

n° 188
The Neuroscience Letter
Two new teams associated to the LARCNeurosciences Network
The LARC-Neurosciences network
The LARC Neurosciences Network has
integrated two new teams recently:
the Inserm Unit 905 headed by Pr Olivier BOYER and the INSERM Unit 1105
headed by Pr Fabrice WALLOIS.
Team 1 of
Inserm Unit 905,
'Immunopathology and biotherapy of
muscle diseases', develops research
programs in the field of pathophysiology and innova-ve
therapies of neuromuscular disorders. Their projects
focus on autoimmune myopathies and, more, recently
mul-ple sclerosis, through studies in animal models and
clinical inves-ga-ons with emphasis on the pathogenicity of autoan-bodies, the role of neuropep-des (VIP,
PACAP and analogs) and their receptors, and cell and
gene therapies.
Inserm Unit 1105, Group of Research on Mul-modal
Analysis of the Brain Func-on, is composed of a pluridisciplinary team, gathering neurophysiologists, reanima-ng pediatricians and specialists in signal treatment.
Their research project focuses on mul-modal analysis of
brain disorders, especially in newborns. Their approach
focuses on developing tools to analyze simultaneously
modifica-ons of the local electric and hemodynamic
brain ac-vity in both physiological (cerebral matura-on)
and pathological (premature’s anoxo-ischemy, newborn’s neurologic pain, child convulsions and epilepsy)
situa-ons. In order to carry these ac-vi-es, the team
has developed new tools for acquisi-on and analysis of
the cerebral func-on on children. The research led to
patents on acquisi-on systems which combine both
modali-es (electrical and hemodynamic) in high resolu-on (EEG-NIRS High Resolu-on). Tools on advanced pre
and post-treatment of these signals were implemented.
Thus, Inserm Unit 1105 is the only laboratory in France
to develop high resolu-on electrical-imaging tools
(EEGHR), linked with high-resolu-on op-cal imaging
(NIRSHR) on children, especially newborns, at a -me
when this approach is considered as emerging in the
field of neurosciences.
18th Larc-Neuroscience Annual Mee&ng
The 18th LARC-Neuroscience Annual Mee&ng took
place on October 17th 2014, in Caen (France). 152 par-cipants from France, Great-Britain and Spain
aEended the event. The opening of the mee-ng was
held in the presence of Mr Lamri ADOUI, VicePresident of Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, Pr
Omar TOUZANI, Pr Carine ALI and their colleagues. Dr
Laurent GROC (Université de Bordeaux, France), pre-
sented a conference en-tled « Imaging single glutamate receptor in living
neurons: what does it tell
us? » Twelve oral presenta-ons and 67 posters were
also presented by PhD students and young researchers of the LARC Neuroscience Network. The prizes
for best oral presenta-on
were given to Mathilde PRUVOST (U919, Caen) for
her presenta-on en-tled « ADAMTS-4 ac"va"on by
tPA leads to beneficial effects a0er spinal cord injury », Hélène LACAILLE (U982, Rouen) for her presenta-on en-tled « Comparison of the deleterious
effects of binge drinking-like alcohol exposure in adolescent and adult mice », and Marine LEBLOND (UMR
6301, Caen) for her presenta-on en-tles
« Macrophage migra"on and polariza"on in glioblastoma depend on tumor oxygen level ». The prizes for
best poster were given to Pierre-Michaël COLY
(U982, Rouen) for his work en-tled « GPCR-induced
chemotac"c migra"on requires mi"ga"on of autophagy through a calpain/Atg5 pathway: poten"al
involvement in glial tumorigenesis », Ka&a HAMIDOUCHE (CMPc, Caen), for her work en-tled
« Donecopride, a promising newly designed MTDL for
the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease » and Ararat
CHAKHOYAN (UMR 6301, Caen) for his work en-tled
« Development and valida"on of a mathema"cal
model to convert [18F]-FMISO PET images into pO2
maps in human gliomas ». The organiza-on of this
18th Annual Mee-ng was funded by the Université de
Caen, CNRS, Mairie de Caen, the Conseil Régional de
Basse-Normandie, and several private partners.
The 19th Annual Mee-ng of the LARC Neuroscience
Network will take place on November 13th 2015 in
Amiens (France), and will be organized by Pr Mickael
NAASSILA and his team.
Dr Hubert VAUDRY will give a conference en-tled
« From brain to hormones » on November 14th 2014,
at 5 PM at the Hôtel des Sociétés Savantes in Rouen
(France). This conference is organized by the Académie des Sciences, Belles Le res et Arts de Rouen.
Dr Hitoshi KOMURO (Department of Neurobiology,
Yale University, School of Medicine) will give a conference en-tled « Neuronal Cell Migra"on under Normal and Pathological Condi"ons » on November 26th
2014, at 5 PM at the Medical Faculty of the University of Rouen (France).
Dr Olivier WURTZ (Inserm U982) will give a conference en-tled « PACAP neuropep"de and brain
The Electronic Monitoring of
the University of Rouen
(VeillEUR) was created in
1998 and is animated by Paul
PAUMIER. It consists in a scien-fic and cultural monitoring through keywords. A mailing list linked with the keyword « NEUROSCIENCES was recently created (veilleurneurosciences@listes.univ-rouen.fr). You can subscribe
to this mailing list for free and you can use it to share
scien-fic informa-on (announcements, publica-ons,
etc.). You will also receive scien-fic informa-on especially showing to the lay-public the impact of neurosciences.
