2009 - Singapore Manufacturing Federation
2009 - Singapore Manufacturing Federation
Driving Manufacturing Productivity and Innovation Annual Report 2009 Contents CONTENTS 02 Our Vision and Mission Statement 04 Our Profile 05 Our Corporate Logo 06 President’s Message 10 Executive Committee 12 Council Members 15 Organisation Structure 20 Management Committees 22 Function Committees 38 Strategic Project Committee 44 Industry Groups 68 International Trade Development 74 Centres of Excellence 90 Our Committee Listings 109 Our Members SMa Annual Report 2009 0 Our Vision Our Vision To be a world-recognised manufacturing federation creating value to its members 0 SMa Annual Report 2009 Mission Statement Mission Statement To represent the Singapore manufacturing community and drive its competitiveness and sustainable growth through serving industry-specific needs SMa Annual Report 2009 0 Our Profile Our Profile The Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) is the largest national organisation representing the interests of manufacturing and manufacturing-related industries. The federation was established in 1932 by 17 founding members that were engaged in manufacturing. Currently, SMa has more than 2,800 member companies comprising of local SMEs and leading MNCs. To better address each industry’s unique and specifc needs and interest, member companies are categorised into 11 inudstry groups. SMa provides key services, such as representation of members’ views in formal dialogues with the government; increasing business opportunities through local and international trade fairs and missions and enhancing members’ competitiveness via conferences, seminars, workshops and other industry-specific educational programmes. 0 SMa Annual Report 2009 Our Corporate Logo Our Corporate Logo The three progressive strokes reflect the dynamic emergence of members moving into strength, and the diversified range of businesses moving in unison as they surge forward into the international arena. The red stroke reflects Singapore’s national colour. The blue stroke signifies authority and confidence. The light blue stroke evokes a sense of vibrancy and freshness. Together, the colour combination suggests excellence, professionalism and pro-activeness. On the whole, the SMa logo projects confidence and readiness as a unified body to meet future trade challenges both locally and internationally. SMa Annual Report 2009 0 President’s Message President’s Message 2009 was a challenging year for the local manufacturing industry. As a result of contraction in global demand for manufacturing, our local manufacturers, who are mostly export-dependent, faced stiff competition and possibilities of job layoffs. The year started with great uncertainty but the Singapore economy managed a successful turnaround at the end of the year. In 2009, our GDP contracted by two per cent. This is only possible with collective efforts from the government, unions, companies and associations such as SMa to strengthen our economic resilience. Looking Back: 2009 SMa showed full support in assisting manufacturers tide through this trying period and prepare for the upturn. Specifically, we worked closely with government agencies and supported their initiatives to lessen the impact of the economic recession on companies and the workforce. For instance, our business consultancy arm, EDC@SMa rolled out the Financial Facilitator Programme to help ease credit access for SME manufacturers. The response was well-received, and we saw a substantial increase in the number of companies coming forward for assistance. Our training arm, Centre for Corporate Learning (CCL) also supported government initiatives in Skills Programme for Upgrading and Resilience (SPUR) to help companies save jobs while keeping business costs low. Under the SPUR initiative, CCL rolled out courses such as Certified Operations Specialist (COS) and Certified Operations Professional (COP), and WSQ Certificate in Generic Manufacturing Skills (CGM). In total, more than 2000 Statements of Attainment (SOA) were awarded. Our eSupply Chain Management Council (eSCM Council) also collaborated with industry partners on a pilot project to boost supply chain capabilities of manufacturers, logistics and service providers. This project involved a total of 17 companies and achieved more than $23 million in cost savings. SMa regularly organises seminars, workshops and networking events to keep members updated with the latest business trends and industry development. In 2009, more than 100 events were 0 SMa Annual Report 2009 President’s Message jointly organised with industry partners and government agencies to promote capabilities upgrading and the sharing of industry insights. We also promoted best practices such as sustainable manufacturing in seminars to generate awareness and interests among companies. The objectives are to encourage them to adopt the Sustainable Manufacturing Label and Sustainable Manufacturing Programme. These programmes include the WSQ Manufacturing Sales and Marketing (MSM) and the Certified Productivity and Innovation Manager programme. Going forward, we will continue to roll out more courses and assist companies in accessing the latest innovation and technologies. With this, we hope to provide a holistic approach spanning sectoral, enterprise and workers levels. At the strategic level, SMa formulated a three to five year industry roadmap, through a seven-step strategy, the Manufacturing Excellence Initiative (MEI), to transform the local manufacturing landscape. These plans were referenced from SMa members’ feedback on the impact of the economic tsunami. Our MEI programme has received funding from Local Enterprise and Association Development (LEAD) programme under SPRING Singapore. Our next focus is to strengthen efforts in promoting local SME manufacturers and their products overseas. We fared well in areas of international trade activities last year and we hope to generate more opportunities to lead members to emerging markets such as ASEAN, second and third-tier cities in China, India, Middle East and Latin America. During the year, SMa also strengthened government relations through active participation in Budget 2009, Economic Strategies Committee (ESC) and frequent dialogue sessions with various government agencies. SMa is well-positioned to drive the manufacturing community towards higher productivity and sustainable growth by moving up the value chain. With our networks, resources and capabilities, we are further committed to value-add our members and their businesses as a one-stop manufacturers’ centre. Moving Forward: 2010 I am glad to note that my representation of SMa in the ESC Sub-Committee working group 6 on ‘Fostering Inclusive Growth’, has heightened awareness of the importance of productivity improvement. Our manufacturing sector must raise productivity levels through innovation, use of technology and training. We believe that in order to achieve quantum leap in manufacturing productivity and innovation, we need to engage our members, working partners and government agencies. Therefore, Productivity, Innovation and Continuing Education will take centre-stage in our future offerings. We are ready and committed to serve the manufacturing sector, and will actively generate programmes to engage interests of the industries in raising productivity. We formed a Productivity and Innovation Function Committee to help manufacturers re-look into business processes to raise productivity. This committee comprises government officials and companies that are champions of productivity. Supported by a Chief Productivity and Innovation Officer (CPIO) and our 11 industry groups, this function committee aims to chart the productivity roadmap for respective manufacturing industries, specifying gaps and areas for improvements. Conclusion I would like to thank our members for their support in the past year. I hope to encourage all members to join our programmes and utilise our facilities and resources. I also invite members to provide regular feedback on how we can improve our offerings. My appreciation goes out to the government agencies and working partners for their support. I hope to further explore ways where SMa can play a multiplier of assistance schemes and assist local manufacturers to grow. Last but not least, I would like to thank my Council for their assistance, direction and support and the Secretariat for their commitment in bringing us to greater heights. Let us look forward to a good year in 2010 and beyond! Renny Yeo President In early 2010, we launched courses on productivity and innovation, targeting PMETs within the manufacturing industry. SMa Annual Report 2009 0 Driving Manufacturing Productivity and Innovation Executive Committee Mr Hans-Dieter Bott Vice President, SMa Chairman Trade and Investment Function Committee Mr Lim Meng Wee Chairman IT and Technology Development Function Committee Managing Director SP Consulting (International) Pte Ltd Ms Annabelle Tan Lan Hiang Chairman Membership and Corporate Communications Function Committee Managing Director Brite Koncept Pte Ltd 10 SMa Annual Report 2009 Mr George Huang Chang Yi Vice President, SMa Chairman Health, Safety, Security and Environment Function Committee Managing Director/CEO Amoy Canning Corporation (S) Ltd Mr Poh Choon Ann Vice President, SMa Chairman SMa China Business Committee Chairman & CEO Poh Tiong Choon Logistics Limited Executive Committee Mr Renny Yeo Ah Kiang President, SMa Chairman Government Relations Function Committee Chairman GS1 Singapore and EPC Global (till Oct 2009) Chairman Singapore Cables Manufacturers Pte Ltd Dr Moh Chong Tau Deputy President, SMa Chairman SME Development Function Committee President & CEO Makino Asia Pte Ltd Dr Ahmad Magad Vice President, SMa Group Managing Director II-VI Singapore Pte Ltd Mr Simon Li Suet Man Honorary Treasurer, SMa Chairman Finance Management Committee Chairman Oil & Gas IG Energy and Chemicals IG (previously known as Oil & Gas and related industries IG) CEO Feoso Oil (Singapore) Pte Ltd Mr John Kong Wai Meng Honorary Secretary, SMa Chairman Secretariat Services Management Committee Regional Manager – South East Asia BlueScope Steel Asia Pte Ltd (till 1 Feb 2010) President BlueScope Steel Vietnam Pte Ltd SMa Annual Report 2009 11 Council Members 12 Mr Renny Yeo Ah Kiang President SMa & Chairman, Government Relations Function Committee Director Singapore Cables Manufacturers Pte Ltd Dr Moh Chong Tau Deputy President, SMa & Chairman, SME Development Function Committee President & CEO Makino Asia Pte Ltd Mr John Kong Wai Meng Honorary Secretary, SMa & Chairman, Secretariat Services Management Committee Regional Manager – South East Asia BlueScope Steel Asia Pte Ltd Mr Simon Li Suet Man Honorary Treasurer, SMa & Chairman, Finance Management Committee & Chairman, Energy & Chemicals IG CEO Feoso Oil (Singapore) Pte Ltd Dr Ahmad Magad Vice President, SMa & Chairman, SMa Americas Business Committee Group Managing Director II-VI Singapore Pte Ltd Mr Hans-Dieter Bott Vice President, SMa & Chairman, Europe, Russia and Central Asia Business Committee Mr George Huang Chang Yi Vice President, SMa & Chairman, Health, Safety, Security and Environment Function Committee & Chairman, SMa ASEAN, Oceanic countries Business Committee Managing Director/CEO Amoy Canning Corporation (S) Ltd Mr Poh Choon Ann Vice President, SMa & Chairman, SMa China Business Committee Chairman & CEO Poh Tiong Choon Logistics Limited Mr Edwin T.F. Khew Honorary President CEO & Managing Director IUT Global Pte Ltd Mr Lim Meng Wee Chairman, IT and Technology Development Function Committee Managing Director SP Consulting (International) Pte Ltd Ms Annabelle Tan Lan Hiang Chairman, Membership and Corporate Communications Function Committee Managing Director Brite Koncept Pte Ltd Mr Liang Chong Kang Chairman, Automation Technology IG Managing Director E.mation Technologies Pte Ltd SMa Annual Report 2009 Council Members Mr Alan Lee Guok Ann Chairman, Building Products & Construction Materials IG Executive Director South East Metal Industries Pte Ltd Mr Tsang Kwan Lung Chairman, Electrical, Electronics and Allied Industries IG Director & General Manager GP Batteries International Limited Mr Rowan Tan Eng Piew Chairman, Fire Protection, Safety and Security IG Managing Director - Far East DORMA Far East Pte Ltd Mr Sunny Koh Lai Hong Chairman, Food & Beverage IG Group Managing Director Chinatown Food Corporation Pte Ltd Dr Tan Kok Kheng Chairman, Life Sciences IG Chairman & CEO MycoBiotech Ltd Mr Yeo Cheong Guan Chairman, Lifestyle IG Managing Director Eng Bee Paper Merchant Pte Ltd Mr Goh Seow Ping Chairman, Medical Technology IG General Manager Johnson & Johnson Pte Ltd Mr James See Sing Kok Chairman, Metal, Machinery & Engineering IG Executive Director Singco (Private) Limited Mr Albert Lim Siang Meng Chairman, Packaging Council of Singapore IG Director, Regional Sales & Marketing Packagers Pte Ltd Mrs Jennifer Yeo Chairman Yeo-Leong & Peh LLC Mr Patrick Chang Mr Douglas Foo How Wan CEO Managing Director Sakae Holdings Ltd Paclin Office Products Pte Ltd SMa Annual Report 2009 13 Council Members Mr Jascha Gernot Ortmanns Vice President, Asia Operations Philips Electronics Singapore Pte Ltd (Lumileds Division) Mr Stephen Lee Soon On Principal Consultant Jesplan Consultants Mr Suresh Narayanan Managing Director Nestle Singapore (Pte) Ltd Mr George Wong Hock Managing Director & Principal Consultant Hoclink Systems & Services Pte Ltd Mr Michael Chin General Manager Asia Pacific Breweries (S) Pte Ltd (from Feb 2010) Mr Por Khay Ti Deputy Group Managing Director & COO HTL International Holdings Ltd Mr Birch Sio Ah Tee Managing Consultant & Director Concord Associates Pte Ltd Mr Tan Boon Chong General Manager/Standards and Certification Manager Schneider Electric Singapore Pte Ltd Mr Peter Tan General Partner JP Asia Capital Partners Mr Jerry Tan Tjin Hong CEO Wanin Industries Pte Ltd Mr Tay Choon Mong Proprietor Tay Choon Mong Agency Mr Wong Choon Kin General Manager Spot Management Services Pte Ltd Mr Bennett Neo Gim Siong Regional Director, Singapore Cluster and Cambodia Brewery Limited Asia Pacific Breweries (S) Pte Ltd (till Feb 2010) 14 SMa Annual Report 2009 Organisation Structure SMa Corporate Governance 2010 As at 30 April 2010 Governing Body SMa Council Members Exco Members Industry Groups • President • Deputy President • Honorary Secretary • Honorary Treasurer • Vice Presidents • Function Committee Chairmen • Automation Technology • Building Products & Construction Materials • Electrical, Electronics & Allied Industries • Energy & Chemicals (formerly Oil & Gas and Related Industries) • Fire Protection, Safety & Security • Food & Beverage • Life Sciences • Lifestyle • Medical Technology • Metal, Machinery & Engineering • Packaging Council of Singapore Management Committees • Secretariat Services • Finance Function Committees • Health, Safety, Security & Environment • Membership & Corporate Communications • IT & Technology Development • SME Development SMa Institute of Higher Learning Business Committees* • SMa Americas Business Committee • SMa Europe, Russia and Central Asia Business Committee • SMa ASEAN, Oceanic countries Business Committee • SMa China Business Committee • SMa India and Middle East Business Committee Secretariat * Note: The 5 Business Committees are formed in January 2010. (Previously grouped under Trade & Investment Function Committee) The China Business Committee (CBC) was grouped under Strategic Project Committee in 2009 and will reflect as such in this Annual Report 2009. SMa Annual Report 2009 15 Organisation Structure SMa SEcretariat Organisation Structure As at 30 April 2010 GWEE Seng Kwong Secretary General Nicol TIT Personal Assistant WONG Tack Wai Executive Director Global Standard 1 Council 16 SMa Annual Report 2009 Doris CHOW Director Carolyn CHEW Senior Manager Enterprise Development Centre International Trade Development Centre for Corporate Learning Certificate of Origin Lauw Kok Keen Director E-Supply Chain Management Council Organisation Structure Janice Kwok Director cum Executive Secretary Anna CHew Director Industry Groups Finance Information Technology Sylvia Teo Director Human Resource Administration Evelyn Tan Director Membership Research & Corporate Communication SMa Annual Report 2009 17 Organisation Structure SMa Institute of Higher Learning Organisation Structure As at 30 April 2010 Institute of Higher Learning MOH Chong Tau Director POR Khay Ti Director Simon LI Director Richard SOH Director Richard SOH Chief Executive Officer Mavis POON Personal Assistant to CEO Director - Marketing & Biz Dev. Mktg & BD Jamie POH Senior Manager 18 SMa Annual Report 2009 Director - Academic Affairs & Operations Marcoms & Alumi June YIP Operations & SSD Lily KOH Registrar Organisation Structure Finance & IT Julie CHAN Senior Manager Academic Affairs HR & Admin Sharon LEE Manager Project/University Partners Emmeline TAN Project Manager SMa Annual Report 2009 19 Management Committees SEcretariat Services Management Committee Mr John Kong BlueScope Steel Asia Pte Ltd The Secretariat Services Management Committee ensures that the Secretariat of the Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation is run in a professional and efficient manner. It also advises and guides the Secretariat on matters relating to Human Resource (HR) and Administration. Chairman: Mr John Kong BlueScope Steel Asia Pte Ltd Deputy Chairman: Mr Suresh Narayanan Nestle Singapore (Pte) Ltd Committee members: Mr Alan Lee South East Metal Industries Pte Ltd Mr Albert Lim Packagers Pte Ltd Mr Peter Ho SCT Global Pte Ltd 20 SMa Annual Report 2009 Management Committees Finance Management Committee Mr Simon Li Feoso Oil (Singapore) Pte Ltd The role of the Finance Management Committee is to supervise and advise on accounting, financial and legal aspects of SMa and its subsidiaries to ensure that they comply with the Financial Reporting Standards. HIGHLIGHTS FOR 2009: Consolidated Group Performance Despite the financial crisis and a difficult year, SMa and its subsidiaries achieved a consolidated gross income of $33.4 m in 2009, representing an increase of 11% compared to $30 m Chairman: Mr Simon Li Feoso Oil (Singapore) Pte Ltd Deputy Chairman: Mr Winston Wong Chloride Batteries S.E. Asia Pte Ltd Committee Members: Mr Liang Chong Kang E.mation Technologies Pte Ltd Mr Tan Boon Chong Schneider Electric ISC (S) Pte Ltd in 2008. • SMa Institute of Higher Learning (IHL) accounted for $20m gross income in 2009, representing an increase of 17% compared to $17m in 2008. In 2009, IHL had 3,000 students and offered 14 academic programs. • SMa Federation accounted for $13.5m gross income in 2009, representing an increase of 2% compared to $13.3m in 2008. Growth was mainly driven by higher training programs Mr Tsang Kwan Lung GP Batteries Int’l Ltd Mr Lawrence Ding Total Oil Asia-Pacific Pte Ltd Ms Jeanine Loke RHB Bank Bhd and students in-take. On average, SMa Centre for Corporate Learning (CCL) has trained a total of 10,000 workers and PMETS in 2009. SMa Annual Report 2009 21 Function Committees Promoting efforts to strengthen manufacturing Function Committees Health, Safety, Security & Environment Function Committee The Health, Safety, Security & Environment (HSSE) Function Committee was set up to promote good corporate social responsibility in regards to health, safety, security and environment practices and standards across industries in the Mr Hendrie Lee SSB Cryogenic Equipment Pte Ltd manufacturing sector. Mr Albert Lim Packagers Pte Ltd The HSSE Function Committee collaborates with various Mr Birch Sio Concorde Associates Pte Ltd industry partners including government agencies and nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) through projects such as seminars, events and initiatives to reach out to the industry. The goal is to build a sustainable and environmental-friendly manufacturing industry. Chairman: Mr George Huang Amoy Canning Food Corporation (S) Ltd Committee Members: Mr Liang Chong Kong E.mation Technologies Pte Ltd Mr Rodney Lee TechSteel Corporation Pte Ltd Mr Yeo Cheong Guan Eng Bee Paper Merchant Pte Ltd Mr Richard Chee Richee engineering Enterprise Pte Ltd Dr Tan Kok Kheng MycoBioTech Pte Ltd Mr Samuel Ng Singapore Communications Equipment Co Mr Cheong Chung Kin Win Sin Pte Ltd Mr James See Singco Pte Ltd 24 SMa Annual Report 2009 Mr Wong Choon Kin Spot Management Services Pte Ltd Mr Tay Cheng Peng Chevron Phillips Chemicals Asia Pte Ltd Mr Teng Chong Seng Pfizer Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Mr Steven Teo Kim Chen Yeo Hiap Seng Pte Ltd Mr Howard Shaw Singapore Environment Council Mr Kumar Raja Casino Regulatory Authority Mr Wong Kin Nyen Temasek Polytechnic Ms Susan Chong Greenpac (S) Pte Ltd Function Committees Highlights for 2009: Front row: Dr Lim Ser Yong, Executive Director of SIMTech; Mr George Huang, SMa Vice-President and Chairman of HSSE FC; Ms Isabelle Loh, Chairman of Singapore Environment Council Back row: Mr Renny Yeo, SMa President; Mr S. Iswaran, Senior Minister of State for Trade and Industry and Education; Mr Ted Tan, Deputy Chief Executive of SPRING Singapore 30 April - Launch of Sustainable Manufacturing Programme SMa launched the Sustainable Manufacturing Programme in late April to help members adopt eco-friendly sustainable manufacturing processes. These processes include: • Reducing emission of greenhouse gas • Improving energy usage the use of clean energy • Reducing use of non-renewable or toxic materials and • Re-designing of products to fulfill rising eco-friendly market demands and requirements. In this programme, SMa was engaged in the process of assisting a member from the F&B manufacturing industry. Waste products were converted into biodegradable consumer products such as carrier bags, plates and disposable utensils. The company also embarked on the establishment of a methodology in measuring carbon footprint emissions and resulted in major improvements in its manufacturing processes. To encourage more local companies to adopt sustainable practices, SMa collaborates with SPRING Singapore and taps on the Environmental Technology Capability Development Programme, to co-fund local Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) manufacturers developing their environmental technology and capabilities. Memoranda of Understanding with industry partners In 2009, two MOUs were signed with industry partners to tap on expertise to co-develop programmes that will benefit our member companies. Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech) The collaboration with SIMTech will enable SMa to promote Sustainable Manufacturing practices to SMEs through the development of methodologies for carbon footprint measurement and the organising of seminars, conferences and training courses. Singapore Environment Council (SEC) The collaboration with SEC will enable SMa members to gain industry recognition for the adoption of sustainable programmes i.e. the co-branding of the Green Summit 2010 and the launch of a SME category for the Singapore Environmental Achievement Award 2010. SMa Annual Report 2009 25 Function Committees Official launch of Sustainable Manufacturing Label 3 November - Launch of Sustainable Manufacturing Label Another major initiative following the Sustainable Manufacturing Programme was the launch of the Sustainable Manufacturing Label in November 2009. The Sustainable Manufacturing Label serves as a baseline for manufacturers to assess the maturity level of sustainable manufacturing processes and specific areas for further improvements. Participants go through a three-step progression – Self- Ms Susan Chong, Chief Executive Officer of Greenpac receiving the first Sustainable Manufacturing Label Assessment, Sustainable Manufacturing Audit, and Certification. Certificate awardees are conferred rights to use the Sustainable Manufacturing Label logo for a period of two years as a trademark of its green manufacturing excellence. The first recipient of the Sustainable Manufacturing Label was Greenpac (S) Pte Ltd. 17 July - Visit to the Internal Security Department (ISD) National Heritage Centre The HSSE Function Committee organised a 3-hour guided tour to the Internal Security Department (ISD) National Heritage Centre. HSSE FC members and SMa Council members were also invited. Visitors were presented with interesting insights into some of the investigations and operations conducted by ISD officers that had happened in Singapore. During the walk, visitors were taken through five sections: (1) ISD History & Organisation (2) Communism (3) Communalism (4) Terrorism (5) Espionage This heritage tour enabled SMa members to have a better appreciation of security matters in Singapore. 26 SMa Annual Report 2009 Visit to ISD Heritage Centre by SMa Council and HSSE FC members Function Committees IT & TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT FUNCTION COMMITTEE The task of the IT & Technology Development Function Committee (IT FC) is to provide guidance to SMa’s Information Technology (IT) Division in its role to help SMa members to understand the latest IT developments and to adopt infocomm technologies. This will enable our manufacturing community to enhance their competitiveness, increase their productivity and to actively engage in the various government initiatives and IT adoption schemes. In line with the government’s vision of an Intelligent Nation, the committee actively engages in dialogues with both private and public organisations through IT-related seminars, programmes and activities to educate and update SMa members on the latest developments. Chairman: Mr Lim Meng Wee SP Consulting (International) Pte Ltd Vice Chairman: Mr J Anton Ravindran Rapidstart Pte Ltd Committee members: Mr Liang Chong Kong E.mation Technologies Mr James See Singco (Private) Limited Mr Patrick Chang Paclin Office Products Pte Ltd Mr Birch Sio Concorde Associates Pte Ltd Mr Too York Lou SPRING Singapore Mr Chng Ken-Wei IDA Singapore SMa Annual Report 2009 27 Function Committees Highlights for 2009: IDA’s article ‘Helping SMEs use Infocomm to Grow’ in SMa’s bi-monthly newsletter, CONNECT SMa representation in IDA’s SME Infocomm Adoption Committee Mr James See was appointed to represent SMa in SME Infocomm Adoption Committee in Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA). The objective of this committee is to: (i) Recommend strategies and initiatives to encourage infocomm adoption by SMEs (ii) Advise on possible collaboration between public and private sectors to encourage infocomm adoption by SMEs Key initiative from the committee includes the first phase of the Infocomm@SME programme that focused on: (i) Broad-based education and outreach (ii) Providing hassle-free access and resource to infocomm solutions and advice (iii) Providing incentives to make infocomm affordable SMa published IDA’s article titled ‘Helping SMEs use Infocomm to Grow’ in its May/June 2009 issue CONNECT newsletter. The newsletter is distributed to all members in manufacturing and service sector. This article covers various initiatives by IDA to encourage SMEs to adopt infocomm for business growth. 28 SMa Annual Report 2009 Formation of Integrated Management Information System Committee With increasing needs to better serve a diverse group of stakeholders including students of CCL and SMa Institute of Higher Learning (previously School of Management), members of GS1 and walk-ins from EDC@SMa, there is a need to look into a new system to enhance communication and collaboration among SMa and the five Centres of Excellence. Integrated Management Information System Committee (IMIS), a sub-committee of IT FC, was formed to look at appropriate systems to cater to these new needs. Mr Lim Meng Wee was appointed as the Chairman for this sub-committee and will be supported by Finance Management Committee (FMC) and Secretariat Services Management Committee (SSMC). The committee had met, evaluated various options and proposed the structure of the new Integrated Management Information System to the EXCO. The EXCO had approved the recommendations and the targeted timeline for the implementation will be Q2 or Q3 2010. Function Committees Membership and Corporate Communications Function Committee The role of the Membership and Corporate Communications Function Committee is to promote SMa and its activities, as well as to engage more manufacturing companies in Singapore to join SMa as members. It also seeks to reinforce on SMa’s positioning as a premier organisation leading the manufacturing and manufacturing-related industries in Singapore in various causes, including helping companies to enhance competitiveness and productivity. The Committee is supported by the secretariat and actively organises a wide range of activities and events such as seminars, conferences and networking sessions. Chairman: Ms Annabelle Tan (Feb 2009 - Jun 2010) Brite Koncept Pte Ltd Deputy Chairman: Mr Bennett Neo (to be replaced by Mr Michael Chin from 22 Feb 2010) Asia Pacific Breweries (S) Pte Ltd Committee members: Mr Birch Sio Concorde Associates Mr George Wong Hock Hoclink Systems and Services Pte Ltd Mr Goh Seow Ping Johnson & Johnson Pte Ltd Mr James See Singco (Private) Limited Mr C K Wong Spot Management Services Pte Ltd SMa Annual Report 2009 29 Function Committees Highlights for 2009 22 January - Energy Efficiency for SMEs SMa organised an informative seminar on carbon footprint and reduction of energy costs. Invited speakers include representatives from Schneider Electric and Tuas Power. As most economies were experiencing a downturn in 2009, more than 100 members attended this event to learn ways to reduce overheads while keeping up with productivity and efficiency. Participants saw a demonstration of products from Schneider Electric 24 June - SMa Appreciation Night 2009 Over 320 members and guests attended the SMa Appreciation Night at Sheraton Hotel. The Guest-of-Honour was Minister for Trade and Industry, Mr Lim Hng Kiang. At the dinner event, SMa President, Mr Renny Yeo, shared about the changing landscape of manufacturing in Singapore and SMa’s 7-stage progression, Manufacturing Excellence Initiative. The initiative aims to help manufacturers move up the value chain through the adoption of technology and innovation, improve productivity and venture into new emerging markets. VIP table –Minister for Trade and Industry, Mr Lim Hng Kiang (first row, centre) graced SMa Appreciation Night 2009 as Guest-of-Honour Mr Lim Hng Kiang and SMa Council Members 30 SMa Annual Report 2009 Over 120 members attended the post-Budget seminar 9 February – Post-Budget Seminar 2009 Following the 2009 Budget announcement in January, SMa organised a seminar to help members to understand the initiatives. Participants learned how the Budget Resilience Package could help them tide through the downturn and overcome the challenges posed by the economic downturn. Deloitte and Touche’s Tax Partner, Mr Sum Yee Loong was invited as speaker for this post-Budget seminar. The seminar was attended by more than 120 attendees. More than 180 SAF personnel and 91 participating companies pledged their loyalty to the nation and commitment to defence of Singapore 1 July - SAF Day Combined Rededication Ceremony 2009 SMa and Association of Small and Medium Enterprises (ASME) jointly organised the SAF Day Combined Rededication Ceremony 2009 (CBD and Southern districts) at Singapore Conference Hall. The Rededication Ceremony was held throughout Singapore for employers and NS men to reaffirm their commitment to the security and defence of the nation, underlining the government’s great emphasis on National Service efforts. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence, Mr Teo Chee Hean was the Guest-of-Honour. A total of more than 180 SAF personnel and 91 participating employers reaffirmed their loyalty to the nation and commitment to the defence of Singapore at this ceremony. Function Committees 24 September - Mid-autumn Festival Networking Night Over 120 members celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival at Labrador Park for a perfect evening of get-together completed with sumptuous seafood buffet and delicious moon cakes. SMa President, Mr Renny Yeo attributed the resilience of A total of 15 new members joined in the MidAutumn Festival Celebration manufacturing industry against the economic tsunami to the members’ continuous efforts in improving competitiveness. He urged members to use SMa’s resources to move up the value chain, upgrade capabilities and venture into new emerging markets. The Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration was sponsored by GE Capital. 12 November - Understanding Initial Public Offering (IPO) and PreIPO Financing in Singapore With gradual recovery in global capital markets, SGX saw an increase in IPO activities. More than 70 members attended this seminar to learn more about getting capital financing for their companies. It was an engaging seminar as HL Bank shared with the participants the benefits, listing process, SGX listing requirement and estimated cost of getting IPO listing. Events organised and supported by Membership Divison in 2009 Period Date Title January 12-Jan 22-Jan Briefings on the Tripartite Guidelines on Managing Excess Manpower (MEM) and Skills Programme for Upgrading and Resilience (SPUR) Energy Efficiency Seminar February 9-Feb 10-Feb 11-Feb 12-Feb 18-Feb 24-Feb 24-Feb Post Budget Seminar Lean Manufacturing with MES HYDRA - Value-add without Wastage Financing & Manpower Assistance Forum Research & Development Incentives : Implications & Benefits for SMEs Financing & Manpower Assistance Forum Leadership & Innovation: Periods of Uncertainty are Times for Change Money Talk - Investment Outlook 2009 March 18-Mar 24-Mar 24-Mar 27-Mar 31-Mar Staying Ahead in Difficult Times Best Practices Essential Leadership Skills & Financial Tools to Succeed in the Volatile Environment TrustCSI Security Seminar Keeping Your Company Healthy in Challenging Times April 7-9 Apr 16-Apr 23-Apr 30-Apr Far East Organization Property Fair Emerging on Top of the Ladder even in a Downturn Market SMB Connections - Improving Business Operation Launch of Sustainable Manufacturing Programme SMa Annual Report 2009 31 Function Committees Period Date Title May 5-May 7-May 11-May 27-May Lean Manufacturing with MES HYDRA - Value-add without Wastage Transform your Service Operations Grow Revenue and Retain Customers During a Downturn IRAS Seminar on Corporate Taxation Interactive Forum: Do I really need Branding for my business? June 5-Jun 17-19 Jun 25-Jun NCS TechConnect Day Far East Organization Property Fair SMa Appreciation Night July 1-Jul 9-Jul 14-Jul 21-Jul 21-Jul SAF DAY Combined Rededication Workshop with MOM on 09/10 NWC Guidelines, managing excess manpower and SPUR Tour & BBQ Networking at APB Achieving Business Performance and Work-life Harmony with Innovation Building Biz immunity Against Pandemic Spread August 4-Aug 6-Aug Connecting with SMEs - Coping with Challenging Times Ease your work & increase your productivity September 1-Sep 3-Sep 4-Sep 9-Sep 11-Sep 17-Sep 18-Sep 24-Sep SPRING Food Export Conference Long-Term Success with Today’s Transportation Management Masterclass in banking innovations and Business opportunities in China Avaya IP Office “Meeting your business needs” Seminar Wealth Preservation in Turbulent Times How to Track Actual Costing in Project-based Manufacturing Far East Organization Property Fair Mid-Autumn Networking October 7-Oct 8-Oct 25-Oct 30-Oct Workshop with Health Promotion Board and Singhealth ATOS Origin event Event with Oracle RBC Bank Event - Wealth Preservation in Turbulent Times November 5-Nov 9-Nov 10-Nov 12-Nov 16-Nov EDC Financing Have you Switched to Lean Manufacturing…yet? Capability Development Funding for SMEs CEO Breakfast Talk Sustainable Manufacturing-Developing a Green Heartware December 4-Dec CXO Breakfast Session with Swire Coca Cola 32 SMa Annual Report 2009 Function Committees SME Development Function Committee The role of SME Development Function Committee is to champion the cause of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The charter is work closely with government agencies to create conducive business environment for SMEs through the support and facilitation of initiatives. One of the ways is to lay the groundwork to enhance SMEs’ competitiveness in the international market. The committee also supports and works closely with the Enterprise Development Centre (EDC@SMa) to understand SMEs’ business needs and to help them. Chairman: Dr Moh Chong Tau Makino Asia Pte Ltd Committee members: Mr Joseph Foo Jason Electronics (Pte) Ltd Mr James See Singco (Private) Limited Dr Tan Kok Kheng Mycobiotech Inc Mr Tan Jit Khoon Winson Press Pte Ltd Mr Teo Kiang Seng Libra 2002 Private Limited Mr Winston Wong Chloride Eastern Industries Pte Ltd Mr Lam Kong Hong SPRING Singapore Mr Tan Kim Soon IE Singapore Ms Julia Ng Singapore Workforce Development Agency Secretariat Ms Doris Chow EDC@SMa Ms Jessica Lee EDC@SMa SMa Annual Report 2009 33 Function Committees Highlights for 2009: LEAD Funding from Government Agencies With Local Enterprise and Association Development (LEAD) funding support from SPRING Singapore and International Enterprise (IE) Singapore, SMa is tasked to spearhead the Exporter Development Program and projects for sustainable manufacturing. Close Engagement with Various Government Agencies Through close collaboration with various government agencies, SMa has worked out useful training courses with Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) under the WSQ framework for Manufacturing Sales & Marketing. There is also funding component for overseas training attachment by IE Singapore. Memorandum of Understanding SMa has worked closely with various Associations and Councils for the benefit of the members. MOUs have been signed with Singapore Environment Council, Workplace Safety & Health Council, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology and others. SMa also signed an MOU with Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Uzbekistan to deepen relations with Uzbekistan. EDC@SMa Forum Page: http://forum.edu.org.sg EDC@SMa Forum Page for SMa members To promote interactive communication among channel for members, an online forum page has been set up for members to share perspective ob business topics. URL is http://forum.edc.org.sg Sharing Business Insights through Informative Seminars To promote the sharing of business advice and experience, SMa organises informative seminars and invites business experts and professionals to share their knowledge on business issues. A good example is the Mergers and Acquisitions seminar by Mr Christopher Brickhill, Risk and Technology Senior Consultant with International Treasury Services Pte Ltd. He has over 30 years of experience in the financial markets, risk and technology, working in regions such as Asia, Europe and North America. The seminar, which gave an overview of how M&A can facilitate inorganic growth, received overwhelming response from SMa members. MOU Signing Ceremony between SMa and A*STAR’s commercialisation arm, Exploit Technologies Over 60 people attended the seminar on Mergers and Acquisitions 34 SMa Annual Report 2009 Function Committees Trade and Investment Function Committee The Trade and Investment Function Committee’s mission is to help members grow, innovate, network and globalise through trade, investment, branding and partnership with local and overseas companies and organisations. Through various activities, the function committee creates avenues for members to explore, identify business and trade opportunities by leveraging on bilateral Free Trade Agreements. To better serve specific needs and identify growing opportunities in various markets, the function committee will be divided into five zonal committees with effect from 2010. The five Business Committees are: • SMa Americas Business Committee • SMa Europe, Russia and Central Asia Business Committee • SMa ASEAN, Oceanic countries Business Committee • SMa China Business Committee • SMa India and Middle East Business Committee Chairman: Mr Hans-Dieter Bott Committee members: Mr N Ratnam Aranco Line (S) Pte Ltd Ms Gwen Goh Beacons Pharmaceuticals Pte Ltd Mr Yeo Cheong Guan Eng Bee Paper Merchant Pte Ltd Mr Simon Li Feoso Oil (Singapore) Pte Ltd Dr Ahmad Magad II-VI Singapore Pte Ltd Mr Albert Lim Packagers Pte Ltd Mr Gan Geok Chua Singapore Safety Glass Pte Ltd Mrs Tan Li Lin IE Singapore Mr Simon Lim SPRING Singapore SMa Annual Report 2009 35 Function Committees NAME OF EVENT DATE SEMINARS/ NETWORKING SESSIONS 1 FEBRUARY Thailand BOI “1-on-1” Investment Clinic 11-13 Feb 2 3 APRIL Buyer - Seller Meet in conjunction with Visiting Delegation from EEPC Vietnam Manufacturing Industries 3-Apr 7-Apr 4 5 6 MAY Seminar on “Doing Business In India 101” Investment Climate in Batam, Bintan & Karimun Free Trade Zone Grow your Overseas Business with IE Singapore 5-May 6-Mar 13-May 7 JUNE Italy - Singapore Business Forum 15-Jun 8 9 JULY MOU Signing between Uzbekistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Uzbekistan Delegation Visit to Beacons Pharmaceuticals 2-Jul 3-Jul 10 August SEPTEMBER Investment Climate in Poland 29-Aug 11 OCTOBER Business Opportunities in Germany 12-Oct INCOMING DELEGATIONS 1 2 3 FEBRUARY Visit by the Dubai Silicon Oasis Authority (DSOA) Visit by Consular from Uzbekistan Visit by Bangkok Bank 2-Feb 3-Feb 30-Feb 4 JUNE Incoming delegation from Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Saudi Customs 29-Jun OUTGOING MISSIONS 36 1 JANUARY Business Visit to Bintan Industrial Estate (BIE) 14-Jan 2 MARCH Business Visit to Batamindo Industrial Park (BIP) 4-Mar 3 AUGUST Business & Investment Opportunities in Malaysia 18-Aug 4 SEPTEMBER Business Visit to India 30 Aug - 5 Sept 5 NOVEMBER Business Visit to Ipoh 22 - 24 Nov 6 DECEMBER Business Visit to Indonesia 30 Nov - 4 Dec AMBASSADOR MEETINGS / WORKING PARTNERS LUNCHEON 1 2 JANUARY Courtesy Visit to the Trade Counsular of Malaysia Luncheon with Ambassador from Thailand 7-Jan 13-Jan 3 4 5 FEBRUARY Luncheon with Ambassador from Vietnam Courtesy Visit to the High Commissioner of Malaysia Luncheon with Ambassador of Indonesia 13-Feb 13-Feb 24-Feb 6 7 8 APRIL Meeting with the High Commissioner of Italy Courtesy Visit from Ambassador from Uzbekistan Meeting with Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) 15-Apr 16-Apr 29-Apr 9 10 JULY Luncheon with Invest-in-Penang Berhad Meeting with Embassy of Israel 13-Jul 22-Jul 11 AUGUST Luncheon with Thai Ambassador 25-Aug SMa Annual Report 2009 Function Committees Uzbekistan delegation visit and signing of MOU between Beacons Pharmaceuticals and “Uzpharmsanoat” State Joint Stock Company Meeting with delegates from Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency His Excellency Mr Shavkat Tulyaganov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Economic Relations, Investment and Trade, Republic of Uzbekistan, receives souvenir from Mr Hans-Dieter Bott, SMa Vice President and Chairman of T&I FC Bintan Industrial Estate (BIE) Mr Peter Tan, Council Member, presenting a token of appreciation to one of the presenters at the seminar ‘Business Opportunities in Germany’ Delegates learned about the investment merits of Bintan Industrial Estate (BIE) SMa President, Mr Renny Yeo and YAB Menteri Besar Perak, Darul Ridzuan at Singapore-Malaysia business matching session in Ipoh, Perak SMa Annual Report 2009 37 Strategic Project Committee Strategic Project Committee Generating strategic initiatives to facilitate future growth 38 SMa Annual Report 2009 Strategic Project Committee SMa Annual Report 2009 39 Strategic Project Committee CHINA BUSINESS COMMITTEE The China Business Committee (CBC) was formed to help members stay abreast of the rapid economic developments in China. CBC takes the lead in assisting members in exploring and identifying business and trade opportunities in the Chinese market, with particular emphasis on second and third tier cities, through incoming and outgoing trade and investment missions, trade fairs and business development activities. CBC has been actively fostering stronger ties with the Chinese government agencies, Chinese embassies, chambers of commerce, trade associations and MOU partners to forge strategic alliances and create new ventures both in Singapore and China. 40 SMa Annual Report 2009 Chairman: Mr Poh Choon Ann Poh Tiong Choon Logistics Ltd Deputy Chairman: Mr Simon Li Feoso Oil (Singapore) Pte Ltd Committee members: Mr Lawrence Ding Total Oil Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Mr Por Khay Ti HTL Int’l Holdings Ltd Mr Hendrie Lee SSB Cryogenic Equipment Pte Ltd Strategic Project Committee Highlights for the year: 6 Overseas Missions & Exhibitions • “Uniquely Singapore Brands” Fair at the 6th Commodities Fair Fujian China, 16 - 24 May 2009 • Business Mission to China Fuzhou, 18 – 23 May 2009 • Canton Fair 2009, 15 – 19 October 2009 • Business Mission to China Guangxi & the 6th China ASEAN EXPO, 18 – 23 October 2009 • Business Delegation and Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong’s Official Visit to Fujian Province • The Chinese Food Expo & Trade Fair 2009 8 Joint and Supported Events • Seminar on China-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (CSFTA): Reaping the Benefits for your Business, 10 February 2009 • Tieling City Investment Seminar, 11 February 2009 • CAEXPO Promotion Seminar, 19 June 2009 • Seminar on Business Opportunities for Singapore Companies in Suzhou-Nantong Science & Technology Park in conjunction with Visit by CSSD Suzhou-Nantong Industrial Park Delegation, 17 August 2009 • Singapore-Ningbo Import and Export Fair, 26 - 28 August 2009 • Business Roundtable with Fujian Vice Governor Chen Hua and delegation, 7 October 2009 • The China-Singapore Business Leaders’ Night, 11 November 2009 • Reception Hosted by Mrs Rita Lau, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, HKSAR Govt, 13 November 2009 18 Networking Events and Seminars • Strengthen the business connections with China official organisations in Singapore and local authorities related with China, raising the SMa’s profile and strengthening the connections for our member companies SMa Annual Report 2009 41 Strategic Project Committee Highlights for 2009: 16 - 24 May - “Uniquely Singapore Brands” Exhibition and Mission to Fuzhou CBC led the largest-ever contingent of Singapore delegates to trade exhibition and mission to Fujian, China. A total of 103 local companies and organisations participated in the “Uniquely Singapore Brands” Pavilion in the 6th Commodities Fair Fujian, China from 18 to 22 May. Singapore exhibitors came from four main industry clusters namely, Food & Beverages, Electronics / Chemicals, Lifestyle and Services. Companies include, Straco Corporation, Riyuegu Hotsprings Resort, Suntar Membrane Technology, Chop Hup Cheong (Bee Cheng Hiang), Thye Chuan Industries Silkair, Jurong Corporation and Development Bank of Singapore (DBS). The Opening Ceremony of Uniquely Singapore Brands Pavilion at the 6th Commodities Fair Fujian The 5,000 sqm pavilion was supported by International Enterprise (IE) Singapore, Singapore Tourism Board, Singapore Economic Development Board, Singapore Business Federation (SBF), Overseas Singapore Unit and other chambers and associations. Minister of State, Mr Lee Yi Shyan also officiated the fair as one of the Guest-of-Honour. The fair provided an invaluable platform for delegates to connect with potential Fujian business partners, Taiwanese partners, and even between Singapore companies, especially those with factories in China. Mr Lee Yi Shyan, Minister of State and Mr Hong Jiexu, Vice Governor visited the Singapore Pavilion During the trip, the delegates also visited the local port and economic development zone. Most exhibitors were pleasantly surprised with Fujian’s business potential. Four companies secured confirmed orders, while many others reported potential contracts. Through this platform, Singapore companies are considering to invest more in Fuzhou. Mr Choo Wei Seng, Export Sales Manager of Alpha Sale & Services Pte Ltd. said, “We participated in 6th Fujian Commodities Trade & Investment Fair as an exhibitor for the first time and it certainly exceeded our expectations. This is an excellent platform for us to display our Electric Water Heating products and Decorative Ceiling Fans. We would like to participate in this event next year and other overseas exhibitions organised by SMa.” Mr Poh Choon Ann, SMa Vice President and Chairman of SMa CBC, and Mr Simon Li, Deputy Chairman of SMa CBC, together with MOS Lee and Fuzhou Mayor, Mr Yuan Rongxiang at the Official Welcome Banquet Mr Simon Li, Deputy Chairman of SMa CBC led the delegation to visit the Fuzhou Port 42 SMa Annual Report 2009 Strategic Project Committee Highlights for 2009: 26 - 30 October - Business Delegation and Senior Minister Goh’s Official Visit to Fujian Province At the invitation of the Fujian government, Senior Minister, Mr Goh Chok Tong made an official visit to Xiamen and Fuzhou in the Fujian province. In conjunction with the mission, CBC Chairman, Mr Poh Choon Ann also led a business delegation from Singapore to meet with the Fujian authorities and to learn about Fujian’s investment merits. Mr Poh led business mission in conjunction with SM Goh’s official visit to Fujian Xiamen Investment Seminar SM Goh met with Party Secretary, Mr Lu Zhangong, Fujian Governor, Mr Huang Xiaojing and leaders of Xiamen and Fuzhou. SM Goh was also accompanied by Minister of State, Mr Lee Yi Shyan, Mr Sam Tan, Parlimentary Secretary for Ministry of Trade and Industry & Ministry of Information (MTI), Communications and the Arts (MICA) and other senior officials and members of the business delegation. The delegates were briefed on economic developments and opportunities for bilateral cooperation. Apart from Chinese business leaders, the delegation also meet with Singaporeans residing in Fujian and their companies and business projects. The delegation was impressed with Fujian’s infrastructure developments and learned about the Chinese government’s efforts to attract foreign investments. 18 - 25 October – 6th China-ASEAN Expo, Nanning and Business Mission In collaboration with SBF and Association of Small and Medium Enterprises (ASME) and with the support of IE Singapore and SingCham, SMa organised a business mission to Guangxi from 18 – 25 October. This is held in conjunction with the 6th ChinaASEAN Expo in Nanning from 19 – 24 October, which SMa was also involved. The delegation was led by CBC Chairman, Mr Poh Choon Ann. Mission Advisor was Mr Sam Tan, Parliamentary Secretary for MTI and MICA. The 47-member delegation comprised of 42 businessmen from various industries, including F&B, real estate, trading, manufacturing, logistics and transportation. Apart from China-ASEAN Expo in Nanning, the delegation visited four other cities in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, namely, Laibin, Qinzhou, Beihai and Chongzuo, to further explore business opportunities outside the capital of Guangxi. The visit also allowed participants to network with businessmen from nine other Asean countries present in Nanning. Singapore-Guangxi Networking Dinner: From left: Mr Sam Tan, Parliamentary Secretary for MTI and MICA (second); Mr Poh Choon Ann, SMa Vice President and Chairman of China Business Committee (third); Mr Huang Dao Wei, Executive member of CPC Guangxi Committee (fourth) Opening ceremony of the 6th China-ASEAN Expo, Nanning Mr Patrick Chang, Managing Director of Paclin said, “This is my first business trip with SMa. We are very happy with the quality leads that we obtained through this fair. Our itinerary was very well planned and packed with many programmes.” Site visit to local company Mr Tan Joo Teo, Managing Director of Hemsco (S) Pte Ltd said, “A very fruitful trip. I managed to collaborate with one local company during this mission.” SMa Annual Report 2009 43 Industry Groups Serving industry-specific needs Industry Groups Automation Technology Industry Group The Automation Technology (AT) industry group has been spearheading initiatives for the interest of members that are mainly engaged in the automation, system integration and automation solution and consultancy. Through partnerships and collaborations with the government and other key stakeholders, members are informed of the latest technologies and business opportunities. Key Strategic Directions: • To undertake research and projects to identify opportunities within the AT industry • To establish partnerships with government and other various industry groups through the organising of domestic and overseas trade exhibitions, forums, technical seminars and networking events • To incorporate functions such as business development, Chairman: Mr Liang Chong Kong E.mation Technologies Pte Ltd Committee members: Mr Gary Goh Spartan System (S) Pte Ltd Mr Chris Chan Ultra Industrial Automation Pte Ltd Mr Kelvin Tay D squared Technology Pte Ltd Mrs Rhonda Wilson John While Springs (S) Pte Ltd technology development and members’ relations to cater to varying needs of members 46 SMa Annual Report 2009 Mr Lim Meng Wee SP Consulting (International) Pte Ltd Industry Groups Highlights for 2009: Networking event at Talk Cock Sing Song. The members enjoyed themselves that evening February – Launch of Sick AG AT IG member SICK AG officially opened its first application centre in Asia in February 2009. SICK AG, a global manufacturer of sensors and sensor solutions for industrial applications, set up the centre for testing and optimising system solutions for factory and logistics automation under realistic conditions. AT IG members and the secretariat showed their support at the event launch. 31 July - Networking Event at ‘Talk Cock Sing Song’ A networking event was organised at one of the members’ entertainment centre. The objective of the event was to introduce the industry group to potential members through a relaxed and social networking platform. SMa Annual Report 2009 47 Industry Groups Building Products & Construction Materials Industry Group The Building Products & Construction Materials (BPCM) industry group organises activities to promote and share business experiences and information among members. It also serves as a platform to disseminate and communicate government legislation and policies concerning the building and construction industry to members. The committee meets regularly to share and discuss industry developments, as well as issues faced by members. Feedback and dialogue sessions are organized for members with the relevant government agencies, when the industry is faced with problems. The building industry was not adversely affected by the economic downturn in 2009, due to a strong orderbook of projects from 2008. However, a slowdown is expected in 2010 when these projects are completed. The committee will continue to look for platforms to help its members by organizing more networking sessions and business events. • To promote and focus on the specialised business interests of members • To share business experiences and information among members • To form strategic alliances among members with the aim of attaining economies of scale in business operations • To enhance networking opportunities among members engage other relevant governmental and private organizations which have shared interests in the BPCM industry Deputy Chairman: Mr Richard Chee Richee Engineering Enterprise Pte Ltd Senior Advisor: Ms Annabelle Tan Brite Koncept Pte Ltd Committee members: Mr John Kong Bluescopesteel Asia Pte Ltd Bluescope Steel Mr Birch Sio Concord Associates Pte Ltd Mr Robert Chen Crown Alliance Industries Pte Ltd Key Strategic Directions: • To Chairman: Mr Alan Lee South East Metal Industries Pte Ltd Mr Davis Ong CSR South East Asia Pte Ltd Mr Stephen Lee JESPLAN Consultants Mr S.Y. Ong OLS Manufacturing Co. Pte Ltd Mr Mike Chin SIAC Pte Ltd Mr Gan Geok Chua Singapore Safety Glass Pte Ltd Mr Lim Meng Wee SP Consulting (International) Pte Ltd Mr Tony Wong Tiki International Enterprises Pte Ltd 48 SMa Annual Report 2009 Industry Groups Highlights for 2009: 21 May - Setting up of BPCM Auction website In order to organise more activities for members, BPCM IG started a donation run, where committee members donated items for auction to raise more working funds for the IG. Publicity was done through the setting-up of a website to promote these items for sale. Interested buyers could arrange to view of the items prior to purchasing them. Ongoing Collaboration with the Specialist Trade Alliance of Singapore (STAS) In collaboration with the Specialist Trades Association, Singapore (STAS), SMa will be organising a series of workshops to equip participants with sufficient legal skills and knowledge to manage a construction project as a project manager, contract manager or executive. The workshops will allow participants to anticipate legal problems and find solutions to problems that might arise from these projects. These workshops are scheduled to be held in the first half of 2010 and will comprise of four modules: Module 1 - Legislations Module 2 - Variation Works Module 3 - Extension of Time Module 4 - Security of Payment Formation of Working Group to work towards recognition and funding for the Building Products and Construction Materials To work towards funding support and recognition for the industry, a working group consisting of committee members, with assistance from SMa secretariat, was formed to map out a comprehensive strategy. The working group also engaged SPRING Singapore for their assistance to allow member companies to tap on their funding and to solicit for active participation in nurturing the IG. The IG targets to re-invent the industry to include a focus on design and engineering, and to embrace sustainable building materials for environmentally friendly buildings. 12 June - Follow-up Dialogue on SS332:2007 with SPRING Singapore, Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) & TUV SUD PSB Pte Ltd A follow-up dialogue on the topic SS332:2007 with SPRING Singapore, Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) and TUV SUD PSB Pte Ltd was organised. Members provided feedback on actions taken by the industry, and sought clarification on the issues raised at the first dialogue session prior to the implementation of the standards on 1 July 2009. Memorandum Of Understanding With The Institution Of Engineers Singapore A Memorandum of Understanding was initiated between SMa and the Institute of Engineers Singapore to endorse future working relations and opportunities for closer collaboration. BPCM IG represented SMa on the National Committee of Engineering Organizations (NCEO) for 2009. Chairman of SMa BPCM IG, Mr Alan Lee (third from left) addressing the members and representatives from SPRING Singapore, SCDF and TUV SUD PSB Pte Ltd during the followup session on the SS332:2007. Chairman of SMa FPSS IG, Mr Rowan Tan (second from left) looks on SMa Annual Report 2009 49 Industry Groups ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONICS AND ALLIED INDUSTRIES INDUSTRY GROUP The Electrical, Electronics and Allied Industries industry group is one of largest industry groups within the flagship of SMa. The group is further divided into 4 sub-groups: 1) Consumer Electronics & Electrical Products (CEEP) SubGroup 2) Information, Communications and Technology (ICT) Sub-Group 3) Industrial Electrical & Electronics Products (IEEP) Sub-Group 4) Supporting Industries & Services (SIS) Sub-Group Key Strategic Directions: • To be the platform for EEAI and its related members to voice their concerns/problems which may impact their businesses and to address such concerns/problems for the benefit of members • To present the views of EEAI and its related members on technical standards relating to electrical, electronics and related products and services • To provide a platform for EEAI and its related members to network and generate new business contacts • To obtain members views on every significant change in economic/fiscal issues and feedback to the SMa Council • To ensure that members views on technical standards relating to electrical, electronics and related products and services are taken into account Chairman: Mr Tsang Kwan Lung GP Batteries International Ltd Deputy Chairman: Mr Winston Wong Chloride Batteries S.E.Asia Pte Ltd Senior Advisor: Mr Renny Yeo Singapore Cables Manufacturers Pte Ltd Committee members: Mr Jeffrey Lee Nidec Sankyo Singapore Pte Ltd Mr Tan Boon Chong Schneider Electric Singapore Pte Ltd Mr Wilson Tan Hai Guan Singapore Telecommunications Limited Mr Clement Teo Applicam Industry (S) Pte Ltd Mr Bernard Teo Eng Hock China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park Development Co.,Ltd Mr Thomas Ng NKH Fluid Engineering Pte Ltd Mr Daniel Wong Chun Yap Philips Electronics Singapore Pte Ltd Mr J. Anton Ravindran Rapidstart Pte Ltd Ms Susan Ng Rayco Technologies Pte Ltd Mr Sze Thiam Siong Setsco Services Pte Ltd 50 SMa Annual Report 2009 Industry Groups Highlights for 2009: Mr Samuel Ng Singapore Communications Equipment Co., (Pte) Ltd Mr Prabhakara Sudheer Singapore Test Services Pte Ltd Mr Lim Meng Wee SP Consulting (International) Pte Ltd Mr Chang Tou Yuen Starhub Limited Mr Simon Swee Sun City Maintenance Pte Ltd Mr Lim Meng Hui giving a presentation of investment merits in Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City Mr S. Mohan SunVision Marketing Pte Ltd Mr Tay Jih-Hsin Swee Hin Trading Pte Ltd Mr Tay Choon Mong Tay Choon Mong Agency Mr Ng Soon Lee UL Singapore Pte Ltd Dr Jeremy Chia Utopia Aire Pte Ltd Mr K.Nakatani Yamari Singapore Pte Ltd (top) Staff from Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City (botton) One-on-one members’ consultation with representatives from International Enterprise Singapore Free Trade Agreement division 28 October - Talk on “Business Opportunities in Tianjin EcoCity Project” Mr Lim Meng Hui, General Manager of the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City Investment and Development Co. Ltd gave members firsthand insights into the Sino-Singapore joint project to build a model sustainable city in Tianjin, China. Singapore companies, including small and medium enterprises (SMEs), were invited to participate in this first-of-its kind project in China. 28 December - EEAI IG Networking Lunch @ Ah Yat Seafood Restaurant EEAI IG members were invited to a networking lunch at Ah Yat Seafood Restaurant. Members took this opportunity to network and interact with each other. EEAI IG Chairman, Mr KL Tsang updated the members on upcoming business trends and discussed salient issues of the industry. Mr KL Tsang, Chairman of EEAI IG updated members on industry trends and issues SMa Annual Report 2009 51 Industry Groups Fire Protection, Safety & Security Industry Group The Fire Protection, Safety & Security (FPSS) industry group was formed to represent and champion the cause of the local fire protection, safety-related, and security industries. It was founded by five SMa members, namely DORMA Door Controls Pte Ltd (now known as DORMA Far East Pte Ltd), South East Metal Industries Pte Ltd, Kaba Security Pte Ltd, Tacam Steel Pte Ltd and Assa Abloy (S) Pte Ltd, in April 2003. The FPSS IG assists members by drafting and reviewing safety standards, promoting best practices and conducting joint research. It also educates the public by promoting and enhancing fire safety, security and safety issues with various partners. Among them is the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF), whose information on industrial fire trends and preventive measures are disseminated to all SMa members. Other information disseminated to members includes relevant courses conducted by the SCDF in relation to the fire safety and security of industrial premises. Key Strategic Directions: • To champion the cause of local fire protection and safetyrelated and securities industries • To fostering closer working relationships with Singapore government agencies • To provide consultative and advisory support for SMEs • To act as a resource and network provider, covering published standards, training, standardised forms of contracts and code of practice for compliance 52 SMa Annual Report 2009 Chairman: Mr Rowan Tan DORMA Far East Pte Ltd Deputy Chairman: Mr Rodney Lee Tacam Steel Pte Ltd Vice-Chairmen: Mr Gn Chiang Yam Hart Engineering Pte Ltd Mr Patrick Chang Paclin Office Products Pte Ltd Mr David Goh Vanguard Fire Systems Pte Ltd Industry Groups Highlights for 2009: Mr Rowan Tan, Chairman of FPSS IG (third from left) with invited guests and members at the industry seminar and presentation on “New Innovations &Technologies in Building Products” 12 March - Industry Seminar and Presentation on “New Innovations & Technologies in Building Products” A seminar was organised to provide members with a platform to present their latest products, technologies and services. The objective was to engage members in the product preview seminar and to assist them in understanding current Exhibitors’ showcase of new products and technologies trends in the construction industry. A total of nine member companies showcased their products at the event, held at Swissôtel Merchant Court hotel, with an overwhelming attendance of 125 participants. The seminar was wellreceived by both participants and exhibitors, and FPSS IG will consider organising more of these seminars. 16 Oct - SS332:2007 – Fire Door Technical Seminar FPSS IG and Fire Safety Managers’ Association (Singapore) jointly organised a half-day seminar on SS332:2007. The objectives were to equip Fire Safety Managers with a better understanding of Fire Door requirements under SS332:2007, and to illustrate updated durability tests methodologies to ensure the integrity and functionality of fire doors. The seminar also provided insights into the responsibilities of Fire Safety Managers in areas such as inspection testing and maintenance of Fire-Rated doors in compliance to the standards. More than 100 participants attended the seminar. Mr Rowan Tan, Chairman of FPSS IG giving the opening address at the SS332:2007 Fire Door Technical Seminar Mr Benedict Koh, President of the Fire Safety Managers’ Association (Singapore) together with Mr Rowan Tan, Chairman of FPSS IG SMa Annual Report 2009 53 Industry Groups Food & Beverage Industry Group The Food & Beverage (F&B) industry group (IG) was one of the earliest industry groups formed during the early days of Singapore Manufacturers’ Association (SMA). For decades, the F&B IG acts as the point of influence in the F&B manufacturing and services industries on issues where collective representation is effective and desirable. Today, the F&B IG continues to serve as a strong representative body for SMa members on critical issues faced by the industry. Feedbacks and research are regularly conducted and presented to relevant government authorities and other associations for documentation and resolution. Committee members: Mr Eric Huber Boncafe International Pte Ltd Ms Eunice Choa Coca-Cola Far East Limited Ms Adeline Yan Kraft Foods Singapore Pte Ltd Ms Karen Low F&N Foods Pte Ltd Ms Shirley Yan Food Empire Holdings Ltd Key Strategic Directions: • To be the representative voice of the F&B industry, its suppliers and customers on issues where collective representation is effective and desirable • To promote trade and business information to local and foreign business communities • To promote business networking opportunities by organising meetings with visiting foreign delegations • To provide relevant information and access on training programmes to upgrade members’ knowledge and skills • To foster closer ties among members, private organisations and government agencies Chairman: Mr Sunny Koh Chinatown Food Corporation Pte Ltd Vice-Chairmen: Mr Colin Choe Kerry Ingredients Pte Ltd Mr Lewis Cheng Prima Limited Mr Cheong Chung Kin Win Sin (Pte) Ltd 54 SMa Annual Report 2009 Dr Siew Teck Woh Gardenia Foods (S) Pte Ltd Dr KK Tan Mycobiotech Ltd Mr Kevin Harty Nestle R&D Center (Pte) Ltd Mr Desmond Loh Sevenoaks Wines Ms Eva Chow Sunfresh Singapore Pte Ltd Mr Peter Tan Super Coffee Corporation Ltd Ms Apple Ong Yamakawa Trading Co Pte Ltd Mr Peter Lee Yee Lee Oils & Foodstuffs (S) Pte Ltd Mr Tan Chong Gay Warburg Vending Pte Ltd Mr Jerry Tan Wanin Industries Pte Ltd Industry Groups Highlights for 2009: 17 April - Singapore as a Food Hub – Towards a Healthier Lifestyle Co-organised with the Singapore Institute of Food Science Technology, Singapore Polytechnic, and FIRC, the second ‘Singapore as a Food Hub’ seminar was well attended by members of the F&B sectors. The seminar kept participants abreast of the developments in nutrition, health and wellness and updated the relationship between food safety and wellness. The objective of the seminar was to foster closer collaboration among food and health professionals in the industry. 20 July - MOU Signed with Restaurant Association of Singapore In conjunction with the AFTIS Forum 2009, an MOU was signed with the Restaurant Association of Singapore. SMa seeks to foster closer partnership with local F&B manufacturers. F&B IG Chairman Mr Sunny Koh believed that SMa must take the initiative to work closely with key partners to facilitate the exchange of information and seek valuable partnership. The ceremony was witnessed by Guest-of-Honour Mr Lee Yi Shyan, Minister of State for Ministry of Trade & Industry and Manpower, and Mr Ted Tan, Deputy Chief Executive of SPRING Singapore. 20 – 21July - Asia Food Technology, Innovation and Safety Forum 2009 (AFTIS 2009) The inaugural Asia Food Technology, Innovation and Safety Forum 2009 was co-organised with The Pinnacle Group International, Singapore Food Manufacturers’ Association, and FIRC. The 2-day event on F&B development and technologies featured more than 20 local and foreign speakers and panellists. The forum enabled food manufacturers, retailers and regulators to gain insights into the most pressing issues relating to the food industry today. It updated food industry players of the developments in the global industry and understand the implications and opportunities beyond the local market. More than 300 participants attended the forum. Food Innovation Resource Centre (FIRC) and Sealed Air also signed an MOU to facilitate the development of the training and testing in food packaging for the industry players. Thumbs-up to future collaboration! Signatories of the MOUs from SMa, Restaurant Association of Singapore and Food Innovation and Resource Centre and Sealed Air. The signing of the both MOU was witnessed by Guest-of-Honour, Minister of State Mr Lee Yi Shyan and Mr Ted Tan, Deputy Chief Executive of SPRING Singapore 9 July - Dialogue with AVA new CEO F&B IG Committee members joined in a dialogue session with Ms Tan Poh Hong, the newly appointed CEO of AgriFood & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA). During the session, Ms Tan briefed members on AVA’s plans on food control regulations and policies, information regarding emerging food safety issues that are of international concern. The dialogue ended with insightful exchange on issues faced by the industry and discussion on possible avenues of collaboration. 3 August - Tasty Singapore Fair SMa partnered with NTUC FairPrice to launch the Tasty Singapore Fair at the largest NTUC Xtra in Ang Mo Kio Hub. The launch was graced by Mr Seah Kian Peng, Managing Director of NTUC Fairprice and Member of Parliament. The two week fair was supported by International Enterprise (IE) Singapore, and runs from 13 to 26 August. The fair showcased a wide variety of home grown local products ranging from seasoning, pre-mixes, frozen food, cooking oil, canned and instant beverages. The fair aimed to bring local brands back to its home ground to tap on the growing local F&B market. The opening ceremony of the Tasty Fair at the NTUC Xtra at the Ang Mo Kio Hub. Mr Tng Ah Yiam, Director of Integrated Purchasing, NTUC; Guest of Honour Mr Seah Kian Peng, MD of Group Business, NTUC Fair Price; Dr Moh Chong Tau, Deputy President of SMa, Mr Sunny Koh, Chairman of SMa F&B IG. Mr Tan Soon Kim, Deputy Director of Business Services & Lifestyle Division, IE Singapore December - Mission to Turkey F&B IG Chairman Mr Sunny Koh led a sourcing mission to Istanbul, Turkey that was held in conjunction with the 17th International Food Products and Processing Technologies Exhibition. The delegates explored economic and commercial opportunities and potential in Turkey and their food and packaging sector. They were also given the opportunity to meet with various Turkish government agencies and companies. SMa Annual Report 2009 55 Industry Groups Life Science Industry Group The Life Science (LS) industry group comprises of two sub-industry group, namely the Singapore Pharmaceuticals Trade Organisation (SPTO) and Singapore Pharmaceutical Manufacturer’s Council (SPMC). They represent the local generic drug manufacturers and generic drug distributors respectively. To maintain and enhance the reputation and credibility of the pharmaceutical industry in Singapore and its contribution to public health and welfare, members of SPMC and SPTO members meet regularly to organise dialogue sessions with the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) and discuss the latest regulatory issues in the region. Key Strategic Directions: • To encourage more members to be proactively involved in upkeeping of credibility of pharmaceutical industry in Singapore and contributions to public health and welfare • To facilitate exchange of information and organise networking opportunities among members 56 SMa Annual Report 2009 Chairman: Dr Tan Kok Kheng Mycobiotech Ltd Deputy Chairman: Mr Koe Khoon Poe Integrated Contract Manufacturing Pte Ltd Vice-Chairman: Ms Gwen Goh Beacons Pharmaceuticals Pte Ltd Committee members: Mr Adam Hamid Naina Mohamed & Sons Pte Ltd Dr Lee Chee Wei LYNK Biotechnologies Pte Ltd Dr Kam Yin Fah Herbal Science Singapore Pte Ltd Industry Groups Highlights for 2009: 17 April - Dialogue Session with HSA A dialogue session was initiated by SMa and HSA for SPTO to discuss prevalent industry issues. Over 20 companies and representatives gathered at Biopolis HSA to explore topics such as audit procedure, licenses, patent, renewal fee & timeline. The dialogue session was well-received and a second dialogue session was organised in November. 20 November - Dialogue session with HSA for SPTO and SPMC A dialogue session with HSA was organised for SPTO and SPMC committee members, to exchange information and insights on the issues and challenges faced. The session also included updates on changes in the new Health Products Act. Quarterly-Networking Event at Brewerks Networking sessions were organised by Bio Singapore quarterly. Supported by LS IG, the events were held at Brewerks, Riverside Point. Member companies took the opportunity to mingle and exchange contacts and latest news and information in the industry. 17 September - Seminar on “Ensuring the quality of dietary supplement from Medicinal Mushrooms Using U.S FDA-Prescribed Current Good Manufacturing Practices” LS IG organised a seminar to promote and share information on current US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) prescribed good manufacturing practices. Professor Jong Shung-Chang was invited to give a talk on “Ensuring the quality of dietary supplement from medicinal mushrooms”. Speaker, Professor Jong Shung-Chang touched on regulations in health foods Mr KK Tan, Chairman of LSIG presented token of appreciation to Professor Jong SMa Annual Report 2009 57 Industry Groups Lifestyle Industry Group Formed in 1988, the Lifestyle (LFS) industry group was the result of a merger of three industry groups- Fashion & Apparel, Jewellery & Watches and Furniture. The LFS IG serves to represent the industry to suppliers and consumers. It actively promotes Singapore’s lifestyle products and services to both local and international markets. Chairman: Mr Yeo Cheong Guan Eng Bee Paper Merchant (Pte) Ltd Committee members: Mr Christopher Te Agility Fairs and Events Logistics Pte Ltd Key Strategic Directions: • To promote lifestyle trade and business information to local and foreign business communities • To foster closer ties among members, private organizations and government agencies • To promote Singapore lifestyle industries and services both Ms Annabelle Tan Brite Koncept Pte Ltd Ms Ruth Lim Sino-America Corporation Tours Pte Ltd locally and internationally at trade missions and fairs • To encourage business networking through various events and interactive sessions Ms Alice Ho Fun’s Florist & Nursery Pte Ltd Ms Joanna Wong Eu Yan Sang International Ltd Ms Nancy Mok Bodysense Retreat Pte Ltd Mr Jerry Tan Wanin Industries Pte Ltd Mr Ryan Chioh FarEastFlora.com Pte Ltd 58 SMa Annual Report 2009 Industry Groups Highlights for 2009: 28 August - Industry Talk on Good Design & Good Business LFS IG and > 60 Design Centre jointly organised an industry talk ‘Good Design & Good Business’ to help SME manufacturers compete effectively in international markets with good design. The speaker invited was Mr Kong Wei, a specialist in product design and development for manufacturing and Manager for Design & Research at > 60 Design Centre. He shared how participants may incorporate designs that have strong business focus apart from being user and demographiccentred. 3 December - Export Opportunities in Lifestyle International Enterprise (IE) Singapore officers from the Lifestyle division were invited to brief the LFS IG committee on the export opportunities and initiatives that promote international trade. The committee will work closely with IE Singapore to explore ways to tap on international networks and gain access into new markets. The committee will also work together to promote “Hunt in a Pack” approach in consolidating brands and products from companies within the supply chain in securing overseas business opportunities. 3 December – Seminar on ‘Relieving stress with TCM’ An informative and social event was organised to provide information on relieving stress with the use of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Ms Jennis Tan from Eu Yan Sang International Ltd shared with SMa members on stress management with TCM. Ms Tan also presented basic TCM principles and gave participants a better understanding of how the body combates stress, and how herbs and acupuncture or acupressure can be used to provide relief. Mr Kong Wai, speaker from the >60 Design Centre, interacting with participants after the talk Ms Jennis Tan from Eu Yan Sang International Ltd sharing on how to relief stress with TCM SMa Annual Report 2009 59 Industry Groups Medical Technology Industry Group Since its formation in 1998, Medical Technology (MT) industry group has been working towards their mission - to be the leading voice for the medical industry and related organisations to advance the interests of the industry. MT IG members meet regularly to discuss industry-related issues, the latest updates on regulatory affairs and the impact of new Chairman: Mr Goh Seow Ping Johnson & Johnson Pte Ltd Committee members: Ms Ginnie Chao AMO Singapore Pte Ltd regulations to the industry, business issues as well as the code of ethics. Key Strategic Directions: • To enlist members’ involvement through meetings and events • To recruit more members from MNCs and SMEs • To develop half-yearly value-add programmes and seminars that cover a wide range of topics including regulatory matters 60 SMa Annual Report 2009 Ms Jacqueline Monteiro Medtronic International Ltd Ms Bailey Wong Rain Tree Medical Ms Jane Fong ANTz Latex Pte Ltd Industry Groups Highlights for 2009: 22 January - Dialogue session with EDB and HSA One of the objectives of the dialogue sessions was to seek Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB)’s assistance in facilitating resolution of issues faced by the industry and feedback to Health Science Authority (HSA). Through this meeting, EDB representatives gain a better understanding of the issues faced by SMa members. They have also endorsed and agreed to facilitate mediation of issues between members and HSA. 10 June - Seminar on ‘Achieving quality through design in Medical/ Pharmaceutical Industry’ Co-organised by MT IG and software company Dassault Systemes, the seminar was targeted at companies in the MT and life science industry. Presenters from Dassault Systemes shared the importance of product lifecycle management (PLM) solutions in manufacturing businesses, and their implementations to achieve quality outcome in business process. The seminar by Dassault Systemes covered how members can use PLM solutions to assist them in their business proceses 19 August – Seminar on Export Controls A seminar on Export Controls was organised to highlight potential issues and possible impacts on export controls. The speaker invited was Mr George Tan from PricewaterhouseCoopers WMS Pte Ltd. The presentation helped members to understand what was covered under export control and how it can affect their business developments. SMa Annual Report 2009 61 Industry Groups Metal, Machinery & Engineering Industry Group The Metal, Machinery & Engineering (MME) industry group holds regular sessions to discuss issues affecting the industry and updates on market trends. Dialogue sessions were also organised with government agencies to seek assistance in resolving some of these issues. With an economy recovery in sight for 2010, the Committee plans to organise more events for members to network and form new Chairman: Mr James See Singco (Pte) Ltd Deputy Chairman: Mr John Kong BlueScope Steel Asia Pte Ltd information for better business decisions. Committee Members: Mr N Ratnam Aranco Line (S) Pte Ltd Key Strategic Directions: Mr Siew Yit Foong Cititech Industrial Engineering Pte Ltd business opportunities as well as provide up-to-date market • To provide relevant assistance to members on MME issues • To facilitate dissemination of information on government’s assistance programmes as well as provide channel of feedback between member and government Mr Alan Tan Yeow Koon CPM/Pacific Pte Ltd Mr Philip Wong Dailian International Pte Ltd Ms Sharon Toh Dassault Systemes Singapore Pte Ltd Mr Gan Chin Yean Interplex Singapore Pte Ltd Mr James Wong O. E. Manufacturing Pte Ltd Mr CM Quek Ritchmen (S) Pte Ltd Dr Lim Chee Song Simplex Pte Ltd Mr Wong Choon Kin Spot Management Services Pte Ltd Mr Ow Chun Chor Star Union Engineering Pte Ltd Mr Tay Choon Mong Tay Choon Mong Agency Mr Jerry Tan Wanin Industries Pte Ltd 62 SMa Annual Report 2009 Industry Groups Highlights for 2009: 18 April - Dialogue with International Enterprise (IE) Singapore A dialogue session was organised with International Enterprise (IE) Singapore to discuss about overseas expansion and access issues faced by members. It also provided members with an understanding of IE Singapore’s future plans and directions as well as identified key industry sectors. Members were encouraged to seek IE Singapore’s assistance in overseas protectionism issues, which could be tackled on a government-togovernment platform. The speaker, Dr Tan Kee Wee during his presentation on “Where is the Greenback Heading?” 2 December - Talk on “Where is the Greenback Heading?” The year 2009 has seen the weakening of the US dollar against the basket of major currencies. Since March, some members have shared that they were adversely affected by the weakened dollar. In view of the uncertainties of the US currency and concerns voiced by members, a talk was organised to provide members with a better understanding of the trends. Dr Tan Kee Wee, an independent economist who currently manages his own investment consultancy, shared with members on the factors affecting the US dollar and his views on future trends. Over 30 participants attended the seminar SMa Annual Report 2009 63 Industry Groups Oil & Gas and Related Industries Industry Group The Oil & Gas and Related Industries (O&G) industry group was officially formed in 2006 with the objective of addressing oil & gas and related issues in Singapore. With Singapore being the undisputed oil hub in Asia and one of the top three export refining centres in the world, one of the IG’s objective is to maintain and enhance the reputation of the O&G community in Singapore. With the chemical industry closely linked to the oil industry through its refining activities, the O&G IG Committee was tasked to incorporate members from the chemical industry into the current IG. Upon review of the IG members’ composition, the Committee had in November 2009, recommended to change its name to Energy and Chemicals to better reflect and serve the members. This IG will be known as the Energy and Chemicals industry group with effect from 2010. The IG has over 150 members with the inclusion of this group of members. Its activities would be focused on 2 main areas; Energy industry and Chemicals industry. The industry group’s objective to serve the Singapore business community remained unchanged. With this proposed change, the Committee would be more attuned to the needs of its members and be in a better position to help address issues faced by the different members. • To maintain and enhance reputation of O&G community in Singapore and ensuring quality-compliance products • To co-operate with government organisations to promote the investment and development of oil, gas and related industries in Singapore and other countries, in particular, ASEAN member countries • To advise and assist in matter of disputes arising out of commercial transactions between members of O&G and/or other parties promote good corporate-social responsibility among members • To undertake, coordinate and encourage researches and studies that will serve to identify opportunities and projects on new products complementing the O&G industries 64 SMa Annual Report 2009 Vice Chairmen: Mr Vincent Tay Singapore Petroleum Company Ltd. Mr Lawrence Ding Total Oil Asia-Pacific Pte. Ltd. Committee Members: Mr Michael Wong Tuas Power Supply Pte. Ltd. (till October 2009) Mr Nicholas Tan Tuas Power Supply Pte. Ltd. (from October 2009) Mr Peter Ong Oilfield Services & Supplies Pte. Ltd. Mr Hendrie Lee SSB Cryogenic Equipment Pte. Ltd. Ms Joelle Wu Seal Control Pte. Ltd. Key Strategic Directions: • To Chairman: Mr Simon Li Feoso Oil (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Industry Groups Highlights for 2009: 19 March - Visit to Oilfields Services & Supplies Pte Ltd A factory visit was organized to Oilfields Services & Supplies Pte Ltd (OSS). Mr Peter Ong, MD of OSS, shared with participants on the company’s profile and services, which range from manufacturing, servicing and repairs of drilling tools components to rental of oilfield equipments. A tour was conducted around the factory and the participants left with a better understanding on some of the directional drilling equipments used for Oil & Gas Exploration. Mr Peter Ong, MD of Oilfield Services & Supplies Pte Ltd (3rd from left) explaining his company’s products to Chairman, Mr Simon Li (2nd from left) and members of the industry group during the visit 12 October - Seminar on ISO/TS 29001:2007 This seminar shed light on the benefits of achieving the “ISO/ TS 29001:2007” certification for participants. Apart from an assessor’s perspective, a member company, Oilfield Services & Supplies Pte Ltd, also shared their experience on prior and after certification of ISO 29001. Participants were also briefed on the government funding opportunities available to companies that are keen to adopt the ISO/TS 29001. 31 July - Visit to SSB Cryogenic Equipment Pte Ltd Members visited SSB Cryogenic Equipment Pte Ltd, a member company specializing in the cryogenic liquids and equipment business. Mr Hendrie Lee, General Manager of SSB, gave an overview of the company’s business activities which include sales of cryogenic spares, rental and sales of cryogenic equipment, supply of liquid gases in bulk and cylinders, sale of ultra high purified and specialty gases. The company also provides specialized technical services such as gas purging, pipeline freezing and fabrication work. Mr Peh Lam Hoh, MD of SSB, joined the participants during the tour of the factory and answered queries from members. A group photo of participants taken with Mr Peh Lam Hoh, MD of SSB Cryogenic Equipment Pte Ltd (sixth from left) after a tour of the factory premises 12 October - Seminar on Reliquifying Waxes & Asphaltenes in Crude Speakers from Carbon Flow Solutions Pte Ltd shared with members a new method of cleaning up paraffin waxes and asphaltene deposits faced by companies in crude handling. The CFS Additive Treatment System for flow assurance and sludge reliquification is a revolutionary new reliquification product designed specifically for oil transfer flowline deposition, breaking down asphaltene and reliquifying paraffin wax. Demonstration by Mr Nick Castellano on the effectiveness of his product on paraffin waxes and asphaltene deposits Asphaltene deposits commonly found during crude handling Group photo of the Speaker with Chairman of the IG, Mr Simon Li (fifth from left) and the participants SMa Annual Report 2009 65 Industry Groups Packaging Council of Singapore Industry Group The Packaging Council of Singapore (PCS IG) serves as a catalyst for the growth of the packaging industry in Singapore. Besides promoting the co-operation between local and foreign packagingrelated organisations, PCS serves as a voice for the industry especially towards environment issues. PCS is one of the signatories of the Singapore Packaging Agreement (SPA), and a member of the Asian Packaging Chairman: Mr Albert Lim Packagers Pte Ltd Deputy Chairman: Mr Randy Ang Starlite Printers (Far East) Pte Ltd (WPO). Committee members: Dr Xu Yan Grenidea Technologies Pte Ltd Key Strategic Directions: Ms Joanne Lam Hiap Moh Corporation Ltd Federation (APF) and a member of World Packaging Organisation • To provide knowledge of principles, materials, processes, and packaging production and use to the packing community • To organise outreach programmes to educate and share on packaging trends, findings, design and current technological development • To promote sustainable manufacturing packaging among the manufacturing industry • To promote export and enhance the international demand for Singapore’s packaging service and locally manufactured products • To increase the profile of the Singapore Packaging Star (SPSA) Award and its participation 66 SMa Annual Report 2009 Mr Chui Tau Siong Jebsen & Jessen Broadway (S) Pte Ltd Ms May Yap LHT Holdings Ltd Mr Vincent Tan SCA Packaging Asia Singapore Pte Ltd Mr Tan Jit Khoon Winson Press Pte Ltd Industry Groups Highlights for 2009: 26 February - 33rd Anniversary Celebrations cum Star Awards Night The Packaging Council of Singapore celebrated its 33 years of leadership and service in the packaging industry in conjunction with Star Awards Night. The dinner recognised award winners from 2008 Singapore Packaging Star Award (SPSA) and Asia Star Award as well as winners World Star Award, both commercial and student categories for their contribution in elevating the standard of packaging in the industry. In 2009, the Singapore Packaging Star Award saw several good entries from designers who have incorporated the best of functional, aesthetics and marketability aspects in their designs. There were 23 winners from the commercial category and 10 from the student category. Besides SPSA, winners from the AsiaStar and World Star were also presented with awards. 