
Birth date
Via monte Covolo, 6 25085 Soprazocco di Gavardo, italy
12 Marzo 1982
February 2014- present
October 2010- present
Exchange researcher at HoGent University.EQUAL Department of Hortopedagogie. Ghent, Belgium.
Coop. Imp. Soc. “La Nuvola” NGO in Orzinuovi (BS). Activities of scientific and technical consultancy in
services for people with intellectual disabilities. Scientific coordinator of the Clinic for children with ASD:
“BIOS”, service accredited to the Italian NHS.
October 2010- present
AAIDD (American Association for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities), President of the
International Special Interest Group.
October 2010- present
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan. Teaching assistant at the head office in Brescia for the
chair of Special Education (prof. L. Croce).
April 2014-present
• June 2011
May 2009 - May 2010
November 2010
AmicoDI. Master's Degree in Applied Behavior Analysis and contextual Models in services for people with
Intellectual disabilities.
IESCUM European Institute for the Study of Human Behavior. Master's degree in Applied Behavior
Analysis.(BcaB equivalent)
Fo.B.A.P. (Fondazione Bresciana Assitenza Psicodisabili) Internship
Register of Psychologists: certified professional psychologist
2005 - 2008
Department of Psychology, University of Padua, Master degree in Clinical Psychology. Thesis in
Department of Psychology, University of Padua. Internship in the laboratory of Psychophysiology.
2001 - 2005
Department of Psychology, University of Padua. Bachelor of Science in personality and interpersonal
2003 - 2004
Student interchange: Erasmus scholarship in Portugal, Universidade do Minho, Braga.
July 2003
1996 – 2001
July 2014
scholarship winner (ILPC) at Universidade dos Açores, Ponta Delgada, Portugal. Final
High School Diploma: Liceo Classico E. Fermi, Salò.
Co Author of the symposium: Using Quality of Life Approach with Individuals with Disabilities and Their
Families: What works to Enhance life quality? L.Croce, M. Lombardi, f. Dicosimo, S. Donina. 4th IASSIDD
Europe Congress 2014 - Pathways to Inclusion! Vienna.
Oral Presentation: Psychometric properties of the Personal Outcome Scale CA. L Croce, M. Lombardi, S.
Vandevelde, C. Claes. 4th IASSIDD Europe Congress 2014 - Pathways to Inclusion! Vienna.
Association Institute Regina Virginum –Caltagirone, Italy. Report to congress: The Life Project
Moderator at the annual meeting of the International Special Interest Group at AAIDD the 138th Annual
Meeting: Embraxing Complexity. Inclusion, Participation, and Citizenship. June 24th, 2014, Orlando, FL
Individualized Plan of supports.
Moderator at session Quality of Life in Chile at 138 ° AAIDD Annual Meeting: Embraxing Complexity.
Inclusion, Participation, and Citizenship. June 24th, 2014, Orlando, FL
Pagina 1 - Curriculum vitae di
[ Lombardi, Marco]
Per ulteriori informazioni:
Oral Presentation: Promotion of Quality of Life Outcomes: strategies to support the QoL; L. Croce, M.
Lombardi, V. Barbieri; S. Donina. AAIDD 138th Annual Meeting: Embracing Complexity. Inclusion,
Participation, and Citizenship. June 24th, 2014, Orlando, FL
Co author of the Oral presentation: Quality of Life Outcomes and the Implementation of an ISP System in
Italy; L. Croce, M. Lombardi, V. Barbieri; S. Donina. AAIDD 138th Annual Meeting: Embracing
Complexity. Inclusion, Participation, and Citizenship. June 24th, 2014, Orlando, FL
November 2013
Regional Education Office, seminar: "Autism and experimental projects, good practices of inclusion“. Oral
presentation: “Best practices for inclusion in the primary school "
October 2013
Poster at the International Conference "behaviorism at 100th." IESCUM, Parma: Challenging Behavior
During discrete instructional training: a case study. A. Giannattasio, M. Lombardi.
October 2013
Oral Presentation: "New perspectives for the evaluation of the Quality of Life in the light of UNCRP" La
Rosa Blu, ANFFAS, Rome.
August 2013
Oral Presentation: The quality of life outcome measures. L. Croce, M. Lombardi, V. Barbieri at IASSID 3rd
Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, Waseda University, Tokyo.
June 2013
Oral presentation: The Significant Variables for Promoting Quality of Life Outcomes in a service provider
organization. L. Croce; M. Lombardi, V. Barbieri, R. Cavagnola, S. Donina at 137th Annual Meeting of the
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) "Race to catch the future",
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
October 2012
September 2012
July 2012
Amico D.I. Conference, Brescia. Oral presentation: the management of challenging behavior in a day care
center for people with disabilities.
Fourth National Convention of AIRi.M .: "Innovating services in times of crisis" in Milan. Chairman.
IASSID, World Congress, Halifax, Canada. Presentation: The use of the SIS in Italy. Croce, Leoni,
Lombardi, Nolani; Presentation: Need of Assessment to support rule-inclusive services and supports in
communities L. Croce; M. Lombardi, r. Cavagnola.
IASSID, World Congress, Halifax, Canada. Presentation: Need of Assessment to support rule-inclusive
services and supports in communities L. Croce; M. Lombardi, R. Cavagnola.
IASSID, World Congress, Halifax, Canada. Presentation: Human Service Research Institute supporting
professionals in innovating resource allocation system in Italy: the scientific board experience ANFFAS J.
Fortune; L. Croce; M. Lombardi.
June 2012
AAIDD President of the International Special Interest Group.
Poster Presentation: The social perception of the person with Intellectual Disability L. Croce, M. Lombardi,
F. Di Cosimo at 136th Annual Meeting of AAIDD, AAIDD "Research, Practice, Policy" Charlotte, North
November 2011
Presentation to the International Conference Organized by the coop's ECM Cloud and AIRIM "Designing
individualized and Quality of Life," Palazzolo; intervention: "The individualized planning for children with
October 2011
Ce.SARD "Aggression: from pathophysiology to emotions," Marina di Riposa, Catania. Oral speech: "deal
with aggression in services: taking charge of the team in the professional management of challenging
June 2011
December 2010
October 2010
June 2010.
Presentation at the annual meeting of the 135 ° AAIDD (American Association on Intellectual and
Developmental Disabilities) in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA Search "Using SIS at the organizational level to
roule inclusive services and supports in communities" L. Croce; M. Lombardi; M. Nola.
Co-author of the article published on Italian American Journal on Intellectual Disabilities and
Develompmental: "Quality of Life and Support models to project services for the intellectual disability"
Lions, Praise, Lombardi, Delfrate, Marcarini. In October 2010.
Presentation at IASSID European Conference in Rome: The assessment to develop an inclusive service. L.
Croce, R. Cavagnola, M. Lombardi.
Poster Presentation at the 134th annual meeting of the AAIDD (American Association on Intellectual and
Developmental Disabilities) Providence, Rhoad Island, USA. Research: "Assessment Profiling to reorganize
Service Support Activities: ICF, SIS and SIDI working together" L. Croce; A. Franchini, M. Leoni; M.
Lombardi, R. Cavagnola.
English, Spanish and Portuguese fluent in reading, writng and speaking. French basic in reading, writing and speaking
I authorize the treatment of the use of my personal data in the basis of the Italian D. lgs. 196/03
Pagina 2 - Curriculum vitae di
[ Lombardi, Marco]
Per ulteriori informazioni: