July 2016 - Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
July 2016 - Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church -- 7196 S.O.M. Center Rd. -- Solon, Ohio 44139 Phone 440-248-4066 -- office@orlcsolon.org -- Web site: www.orlcsolon.org Creating Community by Connecting People to Christ and His Family Matthew Garred, Pastor - 330-998-3923 Aaron Pingel, Pastor - 440-265-8108 Sally Reemsnyder, DCE– 330-310-2038 Margie Bosiacki, Editor - 440-248-4066 July 2016 Table of Contents Pastor’s Message 2-3 Thanks to Our Members 3 Hands, Hearts and Homes Outreach 4 Sunday School News 4 Little Tidbits of Info . . . 5 Park Play Dates 6 Home Devotional Activity 7 Preschool Ministry 7 Youth 8 Opportunities to Grow as a Disciple 9 Small Group Ministry 9 LWML 10-11 Serving This Month 12-13 Birthdays and Anniversaries 14 Extras - The Mayonnaise Jar 15 Pastor’s Message Striking the Balance “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.” (Romans 8:1–2 ESV) “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10 ESV) On the one hand, there are lots of people who put a strong emphasis on God’s Law. They look to the Ten Commandments and to the laws and rules that flesh out the Ten Commandments throughout God’s Word and they rely on these laws for righteous living. Yes, they often confess that Jesus is our savior, and yet they treat Him as though He merely opened the door to our new obedience. The rest is up to us. We usually identify such people as legalists. In the Lutheran Church, we guard against legalism pretty strongly and consistently. On the other hand, we have those who put a strong emphasis on God’s Grace. They see grace and the forgiveness of sins as the only thing that matters. Good works don’t really matter because we are saved by grace. At the extremes, these people may become so convinced of God’s grace covering every sin that they no longer try to keep God’s law, and some of them even use grace as an excuse for sin. “I might as well do whatever I like,” they think, “God will forgive me anyway.” In the Lutheran Church we do a pretty good job at guarding against the extremes, but too often we tend to lean so much to the grace that we excuse ourselves from the works that Ephesians tells us “God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Where is the balance? All good theology is about the proper balance of what God reveals in His Word. God does indeed reveal laws and commands, and He also reveals the Gospel of grace. In Lutheran Theology, this proper balance is often referred to as the “via media,” which means “the way of the middle.” In the case of salvation and good works, God does not want us to worry about our salvation. The life, death and resurrection of Jesus paid the penalty for all our sins. We are set free from the law of sin and death. Yet we are not set free from these things in order to indulge them all the more. We are not set free from sin to throw ourselves back into sin so that God can forgive us more. Rather, we are set free so that we may joyfully serve God. Not because we must, but because we are new creations in Christ Jesus, and that’s what we do. That’s what we were created to do. It’s what we do, because of what God has already done. He has rescued us and loved us and so we love Him and desire to do His will, to the glory of His name and the good of our neighbor. God’s gracious salvation freely given to us results in works. But how many works are enough? Oops! Wrong question. We should never ask, “Have I done enough?” If we do, we fall into legalism. Instead we should simply ask each day, “How can I walk in the good works God has for me today?” When we reach the end of the day we thank God for the good He enabled us 2 to do, we ask forgiveness for our sins and failures, and we go to sleep in peace, knowing that there is no scorecard to fill out. Jesus has already won the victory for us. And in the morning, with a clear conscience we ask again, “How can I walk in the good works God has for me today?” We neither throw out the necessity of good works, since it is these for which we are created, nor do we rely on good works for our salvation. Instead, we confess that we are saved by grace alone, that we may do the good works God calls us to do. “The joy of the Lord is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10) In Christ, Pastor Garred Many Thanks To: For all those who anonymously do so much around the church. We appreciate all that you do! Joyce Simacek, Laurel Kusner, John Sovis and Carol Engstrom for proofreading during the month of June. I would like to thank the ladies from Reap What You Sew who came to help me pack for my move, and a huge thank you to all of you who helped move me back to my home in Bedford on May 21st. It's been a long journey, and I praise God for having such a wonderful church family. Thank you Pastor Garred for being there for me from the start. Linda Koller We would like to thank everyone who helped with the National Day of Prayer Vigil/Service and devotional booklet: Pastor Garred, Pastor Pingel, Margie Bosiacki, Karen Prasser, Bell Choir, Adult Choir, Bill Head, Pat Kosh, Anne Forwick, Sally Reemsnyder, Debby Stinehelfer, Trish Wade, Joyce Simacek, Edda Janice, Marjie Masters, Lois Helmick, Norma Cerrito, Mark Gabor, Kara Pingel, Mike Korba, Jim Laurich and Bob Wilms. It was a blessing to join our voices with Christians throughout the United States in praising our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Bev Head and Debbie Turk (Prayer Team) 3 Hands, Hearts and Homes Outreach Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers and golfers for H3O’s 4 th Annual Golf Outing on June 13th at Fowler’s Mill Golf Course. The weather was absolutely perfect, sunny and 80 degrees, and very much enjoyed by the ninety-six golfers and all the volunteers. There were a lot of wonderful door prizes passed out and the silent auction baskets this year were the best so far! The golf outing raised just over $10,000. The funds will be used to buy supplies for H3O Sundays as well as buy gas and pay for maintenance on the truck. Without everyone’s hands doing God’s work, none of this would be possible. I know it's the Dog Days of summer and you are probably not thinking of back to school yet, but when you do, remember H3O will gladly take your gently used baseball hats and backpacks. Many of the people we serve at Saint Herman’s cannot afford to purchase these items and we like to pass them out to help bridge the gap. Remember, if you want to donate furniture (NO major appliances), you need to call the furniture hotline: 440-248-7360 Monday – Thursday to schedule a pick up. As always, H3O is looking for someone to ride along on the truck to deliver light pieces of furniture one day a month. Could you be that person? For more information on how you can help, please contact Joan Hageman at 330-963-0130 Our next H3O trip to Saint Herman’s in Cleveland is Sunday, July 24th. If you are planning on going, let Jill Moriarity know as soon as possible at jillmoriarity@windstream.net. Cheerfully In Christ, Jennifer Hanson Family Summer Sunday School This year, Summer Sunday school welcomes your family to be involved in your child’s learning of the Bible. The classes will follow a family-devotion style, and will encompass the entire family, encouraging fellowship among children and adults. The format for the summer will replace the traditional teacher/student classroom. One family each week will guide the families through a lesson and craft for all to enjoy! Please contact Kara Pingel at 440-265-8109 for more information. Who: Families (Preschool – 6th grade) (includes moms, dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles etc.) When: June 5th – August 21st Where: Double Sunday School Room (located at the end of the Sunday school hallway) August 28th is Rally Day!! Start of the regular format of Sunday school. Your child will move to next grade level (details to come). 