25 August - Singapore Packaging Star Awards 2009 The PCS IG held its 11th Singapore Packaging Star Awards judging as part of its continued efforts to champion innovation and sustainability in packaging. The evaluation panel included 3 judges: Mr Alberto Tureikis, Tetra Pak Jurong Pte Ltd, Mr Samuel Aw, Food Technology Lecturer in Singapore Polytechnic and Mr CS Wong, Honorary Chairman of PCS for the commercial display, protection and transportation and the environmental sustainable category. The student award judging was held separately on 20 September 2009. To strengthen efforts in promoting awareness in green packaging, the announcement of winners from commercial categories was held in conjunction with the talk on Singapore Green Labelling Scheme by Mr Sylvain Richer de Forges, Project Manager of the Singapore Environment Council. 27 October - AsiaStar 2009 and AsiaStar Award Presentation Held in conjunction with the Asia Packaging Federation 58th Board of Administration Meeting and 34th General Assembly, the Asia Packaging Star Awards judging was held in Shanghai, China. A new category, Eco Packaging, was added to the existing two commercial categories in AsiaStar, namely the Commercial display and Transportation Packages. Out of the 19 local entries submitted, 13 received the Asia Packaging Excellence Awards. Participants from SCA Packaging Asia during the 33rd Anniversary Celebrations cum Star Awards Night Mr Randy Ang receiving the APF President Star Award 2009 at the AsiaStar Award Ceremony in Shanghai 28 October 2009 Participants to the Asia Packaging Federation Board Meeting and General Assembly visit a state-of-the art printing factory with members from the region An inaugural Asia Packaging Federation Presidential Award was also presented to the top scoring entry after evaluation by the President’s criteria. The award went to JW Black Centurion II Box with packaging from Starlite Printers (Far East) Pte Ltd Singapore. All the awards were presented during the AsiaStar Award Presentation and APF Gala Dinner 2009. Mr Albert Lim, the Chairman of the Packaging Council of Singapore who was also the immediate past president of APF, was appointed Honorary Member of the APF the same evening. Participants attending the AsiaStar award ceremony also had the opportunity to visit some state-of-the-art printing facilities and the Jielong Art Printing facilities in Shanghai. Mr Sylvain Richer de Forges, Project Manager from the Singapore Environment Council gave a presentation on Singapore Green Labelling Scheme SMa Annual Report 2009 67 International Trade Development Developing cross-border relations and trade opportunities International Trade Development International Trade Development The International Trade Development (ITD) division was established to promote and facilitate business growth for Highlights for 2009: member companies in overseas markets through SMa-led trade fairs and missions. Through participation in Singapore Pavilions in large trade fairs and missions, ITD targets to generate businessmatching and collaboration opportunities for member companies to explore, learn and pursue business opportunities in relevant markets. These are achieved through close collaborations with government agencies such as International Enterprise (IE) Singapore, embassies, foreign chambers of commerce, business councils and other trade associations. ITD also provides secretariat support to the Trade and Investment Function Committee and China Business Committee. On average, ITD organises and supports more than 40 missions and fairs annually. SMa Secretariat with Guest-ofHonour, Mr Cao Minh Quang, Vice Minister, Ministry of Health, Vietnam, at the opening ceremony of CosmoBeaute Vietnam 2009 Trade Fair Mr CP Saw, Project Director of ECMI Trade Fairs S.E.A Sdn Bhd looks on SMa member, Yena Trading Company, has been a regular exhibitor at CosmoBeaute Vietnam 2009 Trade Fair 23 – 25 April - CosmoBeaute Vietnam 2009 Trade Fair CosmoBeaute Vietnam 2009 was successfully staged at a new exhibition venue – Saigon Exhibition & Convention Centre, Ho Chi Minh City. The fair was officially opened by Dr Cao Minh Quang, Vice Minister of Health, S.R. Vietnam. SMa led a group of 15 Singapore companies to participate in the trade fair under the Singapore Pavilion. There were a total of 118 exhibitors from 16 countries at the fair. Despite the tough economic climate, the number of visitors increased by 5% as compared to previous year. CosmoBeaute Vietnam will return to the same venue, from 22 to 24 April 2010. 70 SMa Annual Report 2009 International Trade Development 13 – 16 July - CosmoBeaute Asia Trade Fair The 5th series of CosmoBeaute Asia, an exhibition dedicated to Beauty, Spa and Wellness industries, was successfully held at Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A total of 209 companies from nine countries, namely China, Hong Kong, South Korea, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand and Singapore participated in the 4-day event. With the support of IE Singapore, SMa led a group of 50 local companies to take part at the Singapore Pavilion for the 5th consecutive year. Despite the tough economic climate, the fair recorded an all-time high of 13,323 visitors. SMa member, Tai Wah Distributors Pte Ltd participates CosmoBeaute Asia Trade Fair yearly SMa Council members and Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers, and Tuan Haji Mohamed Basir bin Mohamed Sali (seated, second from left), Senior Manager, Johor State Investment Centre, and YB Dato’ Mohd Mokhtar bin Mohd Shariff (seated, fourth from right), Chief Police Officer, Royal Malaysia Police (Johor) 19 August - Business & Investment Opportunities in Malaysia SMa and Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) identified key areas of collaboration at a joint council meeting held at Puteri Pacific Hotel, Johor Bahru. SMa and FMM will be rolling out a series of strategic activities to explore cross-border investment opportunities. A dialogue session with the Johor State Investment Centre and Royal Malaysia Police (Johor branch) was also held. The seminar updated participants on the recent liberalisation of investment policies in Malaysia as well as the various government schemes to enhance industry competitiveness for the State of Johor. SMa Annual Report 2009 71 International Trade Development Highlights for 2009: 22 – 24 November - Business Mission to Perak, Malaysia SMa President, Mr Renny Yeo led a 20-member delegation, comprising manufacturers, service providers and industrial estate developers to Ipoh, Perak to explore business opportunities for the first time. Proximity to Singapore and significant cost advantages were re-affirmed as investment merits, drawing great interest among the delegation. With the opening of daily Ipoh-Singapore flights, more cross-border business explorations and collaborations were generated as Perak is reinforced in the radar screen of local business community. SMa will continue to work with the chambers and associations in Malaysia to strike strategic and cross-border partnerships and help SME manufacturers. Mr Renny Yeo, SMa President led 20-member delegation to Perak, Malaysia 72 SMa Annual Report 2009 1 – 4 December - Business Mission to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam SMa successfully led a business mission consists of 11 companies, comprising mainly manufacturers, to explore business opportunities in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. In 2008, Singapore was Vietnam’s fifth largest investor and Singapore is also Vietnam’s biggest trading partner among the ASEAN members. With improving infrastructure and facilities in Vietnam as well as the Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park, Vietnam proves to be a market worth considering for investment. Vietnam’s fastest growing sectors are tourism, telecommunications, logistics, infrastructure, construction, manufacturing, oil and gas, and power generation. International Trade Development Singapore delegates met with Director General of Ministry of Industry, Dr Budi Darmadi (front row, fourth from left) Front row, from left: Mr Gusti Putu Suryawirawan, Director of Metal Industry, Ministry of Industry; Mr Iwan Dermawan Hanafi, Chairman of KADIN; Dr. Budi Darmadi, Director General for Industry of Transportation Equipment and Information Communication Technology, Ministry of Industry; Mr Benajmin Ong, Mission Leader Back row, fifth from right: Mr Jean Anes, Minister Counsellor, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Singapore 30 Nov – 4 Dec - Business Mission to Indonesia (Jakarta & Surabaya) SMa led a 10-member delegation on a five day business mission to Indonesia, accompanied by the Minister Counsellor, Mr Jean Anes from the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Singapore. Delegates varied from manufacturing, logistics, trading and in the service sectors. Singapore is currently Indonesia’s top investor with 694 projects of a total value of US$12,665,315 for the period of 1 January 2004 – 30 September 2009. This mission represents SMa’s efforts to engage with Asia’s growing economy – Indonesia. Potential business contacts were also established during a networking dinner reception with the Indonesia Chamber of Commerce (KADIN). SMa Annual Report 2009 73 Centres of Excellence Our Pillars of Distinction Centres of Excellence Centre for Corporate Learning With a wide range of courses and excellent teaching standards for the working professionals, Centre for Highlights for 2009: Corporate Learning (CCL) is a leading provider of comprehensive industry-relevant programmes. In 2009, CCL trained a total of 10,148 people with 461 classes in various disciplines, programmes and specialisations. CCL provides accredited courses taught by qualified and experienced, local and foreign trainers as well as industry experts and reputable companies. Coupled with industry networks, SMa received accreditation as a Continuing Education and Training Centre (CET) in October. Since then, it has established CET@SMa to facilitate job matching between employers and individuals. It also works closely with 1 September – Food Exports Conference 2009: Food Exports to ASEAN – Market Trends and Regulatory Requirements Jointly organised with SPRING Singapore, CCL hosted a full-day conference on Food Exports to ASEAN, to help F&B manufacturers understand market trends and regulatory issues. Over 200 participants including SMEs and larger manufacturers attended the conference. In total, eight food experts and regulatory authorities from key ASEAN export destinations updated participants on the latest developments in food safety requirement, regulations and compliance issues, such as Halal certification. Singapore’s largest nut manufacturer, Seng Hua Hng Foodstuff Pte Ltd, known for their household brand Camel Nuts, also shared their experience in exporting to ASEAN. The conference ended on a high note with two sessions of Q&A moderation, with insightful feedback from the floor and advice from the speakers. CCL to identify training needs and assist employees in adopthy important skill-sets through training courses. Local and overseas speakers from the afternoon session Over 200 participants attended ‘Food Exports to Asean’ conference 76 SMa Annual Report 2009 One of the speakers, Mr M Nazri, Group Managing Director from Vector Scorecard (Asia-Pac) Centres of Excellence WSQ Forklift Training Singapore 23 October - Conversion of Forklift driver training course to WSQ Framework Forklift Driver Training Course was converted from an accredited course from Ministry of Manpower (MOM) to be included under the Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) Framework. The conversion represents a national recognition of skills qualifications, which also raises the standard of competencies for forklift operations and safety in the industry. CCL was endorsed to continue its provision of this module based on competency unit “Operate Forklift”. October - Establishment of CET@SMa In May, SMa received accreditation as a Continuing Education & Training Centre (CET@SMa) from Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA). In October, CET@SMa was established to provide career services such as career advisory and recruitment fairs. It also works closely with important stakeholders such as WDA, Chinese Development Assistance Centre (CDAC), NTUC Career Centre, and various Community Development Centres (CDC) to assist in career matching and placement of trainees from CCL. CET@SMa CET@SMa seeks to enhance employability and job readiness of jobseekers or individuals seeking career transition through suitable skills upgrading or re-training courses provided by CCL. CET@SMa participates in training and job fairs to widen its reach to employers and individuals SMa Annual Report 2009 77 Centres of Excellence Graduates of Treasury Markets Foundation Programme Treasury Markets Foundation Programme New Programmes for 2009 Under the Precision Engineering Workforce Skills Qualifications, two new programmes were introduced. They are Specialist Diploma and Advanced Certificate in Manufacturing Sales & Marketing (MSM). The Specialist Diploma in MSM aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to recognise, acquire and implement techniques of good sales and marketing. The Advanced Certificate in MSM aims to provide participants with foundational supervisory skills and knowledge in manufacturing sales and marketing. These programmes were jointly developed with Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA). They were launched in early 2010, with Minister for Trade and Industry and Manpower, Mr Lee Yi Shyan gracing the occasion. Working with our curriculum developer, CCL introduced Follow Good Manufacturing Practices and Apply Continuous Process Improvement Techniques for Generic Manufacturing Workforce Skills Qualifications. Turbulence in global financial markets highlighted the importance of a well-defined approach to manage risk. Increasingly, management and shareholders want to have sound analysis and controls to limit risk in place. The optimal solution is a well-crafted risk management policy that establishes the foundation for prudent assessment and hedging procedures. Treasury Markets Foundation Programme (IBF Accredited Programme under FICS Framework) outlines the tools necessary for effective Treasury Management. The programme is accredited by Financial Industry Competency Standard and the first course preview was held on 10 December 2009. The first intake ran from 12 January - 5 February 2010. 78 SMa Annual Report 2009 Advanced Certificate and Specialist Diploma programmes for Manufacturing Sales and Marketing Centres of Excellence Seminars on Sustainable Manufacturing In line with SMa’s strategic initiatives to promote awareness in sustainable manufacturing, CCL invited its associate trainers to develop and present two seminars on sustainable manufacturing best practices. The two seminars ‘Implementing Sustainable Manufacturing’ and ‘Implementing Best Practices in Lean Methods for Manufacturing Efficiency’ served as great platforms for companies to learn and embark on corporate and social responsibilities. Classes were conducted in December 2009 and February 2010. Skills Programme for Upgrading and Resilience (SPUR) In late 2008, Skills Programme for Upgrading and Resilience (SPUR) was launched by MOM and WDA to help companies save jobs, while cutting costs through enrolment in skills upgrading courses and professional conversion placement programmes. CCL was proud to be a partner to dole out these programmes in 2009. Four courses were marketed, namely Generic manufacturing in Logistics, and Precision, as well as Certified Operations Specialists and Professionals. In total, 2057 Statements of Attainment (SOA) were given away. Total number of qualifications achieved in 2009: • 63 Certificate in Generic Manufacturing Skills (Logistics) • 37 Certificate in Generic Manufacturing Skills (Precision) • 36 Certified Operations Specialists • 12 Certified Operations Professionals Advertisements of SPUR courses in CONNECT newsletter SMa Annual Report 2009 79 Centres of Excellence Enterprise Development Centre @ Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (EDC@SMa) EDC@SMa was established in May 2005 as a subsidiary of SMa through a government grant from SPRING Singapore. Its primary role is to assist local enterprises to develop business competencies and adopt best practices in their operations to grow as competitive and successful enterprises in the domestic and global markets. EDC@SMa regularly and partners SMa in organising of events open to public and SMa members. These provide EDC@SMa opportunities to better attune to SMEs’ developments and needs, while reaching out to them with customised solutions. Some of these solutions include business advisory services on a wide range of government assistance schemes. These services ultimately serve to strengthen the management capabilities of the SMEs. Since its inception, EDC@SMa has attended to 10,000 assistance requests from SMEs. EDC@SMa has developed strong partnerships with International Enterprise (IE) Singapore, SPRING Singapore, Ministry of Manpower, Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) and Health Promotion Board to lend SMEs a helping hand. Assistance schemes from the respective government agencies are also available through our business advisory services. 80 SMa Annual Report 2009 Chairman: Mr Renny Yeo Singapore Cables Manufacturers Pte Ltd Members: Mr Simon Li Feoso Oil (Singapore) Pte Ltd Mr Gwee Seng Kwong Secretary-General, SMa Ms Doris Chow EDC@SMa Corporate Secretary: Ms Anna Chew SMa Secretariat Support: Ms Jessica Lee EDC@SMa Centres of Excellence Highlights for 2009: 5 March - EDC Conference 2009: Building Resilient and Growth-Oriented Enterprises EDCs’ first conference was co-organised by EDC@SMa and other EDCs and supported by SPRING Singapore. The conference attracted about 300 participants and focused on how enterprises can move up the value chain, address financing needs, manage talents and venture abroad. 27 May - Do I really need Branding for My Business? The event is supported by Intellectual Property Office of leading Singapore and SPRING Singapore to share on the consideration of Branding and Intellectual Property for companies invited. Guest speakers included representations from Food Empire Holdings Ltd and Tecbiz FrisMan Pte Ltd. 10 November - Capability Development Funding for SMEs The event shared on various funding programmes by SPRING Singapore, Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore and Workplace Safety and Health Council where SMEs could tap on. 16 November - Sustainable Manufacturing: Developing a Green Heartware The event is co-organised with Singapore Environment Council to share on sustainable manufacturing design, audit, process and awards. More than 60 participants attended the Sustainable Manufacturing seminar Participants get hands-on for a branding exercise 14 Aug - Unleash Your Export Potential with Grant Support from IE Singapore The event introduced the Exporter Development Program from IE Singapore on how companies interested in exporting could tap onto funding support to realise their potential. Guest speakers were from Winson Press Pte Ltd. Engaged in a Q&A session are panelists: Mr Rahul Kar, Associate Director, Sustainable Advisory, KPMG Advisory Services Pte Ltd; Mr Lauw Kok Keen, Acting Director, eSupply Chain Management Council; Mr Howard Shaw, Executive Director for Singapore Environment Council; Mr Benjamin Tan, Territory Sales Manager, Dassault Systemes SolidWorks Corp.; Mr Teri Teo, Managing Director of Winrigo (S) Pte Ltd SMa Annual Report 2009 81 Centres of Excellence eSupply Chain Management Council The eSupply Chain Management Council (eSCM) of Singapore was set up to help Singapore companies improve their supply chain management capabilities. The Council manages the eSCM Assessment Framework, the world’s first electronic supply chain management assessment and certification programme. The objective of the programme is to assess the eSCM abilities of companies along two dimensions – Collaborative Supply Chain processes enabled through e-business and Supply Chain performance indicators Chairman: Mr Tsang Kwan Lung GP Batteries International Limited Council Members: Mr Tan Jin Soon GS1 Singapore Council Mr Eugene Rim CJ GLS Asia Pte Ltd Mr David Chan APL Co Pte Ltd Ms Mary Yeo United Parcel Service Singapore Pte Ltd Dr Rajesh Piplani Nanyang Technological University Mr Anand Jaggi DFS Mr William Goh SCC South East Asia Council Advisors: Ms Susan Chong SPRING Singapore Ms Lim Lee Fang SPRING Singapore Mr Jason Low SPRING Singapore Mr Peter Lam Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore 82 SMa Annual Report 2009 Centres of Excellence Highlights for 2009: In 2009, the eSupply Chain Management Council initiated and launched two pilot projects to help local companies improve capabilities in supply chain and cold chain management. Cold Chain Management for Vegetables – TR24 In collaboration with SPRING Singapore and Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA), the eSCM initiated a pilot project to facilitate the implementation of the TR24:2007 Cold Chain Management. Target audiences include local vegetables farms, importers and distributors. The pilot project aimed to promote the adoption of an end-to-end cold supply chain and to close all the links in the vegetables supply chain. Supply Chain Improvement Pilot Project eSCM Council facilitated a B2B eSupply Chain Management pilot project involving 17 companies, to boost supply chain capabilities of companies including manufacturers, logistics and services providers. Awareness seminars were conducted to showcase the benefits of best practices in supply chain management. Each chain master company and its key subchain companies, implemented a B2B IT infrastructure to enable an e-order management system with suppliers. Productivity increased tremendously, evident from the drop in data entry errors, efficient job handling, lessened waste trips to look for empty containers, in the case for logistics service providers. The implementation of the system provided one company better visibility resulting in better cargo management. Number of wasted trips was also heavily reduced from 80 per month to zero as dispatch is not allowed unless prompted by the system. Huge savings in administrative costs were also recorded, and there was no need for a Transport Admin Manager to verify data that has been earlier stored in the system. Other benefits include: 1. Human Resource Management 2. Staff Management 3. Staff Retention 4. Improved Collaboration 5. Customer Retention and Business Growth 6. Improvements in Supply Chain 7. Digitised Business Process Benefits: The combined value of benefits enjoyed by all participating companies amounted to $23 million. All companies recorded major benefits in the following areas: • Reduction in operating costs (higher productivity) • Reduction of cycle time – reduction of overhead cost in managing supply chain activities • Reduction of cost in inventory holding due to improved processing speed With the implementation of eSCM solutions, the project streamlined unnecessary processes and work functions. For instance, it was noted that there was a significant reduction in manpower in manual and tedious coordination functions such as data entry work and warehouse coordination. Awareness talks on eSupply Chain Management SMa Annual Report 2009 83 Centres of Excellence GS1 Singapore Council As at 31 December 2009 GS1 Singapore Council provides article numbering, technical assistance, education and barcode verification on the application of GS1 barcodes and EPCglobal Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems to the industry. GS1 Singapore continues to be fully dedicated to serve its members’ needs and to work closely with industries and government agencies to promote GS1 System through workshops and seminars in the area of barcodes, RFID and Supply Chain Management to enable efficient trade. Mr John Hirst Singapore Retailers Association Mr Tsang Kwan Lung GP Batteries International Limited Mr Kam Chong Phoh RISIS Pte Ltd Dr K K Tan MycoBiotech Ltd Mr James See Singco (Private) Limited Chairman: Mr Renny Yeo Singapore Cables Manufacturers Pte Ltd. Deputy Chairman: Mr Peter Ho Shau Hui Precision Valve Singapore (Pte) Ltd Executive Director: Mr Tan Jin Soon GS1 Singapore Director: Mr Wong Tack Wai GS1 Singapore Committee members: Mr Chan Yeng Chew IE Singapore Mr Seah Seng Choon Consumers Association of Singapore Ms Lian Lay Yong NTUC Fairprice Co-operative Ltd Mr Tan Puay Chuan Intraco Technology Pte Ltd 84 SMa Annual Report 2009 Ms Annabelle Tan Brite Koncept Pte Ltd Mr Albert Lim Packagers Pte Ltd Mrs Theresa Michelmann-Lim B. Braun Singapore Pte Ltd Mr Rowan Tan DORMA Far East Pte Ltd Centres of Excellence Highlights for 2009: Guest-of-Honour, Mr Lee Yi Shyan, Minister of State for Trade & Industry and Manpower was briefed on the latest RFID technologies at the RFID World Asia Incorporating EPCglobal/RFID Singapore Summit 2009 22 - 23 April - RFID World Asia Incorporating EPCglobal/ RFID Singapore Summit 2009 With support from SMa and industry partners, the conference was co-organised by GS1 Singapore and show organiser, Terrapinn Pte Ltd to share ideas, experiences, latest innovations and solutions from end-users and world-class vendors of RFID products and services. The event was Asia’s largest and most comprehensive showcase of RFID innovations and was held at SUNTEC Singapore. It drew over 2,000 senior level industry leaders from leading organisations in the Asian region, Europe and USA to the conference and exhibition. The exhibition featured world-class exhibitors from retail, healthcare, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, logistics and transportation sectors. 23 June - Seminar on GS1 DataBar GS1 Singapore organised a seminar to update the industry on GS1 DataBar. In 2010, trading partners across the globe will be printing the GS1 DataBar on their product packaging and at the point-of-sales. Retailers need to be ready to capture the data such as expiry date, weight, product identification number encoded in the GS1 DataBar. GS1 DataBar is a new small bar code symbols that carry more information and identify small items more readily than the current EAN/UPC bar code. The seminar attracted 42 participants comprising of retailers, manufacturers, medical device manufacturers and solution providers. SMa Annual Report 2009 85 Centres of Excellence Mr Bernard Chew, Chief Information Officer of NTUC Fairprice, using a scanner to test the GS1 DataBar printed on a product label to detect expired product after reading the GS1 DataBar at a Workshop on GS1 DataBar held on 24 November 2009 24 November - Workshop on GS1 DataBar GS1 organised a workshop on GS1 DataBar for NTUC Fairprice management personnel. The workshop enabled participants to have hands-on experience in handling products coded with GS1 DataBar. Sato Asia Pacific, a company specialising in auto-identification system and solutions also shared with participants their experiences on GS1 DataBar implementation in Japan. They also demonstrated how their system can detect expired product after reading the GS1 DataBar on a product. 25 September - Seminar on GS1 Traceability To promote food safety, a seminar on GS1 Traceability was organised to inform users on the specifications of GS1 Traceability and ways of implementation. GS1 Food Safety Traceability is a business process that supports various business needs. The seminar was well-received and generated great interests from 37 participants, including retailers, manufacturers in food and beverage, medical device, paint, optical products and logistics operators. 4 December - Meeting with GS1 Vietnam Mr Hoang Lam, Promoting Manager of GS1 Vietnam and Head of GS1 Vietnam Branch in Ho Chi Minh City visited GS1 Singapore office. During his visit, Mr Hoang Lam was briefed on subjects such as GS1 Healthcare System, GS1 Traceability and Customs. He was also updated with latest developments and activities from GS1 Singapore. GS1 Singapore also shared on the experiences of the shipment of 39 containers from Tokyo to Amsterdam using EPCglobal RFID EPCIS, which was conducted by the EPCglobal Transport & Logistic Industry Action Group. 