3 REGPRS REGPRT REGRTN REGSKP REGTF l REGTF 2 REGTWO RESET RESET2 ROM20F ROM2WK ROMBEG ROMS I Z RSRVD RSRVDR RSTACK RT I RTS SEND S I GNON SKIP2 SLEVE L S PACE STAC K STLDFT SWI SWI 2 SWI 2 R SWI 3 SW I 3 R SWI BF L SWI CNT SWI DN E SWI LP SWI R SWI VTB DF 9 1 DF51 0009 DFC 2 TRACE C TSTACK VCTRSW VECTAB DFAO DF O O FA7 2 FA6E F ADS F AD 3 F A2 A FAll FAOF F8E6 F 8 D2 WI N DOW WORKPG XQC I D'r XQPA U S Z B KCMD ZBK PNT Z I N2 Z I NCH Z I N CH P Z MONT 2 Z MONTR ASS I ST0 9 - MC 6 8 0 9 �1ON ITOR 01138*01143 01159 01140 01144* 01151 01155* 00755 007 6 8 * 0 0 7 9 9 00768 01102 01134* 01162*01201 01172*01175 01191*01194 01197*01200 01181 01183 * 00 2 1 7 * 0 0 2 4 1 0 1 7 2 4 0 1 7 2 6 00219*00223 00023*00202 00155* 0 0 0 2 0 * 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 1 1 1 00 1 6 7 0 1 7 1 6 00022*00023 01716 01703*01717 00234 00809* 00141*00345 00788 00774*00816 00787 00841*00844 00845 0056 8 * 0 0 6 2 4 00640 00668 00682 00342*00350 00049*00863 01154 01220 01523 00123*00746 01553 01556 00063*01047 01054 01056 01073 00158*00217 01551 01555* 01708*01722 01705*01719 00236 00806* 01704*01718 00235 00807* 00119*00301 00311 01363 0 0 1 4 9 * 0 0 296 0 0 6 4 1 00743 00302 00306 00311* 00305*00308 0 0 2 3 9 0 0 29 6 * 00283*00283 00284 00285 00286 0 0 29 3 0 0 2 9 4 0 0 3 17 0 0 1 4 7 * 0 0 4 0 3 0 0 7 59 0 0 7 6 2 0 1 5 3 6 00157*01189 00065* 00125*00183 00348 00349 00353 00725 00825 00837 00853 00857 01485 01507 01508 01510 01540 01708 017 0 9 00131*01245 01470 00111*00112 00113 00612 00709 00716 00725* 00611 00700 00715 00724*00869 00756 00758 00760 0076 3 00765 00293 00310 00799*00810 00622 00625* 00283 00612*00615 00617 00611*00613 00347 0 0 3 5 3* 0029 1 00345* 8-73 01173 01423 00287 00288 00289 00290 00291 00292 00429 00432 00568 00594 00625 00724 00860 00977 00981 00985 01025 01224 01547 017 0 3 01704 01705 01706 01707 00800* P AG E 038 F 9F2 F9FO FA2E F A3 7 FA3 9 F 9 D9 F 9 E6 FA4E FA3 D FA3C F A4 0 FA48 FA4 6 F 9F6 F 9 FA ASS I ST0 9 . SA : 0 Z OT2HS ZOT 4 H S Z OTCH1 Z OTCH 2 Z OTCH 3 Z OUT2H Z OUTHX Z PAUSE Z PCRLF Z PCRLS Z P DATA Z PDTA1 Z P DTLP Z S PACE ZVSWTH ASS I ST0 9 - M C 6 8 0 9 MON I TO R 00287 00571* 00288 00570* 00284 00636* 00582 00640* 00593 00598 00600 00620 00626 00641*00 7 0 4 00 557*00570 0 0 5 7 1 0 1 0 3 0 01393 00561 00564*01052 00294 00700* 00289 00654* 00637 00652*00654 00286 00667* 00285 00683* 006 39 00682*00685 00290 00581* 00292 00591* 8-74 AP PEN DIX C MAC H I N E CODE TO INSTRUCTION C ROSS REFEREN C E C.1 I NTRO D U CT I O N Thi s appendix contai ns a cross reference between the mach i ne code, represented i n hex adeci mal and the i n struction and addressing mode that it represents. The n u m ber of M PU cycles and the n u m ber of program bytes is a l so g iven . Refer to Table C-1 . C-1 'o Table C·1. M achine Code to Instruction Cross Reference OP Mnem Mode 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 OA OB OC 00 OE OF N EG Dir ct 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 lA lB lC 10 lE lF 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 20 2E 2F I OP Mnem 6 2 COM LSR 6 6 2 2 ROR ASR A S L, LSL ROL DEC 6 6 6 6 6 . 2 2 2 2 2 LEAX LEAY LEAS LEAU PSHS PULS PSHU PULU INC TST JMP CLR 6 6 3 6 2 2 2 2 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F Direct Page 2 Page 3 NOP SYNC I nherent 2 Inherent 4 LBRA LBSR Relative 5 Relative 9 3 3 DAA ORCC I nherent 2 Immed 3 1 2 ANDCC S EX EXG TFR Immed 3 I nherent 2 Immed 8 Immed 6 2 1 2 2 BRA BRN BHI BLS B H S , BCC B LO, BC5 BNE B EQ BVC BVS BPL BMI BGE B LT BGT B LE Relative 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Relative 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 40 4E 4F Mode r 4+ 4+ 4+ Ind xed 4 + I mmed 5 + 5+ 5+ I mmed 5+ I nherent � I RTS ABX RTI CWAI MUL # OP Mnem Mode 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2 2 2 2 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 60 6E 6F N EG Indexed 5 3 6/ 1 5 20 11 SWI Inherent NEGA I nherent 2 19 1 2 1 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 n 78 79 7A 7B 7C 70 7E 7F COMA LSRA 2 2 RORA ASRA AS LA, LSLA R O LA DECA 2 2 2 2 2 I N CA TSTA 2 2 CLRA Inherent 2 50 51 52 NEGB Inherent 2 80 81 82 53 COMB LSRB 2 2 83 RORB A5RB A S L B , LSLB R O LB DECB 2 2 2 2 2 INCB T5TB 2 2 CLRB I nherent 2 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 50 5E 5F LEG E N D : - N umber o f M P U cycles ( less possible push pull or indexed-mode cycles) I Number of program bytes • Denotes unused opcode C-2 84 85 86 87 sa 89 8A 8B 8C 80 8E 8F I 6+ 2+ COM LS R 6+ 6+ 2+ 2+ ROR ASR ASL, LS L ROL DEC 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ INC TST JM P CLR 6+ 6+ 3+ 6+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ Indexed N EG Extended 7 3 COM LS R 7 7 3 3 ROR ASR AS L, L S L ROL DEC 7 7 7 7 7 3 3 3 3 3 7 7 4 Extended 7 3 3 3 3 INC TST JMP CLR S U BA C M PA S B CA SUBD ANDA BITA LOA Immed 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 EO R A ADCA ORA ADDA CMPX B5R LOX 2 2 2 2 Immed 4 Relative 7 Immed 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 Table C·1 . M achine Code to Instruction Cross Reference (Continued) OP # OP Mnem Mode 2 CO SUBB I mmed Cl CMPB C2 S B CB Mnem Mode 90 S U BA Direct 91 C M PA 4 2 92 S B CA 4 2 4 93 S U BD 6 2 94 ANDA 4 2 95 BITA 4 2 96 LOA 4 2 97 STA 4 2 98 99 EO R A 4 2 ADCA 4 2 9A ORA 4 2 9B ADDA 4 2 9C C M PX 6 2 2 1 021 LBRN 2 2 1 022 LBHI 4 C6 5(6) LOB Immed 2 2 1 023 LBLS 5(6) 4 4 C7 1 024 2 LBHS, LBCC 5(6) C9 2 2 LBCS , L B LO 5(6) 4 ADCB 1 025 1 026 LBNE 5(6) 4 4 CA ORB 2 2 1 027 LBEQ C t3 ADr 3 5(6) 2 2 1 028 LBVC 4 CC LDD 5(6) 3 3 1 029 LBVS 5(6) 4 1 02A LBPL 5(6) 4 1 02B LBMI 5(6) 4 1 02C LBGE 5(6) 4 1 020 L B LT 5(6) 4 5 2 CF A2 S B CA 4+ 2+ A3 S U BD 6+ 2+ A4 A N DA 4+ 2+ AS B ITA 4+ 2+ A6 LOA 4+ 2+ A7 STA 4+ 2+ AS EO R A 4+ 2+ A9 ADCA 4+ 2+ AA ORA 4+ 2+ AB ADDA 4+ 2+ AC C M PX 6+ 2+ AD JSR 7+ 2+ AE LOX 5+ 2+ AF STX 5+ 2+ I ndexed BO S U BA Extended 5 3 Bl CMPA 5 3 B2 S B CA 5 3 B3 S U BO 7 3 B4 ANOA 5 3 B5 B ITA 5 3 B6 LOA 5 3 B7 STA 5 3 B8 EORA 5 3 B9 AOCA 5 3 BA ORA 5 3 BB ADOA 5 BC CMPX 7 BD JSR 8 BE LOX 6 BF STX Extended 6 3 3 3 3 3 NOTE: All u n used opcodes a re both u ndefined and i llegal 4 2 STX 2+ 5 EOR B 9F 2+ R elative C8 2 4+ 3 2 I m med 2 4+ 4 Page 2 and 3 Machine Codes BITB 5 I n dexed 2 2 C5 7 C M PA r 2 2 ADDD LOX S U BA # Mode ANDB JSR Al Mnem C4 90 AO OP 2 C3 9E D irect # 2 CD CE LOU I mmed 3 3 DO SUBB Direct 4 2 01 CMPB 4 2 02 SBCB 4 2 03 ADDD 6 2 04 ANDB 4 2 05 BITB 4 2 06 LOB 4 2 07 STB 4 2 08 EO R B 4 2 09 ADCB 4 2 DA ORB 4 2 DB ADDB 4 2 t DC LDD 5 2 DO STD 5 2 DE LOU 5 2 OF STU 5 2 EO SUBB 4+ 2+ El CMPB 4+ 2+ E2 S B CB 4+ 2+ E3 ADDD 6+ 2+ E4 ANOB 4+ 2+ E5 BITB 4+ 2+ E6 LOB 4+ 2+ E7 STB 4+ 2+ Direct Indexed E8 EO R B 4+ 2+ E9 AOCB 4+ 2+ EA ORB 4+ 2+ EB AOOB 4+ 2+ EC LDD 5+ 2+ ED STO 5+ 2+ EE LOU 5+ 2+ EF STU 5+ 2+ Indexed FO SUBB Extended 5 3 Fl CMPB 5 3 F2 SBCB 5 3 F3 ADOO 7 3 F4 ANOB 5 3 F5 BITB 5 3 F6 LOB 5 3 F7 STB 5 3 F8 EO R B 5 3 F9 AOCB 5 3 FA ORB 5 3 FB ADOB Extended 5 3 FC LDD Extended 6 FD STO FE LOU FF STU t � Extended 6 C-3/C-4 3 3 3 3 1 02E LBGT 5(6) 4 1 02F LBLE Relative 5(6) 4 l 03F SWI2 I n herent 20 2 1 083 CMPD I m med 5 4 l OSC CMPY 5 4 l OSE LOY I m med 4 4 1 093 C M P. D Direct 7 3 1 09C CMPY 7 3 l09E LOY l 09 F STY 1 0A3 CMPD 1 0AC C M P Y I Di i ct I ndexed � 6 3 6 3 7+ 3+ 7+ 3+ 6+ 3+ 1 0AE LOY l OAF STY 1 0B3 CMPD Extended 8 4 10BC C M P Y : � 4 l OB E LOY 10BF STY 1 0C E LOS I ndexed 6+ 3+ 4 ExtenQed 7 4 I m med 4 4 l OD E LOS Direct 6 3 1 0D F S T S Direct 6 3 3+ 1 0EE LOS I n dexed 6+ 1 0EF STS I n dexed 6+ 1 0FE LOS Extended 7 4 4 1 0FF STS Extended 7 1 1 3F SWI3 I n herent 1 1 83 CMPU I mmed 1 1 8C CMPS 1 1 93 CMPU 1 1 9C l 1 A3 3+ 20 2 5 4 I m med 5 4 Direct 7 3 CMPS Direct 7 3 CMPU I ndexed 7+ 3+ 1 1 AC C M P S I ndexed 7+ l l B3 3+ CMPU Extended 8 4 l l BC CMPS Extended 8 4 AP PEN DIX D P ROG RAM M I N G AI D D.1 I NTRO DUCTION ' This appendix contains a com p i l ation of data th at w i l l assist you i n p rogramm i ng the M6809 processor. Refer to Table 0-1 . Table D·1 . Program ming Aid Branch InsbUcdons Addressing Addreaing Mode IllSIrUction BCC Forms BCC Branch C - O • • • · • 5(6) 4 Long B ranch • • • • · lBCC 10 BCS 25 3 2 Branch C = 1 • · • • • 10 5(6) 4 Long B ranch • • · • · 24 BCS lBCS BLS BEC 27 3 2 B ranch Z = O • • · · • LBEC 10 5(6) 4 Long B ranch • • · · • BGE 2C 3 2 Branch � Zero · • • • · 10 5(6) 4 Long B ranch � Zero • · • · • lBGT 2E 3 10 5(6) 2 4 B ranch > Zero · • • • • Long B ranch > Zero • · • • · BLT BHS BHI 22 3 LBHI 10 5(6) BHS 22 24 3 2 4 2 B ranc�, nigher • • • · • Long B ranch H ig her • • • · • Branch H igher • • • · 5(6) 4 Long B ranch Higher 2F 3 10 5(6) 2 4 2 4 10 B lE lBlE 24 BLE • • · • B ranch s Zero • • • · • Long B ranch s Zero • • • • • BPL BRN 25 3 B ranch lower • • • · • Long B ranch lower · • • · • L B lO 10 5(6) 2 Branch Lower 5 3 2 1 0 H N Z V C • • • · • 10 5(6) 4 Long B ranch Lower · • · · · or Same B LT 20 3 L B LT 10 5(6) BMI 2B 3 LBMI 10 5(6) 2 4 B ranch < Zero · · · · · Long B ranch < Zero · · · • • 2 4 B ranch Minus · • · • · Long B ranch M inus · · · · · BNE 26 3 2 B ranch Z .. O · · • • · LBNE 10 5(6) 4 Long Branch · · • · · Z .. O BPL 2A � LBPL 10 5(6) '! 4 B ranch Plus • • · • • Long B ranch Plus · · · · · BRA 20 lBRA 16 3 5 2 B ranch Always BRN 21 3 LBRN 10 5 • • • • • 3 2 Long Branch Always • • · · · B ranch Never · · · • · 4 Long B ranch Never · • • • · 2 B ranch to S ubroutine • · · · • Long Branch to · · · • · Branch V = O · • • • · Long B ranch · · • • • B ranch V - I • · • • • Long B ranch • • · · • 21 or Same B LO 3 Description 2A BRA BSR BSR lBSR 80 17 7 9 3 S ubroutine 2F BlO 23 26 • • , 2B BNE or Same lBHS aIati\ - 20 BMI 2E BHI OP 23 Z=O LBGE BGT BLS L B LS 2C BGT Forms or Same C= 1 27 BGE Instruction c=o 25 BEC Description Mode 5 3 2 1 0 H N Z V C Relative OP , 24 3" 2 BVe BVe 28 3 LBVC 10 5(6) 2 4 28 25 BVS 0-1 V=O BVS 29 3 lBVS. 10 5(6) 29 2 4 V= I Table D·1. Programming Aid (Continued) SIMPLE BRANCHES , OP BRA lBRA 20 16 3 5 2 3 BRN lBRN 21 1 021 3 5 2 4 BSR lB S R 80 7 2 3 9 17 SIMPLE CONDITIONAL BRANCHES ( Notes 1 -41 Test True OP False OP N=l Z= l V= l C=l BMI B EQ BVS BCS 2B BPl BNE BVC BCC 2A 26 29 25 28 24 UNSIGNED CONDITIONAL BRANCHES ( Notes 1 -41 SIGNED CONDITIONAL BRANCHES (Notes 1 -41 Test True OP False OP Test True r> m r�m r=m rs m r< m BGT BGE BEQ BlE B lT 2E BlE B lT BNE BGT BGE 2F 20 26 2E 2C r> m r� m r=m r :s m r< m BHI BHS B EQ BlS B lO 2C 27 2F 20 27 OP 22 24 27 23 25 False BlS B lO BNE BHI BHS OP 23 25 26 22 24 N otes: 1. All conditional branches have both short and long variations. 2. All short branches a re 2 bytes and require 3 cycles. 3. All conditional long branches are formed by prefixing the short branch opcode with $ 1 0 and uSing a 1 6-bit destination offset. 4. All conditional long branches require 4 bytes and 6 cycles if the branch is taken or 5 cycles if the branch is not taken . 