4 Little Tidbits of Info. . . Altar Guild Leaders Needed The Altar Guild is a service ministry within our Church and members of the Altar Guild are servants of the congregation. We serve by making sure that our place of worship is maintained and preparations are made for each service. This requires spiritual commitment which is performed for the glory of God and the building up of His people. We are currently looking for leaders to guide this important ministry. If you have spiritual commitment, you can learn this role and be an effective leader. Please give this request prayerful consideration. For questions please call Debbie Breimaier at 330-467-9194. From the Church Office The church office will be closed on Monday, July 4th, for the Independence Day holiday. Pantry needs for July Although the pantry is well stocked, there are a few items that are needed: applesauce, canned fruit, peanut butter, jelly, cooking oil, toilet paper, toothpaste. Outside Fellowship Elder Who’s ready for a party??? ORLC is in need of a party planner (otherwise known as Outside Fellowship Elder). If you have some good ideas for fellowship (picnics, outings, etc.) or a love of planning social events, this position would be perfect for you. If the time commitment is a concern, individual events can be delegated to others as needed. Elders meet once per month (3rd Tuesday) at 7:00 p.m. Meetings are generally short (90 minutes or so). Please contact Kurt Widmer 330405-5460 or Doug Holub 440-248-1244 if interested. Please continue to support our preschool over the summer by purchasing gift cards. Please refer to the order and delivery dates below. Weekly ordering will resume in September. Order forms are available in the office. You may place your order forms and checks made out to ORLC in the white TRIP box in the office at any time. Thank you for supporting our preschool! T.R.I.P. Summer Order and Delivery Dates Order by: For delivery on: Friday, July 1st Wednesday, July 13th nd Friday, July 22 Wednesday, August 3rd th Friday, August 12 Wednesday, August 24th 5 July Park Play Dates For additional information, contact Julie at 216849-0651 or Kara at 440-265-8109. A complete listing of park play dates for the summer is on our website at www.orlcsolon.org/newsevents. Friday July 1st - Lyndhurst Spray Park (1840 Brainard Road, Lyndhurst) Park opens at 10:00 a.m. This park includes a fenced-in spray park suitable for kids of all ages. Cost is $6.00 per person. CASH ONLY Wednesday July 6th - Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Zoo opens at 10:00 a.m. Cost is $13.25 for adults, $9.25 kids 2-11, under 2 is free. Wednesday July 13th - Fire Station Tour (6320 SOM Center Road, Solon) Tour begins at 10:00 a.m. Pack a lunch and play at Solon Community Park following the tour. FREE Monday July 18th - Glen Chamberlain Park (10075 Ravenna Road, Twinsburg) Time - 3:30 p.m. Located behind Glen Chamberlain School and the municipal outdoor swimming pool, this park includes playgrounds, basketball courts, tennis courts, picnic shelters, and a sand volleyball court. Friday July 22nd - Splash Pad at Eagle Park (14730 Springdale Avenue, Middlefield) Park opens at 10:00 a.m. This park has 2 splash pads, a playground, and a pavilion. FREE Wednesday July 27th - Chester Township Park (the corner of S.R. 306 and S.R. 322) Time - 10:00 a.m. This park offers a gazebo, a baseball field, three volleyball courts, horseshoe pits, two pavilions, a newly expanded children's playground, and rest room facilities. 6 Home Devotional Activity Activity: A Cord of Three Strands Teaching Goal: We are not meant to live in isolation. God made us to be in relationship with others, and with Him. Scripture: Proverbs 18:24 “One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their work. If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Materials: 4 cups dirt or water to fill one of the cups 3 steak knives (always keep sharp objects away from little hands!) Bible God knows we need someone to call, to help us up after we fall. Please see our website for the complete devotional activity. Preschool Ministry We have had some changes in our preschool staff this year. We lost four staff members in May due to moves, health issues, and retirement. I will introduce our new staff members in next month's newsletter! Our classes are filling up for the fall! Please continue to tell others about our wonderful program here! In August, we will once again have apples on our Preschool bulletin board in the hallway across from the library. Your generosity in providing some of the needed supplies for the year is greatly appreciated! Thank you for your continued support and prayers for our preschool ministry. Blessings, Laurel Kusner Preschool Director 7 The Youth Page Junior High Events Senior High Events Thursday July 7th – Canoeing Monday, August 8th – Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Friday-Sunday - August 19th-21st – Confirmation Retreat for the 2016 - 2017 class Sunday August 28th - Rally Day for 2016 -17 year Thursday, July 7th - Canoeing Wednesday -Thursday, July 13th– 21st National Youth Gathering in New Orleans Friday, August 8th – Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Sunday August 28th - Rally Day for 2016 -17 year What are LYFE Nights? They are fellowship events filled with games, fun and food that are hosted in youths’ homes or at the church with Sally leading the games. When are LYFE nights? July 9th and August 13th. The dates in bold are available for hosting. What is Crossroads? Senior high students meet to discuss Bible or topical studies and to enjoy food, fellowship and games together. When is Crossroads? It is usually held from 5:00–8:00 p.m. at the church. What dates are Crossroads? July 3rd and 10th, August 7th, 14th and 28th. Please come and join us! Visitors welcome! What’s New? There were eighteen youth and adults who attended the Indians-Baltimore Orioles game in May, followed by an awesome fireworks display to music! It was a beautiful evening down at Progressive Field and everyone enjoyed the time, even though our team lost. We have been preparing for the National Youth Gathering with Bible studies on Philippians, which is the theme for the National Youth Gathering “In Christ Alone.” The three themes for each day correspond with the Bible studies on Identity, Humility and Community. The final study was done on Sunday, June 12th with the group from St. Paul Amherst. Who? Our Senior High Youth (grades 9 through 12) are taught by Sally Reemsnyder, DCE, on Sunday mornings and are studying the Growing in Christ curriculum, which is also used in Sunday school and adult Bible study. The Senior High youth have three events per month: one special event (as listed above) and Crossroads twice a month where they meet at the church for a fellowship/small group meeting. Our Jr. High Youth (grades 7 & 8) receive confirmation instruction on Wednesdays through April 20th. th The 7 graders are taught by Sally Reemsnyder, Director of Christian Education (DCE) and 8 th graders are taught by Pastor Matthew Garred and Pastor Aaron Pingel. They are taught lessons in Growing in Christ during their Sunday morning classes. They also participate in Lutheran Youth Fellowship Event (LYFE) Nights on select Saturdays of each month and special events such as lock-ins, District Youth Conferences, retreats and servant outings. 8 Opportunities to Grow as a Disciple Sunday Adult Bible Study In July, Pastor Garred will continue the study of the Book of Luke. Come and join us for Bible study at 9:15 a.m. in the fellowship hall. Sunday School Classes meet each Sunday at 9:15 a.m. Our children, preschool through high school, are using the Growing in Christ series. In July, they will attend “Family Sunday School.” Please see page four for details. Sunday - Cross Roads Senior Youth meet at the church on Sunday evenings from 5:00–8:00 p.m. Cross Roads will meet on July 3rd & 10th. Tuesday - Senior Saints is a discussion-oriented, informal study of God’s Word followed by fellowship over a potluck lunch. We are studying Luther’s Simple Way to Pray . We meet on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 11:00 a.m. In July, we meet on the 5th & 19th. Men of Faith Bible Study meets on Thursday mornings at 6:30 a.m. in the conference room. We are studying the Book of Romans. Join us on Thursday mornings. Classes on break for the summer are: Monday - Bible Babes, Monday - Women’s Book Club, Wednesday - Mom to Mom, Thursday - Women in the Word, Thursday - Women of Faith Get Connected – ORLC’s Small Groups Make It Happen There are currently almost 90 members of Our Redeemer who are plugged in to small groups! Angell / Johnson small group: The "middle school family" small group has begun meeting! We are studying Sticky Faith by Dr. Kara Powell and Dr. Chap Clark. Contact Michele Angell or Emily Johnson for the meeting dates/times. Heinert small group: We are currently studying Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. Please feel welcome to visit at any time! Please contact John