Aurea Norte Technical Report
Aurea Norte Technical Report
GEOLOGICAL REPORT AND SUMMARY OF FIELD EXAMINATIONS, AUREA NORTE PROJECT, Municipalities of Apaxtla, Cocula and, Cuetzala del Progreso GUERRERO STATE, MÉXICO SEPTEMBER 30, 2009 R. A. Lunceford, M.Sc., CPG 761 Aspen Trail Reno, NV 89519 Prepared for NEWSTRIKE CAPITAL INC. 2000-1066 West Hasting Street Vancouver, BC V6E 3X2 In Compliance with NI 43-101 and Form 43-101F1 TABLE OF CONTENTS GLOSSARY OF TERMS.................................................................................... VII CONVERSIONS ................................................................................................. IX 0.0 SUMMARY................................................................................................ X 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND TERMS OF REFERENCE.....................................1 2.0 RELIANCE ON OTHER EXPERTS............................................................1 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION .........................................2 Legal .........................................................................................................2 Encumbrances and Surface Rights ...........................................................7 Permitting ..................................................................................................7 4.0 ACCESSIBILITY, CLIMATE, LOCAL RESOURCES, INFRASTRUCTURE, AND PHYSIOGRAPHY ..............................................................................7 4.1 Location.....................................................................................................7 4.2 Accessibility and Infrastructure..................................................................8 4.3 Physiography.............................................................................................9 5.0 HISTORY .................................................................................................10 5.1 Chronology of Prospecting, Exploration, and Development in GGB........10 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 GEOLOGIC SETTING .............................................................................14 Tectonic Setting.......................................................................................14 Regional Geology....................................................................................18 Regional Stratigraphy ..............................................................................20 6.3.1 6.3.2 Teloloapan Subterrain ................................................................................. 20 Guerrero-Morelos Platform.......................................................................... 20 6.4 Structures ................................................................................................21 6.5 Property Geology....................................................................................26 6.5.1 6.5.2 7.0 Property Stratigraphy................................................................................... 28 Structures .................................................................................................... 29 DEPOSIT TYPES.....................................................................................31 8.0 MINERALIZATION ...................................................................................36 8.1 Mineralization and Alteration ................................................................37 9.0 EXPLORATION........................................................................................40 9.1 Exploration Methodology ......................................................................42 9.1.1 Geophysics.................................................................................................. 42 9.1.2 Photosat Alteration Study............................................................................ 50 9.1.3 Stream sediment survey................................................................................. 55 9.2 Exploration Targets ..............................................................................55 9.2.1 9.2.2 9.2.3 San Luis.......................................................................................................55 Rey David .................................................................................................... 60 La Morenita.................................................................................................. 61 II 9.2.4 9.2.5 9.3 Other GGB targets, showings...................................................................... 62 VMS showings.............................................................................................62 Anomalous Threshold Calculations ......................................................62 10.0 DRILLING.................................................................................................69 10.1 2005 Drill Program................................................................................71 10.2 2007 Drill Program................................................................................72 10.3 Discussion of Drill Results ....................................................................75 11.0 SAMPLING METHOD AND APPROACH.................................................76 11.1 Ground Magnetic Survey ......................................................................76 11.2 Stream sediment sampling survey........................................................76 11.3 Rock sampling ......................................................................................77 11.4 Drill Programs.......................................................................................77 11.5 Recommendations for QA/QC Protocols ..............................................78 12.0 SAMPLE PREPARATION, ANALYSES AND SECURITY........................78 12.1 Recommendations for QA/QC Protocols ..............................................79 13.0 DATA VERIFICATION .............................................................................80 14.0 MINERAL PROCESSING AND PROCESS TESTING .............................82 15.0 MINERAL RESOURCE AND MINERAL RESERVE ESTIMATES ...........82 16.0 ADJOINING PROPERTIES AND PROSPECTS ......................................82 17.0 OTHER RELEVANT DATA AND INFORMATION....................................85 18.0 INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSIONS ..............................................86 19.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................87 19.1 Recommended Budget .........................................................................88 20.0 REFERENCES CITED............................................................................89 APPENDIX 1: STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS AND CONSENT .............92 APPENDIX 2: AUTHOR SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS ............................94 III FIGURES Figure 1. GGB mineral concession location map. ........................................................................... 5 Figure 2. Mineral showing/prospects/targets and deposits on and near the AN Property. ............. 6 Figure 3. AN Property location, Guerrero State, Mexico................................................................. 9 Figure 4. Morelos Mineral Reserve, general geology and age dates........................................... 13 Figure 5. The Teloloapan and Guerrero-Morelos Tectonic Boundary,......................................... 16 Figure 6. Crustal shortening affecting rocks of the Upper Cretaceous and Palaeogene. ............. 17 Figure 7. AN Property (blue) along the northwest trend of the Guerrero Gold Belt. ..................... 19 Figure 8. Dike Orientation, Morelos Project, ................................................................................ 23 Figure 9. Structural Interpretation, Morelos Project,..................................................................... 24 Figure 10. An Early Laramide Tectonic model of deformation. ..................................................... 26 Figure 11. Reconnaissance scale geology map of the AN Property............................................. 27 Figure 12. Sheared calcite veinlets in limestone at the San Luis target. ...................................... 30 Figure 13. A Pacific Rim Model of Mineralization.......................................................................... 32 Figure 14. Tectonic setting for the formation of skarn deposits. .................................................. 33 Figure 15. Nukay geologic map with drill holes. ............................................................................ 34 Figure 16. Indications for VMS Mineralization............................................................................... 39 Figure 17. Milled and brecciated quartz clasts within a heterolithic breccia. ................................ 40 Figure 18. SGM Total Field Magnetic Contour Map...................................................................... 43 Figure 19. Composite Total Field Magnetics, AN Property. .......................................................... 44 Figure 20. Morenita Ground Magnetic Survey Grid Location Map............................................... 45 Figure 21. Total Magnetic Field, Morenita Grid. ............................................................................ 46 Figure 22. Vertical Magnetic Gradient, Morenita Grid. .................................................................. 47 Figure 23. Reduced to the Pole, Morenita Grid............................................................................ 48 Figure 24. Analytical Signal, Morenita Grid. .................................................................................. 49 Figure 25. Kaolin-Alunite Distribution, El Limon Deposit, Morelos Project.................................... 51 Figure 26. PhotoSat Target Locations.......................................................................................... 52 Figure 27. Alunite-Kaolinite Distribution Map, San Luis and Rey David Showings...................... 53 Figure 28. Alunite-Kaolinite and FeOx Distribution Map, Apetlanca and Morenita Showings. .... 54 Figure 29. Gold distribution from stream geochemistry on the AN Property................................ 56 Figure 30. Mineral showings, prospects, and targets on the AN Property................................... 57 Figure 31. El Coyote Claim geologic map. ................................................................................... 58 Figure 32. San Luis geologic map and gold geochemistry. ......................................................... 59 Figure 33. Rey David geology and gold geochemistry map......................................................... 60 Figure 34. Morenita geologic map and gold geochemistry. ......................................................... 61 IV Figure 35. Morelos Project Geochemistry. ................................................................................... 63 Figure 36. Morelos Gold Outcrop Geochemistry.......................................................................... 64 Figure 37. AN Property regional outcrop gold geochemistry. ...................................................... 66 Figure 38. Drill hole location Map. Rey David and San Luis Showing. ........................................ 70 Figure 39. Properties, projects, and mineral deposits surrounding the AN Property. .................. 84 TABLES Table 1. Mining concessions of the AN Property, Guerrero State, Mexico... Error! Bookmark not defined. Table 2. Chip samples collected across the vein, Vianey Mine. ................................................... 38 Table 3. Anomalous Regional Outcrop Chip Geochemistry AN Property. .................................... 67 Table 4. Drill Collar Data. San Luis and Rey David drill programs................................................ 69 Table 5. 2005 Drill program assay results..................................................................................... 71 Table 6. 2005 drill program results. ............................................................................................... 72 Table 7. 2007 Drill program assay results..................................................................................... 73 Table 8. 2007 Drill Program........................................................................................................... 74 Table 9. Author rock chip and core sample descriptions and gold geochemistry. ....................... 81 Table 10. Resource estimate for the Campo Morado property. ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Table 11. Recommended Exploration Budget AN Property........... Error! Bookmark not defined. V VI GLOSSARY OF TERMS TERM % < Less than > Greater than 1990382N 412132E Adakite Ag, As, Au, Bi, Co, Ni, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mo, Pb, Sb, Te, U, V, and Zn Aguacate porphyry Alteration Ana Paula Anomalous (anomaly) Threshold Aurea Norte (Property or project) Aurea Sur (Property or Project) Background Blind exploration target Breccia C$, US$ Calc-silicate alteration CRM DDH Edgar Epithermal FeOx Filos Type Fm Georeferenced GGB GGB Style or Type DESCRIPTION Percent Less than More than UTM grid measurement in meters north of the equator UTM grid measurement in meters north of east of the central Meridian A petrological term of some controversy. In this report it is used to describe a calc-alkaline igneous intrusion of island arc affinity or provenance. Adakites are interpreted to be the product of hybridization of felsic partial melts from subducting oceanic crust with the peridotitic mantle wedge during ascent and are not primary magmas. They show the following geochemical and isotopic characteristics: SiO2 56 wt percent, Al2O3 15 wt percent, MgO normally <3 wt percent, Mg number 0.5, Sr 400 ppm, Y 18 ppm, Yb 1.9 ppm, Ni 20 ppm, Cr 30 ppm, Sr/Y 20, La/Yb 20, and 87Sr/86Sr 0.7045. (Richards, J.P., and Kerrich, R. 2007). Chemical symbols from the periodic group of elements. silver (Ag), arsenic (As), gold (Au), bismuth (Bi), cobalt (Co), Nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), mercury (Hg), molybdenum (Mo), lead (Pb), antimony (Sb), tellurium (Te), uranium (U), vanadium (V) and zinc (Zn). An intrusion that outcrops in the Aguacate area of the AN Property, near the town of Apetlanca. Physical and chemical changes to the original composition of rocks due to the introduction of hydrothermal fluids, of ore-forming solutions, to changes in the confining temperature and pressures or to any combination of these. The original rock composition is considered "altered" by these changes, and the product of change is considered an "alteration". (From Hacettepe University online dictionary, after AGI) (A known mineralization centre). The most north-western gold-iron skarn occurrence located to date within the Guerrero Gold Belt. a. A departure from the expected or normal. b. The difference between an observed value and the corresponding computed value (background value). c. A geological feature, esp. in the subsurface, distinguished by geological, geophysical, or geochemical means, which is different from the general surroundings and is often of potential economic value; e.g., a magnetic anomaly. (From Hacettepe University online dictionary, after AGI) Measured or calculated from a data series. Means the contiguous group of claims totalling 59, 587.52 hectares and including the claims named: El Coyote (T222224), Cosmos (T224813), Don Richard (T224743), Coyopancho (T223694), Cuetzala (T224814), Morenita (T224383) and Don Jesus (T231105). Means the contiguous group of claims totalling 21,742.42 hectares and including the claims named: Ottawa (T221781), Consorcio (T222399), Durazno (T224953) and Vinatas (225449). A measured or calculated geochemical, geophysical, petrological or other threshold considered representative of an area. The "Normal" or "not anomalous". Said of a potential mineral deposit that does not crop out at surface. Lies beneath a cover of rock or unconsolidated material. Means fragmental rocks whose components are angular and, therefore, as distinguished from conglomerates as not water worn. May be sedimentary or formed by crushing or grinding along faults or by hydrothermal explosions. Canadian dollars, United States of America dollars. An alteration consisting mainly of calc-silicate minerals Consejo de Recursos Minerals (also Coremi). The former Mexican Geological Survey now renamed the "SGM" Diamond drill hole Legally required American System for Electronic Data Gathering and Retrieval (EDGAR) Said of a hydrothermal mineral deposit formed within about 1 km of the Earth's surface and in the temperature range of 50 to 200 degrees C, occurring mainly as veins. Also, said of that depositional environment. Iron oxide Similar environment to that found at the Filos Project, Guerrero, Mexico Formation. A formal stratigraphic unit. Recording X, Y, and Z Cartesian co-ordinates in accordance with a recognized grid referencing system, in this case to a UTM grid using a WGS84 ellipsoid model. The Guerrero Gold Belt. A linear array of gold-iron skarn and gold skarn developed at the contacts between platform carbonate rocks and early Tertiary intrusions. Conforms to a proposed model of mineralization for the GGB VII GIS MAPPABLE Gm/Tonne or g/t GPS I.N.E.G.I. Jasperoid, Jasperoidal, Jasperoid breccia JV Kb, kb Limon type Ltd, Inc M, Ma, MT m.a.s.l. E14A87, E14C17 MgO, SiO2; K2O Mineralization (mineralizing) oz, ppm, ppb, ºC, mm, cm, m, Km, 2, Km N, S, E, W, NW, etc No. NQ Core NSR Nt “on trend” or “on Strike” Paired Intrusion pathfinder elements PhotoSat QA-QC Red-ox boundary S.A de C.V S.A.B. de C.V Sedar SEDEX SEMARNAT SGM Showing Significant gold intercept Skarn Target Threshold TSX, NEX UTM Q14N VMS WGS84 Having measured or assigned Cartesian co-ordinates (X, Y, and Z) that can be used in GIS (geographic information systems) software for data processing, plotting and interpretation. Where X is easting, Y is northing and Z is elevation. th Grams per Tonne. Where a gramme (also gram) is a unit of measure equal to 1/1000 of a kilogram. A Tonne is a metric Tonne having a unit weight of 1,000 kilograms. An electronic device that records the data transmitted by the geographic positioning satellite system. Instituto Nacional de Esdatística Y Geografía Rock composed dominantly of silica, most commonly quartz that has formed largely by epigenetic replacement. It is a common product of hydrothermal alteration of carbonate or carbonate rich rocks in many mineralized areas and, in this usage, is commonly associated with iron oxide alteration. Jasperoid differs from the term "jasper" which refers specifically to silicified limestone. Jasperoidal is having the appearance of or is partially transformed to jasperoid. Jasperoid breccia is a breccia or fragmental rock composed of jasperoid, either in the matrix and/or the fragments. Joint venture Kilo bar, an international unit of measure for pressure. Similar environment to that found at the Limon Deposit, Morelos Project, in Guerrero State, Mx. Limited, Incorporated Million, Million years, Million tones Meters above sea level Mapping index system for Mexico Magnesium, silica and potassium oxides respectively. Major rock forming chemical compounds. The presence of minerals of possible economic value – and also the process by which concentration of economic minerals occurs. Units of measure: ounce, parts per million, parts per billion, degrees Celsius, millimetre, centimetre, metre, kilometre and square kilometres. North, south, east, west, northwest, northeast etc. Number Specifies the diameter of a cylinder of drill core, NQ has a 45mm diameter. Net Smelter Return Nano Tesla. The international unit for measuring magnetic flux density. A definable geographic direction or orientation of strata, objects or occurrences. Co-existing mafic (andesite-diorite porphyry) and felsic (quartz-rich granodiorite) intrusions. Chemical elements used as a exploration guide or vector to potentially economic mineralization High definition stereo satellite elevation mapping - A remote sensing exploration tool A quality assurance and quality control program The geochemical boundary between reducing and oxidizing chemical environment. Sociedad Anónima de Capital Variable Sociedad Anónima Bursatil de Capital Variable Legally required Canadian System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR) A sedimentary exhalative model for mineralization The Federal Mexican Environmental Protection Agency Sociedad Geologíco Mexicano -The Mexican Geological Survey, a branch of the Federal Government A location where alteration and/or mineralization occurs at surface. Drill core intervals that assayed anomalous gold over one or more consecutive sample intervals. A metamorphic rock rich in calcium bearing silicate minerals (calc-silicates), commonly formed at or near intrusive rock contacts by the introduction of silica rich hydrothermal fluids into a carbonate rich country host rock such as limestone and dolomite. Also, part of an alteration process for the introduction and formation of ore forming mineralization and a common host for mineralization/ore. A focus or loci for exploration In geochemical prospecting, the limiting anomalous value below which variations represent only normal background effects and above which they have significance in terms of possible mineral deposits. (From Hacettepe University online dictionary, after Hawkes) Toronto Stock Exchange, a division of the TSX Universal Transverse Mercator Zone 14 north Volcanogenic massive sulphides An ellipsoid modal of the earth VIII CONVERSIONS The following table sets forth certain standard conversions from the Standard Imperial units to the International System of Units (or metric units). To Convert From Feet Meters Miles Kilometres Acres Hectares Grams Ounce (troy) Tonnes (T) Short tons (t) Grams per ton To Meters Feet Kilometres Miles Hectares Acres Ounces (troy) Grams Short tons Tonnes Ounces (troy) per ton Multiply By 0.3048 3.281 1.609 0.621 0.405 2.471 0.032 31.103 1.102 0.907 0.029 Ounces (troy) per Tonne Grams per Tonne 34.438 IX 0.0 SUMMARY Newstrike Capital Inc. (“Newstrike” or “the Company”) was incorporated under the Business Corporations Act (Alberta) in November, 2000 and continued to British Columbia under the B.C. Business Corporations Act in 2006. The Company is a reporting issuer in the provinces of British Columbia and Alberta, Canada. Its securities are listed for trading on the NEX Board of the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol “NES.H”. In June 2008, the Company acquired 100% of the issued and outstanding capital stock of Aurea Mining Inc. and, through this, 100% ownership of its Mexican subsidiary, Minera Aurea, S.A. de C.V (“Minera”). Minera holds a 100% interest within the gold bearing oxidized iron skarn-porphyry camp of the Guerrero Gold Belt (the “GGB”) in Guerrero State, Mexico. Newstrike’s 100% owned 59,587.62 hectare Aurea Norte Property (“AN Property”) described in this Technical Report, was acquired through direct staking by the original Mexican predecessor company and is subject to a 2.5% net smelter royalty (NSR). Acquired at the same time and subject to the same terms, Minera owns the Aurea Sur (21,742.42 hectares) Project located adjacent and south of the AN Property. Both the AN Property and the Aurea Sur Project have comparable geology to other gold occurrences and deposits of the GGB, some with proven ore reserves. This Technical Report will present a compilation of exploration work carried out on the AN Property between the year 2004 and 2009. Exploration results are summarized along with recommendations and a budget for continued exploration. The style of mineralization in the GGB is defined as a gold bearing iron skarn-porphyry mineralizing system generated during an adakite intrusive event that emplaced a series of stocks, dikes and sills into the Guerrero-Morelos Platform near the western boundary with the Teloloapan volcano-sedimentary Subterrain. Emplacement occurred within distensional openings created during relaxation of the compressional Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary Laramide Tectonic Orogeny. The deposits of the GGB occur within a contact alteration halo formed about and within a series of intrusions of primarily tonalite, monzodiorite, and granodiorite composition. The primary intrusions of importance to mineralization are observed along a northwest-southeast trend that has become known as the Guerrero Gold Belt or GGB. Newstrike’s AN Property does not fall within any environmentally protected area. All permissions and applications required in accordance with environmental regulations have been complied with and can be viewed on file. Contractual agreements for surface access to the mining concessions will require updating prior to re-initiating exploration. Three different mineralizing environments are recognized on the AN Property: 1. A Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS); 2. The Guerrero Gold Belt Fe (Au, Cu) skarn-porphyry system of Laramide age; 3. A Tertiary, Ag-Pb-Zn (Cu) low sulphidation epithermal overprint. The current focus of exploration is exclusively on the Fe (Au, Cu) skarn-porphyry system and descriptions and interpretations within this Technical Report almost exclusively pertain to this mineralizing event. X Regionally, late Jurassic through to Cretaceous stratigraphy assigned to two different proposed subterrains underlies the AN Property including the Volcano-sedimentary Teloloapan sub-terrain (“Teloloapan”), and the Guerrero-Morelos Platform sediments (“Platform”). The boundary between the two subterrains bisects the AN Property roughly in half from north to south. The western portion is favourable for a VMS environment while the eastern portion is favourable for a GGB style of mineralization. The evolution of the proposed tectonic boundary between the two subterrains is subject of an ongoing academic debate summarized briefly in this report. The key observations from the debate that are relevant to exploration include the following: • The GGB intrusions associated with gold mineralization share a similar provenance in an calc-alkaline magmatic event of island arc affinity (adakite) that varies 62 +\- 0.7 Ma in the southeast, to about 66.2 +\- 0.8 Ma to the northwest, using K-Ar age dating, and 63 +/- 2 Ma using U-Pb. • A younger more alkalic intrusive event of around 30.0 +\- 0.2 Ma to 35.9 +\- 0.5 Ma using K-Ar age dating can form gold bearing skarn but is not yet associated with known economic deposits. • Ages of the intrusions related to the district-scale GGB gold mineralization postdate the formation of the proposed boundary. Deformation of the proposed boundary during the Laramide likely led to structural preparation and controls for subsequent mineralization. • The implication of this from an exploration perspective suggests that if the proposed GGB model for mineralization remains a valid model, then these intrusions could be assumed to occur on either side of or “within” the proposed tectonic boundary. Known gold bearing intrusions can be reasonably argued to exist within this boundary (e.g. the Ana Paula gold discovery). • Gold mineralization occurs in a variety of settings in this environment where no single deposit is exactly like another. The most productive environments recognized to date for economically mineable ore bodies include contact skarn (Nukay Mine), disseminated intrusion hosted skarn/porphyry (Los Filos), and a combination of these two within a structurally controlled mineralizing environment (El Limon). • All exploration targets on the property are blind (concealed) targets where the primary indications for mineralization are from alteration and anomalous geochemistry apparent in outcrop, especially at the early exploration stages. Indications for mineralization occur as alteration in outcrop, and from pathfinder geochemistry (Au, As, Sb, Hg, Cu, +/- Mo, Ag) and from structural and geophysical interpretation. In the GGB the best pathfinder element for gold is gold. This application of conceptual modelling, using structural, alteration, geochemical, and mineralogic indicators leading to discovery, occurred at the adjacent Filos and Limon deposits. XI Minera Aurea carried out exploration on the AN Property from mid-2004 through 2009 which included prospecting, selective regional and target mapping programs, various geological, structural and petrological studies, collection of 1532 rock chip and stream sediment samples, a ground magnetic survey, a PhotoSat alteration study, and 4,129 metres of core drilling in two programs. Newstrike expended C$128,593 between September 30 2008 and October 1st of 2009 on mineral exploration expenditures, audited as of July 31st, 2009. The expenditures were incurred on a review of all existing data, a database compilation, field and drill core reviews and an exploration report incorporating all work completed since project inception in 2004. Expenses related to the completion of this NI43-101 Technical Report are excluded from this total. The regional stream sediment survey returned various assay results anomalous in gold, varying from a calculated lower anomalous threshold of 11 ppb gold to a best assay of 1,000 ppb gold. The strongest exploration target generated from this survey is associated with PhotoSat target 4. Prospecting in the area suggests a VMS environment may exist. There are, however, field indications of both mineralizing environments (VMS and GGB) to occur near target 4 that will require further exploration. Expectations are that a GGB type intrusion emplaced within a volcanic-volcanoclastic environment rich in carbonates that may have the potential to produce a different style of gold deposit compared to those currently known for the GGB. In 2004, regional prospecting by Minera located three exploration targets conforming to the GGB model that became the focus for Newstrike’s exploration programs: San Luis, Rey David, and Morenita. Additional exploration targets, Apetlanca and PhotoSat targets 2 and 4 were located during subsequent exploration. These targets remain to be mapped and sampled. Outcrop chip sampling from the San Luis, Rey David, and Morenita showings returned anomalous gold, which was followed up with grid sample programs to assist with drill target definition. San Luis and Rey David are the more advanced exploration targets with completed drill programs. Morenita is currently drill ready. Alteration observed in outcrop and in drill core from these three showings is consistent with the GGB mineralization model and includes: phyllitic and argillic alteration, silica flooding, marble, hornfels, garnet, amphibole, quartz, jasperoid, jasperoid breccias, magnetite, fluorite, stibnite, realgar, oxidized iron skarn, veins of carbonate+/-quartz+/-clay+/-FeOx, intrusion hosted stockwork, biotite, potassium feldspar, among others. Anomalous outcrop assay results can vary from as low as 40 ppb gold, to the best assay of 7.79 gm/Tonne gold from outcrop chips at the San Luis showing (the latter an average of three repeat assays). Anomalous thresholds determined a “background” for outcrop chip samples of 40 ppb gold for the AN Property. The background determined for stream sediments is 11 ppb gold. Any assay results above background is considered anomalous. A total of 4,129.30 metres NQ diamond core drilling was completed in 21 drill holes, focusing entirely on the San Luis and Rey David showings. The best intercept is from the San Luis showing where drill hole SL003 intersected 1.11 gm/Tonne gold over a XII downhole length of 16.8 metres. Compilation and field checks of existing drill data is required to advance the San Luis target to the next phase of drilling. The large size of the AN Property combined with the indications of gold mineralization on known exploration targets and the evidence from outcrops and limited drilling suggests there is potential for multiple discoveries. Exploration results warrant continued drill programs. Initial work will require a large scale aeromagnetic and reconnaissance surveys. Secondly, two of the targets (San Luis and Morenita) will be advanced to a carefully-targeted drill program and at least two new prospects (Apetlanca and PhotoSat Target 2) are expected to move to a near drill-ready stage. A ten-month exploration budget (C$700,000) to be completed by the end of the second quarter in 2010 is sufficient to meet all mineral rights tax payments and assessment work obligations through the final quarter of 2010 in accordance with Mexican Mining Laws. Budget expenditures are staged over three parts to allow for receipt and assessment of results which will guide exploration. The objectives and recommended methodology of the exploration budget are outlined below. 1. Stage 1: Contract a 2000 line kilometre high-resolution airborne magnetic survey to be flown over the eastern portion of the Aurea Norte Property. Interpretations resulting from this important survey will assist in locating buried intrusions, structural interpretation and drill hole planning. 2. Stage 2: Complete a compilation of the San Luis-Rey David database. This includes alteration and structural mapping, re-logging of core, building new drill sections and field checks of results. The existing database must be put into a GIS mappable format. 3. Stage 3: Complete alteration and structural mapping of the Morenita-Aguacate target and complete preliminary geologic mapping of the Apetlanca showing. During this period, two new targets, the VMS and PhotoSat target 2 will be field assessed as time permits. 4. Stages 2-3 will incorporate trench and grid sampling as required. 5. All new exploration programs initiated on the projects must incorporate GIS data acquisition methods using the best practices exploration guidelines and QA-QC procedures as outlined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101. The successful conclusion of this work program (stages 1-3) will lead to a decision point to allow for subsequent prioritized drill programs, tentatively anticipated for a late third quarter start up. XIII XIV 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND TERMS OF REFERENCE Preparation of this Technical Report was undertaken on behalf of Newstrike Capital Inc. (“Newstrike” or the “Company”) in documenting the merits of the Aurea Norte Property (the “AN Property”, ”Qualifying Property”, or “Property”) for compliance reporting and disclosure requirements set forth in the Canadian Securities Administrators’ National Instrument 43101, Companion Policy 43-101CP, and Form 43-101F1. This Technical Report is based on a foundation of extensive work programs completed by various major, mid-size, independent, and junior mining companies including Newstrike over the past 20+ years as summarized in annual and internal reports, geologic, geochemical, and geophysical maps and published geologic reports pertaining to the specific AN Property and near region. The author, Robert Lunceford a Qualified Person under NI 43-101 requirements has especially benefited from discussions with Ms. Gillian Kearvell, Vice President of Exploration for Newstrike and Sr. Jesús Castro Mora, Senior Geologist of Minera Aurea, S.A. de C.V (“Minera”) the wholly owned Mexican subsidiary of Newstrike. Accompanied by Ms. Kearvell and Sr. Castro-Mora, the author conducted a field examination of the AN Property on September 2, 2009 during which four rock chip samples were collected from the San Luis, Rey David, and Aguacate exploration targets and two core samples from the San Luis drill program. 2.0 RELIANCE ON OTHER EXPERTS This Technical Report is an accurate representation of the status and geologic potential of the AN Property based on the information available to the author and the field visit conducted September 2, 2009. Gold targets within the AN Property are early-stage, conceptual prospects and showings with some potentially economic grades collected from outcrops and within limited core drill holes. This Technical Report is based on the author’s personal familiarity with the AN Property and on a review and compilation of published and unpublished geological, geochemical, and geophysical data obtained from corporate, private, and government sources, and scientific journals and publications by multiple authors. All sources of information cited are listed in the References section at the end of this Technical Report. Data pertaining to the AN Property was collected by experienced geologists, geophysicists, and technicians, consistent with acceptable industry standards and provides a credible, reliable database. A Qualified Person supervised the work programs conducted by Newstrike and its predecessor company (Kearvell, Personal Communication, 2009). An exploration work program, including but not limited to, re-logging of drill core, geologic mapping, rock geochemical sampling, and possible trenching to enhance and define drill targets at the San Luis and Rey David targets is planned for the next phase of work. The results of the program will lead to a diamond drill program required to advance the AN Property. In formulating recommendations herein, the author has considered the most appropriate means of determining the true value of the AN Property. 1 It was not within the scope of this Technical Report to examine in detail or to independently verify the legal status or ownership of the AN Property. Newstrike has made available to the author certain information concerning the status of each of the mineral concessions comprising the AN Property. The author has reviewed the relevant documents and has no reason to believe that ownership and status are other than as has been represented, but determination of secure mineral title is solely the responsibility of Newstrike. 3.0 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION Newstrike’s land holdings are located within a district scale mining camp that is host to several producing mines for both a skarn-porphyry style of gold mineralization (the GGB style of mineralization) and for a volcanogenic massive sulphide mineralization (gold, copper, silver, lead, zinc). Historically, past production occurred on a small scale on several low sulphidation epithermal narrow vein deposits for silver-lead-zinc, with minor past production on local antimony and amethyst mines. These past producers are located for the most part outside the AN Property boundary. The metal of primary interest for exploration on the Newstrike’s land holdings is gold, with additional potential for silver-lead-zinc and for volcanogenic massive sulphides that is not the current focus of exploration. Figure 2 locates all known mineral showings on Newstrike’s GGB land holdings and also identifies mineralization and deposits on adjacent and internal claims owned by Newstrike. Newstrike’s primary objective is the gold potential in the region and all exploration at this early stage has focused on identifying and evaluating this potential on the Newstrike’s properties. This Technical Report presents a summary compilation of all exploration activities to date on the AN Property. Newstrike’s AN Property targets and showings represent early stage (or grassroot) exploration projects that were acquired after regional prospecting including ground reconnaissance and geologic mapping had identified favourable indicators for a GGB style of mineralization in the area consistent with the model described in section 8.0. As well, at least one exploration target has been located that is consistent with a volcanogenic massive sulphide mineralization model. All showings are associated with a magnetic and/or Photo Sat multispectral anomaly and were corroborated through the results of surface outcrop chip sampling, grid, trench and/or stream sediment sampling, and by drilling. While exploration has advanced significantly, all showings remain at an early stage of exploration. The most advanced targets on the AN Property includes the San Luis and Rey David showings where 21 diamond drill holes were completed for a total of 4,129.30 metres drilled. The results of these programs are discussed in the appropriate sections of this Technical Report. 3.1 Legal Newstrike Capital Inc. was incorporated under the Business Corporations Act (Alberta) in November, 2000 and continued to British Columbia under the B.C. Business Corporations Act in 2006. The Company is a reporting issuer in the provinces of British Columbia and Alberta, Canada, listed for trading on the NEX Board of the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol NES.H. 2 In June 2008, Newstrike acquired 100% of the issued and outstanding capital stock of Aurea Mining Inc. (“Aurea”) and, through this, 100% ownership of its Mexican subsidiary, Minera Aurea, S.A. de C.V (“Minera”). Minera holds a 100% interest in nine mineral concessions in Guerrero State, accruing 59,587.62 contiguous hectares as shown on Table 1 and located on Figure 1. The ownership of the mineral rights by Newstrike is subject to a 2.5% Net Smelter Royalty (NSR) due the former owner(s) of the concessions. Newstrike’s obligation to pay a NSR to the original owners resulted from a February 18, 2008 agreement between Minera and the owner(s). Other than keeping the concessions in good standing, no other obligations are due Newstrike as a result of the merger with Aurea (Kearvell, 2009). Mexican Mining Law requires an annual work assessment report and geological report in accordance with the amounts invested in the concession and reported above a minimum established annually. Work currently is in progress on the AN Property to comply with this requirement (Kearvell, 2009). Mexican Mining Law also requires certain mineral rights payments, due at the end of January and July annually. A mineral rights payment for the AN Property of about C$69,000 was completed by July 31st, 2009. The next mineral rights payments are due for January 31st and July 31st, 2010 and is estimated at C$72,000 each half. This estimate is included in the proposed exploration budget (Section 19.1: Recommendations, below). This amount is subject to modification once annual mineral rights fees are released for publication by the Mines Office. The mineral titles do not carry any other obligations. The Mining Department in México (the Dirección General de Minas or “Dirección”) issued new Regulations, by Presidential decree, regarding mining concessions effective from January 1, 2006, whereby all the Exploration and Exploitation mining claims that existed in good standing under the old system were automatically transformed to a unique type of Mining Concession valid for 50 years, beginning from the date of their registration in the Mining Public Registry. As a result of this decree, the expiry dates on some of the mining concessions comprising the AN Property (Table 1) that were initially titled as exploration concessions in 2004 and 2005 were automatically extended to conform with the new decree and will now expire in 2054 and 2055 respectively. Under the new decree, all claims in good standing are renewable for an additional 50-year term. Title to mineral rights is granted through the Dirección General de Minas. The process to acquire the rights is initiated by fulfilling all requirements of the mineral claims application and filing the application along with the relevant application fees. The applicant is required to build and label a claims monument within a specific distance of a property boundary, must provide a location map of the area requested for mineral rights, must include a description of local prominent features and provide the relative position with regards to other adjacent and nearby pre-existing claims. Fees vary depending on the size of the property in hectares and are updated and published annually in the Federal Official Newspaper (El Diario Oficial). On acceptance of the application by the Dirección, applicants then have 60 days to perform and file a legal survey as prepared by an official licensed mines surveyor (a Perito Minero). The Dirección General de Minas investigates each application prior to granting title to a claim, a process that can take a year or longer. Once approved, and as of January 1st, 2006, title to the new Mining Concession is granted for a 50-year term, renewable. Mineral rights become payable from the date of title issue. 3 Title to mineral properties involves certain inherent risks due to the difficulties of determining the validity of certain claims as well as the potential for problems arising from the frequently ambiguous conveyance history characteristic of many mineral properties. Newstrike has investigated title to all of its mineral properties and maintains them in accordance with Mexican Mining Law. To the best of the author’s knowledge, title to all properties is in good standing (Kearvell, 2009). Table 1. Mining concessions of the AN Property, Guerrero State, Mexico. MINING CONCESSION APPLICATION HECTARES TITLED NUMBER EXPIRATION EL COYOTE Nov 28-03 13,535.84 Jun-15-04 222224 June-14-54 COSMOS May-19-04 9,450.15 Jun-14-05 224813 June-13-55 DON RICHARD May-27-04 1,722.06 Jun-07-05 224743 June-06-55 COYOPANCHO Aug-25-04 5,351.62 Feb-03-05 223694 Feb-02-55 CUETZALA Jun-15-04 18,522.25 Jun-14-05 224814 June-13-55 LA MORENITA Oct-13-04 200 May-03-05 224383 May-02-55 DON JESUS Nov-01-04 1,518.65 Jan-17-08 231103 Jan-16-58 ESTEFANIA Nov-01-04 9,187.05 Jan-17-08 231104 Jan-16-58 ESTEFANIA FRACC. I Nov-01-04 100 Jan-17-08 231105 Jan-16-58 TOTAL 59,587.62 4 Figure 1. GGB mineral concession location map. The Aurea Norte Property (this Technical Report) is shown in medium blue and the Aurea Sur concessions to the south (light blue) are also owned by Newstrike. Adjacent and internal claims owned by companies other than Newstrike are indicated by grey and yellow tones. 5 Figure 2. Mineral showing/prospects/targets and deposits on and near the AN Property. 6 3.2 Encumbrances and Surface Rights Mining concession licenses do not grant surface access rights, given that they do not convey property rights to the parcel of land involved. Mining concessions are governed by Mexican Mining Law, which provides for the rights to carry out works and development required of and for mining and related activities. Surface ownership can be Private, Ejidal divided under the Mexican Ejido System, and Communal or Collective property; Mexican Agrarian Law governs all three types. Newstrike is required in this regard to obtain permission for surface access to their mining concessions to complete all exploration activities on the Property from the affected communities and individuals. Because of this, and while Newstrike cannot guarantee to have continual and unencumbered access to their mineral exploration properties, signed contractual agreements were maintained on all areas explored. As exploration proceeds, these access agreements are continuously updated as a matter of Newstrike’s policy for maintaining good community relations (Kearvell, 2009). Newstrike continues to maintain excellent community relations. As exploration progresses to an advanced stage, Newstrike must seek long-term to permanent surface access agreements, which may include long-term lease, option or other contractual agreement, direct purchase of surface rights, or through embargo under the provisions of the Mining Law, which holds precedence over Agrarian Law (Kearvell, 2009). 3.3 Permitting Newstrike’s AN Property does not fall within any protected area. All permissions and applications required in accordance with environmental regulations have been complied with and can be viewed on file according to Kearvell (2009). There are no known existing environmental liabilities on the AN Property. Furthermore, according to Mexican Federal Law for the Protection of the Environment, existing environmental conditions caused by past operations are not liabilities for the AN Property or its present owners. However, if the Property advances to the development stage the Company will have to submit an environmental impact statement and a risk analysis to SEMARNAT, together with an application for a change in soil uses for industrial purposes (Kearvell, 2009). 4.0 ACCESSIBILITY, CLIMATE, LOCAL RESOURCES, INFRASTRUCTURE, AND PHYSIOGRAPHY 4.1 Location The AN Property is located in the north-central part of the State of Guerrero in southern Mexico, roughly half way between the major city centres of Mexico City and the Port of Acapulco (Figure 3). The AN Property concessions within the GGB (“Guerrero Gold Belt”) cover 607.23 contiguous square kilometres, after internal claims are removed. 7 Newstrike also controls the 217.74 square kilometre Aurea Sur project directly south and adjacent to the AN Property. Newstrike’s entire land position in the GGB covers 824.97 contiguous square kilometres on two 1:50,000 scale I.N.E.G.I. map sheets, E14A87 and E14C17. The Balsas River forms a natural geographic barrier that separates the AN Property from the Aurea Sur project. The AN Property centroid is located by UTM Q14N, WGS84, 410960.66E and 2004285.99N or by 99º 50’ 29.96’’ west longitude and 18º 7’ 32.19’’ north latitude. 