For more informa-on, contact Paul PAUMIER
tal period and on motor behavior at adulhood in
mice. A single anesthesia by ketamine injec-on within
the week following birth and which induces at least a
90 minute seda-on, induces some modifica-on of the
NMDA receptor expression in the developing cerebral
cortex, sugges-ng a delay in glutamatergic synapses
matura-on. This altera-on was observed in male and
female mice, whatever the age of injec-on of the
anesthe-c (2, 5 or 10 days aJer birth). The heterogeneity of the matura-on level of the different layers
of the cerebral cortex was inves-gated by laser microdissec-on (PRIMACEN plaLorm, IRIB). On the long
term, adult mice which received a single anesthesia
with ketamine at the age of 2, 5 or 10 days, exhibited
disturbances of motor ac-vity (Behavioral Analysis
Core Facility, IRIB). This motor deficits evolve with
ketamine age of administra-on and sex. Taken together, these data indicate that a single perinatal exposure to ketamine induces aletra-on of the NMDA receptor expression, a receptor strongly involved in the
cerebral development, which suggests that such
molecules should be used carefully for perinatal
C. Neveu, F. Dulin, B. Lefranc, L. Galas, C. Calbrix, R.
Bureau, S. Rault, J. Chuquet, J.A. Bou n. L. Guilhaudis,
I. Ségalas-Milazzo, D. Vaudry, H. Vaudry, J. Sopkova-de
Oliveira Santos, J. Leprince. Molecular basis of agonist
docking in a human GPR103 homology model by sitedirected mutagenesis and structure-ac&vity rela&onship studies. In this paper published in the Bri-sh
Journal of Pharmacology (2014; 171:4425-4439), researchers from Rouen (Inserm Unit 982, PRIMACEN and
IRCOF), Caen (CERMN) and the SERVIER Laboratories
have by homology a model of the human GPR103 in
which the biological ac-ve fragment of its natural ligand,
the anorexigenic neuropep-de 26RFa was docked. The
most stable intermolecular interac-on was predicted by
3D molecular modeling and then confirmed experimentally by site-directed mutagenesis. Thsi study led to the
design of the first GPR103 antagonist, the LV-2185. This
study could be a first step for the development of molecules regula-ng food intake.
Dr Catalina ABAD and Dr Yossan-Var TAN have recently joined the team ‘Immunopathology and biotherapy of muscle diseases’ of Inserm Unit 905 directed by Pr Olivier BOYER. The research of Drs ABAD
and TAN focuses on an autoimmune disease of the
central nervous system, the mul-ple sclerosis (MS), at
the interac-on between neurosciences and immunology. Their objec-ve is to develop and valorise some
new pharmacological agents for the treatment of MS:
the Vasoac-ve Intes-nal Pep-de (VIP), the Pituitary
Adenylate Cyclase-Ac-va-ng Polypep-de (PACAP) and
some of their analogs which exert some unique neuro/immunomodulatory proper-es by ac-ng not only
on the central nervous system (neuroprotec-ve and
neuroregenera-ve proper-ses) but also on the immune system (an--inflammatory proper-ses). This
project has recived the finacial support from the Na-onal Mul-ple Sclerosis Society (MMSS) and of the
Associa"on de Recherche contre la Sclérose en
plaques (ARSEP) and should lead to the emergence of
a new research group in the Inserm Unit 905.
stroke: Immunomodula"on, keypoint of improved func"onal recovery » during the Congress « Insights into neural s"mula"on and brain inflamma"on in stroke – from
recovery mechanisms to targeted therapy » in Manchester (UK), November 12th to 14th, 2014.
The LARC-Neurosciences network
M. Lecointre, C. Vézier, M. Bénard, Y. Ramdani, N. Dupré, C. Brasse-Lagnel, V.J. Henry, V. Roy, S. Marret, B.J.
Gonzalez, S. Jégou, I. Leroux-Nicollet. Age-Dependent
Altera&ons of the NMDA Receptor Developmental Profile and Adult Behavior in Postnatally KetamineTreated Mice. In this study published in Developmental
Neurobiology (2014, DOI 10.1002/dneu.22232), researchers from the NeoVasc laboratory (ERI28), in collabora-on with the Departments of Pediatrics and Neonatal
Resuscita-on of Rouen Hospital and of the PSY-NCA laboratory (EA 4700), have evaluated the impact of an
anesthe-c used in neonatal paediatrics, the ketamine,
on NMDA receptors expression profil during the postna-
Yossan-Var TAN, PhD Young Inves-gator, will defend
his habilita-on to direct researches (HDR) on November 12th 2014, at 2.30 pm in the Salle des Thèses of
the Stewart Building, at the Faculté de Médecine &
Pharmacie of Rouen (France).
Find us on:
For further information, contact David Vaudry. Tel: (33) 235146760; e-mail: david.vaudry@univ-rouen.fr