or Darla Heinert for the meeting dates/times. Miralia small group: This group is meeting on the final Friday of each month over the summer: July 29th and August 26th at 6:30 p.m. to share dinner, God’s Word and prayer. Please feel welcome to visit at any time! Please contact Bill/Lisa Miralia for more information. Mitchell small group: We are currently studying That the World May Know by Ray Vander Laan. Please feel welcome to visit at any time! Please contact Julie Mitchell for the meeting dates/times. Rennison small group: This group is meeting for fellowship during the summer. Please feel welcome to visit at any time! Please contact Julie or Chris Rennison for the meeting dates/times. ** Please see the bulletin board outside the church office for meeting dates/times/places for the small groups ** 9 LWML News As a member of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, all women are considered members of the LWML. As such, you are automatically invited to the meetings. September 13th at 7:00 p.m. is the first meeting after our summer recess. Join us for a cup of coffee or punch, munchies and have a chat with those women you have seen in church but not yet had the opportunity to get to know. You can have an evening out with friends. A baby sitter is supplied to you at no cost if you let us know in advance by the Saturday before the meeting, so that we can make arrangements. The first LWML event of the year is the annual retreat on September 17th. The officers of Our Redeemer's chapter have begun meeting to plan upcoming events for the 2016-17 LWML year. God our Father is mindful of each of us and our needs. After all, we have seen and HEARD this year how He has not forgotten the seventeen year hiatus of the cicada. When you leave the Sanctuary, there is a nook on the north wall. It has more information on the items we collect that are of no use to us personally, but when we all pitch in and save them, they are of great use to others. One more thing. There is a Zone Fall Retreat on September 7th, from 9 :00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Perry YMCA. A wonderful time and blessed time is had by all who attend. The nook has that information also. A carpooling sign-up will be in the nook by August 1st. To you, from me, Kathy Hibjan LWML Secretary at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church LWML Cutting Guidelines Postage Stamps Cut the stamps from the envelopes with a margin of no less than 1/4 inch around the perforation of the stamp. The entire perforation needs to be intact; this provides a “handling area” for the collector. (Trimmed too closely the stamp may be damaged and become worthless - please do not turn these in.) Box Tops for Education Please check the expiration date. Box Tops submitted after their printed expiration date are considered void and will not be honored. The entire stamp needs to be intact – no torn corners are accepted. *** Both of these items should be placed in the nook where there are marked containers for them.*** 10 New Mission Opportunities New Mite Goal Keep filling the Mite boxes with coin, paper and prayers. Mission Ideas Time Excitement Sharing 11 Members Who Are Serving This Month JULY 3RD Acolyte Altar Guild Coffee Clean Up Greeters Nursery Readers Sweethearts Tellers Ushers Welcome Center 8:00 A.M. WORSHIP Jacob Downing Michaele Repak, Lois Helmick JULY 10TH Acolyte Altar Guild Coffee Clean Up Greeters Nursery Readers Sweethearts Tellers Ushers Welcome Center 8:00 A.M. WORSHIP Joshua Masters Michaele Repak, Lois Helmick JULY 17TH Acolyte Altar Guild Coffee Clean Up Greeters Nursery Readers Sweethearts Tellers Ushers Welcome Center 8:00 A.M. WORSHIP Emma Hart Jennifer Hanson, Lisa Miralia 10:30 A.M. WORSHIP Audrey Prietz Patty Patranc John & Ruth Sovis, Debra Stefanini Mark Gabor, Norma Cerrito Julie Rennison, Mackenzie Ellman Deanna Kovach, Abbey Garred Lucy Wilms Adrienne Geho Susan Macik, Marjie Masters, John Mellyn, Debbie Moore Ron Olesinski, Tom Duncan, Russ & Renee Musarra TBD TBD Bill & Beverly Head Mike and Debby Stinehelfer 10:30 A.M. WORSHIP Jarrett Borovac Russ Ita Paula Stumph, Watkins Family Kristen Chalet Sarah Prahler, Anna Widmer Linda, Jake & Jessica Downing Bob Hibjan Susan Macik Beverly Musarra, Tracy