4.2 Accessibility and Infrastructure The town of Iguala, with a population about 200,000 is a three-hour drive from Mexico City and about four-hours from the port City of Acapulco (Figure 3). The AN Property concessions are accessible from Iguala via paved highways and good all season unpaved roads. Driving time from Iguala is about two-hours to the AN Property. Travel times are decreasing as State programs continue to improve infrastructure, including paved and updated highway access. All major supplies and services are available from the cities of Iguala, Cuernavaca and Chilpancingo, the state capital. Basic supplies are available from the local towns of Nuevo Balsas and Cuetzala del Progresso, among other small town suppliers. The nearest available national airport is in Cuernavaca, with international airports located at Acapulco and Mexico City. Access and infrastructure varies from poor to moderate on Aurea Sur, to very good on Aurea Norte. Water, hydroelectric power and a seasoned though unskilled labour force is readily available to both AN Property and Aurea Sur project. The immediate economy has been dominated by small scale or subsistence agriculture and agriculture related services. That scenario is changing, as recent mining development projects including Rey de Plata, Campo Morado, Limon and Los Filos have become the principal regional employers. 8 Figure 3. AN Property location, Guerrero State, Mexico. The AN Property is shown in blue and outlined in red. (Kearvell, 2009). 4.3 Physiography Topography is rugged in the GGB, with elevations varying from 450m at the Balsas River, rising abruptly to over 2200m at the highest peaks. The mountain ranges are divided by the Balsas River into the Sierras del Norte and the Sierra Madre del Sur. Vegetation is dominated by thorny plants and cacti at low elevations giving way uphill to patchy oak forest and finally pine forest at the highest elevations. Vegetation is barren and desert-like during the dry winter months, with lush tropical growth during the wet summer season. The climate in the region is classified as warm and humid, with an average temperature of 28ºC (range of 17ºC to 45ºC) and average precipitation of 835 mm per year. Rainfall occurs from June through October during a monsoonal tropical wet season that includes the influence of hurricanes from both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Winters are dry with occasional light rains in February. Guerrero is in a seismically active part of the country. 9 5.0 HISTORY The history of exploration in the GGB and of the AN Property was summarized by Kearvell, (2005, 2006, and 2009). The GGB was originally defined by the political boundaries of the (former) Federal Morelos Mineral Reserve (the “Reserve”), a roughly 19 by 26 kilometre or 46,700 hectare area known for its historic small mining operations for “replacement bodies” with gold and “fissure filling” vein silver. The boundaries of the original Reserve and a geology map are provided in Figure 4 (page 13). Some of the internal claims not included in the Reserve when it was formed are also shown on Figure 4. Today these internal claims make up the Xochipala, Nukay, Bermejal and Los Filos projects and mines. Prior to privatization of the Reserve through public Auction in 1998, the Servicio Geologíco Mexicano (“SGM”) divided it into two parcels called the Morelos and Morelos Sur projects. Today the area is controlled by Goldcorp Inc. (“Goldcorp”), Teck Resources Ltd. (“Teck”) (property interests are currently being sold to Gleichen Resources Ltd.) and La Camera Mining Inc. (“Camera”) and is subject to a 3% net smelter royalty payable to the SGM. Prior to privatization of the Reserve in 1998, there were two joint venture agreements in place - between Miranda Mining Corporation (“Miranda”) and Teck and Industrias Peñoles S.A.B. de C.V. (“Peñoles”) and Newmont Mining Corporation (“Newmont”). These joint ventures explored the Nukay, Filos and Bermejal projects. The first discoveries resulting from modern exploration methods were announced by press releases in 1987 with Peñoles-Newmont’s Bermejal project, and in 1997 with Teck-Miranda’s Los Filos project. Following privatization in 1998, the former Reserve saw a significant increase in exploration over the next four years, leading to several other new discoveries including then Grupo Mexico’s (Grupo Mexico S.A.B. de C.V.) Los Calles and Mina Verde deposits (now Camera Mining) and El Limon and Los Guajes deposits operated under the Teck-Miranda joint venture (“JV”). The first mine went into production in 2008 at the Los Filos project, a combination of the original Nukay, Filos and Bermejal discoveries after Goldcorp acquired them. 5.1 Chronology of Prospecting, Exploration, and Development in GGB The following chronology, summarized by Kearvell (2005, 2006, and 2009), of exploration in the former Morelos Reserve is a general compilation of activities and should not be considered complete. 1924 - The Franco Urias Family discovered gold at Xochipala in 1924. They operated a small mine and mill intermittently until 1988, producing a total of 360,000 ounces gold. 1947 - The family owned Nukay Mine went into production in 1947 as a small underground cut-and fill gold mining operation. Gold occurs in what was then described as manto and fissure filling vein deposits and about 500,000 metric Tonnes of ore grading 18 gm/Tonne Au (290,000 Au oz) were extracted between 1947 and 1964 (historical records). 10 1950-1960’s - Several small mining operations begin operating in the area, mostly for epithermal Ag-Pb-Zn from high-grade narrow veins (El Anono Mine, Vianey Mine) and for amethyst and antimony. The Todos Santos mine, a Au-Cu skarn was the first disseminated, intrusion-hosted gold and copper discovery in the GGB. It was drill delineated during this time by Minera Comicosa (“Comicosa”) under option from Compañía Minera la Suriana S.A. De C.V. (“Suriana”). Suriana had previously operated the mine for its Ag-Pb-Zn veins. While grades and reserves for that period are not available, in the last five years of operation Comicosa did extensive exploration in an attempt to delineate sufficient reserves for a 500 Tonne Per Day operation. 1977 - The 47,600 hectare Morelos Mineral Reserve was created during the Administration of President Miguel de la Madrid. All claims in good standing in the area, including concessions where the Nukay, Xochipala and Bermejal projects are currently located, remained in the hands of private owners as did a few other small internal claims. 1977 to 1980's - The Consejo de Recursos Minerales (CRM) carried out considerable regional and detailed work in the GGB including the area, which was to become the Morelos Mineral Reserve. Beginning in the 1980's work included regional and detailed mapping, airborne and ground geophysical surveys and compilations of all historical data. 1986 - Peñoles acquired rights to the Bermejal area and formed a joint venture with Newmont. Aggressive exploration was carried out between 1986 and 1993. 1987 - Minera Nukay S.A. De C.V. (“Nukay”) acquired and expanded the original Nukay Mine, which was then producing 100 tons per day from the underground mine workings. During road building, discovery of high-grade gold skarn mineralization prompted opening of the Nukay open pit. The Peñoles-Newmont JV announced the discovery of the Bermejal gold deposit. 1993 - Nukay was taken over by Miranda. In 1993 a JV was finalized with Teck to explore and develop the Nukay open pit mine and surrounding claims, the Teck-Miranda JV. The Nukay plant was expanded, eventually reaching 400 tons per day. 1994 - The Peñoles-Newmont joint venture completed a prefeasibility study on their Bermejal deposit. Continuing poor market conditions led to a negative feasibility decision and Newmont terminated the JV. The Teck-Miranda JV discovered skarn and intrusion hosted disseminated gold mineralization at Los Filos. Teck commenced an evaluation of the Morelos Mineral Reserve when the Mexican government announced plans to privatize all mineral reserves in Mexico through a lottery process. The Reserve, administered by the government controlled CRM, was divided into North and South portions in preparation for privatization through public auction. 1997 – The Teck-Miranda JV announced discovery of the Los Filos deposit. Miranda discovers the Ana Paula prospect, the first GGB style discovery outside the boundaries of the former Reserve. 1998 - The Servicio Geologíco Mexicano (SGM, formerly the CRM) privatized the Reserve through public auction. Teck and Miranda formed a combined company, Minera Media Luna S.A. De C.V. (MML) to bid for the Morelos Mineral Reserve with Teck as operator for MML and majority owner at 78.2%. The Morelos North lottery was won by MML in July 11 1998 with a bid of US$3.12 Million dollars plus a 3% NSR (Net Smelter Return). Grupo Mexico won Morelos Sur with a bid of US$4.02 Million. 2001 - Teck merged with Cominco to become Teckcominco (Teck). The Limon discovery is announced for the Morelos Norte Project. 2003 - Wheaton River Minerals Inc (Wheaton) purchases 100% of Miranda for US$38.6M. The agreement includes the Nukay mine, Miranda’s 30% interest in Los Filos and 100% of other claims in the region (e.g. Ana Paula) as well as Miranda’s 21.2% Interest in the Morelos North project. Wheaton also purchased Teck’s interests in Miranda, and in Los Filos for US$48.4M. Teck retained their interests in the Morelos North project. Wheaton now owns 100% of the Nukay and Los Filos Mines, 21.2% of the Morelos Norte Project and the undeveloped Ana Paula prospect for a combined cost of US$87M. 2005 - Goldcorp bought Wheaton and announced the purchase of 100% of the Bermejal Gold deposit from Peñoles for US$70M. Goldcorp announced a positive stand-alone feasibility study for Los Filos. Final development decisions are deferred until a combined feasibility study is complete for both Filos and Bermejal. Teck and Goldcorp are now the partners for MML with Teck as operator. Industrias Miral S.A. de C.V. (Miral) forms Minera Otawa S.A. de C.V (Otawa). the predecessor company to Aurea Mining Inc (Aurea) and stakes claims on the northwest extension of the former Reserve that will become the AN Property. 2005 - Aurea, combining former management from both Teck and Miranda is listed for trading on the Toronto Venture exchange. Aurea begins exploration on the northwest extension of the GGB. Early exploratory drilling on the AN Property by Aurea intersects 16.8m grading 1.11gm/Tonne Au. 2007 - Mine development at the Filos Project advanced to completion. Teck continues delineating the Limon discovery on the Morelos Norte JV project. 2008 - Newstrike Capital Inc. (Newstrike) and Aurea Mining Inc. merge, becoming Newstrike Capital Inc. The first mine goes into production at Goldcorp’s Los Filos project on December 31, 2008. 2009 - Teck announced the sale of their 78.8% share in the Morelos Norte project to Gleichen Resources Ltd for US$150 million and a share position totalling 4.9% interest in Gleichen. Closure of the deal is pending due diligence at the time of this report. 12 Figure 4. Morelos Mineral Reserve, general geology and age dates. The map shows the distribution of some of the principal showings and deposits throughout the former Morelos Federal Mineral Reserve and the relation of the deposits to the underlying intrusions. These intrusions define the northwest trend of the GGB. Modified from a CRM geology map, date unknown (after Kearvell, 2009) 13 6.0 GEOLOGIC SETTING 6.1 Tectonic Setting The area of the GGB is underlain by a tectonostratigraphic basement stratigraphy known as the Nahuatl Terrain (Sedlock, et. al., 1993) and the greenschist facies Early Jurassic Tierra Caliente Metamorphic Complex (Cabral-Cano, et. al., 2000). According to CastroMora (2009) the Tierra Caliente mega-terrain hosts a small area that could be truncated into two major provinces: the Morelos-Guerrero Platform and the "Guerrero-Colima Orogenic Complex" (after Ortega-Gutiérrez, et. al., 1992), in which the Teloloapan SubTerrain is located (Salinas-Prieto and Monod, 2000). The Teloloapan Subterrain and Morelos Guerrero Platform form the dominant outcroppings on the AN Property (Figure 5) and may be considered underlain by the Tierra Caliente Metamorphic Complex. The tectonic evolution of the proposed subterrains remains the subject of an academic dispute that is summarized by Lang et. al. (1995), as follows: “In the first modern plate reconstruction of Pangea, Bullard et. al.. (1965) considered southern Mexico an anomaly because of the apparent overlap of Mexico and South America. Attempts to explain this overlap led to numerous ad hoc hypotheses, including: (1) "arbitrary rotation" (e.g. Dietz and Holden, 1970, p. 4944) of most of southern Mexico into the Gulf of Mexico or elsewhere prior to Jurassic time; and (2) the proposition that "megashears" isolated most of Mexico from the rest of North America during various stages of the evolution of the Caribbean, eastern Pacific and North America plates (e.g., Coney, 1978; Silver and Anderson, 1983; Burke, 1988; Gastil, 1991). Campa and Coney (1983) added the suspect terrain hypothesis”…”which itself has been subjected to numerous revisions (cf. Sedlock et. al.., 1993). According to Campa and Coney (1983), the terrains of southern and western Mexico are exotic crustal blocks of uncertain paleogeographic origin, that were accreted to the North America Plate in CampanianEocene time, during the Laramide Orogeny. But structural measurements reported by Ratschbacher et. al. (1991) and Meschede et. al.. (1996) show that the terrains of southern Mexico form tectonic elements integral to the mid-Cretaceous-Cenozoic evolution of the southern North America Plate. These results are consistent with Ross and Scotese's (1988) plate reconstructions that show no overlap problem and no terrain accretion in southern Mexico since Early Cretaceous time. Thus, the Mesozoic tectonostratigraphic evolution of the southwestern margin of the North America Plate in Mexico is still in debate.” Lang et. al. (1996) concluded from their work that “Our mapping and tectonostratigraphic assessment of the Guerrero transect shows that boundaries of three different versions of the Guerrero/Mixteca terrains and the Arcelia/Teloloapan subterranes are normal stratigraphic contacts or faults. Across these boundaries we found no major stratigraphic incompatibilities that would support the existence of any of these terrains. Published paleomagnetic studies and crustal gravity models also do not require that separate terrains and their boundaries exist in the area.” 14 Cabral-Cano et. al., in 2000, subsequently proposed that the stratigraphic units could be attributed to normal volcanic and marine sedimentary deposition over an attenuated crust. Moran-Zenteno et. al., in 2005 provided a summary of the disputed tectonic structural setting based on documented evidence that illustrates proposed crustal shortening during the compressional tectonics of the Laramide orogeny (Figure 6). The complicated structural environment and the visual similarity between incompetent sedimentary units at the outcrop level will continue to pose problems in resolution of this dispute. Whichever of the regional tectonic evolution theories may eventually become accepted accretionary, transitional, a combination, or some other, has implications for future exploration since the ages of the intrusions related to the district-scale GGB style of gold mineralization post-date the formation of the proposed boundary in the basement stratigraphy. Any pre-existing structures or deformation of those terrains and the proposed boundary will have played a role in controlling the emplacement of the mineralizing intrusions. The implication of this from an exploration perspective on the AN Property suggests that the relatively younger GGB intrusions could reasonably be assumed to occur on either side of and even “within” any of the proposed tectonic boundaries. In other words, they may be exposed primarily within the Platform sediment, but there is no reason to assume they could not also have been intruded into stratigraphy belonging to the Teloloapan sub-terrain. Expectations are that a GGB type intrusion emplaced within a volcanic-volcanoclastic environment rich in carbonates has the potential to produce a different style of gold deposit compared to those currently known for the GGB. An example of a GGB style intrusions that may be reasonably argued as occurring “within” this tectonic boundary include Goldcorp’s Ana Paula gold discovery (Kearvell, 2009). 15 Figure 5. The Teloloapan and Guerrero-Morelos Tectonic Boundary, (after Megaw, 2005). 16 Figure 6. Crustal shortening affecting rocks of the Upper Cretaceous and Palaeogene. Grey dashed lines indicate proposed frontiers of the tectonostratigraphic terrains after Campa and Coney, 1983 and Sedlock et. al.. 1993. The Terrains are indicated by capital letters where: G= Guerrero; Mi= Mixteca; O= Oaxaca; J= Juárez; M=Maya; And X= Xolapa. The dashed lines indicate the limits of outcroppings of the Pre-Mesozoic rocks and the discontinuous lines show where Palaeozoic rocks have been thrust over Mesozoic rocks. The structures were compiled by 1) Montiel-Escobar et. al.. (2000); 2) Altamira-Areyán (2002); 3) Elías-Herrera et. al.. (2000); 4) Salinas-Prieto et. al.. (2000); 5) Cabral-Cano et. al.. (2000b); 6) Rivera-Carranza et. al.. (1997); 7) Campa-Uranga et. al.. (1998); 8) Cerca et. al.. (2004); 9) Monroy y Sosa (1984); 10) Meneses-Rocha et. al.. (1994); 11) González-Ramos et. al.. (2001), References to which are found in her report. The approximate location of the AN Property is highlighted in red. (after Morán-Zenteno et. al., 2005). 17 6.2 Regional Geology The AN Property is situated in the northwest sector of the GGB. The TeloloapanPlatform tectonic boundary described in Section 6.1 divides the Property into two distinct stratigraphic environments, each host to a different observed style of mineralization. The western half of the project area, shown in blue on Figure 5, is underlain by the volcanosedimentary stratigraphy of the Teloloapan subterrain which hosts several known VMS style massive sulphides deposits, including the Campo Morado-Campo Seco trend (La Reforma, El Rey, El Largo, El Naranjo and the producing G9 deposits), and Rey de Plata (Miranda-Gasca, 2001). The eastern half of the AN Property, shown in yellow in Figure 5, is underlain by the Guerrero-Morelos Platform stratigraphy that is the principal host for the gold mineralization associated with the GGB. The boundary between the two is the disputed boundary discussed in Section 6.1 and whose exact nature and location is still under dispute. To date, Newstrike’s exploration efforts have been focused entirely on the potential to host a GGB style of deposit on the portion of the AN Property that lies east of the proposed tectono-stratigraphic boundary (Figure 7). The GGB is defined as a gold bearing iron skarn-porphyry mineralizing system generated during an adakite intrusive event that emplaced a series of stocks, dikes and sills into the Guerrero-Morelos Platform near the western boundary with the Teloloapan Volcano-sedimentary Subterrain during relaxation of the compressional Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary Laramide Tectonic Orogeny. The deposits of the GGB occur within a contact alteration halo formed about and within the series of intrusions of primarily tonalite, monzodiorite, and granodiorite. The primary intrusions of importance to mineralization are observed to outcrop for at least 38 kilometres through the district on a northwest-southeast trend (Kearvell, 2009). The host intrusions share a similar provenance in the adakite magmatic event of 63 +/- 2 Ma using U-Pb age dating. The K-Ar age dating suggests an age variation from about 62 +\- 0.7 Ma in the southeast, to about 66.2 +\- 0.8 Ma in the northwest. Adakite intrusions are characterised by having an active island arc calc-alkaline geochemical affinity (Gonzalez-Partida, et. al., 2003, and Lavresse et. al., 2004). A second magmatic event around 30.0 +\- 0.2 Ma to 35.9 +\- 0.5 Ma is more alkalic in composition. Despite the development of skarn alteration assemblages observed at the contacts of the younger intrusions, studies conducted by Valencia Gómez, et. al., (2002), suggest there is no relation between the younger intrusions and the mineralized deposits in the region. Intrusions related to GGB mineralization occur in a predominantly northwest trend of sills, dikes and stocks emplaced into the Guerrero-Morelos platform sediments near its western edges. 18 Figure 7. AN Property (blue) along the northwest trend of the Guerrero Gold Belt. 19 6.3 Regional Stratigraphy The following stratigraphy underlies the GGB and immediate areas. 6.3.1 Teloloapan Subterrain Teloloapan subterrain includes an undifferentiated informal stratigraphy described by Campa and Coney (1983) as “a sequence of andesitic volcanic and volcanoclastic sediments interstratified with limestone, shale, and sandstone. The sediments have yielded fossils of Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous ages. No older basement is presently known. The assemblage has been affected by low-grade regional metamorphism and is quite severely deformed. Along the eastern margin of the terrain in the State of Guerrero the volcanic and sedimentary assemblage is thrust eastward over shelf carbonates of Cretaceous age that are part of the Mixteca Terrain platform. The exact nature of the contact between the westerly lying Teloloapan subterrain stratigraphy and the east lying Platform stratigraphy is the subject of the debate discussed in Section 6.1 of this Technical Report. 6.3.2 Guerrero-Morelos Platform i. Morelos Formation The Morelos Formation is a Mid-Cretaceous Albian sequence known to be at least 900m thick, according to Werre, et. al. (1999). Cabral Cano (1999) describe the Morelos Formation to include miliolid-rich, Albian limestones and dolostones and include reefal facies, massive wackestone, packestone and grainstone that contain miliolids, bioclasts, intraclasts, as well as rudist banks, occasionally with chert. Strata are commonly dolomitized and depositional environments span from toe of the slope to open platform facies. ii. Cuautla Formation The Cuautla Formation was described by Werre, et. al. (1999) as a Late Cretaceous, Turonian aged sequence from 0 to 30 meters thick, of pale grey, to grey weathered thin bedded, locally laminated calcareous shale (marls), fine-grained limestone and rare gypsum layers. The sequence was not widespread and considered peripheral or transitional to the overlying Mezcala Formation. It was interpreted to lie unconformably over the Morelos Formation locally as erosional windows, and locally appeared transitional between Morelos and Mezcala Fms. iii. Mezcala Formation The Mezcala formation is a Late Cretaceous sequence of Cenomian to Maastrichtian age consisting of yellowish weathering thin-bedded Flysch type calcareous shale, siltstones and/or wacke and sandstones. The type section of this formation is found along the Rio Balsas near the town of Mezcala, (Werre, et. al., 1999). Cabral-Cano (1999) describes, 20 “A basal member of thinly bedded limestone or limey siltstone that grades upwards into an upper member composed of a sequence of shale and sandstone, and minor conglomeratic beds. Locally, as black shale and packestone or packstone and intercalated monotonous dark gray shale with minor fine sandstone beds. Shale beds may be thin (<2-3 cm) or thick (up to 60 cm). Axial plane cleavage is conspicuous in thicker bedded intervals. The minimum thickness of the Mezcala Formation in the Pachivia area is 2000 m. However, many small thrust faults and folds have probably increased the apparent thickness of this unit. Thickness estimates elsewhere are 1300 m near Iguala (Gonzalez-Pacheco, 1991) and approximately 2,500 m near Mitepec, 100 km east of the study area (Lang et. al., 1996 in Cabral-Cano et. al., 1999). iv. Intrusions Calc-alkalic intrusive events of island arc affinity (Adakite) of 62 to 65 million years, or Laramide age, are related to the gold mineralization in the GGB. They appear to form a northwest-southeast trending highly differentiated series of porphyritic intrusions of primarily tonalite, monzodiorite, and granodiorite compositions. A second alkalic intrusive event includes predominantly dacitic dikes and intrusive breccia and granite to porphyritic granite stocks, are dated at mid-Tertiary in age (30 to 36 million years). v. Tertiary Stratigraphy Undifferentiated volcanic-volcaniclastic’s, and terrigenous sediments, possibly related to the Tilzalpotla and Balsas formations respectively as described by Werre (1999) occur as eroded remnants overlying the Teloloapan and Platform stratigraphy in erosional discontinuity. vi. Quaternary Stratigraphy Localized, discrete remnants of poorly consolidated and deeply eroded lacustrine and fluvial deposits are the youngest rocks to outcrop on the AN Property. 