86 SMa Annual Report 2009 Centres of Excellence Certificate in Cold Chain Management – Training for the Cold Chain Industry In 2009, GS1 Singapore, secretariat of the Singapore Cold Chain Centre (SCCC) introduced the Certificate in Cold Chain Management training course for the cold chain industry. The objectives were to train a pool of skilled workforce with good knowledge of cold chain management and to contribute to the development of Singapore as a Cold Chain Hub of the region. Training was provided by training partner, Singapore Polytechnic - School of Chemical & Life Science, Food Department. These courses were attended by trainees from a wide range of industries including manufacturing, retailing, logistics, shipping, airlines and cold chain equipment suppliers. Participants from the 6th batch of the Cold Chain Management Training Course held from 28 September to 1 October 2009 SCCC also collaborated with Republic Polytechnic for the second year running to include the Certificate in Cold Chain Management Training Course as an elective module in the Diploma for Supply Chain Management for 2009. The exam was conducted on 26 August 2009 with 23 students passing the examination. Mr Tan Jin Soon, Executive Director, GS1 Singapore sharing with participants the GS1 MobileCom survey result done in Asia Pacific region at the meeting with CICC on 16 December 2009 16 December - Meeting with CICC on AIDC, RFID and MobileCom GS1 Singapore hosted a meeting with the Center of the International Cooperation for Computerization (CICC), Japan to discuss subjects on Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC), Bar Coding including QR Code, RFID Implementation and MobileCom Applications for Traceability, Payment for Goods & Services, checking locations and more. Two Japanese guest speakers, Mr Hiromitsu Takai, Deputy Director, International Standardization Group Technology Planning Dept. of Denso Wave and Mr Nagatani Mitsuyuki, Deputy Director, International Information Technology Laboratory of CICC were invited to the meeting. They gave insightful presentations to representatives from Ministry of Health, SingHealth, National Library Board, HSA, NEC Asia, JMS Singapore, NHG HQ, NHG Pharmacy and Integrated Health Information Systems. The meeting provided a good opportunity for the industry, especially hospitals representatives, to have a comprehensive understanding on QR Code and its applications in pharmacy and hospital. SMa Annual Report 2009 87 Centres of Excellence SMa Institute of Higher Learning Established in 2004, SMa Institute of Higher Learning (SMa Institute), formally known as SMa School of Management, aims to enhance the human capital development of Singapore’s workforce. It strongly advocates education and training as the key to human capital development. Through the provision of quality and industry recognised qualifications, SMa Institute graduates are well-equipped to meet the challenges of today’s knowledgebased economy. Well-known education institutions namely, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), Edith Cowan University (ECU), Murdoch University, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), Singapore Media Academy and The University Chairman: Dr Moh Chong Tau Makino Asia Pte Ltd Board Members: Mr Phor Khay Ti HTL International Holdings Ltd Mr Simon Li Feoso Oil (Singapore) Pte Ltd Mr Richard Soh SMa Institute of Manchester are also partnered to provide students an extensive range of professional programmes. SMa Institute’s distinctive advantage lies in its close alliance with industry leaders to provide students easier access to networking and career assistance opportunities. SMa Institute has also achieved the Singapore Quality Class for Private Education Organisations (SQC-PEOs) and the Case Trust Mark for Education. Both awards demonstrated firm foundation for academic and business excellence, and its commitment to provide quality education. Programmes are accredited by Engineers Australia (EA), Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) and CPA Australia for respective Engineering, Psychology and Accounting programmes. SMa Institute’s mission, vision and core values Vision: To be a Premier Institute of Higher Learning Mission: To nurture individuals to succeed, connect with and to serve the society by extending knowledge and stimulating learning Core Values: Our mission is driven by our core values in the acronyms of CORE: Care - Care for the individuals, community and environment by conducting ourselves ethically and responsibly. Open-Mindedness - Creating and fostering an environment conducive to innovation and open communications. Respect - Respective for and acceptance of the diversity and intellectual independence of every individual Excellence - Exceeding expectations in all our service delivery. 88 SMa Annual Report 2009 Centres of Excellence Highlights for 2009: SMa Institute’s Team Building Programme – staff formed into teams and put on the orange polo tee that symbolizes synergy 16 October - 938 Live’s Campus Mediacorp did a live coverage forum with SMa Institute at the city campus. It was angled in as the school capitalised on its REACH programme, a charity-driven project at the end of each year for the Bachelor of Mass Communications’ students. This was very well-received and the topic for discussions was centred on charity in Singapore. 11 July - Official Launch of partnership with Chartered Institute of Management Accountant (UK) Dr Robert G. Jelly, Director of Education, CIMA, officiated the launch of the CIMA programmes, at the National Library, in partnership with SMa Institute in Singapore on 11 July. The CIMA programmes are in line with SMa members’ need for knowledge and skills in business accounting, cost and management accounting which are essential in the manufacturing environment. Dr Robert G. Jelly, Director of Education, CIMA (centre) was the Guest-ofHonour for the official launch of CIMA programmes at SMa Institute with the use of hi-tech equipments. It is an extreme event to push athletics to their limits. This event was not only beneficial in terms of providing data for research purpose, but also an eye-opener for ECU’s Bachelor of Science (Exercise & Sports Science) students as they put theory into application. 5 - 9 March - CAREER 2009 & EDUCATION 2009 The Career Series held at Suntec Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre is one of the best events that showcases a wide range of courses from local and international education institutions. SMa Institute participated in this exhibition, and reached out to students with its course offerings and education opportunities. 27 – 29 May - EduTrust Pilot Assessment With the introduction of new education act and certification requirements, SMa Institute was honoured to be one of the 30 Private Institutions in Singapore to participate in this pilot assessment. 22 March - Aviva Ironman 70.3 Singapore Triathlon Paul Laursen, Associate Professor from Edith Cowan University, conducted the world’s first fatigue research in the tropics, with 13 others athletics at the Aviva Ironman 70.3 Singapore Triathlon in Singapore. He mentioned that there has been so far no public research that revelas physiological factors affect the performance of an individual.The objective of this event is to find out how athletics place them in a hard environment Academic English Language Field Trip – Students clarifying doubts on the problems they face when filling in worksheets SMa Annual Report 2009 89 Our Committees Our Committees 90 SMa Annual Report 2009 Our Committees SMa Annual Report 2009 91 Our Committees Council Members Serving On Government Statutory Board and other Bodies 1. Mr Renny Yeo President, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Director, Singapore Cables Manufacturers Pte Ltd • President, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation, 1 July 2008 - 23 June 2010 • Chairman, Government Relations Function Committee • Chairman, GS1 Singapore Council, till October 2009 • Chairman, EPC Global Singapore, till October 2009 • Chairman, Board of Directors, EDC@SMa • Chairman, Board of Directors, SMa Services Pte Ltd • Advisor, ITSC Technical Committee on Automatic Data Capture, till October 2009 • Member, SPRING Singapore’s Enterprise Development Advisory Council (EDAC) • Member, IE Singapore’s Advisory Committee – Exporter Development Program • Council Member, Singapore Business Federation, since June 2008 • Member, Water Network 3rd Panel, since April 2009 • Founding Board Member, Singapore Green Building Council (SGBC), since July 2009 • Member, SGBC Technical Coordination Committee • Chairman, Electrical Taskforce • Member, SGBC MMC committee ÆIndependent Director, Oakwell Engineering Ltd (OEL), since 2005 ÆCommittee Member, OEL Audit Committee Æ Committee Member, OEL Remuneration Committee Æ Independent Director, Sin Heng Heavy Machinery Ltd (SHHM), since December 2009 Æ Chairman, SHHM Remuneration Committee Æ Committee Member, SHHM Nominating Committee Æ Member, Customs Advisory Committee (CAC), since July 2009 Æ Chairman, Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC), since April 2009 Æ Council Member, Standards Council (SPRING), since 1995 Æ Deputy Chairman, The Singapore National Committee of The International Electrotechnical Commission [SNC(IEC)], since 1995 Æ Chairman, Electrical & Electronic Standards Committee, SPRING. Formerly was Electronic Product Standards Committee (SPRING), since 1995 Æ Member, SPRING Coordinating Taskforce on Energy and Environment – Related Standards (CTEES) Æ Patron of the SPA, Singapore Productivity Association, appointed April 2006 Æ Member, SID-Singapore Institute of Director, since 2004 Æ Director, Masquad Pte Ltd, Singapore, since 2007 Æ Chairman, Associated Cables Pvt Ltd, India, since 2006 Æ Director, Kay Lim Philanthropic Resources Sdn Bhd, Malaysia, since February 2009 ÆAlternate Director, Kay Lim Holdings Sdn Bhd, Malaysia, since February 2009 Æ Alternate Director, Bonanza Venture Holdings Sdn Bhd, Malaysia, since February 2009 Æ Alternate Director, Kinta Properties Holdings Sdn Bhd, Malaysia, since February 2009 92 SMa Annual Report 2009 Our Committees Æ President, Dunearn Tech-Greenridge Alumni Association Æ Member, School Advisory Committee – Greenridge Secondary School, since 2005 Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa 2. Dr Moh Chong Tau Deputy President, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) President & CEO, Makino Asia Pte Ltd • Trustee, 100,000 Singapore Manufacturers Services Pte Ltd’s shares, since 2003 • Chairman, SME Development Function Committee, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) • Chairman, Singapore Manufacturers Services Pte Ltd’s share, since 2002 • Director, 16,939 ECICS Property Ltd’s shares, since 2002 • Member, ISBC Steering Committee, August 2001 - September 2003 • Trustee, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation Education & Training Fund, since 24 June 1999 • Trustee, 50,000 SMa Academy Pte Ltd’s shares, since 2003 • Director, SMa Academy Pte Ltd, since 2003 • Deputy President, SMa Council, June 2008 - June 2010 • Chairman, SME Development Function Committee, June 2008 - June 2010 • Chairman/Director, SMa School of Management • Director, SMa Services Pte Ltd Æ Chairman, Makino Asia (China) Ltd Æ Director, Makino Asia (Thailand) Ltd Æ Advisor, Makino India Pvt Ltd Æ Honorary Secretary, Singapore Precision Engineering & Tooling Association (SPETA) Æ President, Macquarie University Alumni Association of Singapore, 1998 - 2004 Æ Assistant Treasurer, Marketing Institute of Singapore, March 2003 - March 2008 Æ Member of Doctoral Advisory Board of University of South Australia, 2001 - 2003 Æ Council Member, Australian Alumni of Singapore, 2001 - 2005 Æ Chairman, Precision Engineering Technical Advisory Committee (WDA), 2003 - 2004 Æ Chairman, Precision Engineering Industry Skills & Standards Committee, 2002 - 2004 Æ Chairman, Industry Skills & Training Council (WDA) Æ Board Member, SPRING Singapore, 1 April 2007 – 31 March 2009 Æ Steering Committee member, Network India Singapore Æ Committee Member, Precision Engineering Centre of Innovation (PE COI) launched by SPRING Singapore Æ Committee Member, German-Singapore Business Forum (GSBF) since August 2008 Æ Chairman of Innovation (SPRING / SIMTECH - PE Centre Of Innovation) Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa 3. Mr John Kong Wai Meng Honorary Secretary, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Regional Manager – South East Asia, BlueScope Steel Asia Pte Ltd • Trustee, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation Education and Training Fund, since 4 August 2008 • Chairman, Secretariat Services Management Committee, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) SMa Annual Report 2009 93 Our Committees 4. Mr Simon Li Suet Man Honorary Treasurer, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) CEO, Feoso Oil (Singapore) Pte Ltd • • • • • • • • Chairman, Finance Management Committee, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Chairman, Oil & Gas Industry Group, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Chairman, Global Business Opportunities Forum, Global Entrepolis @ Singapore, since 2006 Trustee, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation Education and Training Fund, since 4 August 2008 Director, EDC@SMa Pte Ltd, since 3 October 2008 Director, SMa Services Pte Ltd, since 20 October 2008 Director, SMa School Of Management Representative, Workplace Safety and Health Council(WSHC) -Chemical Industries Committee, since September 2009 Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa 5. Dr Ahmad Magad Vice-President, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Group Managing Director, II-VI Singapore Pte Ltd • Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Chairman, Trade and Investment Function Committee for Americas Region (including North, Central and South America), Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation, since October 2009 President, Singapore Productivity Association, since October 1999 Deputy Chairman, Institute of Technical Education, since April 2001 Board Member, IMC Advisory, since May 2003 Council Member, The Action Community for Entrepreneurship (ACE), since June 2003 Deputy Chairman, Malay Heritage Foundation, since July 2005 Director, SENSE - A Division of Koperatif UFUK (Mendaki affiliated body), since June 2006 Chairman, Pasir Ris - Punggol Town Council, since June 2006 Chairman, Government Parliamentary Committee for Manpower, since June 2006 Chairman, Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce and Industry Advisory Committee, since March 2006 Non-Executive Chairman – SGX Listed Company, 2nd Chance Properties Chairman, Estimates Committee, Singapore Parliament Chairman, Institute of Management Consultants Advisory Council Director, Mendaki Holdings Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa 6. Mr Hans-Dieter Bott Vice President, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Æ • Æ Æ • Member of the Board of Trustees National University of Singapore Executive Council Member, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation Member of the Board, Singapore Symphonia Orchestra Member of the Board, Exploit Technologies Pte Ltd Member of the Board, SMa Services Pte Ltd Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa 94 SMa Annual Report 2009 Our Committees 7. Mr George Huang Chang Yi Vice-President, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Managing Director/CEO, Amoy Canning Corporation (S) Ltd Æ Honorary Consul-General of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, since 1997 Æ Honorary Business Ambassador, Queensland Government-Australia to Singapore, since 2000 Æ Committee Member, Singapore National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation, since 2000 Æ Chairman-School Advisory Committee, Balestier Hill Secondary School, since 2007 Æ Advisor-Steering Committee, Council Member-Awards Council, International Management Action Award, since 2002 Æ Director, Ee Hoe Hean Club, 2003-2006 Æ Honorary. Director, Ee Hoe Hean Club, since 2009 Æ Patron, Tampines Central Citizens’ Consultative Committee, since 2004 Æ President, Chartered Management Institute - Singapore Branch (CMI), since 2004 Æ Vice-Chairman, Steering Committee, Network Indonesia, IE Singapore, since 2008 Æ Vice Chairman, Business Practices Committee, Consumer Association of Singapore (CASE), since 2006 Æ Board Member, Singapore Corporation of Rehabilitative Enterprises (SCORE), since 2006 Æ Member, Board of Governors, Temasek Polytechnic, since 2006 Æ Chairman, School of Humanities & Social Sciences, Temasek Polytechnic, since 2008 Æ Life Hon. Chairman, Singapore Amoy Association, since 2007 Æ Treasurer, Singapore Amoy Association, 2008-2010 Æ Chairman, Supervisory Committee, Singapore Amoy Association, since 2010 Æ Director, Malay Heritage Foundation Ltd (MHF), since 2007 Æ Hon. Chairman, Nanyang Huang Clan Association, since 2007 Æ Chairman, Practising Management Consultants Certification Board (PMC), since 2008 Æ Member, Board of Governors, The Bankers’ Club, Kuala Lumpur, since 2008 Æ Council Member, Singapore - Liaoning Economic & Trade Council, since 2008 Æ Member, Board of Governors, Institute of Management Consultants, Singapore, since 2008 Æ Chairman, Advisory Committee, Singapore Environment Council (SEC), since 2009 • • • • Æ • Vice President, EXCO Member, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa), since 2008 Chairman, Health, Safety, Security & Environment (HSSE) Function Committee, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa), since 2008 Deputy Chairman, Food & Beverage Group, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa), since 2008 Chairman, Board of Directors, GS1 Singapore Ltd, since November 2009 Member, National Tripartite Committee on Workplace Health, Ministry of Health Singapore (MOH), since 2009 Chairman, Trade and Investment Function Committee for ASEAN and Oceanic Region, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa), since October 2009 Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa SMa Annual Report 2009 95 Our Committees 8. Mr Poh Choon Ann Vice-President, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Chairman & CEO, Poh Tiong Choon Logistics Limited • • Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Vice-President, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Chairman, China Business Committee, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Vice-Chairman, China Business Group, Singapore Business Federation, since 2008 Council Member, Singapore-Sichuan Trade & Investment Committee (SSTIC), since 2009 Council Member, Singapore-Liaoning Economic & trade Council, since 2001 Vice-Chairman, Nanyang Fine Arts Foundation Ltd, since 1999 Vice-Chairman, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts Management Committee, 1999 - 2003 Vice-Chairman, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts Council, 2003 to May 2010 Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa 9. Mr Edwin Khew Honorary President, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) CEO & Managing Director, IUT Global Pte Ltd • Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Honorary President of Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation Council Member, Singapore Green Plan 2012 Coordinating Committee, MEWR Council Member, Singapore Business Federation (SBF) Chairman, Sustainable Energy Association of Singapore (SEAS) Chairman of Singapore Association for Environment, Occupational Health, and Safety Companies (SAFEco) Deputy Chairman, Institute of Chemical Engineering (U.K.), Singapore Branch Chairman, Working Group on Solvent Hazards Control (Ministry of Manpower) Consultative Committee Member, Environmental Engineering Department, National University of Singapore Advisory Committee Member for Environmental Engineering Research Centre (EERC), Nanyang Technological University Member of Advisory Committee, Asia Pacific Centre for Environmental Law (APCEL), Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore Member, Esco Accreditation Committee (NUS) Member, National Climate Change Committee (N3C) (Chairman, Households Sub-Committee) Advisory Board Member, NUS Master’s of Environment Management Programme Council Member, Singapore Business Federation (SBF), Chairman CVC Chairman, S’pore Standards Council Member, SPRING Enterprise Development Advisory Committee (SPRING) Member, Manpower Skills and Training Council (WDA) Member, Supervisory Board of Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS) Member, Advisory Committee for the Centre of Innovation In Environmental & Water Technology (COI-EWT) Council Member of The Institution of Engineers and Chairman of Manufacturing Group Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa 96 SMa Annual Report 2009 Our Committees 10. Mr Lim Meng Wee Council Member, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Managing Director, SP Consulting (International) Pte Ltd • • • • Æ Æ Æ Æ Chairman, IT and Technology Development Function Committee, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Chairman, Integrated Management System, 2010 Co-Chairman, SAF Day Rededication Ceremony, 2009 Member, SPRING Singapore Technical Committee, SS540 Chairman, Queenstown Primary School Advisory Committee, since 2003 Member, Queenstown Citizen Consultative Committee, since 2005 EXCO Member, Family Alliance, 2003 – 2009 Deputy Registrar of Marriages, 2005 – 2011 Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa 11. Ms Annabelle Tan Council Member, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Managing Director, Brite Koncept Pte Ltd • • Æ Chairman, Membership and Corporate Communications Function Committee, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Alternate Committee Member, IES National Committee of Engineering Organisations Management Committee Member, Singapore Productivity Association, since September 1991 Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa 12. Mr Liang Chong Kang Council Member, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Managing Director, E.mation Technologies Pte Ltd • Chairman, Automation Technology Industry Group, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa SMa Annual Report 2009 97 Our Committees 13 Mr Alan Lee Guok Ann Council Member, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Managing Director, South East Metal Industries Pte Ltd • • • Æ • • • • Chairman, Building Products & Construction Materials Industry Group, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa), June 2008-2010 Specialist Trade Alliance of Singapore (STAS) SMa representative, Inland Revenue of Singapore (IRAS) Taxpayer Feedback Panel Chairman of The Management Corporation Strata Title Plan No. 1207 (MC1207) Member, Secreatariat Services Management Committee (SSMC), 2008 - 2010 Productivity and Innovation Function Committee - member under the present term Singapore Green Building Council (SGBC) Board (Alternate to Mr. Renny Yeo) SMa Representative in the Steering Committee for BUILDTECHASIA and INTERDECASIA 2011 Conference Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa 14. Mr Tsang Kwan Lung Council Member, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Director & General Manager, GP Batteries International Limited • • • Æ Chairman, Electrical, Electronics and Allied Industries Industry Group, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Deputy Chairman of the Standards Council, 1 April 2007 – 31 March 2010 Member representing the SMa in the Singapore Accreditation Council, 1 April 2009 – 31 March 2012 Honorary Secretary of the Hong Kong – Singapore Business Association Executive Committee, 2008 - 2010 Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa 15. Mr Rowan Tan Council Member, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Managing Director – Far East, DORMA Far East Pte Ltd • • • Chairman, Fire Protection, Safety and Security Industry Group, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Member of Board of Directors, National Fire and Civil Emergency Preparedness Council (NFEC), since 29 August 2006 Chairman of Industrial Premises Committee of NFEC Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa 98 SMa Annual Report 2009 Our Committees 16. Mr Sunny Koh Council Member, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Group Managing Director – Chinatown Food Corporation Pte Ltd Æ Æ Æ Æ • • • • • • • • • Fujian Guan Hui Food Enterprise Co., Ltd., since 1992 Honji Food Corporation (2005) Pte Ltd, since 1992 Senior Advisor, Ulu Pandan Community Club Management Committee, since 2007 Committee Member, Wellness@Ulu Pandan Community Club, since 2008 Chairman, Food & Beverage Industry Group, Singapore Manufacturers’Federation (SMa) Deputy Chairman, Singapore Packaging Agreement (2007) Governing Board, National Environment Agency, since 2007 Member, Food Standards Committee, SPRING, 1 April 2007 - 31 March 2010 Advisory Board Member, Food Innovations and Resources Centre, SPRING/Singapore Polytechnic, since 2007 Senior Adviser, Ulu Pandan Community Club Fitness Centre, since 2007 Committee Member, Food Standard Committee, SPRING Singapore, since 2007 Task Force Member, Diploma in Health, Wellness & Nutrition Singapore Polytechnic, 2008 Co-Chairman, Task Force on Export Certification, Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) Co-Chairman, Task Force on Consumer Education on Food Safety, Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa 17. Dr Tan Kok Kheng Council Member, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Chairman & CEO, MycoBiotech Ltd • • Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Member, Food Standards Committee, SPRING Singapore, 1 April 2004 - 31 March 2007 Chairman, Life Sciences Industry Group, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Past President, Rotary Club of Singapore West Council Member, Singapore Cancer Society AVA Advisory Committee on Evaluation of Health Claims Singapore Polytechnic’s Advisory panel for Diploma in Food Science & Technology, and Diploma in Nutrition, Health & Wellness Courses Editorial Board of ‘International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms’ Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa 18. Mr Yeo Cheong Guan Council Member, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Managing Director, Eng Bee Paper Merchant Pte Ltd • Chairman, Lifestyle Industry Group, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) • Committee Member – Health, Safety, Security & Environment (HSSE) FC • Committee Member – Trade & Investment Function Committee Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa SMa Annual Report 2009 99 Our Committees 19. Mr Goh Seow Ping Council Member, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) General Manager, Johnson & Johnson Pte Ltd • Chairman, Medical Technology Industry Group, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa *20. Mr James See Council Member, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Executive Director, Singco (Private) Limited • • • Chairman, Metal, Machinery & Engineering Industry Group, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Member, Technical Committee on Architectural Works (SPRING), 2007 Member, SME (Small-And-Medium Enterprise) Infocomm Adoption Committee (Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore-IDA) – January 2008 - December 2009, January 2010 - December 2011 Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa *21. Mr Albert Lim Siang Meng Council Member, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Director, Regional Sales & Marketing, Packagers Pte Ltd • • • • • Chairman, Packaging Council of Singapore, since June 2000 Hon. Member, Asian Packaging Federation, since 11 December 2008 Director, World Packaging Organization, since 11 December 2006 Chairman, Governing Board of Singapore Packaging Agreement, since July 2007 Member, Technical Committee on Environmental Management (EMTC), SPRING Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa 100 SMa Annual Report 2009 Our Committees 22. Mrs Jennifer Yeo Council Member, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Chairman, Yeo-Leong & Peh LLC Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Panel of Chairman, Disciplinary Committee, Legal Profession Act Panel of Approved Mediators, Singapore Mediation Centre Panel of Reserve Arbitrators, Singapore International Arbitration Centre Commissioner for Oaths Notary Public Director of Viva Foundation for Children with Cancer, since 6 February 2006 Independent Director, Hi-P International Limited, since 10 November 2006 Director, Yeo-Leong & Peh LLC, since 2003 Director, YLP International Consultants Pte Ltd, since 1 August 1994 Director, YLP Publishers Pte Ltd, since 30 July 1994 Director, Twin Stars Pte Ltd, since 3 November 1994 Director, Casper & Pollux Pte Ltd, since 25 May 1995 Director, Poplars Holdings Pte Ltd, since 30 July 1994 Director, Millenium Asia Pacific Holdings Pte Ltd, since 30 July 1994 Director of Singapore Clinical Research Institute Pte Ltd, 15 April 2009 Chairman, Urban Land Institute South Asia Chapter Member, Raffles Girls’ Secondary School Board of Governors Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa 23. Mr Patrick Chang How Wan Council Member, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Managing Director, Paclin Office Products Pte Ltd Æ Secretary, MCST 2568 Æ Auidtor, Fengshan NC Æ Council member, Security System Association of Singapore (SSAS) Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa 24. Mr Stephen Lee Soon On Council Member, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Principal Consultant, Jesplan Consultants • Member, National Committee of Engineering Organisations (NCEO) of The Institute of Engineers Singapore Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa SMa Annual Report 2009 101 Our Committees 28. Mr Douglas Foo (appointed on 26 November 2009) Council Member, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) CEO, Sakae Holdings Ltd Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Chairman, Radin Mas Community Club Management Committee (CCMC) Chairman, Food and Beverage Industry Skills and Training Council (F&B ISTC) – WDA Deputy Chairman, Singapore Youth Award (SYA) Advisory Committee (Entrepreneurship) Immediate Past Chairman, Franchising and Licensing Association Singapore (FLA) President, Red Swastika School Parents-Teacher Association Board Member, MILK (Mainly I Love Kids) Director, SPRING Singapore Director, Alexandra Health Pte Ltd Director, NTUC LearningHub Pte Ltd Director, *Scape Co Ltd Member, Bright Hill Evergreeen Home Management Committee Member, Dunman High School Advisory Committee Member, Employer Alliance on Work and Family Member, GPC (Government Parliamentary Committee) Resource Panel Member, Institute of Service Excellence @ SMU (ISES) Governing Council Member, 1st National Youth Mentoring Steering Committee Member, Young Business Leaders Member, National