Palumbo, Joyce Simacek, Patty Patranc Emily Peters, Bill & Lisa Miralia, Heather Widmer TBD TBD Paula Stumph Bob & Karen Prochazka 10:30 A.M. WORSHIP Gennah Brown Norma Cerrito K & H Widmer, B & L Wilms R & D Hanson, J & D Heinert Tracy & Drew Palumbo Louise Isroff, Taylor Ellman Dave Holub Terry Rieser Terri Payne, Emily Peters, Mardest Pittman, Elaine Prietz John & Darla Heinert, Ron & Donna Hanson TBD TBD Chuck & Mary Norman Fred & LuAnn Ehrenbeit 12 JULY 24th Acolyte Altar Guild Coffee Clean Up Greeters Nursery Readers Sweethearts Tellers Ushers Welcome Center 8:00 A.M. WORSHIP Silas Johnson Jennifer Hanson, Lisa Miralia JULY 31ST Acolyte Altar Guild Coffee Clean Up Greeters Nursery Readers Sweethearts Tellers Ushers Welcome Center 8:00 A.M. WORSHIP Austin Angell Anne Forwick, David Prochazka 10:30 A.M. WORSHIP Wilson Riley Lois Helmick J & M Bosiacki, J & E Hanson Lois Helmick, R & M Hinterlong Nicole & Zach Prochazka Kara & Andrew Pingel Joyce Simacek Kim Garred Mary Reiboldt, Michaele Repak, Paula Stumph, June Szilagyi Debby Stinehelfer, Anita Ruff, Carol Engstrom, Martha Wright TBD TBD Michaele & Terry Repak Jennifer Girod 10:30 A.M. WORSHIP Ariane Geho Russ Ita Downing Family, B & L Edwards Edda Janice, W & D Keefer Sarah Prahler, Anna Widmer Bethany & Gennah Brown Patti Holub Edda Janice Kelly Thompson, Lucy Wilms, Barb Wilson, Ingrid Albanese Bob & Laurel Kusner, Bob & Cheryl DiNardo TBD TBD Margie & John Bosiacki Marilyn & Don Styblo 13 July Birthdays and Anniversaries Gabrielle Knauer 7/1 Eileen Simler Amy Nolan 7/3 7/4 Jessica Allen Taylor Ellman Geoffrey Masters Jr. Candace Musarra Paula Stumph Anna Widmer 7/6 Liz Hanson Erika Hegrat Matt Sutliff 7/7 Cathy & Eric Wyant Terry & Michaele Repak Stephanie & Rafael Colmenares 7/8 Cynthia & Ronald Schickler Brian & Lori Edwards Emma Hart Audrey Hedrick Nancy Suchovsky 7/8 7/9 Rick & Edda Janice Elizabeth Eder Emily Jurkovich Cathy Wyant Joan Prasser Cindy Toncler Martha Wright Emory Geho Jennifer Girod William Keefer Eldon Reiboldt Ed Simacek Ryan & Sarah Prahler 7/11 7/13 7/15 Selena Feliciano Beverly Head 7/16 Laurie Korba Gregory Ruff Cathy & Chris Watkins 7/17 Steven Chalet Chad Hegrat Robert Hibjan Diane Yarmus 7/18 Sarah Keefer Karen Prochazka Lisa Catalano Michaele Repak Melanie Bauer Emersyn Gillispie Eliot Geho Carl Hegrat Fred Meyers Barb Ohneck Nathanael Pingel Sheila Sovis Mark Gabor Ryan Ezzone Timothy Morgan DJ Deuble 7/19 Jill Moriarity 7/28 Denise Compton Chuck Norman Don Robertson Nancy Basso Helen Sanders Brian Isroff 7/29 Lee & Nancy Hoyack Carol & Richard Way James & Junko Domingo Chris & Cathy Watkins John & Mary Mellyn Chris & Jeanette Ryman 7/20 7/21 7/23 7/24 7/25 7/26 7/27 7/30 7/31 14 The Mayonnaise Jar Author Unknown When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day is not enough; remember the mayonnaise jar and two cups of coffee. A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and started to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agree that it was. The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured it into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was. The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with an unanimous “yes.” The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed. “Now,” said the professor, as the laughter subsided, “I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things - God, family, children, health, friends, and favorite passions. Things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the things that matter like your job, house, and car. The sand is everything else - the small stuff.” “If you put the sand into the jar first,” he continued, “there would be no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you.” “So pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness: play with your children; take time to get medical checkups; take your spouse out to dinner. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the dripping tap. Take care of the golf balls first - the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.” One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled. “I’m glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there’s always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend.” 15