6.4 Structures The structural history of the GGB displays complex deformation at a regional and property scale. According to Kearvell, (2009) the interpretation of the structural setting has evolved over the last fifteen years from a simple, essentially flat lying stratigraphic package, to the currently recognized highly deformed structural environment. The following history of deformation and intrusion and their relationship to gold mineralization is summarized by Kearvell (2009): Following discovery of gold at the Limon deposit on the Morelos Norte property (today called the Morelos Project and owned by 78.8% by Gleichen Resources), Laird, (2000), determined that the primary structures critical to both the emplacement of the intrusive rocks and in controlling mineralization were dominated by an array of discrete high-angle fault sets at each of the showings about the principal stock. 21 These faults are oriented east-west, northwest, and northeast, at the CML showing, northwest and north-south at the Fundición prospect, and northeast and east-northeast in the area of stockwork veining between the Fundición and El Limon showings. Concurrent with that study, Johnson, (2000), completed a structural study of the multiple dikes sets observed intruding the three principal fracture sets about the Limon intrusion (Figures 8 and 9) and concluded that: ”The simplest interpretation that explains the origin of fractures that hosts all three dike sets is east-west compression with associated or subsequent north-south extension (Figure 8). This is consistent with the regional setting of Laramide deformation (Late Cretaceous – Early Tertiary), which produced northerly trending folds on the scale of the Morelos Reserve. East-west pure shear compression can produce east-west striking normal faults and Riedel shears striking west-northwest (sinistral) and east-northeast (dextral), as illustrated in (Figure 9). The Riedel shears rotate toward northwest and northeast strikes with progressive deformation. The widespread development of east-west dikes points to a component of north-south horizontal extension but the local development of northwest dikes and probable sills or laccolith-like stocks in the Encinos area requires at least local variation in the stress regime.” And that… ”Laramide east-west compression…into which quartz monzonite dikes were emplaced during subsequent north-south extension or dextral transtension. Sills or laccolith-like intrusions may have been emplaced earlier during folding of the sedimentary country rocks and decoupling of the Cuautla and Morelos interface”. 22 Figure 8. Dike Orientation, Morelos Project, (Johnson, 2000). 23 Figure 9. Structural Interpretation, Morelos Project, (Johnson, 2000). Martinez (2005) noted the timing of emplacement of the intrusions and the nature and the location of the proposed boundary between the Teloloapan and Platform terrains gave rise to two important questions. Did observed thrust faults pre-date or post-date mineralization, and could deformation be related to Laramide compressional tectonics? In 2005 Dr. J.C. Salinas Prieto of the SGM addressed these questions, concluding that the contact between the platform sediments and the adjacent volcanic units was located on the AN Property. He described the contact as being associated with a “progressive deformation generated during the Laramide compressive orogenic event that varied from ductile to semi-brittle with observed thrust faults which stacked the platform sediments.” 24 Johnson (2000) concluded …”the observed structures are consistent with simple shear resulting from compressive forces in a semi-ductile environment, or at pressures of less than 1000 kb and temperatures between 150º to 200º C. The deformation is interpreted to have post-dated deposition of the Mezcala sediments, and pre-dated emplacement of the intrusions which do not display any deformation.” These studies in combination with field observation made throughout the exploration history of the area led to the recognition of the key sequential deformational events controlling GGB mineralization as summarized by Kearvell (2009). • Deformation began at the inception of east-west to northeast compression generated during the Laramide Orogeny. Platform sediments were deformed into a series of easterly to northeasterly verging thrust faults and low angle beddingparallel reverse and normal faults. • The combination of compression and north-south extension or dextral transtension (Figure 10) produced easterly verging, north-south to south-westerly trending, westerly dipping, tight to isoclinal overturned to recumbent folds. This event is interpreted to have assisted in ground preparation in the form of fracturing, faulting and brecciation of the country rock, creating structural traps and permeable or permissive hosts. Evidence for isoclinal and recumbent folds occurs throughout the region, including observed folds in Platform sediments, and outcroppings of altered volcanic rocks interpreted as Teloloapan (?) on the hilltops of Cerro Media Luna that overlie Platform sediments, to as far east as the Atzcala Valley on the Morelos project where apparently flat lying graded sediments indicate tops down. • Early compression and deformation led to initial ground preparation for the introduction of the GGB intrusions. The pre-mineral sheeted intrusions of andesite to diorite composition, observed throughout the GGB, may have been emplaced at this time (including the Filos diorite?). These were injected as dikes and sills along all pre-existing planes of structural weakness, with an apparent preference for thrust surfaces, bedding planes or bedding faults (de-coupling faults), and fold axes. • East west, northwest and north-northeast high angle faults displace the early Laramide folds and faults. These later structures are interpreted as having formed, at least in part, during relaxing of compressional forces towards the end of the Laramide Orogeny. The dilational features formed at the intersection of these structures are currently interpreted to be the principal controlling structures for the vertical emplacement of the highly differentiated and hydrated gold bearing GGB intrusions as stocks or laccolith like intrusions with associated sills and dikes emplaced along lines of structural weakness. These intrusive events may be related to the same magma source that drove the Teloloapan Island arc and are dominantly granodiorite to tonalite in composition. • Subsequent shrinkage or cooling of the intrusions towards the end of the orogenic and intrusive event has resulted in local collapse features, including contact breccias and faults that also provided an additional depositional host and/or conduits for mineralizing fluids. 25 • The exact timing of gold mineralization is not known but is believed to be associated with the final dewatering and subsequent cooling of the final intrusive event, post-dating formation of the prograde skarn alteration assemblage. • Finally, younger Tertiary (Eocene to Oligocene) orthogonal block faulting developed into a series of northeast and northwest crosscutting faults. In some cases, faulting may have occurred along a re-activation of existing structures. High angle northeast trending faults that host low sulphidation epithermal veins of the GGB may be related to this later event. The Miocene onset and development of the TransMexican Neovolcanic belt may be responsible for local observed east-west transverse faults. Figure 10. An Early Laramide Tectonic model of deformation inducing pre-mineral ground preparation (in Kearvell, 2009). In this environment the late-stage circulating gold bearing hydrothermal fluids are developed in structural, lithologic and/or or geochemical traps (retrograde skarn facies). First order exploration targets would be expected to occur proximal to vertically emplaced stocks located in dilatant zones within Laramide faults and folds. More distal secondary targets would be possible within anticlines, sheeted dikes or sills, lithologic traps at permeability-porosity barriers, and within alteration fronts. 6.5 Property Geology Only reconnaissance scale geologic mapping has been completed on the AN Property and mostly on the eastern side (Figure 11). Consequently, stratigraphic and structural details are poorly known, except around specific exploration targets, San Luis and Rey David. 26 Figure 11. Reconnaissance scale geology map of the AN Property. The green rectangle marks the location of the San Luis, and Rey David targets discussed under Drilling (after Hernandez-Contreras, 2007). 27 6.5.1 Property Stratigraphy Kearvell has tentatively summarized stratigraphic units observed to outcrop on the AN Property from oldest to youngest. i. Teloloapan Volcanic-Volcanoclastic Rocks The largely undifferentiated unit loosely assigned to the Jurassic-Cretaceous Teloloapan tectonic sub-terrain outcrops on the western portion of the property. This stratigraphy exists on the property as mafic (basalt to andesite) flows, pillowed flows, breccias and pyroclastic rocks with interlayered intermediate to felsic tuff, lapilli-lithic tuff and volcanic breccia, hyaloclastic textures are observed locally. The mafic flows are locally interbedded with and overlain by a shallow to deep marine sediment sequence including limestone (locally fossiliferous), siltstone and shale, wacke, arkose, arenite, conglomerate and tuff. The uppermost thin bedded phyllitic lutite unit, described by Werre, et. al. (1999) as belonging to the informal Pachivia Fm, appears to be transitional and/or possibly synonymous with Mezcala Fm. siliciclastic lutite. ii. Morelos Formation On the scale of the Property the Morelos Formation consists predominantly of medium to thick bedded pale grey weathering, grey to dark grey limestone with local beds of orange weathering dolomites. Grey, white to boudinaged black chert occurs near the top of the sequence, along with a fossiliferous or reef facies carbonate, and a recrystallized grainstone, siltstone, chert, packstone facies that frequently includes karst dissolution features. Thin carbonaceous to nearly graphitic shale layers observed in core are thought to occur as a deeper marine facies where phyllitic and intense intrafolial deformation is observed suggesting this unit may be part of a larger thrust or decoupling horizon. Mylonite and gouge occurring at the base of the Morelos in this carbonaceous shale may belong to the underlying Xochicalco formation, or may be due entirely to shear. iii. Cuautla Formation Since the upper contact of the Morelos Fm has been observed to be both transitional and discontinuous (mostly structural?) with overlying sediments on the scale of the Property, and because this transitional contact is rarely distinguishable as a distinct and separate formation, Cuautla Fm. nomenclature has not been used nor differentiated on the Newstrike’s GGB projects. This transitional contact remains an important depositional environment for gold mineralization in the GGB that warrants further investigation. iv. Mezcala Formation The Mezcala Fm. consists of yellowish weathering thin-bedded flysch-type calcareous shale, siltstones and/or wacke and sandstones. The type section of this formation is found along the Rio Balsas near the town of Mezcala (Werre, et. al., 1999). 28 The formation is more calcareous near the base and is increasingly terrigenous or siliciclastic up section where conglomerate is locally described near the top of the sequence. This description is consistent with the outcrops observed on the Property that were assigned to Mezcala Formation, however, the unit is increasingly deformed and locally phyllitic to the west, near the proposed boundary with the Teloloapan stratigraphy; and there is a possibility for mis-identifying this unit with similar units from the older terrain. v. Intrusive Rocks Outcroppings of intrusions on the Property occurs primarily as a series of sills and dikes that are emplaced in sheets along de-coupled bedding surfaces, bedding plane faults, fold axes etc. Most intrusions are buried beneath cover and exploration targets are blind (concealed) as at the Los Filos, El Limon, and Bermejal discoveries. The alkalic intrusive event of mid-Tertiary age, ranging 30 to 36 million years old and predominantly granite to porphyritic granite in composition. These may include the sills and dikes of monzodiorite described on the property and age dating will determine their exploration merit. Due to the distinct age difference of the GGB mineralized intrusions, age dating becomes an important exploration tool when selecting potential exploration targets. vi. Tertiary Rocks Undifferentiated volcanic-volcaniclastic’s, and terrigenous sediments occur as eroded remnants, mostly on the western portion of the Property, overlying the Teloloapan stratigraphy in erosional discontinuity. vii. Quaternary Rocks These rocks include local eroded remnants of poorly consolidated and deeply eroded lacustrine and fluvial deposits. 6.5.2 Structures As discussed previously, the proposed tectonic boundary between the Teloloapan and Guerrero-Morelos Platform basement sub-terrains is approximately aligned north-south. The nature of the boundary is still in dispute but on the scale of the Property it appears to occur as an angular disconformity, possibly locally manifested as a high angle fault or thrust surface. In general, stratigraphy west of the boundary displays tight to isoclinal southeast verging folds that dip moderately to the southwest. Locally, the structural fabric displays a series of easterly to northeasterly verging thrust faults with associated north-south to northeast trending recumbent fold axes. Subsequent high angle faults displace the folds into northsouth to northeast trending horst and graben structures, which are further displaced by Tertiary orthogonal block faulting. 29 On an outcrop or target-scale, complex deformation mimics regional trends. Figure 12 is illustrative of intense local deformation within brittle limestone of the Morelos Fm. displaying complex extensional and subsequent compressional deformation. Figure 12. Sheared calcite veinlets in limestone at the San Luis target. 30 7.0 DEPOSIT TYPES The deposit model for gold mineralization in the GGB is associated with a Pacific Rim style of mineralization described by Corbett (1998, 2009) (Figure 13). In the GGB, the dominant style of gold mineralization is characterized by structurally controlled, oxidized iron skarn-porphyry system of late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary age emplaced into the carbonate-rich Platform sediments during the Laramide orogeny. The model is described schematically in Figure 14, (after Meinert, 1993). Calc-silicate skarn alteration originates as a contact metamorphic aureole alteration about hydrated intrusions. Gold deposition is thought to occur primarily during a retrograde phase of alteration (Kearvell, 2009). The exact timing of gold deposition and the mechanism of deposition within the GGB is not yet fully understood. Evidence garnered by Newstrike geologists and other workers in the GGB suggest that gold mineralization was deposited relatively late in the formation of the skarn-porphyry system during final dewatering and cooling of the source intrusions. Gold is invariably associated with fine stringers of silica +/- FeOx +/- clay +/carbonate stringers and/or with iron oxides alone and can be found in virtually every environment as “leakage” fluids within conduits in permeable or permissive horizons. Economically significant gold deposits frequently occur in clusters about a source intrusion, such as seen at Nukay (Figure 15). Gold is concentrated into mineable bodies within structural, lithological and/or geochemical traps. Gold at Limon occurs at or near the transitional contact between the Morelos and Mezcala sediments (also known as the Cuautla Formation), occurring in contact exoskarn and endoskarn associated with parallel sheeted dikes off the primary Limon stock or laccolith. At the Todos Santos Mine, magnetite co-exists with pyrrhotite and a zoning can be mapped from magnetite to ilmenite within the main body of the intrusion that suggests a change in the oxidation state of the intrusion (Kearvell, 2009). Gold can also occur entirely within an intrusive host, such as Los Filos, where gold is hosted in an older brecciated diorite porphyry sill previously intruded into Morelos limestone. The sill, in this case, acted as a permeable host and trap for gold bearing fluids. Gold is observed to follow pre-existing structural controls such as decoupled bedding planes, fold axes, bedding plane faults, low angle and/or thrust faults, high angle normal faults, intrusion contacts, contact breccia etc, examples of which can be observed throughout the GGB. 31 Figure 13. A Pacific Rim Model of Mineralization. This diagram illustrates the different styles of mineralization in a magmatic arc porphyry and epithermal Cu-Au-Mo-Ag system (Corbett, 2008). 32 Figure 14. Tectonic setting for the formation of skarn deposits in an accreted terrain model (Meinert, 1993). 33 Figure 15. Nukay geologic map with drill holes. Note the clustering of gold mineralization about the adjacent Los Filos deposit (Kearvell, 2009). 34 Kearvell (2009) summarized empirical observations indicative of GGB style gold mineralization. • Within contact exoskarn displaying retrograde alteration formed in isolated pods about a source intrusion (e.g. Nukay Mine). • Jasperoid and/or magnetite skarn where retrograde alteration has destroyed most of the original magnetite (e.g. Los Aguitas Mine). • Pyroxene-garnet skarn formed at the transitional contact between the Morelos and Mezcala Fms. or associated with a series of sheeted dikes or sills (El Limon deposit). • Intrusion-hosted quartz-FeOx stock work veining following high and low angle structures and filling zones of brecciation proximal to the contact. This is observed in varying degrees at all deposits. • Paired mafic and intermediate intrusions where earlier mafic intrusions become the host for deposition of gold mineralization from fluids originating in later intermediate porphyry intrusions (Los Filos Deposit). • Intrusion hosted Au-Cu bearing stockwork formed at the red-ox boundary where magnetite-pyrrhotite and ilmenite co-exist. Garnet-pyroxene skarn follows orthogonal fracture or jointing in the intrusion (Todos Santos). • As an “alteration halo“ with arsenopyrite and/or pyrrhotite in Mezcala sediments displaying a strong hornfels alteration and intruded by a series of sheeted sills or dikes (Fundición). • Pre-existing (?) high angle faults (Amarilla fault). • At the iron oxidized contacts of most intrusions, especially where the contacts display faulting or shearing and brecciation. This is a commonly observed feature throughout the GGB. • In low temperature silica +/- FeOx +/- clay +/- carbonate stringers and veinlets, possibly a retrograde alteration phase. This is commonly found in the GGB following fractures, micro faults, and lithological boundaries, within intrusion and within sediments. • In breccia associated with bedding parallel faults (decoupling faults), or low angle reverse faults, thrust faults and the axial planes of recumbent folds (Cerro Media Luna, San Luis?). This too is commonly observed throughout the GGB and is interpreted as leakage. It is unlikely to form a mineable body in the absence of a suitable trap for the migrating hydrothermal fluids. • Gold is rarely found with magnetite skarn, clean marble, sulphide-poor hornfels, coarse garnet skarn and brecciated but unaltered limestone, unless it’s associated with silica-FeOx-clay coating fractures or filling stringers or other form of retrograde alteration. 35 8.0 MINERALIZATION According to Meinert (1993), plutons associated with Fe and Au skarn tend to be enriched with MgO with lesser SiO2 and K2O. Common pathfinders elements that can be used for exploration in this idealized environment can include Au, Ag, As, Sb, Bi, Te, Hg, and more sporadically, Co, Ni, Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn and W. Recognition of distal alteration features such as bleaching, fluid escape features (leakage) and isotopic halos can be critical factors (Meinert et. al., 2005). Exploration previously conducted and planned by Newstrike, has and will be focused almost exclusively on Fe (Au, Cu) skarn-porphyry system within the GGB. Newstrike geologists believe gold mineralization within the skarn zones is associated with predominantly retrograde, structurally controlled and contact metamorphic alteration assemblages. Observed alteration includes phyllitic and argillic alteration, silica flooding, marble, hornfels, amphibole, quartz, jasperoid, jasperoid breccias, magnetite, garnet, fluorite, stibnite, realgar, oxidized iron skarn, veins of carbonate+/-quartz+/-Clay+/-FeOx, intrusion hosted stockwork, biotite, potassium feldspar, among others. GGB gold deposits typically occur as blind (concealed) deposits and their location is not always apparent from the surface environment. Kearvell (2009) has summarized key mineralogic and alteration criteria useful as exploration guides when searching for blind deposits in the GGB to include: • Re-crystallized limestone. • Incipient or passive brecciation with calcite matrix, especially with iron or weak jasperoid associated. • Marble is a clear indicator that an intrusion is nearby. Very white, very coarsely crystalline marble is common, darkening as it becomes mixed with impurities, and/or where it displays evidence of ductile deformation (pytgmatic veins, isoclinal folds, etc). • Sheeted fractures may show very fine magnetite, garnet or pyroxene developed in otherwise unaltered rocks, which is especially evident in Mezcala sediments and provides a vector to a buried intrusion. • Silica +/- iron oxide +/- clay minerals in stringers, as fracture fill, as a coating on bedding planes or cleavage planes, or as small discontinuous pods are all important indicators for buried deposits nearby in otherwise “dry” unaltered rock. • Green pyroxene skarn appears to be distal, fine to coarse green pyroxene and purple red garnet skarn is more proximal (purple and green spots), while a very fine green garnet and green pyroxene (green skarn) is a common endoskarn following orthogonal fractures or joints in the intrusion (Todos Santos). 36 • Magnetite skarn is typically a contact skarn, degrees of secondary or retrograde alteration determines if the magnetite skarn is enriched with gold. Massive magnetite rarely carries gold. • Secondary biotite, amphibole, potassium feldspar in the intrusion or abundant secondary quartz, particularly aligned along fractures. • Pudgy dense clays in veins or fractures, especially yellow green, orange and zoned with dark brown to black iron oxide stringers or veinlets is a good indicator of a retrograde alteration. • A “Bermejal” brownish red soil colour anomaly after iron oxides, with or without magnetite in the soils. Learning to differentiate the different colours of FeOx in soil and in outcrop can be an important exploration tool. • The most useful pathfinders within the GGB is Au. pathfinders include As, Sb, Hg, Cu, +/- (Mo, Ag, V). 8.1 Other correlative Mineralization and Alteration Exploration conducted by Newstrike on the AN Property is at a relatively early stage but potential for Laramide Fe (Au, Cu) skarn-porphyry system of the GGB, Tertiary Ag+Ag (Pb-Zn+Cu) low sulphidation epithermal veins, and Jurassic-Cretaceous VMS (volcanogenic massive sulphide) mineralization was identified during the Newstrike’s surface prospecting and mapping programs (Figure 11). However, the specific details, regarding relevant controls, dimensions, and continuity of potential mineralized zones are not known. Although incompletely understood, the character and type of GGB gold mineralization known within the AN Property is described within this Section and elsewhere in the Deposit and Exploration sections of this Technical Report. VMS potential is known to occur west of the Teloloapan-Platform tectonic boundary within Jurassic-Cretaceous marine volcanic and volcanoclastic stratigraphy. Known VMS prospects occur on adjacent claims to Aurea Norte including Campo Morado, La Reforma, Campo Seco, Trinidad and Rey de Plata (Kearvell, 2009). Newstrike has completed only a preliminary investigation of stratigraphy conducive to a VMS style of mineralization, but favourable alteration, textural and lithologic environments do exist on the scale of the AN property. The potential for VMS mineralization (Figure 16, and PhotoSat Target 4, Figure 18) is not the current focus of the Newstrike’s exploration efforts. Potential also exists for epithermal Ag (Pb-Zn+Cu) low sulphidation veins with associated, disseminated and stockwork mineralization as documented elsewhere within the GGB. A northwest and northeast trending high angle orthogonal fault system displaces all units and is the principal “post GGB” structure observed to date, related to Mid-Tertiary block faulting. This event is host to the younger (unrelated?) epithermal narrow fissure veins (Ag-Pb-Zn) such as the Mina Amarilla, El Anono, and Vianey Mine located within the former Morelos Reserve (Figure 4). 