the map - Basilica di Santa Croce


the map - Basilica di Santa Croce
Monumental Complex
The Gothic church of Santa Croce, the
largest Franciscan church in the world,
represents and summarizes seven hundred
years of the history of the city of Florence
- its foundations date back to ����. The
evidence of spiritual, artistic and civic
activities came together in this location in
such a profound and original way that in
‘���, the church became the symbol of the
unity of the new nation.
With its impressive architecture, its great
fresco cycles of Giotto and his school,
paintings on wood, stain glass windows
and numerous sculptures, the Basilica
epitomizes one of the most important
pages in the history of Florentine art from
the thirteenth century onwards.
Santa Croce is a custodian of the memory
of the roots from which sprung the culture
and the values which formed generations
of Italians. It preserves the tombs of Michelangelo, Galileo, Rossini, Foscolo, Machiavelli, Alfieri and other famous personalities
in the history of Italy.
Giotto and the ��th century Painting
Stories of the Virgin Mary,
Taddeo Gaddi
Stories of the Virgin Mary and St.
Mary Magdalene, Giovanni da Milano
Stories of St. John the Baptist and St. John the
Evangelist, Giotto
Stories of St. Francis, Giotto
The Finding of the True Cross,
Agnolo Gaddi
Stories of St. Silvester,
Maso di Banco
The Triumph of Death, The Last
Judgement, Hell, Andrea Orcagna
The Tree of the Cross and The Last
Supper, Taddeo Gaddi
Sepulchers and Memorials of the Great
Opening Times
Monday – Saturday: �.��am – �.��pm
Sundays and religious holidays (Epiphany –
January �th , Assumption – August ��th,
All Saints Day – November �st, Immaculate Conception – December �th): �pm –
The ticket office closes at �pm.
The ticket is valid for one day and one
entrance only.
Closed for visits on: New Year’s Day –
January �st, Easter, St. Anthony’s Day –
June ��th, St. Francis’ Day – October �th,
St. Stephen’s Day – December ��th
Renaissance Art and Architecture
Madonna of the Milk, Antonio Rossellino
Pulpit, Benedetto da Maiano
Annunciation, Donatello
Crucifix, Donatello
Pazzi Chapel, Brunelleschi
Other Important Works of Art and Architecture
Statue of Liberty, Pio Fedi
Baroncelli Polyptych, Giotto
Reliquary of the Blessed
Umiliana de’Cerchi
Crucifix, Cimabue
Pietro Parigi’s Xylograph
Exhibition Area (downstairs)
Museum of the Opera di Santa Croce
Thank you for respectable behavior and for
respecting the silence.
Contact Information:
For Religious Services:
Information at
Discounts for children from �� to �� year
old, for school groups, the groups of more
than �� people, and the Family Ticket.
Free of charge for residence of Florence
and province, for children under �� years
of age, for disabled and person accompanying them, for tour guides and
assistants, for teachers accompanying
school groups.
The ticket is valid for the entire
monumental complex.
Rules of Behavior
Our staff must insure that the rules of
behavior indicated at the entrance of the
monumental complex are respected during
the visit.