Family Council Member, North East Community Development Council Member, The National Productivity and Continuing Education Council (NPCEC) Patron, Radin Mas Citizens’ Consultative Committee (CCC) Founding Trustee, Youth Business Singapore Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa 29. Mr Jascha Gernot Ortmanns (appointed on 26 November 2009) Philips Electronics Singapore Pte Ltd (Limited Division) Æ Member, German Business Council, Penang Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa 102 SMa Annual Report 2009 Our Committees 30. Mr Por Khay Ti Council Member, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Deputy Group Managing Director & COO, HTL International Holdings Ltd Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ EXCO, Singapore Furniture Industry Council Deputy Group Managing Director & COO, HTL International Holdings Ltd Director, Aalst Chocolate Pte Ltd Committee member, SMa China Business Committee Member, Human Resource Committee, Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) Member, Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) Board, 1 Apr 2009 - 31 Mar 2011 • Director, SMa School Of Management Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa 31. Mr Birch Sio Council Member, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Managing Consultant & Director, Concord Associates Pte Ltd Æ Executive Council member, Association of Safety Auditing Firms, Singapore, since 2002 Æ President, Association of Safety Auditing Firms, Singapore, since January 2008 Æ Committee Member –SPRING Occupational Safety And Health Management Technical Committee (OSHMTC), since 2007 Æ Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia Æ Committee Member, SPRING Working Group CP 27:1999 (Factory Layout, Safety, Health and Welfare Consideration), since 2009 Æ Workplace Safety & Health Council - Engagement & Outreach Committee Member, 2008 Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa 32. Mr Tan Boon Chong Council Member, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) General Manager / Standards and Certification Manager, Schneider Electric Singapore Pte Ltd Æ Member, Singapore National Committee (SNC) for IEC, SPRING Singapore Æ Member, Electrical & Electronic Standards Committee, SPRING Singapore Æ Chairman, Technical Committee: Electrical Accessories & Electric Cables (IEC TC 23 and IEC TC 20), SPRING Singapore Æ Member, Technical Committee: Environmental Management (ISO/14000), SPRING Singapore Æ Convenor, Technical Committee: IEC TC 111 (Environmental Standardization for Electrical and Electronic Products and Systems), SPRING Singapore Æ Member, Coordinating Taskforce on Energy and Environmentally related Standards (CTEES), SPRING Singapore Æ Member, Technical Committee on Quality Management (ISO 9000), SPRING Singapore Æ Chairman, Standardisation on Electrical Accessories, SPRING Singapore • Member, Technical Committee on Environmental Management (EMTC), SPRING • Technical Committee member, Singapore Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (SAC-SINGLAS) – Electrical Testing Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa SMa Annual Report 2009 103 Our Committees 33. Mr Peter Tan Council Member, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) General Partner, JP Asia Capital Partners Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ • Independent director, Dialog Semiconductor GmbH Independent director, Vacuumschmelze GmbH Independent director, VariOptic SA Independent director, InnoTek Limited Independent director, SMRT Corporation Ltd Advisory Functions o Industry Advisory Council of MIR Investment Management Pte (Australia) o Advisory Committee, SolarEdge Technologies, Israel o International Evaluation Panel, NRF’s Competitive Research Program (Singapore) o Advisory Council, BTech Program, National University of Singapore Representative, Singapore-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (SGC) R&D Committee Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa 34. Mr Jerry Tan Tjin Hong Council Member, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) CEO, Wanin Industries Pte Ltd Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ President Asia Middle Bottle Water Association Committee Hong Kong Singapore Business Association Honourable Chairman Singapore Shun Yi Association Vice Chairman Queenstown Primary School Advisary Committee Petron Upper Serangoon C.C Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa 35. Mr Tay Choon Mong Council Member, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Proprietor, Tay Choon Mong Agency • Director, The Lions Club of Singapore Beverly Hills, 1 July 2008 - 30 June 2009 Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa 104 SMa Annual Report 2009 Our Committees 36. Mr Wong Choon Kin Council Member, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) General Manager, Spot Management Services Pte Ltd Æ Committee Member for General Engineering Safety Standards (GESS) Committee, SPRING Singapore, since 24 August 2007 Æ General Engineering Safety Standards, SPRING Singapore Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa 37. Mr George Wong Hock Council Member, Singapore Manufacturers’ Federation (SMa) Managing Director & Principal Consultant, Hoclink Systems & Services Pte Ltd • • • • • Management Committee, SAFRA National Service Association Management Committee, Temasek Club Management Committee, Singapore Productivity Association Chairman, Volunteer Management Programme , SAFRA National Service Association Chairman, Singapore Polytechnic Industrial Management Alumni Association Æ Own capacity • On behalf of SMa SMa Annual Report 2009 105 Our Committees SMa Representatives Serving on Government Statutory Boards And Other Bodies 1. Mr Lewis Cheng Vice Chairman, SMa Food & Beverage Industry Group Executive Director & General Manager, Prima Limited • Member, Task Force on Export Certification, Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) 2. Mr Cheong Chung Kin Vice Chairman, SMa Food & Beverage Industry Group Chief Executive Officer, Win Sin (Pte) Ltd • Member, Task Force on Consumer Education on Food Safety, Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) 3. Mr Goh King Siang, David Member, SMa Fire Protection, Safety & Security Industry Group Director, Vanguard Fire Systems Pte Ltd • Deputy Chairman, Technical Committee on Emergency Alarm and Communication Systems, SPRING Singapore 4. Mr Gan Gee Cheong Manager – Non-Destructive Testing, Singapore Test Services Pte Ltd • Member, Singapore Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (SAC-SINGLAS) – Non-Destructive Testing Technical Committee, Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) 5. Mr Heng Swee Hiang, Victor Managing Director, Practical Mediscience Pte Ltd • Member, Council Committee for Laboratories Accreditation (CCLA), Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) 6. Mr Idilfitri bin Mohammed Yatim Training Manager, SPOT Management Services Pte Ltd • Member, Technical Committee Under General Engineering & Safety Standards Committee, SPRING Singapore 106 SMa Annual Report 2009 Our Committees 7. Ms Jacqueline C. Monteiro Senior Manager, Medtronic International Ltd • • • • 8. Chairperson, Medical Technology Standards Committee, SPRING Singapore Member, Bioengineering Departmental Consultative Committee, National University of Singapore (NUS) Secretariat, Asia Harmonization Working Party Singapore Industry Representative, ASEAN Consultative Committee on Standards and Quality – Medical Device Product Working Group Mr Hendrie Lee General Manager, SSB Cryogenic Equipment Pte Ltd • Member, Taskforce on Review of Regulatory Requirements of the Workplace Safety & Health Act on Pressure Vessels, Occupational Safety & Health Division (OSHD), Ministry of Manpower (MOM) in conjunction with Singapore Chemical Industry Council (SCIC) 9. Mr Lim Say Leong Assistant Vice-President for Marketing, ABB Industry Pte Ltd • Member, Council Committee for Management Systems and Products (CCMP), Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) 10. Mr Lee Kum Chiang Group Manager (Engineering & Pilot Plant), Nestle R&D Centre (Pte) Ltd • Working Group Member, New National Mirror Committee on Energy Management, SPRING Singapore 11. Mr Davis Ong General Manager, CSR South East Asia Pte Ltd • Member, Building and Construction Standards Committee, SPRING Singapore 12. Mr Sze Thiam Siong Director/ General Manager, Setsco Services Pte Ltd • Member, Working Group for Accreditation of Cargo Inspection, Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) • Member, Council Committee for Inspection Bodies, Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) 13. Mr Richard Sia Chief Executive Officer, NSL Chemicals Ltd • Member, National Environment Agency (NEA) Advisory Committee on Hazardous Substances and Toxic Wastes (HSTW) SMa Annual Report 2009 107 Our Committees 14. Mr Sudheer Prabhakaran General Manager, Singapore Test Services Pte Ltd • SMa Laboratories Representative, Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) 15. Dr Siew Tech Woh Managing Director, Gardenia Foods (S) Pte Ltd • Member, Task Force on Consumer Education on Food Safety, Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) 16. Mr Sankaran K S Chief Operating Officer (Business Development), Makino Asia Pte Ltd • Member, Research & Development Sub-Committee, Singapore-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (SGC) 17. Mr Vincent Tay Vice President, Marketing, Singapore Petroleum Company Ltd • Member, Project Team for Accreditation Scheme for Business Continuity Management (BCM), Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) 18. Mr Peter Tan Committee Member, SMa Food & Beverage Industry Group Executive Director, Super Coffeemix Manufacturing Ltd • Member, Task Force on Export Certification, Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) 19. Mr Daniel Wong Customer Care Leader, Lighting Division, Philips Electronics Pte Ltd • Member, SPRING Singapore Technical Committee 118/1/9R (Lamps & Related Equipment) 20. Mr Winston Wong Deputy Chairman, SMa Electrical, Electronics & Allied Industries Industry Group • Director, Chloride Batteries S.E. Asia Pte Ltd • Member, SPRING Singapore Working Group on Social Responsibility (WG-SR) 21. Dr Xu Yan Member, SMa Packaging Council of Singapore Industry Group Managing Director, Grenidea Technologies Pte Ltd • Member, SPRING Singapore Working Group on Social Responsibility (WG-SR) 108 SMa Annual Report 2009 Our Members SMa and Affiliate Members All member companies as of 30 April 2010 Company 2 STONES ENTERTAINMENT PTE LTD 2000 INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD 2WIRE SINGAPORE PTE LTD 3 RIVERS NETWORKS PTE LTD 3COM SOUTH ASIA PTE LTD 3M ASIA PACIFIC PRIVATE LTD 3M SINGAPORE PTE LTD 3S IMPORT & EXPORT 5B PTE LTD 99 PRODUCTS PTE LTD A GRACIEUX MANAGEMENT SERVICES A M DELI FOODS PTE LTD A P NUTRIPHARM PTE LTD A ZONE CORPORATION PTE LTD A. S. LOUKEN GROUP PTE LTD A.E. TECH PTE LTD AALST CHOCOLATE PTE LTD AAP MARKETING PTE LTD AASPERON (S) MANPOWER PTE LTD ABB INDUSTRY PTE LTD ABB PTE LTD ABBOTT LABORATORIES (S) PTE LTD ABEILLE D’OR (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD ABLETRON PTE LTD ABR HOLDINGS LTD ABSOTECH PTE LTD ABTUS SINGAPORE PTE LTD ACCENTURE PTE LTD ACCESS ELECTRICAL PTE LTD ACCU-SORT ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD ACE ARMADILLO PTE LTD ACE MARKETING SERVICE PTE LTD ACE PRESSUREWELD INT’L (PTE) LTD ACEFORD FOOD INDUSTRY PTE LTD ACER COMPUTER (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD ACERTUS PHARMA PTE LTD ACEZ INSTRUMENTS PTE LTD ACNIELSEN RESEARCH (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD ACP MAGAZINES PTE LTD ACTION VIDEO PTE LTD ADDICTION FOODS PTE LTD ADD-PLUS INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD ADDVALUE COMMUNICATIONS PTE LTD ADEPT TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL LTD ADIMEC ELECTRONIC IMAGING PTE LTD ADISSEO ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD ADIWARNA INDUSTRIES PTE LTD ADL ENTERPRISE PTE LTD ADLER OFFICE MACHINES PTE LTD ADM COCOA PTE LTD ADORE MARKETING ADROIT INSTRUMENTATION PTE LTD ADVANCE APPROACH (S) PTE LTD ADVANCE PAPER PRODUCTS (PTE) LTD ADVANCE TRITON PTE LTD ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY ENTERPRISE PTE LTD ADVANCED THINKING PTE LTD ADVANTECH CO. SINGAPORE PTE LTD ADVANTECH PERIPHERALS SINGAPORE PTE LTD AE AUTOMOTION (S) PTE LTD AEDGE TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD AEG POWER SOLUTIONS PTE LTD AENON INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD AEROMOBILES PTE LTD AESTHETICS MARKETING ASIA PTE LTD AFOR PTE LTD AGE D’OR PTE LTD AGILITY FAIRS AND EVENTS LOGISTICS PTE LTD AGILITY LOGISTICS SOLUTIONS PTE LTD AGRAGANYA AGROLEX PTE LTD AGROTECH HYDROPONICS FARM CENTRE AGVA SINGAPORE PTE LTD AIK LIAN SENG AIK MOH PAINTS & CHEMICAL PTE LTD AIKO CORPORATION PTE LTD AIMOUS HEALTH PTE LTD AIRTROPOLIS EXPRESS (S) PTE LTD AIT INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD AJMIR STORE AKARUI METALLIZING PTE LTD AKZO NOBEL CAR REFINISHES (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD SMa Annual Report 2009 109 Our Members AKZO NOBEL FUNCTIONAL CHEMICALS PTE LTD AL ANSAR FOOD PRODUCTS PTE LTD AL HASNA ALADDIN (S) PTE LTD ALAN’S CHOICE PRODUCTS ALBAN TAY MAHTANI & DE SILVA ALCARE PHARMACEUTICALS PTE LTD ALCOM ELECTRONICS PTE LTD ALCON PTE LTD ALEOCA PRO SINGAPORE PTE LTD ALILA HOTELS & RESORTS PTE LTD A-LINKZ MARKETING PTE LTD ALL BIG FROZEN FOOD PTE LTD ALL EAST (S) PTE LTD ALL LINK MEDICAL & HEALTH PRODUCTS PTE LTD ALL-BEST MOTOR HARDWARE TRADING ALLERGAN (S) PTE LTD ALLIANCE ENTERTAINMENT SINGAPORE PTE LTD ALLIANTZ FLEXIBLE PACKAGING PTE LTD ALLSWELL TRADING PTE LTD ALLTEK TECHNOLOGY (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD AL-NOOR SINGAPORE PTE LTD ALPHA 2 OMEGA HOLDINGS PTE LTD ALPHA CENTURI (S) PTE LTD ALPHA PIONEER MARKETING PTE LTD ALPHA SALES & SERVICES PTE LTD ALS TECHNICHEM (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD ALTECO CHEMICAL PTE LTD ALTRUS PTE LTD ALVAS FOODS IMPEX TRADING PTE LTD AL-WADI BAKERIES CO PTE LTD AMERICAN APPLIANCES PTE LTD AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED AMMERAAL BELTECH PTE LTD AMO SINGAPORE PTE LTD AMOY CANNING CORPORATION (S) LTD AMOY EXCHANGE CO AMPEX AMPOR SINGAPORE PTE LTD AMPWAY INDUSTRIES PTE LTD AMS BIOMEDICAL PTE LTD AMTEK PRECISION TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD ANCHOR WELD SALES & SERVICES PTE LTD ANDERSEN’S OF DENMARK (ASIA) PL ANDREW BROWN INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD ANEWTECH SYSTEMS PTE LTD ANG KEE FISH TRADERS ANG LEE SENG PTE LTD ANG LEONG HUAT PTE LTD ANG NGEE SENG IMPORT & EXPORT P/L ANGLES WORLD PTE LTD ANGLISS SINGAPORE PTE LTD 110 SMa Annual Report 2009 ANGLO-SIMA JANITORIAL SUPPLIES PTE LTD ANIX ENGINEERING & TRADING PTE LTD ANSON MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PTE LTD ANTHOMI BEAUZONE (S) PTE LTD ANTZ LATEX PTE LTD AOBA SECURITY TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD APEX COSMECEUTICAL INDUSTRY PTE LTD APEX EXPO LOGISTICS PTE LTD APEX-PAL INTERNATIONAL LTD APOTHECA MARKETING PTE LTD APPLICAM INDUSTRIES (S) PTE LTD APPLIED SCIENCE VENTURE (SGP) PTE LTD APRO ASIAN PROTECTION PTE LTD AQUAPHARM LABORATORIES ARANCO LINE (S) PTE LTD ARCADIAN FOOD PTE LTD ARIA COSMETICS HOLDINGS PTE LTD ARIES FRESH PTE LTD ARMORSHIELD HOLDINGS PTE LTD AROX SINGAPORE PTE LTD ASCENDAS LAND (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD ASEANA GROUP PTE LTD ASIA CANNING MANUFACTURERS (S) P/L ASIA DUCTILE CAST IRON FOUNDRY PTE LTD ASIA FARM F&B PTE LTD ASIA PACIFIC BREWERIES (S) PTE LTD ASIA PACIFIC CENTRE FOR MANAGEMENT LEADERSHIP P/L ASIA PACIFIC TOBACCO PTE LTD ASIA PRODUCE ASIA TECHNICAL GAS CO PTE LTD ASIA-MECH ENGINEERING PTE LTD ASIAN BLENDING PTE LTD ASIAN CATERING SERVICES ASIAN HOME GOURMET (CPL) PTE LTD ASIAN TRADE PRESS PTE LTD ASIAPAC DISTRIBUTION PTE LTD ASIASOFT ONLINE PTE LTD ASIATIC AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRIES PTE LTD ASIATIC FIRE SYSTEM PTE LTD ASIATIC MART HOLDING PTE LTD ASK SINGAPORE PTE LTD ASOPHIA ASIA SYSTEMS PTE LTD ASSA ABLOY HOSPITALITY PTE LTD ASSA ABLOY SINGAPORE PTE LTD ASSA TRADING & GENERAL SUPPLY ASSOCIATE & UNITED DISTRIBUTORS P/L ASSOCIATED ENTERPRISES (S) PTE LTD ASSOCIATED MARKETING AGENCY PTE LTD ASTECH PTE LTD ASTORIA FLORAL DESIGN & LANDSCAPE PTE LTD ASTRABON (S) PTE LTD ATLAS COPCO (SOUTH EAST ASIA) PTE LTD ATLAS VENDING PTE LTD Our Members ATOS ORIGIN (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD AUDREI TRADERS PTE LTD AUGMENT MARKETING PTE LTD AURIC PACIFIC FINE WINES PTE LTD AURIC PACIFIC FOOD INDUSTRIES P/L AUTODESK ASIA PTE LTD AUTOGLYM SINGAPORE PTE LTD AUTOPACK PTE LTD AUXTON SINGAPORE PTE LTD AVA GROUP PTE LTD AVANTI FOOD INDUSTRIES PTE LTD AVAYA SINGAPORE PTE LTD AVERY TECHNOLOGIES (S) PTE LTD AVIQ (S) PTE LTD AVON RUPPE (S) PTE LTD AVOV TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD AWA INSTRUMENTS PTE LTD AWE-IN-ONE ENTERPRISE AYUR RATNA CORPORATION PTE LTD AYURVEDIC PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD AZEN MANUFACTURING PTE LTD AZIGN TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD AZONE GREEN INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD B. BRAUN SINGAPORE PTE LTD B.H. NG CONSULTANTS BABA MART PTE LTD BABY CONCEPT PTE LTD BACHUN FOOD INDUSTRIES (PTE) LTD BAKTECH FOOD SERVICE & SUPPLIES BALDOR ELECTRIC (ASIA) PTE LTD BAN CHOON MARKETING PTE LTD BAN HENG AQUATIC SUPPLIES BAN HOCK FOOD PTE LTD BAN HOCK HIN CO PTE LTD BAN HONG POULTRY PTE LTD BAN SAN TONG KOONG KEE BAN TECK HAN ENTERPRISE CO PTE LTD BAND-IT CLAMPS (ASIA) PTE LTD BANLI TRADING BARDAHL ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD BARTERXCHANGE (S) PTE LTD BAUER (EPOXIES) INDUSTRIES PTE LTD BAUSCH & LOMB (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD BAXTER HEALTHCARE ASIA PTE LTD BAY FISHER SINGAPORE ENTERPRISE BAYER (SOUTH EAST ASIA) PTE LTD BAYSWATER SHIPPING & FORWARDING PTE LTD BD GROUP PTE LTD BDP (ASIA PACIFIC) PTE LTD BEAM GLOBAL ASIA PTE LTD BEAN FARM PTE LTD BEAU SOLEIL (S) PTE LTD BEAUTY CHOICE PTE LTD BEAUTY COLLECTION INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD BEAUTY IMPRESS PTE LTD BEAUTY TREND (S) PTE LTD BEAVER CONTROMATIC BECTON DICKINSON AND COMPANY BEE HIANG FOOD INDUSTRIES BEE KIA TRADING CO BEE LEE TONG DRESSMAKER PTE LTD BEHN MEYER SPECIALTY CHEMICALS LLP BELKIN PTE LTD BELLEWAVE COSMETICS PTE LTD BELMAC MARKETING PTE LTD BELMONTE LATIN FOODS BEN FOODS (S) PTE LTD BENELUX FLOWERS & FOOD PTE LTD BENGAWAN SOLO PTE LTD BENNINGTON TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD BERG PROPULSION INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD BESCO BUILDING SUPPLIES (S.E.A) PTE LTD BESLEY & PIKE (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD BEST CHEMICAL CO (S) PTE LTD BEST ONE FOOD PRODUCTS PTE LTD BEST SAFETY GLASS MFG (S) PTE LTD BEST WORLD INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD BESTE (S) PTE LTD BESTPRINT PRINTING COMPANY BETA HEALTH PTE LTD BETA LIFE PTE LTD BH FRESH FOOD PTE LTD BIBI & BABA PTE LTD BIC ASIA GROUP (SERVICES) PTE LTD BIGWEST FOOD (S) PTE LTD BIH TAI HUA PTE LTD BIHQ PTE LTD BILCARE SINGAPORE PTE LTD BIMAS SOLOMON INVESTMENT PTE LTD BIOCON SOLUTIONS PTE LTD BIO-GREEN AGRITECH PTE LTD BIOMED DIAGNOSTICS PTE LTD BIOMEDIA PHARMA PTE LTD BIONUTRA INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD BIOSAFE INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD BIOSENSORS INTERNATIONAL BIOSOURCE PTE LTD BIOTECHNIC (S) PTE LTD BIOXYME (S) PTE LTD BIZ ONE BIZIT SYSTEMS PTE LTD BKSG HOLDINGS PTE LTD BLENDFORTE TRADING COMPANY BLOSSOM PAPER PRODUCTS PTE LTD BLUE MAX ENTERPRISE PTE LTD BLUEPRINT GLOBAL SERVICES INC PTE LTD SMa Annual Report 2009 111 Our Members BLUEPRINT MEDIA PTE LTD BLUESCOPE LYSAGHT (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD BLUESCOPE STEEL ASIA PTE LTD BMI BEAUTYMART INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD BOBY FOOTWEAR PTE LTD BODYNITS INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD BODYSENSE RETREAT PTE LTD BOENGA TJIPTA BONDFLEX PTE LTD BONJOUR BAKERY PTE LTD BOON KEE & CO BOON LAY STATIONERY PTE LTD BOON TONG KEE FOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRY PTE LTD BOONG POULTRY PTE LTD BORDEN CO (PTE) LTD BORDEN CO PTE LTD BOSCH REXROTH PTE LTD BOSPHOROUS PTE LTD BOSSARD PTE LTD BOSTON SCIENTIFIC ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD BRANDEX PTE LTD BREATHE AP PTE LTD BRENNTAG SINGAPORE PTE LTD BREWER’S (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD BRILLANT TIME PTE LTD BRILLIANT MARKETING PTE LTD BRITE KONCEPT PTE LTD BRITISH-AMERICAN TOBACCO (S) PTE LTD 1 BRITISH-AMERICAN TOBACCO MARKETING (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD BROADSKY SINGAPORE INDUSTRY PTE LTD BRONESTER COMMERCIAL SUPPLIERS LLP Bru-Bond Impex BUAN LEE HENG (PTE) LTD BUCKMAN LABORATORIES (ASIA) PTE LTD BULK TRADE PTE LTD BUNALUN RETAIL (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD BUSINESS OBJECTS ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD BYFORD MARKETING (S) PTE LTD C & W ELECTRONICS PTE LTD C LICENCE PTE LTD C S TAY FOODS PTE LTD CA (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD CADI SCIENTIFIC PTE LTD CAD-IT CONSULTANTS (ASIA) PTE LTD CAHAYA ELECTRONICS PTE LTD CALFARME (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD CALIPER HUMAN STRATEGIES SINGAPORE PTE LTD CALISTA HOME FASHIONS CALISTRA RESEARCH LABS PTE LTD CAMBERT (F.E.) PTE LTD CAMPO COSMETICS (S) PTE LTD CANADEC PTE LTD 112 SMa Annual Report 2009 CANDID WATER COOLER PTE LTD CANON SINGAPORE PTE LTD CAPITAL ENGINEERS & INDUSTRIES PTE LTD CAPITAL MARKETING (S) PTE LTD CARAWAY PTE LTD CARBOLOY PRECISION TOOLING PTE LTD CARE CORPORATION PTE LTD CARNAUDMETALBOX PACKAGING PETE LTD CARREFOUR SINGAPORE PTE LTD CARRIERNET GLOBAL LIMITED CASILA (S) ENTERPRISE CATCHA MEDIA GROUP PTE LTD CAUSEWAY PAINTS PTE LTD CCG CABLE TERMINATIONS SOUTH EAST ASIA PTE LTD CCM PHARMACEUTICALS (S) PTE LTD CCM SINGAPORE PTE LTD CELANESE PTE LTD CELEBRITY MUSIC PTE LTD CELL LIFE (S) PTE LTD CEMENTAID (S.E.A.) PTE LTD CENTRAL CHEMICAL & ENTERPRISES PTE LTD CENTRAL COMMERCIAL TRADING CO PTE LTD CENTRAL MASTER IMPORT & EXPORT PTE LTD CENTRAL MERCANTILE CORPORATION (S) LTD CENTRAL MERCANTILE CORPORATION (S) LTD CENTURY GLOBAL PTE LTD CEREAL-TECH (ASIA) PTE LTD CEREALTECH PTE LTD CEREBOS PACIFIC LIMITED CERTIS CISCO SECURITY PTE LTD CEYLON BISCUITS LTD CFA INTERNATIONAL PAPER PRODUCTS PTE LTD CHAI PUBLISHING INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD CHAMPS INDUSTRIAL PTE LTD CHAN KOONG THYE CHARLTON MEDIA GROUP PTE LTD CHARMNOTE ECO SOLUTIONS (S) PTE LTD CHAROEN POKPHAND INTERTRADE S’PORE (PTE) LTD CHEE HOE PTE LTD CHEE SENG OIL FACTORY (PTE) LTD CHEE SENG TONG (LAKEVIEW) CHEERFUL INTERNATIONAL TRADEVEST PL CHEMETALL ASIA PTE LTD CHEMEXCO TRADING PTE LTD CHEMICAL LABORATORY (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD CHEMIGRAN PTE LTD CHEM-SOLV TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD CHENG FENG TRADING PTE LTD CHENG YEW HENG CANDY FACTORY PTE LTD CHEONG FATT FOOD MANUFACTORY PTE LTD CHERRY CREDITS PTE LTD CHESTERTON SUNTEC INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD CHEW’S AGRICULTURE PTE LTD Our Members CHIA KHIM LEE FOOD INDUSTRIES P/L CHIA TAI FEEDMILL PTE LTD CHIAH HUAT FOODSTUFFS PTE LTD CHIAM JOO SENG TOWGAY GROWERS & SUPPLIERS PTE LTD CHIAP SENG & CO PTE LTD CHILLI MASTER (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD CHIN GUAN HIN THYE KEE CHIN GUAN HONG (SHARKSFIN) PTE LTD Chin Hin Plastic Manufacturer (Singapore) Pte Ltd CHIN LIAN (BROS) TRADING CO P/L CHIN SENG MOH (IMPORT & EXPORT) P/L CHIN TAT HARDWARE PTE LTD CHIN WAH (PAINTS) PTE LTD CHINA TANGCHAN CHINESE PHARMACEUTICAL CO CHINA-SINGAPORE SUZHOU INDUSTRIAL PARK DEVELOPMENT GROUP CO LTD CHINATOWN FOOD CORPORATION PTE LTD CHING SOON INDUSTRIES PTE LTD CHING YI TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD CHINMEGA ELECTRIC PTE LTD CHIP CHIANG CHIP MEDIA PTE LTD CHIP SENG IMPEX (S) PTE LTD CHIPPEL OVERSEAS SUPPLIES PTE LTD CHIRE (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD CHLORIDE BATTERIES S.E. ASIA PTE LIMITED CHOCOLATE RESEARCH FACILITY PTE LTD CHOCOWORKS PTE LTD CHOCZ PTE LTD CHONG HOE BISHAN MEDICAL STORE PTE LTD CHONG HOE CHINESE MEDICAL STORE P/L CHOON HOCK HIONG CHOON TECK POULTRY CHOONG MARKETING CHOP HUP CHONG FOOD IND PTE LTD CHOP WAH ON CHUAN DURN PLASTIC INDUSTRIES PTE LTD CHUAN HENG IMPORT & EXPORT PTE LTD CHUAN HIAP HIN SAUCE FACTORY CHUAN HUAT POULTRY FARM PTE LTD CHUAN SENG FOOD PTE LTD CHUAN SENG LEONG PTE LTD CHUANG YI PUBLISHING PTE LTD CHUEN CHEONG FOOD INDUSTRIES (P) L CHUI HIANG PTE LTD CHUNG HWA FOOD INDUSTRIES PTE LTD CHUNG KUO REFINED CHINESE MEDICINE DEALERS LTD CHWEE SONG SUPPLIES PTE LTD CHYE CHOON FOODS PRIVATE LIMITED CIBA (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD CIBA VISION (S) PTE LTD CIBA VISION (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD CIBA VISION ASIAN MANUFACTURING AND LOGISTICS P/L CIEL PTE LTD CISCO SYSTEMS (USA) PTE LTD CITIBANK N.A. SINGAPORE BRANCH CITITECH INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING PTE LTD CITRUS MARKETING PTE LTD CITRUS MEDIA PTE LTD CITY SATAY (FOOD INDUSTRIES) P/L CITYNEON EXHIBITION SERVICES PTE LTD CIVIC INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD CLASSIS MARKETING CLEAN HEALTH PTE LTD CLEARIS PTE LTD CLEARLAB SG PTE LTD CLEARPACK SINGAPORE CLOSED-LOOP TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD CLOUET TRADING PTE LTD CLOVER PAKISTAN LIMITED CLP INTERNATIONAL PTE LTDD CLUBMAN SINGAPORE PTE LTD CMPMEDICA ASIA PTE LTD COCA-COLA FAR EAST LIMITED COFELY SOUTH EAST ASIA PTE LTD COGNEX SINGAPORE INC COIM ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD COLD STORAGE SINGAPORE (1983) P/L CO-LETA TRADING PTE LTD COLEX HOLDINGS LTD COLGATE PALMOLIVE PAKISTAN LIMITED COLGATE-PALMOLIVE (EASTERN) PTE LTD COLOR PLAY ENTERPRISE PTE LTD COMBO 88 ENTERPRISE COME EVERY DAY TRADING CO COMMUNICATION RESOURCES PTE LTD COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALTIES PTE LTD COMOFFICE PTE LTD COMPACT RESOURCES PTE LTD COMPAIR FAR EAST PTE LTD COMPETITIVE EDGE PTE LTD COMPLEMENT PTE LTD COMPLIMENT MARKETING (IMP & EXP) PTE LTD COMPONENT TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD CONCEPT BOX (S) PTE LTD CONCEPT COMMUNICATIONS PTE LTD CONCEPTS ASIA PUBLISHING CONCERN TRADING PTE LTD CONCORD ASSOCIATES PTE LTD CONNELL BROS CO (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD CONSYS ENTERPRISE PTE LTD CONTAINER BRIDGE (S) PTE LTD CONTAINERLINERS ASIA PTE LTD CONTINENTAL ALLOYS & SERVICES PTE LTD CONTINENTAL BIOENERGY SINGAPORE PTE LTD CONTROL DEVICES ASIA PTE LTD SMa Annual Report 2009 113 Our Members CONTROL LOGIC SYSTEMS PTE LTD COOKING ART INDUSTRIES PTE LTD COOLEN MARKETING PTE LTD COOLMAR-TA COATINGS & SYSTEMS PTE LTD COOPERVISION SINGAPORE PTE LTD CORDUROY LIFESTYLE HOLDINGS (ASIA) PTE LTD CORK INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD CORLISON PTE LTD CORRUGATED BOX MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (SINGAPORE) COSFIL (S) PTE LTD COSMETICS LABORATORIES PTE LTD COST SAVER SUPPLIES COTECNA SINGAPORE PTE LTD COTTAGE FOOD INDUSTRIES PTE LTD COUNTRY FOODS PTE LTD CPCNET SINGAPORE PTE LTD CPM/PACIFIC (PRIVATE) LTD CPS ELEMENTS PTE LTD CPV INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY PTE LTD CRAFT PRINT INTERNATIONAL LTD CRAFTMARK (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD CRANE CULTURE CO PTE LTD CREATIF VENTURE PTE LTD CREATIVE ALBUM PTE LTD CREATIVE FLAVOURS FRAGRANCES CREEYAN LABORATORIES PTE LTD CRIMSONLOGIC ETRADE SERVICES PTE LTD CRISTALLE DE PARIS PTE LTD CROWN ALLIANCE INDUSTRIES PTE LTD CROWN BEVERAGE CANS SINGAPORE PTE LTD CRUNCHY FOODS SEA PTE LTD CRYSTAL WINES PTE LTD CS INNOVATION PTE LTD CSD INDUSTRIES PTE LTD CSI SERVICES PTE LTD CSM INTERNATIONAL (ASIA) PTE LTD CSR SOUTH EAST ASIA PTE LTD CSS INDUSTRIAL PTE LTD CTI BIOTECHNOLOGY LLP CTI CHEMICALS ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD CYLON INTERACTIVE PTE LTD D & M ENVIRONMENTAL PTE LTD D SQUARED TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD DABAO MEDICAL HALL & TRADING PTE LTD DABZEE ENTERPRISE PTE LTD DACH ENTERPRISE PTE LTD DAILIAN INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD DAIYO ELECTRONICS (S) PTE LTD DANONE MARKETING (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD DARLEE FOOD INDUSTRIES PTE LTD DASHMESH SINGAPORE PTE LTD DASOON COMPANY 114 SMa Annual Report 2009 DASSAULT SYSTEMES SINGAPORE PTE LTD DATA-FLEX TECHNOLOGY DATREN FOODS PTE LTD DATUMSTRUCT (S) PTE LTD DAVOS LIFE SCIENCE PTE LTD DAYPLUS FOOD PTE LTD DBS BANK LTD DDHS FOOD MANUFACTURE PTE LTD DE CHENG XIN XING TRDG PTE LTD DECRON GROUP PTE LTD DEL MONTE ASIA PTE LTD DELIFRANCE SINGAPORE PTE LTD DELL GLOBAL B.V, (S’PORE BRANCH) DELPHI AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEMS AUSTRALIA LTD DELTAFIELD ENGINEERING PTE LTD DENKA SINGAPORE PTE LTD DENSELIGHT SEMICONDUCTORS PTE LTD DENTSPLY (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD DE’QUEK TRADING PTE LTD DERMA NANO INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD DERMA-AESTHETICS PTE LTD DHL EXPRESS (S) PTE LTD DI TECK CHENG TRADING DIALOG SYSTEMS PTE LTD DIC ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD DIETHELM SINGAPORE PTE LTD DING LIN HEALTH PRODUCTS PTE LTD DOVE INDUSTRIES (PTE) LTD DP INFORMATION NETWORK PTE LTD DR RAO HOLDINGS PTE LTD DRAGON FISH INDUSTRY DRAGON GAMES DISTRIBUTION PTE LTD DRAGON RIVER HEALTH PRODUCTS P/L DREW AMEROID (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD DREX-CHEM TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD DROEGE & COMP. SINGAPORE PTE LTD DRUG HOUSES OF AUSTRALIA (ASIA) PTE LTD DSY MARKETING PTE LTD DURALINK (S) PTE LTD DURO INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD DYNAGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC PTE LTD DYNAMED PTE LTD DYNATECH PUMPS PTE LTD E.MATION TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD EAGLEGAME (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD EASE ENTERPRISE PTE LTD EAST INDIE COMPANY PRIVATE LIMITED EAST WINDS FOOD PTE LTD EASTASIA CONSULTING GROUP PTE LTD EASTERN IRON-BED & FURNITURE FACTORY EASTERN PEWTER INDUSTRIES EASTERN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATES P/L EASTGEAR PTE LTD Our Members EBARA ENGINEERING SINGAPORE PTE LTD ECASC PTE LTD ECENTREX PTE LTD E-CHAN INDUSTRIES PTE LTD ECICS LIMITED ECNET LIMITED ECO CHIC PTE LTD ECO-BIOMAX SINGAPORE PTE LTD ECO-VERDE PTE LTD ECS COMPUTERS (ASIA) PTE LTD EDEN & CO FOODSTUFF PTE LTD EDEN INTERNATIONAL ENTERPRISE PTE LTD EDI ENTERPRISE (S) PTE LTD EDIPRESSE SOLITAIRE MEDIA PTE LTD EDITEC INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD EDMI LIMITED EDS INTERNATIONAL (S) PTE LTD EDWARDS LIFESCIENCES (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD EE HUI FOOD MANUFACTURE PTE LTD EE LI ARTS & CRAFTS EE SIN PAPER PRODUCT PTE LTD EE-LAKE TRADING CO EFACEC SINGAPORE PTE LTD EGIS MARKETING PTE LTD EGUIDE SINGAPORE PTE LTD EIRICH TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD ELECOM MARKETING PTE LTD ELECTRO MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES (PTE) LTD ELECTRONIC SYNERGIES (S) PTE LTD E-LINK SINGAPORE PTE LTD ELISHER COMMUNICATIONS ELITE INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS SINGAPORE PTE LTD ELITE STATIONERY TRADING PTE LTD ELLARD (S) PTE LTD EMAS BINWANI MARKETING EMATCO INDUSTRIAL PTE LTD EMBER HUE CORPORATION PTE LTD EMERGING PHARMA (S) PTE LTD EMJAY ENTERPRISES (1984) PTE LTD EMPRO SINGAPORE PTE LTD EMWAY SINGAPORE PTE LTD EMY HOUSEHOLD PRODUCT EMZ CHEMICAL PTE LTD ENDELA TRADING & MANUFACTURING PTE LTD ENEOS ITALSING PTE LTD ENG BEE FOODSTUFFS MFG PTE LTD ENG BEE PAPER MERCHANT PTE LTD ENG HENG NOODLE FACTORY PTE LTD ENG KHIM TRADING ENGENIUS NETWORKS SINGAPORE PTE LTD ENGTEK PTE LTD ENHANZCOM PTE LTD ENPLAS HI-TECH SINGAPORE PTE LTD ENSKY TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD ENTERPRISE ADVANCED SYSTEM INTELLIGENCE PTE LTD ENVIZYME PTE LTD EPICOR SOFTWARE (ASIA) PTE LTD EPSON SINGAPORE PTE LTD EPT SOLUTIONS (S) PTE LTD EQ MUSIC PTE LTD EQUIP MEDICAL PTE LTD ERS INDUSTRIES PTE LTD ESP UNITED TRADING ESPORE CORP PTE LTD ESSCO STATIONERY MANUFACTURER P/L ESSENTIAL LIVING (S) PTE LTD ESSILOR ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD E-T-A ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD ETHYLENE GLYCOLS (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD ETUAN MECHATRONIC PTE LTD EU YAN SANG (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD EUBIQ PTE LTD EUNOS LINK TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD EURASI PTE LTD EVERBEST SOYA BEAN PRODUCTS PTE LTD EVERFIRST PTE LTD EVERGRAND MARKETING PTE LTD EVERSON ELECTRICAL (S) PTE LTD EVERSTRONG SPORTS CO (PTE) LTD EXCELLENCE FOODSTUFF ENTERPRISE PTE LTD EXCELLENCE RATE A PRODUCTS PTE LTD EXCELLO PTE LTD EXCELSA CONSULTING PTE LTD EXCELTEC PROPERTY MANAGEMENT PTE LTD EXLEY ENTERPRISE EXLINK SINGAPORE PTE LTD EXPAT LIVING PUBLICATIONS PTE LTD EXPLORER SOLUTIONS PTE LTD EXPRESS CONFECTIONERY WORKS EXPRESSIONS INTERNATIONAL (S) P/L EXTRA EXCELLENCE MANUFACTURING (S) PTE LTD EXXONMOBIL ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD EYUEN TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD EZ-UP INTERNATIONAL ENTERPRISES PTE LTD EZY TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD F.A.S.T. ELECTROMECH PTE LTD FABRISTEEL PTE LTD FACI ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD FACO ELECTRIC COMPANY PTE LTD FACT SOFTWARE INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD FACTRONICS SYSTEMS ENGINEERING PTE LTD FAIRFAX BUSINESS MEDIA FAIRTECK HOLDING PTE LTD FAITH CONCEPT PTE LTD FALCON PAPER PRODUCTS (S) PTE LTD FAMOUS ISLAMIC BERYANI SHOP PTE LTD SMa Annual Report 2009 115 Our Members FAN YANG “THE SCIENCE OF BUBBLES’ FANTASY (1985) MARKETING FAR EAST DISTILLERS PTE LTD FAR EAST FLORA.COM PTE LTD FAR FLUNG CRAFT LLP FAR OCEAN SEA PRODUCTS (PTE) LTD FARMLAND CENTRAL BAKERY (S) PTE LTD FASHION AVENUE (S) PTE LTD FASMAC PTE LTD FASSLER GOURMET PTE LTD FAST AND SAFE TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD FAVOURITE TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD FCI SMARTAG PTE LTD FEBZWELL INTERNATIONAL TRADING FEDERAL COMPONENTS PTE LTD FEDERAL HARDWARE ENGINEERING CO PTE LTD FEI FAH DRUG STORE FENG JING ENTERPRISE FEOSO OIL (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD FESV INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD FIBERPOWER PTE LTD FIELD CATERING & SUPPLIES PTE LTD FILECO PLASTIC INDUSTRIES PTE LTD FINE LIVING INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD FINETEK PTE LTD FIRMENICH ASIA PTE LTD FIRST DART FISHING TACKLE FIRST GRADE AGENCY PTE LTD FISHER SCIENTIFIC PTE LTD FLAVAROMA PTE LTD FLEX INTEGRATED MARKETING PTE LTD FLEXIBLE PACKAGING & MARKETING FLEXLINK SYSTEMS PTE LTD FLO-PRINTS & PACKS FLOREAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY PTE LTD FLOTECH CONTROLS PTE LTD FLOWER DIAMOND BOUTIQUE PTE LTD FOH FOH CO PTE LTD FONG EE INDUSTRIAL PTE LTD FONG YIT KAYA PTE LTD FONTERRA BRANDS (ASIA HOLDINGS) PTE LTD FONTERRA BRANDS (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD FONYEN FOOD PTE LTD FOOD PLEX TRADING PTE LTD FOOD RESOURCES PTE LTD FOODXERVICES INC PTE LTD FOOK SANG TONG TRADING PTE LTD FOREFRONT MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD FORESIGHT MARKETING FORTUNE TRAVEL PTE LTD FOSTER ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD FOUR LEAVES PTE LTD FRAGRANCE FOODSTUFF PTE LTD 116 SMa Annual Report 2009 FRANKS ASSOCIATES MANAGEMENT & ENGINEERING SERVICES FRANSINDO INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD FREEMEN ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD FREESYSTEMS PTE LTD FRENCH COLLECTION TRADING FRESH SOURCES FRESHENING INDUSTRIES PTE LTD FRESHMART SINGAPORE PTE LTD FREZFRUTA JAM MANUFACTURING PTE LTD FRIESLAND (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD FRIVEN & CO LTD FU FONG TRADING PTE LTD FU SHAN YUAN ENTERPRISES PTE LTD FU YUAN ENTERPRISE PTE LTD FUCHS LUBRICANTS PTE LTD FUJI XEROX SINGAPORE PTE LTD FUJIFILM HUNT CHEMICALS SINGAPORE PTE LTD FUJITSU PC ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD FULFLEX SINGAPORE PTE LTD FULL HOUSE COMMUNICATIONS PTE LTD FULTAT MARKETING (2001) PTE LTD FUN TOY LLP FUN’S FLORIST & NURSERY PTE LTD FUSION COSMETICS PTE LTD FUTURE CONNECTIONS INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD FUYAWA ENTERPRISE PTE LTD GAINSWELLl TRADING PTE LTD GALAXY INDUSTRIES PTE LTD GALERIES UNITED MARKETING GALLAHER SINGAPORE PTE LIMITED GAMERZSTUFF (ASIA-PACIFIC) PTE LTD GAN HUP LEE (1999) PTE LTD GAN TECK KAR INVESTMENTS PTE LTD GARENA ONLINE PRIVATE LIMITED GARMCO (S) PTE LTD GAZZ INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD GBC ASIA PTE LTD G-CAP YV PTE LTD GCSL PTE LTD GE COMMERCIAL FINANCING (SINGAPORE) LTD GE HEALTHCARE PTE LTD GE PACIFIC PTE LTD GENERAL MAGNETICS LIMITED GENERAL MONITORS SYSTEMS ASIA PTE LTD GENETRON TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD GENOVATE SOLUTIONS PTE LTD GENYA (SEA) PTE LTD GETRONICS (S) PTE LTD GEYER ELECTRONIC (ASIA) PTE LTD GHIM LI HOLDINGS CO PTE LTD GICIAN NOVELTIES PTE LTD GIM HIN LEE PTE LTD Our Members GIMMILL INDUSTRIAL PTE LTD GIS TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD GIVAUDAN SINGAPORE PTE LTD GLAXO WELLCOME MANUFACTURING P/ L GLAXOSMITHKLINE PTE LTD GLOBAL ACTIVE LTD GLOBALPEX PTE LTD GLOBALTRACO INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD GLOBALVISION PTE LTD GLORY FOOD PRODUCTS PTE LTD GLUTZ SINGAPORE PTE LTD GO REGIONAL TRADING IMPORT & EXPORT PTE LTD GOA HUAT EDIBLE OIL FOODSTUFF P/L GODREJ (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD GOH JOO HIN PTE LTD GOH YEOW SENG (PTE) LTD GOLD KILI TRADING ENTERPRISE (S) PTE LTD GOLD ROAST FOOD INDUSTRY PTE LTD GOLD VALLEY MANUFACTURING GOLDBELL LEASING PTE LTD GOLDBELL WEIGH-SYSTEM PTE LTD GOLDEN APPLE GOLDEN BRIDGE FOODS MANUFACTURING PTE LTD GOLDEN CHAMP PTE LTD GOLDEN GLORY FOOD INDUSTRIES PTE LTD GOLDEN HORN PTE LTD GOLDEN HUNG HO MARKETING GOLDENBIRD FOODSTUFF GOLDHILL HOLDINGS PTE LTD GOLDLAND INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD GOLDLION ENTERPRISE (S) PTE LTD GOLDPLUS UNIVERSAL PTE LTD GOLDSHINES ENTERPRISE PTE LTD GOOD TIMES MARKETING (S) PTE LTD GOODEAL MARKETING PTE LTD GOODMEN DISTRIBUTORS PTE LTD GOODS HUAT HEE MARKETING GPAC TECHNOLOGY (S) PTE LTD GRAFFEO COFFEE ROASTING COMPANY ASIA-PACIFIC PTE LTD GRAFTON PHARMASIA PTE LTD GRAND COPTHORNE WATERFRONT HOTEL SINGAPORE GRAND PACIFIC HOLDING (S) PTE LTD GRANDLUXE PTE LTD GRASSE BEAUTE DE PARIS PTE LTD GREATLAND COMPANY GREATMOVE PTE LTD GREEN ENERGY SINGAPORE PTE LTD GREEN PASTURE PTE LTD GREEN VALLEY FARMS PTE LTD GREENGRASS GARDEN (G. J.) GREENLAND PLASTICS INDUSTRIES (S) PTE LTD GREENPAC (S) PTE LTD GREEN-TECH EGG INDUSTRIES PTE LTD GRENIDEA TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD GRIFFIN GROUP INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD GROCERY LOGISTICS OF SINGAPORE P/L GROWERS FRESH PTE LTD GS CHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD GT INDUSTRIAL PTE LTD GUAN CHONG BEE ENTERPRISE (PTE) LTD GUAN POH DIM SUM PTE LTD GUAN SANG CO PTE LTD GUANGDONG IMPORT & EXPORT PTE LTD H.W HOLDINGS PTE LTD HABASIT FAR EAST PTE LTD HAI HUA INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD HAI SIA SEAFOOD PTE LTD HAI TONG CO (PTE) LTD HAI’S PTE LTD HAIYI FOODS (S) PTE LTD HAKKO PRODUCTS PTE LTD HAKURUMA TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD HANDY TOOLS PTE LTD HAP GLOBAL PTE LTD HAQUE BROTHERS (INDUSTRIES) LTD C/O TOYO PACKAGING INDUSTRIES HARA HONG KONG TIM SUM PTE LTD HARA MARKETING PTE LTD HARDY HOUSE PREFAB (S) PTE LTD HARESH ENTERPRISES HARMONY FOODS PTE LTD HARNESSPOTENTIAL ASSOCIATES PTE LTD HAROON BIN ALI (PTE) LTD HARPERS TRADING (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD HAU HAU PARQUET & WOOD INDUSTRIES PTE LTD HAVELOCK INTERNATIONAL (PTE) LTD HAVI LOGISTICS (S) PTE LTD HAW PAR HEALTHCARE LIMITED HC SHINCO INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD HEALTH ICON LABORATORY PTE LTD HEALTH PRODUCTS & CONSULTING PTE LTD HEALTHSTATS INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD HEALTHWORKZ PTE LTD HEAN LEE RADIO SERVICE PTE LTD HEAP SENG GROUP PTE LTD HEART PUBLISHING PTE LTD HECKMANN MARKETING PTE LTD HEGGS INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD HEIDENHAIN PACIFIC PTE LTD HEINEN HOPMAN ENGINEERING (S) PTE LTD HEINRICH CHEMICALS PTE LTD HEINZ SINSIN PTE LTD HELLA ASIA SINGAPORE PTE LTD HEMSDALE ASSOCIATES PTE LTD HEN TICK FOODS PTE LTD SMa Annual Report 2009 117 Our Members HENG GUAN FOOD INDUSTRIAL PTE LTD HENG KHWEE HENG POULTRY FACTORY P/L HENG LEE FOOD MANUFACTORY (PTE) LTD HENG SHENG CORPORATION PTE LTD HENKEL SINGAPORE PTE LTD HERBAL GARDEN PTE LTD HERBAL SCIENCE SINGAPORE PTE LTD HERBALSCIENCE SINGAPORE PTE LTD HERMA KDC SINGAPORE PTE LTD Hershey Singapore Pte Ltd HEXON TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD HI INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD HIAP CHEN FOOD PRODUCTS PTE LTD HIAP GIAP FOOD MANUFACTURE PTE LTD HIAP GUAN METAL INDUSTRIES PTE LTD HI-BEAU INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD HI-CHEM INTERNATIONAL INC PTE LTD HID CORPORATION SINGAPORE REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE HIGHLANDERS PTE LTD HIGHPOINT INNOVATIONS PTE LTD HILLSWICK GROUP PTE LTD HIN HIN MANAGEMENT & HOLDINGS PTE LTD HING HIN INDUSTRIES (S) PTE LTD HIPRO PRINTING PTE LTD HITACHI ASIA LTD HKR ASIA-PACIFIC PTE LTD HL BANK, SINGAPORE HL POWER SYSTEM PTE LTD HLH S’PORE PTE LTD HOBBS & HERSH HOCK HIN FOODSTUFFS MANUFACTURING PL HOCK HUAT IMPORTERS & EXPORTERS HOCK SENG & CO HOCK SENG FOOD PTE LTD HOCK TONG BEE PTE LTD HOCLINK SYSTEMS & SERVICES PTE LTD HOE HUAT SONG KEE CO HOLCIM GROUP SUPPORT (S) PTE LTD HOLE-IN-ONE GOLFING (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD HOMELAND FOOD SUPPLIES AND TRADING PTE LTD HON NENG MARKETING (S) PTE LTD HONDA CONNECTORS (S) PTE LTD HONEYWELL PTE LTD HONG GUAN (TACKLE) PTE LTD HONG HENG (S) ENTERPRISE HONG HUP PTE LTD HONG KWANG ENTERPRISE PTE LTD HONG LIAN GIM KEE HONG LOONG TRADING PTE LTD HONG SEAH TRADING HONG TAI AQUARIUM PRODUCTS PRIVATE LIMITED HONG YI HAO TRADING HOOVER MELAMINE INDUSTRIES PTE LTD 118 SMa Annual Report 2009 HORIZON SINGAPORE TERMINALS PTE LTD HOSHIN KENZI (S) PTE LTD HOSPIRA SINGAPORE PTE LTD HOUGANG OTAH HOUGHTON SINGAPORE (BRANCH OF HOUGHTON AUSTRALIA) HOUSE OF MINTS PTE LTD HOUSE OF PLANNERS PTE LTD HOVONO PTE LTD HOWTEX ENTERPRISE HOYO MARKETING PTE LTD HRJ CORPORATION PTE LTD HRM3 ASIA PTE LTD HSC INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD HST MEDICAL PTE LTD HT (2005) PTE LTD HTL MANUFACTURING PTE LTD HU LEE IMPEX PTE LTD HUA BAO AGENCY PTE LTD HUAMAO AGENCIES SDN BHD HUARONG ARTS & CRAFTS PTE LTD HUAT HUAT FROZEN FOOD SUPPLIER HUAY FENG HANG PTE LTD HUAYI SHANG HANG IMPORTERS & EXPORTERS PTE LTD HUGE INVENTIONS PTE LTD HUI YEE COFFEE MANUFACTURER PTE LTD HUNTSMAN (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD HUP BAN TRADING CO HUP HENG POULTRY INDUSTRIES PTE LTD HUP HIN HO HUP HUAT NOODLES PTE LTD HUP YEW SEN CONSTRUCTION PTE LTD HUPCO PTE LTD HVX ENTERPRISE HWA TRADING (S) PTE LTD HWSK HOLDINGS PTE LTD HYDROBALL TECHNICS (SEA) PTE LTD HYDROCHEM (S) PTE LTD C/O HYFLUX LTD HYGEIAN MEDICAL SUPPLIES PTE LTD HYMICS HOLDINGS (S) PTE LTD HYSON FOOD INDUSTRIES HYTEX INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD I NUOVI COSMETICS (S) PTE LTD I.L.C. TRADING IBASE SINGAPORE PTE LTD IBM SINGAPORE PTE LTD ICE FAR EAST PTE LTD ICRON TECHNOLOGIES SINGAPORE PTE LTD IDC ASIA / PACIFIC IDEMITSU LUBE (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD IDS MEDICAL SYSTEMS IDS PHARMACEUTICAL DIVISION IESYS PTE LTD Our Members IGEL FAR EAST PTE LTD IMAGINIT TECHNOLOGIES (S) PTE LTD IMATION SINGAPORE PTE LTD IMCOMP INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD IMEI EXIM PTE LTD IMEXLINK TRADE PTE LTD IMMORTAL THE DESIGN STATION PTE LTD I-NANO INDUSTRIES PTE LTD INCONTECH PTE LTD INDEX-COOL HOLDINGS PTE LTD INDOGUNA (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD INFANTINO ENTERPRISE PTE LTD INFLIGHT TRADE SERVICES (S) PTE LTD INFLO HEALTH SCIENCES PTE LTD INFOCOMM ASIA HOLDINGS PTE LTD INFOCOMMASIA PTE LTD INFOMEDIA PUBLISHING PTE LTD INFOR GLOBAL SOLUTIONS (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD INGRELIFE (S) PTE LTD INKE PTE LTD INKPLUS PTE LTD INNOCEPT PTE LTD INNOFORM MEDIA PTE LTD INNOPLAN TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD INNOVA FOODS (S) PTE LTD INNOVARE INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD INNOVATIVE POLYMERS PTE LTD INNOVIS MARKETING PTE LTD INOUE-NISSEI ENGINEERING PTE LTD INOVAIL HOLDINGS PTE LTD INSPIRAZ TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD INSTITUTE FOR INFOCOMM RESEARCH INTEGRATED CONTRACT MANUFACTURING PTE LTD INTEGRATED LENS TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD INTEGRITY MEDIA ASIA PTE LTD INTER OAK PRODUCTS INTERASIA TRAVEL GOODS PTE LTD INTERMEC TECHNOLOGIES (S) PTE LTD INTERMECH MACHINERY PTE LTD INTERNATIONAL ADVANCED BIO-PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES PTE LTD INTERNATIONAL BEVERAGES TRADING COMPANY LIMITED INTERNATIONAL BIO-ENERGY (S) PTE LTD INTERNATIONAL CONTACT LENS PTE LTD INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS & FRAGRANCES (S’PORE) PTE LTD INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF SPICES INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC PTE LTD INTERO ENTERPRISE PTE LTD INTRACO LIMITED INTRACO TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD IN-TRADE ENTERPRISE INZIGN PTE LTD IPS GROUP PTE LTD ISETAN (SINGAPORE) LTD ISEYA FOODS PTE LTD ISLAND OPTICAL SYSTEMS (S) PTE LTD ISMART COMMUNICATIONS PTE LTD ISMART MANUFACTURING PTE LTD ISOCHEM INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD ISUNU PTE LTD ITAL FOOD DISTRIBUTORS (S) PTE LTD ITALSING PETROLEUM COMPANY PTE LTD ITEA ASIA IUT GLOBAL PTE LTD IWOW CONNECTIONS PTE LTD J + TEO TRADING J I TRADING MANUFACTURING PTE LIMITED J. RAPEE & CO (S) PTE LTD JA LAN TIONG PTE LTD JACKLISON ENTERPRISES PTE LTD JACKSON PACKAGING INDUSTRIES (PTE) LTD JAFFA JUICE (S) PTE LTD JAMES CATTY TRADING JAPAN PALLET RENTAL CORPORATION JASON ELECTRONICS PTE LTD JASON PARQUET SPECIALIST (S) PTE LTD JC MARKETING JCS-ECHIGO PTE LTD JDW TECHNOLOGIES JEBSEN & JESSEN CHEMICALS (S) PTE LTD JELETRA TRADING JENMON INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD JESPLAN CONSULTANTS JIA JIA WANG TRADING JIA SENG TRADING PTE LTD JIAJIA SINGAPORE MANUFACTURING PTE LTD JICKSON CORPORATION PTE LTD JILLIEN FOO JIM WILLIE TRADING CO PTE LTD JIN SOON PTE LTD JISC INVESTMENT & TRADING PTE LTD JJ DRINKS MANUFACTURING PTE LTD JOHNSON AND JOHNSON PTE LTD JOKER FOOD INDUSTRY PTE LTD JONG FRESH SUPPLIES PTE LTD JONITE PRIVATE LIMITED JOO HONG MEDICAL HALL JORDON INTERNATIONAL FOOD PROCESSING PTE LTD JOTUN (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD JSS HOME PTE LTD JTB DESTINATIONS JUAN KUANG (PTE) LTD JUI-SHENG (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD JUMAIN SATAYSFACTION PTE LTD SMa Annual Report 2009 119 Our Members JUNSHIN SUSHI PTE LTD JURONG CEMENT LIMITED JURONG COLD STORE PTE LTD JURONG CONSULTANTS PTE LTD JURONG FROG FARM JUSTLOGIN PTE LTD JVS ENGINEERS PTE LTD K G FOOD PTE LTD K.N.P. TRADING PTE LTD KABA SECURITY PTE LTD Kachi Global Pte Ltd KACHI JAPAN (INTERNATIONAL) PTE LTD KAFFA KALDI PTE LTD KAH HOCK PTE LTD KAI KWONG OPTICAL CO PTE LTD KAI YOUNG HUAT KAIDI CO PTE LTD KAIMAY TRADING PTE LTD KAMPUCHEA TELA CO LTD KAO (S) PTE LTD KAOYI ENTERPRISES PTE LTD KAROCRAFT PTE LTD KARSTEL FASHION PTE LTD KAWATA TRADING KCI MEDICAL ASIA PTE LTD KDS (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD KEBOS TECHNOLOGIES (S) PTE LTD KEE SONG BROTHERS POULTRY INDS P/L KEE WEE HUP KEE FOOD MANUFACTURE PTE LTD KEH LIN MARKETING KEITH HARRIS & CO (FE) PTE LTD KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION (SINGAPORE) KEN HOE SENG CO KEN HONG SENG TAT KEE TRADING KEN KEN FOOD MANUFACTURING PTE LTD KENDA (S) PTE LTD KENDO TRADING PTE LTD KENETICS INNOVATIONS PTE LTD KEPNER-TREGOE SOUTHEAST ASIA LTD KERPEN (S.E.A.) PTE LTD Kerry Ingredients Pte Ltd KESTRONICS (S) PTE LTD KEVIN BOOKS & STATIONERY KEW LIAN PTE LTD KEYSER TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD KEYSTONE CABLE (S) PTE LTD KHAN MOHAMED BHOY & SONS KHENG MOH LIM KEE PTE LTD KHENG SENG PRINTING PTE LTD KHONG GUAN BISCUIT FTY (S) PTE LTD KHONG GUAN BISCUIT FTY (S) PTE LTD KHULFI BAR 120 SMa Annual Report 2009 KHWAN HUP FARMING PTE LTD KIAN ENG HANG FOOD IND IMPORT & EXPORT PTE LTD KIAN SENG FRESH PRODUCE PTE LTD KIBUN FOODS SINGAPORE PTE LTD KIDFORTE PTE LTD KILLINEY INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD KIM FOODS PTE LTD KIM GUAN GUAN COFFEE TRADING PTE LTD KIM HIAP LEE CO PTE LTD KIM HING FOOD INDUSTRIES PTE LTD KIM HUP SOON CHLOROX PTE LTD KIM LEE PASTRY HOUSE KIM PENG HIANG FOOD IND PTE LTD KIM SENG HUAT HARDWARE PTE LTD KIM SING COMPANY PTE LTD KIMBERLY-CLARK SINGAPORE PTE LTD KIN YAN AGROTECH PTE LTD KING ALCOHOL INDUSTRIES (S) PTE LTD KING PLASTIC PTE LTD KING’S CREAMERIES (S) PTE LTD KINGS TRADING KINGSMEN EXHIBITS PTE LTD KINGSTON MEDICAL SUPPLIES (PTE) LTD KINGTRA ENTERPRISES PTE LTD KINHONG PTE LTD KIOM KEE FOODSTUFFS MANUFACTURER KIREI JAPANESE FOOD SUPPLY PTE LTD KITACT TRADING & SERVICE CO KITCHENWORKZ PTE LTD KLEEN-PAK PRODUCTS PTE LTD KNIGHT FRANK PRIVATE LIMITED KNIGHT ROSELLE KOBIAN PTE LTD KODAK (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD KOELNMESSE PTE LTD KOH CHONG HO COMPANY PTE LTD KOH KIAN HUAT TEA MERCHANT PTE LTD KOH SENG ENTERPRISE CO KOKOSHA SINGAPORE PTE LTD KON JEE TRADING CO KONG BEE TRADING COMPANY KONG BENG STATIONERY & SPORTS P/L KONG GUAN DUMPLING /PAU MFR PTE LTD KONG HWA CHAN TRADING PTE LTD KONOL TRADING PTE LTD KOONG YICK SENG KEE K-PLAST TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD KPMG LLP KRAFT FOODS SINGAPORE PTE LTD KRRAS MACHINE MANUFACTURER PTE LTD KT RESOURCES PTE LTD KUM ENG HUAT ELECTRIC CO PTE LTD KWANG HAP SIANG (S) PTE LTD Our Members Kwang Yeow Heng Pte Ltd KWEE JIN DISTRIBUTION PTE LTD KWONG MAW CO PTE LTD KWONG SENG FOOD PTE LTD KWONG YU INDUSTRIES (S) PTE LTD KYODO-ALLIED INDUSTRIES LTD L & C ENTERPRISE L D WAXSON (S) PTE LTD L G GROSS LA BELLE COLLECTION PTE LTD LABEL-LAB PTE LTD LABORATOIRES DERMATOLOGIQUES D’URIAGE (SEA) PTE LTD LAM BEE I&E CO PTE LTD LAM HIN OIL & FOODSTUFF TRADING LAM HOCK LEONG TRADING CO LAM KEE FISHERIES PTE LTD LAM LENG TRADING COMPANY LAM THONG CORPORATION PTE LTD LAMIPAK INVESTMENT (1999) PTE LTD LANDWIND INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL SCIENCE PTE LTD LANGE COMMUNICATIONS PTE LTD LARRY JEWELRY (1967) PTE LTD LAU BOON HENG KWEI TEOW & NOODLE MANUFACTORY LAWSON SOFTWARE ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD LAZY GOURMET PTE LTD LCP BUILDING PRODUCTS PTE LTD LE MKTG PTE LTD LE RAISIN TRADING PTE LTD LEA HIN CO (PTE) LTD LEAPFROG DISTRIBUTION PTE LTD LEE FAH TRADING CO LEE SAY SUGAR FACTORY (PTE) LTD LEGRAND (S) PTE LTD LEICA INSTRUMENTS (S) PTE LTD LEJEN ALUMINIUM PTE LTD LEO INDUSTRIES (S) PTE LTD LEO SATAY FOODSTUFF MANUFACTURE LEO STAR TRADING PTE LTD LEONG BEE & SOO BEE TRADING PTE LTD LEONG GUAN FOOD MANUFACTURER PTE LTD LEONG HIN FOODS PTE LTD LEONG JIN CORPORATION PTE LTD LEONG SOON STATIONERY MFR PTE LTD LEONG SOON STATIONERY MFR PTE LTDtd LESCHACO PTE LTD LETAT AGENCIES (PTE) LTD LEVI STRAUSS ASIA PACIFIC DIVISION PTE LTD LEWE ENGINEERING PTE LTD LEXMAR ENGINEERING PTE LTD LFI (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD LG ELECTRONICS SINGAPORE PTE LTD LG GROUP PTE LTD LI AN FOODSTUFF PTE LTD LI CHUAN FOOD PRODUCTS PTE LTD LI CHUAN FOOD-STUFF SUPPLIER LIAN GEE LIAN HAP XING KEEE EDIBLE OIL TDG PL LIAN HONG STATIONERY PTE LTD LIAN HUP HUAT FOOD MANUFACTURER LIAN THYE & CO PTE LTD LIANBEE-JECO PTE LTD LIANG CHEW HARDWARE PTE LTD LIANG SAN FOOD IND CO LIANG YI FOOD PROCESSING LIBRA 2002 PTE LTD LICHT FAR EAST (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD LIFELINE CORPORATION PTE LTD LIFERACER SPORTSWEAR PTE LTD LIFESPOT BIOTECH (S) PTE LTD LIFESTREAM GROUP (PTE) LTD LIFESTYLE INTEGRAL PRIVATE LIMITED LIGHTNING ELIMINATORS & CONSULTANTS (ASIA) PTE LTD LILIAN K MARKETING PTE LTD LIM BROTHER TRADING LIM KEE FOOD MANUFACTURING PTE LTD LIM LAM THYE PTE LTD LIM LUAN SENG FOODS INDUSTRIES PTE LTD LIM SIANG HUAT PTE LTD LIM TRADERS PTE LTD LIMMY FOOD INDUSTRIES PTE LTD LIN HO TRADING PTE LTD LINAIR TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED LINES EXPOSITION & MANAGEMENT SERVICES PTE LTD LINGJACK ENGINEERING WORKS PTE LTD LINKMET CONTROLS PTE LTD LINKS NUTRITIONAL PTE LTD LINTREX PTE LTD LION CORPORATION (S) PTE LTD LION STATIONERY CO PTE LTD LIP ANN ENGINEERING PTE LTD LIPCO FOOD & BEVERAGES PTE LTD LIPEX HARDWARE ENGINEERING CO LISUS TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD LITAT IMPORT & EXPORT PTE LTD LITTELFUSE FAR EAST PTE LTD LITTLE DOCTOR INTERNATIONAL (S) P L LIVELIFE INTERNATIONAL (2002) PTE LTD LIXR ENTERPRISE LI-YONG COMPANY LM BREWERY LOCKTON COMPANIES (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD LOCONAL PTE LTD LOCUST PTE LTD LOHMUN LEATHER PRODUCTS (PTE) LTD SMa Annual Report 2009 121 Our Members LONG KUAN HUNG CROCODILE FARM P/L L’OREAL SINGAPORE PTE LTD LOSCAM ASIA PTE LTD LOUISIANA SEAFOOD MANUFACTURING P/L LOW YEAP TOH & GOON LOZON (S) PTE LTD LQ LOGISTIC PTE LTD LSJ INDUSTRIAL TRADING PTE LTD LUBRITRADE TRADING PTE LTD LUCAS FOODS (ASIA) PTE LTD LUCKY GLOBAL MARKETING PTE LTD LUCKY HEALTH FOOD SUPPLIERS, PACKING AND MANUFACTURERS PTE LTD LUEN FOOK MEDICINE CO PTE LTD LUEN WAH MEDICAL CO (S) PTE LTD LULU MOSACPOL CO PTE LTD LUNA-HOSHI TRADING PTE LTD LUXWELL APPAREL PTE LTD LYNK BIOTECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD LYSAGHT CORRUGATED PIPE (S) PTE LTD M MAX MARKETING MAGLINK INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD MAGO MANUFACTURING & TRADING PTE LTD MAGREAULT & BAUDRIER INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD MAHA GURU SHAKTI PTE LTD MAHA TIRTA PTE LTD MAINLAND TROPICAL FISH FARM MAJESTIC MANDARIN PTE LTD MAKARIOS VENTURE PTE LTD MALAYAN BANKING BHD MALAYSIA DAIRY INDUSTRIES PTE LTD MALAYSIA MILK SDN BHN MALAYSIAN FEEDMILLS FARMS PTE LTD MALDIVES INDUSTRIAL FISHERIES COMPANY LTD MANDARIN FOOD MANUFACTURING PTE LTD MANDOM CORPORATION (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD MANULIFE (S) PTE LTD MAPLE DISTRIBUTIONS MAPLE TREE TRADING MAPPIN SINGAPORE PTE LTD MARINE HYDRAULICS ENGRG PTE LTD MARKEM PTE LTD MARKO TACK (S) PTE LTD MARSHALL CAVENDISH INTERNATIONAL (SINGAPORE) PRIVATE LIMITED MARUJYU TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD MASDA CHEMICAL (PTE) LTD MASE INTERNATIONAL MARKETING SVCS PTE LTD MASSTRON PTE LTD MASTEC MARKING PRODUCTS MASTER BEVERAGE INDUSTRIES PTE LTD MASTER MERCHANTS INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD MATADOR INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD 122 SMa Annual Report 2009 MATAHARI KEEMASAN TRADING CO MATEX INTERNATIONAL LIMITED MATSUSHITA GREATWALL CORPORATION PTE LTD MAXELL ASIA (S) PTE LTD MAXINE MARKETING PTE LTD MAXIUM MARKETING MAXKING ENTERPRISE PTE LTD MAX’S PTE LTD MAXSTECH TECHNOLOGY (S) PTE LTD MAXTREND MARKETING PTE LTD MAXWELL DISTRIBUTION PTE LTD MAXWILL FOODLINK PTE LTD MAYA CORPORATION PTE LTD MAYA MANUFACTURING & TRADING CO (PTE) LTD MAYSON BAKERY MBE TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD MCCOY COMPONENTS PTE LTD MCGILL BROS. ENTERPRISE M-COM ASIA PTE LTD MD PHARMACEUTICALS PTE LTD MEA ENVIRONMENT (ASIA PACIFIC) PTE LTD MEDIACORP PRESS LTD MEDIACORP PTE LTD MEDIACTIVE PTE LTD MEDIC MARKETING PTE LTD MEDIPEARL PTE LTD MEDIPHARM PTE LTD MEDIPURPOSE PTE LTD MEDIQUEST PTE LTD MEDTRONIC INTERNATIONAL LTD MEE SENG HANG PTE LTD MEGACHEM LIMITED MEI SHU & CO PTE LTD MEIBAN INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD MEIDI-YA SINGAPORE CO (PTE) LTD MEIJI SEIKA (S) PTE LTD MELLON COMMERCIAL PTE LTD MEMOLIFE PTE LTD MENCAST MARINE PTE LTD MENG CHONG FOODSTUFFS PTE LTD MENG CHUAN FOOD MFG PTE LTD MENG KIANG GARMENTS PTE LTD MENG LEE SHIRT CO MENLE JOSS STICK MANUFACTURER & TRADERS MENLO WORLDWIDE ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD MENLON AGENCY PTE LTD MENSHEN PACKAGING SINGAPORE PTE LTD MERCURY CHEMICALS PTE LTD MERITUS MANDARIN SINGAPORE MESSE DUSSELDORF ASIA PTE LTD METALPLAS ENGINEERING PTE LTD METAX ENGINEERING CORPORATION PTE LTD METRO (PTE) LTD Our Members METRO PLASTIC INDUSTRY PTE LTD METROHM SINGAPORE PTE LTD M’EXIM SINGAPORE PTE LTD MEXUS SINGAPORE PTE LTD MICROWAVE PACKAGING (S) PTE LTD MIDOM INDUSTRIES PTE LTD MI-GAN HONG KONG WIFE CAKE MILLENIUM 3 BUILDING PRODUCTS PTE LTD MIN CHEONG PORCELAIN WARE CO PL MIN HIANG FOOD PTE LTD MINA TRADING PTE LTD MING SAY INDUSTRY CO PTE LTD MINLY TIMBER CORPORATION MINNTECH ASIA/PACIFIC PTE LTD MITSUI CHEMICALS ASIA PACIFIC, LTD MITSUI ELASTOMERS SINGAPORE PTE LTD MITSUI PHENOLS SINGAPORE PTE LTD MIZKAN ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD MJ PRECISION TOOLS PTE LTD MMC MANUFACTURING PTE LTD MMI ASIA PTE LTD MOBICON-REMOTE ELECTRONIC PTE LTD MODERN INNO MARKETING MOET HENNESSY ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD MOET HENNESSY DIAGEO SINGAPORE PTE LTD MOHAMAD ARMIYA FOOD INDUSTRY PTE LTD MOLEAC PTE LTD MOMENTUM PACIFIC PTE LTD MONARCH NATIONAL CO PTE LTD MOONSTONE DISTRIBUTION PTE LTD MOORE STEPHENS MOPI PTE LTD MORNING SUN FOODSTUFF PTE LTD MORRISON EXPRESS LOGISTICS PTE LTD MOTION CONTROLS (S) PTE LTD MOVIELEARN SYSTEMS PTE LTD MOVON SOLUTIONS PTE LTD MP BIOMEDICALS ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD MP INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD MPDV ASIA PTE LTD MSC CONSULTING (S) PTE LTD MTE PTE LTD MUA HIN POULTRY FARM PTE LTD MUAN KEE PROVISION SHOP MUI LIAN SHARK’S FIN CO PTE LTD MULTI SOUND TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD MULTI-CONTACT (SOUTH EAST ASIA) PTE LTD MULTIVIEW (S) PTE LTD MUSIC & MOVEMENT (S) PTE LTD C/O DUA M PTE LTD MW IMPEX PTE LTD MY HEALTHY LIFESTYLE PTE LTD MYCOBIOTECH LTD MYTEK TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD N & N AGRICULTURE PTE LTD NAI FONG FOODSTUFF TRADING NAINA MOHAMED & SONS PTE LTD NAM HUAT LEE GINSENG TONIC NAM LEONG COMPANY PTE LTD NAM WAN TEA CO PTE LTD NANYANG SAUCE FACTORY (PTE ) LTD NARADA ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD NASPAC MARKETING PTE LTD NATIONAL ELECTRICAL TRADERS NATIONAL STARCH PTE LTD NATURAL FUEL PTE LTD NATURAL PRINCESS PTE LTD NATURE’S FARM PTE LTD NATURE’S GLORY PTE LTD NATURO HEALTH INTERNATIONAL NATUROPATH HEALTH & BEAUTY PTE LTD NATUZI TRADING PTE LTD NCC DISTRIBUTION WORLDWIDE PTE LTD NCE ELECTRICAL (S) PTE LTD NEC ASIA PTE LTD NEOI TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD NEOTEC MEDICAL INDUSTIES PTE LTD NESTLE R&D CENTER (PTE) LTD NETHLER MARKETING PTE LTD NETPOLEON SOLUTIONS PTE LTD NETWORK & TELECOMMUNICATION, TECHNOLOGIES NETWORK FOODS DISTRIBUTION NEUCOR HOLDINGS PTE LTD NEURON INNOCEUTICALS PTE LTD NEUTRI CARE PTE LTD NEVILLE CLARKE SINGAPORE PTE LTD NEW ALSAN TRADING NEW ASIA RECORDS PTE LTD NEW ATOMTECH PTE LTD NEW ERA ENTERTAINMENT PTE LTD NEW GLOBAL WATERTECH PTE LTD NEW URBAN PTE LTD NEW WORLD HOME CARE PTE LTD NEW YORK CITY BAGEL FACTORY PTE LTD NEWBORN MARKETING PTE LTD NEWLONG SINGAPORE PTE LTD NEWSTART HEALTH FOOD PTE LTD NEWSTATE STENHOUSE (S) PTE LTD NEX-G SYSTEMS PTE LTD NEXPHASE INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD NFOOD INDUSTRY PTE LTD NG AH SIO PTE LTD NG AI MUSLIM POULTRY INDS PTE LTD NG CHEE LEE (PTE) LTD NG NAM BEE MARKETING PTE LTD NGK MACHINE TOOLS (S) PTE LTD NGO CHEW HONG EDIBLE OIL PTE LTD SMa Annual Report 2009 123 Our Members NICLAS INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD NICO-NICO FOODS (S) PTE LTD NIKS PROFESSIONAL PTE LTD NIMS PTE LTD NIN JIOM NATURAL HERB R&D INSITUTE PTE LTD NIP ASIA PTE LTD NIPPECRAFT LTD NIPPON PAINT SINGAPORE CO PTE LTD NIPPON-INK PTE LTD NITTI (ASIA) PTE LTD NKH FLUID ENGINEERING PTE LTD NL PACIFIC TRADER NOAH’S CREATIONS PTE LTD NOBLE ADVANCE PTE LTD NORGREN PTE LTD NORR SYSTEMS PTE LTD NORSIDAH FOOD INDUSTRIES NORVA (S.E.A.) PTE LTD NOVA MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT PTE LTD NOVARTIS (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD NOVATECH RESOURCES PTE LTD NSL CHEMICALS LTD NTUC FAIRPRICE CO-OPERATIVE LTD NTUC FOODFARE CO-OPERATIVE NUTRAWORLD PTE LTD O MUSTAD & SON PTE LTD O. MUSTAD & SON PTE LTD