37 The Vianey mine remained in operation up to 1996 and reported high grades achieved by hand cobbing (Kearvell, 2009). Kearvell (2009) collected chip samples across the Vianey vein in 1995 that indicated significant silver with base metals and high antimony (Table 2). This is geochemically distinct from the low Ag-Pb-Zn character of the skarn type mineralization along the GGB. Table 2. Chip samples collected across the vein, Vianey Mine by Kearvell in 1995. (Kearvell, 2009). Sample No. Location or type Au ppb Ag ppm Cu ppm Pb % Zn % Sb ppm 879 Vianey vein 0 level 90 610 898 7.25% 22.4% 844 884 Vianey vein -38 level 215 662 317 9.05% 12.4% 864 The early stage of exploration on the AN Property precludes a comprehensive understanding of the timing and controls of epithermal mineralization within or proximal to skarn alteration zones. Skarn related mineralization is crosscut by apparent late epithermal veins at the San Luis target. One showing examined on the September 2 site visit indicated milled quartz clasts within pervasively silicified heterolithic breccias (Figure 17). The significance of these epithermal structures within skarn zones is unknown but may be expected to be favourable targets for higher-grade mineralization by remobilization and late veining. Due to the multiple styles of mineralization observed on the property together with the observed stratigraphy, Kearvell (2009) believes there may also be some potential for SEDEX (sedimentary exhalative mineralization), Ag-Pb-Zn carbonate replacement deposits, or even Carlin-type mineralization to exist on the scale of the Newstrike’s properties. 38 Figure 16. Indications for VMS Mineralization. Upper left: Marcasite replaces worm tubes in cherty black shale. Weathered surface. Upper right: Wet fresh cut surface of worm tubes. From a boulder sized clast within outcrop (of talus breccia?), 407352E, and 1991732N. Mid-Left: Argillic altered pyroclastic breccia with FeOxCarbonate stockwork, 401378E, and 1993095N. Mid-Right: An indication of the intense folding on the property, Isoclinal folds in bedding in Teloloapan sediments, Folds plunge N140º/40, 395810E, and 2003247N. Lower left: Altered pepperite near Cerro Liso (a bimodal volcanic environment?), 401209E, and 1995076N. Lower right: Highly vesicular olivine basalt, near 401209E, and 1995076N. UTM WGS84, Q14N (Kearvell, 2009). 39 Figure 17. Milled and brecciated quartz clasts within a heterolithic breccia at the San Luis target indicative of a dynamic epithermal system. 9.0 EXPLORATION Minera Aurea commenced exploration on the AN Property beginning in 2004 and continuing through to 2009 included the following activities: • Prospecting • Selective regional geologic mapping - 40% • Targeted detail geologic mapping – about 200 hectares • A structural study of the proposed tectonic boundary • Regional magnetic interpretation and ground magnetic survey. • PhotoSat alteration study • 43 petrology samples-thin and polished sections • 1398 outcrop geochemical samples, including grid and trench samples • 134 stream sediment samples • 4129.3m of NQ core drilling in two programs • 1784 drill core samples. 40 Newstrike expended C$128,593 between September 30 2008 and October 1st of 2009 on mineral exploration activities, audited as of July 31st, 2009. The expenditures were incurred on a review of all existing data, a database compilation, field and drill core reviews and an exploration report incorporating all work completed since project inception in 2004. Expenses related to the completion of this Technical Report are excluded from the total. All targets on the Property represent “blind” exploration potential in that mineralization is not found at the surface. Surface indications include appropriate GGB alteration and characteristic geochemistry. According to Kearvell (2009) many of the principal deposits in the GGB including Los Filos, Bermejal and Limon were discovered based on interpreted models and subsequent road building, trenching and drilling programs that resulted in discoveries. In all cases, mineralization was uncovered beneath a thin surface veneer of unmineralized outcrop. Most of the exploration techniques employed by Newstrike on the AN Property rely on the identification of “jasperoid” as a key guide to mineralization. Jasperoid at the San Luis target was examined during the September 2, 2009 AN Property visit. Newstrike geologists have developed a field description of “jasperoid” as breccia with FeOx +/silica (as vuggy stringers, chalcedonic banding, dense flooding - absent to strong pervasive replacement- or “induration”) developed in carbonate rock. Silicification can occur in the clasts and/or in the breccia matrix. The gross texture varies from clast supported (closed breccia) to matrix supported (open breccia) with angular or subangular clasts. The iron oxide content varies from hematite on clast fractures, and/or on the matrix with strong hematite, limonite, and goethite. The jasperoid may or may not contain evidence of sulphide minerals (e.g. pyrite, arsenopyrite, stibnite - Sb oxide pseudomorphs after stibnite, magnetite and pyrrhotite have been identified in core from San Luis, Kearvell, 2009). The use of the field term “jasperoid” is ambiguous as jasperoid is not necessarily derived from a skarn or calc-silicate alteration but may result from a variety of hydrothermal processes. The ambiguity of the term reflects the uncertain origin of the “jasperoid” and whether it is a product of an iron (Au) skarn environment or is related to an epithermal environment or to some other process. The term jasperoid is not to be confused with the term jasper (a dense, usually gray, chert-like, siliceous rock, in which chalcedony or cryptocrystalline quartz has replaced the carbonate minerals of limestone or dolomite). Jasperoid in this usage denotes a cryptocrystalline silica +/- iron oxide replacement of carbonate rich rocks, structures (including breccias’) and veins. 41 9.1 Exploration Methodology 9.1.1 Geophysics Magnetic surveys are a particularly useful exploration tool used to identify near surface structures, contacts, and even lithologies through the mapping of magnetic “high” or “low” zones as determined through comparison with a measured regional magnetic background. For example, in a skarn environment, magnetic “high” anomalies may be associated with magnetite skarn, or disseminated magnetite-pyrrhotite, or with a high ferromagnesian mineral content in a buried intrusion. Alternatively, “lows” for example, may indicate areas of clay alteration in an intrusive host, and where contrasts may indicate underlying structures. In the GGB, magnetic surveys are most useful for locating buried intrusions, and for mapping structures; both of which may have contributed to the deposition of gold. A review of available magnetic images from the SGM and from a composite of surveys available for the district has successfully led to the interpretation of underlying controls on mineralization, has located new targets for exploration and has been corroborated with ground follow up where a ground magnetic survey was able to reference the airborne anomalies to a GIS grid and successfully locate new drill targets. i. SGM Airborne Magnetic Survey Regional airborne magnetic data is available from the SGM from surveys flown at an elevation of 300m with 1000m line spacing. This provides a poor resolution for surface detail but is very good for interpreting deep-seated structures and intrusions. Figure 18 shows the total field magnetic signature from the Apaxtla del Castregon map sheet E14A87. The AN Property boundaries and key geological features observed in outcrop have been overlaid to highlight certain features for interpretation. Strong north- south, northwest and northeast trending deep structures and roots of deep-seated intrusions, suggesting loci for vertical emplacement are evident. ii. Composite Aeromagnetic Images In previous years, several historic airborne magnetic surveys were flown over the AN Property and surrounding areas including data generated by the SGM (formerly the CRM), Peñoles, Minera Nafta, and Luismin. This data is available in raster format only (jpeg). In the absence of an independent survey for the Property, a composite of raster images from three different surveys was used to interpret near surface features (Figure 19). In many cases the unknown parameters used in these surveys, and the resulting geo-referencing controls from one survey to the other limit their usefulness. Nevertheless the image is useful on a regional scale for a rough interpretation of the underlying near surface magnetic signature when compared with observed outcrops and structures at surface, with allowances for the noted distortion. The image can also be compared with the SGM regional magnetic signature of Figure 18 that uses the same geology overlay. 42 Figure 18. SGM Total Field Magnetic Contour Map. Apaxtla del Castregon 1:50,000 Map sheet E14A87. Pink solid overlay are known intrusions mapped at the surface. Blue lines are known structures at surface. Black labels locate key towns, mineral showings and exploration targets. 43 Figure 19. Composite Total Field Magnetics, AN Property. Pale and dark pink solid overlay= intrusions. Blue lines= known structure at surface. Black labels locate key towns and targets. Note the distortion between the original UTM grid points (large cross) and the MapInfo version (small cross) indicating the image is not properly geo-referenced. 44 iii. Ground Magnetic Survey Newstrike conducted an orientation ground magnetic survey over the Morenita claim, which is underlain by jasperoid and magnetite skarn, to better gauge the effectiveness for prospect-scale drill targeting. A one square kilometre survey (Figure 20) area was selected to cover a known airborne magnetic anomaly and the ground survey was contracted to Asteroide Ingeniería S.A de C.V. (Mexico City D.F., Mexico). The objectives for the survey were to orient a known composite image airborne anomaly to a fixed GIS survey grid, to establish a magnetic gradient and investigate any potential magnetic zoning, to compare the magnetic response of an area of known alteration with a high resolution magnetic survey and attempt to evaluate the presence of buried intrusions or structures that could indicate a favourable drill target. High-resolution maps were produced for the Total Field, Vertical Gradient, Reduced to the Pole and Analytical Signal summarized in Figures 21 through 24. The ground survey results did successfully define drill targets, especially within areas of no outcroppings of altered rock. Figure 20. Morenita Ground Magnetic Survey Grid Location Map (Kearvell, 2009). 45 Figure 21. Total Magnetic Field, Morenita Grid. The northwest sector of the grid shows a high total field response whose centre is located just off the grid as shown by the arrow (Kearvell, 2009). 46 Figure 22. Vertical Magnetic Gradient, Morenita Grid. A west-northwest trending anomaly is observed in the vertical gradient with maximum values varying between 23 to 49 noted by the arrow (Kearvell, 2009). 47 Figure 23. Reduced to the Pole, Morenita Grid. Reducing the data to the pole defined three larger anomalies among several smaller, with maximum values varying between 19 and 28nT. Anomaly A shows poor uniformity. A second, anomaly B, the main anomaly for this survey area presents a semi-circular form with a 150-metre radius that is associated with two smaller anomalies to the east and west. Anomaly C is composed of two magnetic anomalies. Anomaly B is interpreted to be the best drill target (Kearvell, 2009). 48 Figure 24. Analytical Signal, Morenita Grid. The analytical signal, shows a semi-circular distribution of magnetic anomalies that coincides with Anomaly B on the reduced to the pole map of Figure 21. This confirms anomaly B as a target of interest for drilling. The analytical signal also indicates a series of anomalies along the northeast-southwest structure from the vertical gradient map. The alignment of the analytical signal for the most part conforms to structural alignments and with dolomite units (Kearvell, 2009). 49 The study concluded that there is good correlation between anomalies from total field, reduced to pole and analytical signal. Depth to the anomalies has been estimated to be between eight and twenty metres below surface (Kearvell, 2009). 9.1.2 Photosat Alteration Study Newstrike contracted with PhotoSat Information Ltd. (Vancouver, Canada) to acquire and interpret the alteration distribution patterns from satellite photographic imagery for the AN Property. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of this technique by comparing identified anomalies with known prospects, targets, and deposits (Figure 25), and to evaluate its effectiveness in locating possible new targets buried beneath cover. Using this method at least five targets were selected for follow-up exploration on the AN Property, as shown in Figure 26. Targets 1, and 2 have been verified on the ground and are associated with porphyry intrusion outcrops and jasperoidal alteration that merit follow-up exploration. The remaining targets (Figure 26) are still pending follow-up in the field. Figure 27 shows the kaolinite-alunite distribution of the known San Luis, Rey David and Ana Paula Showings originating from outcropping altered porphyry intrusive, all which show a good response when compared to surrounding geology. Figure 27 also shows a previously unknown target. PhotoSat target 2 was found by the PhotoSat survey and was confirmed by ground follow-up where it was observed to be related to intrusions of porphyry monzodiorite and scattered outcroppings of jasperoid. Both are considered as favourable indicators for a GGB style of mineralization that merit follow up exploration. The kaolinite-alunite and iron oxide (FeOx) distributions for the known Morenita and Apetlanca showings are plotted on Figure 28 along with stream geochemistry results (the size of the yellow circles indicate increasing gold; downstream to the south). In this example the target is blind and lies beneath a limestone cover. The kaolinite-alunite distribution shows no response about known outcrops of the Aguacate porphyry, which is located beneath tree cover at the base of the valley, indicating the limitations of the survey method. The FeOx distribution clearly highlights the red soil anomaly at Apetlanca, mostly due to the presence of cultivated fields having exposed the soils beneath a vegetative cover. In this instance the survey results corroborate the Apetlanca area as a target for continuing exploration, while the PhotoSat survey missed the Morenita and Aguacate area, which remains an important exploration target despite a lack of response from the satellite imagery. 50 Figure 25. Kaolin-Alunite Distribution, El Limon Deposit, Morelos Project. North is to the top of the image. Yellow circles: stream sediment gold in ppb; red line: approximate outline of the Limon oxide ore zone. A PhotoSat comparison of known deposits on adjacent properties (Kearvell, 2009). 51 Figure 26. PhotoSat Target Locations. Hydroxide Distribution Map, inclined view looking north, shows five new exploration targets selected by the initial image analysis. Note that both the San Luis showing and the Limon deposit show up well using this method. Red=high intensity, blue=low intensity. Yellow lines=project boundaries. In this image, results are overlain onto the colour Aster image (Martinez, 2007). 52 Figure 27. Alunite-Kaolinite Distribution Map, San Luis and Rey David Showings. North is to the top of the image. Black lines=property boundaries. Cool to warm tones equals increasing probability for alunite vs. kaolinite overlain onto a grey scale orthophotograph base (Kearvell, 2009). 53 Figure 28. Alunite-Kaolinite and FeOx Distribution Map, Apetlanca and Morenita Showings. North is to the top of the image. Black lines=property boundaries. Cool to warm tones equals increasing probability for alunite vs. kaolinite or increasing FeOx; overlain onto a grey scale orthophotograph base (Kearvell, 2009). 54 9.1.3 Stream sediment survey A stream sediment survey was initiated in 2007 on the AN Property to evaluate PhotoSat targets and follow-up results from previous stream sediment surveys. A total of 134 samples were collected and assayed prior to early termination of the program due to budgetary constraints (Kearvell, 2009). Data from three existing stream sediment databases, including surveys from the SGM, Minera Nafta S.A. de C.V. and Newstrike’s’ previous work were plotted using thresholds calculated from the large SGM database to be used as a guideline for interpretation of anomalous results. A lower threshold of 11 ppb gold was calculated with a standard deviation of 36. Results are considered anomalous between these two values, and strongly anomalous above the standard deviation. Figure 29 shows the regional distribution of gold from the stream sediment data. Of these samples, 834 assayed below the lower threshold of 11 ppb, 150 samples assayed moderately anomalous from 11 to 36 ppb gold and 47 samples assayed strongly anomalous with 36 to 1000 ppb gold. Any discrepancies between survey results may be due to varying parameters between survey methods, varying sample density, sample site location and the assay method used. The stream sediments survey successfully located anomalous targets, some which corroborated known showings, some of which confirm the results of other regional survey methods used, some which were previously unknown. 9.2 Exploration Targets Early regional prospecting by Newstrike initially identified three targets conforming to the GGB model, the San Luis, Rey David, and Morenita showings (Figure 30). The Apetlanca showing and PhotoSat targets 2 and 4 were located during subsequent exploration (Figure 26). To date, exploration has focused on the San Luis, and Rey David targets that are host to jasperoid, jasperoid breccias, and paired diorite and granodiorite porphyry. These targets were tested by modest drill programs described under the section on Drilling (below). A third discovery, Morenita consists of jasperoid, with local magnetite and garnet, but lacks surficial intrusive outcrops. A fourth showing, Apetlanca has not yet been systematically followed-up (Kearvell, 2009). 9.2.1 San Luis Preliminary regional exploration discovered silicified, brecciated and oxidized outcrops located near the town of San Luis on the east portion of the Coyote claim, Figure 31. The San Luis showing occurs at the faulted contact between Morelos limestone and Mezcala sediments and is intruded by a diorite to monzodiorite porphyry. Iron-rich jasperoid breccia deposits were found located along a N20°W to N10°E high angle fault that forms a sigmoid fault pattern suggesting an extensional environment. 55 Figure 29. Gold distribution from stream geochemistry on the AN Property (in Kearvell, 2009). 56 Figure 30. Mineral showings, prospects, and targets on the AN Property (Kearvell, 2009). 57 Figure 31. El Coyote Claim geologic map. San Luis and Rey David targets are located by the red rectangle. San Luis detail follows in Figure 32 (in Kearvell, 2009). 58 Jasperoid outcrops located along this structure occur over a 150m north-south by 40m east-west. Preliminary outcrop sampling returned anomalous gold (Au) values up to 1.74gm/Tonne Au, with anomalous mercury (Hg), arsenic (As) and antimony (Sb) from chip samples taken in outcrops. A 100m grid was established over the showing and a program of detailed mapping and grid sampling was completed. This program further defined an area 300m by 140m (4.2 hectares) which anomalous in gold. A more detailed grid with 25m by 10m centres was laid over the core of the showing and sampled. The best assay from this program returned 8.05 gm/ton Au from chip samples in outcrop (and averaged to 7.79 gm/ton with repeat check assays). Moderate to strongly anomalous gold results (>0.074 gm/Tonne) are indicated on Figure 32. Jasperoid breccia is also anomalous in mercury (to 110 ppm), arsenic (to 6,580 ppm) and antimony (to 1,910 ppm). The geometry of the associated diorite and granodiorite intrusions is not yet clearly defined but was interpreted to be emplaced as dikes or sills along low angle bedding faults or thrust fault surfaces, and was intruded near the apex of an interpreted regional anticline fold axis that trends north to northeasterly across the property. The anticline is considered a favourable locus for intrusive emplacement and a potential trap for gold deposition, as is the paired intrusion that is analogous to the Filos depositional environment (Kearvell, 2009). . Figure 32. San Luis geologic map and gold geochemistry (in Kearvell, 2009). 59 9.2.2 Rey David In November 2004, Newstrike geologists discovered iron-rich jasperoid breccias 1.3 kilometers southwest of the San Luis prospect. Jasperoid occurs at the faulted contact between the Morelos and Mezcala Formations intruded by diorite porphyry (Figure 33) that is more quartz-rich than that observed at San Luis. The alteration may be controlled by the same sigmoid fault pattern observed at San Luis and the showing is considered analogous and likely connected with the San Luis showing. Observed alteration suggest the jasperoid and silica formed at a relatively low temperature and may be distal from the source of gold bearing fluids (Kearvell, 2009). Gold values are anomalous but generally low with a maximum of 0.112 gm/Tonne gold. There are stronger anomalies in mercury (maximum 110 ppm), arsenic (maximum 3,130 ppm) and antimony (maximum 5,850 ppm) that suggest the distal or upper or outermost alteration edge of a mineralizing system. Figure 33 summarizes moderately anomalous gold values (> 0.058 gm/Tonne). Figure 33. Rey David geology and gold geochemistry map. The dashed line is a local road (Kearvell, 2009). 60 9.2.3 La Morenita The Apetlanca and Morenita showings occur along the opposing sides of a (younger?) northeast trending fault that is evident at surface from the towns of Cuetzala del Progresso through to Apetlanca, here named the Cuetzala-Apetlanca fault (the CA Fault, Figure 34). The Morenita showing is located approximately 10 kilometers northwest of the San Luis and Rey David showings (Figure 30). Morenita displays a similar geologic environment as Rey David and San Luis with strong jasperoid showings in outcrop, but outcrops of magnetite and garnet skarn are described suggesting a higher more proximal formational temperature. Intrusive outcrops were not observed within the boundaries of the Morenita claim but a prospective GGB type biotite-feldspar diorite to granodiorite porphyry does outcrop along the same ridgeline about 1.2Km to the northeast in the Aguacate area that merits follow up exploration (Figure 34). Figure 34. Morenita geologic map and gold geochemistry. Note the location of the Aguacate porphyry with the Morenita claim. See Figure 30 for a property location map. Pale green=Mezcala (?) Sediments, darker green=Morelos Carbonates, pink=intrusions; Assay results shown are in gm/Tonne gold; Morenita claim boundary in light orange. 61 9.2.4 Other GGB targets, showings The Apetlanca showing includes a large exploration area underlain by a distinctive brownish-red, locally magnetic soil anomaly. Prospecting at Apetlanca has located outcrops of jasperoid breccia, jasperoid, marble, and diorite porphyry, as well as subcrops of magnetite bearing skarn beneath the brownish-red soil cover. The alteration occurs in a region interpreted from magnetic data as a dilational zone formed at the convergence of north-south, northeast and east-west faults and considered a favourable locus for the emplacement of intrusions. Other GGB style showings or targets are known to occur on the Property that are either pending evaluation or are in the very early stages. Goldcorp is exploring disseminated gold within a satellite or related intrusive body known as the Ana Paula project (Figure 30) on an internal claim to the AN Property. Regional mapping and prospecting completed northward along trend from the San Luis showing into the area of PhotoSat target 2 (Figure 27) located outcrops of jasperoid and monzodiorite intrusion that are weakly anomalous in gold (ranging from 97 to 200 ppb gold) (Kearvell, 2009). 9.2.5 VMS showings The Teloloapan volcano-sedimentary terrain underlies the western part of the AN Property. A stream sediment survey from a reconnaissance program completed by the SGM pre-2006 (?) located a broad area of anomalous gold on the western portion of the Coyote claim (Figure 29). The area was also targeted by remote sensing PhotoSat interpretation (target 4, Figure 26) as meriting follow-up. Prospecting in the area identified significant indications of VMS mineralization including clay and iron-carbonate alteration, a cherty red magnetic horizon, a black carbon and pyrite-rich debris flow, and fossilized worm tubes altered to marcasite (Figure 16). The latter is from a boulder within a conglomerate or breccia composed mostly of basalt boulders and currently interpreted as a talus slope breccia. 9.3 Anomalous Threshold Calculations Newstrike defined anomalous geochemical thresholds in the GGB by determination of the simple mean and standard deviation, after subtracting all minimum (Min) and maximum (Max) values. For this method, the mean is taken to be the threshold for a “real” anomalous result, while anything above the standard deviation is considered strongly anomalous. This calculation was based on a suite of 370 outcrop chip samples collected during the early phase exploration program on the adjacent Morelos Project in 1998 and 1999. The Morelos Project was formerly known as the Teck-Goldcorp joint venture Morelos Norte Project. It is adjacent to the AN Property to the southeast and shares comparable geology and mineralizing environments. 62 The graphic (Figure 35) determination of the lowermost threshold for reporting as anomalous (background) was based on the following results from the Morelos Project assay data: Sample population= 370 samples Maximum value= 2650 ppb Au Minimum Value= 0 ppb Au Sample population with Max-Min removed = 110 Mean= 97 ppb Au Standard Deviation= 209 ppb Au The lowermost threshold determined by this method (the term “anomalous” includes anything greater than 40 ppb gold) where 0 to 40 ppb gold is interpreted as background, 40 to 97 ppb gold is weakly anomalous, 97 to 209 ppb is moderately anomalous, and anything greater than 209 ppb is strongly anomalous. These thresholds were then used to plot the results on a map of the area to show the regional anomalous gold distribution. A plot of anomalous gold distribution on a regional geologic map for the Morelos Project is shown in Figure 36. This map demonstrates that, using the anomalous threshold calculation described in the preceding section, that of the 370 original samples taken, 17 samples were weakly anomalous, 13 samples were moderately anomalous and 13 were strongly anomalous. Figure 35. Morelos Project Geochemistry. Anomalous threshold calculation for gold (Kearvell, 2009). 63 Figure 36. Morelos Gold Outcrop Geochemistry. Note location of the Limon-Los Guajes deposit with respect to these results and the lack of anomalous gold, ( in Kearvell, 2009). 64 The early stage exploration results for the AN Property were next compared with those from the Morelos Project. The same statistical treatment used for the Morelos Project was used for the suite of 1,274 surface outcrop samples taken during early stage regional exploration of the AN Property, producing the following results: Sample population= 1,274 samples Maximum value= 7790 ppb Au Minimum Value= 0 ppb Au Sample population with Max-Min removed = 553 Mean= 76 ppb Au Standard Deviation= 172 ppb Au The same anomalous parameters from the Morelos Project were then used to plot results from the AN Property regional program (Figure 37) for a comparison between the two projects areas at a regional scale. Of the original 1,274 samples collected on the AN Property, 80 are weakly anomalous, 41 are moderately anomalous and 61 are strongly anomalous in gold. These anomalous results, shown on Figure 37, occur in three distinct clusters that, while skewed by the sample density used during early regional mapping, merit follow up exploration. These results confirm the gold mineralizing potential for the AN property. A complete list of surface outcrop chip samples that returned moderately anomalous assay results or better for gold on the AN Property is provided in Table 3, where moderately anomalous results are considered to be 97 ppb gold or better. The table does not include any assay results that are considered weakly anomalous (40 ppb to 97 ppb gold). The table also provides the results for other elements with the potential to be used as a pathfinder. This approach has demonstrated that outcrop chip sample assay results from the AN Property (Figure 37) are comparable with the early regional program from the Morelos Project (Figure 36). Numerous samples, some with anomalous gold, had to be excluded from the database because of missing UTM locations and/or sample descriptions. 65 Figure 37. AN Property regional outcrop gold geochemistry. Assay groupings are a function of sampling density. More regional samples are needed to properly assess the gold distribution on the Property (in Kearvell, 2009) 66 Table 3. Anomalous Regional Outcrop Chip Geochemistry AN Property. Zero values are below the detection threshold for the assay method used. The > symbol is for values that exceed the assay method used. LOCATION SAMPLE X (WGS84) Y (WGS84) Au Ag As Ba Cu Hg Mo Pb Sb Zn ppb ppm ppm ppm ppm Ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm SAN LUIS BvCY01 415512.00 1997042.00 208 0.5 308 40 23 9.04 13 2 515 TRENCH CATA3 416080.00 1997886.00 474 1.0 4430 50 34 5.35 4 4 164 49 SAMPLES CATA5 415898.00 1997710.00 218 1.2 467 40 24 27.40 23 0 1475 43 SAN LUIS GRID SAMPLES 59 CATA6A 415456.00 1996768.00 179 0.0 87 130 5 5.21 2 0 >10000 24 CATAJA 415804.00 1997518.00 263 0.2 218 210 38 11.30 4 6 3260 82 CATAJB 415804.00 1997518.00 384 1.4 208 470 42 18.15 6 5 >10000 78 CATAJC 415804.00 1997518.00 720 0.6 264 1650 55 11.40 18 10 1510 122 91 CATAJD 415804.00 1997518.00 561 0.3 251 2120 38 10.45 12 7 1545 CATAJE 415804.00 1997518.00 922 0.4 295 150 38 9.76 11 5 632 73 CATAJF 415804.00 1997518.00 265 0.2 224 1810 32 9.20 19 5 591 85 CY0014 415800.00 1996699.00 125 0.0 312 170 10 7.40 10 4 61 22 CY0023 415604.00 1996800.00 685 2.7 1680 40 28 47.30 10 6 1010 28 CY0028 415800.00 1996908.00 7790 0.9 688 90 21 58.30 8 5 348 12 CY0031 415800.00 1997001.00 410 0.4 1770 70 26 29.40 25 2 564 499 CY0034 415503.00 1997007.00 196 0.0 577 20 18 16.60 19 3 345 44 CY0044 415613.00 1997305.00 104 0.2 138 70 25 2.68 6 4 101 64 CY0049 415640.00 1997379.00 132 0.2 185 140 25 0.89 7 10 95 61 CY0056 415780.00 1997063.00 247 0.5 6000 150 159 43.00 32 5 1910 224 CY0057 415791.00 1997039.00 134 0.0 1525 60 65 36.10 15 6 641 86 CY0059 415810.00 1997034.00 333 0.6 2770 50 14 73.60 24 3 1130 47 CY0061 415810.00 1997008.00 316 0.9 1360 30 27 48.60 31 2 507 25 CY0063 415800.00 1996984.00 1740 2.1 2090 2530 16 >100.00 23 3 1080 39 CY0064 415810.00 1996983.00 240 0.4 1575 620 18 23.80 20 3 815 33 CY0066 415800.00 1996958.00 222 0.2 265 140 14 68.50 8 3 150 21 CY0068 415789.00 1996932.00 526 1.9 1370 50 30 49.40 27 3 1110 40 CY0070 415811.00 1996933.00 227 1.0 3460 80 34 77.50 22 0 1510 61 CY0072 415811.00 1996908.00 1655 1.6 666 1910 12 64.70 9 3 358 17 CY0074 415799.00 1996883.00 593 3.0 1710 400 16 72.50 9 0 510 7 CY0075 415812.00 1996882.00 289 0.2 1635 60 17 52.10 16 4 702 11 CY0078 415810.00 1996859.00 101 0.0 1695 90 26 11.80 25 5 475 46 CY0104 415832.00 1997009.00 286 0.6 1660 50 28 44.40 36 3 670 36 CY0105 415841.00 1997007.00 123 0.4 1470 120 21 38.10 13 3 536 39 CY0107 415862.00 1997007.00 538 2.4 1475 30 25 43.60 21 0 651 14 CY0111 415820.00 1996982.00 221 0.4 936 50 8 22.00 30 3 632 15 CY0113 415841.00 1996983.00 166 0.0 900 60 16 63.60 34 3 487 10 CY0114 415852.00 1996983.00 373 0.4 1740 60 30 19.80 20 6 472 72 CY0115 415861.00 1996981.00 441 0.3 1590 50 15 22.00 30 4 879 23 CY0118 415840.00 1996959.00 774 0.0 1275 90 16 25.40 34 5 927 33 CY0119 415850.00 1996958.00 269 0.3 778 60 25 11.75 21 4 311 10 CY0120 415859.00 1996958.00 1090 1.2 2460 140 28 34.90 30 4 1705 44 CY0121 415820.00 1996932.00 1105 0.2 525 80 8 13.50 10 4 422 10 CY0122 415831.00 1996932.00 108 0.3 102 260 4 4.36 7 3 71 4 CY0123 415840.00 1996932.00 119 0.2 762 30 17 10.95 33 3 1200 20 CY0125 415820.00 1996908.00 303 0.0 276 200 10 2.12 12 4 123 10 CY0128 415821.00 1996880.00 328 0.0 6580 120 14 >100.00 26 5 1890 21 CY0141 415859.00 1996729.00 135 0.0 374 160 13 2.48 23 4 152 19 CY0143 415780.00 1996933.00 232 0.8 144 20 12 5.46 3 2 73 13 CY0146 415769.00 1996908.00 111 0.4 258 30 15 10.30 12 2 102 26 LOCATION MORENITA-APETLANCA REGIONAL SAMPLES SAMPLE X (WGS84) CY0147 415792.00 CY0148 CY0154 Y (WGS84) Au Ag As Ba Cu Hg Mo Pb Sb Zn ppb ppm ppm ppm ppm Ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm 1996883.00 123 1.3 403 415769.00 1996883.00 415730.00 1997201.00 463 0.9 2290 98 0.0 101 380 10 27.70 6 0 163 220 26 48.90 140 10 7.08 5 20 4 860 26 6 3 83 23 53 CY0161 415728.00 1997250.00 162 0.0 212 280 24 2.49 7 6 99 CY0184 415745.00 1997380.00 227 0.4 151 220 24 24.00 18 5 78 59 CY0186 415740.00 1997400.00 234 0.3 228 40 20 9.44 13 3 106 89 CY0188 415822.00 1997523.00 579 0.2 220 60 19 15.55 4 5 1865 37 CY0199 415720.00 1997418.00 152 0.0 197 60 29 2.84 14 7 85 108 CY0200 415626.00 1997273.00 114 0.4 1335 30 56 17.00 25 7 1060 249 CY0214 415852.00 1996783.00 183 0.0 288 20 15 3.46 18 2 111 16 CY0230 416148.00 1996925.00 255 5.3 2440 720 21 49.90 29 7 359 44 CY0250 415520.00 1997041.00 131 0.5 225 40 22 7.12 12 3 1390 41 CY0251 415528.00 1997095.00 187 0.2 482 30 23 16.10 25 3 626 50 CY0252 415540.00 1997407.00 98 0.4 97 120 6 2.06 3 2 >10000 16 CY0257 415639.00 1997489.00 113 0.0 192 40 7 1.25 2 2 30 17 CY0261 415770.00 1997483.00 317 0.3 113 2160 12 5.94 8 3 388 32 CY0265 415560.00 1996721.00 134 0.0 1205 110 13 19.65 18 2 297 25 21 CY0266 415610.00 1996796.00 192 0.6 344 20 13 21.00 7 3 258 CY0269 415565.00 1996908.00 296 0.4 291 20 29 13.00 22 4 134 78 CY0282 415286.00 1999146.00 109 0.0 549 30 12 31.10 9 3 414 51 CY0300 415956.00 1995888.00 280 0.0 498 920 6 25.40 4 4 146 9 CY0392 116029.00 1997839.00 324 1.3 4060 170 38 7.00 3 14 131 58 CY0392 116029.00 1997839.00 324 1.3 4060 170 38 7.00 3 14 131 58 CY0393 415513.00 1996738.00 356 0.2 428 40 11 23.00 7 3 1190 16 CY0393 415513.00 1996738.00 356 0.2 428 40 11 23.00 7 3 1190 16 CY0408 415803.00 1996906.00 228 0.0 475 70 19 7.75 12 5 253 29 CY0409 415803.00 1996906.00 121 0.2 237 30 12 7.30 5 2 118 17 CY0410 415803.00 1996906.00 256 0.5 520 90 20 9.09 11 6 270 29 CY0411 415803.00 1996906.00 239 0.7 471 70 17 6.86 8 7 234 29 CY0412 415803.00 1996906.00 206 0.2 430 90 17 6.78 9 6 247 28 CY0413 415803.00 1996906.00 216 0.4 689 110 17 9.16 9 6 337 27 CY0414 415803.00 1996906.00 197 0.5 437 70 16 6.48 9 6 248 25 CY0415 415803.00 1996906.00 276 0.2 459 70 16 6.04 7 6 226 28 23 CY0416 415803.00 1996906.00 238 0.5 494 90 16 6.13 8 6 255 CY0417 415803.00 1996906.00 416 0.8 1500 50 35 22.90 13 2 457 22 CY0422 416076.00 1996627.00 213 0.2 275 150 58 11.80 21 13 99 107 CY0423 416090.00 1996443.00 223 0.0 246 130 48 6.34 18 12 63 50 CY0424 416104.00 1996465.00 150 0.2 252 80 21 10.25 5 9 85 36 CY0425 416098.00 1996465.00 278 0.3 255 170 48 7.55 11 16 88 94 MOR013 413743.00 2006752.00 354 2.0 1850 220 25 8.00 3 315 80 450 386 MOR014 413799.00 2006754.00 136 3.0 907 340 47 8.00 4 262 67 MOR248 412702.00 2006603.00 137 4.0 378 20 11 12.00 8 4 397 30 MOR254 412398.00 2006402.00 272 0.0 231 20 14 5.00 8 3 183 32 MOR274 415799.00 1997003.00 276 0.5 3570 2840 27 47.00 26 5 1555 786 MOR315* 415510.00 1997575.00 99 0.0 159 20 4 1.00 0 5 98 5 MOR316 415500.00 1997600.00 110 0.0 51 50 15 0.00 1 5 9 20 MOR378 415557.00 1997138.00 117 0.2 136 60 16 0.00 4 9 58 34 MOR569 412101.00 2003230.00 148 3.8 398 120 10 0.00 0 449 25 566 MOR584 415601.00 1996755.00 136 0.0 245 30 18 6.00 6 4 75 10 68 LOCATION AUREA NORTE REGIONAL 10.0 SAMPLE X (WGS84) Y (WGS84) Au Ag As Ba Cu Hg Mo Pb Sb Zn ppb ppm ppm ppm ppm Ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm MOR585 415606.00 1996803.00 147 1.2 253 10 21 6.00 9 5 161 30 MOR595 415615.00 1997448.00 344 0.3 75 30 10 1.00 5 4 449 18 MOR666 413059.00 2005707.00 107 1.5 447 60 12 0.00 0 76 5 131 AN-06-11 415819.00 1996954.00 286 0.2 765 40 15 14 19 0 291 10 AN-06-22 415819.00 1996954.00 375 0.3 891 50 15 17 23 3 364 9 AN-06-38 415819.00 1996954.00 327 0.2 1005 60 15 28 26 8 347 10 MOR-13 409350.00 1997858.00 354 2 1850 220 25 8 3 315 80 450 MOR-14 409350.00 1997858.00 136 3 907 340 47 8 4 262 67 386 AN0611 415819.00 1996954.00 286 0.2 765 40 15 14.00 19 0 291 10 AN0622 415819.00 1996954.00 375 0.3 891 50 15 17.00 23 3 364 9 AN0638 415819.00 1996954.00 327 0.2 1005 60 15 28.00 26 8 347 10 ANT0173 416676.00 1999999.00 185 0.4 74 70 18 4.00 4 2 232 11 ANT0337 415802.00 2000198.00 196 0.2 422 20 22 83.00 17 2 206 142 DRILLING Minera Aurea completed 1,341 metres of drilling in nine holes in 2005 and 2,788 metres in fifteen holes in 2007 (Table 4, Figure 38). The total of 4,129.30 metres of NQ diamond core drilling was focused entirely on the San Luis and Rey David showings. Newstrike geologists are currently relogging core from the 2005 and 2007 programs. When completed, data will be used to more carefully define structural, alteration, and mineralogic controls to gold mineralization providing vectors for continued drill programs. Table 4. Drill Collar Data. San Luis and Rey David drill programs. Drillhole SL01 SL02 SL03 SL03A SL04 SL05 SL06 SL07 SL08 SL09 X (WGS84) 415803 415695 415894 415888 416008 415245 415309 418240 415896 415893 Y (WGS84) 1996906 1996856 1996886 1996887 1996777 1995795 1995537 1995732 1996931 1996831 Z (metres) 989.00 962.00 982.00 983.00 953.00 839.00 836.00 838.00 982.00 980.00 SL10 SL10B SL11 SL11A SL11B SL12 SL13 SL14 SL15 SL16 SL17 SL18 SL19 SL20 SL21 415795 415837 415405 415979 415841 416085 415794 415703 415742 415742 415785 415828 415703 416027 415202 1997515 1997521 1997620 1997552 1997681 1997885 1997463 1997484 1997294 1997294 1997195 1997086 1997484 1997806 1997322 998.00 998.00 1014.00 1012.00 1012.00 1020.00 984.00 984.00 1005.00 1005.00 996.00 979.00 984.00 1037.00 937.00 Azi. Dip 0 90 90 75 270 60 270 50 0 90 90 45 0 90 90 45 270 50 270 45 Sub-Total 2005 90 50 270 60 0 90 313 52 133 46 0 90 270 51 90 50 0 90 270 45 270 65 270 50 270 65 60 55 0 90 Sub-Total 2007 TOTAL Depth (m) 209.95 257.95 70.80 24.90 158.20 72.40 225.40 113.55 123.30 84.65 1341.10 171.80 160.00 110.30 200.10 200.00 178.25 141.75 168.35 246.45 88.95 316.05 114.00 220.00 220.70 251.50 2788.20 4129.30 69 Started Finished 29-May-2005 14-Jun-2005 30-Jun-2005 28-Jun-2005 6-jul-2005 24-Jul-2005 04-Ago-2005 18-Ago-2005 01-Sep-2005 10-Sep-2005 13-Jun-2005 27-Jun-2005 05-Jul-2005 29-Jun-2005 23-jul-2005 03 Agosto'05 17-Ago-2005 31-Ago-2005 8-Sep-2005 15-Sep-2005 12-Mar-2007 15-Mar-2007 23-Mar-2007 26-Mar-2007 04-Apr-2007 10-Apr-2007 14-Apr-2007 26-Apr-2007 3-May-2007 19-May-2007 30-May-2007 15-Jun-2007 22/06/2007 04-Jul-2007 24-Jul-2007 15-Mar-2007 22-Mar-2007 24-Mar-2007 03-Apr-2007 09-Apr-2007 13-Apr-2007 23-4-2007 28-Apr-2007 10-May-2007 28-May-2007 6-jun-207 16-Jun-2007 02-Jul-2007 18-Jul-2007 28-Jul-207 Metres Drilled Showing San Luis San Luis San Luis San Luis San Luis San Luis San Luis Drill Co, Tecmin Tecmin Tecmin Tecmin Tecmin Tecmin Tecmin Tecmin Tecmin Tecmin San Luis San Luis San Luis San Luis San Luis San Luis San Luis San Luis San Luis San Luis San Luis San Luis San Luis San Luis San Luis Energold Energold Energold Energold Energold Energold Energold Energold Energold Energold Energold Energold Energold Energold Energold Rey David Rey David Rey David Figure 38. Drill hole location Map. Rey David and San Luis Showing. Light green = Mezcala Fm; Dark green =Morelos Fm.; Pink= Porphyry. Yellow=silicified sediments; Red=jasperoid or jasperoid breccia. Black circles and numbers=drill holes, black lines indicate the drill direction, Blue lines=faults. Stepped line=the south property boundary. Dark grey=roads and Pale grey lines =100m topographic contours (after Hernandez-Contreras, 2007). 70 10.1 2005 Drill Program Minera Aurea, the predecessor company to Newstrike completed 1,341 metres of core drilling in nine holes in 2005. Six of nine drill holes were completed as a preliminary test of the San Luis showing and three tested the Rey David showing. Moderately anomalous (0.097 ppm to 0.209 ppm Au) mineralization or better was intercepted in five of the nine holes completed. Table 5 provides a list of all assay results that returned 97 ppb or greater along with other elements used as pathfinders. The best calculated grade intercept from the 2005 drill program is from the San Luis showing where drillhole SL003 intersected 1.11 gm/Tonne gold over a downhole length of 16.8m (Table 6). Table 5. 2005 Drill program assay results. All anomalous results greater than 97 ppm gold. DDH No. SL001 SL001 SL001 SL001 SL001 SL001 SL003 SL003 SL003 SL003 SL003 SL003 SL003 SL003 SL003 SL003 SL003 SL003 SL003 SL003 SL003 SL003 SL003 SL003 SL003 SL003 SL003 SL006 SL006 SL006 SL006 SL006 SL006 SL006 SL006 SL006 SL006 SL006 SL006 SL006 Sample No. SL0001 SL0002 SL0114 SL0117 SL0118 SL0119 SL0160 SL0161 SL0162 SL0163 SL0164 SL0165 SL0168 SL0169 SL0170 SL0171 SL0172 SL0173 SL0174 SL0176 SL0177 SL0178 SL0179 SL0180 SL0181 SL0182 SL0183 SL0403 SL0404 SL0407 SL0411 SL0415 SL0416 SL0417 SL0418 SL0419 SL0420 SL0421 SL0423 SL0427 From (m) 0.00 2.10 179.35 183.90 185.45 186.95 22.85 24.40 25.90 27.45 28.95 30.50 35.05 36.60 38.10 39.65 41.15 42.70 44.20 47.25 48.80 50.30 51.85 53.35 54.90 56.75 58.60 50.65 53.15 58.05 64.15 70.25 72.45 73.95 75.50 77.00 78.55 80.05 83.10 89.20 To (m) 2.10 5.00 180.85 185.45 186.95 188.50 24.40 25.90 27.45 28.95 30.50 32.00 36.60 38.10 39.65 41.15 42.70 44.20 45.75 48.80 50.30 51.85 53.35 54.90 56.75 58.60 60.10 53.15 55.35 59.60 65.70 72.45 73.95 75.50 77.00 78.55 80.05 81.60 84.65 90.75 Width (m) 2.10 2.90 1.50 1.55 1.50 1.55 1.55 1.50 1.55 1.50 1.55 1.50 1.55 1.50 1.55 1.50 1.55 1.50 1.55 1.55 1.50 1.55 1.50 1.55 1.85 1.85 1.50 2.50 2.20 1.55 1.55 2.20 1.50 1.55 1.50 1.55 1.50 1.55 1.55 1.55 Au ppb 403 438 168 169 901 598 191 197 329 187 120 124 97 391 508 2560 4060 582 244 705 683 836 192 1770 366 200 262 607 207 103 110 120 171 256 118 134 193 315 101 146 Ag ppm 0.2 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.8 0.2 0 0 0 1.8 0.4 1.1 0 0.2 0.3 0.8 1.2 0.8 0.4 3.4 2.6 3.3 0.8 4.4 1.5 1.1 0.6 0.2 9.4 0.4 0.4 0 0.3 0.3 0 0.2 0.3 1.1 0.2 0 As Ppm 360 425 510 572 137 58 901 587 826 475 338 217 183 2260 2060 3500 2550 535 388 952 534 458 263 2730 822 480 697 1040 731 314 232 194 209 337 154 109 102 176 128 207 71 Ba ppm 90 130 70 180 40 220 2490 2590 1970 490 460 390 380 2790 1320 2080 2280 1120 420 2340 2480 2360 530 3060 1700 1040 50 810 2100 100 90 10 10 10 10 30 30 190 70 80 Cu ppm 17 26 10 19 15 11 20 24 26 32 6 8 6 20 5 10 22 16 5 26 24 23 6 45 12 6 10 13 56 6 7 7 6 5 4 5 4 5 4 8 Hg Ppm 10.85 22.5 2.43 6.04 4.01 5.54 17 20 31 27 17 32 13 109 166 215 241 84 16 107 79 87 15 95 73 25 65 6.37 13.1 0.17 0.2 0.51 0.43 0.41 0.3 0.39 0.5 0.98 0.31 1.1 Mo Ppm 7 9 6 6 4 13 16 27 29 19 13 11 5 23 12 45 16 9 7 10 13 11 7 29 6 4 10 5 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pb ppm 6 7 2 4 4 2 22 4 6 3 2 5 4 5 2 4 6 5 2 6 5 5 5 8 6 4 17 13 8 0 3 4 3 5 2 3 3 5 3 6 Sb ppm 125 176 21 16 131 22 56 137 254 219 157 113 152 989 520 769 562 144 141 323 328 289 175 744 230 165 226 112 95 7 9 15 13 13 8 6 9 25 5 19 Zn ppm 15 26 20 46 28 46 33 24 29 17 3 3 26 229 94 44 54 23 12 18 13 15 18 65 42 14 20 135 103 11 18 20 19 40 17 29 14 23 40 29 DDH No. SL006 SL006 SL006 SL006 SL006 SL006 SL006 SL006 SL007 SL007 SL007 SL007 SL007 SL007 SL007 SL007 SL007 SL007 SL009 SL009 SL009 SL009 Sample No. SL0435 SL0476 SL0478 SL0484 SL0485 SL0486 SL0487 SL0513 SL0561 SL0562 SL0563 SL0564 SL0565 SL0566 SL0573 SL0574 SL0578 SL0579 SL0637 SL0638 SL0639 SL0640 From (m) 101.40 163.45 166.50 175.65 177.20 178.70 180.25 218.20 62.10 63.80 65.60 66.60 68.50 70.20 80.45 82.00 88.10 89.60 33.95 35.15 36.35 37.55 To (m) 102.95 165.00 168.05 177.20 178.70 180.25 181.75 219.75 63.80 65.60 66.60 68.50 70.20 71.60 82.00 83.50 89.60 91.15 35.15 36.35 37.55 39.05 Width (m) 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.50 1.55 1.50 1.55 1.70 1.80 1.00 1.90 1.70 1.40 1.55 1.50 1.50 1.55 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.50 Au ppb 228 114 110 144 137 231 107 107 228 1140 210 223 274 102 145 250 217 203 429 225 220 323 Ag ppm 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0.4 2.8 1.2 1 0.5 0.3 0.6 0.6 1.1 1 0 0 2.1 0.4 As Ppm 531 109 116 176 530 303 280 310 252 850 306 224 336 150 195 395 123 152 363 120 167 876 Ba ppm 230 30 30 170 410 350 670 90 90 200 340 710 450 540 50 30 0 10 1150 680 220 1880 Cu ppm 8 4 4 13 11 12 9 19 4 24 29 13 18 14 23 36 4 16 36 26 18 27 Hg Ppm 0.43 0.1 0.1 0.09 0.07 0.15 0.13 0.59 4.82 8.72 4.39 2.83 1.83 0.97 1.04 1.83 0.28 0.43 18.35 8.11 12.45 43.4 Mo Ppm 2 1 1 5 3 3 2 7 1 3 5 3 4 4 7 21 4 4 23 14 12 19 Pb ppm 7 2 2 6 5 5 8 4 0 17 4 3 4 3 3 7 4 5 3 4 3 4 Sb ppm 148 0 3 4 10 11 6 6 80 197 94 107 111 38 103 37 12 15 174 123 94 368 Zn ppm 37 7 13 42 32 57 42 96 32 130 96 59 90 51 132 155 17 51 123 60 50 24 Table 6. 2005 drill program results. Significant (>0.30 gm/T) gold intercepts. 10.2 Drillhole SL01 And SL03 Includes SL06 And And SL07 Includes From 0.00 185.45 22.85 38.10 50.65 70.25 175.65 47.30 63.80 To 5.90 188.50 60.10 54.90 55.35 81.60 181.75 91.15 70.20 Interval (m) 5.90 3.05 37.25 16.60 4.70 11.35 6.10 43.85 6.40 Gold gm/Tonne 0.42 0.74 0.61 1.11 0.42 0.18 0.15 0.13 0.49 SL09 33.95 39.05 5.10 0.30 2007 Drill Program Fifteen drillholes (totalling 2,788) m were completed in the San Luis area to follow-up on the results from 2005. Moderately anomalous gold (0.097 ppm to 0.209 ppm Au) or better occurs in eleven drill holes, often over repeated intervals. Table 7 provides the results of all anomalous assay results for gold greater than 97 ppb. Assay results vary from weakly to strongly anomalous, with a best intercept of 3.09 gm/Tonne gold over 0.7 metres downhole in drill hole SL14 (Table 8). 72 Table 7. 