0·2 Table D·1 . Programming Aid (Continued) Addressi ng Immediate Instruction Direct Modes Indexed Extended - # Op - # Op - I Op - I B + X - X ( U nSigned ) • • • • ADCA B9 2 2 99 4 2 A9 4+ 2+ B9 5 A + M + C- A A DC B I I I I 2 2 D9 4 I C9 2 E9 4+ 2+ F9 5 3 3 B + M + C- B I I I I I ADDA 8B 2 2 9B 4 2 A8 4+ 2+ BB 5 A+ M-A I I I I I CB 2 2 DB 4 2 EB 4+ 2+ FB 3 B + M- B ADD D 5 3 ADDB I I 4 I I C3 I 3 D3 6 2 E3 6+ 2+ F3 7 3 D + M:M + 1 - D • I I I I ANDA B4 2 2 94 4 2 A4 4+ 2+ B4 3 AA M-A • I • C4 I 0 ANDB 5 2 2 D4 4 2 E4 4+ 2+ F4 5 3 B A M-B • I 1C I 0 A N D CC 3 2 ABX AD C ADD AN D ASL 08 6 68 2 6+ 2+ 78 7 2 1 2 1 3 47 2 1 57 2 1 B I TA 85 2 BITB C5 2 CLR CLRA 2 2 07 6 2 67 6+ 2+ 77 7 3 95 4 2 A5 4+ 2+ 5 3 E5 4 + B5 F5 D!: 4 2 2+ 5 CLR Description } [H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f.- o � �} I I I I I I I� A B M +- c b7 A bO ----. bo 7 c 8 i t Test A ( M A A ) A • • 7 8 I I I 8 I I I I 8 I I I I I 8 I I • I 8 I I • I 8 I I • I • I I 0 • • I I 0 • 4F 2 1 O- A • 0 1 0 0 5F 2 1 3 C LR B B i t Te�t B 1 M Bi • 0 1 0 0 6 2 6F 6+ 2+ 7F 7 O- B OF 3 O- M • 0 1 0 0 CMPA 81 2 2 91 4 2 A1 4+ 2+ B1 5 3 CMPB Compare M from A 8 2 2 D1 4 I E1 2+ F1 5 3 Compare M from B 8 10 5 2 4+ I I C1 I 4 10 7 7+ I I I 3 10 I 3+ 10 8 4 Compare M : M + 1 from D • I I I I 8 4 Compare M : M + 1 from S • I I I I 8 4 Compare M : M + 1 from U • I I I I CMPD 93 83 CMPS 11 5 4 8C CMPU 11 A3 7 11 3 9C 11 5 4 11 CMPX 8C 4 3 9C CMPY 10 5 4 10 8C B3 7+ 3+ 7 11 3 7+ 3+ A3 6 7 11 BC AC 93 83 11 B3 2 AC 6+ 2+ BC 7 3 Compare M : M + 1 from X • I I I 10 I 3 7+ 3+ 10 8 4 Compare M : M + 1 from Y • I I I I A- A • I I 0 1 • I I 0 1 • I I 0 9C BC AC COMA 43 2 1 COMB 53 2 1 COM CW A I 03 3C � 6 2 63 6+ 2+ 73 7 3 2 DECA DECB DEC B- B M- M CC DAA DEC 3 ASR ASR COM 3A I 1 ASRB BIT CMP - 48 58 ASLB ASL Op CC A I M M - C C A S LA ASR 5 3 2 1 0 H N Z V C Inherent Op Forms OA 6 2 6A 6+ 2+ 7 4. 7 3 A I M M - C C Wait for I n terrupt 1 7 19 2 1 Decimal Adjust A • I I 0 I 4A 2 1 A- 1-A • I I • 5A 2 1 B- 1-B • I I I I . M- 1-M • I I I • • EORA 88 2 2 98 4 2 A8 4+ 2+ B8 5 3 A ¥- M - A • • EO R B C8 2 2 DB 2 E8 4+ 2+ F8 5 I 0 4 I 3 • I I 0 • EXG R 1 . R2 1E 8 2 B J,l- M - B R 1 - R 22 • • • • • INC INCA A+ 1-A • I I I B+ 1-B • I I I • • EOR INCB 4C 5C 2 2 1 1 • OC 6 2 6C 6+ 2+ 7C 7 3 I I I OE 3 2 6E 3+ 2+ 7E 4 3 M+ 1-M EA J - PC • JMP • • • • • JSR 9D 7 2 AD 7+ 2+ BD 8 3 J u m p to S u broutine • • • • • 5 3 M-A • I I 0 • 3 M- B • I I 0 • INC LD LDA 86 2 2 96 4 2 A6 4+ 2+ B6 LDB C6 2 2 D6 4 2 E6 4+ 2+ F6 5 LDD CC 3 3 DC 5 2 EC 5+ 2+ FC 6 3 M:M + 1 - D • 0 • 4 10 6 3 10 I 10 4 I LDS 6+ 3+ 10 7 4 M:M + 1-S • I I 0 • DE CE EE CE 3 3 DE 5 2 EE 5+ 2+ 6 3 M:M + 1 - U • I 0 • 3 4 3 9E 5 2 AE 2+ 6 3 M:M + 1 - X • 10 6 3 6+ 3+ 7 4 M:M + 1 - Y • I 0 10 I 4 BE 10 • I BE 10 5+ FE LDX I I 0 • EA3 _ S EA 3 _ U • • • • • • • • • • • • I • • • • I • • LDY 8E 9E 4+ 2+ 4+ 2+ LEAX 33 30 4+ 2+ LEAY 31 4+ 2+ 32 LEAU Legend : OP BE AE LEAS LEA FE LDU M Operation Code ( H exadeci mal) EA3 _ X E A3 _ y Complement of M Test and set if true, cleared otherwise Transfer I nto • Not Affected N umber of MPU Cycles H Half-carry (from bit 3) # N umber of Program Bytes N Negative (sign bit) + Arithmetic Plus Z Zero ( R eset) V Logical or Arithmetic Minus V Overflow, 2's complement A Log ical and M u ltiply C Garry from ALU ¥- Logical Exclusive or • CC Condition Code R egister Concatenation 0 ·3 Table D·1 . Programming Aid (Continued) Addressing I mmediate Instruction LSL Forms Op - , LSLA LSLB LSL LSR Direct Op 08 LSRA LSRB LS R 04 - 6 6 , 2 2 Modes Indexed1 Op 68 64 - 6+ 6+ , 2+ 2+ Extended Op 78 - 7 74 Inherent I N EG A NEGB NEG 00 6 2 60 6+ 2+ 70 ORA ORB ORCC PSHS PSHU PSH PUL PULS P U LU ROL 8A 2 CA 1A 2 3 34 5 + 4 36 5 + 4 35 5 + 4 37 5 + 4 2 2 2 4 4 2 2 AA 4 + EA + 2+ l+ BA FA 2 44 54 2 2 Description �}[H I I I I I I I � �} -+/ I I I I I I I f-t{] 7 5 5 ....--- A 1 1 O c 2 1 1 b7 b() 0 b7 bO c 5 3 2 1 0 H N Z V C • 0 0 I I I I I I • I I I I I I • • I • 9 8 I I I I I I I I I • • • • • I I I b I I I • • 3D 11 1 A 40 50 2 2 1 1 A+ 1-A B+ 1 - B M+ 1-M 8 I I I 12 2 1 N o O pera t i o n • • • • • A V M-A B V M-B CC V I M M - CC • I I I I 0 0 • 3 3 3 x B - D ( U nSigned) 8 • • 7 2 2 P ush Registers on S Stack • • • • • Push Registers on U S taCk • • • • • 2 2 Pull Registers from S S tack • • • • • P u l l Registers from U S tack • • • • • • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • • I I I • I I I R O LA ROLB ROL ROR 9A DA 48 58 , 3 NOP OR - 3 MUL NEG Op 09 RORA RORB ROR 06 6 6 2 2 69 66 6+ 6+ 2+ 2+ 79 76 7 7 49 59 2 2 1 1 46 2 56 2 1 1 3 �}4HI I I I I I I P �} 4}+j I I I I I I I P c c 3 b7 b7 b() b() • • • • • RTI 3B 6m 1 Return From I n terrupt RTS 39 1 Return from S ubroutine • • • • • A - M - C- A B - M - C- B 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 • I I I I I I 0 0 0 • • I I I I I I I I I I I I SBC S B CA SBCB 82 2 2 C2 2 2 92 02 4 4 97 07 DO 10 4 4 5 6 2 2 4+ 4+ 2+ 2+ B2 F2 5 5 3 3 Sig n Extend B into A • A7 E7 ED 10 EF EF AF 10 AF 4+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ B7 5 5 6 7 A-M B-M 0-M:M + 1 S-M:M + 1 • F7 3 3 3 4 5+ 5+ 2+ 2+ 3 3 1D STA STB STD STS 2 2 2 3 OF STU STX STY SUBA SUBB SUBD SWl o SUB SWI OF 9F 10 9F 80 2 2 CO 2 2 83 90 DO 4 3 93 5 5 6 4 4 6 2 2 3 2 2 2 FD 10 6+ 3+ BF 10 BF 4+ EO 4 + A3 6 + 2+ SO 2+ FO 2+ B3 AO 4 U-M:M + 1 X-M:M + 1 Y-M:M + 1 5 5 7 3 3 3 A- M-A B - M- B 0 - M:M + 1 - D T STA TSTB T ST • • • 0 • 0 • 0 0 • • • I . • 8 8 • • • • • • • 2 Software I n terrupt 1 Software I nterrupt 2 • • • • • 20 1 SoftwC!re I nterrupt 3 • • • • • �4 1 Syn c hronize to Interrupt • • • • • :.! R 1 - R2 • • • • • Test A Test B Test M • I I I I I I 0 0 0 • 19 20 11 3F 13 3F 10 1 3F SYNC TST 1 6 6 7 SWI36 R 1 , R2 2 8 FF FF SWI26 T FR 7 A2 E2 S EX ST 5 1F 6 2 40 5D OD 6 2 6D 6+ 2+ 70 7 2 2 3 1 1 • • • • Notes: 1. This column g ives a base cycle and byte count. To obtain total count, add the values obtained from the I N D EX E D A D D R E S S I N G M O D E table, in Appendix F. 2. R 1 and R 2 may be any pair of 8 bit or any pair of 16 bit reg isters. The 8 bit reg isters are: A, B, C C , D P T h e 1 6 b i t reg isters are: X , Y , U , S , D ,P C 3. E A i s the effective address. 4. The P S H and P U L i nstructions req u i re 5 cycles plus 1 cycle for each byte pushed or pulled. 5. 5(6) means: 5 cycles if branch not taken , 6 cycles if taken ( B ranch instructions) . 6. SWI sets I and F bits. SWI2 and SWI3 do not affect I and F . 7. Conditions Codes set as a direct result o f t h e instruction . 8. Value of half-carry fla g is undefined . 9. S pecial Case - Carry set if b7 is S ET . 0·4 AP PEN DIX E ASCII C H ARACTER SET E.1 I NTRO D U CT I O N Th is appendix contain s the standard 1 1 2 character ASCII character set (7-bit code). E.2 CHARACTER REPRESENTAT I O N A N D CODE I DENTI FICATION The ASC I I character set is g iven in F i g u re E-1 . � Sir. 0 0 0 b6 b6 0 0 0 .b4 I b3 b2 , b1 ...... Column I RoW Hex 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 0 NUL OLE SP 0 P . p 1 1 SOH DCl I 1 @ A 0 a q 0 2 2 S TX DC2 .. 2 B R b r 1 1 3 3 ETX DC3 , 3 C S c s 1 0 0 4 4 EOT DC4 $ 4 0 T d t 1 0 1 5 5 ENO NAK % 5 E U e u , 0 1 1 0 6 6 ACK SYN & 6 F V f v 0 1 1 1 7 7 BEL ETB · 7 G W 9 w 1 0 0 0 8 8 BS CAN ( 8 H X h x 1 0 0 1 9 9 HT EM ) 9 I Y i y 1 0 1 0 10 A LF SUB · J Z j Z 1 U 1 1 11 Ii VT ESC + ; K [ 1 1 0 0 12 C FF FS · < L \ Ie 1 1 0 1 13 0 CR GS 1 1 1 0 14 E SO RS 1 " 1 1 1 1 15 F SI US - / = M .> N ? 