OBJECTIFS FILMS PTE LTD OCE (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD OCEAN HEALTHCARE (S) PTE LTD OCEAN MARKETING AGENCY PTE LTD OCEANTRADE FOODS PTE LTD OCEANUS FOOD GROUP PTE LTD OCEANWIDE FROZEN FOOD PTE LTD OCULUS PTE LTD ODEX PTE LTD ODYSSEY MARITIME PTE LTD OE MANUFACTURING PTE LTD OH AIK GUAN FOOD INDUSTRIAL PTE LTD OH CHIN HING SESAME OIL FACTORY OH GUAN HING SESAME OIL FTY PTE LTD OH HOCK HIN SESAME OIL FTY OH HUAT HIN OH TAU TEE PIGS TRADING ENTERPRISE OILFIELD SERVICES & SUPPLIES PTE LTD OILTANKING ODFJELL TERMINAL SINGAPORE PTE LTD OISHI INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD OKADA ECOTECH PTE LTD OKEANOS TRADING CO OKURA FLEXIBLE AUTOMATION SYSTEMS PTE LTD OLAM INTERNATIONAL LTD OLD PENG HIANG FOOD TRADING OLIVEGREEN MARKETING 124 SMa Annual Report 2009 OLYMPUS SINGAPORE PTE LTD OMG SINGAPORE PTE LTD OMNI UNITED (S) PTE LTD OMRON ELECTRONICS PTE LTD ONDORI PTE LTD ONG JOO JOO FOOD INDUSTRIES PTE LTD ONG YEW LEE FARM IMPORTERS & EXPORTERS ONHOCK PROVISION COMPANY ONPRESS PRINTED CIRCUITS (S) PTE LTD OPTICAL GAGING (S) PTE LTD OPTIMAL MEDICAL PRODUCTS PTE LTD OPTIMUS SPORTS PTE LTD OPTION GIFT PTE LTD OPTO-PHARM PTE LTD OPUS PRECISION INSTRUMENTS PTE LTD ORACLE CORPORATION SINGAPORE PTE LTD ORAPI APPLIED (S) PTE LTD ORIENT FOODS PTE LTD ORIENT PACKAGING PTE LTD ORIENTAL AQUARIUM (S) PTE LTD ORIENTAL METALS PTE. LIMITED ORIGIN ASSOCIATES PTE LTD ORIGIN DESTINY INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD ORIGIN ENTERTAINMENT PTE LTD ORIGIN EXTERMINATORS PTE LTD ORIGINS HEALTHCARE PTE LTD OSIM INTERNATIONAL LTD OTF AQUARIUM FARM OTTO WASTE SYSTEMS (S) PTE LTD OWL INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD PACIFIC PACKAGING (F.E.) PTE LTD PACKAGERS PTE LTD PACLIN OFFICE PRODUCTS PTE LTD PACNET INTERNET (S) LTD PALL FILTRATION PTE LTD PALLADINE TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD PALTECH MARKETING AND SUPPLIES PAN OCEAN SINGAPORE PTE LTD PAN SEAS ENTERPRISES PTE LTD PANASONIC CORPORATION PANCOM PRODUCE PTE LTD PANPAC EDUCATION PTE LTD PANPAC MEDIA PTE LTD PANSING DISTRIBUTION SDN BND PANSTAR HOLDINGS (S) PTE LTD PANTERN PTE LTD PANYASINGHA SPORTS & TRADING CO PAPERCLIP COMMUNICATIONS PTE LTD PARADIGM INFINITUM PTE LTD PARAGON TRADERS PTE LTD PARAMETRIC TECHNOLOGY SINGAPORE PTE LTD PARK FOOD MANUFACTURING PTE LTD PARTY JUNCTION Our Members PASSION MARKETING PTE LTD PATENT ENGINEERING CO PTE LTD PAW MARX PAXAR (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD PAYAN INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD PD SCIENTIFIC PTE LTD PEARL ENTERPRISE PEJANDY CORPORATION PTE LTD PELIKAN SINGAPORE PTE LTD PENG WANG FISH PRODUCT PENTEL (S) PTE LTD PENTMET ENGINEERING PTE LTD PEOPLE BEE HOON FACTORY (PTE) LTD PEOPLEQUOTIENT PTE LTD PERFECT CHEMICAL TRADING PTE LTD PERFORMANCE OIL PTE LTD PERSONNEL & ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT (PTE) LTD PERSTORP SINGAPORE PTE LTD PESKO ENGINEERING PTE LTD PESTA MARKETING PTE LTD PETHOUSE SUPPLIES PTE LTD PETRA FOODS LTD PETRA SIME MARKETING PTE LTD PETS’ STATION HOLDING PTE LTD PFE TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD PFP SINGAPORE PTE LTD PHARMACEUTICAL HOUSE PTE LTD PHARMACON (PTE) LTD PHARMAFORTE SINGAPORE PTE LTD PHILIP MORRIS SINGAPORE PTE LTD PHILIPS ELECTRONICS SINGAPORE PTE LTD PHILVANE ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD PHOON HUAT & CO PTE LTD PHOTO-ETCH (S) PTE LTD PHUKOM INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD PIC TECHNOLOGY LLP PIGEON SINGAPORE PTE LTD PIN CORPORATION PTE LTD PINGPONG FOODS PTE LTD PINKI BERRI PTE LTD PISCEAN HOLDINGS PTE LTD PLANET ASIA PTE LTD PLAY IMAGINATIVE PTE LTD PLAY N LEARN PTE LTD PLC INDUSTRIES PTE LTD PLDT (SG) RETAIL SERVICE PTE LTD PND HARDWARE & TRADING PTE LTD PNR ENGINEERING PTE LTD POH POH MANUFACTURING PTE LTD POH SOO TRADING CO POH TECK TRADING POH TIONG CHOON LOGISTICS LIMITED POKKA SALES AND MARKETING PTE LTD POLAR PUFFS & CAKES PTE LTD POLY NATURAL HEALTH PROCESS PTE LTD POLYCORE LAB SERVICES (S) PTE LTD POMEFRESH PTE LTD POO LEE TRADING PTE LTD POPULAR BOOK CO (PTE) LTD POPULAR SPORTS TRADING CO POSTWORX INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD POWER SALES CORPORATION POWER-PACK INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD PRACBIZ PTE LTD PRACTICAL MEDISCIENCE PTE LTD PRECISION VALVE SINGAPORE (PTE) LTD PRENCEPAK PTE LTD PRESTIGE AUSTRALIA (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD PRESTIGE COMPANY PROCARRE INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD PROCTER & GAMBLE (S) PTE LTD PROCTER & GAMBLE (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD PRODUCT & PRODUCE PTE LTD PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS PTE LTD PROGRESS HEALTHCARE PTE LTD PROGRESSIVE COMPONENTS (ASIA) PTE LTD PSB TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD PSC CORPORATION LTD PT ADYABOGA PRANATA INDUSTRIES PT AORTA PT ASIANAGRO AGUNGJAYA PT ASIASEJAHTERA PERDANA PHARMACEUTICAL PT AUSTRALIA INDONESIAN MILK INDUSTRIES PT BALI HAI BREWERY INDONESIA PT BUKIT MANIKAM SAKTI PT INDOCEMENT TUNGGAL PRAKARSA PT INT’L CHEMICAL INDUSTRIAL CO LTD PT JOENOES IKAMULYA PT KHONG GUAN BISCUIT FACTORY INDONESIA C/O WAVE ENT PT MAYORA INDAH PT MUSIM MAS C/O MEGA WORLD P/L PT SEMESTA RASAFOODS PT SENG FONG MOULDING PERKASA C/O SF RESOURCES MARKETING PTE LTD PT SIANTAR TOP INDUSTRI PT SURYAMAS MENTARI PT TEMPO NAGADI PT TIGARAKSA SATRIA PT UNION CONFECTIONERY LTD PT UNITAMA SARI MAS PUA LOONG TRADING & CO PURE HERBAL REMEDIES PTE LTD PURELAND INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD PURIFIER & DISPENSER INDUSTRY PTE LTD Q.B. FOOD TRADING PTE LTD SMa Annual Report 2009 125 Our Members Q.B.B. (PTE.) LTD Q.F. INTERNATIONAL MARKETING P/L QAD SINGAPORE PTE LTD QIOPTIQ IMAGING SOLUTIONS QOOL LABS PTE LTD QT2 PTE LTD QUALIFIED LEARNING SYSTEMS (S) P/L QUALITEK SINGAPORE PTE LTD QUALITY PLUS FOOD PTE LTD QUIX PTE LTD R J LONDON CHEMICAL (S) PTE LTD RAAZ ENTERPRISES PTE LTD RADHA EXPORTS PTE LTD RAFFEMET PTE LTD RAFFLES HEALTH PTE LTD RAIN TREE MEDICAL RAINBOW FISH INDUSTRIES PTE LTD RAION & LION INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD RAJ FOOD INDUSTRIES (S) PTE LTD RANGER TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD RANSON PTE LTD RAPIDSTART PTE LTD RAY TOBACCO INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD RAYCO TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD RAY-DA INTERNATIONAL RAYNET TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD RAZER (ASIA-PACIFIC) PTE LTD RBS COUTTS BANK LTD RC HOTELS (PTE) LTD - SWISSOTEL REASON TRADING REBORNE PTE LTD RECKITT BENCKISER (S) PTE LTD RED LEAF STATIONERY PTE LTD RED LIPS FOODS RED ROSE & CO PTE LTD RED SUN SINGAPORE PTE LTD REDINA TRADING PTE LTD REDTEC INDUSTRIES PTE LTD REFLECT TRADING REFLEX PACKAGING (S) PTE LTD REGENT OIL & FOODSTUFFS (1990) P/L REHAB ASIA PTE LTD REIN BIOTECH SERVICES PTE LTD RELIABLE INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD RENEWE PTE LTD REPLAY INTERACTIVE PTE LTD REPUBLIC POLYTECHNIC RESORTS WORLD AT SENTOSA PTE LTD RETAIL ESSENTIALS ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD RH INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD RHB BANK BERHAD RICE WORLD PTE LTD RICHEE ENGINEERING ENTERPRISE PTE LTD 126 SMa Annual Report 2009 RICHEM MANUFACTURING PTE LTD RICMAS INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD RICON PTE LTD RINCO BONINGTON (S) PTE LTD RISIS PTE LTD RITCHMEN (S) PTE LTD RITE-LINK MARKETING PTE LTD RITZ HUTCHISON PTE LTD ROBECO TRADING PTE LTD ROBUST & LIFE COMPACT PTE LTD ROCHE (S) PTE LTD ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD ROCK INTERNATIONAL (S) PTE LTD ROCK RECORDS (S) PTE LTD ROCKEBY BIOMED (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD RODYK & DAVISION ROHDE & SCHWARZ SYSTEMS & COMMUNICATIONS ASIA PTE LTD ROHMAX ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD RONG TAI INVESTMENT PTE LTD ROOTS TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD - PETS DIVISION ROTOR HOBBY ENTERPRISES PTE LTD ROYAL ASIA PUBLISHING ROYAL BANK OF CANADA (ASIA) LIMITED ROYAL FOODS PTE LTD RUDI’S FINE FOOD PTE LTD RUHLMANN PTE LTD RUI-LUNG ENTERPRISE PTE LTD S C JOHNSON & SON PTE LTD S&N INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD S. J. LOW BROS & CO PTE LTD S.L.T. 65.8.9 EVERYDAY CARE S.M. FOOD MANUFACTURER S.M.S MOHAMED SABI FOOD INDUSTRIES (S) PTE LTD SABLI FOOD INDUSTRIES (B) SDN BHD SABRE IMPEX PTE LTD SAFE FOIL MANUFACTURING PTE LTD SAGA FOODSTUFFS MFG PTE LTD SAMCOM ELECTRONICS PTE LTD SAN SENG CO (PTE) LTD SAN SENG NATIONAL PLASTIC PTE LTD SAN SESAN CO SANG CHOW WONG FOODSTUFF PTE LTD SANITON CERAMIC PTE LTD SANITRON INDUSTRIES PTE LTD SANKYU (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD SANOFI-AVENTIS SINGAPORE PTE LTD SANSHO COSMETICS INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD SANYO ASIA PTE LTD SANZ PTE LTD SAP ASIA PTE LTD SARA LEE SINGAPORE PTE LTD Our Members SARAVANA STORES PTE LTD SARI SEDAP SINGAPORE PTE LTD SARIKA MANUFACTURING SINGAPORE P/L SARIR INTERNATIONAL (S) PTE LTD SARTORIUS MECHATRONICS SINGAPORE PTE LTD SAS INSTITUTE PTE LTD SATCO F&B INTERNATIONAL (S) PTE LTD SATOYU TRADING PTE LTD SAVCO INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD SAYEED MUHAMMAD & SONS TRADERS PTE LTD SC (SANG CHOY) INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD SCA PACKAGING ASIA SINGAPORE PTE LTD SCANDINAVIA WAREHOUSES PTE LTD SCANDINAVIAN BEDDING INDUSTRIES PTE LTD SCANORIENT PTE LTD SCHENKER SINGAPORE (PTE) LTD SCHLEGEL ELEKTROKONTAKT CO (FE) PTE LTD SCHLOETTER ASIA PTE LTD SCHMIDT ELECTRONICS (S.E.A) PTE LTD SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC LOGISTICS ASIA PTE LTD SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SINGAPORE PTE LTD SCHULKE & MAYR (ASIA) PTE LTD SCHWABE PHARMA ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD SCIENCE ARTS CO PTE LTD SCIENTIFIC & INDUSTRIAL INSTRUMENTATION PTE LTD SCIENTIFIC TRADITION PTE LTD SCIGEN LTD SCIMED (ASIA) PTE LTD SCITECH MEDICAL PRODUCTS PTE LTD SCORPIO EAST ENTERTAINMENT PTE LTD SCREENBOX PTE LTD SCT GLOBAL PTE LTD SCT HOLDINGS ELECTRICAL PTE LTD SEA AND LAND TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD SEA GULL TRADING PTE LTD SEA UNION S L PTE LTD SEACAD TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD SEACOM MARINE ENGINEERING PTE LTD SEAGER INC PTE LTD SEAGIFT FOOD PTE LTD SEAH SOO CHEE X’MAS DECORATION MFR PTE LTD SEAH’S SPICES FOOD INDUSTRIES PTE LTD SEAL CONTROL PTE LTD SEAL MAKER TUFFI PTE LTD SEALED AIR (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD SEAWAVES FROZEN FOOD PTE LTD SEE CHEONG & COMPANY SEE HOY CHAN (1988) PTE LTD SEERPHARMA (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD SEFAR SINGAPORE PTE LTD SELLERY TOOLS PTE LTD SELVI MILLS SEMBCORP INDUSTRIES LTD SEMBCORP PARKS MANAGEMENT PTE LTD SENG CHOON FARM PTE LTD SENG HONG CO (PTE) LTD SENG HUA HNG FOODSTUFF PTE LTD SENG HWA TRADING PTE LTD SENG KHEONG INDUSTRY COMPANY SENG LEE TOBACCO FACTORY (PTE) LTD SENOKO ENERGY SUPPLY PTE LTD SEO ENG JOO FROZEN FOOD PTE LTD SEOW GUAN CO PTE LTD SEOW KHIM POLYTHELENE CO SETSCO SERVICES PTE LTD SEVENOAKS WINES S-GLOO MARKETING SGN PTE LTD SGS TESTING & CONTROL SERVICES SINGAPORE PTE LTD SHAIKH & BROTHERS TRADING SHANGHAI FACHEE MEDICAL HALL SHANGHAI LIUN HOO CO PTE LTD SHAO TONG CHUAN VEGETARIAN FOODS MFG (SG) PTE LTD SHAWN HOLDING (S) PTE LTD SHEEN SUPPLY SHEERBLU ENTERPRISE SHELL EASTERN PETROLEUM (PTE) LTD SHENG SIONG SUPERMARKET PTE LTD SHENG TAI TOYS PTE LTD SHEVRON PTE LTD SHI CHENG SHI PING GONG YING SHI HONG ENTERPRISE PTE LTD SHINNORIE PTE LTD SHOOK LIN & BOK SHOPPING BAG (S) PTE LTD SHOWY PRIVATE LIMITED SHOWY PTE LTD SHRIRO (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD SHUANG SHOU TRADING SIA HUAT PTE LTD SIAC PTE LTD SIAM FOOD PTE LTD SIANG MAY PTE LTD SIANG POH WANG FOOD INDUSTRIES P/L SICK OPTIC-ELECTRONIC PTE LTD SIEM TRADING PTE LTD SIEMENS PRODUCT LIFECYCLE MGMT SOFTWARE (SG) P/L SIJI TRADING PTE LTD SILIS PTE LTD SILKEN COSMETICS SIM WEE SIANG SIMNEX MARKETING PTE LTD SIMONSVOSS SECURITY TECHNOLOGIES (ASIA) PTE LTD SIMPLY FUN PTE LTD SIN BEE KWONG SIN HENG CHAN PTE LTD SMa Annual Report 2009 127 Our Members SIN HIAP CHUAN HARDWARE & ENGINEERING PTE LTD SIN HOE CO (PTE) LTD SIN HUAT KEE FOOD MFR TRADING P/L SIN HUP HUAT SEASAME OIL SIN HWA DEE FOODSTUFF INDUSTRIES PTE LTD SIN LEE STATIONERY PLASTIC CO P/L SIN LEE STATIONERY PLASTIC COMPANY PTE LTD SIN LI HIN FROZEN FOOD PTE LTD SIN LIAN SENG BOLTS & NUTS PTE LTD SIN MUI HENG FOOD INDUSTRIES PTE LTD SIN SOON LEE DEVELOPMENT LTD SIN SWEE KEE RESTAURANT SIN TONG KOK MEDICAL & DEPARTMENTAL PTE LTD SIN WAH THONG LIQUOR CO PTE LTD SINCERE FOOD INDUSTRIAL SINDOR HEALTHCARE PTE LTD SING KEE KAYA SING LONG FOODSTUFF TRADING COMPANY PL SING TEE TRADING CO (PTE) LTD SING TSU FANG PTE LTD SINGA INTERNATIONAL LTD C/O SOHANS EMPORIUM PTE LTD SINGA PALACE BIRD’S NEST TRADING PTE LTD SINGAPORE ACRYLIC PTE LTD SINGAPORE AGENCY HOUSE PTE LTD SINGAPORE AROWANA BREEDING FARM SINGAPORE CABLE CAR (PTE) LTD SINGAPORE CABLES MANUFACTURERS PTE LTD SINGAPORE COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT CO PTE LTD SINGAPORE COMPUTER SYSTEMS LIMITED SINGAPORE DAITO ENGINEERING (PTE) LTD SINGAPORE DHK HEALTH PRODUCTS PTE LTD SINGAPORE EXHIBITION SERVICES PTE LTD SINGAPORE FOOD DELIGHT MANUFACTURER PL SINGAPORE FOOD INDUSTRIES (PTE) LTD SINGAPORE FURNITURE INDUSTRIES COUNCIL SINGAPORE HORTI-FLORA SINGAPORE HOUTEN PTE LTD SINGAPORE INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS SINGAPORE MANUFACTURERS’ FEDERATION SINGAPORE OIL SPILL RESPONSE CENTRE PTE LTD SINGAPORE OXYGEN AIR LIQUIDE PL SINGAPORE PHARMACEUTICAL PTE LTD SINGAPORE POOLS (PRIVATE) LIMITED SINGAPORE POST LIMITED SINGAPORE PRESS HOLDINGS LTD SINGAPORE SURFACE FINISHING SOCIETY SINGAPORE TELECOMMUNICATIONS LIMITED SINGAPORE TEST SERVICES PTE LTD SINGAPOREAN GERMAN CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE SINGAPURA FINANCE LTD SINGARICH PTE LTD 128 SMa Annual Report 2009 SINGATEX GLOVES PTE LTD SINGCO (PRIVATE) LTD SING-GIUM INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD SINGH PAL CO SINGTAI PLASTIC INDUSTRIES (PTE) LTD SINGU MEDIA PTE LTD SINHUA HOCK KEE TRADING (S) PTE LTD SINKO KIAN HUAT (PTE) LTD SINMA MEDICAL PRODUCTS (S) PTE LTD SINMAH POULTRY PROCESSING (S) P/L SINO-AMERICA TOURS CORPORATION PTE LTD SINOSE MARITIME PTE LTD SINSENMOH TRANSPORTATION PTE LTD SINSIN JAM MANUFACTURING PTE LTD SINTEX NYLON & COTTON PRODUCTS P/L SIONG BEE INDUSTRIES PTE LTD SIOW CHIANG & CO PTE LTD SIS’88 PTE LTD SJ MANUFACTURING (2003) PTE LTD SKM LUGGAGE INDUSTRIES PTE LTD SKY HOLDING PTE LTD SKY TIME HUP KEE FOOD TRADING SL GLOBAL PTE LTD SLIX TECH PTE LTD SMH MARKETING PTE LTD SMIT SINGAPORE PTE LTD SMITH & NEPHEW PTE LIMITED SNG ARMS CAMPING HOLDINGS PTE LTD SNOWHITE PRODUCTS ENTERPRISES SNR SYSTEM PTE LTD SOAP VALLEY SOLIDHEAT INDUSTRIES PTE LTD SONG KEE STATIONERY CO SONG-CHO (IMP & EXP) PTE LTD SONOMA ENTERPRISE PTE LTD SOON HUAT MARINE PRODUCT TRADING SOON LIAN HARDWARE (PTE) LTD SOON SENG HUAT (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD SOONLY FOOD PROCESSING INDS P/L SOSS ASIA PTE LTD SOURCEBYNET PTE LTD SOURCELINK PHARMA PTE LTD SOUTH EAST METAL INDUSTRIES PTE LTD SOUTH EAST SEAFOOD PRODUCT SOUTH ISLAND PAPER CUPS MANUFACTURING COMPANY SOUTH VALLEY ENTERPRISE LIMITED SOUTHERN GATE ENTERPRISES SP CONSULTING (INTERNATIONAL) PTE LTD SPA ASIA MEDIA PTE LTD SPA BOTANICA PTE LTD SPA2407 PRODUCTS SPARCO PAINTS (S) PTE LTD Our Members SPARTAN SYSTEM (S) PTE LTD SPECIAL PIPING MATERIALS (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD SPECTRUM INGREDIENTS PTE LTD SPH MAGAZINES PTE LTD SPINN PRIVATE LIMITED SPLENDOUR CORPORATION PTE LTD SPORTS & FOOTWEAR (ASIA) PTE LTD SPORTS CONNECTION PTE LTD SPORTS EQUIPMENT HOLDINGS PTE LTD SPORTS PARTHERSHIP PTE LTD SPOT MANAGEMENT SERVICES PTE LTD SPRING OCEAN FOOD SUPPLIES - (HALAL) SPRINT-CASS PTE LTD SRI VINAYAKA EXPORTS PTE LTD SRI VINAYAKA TRADING PTE LTD SSB CRYOGENIC EQUIPMENT PTE LTD ST ELECTRONICS (INFO-SECURITY) PTE LTD ST LOGITRACK PTE LTD ST MUSIC WORLD PTE LTD STA DETROIT DIESEL-ALLISON (S) PTE LTD STAEDTLER SINGAPORE PTE LTD STANDARD CHARTERED BANK STANDARD STATIONERY PTE LTD STAR CHEMICAL MANUFACTURERS PTE LTD STAR CORPORATION PTE LTD STAR UNION ENGINEERING PTE LTD STARGEK PTE LTD STARHUB LIMITED STARSWINGS CORPORATION PTE LTD STARVISION INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD STARWHIZ MANAGEMENT COMPANY PTE LTD STELKRAFT PTE LTD STET INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD STIKFAS PTE LTD STINIS SINGAPORE PTE LTD STO SEA PTE LTD STORE + DELIVER + LOGISTICS PTE LTD STRAIT APPROACH PTE LTD STRAITS TOBACCO INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD STREAM PEAK INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD STRONTIUM TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD STYLENET ENTERPRISE PTE LTD SUEHIRO ENGINEERING PTE LTD SULTAN BURGER ENTERPRISE (PTE) LTD SUMAJIN SUMBER MAS CONFECTIONERY SUMITOMO CHEMICAL ASIA PTE LTD SUMITOMO SEIKA SINGAPORE PTE LTD SUMMERFRESH ENTERPRISE SUMMIT CO (S) PTE LTD SUN ACE KAKOH (PTE) LTD SUN CITY MAINTENANCE PTE LTD SUN KEE (PTE) LTD SUN LIM GARDEN FOODSTUFFS PTE LTD SUN SWEET ENTERPRISE SUNFRESH SINGAPORE PTE LTD SunMoon Distribution & Trading Pte Ltd SUNNY METAL & ENGINEERING PTE LTD SUNRIDER SINGAPORE MANUFACTURING PTE LTD SUNRISE & CO PTE LTD SUNRISE CHEMICAL ENTERPRISE SUNSHING MARKETING PTE LTD SUNVISION MARKETING PTE LTD SUNWARD PHARMACEUTICAL PTE LTD SUPER COFFEE CORPORATION PTE LTD SUPERCONTINENTAL PTE LTD SUPER DRY INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD SUPER GALVANISING PTE LTD SUPER GOLD MASALA PICKLES SUPER MEGAHITS PTE LTD SUPER Q INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD SUPERCRAFT SINGAPORE PTE LTD SUPERIOR LINK MARKETING SUPERSKILLS GRAPHICS PTE LTD SUPERTRON (S) PTE LTD SUPERVALU PTE LTD SUPMAR PTE LTD SUPREME LION MARKETING PTE LTD SURE MARK INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD SUTL CORPORATION PRIVATE LIMITED SWECO ASIA SWEE HIN TRADING PTE LTD SWEE HOCK FOODSTUFF PROVISION CO SWEE HUAT HENG ENGINEERING PTE LTD SWIFTEC MANUFACTURING PTE LTD SWISS BUTCHERY PTE LTD SWISS SEAH DEPARTMENT STORE SWISSCO PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES SYNERGIX TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD SYNERGRAPHIC DESIGN PTE LTD SYNTAX OLEVIA (FAR EAST) PTE LTD SYS-MAC AUTOMATION ENGINEERING PTE LTD SYY PTE LTD T & T INDUSTRIES PTE LTD T SPECIALIST INTERNATIONAL (S) P/L T&L PRODUCTS PTE LTD T.C. HOMEPLUS T.G. KIAT & CO (PTE) LTD T.H. INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD T.H.G. (IMPORT & EXPORT) PTE LTD T.S.S. DEVELOPMENT PTE LTD TACAM STEEL PTE LTD TACT CHEMIE S.E.A. PTE LTD TAGGO PTE LTD TAHO ENTERPRISE PTE LTD TAI ANN NOODLE FACTORY SMa Annual Report 2009 129 Our Members TAI HUA FOOD INDUSTRIES PTE LTD TAI JI HEALTH CARE CENTRE TAI PENG GARMENT PTE LTD TAI SAY (IMP & EXP) PTE LTD TAI SING CORPN (PTE) LTD TAI THONG FOOD MFG PTE LTD TAI THONG WINE TRADERS (PTE) LTD TAI TONG AH CO (PTE) LTD TAI TUNG HONG PTE LTD TAI WAH DISTRIBUTORS PTE LTD TAI YANG HONG HEALTHY PRODUCTS P/L TAIKO NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS PTE LTD TAIME PTE LTD TAIPEI INDUSTRIES PTE LTD TAISIN PAPER (S) PTE LTD TAJ AUTHENTIC INDIAN CUISINE PTE LTD TAN BROTHER ELECTRICAL CORPORATION PTE LTD TAN CHIANG HAK TAN HENG LEE CO PTE LTD TAN SENG KEE FOODS PTE LTD TAN SOON MUI FOOD INDUSTRIES TAN YEOW HENG PTE LTD TANTRACO ENTERPRISE PTE LTD TASTY MEAT PRODUCT PTE LTD TASTYFOOD INDUSTRIES (S) PTE LTD TAT HUI FOODS PTE LTD TAT PETROLEUM PTE LTD TAY CHOON MONG AGENCY TAY MIANG HUAT PTE LTD TAYLOR STANLEY (S) PTE LTD TC IMPORT & EXPORT PTE LTD TDF FOOD PTE LTD TDF TRADING TDK-LAMBDA SINGAPORE PTE LTD TEA WELL TECHCO (PRIVATE) LIMITED TECHCOMP (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD TECHNOCHEM ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLEX PTE LTD TECHNOLOGIES & SYSTEMS RESEARCH PTE LTD TECHPRO ELECTRONICS PTE LTD TEC-HUB PTE LTD TECK AIK KEE PTE LTD TECK HUAT & CO PTE LTD TECK SANG PTE LTD TECO ELECTRIC & MACHINERY (PTE) LTD TECSIA LUBRICANTS PTE LTD TECTURA (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD TEE HAI CHEM PTE LTD TEE SOON SENG TRADING TEE YIH JIA FOOD MFG PTE LTD TEENI ENTERPRISES PTE LTD TEESIN MACHINERY (PTE) LTD TEHO ROPES & SUPPLIES PTE LTD 130 SMa Annual Report 2009 TELAHIN ENTERPRISES PTE LTD TELASIA SYMTONIC PTE LTD TEMPERATURE SENSORS SERVICES PTE LTD TENG GUAN FOOD INDUSTRIES PTE LTD TENSAI PTE LTD TEO SOON SENG PTE LTD TEO SOON SENG WHOLESALE PTE LTD TERAOKA WEIGH SYSTEM PTE LTD TERENE SEOW AGENCY PTE LTD TERUMO CORPORATION (SINGAPORE BRANCH) TESTEL SOLUTIONS PTE LTD TEXAS INSTRUMENTS MALAYSIA SDN BND THAI SING FOODSTUFFS INDUSTRY P/L THE 1872 CLIPPER TEA CO PTE LTD THE ASIAN FOOD FACTORY PTE LTD THE BEAUTY NATION PTE LTD THE BEN MASTER MARKETING THE CHEMICAL CORPORATION OF S’PORE (PTE) LTD THE EDGE PUBLISHING PTE LTD THE EXPAT GROUP PTE LTD THE FREEDOM RANGE COMPANY HOLDINGS LLP THE GOLDEN LEAF TREE PTE LTD THE GRAND ICON COMPANY PTE LTD THE HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION LIMITED THE IN CULTURE PTE LTD THE MEDIA CAMPUS.COM PTE LTD THE MOVING VISUALS CO PTE LTD THE NATURAL PRODUCT ENTERPRISE PTE LTD THE PAN PACIFIC HOTEL SINGAPORE THE SHELTER COMPANY PTE LTD THE SINGAPORE MINT THE SLG TRADING THE SUKHA HOUSE PTE LTD THE WELLNESS GROUP PTE LTD THE WINE REVIEW THERMOFROST METAL ENGINEERING (PTE) LTD THERN DA SEAFOOD PTE LTD THESEAFOODCOMPANY PTE LTD THINK AND LEARN PTE LTD THOMAS & GREEN PTE LTD THOMSON ASIA PACIFIC HOLDINGS PTE LTD THOMSON HERITAGE PTE LTD THONG CHEW FOOD INDUSTRIES PTE LTD THONG HIN TRADING THONG ON INDUSTRIES PTE LTD THREE BEAUTIES OF LONDON PTE LTD THREE BOND SINGAPORE PTE LTD THREE STARS UMBRELLA FACTORY THUNDER STAR INTERNATIONAL THYE SHAN MEDICAL HALL PTE LTD THYGRACE MARKETING TIAN RAN VEGETARIAN FOOD Our Members TIEN YUAN CHEMICAL PTE LTD TIERNEY’S TRADING PTE LTD TIGERNIX PTE LTD TIKI INTERNATIONAL ENTERPRISES PTE LTD TIMES PRINTERS PTE LTD TIPEX TRADING PTE LTD TJ SYSTEMS (S) PTE LTD TNS ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD TOBACCO NETWORK TRADERS PTE LTD TODAY GLOBAL DIRECT SALES PUBLICATION (S) PTE LTD TOH FAH YUEN TOH LI FOOD PRODUCTS PTE LTD TOH THYE SAN FARM TONDA PTE LTD TONG GARDEN FOOD (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD TONG HUAT POULTRY PROCESSING FACTORY PL TONG JUM CHEW PTE LTD TONG SENG PRODUCE PTE LTD TONGYU PTE LTD TOP GOURMET FOOD INDUSTRIES PTE LTD TOPCHOICE FOOD INDUSTRIES (S) P/L TOPMARK PTE LTD TOTAL OIL ASIA-PACIFIC PTE LTD TOTAL SOLUTION MARKETING PTE LTD TOTALINK8 PTE LTD TOYO INK PTE LTD TRANS INSTRUMENTS (S) PTE LTD TRANSAM INDUSTRIES PTE LTD TRANSICOM ENGINEERING PTE LTD TRANSITIONS OPTICAL (S) PTE LTD TRANSPAC BIO-MEDICAL PTE LTD TRANSWORLD PUBLICATIONS (S) PTE LTD TRAVELPAC RESOURCES PTE LTD TREK TECHNOLOGY SINGAPORE PTE LTD TRENDSETTERS FASHIONS PTE LTD TRI GATEWAY EXPORTS TRIM SYSTEMS PTE LTD TRINITY APPAREL PTE LTD TRIPLE-O PTE LTD TRI-STAR INDUSTRIES PTE LTD TRIUMPH INTERNATIONAL (S) PTE LTD TROPICAL AEROPONICS (S) PTE LTD TRUE HERITAGE BREW PTE LTD TRUSSCO PTE LTD TRUST TOBACCO SINGAPORE PTE LTD TSH SYNERGY PTE LTD TT INTERNATIONAL LIMITED TTS FOOD INDUSTRIES PTE LTD TUAS POWER SUPPLY PTE LTD TUCK LEE ICE PTE LTD TUNG SHUN PTE LTD TUNGSAN FOOD INDUSTRIES PTE LTD TUNITY TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD TUSCANI (ASIA PACIFIC) PTE LTD TUTTO ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD TUV RHEINLAND SINGAPORE PTE LTD TUV SUD PSB PTE LTD TVDH SINGAPORE PTE LTD TWG TEA COMPANY PTE LTD TWIN FOOD INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD TWO BEST AUTOMATION & COMPUTER PTE LTD TYCO ELECTRONICS SINGAPORE PTE LTD TYCO HEALTHCARE PTE LTD U SAY MARKETING PTE LTD UBS AG UCHINO INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD U-GRADE PAPER PRODUCTS PTE LTD UHP TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD UNDERWATER TECHNOLOGY SERVICES (S) PTE LTD UNISEAL WATERPROOFING PTE LTD UL SINGAPORE PTE LTD ULTRA INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION PTE LTD ULTRAVITE PTE LTD UMW EQUIPMENT & ENGINEERING PTE LTD UNICARE HEALTH PTE LTD UNICELL INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD UNICO FOODSTUFF TRADING UNICORN OIL COMPANY PTE LTD UNICURD FOOD CO PTE LTD UNIFOOD INTERNATIONAL (S) PTE LTD UNIK ENGINEERING (PTE) LTD UNILEVER BESTFOODS SINGAPORE PTE LTD UNILEVER SINGAPORE PTE LTD UNILIB ENTERPRISES PTE LTD UNILINK PHARMACEUTICALS PTE LTD UNILITE CHEMICALS PTE LTD UNIMATEC SINGAPORE PTE LTD UNION BOOK CO PTE LTD UNION CHEMICAL & PHARMACEUTICAL P/L UNISON (I & E) PTE LTD UNISONG PTE LTD UNI-STRONG PTE LTD UNISTRONG TECHNOLOGY (S) PTE LTD UNI-SYNERTICS PTE LTD UNITED CENTRAL ENGINEERING PTE LTD UNITED FOODSTUFF CO UNITED GROUP INFRASTRUCTURE (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD UNITED ITALIAN TRADING CORPN (P) L UNITED OIL COMPANY PTE LTD UNITED OVERSEAS BANK LIMITED UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SINGAPORE PTE LTD UNITED TEXMAC PTE LTD UNITEDNATURE (FAR EAST) PTE LTD UNIVERSAL BROS TRADING CO PTE LTD UNIVERSAL NATURE PTE LTD UNIVERSAL WELLNESS PTE LTD SMa Annual Report 2009 131 Our Members UNUSUAL STUDIO PTE LTD UNZA ASIA-PACIFIC URA CAR PARKS DIVISION URAH RESOURCES PTE LTD URC FOODS (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD UTOPIA-AIRE PTE LTD V ONE MUTIMEDIA PTE LTD VALLE VERDE PTE LTD VALOUR PETS VALRACK FAR EAST PTE LTD VAN LEEUWEN PIPE AND TUBE (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD Vance Chemicals Pte Ltd VANGUARD FIRE SYSTEMS PTE LTD VANSIN TRADING & ENGINEERING PTE LTD VEGA FOODS PTE LTD VENDERMAC PTE LTD VERDANT ECOLOGIC PTE LTD VERNICA ENTERPRISE VGS TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD VIGNES COLLECTIONS VINCENT DISTRIBUTION COMPANY VINCI PTE LTD VISMARK FOOD INDUSTRIES VIZON (S) PTE LTD VOPAK TERMINALS SINGAPORE PTE LTD VOTG TANKTAINER ASIA PTE LTD W STAR CORPORATION PTE LTD W&P MARKETING ENTERPRISES W.ATELIER INDUSTRIES PTE LTD W.R. GRACE (SINGPAPORE) PTE LTD WAH HONG COMPANY WAH JOO SENG INTERNATIONAL TRADING PTE LTD WAH TECK PTE LTD WAH THONG CO PTE LTD WAI YUEN TONG (SINGAPORE) HEALTH FOOD PTE LTD WALDMANN LIGHTING SINGAPORE PTE LTD WAN HU FISH FARM TRADING WAN JIA PTE LTD WAN LING MEDICAL (PTE) LTD WANG FOONG FOODSTUFFS SUPPLIERS P/L WARBURG VENDING PTE LTD WARESS INDUSTRIES PTE LTD WATERNISER SYSTEMS WATLOW SINGAPORE PTE LTD WATSON’S PERSONAL CARE STORES P/L WATT EURO-DRIVE (F.E.) PTE LTD WAVEX TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD WAY COMPANY PTE LTD WAY ONNET GROUP PTE LTD WAYKO INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD WAYSIN ENTERPRISE & SUPPLIES WEALTHY SEAFOOD PRODUCT AND ENTERPRISE WEARNES BIOTECH & MEDICALS (1998) PTE LTD 132 SMa Annual Report 2009 WEE GHEE CHIANG TRADING WEE TIONG (S) PTE LTD WEEDS NATURAL REMEDIES PTE LTD WEI YANG COSMETICS INTERNATIONAL PL Welch Allyn Singapore Pte Ltd WELL KENT PTE LTD WELL-BORN PTE LTD WEN KEN DRUG CO PTE LTD WEN SING SERVICE TRADING WENFANG ENTERPRISE PTE LTD WESTIN EDIBLE OIL & TRADING PTE LTD WESTIN MEDIA PTE LTD WESTLINK MARKETING SERVICES PTE LTD WHF ASIA PTE LTD WHL GINSENG & HERBS PTE LTD WIDEWAY PTE LTD WIL HARRISONS (I&E) & ASSOCIATES WILDFAVOR PTE LTD WILLSOON (F.E.) PTE LTD Wilmar Trading Pte Ltd WILTON INDUSTRIES PTE LTD WIN SIN (PTE) LTD WINBLETON PTE LTD WIND RECORDS (S) PTE LTD WING JOO LOONG GINSENG HONG (S) CO PTE LTD WING KOK MARKETS WING SIANG LONG PTE LTD WING THYE LOONG HANG PTE LTD WINRIGO (S) PTE LTD WINTER HONEY TRADING CO WINWILL TRADING COMPANY WISE-FRESH MARKETING WITTE FAR EAST PTE LTD WMG PTE LTD WOH HUP FOOD INDUSTRIES PTE LTD WOLECO HOTEL SUPPLIES PTE LTD WONG BROTHERS SHOE FACTORY PTE LTD WONG’S KONG KING (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD WOODHEAD ASIA PTE. LTD. WOODLANDS SUNNY FOODS PTE LTD WOOSON SINGAPORE PTE LTD WORLD KITCHEN (ASIA PACIFIC) PTE LTD WORLDWIDE SUBSCRIPTIONS & DISTRIBUTION SERVICES WT-WOODTRADE PTE LTD WU DANG ENTERPRISE WU LI HAO PTE LTD WYETH SINGAPORE PTE LTD XALI PTE LTD X-BIO PTE LTD XIAHE PORCELAIN (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD XIAN JIA FOOD INDUSTRIES PTE LTD XIANG XIANG VEGETARIAN FOOD XIE CHUN TRADING PTE LTD Our Members XMI PTE LTD XTREME DSP GLOBAL PTE LTD Y K TOH MARKETING (S) PL YA KUN (S) PTE LTD YAKULT (S) PTE LTD YAMAKAWA TRADING CO PTE LTD YAMARI SINGAPORE PTE LTD YAN LINK FOODS INDUSTRIES PTE LTD YAN YAN FOODS ENTERPRISE YANHONG TRADING ENTERPRISE YCH GROUP PTE LTD YEAKIN PLASTIC INDUSTRY PTE LTD YEE HONG SENG TRADING YEE LEE OILS & FOODSTUFFS (S) PTE LTD YELLOWREN PRODUCTIONS YEN INVESTMENTS PTE LTD YENA TRADING CO YEO HIAP SENG LTD YEO TECK SENG (S) PTE LTD YEOCHEM (S) PTE LTD YEO-LEONG & PEH LLC YEOW HWA ENGINEERING PTE LTD YEW LIANG COMPANY YGM MARKETING PTE LTD YHI CORPORATION (S) PTE LTD YI HU FISH FARM TRADING YI JIA MARKETING PTE LTD YI JIA XIANG TRADING YI SHI YUAN PTE LTD YIAK SAY HANG LEE KEE YIDE ENTERPRISE YIN YANG SPA PRODUCTS PTE LTD YIP LEONG TRADING CO YISHENG INTERNATIONAL FOOD PTE LTD YIT HONG PTE LTD YIZI MARKETING YLF MARKETING PTE LTD YONG CHUAN FOOD INDUSTRIES PTE LTD YONG GARMENTS MANUFACTURING CO P/L YONG KIAT TECHNICAL TRADING YONG LEE CLOTH MERCHANT PTE LTD YONG SHEN FOOD INDUSTRIES PTE LTD YOTA (S) PTE LTD YOUCAN FOODS INTERNATIONAL LTD YOUNGJIN (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD YOW CHEONG PTE LTD YO-WE FOODSTUFFS SUPPLIER & TRADING YS COFFEE AND TEA TRADING PTE LTD YU LIAN MEDICAL HALL YUAN CHANG TRADING SINGAPORE YUAN SANG PTE LTD YUE YAN DELICACIES PTE LTD YUEN ON TAI FOOD INDUSTRIES YUKIN PTE LTD YUNG WAH INDUSTRIAL (SINGAPORE) CO LTD YURAKU PTE LTD YURIKA ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD ZAC MEAT & POULTRY PTE LTD ZAI CHENG TRADING ZANYON PTE LTD ZEBRA TECHNOLOGIES ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD ZEPHYR CO (PTE) LTD ZEPHYR SILKSCREEN CO PTE LTD ZF SOUTH EAST ASIA PTE LTD ZHAPLIN WORK PTE LTD ZIMMER PTE LTD ZIWELL MEDICAL (S) PTE LTD ZOEY PUBLICATIONS PTE LTD ZOTECH (S) PTE LTD ZUELLIG INSURANCE BROKERS PTE LTD ZUELLIG PHARMA PTE LTD ZUNOUCAN PTE LTD ZYFAS MEDICAL CO SMa Annual Report 2009 133 2 Bukit Merah Central #03-00 SPRING Singapore Building Singapore 159835 Tel: (65) 6826 3000 Fax: (65) 6826 3008 Email: hq@smafederation.org.sg www.smafederation.org.sg