2007 Drill program assay results. All anomalous results greater than 97 ppb gold. DDH Sample From To Width Au Ag As Ba Cu Hg Mo Pb Sb Zn m Ppb ppm ppm Ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm No SL010 No. SL10002 M 4.05 m 7.10 3.05 209 0.3 188 90 21 6 7 9 324 62 SL010 SL10011 17.45 19.90 2.45 703 0.7 223 140 41 12 26 7 3070 99 SL010B SL10B051 74.30 75.60 1.30 182 0 61 20 8 3 2 0 121 33 SL010B SL10B055 79.40 80.50 1.10 108 0 343 60 15 7 11 4 1080 70 SL011 SL11063 85.90 87.20 1.30 137 3.2 615 280 36 2 7 7 124 58 SL011 SL11065 88.40 90.00 1.60 134 0 905 120 27 2 4 9 3260 71 SL011 SL11072 98.20 99.30 1.10 522 0.6 1050 170 22 8 3 7 115 10 SL011 SL11073 99.30 100.40 1.10 231 0.2 592 440 15 4 7 4 84 77 SL011 SL11074 100.40 101.60 1.20 295 0 558 2980 21 6 8 7 209 58 SL011 SL11075 101.60 102.70 1.10 315 0 254 410 16 4 3 6 55 26 SL011 SL11076 102.70 103.80 1.10 698 1.6 466 200 20 10 4 6 102 29 SL011 SL11077 103.80 104.90 1.10 127 0.3 130 210 20 1 4 7 27 10 SL011 SL11078 104.90 106.00 1.10 192 0 207 150 20 1 5 7 22 59 SL011 SL11079 106.00 107.10 1.10 201 0 318 300 20 3 3 7 32 24 SL011 SL11081 108.30 109.30 1.00 122 0.2 160 600 15 2 7 7 42 34 SL011A SL11A113 165.40 166.90 1.50 133 0 85 350 10 1 11 6 36 11 SL011A SL11A114 166.90 168.30 1.40 153 0 126 150 8 3 24 3 10001 10 SL011A SL11A115 168.30 169.80 1.50 104 0 71 70 8 1 24 3 224 4 SL011A SL11A118 173.00 174.30 1.30 108 0 73 40 30 1 12 4 39 9 SL011B SL11B001 24.50 25.60 1.10 108 0 251 20 8 2 0 5 3 28 SL011B SL11B045 123.70 125.20 1.50 213 0 3170 80 13 7 0 6 182 57 SL011B SL12003 12.25 13.85 1.60 125 1 151 20 11 3 4 3 1120 12 SL011B SL12004 13.85 15.85 2.00 121 1.6 253 40 16 3 6 3 1820 22 SL011B SL12010 47.25 48.75 1.50 736 0 77 280 30 4 22 5 26 48 SL011B SL12011 48.75 50.30 1.55 1225 0.5 56 210 25 4 18 2 17 41 SL012 SL13007 15.15 16.70 1.55 101 0 106 520 24 1 4 5 28 62 SL012 SL13013 24.10 25.35 1.25 249 0 198 210 12 1 5 5 170 58 SL012 SL13014 483 0.2 131 1090 61 4 30 11 55 149 SL13018 27.05 33.25 1.70 SL012 25.35 31.45 1.80 115 0 17 250 9 0 3 5 3 8 SL012 SL13019 33.25 34.85 1.60 137 0 44 400 28 1 5 6 37 17 SL012 SL13023 39.35 40.75 1.40 180 0.2 42 550 19 1 10 5 23 41 SL012 SL13024 40.75 42.25 1.50 226 0.2 56 480 23 2 8 5 42 45 SL012 SL13034 56.90 59.05 2.15 250 0 159 640 15 5 7 6 201 36 SL012 SL13035 59.05 59.80 0.75 276 0 49 3170 8 4 1 0 5470 14 SL012 SL13036 59.80 62.45 2.65 348 0.3 114 3070 11 3 2 4 633 19 SL012 SL13037 62.45 64.00 1.55 115 0.6 308 1510 30 18 21 4 514 23 SL012 SL13040 67.50 68.80 1.30 496 0.3 239 190 8 5 7 2 259 14 SL014 SL14002 29.67 30.77 1.10 146 0 76 100 7 1 2 0 6 28 SL014 SL14003 39.85 40.90 1.05 637 0 107 500 10 1 4 3 16 19 SL014 SL14007 59.30 60.00 0.70 3090 0 196 310 3 13 7 0 133 12 SL014 SL14013 97.30 98.65 1.35 475 0.2 63 240 12 3 4 8 42 22 SL014 SL14033 59.30 1.40 97 0.4 69 380 20 3 5 6 20 23 SL014 SL14034 57.90 55.00 57.20 2.20 101 0.3 42 580 8 2 2 7 14 25 SL015 SL15002 3.05 5.45 2.40 164 1.7 230 330 74 4 23 11 51 239 SL015 SL15004 7.45 8.30 0.85 194 5 145 210 54 4 10 9 39 113 SL015 SL15027 172.60 173.00 0.40 168 2.4 94 240 15 0 7 2 42 13 SL015 SL15028 174.55 175.25 0.70 253 2.5 161 140 15 0 1 0 37 34 SL016 SL16002 3.05 6.10 3.05 128 145 90 160 350 6 9 4 35 52 SL016 SL16003 6.10 9.15 3.05 270 0.3 304 890 132 4 33 17 69 602 SL016 SL16004 9.15 10.65 1.50 293 0.3 210 620 76 6 16 9 91 266 73 DDH Width Au Ag As Ba Cu Hg Mo Pb Sb Zn No SL016 Sample No. SL16005 From M 10.65 To m 12.20 m Ppb ppm ppm Ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm 1.55 242 0.2 232 510 55 6 13 7 109 SL016 SL16018 31.10 32.60 1.50 140 0.2 138 50 29 0 13 5 17 81 SL016 SL16024 40.25 43.30 3.05 177 0 165 50 38 0 4 7 33 77 SL016 SL16025 43.30 46.35 3.05 132 0 152 70 33 0 3 6 37 81 SL016 SL16028 52.45 55.40 2.95 505 0.8 482 260 56 3 7 7 149 193 SL016 SL16029 55.40 58.45 3.05 449 6.3 572 290 69 8 9 14 282 176 SL016 SL16030 58.45 61.50 3.05 199 1.5 239 250 50 7 8 14 143 146 SL016 SL16031 61.50 64.55 3.05 285 1.1 566 100 73 2 17 10 126 328 SL016 SL16033 67.60 70.65 3.05 761 1.1 508 230 79 5 17 14 90 278 SL016 SL16034 70.65 73.70 3.05 171 49.1 145 110 114 3 9 5 53 94 SL016 SL16035 73.70 76.75 3.05 483 5.9 486 250 104 5 15 11 143 255 SL016 SL16036 76.75 79.80 3.05 255 4.3 282 180 64 3 11 13 62 167 SL016 SL16037 79.80 85.90 6.10 145 0.9 160 60 26 3 4 8 29 64 SL019 SL19004 39.40 40.70 1.30 204 0.2 312 60 21 1 5 8 18 52 SL019 SL19006 53.30 54.50 1.20 278 0 260 60 27 3 5 12 43 51 SL019 SL19008 67.75 68.45 0.70 113 0.2 204 120 28 2 5 9 20 64 SL020 SL20003 10.35 12.15 1.80 198 0.3 239 700 23 11 21 8 128 43 SL020 SL20005 20.85 22.45 1.60 146 0.3 26 210 11 2 4 6 13 24 SL020 SL20006 29.75 31.05 1.30 1135 0.8 139 610 22 5 8 7 37 84 SL020 SL20018 82.30 83.95 1.65 164 0.4 188 590 5 3 13 4 71 8 SL020 SL20022 90.30 92.20 1.90 153 0.4 182 250 8 9 11 5 96 14 Table 8. 2007 Drill Program, significant (> 0.10 gm/T) gold intercepts. Drill Hole SL10 SL10B SL11 Includes And SL11A SL11B SL12 SL13 Includes SL14 And SL15 SL19 SL20 And From 17.45 74.30 98.20 98.20 102.70 165.40 123.70 48.75 56.90 67.50 59.30 97.30 174.55 53.30 10.35 29.75 To 19.90 75.60 109.30 99.30 103.80 174.30 125.20 50.30 68.80 68.80 60.00 98.65 175.25 54.50 12.15 31.05 Interval (m) 2.45 1.30 11.10 1.10 1.10 8.90 1.50 1.55 11.90 1.30 0.70 1.35 0.70 1.20 1.80 1.30 74 Gold gm/Tonne 0.703 0.182 0.272 0.522 0.698 0.105 0.213 1.22 0.216 0.496 3.09 0.475 0.253 0.278 0.198 1.135 187 10.3 Discussion of Drill Results Kearvell (2009) has summarized tentative conclusions and observations based on the first phase 2005 and 2007 drill programs. • The San Luis and Rey David jasperoid is developed near or at the contact of a porphyry of intermediate composition that appears to have been intruded near the faulted and folded contact between the Mezcala and Morelos formations. • Drilling has confirmed mineralization with respect to gold. Drill hole SL003 shows that thick packages of potentially economic Au can be found near surface, as indicated by a 37.25 metre altered horizon assaying 0.61 gm/Tonne gold in SL003. This is corroborated by drill hole SL007 at the Rey David showing which intercepted a 48.35 metre altered horizon with anomalous gold (0.130 gm/Tonne gold). Both intercepts occur at or near the intrusion contact. • Drill hole SL006, intersected a second 23.50 m thick sill body at Rey David, suggesting an environment of stacked sills or dikes each with potential for parallel mineralized horizons. • Rey David has been previously interpreted as an extension of the San Luis showing, following the same ridgeline that is interpreted as an anticline (Martinez, 2007). Furthermore, Martinez (2005-2007) describes Rey David as situated on the lower contact of the same porphyry that outcrops at San Luis, suggesting the intrusion follows westerly dipping structures. If this interpretation is accurate, then many drillholes were drilled parallel to the dip of the intrusion. • Drilling has not defined the geometry of the San Luis or Rey David intrusion(s). • The alteration mineral assemblage at Rey David suggests it has formed at a lower temperature and may represent the end stage or distal-most part of a skarn-mineralizing front. As a result, gold occurs only as a residual mineralization filling random fractures, faults, and veinlets. • Erratic gold at Rey David is primarily associated with low temperature silicification where iron oxides coat vugs and fractures and with iron oxide stringers, all suggestive of a distal source to mineralization. • The presence of antimony and arsenic in certain calcite vein intercepts suggests the presence of an epithermal overprint in the area. SL010 intercepted 2.45 metres of 0.703 gm/Tonne gold and 3070 ppm Antimony in one vein from 17.45 to 19.90 metres downhole. • Drilling at San Luis encountered gold mineralization that indicates a low to moderate temperature of formation, as indicated by the presence of silicified limestone, well developed jasperoid and occasional magnetite and garnet. Local cubic fluorite may also be indicative of higher temperatures of formation. 75 • The alteration and structural patterns suggests the trend along the ridgeline towards PhotoSat target 2 important for follow-up exploration. • All drill holes to date have tested for a Filos type exploration model where a diorite host is interpreted to be emplaced in Morelos Limestone at or near the upper contact with the Mezcala sediments and mineralized from a nearby source (a paired intrusion). • All drill holes tested from essentially the same elevation, following the top of the ridge interpreted as the apex of an anticline whose axis trends north to northeast from Rey David to San Luis and beyond. • Gold mineralization encountered appears to be associated with a mineralizing front originating from a distal source. 11.0 SAMPLING METHOD AND APPROACH 11.1 Ground Magnetic Survey The survey work, contracted to Asteroide Ingeniería S.A de C.V. (Mexico City D.F., Mexico) required establishing a grid over the selected study area, using a handheld GPS (Magellan, Meridian Platinum) using a WGS84 datum, with elevations estimated from INEGI 1:50,000 topographic contours. The grid covered a one kilometre square area with 21 equal spaced parallel lines and station spacing of 50 x 25 m for a total of 861 stations. A local base station was set up on the Morenita claim monument located inside the survey grid. Readings were taken every two minutes using a high resolution Scintrex MP2 with 0.1nT precision. Grid station readings were collected using an 'ENVI-MAG SCINTREX', with two vertical spaced sensors for simultaneous reading of the total magnetic field and the vertical gradient. Readings were recorded at each station by taking a series of readings (two per/second output) over a twominute interval. Data was entered by hand and plotted graphically in the field as a check on the accuracy of the measurements. The data was later entered into digital format for processing of the diurnal correction. 11.2 Stream sediment sampling survey Stream sediment sample sites were located on the downstream stem of the “Y” formed by the intersection of the two drainages being tested. A plastic trowel was used to collect the fines from various points at each sample site, over about a 50 metres length but dependant on the existing conditions at the individual sample sites. The samples were collected from standing or quiet waters where fines tended to accumulate, and from dry ephemeral streambeds. The uppermost surface of the fines was scraped using the trowel, and placed into a paper or cloth sample bag. The bags were labelled and recorded, then immediately double bagged for transport back to camp. 76 The samples were shipped weekly to ALS Chemex in Guadalajara, Mexico using the Estrella Blanca bus line under contract to ALS Chemex. ALS Chemex in Guadalajara dries, sieves and prepares the samples for shipment to Vancouver for assay. Assay results received using this method are comparable to a stream survey completed over the adjacent Morelos Project. The survey successfully produced anomalous gold in the stream environment, using the same calculated anomalous thresholds from the Morelos survey and the stream sediment survey is considered by Newstrike to be an effective, cost efficient exploration tool for this rugged tropical terrain. The survey was terminated early due to budgetary constraints (Kearvell, 2009), and because pre-existing survey data is sufficient for early exploration stages. As exploration progresses it may become necessary to complete stream sampling of specific areas. 11.3 Rock sampling During regional prospecting and reconnaissance, traverse lines were established for each area selected. Rock samples were collected at every outcrop where alteration or other features of interest were observed, and at systematic intervals during the course of a daily traverse. This differed slightly during grid mapping where samples were collected at or near every grid intersection. In both cases, outcrop samples consisted of random chips taken across the face of the outcrop. A large sample was collected onto a collection sheet, broken down to small equal sized fragments then mixed and split into two samples and placed into either cloth or plastic bags which were labelled with the sample numbers and secured with ties and double bagged. One sample was reserved for assay, the other retained as a duplicate. All duplicate samples are kept on site in secure storage facilities. The collected samples were evaluated, entered into a sample description log and selected samples were submitted for analysis. Each file was maintained by the project manager and compiled into a standard format that was reported on a monthly basis. All sample description files have been subsequently compiled into a single master sample GIS database. 11.4 Drill Programs Each drill hole collar was spotted using a Brunton compass and a Garmin handheld GPS using a Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) grid set to a WGS84 reference geoid for zone 14N. Minera Aurea geologists or their contractors were present at the drill site daily to ensure the core was sequentially placed in each box and that the boxes were properly marked and labelled. No downhole surveys were completed. Boxes were sealed at the site and core was transported each day to the project core facility to await logging. Prior to logging, the core was cleaned and marked with a double line (red and blue) to assist with maintaining a correct core orientation as the core was handled. Each box was then individually photographed. A geologist was assigned to log a drill hole using an Excel software format provided by Newstrike’s contractors for core logging and sample descriptions. A graphical representation of observed structures was included in each drill log. The core was measured and recovery estimates were made which tended to vary from poor through mineralized intervals, to very good in more competent rock. Graphic interpretive drill sections were constructed of the completed logs and final assay results were hand written into the sections as labels. All drill log and sample data was maintained under the supervision of the project supervisor. 77 The geologist logging the core marked sample interval on each and left a paper marker with the beginning and end of each sample. A sample description was entered into the same standard logging format. Samples were split using either a hand-operated hammer or a hydraulic splitter, swept clean between samples. Split samples were placed into plastic bags labelled with the sample number under the supervision of a geologist. 11.5 Recommendations for QA/QC Protocols It is the opinion of the author that work programs completed on the Aurea Norte Property by Minera and Newstrike described under Exploration (above) have generated reliable, credible, data, consistent with industry standards and practices. The overall exploration program was supervised by a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Properties. Exploration anticipated by Newstrike under the Proposed Work Program (Recommendations, below) should continue to be conducted under guidelines established and supervised by a Qualified Person, including but not limited to sampling of outcrops and trenching, if warranted. Surface sampling programs should include protocols of securing safe access, cleaning and mapping the exposures, and chip sampling using mallets and chisels in one to five meter intervals across the exposed mineralized zones. Panel samples must be collected to obtain the most representative sample possible. Analytical check assaying utilizing standards, blanks, duplicates and audit sampling should be employed for all geochemical and drill samples programs. Systematic and methodical protocols for QA/QC should be developed and detailed instructions made available to all project personnel to ensure consistent application. The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) accredits the ALS Chemex North Vancouver laboratory for specific tests listed under the Scope of Accreditation No. 579. This accreditation is based on ISO 17025 international standards and involves extensive site audits and performance evaluations. 12.0 SAMPLE PREPARATION, ANALYSES AND SECURITY The rock and stream sediment geochemical sampling and core drilling programs conducted by Newstrike and its’ predecessor company employed industry-standard protocols for collection and security of the sample material. For the drill programs, all geochemical samples to be assayed were double bagged after splitting and placed in “costales” (grain sacks) and stored on site in a secure location until they were shipped. The remaining half-split was returned to the core box and stored at the Newstrike’s secure storage facilities onsite. All samples to be assayed were then transported by a Newstrike employee weekly to the Estrella Blanca bus line in Iguala, Guerrero for shipment to the ALS Chemex preparation laboratory in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico (“Chemex”). While the Estrella Blanco Bus line was under contract to Chemex in Mexico, the samples were out of the control of the company representatives during transport by Estrella Blanca and until samples were collected in Guadalajara by staff of Chemex. 78 As standard methodology Chemex employs meticulous sample preparation procedures that are described on their website ( Samples that require crushing are dried at 110-120 C and then crushed with either an oscillating jaw crusher or a roll crusher. Note that if the whole sample is required to be pulverized, then this condition becomes irrelevant. The entire sample is crushed, but depending on the method only a portion of the crushed material may be carried through to the pulverizing stage. That amount, typically 250 g to 1 kg, is subdivided from the main sample by use of a riffle splitter. If splitting is required, a substantial part of the sample (the "reject" or spare) remains. A whole or split portion derived from the crushing process is pulverized using a ring mill. The client determines the size of the split based on the pulverizing procedure that is selected. Split sizes for manganese or chrome steel rings are typically 250 g to 4 kg; however split sizes for zirconia rings are 100 g and those for tungsten carbide rings are only 75 g. Because of the relative lightness of these latter two materials, the size of the sample to be pulverized must necessarily be reduced to these weights in order to achieve the ALS QC specification for final pulverizing, namely that >85% of the sample be less than 75 microns (200 mesh). Soil and sediment samples are typically sieved through a 180 micron (-80 mesh) screen and the fine fraction is retained for analysis. This procedure is satisfactory for smaller (i.e. 500 g or less) samples where the exploration target is base metals. However, when gold is the exploration target, Chemex recommends that the particle size of the minus fraction be further reduced using ring mill pulverization to > 85% - 75 microns (150 mesh) in order to obtain more reproducible gold data. For gold exploration, many "soil" samples weigh in at several kilograms or more. In this latter case, the samples often contain larger components such as pebbles or agglomerations of clay and other material. For samples like this, we recommend that after disaggregation the sample be sieved through a -2 mm (10 mesh) screen to remove the coarse material. Following this intermediate screening, the -2 mm (10 mesh) material is then split to about 500g using a riffle screen and then sieved through a standard -180 micron (80 mesh) to obtain a minimum of 150 g of fine material. Chemex still recommends further pulverization if gold is the exploration target, for the reasons outlined above. Prepared sample pulps were flown to Chemex’s Vancouver laboratory for analysis. Some of the pulp and rejects were later shipped back to the project site for storage; others remain in storage at Chemex. All core samples and geochemical samples were assayed using the multi-element ICP assay 41-element assay method (ME-ICP41), with gold assayed by fire assay and an AA finish (Au-AA23). According to Kearvell, (2009) an attempt was made to insert a sample blank at the beginning of each drill hole but this was not consistently followed. No sample standards were used, and there were few duplicates assayed. 12.1 Recommendations for QA/QC Protocols It is the opinion of the author that QA/QC protocols appropriate for the relatively early-stage of exploration of the AN Property have been employed. Specific details of protocols employed by previous companies on the AN Property and now forming a part of the general database are not known but work was supervised a Qualified Person. As exploration of the AN Property proceeds, especially as drill programs are initiated, systematic and methodical QA/QC protocols supervised by a Qualified Person become even more important. General recommendations for future protocols are described in the following paragraphs 79 A Qualified Person should directly supervise all future sampling programs and the samples delivered directly or shipped using commercial bus services to ALS Chemex’s preparation facility in Guadalajara, Mexico and forwarded to Vancouver, Canada for final analysis. All sample bags should be closed and sealed as collected and the samples assembled in sealed shipping bags or cartons at the end of each working day. Prior to shipping, the sample cartons will be stored in locked facilities at the Property or a nearby secure site. The ALS Chemex facility will be responsible for sample security after the receipt of samples. All pulps and rejects for future programs will be retained for audit analyses and metallurgical work. All coarse reject material from preparation of samples from the mineralized zones will be catalogued and retained for any metallurgical studies deemed appropriate in the future. Rock and soil samples will be crushed and sub-sampled, such that 100 grams of material is pulverized and shipped for analysis. ALS Chemex applies standard techniques as summarized in their 2009 brochure for producing gold, and silver analyses (fire assay preconcentration of 30 gram subsamples, with AA finish, results reported for gold reported in parts per billion) and a 32 or 41 element ICP suite which includes silver, and other elements of potential exploration interest. All reject material should be archived in secure storage for follow-up evaluation. All intervals with initial assays exceeding 1 gram per Tonne will be re-subsampled with a 2 assay Tonne sub sample, the entire sub-sample pulverized, screened for metallic’s, and subject to fire assay with gravimetric finish. In core drilling programs, both core and sludge samples will be collected, and all sludge samples within 5m of core intervals which are visually identified as mineralized or in which initial assays exceed 1.0 gram gold per Tonne will be subject to total pulverization, and screen fire metallic's analysis with gravimetric finish. All coarse reject material from preparation of samples from the mineralized zones will be catalogued and retained for metallurgical studies. When appropriate, such studies will be designed and supervised by a specialist in this field, but as currently anticipated will include bench scale milling, flotation and leaching tests and mineralogical studies to allow for reevaluation of the metallurgical flow sheet and a revised evaluation of capital and operating costs to be used as part of development of a preliminary feasibility study, if warranted. 13.0 DATA VERIFICATION As stipulated by NI43-101 guidelines, the author visited the AN Property on September 2, 2009. The purpose of the site visit was to inspect and ascertain the geologic setting of the AN Property, witness the extent of historical exploration work carried out, and assesses logistical aspects and other constraints relating to conducting exploration work in the area. Additionally, the author reviewed internal reports and data provided by Newstrike which documented previous exploration work programs and results on the AN Property, other pertinent publications by Economic Geology and other professional publications, reports and presentations provided by junior and major mining companies working in the GGB, and data prepared by the SGM. In validation of previous sample results obtained by Newstrike and predecessor companies on the AN Property, six audit samples, including core samples from the 2005 drill program on the San Luis target, were collected by the author during the field evaluation of September 2, 2009. The author’s sample descriptions and results for gold geochemistry are summarized below (Table 9) and complete multi-element results appear as Appendix 2. 80 The gold content, tenor, and geochemical character of the author’s samples are very similar to results of previous outcrop and core drill samples collected by Newstrike on the AN Property. The author’s review of the work results provided by Newstrike, various publications and reports, and the collection of the audit samples have provided some personal familiarity with the AN Property and have verified and confirmed the representations by Newstrike and conclusions of the author as outlined and described within this Technical Report. Table 9. Author rock chip and core sample descriptions and gold geochemistry from the September 2, 2009 examination of the AN Property. Au Sample # UTM E UTM N Description ppm B014781 415894 1996886 San Luis Showing. DDH SL003 39.65-42.7 m, bx, jasperoid, some f.g. calcite vnlts, vugs leached, lim w hem. 2.59 B014782 415309 1995537 Rey David Showing. DDH SL006 - 50.65 m -55.25 m, at contact, porph, bx stkwrk, w occas lim, hem, rubble, weak arg, w siderite. 0.289 B014783 415797 1996907 Rock chip strng silic, bx, limestone, moderate FeOx. 4.57 B014784 415250 1995665 Rock chip bx, silic, mod sporadic garnet, qtz eyes, hem, lim hornfels . 0.029 B014785 415271 1995812 Rock chip FeOx on fx, hem w lim on qtz diorite , large qtz eyes. <0.005 B014786 416015 2013774 Rock chip v strng silic, fault bx, hem on matrix . 0.008 Rock samples collected by the author in audit of previous evaluators were retained under his direct supervision and control and personally delivered to the Estrella Blanca bus line offices in Iguala, Guerrero State for transportation to the ALS Chemex preparation facility in Guadalajara, Jalisco State, Mexico. The Estrella Blanca bus transportation company had control of the samples from Iguala to Guadalajara. ALS Chemex preparation facilities were responsible for sample security after receipt of the samples in Guadalajara. For final analysis sample pulps were forwarded to the ALS Chemex North Vancouver laboratory, accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) for specific tests listed under the Scope of Accreditation No. 579. This accreditation is based on ISO 17025 international standards and involves extensive site audits and performance evaluations. Sample preparation and analytical procedures employed by ALS Chemex for the preparation and analysis of the author’s samples are described below. Detailed descriptions of the procedures and protocols employed are available on their website ( Rock samples are initially dried at 110-120°C and then crushed with either an oscillating jaw crusher or a roll crusher. The ALS Chemex QC specification for crushed material is that >70% of the sample must pass a 2mm (10 mesh) screen. A whole or split portion derived from the crushing process is pulverized using a ring mill to achieve the ALS Chemex QC specification for final pulverizing, namely that >85% of the sample be less than 75 microns (200 mesh). For multi-element analysis a 50 g representative split of the pulverized sample is digested in aqua regia. The multi-element analysis employed was Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy (code ME-MS41). Samples submitted were initially analyzed by ICP-AES (Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy) to pre-screen samples to determine that no elevated metal concentrations were present. 81 For gold analysis a 50 g representative sample split is digested in aqua regia. The gold analytical method (code Au-ICP22) provides a fully quantitative total gold content in rock samples. Typically the samples are mixed with fluxing agents including lead oxide, and fused at high temperature. The lead oxide is reduced to lead, which collects the precious metals. When the fused mixture is cooled, the lead remains at the bottom, while a glass-like slag remains at the top. The precious metals are separated from the lead in a secondary procedure called cupellation. The final technique used to determine the gold and other precious metals contents of the residue was by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES). ALS Chemex uses extensive QA/QC procedures and protocols for preparation and analytical procedures for all samples submitted to their facilities. For the preparation phase, ALS Chemex uses barren wash material between sample preparation batches and, where necessary, between highly mineralized samples. This cleaning material is tested before use to ensure no contaminants are present and results are retained for reference. In addition, logs are maintained for all sample preparation activities. In the event a problem with a prep batch is identified, these logs can be used to trace the sample batch preparation and initiate appropriate action. For the analytical procedures ALS Chemex standard operating procedures require the analysis of quality control samples (reference materials, duplicates and blanks) with all sample batches. As part of the assessment of every data set, results from the control samples are evaluated to ensure they meet set standards determined by the precision and accuracy requirements of the method. 14.0 MINERAL PROCESSING AND PROCESS TESTING Newstrike has not undertaken any metallurgical studies on the AN Property. 15.0 MINERAL RESOURCE AND MINERAL RESERVE ESTIMATES The information available for the AN Property is not sufficient to undertake estimation of a resource or mineral reserve compliant with NI 43-101 standards. 16.0 ADJOINING PROPERTIES AND PROSPECTS The Limon-Los Guajes deposit, located within the adjacent Morelos Project (Numbers 13 through 15, Figure 39) lies eight kilometres southeast of the AN Property. Original drill results for Limon-Los Guajes are available from a Teck Resources Inc. (“Teck”) press release dated Nov 8, 2004 and filed on Teck’s 78.8% interest in the resource was sold to Gleichen Resources Ltd. (“Gleichen”) for US$150 million plus 4.9% of Gleichen's issued and outstanding shares. A Teck press release dated November 8, 2004 and available on announced an inferred resource based on 32,100 meters of drilling in 204 holes at a cut off grade of 0.7g/t Au and a gold price of US$400/ounce in four zones. The Morelos Project is also contiguous with the Morelos Sur Project, purchased by the privately owned La Camara Mining in 2008 for US$16 million from Grupo Mexico S.A.B. de C.V, (Numbers 20, 21 and 22 on Figure 39). 82 The Los Filos Project, currently in production by Goldcorp Inc. (“Goldcorp”), is located on the trend of the GGB about 20 kilometres southeast of the AN Property (Numbers 16 through 19, Figure 39). As of December 31, 2007, Proven-Probable (277.27MT grading 0.63g/T Au - 5.64 M Ozs) and Measured-Indicated (84.37MT at a grade of 0.54g/T Au -1.47M Ozs) resource estimates were published ( As required by NI 43-101 the resources were estimated by standards of the Canadian Institute of Mining Metallurgy and Petroleum. The author has been unable to verify the information regarding the estimated resources and the reader is cautioned that the mineralization on the adjoining properties is not necessarily indicative of mineralization that is the subject of this Technical Report. The western AN Property boundary is adjacent to the north with the Rey de Plata Mine (number 25, Figure 39) and to the west with the Campo Morado project of Farallon Resources Ltd, which includes the producing G-9 deposit (number 26, Figure 39). Rey de Plata and Campo Morado are volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit environments (“VMS”). The Rey de Plata Mine is a past producer for Industrias Peñoles S.A. de C.V. ceasing production during the downturn of metal prices in 2001. The G9 deposit achieved commercial production in April 2009 on a resource estimate shown in Table 10. Again, the author has been unable to verify the information regarding the estimated resources and the reader is cautioned that the mineralization on the adjoining properties is not necessarily indicative of mineralization that is the subject of this Technical Report. 83 Figure 39. Properties, projects, and mineral deposits surrounding the AN Property (Kearvell, 2009). Table 10. Resource estimate for the Campo Morado property from the Godden et. al., NI 43-101 Technical Report report dated November 14, 2009. 17.0 OTHER RELEVANT DATA AND INFORMATION The author found no evidence for environmental problems, social, or security concerns on the AN Property although a detailed investigation of these issues was not conducted. As with any project in Mexico, in avoidance of social problems, steps should be taken to work with the local communities for employment and to maintain open and cooperative community relations. Additionally, security precautions should be maintained to limit all possible personal and operational risk, especially as exploration on the AN Property advances. The author believes that appropriate steps to address these and other issues have been taken by Newstrike and predecessor companies to Newstrike in previous exploration programs. It is believed that these protocols and procedures will be maintained and expanded as necessary during future exploration programs. 18.0 INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSIONS Jurassic to Cretaceous stratigraphy assigned to two different proposed basement terrains underlies the AN Property including the Teloloapan sub-terrain (“Teloloapan”), part of the Guerrero Basement complex; and the Guerrero-Morelos Platform of the Mixteca basement complex (“Platform”). The proposed boundary bisects the AN Property roughly north south. The model for gold mineralization in the GGB is associated with a Pacific Rim style of mineralization, is manifested as a structurally controlled oxidized iron skarn-porphyry system of late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary age that was emplaced into the carbonate rich sediments of the GuerreroMorelos Platform during relaxation of compression tectonics related to the Laramide Orogeny. Gold deposits and showings within the GGB are associated with a northwest-southeast trending series of stocks, dike and sills of primarily tonalite, monzodiorite, and granodiorite that share a common adakite provenance. At least three mineralizing environments exist on the scale of the AN Property and adjoining Aurea Sur Project of Newstrike : • • • A Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous VMS system; The Laramide Fe (Au, Cu) skarn-porphyry system of the GGB described above; A Tertiary, Ag-Pb-Zn (Cu) low sulphidation epithermal system. Gold is associated with a structurally controlled and contact metamorphic alteration assemblage that includes: phyllitic and argillic alteration, silica flooding, marble, hornfels, jasperoid, jasperoid breccias, oxidized iron skarn, magnetite, garnet, veins of carbonate+/-quartz+/-Clay+/-FeOx, and intrusion hosted secondary biotite, orthoclase, hornblende, quartz, pyroxenes, among others; all consistent with the GGB mineralization model. All exploration targets are blind (concealed) targets where the primary indication for mineralization is from alteration apparent in outcrop. In the GGB this typically has resulted in weak geochemistry at surface at the early exploration stages that requires reliance on pathfinder geochemistry (Au, As, Sb, Hg, Cu, +/- Mo, Ag) structural interpretation, geophysics, and alteration mapping. Regional prospecting located at least four exploration targets that conform to the GGB model and warrant follow up exploration: San Luis, Rey David, Morenita and Apetlanca. Other showings are also known that have not yet been followed-up. Results from stream sediment samples produce anomalous gold results varying from as low as 11 ppb gold (calculated lower threshold) to a best assay of 1000 ppb gold. Anomalous litho-geochemical sampling results vary from as low as 40 ppb gold, to a best assay of 7.79 gm/Tonne gold from outcrop chips at the San Luis showing. Geologic mapping and local grid sampling were completed over the San Luis, Rey David and Morenita showings. A total of 4,129.30 metres of NQ diamond core drilling were completed in 21 drill holes, focusing entirely on the San Luis and Rey David showings. Drilling is in the early stages and results are encouraging with consistently anomalous gold encountered in many of the drill holes. The best intercept is from the San Luis showing where drillhole SL003 intersected 1.11 gm/Tonne gold over a downhole length of 16.8m. 86 The AN Property of Newstrike is an early-stage exploration project which warrants continued exploration. Exploration methodology is appropriate for the early-stage and blind skarn targets being investigated. Most of the work to date has been focused on skarn related gold mineralization, which probably offers the greatest potential for discovery since several deposits (e.g. Los Filos, Nukay, El Limon, Bermejal) are located just south of the AN Property boundary within an identical or similar geologic setting. Exploration programs completed by Newstrike and predecessor companies have generated reliable, credible data that is consistent with industry-accepted standards. The early stage of exploration and the large size (nearly 60,000 Ha) of the AN Property offer numerous possibilities for potential mineralized zones within permissive structural and lithologic environments. To date only a small number of targets including two principal prospects have been drilled with initial exploratory drill holes. Much additional reconnaissance investigation will be necessary to more comprehensively evaluate other potential targets within the large AN Property. Unequivocally however, the original work programs have met the objectives of the programs: to identify new targets for focused exploration as recommended within this Technical Report. 19.0 RECOMMENDATIONS An exploration program is recommended that is to be completed by the end of the second quarter of 2010. The objective of the proposed program is to further evaluate the potential of the large AN Property, continue exploration of partially known targets and allow for more precise drill targeting at the San Luis and Rey David prospects. The objectives and recommended methodology under the single exploration program proposed will result in a decision point. The successful conclusion of this program will lead to drill hole planning and a drill program proposal, tentatively anticipated for a late third quarter start up pending results from this program. The objectives and recommended methodology of the next phase of work are outlined below. 1. Stage 1: Contract a high-resolution airborne magnetic survey to be flown over the eastern portion of the AN Property. Interpretations resulting from this critical survey will assist with locating buried intrusions, structural interpretation and drill hole planning. 2. Stage 2: Complete a compilation of the San Luis-Rey David showing database. This includes alteration and structural mapping, re-logging of core, building new drill sections and field checks of results. The existing database must be put into a GIS format. 3. Stage 3: Complete alteration and structural mapping of the Morenita-Aguacate showing and complete a preliminary mapping of the Apetlanca showing. Two new targets, the VMS and PhotoSat target 2 will be assessed in the field during this period as time permits. 4. The above stages are expected to incorporate trench and grid sampling as required. 5. All new exploration programs initiated on the projects must incorporate GIS data acquisition methods using the best practices exploration guidelines and QA-QC procedures as outlined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101. 87 19.1 Recommended Budget A C$700,000 budget, Table 11, is proposed that is sufficient to satisfy all required mineral rights tax payments and assessment work obligations through to the final quarter of 2010 in accordance with Mexican Mining Laws. Expected to be concluded by the end of the second quarter of 2010, the program consisting of widespread surveys and focused exploration is staged over three parts to allow for receipt and assessment of results at each stage. Part one will allow for a required airborne magnetic survey over a portion of the project area to assist with drill hole planning. A second stage of structural and alteration mapping at the San Luis and Rey David showing will bring these targets to the drill ready state and is expected to be completed by the end of the first quarter in 2010. The third stage will advance the Morenita and Apetlanca showings towards the drill ready stage and will assess at least two new targets for introduction into the exploration pipeline. Table 11. Recommended Exploration Budget AN Property. RECOMMENDED PROGRAM $C STAGE I – GEOPHYSICS Unit Cost SURVEY Staff 7,250 Airborne Magnetic Survey 200,000 ASSAY 1,800 COST STAGE I STAGE II ‐ SAN LUIS‐REY DAVID MAPPING ACQUISITION AND RIGHTS Land Survey and Access 22,000 GGB Mineral Rights, 01‐2009 96,252 Oaxaca Mineral Rights, 01‐2009 16,972 SURVEY Staff 37,655 Field Costs 24,800 Supervision 3,116 ASSAY 14,800 CONSULTANTS 8,500 COST STAGE II STAGE III ‐ REGIONAL MAPPING AND EVALUATION ACQUISITION AND RIGHTS Land Survey and Access 2,000 GGB Mineral Rights, 01‐2009 96,252 Oaxaca Mineral Rights, 01‐2009 16,972 SURVEY Staff 56,483 Field Costs 28,950 Supervision 3,116 ASSAYS 21,250 CONSULTANTS 8,500 COST STAGE III TOTAL PROGRAM COST 88 $C C$ Subtotal Plus Subtotal 5% Contingency 7,250 7,611 200,000 210,000 1,800 1,890 $209,050 $219,501 135,224 141,985 65,571 68,850 14,800 15,540 8,500 8,925 $224,095 $235,300 115,224 120,985 88,549 92,976 21,250 22,313 8,500 8,925 $233,523 $245,199 $666,668 $700,000 20.0 REFERENCES CITED Cabral-Cano, E., Lang, H.R., Harrison, C.G.A: Stratigraphic assessment of the Arcelia–Teloloapan area, southern Mexico: implications for southern Mexico's post-Neocomian tectonic evolution Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Volume 13, Issues 4-5, October 2000, Pages 443-457. Cabral-Cano, E., Draper, G., Lang, H.R. and Harrison, G.A., 2000, Constraining the Late Mesozoic and Early Tertiary Tectonic Evolution of Southern Mexico: Structure and Deformation History of the Tierra Caliente Region, The journal of Geology, vol. 108, p. 427-446 Campa, M.F; Coney, P: Tectono-Stratigraphic Terranes And Mineral Resource Distributions In Mexico. Can. J. Earth Sci., v20, p1040-1051, 1983. Castro Mora, J: Minera Aurea S.A. de C.V. Personal communications and internal memos, 2009. Corbett G: Anatomy of porphyry-related Au-Cu-Ag-Mo Mineralised systems: Some exploration implications. FOR: Australian Institute of Geoscientists North Queensland Exploration Conference June 2009. Corbett, G.J., and Leach, T.M: 'Southwest Pacific rim gold-copper systems: Structure, alteration and mineralization', Shortcourse manual May 1997 edition. Also published with edits as Economic Geology, Special Publication 6. 1998, 238 pages Estrada López, José: Proyecto Magnetométrico “La Morenita”, Cuetzala del Progreso, Estado de Guerrero. Report by Asteroid Ingeneria S.A. de C.V., author unknown, for Minera Aurea S.A. de C.V. July, 2006. Godden Stephen J., Et. al.: Technical Report On The Production Plan And Schedule For The G-9 Polymetallic Mine (Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn), Campo Morado Project, Guerrero State, Mexico, NI43101 report, by Godden & Associates Ltd., for Farallon Resources Ltd. 164p. Nov. 14, 2008. González-Partida, E.; Et. al.: Paleocene Adakite Au–Fe Bearing Rocks, Mezcala, Mexico: Evidence From Geochemical Characteristics. Journal Of Geochemical Exploration 80 (2003) 25–40. González-Partida, E.; Et. al.: Fluidos Asociados Al Skarn Au(-Cu) De La Joya, Distrito De Mezcala, Guerrero, México: Implicaciones Regionales Para Depósitos Formados A Partir De Rocas Calcoalcalinas Vs. Adakíticas. 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Sistema de Investigacíon Benito Juarez. SIBEJ, Informe Tecnico Final. 2001 Various Filing and Reporting Websites: TSX, Sedar and Edgar report filing websites.,, and other Press Releases and promotional material from publically available internet based corporate press releases, presentations and investor relations brochures including Newstrike Capital Inc, Aurea Mining Inc, Teckcominco and Teck Resources Ltd, Miranda Minng Corporation, Gleichen Resources Ltd, La Camera Mining Inc, Goldcorp Inc, Industrias Peñoles S.A.B. de C.V., Newmont Mining Ltd, Journey Resources Corp. Werre Keeman, F.J., Estrada Rosarte, G, Et. al.: Monografía Geológico-Minera del Estado de Guerrero. Consejo de Recursos Minerales Publicación M-19e.SECOFI, 1ºEd. 262p. 1999. 91 APPENDIX 1: STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS AND CONSENT CERTIFICATE OF AUTHOR STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS: Robert A. Lunceford, Certified Professional Geologist 761 Aspen Trail Reno, NV 89519 Phone: 775-250-7171 E-Mail: I, Robert A. Lunceford, hereby certify: 1. That I am a registered Certified Professional Geologist #6456 with the American Institute of Professional Geologists of Littleton, Colorado. Original certification occurred in November 1983, lapsed in December, 1998, and was reinstated in September, 2006. 2. That I graduated with a BS degree in Geology in 1971 from San Diego State University and MSc. degree in Geology in 1976 from Montana State University. 3. That I have practiced my profession in the field of mineral exploration and mining since 1976 continuously to 2000. From March 2000 to July 2006 I worked as a Commercial Real Estate Salesman. I resumed consulting as a Geologist in August 2006. 4. That I have accrued 28 years of experience in discovery, exploration, and evaluation of metals and mineral deposits in Australia, North, Central, and South America. Relevant experience includes investigation, evaluation, and exploration of several skarn showings and deposits located in the United States, and Mexico over a 10 year period. 5. That I personally conducted the examination of the AN Property on September 2, 2009 as reported herein. 6. That I am the author in the preparation of the Technical Report titled “ GEOLOGICAL REPORT AND SUMMARY OF FIELD EXAMINATIONS, AUREA NORTE PROJECT, Municipalities of Apaxtla, Cocula and, Cuetzala del Progreso GUERRERO STATE, MÉXICO SEPTEMBER 30, 2009” and am solely responsible for its content. 7. That I am not aware of any material fact or material change with respect to the subject matter of the Technical Report which is not reflected in the Technical Report, the omission to disclose which makes the Technical Report misleading. 8. That I have read the definition of "qualified person" set out in National Instrument 43-l0l ("NI 43-101") and certify that by reason of my education, affiliation with a professional association (as defined by NI 43-101) and past relevant work experience, I fulfill the requirements to be a “qualified person" for the purposes of NI 43-101. 9. That I am acting as a Qualified Person, and as a independent Technical Advisor to Newstrike Capital Inc.; that I have had no prior nor do I have any present interest or involvement in the AN Property or shares or interest in Newstrike Capital Inc. nor do I expect to receive any such interest or shares. 10. As of the dates of this certificate, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the Technical Report contains all scientific and technical information that is required to be disclosed to make this Technical Report complete and accurate, and not misleading. 92 CONSENT: I, Robert A. Lunceford, CPG and Qualified Person responsible for this Technical Report: (a) consent to the public filing of the Technical Report and to extracts from, or a summary of, the Technical Report in the written disclosure being filed; and (b) confirm that I have read the written disclosure being filed and that it fairly and accurately represents the information in the Technical Report that supports the disclosure. Dated September 30, 2009 Robert A. Lunceford 93 APPENDIX 2: AUTHOR SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS GU09096663 – Finalized DATE RECEIVED : 2009-09-10 DATE FINALIZED : 2009-09-16 CERTIFICATE COMMENTS: "ME-MS41:Interference: Ca>10% on ICP-MS As ICP-AES results shown. ME-MS41:Gold determinations by this method are semi-quantitative due to the small sample weight used PO NUMBER : " " (0.5kg). WEI-21 Au-AA23 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 SAMPLE Recvd Wt. Au Ag Al As Au B Ba Be Bi Ca Cd DESCRIPTION Kg ppm ppm % Ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm BO14781 1.34 2.59 0.97 0.11 2770 2.4 <10 2250 0.05 0.05 23.2 BO14782 0.68 BO14783 2.7 BO14784 3.02 BO14785 2.5 0.289 7.38 1.08 854 0.4 <10 860 0.19 0.11 7.11 1.3 4.57 0.34 0.26 365 4.2 <10 140 0.11 0.06 0.17 0.28 0.029 0.13 0.63 3470 <0.2 <10 480 0.72 0.15 0.17 0.91 0.06 0.93 499 <0.2 <10 240 0.19 0.16 0.05 0.11 BO14786 3.14 0.12 0.21 244 <0.2 <10 1110 0.22 0.05 1.67 0.24 <0.005 0.008 2.59 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 Ce Co Cr Cs Cu Fe Ga Ge Hf Hg In K Ppm ppm ppm ppm Ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % BO14781 8.45 1.5 3 0.59 17.2 4.87 0.73 0.11 0.05 197 0.019 0.03 BO14782 45.3 12.6 22 0.93 31.5 2.11 2.44 0.08 0.15 7.5 0.035 0.02 BO14783 3.25 1.4 39 0.48 13.2 1.93 1.59 0.11 18.5 0.021 0.04 BO14784 11.15 4.5 39 0.34 30.8 18.95 5.68 0.32 0.25 27.6 0.04 0.08 BO14785 43.4 1.7 31 0.15 4.7 1.75 3.75 0.07 0.2 5.2 0.044 0.02 BO14786 7.33 3 30 1.01 19 1.52 1.8 0.11 0.07 0.93 0.022 0.06 94 <0.05 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 La Li Mg Mn Mo Na Nb Ni P Pb Rb Re Ppm Ppm % ppm Ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm BO14781 3.7 0.9 0.08 541 34 0.02 0.14 14.3 520 4.7 1.3 BO14782 20.6 10.4 0.05 408 7.48 0.01 0.08 68.1 1140 9.9 1.8 BO14783 2.1 1.1 0.01 46 6.63 BO14784 5.2 0.9 0.02 36 29 BO14785 21.9 2.9 0.01 11 2.69 BO14786 7.3 1.2 0.02 29 5.38 <0.01 0.01 <0.01 0.01 0.11 7 180 4.1 3.1 0.38 24.1 800 11 4 0.07 10.3 330 14.7 0.8 0.11 24.6 440 4.7 1.9 <0.001 0.002 <0.001 0.005 <0.001 0.011 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 S Sb Sc Se Sn Sr Ta Te Th Ti Tl U % Ppm ppm ppm Ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm BO14781 0.11 673 6.1 3.7 0.6 160.5 <0.01 0.12 0.3 <0.005 50.6 3.65 BO14782 0.05 125.5 3.4 2.5 0.5 163 <0.01 0.03 3.7 <0.005 21.4 2.1 BO14783 0.02 195.5 0.8 1.5 0.4 17.3 <0.01 0.23 0.4 <0.005 3.72 0.84 BO14784 0.12 1195 3.1 8.8 0.6 37.3 <0.01 0.07 1.4 4.86 3.07 BO14785 0.04 57.8 4 0.8 0.9 48.8 <0.01 0.01 5.1 BO14786 0.12 29.8 0.6 13.4 0.5 251 <0.01 0.03 0.5 95 0.014 0.005 <0.005 1.82 0.73 0.25 1.66 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 ME-MS41 V W Y Zn Zr Ppm Ppm ppm ppm Ppm BO14781 37 0.13 9.21 42 1.8 BO14782 22 33.1 10.2 115 4.2 BO14783 62 0.82 1.07 16 5.3 BO14784 311 0.7 2.95 18 10.9 BO14785 43 0.52 2.76 16 6.4 BO14786 66 2.44 3.12 63 2.5 96