0 Figure E·1 . ASCI I Character Set E-1 I I I m J n - 0 DEL Each 7-bit character i s represented with bit seven as the h i gh-order bit and bit one as the low-order bit as shown i n the fol low ing exam ple: b7 1 b6 0 b5 0 b4 0 b3 0 b2 0 b1 0 bO 1 The bit representation for the character "A" is d eve loped f rom the bit pattern for bits seven through five found above the col umn des i g n ated 4 and the bit pattern for bits fou r through one found t o the l eft of t h e row des i g n ated 1 . A hexadec i m a l notat ion is commonly used to i nd i cate the code for each character. Th i s i s easily developed b y assu m i ng a log i c zero i n t h e non-exi stant bit eight position f o r t h e col u m n n u m bers and u s i n g t h e hexadecimal n u m ber for the row n u m bers. E.3 CONTROL C HARACTERS The characters located in col umns zero and one of Fig ure E-1 are considered control characters. By defi n i tion , these are characters whose occ u rrance i n a particular context i n it i ates, mod i fies, or stops an action that affects the record i n g , processi n g , t ran s m i s sion, or i nterpretation of data. Table E-1 provides the mean i ngs of the control characters. Table E·1 . Control Characters Mnemonic Meaning Meaning Mnemonic Null OLE Data Link Escape SOH Start of Heading DC1 Device Control 1 STX Start of Text DC2 Device Control 2 ETX End of Text DC3 Device Control 3 NUL EOT End of Transmission DC4 ENO Enquiry NAK ACK Acknowledge SYN BEL Bell ETB End of TransmiSSion Block BS Backspace CAN Cancel Device Control 4 • Negative Acknowledge Synchronous Idle HT Horizontal Tabulation EM End of Medium LF Line Feed SUB S u bstitute VT Vertical Tabulation ESC Escape FF Form Feed FS File Separator CR carriage Return GS G roup Separator SO Shift Out RS Record Separator SI Shift I n US U nit Separator DEL Delete E.4 G RA P H I C C H A RACTERS The characters in co l u mns two through seven are considered graphic characters. These characters have a visual representat ion which is normal ly d i s p l ayed or pri nted . These characters and their names are g iven in Table E-2. E-2 Table E·2. Graphic Characters Symbol SP Name S pace ( Normally Nonprinting) Exclamation Point Quotation Marks ( Diaeresis) , N umber Sign $ Dollar Sign % Percent Sign & Ampersand Apostrophe ( Closing Single Quotation Mark; Acute Accent) Opening Parenthesis Closing Parenthesis Asterisk + Plus Comma ( Cedilla) Hyphen ( Minus) Period ( Decimal Point) I 0 . . .9 Slant Digits 0 Through 9 Colon S emicolon < Less Than Equals > Greater Than 7 Question Mark @ A . . .Z Commercial At U ppercase Latin Letters A Through Z [ Opening Bracket \ Reverse Slant 1 Closing Bracket 1\ Circumflex U nderline Opening Single Quotation Mark ( G rave Accent! a. . .z Lowerca� Latin Letters a Through z Opening Brace Vertical Line Closing Brace Tilde E·3/E-4 APPENDIX F OPCODE MAP F.1 I NTRO D U CTION Th is appendix contains the opcode map and add itional information for cal c u l at i n g re· q u i red mch i n e cycles. F . 2 OPCO D E MAP Table F-1 is the opcode map for M6809 p rocessors. The number(s) by each i n struction in· d icates the n u m ber of machine cycles req u i red to execute that i n struction. When the n u m ber contai ns an " I " (e.g ., 4 + I), it indicates that the i ndexed addressing mode i s being used and that an add itional n u mber of m ach i n e cycles may be requ i red. Refer to Tabl e F-2 t o determ i ne t h e add itional machi n e cycles t o b e added . Some i n struct ions i n the opcode map have two n u m bers, the second one i n parenthesis. Th i s indicates that the i nstruction i nvolves a branch. The parenthet ical number appl ies if the branch i s taken . The "page 2, page 3" notation i n col u m n one means that al l page 2 instructions are preceded by a hexadeci mal 1 0 opcode and al l page 3 instructions are preceded by a hex· adec i m al 1 1 opcode . F-1 Table F·1 . Opcode Map Most-Significant Four Bits OIR 0000 0 6 0000 0 NEG 0001 1 3 BRA ACCA Acca 001 1 0100 0101 3 4 2 EXT OIR INO EXT 1001 1010 101 1 7 IMM 1000 8 9 A 7 2 4 4+ 1 01 1 1 5 INO 01 10 6 2 6+ 1 PAGE2 4+ 1 LEAX 3 BRNI PAGE3 5 l B R N 4+ 1 lEAY 2 4 2 NOP 3 BHII 5(6) L B H I 4+ 1 lEAS 2 4 6 001 1 3 COM 2 SYNC 3 BlSI 5(6) l B l S 4+ 1 lEAU 2 2 6 0100 4 L S R - 3 BHS 5(6) I B CC) 5+ 11 by PSHS 2 2 - 3 B lO 5161 1 BCS) 5 + l l by P U lS 6 01 1 0 6 ROR 5 lBRA 3 BNEI 5(6) l B N E 5 + l l by PSHU 2 2 6 1: 01 1 1 7 ASR 9 lBSR 3 BEQI 5(6) lBEQ 5 + l l by P U LU 2 2 000 1 1 0010 2 ." N REL 0010 2 .f! III ... :J If · � I ] 0101 5 - - - 6 ASl 1 000 8 I lS LI 3 BVCI 5(6) lBVC - NEG 5 4+ 1 5 6+ 1 7 4+ 1 5 4+ 1 5 4+ 1 5 4 4+ 1 STB 5 4+ 1 5 4+ 1 5 4+ 1 5 4+ 1 5 5+ 1 6 5+ 1 STD 6 2 4 4+ 1 5 2 4 4 6 2 4 2 4 / 7 6+ 1 7 4+ 1 5 2 4 4+ 1 5 2 4 4 4+ 1 STA 5 4+ 1 5 2 4 4+ 1 5 2 4 4+ 1 5 2 4 4+ 1 5 2 4 3 5 7 2 4 6+ 1 7 2 4 2 4 3 3 BGEI ANDCC � (6) L B G E 20 CWAI 2 2 6 1 1 01 0 TST 2 SEX 11 MUL 2 2 3 1 1 10 E JMP 8 EXG 6 1 1 1 1 F ClR 7 TFR 6+ 1 7 3+ 1 4 4,6,6 + 1 ,7 CMPX I NC I 2 3,5,5 + 1 ,6 lOX JMP 6+ 1 2 7 _ ClR ----- - -- -- - 1 7 8 ADCB 9 ORB AOOA / / 6,6 + 1 ,7 STY B LDD 8 4,6,6 + 1 ,7 lOY / A AODB 5,7.7 + 1 ,8 CMPS 7+1 JSR 5,5 + 1 ,6 STX 6 EOR B 5,7,7 + 1 ,8 CMPY 7 7 BSR TST - / 5 lOB ORA 7 4 BITB ADCA 6+ 1 3 ANDB EORA 6/ 1 5 RTI 2 ADDD lOA - 1 SBCB 5,7,7 + 1 ,8 CMPU ANDA 6+ 1 0 CMPB 4 DEC - - 4+ 1 5 2 6+ 1 6 1 100 C I N C 5(6) lBlE 5 5 ROl 19120/20 SWII2/3 4+ 1 4+ 1 4 2 '- - 4 2 2 --- '---- 2 7 3 ABX '--- '--- 7 6+ 1 ASl l lS LI 3 BPLI 5(6) lBPl � BLEI 4 4+ 1 5,7,7 + 1 ,8 CMPD 2 3 ORCC 5(6) lBGT E 2 SUBB S B CA / 2 6 1 010 A DEC 5(6) lBlT 6+ 1 4,6,6 + 1 ,7 SUBD ASR 2 � BGTI 7 ROR 2 � B lTI D 5 BITA 5 RTS 101 1 B 6+ 1 lSR 3 BVSI 5(6) lBVS - EXT 1111 F S U BA COM 2 OAA - IND 1 1 10 CMPA 6 1001 9 ROl 3 BMII 5(6) l B M I DIR 1 101 B IMM 1 100 C 5 3,5,5 + 1 ,6 lOU 1 C / 5,5 + 1 ,6 STU 4,6,6 + 1 ,7 lOS / .,,6 + 1 ,7 STS 0 E F Table F·2. Indexed Addressing Mode Data N o n I ndirect Forms Type Constant O ffset F r o m R (twos complement offsetl Acc u m u lator O ffset From R (twos complement offsetl Auto I n c r e m ent/Decrem ent R Assem bler Form Extended I n d i rect - # L RI Postbyte OP Code l R R 1 0 l 00 ,R l R R 00 1 00 0 0 OR R n n n n n 1 0 8 Bit Offset n, R l R R 0 1 000 1 1 (n, R ] l R R l l 000 1 6 B it Offset n, R 1 R R 0 1 00 l 4 2 (n, R ] l R R 1 1 00 1 A - R eg i ster O ffset B - R eg i ster Offset o - R eg i ster Offset A, R l R ROOl l 0 1 0 (A, R ] l RR 1 01 1 0 B, R l R R 00 1 0 1 1 0 (B , R ] l RR 1 0l 0l 0, R 1 RROl 01 1 4 0 (0, R ] 1 R R 1 1 01 1 5 Bit Offset I n cre m e nt By 1 ,R+ l R R OOOOO 2 0 I n crement By 2 , R ++ 1 R R OOOO l 3 0 Decrement Bv 1 ,-R l R R OO0 1 0 2 0 + + - # 3 0 4 7 2 defa u lt s to 8 - b i t 1 4 4 7 0 6 0 0 0 0 not a l l owed ( . R ++ ] I l R R 1 000 1 n ot a l l owed ,--R l R R OOOl l 3 0 (, - - R ] l R R 1 00 1 1 6 8 Bit Offset n , PCR l XX01 1 00 1 1 ( n , PC R ] l XX l l 1 00 4 1 1 6 B it Offset n , PCR l XX01 1 0 1 5 2 (n, PCR] l XX 1 1 1 0 1 8 2 - - - (n] 1 00 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 - 1 6 B it Address R = x, Y, U or 5 X = Don't Care x -- 00 U = 10 Y -- 0 1 5 = 11 + a n d + I n d i cate t h e n u m be r of addit i o n a l cycles a n d bytes for t h e p a r t i c u l a r v a r i at i o n . - I n direct + Assem bler Form x n, R N o Offset Decrement By 2 Constant O ffset F r o m PC (twos complement offsetl Postbyte OP Code # F·3/F·4 APPENDIX G PIN ASSIGNMENTS G .1 I NTRO DUCTIO N of the p i n assi gnm ents for the M C6S09 This appe ndix i s p rovid ed for a q u ick refer ence . Desc riptio ns of thes e pin assi gnm ents are and M C6S09E p roce ssor s. Refe r to Fig u re G·1 g iven i n Sect ion 1 . M C6809 E M C6809 HAlT HAi:T NMi TSC LIC XTAL IRa EXTAL 4 RffiT 5 M a RffiT AVMA R OY a E OMA/BREa R/W BUSY R/W DO DO 01 A3 01 A4 02 AS 03 A6 D4 A6 D4 A7 05 A7 05 AS D6 AS D6 AS 07 AS 07 02 03 Al0 A15 Al0 Al l A14 Al l A12 A13 A12 20 Figure G·1 . Pin Assignments G·1 /G·2 21 A15 A14 A13 AP PEN DIX H CONVERSION TAB LES H .1 I NTRO D U CTI O N This appendix p rovides some conversion tables for you r convenience. H .2 POWERS OF 2, POWERS O F 1 6 Refer t o Table H-1 . Table H·1 . Powers of 2; Powers of 1 6 161Tl m= 2n n= 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 - 1 - 2 - 3 - Value 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 1 28 256 512 1 ,024 2,048 4 , 096 8 , 1 92 1 6,384 32,768 16fT1 m= 2n n= 4 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 - 5 - 6 - 7 - H-1 Value 65,536 1 3 1 ,072 262 , 1 44 524,288 1 ,048,576 2,097 , 1 52 4, 1 94,304 8,388 , 608 1 6,7n,21 6 33,554,432 67 , 1 08,864 1 34,21 7 ,728 268,435,456 536,870,91 2 1 ,073,741 ,824 2 , 1 47,483,648 H .3 H EXAD ECI M AL AN D D ECIMAL CONVERSI O N Table H -2 i s a ch art that can be u sed for convert i n g n u m bers. fro m either hexadec imal to decimal or dec i m a l to hexadec i m a l . H .3.1 CONVERTI N G H EXAD ECI MAL TO DECIMAL. Find the decimal weights for cor responding hexadec imal characters beg i n n i ng with the least-s i g n ificant character. The s u m of the dec i m a l wei g hts is the deci mal val ue of the hexadecimal n u m ber. H .3.2 CO NVERT I N G DECIMAL TO H EXADECI MAL. Find the h i ghest decimal value in the table which is lower than or equal to the decimal n u m ber to be converted . The correspon d i ng hexadec i mal character is the most-s i g n ificant d i g it of the f i n a l n u m ber. Subtract the decimal val u e fo und from the decimal n u m ber to be converted . Repeat the above step to determ ine the hexadec imal character. Repeat this process to f i n d the su bseq uent hex adecimal n u m bers. Table H -2. Hexadecimal and Decimal Conversion Chart 15 15 Hex Byte Char 12 Dec 11 Hex Char 8 7 8 7 Dec Hex 0 Byte Char 4 Dec 3 Hex Char 0 Dec 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4,096 1 256 1 16 1 1 2 8, 192 2 512 3 32 2 2 3 1 2 ,288 3 768 3 48 3 3 4 16,384 4 1 ,024 4 64 4 4 5 20,480 5 1 ,280 5 80 5 5 6 24,576 6 1 ,536 6 96 6 6 7 28,672 7 1 ,792 7 1 12 7 7 8 32,768 8 2,048 8 1 28 8 8 9 36,864 9 2,304 9 1 44 9 9 A 40,960 A 2,560 A 1 60 A 10 B 45,056 B 2,816 B 1 76 B 11 C 49, 1 52 C 3,072 C 1 92 C 12 0 53,248 0 3,328 0 2(S 0 13 E 57,344 E 3,584 E 224 E 14 F 61 ,440 F 3 .840 F 240 F 15 H -2 Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Motorola assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. "Typical" parameters can and do vary in different applications. All operating parameters, including "Typicals" must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. Motorola does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Motorola products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applicalions intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Motorola product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Motorola products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Motorola and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees ariSing out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Motorola was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. Motorola and ® are registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc. Motorola, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Literature Distribution Centers: USA: Motorola Literature Distribution; P.O. Box 20912; Phoenix, Arizona 85036. EUROPE: Motorola Ltd.; European Literature Centre; 88 Tanners Drive, Blakelands, Milton Keynes, MK14 5BP, England. JAPAN: Nippon Motorola Ltd.; 4-32-1, Nishi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141, Japan. ASIA PACIFIC: Motorola Semiconductors H.K. Ltd.; Silicon Harbour Center, No.2 Dai King Street, Tai Po Industrial Estate, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong. _® MOTOROLA PRINTED IN USA (1993) MPS/POD . M6809PM/AD 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111